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Tumbuh Kembang Anak

Usia Prasekolah
Reny Mareta Sari 101614153005
Amalia Dwi Aryanti 101614153008
Melsa Oktavia 101614153039
Menurut teori Erikson (dalam Nursalam, 2005),
pada usia prasekolah anak berada pada fase
inisiatif vs rasa bersalah (initiative vs guilty).
Pada masa ini, rasa ingin tahu (courius) dan
adanya imajinasi anak berkembang, sehingga
anak banyak bertanya mengenai segala sesuatu
di sekelilingnya yang tidak diketahuinya.
Anak juga akan mengidentifikasi figur atau
perilaku kedua orang tuanya sehingga
kecenderungan untuk meniru tingkah laku
orang dewasa disekitarnya.
Pada masa usia prasekolah anak mengalami
proses perubahan dalam pola makan dimana
pada umunya anak mengalami kesulitan
untuk makan.
Anak usia prasekolah adalah anak usia 3-5
tahun saat dimana sebagian besar sistem
tubuh telah matur dan stabil serta dapat
menyesuaikan diri dengan stres dan
perubahan yang moderat (Wong, 2008)
Anak usia prasekolah merupakan masa
kanak-kanak awal, yaitu berada pada usia tiga
sampai enam tahun (Potter & Perry, 2005).
Ciri-Ciri Anak Usia Prasekolah
Pertumbuhan usia 3-6 th
Tinggi badan
Pada usia 3 tahun lebih kurang 90-95 cm
Pada usia 4 tahun lebih kurang 95-100 cm, 2 x
TB lahir
Pada usia 5 tahun lebih kurang 100-105 cm
Pada usia 6 tahun lebih kurang 105-110 cm, 2,5
x TB lahir
diperkirakan anak bertambah tinggi lebih
kurang 6-8 sentimeter setiap tahunnya
Grafik Tinggi Badan
Berat badan
Berat badan mengalami kenaikan pertahunnya
rata-rata 2 kg
Rata-rata BB
3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th

14,6 kg 16,7 kg 18,7 18 kg - 23,6 kg

Pada usia 3 tahun gigi susu juga sudah lengkap
(20 gigi) keadaan ini memungkinkan anak
untuk mengunyah dengan baik sehingga
dapat mengunyah apa saja. Gigi tetap mulai
ada ketika anak mencapai usia 6 tahun.
Pada usia 3 tahun otak sudah mencapai tiga perempat
ukuran otak orang dewasa
Pada usia 5 tahun sudah sembilan persepuluh ukuran
otak orang dewasa
Lingkar kepala
Untuk memonitoring kecepatan pertumbuhan
3 th : + 2,5 cm (49,5 52,1cm)
5 th 6 th : 1,25 cm / th
Grafik Pertumbuhan Lingkar Kepala
Kematangan pengelihatan pada usia
Pada akhir masa usia prasekolah (6 tahun)
otot-otot mata sudah berkembang
sedemikian rupa sehingga memungkinkan
anak menggerakkan matanya secara efisien
untuk melihat sederetan huruf-huruf
Perkembangan Usia 3-6 th
Windows of Opportunity Perkembangan Anak pada Usia 0 - 7 Tahun

(Sumber : The worlds chidren 2001, Source : M.McCain and F. Mustard, Reversing the real brain
drain : Early years study, Ontario, April 1999, p.31, adapted from Doherty,1997)
Physical Development
3 Years 4 Years 5 Years

Gross Motor Gross Motor Gross Motor

Balances on one foot (15 seconds) Runs smoothly, varying speeds Balance on one feet

Hops on one foot (3 times) Hops on one foot (49 times) Skips smoothly

Shows lack of coordination (3 Balances on one foot (8 10 Uses roller skates

years) stumbling, falling seconds)
Turns somersaults. Bounces ball with beginning control Rides bicycle with training wheels

Catches large ball, arms flexed Throws ball overhand Balances on tiptoes

Fine Motor Handles stairs with alternating feet Fine Motor

using rail
Copies circle Fine Motor Handedness firmly established

imitates cross Copies cross and square Colors within lines

Builds with Legos, bristle blocks, Attempts to cut on straight line Cuts on line
Builds tower of 10 cubes Has established hand dominance Copies circle, square, and triangle

Spontaneously draws Writes on page at random Is not adept at pasting or gluing

Handedness may shift May try to print own name Draws within small areas

Imitates snipping with scissors Draws personarms and legs Ties knot in string after
directly from head demonstration
Cognitive/ language Development
3 Years 4 Years 5 Years

Receptive Language
Follows two unrelated Understands opposite analogies
Identifies same versus Follows 3-stage commands
different with pictures
Responds to verbal limits Listens eagerly to stories
and directions
Identifies 2-3 colors Follows directions with
prepositions (e.g., above,
Listen attentively to
short stories
Choose objects that are
hard/ soft, heavy/ light,
big/ little
3 Years 4 Years 5 Years

Expressive Language

Converses in sentences Uses all parts of speech correctly

Answers simple yes/no questions Has vocabulary of 2,000- plus words
Rote counts to 5 Uses color names
Repeats nursery rhymes Defines words in terms of use (e.g., car, pencil)

Counts 23 items Asks many questions (e.g., why, what, how)

Has 5075% articulation of consonants Has 100% production and use of consonants

Has vocabulary of 1,500 words Corrects own errors in pronunciation of new words

Tells age using fingers Has sense of humor and self-laughing

Loves silly songs, names

Increasing use of imagination

Enjoys dress-up play

Is interested in time concepts (e.g., yesterday, hour,


Identifies several capabilities

Rote counts to 10

Counts 4 items
Categorize animals, toys, food

Matches geometric form

Identifies missing part

3 Years 4 Years 5 Years

Uses words for ordering Is often ready to enter
perceptions and experiences kindergarten
Understands past versus Appreciate past, present, and
present future
Shows curiosity; asks endless Can count objects when asked
questions how many?
Matches colors (2 or 3) Matches 10-12 colors
Completes 6-piece puzzles States address, age, name, and
age of siblings

Tells a simple story Acts out stories

Answers sensibly to Why Learn left from right
do we have stoves? etc
Begin to enjoy humorous
stories and slapstick humor
Predict what will happen next
Cognitive/ Language Development
(5 years)
School Milestone
1. Prints first name and simple word
2. Writing in mostly capital letters
3. Frequently copies left to right
4. Reversals are common (e.g., write b as d)
5. Read letters in sequence
6. Recognize first name
7. Recognize several or all numeral on clock, phone, calendar
8.Counts and points to 13 objects
9. Adds and substracts using 5 fingers
10.Is capable of self-critism
Psychosocial Development
3 Years 4 Years 5 Years

Is ready to conform to spoken Is dogmatic and dramatic Enjoys small group cooperative play
word often noisy
Begins to take turns Shows urge to conform/ please is Listens and participates in 20-
diminished minute group activity
Plays simple group games May have control issues Knows when certain events occur
Shows fear (visual fears, heights, May be physically aggressive Accept adult help and supervision
loss of parents, nightmares)
Toilets self during the day Is self-sufficient in own home In serious, businesslike, and self-
Uses language to resist Has nightmares Wants to help and please adults
Is able to bargain with adults. May argue, boast, and make alibis Enjoys competitive exercise games
Tries to please Calls attention to own performance Fears parental loss, thunder, and
scary animals
May have imaginary playmates Bosses and criticizes others More conscious of body, wants
Rarely sleeps at nap time Respects peers and their property
Separates from mother easily
Often has special friend
Prefers peers to adults
Washes face, brushes teeth, and
dresses self
Uses bathroom unassisted
Tugas Perkembangan Pada Masa Usia
Pra Sekolah
Belajar berjalan
Belajar memakan makanan padat
Belajar berbicara
Belajar buang air kecil dan buang air besar
Belajar mengenal perbedaan jenis kelamin
Mencapai kestabilan jasmaniah fisiologis
Membentuk konsep-konsep (pengertian) sederhana
kenyataan sosial dan alam
Belajar mengadakan hubungan emosional dengan orang
tua, saudara / orang lain
Belajar mengadakan hubungan baik dan buruk
(mengembangkan kata hati).

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