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Informasi Lowongan Kerja

Per Agustus 2023

Petunjuk Penggunaan
Halo Rekan Kerja!
Selamat datang di Info Lowongan Kerja.
Lowongan kerja di sini dibagi berdasarkan latar belakang pendidikan dan wilayah ya.
Jadi, Rekan bisa mencari sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kenyamanan Rekan Kerja
sekalian. Informasi lowongan kerja ini diperoleh dari berbagai platform lowongan
kerja online seperti Jobstreet, Glints, Kalibrr, dan beberapa web perusahaan. Selain
itu juga terdapat beberapa informasi lowongan kerja yang dapat rekan lamar melalui
Rekan Kerja, kita tahu bahwa diluar sana selalu ada orang dengan niat tidak baik
yang hendak memanfaatkan berbagai kesempatan. Oleh karena itu, jangan lupa
untuk selalu waspada akan modus penipuan melalui lowongan kerja. Mengingatkan
kembali, lowongan kerja pada umumnya tidak dipungut biaya. Sehingga, bila
lowongan kerja yang Rekan lamar meminta uang, berapapun jumlahnya, curigai dan
laporkan pada Mima agar bisa kami kroscek kembali.
Semangat dan semoga berhasil !
“Setiap mimpi kita bisa
asal kita berani
- Walt Disney.

Posisi & Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/


Account Executive ● Account Executive untuk melayani ● Wanita usia max 38th
BerryC Indonesia penjualan online sales dan offline ● Dapat Berkomunikasi dengan baik id/opportunities/j
resellers (Promosi, Presentasi & & pandai melakukan negosiasi obs/account-exec
Surabaya utive/c1138a9c-f
Penawaran) ● Dapat bekerja dengan team dan a31-4c8a-98cf-4
● Mencari resellers dan membuka target 03cfc4adf3c?utm
untuk wilayah pemasaran baru ● Bisa mengendari motor _referrer=explore
● Membuat laporan penjualan ● - Dapat ditugaskan keluar kota
● Melakukan kunjungan toko (jika sewaktu - waktu (untuk
diperlukan, tidak sering) kunjungan/event)
● - Dapat bekerja diluar jam kantor
pada waktu tertentu (event)
Posisi & Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

SFA Smartfren ● Kunjungan ke outlet/counter ● Pria, usia maksimal 35 tahun; https://id.indee

yang sudah ada di list untuk ● Pendidikan Minimal SMA/Sederajat
PT Kharisma Potensiaa ?cmp=PT-KH
Indonesia melakukan collecting piutang dan tidak sedang kuliah; ARISMA-POT
Samarinda (uang); ● Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai ENSIA-INDON
● Mencari new outlet dan Marketing/Sales Lapangan (Sales ESIA&t=Sfa+S
menawarkan produk Smartfren Canvasser, Sales Taking Order, Sales a+Samarinda&
(NOO); Motoris, Sales Executive, Marketing jk=f6a17f96d1
● Menjalin hubungan yang baik Executive); 720846&q=Lo
dengan owner toko; ● Sangat direkomendasikan pelamar yang
● Menghandle proses pengorderan memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai
sampai pembayaran produk yang Sales Canvasser Produk
di pesan pihak toko; Provider/Telekomunikasi;
● Mengecek ketersediaan produk ● Komunikatif dan memiliki semangat
dan juga menawarkan promo kerja yang baik;
produk kepada owner toko; ● Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (Motor) dan
● Membuat report kunjungan toko; SIM C Aktif;
● Dan lain-lain. ● Diutamakan pelamar yang berdomisili
di Kota Samarinda.
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Digital Sales ● Mencari dan menghubungi leads calon ● Minimal

customer baru B2C maupun B2B Pendidikan a9ca4b08e&tk=1h54usain2cr0000&from
PT Buana Cipta =hp&advn=6709104527825307&adid=41
Chahra ● Membina hubungan baik dengan calon SMA/SMK 5338632&ad=-6NYlbfkN0CJlh_N5hAy3G
Surabaya customer dan existing customer dengan ● Umur Maksimal Xp8H6_52eHUAcRMLgHnVnMOvCJ4VH
berbagai cara baik dengan komunikasi 27th 0SpaIyovhOje_omBdHdz4fWo40dsIKL94
via telpon maupun whatsapp ● Memiliki K0Ao79kt8pfyO4qvs6OaorbiBrLMSxPi26
● Menghubungi datababase customer dan Pengalaman vPPAx02lt836ucfE5yttFX1dV9AM6riFVx3
customer baru untuk menawarkan Sales/Marketing Fma_Hj9OWHUPvQXthSVs7AwihB1rXJ
produk atau promo Diutamakan 7hf3KMwelnc1oCFdlq_gR8gd5b49W-dez
● Melakukan cek harga dengan 6m1bBAUMwP7MzHpeWxthR6mG-jiBet
kompetitor 6NwBSH2gUosvibrNQiRgg-5eUh5WQna
● Melakukan penjualan dengan cara live A02pzpmsa34gXbLbIytJnflX8f-Gvpwmbd
show maupun sosial media xRsS163XMKRBcdV6_s-rMUWqT554eM
● Membuat ide ide konten yang kreatif h0XDI7XX-QQtYOY7AVw%3D&pub=4a1
untuk promosi b367933fd867b19b072952f68dceb&xkcb
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Administrasi ● Pria / Wanita maksimal umur 35 tahun https://id.inde

● Pendidikan SMA/SMK (D3/S1)
Staff b?jk=7a3e5b3
PT. Wiradharma ● Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang c7d77aa34&tk
Muliajasa baik =1h54usain2c
● Fresh Graduate (Welcome to Apply) r0000&from=h
Surabaya p
● Penempatan di Surabaya
● Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu
● Gaji: Rp3.000.000 - Rp7.000.000 per bulan
● Pengalaman:
● Staf Administrasi: 1 tahun (Diutamakan)
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Crew Store ● Menyajikan dan menyiapkan ● Berusia 18 - 25 tahun https://www.j

pesanan makanan atau minuman ● Domisili Bali/Saat ini berada di Bali
Area Bali /id/job/crew-
FamilyMart untuk pelanggan di toko ● Fresh Graduate atau pengalaman bekerja di store-area-bal
Indonesia ● Melakukan transaksi pelanggan di mini market atau restoran waralaba i-4401682?jo
mesin kasir ● Jujur, ramah, komunikatif, postur tubuh bId=jobstreet
Bali -id-job-44016
● Menjaga kebersihan area toko sesuai 82&sectionRa
● Mendisplay barang dan juga ● Bekerja dalam sistem shift nk=1&token=
menjaga stock gudang abaf-4789-a2
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Admin Accounting Menginput transaksi penerimaan & ● Pendidikan minimal SMK Akuntansi https://www.jobstreet.
Finance Burger pengeluaran All Outlet Pusat ● Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman 1 tahun ounting-finance-burge
Bangor Group Rekonsiliasi Bank dibidang Accounting r-bangor-group-43978
PT Bangor Menginput hasil stock opname ● Menguasai Microsoft Excel ob-4397883&sectionR
Berkembang bulanan ● Detail, teliti, komunikatif & cepat tanggap ank=7&token=0~f7be
Bersama Mengarsip dokumen ● Mampu bekerja sesuai deadline fbfa64c1d7d1&search
Jakarta Barat ● Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan Path=%2Fid%2Flulusa
● Menguasai Sistem Accurate lebih 20View%20In%20Ne
diutamakan w%20Tab
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Pengemudi ● Melayani penumpang dengan baik dan ● Usia 23 - 55 tahun https://www.jobstr

(Driver) ramah ● Minimal SIM A dan KTP
Bluebird Pool ● Mengantar penumpang sampai ke tujuan aktif min-online-market
Sutoyo (Jakarta dengan aman dan nyaman ● Minimal HP Android RAM 03067?jobId=jobst
Timur) 2GB reet-id-job-44030
Jakarta Timur ● Dapat menggunakan google 67&sectionRank=
maps / waze 11&token=0~f7be
● Menguasai area 2af-fbfa64c1d7d1
jabodetabek menjadi nilai &searchPath=%2Fi
lebih d%2Flulusan-SMA
● Penempatan : Cawang, -jobs&fr=SRP%20
Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta w%20Tab
● Jadwal Rekrutmen : Senin -
Kamis Pukul 08.00 - 12.00
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Receptionist & ● Melakukan proses verifikasi ● Pendidikan terakhir SMA

Administrasi tagihan dari supplier / sub kon sederajat d/job/receptionist-administr
(Bandung) ● Mengirimkan tagihan dari ● Menguasai MS Office asi-bandung-4397237?jobId
PT Parama supplier / subkon untuk proses ● Komunikatif sectionRank=18&token=0~f
Dharma verifikasi dan pembuatan giro ● Rapi, teliti dan cekatan 7be1722-abaf-4789-a2af-fb
Bandung ke kantor pusat ● Dapat segera bergabung fa64c1d7d1&fr=SRP%20Vie
● Melakukan pengecekan kartu ● Memiliki pengalaman untuk w%20In%20New%20Tab
Subkon dari SM dan PM pekerjaan-pekerjaan front office
● Penempatan kerja : Bandung (telpon, surat in-out, dll)

Host Live ● Fresh Graduate

Streaming ● Wearing Hijab nities/jobs/host-live-streami
Vidio ● Experienced being a host or ng/c7c1e4bc-fc30-434f-9fa
Jakarta actor in front of camera er=explore
● Talk active, neat, with good
expression and commitment
● Honest and responsible
Posisi & Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Staf Administrasi ● Membuat pembukuan, pencatatan, dan pengarsipan ● Berusia 20-30 tahun https://www
PT Nusantara Energi ● Membuat laporan mingguan dan bulanan ● SMA, Diploma dan S1 id/id/job/sta
Otomasi ● Melakukan administrasi penjualan (Penawaran, PO, ● Berpenampilan rapih f-administras
Tangerang DO hingga Invoice) ● Teliti, jujur, disiplin dan obId=jobstre
● Membuat surat menyurat, penjadwalan serta bertanggungjawab et-id-job-44
distribusi surat keluar masuk ● Mengerti komputer onRank=48&
● Menangani penjualan online ● Memahami pembukuan token=0~08
● Mampu bekerja dalam c-4534-b6ec
tim dan individu -34199ec2e
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Admin Online Shop ● Mengelola akun toko ● Usia maksimal 25 tahun https://www.jobst
Yangguangtrading online di Marketplace ● Pendidikan minimal SMA/ SMK
Shopee, Lazada, Tiktok ● Pengalaman kerja sebagai Admin Online dmin-online-shop-
Tangerang 4402422?jobId=jo
● Mengecheck harga Shop/Promotion Marketplace minimal 1 tahun bstreet-id-job-44
competitor ● Bisa menggunakan Fitur Promosi (di seller center 02422&sectionRa
● Menjawab chat dari Marketplace) nk=28&token=0~f
pelanggan / ● Mampu mengatur etalase tampilan toko dengan 7be1722-abaf-47
berkomunikasi saat live kreatif dan imaginative d7d1&fr=SRP%20
● Mempromosikan ● Terbiasa menggunakan computer seperti Ms. View%20In%20N
produk secara Live Word, Excel, Chrome, dll ew%20Tab
Streaming / offline ● Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan (target
secara mandiri penjualan)
● Mengikuti peraturan ● Loyal ,jujur , inisiatif , komunikatif bisa team
perusahaan dalam work / lead , responsible
mengelola toko
● Membuat laporan
penjualan harian
maupun bulanan
Posisi & Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/

Fundraiser ● F2F/ Direct fundraising ● Diutamakan domisili Surabaya https://glints.c

Peduly ● Bekerja flexible di area ● Lulusan SMA/SMK/Mahasiswa om/id/opportu
publik/online aktif tingkat akhir/Fresh Graduate nities/jobs/fun
Surabaya draiser/17955
● Melakukan sosialisasi S1 segala jurusan 4f9-a5b0-412
campaign/program perusahaan ● Memiliki komunikasi persuasif 0-8c22-295b7
kami yang baik 3272a47?utm
● Melakukan penggalangan dana ● Berjiwa sosial kemanusiaan _medium=shar
● Membangun interaksi dan ● Bisa bekerja individu atau tim gn=marketplac
hubungan baik secara berkelanjutan ● Cekatan, jujur dan bertanggung e
dengan klien jawab
● Memiliki setidaknya
pengalaman/project yang pernah
dikerjakan dalam dunia
n dana
Posisi & Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

HEAD KITCHEN ● Usia Max. 35 Tahun

Sambal Bakar ● Laki-laki / Perempuan portunities/jobs/head-ki
● Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang tinggi tchen-wajib-berpengala
Indonesia man-minimal-1-tahun/6
● Berorientasi pada kepasan pelanggan 8465356-0926-4f4a-a4
● Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di 11-c6fdfa8b4d24?utm_
dunia Food and Beverage medium=share&utm_ca
● Jujur, Pekerja Keras, disiplin dan bisa mpaign=marketplace
bekerja di bawah tekanan
● Wajib Berpengalaman Minimal 1 Tahun

Operator Sekolah ● Laki-laki beraqidah ASWAJA

MA/SMA ● Pendidikan min SMA/SMK portunities/jobs/operat
● Mampu mengoperasionalkan Ms. Word or-sekolah-ma-sma/4fb
Yayasan Pondok 70892-b1b7-416d-a7db
Pesantren Fatahillah dan Ms. Excel -ab8611c5b93e?utm_m
Bekasi ● Disiplin, cekatan, dan komunikatif edium=share&utm_cam
● Berpengalaman sesuai bidang paign=marketplace
● Mampu bekerja baik individu atau
bersama Tim
Posisi & Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Live Streamer ● Berjualan secara live stream di Instagram, Tiktok, ● Up to date dengaan https://www
Monkeysee Eyewear · Tokopedia, dan Shopee trend dan familiar /jobs/view/
Cibinong, Jawa Barat ● Meningkatkan penjualan melalui live stream dengan Social Media 366243988
● Bertanggung jawab terhadap pelaksaan live stream (terutama Tiktok)
dari proses persiapan hingga selesai ● Berpenampilan menarik
● membuat rowndown acara dan ide-ide kreatif untuk & Kreatif
live stream ● Memiliki komunikasi
● menjawab pertanyaan customer dengan sopan dan yang baik, persuasif,
tepat mengenai produk inisiatif, dan proaktif
● Percaya diri tampil di
depan kamera
● Berpengalaman di
bidang Live Streaming
Host minimal 6 bulan
Posisi & Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/

CALL CENTER ● Usia maksimal 40 tahun https://www.jobstreet
COLLECTION ● Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya er-collection-443098
PT Sahabat Sakinah SMA/SMK, Diploma, Gelar Sarjana di 1?jobId=jobstreet-id-j
Senter bidang apapun Rank=4&token=0~02
● Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun. 9b81e0-f308-463e-8
Surabaya 0bf-57319eb52ca6&s
Lulusan baru dipersilakan earchPath=%2Fid%2F
● Kemampuan yang harus dimiliki: lulusan-SMA-jobs%2F
komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik P%20View%20In%20
● Memahami komputer (Microsoft Office) New%20Tab
● Siap bekerja under pressure dan orientasi
pada target
● Bisa kerja secara team dan individu
● Disiplin, loyalitas, dan memiliki
integritas/etos kerja yang baik
● Penagihan dilakukan dari kantor/tidak
● Penempatan Surabay
Posisi & Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Sales Property ● Selling property (Landed ● Minimum graduated from SMA/SMK any field https://ww
PT Alam Sutera Realty House/ Apartment/ ● At least 1 year of working experience in the
Tbk Commercial) related field is required for this position utera/jobs/
Tangerang ● Advising and helping buyers ● Attractive and show a professional image 222554/sal
to decide what they want to ● Able to work independently or as a team es-property
buy ● Achievement/target oriented
● Possess good communication skill, both in
English and Indonesia
● Willing to work at Tangerang Area (Alam Sutera,
EleVee, Ayodhya & Suvarna Sutera)
“Banyak kegagalan terjadi karena orang tidak
menyadari betapa dekatnya dengan kesuksesan
ketika mereka menyerah.”
- Thomas Alfa Edison.
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Admin City ● Memastikan kelancaran administrasi tagihan ● Usia maksimal 30 tahun https://www.jobstree
Management Departemen City Management ● Pendidikan minimal D3 dari city-management-citr
CitraLand ● Melakukan penagihan iuran pemeliharaan segala jurusan aland-cirebon-44302
Cirebon lingkungan ke warga ● Pengalaman sebagai admin -job-4430260&sectio
● Menghandle komplain untuk Departemen City City Managemen selama 1 nRank=8&token=0~2
PT. Ciputra 663c339-a725-4a31-
Graha Mitra Management tahun di Developer 86a6-06eb2384d1e7
● Melakukan pekerjaan pembelian barang yang Perumahan atau Customer &searchPath=%2Fid
Cirebon dibutuhkan di Departemen City Management, Service di Bank atau
administrasi, menghitung upah pekerja dan asuransi, lebih diutamakan New%20Tab
pengarsipan berkas ● Terbiasa dan menguasai
● Membuat laporan mingguan dan bulanan Ms. Office khusunya excel
● Jujur, supel dan memiliki
komunikasi yang baik
● Berdomisili di Cirebon lebih
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Technical Sales ● Mengembangkan dan melaksanakan ● Pendidikan minimal Diploma, https://www.kal

Representative rencana penjualan untuk mencapai target Bachelor's Degree dengan jurusan
(Pastry/Culinary penjualan Pastry/Pattisery/Culinary e-bancassuranc
/Beverage ● Mengidentifikasi, memprioritaskan, dan Management/sejenisnya. e/jobs/216711
Specialist) - mengeksekusi terhadap akun / prospek ● Setidaknya 3 tahun pengalaman /bancassurance
Jambi yang diartikulasikan dalam rencana bekerja dalam bidang atau latar ataram-sulawes
Rich Products penjualan belakang yang sama. i-bali-papua
Indonesia Jambi ● Memahami kebutuhan pelanggan dan ● Memiliki pengalaman sebagai
menciptakan solusi produk bernilai Pastry/Culinary Chef industri Hotel
tambah akan menjadi nilai tambah.
● Manajemen penjualan termasuk ● Kemampuan yang wajib dimiliki:
distributor, grosir, broker dan manajemen Sales, Pastry/Culinary Chef, Cake
pengguna akhir Decoration, Hot Kitchen, Hospitality,
● Menyesuaikan penggunaan produk dan Hotel, Technical Sales, Baking,
solusi untuk menumbuhkan volume dan Cooking, Technical baker, Technical
profitabilitas akun Advisor
● Menggunakan penjualan solusi untuk ● Posisi Staff (non-management & non-
memperluas bauran dan volume produk supervisor) spesialisasi Hotel atau
● Mengembangkan dan memperluas basis Food/Beverage/Restaurant Service
pelanggan baru atau sejenisnya.
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Sales ● Merekrut Miss Cimory (Mitra) ● Minimal Pendidikan D3 / S1 Semua https://www.jobstr

Development ● Melakukan training kepada Miss Cimory Jurusan
Consultant - ● Menjual produk Cimory (Yogurt dan Susu) ● Minimal 1 - 2 Tahun pengalaman di onsultant-nusantar
Nusantara ● Melakukan management terhadap sistem bidang terkait a-4427933?jobId=j
Cimory Group Miss Cimory Center ● Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi obstreet-id-job-44
Bali yang baik, ulet dan teliti nk=21&token=0~7
Jakarta Raya 8504d80-f09c-4c6
Jambi 5-8b74-1d4e98dd
Jawa Barat =%2Fid%2Fd3-job
Jawa Tengah s%2Fin-Jambi&fr=
Jawa Timur SRP%20View%20
Lampung b
Sumatera Barat
Sumatera Selatan
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Customer ● Conduct the standards and procedures that ● Minimum 0-1 years of https://www.linkedi
Operations, apply in communicating with customers. experience in Customer
Operations, ● Processing customer request, clarifying Operations or related
SeaBank information, and resolving every problem, to positions
(Surakarta, 6- provide alternative solutions related. ● Minimum Diploma /
months contract) ● Documenting all interactions with customers in Bachelor Degree from any
SeaBank Indonesia the Call Center Database (CRM), for further fields
Boawae, East use if needed. ● Must be willing to work in
Nusa Tenggara ● Forming and creating sustainable relationships shifts.
with customers by making extra efforts to build ● Experience in responding
closeness with customers. to customer queries in a
● Following up on complaints/feedback and timely and accurate way,
liasing the complaints/feedback submitted by via phone, email, or chat.
customers to be followed up (either directly ● Customer orientation and
carried out in place or escalated to the relevant ability to adapt/respond to
units). different types of
● Maintain and improve the quality of services by characters.
following the guidelines in order to meet ● Good communication and
quality standards as stated in the SOP/TGU. presentation skill.
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Staf ● Mengontrol dan melakukan ● Usia maksimal 30 tahun https://www.j
Operasional proses pengisian, hingga ● Pendidikan D3 Teknik dengan minimal IPK 3.00 /id/job/staf-o
(Jambi Muara pendistribusian aspal hingga ● Menguasai Ms.Office (terutama Ms. Excel), mampu perasional-ja
Sabak) tiba di konsumen membuat laporan secara berkala bak-4424066
PT Jaya Trade ● Bertanggungjawab atas stok ● Memiliki pengetahuan dasar elektrikal arus kuat dan ?jobId=jobstre
Indonesia aspal lemah lebih disukai 4066&section
Jambi ● Menyusun laporan ● Memiliki SIM A/C Rank=1&toke
harian/bulanan terkait stock, ● Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, jujur, 0-f09c-4c65-
tangki, kendaraan dll adaptif, fleksibel 8b74-1d4e98
● Lokasi kerja: Muara Sabak, Jambi (disediakan mess hPath=%2Fid
tempat tinggal) %2Fd3-jobs%
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Rider Team Lead ● Melakukan monitoring ● Kandidat setidaknya mempunyai ijazah
- Shopee Xpress proses inbound & Diploma, atau Gelar Sarjana di bidang apapun. .id/id/job/rider-team-lea
(Kota Baru, outbound, sampai ke ● Setidaknya memiliki 2 tahun pengalaman ru-jambi-4423653?jobId
Jambi) bagian 3PL. dalam bidang Logistik/Supply Chain atau =jobstreet-id-job-44236
Shopee ● Melakukan monitoring setara. 53&sectionRank=2&toke
Internasional proses sortation dan ● Memahami planning, shipping, dan cd-b3d8-c579f980010a
Indonesia distribusi barang oleh warehousing. &searchPath=%2Fid%2Fj
Jambi kurir. ● Domisili Kota Baru, Jambi %20View%20In%20New
● Membuat penjadwalan %20Tab
kurir untuk proses
pengambilan barang.
● Melakukan monitoring
proses pengiriman
● Menentukan zona
pengiriman barang.
● Bersedia untuk bekerja
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Area Sales ● Meeting & exceeding sales targets for the ● Minimum High https://www.jobstree
Supervisor assigned territories. School/Diploma/Bachelor’s Degree.
● Identifying and acquiring new ● Minimum 2 years of total experience as ales-supervisor-jam
(Jambi) bi-4421623?jobId=j
SKINTIFIC customers/star outlets, as well as up-selling Area Sales Supervisor in beauty or obstreet-id-job-4421
Jambi to the existing database. personal care industry. 623&sectionRank=
● Having strong database in General Trade, ● Have a huge database of star 21&token=0~aeae7
especially in Cirebon. outlets/pareto. 573-2d8e-41cd-b3d
● Managing the entire sales cycle from ● You possess excellent communication & 8-c579f980010a&se
prospection through to successful closure. interpersonal skills. Fjobs%2Fin-Jambi&
● Building strong relationships with key ● You are a self-starter with a strong track fr=SRP%20View%2
accounts and distributors. record of meeting/exceeding your 0In%20New%20Ta
● Build a strong pipeline and ensure accurate targets. b
sales forecasting and account planning. ● You are a strong team player who can
● Coordinating with other teams to ensure build good relationships at all levels of an
smooth delivery of products & services. organization.
● Prepare regular reports and participate in ● Able to work under pressure and achieve
regular meetings to review performance. Monthly Sales Target.
● Analyzing market trends and competitors’ ● Willing to travel throughout assigned
activities and formulating strategies to area/territories if needed.
respond to these. ● Have SIM A / SIM C.
● Able to join ASAP.
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Partnership ● Building and maintaining relationships with ● Excellent writing skills in both https://www.jobstre
(remote work) potential partners, including reaching out, English and Indonesian;
CV. Pixel Media negotiating, and managing contracts. ● Ideally, candidates should have a -4401890?jobId=jo
Kreasi ● Maintaining strong relationships with Bachelor degree and a few years bstreet-id-job-4401
Batam existing partners, identifying opportunities of working experience in any 890&sectionRank=
for expanding the partnership scope. area; 44f-975b-4b50-ac2
● Collaborating with internal marketing ● Graduates with less experience 2-b4c86156dccb&s
teams to identify partnership possibilities. also may apply; earchPath=%2Fid
● Managing a budget to achieve target ● Highly motivated, strongly =SRP%20View%2
performance indicators while optimizing driven, target-oriented and tech- 0In%20New%20Ta
costs. savvy; b
● Measure and report the performance of all ● Creative, strong analytical skills
digital marketing campaigns, and assess and data-driven thinking;
against goals (ROI and KPIs); ● Team spirit, positive attitude,
● Staying updated on partnership marketing eager to learn and explore;
trends and finding innovative ways to drive ● Fast learner and can adapt to a
growth. fast-paced environment;
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

SSW Japan Schoters sedang mencari Tutor untuk program ● Pernah mengikuti program Tokutei- https://www.l
Tutor Pelatihan Pekerja yang akan ditempatkan di Jepang. Ginou atau Kenshu di bidang Food
Schoters Kami membutuhkan Tutor yang memiliki pengalaman Manufacturing/Food Service jobs/view/36
(Remote) kerja di bidang Food Service Industry (Restoran) dan Industry (Restoran) 76822859
Food Manufacturing ● Kandidat yang memiliki pengalaman
● Mengajar program Pelatihan Kerja secara mengajar lebih disukai
online ● Dapat berkomunikasi baik dengan
● Membuat rencana belajar beserta tujuan peserta didik.
pengajaran yang jelas untuk peserta didik ● Bersedia mengajar selama 2 bulan.
● Memeriksa dan memberi evaluasi Jadwal mengajar 3 hari dalam satu
membangun terhadap performa siswa yang minggu.
dibuat dalam bentuk class report
● Melakukan simulasi wawancara kepada siswa
Posisi & Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/

Creative Admin Staff ● Memastikan seluruh ● Minimal D3/S1 semua jurusan
Jaris & K proses administrasi ● Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun /jobs/view/3665978975
Jakarta (Hybrid) creative berjalan secara ● Mampu bekerja dengan cepat, teliti,
tertib dan rapih dan cekatan
● Melakukan segala ● Komunikatif, ramah, dan luwes
pekerjaan administratif ● Amanah, jujur, disiplin, dan
dan keuangan untuk tim bertanggung jawab
creative ● Mampu bekerjasama dengan tim
● Melakukan fungsi support ● Mampu mengaplikasikan Ms. Office
terhadap kegiatan sehari- ● Mengetahui trend terkini tentang
hari creative department creative
● Membuat dan melengkapi
database vendor
● Mengelola dashboard task
seluruh tim creative
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Receptionist ● Menerima dan menghubungkan telepon ● Minimal lulusan D3/S1 di https://www.linkedin.

Mekari masuk kepada pihak yang dituju bidang terkait com/jobs/view/3607
Jakarta (Hybrid) ● Mencatat dalam logbook telepon masuk dan ● Pengalaman 1-2 tahun
keluar bekerja sebagai Resepsionis
● Menyambut tamu yang datang dan ● Kemampuan komunikasi yg
memberikan informasi serta arahan terkait baik
kunjungannya ● Kemampuan melayani yg
● Mengatur jadwal pertemuan antar tamu baik kepada tamu
dengan pihak perusahaan ● Kemampuan multitasking
● Mengelola arsip yang berhubungan dengann ● Diutamakan WANITA
resepsionis dan melakukan kegiatan ● Bersedia ditempatkan di
administrasi sederhana Midplaza
● Menerima dan meneruskan surat yang
● Membantu proses administratif yang
bersangkutan dengan tim People Operations
(mengumpulkan data karyawan, dll.)
“Setiap mimpi kita bisa
asal kita berani
- Walt Disney.
Posisi & Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Berbagai macam Halo rekan kerja, jika teman teman berminat untuk bekerja di Ruangguru. Ruangguru
posisi memiliki banyak lowongan pekerjaan untuk berbagai posisi. Silahkan kunjungi web
Ruangguru Ruangguru ya.
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Account ● Day to day collection activity ● Minimum 1 year experience in the
Receivable (prime/corporate typical customer) same field from Banking / Finance able-staff-field-collection
Staff / Field ● Recovery action, execution / repossess Company -staff-jambi-4419509?jo
Collection asset ● Candidate must possess at least 9509&sectionRank=1&t
● Documentation & reporting Bachelor’s Degree oken=0~6c976a40-53af-
Staff - Jambi 4537-a292-a7cef47afb6
PT Hino ● Have good communication and 4&fr=SRP%20View%20I
negotiation skill n%20New%20Tab
Finance ● Have relationship with external
Indonesia parties would be preferred
Jambi ● Have litigation and basic legal
would be preferred
● Placement : Jambi
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Accounting ● Review payment of invoices and ● Former experience in Big 4

Specialist employee expenses Company is preferred /jobs/view/3688271820
PT Astra Digital ● Support monthly closing and ● Min. Bachelor degree in Economy,
Arta (AstraPay) · preparation of reporting packages Accounting, or related field
Jakarta ● Assists external auditors and provides ● Minimum 2-3 years accounting
required statements and information experience
for the annual audit ● Good knowledge in Accounting,
● Prepare Monthly cash flow projections Treasury and Taxation
● Oversees the preparation of periodic ● Detail oriented and committed to
financial statements and the corporate deadline
annual report. ● Have experience using SAP will be
a plus point
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Personalia ● Menjalankan Building Management/ Office ● Maksimal 30 Tahun https://www.j

Building. ● S1/Psikologi, Management,
General Affair /id/job/perso
(PGA) PT ● Memastikan semua office supplies berjalan dengan Teknik Industri nalia-general-
Charoen baik, bersih, dan terjaga. ● Fresh Graduate / Memiliki affair-pga-441
● Memastikan 5R berjalan di Building Office. pengalaman 1 tahun (lebih 6854?jobId=jo
Pokphand bstreet-id-job
Indonesia ● Memastikan 5R dan safety security berjalan di diutamakan) -4416854&se
lingkungan perusahaan. ● Memiliki kemampuan analisa, ctionRank=15
(Surabaya) ● Melakukan pengelolaan data GA, mengolah dan problem solving, interpersonal, &token=0~2e
Sidoarjo 864838-f016-
melaporkan secara berkala. dan team work yang baik 46b6-a208-4
Palembang ● Memastikan semua data GA dapat di trace dengan ● Penempatan Sidoarjo dan b0f842f5236
baik dan cepat. Wilayah Sumatera View%20In%
● Membangun Service Level Agreement di tiap 20New%20Ta
layanan GA. b
● Mengelola Community Development
● Memastikan semua Asset gedung/ rumah milik
perusahaan dalam kondisi safe, secure, clean dan
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Financial ● Manage all accounting operations including ● Maximum 45 years old https://ww
Billing, A/R, A/P, GL and Counsel, Cost ● Degree in Accounting or Business w.jobstreet.
PT ASIA SAWIT Accounting, ● Proficient user of Microsoft Office /financial-c
MAKMUR JAYA ● Inventory Accounting and Revenue (Word, Excel and Power Point) ontroller-44
Recognition ● Accuracy and attention to detail 19095?jobI
Jambi d=jobstreet-
Pekanbaru ● Coordinate and direct the preparation of the ● Placement of Pekanbaru City and id-job-4419
budget and financial forecasts and report Jambi City 095&sectio
Palembang variances nRank=12&
Medan token=0~2e
● Prepare and publish timely monthly financial 864838-f01
statements 6-46b6-a20
● Coordinate the preparation of regulatory 5236&fr=S
reporting RP%20View
● Research technical accounting issues for %20In%20
compliance b
● Support month-end and year-end close
● Ensure quality control over financial
transactions and financial reporting
Posisi & Perusahaan Persyaratan Sumber/

ACCOUNT ● Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Marketing and Business.
Trans 7 ● Having good ability in presentation and negotiation skill.
Jakarta ● Have an experience min. 1 year in the same field.
● Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
● Assertive, energetic, and having ability to work in fast-paced environment.

ACCOUNTING ● Bachelor Degree from Accounting.

Trans 7 ● Have Brevet Tax Certification is an advantage.
Jakarta ● Assertive, energetic, and having ability to work in fast-paced environment.
● Having good interpersonal skill.

ADMINISTRATION ● Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major.

Trans 7 ● Hands-on experience with Microsoft Office applications.
Jakarta ● Strong attention to detail.
● Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
● Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic.
Posisi & Perusahaan Persyaratan Sumber/

CONTENT CREATOR ● Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major, preferably from Broadcast or https://career.tra
Trans 7 Communication.
Jakarta ● Min 1 year experience in TV Production or related area
● Able to bring creative ideas to live on screen
● Excellent written & verbal communication skills
● Must be a self-starter that enjoys working collaboratively
● Able to work to tight deadlines

PRODUCTION ● Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major.

ASSISTANT ● Interested in television program production.
Trans 7 ● Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
Jakarta ● Having ability to work in fast-paced environment, assertive, and energetic.

IMPLEMENTER ● Bachelor Degree from any major.

Trans 7 ● Having negotiation skill and ability to build effective communication.
Jakarta ● Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
● Assertive, energetic, having ability to work in fast paced environment.
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Staff ● Melakukan Recruitment Process : Sourcing, ● Minimum memiliki gelar Sarjana https://www.j
Interview schedule, Assignment ● Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Administrasi d/id/job/staff
Human Capital ● Update Database Karyawan - System ● Memiliki kemampuan analisis dan problem -administras
● Reporting Attendance, Overtime, Leave, solving yang baik i-human-cap
& General Medical claim Karyawan ● Memiliki pengetahuan yang kuat terkait ital-general-
Affairs ● Rekap data PPH21 micro segment credit process/grameen affairs-pt-ast
PT Astra Auto ● Melakukan perhitungan Payroll model ra-auto-trust
● Kebutuhan Personalia, ID Card, Seragam, Atk ● Micro credit process -4417789?jo
Trust bId=jobstree
Jakarta Utara dll ● Branch operation process t-id-job-4417
● Membantu full support Department HR&GA ● Internal Control 789&section
● Fraud Prevention and Detection Rank=4&tok
● Memiliki pengalaman sebagai quality en=0~d79f4
assurance/risk & control/internal audit 60d-a9e1-6c
dalam financial industry, khususnya dari edd6e1f783
micro business &fr=SRP%2
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Social Media ● Manage the daily presence of the brand's ● A bachelor's degree in https://id.inde
Social Media account (ideation research, Communication or a related field is
Officer M-Bloc-Spac
Lokananta Bloc content creation, analysis, and reporting) preferred. e/jobs?jk=79
Surakarta ● Create editorial plans for the client’s social ● Must have strong writing skills ce99320f9b1
media campaigns in order to increase brand ● Excellent in thinking logic and 681&start=0
awareness, improve marketing efforts, and analysis
eventually contribute to sales activity. ● At least 1-year of experience in
● Responsible for ideation and creating an content writing and managing
engaging caption for the content. Social Media
● Manage social media account and execute ● Background of agency or
posting and monitoring. advertising in advantage
● Interact with followers
● Photography and videography skill is a plus
● Keen eye for aesthetic and details
● Creating a report both for activation and
social media management
● Scriptwriting for Ads with a combination of
company branding, product, services, and
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Data Analyst ● Collecting and interpreting ● Minimum 3 years of experience in the same position https://campaign.fre
data ● Ability to analyze, model, interpret and communicate the dUKkxCNQKQf/dat
(Remote) ● Analyzing data using data a-analyst-remote
statistical techniques ● Knowing data report using GA4 is a plus
● Identifying patterns and ● Experienced in data models and reporting packages
trends in data sets and ● Proficient in Excel or Google Sheets tools and query
creating recommendations language such as SQL.
based on it ● Able to use dashboard tools (e.g. Google Data Studio)
● Reporting the results back and analytics languages (e.g. Python) are advantageous.
for the stakeholders to ● Strong verbal and written communication skills
understand the data- ● An analytical mind and inclination for problem-solving
analysis steps, enabling ● Attention to detail with a methodical and logical
them to take important approach to work
decisions based on various ● Good time management and able to meet deadlines
facts and trends. ● Able to encourage the data-driven work environment in
● Working alongside teams to various decision making
establish operational needs ● Degree or educational background in one or more of the
● Defining new data following subjects is preferred : Data Analytics,
collection, analysis Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics and / or
processes and predictions Economics
using relevant data
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Video Content ● Manage video production ● A bachelor's degree in Film Production, Advertising, https://campaign.fre
● Coordinate with internal team DKV, or any related field
Creator dUKkxCNQKQf/dat and external partner for video ● Experience in video production, social media creative a-analyst-remote
production or marketing, or any related field
(Remote) ● Review the storyboard and ● Having a deep understanding of video production
the video created by the team ● Having strong creative and visual eye
● Edit the video in a way that is ● Having skills to operate Adobe Premiere Pro and
engaging and impactful to the Adobe After Effects
audience ● Quick learner that can work in a fast paced
● Take a brief to graph environment
production team’s needs and ● Ability to meet deadlines and produce quality work
specifications ● Good team player and proactive attitude
● Create script and provide ● Willing to participate in offline activations if needed
materials for video production (mostly Jabodetabek area)
● Write other content as ● Download Campaign #ForChange App on App
needed Store/Play Store & complete our "4 Nilai Campaign"
● Administrative coordination challenge and 3 other challenges that resonate with
and discussion via Jira, Slack, you
and Google Workspace
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Mentor ● Teaching from estabilished ● Previous experience in public speaking, master of https://www.lin
materials ceremony hosting, or a similar role
Dialogika · s/view/367635
Jakarta ● Conducting online classes via ● Strong ability to teach and inspire others 4105
Zoom ● Proficiency in using Zoom for conducting classes
● Adjusting teaching methods ● Possession of a laptop for conducting online
based on student needs and classes
progress ● Flexibility to teach during evening hours
● Offering constructive feedback ● Availability to teach on weekends and national
and guidance to help students holidays
improve their public speaking ● Punctuality and strong time management skills
● Eventually transitioning to
offline teaching, once deemed
proficient in the online teaching
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Merchandising ● 1-2 year in ecommerce, start up, or retail industry https://care

Officer - ● Minimum Bachelor’s degree with minimum GPA 3.00 out
Bandung, of 4.00 m/job-detail
● Sales Skill, Negotiation Skill, Analythical Skill, /merchandi
Semarang, sing-officer-
Medan Communication Skill
● Maintaining and build a positive relationship with the --bandung,-
Existing Sellers medan?job
● Provide and develop merchant strategy through deep =761c405a-
expertise dad4-4e26-
● Ability to communicate effectively with cross functional 8b05-7196d
teams 46d503a
● Identify opportunities to grow the business in related
● Have experience in related regional ecommerce
● Domiciled in Semarang, Medan, or Bandung
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Reconciliation ● Ability to display ● Bachelor’s degree in Accounting/Economy/Management or related https://caree

complex quantitative field
Officer job-detail/re
Jakarta data in a simple, ● Fresh graduate or 1 years experience in Account conciliation-
intuitive format and to Payable/Finance/Budget Controller/Audit/Reconciliation officer?job=
present findings in a ● Be customer obsessed, always mindful of our key objective to b159cc05-d
clear and concise provide exceptional service to our customers e36-4f1e-8e
manner ● Ability to display complex quantitative data in a simple, intuitive f6-8ffbffca21
● Demonstrated ability format and to present findings in a clear and concise manner 7e
to meet deadlines, ● Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines, good understanding and
good understanding judgement underlimited supervision and underpressure situations
and judgement ● Possess the strong ability in effective problem-solving, attention to
underlimited details, and be able to extract, analyze and work with data to
supervision and assess situations and take appropriate action
underpressure ● Possess a conscientious and meticulous work ethic, have ability to
situations work independently in a fast-paced and rapidly changing
● Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to
present complex information and manage cross functional teams
● Proficiency in MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, etc),
with an emphasis on Excel
● You should qualified in test requirements, such as Excel Test or
Presentation Session
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Social Media ● Improving social media experience, creating ● Have a Bachelor's degree or equivalent https://ww
Admin engagement with audiences, and facilitating ● Min. 1-year experience as a Social w.kalibrr.c
organic growth Media in a Beauty Industry om/c/skin
SKINTIFIC tific/jobs/
Jakarta ● Respond to audience queries in a timely and ● Fluent in English, both written and 225828/s
accurate way via chat or comments speaking; excellent written and verbal ocial-medi
● Gather audiences comments and feedback communication skills a-admin-2
● Update our internal databases with ● Preferably experienced in handling
information about technical issues and useful inbound on social media admin platform
discussions with the audience on social ● Knowledgeable in skincare and beauty;
media aware of the industry's latest trends
● Monitor complaints on social media and ● Working knowledge of social media
reach out to provide assistance platforms (Instagram, TikTok &
● Taking ownership of audience issues and WhatsApp)
following problems through to resolution ● Willing to work from the office (Office
● Resolve audiences conflicts and handle located in Mega Kuningan, South
escalation procedures Jakarta) and can join ASAP
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Project ● Support key strategic projects ● Having a minimum undergraduate degree from Industrial https://www
from initial planning to tactical Engineering or Business Administration
Associate /id-ID/c/lu
Luwjistik execution. ● Good fluency in English. wjistik/jobs
● Maintain daily conversations and ● Have strong communication and public speaking skills; /228598/pr
Remote for follow-ups with clients and/or ● Have the ‘can-do attitude and able to work under oject-associ
Malaysia & partners and the internal team to minimum supervision and ambiguity; ate-remote-
Indonesia achieve the project goals. ● Enjoy working with various departments at the same for-malaysia
● Assisting partners from the time;
introduction phase, up until the ● Own a good working attitude while maintaining their
project goes live and maintaining unique personalities
the project according to the ● Able to work in a fast-paced environment and a self-
agreement. motivated person.
● Working on paper works includes ● Having experience in the technology and/or logistics
NDA, agreement, and invoice or industry would be a plus
payment document thus liaising
different departments to fulfill the
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Learning ● Run all operational tasks for learning ● Bachelor's Degree from any major https://www.kali
program, including learning course & ● Proven min. 1 year work experience as
Operation rakamin-academ
Officer materials management, student Learning Operation/Learning y/jobs/229196/l
(Maternity management, payment management, Management, especially in Edutech earning-operatio
data and document management. industry n-officer-materni
Leave) ty-leave
Rakamin ● Give insights to learning teams to ● Experience in implementing and
Academy improve program quality operating educational platforms such as
● QC and make sure learning content is Learning Management System
ready to use in the LMS ● Have strong project management skill
● Collect, manage, and deliver ● Data-driven, fast learner & detail
issues/complaint from student to oriented
stakeholders. Ensure the ● Excellent communication and customer
issue/complaint solved. service oriented
● Supervise, monitoring, and ensuring ● Strong time management, capable of
the task accuracy to class efficiently handling multiple tasks and
coordinator, assistant tutor, mentor priorities.
● Support document preparation ● For 4 (four) months contract (maternity
“Setiap mimpi kita bisa
asal kita berani
- Walt Disney.
Internship & Freelance
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Online Education ● We are looking for subject teachers in ● Currently teaching in High School,
Mathematics, Biology, Physics, or one of the following: Mathematics,
Consultant for ew/3667576727
Highschool Chemistry who can validate features / Biology, Physics, or Chemistry
(Indonesia) queries / homework-type problems and ● Verified teaching certification
TELUS adhere to country-specific educational ● Strong computer and mobile device
International models. skills
Remote ● In this position you will use your ● Minimum of 2 years classroom
teaching experience and skills and will experience in: Mathematics, Biology,
have the flexibility of working 10 hours Physics, or Chemistry
per month around your own schedule. ● Neither you nor anyone in the
● Estimated Duration: Long time household is working for a company
engagement, the project will be that has or is developing online
continuous. services for children
● Compensation: $10 per hour.
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Remote ● Bekerja dibawah arahan tim internal ● Education: Lulusan SMK, mahasiswa https://www.linkedi
Teknovo untuk menyelesaikan project tingkat akhir/fresh graduate dengan
Training Staff 59229901
(Paid internal ataupun tugas external dari GPA >3.00
Freelance Project Manager yang terlibat ● Hard Skill: Google Suites (GSlides,
Program) ● Mampu mengembangkan materi Gsheet, GForm, dsb), Notion
PT Teknovo pelatihan yang menarik dan interaktif. ● Soft Skill: Fast response, flexibility,
Industri ● Mampu menggunakan alat dan platform assertive, creative, open minded, work
pembelajaran jarak jauh. independently
Digital ● Memiliki pemahaman tentang tren dan ● Device: Laptop dan smartphone yang
Remote praktik terkini dalam pelatihan jarak berfungsi baik
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Native English ● Developing, adapting and ● Native English Speaker

implementing material ● A degree in any discipline, TEFL or TESOL (College students
Facilitator bs/view/3671
(Freelance) from Cambridge are welcome to apply) 131749
Curriculum ● Work a minimum of 8 hours a month ● Delivering classes of ● Good stable internet (very important) 15Mbps
Remote English Lesson digitally in Download/Upload
a creative and innovative ● Good PC/core i3 or above / 4GB RAM, Headset, Webcam
way ● Familiarity with Indonesia and Indonesian students (grade 7
● Monitoring and to grade 12)
evaluation towards ● Familiarity with start-up industry and digital learning
students's progress ● Display competence in design, facilitation and management
of English language learning activities
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Intern Talent ● Create, manage, and distribute content on digital ● Having experience as a Content Creator https://ww
platforms. ● Understand the field of Digital w.linkedin.c
& Content om/jobs/vi
Specialist ● Conduct content and calendar research according Marketing ew/368675
to market trends and needs. ● Understand Copywriting skills. 3402
Hexa ● Conducting research on talented content creators, ● Understanding the ability to create
Enterprises making briefs, and coordinating to produce the interesting & engaging content.
Remote best work ● Have the ability & willingness to become
● Become a content talent created talent content.
● Having sensitivity to relevant trends.
● Open to all majors. Preferably final-year
students or fresh graduates majoring in:
business, marketing, communications, or
● Having a Portfolio is a plus
● Have critical, creative, analytical, and
communicative (oral-written) thinking
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Project Support ● Setting up project administration ● Final year students from all major https://ww
Intern ● Develop a project activity schedule (Fresh Graduates welcome to apply) w.linkedin.c
through google calendar and other ● Ability to operate Ms. office om/jobs/vi
Alterra Indonesia ew/366717
Remote platforms (especially MS Excel and its 1431
● Assist in the daily evaluation of students' formulas)
performance ● Familiar with Zoom and Gmeet
● Ability to use design software is a
plus point (Canva, photoshop)
● Great communication skill
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

US Expansion ● Team Outreach: Network, Pitch, and ● Passionate about social issues and want https://www
onboard social & non-profit to make the world a better place
Intern (Remote) m/jobs/vie
Campaign organizations to launch a social ● Currently pursuing a degree at or w/3682813
#ForABetterWorld campaign and fundraise on your graduated from a U.S institution in any 172
Remote Campaign #ForChange App major/ concentration
● Team Sponsorship: Strategize, pitch ● Able to work remotely for approximately
and help corporates & businesses 30 hours a week or 6 hours a day from
enhance their CSR (Corporate Social Monday to Friday
Responsibility) by funding our social ● Comfortable working remotely across a
campaigns. diverse team across multiple time zones
● Team Program & Communication: ● Have had work or volunteer experience
Expand your creative knowledge & ● Familiar with Slack, Jira, and Google
marketing skills by growing our workspace a plus
media platforms and plan axciting ● Complete any 3 challenges in the
events for our audiences. Campaign #ForChange app that reflects
● Team R&D: Practice data analytics & your personal social mission
problem solving by providing real
insights to our product and
marketing team.
Posisi & Sumber/
Perusahaan Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Kontak

Graphic Design ● Come up with fresh creative ● Preferable university student and fresh graduate https://ww
Intern ideas and concepts on behalf of ● Have -+ 1 year of experience in graphic design w.linkedin.c
the company ● Have your own fast-working laptop om/jobs/vi
Kiddu ew/36844
Remote ● Help develop and execute design ● Strong communication skills, proactive, and 85686
concepts and any related edu creative team player
content activities around video ● Willing to submit a portfolio
editing, development, and ● Working knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite,
publishing including Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and
● Works in collaboration with all Canva
team members ● Can start immediately
● Assist on any ad-hoc tasks as
required by the team
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Data Analyst ● Understands fully that all data managed is client- ● Bachelor's degree in https://ww
Staffinc Group specific and extremely confidential. Statistics/Applied Mathematics w.linkedin.c
● Design, build and deploy visualization solutions and or equivalent experience om/jobs/vi
Remote reporting for customers to fulfil their requirements. (internship/bootcamp in Data ew/363161
● Maintain and support data analytics Platform, Analytics/Data Science) 7133
including unit testing and troubleshooting. ● Proficient in SQL
● Evaluate and continuously improve existing ● High ownership, accountability,
visualization systems and reporting to provide and self-initiative
sustainable and responsive reporting for key ● Clear English communication
stakeholders. expected in written and oral
● Develop and execute database queries and conduct forms.
regular and ad-hoc analyses. ● Process Improvement, Reporting
● Create visualizations and reports for requested Skills.
projects. ● Ability to work in a team-
● Configuring customer-specific projects based on oriented, collaborative
standardized procedures. environment.
● Working on assigned tasks from the Operations ● Have the following attitudes:
Manager. include reliability, attention to
● Troubleshooting data, software and service detail, and functional
problems based on internal alerts and customer troubleshooting/problem-solving
reports. skills.
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Investment ● Conducting Market Research: ● Currently enrolled as a final year student in https://ww
Analyst Analyzing different market Finance/Economics/Business or w.linkedin.c
segments and industry landscapes Environment/Sustainability related major om/jobs/vi
Intern to identify emerging trends, key ● Strong organizational and multitasking skills. ew/368364
Teja Ventures players, and potential investment ● Excellent written and verbal communication skills. 4804
Remote opportunities. ● Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (PowerPoint, Word,
● Deal Analysis: Assisting in the Excel).
evaluation of potential pipeline ● Detail-oriented with a keen eye for design.
deals by conducting due diligence, ● Demonstrated interest in VC/Investment Industry
financial modelling, and
competitive analysis.
● Investment Research: Assisting in
the preparation of investment
memos and presentations for
potential investments.
● Data Analysis: Collecting and
analyzing data to support
investment strategies and decision-
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Content ● Act as a talent ● Final year university students or fresh https://ww

● Develop and create compelling and visually graduates from reputable university w.linkedin.c
Creator Intern om/jobs/vi
Homprep appealing content for social media majoring in Communication, ew/36836
Jakarta platforms Marketing, Advertising, Public 47171
● Stay up-to-date with social media trends, Relations, or related majors
viral content, and platform updates to ● Minimum GPA 3.3
incorporate the latest strategies and ● Strong familiarity with social media
techniques into our social media efforts. platforms
● Assist in promoting content through various ● Good editing skills
channels, including social media, email ● Strong communication skills, both
campaigns, and partnerships. written and verbal.
● Collaborate with internal and cross- ● Confident to be in front of camera
functional teams to develop content quality, ● Self-motivated, proactive, and able to
user activeness and support content work both independently and as part
strategy optimization. of a team.
● Enthusiasm for learning and a
willingness to take on new challenges
in a dynamic environment.
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan /

Campaign & ● Work as a Campaign Executive with related ● Minimum second year university student https://w
stakeholders to ensure the campaign runs from all majors ww.linked
Lifestyle smoothly, including promotion setting, ● Good written and verbal communication bs/view/3
Category intern product delivery track, and communication skills in English 6039333
with cross functional teams ● Basic Microsoft Excel skill 14
(e-Commerce) -
2023 Start ● Monitor real-time campaign/ project ● Organized, detail-oriented, can meet
TikTok performance deadlines
● Do the campaign post review from ● Able to work 5 days, for at least for 3
Jakarta execution side months
● Have basic understanding regarding the
E-Commerce industry
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

HR Internship ● Pendidikan S1 Psikologi, Manajemen, Teknik Informatika https://www.

● Minimal semester 7/fresh graduate dipersilahkan
PT BARA INDAH d/id/job/hr-i
SINERGI ● Tidak sedang mengambil mata kuliah yang bersifat nternship-44
Jakarta Utara offline/tatap muka 29665?jobId
● Bersedia mengikuti program internship dalam kurun =jobstreet-id
waktu 3 bulan 5&sectionRa
● Bersedia mengikuti program internship fulltime secara nk=17&toke
offline/WFO di Head Office - Jakarta Utara 99-7fbe-403
● Berdomisili di Jakarta Utara lebih diutamakan 3-9775-774
● Dapat bergabung secepatnya d4d4bd76c&
Posisi & Deskripsi Pekerjaan Persyaratan Sumber/
Perusahaan Kontak

Business Process ● Membuat alur proses ● Final year/ fresh graduate semua
pekerjaan masing- jurusan /job/business-process-controll
Controller er-internship-4428976?jobId=j
Internship masing departemen ● Memahami pembuatan alur proses obstreet-id-job-4428976&sec
PT Bimasakti Multi ● Membuat pekerjaan dengan baik tionRank=26&token=0~e56f1
dokumentasi ● Memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang a99-7fbe-4033-9775-774d4d
Sinergi 4bd76c&searchPath=%2Fid%2
Sidoarjo prosedur mutu manajemen kualitas Finternship-jobs&fr=SRP%20V
(manual/SOP/intruksi ● Komunikatif, fast learner, multitasking iew%20In%20New%20Tab
kerja) ● Menguasai microsoft tools
● WFO Sidoarjo
“Kesuksesan bersumber dari perbuatan. Orang
yang sukses terus melakukan usaha. Orang sukses
bahkan membuat kesalahan, namun mereka tidak
berhenti usaha.”
- Cobrad Hilton.

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