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Perbedaan Penggunaan Article A vs AN

Sebagai article, A dan AN artinya adalah satu. Dalam bahasa Indonesia,
kedua article ini dapat diterjemahkan menjadi sebuah/seekor/sehelai dst. Hal
ini tergantung dari noun yang mengikutinya. Misalnya :
- An apple = sebuah apel
- A lady
= seorang wanita
- A tiger
= seekor harimau
- A leaf
= sehelai daun, dst
Penggunaan A dan AN
1. A dan AN hanya dapat diikuti oleh singular nouns (benda tunggal), tetapi
tidak pernah secara langsung diikuti oleh uncountable nouns (benda
yang tidak dapat dihitung). Olehnya itu, akan INCORRECT jika anda menulis,
- I need a water (water:uncountable noun)
- I just ate a bread (bread:uncountable noun)
- She just heard a bad news about her parents (news:uncountable noun)
Kalimat ini akan menjadi benar jika article A dihilangkan atau jika didepan
uncountable noun (i.e. water dan bread) ditambahkan penakar (container)
atau pengukur yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan berapa
banyak/volume/ukuran dari uncountable nouns tersebut.
- I need water atau I need a glass of water
- I just ate bread atau I just ate a big slice of bread
- She just heard bad news about her parents atau she just heard a piece of
bad news about her parents
2. A dan AN digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah singular noun secara
umum (in general). Contoh :
- A footballs is usually made of leather (leather=kulit, dalam konteks ini
jangan gunakan kata skin. Leather adalah animal skin yang sudah diolah)
- AN artist should keep a good relationship with fans
3. A dan AN digunakan untuk merujuk ke sebuah singular noun yang belum
pernah disebutkan sebelumnya. Contoh :
- I met a guy last night
- My company just build a new skyscraper (skyscraper=gedung pencakar
Penggunaan Article THE
Ada beberapa rules yang harus anda pahami dalam menggunakan article
1. The umumnya digunakan untuk merujuk noun yang sudah pernah
disebutkan sebelumnya. Dengan adanya the, noun yang dimaksud menjadi
lebih spesifik. Noun tersebut bisa countable, bisa juga uncountable noun. Jika
countable noun, noun tersebut bisa singular, bisa juga plural. Dalam hal ini,
the dapat berarti tersebut atau itu, atau kadang-kadang ini. Contoh :


I met a guy last night. The guy asked my number and whether I would go
out for a date (number=nomor telepon, date=kencan). Dalam kalimat ini,
the bisa digantikan dengan that.
The water in my well is contaminated (well=sumur,
contaminated=terkontaminasi). Dalam kalimat ini, the tidak pantas
digantikan dengan that, karena water di kalimat ini sudah diterangkan
oleh in my well. Coba terjemahkan, terasa janggal bukan?
Three students didnt perform well in my exam. The (three) students hadnt
studied hard enough before the exam. Dalam kalimat ini, kata three adalah
optional (bisa digunakan, bisa juga dihilangkan), karena maknanya sudah
dipahami oleh lawan bicara atau pembaca. Di kalimat ini, the dapat
digantikan dengan those/these. Jika anda masih ragu dalam penggunaan
those/these, akan lebih aman jika anda menggunakan the.
There are many persons named Agnes Monica on Facebook. You will have
hard timeto find the Agnes Monica who sings Matahariku.
Sebaliknya, the tidak digunakan jika kita membicarakan uncountable nouns
atau plural nouns secara umum (in general). Contoh :
Water needs to be conserved (air perlu dikonservasi/dilindungi)
Sugar is sweet (gula(rasanya)manis)
Durians are very smelly (durian-durian sangat bau/baunya keras)
Lazy students hardly get good grades (murid-murid yang malas hamper
tidak pernah mendapt nilai bagus)
Kata seperti breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper (=dinner), school, church,
home dan college pada umumnya tidak membutuhkan article. Tetapi jika
noun ini dirujuk, barulah article the diperlukan. Contoh :
We go to school everyday. Starting next week, however, the school will be
buildozed by the government (be buildozed=diratakan dengan tanah dengan
menggunakan bulldozer)
Jenny and I just finished having lunch at the cafeteria. I thanked her
because she paid for the lunch
I am very tired. Id like to go home
Rules yang lain dalam menentukan apakah the digunakan atau tidak, dapat
dilihat pada table berikut. Note : the yang digunakan pada nouns di table
berikut pada umumnya tidak berarti tersebut, olehnya itu, tidak dapat
digantikan dengan that.
Gunakan THE untuk
Jangan gunakan THE untuk
Nama danau.contoh:Lake Toba,Lake
samudera,laut,sungai,telu Batur,Lake Erie.
k,plural lakes(nama danau
yang terdiri dari 2 danau
atau lebih).contoh:the
Atlantic Ocean,the Java
Sea,the Persian
Gulf,the Great
Lakes,the Citarum

Rocky Mountains,the
Andes,the Bukit
e earth,the moon,the
e jika
e ditempatkan
School of Coopers
Art,the University of
Gajah Mada,the college
of Arts and Sciences.
Ordinal number sebelum
Second World War,the
third chapter.
Nama perang(kecuali
perang dunia).contoh:the
Korean War,the
Crimean War,the Civil
Nama Negara yang terdiri
dari 2 kata atau lebih
(kecuali Great
United States of
America,the Central
African Republic.
constitution,the Magna

Nama gunung.contoh:Mount
Merapi,Mount Semeru,Mount
Kilimanjaro,Mount Everest.
Nama planet (selain bumi),rasi
Nama sekolah,universitas,college jika
dibelakang.contoh:Coopers Art
School,Gadjah Mada
University,Sante Fe Community

Cardinal number.contoh:World War

Two,Chapter Three.
Nama Negara jika hanya terdiri dari

Timur,Sulawesi Utara.

Nama hari
,Idul Fitri,Independence day.
1. Bryan Adams was born in Canada, but he lives in Great Britain. Celine
Dion is also a Canadian born singer, but she lives in the United States now.
2. The Great Lakes consist of five lakes one of which is Lake Ontario.
3. The earth travels around the sun, and so does Mars.


1. Jasons father bought him a bicycle that he had wanted for his
2. A Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship a France to the United
3. Rita is studying an English and a math this semester.
4. The judge asked witness to well a truth.
5. Please give me a cup of the coffee with a cream and a sugar.
6. A big books on the table are for my history class.
7. No one in a Spanish class knew the correct answer to the Mrs.
Perezs question.
8. My a car is four years old and is still runs well.
9. When you go to the store, please buy a bottle of the chocolate milk
and a dozen oranges.
10. There are only a few seats left for a tonights musical at the
11. John and Marcy went to the school yesterday and then studied in
the library before returning home.
12. A Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in the North America.
13. On our trip to the Spain, we crossed the Atlantic Ocean.
14. A Mount Rushmore is the site of the magnificent tribute to the
four great America presidents.
15. What did you eat for a breakfast this morning?
16. Louie played a basketball and a baseball at the Boys Club this
17. Rita plays a violin and her sister plays a guitar.
18. While we were in the Alaska, we saw the Eskimo Village.
19. Phil cant go to the movies tonight because he has to write an
20. David attended the Princeton Universty.
21. Harry has been admitted to the School of Medicine at the
midwestren university.

22. Mels grandmother is in the hospital, so we went to visit her the

last night.
23. The political science class is taking a trip to the Soviet Union in the
24. The Queen Elizabeth II is a monarch of the Great Britain.
25. The Declaration of Independence was drawn up in 1776.
26. Scientist hope to send an expedition to a Mars during the 1980s.
27. Last night there was a bird singing outside my house.
28. The chair that you are sitting in is broken.
29. A Civil War was fought in the United States between 1861 and
30. The Florida State University is smaller than a University of Florida.
John, along with twenty friends, are planning a party.
The picture of the soldiers bring back many memories.
The quality of these recordings are not very good.
If the duties of these officers arent reduced, there will not be
enough time to finish the project.
5. The effects of cigarette smoking have been proven to be extremely
6. The use of credit cards in place of cash has increased rapidly in
recent years.
7. Advertisements on television are becoming more competitive than
ever before.
8. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, is at an
all-time high.
9. Mr. Jones, accompanied by several members of the committee, has
proposed some changes of the rules.
10. The level of intoxication varies from subject to subject.


1. Neither Bill nor Mary is going to the play tonight.
2. Anything is better than going to another movie tonight.
3. Skating is becoming more popular every day.
4. A number of reporters was at the conference yesterday.
5. Everybody who has a fever must go home immediately.
6. Your glasses was on the bureau last night.
7. There were some people at the meeting last night.
8. The committee have already reached a decision.
9. A pair of jeans was in the washing machine this morning.
10. Each student has answered the first three questions.
11. Either John or his wife makes breakfast each morning.
12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that
everything was in order.
13. The crowd at the basketball game was wild with excitement.

14. A pack of wild dogs has frightened all the ducks away.
15. The jury is trying to reach a decision.
16. The army has eliminated this section of the training test.
17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this
quarter are appalling.
18. There have been too many interruptions in this class.
19. Every elementary school teacher has to take this examination.
20. Neither Jill not her parents have seen this movie before.


1. Tim : Team
2. Fungsi : Function
3. Posisi : Position
4. Tujuan : Goal
5. Arahan : Direction
6. Kemajuan : Progress
7. Pendapatan : Revenue
8. Kerjasama : Teamwork
9. Kerangka Kerja : Framework
10. Kebijakan : Policy
11. Tahap : Phase
12. Hasil : Result
13. Kinerja : Performance
14. Pemimpin : Leader
15. Perusahaan : Company
16. Proses : Process
17. Organisasi : Organization
18. Modal : Capital
19. Peraturan : Regulation

20. Koordinasi : Coordination

1. Menyetujui : Approve
2. Memeriksa : Checking
3. Mengatur : Setting
4. Menghubungkan : Connecting
5. Mengorganisasi : Organizing
6. Merencanakan : Planning
7. Mengendalikan : Controlling
8. Melaksanakan : Actuating
9. Membimbing : Guide
10. Menjadwalkan : Schedule
11. Mengarahkan : Directing
12. Mengembangkan : Developing
13. Mengawasi : Monitoring
14. Mencapai : Attain
15. Melaksanakan : Implement
16. Mempertimbangkan : Consider
17. Menilai : Appraising
18. Mengendalikan : Restraining
19. Memilih : Vote
20. Memimpin : Lead
1. Permintaan : Demand
2. Pengecer : Retailer
3. Pedagang Besar : Wholesaler
4. Harga : Price
5. Sasaran : Objective
6. Pedagang Kecil : Small Traders
7. Barang : Goods
8. Promosi : Promotion
9. Tempat : Place
10. Transaksi : Transaction
11. Produk : Product
12. Pemasok : Supplier
13. Pasar : Market
14. Langganan : Customer
15. Pemesanan : Booking
16. Periklanan : Advertising
17. Kompetitor : Competitor
18. Pembeli : Buyers
19. Penjual Barang : Sales
20. Hubungan : Relationship

1. Mampu : Capable
2. Menawarkan : Offer
3. Menyarankan : Suggest
4. Menyebarkan : Spread
5. Mengkonsumsi : Consuming
6. Membeli : Purchasing
7. Periklanan : Advertising
8. Menjual : Selling
9. Memenuhi : Satisfy
10. Meningkatkan : Increasing
11. Mengantarkan : Delivers
12. Mengembangkan : Improving
13. Melayani : Serviced
14. Pemesanan : Ordering
15. Kepuasan : Satisfaction
16. Meramalkan : Forecasting
17. Perencanaan : Planning
18. Memaksa : Force
19. Mendengarkan : Listen
20. Menghitung : Count
1. Hutang : Debt
2. Piutang : Receivable
3. Persediaan : Inventory
4. Laporan : Report
5. Pendapatan : Earning
6. Biaya : Cost
7. Ongkos : Fee
8. Resiko : Risk
9. Pihak : Parity
10. Laporan Keuangan : Financial Statement
11. Menjamin : Insure
12. Laporan Laba Rugi : Income Statement
13. Pembatasan : Restriction
14. Hrapan : Expectation
15. Kembali : Return
16. Audit : Auditing
17. Pemegang Saham : Stakeholder
18. Kewajiban : Liability
19. Modal : Asset
20. Gaji : Salary
1. Mengukur : Measure
2. Siklus : Cycles

3. Mencatat : Records
4. Menemukan : Found
5. Melampirkan : Attach
6. Memungkinkan : Allow
7. Mencatat : Note
8. Membandingkan : Compare
9. Memperoleh : Earn
10. Menentukan : Determine
11. Menagih : Billing
12. Mengamati : Observs
13. Menilai : Evaluate
14. Melaporkan : Report
15. Merincikan : Detail
16. Memeriksa : Examine
17. Memproses : Processing
18. Mencari : Research
19. Membungkus : Packaging
20. Menggolongkan : Classifying
1. Kasir : Teller
2. Gedung : Building
3. Mata Uang : Currency
4. Bunga : Interest
5. Cek : Cheque
6. Inkaso : Collection
7. Penjamin : Guarantor
8. Pedagang Efek : Dealer
9. Keuangan : Financial
10. Pinjaman : Loan
11. Setoran : Payment
12. Modal : Capital
13. Tabungan : Savings
14. Nasabah : Customer
15. Batas Waktu : Deadline
16. Obligasi : Bond
17. Wesel : Draft
18. Kelebihan : Surplus
19. Kliring : Clearing
20. Kredit : Credits
1. Menyimpan : Keep
2. Membatalkan : Cancel
3. Mengeluh : Complaint
4. Meminjam : Borrow

5. Membayar : Pay
6. Pelayanan : Service
7. Menyewakan : Rent
8. Berkunjung : Visit
9. Menunggu : Wait
10. Mendorong : Push
11. Menukarkan : Change
12. Menerima : Accept
13. Menginvestasikan : Invest
14. Menawarkan : Tender
15. Menabung : Saeve
16. Mempercayakan : Entrust
17. Menerbitkan : Issue
18. Mengatur : Arrange
19. Menyalurkan : Channelling
20. Menarik : Pull

1. While she was trying to read, her friend was practicing the piano.
2. He has been buying several jerseys in the last two years.
3. She will bone the meat later.
4. By the time you get there they already left.
5. I was drowwing. Nobody saved me.
6. He said she that she had not returned the book yet.
7. What are you darning at the moment.
8. She thinks her husband will buy a new fridge.
9. How much have you spent in Londonso far ?
10. In a months time I learned more words than ever.
11. After he saw the giraffe he spoke to the keeper.
12. The was buying weed-killer when they arrested him
13. The plumbing always gives trouble during the summer.
14. The trend was rising when they reached the lake.
15. Do you recognize this statue ?
16. They say that they will not perform tomorrow.
17. What have you been doing since your last recital ?
18. As it rained he put up his umbrella.
19. They heard Beethoven better conducted earlier in the year.
20. What is going on here ?
21. I only have just realized what she meant.
22. I will never plant crocuses again.
23. Were you enjoying yourself when I saw you at the party ?
24. I will be to the zoo and going while they are still talking about visiting it.
25. She doched at Tilbury last week.

26. He always accelerates too quickly.

27. Do you hear that awful noise ?
28. By the time the bridgade arrived, the house collapsed.
29. I saw a new type of windscreen wiper while I was walking round the exhibition yesterday.
30. They have been waiting to take off since ten this morning.
31. She shot at least three tigers in India last year.
32. We saw what we have seen.
33. He heard an owl hooting as he walked through the wood.
34. They have been producing a hundred shirts every day for two months now.
35. Where were you going when I bumped into you ?
36. Who told the grasshopper to dance? The ant in the fable did .
37. They were high heels every day last term.
38. What do you with a gun in your car ?
39. He still doesnt find his watch.
40. I have lived there several years before I found the nest.
41. When it sting him ?
42. She likes cockles. Naturally she prefer lobster.
43. Dragon flies have beautiful wings.
44. Time and tide wait for no man, the saying run.
45. I bought some new pruners the other day.
46. The girl in the pay box seldom smiles nowadays.
47. The moment he opened the boot the spare wheel fell out.
48. Too many cooks spoiled the broth.
49. He left Italy by plane yesterday.

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