Anda di halaman 1dari 23

EXERCISE 13: Make a sentences with until from the given situations.

1. I can’t pay my bills. I haven’t gotten my paycheck yet.

i can’t pay my bills until my paycheck comes.
2. we can’t leave yet. We have to wait for Nancy.
we can’t leave yet until Nancy comes.
3. Tell me the truth, or i am not going to leave this room.
i’m not going to leave this room until you tell me the truth.
4. Finally, Donald arrived. Before that, it had been a dull party.
It had been a dull party until Donald arrived.
5. Dinner won’t be ready for a while. I think we should just sit here by
the fire.
Let’s sit here by the fire until dinner ready.
6. when i go to bed at night, i like to read. After a while, i get sleepy.
I like to read when i go to bed at night until i get sleepy.

EXERCISE 14: combine the ideas by using either as soon as or once. (as soon as and
once basically have the same meaning, but as soon as is more immediate. Often,
just is used with as soon as to emphasize the idea of “immediatelly”: i’ll call him just
as soon as i get home.)
1. The taxi will get here in five minutes or so. Then we can leave for the
a airport
As soon as the taxi gets here, we can leave for the airport
2. The rice will be done in about ten minutes. Immediately after that,
w we can eatABSTRAK

Telah dilakukan percobaan dengan judul “Analisa Kualitatif Beberapa Kation”.

Tujuan dari percobaan adalah agar kita dapat mengetahui cara menganalisis
beberapa kation. Prinsip yang digunakan pada percobaan ini adalah analisa
kualitatif, yaitu analisa untuk mengetahui kandungan zat dalam suatu larutan.
Dalam percobaan ini larutan dicampurkan di dalam tabung reaksi sehingga
terjadinya perubahan warna dan terbentuknya endapan Dari hasil percobaan,
tidak semua terjadi perubahan warna dan terbentuk endapan. Sehingga dapat
diambil kesimpulan perubahan warna disebabkan karena orbital dari suatu atom
yang belum terisi penuh. Kelarutan dalam suatu endapan dapat dipengaruhi oleh
sifat dan konsentrasi bahan yang ada dalam campuran larutan itu. Kelarutan
endapan berkurang dengan adanya pereaksi yang berlebih. Namun, dalam
beberapa senyawa terjadi sebaliknya yaitu dapat melarutkan endapan.

Latar Belakang

Ilmu kimia merupakan salah satu penunjang dalam ilmu pengetahuan yang
wajib diperhatikan dan dipelajari secara sungguh-sungguh. Ilmu kimia
juga berpengaruh besar di bidang kesehatan,makanan, dan produksi lainnya. Kimia
analitik dibagi menjadi bidang-bidang yang disebut analisis kualitatif dan analisis

Analisis kuantitatif berkaitan dengan identifikasi zat-zat kimia, mengenali unsur-unsur

senyawa apa yang ada dalam suatu sampel. Umumnya kimia dihadapkan dengan
analisis kualitatif, sejumlah unsur dipisahkan dan diidentifikasi melalui pengendapan
dengan hidrogen sulfida. Analisis kualitatif berkaitan dengan penetapan berapa
banyak suatu zat tertentu yang terkandung dalam suatu sampel. Zat yang
ditetapkan tersebut dinyatakan sebagai analit.

Dasar identifikasis pengenalan unsur-unsur terletak pada sifat-sifat kimia atau fisika.
Sifat-sifat yang paling sederhana yang dipakai untuk pengenalan adalah sifat-sifat
yang langsung dapat diamati. Misalnya, warna suatu senyawa atau hasil reaksi
dengan pereaksi tertentu, dapat dipakai sebagai dasar pengenalan .

Keberadaan suatu kation dikonfirmasi atau diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan

satun atau lebih reaksi kimia yang karakteristik atau spesifik untuk suatu kation.
Klasifikasi kation yang paling umum didasarkan pada perbedaan kelarutan dari
klorida, sulfida dan karbonat tersebut. Kation diklasifikasikan dalam golongan
berdasarkan sifat-sifat kation tersebut terhadap beberapa reagensia.

Tujuan Percobaan

Mengetahui cara analisis beberapa kation

Manfaat Percobaan

Dapat memahami pengertian dari analisa kualitatif , mampu membedakan kation

berdasarkan sifatnya, dan mampu melakukan percobaan-percobaan yang
mengenai analisa kualitatif beberapa kation.


Ion adalah sebuah atom atau sekelompok atom yang mempunyai muatan
total positif atau netto. Jumlah proton yang bermuatan positif dalam inti suatu atom
tetap sama selama berlangsungnya perubahan kimia biasa (disebut reaksi kimia),
tetapi elektron yang bermuatan negatif bisa hilang atau bertambah. Atom netral
yang kehilangan satu atau lebih elektronnya akan menghasilkan kation, ion dengan
muatan total positif. Di lain pihak, anion adalah ion yang muatan totalnya negatif
akibat adanya kenaikan jumlah elektron. Natrium klorida yang dikenal sebagai
garam dapur, disebut senyawa ionik karena dibentuk dari kation dan anion.
(Raymond Chang, 2004)

Analisa kimia dapat dibagi atas dua bagian, yaitu analisa kualitatif dan analisa
kuantitatif. Analisa kualitatif adalah analisa yang berhubungan dengan identifikasi
suatu zat atau campuran yang tidak diketahui, sedangkan analisa kuantitatif
adalah analisa kimia yang menyangkut penentuan jumlah zat tertentu yang ada di
dalam suatu sampel. Ada dua aspek penting dalam analisa kualitatif, yaitu
pemisahan dan identifikasi. Kedua aspek ini dilandasi oleh kelarutan, keasaman
pembentukan senyawa komplek, oksidasi reduksi, sifat penguapan dan ekstraksi.
Analisis campuran kation-kation memerlukan pemisahan secara sistematik dalam
golongan dan selanjutnya diikuti pemisahan masing-masing golongan ke dalam sub
golongan dan komponen-komponennya. (Diana Barsasella, 2012)

Banyak reaksi-reaksi yang menghasilkan endapan berperan penting dalam analisa

kualitatif.Endapan tersebut dapat berbentuk Kristal atau koloid dan dengan warna
yang berbeda-beda. Pemisahan endapan dapat dilakukan dengan penyaringan
atau pun sentrifus. Endapan tersebut jika larutan menjadi terlalu jenuh dengan zat
yang bersangkutan. Kelarutan suatu endapan adalah sama dengan konsentrasi
molar dari larutan jenuhya. Kelarutan bergantung pada berbagai kondisi seperti
tekanan, suhu, konsentrasi bahan lain dan jenis pelarut. (Harjadi E. James, 1993)

Tujuan dari dilakukannya analisa kualitatif adalah untuk memisahkan dan

mengidentifikasi sejumlah unsur atau zat kimia yang terkandung dalam suatu
larutan. Prosedur yang dapat digunakan untuk menguji suatu zat yang tidak
diketahui adalah pertama, membuat sampel yang akan dianalisis dalam bentuk
cairan. Selanjutnya, larutan yang dihasilkan dilakukan uji ion-ion yang mungkin ada.
Untuk menghadapi kesulitan pada saat mengidentifikasi berbagai konsentrasi
dalam suatu campuran untuk ion, biasanya dilakukan pemisahan ion terlebih
dahulu melalui proses pengendapan., selanjutnya dilakukan pelarutan kembali
endapan tersebut. Kemudian dilakukan uji-uji spesifik untuk ion-ion yang akan
diidentifikasi. Uji spesifik dilakukan dengan menambahkan reagen tertentu yang
memberikan endapan berwarna pada larutan yang merupakan karakteristik untuk
ion-ion tertentu. (Underwood, 1992)
Prinsip pokok teknik analisa kualitatif ialah mengolah dan menganalisa data-data
yang terkumpul menjadi data yang sistematik, teratur, terstruktur dan mempunyai
makna. Prosedur analisa data kualitatif dibagi dalam lima langkah, yaitu:

Membuat kategori

Cara ini dilakukan dengan membaca berulang kali data yang ada sehingga
peneliti dapat menentukan data yang sesuai dengan penelitiannya dan
membuang data yang tidak sesuai.

Membuat kategori

Menentukan tema dan pola, langkah kedua adalah menentukan kategori yang
merupakan proses yang cukup rumit karena peneliti harus mempu
mengelompokkan data yang ada ke dalam suatu kategori dengan tema masing-
masing sehingga pola keteraturan data menjadi terlihat secara jelas.

Menguji hipotesa

Menguji hipotesa yang muncul dengan menggunakan data yang ada stelah proses
pembuatan kategori maka peneliti melakukan pengujian kemungkinan
berkembangannya suatu hipotesa dan mengujinya dengan menggunakan data.

Mencari eksplanasi alternatif data

Proses berikutnya adalah peneliti emeberikan keterangan yang masuk akal dengan
data yang ada dan peneliti harus mampu menerangkan data tersebut didasarkan
pada hubungan logika makna yang terkandung dalam data tersebut.

Menulis laporan

Penulisan laporan merupakan bagian analisa kualitatif yang tidak terpisahkan.

Dalam laporan ini peneliti harus mapu menuliskan kata-kata frasa dan kalimat serta
penertian secara tepat yang dapat digunakan untuk mendekripsikan data dan
hasil analisanya. (Brady E. James, 1995).

3.1. Alat dan Bahan

Alat yang digunakan pada percobaan ini ialah tabung reaksi dan rak serta
lampu spiritus. Bahan yang digunakan dalam percobaan ini ialah larutan Pb(NG)2,
Mg(NO3)2, CuSO4, Cr(SO4)3, BaCL2 masing-masing 0,1 M 10 ml. Larutan HCN,
NaOH, HNO3, K2CN4, asam asetat, Na2CO, KI, NH4OH, kafe (NO), CH3COONa,
NH3, (NH4) 2CO3, ammonium oksalat, HCl, H2SO4 masing-masing 0,1 M. Amonia,
kalium ferisianida, kalium ferrosianida.

3.2. Konstanta Fisik dan Tinjauan Keamanan



(˚C)TITIK LELEH (˚C)TINJAUAN KEAMANANNaOH401388323Dapat merusak kulit

BaCL2 208,21560962IritasiCuSO4159,61650200IritasiAmonium oksalat142,2-
70KorosifKalium ferisianida329,2--IritasiKalium ferosianida356,70-70Iritasi mata, kulit
dan dermatitisKalium bikromat294,19>500398Bahaya
(toksik)CoCl2129,841049735Berbahaya jika tertelanFeCl3-230-
KorosifCaCl2110,9>1600782Iritasi selaput lendirMgCl2-100-iritasiAmonium
karbonat96,11-58Toksik, iritasi mata dan kulitTabel 3.1 Konstanta Fisik

3.3. Cara Kerja

3.3.1. Reaksi Pengujian Cu2+

diambil sedikit dan diletakan dalam tabung reaksi

ditambahkan sedikit larutan ammonia

diamati perubahan warnanya

3.3.2. Reaksi Pengujian Ba2+

diambil sedikit dan diletakkan dalam tabung reaksi

ditambah sedikit larutan kalium bikromat

diulangi percobaan dengan menggantikan kalium bikromat dengan asam sulfat


diamati perubahan warnanya

3.3.3. Reaksi Pengujian Ca2+

diambil sedikit dan diletakkan dalam tabung reaksi

ditambah sedikit larutan ammonia 10 %

diulang percobaan dengan menggantikan ammonia dengan ammonium oksalat

diamati perubahan warnanya

3.3.4. Reaksi Pengujian Fe3+

diambil sedikit dan diletakkan dalam tabung reaksi

ditambah sedikit larutan kalium ferrosianida

diamati perubahan warnanya

3.3.5. Reaksi Pengujian Co2+

diambil sedikit dan diletakkan dalam tabung reaksi

ditambah sedikit soda alkali

diamati perubahan warnanya

3.3.6. Reaksi Pengujian Mg2+

diambil sedikit dan diletakkan dalam tabung reaksi

ditambah sedikit larutan NaOH

diamati perubahan warnanya

3.3.7. Reaksi Pengujian Ni2+

diambil sedikit dan diletakkan dalam tabung reaksi

ditambah sedikit larutan ammonia

diamati perubahan warnanya


Chang, Raymond. 2004. Kimia Dasar Edisi ketiga Jilid 1. Jakarta : Erlangga

Barsasella, Diana. 2012. Buku Wajib Kimia Dasar. Jakarta : Trans Info Media

Harjadi. 1993. Ilmu Kimia Analitik Dasar. Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama

E. James, Brady. 1995.Kimia Universitas Jilid 1. Jakarta : Bina Aksara

Al Underwood, dkk. 1992. Analisis Kimia Kuantitatif. Jakarta : Erlangga

Just as soon as the rice is done, we can eat.

3. First, i have to graduate. Then i can return home
As soon as i have graduate, i can return home.
4. Spring will come and the weather will be nice again. Then we can start
m playing tennis every morning before class.
Spring comes and the weather be nice as soon as we can start playing
nnn tennis every morning before class.
5. My roommate walked into the room. Immediately, i knew that
s s something was wrong.
Just as soon as my roommate walked into the room, i knew s o
so s something was wrong.
6. Your english will get better. Then you will begin to feel more comfortable
living in United States.
As soon as your english gets better, you’ll begin to feel more comfortable
ff living in United States.
7. Immediately after the singer finished her song, the audience burst into
Just as soon as the singer finished her song, the audience burst into
nn applause.

8. I’m watching a bassball game on TV, but it will be over in a few minutes.
Then I’ll take out the garbage.
I’m watching a bassball game on TV is over as soon as I’ll take out the
nn garbage.

EXERCISE 15: Using the given information,make a sentence in which you use just
after,just before,or just as.Notice that just a adds the idea of “immediately”
1. I got to the airport at 8:15.My plane left ten minutes later.
I got to the airport just before my plane left.
2. You shouldn’t eat a heavy meal and then go to bed immediately
nn afterwards.
You shouldn’t eat a heavy meal just before go to bed.
3. I went to bed at 11:00.The phone rang at 11:05.
I went to bed just before the phone rang.
4. We were sitting down to eat.At the moment,someone knocked on the
mm door.
Someone knocked on the door just as we were sitting down to eat.
5. I was getting on the bus.At the moment,I remembered that I had left my
mmm briefcase at the home.
I remembered that I had left my briefcase at the home just as I was getting
n on the bus.
6. I got up to give my speech. Immediately before that,I got butterflies in my
mm stomach.
I got butterflies in my stomach just before I got up to give my speech.
7. The guests will come at 7:00. At 6:55, I’ll light the candles.
I’ll light the candles just before the guests will come.
8. I was bending over to pick up my pencil.My pants split.
My pants split just as the guests over to pick up my pencil.

EXERCISE 16: combine the sentences by using after and afterwards, as in the
previous examples. Punctuate carefully.

1. First : I studied.
Then : I went to bed.
 After I studied, I went to bed.
 I went to bed after I studied.
 I studied. Afterwards, i went to bed .
 I studied. I went to bed afterwards.

2. First : we went to the museum.

Then : we had some lunch.
 After we went to the museum, we had some lunch.
 We had some luch after we went to the museum.
 We went to the museum. Afterwards, we had some lunch.
 We went to the museum. We had some lunch afterwards.

3. First : He was in an automobile accident.

Then : He had to walk on crutches for two months.
 After he was in an automobile accident, he had to walk on crutches
for two months.
 He had to walk on crutches for two months after he was in an
automobile accident.
 He was in an automobile accident. Afterwards, he had to walk on
crutches for two months
 He was in an automobile accident. He had to walk on crutches for
two months afterwards.

EXERCISE 17- WRITTEN: Complete the following. Punctuate carefully. Pay special
attention to verb tense usage.
1. Since I came to newyork, I haven’t seen her .
2. Just as I was falling asleep last night, it began to thunder.
3. I’ll help you with you homework as soon as I get my pen.
4. I was late. By the time I got to the airport this afternoon.
5. One of my friends get nervous every time he speaks infront of us.
6. I will be here until I finish my homework.
7. I will study hard as long as I live.
8. I heard news while I was playing piano.
9. One summer/winter comes she will go to the mountain.
10. Just before I went to bus station, the bus left.
11. I have been in my class for an hour By the time I leave, I saw the teacher
12. The last time I went to Paris, I saw Eifel.
13. The next time you come, please knock the door first.
14. I got sleepy after I did my job.
15. I did my job afterwads I got maghrib pray.
16. I had already left when he come here.
17. Whenever I see her, I say hello.
18. Ever since I was a child, I have been play with her.

EXERCICE 18 : Using the given information, make sentences using now that.
1. Peggy used to take the bus to school,but last week she bought a m
car. Now she can drive to school.
Now that Peggy has a car, she can drive to school.
2. You just your sixteenth birthday.Now you can get a driver’s license.
Now that you are sixteenth birthday, you can get a driver’s license.
3. We have to wear warm clothes. It’s winter now.
Now that the winter,we have to wear warm clothes.
4. Bob used to live in the dorm,but a couple of weeks ago he moved n
into an apartment.Now he can cook his own food.
Now that a couple of weeks ago he moved into an apartment, n
Bob can cook his own food.
5. Whew! l’ve finally finished painting the house.Now l can go fishing.
Now that l’ve finally finished painting the house, i can go fishing.
6. I can get a job as a bilingual secreatary. I know English now.
Now that l know English, l can get a job as a bilingual secreatary.
7. My brother got married last month.He’s a married man now,so he n
has more responsibilities.
Now that my brother is a married man, he has more responsibilities.
8. Do you want to go for a walk? The rain has stopped.
Now that the rain has stopped, do you want to go for a walk?
9. It’s been a long, hard week, but final exams are finally over. We can n
Now that the final exam are finally over, we can relax.
10.The civil war has ended. A new government is being formed.
Now that new government is being formed, the civil war has ended.

EXERCISE 19: Complete the following.

1. As long as it’s such a nice day, why don’t we go to the beach?
2. As long as the movie is free, let’s us watch as much as we want.
3. As long as it’s raining, i think i’ll cook some noodles.
4. As long as the coffee is already made, i guess i’ll drink it.
5. As long as you’re here, why don’t we go shopping?
6. As long as you’re up, would you mind to help me tp sweep the s
shhshshs floor?

EXERCISE 20: combine the given ideas byusing since.Also,decide which senteces
might be found in somewhat formal writing and use inasmuch as.
1. Monday is Bob’s birthday. Let’s give him a party.
Since Monday is Bob’s birhtday, let’s give him a party.
2. Monday is a national holiday. All government offices will be closed.
Inasmuch as monday is a national holiday, all government offices n
will be closed.
3. The guys l live with don’t know any Arabic.l have speak English with nbb
Since the guys l live with don’t know any Arabic, l have speak nnnnnn
English with them.
4. Oil is an irreplaceable natural resource.We must do whatever we nn
can in order to conserve it.
Since Oil is an irreplaceable natural resource,we must do whatever nnnn
we can in order to conserve it.

5. Mary, maybe you could help me with this calculus problem. You’re nnnn
a math mayor.
Since you’re a math mayor, you could help me with this calculus nn
6. Many young people move to the cities in search of employment. N
There are few jobs available in the rural areas.
Since there are few jobs available in the rural areas, many young nnnn
people move to the cities in search of employment.

EXERCISE 21-WRITTEN: Complete the following. Punctuate carefully.

1. Now that I finished my homework, i can rest a few days.
2. The teacher didn’t come because she was sick.
3. Since heavy fog is predicted for tonight i decided to stay at home.
4. He was not admitted to the university inasmuch as his lazy.
5. Jack can’t stay out all night with his friends now that he must study n
6. Since we don’t have class tomorrow we are going to the bookstore.
7. Inasmuch as her application arrived after the deadline she can’t m
apply for the university anymore.

EXERCISE 22: Using the ideas given in parentheses, complete the senteces

1. (My parents are generous. ) Because of my parents generosity, all of the

children in our family have received the best of everything.
2. ( The traffic was heavy.) We were late to the meeting due to heavy traffic.
3. ( Bill’s wife is ill.) Bill has to do all of the cooking and cleaning because of his
wife illness.
4. ( Dr.Robinson has done excellent research on wolves.) Due to the fact that Dr.
Robinson has done excellent research on wolves, we know much more today
about that endangered species than we did even five years go.
5. ( It was noisy in the next apartmen.) I couldn’t get to sleep last night because
of the noisy in the next apartmen.
6. ( Circumstances are beyond my control.) Due to the fact that cercumstances
beyond my control, I regret to say that I cannot be present at your daughter’s

Exercise 23 : Restate the sentences using the given transitions. Use three alternative
positions for the transitions, as shown in Chart 8-8. Punctuate carefully.

1. The Children stayed home because a storm was approaching. (use

 A storm was approaching. Therefore, the children stayed home.
 A storm was approaching. The children, therefore, stayed home.
 A storm was approaching. The children stayed home, therefore.
2. I didn’t have my umbrella, so I got wet. (use consequently)
 I didn’t have my Umbrella. Consequently, I got wet.
 I didn’t have my umbrella. I, consequently, got wet.
 I didn’t have my umbrella. I got wet, consequently

Exercise 24: Punctuate the following sentences. Add capital letters if necessary.

1. Adverb Clause : Because it was cold she wore a coat.

: Because it was cold, she wore a coat.
2. Adverb Clause : She wore a coat because it was cold.
: She wore a coat because it was cold.
3. Prepositional Phrase : Because of the cold weather she wore a coat.
: Because if the cold weather, she wore a coat.
4. Prepositional Phrase: She wore a coat because of the cold weather.
: She wore a coat because of the cold weather.
5. Transition : The weather was cold therefore she wore a
: The weather was cold. Therefore, she wore a coat.
6. Transition : The weather was cold she therefore wore a coat.

: The weather was cold. She, therefore, wore a

7. Transition : The weather was cold she wore a coat therefore.
: The weather was cold. She wore a coat, therefore.
8. Conjunction : The weather was cold so she wore a coat.
: The weather was cold. So, she wore a coat.

EXERCISE 25: Punctuate the following sentences. Add capital letters if necessary.

1. Pat always enjoyed studying sciences in high school therefore she

decided to major in biology in college.
 Pat always enjoyed studying sciences in high school. Therefore, she
decided to major in biology in college.

2. Due to recent improvement in the economy fewer people are

 Due to recent improvement in the economy, fewer people are

3. Last night’s storm damaged the power linies consequently the town was
without electricity for several hours.
 Last night’s storm damaged the power linies. Consequently, the town
was without electricity for several hours.

4. Because of the snowstorm only five students came to class the teacher
therefore cancelled the class.
 Because of the snowstorm, only five students came to class. The
teacher, therefore, cancelled the class.

5. Ann always makes numerous spelling mistakes in her compositions

because she does not use a dictionary when she writes.
 Ann always makes numerous spelling mistakes in her compositions
because she does not use a dictionary when she writes.

EXERCISE 26: Using the given words, combine the following two ideas.

We postponed our trip. The weather was bad.

1. because ( We postponed our trip because the weather was bad.

( Because the weather was bad, we postponed our trip.
2. therefore ( The weather was bad. Therefore, we postponed our trip.
( The weather was bad. We, therefore, postponed our trip.
( The weather was bad. We postponed our trip, therefore.

3. Since ( We postponed our trip since the weather was bad.

( Since the weather was bad, we postponed our trip.

4. So ( The weather was bad, so we postponed our trip.

5. Beacuse of ( Because of the weather was bad, we postponed our trip.

( We postponed our trip because of the weather was bad.

EXERCISE 27: Using the given words, combine the following two ideas.

She missed class. She was ill

1. Because of 3. Consequently 5. Due to

2. Because 4. So 6. Therefore

1. Because of she was ill, she missed class.
2. She missed classs because she was ill.
3. She was ill consequently, she missed class.
4. She was ill, so she missed the class.
5. She missed class due to the fact that she was ill
6. She was ill. Therefore, she missed class.

EXERCISE 28 : Combine the following sentences by using so . . . that or such . . . that.

1. This tea is good. I think i’ll have another cup.

( This tea is so good that i think i’ll have another cup.

2. This is good tea. I think i’ll have another cup.

( This is such good tea that i think i’ll have another cup.

3. The car was expensive. We couldn’t afford to buy it.

( The car was so expensive that we couldn’t afford to buy it.

4. It was an expensive car. We couldn’t afford to buy it.

(It was such an expensive car that we couldn’t afford to buy it.

5. I had to wear my wool coat. It was a cold day.

( It was such a cold day that i had to wear my wool coat.
6. The weather was hot. You could fry an egg on the sidewalk.
( The weather was so hot that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.
( it was such hot weather that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.

7. I don’t feel like going to class. We’re having beautiful weather.

( We’re having such beautiful weather that i don’t feel like going to class.

8. Grandpa held me tightly when he hugged me. I couldn’t breathe for a

(Grandpa held me so tightly when he hugged me so i couldn’t breathe for
a moment.

9. I couldn’t understand her. She talked too fast.

( She talked so fast that i couldn’t understand her.

10. The audience booed the actors. It was a bad performance.

( It was such a bad performance that the audience booed the actors.

11. I’ve met too many people in the last few days. I can’t possibly remember
all for their names.
( i’ve met so many people in the last few days. I can’t possibly remember
all for their names.

12. It took us only ten minutes to get there. There was little traffic.
( There was so little traffic that it took us only ten minutes to get there.

13. There were few people at the meeting. It was cancelled.

( It was so cancelled that there were few people at the meeting.

14. The wastepaper basket overflowed. Sally used too much paper when she
was writing her report.
( Sally used so much paper that the wastepaper basket overflowed when
she was writing her report.

EXERCISE 29: Combine the sentences by using so...that or such...that.

1. The classroom has comfortable chair. The students find it easy to fall nn
The classroom has such comfortable chair that the students find it nnn
easy to fall asleep.
2. Ted couldn’t get to sleep last night. He was worried about the exam.
Ted was so worried about the exam that he couldn’t get to sleep nnn
last night.
3. Jerry got angry.He put his fist throught the wall.
Jerry got so angry that he put his fist throught the wall.
4. I have many problems.l can use all the help you can give me.
I have so many problems that l can use all the help you can give nnnn
5. The tornado struck with great force.It lifted automobiles off the nnn
The tornado struck with such great force that it lifted automobiles off nn
the ground.
6. During the summer,we had hot and humid weather, lt was nnnnnn
uncomfortable just sitting in a chair doing nothing.
During the summer, we had such hot and humid weather that lt was nnnn
uncomfortable just sitting in a chair doing nothing.
7. l can’t figure out what this sentence says. His handwriting is illegible.
His handwriting is so illegible that l can’t figure out what this sentence nn
8. David has too many girlfriends. He can’t remember all of their nnn
David has so many girlfriends that he can’t remember all of their
9. Too many people came to the meeting.There were not enought
nnnnnnnseats for everyone.
So many people came to the meeting that there were not enought
nnnnnnnseats for everyone.
10.In some countries, few students are accepted by the universities. As
nnnnnnna result, admission is virtually a guarantee of a good job upon
In some countries, so few students are accepted by the universities
nnnnnnnthat as a result, admission is virtually a guarantee of a good job upon

Exercise 30- ORAL(BOOKS CLOSED): use so…that or such…that.

1. The weather is hot/cold/nice today.

The weather is so hot that I want go to the beach.
2. Mary is a good student.
Mary is such good student that she is diligent.
3. John speaks too softly.
John speaks so softly that she couldn’t hear well.
4. You are tired.
I am so tired that I want fall asleep.
5. On the way to class this morning/afternoon/evening, the traffic was heavy.
On your way to class this morning the traffic was so heavy that I couldn’t
6. The teacher is the one of your classes speaks too fast.
The teacher speaks so fast that we are difficult to understands.
7. Your instructor assigned too much homework.
My instructor was such assigned much homework that I asleep at midnight.
8. You and your husband/wife have a baby. The baby had a high temperature
last night.
I and my wife’s baby was such high temperature that we call doctor to my
home last night.
9. You took a test last week. It was an easy test.
It was such easy test that I took last night.
10. You were home alone last night. You heard a noise. You were frightened.
I was so frightened that I almost standing die in my home when I heard a
noise last night.

11. You went to a movie last night. It was a good movie .

Jawaban: It was such a good movie that you went to a movie last night.

12. Your roommate makes too much noise at night.

Jawaban: There’s so much noise that your roommate makes at night.

13. Yesterday, there were too many students absent due to the flue.

Jawaban: There were so many students that absent due to the flue yesterday.

14. You waited too long to mail your application to the university.

Jawaban: You waited so long to mail that application to that university.

15. Think of a time you were nervous. How nerveous were you?

Jawaban: Think of a time you were so nervous and how worry did that make you?

16. Think of a time you were angry. How angry were you?

Jawaban: Think of a time you were so angry and how mad did that make you?

17. Think of a time you were happy. How happy were you?

Jawaban: Think of a time you were so happy and how exited did that make you?

18. Think of a time you were exhausted. How exhausted were you?

Jawaban: Think of a time you were so exhausted and how tired did that make you?

19. Think of a time you were so surprised . How surprised were you?

Jawaban: Think of a time you were so surprised and how shock did that make you?
20. Think of a time you were unhappy/embrassed/glad/disappointed/sick.

Jawaban: I think of such a unhappy and disappointed time that it makes me cry.

EXERCISE 31: Complete the following.

1. This box is so heavy that i can’t lift it.
2. This box is too heavy (for me) to lift.
3. That car is too expensive (for me) to bought.
4. That car is so expensive that i can’t bought it.
5. The coffee was too hot (for me) to drank.
6. The coffee was so hot that i can’t drank it.
7. It is so dark in here that i can see anything.
8. It is too dark in here (for me) to see anything.

Exercise 32: combine the ideas by using so (that).

1. Please turn down the radio. I want to be able to get to sleep.
Please turn down the radio so that I can get to sleep.
2. My wife turned down the radio. I wanted to be able to get to sleep.
My wife turned down the radio so that I could get to sleep.
3. Put the milk in the refrigator. We want to make sure it won’t (OR doesn’t) spoil.
Put the milk in the refrigator so that it doesn’t spoil.
4. I put the milk in the refrigator. I wanted to make sure it didn’t spoil.
I put the milk in the refrigator so that it wouldn’t spoil.
5. Please be quiet. I want to able to hear what Sharon is saying.
Please be quiet so that I can hear what Sharon is saying.
6. I asked the children to be quiet. I wanted to able to hear what Sharon was
I asked the children be quiet so that I could hear what Sharon said.
7. I’m going to cash a check. I want to make sure that I will have enough
money to go to the market.
I’m going to cash a check so that I will go to the market.
8. I cashed a check yesterday. I wanted to make sure that I had enough money
to go to the market.
I cashed a check so that I would go to the market.
9. Ann and Larry have a six-year-old child. Tonight they’re going to hire a
babysitter. They want to be able to go out with some friends.
Ann and Larry going to hire a babysitter so that they can to able go out.
10. Last week Ann and Larry hired babysitter. They wanted to be able to go to a
dinner party at the home of Larry’s boss.
Ann and Larry hired babysitter so that they could be able to go to dinner
11. Be sure to put the meat in the oven at 5:00. You want to be sure that it will be
(OR is) ready to eat by 6:30.
Be sure to put the meat in oven at 5:00 so that it will be ready on time.
12.Yesterday I put the meat in the oven at 5:00. I wanted it to be ready to eat
by 6:30.
I put the meat in the oven at 5:00 so that it would be ready on time.

EXERCISE 33:combine the ideas by using so(that).

1. l’m going to leave the party early.l want to be able to get a good nnnn
night’s sleep tonight.
I ’m going to leave the party early so (that) l can get a good night’s nnn
sleep tonight.
2. When it started to rain,Harry opened his umbrella.He wanted to be nn
sure he didn’t get wet.
When it started to rain,Harry opened his umbrella so (that) he didn’t nnnn
get wet.
3. lt’s a good idea for you to learn how to type.You’ll be able to type nnn
your own papers when you go to the university.
lt’s a good idea for you to learn how to type so (that) you could nnn
type your own papers when you go to the university.
4. Lynn tied a string around her finger.She wanted to make sure that nn
she didn’t forget to take her book back to the library.
Lynn tied a string around her finger so (that) she didn’t forget to take nnnn
her book back to the library.
5. Ed took some change from his pocked.He wanted to buy a
Ed took some change from his pocked so (that) he could buy a nnnnn
6. The little boy pretended to be sick.He wanted stay home from
The little boy pretended to be sick so (that) he could stay home n
from school.
7. A lot of people were standing in front of me. l stood on my tiptoes. l nn
wanted to see the parade better.
A lot of people were standing in front of me.l stood on my tiptoes so nn
(that) l could see the parade better.
8. l turned on the TV.I wanted to listen to the news while l was making nn
l turned on the TV so (that) I could listen to the news while l was n
making dinner
9. l unplugged the phone.l didn’t want to be interrupted while l was nnnn
l unplugged the phone so (that) l couldn’t interrupt while l was nnnnn

10. Yesterday Linda was driving on the highway when her car started n
making strange noises. After she pulled over to the side of the road, nnn she
raised the hood of her car in order to make sure that orther nn drivers knew
that she had car trouble.
Yesterday Linda was driving on the highway when her car started n
making strange noises. After she pulled over to the side of the road, nn she
raised the hood of her car so (that) orther drivers knew that she nn had car

EXERCISE 34: Complete the following.

1. I’m going to take my camera to the zoo so (that) i could take the n
2. I stayed home last night so (that) i could do my homework.
3. Tommy, keep you pennies in your pocket so (that) we could go n
4. Please be quiet so (that) we could study in peace.
5. You’d better put the put in refrigerator so (that) the foods aren’t nnn
6. I’d better call Jane so (that) i could ask her to go to the mall with
n me.
7. I’m going on a diet so (that) i could be slim.
8. I’ll give you my phone number so (that) don’t forget to call me.
9. She sang a lullaby so (that) the baby didn’t cry.
10. It’s winter. Yesterday i put on two pairs of socks under my boots so n
(that) would make me warm.

EXERCISE 35 : ORAL/WRITTEN: Using the given word, make sentences about youself,
your friend, your famili, you classes, today’s weather, current event in the
world, etc.

1. Now that
( Now that the examination is came, i am studying hard and pray

2. Therefore
( She has little experience. Therefore, she found it difficult to get a job.
( She has little experience. She, therefore, found it difficult to get a job.
( She has little experience. She found it difficult to get a job, therefore.

3. Inasmuch as
( inasmuch as the government plans to solve all of the corruptor
problems, the President cancelled his plans to go to abroad.

4. As(meaning because)
( As my mother had cooking for lunch, i called my neighbours to lunch

5. Consequently.
( Hadana gone to the party. Consequently, she didn’t do her

6. So (meaning therefore)
( Hadana gone to the party, so didn’t do her homework.

7. Since ( meaning because)

( Since she was sick yesterday, she didn’t go to school.

8. As long as (meaning because)

( As long as you not read the book, would you borrow me that book?

9. In order to ( I turned off the AC in order to enable my mom not getting


10. So that ( My brother finished his homework so that he could play a game.

11. So... that ( The test was so difficult that I couldn’t answer some questions.

12. Such... that ( It such a good book that make make me interested.

13. Because ( Because I left for school, I ate breakfast.

14. Because of ( Because of the good weather, we went to the beach.

15. Due to (Due to I’m a muslim, I prayed in a mosque.

16. Due to the fact that ( Due to the fact that is raining, I am not going to
leave my house.

EXERCISE 36: Change the adverb clauses to modifying phrase if possible. Make no
change if the subjects of the two clauses in the sentences are different.

1. While Joe was driving to school yesterday, Joe had an accident.

Jawaban: While driving to school yesterday, Joe had an accident.
2. While I was watching TV last night, the telephone rang ( No change)
3. Before I came to class, I had a cup of coffe. Jawaban:
Before coming to the class, I had a cup of coffe.
4. Before the student came to the class, the teacher had already given a quiz. (
No change)
5. Since I came here, I have learned a lot of English.
Jawaban: Since coming here, I have learned a lot of English.
6. After he(had) finished breakfast, he left the house and went to his office.
Jawaban: After finishing breakfast, he left the house and went to his office.
7. While I was living in Burma last year, I learned many things about Burmese
8. Jennifer looked in the rearview mirror before she drove onto the main road.
9. Since he entered the Institute of Technology , Michael has begun to feel
confident about his future.

10.While i was walking down the street, a car swereved to avoid a dog and
almost drove onto the sidewalk.

EXERCISE 37:change the adverb clauses to modifying phrases if possible.Make no

change if the subjects of the two clauses in the sentence are different.

1. Before l went to Yellowstone Park last summer,l had never seen a nnnn
black bear in the wild.
Before going to Yellowstone Park last summer, l had never seen a nn
black bear in the wild.

2. After she (had) completed her shopping,she went home.

After having completed her shopping, she went home.

3. Alex hurt his back while he was chopping wood.

Alex hurt his back while chopping wood.

4. You should always read a contract before you sign your name.
You should always read a contract before signing your name.

5. After the children get home from school, our house buzzes with their many
activities. (no change)

6. The willsons have experienced many changes in their lifestyle since they
adopted twins.
( The Wilsons have ezperienced many changed in their lifestyle since
adopting twins.

7. While I was trying to get to sleep last night, a mosquito kept buzzing in my ear.
(no change)
8. Before the waiter came to aur table. I had already made up my mind to order
the fried shrimp. (no change)

9. Since i arrived here, i have found an apartment, registered for school,

explored the city, and made some new friends.
Since arriving here, i have found an apartment, registered for school explored
the city, and made some new friends.

10. After i heard Mary describe how cold it gets in Minnesota in the winter, i
decided not to go there for my vacation in January.
After hearing Mary describe how cold it gets in Minnesota in the winter, i
decided not to go there for my vacation in January.

11. While Susan was climbing the mountain, she lost her footing and fell onto a
ledge several feet below.
While climbing the mountain¸ Susan lost her footing and fell onto a ledge
several feet below.

12. Before you ask the librarian for help, you should make every effort to find the
materials yoursefl.
Before asking the librarian for help, you should make every effort to find the
matterials yourself.

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