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Disusun Oleh:
Anugrah Amin Telaumbanua
NIM : 13101074


1. SNI


CBR laboratorium ialah perbandingan antara beban penetrasi suatu bahan

terhadap bahan standar dengan kedalaman dan kecepatan penetrasi yang sama.
CBR laboratorium biasanya digunakan antara lain untuk perencanaan
pembangunan jalan baru dan lapangan terbang. Untuk menentukan nilai CBR
laboratorium harus disesuaikan dengan peralatan dan data hasil pengujian
kepadatan, yaitu Pengujian Pemadatan Ringan Untuk Tanah, (SKBI 3.3.30.
1987/UDC. 624.131.43 (02)) atau Pengujian Pemadatan Berat Untuk Tanah
(SKBI 624.131.53.(02)).

1.1.1. Cara Pengujian

I. Peralatan
i. Mesin penetrasi (loading machine) dilengkapi alat pengukur beban
berkapasitas sekurang-kurangnya 4,45 ton atau 10.000 lb dengan
kecepatan penetrasi sebesar 1,27 mm atau 0,05” per menit.

Gambar 1. Mesin Penetrasi Laboratorium

ii. Cetakan logam berbentuk silinder diameter bagian dalam 152,4 ±
0,6609 mm atau 6” ± 0,0026” dan tinggi 177,8 ± 0,13 mm atau 7” ±
0,005”. Cetakan harus dilengkapi leher sambung dengan tinggi 50,8
mm atau 2,0” dan keping alas logam yang berlubang-lubang dengan
tebal 9,53 mm atau 3/8” dan diameter lubang tidak lebih dari 1,59 mm
atau 1/16”.
iii. Piringan pemisah dari logam (sapacer disc) dengan dimeter 150,8 mm
atau 515/16” dan tebal 61,4 mm atau 2,416”.
iv. Alat penumbuk sesuai dengan cara : Pengujian Pemadatan Ringan
Untuk Tanah, (SKBI 3.3.30. 1987/UDC. 624.131.43 (02)) atau
Pengujian Pemadatan Berat Untuk Tanah (SKBI
v. Alat pengukur pengembangan (swell) yang terdiri dari keping
pengembangan yang berlubang-lubang dengan batang pengatur, tripod
logam, dan arloji peninjuk,

Gambar 2. Peralatan Pengujian CBR

vi. Keping beban dengan berat 2,27 kg (5 lb), diameter 194,2 mm atau
57/8” dengan lubang tengah berdiameter 54,0 mm atau 21/8”.
vii. Torak penetrasi dari logam berdiameter 49,5 mm atau 1,95” luas 1935
mm2 atau 3 inchi2 dan panjang tidak kurang dari 101,6 mm atau 4”.
viii. Dua buah arloji pengukur penetrasi, dengan ketelitian 0,01 mm atau
ix. Peralatan lain seperti talam, alat perata, dan tempat untuk rendam.
x. Alat timbang sesuai cara : Pengujian Pemadatan Ringan Untuk Tanah,
(SKBI 3.3.30. 1987/UDC. 624.131.43 (02)) atau Pengujian Pemadatan
Berat Untuk Tanah (SKBI 624.131.53.(02)).

II. Benda Uji

Benda uji harus dipersiapkan menurut cara : Pengujian Pemadatan Ringan
Untuk Tanah, (SKBI 3.3.30. 1987/UDC. 624.131.43 (02)) atau Pengujian
Pemadatan Berat Untuk Tanah (SKBI 624.131.53.(02)).

i. Ambil contoh kira-kira seberat 5 kg atau lebih untuk tanah

dan 5,5 kg untuk campuran tanah agregat.
ii. Kemudian campur bahan tersebut dengan air sampai kadar air
iii. Pasang cetakan pada keping alas dan timbang. Masukan
piringan pemisah (spacer disc) diatas keping alas dan pasang
kertas saring diatasnya.
iv. Padatkan masing-masing bahan tersebut di dalam cetakan
dengan jumlah tumbukan 10,35 dan 65 dengan jumlah lapis
dan berat penumbuk sesuai cara : Pengujian Pemadatan
Ringan Untuk Tanah, (SKBI 3.3.30. 1987/UDC. 624.131.43
(02)) atau Pengujian Pemadatan Berat Untuk Tanah (SKBI 624.131.53.(02)). Bila benda uji akan
direndam, periksa kadar airnya sebelum dipadatkan. Bila
benda uji tersebut tidak direndam, periksa kadar air dilakukan
setelah benda uji dikeluarkan dari cetakan.
v. Buka leher sambung dan ratakan dengan alat perata. Tambal
lubang-lubang yang mungkin terjadi pada permukaan karena
lepasnya butir-butir kasar dengan bahan yang lebih halus.
Keluarkan piringan pemisah, balikan dan pasang kembali
cetakan berisi benda uji pada keping alas, kemudian timbang.
vi. Untuk pemeriksaan CBR langsung, benda uji ini telah siap
untuk diperiksa. Bila dikehendaki CBR yang direndam
(soaked CBR)harus dilakukan langkah-langkah berikut :
vi.i. Pasang keping pengembangan diatas permukaan benda uji dan
kemudian pasang keping pemberat yang dikehendaki
minimum seberat 4,5 kg atau 10 lb atau sesuai dengan keadaan
beban perkerasan. Rendam cetakan beserta beban didalam air
sehingga air dapat meresap dari atas maupun dari bawah.
Pasang tripod beserta arloji pengukur pengembangan. Catat
pembacaan pertama dan biarkan benda uji selam 4x 24 jam.
Permukaan air selama perendaman harus tetap (kira-kira 2,5
cm diatas permukaan benda uji). Tanah berbutir halus atau
berbutir kasar yang dapat melakukan air lebih cepat dapat
direndam dalam waktu yang lebih singkat sampai pembacaan
arloji tetap. Pada akhir perendaman catat pembacaan arloji
vi.ii. Keluarkan cetakan dari bak air dan miringkan selama 15 menit
sehingga air bebas mengalir habis. Jagalah agar selama
pengeluaran air tersebut permukaan benda uji tidak terganggu.
vi.iii. Ambil beban dari cetakan, kemudian cetakan beserta isinya
ditimbang. Benda uji CBR yang direndam telah siap untuk
dilakukan pengujian.

III. Cara Pengujian

i. Letakan keping pemberat diatas permukaan benda uji seberat

minimal 4,5 kg atau 10 lb atau sesuai dengan perkerasan.
ii. Untuk benda uji yang direndam, beban harus sama dengan
beban yang dipergunakan waktu perendaman. Pertama, letakan
keping pemberat 2,27 kg atau 5 lb untuk mencegah
mengembangnya permukaan benda uji pada bagian lubang
keping pemberat. Pemberatan selanjutnya dipasang setelah
torak disentuhkan pada permukaan benda uji.
iii. Kemudian atur torak penetrasi pada permukaan benda uji
sehingga arloji beban menunjukan beban permulaan sebesar
4,5 kg atau 10 lb. Pembebanan permulaan ini diperlukan untuk
menjamin bidang sentuh yang sempurna antara torak dengan
permukaan benda uji. Kemudian arloji penunjuk beban dan
arloji pengukur penetrasi di-nol-kan.
iv. Berikan pembebanan dengan teratur sehingga kecepatan
penetrasi mendekati kecepatan 1,27 mm/menit atau
0,05”/menit. Catat pembacaan pembebanan pada penetrasi
0,312 mm atau 0,0125”; 0,62 mm atau 0,025”; 1,25 mm atau
0,05”; 0,187 mm atau 0,075”; 2,5 mm atau 0,10”; 3,75 mm
atau 0,15”; 5 mm atau 0,20”; 7,5 mm atau 0,30”; 10 mm atau
0,40”; dan 12,5 mm atau 0,50”.
v. Catat beban maksimum dan penetrasinya bila pembebanan
maksimum terjadi sebelum penetrasi 12,5 mm atau 0,50”.
vi. Keluarkan benda uji dari cetakan dan tentukan kadar air dari
lapisan atas benda uji setebal 25,4 mm atau 1”.
vii. Bila diperlukan kadar air rata-rata maka pengembalian benda
uji untuk kadar air dapat diambil dari seluruh kedalaman.
Benda uji untuk pemeriksaan kadar air sekurang-kurangnya
100 gram untuk tanah berbutir halus atau sekurang-kurangnya
500 gram untuk tanah berbutir kasar.

IV. Perhitungan

i. Pengembangan (swell) ialah perbandingan antara perubahan

tinggi selama perendaman terhadap tinggi benda uji semula,
dinyatakan dalam persen.
ii. Hitung pembebanan dalam kg atau lb, dan gambarkan grafik
beban terhadap penetrasi. Pada beberapa kejadian permulaan,
terdapat keadaan kurva beban cekung akibat dari tidak
keteraturan permukaan atau sebab-sebab lain. Dalam keadaan
ini titik nolnya harus dikoreksi seperti gambar no.3
iii. Dengan menggunakan harga-harga beban yang sudah
dikoreksi pada penetrasi 2,54 mm atau 0,1” dan 50,8 mm atau
0,2” hitung harga CBR dengan cara membagi beban yang
terjadi masing-masing dengan beban standar 70,31 kg/cm2
atau 1000psi dan 105,47 kg/cm2 atau 1500 psi dan kalikan
masing-masing dengan 100. Umumnya harga CBR diambil
pada penetrasi 2,54 mm atau 0,1”. Bila harga yang didapat
pada penetrasi 2,54 mm atau 0,1”, percobaan tersebut harus
diulangi. Apabila percobaan ulangan ini masing tetap
menghasilkan nilai CBR pada penetrasi 5,08 mm atau 0,2”
lebih besar dari nilai CBR pada penetrasi 2,54 mm atau 0,1”,
maka harga CBR diambil pada penetrasi 5,08 mm atau 0,2”.
Bila beban maksimum dicapai pada penetrasi sebelum 5,08
mm atau 0,2” maka harga CBR diambil dari beban maksimum
tersebut dan dibagi dengan beban standar yang sesuai.
V. Pelaporan

Laporan harus mencantumkan hal-hal sebagi berikut :

i. Cara yang dipakai untuk mempersiapkan dan memadatkan
benda uji. Cara B atau D menurut Pengujian Pemadatan
Ringan Untuk Tanah, (SKBI 3.3.30. 1987/UDC. 624.131.43
(02)) atau Pengujian Pemadatan Berat Untuk Tanah (SKBI 624.131.53.(02)).
ii. Keadaan benda uji (direndam atau tidak direndam).
iii. Kepadatan kering benda uji sebelum direndam.
iv. Kepadatan kering benda uji setelah direndam.
v. Kadar air benda uji sebelum dan sesudah pemadatan, masing-
masing dalam persen.
vi. Kadar air setelah perendaman yang diambil dari lapisan atas
benda uji setebal 25,4 mm atau 1” atau rata-rata.
vii. Pengembangan (swell) dalam persen.
viii. Harga CBR (direndam atau tidak direndam) dalam persen.
ix. Harga CBR rencana ditetapkan pada 100 % Pengujian
Pemadatan Ringan Untuk Tanah, (SKBI 3.3.30. 1987/UDC.
624.131.43 (02)) atau Pengujian Pemadatan Berat Untuk
Tanah (SKBI 624.131.53.(02)).


Suatu contoh tanah berbutir halus dibentuk dengan cara mencampur dengan
air sampai sama atau sedikit lebih besar dari batas cairnya . Pasta yang jenuh ini
ditempatkan kedalam suatu cawan yang volumenya ditentukan dan kemudian
dikeringkan secara berlahan-lahan. Berat dan volume akhir tanah ditentukan.
Pengukuran ini digunakan untuk menghitung besaran-besaran tanah yang
kemudian digunakan untuk menentukan faktor faktor susut.

1.2.1. Cara Pengujian

I. Peralatan
i. Cawan penguap dari porselen diameter 150 mm, atau cawan
pencampur dari porselendiameter 115 mm.

Gambar 3. Cawan

ii. Spatula atau pisau pengaduk yang mempunyai mata pisau

panjang 75 mm dan lebar 20 mm.
iii. Cawan dari porselen atau cawan dari metal anti karat diameter
45 mm, tinggi 12,7 mm yang mempunyai dasar rata.
iv. Mistar baja perata panjang 100 mm. 5)
v. Cawan gelas diameter 50 mm, tinggi 25 mm, bagian atas bibir
harus rata dan bidang ratanya harus sejajar dengan dasar
vi. Pelat transparan, dilengkapi dengan tiga buah kaki dari metal
anti karat untuk mencelupkan tanah dalam air raksa.
Permukaan pelat transparan harus cukup luas untuk menutupi
cawan gelas.

Gambar 4. Pelat Transparan

vii. Gelas ukur kapasitas 25 ml dengan pembagian tiap skala 0,2

viii. Timbangan dengan kapasitas minimal 500 gram dengan
ketelitian 0,1 gram.
ix. Air raksa (Hg) secukupnya untuk mengisi cawan gelas sampai
x. Oven pengering dengan kapasitas temperatur ( 110 ± 5) ° C.

II. Contoh dan Benda Uji

i. Ambil contoh dari suatu lokasi yang dibutuhkan untuk uji,
gunakan ASTM Practice C 702 dan ASTM D 75, dan ASTM
Guide D 420, sebagai pedoman untuk pengambilan dan
pemeliharaan, contoh untuk berbagai tipe operasi teknik
pengambilan contoh.
ii. Jika operasi pengambilan contoh dapat menjaga keadaan asli
perlapisan suatu contoh, jaga perlapisan-perlapisan agar tetap
terpisah dan pengujian dapat dilakukan pada perlapisan
tertentu yang diinginkan dengan kemungkinan terkontaminasi
sekecil mungkin dari perlapisan lain. Jika suatu campuran dari
berbagai bahan digunakan dalam konstruksi, kombinasikan
berbagai komponen tersebut dalam suatu porsi yang hasilnya
dapat mewakili kasus kontruksi sesungguhnya.
iii. Jika data dari cara uji ini akan digunakan untuk korelasi
dengan laboratorium lain atau data pengujian lapangan,
gunakan material yang sama sebagai mana digunakan pada
pengujian ini jika memungkinkan.
iv. Dapatkan contoh yang mewakili total, yang cukup dengan
berat kira-kira 150 sampai 200 g material lolos saringan No.40
(425-μm). Campurkan contoh dalam suatu wadah dengan
spatula atau takaran dan takaran harus mewakili porsi dari
keseluruhan massa tanah.
v. Benda uji didapat dari contoh tanah yang tidak terganggu atau
contoh tanah terganggu yang lolos saringan No.40 (425-μm)
kira-kira 30 g dan dipersiapkan sesuai dengan SNI 03 – 1975 –
1990 atau ASTM D421 atau ASTM D2217.
vi. Jumlah benda uji minimal 3 (tiga) buah untuk setiap contoh
yang di uji.

III. Prosedur Uji

i. Tempatkan contoh dalam cawan pencampur diameter 115 mm
dan campur dengan air suling sehingga contoh tanah jenuh dan
tidak terdapat lagi gelembung-gelembung udara, aduk sampai
menjadi pasta dan cetak. Kadar air yang dlbutuhkan sama
dengan atau lebih besar sedikit dari kadar air batas cair.
ii. Lapisi bagian dalam dari cawan diameter 45 mm dan tinggi
12,7 mm dengan vaselin untuk mencegah tanah menempel
pada dinding cawan. Tempatkan contoh tanah di tengah-tengah
cawan sebanyak 1/3 bagian volume cawan dan ketuk-ketuk
perlahan-lahan sampai tanah menyentuh dinding cawan. Isi
lagi cawan dengan contoh sebanyak 1/3 bagian dan ketuk-
ketuk kembali. Terakhir cawan diisi kembali sampai melebihi
isi cawan dan ketukan dilanjutkan kembali sampai cawan
secara keseluruhan penuh dan bagian tanah yang mencuat
diratakan dengan mistar baja perata dan tanah yang menempel
pada tepi cawan dibersihkan.
iii. Timbang dan catat berat contoh tanah basah dan cawan.
iv. Biarkan contoh tanah dalam suhu kamar sampai warnanya
berubah dari gelap menjadi Iebih terang, dan selanjutnya
masukkan dalam oven sampai kering atau berat menjadi
konstan pada temperatur (110 ± 5)°C minimal 16 jam.
v. Timbang dan catat berat contoh tanah kering dan cawan dan
kemudian keluarkan tanah dari cawan tersebut.
vi. Ukur volume cawan dengan rnenuangkan air raksa pada cawan
sampai penuh rata permukaan. Tuang air raksa dalam cawan
tersebut kedalam gelas ukur dan tentukan volume cawan
tersebut (V). Volume cawan dapat ditentukan dengan cara
menimbang air raksa ke 0.1 g terdekat dengan menggunakan
rumus V = W/ γhg , dimana W adalah berat air raksa dalam
gram dan γhg = 13,5 g/ml kepadatan air raksa, dan V adalah
volume cawan.
vii. Tempatkan cawan gelas diameter 50 mm, tinggi 25 mm
kedalam cawan penguap diameter 150 mm dan isi cawan gelas
dengan air raksa sampai penuh rata permukaan. Celupkan
contoh tanah kering kedalam cawan gelas periahan-lahan dan
tutup cawan gelas dengan pelat transparan dan tekan sehingga
kelebihan air raksa akan tumpah.
viii. Tuang air raksa yang tumpah kedalam gelas ukur yang
menunjukkan volume tanah kering (Vo). Volume tanah kering
dapat ditentukan dengan menimbang air raksa yang tumpah
sampai 0,1 gram terdekat dan dihitung volume dalam ml
dengan menggunakan rumus V0 = W / γhg , dimana W, berat
air raksa yang tumpah dan γhg =13,5 g/ml adalah kepadatan
air raksa.
ix. Hitung kadar air, penyusutan dan batas susut , faktor susut,
perubahan volume, dan susut linier dengan menggunakan
rumus - rumus (1), (2), (3a), (3b), (4), (5) dan (6).

IV. Perhitungan

i. Perhitungan Kadar Air

Kadar air tanah yang berada dalam cawan dinyatakan dalam persentase dari
berat kering tanah, dihitung sebagai berikut :

dengan :
w adalah kadar air tanah yang berada didalam cawan, dinyatakan dalam persen
W adalah berat tanah basah adalah berat tanah basah dan cawan dikurangi
dengan berat cawan, dinyatakan dalam gram (g)
Wo adalah berat tanah kering adalah berat tanah kering dan cawan dikurangi
berat cawan, dinyatakan dalam gram (g)

ii. Perhitungan batas susut

Batas susut , S, dapat dihitung dari data yang dihasilkan pada penentuan
perubahan volume susut dengan rumus sebagai berikut :
dengan :
S adalah batas susut, dinyatakan dalam persen (%)
w adalah kadar air, dinyatakan dalam persen (%)
V adalah volume basah benda uji, dinyatakan dalam sentimeter kubik (cm3)
V0 adalah volume kering oven benda uji, dinyatakan dalam sentimeter kubik
W0 adalah berat kering oven benda uji, dinyatakan dengan gram (g)
Sebagai alternatif, bila berat jenis G dan rasio susut R didapat maka batas susut
dapat dihitung dengan rumus berikut :

dengan :
S adalah batas susut tanah, dinyatakan dalam persen (%)
R adalah rasio Susut
G adalah berat jenis contoh tanah

Berat jenis dapat dihitung dengan rumus pendekatan berikut :

dengan :
G adalah berat jenis contoh tanah
W0 adalah berat tanah kering, dinyatakan dalam gram (g)
V adalah volume tanah basah contoh, dinyatakan dalam sentimeter kubik
γw adalah berat isi air, dinyatakan dalam (g/cm3)
Ww adalah berat contoh tanah basah, dinyatakan dalam gram (g)
Perhitungan kadar air tanah sampai dengan 0,1 persen terdekat

iii. Perhitungan rasio susut

Rasio susut, R, dapat dihitung dari data yang dihasilkan pada penentuan
susut volume (perubahan volume dengan rumus berikut :
dengan :
R adalah rasio susut
W0 adalah berat kering oven benda uji (gram)
V0 adalah volume kering oven benda uji (cm3)
Perhitungan faktor susut sampai dengan 0,1 terdekat

iv. Perhitungan volume susut (perubahan volume)

Perhitungan volume susut (perubahan volume), VC, dapat dihitung dari data
yang dihasilkan dari penentuan perubahan volume susut dengan rumus berikut :

dengan :
VC adalah volume susut (perubahan volume), dinyatakan dalam persen (%)
w adalah kadar air awal atau kadar air semula
Perhitungan perubahan volume sampai dengan 0,1 persen terdekat

v. Perhitungan susut linier

Susut linier , LS, dapat dihitung balk dengan menggunakan rumus berikut :

atau dengan menggunakan kurva, yang menyatakan hubungan diatas

V. Laporan Uji

Laporan pengujian dicatat dalam formulir yang tersedia dengan

mencantumkan ikwal sebagai
berikut :
i. Identitas contoh (asli, tidak asli)
− nomor contoh;
− nama contoh;
− jumlah contoh;
− nama pekerjaan;
− tanggal pegujian;
ii. Laboratorium yang melakukan pengujian

− nama teknisi penguji;

− nama penanggung jawab penguji;
− tanggal pengujian;
− hasil pengujian;
− kelainan dan kegagalan selama pengujian;
− catat kadar air, berat jenis, dan volume benda uji mula-mula
− hasil pengujian batas susut;

Water is present in most naturally occurring soils. The amount of water,

expressed as a proportion by mass of the dry solid particles, known as the
moisture content, has a-profound effect on soil behaviour. In this context a soil is
‘dry’ when no further water can be removed at a temperature not exceeding 110
Moisture content is required as a guide to classification of natural soils and
as a control criterion in recompacted soils and is measured on samples used for
most field and laboratory tests. The oven-drying method is the definitive
procedure used in standard laboratory practice.
NOTE. In some situations, for example in the field control of earthworks, a
rapid method of measurement of moisture content may be required and a number
of rapid methods are available. e.g. the send bath method, the microwave oven-
drying method end the calcium carbide method. lt should not be assumed that
these methods are a ppropriate for all soil types and when they are used one
particular soil some tests should also be carried out using the oven drying method
as a check. A procedure for determining the moisture content at full saturation of
chalk is described.

2.1.1. Oven Drying Method

I. General

This method covers the determination of the moisture content of a specimen

of soil as a percentage of its dry mass. The requirements of Part 1 of this standard,
where appropriate, shall apply to this test method.
II. Apparatus
i. A drying oven,capable of maintaining a temperature of 105 ºC to 110 ºC.
NOTE. A microwave oven should not be used for the determination of
moisture content by the definitive method for soils containing clay or
organic matter because of the difficulty of ensuring that the tempereture of
the soil does not exceed 1100C before all the water is removed; higher
temperatures than this can alter the properties of clay material.
ii. For fine-grained soils:

- A glass weighing bottle, fitted with a ground glass stopper or cap, or a

suitable airtight corrosion-resistant metal
- A balance readable to 0.01 g.
- A desiccator containing anhydrous silica gel. NOTE It is preferable to
use self-indicating silica gel as the desiccant. Calcium chloride should
not be used as it is known that many clays when oven dry are capable of
absorbing water from it.
iii. For medium-grained soils
- A corrosion-resistant container of about 500 g capacity.
- A balance readable to 0.1 g.
- A scoop of suitable size.
iv. For coarse-grained soils
- A corrosion-resistant container of about 4 kg capacity.
- A balance readable to 1 g.
- A scoop of suitable size.
III. Procedure
i. For fine-grained soils
- Clean and dry the weighing bottle or metal container and weigh it to the
nearest 0.01 g (ml). Take a sample of at least 30 g of soil, crumble and
place loosely in the container or weighing bottle, and replace the lid or
stopper. Than weigh the container or bottle and contents to the nearest
0.01 g (m2).
- Remove the lid or stopper, and place the container or bottle with its lid
and contents in the oven and dry at 105 ºC to 110 ºC. The period
required for drying will vary with the type of soil and the size of sample
but the sample shall be deemed to be dry when the differences in
successive weighings of the cooled sample (see and
at intervals of 4 h do not exceed 0.1% of the original mass of the sample.
Do not replace the lid or stopper while the sample is in the oven. NOTE
1. Certain soils contain gypsum which on heating loses its water of
crvstallization. The moisture content determined by this method will be
effected by spproximately 0.2 % for each 1 % of gypsum. if it is
suspected that gypsum is present in the soil the moisture content samples
should be dried at no more then 80 ºC end possibly for a longer time.
The presence of gypsum can be identified bv hosting a small quantity of
soil on a metal plate. Grains of gypsum will turn white within a few
minutes, whereas most other mineral grains remain unaltered. NOTE 2.
Between 16 h and 24 h is usually a sufficient length of time for drying
most soils, but certain soil types and large or very wet samples will
require longer. The drying time will also depend on the amount of
material in the oven and may be confirmed by trial tests.
- After drying, remove the container or bottle and contents from the oven
and place the whole in the desiccator to cool. NOTE. If the lids of the
containors fit wall and it is unlikely that the samples are to be left for a
oonsiderable time before weighing. The samples need not be placedi in
the desiccator to cool, unless glass
weighing bottles with ground glass stoppers have been used.
- Replace the lid and then weigh the container or bottle and contents to the
nearest 0.01 g (m3).
ii. For medium-grained soils
- Clean and dry the container and weigh it to the nearest 0.1 g (ml). Take a
sample of at least 300 g of soil, crumble and place loosely in the
container, and replace the lid. Then weigh the container and contents to
the nearest 0.1 9 Im2).
- Remove the lid and place the container and contents in the oven and dry
at 105 ºC to 110 ºC (see note 1 to The period required for
drying will vary with the type of soil, the size of sample and the number
of samples in the oven but the sample shall be deemed to be dry when
the differences in successive weighings of the cooled sample (see and at intervals of 4 h do not exceed 0.1 % of the
original mass of the soil (see note 2 to Do not replace the lid
while the sample is in the oven.
- After drying, replace the lid and allow the whole to cool.
- Weigh the container and contents to the nearest 0.1 g bb).
iii. For coarse-grained soils
- Clean and dry the container and weigh it to the nearest 1 g (ml). Take a
sample of at least 3 kg of soil, place loosely in the container and replace
the lid. Weigh the container and contents to the nearest 1 g (m&.
- Remove the lid and place the container and contents in the oven and dry
at 105 ºC to 110 ºC (see note 1 to The period for drying will
vary with the type of soil and the size of the sample but the sample shall
be deemed to be dry when the differences in successive weighings of the
cooled sample (see and at intervals of 4 h do not
exceed 0.1 % of the original mass of the soil (see note 2 to Do
not replace the lid while the sample is in the oven.
- After drying, replace the lid and allow the whole to cool.
- Weigh the container and contents to the nearest 1 g ha.

IV. Calculations and expression of results( See form 2.A of appendix A.)

Calculate the moisture content of the soil specimen, w, as a percentage of

the dry soil mesa to the nearest 0.1%. from the equation:

ml is the mare of container (in g);
m2 is the mass of container and wet soil (in g);
ms is the mass of container and dry roil (in g).
NOTE 1. If the moisture content is to be related to the Atterberg limits, e.g.
for determining the liquidity index, and the soil contains material retained on a
425 μm sieve, the measured moisture content, w(in %), can be corrected to give
the equivalent moisture content, w, (in %), of the fraction passing the 425 pm
sieve using the equation:
p, is the percentage by dry mass of the portion of the soil sample passing the
425 Pm test sieve, determined as specified in 4.2.4 and 4.2.5.
If the particles retaned on the 425 μm sieve are porous and absorb water, the
amount of absorption should be determined end the value of w. calculated from
the equation.

w, is the moisture content of the fraction retained on the 425 μm test
NOTE 2. The presence of dissolved salts in saline water gives en incorrect
value of moisturecontent. For these soils the ’fluidcontent’ is more appropriate,
i.e. the mass of pore fluid (water plus salts) per unit dry mass of soil particles.
This can be calculated from the measured moisture content, w(in %), by the
following two ways.
(a) If the proportion by mass of salt in the fluid is known (p parts per thousand
(ppt), i.e. pin mg of salt per g of fluid), the fluid content, m (in %), by mass is
calculated from the equation:

(b) If the salt content is known in terms of volume (qin g of salt per litre of
fluid),the density of the fluid,~5n fvt9/m3), also needs to be known. The fluid
content (in %) by volume can then be calculated from the equation:
In sea water having a density of 1.024 Mg/m3 and containing a salt
concentration of 35 ppt by mass, the difference between the fluid content and the
conventional moisture content, expressed as a percentage, is about 3 %. The
difference increases with increasing moisture content. If the salt concentration in
the water is not known it can be determined by the method given in clause 8 of BS
1377 : Part 3: 1990. Express the moisture content of the soil for values up to 10 %
to two significant figures. For moisture contents above 10 % express the result to
the nearest whole number.

V. Test Report

Test report. The test report shall affirm that the teat was carried out in
accordancewith BS 1377 : Part2 : 1990 and shell contain the following
(a) the method of test used;
(b) the moisture content;
(c) the temperature at which the soil was dried, if less than 105°C;
(d) the comparison with Atterberg limits, if required (see note 1 to 3.2.4);
(e) the fluid content, if appropriate (see note 2 to 3.2.4);
(f) the information required by clause 8 of BS 1377:Part 1:1990.

2.2. DETERMINATION OF LIQUID LIMIT (BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990)

The liquid limit is the empirically established moisture oontent at which a

soil passes from the liquid state to the plastic state. It provides a means of
classifying a soil, especially when the plastic limit (see clause 5) is also known.
Two main types of test are specified. The first is the cone penetrometer
method, which is fundamentally more satisfactory than the alternative because it
is essentially a static test depending on soil shear strength. lt is also easier to
perform and gives mom mproducible results. The second is the much earlier
Cassgranda type of test which has been used for many years as a basis for soil
classification and correlation of engineering properties. This test introduces
dynamic effects and is more susceptible to discrepancies between operators.
For both types of test an alternative rapid 'one-point' procedure is given,
which may give less accurate results. The method of sample preparation is the
same for all of these test.

2.2.1. Cone Penetrometer Method (Definitive Method)

I. General

This method covers the determination of the liquid limit of a sample of soil
in its natural state, or of a sample of soil from which material retained on a 425
mm test sieve has bean removed.
NOTE. The method using the cone penetrometer is preferred to that
employing the Casagrande apparatus (see 4.5), as the test is both easier to carry
out and is capable of giving more reproducible results. The cone penetrometer
apparatus is easier to maintain in correct adjustment and the test procedure is less
dependant on the judgement of the operator. The results obtained with the cone
penetrometer may differ slightly from those with the Casagrande apparatus but in
most cases up to a liquid limit of 100 these differences wilI not be significant and
will be less than the normal variations likely to be obtained using the Casagrande
The requirements of Part 1 of this standard, where appropriate shall apply to
this test method.
II. Apparatus

i. A flat, glass plate, of which a convenient size is 10 mm thick and about

500 mm square.
ii. Two palette knives or spatulas,
iii. A penetrometer as used in bituminous material testing complying with
BS 2000 : Part 49.
iv. A cone of stainless steel or duralumin approximately 35 mm long, with a
smooth, polished surface and an angle of 30 ± 10 . To ensure that the
point remains sufficiently sharp for the purpose8 of the test, the cone
shall be replaced if, aftercontinued use the point can no longer be felt
when brushed lightly with the tip of the finger when the tip of the cone is
pushed through a hole 1 .5 ± 0.02 mm in diameter, bored through a metal
plate 1.75 ± 0.1 mm thick. The mars of the cone together with itssliding
shaft shall be 80.00 ± 0.1 g (see flgure 1). NOTE. The effect of surface
roughness is more significant than small variations in cone angle or
bluntness of the tip,
v. One or more metal cups (55 ±2) mm in diameter and (40 ± 2) mm deep
with the rim parallel to the flat base. An evaporating dish, of about 150
mm diameter.
vi. Apparatus for moisture content determination of fine grained soils as
specified in 3.2.2.
vii. A wash bottle or beaker, containing distilled water complying with 5.1 of
Part 1 of this standard.
viii. A corrosion-resistant airtight container.
ix. A metal straightedge about 100 mm long or astraight-bladed spatula.
x. A stopclock or stopwatch readable to 1s.

III. Procedure
i. Lake a sample of about 300 g from the soil paste prepared as specified in
4.2.3 (natural condition) or 4.2.4 (sieved soil) and place it on the glass
ii. Mix the paste for at least 10 min using the two palette knives. If
necessary add more distilled water w that the first cone penetration
reading is about 15 mm. NOTE. Some soils, e.g. days of high plasticlty
and residual soils, may require upto 40 min of continuous mixing
immediately before testing to obtain reliable results. If in doubt
comparative tests should be carried out.
iii. Push a portion of the mixed soil into the cup with a palette knife taking
care not to trap air. Strike off excess soil wlth the straightedge to give a
smooth level surface.
iv. With the penetration cone locked in the raised position lower the
supporting assembly so that the tip of the cone just touches the surface of
the soil. When the cone is in the correct position a slight movement of the
cup will just mark the soil surface. Lower the stem of the dial gauge to
contact the cone shaft and record the reading of the dial gauge to the
nearest 0.1 mm.
v. Release the cone for a period of 5 ± 1 s. If the apparatus is not fitted with
an automatic release and locking device take care not to jerk the
apparatus during this operation. After locking the cone in position lower
the stem of the dial gauge to contact the cone shaft and record the reading
of the dial gauge to the nearest 0.1 mm. Record the difference between
the beginning and end of the drop as the cone penetration.
vi. Lift out the cone and dean it carefully to avoid scratching.
vii. Add a little more wet soil to the cup, taking care not to trap air, make the
surface smooth as in and repast to
viii. If the difference between the first and second penetration readings is not
more than 0.5 mm record the average of the two penetrations and proceed
ix. If the second penetration is more than 0.5 mm and less than 1 mm
different from the first, carry out a third test. If the overall range is then
not more than 1 mm record the average of the three penetrations and
proceed to If the overall range is more than 1 mm remove the soil
from the cup, remix and repeat to until consistent result8
are obtained and then proceed to
x. Take a moisture content sample of about 10 g from the area penetrated by
the cone and determine the moisture content as specified in 3.2
xi. Repeat to at least three more times using the same sample
of soil to which further increment8 of distilled water have been added.
Proceed from the drier to the wetter condition of the soil. The amount of
water added shall be such that a range of penetration values of
approximately 15 mm to25 mm is covered by the four or more test runs
and is evenly distributed. Each time soil is removed from the cup for the
addition of water, wash and dry the cup.
xii. If at any time during the above procedure the soil has to be left for a
while on the glass plate cover the soil with the evaporating dish or a
damp cloth to prevent the soil drying out.

IV. Calculations and expression of results (See form 2.C of appendix A).
i. Calculate the moisture content of each test specimen as specified in 3.2.
ii. Plot the relationship between moisture content and cone penetration with
the percentage moisture contents as abscissae and the cone pentrations as
ordinates, both on linear scales.
iii. Draw the best straight line fitting the plotted points.
iv. From the linear graph read off the moisture content corresponding to a
cone penetration of 20 mm to one decimal place.
v. Express the moisture content corresponding to a cons penetration of 20
mm to the nearest whole number and report it as the liquid limit (~1 of
the soil sample.
vi. Express the percentage of material passing the 425 pm test sieve correct
to the nearest whole number 9see 4.2.5).

V. Test Report

The test report shall affirm that the test was carried out in accordance with
BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990 and shall contain the following information:
(a) the method of test used;
(b) the liquid limit;
(c) the percentage of material retained on the 425 pm test sieve;
(d) the history of the material, e.g. whether tested in the
natural date, or after wet sieving or after eny other process;
(e) the information required by clause 9 of BS 1377 :
Part 1 : 1990.

This test method describes the procedure, generally known as the Standard
Penetration Test (SPT), for driving a split-barrel sampler to obtain a representative
soil sample and a measure of the resistance of the soil to penetration of the
3.1.1. Test Method
I. Apparatus
i. Drilling Equipment—Any drilling equipment that provides at the time of
sampling a suitably clean open hole before insertion of the sampler and
ensures that the penetration test is performed on undisturbed soil shall be
acceptable. The following pieces of equipment have proven to be suitable
for advancing a borehole in some subsurface conditions.
- Drag, Chopping, and Fishtail Bits, less than 6.5 in. (162 mm) and
greater than 2.2 in. (56 mm) in diameter may be used in conjuction with
open-hole rotary drilling or casingadvancement drilling methods. To
avoid disturbance of the underlying soil, bottom discharge bits are not
permitted; only side discharge bits are permitted.
- Roller-Cone Bits, less than 6.5 in. (162 mm) and greater than 2.2 in. (56
mm) in diameter may be used in conjunction with open-hole rotary
drilling or casingadvancement drilling methods if the drilling fluid
discharge is deflected.
- Hollow-Stem Continuous Flight Augers, with or without a center bit
assembly, may be used to drill the boring. The inside diameter of the
hollow-stem augers shall be less than 6.5 in. (162 mm) and greater than
2.2 in. (56 mm).
- Solid, Continuous Flight, Bucket and Hand Augers, less than 6.5 in.
(162 mm) and greater than 2.2 in. (56 mm) in diameter may be used if
the soil on the side of the boring does not cave onto the sampler or
sampling rods during sampling.
ii. Sampling Rods—Flush-joint steel drill rods shall be used to connect the
split-barrel sampler to the drive-weight assembly. The sampling rod shall
have a stiffness (moment of inertia) equal to or greater than that of
parallel wall “A” rod (a steel rod which has an outside diameter of 15⁄8
in. (41.2 mm) and an inside diameter of 11⁄8 in. (28.5 mm). NOTE 2—
Recent research and comparative testing indicates the type rod used, with
stiffness ranging from “A” size rod to “N” size rod, willusually have a
negligible effect on the N-values to depths of at least 100 ft (30 m).
iii. Split-Barrel Sampler—The sampler shall be constructed with the
dimensions indicated in Fig. 2. The driving shoe shall be of hardened
steel and shall be replaced or repaired when it becomes dented or
distorted. The use of liners to produce a constant inside diameter of 13⁄8
in. (35 mm) is permitted, but shall be noted on the penetration record if
used. The use of a sample retainer basket is permitted, and should also be
noted on the penetration record if used. NOTE 3—Both theory and
available test data suggest that N-values may increase between 10 to 30
% when liners are used.

iv. Drive-Weight Assembly:

- Hammer and Anvil—The hammer shall weigh 140 6 2 lb (63.5 6 1 kg)
and shall be a solid rigid metallic mass. The hammer shall strike the
anvil and make steel on steel contact when it is dropped. A hammer fall
guide permitting a free fall shall be used. Hammers used with the
cathead and rope method shall have an unimpeded overlift capacity of at
least 4 in. (100 mm). For safety reasons, the use of a hammer assembly
with an internal anvil is encouraged. NOTE 4—It is suggested that the
hammer fall guide be permanently marked to enable the operator or
inspector to judge the hammer drop height.
- Hammer Drop System—Rope-cathead, trip, semiautomatic, or automatic
hammer drop systems may be used, providing the lifting apparatus will
not cause penetration of the sampler while re-engaging and lifting the
v. Accessory Equipment—Accessories such as labels, sample containers,
data sheets, and groundwater level measuring devices shall be provided
in accordance with the requirements of the project and other ASTM

II. Drilling Procedures

i. The boring shall be advanced incrementally to permit intermittent or
continuous sampling. Test intervals and locations are normally stipulated
by the project engineer or geologist. Typically, the intervals selected are
5 ft (1.5 mm) or less in homogeneous strata with test and sampling
locations at every change of strata.
ii. Any drilling procedure that provides a suitably clean and stable hole
before insertion of the sampler and assures that the penetration test is
performed on essentially undisturbed soil shall be acceptable. Each of the
following procedures have proven to be acceptable for some subsurface
conditions. The subsurface conditions anticipated should be considered
when selecting the drilling method to be used.
- Open-hole rotary drilling method.
- Continuous flight hollow-stem auger method.
- Wash boring method.
- Continuous flight solid auger method.
iii. Several drilling methods produce unacceptable borings. The process of
jetting through an open tube sampler and then sampling when the desired
depth is reached shall not be permitted. The continuous flight solid auger
method shall not be used for advancing the boring below a water table or
below the upper confining bed of a confined non-cohesive stratum that is
under artesian pressure. Casing may not be advanced below the sampling
elevation prior to sampling. Advancing a boring with bottom discharge
bits is not permissible. It is not permissible to advance the boring for
subsequent insertion of the sampler solely by means of previous
sampling with the SPT sampler.
iv. The drilling fluid level within the boring or hollow-stem augers shall be
maintained at or above the in situ groundwater level at all times during
drilling, removal of drill rods, and sampling.

III. Sampling & Testing Procedure

i. After the boring has been advanced to the desired sampling elevation and
excessive cuttings have been removed, prepare for the test with the
following sequence of operations.
- Attach the split-barrel sampler to the sampling rods and lower into the
borehole. Do not allow the sampler to drop onto the soil to be
- Position the hammer above and attach the anvil to the top of the
sampling rods. This may be done before the sampling rods and
sampler are lowered into the borehole.
- Rest the dead weight of the sampler, rods, anvil, and drive weight on
the bottom of the boring and apply a seating blow. If excessive
cuttings are encountered at the bottom of the boring, remove the
sampler and sampling rods from the boring and remove the cuttings.
- Mark the drill rods in three successive 6-in. (0.15-m) increments so
that the advance of the sampler under the impact of the hammer can be
easily observed for each 6-in. (0.15-m) increment.
ii. Drive the sampler with blows from the 140-lb (63.5-kg) hammer and
count the number of blows applied in each 6-in. (0.15-m) increment until
one of the following occurs:
- A total of 50 blows have been applied during any one of the three 6-
in. (0.15-m) increments described in 7.1.4.
- A total of 100 blows have been applied.
- There is no observed advance of the sampler during the application of
10 successive blows of the hammer.
- The sampler is advanced the complete 18 in. (0.45 m) without the
limiting blow counts occurring as described in 7.2.1, 7.2.2, or 7.2.3.
iii. Record the number of blows required to effect each 6 in. (0.15 m) of
penetration or fraction thereof. The first 6 in. isconsidered to be a seating
drive. The sum of the number of blows required for the second and third
6 in. of penetration is termed the “standard penetration resistance,” or the
“N-value.” If the sampler is driven less than 18 in. (0.45 m), as permitted
in 7.2.1, 7.2.2, or 7.2.3, the number of blows per each complete 6-in.
(0.15-m) increment and per each partial increment shall be recorded on
the boring log. For partial increments, the depth of penetration shall be
reported to the nearest 1 in. (25 mm), in addition to the number of blows.
If the sampler advances below the bottom of the boring under the static
weight of the drill rods or the weight of the drill rods plus the static
weight of the hammer, this information should be noted on the boring
iv. The raising and dropping of the 140-lb (63.5-kg) hammer shall be
accomplished using either of the following two methods:
- By using a trip, automatic, or semi-automatic hammer drop system
which lifts the 140-lb (63.5-kg) hammer and allows it to drop 30 6 1.0
in. (0.76 m 6 25 mm) unimpeded.
- By using a cathead to pull a rope attached to the hammer. When the
cathead and rope method is used the system and operation shall
conform to the following:
 The cathead shall be essentially free of rust, oil, or grease and
have a diameter in the range of 6 to 10 in. (150 to 250 mm).
 The cathead should be operated at a minimum speed of
rotation of 100 RPM, or the approximate speed of rotation
shall be reported on the boring log.
 No more than 21⁄4 rope turns on the cathead may be used
during the performance of the penetration test, as shown in
Fig. 1. NOTE 5—The operator should generally use either 13⁄4
or 21⁄4 rope turns, depending upon whether or not the rope
comes off the top (13⁄4 turns) or the bottom (21⁄4 turns) of the
cathead. It is generally known and accepted that 23⁄4or more
rope turns considerably impedes the fall of the hammer and
should not be used to perform the test. The cathead rope
should be maintained in a relatively dry, clean, and unfrayed
 For each hammer blow, a 30-in. (0.76-m) lift and drop shall be
employed by the operator. The operation of pulling and
throwing the rope shall be performed rhythmically without
holding the rope at the top of the stroke.
v. Bring the sampler to the surface and open. Record the percent recovery
or the length of sample recovered. Describe the soil samples recovered as
to composition, color, stratification, and condition, then place one or
more representative portions of the sample into sealable moisture-proof
containers (jars) without ramming or distorting any apparent
stratification. Seal each container to prevent evaporation of soil moisture.
Affix labels to the containers bearing job designation, boring number,
sample depth, and the blow count per 6-in. (0.15-m) increment. Protect
the samples against extreme temperature changes. If there is a soil
change within the sampler, make a jar for each stratum and note its
location in the sampler barrel.
IV. Report
i. Drilling information shall be recorded in the field and shall include the
- Name and location of job,
- Names of crew,
- Type and make of drilling machine,
- Weather conditions,
- Date and time of start and finish of boring,
- Boring number and location (station and coordinates,
- if available and applicable),
- Surface elevation, if available,
- Method of advancing and cleaning the boring,
- Method of keeping boring open,
- Depth of water surface and drilling depth at the time of a noted loss of
drilling fluid, and time and date when reading or notation was made,
- Location of strata changes,
- Size of casing, depth of cased portion of boring,
- Equipment and method of driving sampler,
- Type sampler and length and inside diameter of barrel (note use of
- Size, type, and section length of the sampling rods, and
- Remarks.
ii. Data obtained for each sample shall be recorded in the field and shall
include the following:
- Sample depth and, if utilized, the sample number,
- Description of soil,
- Strata changes within sample,
- Sampler penetration and recovery lengths, and
- Number of blows per 6-in. (0.15-m) or partial increment.

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