Anda di halaman 1dari 16


Part I. Listening Pictures (Gambar Orang atau Benda)

Pada bagian ini anda akan melihat beberapa gambar dalam soal dan mendengarkan empat pertanyaan pendek
selanjutnya anda akan diminta untuk menjawab pernyataan yang paling tepat untuk menjelaskan gambar
Strategi Menebak Foto Orang atau Benda
 Pastikan anda tahu tipe pertanyaan; Subjects - Questions, Wh- How questions dan Yes- No questions.
Jawaban pertanyaan itu sesuai dengan pertanyaannya.
 Pada jenis soal menebak orang atau benda, maka perhatikan setiap detail yang ada dalam setiap
 Apabila gambar berupa gambar orang, maka strateginya seperti berikut:

1. Mereka sedang mengerjakan apa? What are they doing?

2. Mereka ada dimana? Where are they?
3. Mereka siapa? Who are they?
4. Ciri- ciri orangnya? What are the characteristics of the people?
5. Apa yang sedang terjadi? What's happening?

 Dan apabila berupa gambar benda, maka:

1. Itu gambar apa? What picture is it?

2. Dimanakah objek tersebut? Where is it?
3. Bagaimana situasinya? How is it?
4. Terbuat dari apa benda tersebut? What is it made?

Tipe Pertanyaan dalam soal yang berkaitan dengan Foto Orang atau benda adalah sebagai berikut:

Part II. Questions- Responses

Pada bagian kedua ini anda akan mendengar beberapa pertanyaan diikuti oleh tiga respon. Setiap tanya- jawab
akan diputar dua kali. Ada beberapa strategi untuk menjawab pertanyaan- jawaban seperti berikut :
1. Jawaban pertanyaan sesuai atau tergantung dari tipe pertanyaannya
2. Pastikan anda menjawab dengan menghitamkan pada lembar jawab
3. Lihatlah soal berikutnya setelah anda menjawab pertanyaan
4. Dalam soal yang berkaitan dengan tanya- jawab memiliki ciri ciri sebagai berikut:

Part III. Short Conversations

Pada bagian soal ini anda akan mendengar beberapa percakapan pendek dan akan diperdengarkan dua kali.
Dalam menjawab pertanyaan ini anda harus menguasai Question Words ( kata tanya) seperti What, Who,
Whom, When, When, Where, Whose, Why, Which, How, How often, How long, How much, How many.
Adapun Trik untuk mengerjakan soal dengan tipe ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Dengarkan percakapan dan lihatlah 3 pertanyaan dan pilihan jawabannya
2. Pahamilah pilihan jawabannya
3. Pastikan anda menjawab pertanyaan setelah mendengar jawabannya
4. Lihatlah soal berikutnya setelah soal sebelumnya diperdengarkan
Berikut contoh soal Short Conversations dalam soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMK

Part IV. Short Talks (Percakapan Pendek)

Short Talks merupakan pembicaraan atau percakapan pendek yang diikuti dengan pertanyaan dan pilihan
jawaban. Anda pada bagian ini harus memilih jawaban yang paling tepat berdasarkan isi pembicaraan tersebut.

Adapun Trik untuk mengerjakan soal dengan tipe ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Dengarkan dengan cermat pernyataan pengantarnya
2. Tulislah segala informasi dalam pembicaraan
3. Pahamilah pilihan jawabannya
4. Pastikan anda menjawab pertanyaan setelah mendengar jawabannya
5. Lihatlah soal berikutnya setelah soal sebelumnya diperdengarkan
6. Pahamilah tipe pertanyaan dalam tipe soal ini. Adapun beberapa tipe soal- soalnya seperti berikut:

Reading skill merupakan salah satu kompetensi yang harus dikuasai oleh para siswa khususnya dalam soal
ujian nasional pasalnya soal reading memiliki komposisi yang paling banyak dibanding soal lainnya. Dalam
hal ini para siswa harus menyiapkan dengan benar jauh- jauh hari sebelum ujian dilaksanakan.
Mengenal jenis- jenis pertanyaan reading adalah satu hal yang mesti dipersiapkan pertama kali untuk
membekali anda dalam menghadapi soal- soal reading. Nah, pada post atau tulisan kali ini, kami akan
membahas mengenai jenis- jenis pertanyaan seputar reading text. Dan seperti apa, jenis- jenis pertanyaan
tersebut, berikut ulasannya.
1. Gambaran Umum
Suatu bacaan ( dialog atau bacaan jenis lainnya) pasti membicarakan sesuatu. Bila kita membahas tentang
apa suatu bacaan tersebut, maka kita membicarakan gambaran umum atau topik sebuah teks. Ada bermacam
teks yang sudah kita kenal sebelumnya seperti procedure, descriptive, report, narrative, recount, news
items, exposition, discussion, explanation, dan sebagainya. Beberapa contoh soal yang merujuk pada
gambaran umum adalah sebagai berikut.
 The text tell us about ....
 What is the text about?
 The text tells/ describes us about ....
 What is the topic of the text above?
 The text mainly discusses ....
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan seputar gambaran umum, kita bisa menggunakan strategi yaitu
 Melihat pada judul
 Menghitung kata benda atau frasa kata benda yang dijadikan topik/ bahasan/ idde utama.
 Temukan pikiran utama tiap- tiap paragraf, utamanya pada paragraf awal. Pikiran utama terkandung
dalam kalimat utama dan kalimat utama terdapat pada awal paragraf.
2. Pikiran Utama (main ideas of paragraph)
Bacaan umumnya dibangun dari sekumpulan paragraf; paragraf dibuat dari sekumpulan kalimat walaupun
terkadang hanya terdiri atas satu kalimat; dan kalimat dibangun ddari sekumpulan kata- kata, frasa dan anak
kalimat. Tipe soal yang menunjukkan pikiran utama addalah sebagai berikut:
 What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
 Paragraph four tells us about ....
 What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
Adapun strategi menjawabnya adalah sebagai berikut.
Dalam sebuah paragraf biasanya terdapat satu topik atau apa yang dibahas dan suatu pokok pikiran yang
biasanya dinyatakan dalam bentuk kalimat utama (topik sentence). Pokok pikiran menceritakan kepada
pembaca ide dari si penulis tentang topik tersebut.
 Bila pokok pikiran atau kalimat utama terdapat di awal paragraf disebut deduktif.
 Bila pokok pikiran atau kalimat utama terdapat di akhir paragraf disebut induktif.
 Bila pokok pikiran atau kalimat utama terdapat di awal dan akhir paragraf maka bisa disimpulkan.

3. Informasi tertentu (specific information)

Informasi tertentu merupakan informasi yang tertera jelas atau tertulis jelas dalam bacaan dan dapat
diidentifikasi dengan cepat. Informasi ini meliputi informasi seperti nama orang, tempat, jumlah, warna,
cara, waktu, hari, tanggal dan lainnya. Ciri- ciri pertanyaan ini adalah dengan menggunakan WH Question
seperti What (apa/ apakah), who (siapa), where (dimana), when (kapan), what day (hari apa), whom (siapa),
how (bagaimana), dan seterusnya.

Cara menjawab

Untuk menemukan informasi tertentu dengan cepat, dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengambil salah satu kata
penting atau yang sama artinya di ddalam pertanyaan, lalu mencari kata tersebut dalam bacaan dan
menemukan informasi yang terkait yang mungkin berada setelah atau sebelum kata penting tersebut.

Contoh soal informasi tertentu.

Because of construction work, Park street Station is closed. All passengers for Park Street Station will have
to exit the train at Center station. Bus service is available at Center station to carry passengers to Park
Street. After exiting the station, please line up the curb for a bus. Please avoid crowding. Buses will leave
frequently, but there may be some delays because of street traffic. we are sorry for the inconvenience. The
station is scheduled to reopen in three weeks. thank you for your cooperation.

Where would this announcement be posted?

A. In a railway station
B. In a restroom
C. In a bus station
D. In a park
E. In an airport

4. Informasi Rinci (detailed information)

Ialah informasi yang baru bisa diketahui setelah kita membaca suatu teks dengan ciri rinci atau seksama.
Tipe soalnya adalah sebagai berikut .
 Which sentence is correct based on the text above?
 Which statement is incorrect about ... ?
 Which is true according to the text?
 Which of the following sentences is TRUE based on the text?
Cara menjawab:
 Cek satu persatu jawaban yang disediakan
 Periksa paraphrase yang ada dalam teks dan pilihan jawaban

Inilah contoh soal informasi rinci.

Two years ago I had a chance to fly in an aeroplane. This was my first flight so I was very nervous. I feared
that sorts of accidents might happen on the way. I thought that the engine might burst and come down with a
crash. Sometimes I was afraid that the pilot might make a mistake and I had to pay for it with my life.
Soon after I had seated myself there, the sound of the engines rose to a roar as moved off, and gradually its
speed. Then it was with a feeling of surprise I noticed that the ground was at some distance beneath me. As
the plane went higher and higher up in the air, a strange sensation ran through my body. Soon, the motion
was easy. The fear which overtook me at the time of flight was no more in my heart. Now I was quite bold in
the air.
This did not mean that I felt the worse for it. I felt as comfortable in the aeroplane as I used to feel in my
car. I felt no sense of insecurity. I did not occur to me even for a moment that my life could ever be in
danger. The machine flew as smoothly in the air as a boat glides down a peaceful stream.
When the plane was at sufficient height, I looked through the pane of the window. The earth seemed to be
“falling off” from us. The big building looked like a small spots of beauty. The sky was clear. Everything
looked new and strange.
The most beautiful thing was the scene around me. I saw nothing but was surrounded by pure air.
Occasionally I saw clouds floating here and there.
We flew over the roofs of many houses. At one place we were very near the roof and I felt that we were
going to touch it. After flying for a long time, we finally touche the earth. The journey was so pleasant and
comfortable that I could not forget it.

Adapted from :

What is NOT true according to the text?
A. The writer felt worried before getting on the plane
B. The writer was afraid of flying because he had traumatic accident caused by the pilot’s mistake
C. The writer felt relief after the plane went higher
D. The weather was fine when the writer flew by plane
E. The writer thought his first flight was his memorable experience

5. Informasi tersirat (not clearly stated information)

Informasi tersirat yaitu suatu kesimpulan yang logis/ masuk akal yang terdapat dalam bacaan atau dengan
menggunakan pengetahuan yang kita miliki atau keduanya. Ciri- ciri dari soal informasi tersirat adalah
sebagai berikut .
 From the text above, we know that ....
 What can we conclude from the text?
 From the text above we can conclude that .....
 The following statements are true about ..., except ....
 From the text above,it shows that ....

Cara menjawabnya,
 Periksa satu persatu pilihan jawaban yang disediakan
 Paraphrase.
Contoh soal Informasi tersirat.

Because of construction work, Park Street Station is closed. All passengers for Park Street Station will have
to exit the train at Center Station. Bus service is available at Center station to carry passengers to Park
Street. After exiting the station, please line up the curb for a bus. Please avoid crowding. Buses will leave
frequently, but there may be some delays because of street traffic. We are sorry for the inconvenience. The
station is scheduled to reopen in three weeks. Thank you for your cooperation.

From the text we may know that ….

A. Park Street Station will be closed for a month
B. Passengers are suggested to take bus after exiting the station
C. Because of street traffic, passengers will be late to work for hours
D. Bus Services is available once a day
E. Passengers are allowed to wait for the bus everywhere

6. Rujukan Kata
Saat kita membaca sebuah teks, kadang kita menemukan kata- kata ganti seperti she, he, it, they, we, us,
ours, my, youratau kata lain yang mengganti orang- orang atau benda- benda tertentu, seperti the boy, the
man, one, this, that, these, those. Dalam teks kita biasa menemukan kata- kata tersebut dalam pertanyaan
seputar rujukan kata atau reference. Biasanya ciri- ciri pertanyaan ini adalah sebagai berikut .
 ... What does the underlined word refer to?
 ...The underlinedd word refers to ....
 ... What does the word "she" refer to?
 ... The word I refer to ...
Cara menjawab
Rujukan kata biasanya terdapat pada kalimat sebelum kata ganti tersebut dan ada pula yang terletak setelah
kata ganti itu.

7. Makna Kata (deducing meaning of words from context)

Pertanyaan seputar makna kata membutuhkan kemampuan dan ketrampilan menebak arti suatu kata yang
belum diketahui artinya dengan cara menafsirkn arti kata tersebut berdasarkan kata- kata yang anda tahu
artinya atau berdasarkan konteks kalimat atau bacaan, kemudian menyimpulkan kira- kira apakah arti dari
kata tersebut. hal ini sangatlah penting karena satu kata bisa memiliki banyak makna.
Contoh soal seputar makna kata
 The underlined word has similar meaning with ....
 The underlined word has the same meaning as ....
 what does the underlined word mean?
 The closest meaning of the underlined word is ....
 The synonym of ... is ....
 The word of " ..." can be replaced with ....
 What is the antonym of the underlined phrase?
Cara menjawab :
 Menebak kata berdasarkan konteks nya.

8. Tujuan Komunikatif (purpose of the text)

Setiap teks dibuat dengan maksud tertentu yang hendak disampaikan kepada pembacanya. Beberapa contoh
soal yang berkaitan dengan tujuan komunikatif teks adalah sebagai berikut.
 The aim of the text above is ....
 What does the writer write the message for?
 The purpose of the text above is to ....
 What is the goal of the text?
 The text is written to .....
Cara menjawab.
Setiap teks memiliki tujuan tersendiri misalnya,
 Descriptive = to describe
 Report = to describe in general
 Procedure = to explain how ...
 Recount = to retell ....
 Narrative = to entertain or to amuse ....
 etc.

9. Nilai Moral (moral value)

Nilai moral suatu teks dapat dipahami dari kata- kata yang digunakan di akhir teks dan biasanya kata- kata
itu menunjukkan perbuatan- perbuatan yang patut diteladani atau diperhatikan. Namun kadang- kadang pada
akhir cerita tidak menunjukkan secara langsung nilai moralnya sehingga kita harus menarik suatu
kesimpulan tentang nilai moral tentang apa yang hendak disampaikan.

Contoh soal
 What can you learn from the story above?
 What is the moral value of the story?
Cara menjawab :
 Penyimpulan tiap- tiap paragraf
 Beberapa ditemukan dalam paragraf terakhir.

Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There
are 4 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.
Part I. Pictures
Questions: 1 to 3.
Now let’s begin with picture number 1.
1. Look at picture number 1

2. Look at picture number 2


3. Look at picture number 3

4. Look at picture no. 4

Part II. Questions – Responses

Questions: 5 to 8
Now let’s begin with question number 5.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III. Short Conversations

Questions 9 to 12
9. What time is it?
A. Two o’clock
B. Ten minutes past two
C. Three o’clock
D. Three fifty
10. What are they talking about?
A. The opponent’s football team.
B. A ball.
C. A football match.
D. Their team’s loss.
11. What is the man ordering?
A. A napkin.
B. A glass of water.
C. Room equipment.
D. A chicken sandwich.
12. What does the woman prefer to do?
A. Going to the fair.
B. Staying at home.
C. Living in a windy town.
D. Going out for dinner.
Part IV. Short Talks
Questions 13 to 15

13. Who should listen to the announcement?

A. Bus drivers
B. Bus passengers
C. Bus conductors
D. Bus station workers
14. Why are the closings taking place?
A. It’s Sunday.
B. There is no transportation.
C. It’s a national holiday.
D. The weather is bad.
15. What does the company provide?
A. Conference planning
B. Furniture rentals

C. Food for business occasions

D. Maid service

This is the end of the listening section.

Reading Comprehension: In questions 21 – 30, choose the best answer to each question.

Questions 21-23 refer to the following memo.

From : Industrial Relations Office

To : All Regular Staff
Date : July3rd, 2012
Sub : Introduction of hourly-rate employees

Effective July 10th, thirty new employees will begin working in our production plant on an
hourly-rate basis. This is an experiment to determine whether hourly employment would give better results
for all aspects of our enterprise. The new employees know that they are part of an experiment. Management
encourages regular staff to discuss the program among themselves and with the new employees. After six
months, we will assess the program to learn any lessons it may have for us. Meanwhile, we welcome staff

21. What can be said about the new employees?

A. They will be part of an experiment.
B. They will be paid the same as regular staff.
C. They will work longer hours than regular staff.
D. They will work different hours from regular staff.

22. What will happen after six months?

A. The program will be evaluated.
B. Everybody will be given a test.
C. The program will be stopped.
D. All employees will be put on the same status.

23. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “employees”?

A. Employers
B. Jobs
C. Workers
D. Salaries
Questions 24-26 refer to the following text.

It started from 1902 when Teddy’s bear looked sweet, innocent, and upright instead of looking violent and
standing on all four paws like previous toy bears. Because of its new friendly appearance, this toy bear made
a hit with the buying public. Ideal Novelty and Toy Company founded the first teddy bear manufacturer in
the United States as to fulfill the strong demand of this toy.

24. What happened in 1902?


A. Teddy’s bear stood on all four paws.

B. Teddy’s bear manufacturer was founded.
C. Teddy’s bear appearance changed.
D. Teddy’s bear became violent.

25. What was the new teddy bear like?

A. Violent
B. Friendly
C. Strong
D. Less innocent

26. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “founded” in the text above?
A. Purchased
B. Requested
C. Sold
D. Established
Questions 27-28 refer to the following information.

Regulations for Visitors of Probolinggo Museum

1. Buy a ticket before entering the gate.
2. Leave all your belongings before entering the building.
3. Eating, drinking, and smoking are not allowed in the building.
4. Do not turn on the radio or tape recorder inside the building.
5. Touching the antiquities is prohibited.
6. Do not take pictures of the antiquities.

27. What should the visitors do before they come into the gate?
A. Buy a ticket.
B. Take a picture.
C. Eat and drink.
D. Leave their belongings.

28. What’s the antonym of the word “prohibited” in rule no. 5?

A. Permitted
B. Forbidden
C. Suggested
D. Avoided
Questions 29-30 refer to the following announcement.

On behalf of the government, City Mayor invites you as a guest in the Independence Fair Opening

Day/date : Tuesday, November 12, 2009

Time : 04:00 p.m.
Place : City Stadium

Due to the limited time and place, your attendance will be highly appreciated. Thank you for your attention.

City Mayor

H. Zainuddin

29. Where will the ceremony be held?

A. In another city
B. In a guest house
C. At the city stadium
D. At the mayor’s office
30. What should you do after receiving this invitation letter?
A. Attend the event on time
B. Contact the city mayor
C. Reply the letter
D. Hold a ceremony
Incomplete Dialogues: Questions 31 to 40, choose the most appropriate answer

31. Via : "What should we do to be a successful student?"

Tini : "... as well as possible so that all activities can be done."
A. You should manage your time
B. You may not manage your time
C. You will manage your time
D. You have managed your time
32. Operator : "Subscription Division, Jawa Pos Daily. May I help you?"
Woman : "Yes, I’d like to subscribe to Jawa Pos."
Operator : "...?"
Woman : "This is Jenny Arnita."
A. May I talk to Jenny Arnita?
B. Shall I call you with your last name?
C. May I know who’s calling, please?
D. Who do you want to speak to?

33. Ani : "When did you come back from the job training program in Surabaya?"
Gita : "I arrived yesterday."
Ani : "...."
Gita : "Oh yes. It was a very useful training."
A. Will you enjoy the training?
B. Did you have a great time?
C. Are you going to attend the training?
D. Would you come to the training?

34. Mimi : "It’s already lunch time. I’m starving."

Sella : "Let’s eat at the cafeteria, then."
Mimi : ".... I’m rather bored with the food there."
A. Why don’t we have something different?
B. What about having lunch together?
C. What do you usually have for lunch?
D. What would you like to have?

35. Heru : "What do you do in your spare time?"

Ina : ".... My friends and I usually go to the malls every weekend, just to look at
A. I work in a mall.
B. I like window-shopping
C. I usually spare my time.
D. I often drive for a picnic.
36. Customer : "I’d like to let you know that the software I bought yesterday is not
Progammer : "I’m sorry to hear that. ...."
Customer : "Please do. Thank you."
A. Please try again to make sure.
B. Please buy again and I guarantee it will be working.
C. Let me check what the problem is.
D. Let me know if you can repair it yourself.
37. Irma : "We have to finish the report today. The deadline’s tomorrow."
Gita : "Yes, I wish we knew about the deadline earlier. What’s your plan?"
Irma : "I think ...."
A. I worked late last night.
B. I’ve always tried to finish the report.
C. I prefer hard work tonight.
D. I’m going to work overtime this evening.

38. Zaki : "Did you send an application letter to the company?"

Ahmad: "No, I didn’t. ...."
A. I prefer studying than getting a job.
B. I'd rather work than continue my study.
C. I like working better than studying.
D. I prefer continuing my study to working.

39. Umi : "..., but now he has stopped the bad habit."
Ari : "He should do that for his own health."
A. My father used to smoke cigarettes
B. My father likes smoking cigarettes
C. My father is used to smoking cigarettes
D. My father always smokes cigarettes

40. Teddy : "Where’s Ms.Iriana? She’s not in her office."

Ruli : "I think ...."

A. She attends a meeting

B. She is attending a meeting
C. She will attend a meeting
D. She attended a meeting

Cloze Test: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete the texts.

Questions 41 – 44 refer to the following letter

Dear James,
Welcome to Melbourne.
Our office is ...(41)... Riverdale Road, Camberwell. It’s 24 kilometers east of the city of Melbourne. As you
get off the train and come out of the Flinders street station, you will find St. Kilda Street. You can reach our
office ...(42)... train. Take Train no. 70 from the corner of St. Kilda Street and Batman Street not far from
Flinders street station just near the Yarra River. The train will ...(43)... you to the Riverdale Road. Just after
your train crosses Camberwell Junction, you will see our office, National Australia Bank, 5 Riverdale Road,
Vic. Tel (03) 137022. It’s on your right, opposite the Camberwell market. ...(44)... me if you need any help.

Best wishes,

Andrea Flew
Personnel Manager
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. by

A. on
B. by
C. in
D. from
A. take
B. move
C. go
D. leave

A. Calls
B. Called
C. Call
D. Caling

Questions 45 – 47 refer to the following announcement:


Due ...(45)... the high volume of customers at our spring sale, we cannot guarantee that all items pictured in
this ...(46)... will be available in all sizes and color at all stores. We appreciate your ...(47)..., and encourage

you to shop early at the best selection.

A. from
B. with
C. to
D. by
A. advertisement
B. advertise
C. advertised
D. advertiser
A. understand
B. understanding
C. understood
D. understandable

Questions 48 – 50 refer to the following advertisement:

1. Female, attractive and representative ...(48)..., age max. 30 years.
2. A degree from a reputable Secretarial academy with min. 5 years of experience.
3. ...(49)... in written and spoken English.
4. Computer literacy, excellent communication skills.
Please send your ...(50)... attached with Curriculum Vitae & recent photograph within 5 days of this
advertisement to: PO Box 352 Asabri 3771

A. appear
B. appearance
C. appearing
D. appeared

A. fluency
B. fluent
C. fluently
D. affluent
A. apply
B. applied
C. applicable
D. application

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