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Disusun Oleh:
Umi Salam Ade 1820206025
Inge Velysta Resly 1820206004
Sandra Puspita Ningrum 1820206005
Nia Wahyu Marlina 1820206021



A. Latar Belakang
Air susu ibu (ASI) merupakan makanan terbaik dan tidak tergantikan
oleh apapun untuk tumbuh kembang bayi, menunjang kesehatan bayi secara
optimal, serta mewujudkan ikatan emosional antara ibu dan bayinya
(Kemenkes RI, 2010). Pemberian ASI eksklusif dipengaruhi oleh beberapa
faktor antara lain ASI tidak segera keluar pada hari pertama paska
melahirkan, ibu merasa ASI keluar sedikit, kesulitan bayi dalam menghisap,
keadaan putting susu ibu dan pengaruh promosi susu pengganti ASI. Hal ini
dapat juga terjadi disebabkan beberapa hal misalnya, kondisi post sectio
caesarea membuat ibu merasa nyeri dan menjadi sulit untuk menyusui
bayinya, keterlambatan untuk melakukan inisiasi menyusui dini dapat
menurunkan sekresi prolaktin (Karlstrom A, dkk, 2007)
Kondisi di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa keberhasilan menyusui
secara dini juga dipengaruhi oleh kondisi ibu dan bayi. Ibu pasca seksio
sesarea membutuhkan waktu pemulihan akibat efek anestesi dan adanya
rasa nyeri akibat luka seksio. Kebijakan beberapa rumah sakit yang tidak
menerapkan rawat gabung (rooming in) dengan alasan ibu masih
membutuhkan pengawasan, masih lemah dan tidak bisa merawat bayinya,
akan mengakibatkan proses menyusu akan mengalami penundaan. Proses
menyusui yang tertunda akan menyebabkan ibu berhenti menyusui.
Terdapat beberpa alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat
menyusui pada pasien post operasi selain payudara perawatan, menyusui
dini dan Nutrisi ada juga yaitu memberikan stimulasi pijat. Pijat rolling
adalah pijatan tulang belakang (costae 5-6 ke skapula dalam lingkaran)
gerak) dilakukan pada ibu setelah persalinan yang dapat membantu
hormone oksitosin bekerja dalam ASI, mempercepat saraf parasimpatis
memberikan sinyal ke bagian belakang otak untuk merangsang oksitosin
untuk mengeluarkan ASI, pijatan rolling diberikan lebih awal dari 12 jsm
setelah operasi sesar.
Salah satu metode perawatan payudara yang tidak menyebabkan rasa
sakit dan populer di Jepang adalah pijat oketani. Pijatan ini merangsang
pectoralis kekuatan otot untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI dan membuat
payudara menjadi lebih lembut dan elastis sehingga memudahkan bayi
untuk mengisap susu. Pijat oketani telah terbukti sangat efektif dalam
mengurangi nyeri payudara dan meningkatkan pH ASI dan kecepatan
reflek menghisap bayi. Selain itu, pijatan ini juga dapat meningkatkan
kualitas kolostrum. Namun, sedikit yang diketahui tentang kombinasi pijat
rolling dan pijat oketani.

B. Relevansi Masalah
Judul jurnal yang dipilih berdasarkan kejadian yang ditemukan di lahan
praktek ,sebagian besar ibu post SC belum optimal dalam memberikan ASI
eksklusif di karenakan Ibu paska seksio sesarea membutuhkan waktu
pemulihan akibat efek anestesi dan adanya rasa nyeri akibat luka seksio.
Serta Kebijakan Rumah Sakit yang dimana bayi tdak rawat gabung dengan
ibunya karena alasan tertentu serta ASi yang belum keluar. Namun, sedikit
yang diketahui tentang kombinasi pijat rolling dan pijat oketani.

C. Tujuan
Untuk menguji pengaruh kombinasi pijat rolling dan oketani pada
kadar prolaktin dan produksi ASI pada ibu pasca sesar.

D. Tingkat Kejadian
Hasil observasi di lahan ditemukan bahwa terdapat pasien dengan yang
pernah dan sedang menjalani Post SC mengeluh nyeri dan takut bergerak
karena adanya luka post operasi, ASI yang belum keluar, pusing dan bayi
tidak rawat digabung dengan ibu karena adanya indikasi tertentu dan
melakukan perawatan payudara (memerah ASI) pada saat ibu sudah dapat

A. Nama Peneliti
Nia Dwi Yuliati, Hadi, Sri Rahayu, Noor Pramono dan Donny Kristanto

B. Tempat dan Waktu Penelitian

1. Tempat : Rumah Sakit Umum Ambarawa Kabupaten Semarang
2. Waktu : 16 September hingga 30 Oktober 2016

C. Tujuan Penelitian
Penelitian saat ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui mengetahui pengaruh
kombinasi pijat rolling dan oketani pada kadar prolaktin dan produksi ASI
pada ibu pasca sesar.

D. Analisa Penelitian PICO

1. P (Patient, Population, Problem)
a. Problem
Ibu post SC belum optimal dalam memberikan ASI eksklusif di
karenakan Ibu pasca SC membutuhkan waktu pemulihan akibat efek
anestesi dan adanya rasa nyeri akibat luka seksio. Selain itu, terdapat
kebijakan rumah sakit yang dimana bayi tidak rawat gabung dengan
ibunya karena alasan tertentu serta ASI yang belum keluar.
b. Population
Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu post SC
yang berjumlah 36. Kemudian dibagi menjadi 18 responden untuk
kelompok eksperimen dan 18 responden untuk kelompok kontrol.
c. Pattients
Ibu pasca operasi SC. Dengan kriteria inklusi sebagai berikut:
1) Ibu dengan pasca operasi sectio caesar hari ke-1
2) Berusia 20-35 tahun
3) Menyusui eksklusif selama 3 hari
4) Bayi lahir hidup dan normal dengan berat> 2500 gram,
5) Ibu dan bayi dalam kondisi sehat kondisi
6) Bayi mengalami reflex hisap yang baik
7) Memiliki kondisi payudara normal
8) Bersedia menjadi responden

2. Intervention
Sampel penelitian 36 pasien dengan 18 kelompok kontrol dan 18
kelompok intervensi. Intervensi diberikan kepada ibu dengan Post SC
dalam 12 jam selama 3 hari di pagi dan sore hari. Setiap intervensi
dilakukan selama 45 menit. Pijat dilakukan bergantian pertama dilakukan
pijat rolling, kemudian dilanjukan dengan pijat oketani. Untuk kelompok
kontrol, perawatan payudara dilakukan diberikan setiap pagi selama 3
hari, selama 15 menit dalam setiap intervensi. Intervensi disediakan oleh
peneliti dan asisten penelitian bersertifikat. Intervensi diberikan pada
setiap pasien di kamar.
Kadar prolaktin diukur dengan ELISA (Enzym-Linked
Immunosobent Assay). Peneliti mengambil darah vena masing-masing
responden sebanyak tiga kali yaitu
a. Sebelum intervensi
b. Setelah perawatan tiga hari pada dua belas jam pasca operasi caesar,
c. Hari ketiga sore hari sebelum pasien kembali.
Produksi ASI diukur berdasarkan perbedaan berat bayi sebelum
dan sesudah menyusui setiap 24 jam.
a. 24 jam pertama atau sebelum perawatan (pretest)
b. 24 jam pada hari ke-2 (post test 1)
c. 24 jam di hari ke-3 (post test 2).
Perbedaan berat diukur dengan timbangan bayi digital dengan
presisi 5 gram yang telah dikalibrasi.
3. Compare
Penelitian pada jurnal ini menggunakan menggunakan metode quasi
eksperiment (eksperiment semu), dengan rancangan penelitian
membandingkan 2 grup dengan pretest-posttest. Penelitian ini
membandingkan antara kelompok yang diberikan intervensi kombinasi
dari pijatan rolling dan pijatan oketani dan kelompok control yang
diberikan perawatan payudara tanpa pijatan kombinasi pijatan rolling
dan pijatan oketani.

4. Output
Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang
signifikan kombinasi pijat rolling dan oketani pada peningkatan kadar
prolaktin dan produksi ASI di bandingan dengan kelompok control. Pijat
rolling dapat merangsang tubuh melepaskan senyawa endorphin
penghilang rasa sakit alami Untuk post SC pada ibu yang menyusui,
pijatan membantu ibu merasa lebih rileks dan nyaman. Bagian tubuh
yang bisa dipijat adalah mulai dari kepala, leher, punggung dan kaki. Di
sisi lain, pinjatan oketani bisa merangsang pectoralis kekuatan otot untuk
meningkatkan produksi ASI dan membuat payudara lunak dan elastis,
sehingga memudahkan bayi untuk melakukannya mengisap susu. Pijat
oketani juga akan memberikan rasa lega dan menyeluruh kenyamanan
kepada responden, meningkatkan kualitas ASI, mencegah puting susu
dan mastitis, dan dapat meningkatkan / mengurangi masalah laktasi yang
disebabkan oleh puting pipih dan puting terbalik. Selain itu, pijat oketani
bisa juga menyebabkan kelenjar mamae menjadi matang dan lebih luas,
menghasilkan lebih banyak susu diproduksi.
Pijat rolling dan oketani adalah kombinasi yang bagus untuk
meningkatkan produksi ASI dan prolaktin, menyediakan stimulasi
refleks pembentukan ASI dan biarkan refleks. Kombinasi ini bisa
memberikan sensasi rileks pada ibu dan memperlancar aliran saraf dan
payudara saluran ASI di keduanya payudara.
E. Implikasi Keperawatan
Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan, pasien post operasi SC pada ibu
yang menyusui dilakukan parawatan payudara tanpa pijatan kombinasi pijat
rolling dan oketani. Selain itu, pada pasein Post SC dalam pemberian ASI
belum optimal di karenakan ASI belum keluar, nyeri dan masih takut bergerak
karena adanya luka post operasi.
Dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk melakukan
implementasi sebagai alternatif non farmakologi dalam mengurangi masalah
pada ibu post SC dalam pemberian ASI eksklusif setelah operasi dan dapat
memberikan informasi dan mengajarkan kepada pasien dan keluarga agar
dapat melakukannya secara mandiri.

F. Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Jurnal

1. Kelebihan Jurnal
a. Jurnal ini jelas mudah dipelajari.
b. Jurnal ini memberikan informasi kepada pembaca khususnya tenaga
kesehatan untuk dapat menggunakan kombinasi pijat rolling dan
oketani untuk dapat memproduksi ASI dan meningkatkan hormone
prolaktin pada ibu Post SC.
c. Penelitian ini telah menyampaikan hasil dari penelitian secara jelas.
2. Kekurangan Jurnal
a. Belum ada penjelasan mengenai instrumen secara jelas uji validitas dan
b. Tidak adanya saran untuk peneliti selanjutnya.
c. Tidak semua variabel pengganggu yang memengaruhi produksi susu
dan kadar prolaktin dapat dikontrol seperti ibu faktor psikologis dan
dukungan keluarga yang tidak di teliti oleh peneliti.

A. Kesimpulan
Pemberian asi ASI pada bayi bisa terhambat pada Ibu Post SC
diakrenakan masalah dalam inisiasi awal menyusui karena faktor rooming-
in, kelemahan sebagai efek anestesi, dan sayatan pada perut ibu Karena itu,
penderita caesar dapat berhasil menyusui setelah beberapa jam
Salah satu alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat
menyusui pada pasien post operasi SC adalah salah satunya kombinasi. Pijat
rolling dan pijat oketani, teknik ini adalah kombinasi yang bagus untuk
meningkatkan produksi ASI dan prolaktin, menyediakan stimulasi refleks
pembentukan ASI dan biarkan refleks. Kombinasi ini bisa memberikan
sensasi rileks pada ibu dan memperlancar aliran saraf dan payudara saluran
susu (sistem saluran) di keduanya payudara.

B. Saran
Harapan kami dengan diketahuinya hasil dari penelitian jurnal ini,
dapat membantu tenaga kesehatan dapat menggunakan teknik kombinasi pijat
rolling dan oketani yang dapat memproduksi ASI dan meningkatkan hormone
prolaktin pada ibu Post SC yang mengalami hambtan dalam pemberian ASI
eksklusif. Seain itu, dapat memberikan informasi dan mengajarkan kepada
pasien dan keluarga agar dapat melakukanya secara mandiri.

Kemenkes RI. (2010). Keputusan menteri Kesehatan RI No.230/ MENKES/ SK/ II/
2010 tentang pedoman rawat gabung ibu dan bayi. Jakarta: Kementrian
Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.

Karlstrom A, Engstrom-Olofsson R, Norbergh KG, Sjoling M, Hildingsson I.

(2007). Postoperative pain after cesarean birth affects breastfeeding and
infant care. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing. 36
(5): 430–40.

Yuliati ND, Hadi, Rahayu S, Pramono N, Kristanto D, Mulyantoro. (2017). The

Impact of Combination of Rolling and Oketani Massage on Prolactin Level
and Breast Milk Production in Post-Caesarean Section Mothers. Belitung
Nursing Journal.3(4):329-336.
Yuliati ND, et al. Belitung Nursing Journal. 2017 August;3(4):329-336
Accepted: 18 February 2017

© 2017 Belitung Nursing Journal

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited



Nia Dwi Yuliati1*, Hadi2, Sri Rahayu3, Noor Pramono4, Donny Kristanto Mulyantoro5
Magister Terapan Kesehatan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
KSM Forensik RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang
Jurusan Kebidanan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
KSM Obstetri-Ginekologi RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang
Magister Terapan Imaging Diagnostik

Nia Dwi Yuliati
Magister Terapan Kesehatan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
Jl. Tirto Agung, Pedalangan, Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia (50268)

Background: Normal childbirth or cesarean section has an effect on the initiation of early breastfeeding. Thus,
rolling massage and oketani massage are considered helpful for milk production. However, little is known about
the combination of rolling and oketani massage.
Objective: To examine the effect of combination of rolling and oketani massage on the levels of prolactin and
milk production in post-cesarian section mothers.
Methods: A quasy-experimental study with pretest-posttest control group design. Thirty six samples were
selected using consecutive sampling, with 18 each assigned to an experiment and control group. Breast milk
production was measured based on the baby's weight, while prolactin levels were measured using ELISA
method. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis.
Results: Results showed that there was a statistically significant difference of prolactin levels after intervention
in the experiment and control group with p-value 0.035 (<0.005), and significant difference in breast milk
production in both groups in posttest 1 and posttest 2 with p-value 0.000 (<0.05).
Conclusion: There was statistically significant effect of the combination of rolling and oketani massage on the
increase of prolactin levels and breast milk production. It is suggested that this intervention can be applied in
midwifery care in post-cesarean section mothers.

Key words: Rolling massage, oketani massage, milk production, prolactin, post-cesarion section mother

  Belitung Nursing Journal , Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2017

INTRODUCTION Preliminary study at the General Hospital
Exclusive breastfeeding is breast milk of Ambarawa revealed that the number of
given to infants since birth for six months, deliveries in 2014 - 2015 had a significant
without adding and/or replacing with increase of 29.50%. The data of caesarean
other foods or beverages, except drugs, sectio patients were 54.81% in 2015, and
vitamins and minerals.1 Literature there were 333 caesarean sectio patients at
indicated that school children who the first semester of 2016.7
exclusively breastfed 6-7 months are 8.5 Total hospital care of post-cesarean
times more likely not to be overweight section and early breastfeeding patients
and obese than those who did not have been activated since January 2016,
exclusively breastfeed.2 and performed in the maternity unit of
Breast milk production is affected Ambarawa General Hospital. Most of the
by prolactin reflexes and let down patients had a problem with breast milk
reflexes.3 The prolactin reflex is affected production after 4 hours after cesarean
by the infant's suction that will stimulate section, which caused dehydration, fever
the receptor on the nipple and the breast, and hyperbilirubin in the babies.7 In
and then the stimulation is directed to the addition, infant fever rates in 2016 were
sensory nerve, and then to the hypo- 20 babies per month, and babies who
thalamus via the spinal cord and experienced hyperbilirubin for photo-
mesencephalon to stimulate the prolactin- therapy reached 15 babies per month. The
secreting adeno hypofise and stimulate the hospital only provides breast care to
alveoli to produce milk.4 The oxytocin or address breast milk production, which
let down reflex is derived from the infant's may not be effective enough to deal with
suction, which continues into the this problem.7 Thus, the alternative that
neurohipofise (posterior hypophone) that can be used to accelerate breastfeeding in
secretes oxytocin resulting in contraction the post-cesarean section besides breast
of the mitoepithelial cells of the alveoli care, early breastfeeding and maternal
wall with mamae cells, which then enter nutrition is to provide massage stimu-
the ductular system, and the milk will lation or massage.
flow through the lactiferous ducts. This Rolling massage is a spinal massage
oxytocin reflex is affected by maternal (costae 5-6 to a scapula in a circular
psychological factors. If there is anxiety, motion) performed on mothers after
stress and doubt occur, the expenditure of delivery that can help the hormone
breast milk can be hampered.3 oxytocin work in breast milk, speeding up
Cesarean section mothers often have the parasympathetic nerves delivering
a problem in the initiation of early signals to the back of the brain to
breastfeeding due to rooming-in factors, stimulate oxytocin drain the milk out.4
weakness as an effect of anesthesia, and Mothers who are given rolling massage
incisions on the mother's abdomen.5 earlier than 12 hours after the cesarean
Therefore, patients with new caesarean section are having breast milk secretion
section can successfully breastfeed after a (18 hours) quickly compared with mothers
few hours postpartum. who have the provision of rolling massage
In Semarang regency, from 2013 to more than 24 hours after the cesarean
2014, the coverage rate of breast milk has section.8 Another study also stated that
increased from 36.29% to 44.3%. rolling massage has 6 times faster in
However, this is still far from the breast milk secretion compared to mothers
coverage target of exclusive breastfeeding who are not given the intervention.4
in 2012, which was 80% of coverage.6

330   Belitung Nursing Journal , Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2017

On the other hand, Oketani massage Mother with post-caesarean sectio day-1,
is also one of the breast care methods that 2) Aged 20-35 years, 3) Exclusive
do not cause pain and is popular in Japan.9 breastfeeding for 3 days, 4) Baby born
This massage stimulates the pectoralis alive and normal with weight >2500
muscle strength to increase milk produc- grams, 5) Mother and baby were in health
tion and make the breasts become softer condition, 6) Baby had a good suction
and elastic so as to facilitate the baby to reflex, 7) Had normal breast condition,
suck milk.10 Oketani massage has been and 8) Willing to be respondent.
shown to be very effective in reducing
breast pain and increasing the pH of Intervention
breastmilk and the speed of neonatal Intervention was given to the post-
suction reflex.11 In addition, this massage cesarean section mothers in 12 hours for 3
can also improve the quality of colostrum. days in the morning and afternoon. Each
Previous studies have been examined the intervention was performed for 45
effect of oketani massage and oxytocin minutes. Massage was done alternately,
massage on milk production in post- which performing the rolling massage
caesarean section mother, and showed that first, then continued to oketani massage.
there were different frequency of For the control group, breast care was
breastfeeding, frequency of defecation and given every morning for 3 days, with 15
urination in respon-dents.12,13 However, minutes in each intervention. Inter-
little is known about the combination of ventions were provided by researchers and
rolling massage and oketani massage. trained and certified enumerators.
Therefore, this study aimed to examine Interventions were given in each patient
the effect of the combination of rolling room. The obstacles that researchers
and oketani massage on the breast milk experienced in providing intervention
production and prolactin levels in post- were the fear of early mobilization, but
cesarean section mothers. this could be overcome by motivation and

METHODS Instruments
Design Prolactin levels were measured by the
This research was a quasy experiment ELISA (Enzym-Linked Immunosobent
with pretest and posttest control group Assay). Researchers took venous blood of
design. each respondent for three times: 1) before
intervention, 2) after three days treatment
Setting at twelve hours post-caesarean sections,
This research was conducted in the and 3) the third day of the afternoon
General Hospital of Ambarawa Semarang before the patient returned. Breastmilk
Regency from 16 September to 30 production was measured based on the
October 2016. baby's weight difference before and after
breastfeeding in every 24 hours; in the
Population and sample first 24 hours or before treatment (pretest),
The population in this study was all post- in 24 hours in the 2nd day (posttest 1), and
caesarion section mothers. Thirty six in 24 hours in the 3rd day (posttest 2). The
samples were selected using consecutive difference in weight was measured by a
sampling, with 18 each assigned to an digital baby scales with a precision of 5
experiment and control group. The grams that have been calibrated.
inclusion criteria of the samples were: 1)

  Belitung Nursing Journal , Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2017 331

Data analysis Informed consent have been performed
Data were analyzed using SPSS series 21. for all respondents.
The analysis of this study was univariate
and bivariate, in which bivariate analysis
examined the effect of combination of RESULTS
rolling massage and oketani massage on Table 1 shows that the majority of
prolactin level and milk production. respondents in the experiment group and
control group 20-25 years old. Chi Square
Ethical consideration test showed p-value 0.735 (> 0.05), which
Ethical consideration was obtained from indicated that there was no age difference
the Health Research Ethics Committee in the experiment and control group. Most
(K.E.P.K) of Health Polytechnic of of respondents in the experiment group
Ministry of Health (Poltekkes) of and control group had given birth more
Semarang with No. 128 / KEPK / than 1 time but not more than 4 times.
Poltekkes-SMG / EC / 2016. This study Levene's test results showed that the p-
was also obtained permission from the value was 0.738 (> 0.05) so there was no
General Hospital of Ambarawa Semarang. parity difference in both groups.

Table 1. Characteristics of the respondents based on age and parity

Variable Intervention Control p-value
N (%) N (%)
Age (year)
20-25 9 (50 %) 8 (44.4 %)
26-30 4 (22.2 %) 6 (33.3 %)
31-35 5 (27.8 %) 4 (22.2 %)
Primipara 8 (4.4 %) 7 (38.9 %)
Multipara 9 (50 %) 10 (55.6 %)
Grandemultipara 1 (5.6 %) 1 (5.6%)
Chi Square

Table 2. Difference of prolactin level and milk production in the intervention and
control group
Variable Treatment Group N Mean ± SD P value
Prolactin Pretest Intervention 18 214.11 ± 23.449
level (ng/ml) Control 18 211.62 ± 41.426
Posttest Intervention 18 235.64 ± 20.874
Control 18 225.89 ± 20.050 0.035b
Mean Intervention 18 21.56 (14.920)
difference Control 18 2.08 (38.248)
Breast milk Pretest Intervention 18 46.06 ± 17.881
production Control 18 36.05 ± 13.909
(gr) Posttest1 Intervention 18 189.12 ± 46.056
Control 18 89.84 ± 25.551
Posttest2 Intervention 18 339.33 ± 62.849
Control 18 173.67 ± 48.723
Independent T-test, cMann Whitney Test

Table 2 shows that there was no control group with p-value 0.114 (>0.05).
difference of prolactin levels before However, there was a statistically
intervention between the intervention and significant difference of prolactin levels

332   Belitung Nursing Journal , Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2017

after intervention with p-value 0.035 however Mann Whitney test showed a
(<0.005), which indicated that the statistically significant difference in milk
combination of rolling and oketani production in the two groups in posttest 1
massage had a significant effect on the and posttest 2 with p-value 0.000 (<0.05),
increase of prolactin levels. which indicated that the combination of
For breast milk production, both rolling and oketani massage had a
groups had no difference before significant effect on the increase of milk
intervention with p-value 0.071 (>0.05), production.

Table 3. Mean difference of breast milk production between intervention and control
group using Friedman test
Variable Group Treatment N Mean ± SD p-value
Pre-test 18 46.06 ± 17.881)
Breat milk Intervention Posttest 1 18 189.12 ± 46.056) 0.000
production Posttest 2 18 339.33 ± 62.849)
(gr) Pre-test 18 36.05 ± 13.909)
Posttest 1 18 89.84 ± 25.551) 0.000
Posttetst 2 18 173.67 ± 48.723)

Friedman test as shown in table 3 Similar result with the wilcoxon test in the
indicated that there was a statisticaly table 4 shows that there was significant
significant difference of breast milk differences in all times of the treatment
production in the intervention and control between the intervention and control
group between pretest, postest 1, and group with p-value 0.000 (<0.05).
postetst 2 with p-value 0.000 (<0.05).

Table 4. Breast milk production in the intervention and control group using Wilcoxon
Variabel Group Treatment p-value
Pretest – Postest 1 0.000
Intervention Pretest – Posttest 2 0.000
Breast milk
Postest 1– Posttest 2 0.000
production (gr)
Pretest – Postest 1 0.000
Control Pretest – Posttest 2 0.000
Postest 1– Posttest 2 0.000

400   339.33  


100   46.06  
36.05   Control  
Pretest   Posttest  1   Posttest  2  

Figure 1. Graphic of mean difference of breast milk production in the intervention and
control group before and after the treatment

  Belitung Nursing Journal , Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2017 333

Figure 1 shows that there was a significant faster.17 This process decreases the
increase of breast milk production in the transmission of pain through fibers C and
intervention and control group before and delta-A with a small diameter so that the
after intervention. However, breast milk synapse gate closes the transmission of
production in the intervention group has a the pain impulse. Cutaneous stimulation
higher increase compared to breast milk in of the body is generally centered on the
the control group. back and shoulders. It will stimulate
peripheral fibers to transmit impulses
DISCUSSION through the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
Findings of this study revealed that there When the impulse carried by the A-Beta
was statistically significant effect of the fibers dominates, the gate mechanism
combination of rolling and oketani closes so that the pain impulse is not
massage on the increase of prolactin delivered to the brain, and ultimately
levels and breast milk production. This is gives a relaxed sensation to the body.17
consistent with the previous studies stated On the other hand, giving oketani
that prolactin levels increase after given a massage can stimulate the pectoralis
variety of massages such as woolwich muscle strength to increase milk
massage and endhorpin massage, oxytocin production and make the breasts soft and
massage and aromatherapy in postpartum elastic, so it makes it easier for the baby to
mothers because the effects of massage suck milk. Oketani massage will also
will give comfort, relax and more provide a sense of relief and overall
confidence.14 In addition, this finding is comfort to the respondents, improve the
also in line with previous research quality of breast milk, prevent nipples and
conducted in Muhammadiyah hospital of mastitis, and can improve / reduce
Palembang, revealed that there was a lactation problems caused by flat nipples
significant difference of milk production and inverted nipples.9
among post-caesarian mothers after doing In addition, oketani massage can
rolling massage between control and also cause mamae glands to become
intervention group with p-value 0.001.15 mature and wider, resulting in more milk
Rolling massage can stimulate the produced. Previous research suggests that
body to release endorphin compounds that oketani massage has been shown to
are natural pain relievers.16 For post- increase milk production, and the quality
caesarean section mothers who breastfeed, of breast milk is to increase levels of
massage helps mothers feel more relaxed protein and milk carbohydrates.12
and comfortable. The touch of someone The rolling and oketani massage is a
who cares and wants to help is a source of great combination to inclrease breast milk
strength when the mother is sick and tired. production and prolactin levels, provide
Body parts that can be massaged are stimulation reflex of breastmilk formation
starting from the head, neck, back and and let down reflex. This combination can
legs. However, when massaging, the provide a relaxed sensation to the mother
masseuse should pay attention to the and smooth the flow of nerves and breast
mother's response, whether the pressure milk channels (duct system)in both
given is correct.16 breasts.18
Gate control theory says that the
stimulation of the skin surface (sub LIMITATION OF THIS STUDY
cutaneus) activates transmission cells (T) Not all confounding variables that affect
of sensory A-Beta nerve fibers larger and milk production and prolactin levels can

334   Belitung Nursing Journal , Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2017

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CONCLUSION During the First Four Weeks
It can be concluded that there was Postpartum. 2016.
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combination of rolling and oketani Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar
massage on the increase of prolactin (Riskesdas) 2013. Jakarta:
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