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Setelah mempelajari chapter ini peserta didik:

1. dapat memahami:
cara memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau
merupakan kebenaran umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan simple present
2. terampil:
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau
merupakan kebenaran umum, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai konteks.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional;
2. menghargai perilaku positif, misal percaya diri, jujur, bekerja sama, dan santun dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman,
dan orang lain.

My Uncle is a Zookeeper

▲ ▲

• Deskripsi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang • Simple present tense.

dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran

▲ ▲

• Pemahaman deskripsi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/ • Pemahaman penggunaan simple present tense dalam
kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau kalimat.
merupakan kebenaran umum. • Penyusunan kalimat menggunakan simple present tense.
• Penyusunan deskripsi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/ • Praktik menggunakan simple present tense dalam teks
kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau lisan dan tulis.
merupakan kebenaran umum.
• Praktik mendeskripsikan keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/
kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau
merupakan kebenaran umum.

▲ ▲

• Memahami deskripsi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran
umum dengan menggunakan simple present tense.
• Mengungkapkan gambaran umum dan maksud teks yang mendeskripsikan keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/
terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum dengan menggunakan simple present tense.
• Mendeskripsikan keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum
dengan menggunakan simple present tense.
• Bersikap percaya diri, jujur, bekerja sama, dan sopan dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.

2 My Uncle is a Zookeeper
When you see the picture, what comes into your mind? Do you think the man’s job is dangerous? His job deals with
animals in a zoo, taking care of them. Before doing his job, he has to know about the animals in details, including their food,
characteristics, behavior and habits.
The man’s everyday duty is a kind of habitual activity. Do you know how to communicate states and events that happen
regularly or as general truths? In this chapter you will learn about it. Always improve your English by using it in daily

Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan pemanasan. Tujuannya yaitu mengarahkan perhatian peserta didik pada tujuan kegiatan
ini, yaitu peserta didik mampu menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau
merupakan kebenaran umum.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menceritakan pengalaman mereka saat berkunjung ke kebun binatang secara
singkat dalam bahasa Inggris.
2. Peserta didik diminta mengamati gambar apersepsi dan menjelaskan pemahaman mereka tentang gambar tersebut.
3. Selanjutnya, peserta didik diminta membaca penjelasan di bawah gambar untuk mengetahui tujuan pembelajaran di
chapter ini.
4. Setelah peserta didik memahami gambar dan tujuan kegiatan apersepsi ini, Bapak/Ibu Guru memulai pelajaran.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru senantiasa memotivasi agar peserta didik aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 3

Mention the names of animals in the picture. Answer the following questions based on the texts in TASK 3.
Then, repeat after your teacher. Jawaban:
Text 1
1. They are very strong.
1. Sebagai kegiatan pembuka, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta 2. Up to 50 mph.
peserta didik menyebutkan berbagai binatang yang 3. They are social animals.
mereka lihat di kebun binatang dan menjelaskan ciri-ciri 4. Distinctive manes of hair around their heads.
fisiknya secara singkat. 5. It is ‘special’ or ‘different’.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati Text 2
gambar berikut dan menyebutkan nama binatang dalam 1. They are male peafowl.
gambar. 2. They have beautiful and colorful tails.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan kalimat-kalimat dalam 3. Asia.
gambar. Peserta didik diminta menyimak dengan 4. They eat both plants and animals.
saksama. 5. The sounds are unpleasant.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan kalimat-kalimat tersebut
Text 3
sekali lagi dan peserta didik menirukan dengan lafal dan
1. They kill other animals.
intonasi yang tepat.
2. Water areas.
5. Selanjutnya, beberapa peserta didik diminta membaca
3. They can survive long periods without food.
nyaring kalimat-kalimat tersebut secara bergiliran.
4. They have slow appearances, but they can attack and kill
Peserta didik yang lain menyimak dengan saksama.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru mencermati pelafalan peserta didik dan
5. Fish, reptiles and mammals.
memberikan contoh pelafalan yang tepat jika ada
pelafalan peserta didik yang kurang tepat. Text 4
1. In arid areas.
Jawaban: 2. They are tough and flexible.
The animals in the picture are an elephant, camel, peacock, lion 3. For transport across arid environments.
and crocodile. 4. They can go a week or more without water and survive for
a few months without food.
5. The thin membrane on their eyes.

Read the text and answer the questions.

Complete the following table based on the texts in TASK 3.
1. Elephants.
2. To describe facts about elephants.
3. Simple present tense.
4. It describes facts or general truth about elephants. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
5. Elephants’ physical appearances, characteristics, habitat kembali isi teks di TASK 3.
and food. 2. Peserta didik diminta mengamati tabel berikut dan
melengkapinya berdasarkan deskripsi di TASK 3.
3. Peserta didik diminta membacakan jawaban mereka,
peserta didik yang lain menyimak.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 2.
1. What are the elephants like?
2. What organ of the elephants has the function like
an arm?
3. Why does the organ function like an arm?
4. What do the elephants eat?
5. “Most of them live in Africa and Asia, such as in
Lampung, Indonesia.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
1. They are very heavy, intelligent and have good memories.
2. Their long trunks.
3. Because elephants use it to put food and water in their
4. They eat grass and plants.
5. It refers to elephants.

4 My Uncle is a Zookeeper
No. Animal Habitat Food Activity Characteristic

1. Lions They live in Africa, They eat meat (big – The can run up to 50 mph for short – Male lions are larger than female ones.
Asia and Europe. and small distances and leap as far as 36 feet (11m). – Male lions have distinctive manes around
animals). – They live in groups called prides. their heads.

2. Peacocks They live in Asia. They eat plants – They produce unpleasant sounds. – They have beautiful and colorful tails.
and animals.

3. Crocodiles They live in They eat fish, – They can survive long periods without – They have sharp teeth and very rough bodies.
throughout the reptiles and food.
Tropics in Africa, mammals. – They have slow appearances, but they
Asia, the Americas can attack and kill sharks.
and Australia.

4. Camels They live in They eat – They can go a week or more without – They have one or two humps.
throughout desert vegetation. water and survive for – They have a thin membrane on each eye to
areas. a few months without food. protect their eyes from sandstorms.

Complete the following short dialogs with the correct verbs or ‘be’. Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 7.
Use simple present tense forms. Jawaban:
1. It is the description of tortoises.
2. They only live on land and don’t have flippers like turtles do.
1. Peser ta didik diminta memahami percakapan- 3. Their eyes (for vision) and noses (for smell).
percakapan pendek berikut. 4. During the day.
2. Selanjutnya, peserta didik melengkapi percakapan- 5. They feed on grass, ferns, flowers, tree leaves and fruit.
percakapan tersebut dengan kata-kata yang tepat dalam 6. They can live a very long time, range 90 to 150 years.
bentuk simple present tense. 7. They are rigid and hard.
3. Peserta didik diminta tunjuk jari dan menyebutkan 8. It is ‘impressive’ or ‘attractive’.
4. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak. Apabila memiliki
jawaban yang berbeda, mereka tunjuk jari dan
menyebutkan jawabannya.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa pasangan peserta
didik mempraktikkan percakapan-percakapan pendek Write a suitable sentence under each picture.
tersebut dan mengoreksi pelafalan yang kurang tepat. Use simple present tense to describe facts based on the
1. lives 2. go 3. stops 4. is
5. attend 6. Are 7. opens 8. speak 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
9. teaches 10. contain kembali penggunaan simple present tense dan
mengamati gambar-gambar berikut.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membuat kalimat
berdasarkan gambar dengan menggunakan simple
present tense.
3. Peserta didik diminta tunjuk jari dan menyebutkan
Listen to your teacher. kalimatnya.
Complete the text based on what you have heard. 4. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak. Bila memiliki kalimat
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: yang berbeda, mereka dapat tunjuk jari dan menyebutkan
kalimat mereka.
Giant tortoises are magnificent creatures. They are
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai kepada
(1) different to turtles because they only live on land. They do
peserta didik yang berani menjawab.
not have (2) flippers like turtles do. They have good all round
vision and a very good sense of smell. They are (3) more active
Contoh jawaban:
during the day than at night. They are herbivores, eat grass,
1. A spider spins webs.
ferns, flowers, (4) tree leaves and fruit. Tortoises can live a very
2. Three students always hoist a flag during a ceremony on
long time. They can live to ranges from 90 to 150 years.
A tortoises’ shell is (5) rigid and hard.
Adopted from:
3. Bats always leave the cave to search for food when the day
tortoises.html (March 26, 2017) is already dark.
4. The baby likes crawling on the floor.
5. The man repairs a broken motorcycle every day.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 5

Complete the following text with the correct words from the box. Answer the following questions based on the complete text
Jawaban: in TASK 10.
1. g 2. d 3. j 4. h 1. What is the text about?
5. a 6. c 7. f 8. b 2. What do the stems look like?
3. When does the dragon fruit tree bear fruit?
4. Where do the fruits grow?
5. What do the fruits taste like?
1. It is the description of a dragon fruit tree in Erlin’s garden.
2. They are long and straight, with many spines on them.
3. At night.
4. On the tips of the stems.
5. They are a bit sour but juicy.

Find three of your classmates who have pets.

Do interviews to find out the descriptions of the pets.
Write the data into the following table.
Then, retell the description you have obtained before the class.

1. Peserta didik diminta mencari tiga teman sekelas yang memiliki binatang peliharaan.
2. Peserta didik mewawancarai teman sekelas tersebut untuk mengetahui deskripsi binatang peliharaan mereka.
3. Peserta didik mencatat data yang diperoleh dalam tabel berikut.
4. Selanjutnya, peserta didik diminta mendeskripsikan hasil tanya jawab tersebut (berdasarkan data dalam tabel) di depan kelas.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik yang lain menyimak dan mengoreksi pelafalan yang masih kurang tepat.

Contoh jawaban:
No. Animal Habitat Food Activity Characteristic

1. Cat It lives indoor (on It feeds on meat, – It is active at noon and night. – It has white, soft and thick fur.
land). salty fish. – It is aggressive, like to leap, jump and run. – It has large eyes.
– It has sharp claws.
– It has excellent vision and hearing.

2. Canary It lives in It eats insects and – It likes chirping. – It has yellow feather.
a cage. small mammals, – It has small beaks.
as well as nuts,
seeds and fruits.

3. Koi fish It lives in It eats both plants – It can recognize a person who feeds – It has combination of white and red color.
a fresh water and animals. them. – It is about 20cm in length.
aquarium. – It is sensitive to the sun.

I interviewed three friends who has different pets.
First, I interviewed Sandra. She has a cat. It has white, soft and thick fur, large eyes, sharp claws and also excellent vision and
hearing. As a domesticated animal, her cat lives indoor. It feeds on meat and salty fish.
It is active in every moment, both noon and night. It is also aggressive, like to leap, jump and run. Second, I interviewed Farrel. He has
a canary. It has yellow feather and small beaks. Interestingly, it likes chirping. It usually eats insects and small mammals, as well as
nuts, seeds and fruits.
Then, I interviewed Jihan. She keeps koi fish in a fresh water aquarium. The koi has combination of white and red color. It is about 20cm
in length. It eats both plants and animals. It is sensitive to the sun. As domesticated animal, the koi can recognize a person who feeds it.

6 My Uncle is a Zookeeper
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menjawab
pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah kalimat-kalimat
Read the following texts. 4. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peser ta didik
membahas jawaban bersama-sama.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
penjelasan dalam Supporting Feature.
6. Untuk memperdalam materi, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta
peserta didik membuat kalimat menggunakan tense
Rewrite the texts in TASK 12 using the third singular person yang sesuai (simple present tense).
(he/she) as the subject.
See the example. Jawaban:
Example: 1. ‘Every day’ means setiap hari, ‘always’ means selalu and
Text 1 ‘usually’ means biasanya.
Mr. Tom is a zookeeper. He provides daily care for animals in 2. Yes, they do.
the zoo. 3. No, they aren’t.
4. No, it isn’t.
Text 2 5. They are added with –s.
Mrs. Bella is a veterinarian. She loves animals and maintains 6. The subjects of the sentences are ‘she’ and ‘he’.
their health. 7. Yes, it is.
Jawaban: 8. The subject of the sentence is ‘I’.
Text 1
Mr. Tom is a zookeeper. He provides daily care for animals in
the zoo. He feeds the animals every day. He cleans the
animals’ enclosures. He monitors animals’ behavior. He
assists the animals with veterinary care. He also answers
questions from the public about the zoo. Complete the following sentences based on the facts in TASK 15.
Text 2
Text 1
Mrs. Bella is a veterinarian. She loves animals and maintains
1. sports
their health. She provides emergency care when an animal
2. twice
is sick or injured. Occasionally, she performs animal
3. Sunday
surgeries. She assists the animals with difficult births. She
4. he likes sports
evaluates animals that show significant behavioral or
5. his habitual activity/routine
physiological changes.
Text 2
1. pet lover
2. cats, chickens and hamsters
3. in the afternoon
4. her pets’ pens
Complete the following sentences based on the texts in TASK 12. 5. cares about
Text 1
1. a zoo 2. animals
3. animals’ enclosures 4. responsible
5. unattended
Look at the picture.
Text 2 Fill in the bubbles based on the text in TASK 17.
1. veterinarian She the example.
2. animals
3. animals’ health
4. emergency care 1. Peserta didik memahami kembali kalimat-kalimat dalam
5. show significant behavioral or physiological changes teks di TASK 17.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati
gambar berikut.
3. Selanjutnya, peserta didik diminta melengkapi bubble
dalam gambar dengan kalimat yang tepat.
Read the sentences and pay attention to the words in bold. 4. Peserta didik diminta membaca nyaring jawabannya.
Then, answer the questions that follow. Peser ta didik yang lain menyimak dan dapat
menyebutkan jawaban mereka apabila jawabannya
berbeda dengan jawaban temannya.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru mencermati pelafalan peserta didik dan
kalimat-kalimat berikut. memberikan contoh pelafalan yang tepat jika ada
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru bertanya kepada peserta didik tentang pelafalan peserta didik yang kurang tepat.
hal yang mereka ketahui berkaitan dengan kalimat-
kalimat tersebut.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 7


Hi, I’m Erlin’s

mother. I sweep the garden.
Many dry leaves fall to the
Hi, I’m Erlin. I water
the plants in the pots,
to keep them fresh. Hi, I’m Erlin’s brother.
I trim the plant with
a pair of shears.

Hi, I’m Erlin’s father

I clean the ditch at
the side of the

Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 17. Complete the following text with the words in brackets.
Jawaban: Change the words into simple present forms, correctly.
1. It’s about Erlin’s family’s activities on Sunday. Hi, everybody! I’m Nadia. I always [1. do] __________
2. In the garden. the same things at the same time. For example, I always
3. She usually waters the plants in the pots. When she has [2. drink] __________ a glass of milk in the morning and
finished, she helps her mother collect the rubbish and usually [3. arrive] __________ at school at thirty-five past
dispose of it into rubbish bins. six. I often [4. listen to] __________ pop music. I [5. love]
4. They eat together in the garden. __________ plants. I have a beautiful garden.
5. They are solid and like to keep their environment clean. I live with my parents and brother. My brother [6. be]
__________ very different from me. He always [7. arrive]
__________ on time for lunch. He [8. like] __________
reading books, but he [9. not, listen to] __________ pop
music. He [10. play] __________ soccer on Sundays and
Complete the following text with the words in brackets. holidays. Although we have different hobbies, we love each
Change the words into simple present forms, correctly. other.
Jawaban: Jawaban:
1. wakes up 2. sets 3. prays 1. do 2. drink 3. arrive
4. helps 5. has 6. dresses up 4. listen to 5. love 6. is
7. prepares 8. is 7. arrives 8. likes 9. doesn’t listen to
9. have 10. go 10. plays

8 My Uncle is a Zookeeper
You : What time does the speaker arrive home
from school?
Read the complete text in TASK 20 again. Your friend : He arrives home at 1:40 p.m.
In pairs, ask and answer questions based on the text. You : That’s right. Your turn, please.
Do it in turns. Your friend : What does he do before having a nap?
You : He has lunch.
Contoh jawaban:
You : What time does the speaker arrive home
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
from school?
kembali penggunaan simple present tense dan isi teks
Your friend : He arrives home at 1:40 p.m.
pada kegiatan sebelumnya.
You : That’s right. Your turn, please.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja secara
Your friend : What does he do before having a nap?
You : He has lunch.
3. Setiap pasangan bergantian bertanya jawab tentang isi
Your friend : How long does he usually have a nap?
teks pada kegiatan sebelumnya menggunakan simple
You : Around an hour.
present tense, secara bergantian.
Your friend : Correct. Your turn, please.
4. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, Bapak/Ibu Guru
You : O.K. What does the speaker do after having
mengamati pelafalan peserta didik dan mengoreksi
a nap?
pelafalan yang kurang tepat.
Your friend : He sweeps the yard.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai kepada
You : That’s right. What does he do next?
peserta didik.
Your friend : He plays badminton or soccer with his friends
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik yang masih
in the field nearby.
kurang aktif agar berani melakukan percakapan dalam
You : That’s right. Your turn, please.
bahasa Inggris.
Your friend : Thanks. Er … does the speaker watch TV in
the afternoon?
Contoh jawaban: You : No, he doesn’t.
You : What time does Tasya wake up? Your friend : Why?
Your friend : At four thirty. You : Because he says there are no interesting
You : Correct. Now, it’s your turn. programs.
Your friend : What usually wakes her up? Your friend : Correct!
You : The alarm on her cellphone. You : My turn. So, what does the speaker do if he
Your friend : Right! Your turn, please. doesn’t watch TV?
You : O.K. What does Tasya do after making her bed? Your friend : He often reads a magazine or newspaper.
Your friend : She prays. You : You’re right. Well, this is the last question.
You : You’re right. Your turn, please. When does he watch TV and what program is
Your friend : What does Tasya do to help her mother? it?
You : She cleans the floor and washes the dishes. Your friend : He watches talk shows on TV in the
Your friend : Correct. You, please. afternoon.
You : Sure. What do her mother and brother do while You : That’s right.
Tasya has a bath and dresses up?
Your friend : They prepare breakfast. Now, it’s my turn, isn’t it?
What do Tasya and her family do when everyone
is ready?
You : They have breakfast and then leave their house.
Listen to the text and answer the following questions based on
what you have heard.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
I’d like to tell you about my habitual activities on Sunday
morning. Different from other children who spend their time freely,
Read the following text. I always help my mother on Sunday. My mother is a vendor and
In pairs, ask and answer questions about it. she always displays her goods during car free days.
See the example. Early in the morning, I wake up and pray. After that, I have
a bath and get dressed. I drink milk and eat a slice of bread.
What daily activities do you do at home? Let me tell you Then, I help mother pack the goods and carry them to the
about my daily activities during the afternoon. pick-up car. Father drives the car, together with my mother, while
I usually arrive home from school at 1:40 p.m. Then, I prefer to ride my bicycle.
I have lunch and have a nap for around an hour. After that, During the car free day, I help my mother sell the goods.
I help my mom sweep the yard. Then, I play badminton or Mother always orders my favorite food and drink. When the car
soccer with my friends in the field nearby. After having free day is over, I help mother pack the goods and we go home.
a bath, I often read a magazine or newspaper. I seldom
watch TV in the afternoon because there are no interesting Jawaban:
programs. However, I always watch talk shows on TV in the 1. It’s about the speaker’s habitual activities on Sunday morning.
evening. 2. She sells goods.
3. During car free days.
4. After she drinks milk and eats a slice of bread.
5. Contoh jawaban: She is obedient and helpful.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 9

1. allow me 2. wake up
3. have a bath 4. sweep the yard
5. comb my hair 6. a quarter to seven
Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard.
7. half past one 8. the second break
Good morning, everybody. Please (1) ______________ 9. having a nap 10. prepare my self
to tell you about my weekdays. I usually (2) _____________
at half past four in the morning. I (3) ________________ TASK 2
after praying, (4) ________________ and clean my bicycle. 1. It’s about the speaker’s weekdays.
Then, I get dressed and (5) ________________. After 2. He usually wakes up at half past four in the morning.
breakfast, I leave for school. 3. He prays, has a bath, sweeps the yard, cleans his
I usually arrive at school at (6) ________________. bicycle, gets dressed, combs his hair and has
From Monday to Thursday, classes are from seven until breakfast.
(7) _______________. That’s why, I always have lunch at the 4. He studies at school from Monday to Thursday for six
school canteen with my friends during (8) ______________. and half hours a day.
I often arrive home at two in the afternoon. 5. He has a nap, does his homework or reads a newspaper.
After (9) ________________, I do my homework or Occasionally, he plays badminton with his sister or plays
read a newspaper. Occasionally, I play badminton with my soccer with his friends.
sister or play soccer with my friends. In the evening after TASK 3 (Contoh jawaban)
having dinner, I (10) ________________ for next day’s class. Good morning, everybody. Please allow me to tell you
I go to sleep at ten, but I am allowed to stay up later at about my brother’s weekdays. My brother Hendra usually
weekends. wakes up at half past four in the morning. He has a bath
That’s my weekdays, my friends. Thank you for after praying, sweeps the yard and cleans his bicycle.
listening. Then, he gets dressed and combs his hair. After having
TASK 2 breakfast, he leaves for school.
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 1. He usually arrives at school at a quarter to seven.
From Monday to Thursday, classes are from seven until half
1. What is the text about?
past one. That’s why, he always has lunch at the school
2. What time does the speaker usually wake up?
canteen with his friends during the second break. He often
3. What activities does the speaker do before going to
arrives home at two in the afternoon.
After having a nap, he does his homework or reads
4. How many hours a day does he study at school from
a newspaper. Occasionally, he plays badminton with me or
Monday to Thursday?
plays soccer with his friends. In the evening after having
5. What does he do in the afternoon?
dinner, he prepares himself for next day’s class. He goes to
TASK 3 sleep at ten, but he is allowed to stay up later at weekends.
Modify the text in TASK 1 using the third singular person (he/ That’s Hendra’s weekdays, my friends. Thank you for
she) as the subject. listening.
See the example and pay attention to the words in bold.
Good morning, everybody. Please allow me to tell you
about my brother’s weekdays. My brother Hendra usually
wakes up at half past four in the morning. He has a bath
after praying .... Homework
Observe an item, animal or plant around you.
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Then, tell your friends about its facts.
Good morning, everybody. Please allow me to tell Contoh jawaban:
you about my weekdays. I usually wake up at half past I have a palm tree in the backyard. It is tall, slim and has
four in the morning. I have a bath after praying, sweep pinnate green leaves. It has a cluster of coconuts among feathery
the yard and clean my bicycle. Then, I get dressed and fronds at the top of the tree. The coconuts have either brown or
comb my hair. After breakfast, I leave for school. green shells. Brown shells indicate old coconuts, while green
I usually arrive at school at a quarter to seven. shells indicate young ones. Young coconuts have fresh coconut
From Monday to Thursday, classes are from seven until juice and sweet flesh. We usually make fresh drinks from them.
half past one. That’s why, I always have lunch at the
school canteen with my friends during the second break.
I often arrive home at two in the afternoon.
After having a nap, I do my homework or read
a newspaper. Occasionally, I play badminton with my
sister or play soccer with my friends. In the evening after
having dinner, I prepare myself for next day’s class. I go
to sleep at ten, but I am allowed to stay up later at
That’s my weekdays, my friends. Thank you for

10 My Uncle is a Zookeeper
• I provide daily care for animals in Describing events that
the zoo. happen regularly Subjects I, you, (+) I always feed the animals and clean their cages.
• I usually play futsal on Wednesday we, they (–) I don’t feed the animals and clean their cages.

and Saturday. (?) Do I always feed the animals and clean their
• I clean the animals’ enclosures. cages?

states or events Simple
My Uncle is


that happen
regularly or as
a Zookeeper tense
general truths

Describing Subjects he,

• An elephant has large ears and a
long trunk. general truths she, it (+) A tiger is a wild animal.

• A lion eats meat. (–) A tiger is not a tame animal.

• A peacock has a beautiful tail. (?) Is a tiger a wild animal?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

B. Look at the picture and describe facts about the animal.
Contoh jawaban:
A rhinoceros is herbivorous.
It eats grasses and leaves.
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
It has two horns, hard skin and four strong legs.
Jawaban: It is big and usually spends its day in mud.
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. D
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. D
11. D 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. A
16. A 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. B

Look at the picture.

Write a paragraph telling about what each person in the picture does.

Contoh jawaban:
It is Sunday. Erlin and her family are in the warehouse. It seems that they will do gardening. Each of them has his/her own
duty. Erlin takes a watering can to water the plants. Her mother carries a broom to sweep the garden. Her father takes a spade
to clean the ditch. Her brother holds a pair of shears to trim the shrubs.

12 My Uncle is a Zookeeper
Setelah mempelajari chapter ini, peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/berlangsung saat
diucapkan. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan present continuous tense.)
2. terampil:
menyusun teks lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/
kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/berlangsung saat diucapkan.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional;
2. mengembangkan perilaku percaya diri dan sopan dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

What are You Doing?

▲ ▲ ▲
• Tindak tutur memberi dan meminta • Teks yang melibatkan tindakan • Present continuous tense
informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/ memberi dan meminta informasi
kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/
dilakukan/berlangsung saat di- kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/
ucapkan. berlangsung.
▲ ▲ ▲

• Pemahaman berbagai ungkapan • Pemahaman monolog yang • Berbagai percakapan dan teks
dan percakapan yang melibatkan melibatkan tindakan memberi dan pendek yang menggunakan
tindakan memberi dan meminta meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ simple present continuous tense.
informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/ tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang • Penjelasan penggunaan simple
kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang sedang dilakukan/berlangsung present continuous tense.
dilakukan/berlangsung saat diucap- yang diperdengarkan. • Praktik menulis kalimat meng-
kan, sesuai dengan konteks peng- • Penyampaian teks yang gunakan simple present continuous
gunaannya. melibatkan tindakan memberi dan tense.
• Praktik bercakap-cakap yang meminta informasi terkait keadaan/
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang
meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ sedang dilakukan/berlangsung
saat diucapkan secara lisan.
tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang
• Praktik menulis teks yang
sedang dilakukan/berlangsung saat
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
diucapkan, sesuai dengan konteks
meminta informasi terkait keadaan/
tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang
sedang dilakukan/berlangsung.
▲ ▲

• Memahami tindak tutur memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/
berlangsung saat diucapkan dengan menggunakan present continuous tense.
• Mengungkapkan gambaran umum dan maksud teks lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/berlangsung dengan menggunakan present continuous tense.
• Bercakap-cakap menggunakan ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang
dilakukan/berlangsung dengan menggunakan present continuous tense.
• Menulis teks yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang
dilakukan/berlangsung dengan menggunakan present continuous tense.
• Bersikap percaya diri dan sopan dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 13

Look at the above picture. The students are practicing karate at school. The trainer is guiding them. What are you doing
now? What are your friends doing now?
In this chapter, you will learn how to provide and ask for information about an activity in progress. Please read and practice
English all the time. You will gradually speak English fluently, for sure.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru memeragakan suatu kegiatan, misalnya membaca.

2. Bapak/Ibu Guru bertanya kepada peserta didik kegiatan yang sedang ia lakukan. Misalnya dengan pertanyaan: ”What
am I doing now?”
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik agar aktif menyampaikan jawaban mereka.
4. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik melihat gambar apersepsi dan membaca kalimat-kalimat di bawah
5. Dengan arahan dan bimbingan Bapak/Ibu Guru, peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah gambar.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa peserta didik akan mempelajari cara memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/berlangsung saat diucapkan dan cara menggunakan present
continuous tense.

14 What are You Doing?

Arrange the following words to form meaningful sentences.
Look at the picture in TASK 1 again.
Describe what each student in the picture is doing. Jawaban:
Jawaban: 1. The gardener is mowing the lawn now.
1. The boys and the girls are busy cleaning up the classroom. 2. Erlin and Denias are attending an English course.
2. Rendy is sweeping the floor. 3. Noval is browsing articles about health on the Internet.
3. Noval is mopping the floor. 4. I am uploading a video about beautiful scenery in my town.
4. Erlin is cleaning the blackboard. 5. Edwin and his friends are making handicrafts from mineral
5. Emily is putting the books back into the shelf. bottles.
6. Ganish is taking the rubbish bin outside.

Arrange the following words to form meaningful sentences.

Observe what your classmates are doing.
Write your observation in the table. 1. is–stationery–Erlin–from–buying–a bookstore
Write down at least ten sentences based on your table. 2. the library–borrowing–Alvin and his friends–are–from–
See the example. books
3. present continuous tense–is–Mrs. Dewi–explaining–
4. writing–about–an essay–I–a clean and green
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami environment–am
perintah kegiatan. 5. visiting–the hospital–the boys–at–are–sick class
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu 15 menit kepada teacher–their
peserta didik untuk saling mengamati kegiatan yang
mereka lakukan. Masing-masing peserta didik dapat Jawaban:
memeragakan suatu kegiatan dan peserta didik yang 1. Erlin is buying stationery from a bookstore.
lain mengamati dan mencatat kegiatan tersebut di tabel. 2. Alvin and his friends are borrowing books from the library.
3. Selanjutnya peserta didik diminta melaporkan hasil 3. Mrs. Dewi is explaining about present continuous tense.
pengamatan mereka. 4. I am writing an essay about a clean and green
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati kegiatan ini dan memberikan environment.
penilaian, misalnya tentang kesungguhan peserta didik 5. The boys are visiting their sick class teacher at the
dalam melakukan tugas. hospital.

Contoh jawaban:
No. Name Activity Place

1. Dina writing in her notebook

2. We studying in the classroom Complete the following dialogs with present continuous tense.
Number one is done for you.
3. Denny asking the teacher about –
the lesson
1. I am washing the dishes.
4. the teacher explaining in the classroom 2. I am taking a picture.
3. He is performing a traditional dance.
5. Riri reading a book in the classroom 4. They are holding a meeting.
6. Several discussing the lesson – 5. She is moving the box to the storeroom.
7. Rendy searching for his lost –
8. Metha sharpening her pencil –
9. Lala wiping the blackboard in front of the Complete the following dialogs with present continuous
class tense.
Number one is done for you.
10. Gilang taking his book from his bag
1. Erlin : What are you doing?
Noval : (Read a magazine) I am reading a magazine.
1. Dina is writing in her notebook. 2. Erlin : What are you doing?
2. We are studying in the classroom. Emily : (Study English) ________________________.
3. Denny is asking the teacher about the lesson. 3. Erlin : What is Ganish doing?
4. The teacher is explaining in the classroom. Noval : (Act in a drama) ________________________.
5. Riri is reading a book in the classroom. 4. Erlin : What is Denias doing?
6. Several students are discussing the lesson. Emily : (Learn a new song) ____________________.
7. Rendy is searching for his lost book. 5. Erlin : What are the boys doing?
8. Metha is sharpening her pencil. Noval : (Play football) _________________________.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 15

Jawaban: Laporan:
1. I am reading a magazine. 1. Yudi is watering flowers.
2. I am studying English. 2. Rida is chatting with her friend.
3. She is acting in a drama. 3. Mila is playing a game.
4. He is learning a new song. 4. Riko is falling asleep.
5. They are playing football. 5. Danu is washing clothes.
6. Wulan is watching a movie.
7. Viko is making mango juice.
8. Cintya is feeding fish.
9. Niken is playing chess.
10. Toni is playing the piano.

Ask a classmate about what he/she is doing now.

Ask him/her to act it out.
Then, ask other classmates, in turns.
Report your work at class. Work in groups.
With your group, go to several places at your school.
Observe what people are doing at the places.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
perintah kegiatan.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menggambar tabel berikut di 1. Peserta didik membentuk kelompok yang terdiri atas
papan tulis beserta satu contoh untuk memudahkan empat orang.
peserta didik mencatat hasil wawancara mereka. 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru menulis tabel beserta satu contoh di
No Name Activity papan tulis untuk memudahkan peserta didik dalam
melakukan pengamatan. Berikut contoh tabelnya.
1. Lia Drawing a hamster.
No Place Person(s) Activity

3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu 15 menit kepada peserta 1. Hall Students of Practicing singing
didik untuk saling bertanya jawab tentang kegiatan yang Class VIIIA
mereka lakukan. 2. _______________ _______________________________ _______________________________
4. Ketika tanya jawab berlangsung, peserta didik yang 3. _______________ _______________________________ _______________________________
menjawab pertanyaan memeragakan kegiatan yang 4. _______________ _______________________________ _______________________________
sedang ia lakukan. Peserta didik yang bertanya mencatat 5. _______________ _______________________________ _______________________________
hasil wawancara di tabel. 6. _______________ _______________________________ _______________________________
5. Peserta didik melakukan tanya jawab tersebut sebanyak 7. _______________ _______________________________ _______________________________
mungkin sampai waktu yang telah ditentukan habis. 8. _______________ _______________________________ _______________________________
6. Selanjutnya peserta didik diminta melaporkan hasil 9. _______________ _______________________________ _______________________________
pengamatan mereka. 10. _______________ _______________________________ _______________________________
7. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati kegiatan ini dan memberikan
balikan dan nilai. 3. Setiap kelompok menyalin tabel tersebut di buku mereka.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru lebih baik membuat alur pergerakan
Contoh jawaban: setiap kelompok demi ketertiban ketika peserta didik
Tanya jawab: melakukan pengamatan.
1. You : What are you doing? 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu 15 menit kepada peserta
Yudi : (Act as if watering flowers) I am watering flowers. didik untuk mengunjungi tempat-tempat di sekolah dan
2. You : What are you doing? mengamati kegiatan yang dilakukan orang-orang di
Rida : (Act as if chatting with a friend) I am chatting with tempat-tempat tersebut, serta mencatatnya.
my friend. 6. Setelah waktu pengamatan selesai, peserta didik kembali
3. You : What are you doing? ke kelas.
Mila : (Act as if playing a game) I am playing a game. 7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu kepada peserta didik
4. You : What are you doing? untuk mengoreksi hasil pengamatan mereka. Apabila
Riko : (Act as a sleepy person) I am falling asleep. mengalami kesulitan, mereka dapat berkonsultasi
5. You : What are you doing? dengan Bapak/Ibu Guru.
Danu : (Act as if washing clothes) I am washing clothes.
6. You : What are you doing?
Wulan : (Act as if watching a movie) I am watching a movie.
7. You : What are you doing?
Viko : (Act as if making mango juice) I am making
mango juice.
8. You : What are you doing?
Cintya : (Act as if feeding fish) I am feeding fish.
9. You : What are you doing?
Niken : (Act as if playing chess) I am playing chess.
10. You : What are you doing?
Toni : (Act as if playing the piano) I am playing the

16 What are You Doing?

Contoh jawaban:
No Place Person(s) Activity

1. Hall Students of Practicing singing Complete the following dialogs based on the pictures and cue words.
2. Reading Class VIIIA Reading a math Number one is done for you.
room Mitha glossary Jawaban:
3. Library Mr. Harry, the Arranging the Picture 1
librarian books 1. Yes, she is. She is playing the guitar very well.
4. Teachers’ Mr. Sandy Discussing a task 2. No, he is not. He is singing a song by reading the song
room with a student lyrics in the book.
5. Teachers’ Mrs. Diyah Browsing the 3. No, they are not. Noval is singing a song and her sister is
room Internet playing the guitar.
6. Laboratory Ms. Nilla Observing 4. Yes, they are. They are preparing to enliven his father’s
something through office’s family gathering.
a microscope 5. Noval is singing ‘Hero’ from Mariah Carey.
7. Canteen Mrs. Sanusi, Cooking rice
the canteen Picture 2
lady 1. Yes, they are. I think they are talking about an interesting topic.
8. Medical Mr. Robby, Examining a sick 2. No, they are not. They are riding their bicycles.
room a doctor student 3. No, they are not. Erlin is wearing a T-shirt and skirt and
9. Schoolyard Students of Playing basketball Denias is wearing a T-shirt and trousers.
Class VIIID 4. Yes, they are. They are carrying backpacks.
10. Schoolyard Mr. Santosa, Sweeping the yard 5. They are going to the English course.
the janitor
Picture 3
1. Yes, he is. He is standing beside Noval.
2. Yes, he is. He is showing how to operate the magnifying
glass properly.
3. Yes, he is. He is focusing on the explanation.
4. Yes, he is. Noval is operating it.
Please write down ten sentences based on your observation in 5. He is placing it on the table in front of him.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Students of Class VIIIA are practicing singing.
2. Mitha is reading a math glossary.
3. Mr. Harry, the librarian, is arranging the books.
4. Mr. Sandy is discussing a task with a student. Complete the following dialogs based on the pictures and
5. Mrs. Diyah is browsing the Internet. the cue words.
6. Ms. Nilla is observing something through a microscope. Number one is done for you.
7. Mrs. Sanusi, the canteen lady, is cooking rice.
8. Mr. Robby, a doctor, is examining a sick student.
9. Students of Class VIIID are playing basketball.
10. Mr. Santosa, the janitor, is sweeping the yard.

Picture 1
1. Emily : Is Erlin talking with Noval? (yes)
In pairs, observe people around you and the activities they are Ganish : Yes, she is. She is chatting with Noval.
doing. 2. Emily : Is Noval holding a rabbit? (no)
Ask about and state their activities using present continuous Ganish : ___________________________
tense, in turns. 3. Emily : Are they talking about you, Ganish? (no)
Contoh jawaban: Ganish : ___________________________
You : What are Mila and Adi doing? 4. Emily : Are they talking about Noval’s cat? (yes)
Your partner : They are discussing their group work. Now, it’s Ganish : ___________________________
my turn. What is the teacher doing? 5. Emily : What is Noval going to do with the cat?
You : She is paying attention to our activities. My turn. (feeding it)
What is Dilla doing? Ganish : ___________________________
Your partner : She is writing on her book. What is Doni doing?
You : He is having a conversation with Vito.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 17

Work in groups of four or five people.
In turns, act out an activity.
The other students in the groups should ask questions about and
guess the activity.
Contoh jawaban:
You : (Act as if planting a flowering plant)
Student 1 : Are you decorating a cake?
Picture 2 You : No, I am not.
1. Vito : Is Denias talking with Mrs. Aditya? (yes) Student 2 : Are you repairing an electronic item?
Rinto : ___________________________ You : No, I am not.
2. Vito : Is Mrs. Aditya with Erlin and Edwin? (no) Student 3 : Are you planting a seed?
Rinto : ___________________________ You : No, I am not.
3. Vito : Are Denias and Mrs. Aditya in front of Student 4 : Are you planting a flowering plant?
Mr. Aditya’s house? (yes) You : Yes, I am planting a flowering plant.
Rinto : ___________________________
4. Vito : Is Denias holding an umbrella? (yes)
Rinto : ___________________________
5. Vito : What is he doing with the umbrella? (returning
Rinto : ___________________________
What are your family members doing?
Write down at least ten activities in the table.
Share your work with the class.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa tugas ini merupakan

pekerjaan rumah.
2. Peserta didik diminta mengamati kegiatan keluarga
mereka dalam satu hari.
3. Peserta didik mencatat kegiatan keluarga mereka dalam
Picture 3 tabel.
1. Noval : Is Erlin with Ganish and you? (no) 4. Pada pertemuan yang telah ditentukan, peserta didik
Emily : ___________________________ diminta menukar pekerjaan mereka dengan teman
2. Noval : Is Erlin with her brother Edwin? (yes) sebangku.
Emily : ___________________________ 5. Peserta didik saling mengoreksi pekerjaan temannya.
3. Noval : Are they talking about me? (no) Apabila peserta didik mengalami kesulitan, mereka dapat
Emily : ___________________________ bertanya kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru.
4. Noval : Are they holding a book? (yes) 6. Peserta didik memperbaiki tulisan mereka.
Emily : ___________________________ 7. Peser ta didik secara aktif menyampaikan hasil
5. Noval : What are they doing with the book? (reading it) pengamatan mereka di kelas.
Emily : ___________________________ 8. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peser ta didik yang lain
Jawaban: memerhatikan dan mengoreksi apabila terdapat
Picture 1 kesalahan.
1. Yes, she is. She is chatting with Noval. 9. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.
2. No, he is not. He is holding a cat.
3. No, they aren’t. They are talking about a cat.
4. Yes, they are. That is Noval’s cat.
5. He is going to feed it.
Picture 2
1. Yes, he is. They are chatting.
2. No, she is not. She is standing alone.
3. Yes, they are. They are standing in front of Mr. Aditya’s
4. Yes, he is. He is giving it to Mrs. Aditya.
5. He is returning it.
Picture 3
1. No, she is not. She is sitting beside a man.
2. Yes, she is. That’s her brother.
3. No, they aren’t. They are talking about a book.
4. Yes, they are. They are holding it.
5. They are reading it.

18 What are You Doing?

Contoh jawaban:

Activities of the Family Members

No. Time
Father Mother Elder Brother Younger Sister

1. Early morning Praying Praying Praying Praying

2. 5:30 a.m. Sweeping the floor Cooking Cooking Washing clothes
3. 6 a.m. Having a bath Preparing breakfast Preparing breakfast Having a bath
4. 6:15 a.m. Preparing for work Having a bath Having a bath Preparing for school
5. 6:30 a.m. Having breakfast Having breakfast Having breakfast Having breakfast
6. 6:45 a.m. Going to work Going to work Going to school Going to school
7. 12 p.m. Having lunch at work Having lunch at work Having lunch Having lunch
8. 1 p.m. Working Working Studying Studying
9. 2 p.m. Working Working Studying Studying
10. 3 p.m. Working Working Studying Studying

Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in TASK 15. Listen and complete the following text based on what you have
Jawaban: heard.
Dialog 1 Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban:
1. She is returning Mr. Andika’s book. Several of my friends are (1) attending a carnival to
2. They are friends at the English course. celebrate the Independence Day now. They are wearing batik
3. He is waiting for Mrs. Anita. clothes which are designed into beautiful and (2) unique
4. He is going to meet Mrs. Anita to consult his assignment. costumes, such as flowers, peacocks and others. They are
5. It is ‘discuss’. walking along the (3) main street. Rina and Gani are walking
(4) at the front. They are carrying our (5) school nameplate.
Dialog 2
The other (6) participants are walking behind them.
1. They are talking about Noval’s karate practice.
My friends and I are (7) watching them from the road side.
2. At school.
We are standing under a (8) shady tree. We are waving (9) our
3. He is looking for Noval.
hands to support them. They are looking attractive with the
4. No, it is not.
costumes. We are (10) proud of them.
5. He will meet Noval.

Complete the following dialogs based on what you have heard. Listen to and answer the questions based on the text in TASK 18.
Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Guru:
1. Tia : What are you doing? 1. What is the text about?
Tayo : I am baking another cake because my sister ate 2. Who are participating in the event?
the previous one, this morning. 3. What are their costumes like?
2. Erlin : What are you doing? 4. Where is the event holding?
Edwin : The floor is dirty, so I am sweeping it. 5. Why are Rina and Gani walking at the front?
3. Dona : What are you doing? 6. What is the writer doing?
Arya : I am blending guavas because grandma gave me 7. Where is the writer standing?
many guavas yesterday. 8. How do the writer and friends feel?
4. Galih : What are you doing?
Nino : The queue at the cashier is long, so I am waiting
1. Watching an Independence Day’s carnival.
for my brother here.
2. Several of the writer’s friends.
5. Rima : What are you doing?
3. The costumes are beautiful and unique, made of batik clothes
Rida : There will be several guests coming, so I am
in the forms of flowers, peacocks and others.
preparing this room for them.
4. Along the main street.
6. Edwin : Why are you bringing many bottles?
5. Because they are carrying their school nameplate.
Erlin : I am making a craft from used bottles, so I need
6. He/She is watching the carnival from the road side.
7. He/She is standing under a shady tree, on the road side.
7. Lily : Why are you wearing your wet dress?
8. They feel proud.
Lika : I forgot to bring a change of clothes.
8. Erlin : Why are you walking slowly?
Noval : I fell on the way here, so my leg is painful.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 19

Write a text based on the following picture. Work in groups of four.
Contoh jawaban: Visit a certain place at your school.
Erlin and her friends are visiting a rubbish bank. Erlin is Observe what people are doing at the place.
carrying a big bag of mineral bottles. Noval is carrying several Write a text about their activities.
cartons. They are giving them to Mrs. Rosita, the staff of the Share your work with the class.
rubbish bank. Mrs. Rosita is weighing the cartons. Ganish is
sitting in front of Mr. Sigit. He is writing Ganish’s rubbish deposit
in a savings book. Emily is standing near Mr. Sigit. She is 1. Peserta didik membentuk kelompok yang terdiri atas
arranging bags made of rubbish on the shelf. empat orang.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru lebih baik menulis nama-nama tempat
yang akan dikunjungi peserta didik dan mengundinya,
sehingga kelompok-kelompok itu tidak akan mengunjungi
tempat yang sama.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu 15 menit kepada peserta
didik untuk mengamati kegiatan yang dilakukan orang-
Write a text based on the following picture. orang di tempat tersebut serta mencatatnya.
4. Kemudian, peser ta didik kembali ke kelas dan
mempersiapkan untuk menyampaikan hasil laporannya
di kelas.
5. Tiap-tiap kelompok melaporkan hasil pengamatannya.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik lain mengamati, serta
mengoreksi jika ada kesalahan dalam membuat kalimat
atau pengucapan.
7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik agar aktif
dalam kegiatan ini.
8. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.

Contoh jawaban:
We are visiting a school yard. The students of Class VIIIB
are having physical exercises. Mrs. Diyah is teaching them.
Contoh jawaban: Several students are practicing javelin throwing. The other
This is Erlin’s family. Mr. and Mrs. Aditya are in the family students are paying attention to them. A student is bringing
room. Mr. Aditya is reading a newspaper and Mrs. Aditya is a measuring tape. Mrs. Ema is watering the flowers and
sewing. Erlin and her brother, Edwin, are in the kitchen. Erlin Mr. Aditya is sweeping the yard.
is washing the dishes and Edwin is frying an egg.

20 What are You Doing?

• What are you doing? To tell about activities in progress/at the time of
I am writing an article. speaking.
• What is Andy doing? Asking for and Patterns:
He is washing the dishes. Providing Information What are You (+) S + am/is/are + V-ing + O/compl.

(–) S + am/is/are + not + V-ing + O/compl.

• What are you looking at? Present Continuous Tense
about an Activity in Doing? (?) Am/is/are + S + V-ing + O/compl. + ?
I am looking at an ant carrying food.
Progress Examples:
• What is the woman buying?
She is buying fruit and vegetables. (+) Erlin is riding her new bicycle.
(–) Erlin is not riding her new bicycle.
(?) Is Erlin riding her new bicycle.?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

B. Make five sentences using present continuous tense.
Contoh jawaban:
1. The little girl is crying aloud.
2. Lina is watering the flowers.
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. 3. Father and I are sweeping the yard.
Jawaban: 4. My teacher is explaining how to play the game.
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 5. Mr. John is walking through the entrance door.
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. D
11. B 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. B
16. C 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B

Work in pairs.
Ask and state about the situations in the following pictures.
Use present continuous tense.
See the example.

1. Peserta didik membentuk kelompok yang terdiri atas dua orang.

2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik saling bertanya jawab tentang gambar yang tersedia menggunakan present
continuous tense.
3. Peserta didik dapat menulis tanya jawab mereka di buku, kemudian berkonsultasi mengenai tulisannya kepada Bapak/Ibu
4. Peserta didik memperbaiki tulisannya sesuai dengan masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru.
5. Peserta didik mempraktikkan percakapan tersebut di kelas tanpa teks.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik lain mengamati dan mengoreksi jika ada kesalahan dalam membuat kalimat atau
7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.

1. 2.

Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Rio K. Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Dilla Eka L.
Debby : Where is Mr. Joko?
Mika : He is at the rice field?
Debby : What is he doing?
Mika : He is ploughing the rice field.
3. 4.

Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Rio K. Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Nunung S.

22 What are You Doing?

2. Derri : Where is Rani?
Sofia : She’s at the backyard.
Derri : What is she doing?
Sofia : She’s making a kite.

3. Farah : Do you know where Deo and his friends are?

Linda : Yes, I do. They are at the river bank.
Farah : What are they doing?
Linda : They are fishing.

4. Mr. Rendra : Where is Deasy?

Mrs. Rendra : She is in her room.
Mr. Rendra : What is she doing?
Mrs. Rendra : She is playing a toy car.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 23

Setelah mempelajari chapter ini peserta didik:
1. dapat memahami:
cara memberi dan meminta informasi terkait perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, binatang, benda, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan degree of comparison).
2. terampil:
menyusun teks yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang,
binatang, benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional;
2. mengembangkan sikap disiplin, santun, percaya diri, dan jujur dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Bigger is not Always Stronger

▲ ▲

Menyatakan dan menanyakan informasi terkait per- Degrees of comparison:

bandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, binatang, dan benda. • positive (as ... as): good, bad, many/much, little.
• comparative (...-er/more ... than): better, worse, more,
▲ less.
• superlative (the ...-est/most ...): the best, the worst, the
• Pemahaman cara menyatakan dan menanyakan most, the least.
perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, binatang, dan
benda, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. ▲
• Identifikasi bentuk-bentuk perbandingan sifat dan jumlah
(dapat dihitung maupun tidak dapat dihitung) orang, • Penjelasan penggunaan degrees of comparison.
binatang, dan benda, baik berbentuk positive, • Berbagai percakapan yang menggunakan degrees of
comparative, maupun superlative. comparison.
• Identifikasi struktur kalimat-kalimat perbandingan (positive,
comparative, maupun superlative) dan maknanya.
• Praktik bercakap-cakap terkait perbandingan sifat dan
jumlah, orang, binatang, dan benda sesuai dengan

▲ ▲

• Memahami ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, binatang, benda, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya dengan memperhatikan unsur kebahasaan degree of comparison.
• Bercakap-cakap menggunakan ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, binatang,
benda, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan memperhatikan unsur kebahasaan degree of comparison.
• Bersikap disiplin, santun, percaya diri, dan jujur dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

24 Bigger is not Always Stronger

Look at the picture above. Who is bigger? Who do you think is stronger? Do you think bigger is always stronger? No, of
course not.
In this chapter, you will compare people, animals and objects. The comparisons may include sizes, characters,
appearances, numbers, etc. By learning this, you will be able to give acurate descriptions of people, animals and objects.
So, study the information and do the exercises well.

Dalam chapter ini peserta didik akan belajar membandingkan orang, binatang, dan benda yang meliputi kualitas maupun
kuantitasnya. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran sebagai berikut.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru melakukan kegiatan apersepsi dengan mengambil buku tulis dan kamus, kemudian bertanya kepada
peserta didik mengenai perbedaan kedua buku tersebut, misalnya ukuran dan tebal-tipis kedua buku tersebut. Bapak/Ibu
Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk tidak takut menjawab. (Jawaban: The dictionary is thicker than the book. The book is
thinner than the dictionary.)
2. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar apersepsi dan memahami paragraf penjelas
yang terdapat di bawah gambar.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru bersama-sama dengan peserta didik membahas jawaban yang ditanyakan dalam paragraf tersebut.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan cakupan materi yang akan dipelajari dalam chapter ini.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru senantiasa mengingatkan peserta didik agar berpartisipasi aktif dalam setiap kegiatan dan tidak malu
bertanya ketika mengalami kesulitan.
7. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengingatkan peserta didik agar selalu berperilaku santun, percaya diri, jujur, bekerja sama, dan
bertanggung jawab dalam berkomunikasi dengan Bapak/Ibu Guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 25

4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca kalimat-
kalimat tersebut secara bergantian. Bapak/Ibu Guru
memberi koreksi pelafalan peserta didik yang masih
Listen and repeat. kurang tepat.
Pay attention to the sentences in bold. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menjelaskan isi
kalimat-kalimat tersebut, satu per satu, lalu membahas-
nya bersama-sama.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi evaluasi dan balikan.
1. Sebelum memulai kegiatan ini, Bapak/Ibu Guru
menjelaskan kepada peserta didik bahwa mereka akan
mendengarkan percakapan-percakapan pendek tentang
perbandingan. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
membaca dalam hati kalimat-kalimat yang terdapat di
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan kalimat-kalimat Complete the following sentences based on the short dialogs in
tersebut dan peserta didik menyimak dengan saksama. TASK 1.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan kembali kalimat- Jawaban:
kalimat tersebut, satu per satu, dan peserta didik meniru- 1. • Dini is taller and plumper than Dani
kan. Bapak/Ibu Guru membetulkan pelafalan peserta • Dani is shorter and thinner than Dini
didik yang masih kurang tepat. 2. • Diana is older than him
• he is younger than his sister
• he is as tall as his sister

Read and understand the following sentences.
Complete the statements based on the sentences.

1 On my right is a picture of a rat and on 2

This is my house. It’s 100 meters wide.
my left is a picture of a mouse. They look That’s Jovan’s house. It’s also 100
similar, but the rat is bigger than the meters wide. So, my house is as
mouse. In other words, the mouse is wide as Jovan’s.
smaller than the rat, isn’t it?

26 Bigger is not Always Stronger


Dad, why do you prefer bamboo to

wood, to make fences? Isn’t wood
stronger than bamboo?

You’re right. Wood is stronger than

bamboo, or bamboo is weaker than
wood. However, bamboo is lighter and
cheaper than wood. Wood is heavier
and more expensive than bamboo.

1. Erlin is showing the difference between a rat and mouse.

They look alike, but ______________________________________________.
In other words, ______________________________________________.
2. Ganish is showing the difference between her house and Jovan’s.
She says that ______________________________________________.
3. Father is explaining to his daughter about the differences between wood and bamboo.
He says that ______________________________ or ____________________________________.
However, ______________________________________________.
In other words, ______________________________________________.

Complete the following table with the correct forms of comparative adjectives and their meanings.

No. Adjective Comparative Meaning

1. big ____________________ __________________________

2. bright ____________________ __________________________
3. clear ____________________ __________________________
4. clever ____________________ __________________________
5. dark ____________________ __________________________
6. fine ____________________ __________________________
7. heavy ____________________ __________________________
8. kind ____________________ __________________________
9. nice ____________________ __________________________
10. old ____________________ __________________________
11. pretty ____________________ __________________________
12. rough ____________________ __________________________
13. shallow ____________________ __________________________
14. sharp ____________________ __________________________
15. slim ____________________ __________________________
16. smart ____________________ __________________________
17. smooth ____________________ __________________________
18. tall ____________________ __________________________
19. thick ____________________ __________________________
20. thin ____________________ __________________________

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 27

Find ten adjectives and change them into comparative forms.
Then, make sentences using the comparative adjectives.

No. Adjective Comparative Sentence

1. ________________ __________________ __________________________________________________________

2. ________________ __________________ __________________________________________________________
3. ________________ __________________ __________________________________________________________
4. ________________ __________________ __________________________________________________________
5. ________________ __________________ __________________________________________________________
6. ________________ __________________ __________________________________________________________
7. ________________ __________________ __________________________________________________________
8. ________________ __________________ __________________________________________________________
9. ________________ __________________ __________________________________________________________
10. ________________ __________________ __________________________________________________________

1. Erlin is showing the difference between a rat and mouse.
They look alike, but the rat is bigger than the mouse.
In other words, the mouse is smaller than the rat.
2. Ganish is showing the difference between her house and Jovan’s.
She says that her house is as wide as Jovan’s.
3. Mr. Riyadi is explaining to his daughter about the differences between wood and bamboo.
He says that wood is stronger than bamboo or bamboo is weaker than wood.
However, bamboo is lighter and cheaper than wood.
In other words, wood is heavier and more expensive than bamboo.
No. Adjective Comparative Meaning

1. big bigger lebih besar

2. bright brighter lebih terang
3. clear clearer lebih jelas/jernih
4. clever cleverer lebih pintar
5. dark darker lebih gelap
6. fine finer lebih bagus/baik
7. heavy heavier lebih berat
8. kind kinder lebih baik hati
9. nice nicer lebih manis
10. old older/elder lebih tua
11. pretty prettier lebih cantik
12. rough rougher lebih kasar
13. shallow shallower lebih dangkal
14. sharp sharper lebih tajam
15. slim slimmer lebih langsing
16. smart smarter lebih pintar
17. smooth smoother lebih halus/lembut
18. tall taller lebih tinggi
19. thick thicker lebih tebal/kental
20. thin thinner lebih tipis/kurus

TASK 3 (Contoh jawaban)

No. Adjective Comparative Sentence

1. busy busier My father is busier now because he is a manager.

2. deep deeper This river is deeper after the rain falls.
3. healthy healthier You should consume more fruits and vegetables to make you healthier.
4. lazy lazier Adnan is lazier than his younger brother.
5. light lighter This suitcase is lighter than the box.
6. merry merrier Your party is merrier than Linda’s.
7. quiet quieter The class sounds quieter during exams.
8. sad sadder The news about her sick grandmother makes Linda sadder.
9. tidy tidier My room is tidier after I make my bed.
10. young younger Linda is six months younger than her cousin Asha.

28 Bigger is not Always Stronger

1. My bedroom is fifteen meters wide, but my parents’ is
twenty meters wide. So, my bedroom is narrower than my
parents’. In other words, my parents’ bedroom is wider than
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in brackets. mine.
Use positive and comparative degrees. 2. Dirga is stronger than Raju because he can carry 50
kilograms of rice. Raju can only carry thirty kilograms of rice.
Raju is weaker because he is skinnier than Dirga.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca kalimat- 3. I think the weather in Dieng Plateu is much colder than the
kalimat soal. Bapak/Ibu Guru mempersilakan peserta weather in Mount Bromo. That’s why, I’m wearing thicker
didik bertanya apabila ada hal yang belum dipahami. clothes and jacket since I’m in Dieng now and I’m still
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru menerangkan bahwa peserta didik harus feeling cold. However, it didn’t happen when I visited Bromo
melengkapi kalimat-kalimat rumpang dengan bentuk last month. Do you think so, guys?
perbandingan menggunakan kata-kata dalam tanda 4. Triya is the smartest student in her class. She also helps
kurung. her friends who are in difficulties. She’s the kindest girl
3. Peserta didik mengerjakan latihan ini dengan teliti. I have ever known.
4. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta 5. We must understand that Indonesia is the largest
didik untuk membacakan jawabannya secara bergantian. archipelago in the world. Besides, it is famous for its richest
Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberi kesempatan kepada spices.
lebih dari dua peserta didik untuk membacakan jawaban
soal yang sama. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru bersama-
sama menyimpulkan jawabannya.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan terkait pemahaman
peserta didik tentang perbandingan kata sifat.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in brackets.
Use positive and comparative degrees.

My house is 3 kilometers away

1 The coconut tree is 3 meters tall and 2 from school. Emily’s house is only 500
the pine tree is also 3 meters tall. meters away from school. So, my house is
So, the coconut tree is ___________ ____________ [far] Emily’s, from our
[tall] the pine tree. school. In other words, Emily’s house is
____________ [close] mine, from our

I bought this smartphone for

3 I only put three notebooks in 4
Rp1,500,000 and my father’s
my bag. Ganish puts three notebooks phone also costs Rp1,500,000. So,
and one dictionary in her bag. So, my my smartphone is ____________
bag is ____________ [light] Ganish’s. [expensive] my father’s.
In other words, Ganish’s bag is
____________ [heavy] mine.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 29

5 6
Erlin always says that learning English is Andi’s ruler is 50cm long and Mira’s is
entertaining. She also thinks that biology is only 30cm long. So, Andi’s ruler is
an interesting subject. So, for Erlin, English is ____________ [long] Mira’s. In other
____________ [interesting] biology. However, words, Mira’s ruler is ____________
she has difficulties in learning chemistry. She says [short] Andi’s.
that learning English and biology is ____________
[easy] learning chemistry.

Complete the following sentences based on the statements in TASK 1.
Number one has been done for you.
1. Erlin is telling us about the height of the coconut and pine trees.
This is what she is saying, “ _________________________________________________________”
Answer: “The coconut tree is as tall as the pine tree.”
2. Ganish is explaining the distance between her house and Emily’s from their school.
This is what she is saying, “_________________________________________________________”
3. Emily is telling us about the weight of her bag and Ganish’s.
This is what she is saying, “_________________________________________________________”
4. Denias is telling us about the prices of his new smartphone and his father’s.
This is what he is saying, “_________________________________________________________”
5. Noval is telling us about Erlin’s favorite subjects.
This is what he is saying, “_________________________________________________________”
He is also telling us about Erlin’s difficult subject.
This is what he is saying, “_________________________________________________________”
6. Erlin is telling us about the length of Andi and Mira’s rulers.
This is what she is saying, “_________________________________________________________”

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words in brackets.
Use positive and comparative degrees.
1. Which way should we take? Take [short] ____________ of this three routes. We have to arrive at the venue in thirty minutes.
2. Delila always arrives at school at 6:20 a.m. and Tio does too. It means Delila arrives at school [early] ____________ Tio.
Both of them never arrives late.
3. The Iswandi family is [wealthy] ____________ in my kampong. However, their house is [simple] ____________ among
others’ because it is quite small with a narrow garden.
4. Artha : Which do you prefer, fried chicken or grilled chicken?
Claudia : Which one is [cheap] ____________?
Artha : The fried chicken is eight thousand Rupiah and the grilled chicken is eight thousand Rupiah as well. So, the fried
chicken is [cheap] ____________ the grilled one.
Claudia : Get me the grilled one, please. Thanks.
5. My father is [wise] ____________ my mother. They always treat me kindly and patiently. I love them very much.

Listen and complete the following dialogs based on what you have heard.
Dialog 1
Shop assistant : Good morning. Welcome to our shop. What can I do for you, Ma’am?
Mrs. Erni : Good morning. I’d like to buy tiles, please. Where can I see them?
Shop assistant : Please follow me, Ma’am. Here they are. You may choose the tiles you like.
Mrs. Erni : Thanks. Um ... these two tiles have a similar image and price. However, this one is (1) ___________________
that one. What’s the difference?
Shop assistant : This tile has a smoother color and lighter image, while that one has a (2) ___________________ than this one.
However this tile is (3) ___________________ that one.
Mrs. Erni : I see. By the way, may I see (4) ___________________, please?

30 Bigger is not Always Stronger

Shop assistant : Yes, sure. Here they are.
Mrs. Erni : Great! I’ll take five boxes of these light brown tiles. I’m sure the price is (5) ___________________ those big-
sized tiles.
Shop assistant : Yes, Ma’am. We’d give you special discounts during the promotion.
Mrs. Erni : Thanks.
Dialog 2
Ardy : Erlin, we will visit a museum and we need snacks. What about ordering cakes from your father’s (1) ________________?
Erlin : Never mind. If you intend to get (2) ________________, you should go to Jalan Setyabudi.
Ardy : Jalan Setyabudi?
Erlin : Yes. We have a new branch on Jalan Setyabudi which offers special prices (3) ________________. Of course, the prices
are (4) ________________ regular.
Ardy : I see. Anyway, how long will the offer last?
Erlin : (5) ________________. Here is the brochure.
Ardy : O.K. Thanks.

Complete the following statements based on the dialogs in TASK 4.
Dialog 1
1. The dialog takes place in ________________.
2. There are two kinds of tiles which have ________________.
3. The brighter tiles have ________________ than the ones with a stronger images.
4. Mrs. Erni buys five boxes of ________________.
5. The store gives ________________ during the promotion.
Dialog 2
1. Ardy and his friends will go to ________________.
2. Ardy needs to order ________________ for the visit.
3. Erlin’s father’s new bakery offers special prices because ________________.
4. The special offer will last for ________________.
5. Erlin gives Ardy ________________.

Find the synonyms of the following words in the dialogs in TASK 4.

No. Word Synonym Meaning

1. to require ______________ ____________________

2. specific ______________ ____________________
3. usual ______________ ____________________
4. inexpensive ______________ ____________________
5. bid ______________ ____________________

Make sentences using the words in TASK 6.

Complete the sentences showing comparisons based on the clues in brackets.
1. A: I think Bono will win the race!
B: I think so. Bono is [thin] __________ but [strong] __________ than Gani. Gani is [big] __________, but [weak]
__________ than Bono.
2. A : I think a mountain and hill are just the same. Right?
B : No. Look! That one on the left is a mountain and on the right is a hill. The mountain is [high] __________ than the hill.
The hill is [low] __________ than the mountain.
3. The old car still runs [fast] __________ than the horse cart. The cart runs [slow] __________ than the car. The car can run
80 kilometers an hour and the horse cart can run only 20 kilometers an hour.
4. I’m [young] __________ than Hasan and Hasan is [old] __________ than me. I’m 12 years old. Hasan, my brother, is 15
years old. Hasan is my [old] __________ brother.
5. The wooden desk is [small] __________ and it weighs 8 kilograms. The plastic desk is [big] __________ but weighs only 4
kilograms. So, the wooden desk is [small] __________, but [heavy] __________, while the plastic desk is [big] __________,
but [light] __________.
Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta, Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.

1. as tall as 2. farther than; closer than 3. lighter than; heavier than
4. as expensive as 5. as interesting as; easier than 6. longer than; shorter than

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 31

2. From our school, my house is farther than Emily’s. In other words, from our school Emily’s house is closer than mine.
3. My bag is lighter than Ganish’s. In other words, Ganish’s bag is heavier than mine.
4. My smartphone is as expensive as my father’s.
5. English is as interesting as biology.
Learning English and biology is easier than learning chemistry. In other words, learning chemistry is more difficult than
learning English and biology.
6. Andi’s ruler is longer than Mira’s. In other words, Mira’s ruler is shorter than Andi’s.
1. Which way should we take? Take the shortest of this three routes. We have to arrive at the venue in thirty minutes.
2. Delila always arrives at school at 6:20 a.m. and Tio does too. It means Delila arrives at school as early as Tio. Both of them
never arrives late.
3. The Iswandi family is the wealthiest in my kampong. However, their house is the simplest among others’ because it is quite
small with a narrow garden.
4. Artha : Which do you prefer, fried chicken or grilled chicken?
Claudia : Which one is cheaper?
Artha : The fried chicken is eight thousand Rupiah and the grilled chicken is eight thousand Rupiah as well. So, the fried
chicken is as cheap as the grilled one.
Claudia : Get me the grilled one, please. Thanks.
5. My father is as wise as my mother. They always treat me kindly and patiently. I love them very much.

1. Sebelumnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru memperbanyak percakapan-percakapan rumpang yang dikerjakan sejumlah peserta didik.
2. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan percakapan-percakapan yang utuh berikut ini dan peserta didik menyimak sambil
melengkapi percakapan-percakapan rumpang.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa peserta didik memeragakan percakapan-percakapan yang sudah lengkap.

Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban:

Dialog 1
Shop assistant : Good morning. Welcome to our shop. What can I do for you, Ma’am?
Mrs. Erni : Good morning. I’d like to buy tiles, please. Where can I see them?
Shop assistant : Please follow me, Ma’am. Here they are. You may choose the tiles you like.
Mrs. Erni : Thanks. Um ... these two tiles have a similar image and price. However, this one is (1) brighter than that one.
What’s the difference?
Shop assistant : This tile has a smoother color and lighter image, while that one has a (2) stronger image than this one.
However this tile is (3) as big as that one.
Mrs. Erni : I see. By the way, may I see (4) smaller-sized tiles, please?
Shop assistant : Yes, sure. Here they are.
Mrs. Erni : Great! I’ll take five boxes of these light brown tiles. I’m sure the price is (5) lower than those big-sized tiles.
Shop assistant : Yes, Ma’am. We’d give you special discounts during the promotion.
Mrs. Erni : Thanks.
Dialog 2
Ardy : Erlin, we will visit a museum and we need snacks. What about ordering cakes from your father’s (1) bakery?
Erlin : Never mind. If you intend to get (2) special prices, you should go to Jalan Setyabudi.
Ardy : Jalan Setyabudi?
Erlin : Yes. We have a new branch on Jalan Setyabudi which offers special prices (3) during the promotion. Of course, the
prices are (4) lower than normal.
Ardy : I see. Anyway, how long will the offer last?
Erlin : (5) Three days. Here is the brochure.
Ardy : O.K. Thanks.
Dialog 1
1. a material store 2. a similar image and price 3. a smoother color and lighter image
4. in a smaller size 5. special discounts
Dialog 2
1. a museum 2. snacks 3. it has just been opened
4. three days 5. the brochure of the cakes sold at her father’s new bakery
No. Word Synonym Meaning

1. to require to need memerlukan

2. specific special khusus, istimewa
3. usual regular biasa, normal
4. inexpensive cheap murah
5. bid offer tawaran

32 Bigger is not Always Stronger

TASK 7 (Contoh jawaban)
1. Everyone requires a house for shelter.
2. Does Linda have a specific physical characteristic?
3. My regular activity is attending a computer course every Saturday afternoon.
4. This T-shirt is inexpensive. I got 50% off during the promotion.
5. Why do you refuse the bid? I think it’s good for you.
1. thinner; stronger; bigger; weaker
2. higher; lower
3. faster; slower
4. younger; older; older
5. smaller; bigger; smaller; heavier; bigger; lighter

Look at the pictures and make comparisons.

See at the words as the clues.
1. Yessy is as strong as Perdana. Both of them finished at the same time.
2. The elephant is heavier than the buffalo. The buffalo is lighter than the elephant.
3. Rena is as beautiful as Rani.
4. Alif swims as fast as Satria, but Tatang swims the slowest among the three of them.
5. The melon is sweeter than the green apple. The green apple is sourer/more sour than the melon.

Complete the sentences showing comparisons based on the pictures and clues in brackets.
1. 2.

Source: publisher’s doc.; Source: publisher’s doc.; Source: publisher’s doc.; Source: publisher’s doc.;
photographer: Rio K. photographer: Rio K. photographer: Rio K. photographer: Rio K.
The coconut tree is ________________ than Mr. Ryan’s house is ________________ Mr. Tom’s.
the mango tree. [height] [size]
3. 4.

Source: publisher’s doc.; Source: publisher’s doc.; Source: publisher’s doc.; Source: publisher’s doc.;
photographer: Rio K. photographer: Rio K. photographer: Rio K. photographer: Aries S.

The LCD TV is ________________ than the analog TV. Nafi’s hair is ________________ Daffa’s. [length]

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 33


Source: publisher’s doc.; Source: publisher’s doc.;

photographer: Rio K. photographer: Rio K.
The bag is ________________ than
the wallet. [weight]

Write new sentences showing positive or comparative degrees.
Tony’s rope is 5m. Gerry’s rope is 7m.
 Tony’s rope is shorter than Gerry’s.
Gerry’s rope is longer than Tony’s.
1. My father and Mr. Syam like collecting antique cars. Mr. Syam’s car was made in 1976. My father’s car was made in 1967.
2. Ms. Ni Luh Ayu has to walk for 10 minutes to her workplace, but Ms. Mutiara only needs to walk for
5 minutes to reach the same place.
3. The staff room was painted white. The director’s office was also painted white.
4. Ms. Juwita is brave enough to return from work alone at 10 p.m. Aldy looks worried when he has to return home at 10 p.m.
5. Mardi could jump 1.7 meters high. Normala could also jump 1.7 meters high.
1. taller 2. as big as 3. slimmer 4. as short as 5. heavier
1. Mr. Syam’s car is younger than my father’s.
My father’s car is older than Mr. Syam’s.
2. Ms. Ni Luh Ayu walks farther than Ms. Mutiara, to reach their workplace.
Ms. Mutiara walks shorter than Ms. Ni Luh Ayu, to reach their workplace.
3. The staff room was painted as white as the director’s office.
4. Ms. Juwita is braver than Aldy, to return home at 10 p.m.
5. Mardi could jump as high as Normala.

4. Because jogging is more enjoyable than exercising in a gym.

In other words, exercising in a gym is less enjoyable than
5. They claim that mount climbing is more challenging than
Observe the things or people around you. other outdoor activities. So, Habiba and her brother think
Compare them and write five sentences showing positive or that other outdoor activities are less challenging than
comparative degrees. mount climbing.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Arya is as tall as Nando.
2. Ananta is smarter than Nindya.
3. The window is narrower than the door.
4. Our classroom is as clean as your classroom.
5. Vita is slimmer than Rika. TASK 1
Arrange the following sentences to form a sequential dialogs.
Practice the dialogs with a friend.
Dialog 1
1. Evelyn : What about the topic on how to keep our
Answer the following questions based on the sentences in TASK 6. brotherhood and sisterhood stronger?
2. Evelyn : So, what are we going to write for the writing
Jawaban: assigment?
1. Because in his opinion, playing chess is more interesting 3. Evelyn : I hope so. Well, that’s good if you agree. So,
than fishing. In other words, fishing is less interesting than when do we start compiling the materials?
playing chess. 4. Evelyn : What if we write about our recent economic
2. This Sunday morning the Perahu Park is less crowded than situation?
last Sunday. In other words, last week the Perahu Park was 5. Evelyn : Let’s do it after school then!
more crowded than this Sunday morning. 6. Emily : That sounds more interesting than the
3. It tastes more delicious than the previous one. In other previous topic. Hopefully, our writing can
words, the previous omelette is less delicious than the promote strong relationships and peace.
recent one.

34 Bigger is not Always Stronger

7. Emily : No ... no ... no! That’s a hard topic. Let’s find
an easier one.
8. Emily : The sooner the better.
9. Emily : I don’t have any idea yet. Do you? Look at your surrounding.
Dialog 2 Compare five things you see using “more/less ... than.”
1. Yana : Yes. It’s better to shop there next time.
2. Yana : What happened?
3. Yana : You’re welcome.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik keluar kelas dan
4. Yana : I see. Why don’t you shop at Tanaka
mengamati lingkungan sekitar kelas atau sekolah.
Supermarket? It is larger and more complete
Kegiatan ini dilakukan selama sepuluh menit.
than Gladys Supermarket. The shop assistants
2. Selanjutnya, peserta didik kembali ke kelas dam menulis
are also more helpful and friendlier.
lima kalimat perbandingan menggunakan more/less ...
5. Yana : Hey, where are you from?
than berdasarkan hasil pengamatan. Kegiatan ini
6. Virny : O.K. Thanks for your information.
dilakukan selama dua puluh menit.
7. Virny : The shop assistants are not friendly. When
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh
I asked about the price of an item, they
peserta didik dan memberi bimbingan jika diperlukan.
answered reluctantly.
4. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta
8. Virny : Do you mean the new supermarket in our town?
didik agar berani tunjuk jari dan membacakan kalimat-
9. Virny : Gladys Supermarket. Ugh ... I’m not happy
kalimat yang telah mereka tulis. Peserta didik yang lain
with the service.
menyimak, lalu memberi masukan atau perbaikan apabila
TASK 2 kalimat yang dibuat oleh temannya dirasa kurang tepat.
Complete the following statements based on the dialogs in 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai atas hasil kerja
TASK 1. peserta didik.
Dialog 1
1. Evelyn and Emily are going to ________________. Contoh jawaban:
2. Emily thinks that writing about the recent economic 1. The canteen is usually more crowded during second break
situation is ________________. than during first break.
3. Emily suggests that they should ________________. The canteen is usually less crowded during first break than
4. Finally, Evelyn and Emily will write the topic on how to during second break.
keep the brotherhood and sisterhood stronger because 2. The park at the front of the school is more colorful than the
________________. park at the front of the laboratory.
5. Emily says ________________ they do the assignment. The park at the front of the laboratory is less colorful than
the park at the front of the school.
Dialog 2 3. Mrs. Arni’s car is more luxurious than Mr. Anwar’s.
1. Virny just shopped at _______________________. Mr. Anwar’s car is less luxurious than Mrs. Arni’s.
2. Virny feels _______________________ after shopping 4. The library’s situation is more peaceful than the classroom.
there. No one talks in the library.
3. She feels like that because _______________________. The classroom’s situation is less peaceful than the
4. Yana suggests Virny shop at _______________________. library’s. No one talks in the library.
5. The new supermarket is _______________________. 5. Mr. Diman is more diligent than the previous janitor.
6. According to Yana, the shop assistants in the new The previous janitor was less diligent than Mr. Diman.
supermarket are _______________________.
7. “It’s better to shop there next time.” The word ‘there’
refers to _______________________.
8. “... they answered reluctantly.” The similar meaning of
‘reluctantly’ is _____________________.
Jawaban: Answer the following questions based on the statements in
The correct arrangements of the sentences are: Jawaban:
Dialog 1: 2–9–4–7–1–6–3–8–5. 1. Because the leather shoes are better than the fabric ones.
Dialog 2: 5–9–2–7–4–8–1–6–3. 2. He/She thinks that they are his/her best friends.
TASK 2 3. It is his worst mark he has ever received. Because he
Dialog 1 received a better mark before.
1. work on their writing assigment 4. The blue dress is worse than the green one. It isn’t made of
2. a hard topic smooth and shiny fabric.
3. find an easier topic 5. Viko does. He is more polite and diligent than Ricky. Ricky is
4. it sounds more interesting than the previous topic a little naughty and lazy. So, Viko’s attitude is better than
5. the sooner the better Ricky’s.
Dialog 2
1. Gladys Supermarket
2. unhappy/dissatisfied
3. the shop assistants are not friendly
4. Tanaka Supermarket
5. larger and more complete
6. more helpful and friendlier
7. Tanaka Supermarket
8. lazily

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 35

Listen and write down the sentences you have heard. Write comparative sentences using “better” and “worse” based
Read your work aloud, in turns. on the following pictures.
See the example.
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________ 1. Peserta didik mengamati pasangan gambar yang ada di
5. _____________________________________________ buku.
6. _____________________________________________ 2. Peserta didik membuat kalimat perbandingan untuk
7. _____________________________________________ membandingkan kedua benda dalam tiap pasangan
8. _____________________________________________ gambar menggunakan ’better’ dan ’worse’.
9. _____________________________________________ 3. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta
10. _____________________________________________ didik agar berani tunjuk jari dan membacakan kalimat-
kalimat yang mereka telah tulis. Peserta didik yang lain
menyimak dan menyampaikan kalimat-kalimat mereka
apabila berbeda dengan kalimat-kalimat yang
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan kalimat-kalimat disampaikan temannya.
berikut dan peserta didik menyimak. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik bersama-sama
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan kalimat-kalimat membahas jawabannya.
tersebut satu per satu dan peserta didik mulai 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi evaluasi, balikan, dan nilai atas
menulis kalimat-kalimat yang didengarnya. hasil kerja peserta didik terkait penggunaan ’better’ dan
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan kembali kalimat- ’worse’.
kalimat tersebut hingga dua kali secara bergantian
dan meminta peserta didik memeriksa atau Contoh jawaban:
melengkapi kalimat-kalimat yang telah ditulisnya. 2. • The house with peeled off paint looks worse than the
4. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta house with preserved paint.
didik agar berani tunjuk jari dan membacakan • The house with preserved paint looks better than the
kalimat-kalimat yang telah mereka tulis. Peserta house with peeled off paint.
didik lainnya menyimak dan menyampaikan kalimat- 3. • The rough road is worse than the smooth one. Such
kalimat mereka apabila berbeda dengan kalimat- a road condition endangers road users.
kalimat temannya yang telah tunjuk jari. • The smooth road is better than the rough one. Such
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi evaluasi, balikan, dan nilai a road condition facilitates the flow of read traffic.
terkait hasil kerja peserta didik. 4. • The good uniform is better than the torn one.
• The torn uniform is worse than the good one. Please
Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru get rid of it.
dan sekaligus jawaban: 5. • Soft drink is worse than the mineral water. It can lead to
1. I have a better place to watch a movie. various diseases, such as diabetes.
2. Cheating is worse than receiving a bad mark. • Mineral water is better than soft drink. It helps remove
3. This year’s flood is worse than that of last year. toxins from our bodies.
4. Playing video games is worse than reading books.
5. The pizza tastes worse than the burger.
6. I had a better sleep last night than the night before.
7. Taking a taxi is better than taking a bus because it is
8. The math book cover is better than the biology one.
9. Receiving a bad mark is bad, but cheating is worse. It is
not honest.
10. These oranges are bad. They do not look fresh. These
mangoes are worse than the oranges because they are
rotten. You cannot eat them.
Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris When
English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta,
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.

36 Bigger is not Always Stronger

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberi soal lain.

1 2

Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer:
Rio K. Rio K. Rio K. Rio K.

toy car teddy bear fresh oranges rotten apples

The teddy bear is better than the toy car. I like dolls.

3 4

Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer:
Rio K. Rio K. Rio K. Rio K.

new motorcycle old motorcycle plain cap cap with a logo

5 6

Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer: Source: publisher’s doc.; photographer:
Rio K. Rio K. Rio K. Rio K.

burger sandwich high-heeled shoes flat shoes

2. • The oranges are better than the apples. They are still fresh.
• The apples are worse than the oranges. They are rotten.
3. • The new motorcycle is better than the old one. The new motorcycle is faster.
• The old motorcycle is worse than the new one. The old motorcycle is slower.
4. • The cap with a logo is better than the plain cap. The cap with a logo is colorful.
• The plain cap is worse than the cap with a logo. I don’t like plain caps.
5. • The sandwich is better than the burger. The sandwich contains meat and vegetables.
• The burger is worse than the sandwich. The burger doesn’t contain vegetables.
6. • The flat shoes are better than the high-heeled shoes. I use to walk long distances.
• The high-heeled shoes are worse than the flat shoes. It is painful to wear high-heeled shoes for long distances.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 37

Listen carefully and repeat. Write sentences showing comparisons of quantities based on the
Pay attention to the words in bold. following situations.
1. • There are fewer people awaiting in the conference
room than those queuing at the information desk.
• There are more people queuing at the information desk
than those a waiting in the conference room.
Fill in the blanks with suitable comparisons of quantities. 2. • Father has fewer ATM cards than mother.
Use the words in brackets. • Mother has more ATM cards than father.
1. Dimas has five bicycles while Firman only has two. 3. • This English workbook has as many chapters as that
So, __________________________________. [bicycle] Indonesian workbook.
2. Fika spent two weeks to complete her Indonesian 4. • Erlin and her family have visited more famous tourist
assignment, but only one week to finish her History attractions around Indonesia than Noval and his family
assignment. have.
So, ____________________________________. [time] • Noval and his family have visited fewer famous tourist
3. Nicole can speak two languages while Sarah can speak attractions around Indonesia than Erlin and her family
three languages. have.
So, _________________________________. [language] 5. • This ‘Buku Pintar’ provides more information than that
4. The basketball club has twenty members. The karate thick book.
club also has twenty members. • That thick book provides less information than this
So, __________________________________. [member] ‘Buku Pintar’.
5. Tom has three dictionaries, so does Jane.
So, _________________________________. [dictionary]
6. I have read the book until page 34 and Fifi has read the
book until page 25.
So, _______________________________. [information]
7. It is more difficult for Andien to live in a remote area Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
than living in a big city. memberi soal lain.
So, _________________________________. [problem] 1. There are 100 books in the bookcase. There are
8. I know almost all people in this building. Nimas only 30 books on the desk.
knows few people since she is new. Answer: _____________________________________
So, __________________________________. [people] 2. There are 10 candies in the jar. There are 15 candies on
9. I have visited Bali three times, so has my brother. the table.
So, ____________________________________. [time] Answer: _____________________________________
10. Benny has won many awards in science, so has his 3. This English textbook has nine chapters. That
sister. Indonesian textbook has six chapters.
So, __________________________________. [award] Answer: _____________________________________
4. I have visited five countries. My friend Naomi has visited
Jawaban: three countries.
1. Dimas has more bicycles than Firman. Firman has fewer Answer: _____________________________________
bicycles than Dimas 5. This new dictionary provides a lot of information. The old
2. Fika spent more time to complete her Indonesian one only provides limited information.
assignment than her History assignment. Answer: _____________________________________
Fika spent less time to complete her History assignment
than her Indonesian assignment Jawaban:
3. Nicole speaks fewer languages than Sarah. Sarah 1. • There are more books in the bookcase than on the
speaks more languages than Nicole desk.
4. the basketball club has as many members as the karate • There are fewer books on the desk than in the
club bookcase.
5. Tom has as few/many dictionaries as Jane 2. • There are fewer candies in the jar than on the table.
6. I have more information than Fifi does. Fifi has less • There are more candies on the table than in the jar.
information than I do 3. • This English textbook has more chapters than that
7. Andien has more problems to live in a remote area than Indonesian textbook.
in a big city. • That Indonesian textbook has fewer chapters than
Andien has fewer problems to live in a big city than in this English textbook.
a remote area 4. • I have visited more countries than my friend Naomi.
8. I know more people in this building than Nimas does. • My friend Naomi has visited fewer countries than
Nimas knows fewer people in this building than I do I have.
9. I have visited Bali as many times as my brother has 5. • This new dictionary provides more information than
10. Benny has won as many awards as his sister has the old one.
• The old dictionary provides less information than
the new one.

38 Bigger is not Always Stronger

5. Learning Japanese is ________ than learning French.
more difficult
Put a tick (✔) in the correct answer.
most difficult
1. I think Annabelle: Creation is ________ than Dunkirk so far. TASK 2
good Complete the following sentences with better, worse, more or
✔ better less.
the best 1. Dayu : Fatima got a B in Math, but she got
a ________ mark in English. She got an A.
2. The sunrise in Mount Bromo is ________ panorama ever. 2. Agus : Bread is not very sweet. A banana cake is very
Many people are willing to wake up very early in the morning sweet. There is ________ sugar in a banana
in a very cold weather and climb up a hill to enjoy the cake, and there is ________ sugar in bread.
beautiful scenery. 3. Firman : This small comic is bad for children, but the
beautiful big one is ________, because there are
more beautiful many bad words in it.
4. Zulfikar : My uncle is richer than my father. He has
✔ the most beautiful
________ money than my father. My father
3. Mr. Rusli’s rice field is 500 meters wide, and so does has ________ money than my uncle.
Mr. Karta’s. So, Mr. Rusli’s rice field is ________ Mr. Karta’s. 5. Siti : A T-shirt with a picture on it is good, but
✔ as wide as I think a T-shirt without a picture is
________. I like plain T-shirt.
wider Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris When
the widest English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta,
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.
4. Nita and Tina are twins. They look very similar. Nita is
________ her sister. Only their parents know who is who. TASK 3
✔ as beautiful as Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

more beautiful 1. Brian : Have you ever heard about Niagara Falls?
Anne : The falls which form part of the border
the most beautiful between the United States and Canada?
5. Many students can get 10 in Math and English, but only Brian : Yes. The falls are really beautiful.
a few can get 10 in Bahasa Indonesia. Can we conclude Anne : So are the Iguacu Falls which form part of the
that Bahasa Indonesia is ________ than Math and English? border between Argentina and Brazil. They are
complicated also wonderful.
From the dialog we can conclude that ________.
✔ more complicated A. the Niagara Falls are as beautiful as the Iguacu
the most complicated Falls
B. the Niagara Falls are as high as the Iguacu Falls
C. the Niagara Falls are more beautiful than the
Iguacu Falls
D. the Niagara Falls are less beautiful than the Iguacu
TASK 1 2. Andi : Do you think money is ________ thing in life?
Put a tick (✔) in the correct answer. Rikas : No! Family and friends are more important
1. Conjuring is the ________ horror movie I’ve ever watched. than money.
A. important B. more important
C. as important as D. the most important
3. It is a fact that Indonesia is ________ in culture and
best recipes among countries in the world.
2. A rose is ________ than a daisy. A. as rich as B. the richest
beautiful C. rich D. richer
more beautiful 4. Renita and Tiara are classmates. Both of them attended
most beautiful a swimming competition. Renita was the winner and
Tiara was placed third. That is why Renita looks
3. The Pacific Ocean is ________ than the Arctic Ocean. ________ than Tiara.
deep A. happy B. as happy as
deeper C. happier D. the happiest
deepest 5. Sally : How many students are there in your class?
4. Sam is the ________ boy at school. No wonder, many Billy : There are 30. What about yours?
girls like her, Sally : There are ________ students in my class.
handsome There are 34.
A. less B. least
more handsome C. more D. most
most handsome

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 39

The following graph is for questions 6 and 7. 2. Peserta didik diminta menentukan tiap pernyataan
tersebut benar atau salah, sesuai dengan data yang
telah dibacanya.
3. Peserta didik diminta membetulkan pernyataan-
pernyataan yang salah.
4. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta
didik agar berani tunjuk jari dan menyampaikan
jawaban mereka. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak
dan menyampaikan jawabannya apabila berbeda
dengan jawaban temannya.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik bersama-sama
membahas jawabannya.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai. Bapak/
Run fast Swim Jump 2m Speak Ibu Guru memberi kesempatan kepada peserta didik
Japanese untuk bertanya apabila ada hal-hal yang belum
6. Based on the graph, there are ________ students who mereka pahami.
can swim than those who run fast.
A. fewer B. the most Data:
C. more D. less 1. Tina, Linda and Ronny had a test yesterday. Tina
scored 80, Linda scored 90 and Ronny scored 75.
7. Based on the graph, the most students can ________.
2. Alvin bought 40 books. Yenny bought 35 books. Rida
A. run fast B. swim
bought 40 books.
C. jump 2 meters D. speak Japanese
3. Vera made five mistakes in answering the questions.
8. Enji made three mistakes in answering the
Oranges Apples Grapes questions. Fanny made no mistake in answering the
4. The shirt is Rp50,000. The T-shirt is Rp35,000. The
sweater is Rp60,000.
5. Emily’s T-shirt is small-sized. Alda’s T-shirt is large-
sized. Dona’s T-shirt is medium-sized.
Rp17,000/kg Rp24,000/kg Rp45,000/kg Statements:
1. Tina received the worst mark.
The correct statement based on the pictures is ________. 2. Linda’s score is as high as Ronny’s.
A. the grapes are not as expensive as the oranges 3. Rida bought more books than Alvin did.
B. the apples are not as expensive as the oranges 4. Alvin bought more books than Yenny did.
C. the oranges are more expensive than the grapes 5. Vera was more careful than Enji.
D. the grapes are the most expensive of all 6. Enji was the most careless.
7. The sweater is the most expensive.
The following table is for questions 4 and 5. 8. The sweater is cheaper than the shirt.
Name of Travel Agent Number of Packages Sold 9. Emily’s T-shirt is the biggest.
10. Dona’s T-shirt is smaller than Emily’s.
• Diamond Travel 56 Jawaban:
• Horizon Travel 69 TASK 1
• Nusantara Travel 48 1. good
9. Diamond Travel sold ________ packages than Horizon
✔ best
Travel does.
A. much B. many 2. beautiful
C. more D. fewer ✔ more beautiful
10. Based on the table, we can conclude that ________. most beautiful
A. Diamond Travel sold sixty-nine packages 3. deep
B. Nusantara Travel sold fifty-six packages
C. no travel agent can sell more than eighty packages ✔ deeper
D. Horizon Travel sold fewer packages than Diamond deepest
Travel 4. handsome
TASK 4 more handsome
Read the following data and statements. ✔ most handsome
State whether the statements are “True” or “False” based on 5. difficult
the data.
Correct the false ones. ✔ more difficult
most difficult

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan 1. better 2. more; less 3. worse
memahami informasi di bagian Data dan pernyataan- 4. more; less 5. better
pernyataan yang terdapat di bagian Statements.

40 Bigger is not Always Stronger

TASK 3 agen perjalanan tidak ada yang mencapai
1. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Brian, ”The falls penjualan lebih dari 80 paket. Pilihan jawaban yang
(Niagara Falls) are really beautiful.” dan kalimat lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya Diamond
Anne, ”They are also wonderful.”. Kedua kalimat itu Travel menjual 69 paket, seharusnya 56 paket,
menunjukkan bahwa air terjun Niagara dan Iguacu (B) artinya Nusantara Travel menjual 56 paket,
sama-sama indah (as beautiful as). Jadi, pilihan seharusnya 48, dan (D) artinya Horizon Travel
jawaban (A) benar. menjual paket lebih sedikit daripada Diamond
2. D. Kalimat soal artinya ”Apakah menurutmu uang Travel, seharusnya lebih banyak (more) karena
merupakan barang yang ... di dalam hidup?”. Horizon Travel menjual 69 paket, sedangkan
Berdasarkan maknanya, kata yang paling tepat Diamond Travel hanya 56.
melengkapi kalimat soal yaitu pilihan jawaban (D) TASK 4
yang artinya paling penting. Hal ini sesuai pula 1. False. (Ronny received the worst mark.)
dengan respons Rikas yang artinya ”Tidak! 2. False. (Linda’s score is higher than Ronny’s.)
Keluarga dan teman lebih penting daripada uang.”. 3. False. (Rida bought as many books as Alvin did.)
3. B. Kalimat soal artinya ”Fakta bahwa Indonesia ... 4. True.
dalam budaya dan resep makanan di antara 5. False. (Enji was more careful than Rina./Rina was less
negara-negara di dunia.”. Berdasarkan maknanya, careful than Enji.)
kata yang paling tepat melengkapi kalimat soal 6. False. (Rina was the most careless of all.)
yaitu pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya paling kaya. 7. True.
8. False. (The sweater is more expensive than the shirt./
4. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari hasil pertandingan, yaitu The shirt is cheaper than the sweater.)
Renita menjadi juara satu dan Tiara juara tiga. Itu 9. False. (Emily’s T-shirt is the smallest.)
berarti Renita lebih bahagia (happier) daripada 10. False. (Dona’s T-shirt is bigger than Emily’s.)
Tiara, Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) benar.
5. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari jumlah peserta didik,
yaitu ada 30 orang di kelas Billy dan 34 orang di
kelas Sally. Itu artinya jumlah peserta didik di kelas
Sally lebih banyak (more) daripada di kelas Billy.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) benar.
Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of the adjectives in
6. C. Berdasarkan data dalam grafik tersebut diketahui
brackets, whether they are comparative or superlative.
bahwa peserta didik yang dapat berenang
Read the text aloud.
berjumlah 5 orang, sedangkan peserta didik yang
dapat berlari dengan cepat berjumlah empat orang. Jawaban:
Jadi, jumlah peserta didik yang dapat berenang 1. more 2. less 3. bigger
lebih banyak (more) daripada jumlah peserta didik 4. wildest 5. wiser 6. fairer
yang dapat berlari cepat. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) 7. heavier 8. more delicious 9. more patient
benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan 10. closer
jawaban (A) artinya lebih sedikit, (B) artinya paling
banyak, dan (D) artinya kurang.
7. B. Berdasarkan grafik tersebut, paling banyak peserta
didik dapat berenang karena berjumlah lima,
sedangkan lari empat orang, lompat 2 meter
sebanyak tiga orang, dan berbicara bahasa Jepang Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
hanya dua orang. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (B) benar. memberi soal lain.
8. D. Di antara keempat pilihan jawaban, pernyataan There is a new student in my class. His name is Harry.
yang paling sesuai dengan data yang ada yaitu He is tall, handsome and thin. He is [1. tall]
pilihan jawaban (D) yang artinya anggur merupakan ______________ and [2. handsome] ______________ boy
buah yang paling mahal, yaitu seharga in my class. I like him! He is from Surabaya.
Rp45.000,00. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Surabaya city is [3. big] ______________ and
Pilihan jawaban (A) salah karena harga jeruk tidak [4. crowded] ______________ than my hometown. The
sama dengan harga anggur, (B) salah karena harga [5. interesting] ______________ place I’d like to visit is
jeruk dan apel tidak sama, dan (C) salah karena Jalesveva Jayamahe Museum. Harry told me that he used to
harga jeruk lebih murah daripada harga anggur. spend his weekends at Bungur Park. He said that it is
[6. large] ______________, [7. clean] ______________ and
9. D. Data dalam tabel menyatakan bahwa Diamond
[8. comfortable] ______________ to hang out with friends
Travel dapat menjual 56 paket dan Horizon Travel
or family than the parks in this town. Furthermore, it provides
dapat menjual 69 paket. Itu berarti Diamond Travel
[9. complete] ______________ facilities than our park does.
menjual lebih sedikit (fewer) paket daripada
However, he dislikes when the dry season comes, the
Horizon Travel. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (D) benar.
weather is [10. hot] ______________ than the weather in
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban
this town.
(A) menunjukkan lebih banyak untuk uncountable
noun, (B) menunjukkan jumlah banyak untuk Jawaban:
countable noun, dan (C) menunjukkan lebih banyak 1. the tallest 2. the most handsome
untuk countable noun. 3. bigger 4. more crowded
5. most interesting 6. larger
10. C. Pernyataan yang benar yaitu pilihan jawaban (C)
7. cleaner 8. more comfortable
yang artinya tidak ada agen perjalanan mampu
9. more complete 10. hotter
menjual lebih dari 80 paket. Pernyataan tersebut
sesuai dengan data dalam tabel bahwa semua

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 41

2. • Bella has as many pencils as Denias does.
• Arya has fewer pencils than Bella and Denias
Draw conclusions from the following statements. • Bella and Denias have more pencils than Arya
See the example. does.
• Arya has the fewest pencils.
3. • Rangga’s pond is shallower than Edwin’s and
1. My father usually rides a motorcycle as fast as my uncle does.
2. • A kitten may weigh less than a cub or a young tiger
• Rangga’s pond is shallower than Vina’s and
when it was born.
• A cub or young tiger may weigh more than a kitten
• Edwin’s pond is deeper than Rangga’s and Vina’s
when it was born.
3. My camera is as expensive as your laptop computer.
• Vina’s pond is shollower than Rangga’s.
4. • Maya is more talkative than Mira.
• Vina’s pond is deeper than Rangga’s.
• Mira is less talkative than Maya.
• Rangga’s pond is the shallowest.
5. • The Ethnic Hotel provides less luxurious facilities than
• Edwin’s pond is the deepest.
the Luxury Hotel does.
4. • The book and magazine are thinner than the
• The Luxury Hotel provides more luxurious facilities than
the Ethnic Hotel does.
• The novel is thicker than the book and magazine.
6. Clayment’s complexion is as dark as his brother’s.
• The magazine is thinner than the book and novel.
7. The beaches in Bangka Belitung are as wonderful as the
• The book is thicker than the magazine.
beaches in Bali.
• The book is thinner than the novel.
8. • Mr. Edwin’s income is less/lower than Mr. Risang’s and
• The magazine is the thinnest.
Mrs. Risnawati’s.
• The novel is the thickest.
• Mr. Risang’s income is higher than Mr. Edwin’s.
5. • Mr. Surya’s television is smaller than Mr. Angga’s
• Mrs. Risnawati’s income is the highest among those
and Mr. Yoga’s.
three people.
• Mr. Yoga’s television is larger than Mr. Surya’s and
• Mr. Edwin’s incomes is the least/lowest among those
Mr. Angga’s.
three people.
• Mr. Surya’s television is smaller than Mr. Angga’s
9. • Ratna arrived as early as Galih did this morning.
and Mr. Yoga’s.
• Ratna and Galih arrived earlier than Windu did this
• Mr. Angga’s television is larger than Mr. Surya’s.
• Mr. Angga’s television is smaller than Mr. Yoga’s.
• Windu arrived the latest this morning.
• Mr. Surya’s television is the smallest.
10. Claudia is as helpful as Maulida and Ganesh.
• Mr. Yoga’s television is the largest.

Write sentences showing positive, comparative and/or

superlative degrees based on the following
See the example.
Rida is 14 years old. Dea is 11 years old. Bonar is 11 years
• Dea is as old as Bonar. (positive)
• Rida is older than Dea and Bonar. (comparative)
• Dea and Bonar are younger than Rida. (comparative)
• Rida is the oldest. (superlative)
1. Ganish is 150 cm tall. Rangga is 155cm tall. Dea is
145cm tall.
2. Arya has one pencil. Bella has two pencils. Denias has
two pencils.
3. Edwin’s pond is 1.5m deep. Rangga’s pond is 1m deep.
Vina’s pond is 1.25m deep.
4. The book consists of 200 pages. The magazine consists
of 90 pages. The novel consists of 250 pages.
5. Mr. Surya has a 15-inch television. Mr. Angga has
21-inch television. Mr. Yoga has a 32-inch television.
1. • Ganish is shorter than Rangga.
• Dea is shorter than Ganish and Rangga.
• Ganish is taller than Dea.
• Rangga is taller than Ganish and Dea.
• Dea is the shortest of all.
• Rangga is the tallest of all.

42 Bigger is not Always Stronger


Pattern: as + adj + as

Comparing the Comparative


Bigger is not Always (qualities) and

• adj + -er + than
Stronger quantities of people, • more + adj + than
animals and things Irregular adjectives: more, less, fewer, better



• the + adj + -est
• the most + adj
Irregular adjectives: most, least, fewest, best

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

Contoh jawaban:
1. My brother is taller and younger than me.
2. I have five pens, while Linda has three. So, I have more
pens than Linda.
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
3. A pint is less than a quart.
Jawaban: 4. My apple is redder than yours.
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 5. Ferry is more diligent than his brother.
6. B 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D 6. It is farther from Yogyakarta to Jakarta than from
11. D 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. B Semarang to Jakarta.
16. D 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. C 7. I love cakes very much and the cherry pie tastes the best.
8. Mr. Anton’s house is the largest in my village.
B. Write ten sentences showing positive, comparative and It has three floors.
superlative degrees. 9. The lamp is the most expensive item in the room. It’s
Read your work aloud. made in Italy.
10. Justin Timberlake’s Mirror is the longest song that I have
ever heard.

Observe your neighborhood.

Compare what you see there and write five sentences showing the comparisons.
Read your work aloud.
Contoh jawaban:
1. My house is bigger than my next-door neighbor’s house. Mine is 150 meter squares wide, while my next-door neighbor’s
house is 120 meter squares wide.
2. My house is also taller than my next-door neighbor’s house. Mine is a two-storey house, while my neighbor’s has only one
3. The road in my housing estate is better than the road in the kampong near it.
4. Most of people in my housing estate grow rambutan trees. During the rambutan season my rambutan trees bear the most
fruits among them.
5. People claims that my rambutan fruits are the sweetest among them.

44 Bigger is not Always Stronger

Setelah mempelajari chapter ini peserta didik:
1. dapat memahami:
cara memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi, rutin maupun tidak
rutin, atau menjadi kebenaran umum di waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan
simple past tense).
2. terampil:
menyusun teks yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang
dilakukan/terjadi, rutin maupun tidak rutin, atau menjadi kebenaran umum di waktu lampau, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional;
2. mengembangkan perilaku sopan, saling menghargai, bertanggung jawab, dan jujur dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman,
dan orang lain.

When I was a Child

▲ ▲

• Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan • Simple past tense:
tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu – Regular verbs
lampau. – Irregular verbs
• Simple present tense.
▲ • Past continuous tense.
• Pemahaman dan identifikasi cara menyatakan dan ▲
menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di
waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. • Berbagai percakapan yang menggunakan simple past
• Pemahaman penggunaan simple past tense, simple tense, simple present tense, kata kerja lampau, dan past
present tense, kata kerja lampau, dan past continuous continuous tense.
tense. • Penjelasan penggunaan simple past tense, simple
• Praktik menyampaikan dan bertanya jawab yang present tense, kata kerja lampau, dan past continuous
berkaitan dengan kalimat yang menyatakan dan tense.
menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/
terjadi di waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks

▲ ▲

• Memahami ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi, rutin maupun
tidak rutin, atau menjadi kebenaran umum di waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan memperhatikan unsur
kebahasaan simple past tense.
• Bercakap-cakap menggunakan ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/
terjadi, rutin maupun tidak rutin, atau menjadi kebenaran umum di waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan
memperhatikan unsur kebahasaan simple past tense.
• Mampu menggunakan simple past tense, simple present tense, kata kerja dalam bentuk simple past tense, dan past continuous
tense dalam kalimat.
• Bersikap sopan, saling menghargai, bertanggung jawab, dan jujur dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 45

Erlin is showing her toys, dolls and stationery collections. She collected them when she was a child. She also relates her
experiences in the past, dealing with her collections.
If you pay attention to the sentences in the first paragraph, you will find sentences in the past and present forms. Now, in
this chapter you will learn how to express and discuss events that happened in the past. You will also learn about simple
present tense and past continuous tense. Make sure you are good at relating your experiences by the end of this chapter.

Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan pemanasan. Tujuannya yaitu mengarahkan perhatian peserta didik pada tujuan kegiatan
ini, yaitu peserta didik mampu menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi pada waktu lampau.
1. Peserta didik diminta mengamati gambar dan menjelaskan pemahaman mereka tentang gambar. Gambar tersebut
menunjukkan seorang anak perempuan bernama Erlin sedang menunjukkan koleksi mainan, boneka dan alat-alat
tulisnya. Ia mengoleksi benda-benda tersebut saat ia masih anak-anak.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat bertanya kepada peserta didik tentang kegiatan atau permainan yang pernah mereka lakukan
ketika masih kecil, dalam bahasa Inggris.
3. Selanjutnya, peserta didik diminta membaca penjelasan di bawah gambar. Bapak/Ibu Guru membantu peserta didik
jika mereka kesulitan.
4. Setelah peserta didik memahami gambar dan tujuan kegiatan apersepsi ini, Bapak/Ibu Guru memulai pelajaran.

46 When I was a Child

3. Emily studied English at elementary school, but she did
it reluctantly. It was because the materials were boring
and her friends were not enthusiastic when studying
Listen carefully and repeat. English. So, she didn’t have friends to speak English
with. Now, she enjoys studying English. She thinks the
materials are challenging and she has friends to develop
her skills. Furthermore, her English teacher is attractive
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan kalimat-kalimat
and gives her opportunities to speak very often. She
dalam teks berikut. Peserta didik mendengarkan dengan
really likes that.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan kembali kalimat demi
kalimat dan peserta didik diminta menirukan dengan lafal
dan intonasi yang benar.
3. Selanjutnya, beberapa peserta didik diminta membaca
teks tersebut dengan nyaring, secara bergiliran.
4. Peserta didik yang lain diminta mendengarkan dengan Write down the sentences in TASK 3 in the correct columns,
saksama sambil membetulkan pelafalan temannya yang whether they are in the past or at present.
kurang tepat. See the example.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru mencermati pelafalan peserta didik dan Jawaban:
memberikan contoh pelafalan yang benar jika ada
pelafalan peserta didik yang kurang tepat. In the Past At Present
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta seluruh peserta didik
mengucapkan kata-kata tersebut beberapa kali sampai I collected them when I was ... but I don’t collect them
benar. at elementary school. anymore.
I saved my pocket money I don’t think letter paper are
and bought letter paper from interesting nowadays.
many shops.
I even exchanged them with They look ordinary.
friends who had the same
Listen to the dialog and answer the following questions.
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Boy : Hey, look! They are playing marbles. It was my favorite It was fun, .... Why don’t you sell them on
game at primary school. I played marbles every day, but the Internet?
now I never play marbles anymore. I have so many things I seldom went to a school Maybe letter paper collectors
to do at home and at school. Did you play marbles too? canteen when I was at need them.
Girl : Yes, I did, but I did not play it very well. I always lost the elementary school.
Jawaban: I brought my lunch and drink She collects letter paper now.
1. They are talking about playing marbles during childhood. from home.
2. Yes, they did. Besides, the canteen owner I’m sure she will be very
3. No, she did not. She said that she always lost the game. did not sell food. excited to receive them.
4. He does not play that game anymore because he has so
many things to do at home and at school. She only sold snacks and But now, you often go to the
5. It refers to playing marbles. drinks. canteen.
Did you study English at There is a variety of
elementary school, Nola? affordable food and drinks in
our canteen.
Yes, I did. Well, I enjoy studying English
Change the conversations in TASK 3 into monologs. now.
Number one has been done for you as an example. But I did it reluctantly The materials are challenging.
1. Erlin collected letter paper when she was at elementary because the materials were
school. She saved her pocket money and hunted letter boring.
paper in many shops. She even exchanged letter paper
Moreover, my friends were I also have friends to develop
with her friends who had the same hobby. She said that
not enthusiastic when my skills.
it was fun. However, she doesn’t collect them anymore
studying English.
because letter paper are not interesting nowadays.
That’s why, she decides to give them to her cousin who So, I didn’t have friends to Furthermore, our English
collects letter paper now. Erlin is sure that her cousin will speak English with. teacher is attractive and
be very excited to receive them. gives us opportunities to
Jawaban: speak very often.
2. Yuli seldom went to a school canteen when she was at I really like that.
elementary school. She brought her lunch and drink
from home. The canteen owner did not sell food. She
(the canteen owner) only sold snacks and drinks. But
now, she often goes to the canteen because there is
a variety of affordable food and drinks in the canteen.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 47

Listen to the text and answer the questions based on what you Write ten sentences in simple past tense with the irregular
have heard. verbs from TASK 6.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Write your sentences on a piece of paper and submit it to
Now, here I am, Dayu, in this SMP. Last year I was in your teacher.
Grade VII, and now I am in Grade VIII. This school is two Do this task in fifteen minutes.
kilometers away from my house. I learned many new things in
Grade VII. It was my first time to go to school on my bike. I met
boys and girls from different parts of this town. I was very happy Tugas ini dapat dijadikan tugas mendadak dan
when I first wore my white-and-blue uniform. dikerjakan dalam waktu cepat, misalnya 15 menit.
Let me tell you this. We have no helper, so my mom, my 1. Peserta didik diminta menyiapkan secarik kertas
dad, my sister and I do the chores ourselves. We make the bed. dan alat tulis.
We wash and iron our clothes. We also dust the furniture. We 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa peserta didik
sweep the floor every day. I often go to the shop to buy sugar, akan menulis sepuluh kalimat dengan mengguna-
soap, oil, salt, rice, vegetables, fruit and so on. kan kata kerja tak beraturan dari TASK 6, selama
Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris When
English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta, 15 menit.
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi aba-aba dan peserta
Jawaban: didik mulai menulis sepuluh kalimat dengan
1. It is two kilometers away. menggunakan kata kerja tak beraturan dari
2. She goes to school by bicycle. TASK 6.
3. It is located in town. She said, “I met boys and girls from 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati kerja peserta didik.
different parts of this town.” 5. Jika waktu yang disediakan telah habis, setiap
4. Dayu and her family do the house chores themselves peserta didik diminta mengumpulkan hasil
because they do not have a helper or an assistant. pekerjaan mereka kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru.
5. It means removing dust from the surface of the furniture 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru membagikan kertas kerja yang
using a duster or a towel. telah dikumpulkan kepada peserta didik secara
7. Peserta didik memeriksa hasil pekerjaan temannya.
Mereka memberi pembenahan jika kalimat yang
dibuat temannya kurang tepat.
8. Peserta didik menuliskan nama mereka di kertas
Read and memorize the verbs. hasil pekerjaan temannya dan mengembalikan hasil
pemeriksaan kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru.
9. Bapak/Ibu Guru memeriksa hasil pekerjaan peserta
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi contoh cara membaca kata- didik dan hasil pemeriksaan yang telah dilakukan
kata berikut dengan benar. oleh peserta didik lain.
2. Peserta didik membaca secara bergiliran dan 10. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi hasil perbaikan dan
menghafalkan kata-kata tersebut beserta artinya. komentar pada kertas hasil kerja peserta didik.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi soal dikte tentang kata-kata 11. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai dan evaluasi atas
tersebut. Hal ini dapat Bapak/Ibu Guru berikan pada awal hasil kerja peserta didik.
atau akhir setiap pertemuan, baik lisan maupun tulisan.
Ini perlu terus dilakukan agar peserta didik mengingat Contoh jawaban:
kata-kata tersebut. 1. Sorry, Madam. Mrs. Adelia just left her room.
4. Selanjutnya, peserta didik diminta mencari dan mencatat 2. I remember that I kept the file in a folder named
kata-kata kerja beraturan dan tidak beraturan lainnya, ‘English task’.
kemudian mengumpulkannya. Pada kesempatan lain, 3. The truck hit a car on the road and broke down.
Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menggunakan daftar kosakata 4. Mrs. Romani drove her car to Bandung herself
tersebut untuk memberi latihan dikte atau membuat yesterday morning.
kalimat sederhana. Dengan cara seperti ini peserta didik 5. The students of Class VIIID won the Interclasses
akan ingat dan mampu menggunakan kosakata tersebut. Hygiene Competition 2017.
5. Perlu Bapak/Ibu Guru ketahui bahwa daftar reguler verb 6. Wenda saw us crossing the bridge this morning.
berikut tidak ada di buku PR Bahasa Inggris. Jika Bapak/ 7. Mother wrote a letter to grandma last night.
Ibu Guru memandang perlu memberi latihan dengan 8. Father sold his motorcycle in high price. Lucky him!
kata-kata ini, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat mendiktekan 9. Iful fell from his bicycle yesterday afternon and broke
beberapa kata dari daftar tersebut. his left arm.
10. Mother was cooking satay when she unintentionally
cut her finger.

Complete the following sentences with the suitable verbs from TASK 6.
1. dug 2. swept 3. threw
4. cut 5. went 6. took
7. told 8. said 9. understood
10. ate

48 When I was a Child

Text 3
1. met 2. looked 3. don’t see
4. says 5. Is
Complete the following text with the suitable forms of the verbs in
Read the text aloud, in turns.
1. is 2. passed 3. died
4. looked after 5. had to 6. reared Listen to the text and answer the questions based on what you
7. searched 8. loved 9. paid have heard.
10. is

Tujuan utama kegiatan ini yaitu meningkatkan kemampuan

listening peserta didik.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan teks berikut sekali.
Peserta didik menyimak dengan saksama sambil
mencatat hal-hal yang mereka anggap penting.
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 8,
2. Peserta didik diberi kesempatan membaca dan
memahami pertanyaan-pertanyaan di buku.
1. When did Chandra’s father die? 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan teks tersebut sekali
2. How long did Chandra’s mother bring him up? lagi.
3. Why did Chandra live with his grandparents? 4. Selanjutnya, peserta didik menjawab setiap pertanyaan
4. What had Chandra do to help his grandparents? berdasarkan kemampuan menyimak mereka.
5. “They wanted me to have a better future.” (Paragraph 2) 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban
Who does ‘they’ refer to? bersama-sama. Beberapa peserta didik diminta tunjuk
jari dan membacakan hasil jawaban mereka.
TASK 2 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.
Complete the following texts with the suitable forms of the
verbs in brackets. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Read the texts aloud, in turns. I’m Dayu. Allow me to tell you about my childhood.
Text 1 I started my kindergarten when I was five years old. I did my
I [1. be] ________ absent yesterday because I [2. be] kindergarten for two years, one year in Kindy A and one year in
________ not feeling well. I [3. have] ________ Kindy B. My kindy was near my home. I walked to my kindy with
a stomachache. I [4. eat] ________ spicy food the night my mom or my sister. Sometimes I went with my dad.
before. I [5. feel] ________ better now, but I have to In the classroom, my teacher read us stories. We sang
consume pills to reduce the pain. happy songs, colored pictures and played with dough and
colorful paper. In the playground, we played sliding, ran around
Text 2 and also played hide-and-seek.
Agus [1. forget] ________ to bring his laptop to school Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris When
last Wednesday. He [2. be] ________ worried that his English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta,
teacher would get angry. Fortunately, Mrs. Arni [3. not ask] Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.

________ her students to make reports using computers. Jawaban:

Now he [4. bring] ________ his laptop and [5. feel] 1. It’s about Dayu’s experience when she was in a kindergarten.
________ relaxed. 2. She studied in kindergarten for two years.
3. Her mother, sister or father accompanied her to school.
Text 3 4. They listened to stories, sang happy songs, colored pictures
I [1. meet] ________ Mr. Kamil, the security guard, at and played with dough and colorful paper.
the school gate this morning. He [2. look] ________ okay. 5. They played in the playground.
Now, I [3. not see] ________ him in his office. Salsa [4. say]
________ that he [5. be] ________ in hospital for a check
up. I hope he is alright.
1. He died when Chandra was one month old. Listen and choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
2. She brought him up for six years.
3. Chandra lived with his grandparents because his mother 1. What is the text about?
died when he was six years old. A. A football match.
4. He had to rear goats and search for wood in a forest for B. The speaker and his friends.
fuel to cook. C. Doctor Muluk’s life.
5. It refers to Chandra’s grandparents. D. Helping a wounded boy.

TASK 2 2. When did the incident take place?

Text 1 A. While the speaker was playing football.
1. was 2. was 3. had B. In the afternoon.
4. ate 5. feel C. After doctor Muluk arrived home.
Text 2 D. Before the speaker played football.
1. forgot 2. was 3. did not ask
4. brings 5. feels

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 49

3. What was wrong with Ade? Questions 6 to 10 refer to the following text.
A. He stepped on a piece of tin. I experienced a bad incident last week. At that time,
B. He fell from his bicycle. I had a lot of tasks that forced me to go to the internet
C. He fell when playing football. cafe to search for and gather materials. The internet cafe
D. He stepped on a piece of glass. is about three kilometers away.
After saying goodbye to both my parents, I went to
4. “Otherwise, the wound would have worsened and he the cafe. It was 4 p.m. and cloudy. When I arrived there,
could have bled heavily.” it was quiet. After parking my bicycle and locking it,
Who does ‘he’ refer to? I immediately entered the cafe. As usual, I chose a room
A. Ade. near the window for more light.
B. Doctor Muluk. An hour passed very quickly. I was very happy
C. The speaker. because I gathered a lot of necessary materials. After
D. The speaker’s friend. paying the fee, I went out to the parking area. To my
5. Why did the speaker not need to pay for doctor Muluk? surprise, I couldn’t find my bicycle. I searched every
A. Doctor Muluk didn’t need money. corner and asked people around, but no one knew who
B. Doctor Muluk was a rich man. took my bicycle. I lost my bicycle! I was worried because
C. Doctor Muluk loved helping people. my parents would definitely be upset and be mad with
D. The speaker looked sad and worried. me. Then, I went home on foot.

6. What is the purpose of the text? Jawaban:

A. To describe the speaker’s bicycle. 1. D. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat ”I saw
B. To report what an internet café is. a boy crying while holding his foot. His left foot was
C. To relate the speaker’s bad experience. bleeding with a wide open wound. He said that he
D. To explain how to park our bicycles safely. accidentally stepped on a piece of tin. Seeing his
7. Where did the incident take place? condition, my friends and I immediately took him to
A. At home. doctor Muluk who lived not far from the field.” yang
B. At school. artinya ”Saya melihat seorang anak laki-laki
C. At a shop. menangis sambil memegangi kakinya. Kaki kirinya
D. At an internet cafe. berdarah dengan luka terbuka lebar. Ia
mengatakan bahwa ia tidak sengaja menginjak
8. How did the speaker travel? potongan kaleng. Melihat kondisinya, saya dan
A. On foot. B. By bus. teman-teman saya segera membawanya ke dokter
C. By car. D. By bicycle. Muluk yang tinggal tidak jauh dari lapangan
tersebut.”. Jadi, gambaran umum teks tersebut
9. What time did the speaker want to leave the place?
tentang menolong anak laki-laki yang terluka,
A. At around 4 p.m.
sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (D).
B. At around 5 p.m.
C. At around 6 p.m. 2. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”One afternoon
D. An hour ago. after playing football on the field at the edge of the
village ....” yang artinya ”Pada suatu sore setelah
10. “I was very happy because I gathered a lot of necessary bermain sepak bola di lapangan tepi desa ....”. Jadi,
materials.” peristiwa itu terjadi pada sore hari, sesuai dengan
What is the synonym of ‘gathered’? pilihan jawaban (B).
A. Collected. B. Received.
3. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”He said that he
C. Threw. D. Searched for.
accidentally stepped on a piece of tin.” yang artinya
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: ”Ia mengatakan bahwa ia tidak sengaja menginjak
Questions 1 to 5 refer to the following text. potongan kaleng.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (A) benar.
One afternoon after playing football on the field at 4. A. Kata ’he’ merujuk pada subjek kalimat yang telah
the edge of the village, my friends and I saw disebutkan sebelumnya, yaitu ’the boy’ yang
a boy crying while holding his foot. His left foot was telapak kakinya terluka dan anak itu bernama Ade.
bleeding with a wide open wound. He said that he Jadi, pilihan jawaban (A) benar.
accidentally stepped on a piece of tin. Seeing his 5. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat akhir
condition, my friends and I immediately took him to teks, ”’We have to help each other, don’t we?
doctor Muluk who lived not far from the field. I know, money is important, but saving one’s life is
“Good thing you quickly brought the boy here. much more important,’ said doctor Muluk.” yang
Otherwise, the wound would have worsened and he artinya ’”Kita harus saling membantu, bukan? Saya
could have bled heavily. I’ve stitched the wound. He’ll be tahu, uang penting, tetapi menyelamatkan nyawa
alright and will be able to walk again soon,” said doctor seseorang jauh lebih penting,’ kata dokter Muluk.”.
Muluk. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya dokter Muluk
Not long after, the boy went out from the doctor’s suka menolong orang lain, benar.
room limping. Then, he thanked us all and introduced
6. C. Teks tersebut berbentuk recount yang men-
himself as Ade. Doctor Muluk asked us to take Ade
ceritakan peristiwa yang telah terjadi. Peristiwa itu
home, but I looked at him. Apparently doctor Muluk knew
ditunjukkan oleh kalimat awal teks, ”I experienced
what I thought. “Come on, take him home. You do not
a bad incident last week.” yang artinya ”Saya
need to think about the cost. We have to help each other,
mengalami peristiwa buruk minggu lalu.”. Jadi,
don’t we? I know, money is important, but saving one’s
tujuan teks tersebut yaitu menceritakan
life is much more important,” said doctor Muluk. We
pengalaman buruk pembicara, sesuai dengan
smiled and soon said goodbye.
pilihan jawaban (C).

50 When I was a Child

7. D. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”... forced me to
go to the internet cafe ....” yang artinya ”...
memaksa saya untuk pergi ke warung internet .....”
dan ”After paying the fee, I went out to the parking
area. To my surprise, I couldn’t find my bicycle.”
Work in pairs.
yang artinya ”Setelah membayar biayanya, saya
Ask and answer questions about the following monolog.
keluar menuju tempat parkir. Betapa terkejutnya
saya, saya tidak dapat menemukan sepeda saya.”. I join a martial art or pencak silat class at school. There
Jadi, peristiwa itu terjadi di warung internet, sesuai are many great lessons and experiences I have got during
dengan pilihan jawaban (D). my participation. I learn about self-defence, self-discipline,
independence, courage, patriotism and many others.
8. D. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar karena sesuai dengan
Besides, being with the group, I have taken part in many
kalimat ”After parking my bicycle and locking it,
competitions on various occasions.
I immediately entered the cafe.” yang artinya
One exciting and unforgettable competition was in
”Setelah memarkir sepeda saya dan menguncinya,
Surabaya. Our group had a great opportunity to compete in
saya segera masuk ke warung internet.”.
an inter-school pencak silat competition. There were pencak
9. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”It was 4 p.m. silat groups from all around Indonesia taking part in the
and cloudy.” yang artinya ”Saat itu pukul 4 sore dan competition. You know, there were many categories in the
mendung.” dan ”An hour passed very quickly.” yang competition, such as single art, double art, team art and
artinya ”Satu jam berlalu dengan sangat cepat.”. tanding (match) categories. Our group entered the single art,
Jadi, pembicara hendak meninggalkan tempat itu team art and tanding categories.
sekitar pukul 5 sore, sesuai dengan pilihan Well, I entered two categories, the single art and team
jawaban (B). art. For your information, my performance ended at the semi
10. A. Kata ’gathered’ artinya mengumpulkan. Kata yang final round last year. I persisted to win the competition until
artinya sama dengan kata tersebut yaitu pilihan I won gold medals and I finally made it. I won two gold
jawaban (A) collected yang artinya juga medals, since I won the single art and team art categories.
mengumpulkan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain Those were my best ever achievements so far. Not only my
maknanya berbeda; (B) artinya menerima, coach congratulated me, but also my family was very proud
(C) artinya melemparkan atau membuang, of me. More than that, I made many new friends from pencak
dan (D) artinya mencari. silat schools around Indonesia. Through pencak silat we
develop friendship and togetherness!
You : What is the monolog about?
Your friend : It’s about the speaker’s experience when
entering a pencak silat competition.
You : Did he/she win?
Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard. Your friend : Yup! He/She won two gold medals.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan
jawaban: TASK 2
This is Dayu’s experience during her childhood. Write down the sentences in TASK 1 which are in the past
I learned many new things at (1) primary school. I learned and at present forms.
to write and read in Grade 1 and 2. My favorite teacher was Read them aloud.
Mrs. Ningrum. She was very smart. She (2) taught us traditional
In the Past At Present
dances and songs. She also invited us to plant trees and
(3) took care of the garden. One day, she took us to the One exciting and I join a martial art or
(4) local library to borrow books. unforgettable competition pencak silat class at
I have many sweet memories at my primary school. My was in Surabaya. school.
friends and I often helped Pak Min, (5) the janitor, because he
had so much work to do. We were very happy when we could
help him. My (6) Physical Education (PE) teacher, Mr. Laode,
often took us to walk (7) around the hills and along the river
near our school. We took a rest under the trees when we were
I (8) learned to ride on a bicycle in the school yard in the
afternoon after school. Then, I could ride in the small streets in
the (9) neighborhood, with my friends. My friends and I often
spent hours chatting in a small green yard near (10) the head
village chief’s office. We climbed big trees. We also swam in
the river. It was still very clean at that time. It is dirty now.
Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris When
English Rings a Bell SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta,
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 51

Jawaban: In the Past At Present
TASK 1 (Contoh jawaban)
You : What is the text about? I won two gold medals,
Your friend : It’s about the speaker’s experience when since I won the single art
entering a pencak silat competition. and team art categories.
You : Did he/she win?
Those were my best ever
Your friend : Yup! He/She won two gold medals.
achievements so far.
You : Good! Your turn, please.
Your friend : Thanks. Er ... what has the speaker got by Not only my coach
joining the pencak silat class? congratulated me, but also
You : He/She has got many great lessons and my family was very proud of
experiences. me.
Your friend : What are they?
You : He/She learns about self-defence, self- More than that, I made
discipline, independence, courage, patriotism many new friends from
and many others. pencak silat schools around
Your friend : That’s right. Your turn, please. Indonesia.
You : Thank you. What was his/her exciting moment?
Your friend : It was when he/she had a great opportunity to
compete in an inter-school pencak silat
competition in Surabaya.
You : Who entered the competition?
Your friend : Pencak silat groups from all around Indonesia
entered the competition.
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 10.
You : Correct. Your turn, please.
You friend : Which categories did the speaker’s group Jawaban:
participate in? 1. She feels very happy.
You : His/Her group participated in single art, team 2. Because she was smart and taught the students many
art and tanding (match) category. interesting things, such as dancing traditional dances,
You friend : What was the speaker’s achievement? singing traditional songs, planting trees, taking care of the
You : He/She won two gold medals. garden and taking the students to the local library to borrow
3. Dayu and her friends liked to help Mr. Min, the janitor,
In the Past At Present because he had so much work to do.
4. They spent their spare time in the afternoon in a small green
One exciting and I join a martial art or yard near a head village chief’s office, climbed big trees and
unforgettable competition pencak silat class at swam in the river.
was in Surabaya. school. 5. “The synonym of the underlined word is exhausted.
Our group had a great There are many great
opportunity to compete in lessons and experiences
an inter-school pencak silat I have got during my
competition. participation.
There were pencak silat I learn about self- Please come to the front of the class.
groups from all around defence, self-discipline, Share your experience with the class, orally.
Indonesia taking part in the independence, courage,
competition. patriotism and many
others. Kegiatan ini bertujuan meningkatkan speaking skill dan
You know, there were Besides, being with the keberanian peserta didik dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris.
many categories in the group, I have taken part 1. Peserta didik diminta menulis pengalaman mereka
competition, such as single in many competitions on dengan menggunakan kalimat-kalimat berbentuk past
art, double art, team art and various occasions. dan present, sehingga mereka dapat membedakan
tanding (match) categories. penggunaan kedua bentuk tense tersebut dengan lebih
Our group entered the Through pencak silat we 2. Peserta didik diminta mendiskusikan hasil tulisannya dengan
single art, team art and develop friendship and teman atau meminta masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru. Teman atau
tanding categories. togetherness! Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi masukan sesuai dengan
kesalahan-kesalahan yang mereka temukan.
Well, I entered two
3. Selanjutnya, peserta didik membetulkan hasil tulisannya
categories, the single art
sesuai dengan masukan teman atau Bapak/Ibu Guru.
and team art.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu kepada peserta didik
For your information, my untuk berlatih monolog berdasarkan teks yang telah
performance ended at the ditulisnya.
semi final round last year. 5. Setelah itu, beberapa peserta didik diminta ke depan
kelas dan bermonolog tentang pengalamannya, secara
I persisted to win the bergiliran.
competition until I won 6. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak sambil memperhatikan
gold medals and I finally pelafalan dan intonasi temannya. Jika ada yang kurang
made it. tepat, mereka diberi kesempatan untuk mengoreksinya.

52 When I was a Child

7. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati dan memberi nilai.
8. Pada akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan,
yaitu menyampaikan kelebihan dan kekurangan setiap
peserta didik, misalnya tentang kejelasan pengucapan, Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 14.
keras-lembutnya suara, mimik wajah, gerak tubuh, serta
keruntutan cerita yang disampaikan.
1. It’s about the writer’s bad experience.
Contoh jawaban: 2. He/She felt regretful.
My family and I usually go jogging on Sunday morning. We 3. He/She experienced it when he/she was in the second
jog around the neighborhood and then have breakfast at a food semester of Grade Seven.
stall near the boulevard. We love doing it to maintain our bodies 4. Because he/she always receives very good marks.
fit. 5. Because he/she felt very exhausted after doing many
One bright Sunday morning, my family and I woke up early assignments the day before the test.
to go jogging. We were all ready to jog when suddenly we heard 6. He/She cheated by writing the answers on a small piece of
a woman crying for help. We immediately went to where the paper.
woman was. We saw a man on a motorcycle dragging her and 7. Yes, he/she did. He/she was standing behind the writer
her bag, as she tried to protect it. Seeing the incident, we ran to while he/she was copying the answer for the last question.
help the woman. Not long after that, many people had come to 8. He/She disqualified the writer.
capture the robber. At first, many people wanted to beat the man, 9. It is ‘attempts’.
but others stopped them. My father called the police. Soon, they 10. It refers to ‘biology’.
came and arrested the man and confiscated his motorcycle. We
felt relieved.

Arrange the words to form sensible sentences.

Complete the following text with the correct words from the box. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C
Read the text aloud, in turns.
1. g 2. d 3. j 4. b 5. a
6. l 7. e 8. i 9. c 10. k

Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Hetty Green, the Richest, Meanest Woman
in the World
Henrietta (Hetty) Green was a very spoilt, only child.
Complete the following text with the correct words from the She was born in Massachusetts, USA, in 1835. Her father
box. was a millionaire businessman. Her mother was often ill and
Read the text aloud, in turns. so from the age of two her father took her with him to work
and taught her about stocks and shares. At the age of six she
a. inability b. read c. sneak started reading daily financial newspapers and opened her
d. received e. pronounce f. stick own bank account.
g. attentive h. adjectives i. understood Her father died when she was 21 and inherited $7.5
j. assignments k. reveal l. dictate million. She went to New York and invested on Wall Street.
Hetty saved every penny, eating in the cheapest restaurants
When I was at elementary school, English was for 15 cents. She became one of the richest and most hated
a frightening lesson for me. I had always studied hard; women in the world. She was called ‘The Witch of Wall
nevertheless, I still (1) ________ bad marks. Street’. At 33 she married Edward Green, a multi-
My father (2) ________ that it was because of my millionaire, and had two children, Ned and Sylvia.
(3) ________ in memorizing English words. So, he made me Hetty’s meanest was legendary. She always argued
a list of words, such as (4) ________ and verbs. He asked about prices in shops. She walked to the local grocery store
me to (5) ________ it on the wall near my study table so that to buy broken cookies (biscuits) which were much cheaper.
I (6) ________ and memorized the words every day. Once she lost a two-cent stamp and spent the night looking
Besides, he would always (7) ________ several words that for it. She never bought clothes and always wore the same
I had to (8) ________ and spell. It happened for months. In long, ragged black skirt. Worst of all, when her son Ned fell
spite of being forced to read and spell words, I was happy. and injured his knee, she refused to pay for a doctor and
As a result, my vocabulary improved very significantly. spent hours looking for free medical help. In the end, Ned’s
Since then, I can do English homework or (9) ________ leg was amputated.
easily. Gradually, I could speak English and it helped me Adopted from: John and Liz Soars, New Headway English Course,
a lot at junior high school. Now, English has become one of Pre-Intermediate, Student’s Book, England, Oxford University Press, (?).
my favorite subjects.
1. What was little Hetty like?
I am really grateful for having a good and (10) ________
A. Very spoilt.
B. Very naughty.
Jawaban: C. Intelligent and pretty.
1. d 2. i 3. a 4. h 5. f D. Very spoilt and beautiful.
6. b 7. l 8. e 9. j 10. g

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 53

2. What consequence should Hetty receive when she was 3. A. Pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena sesuai dengan
a baby? kalimat kedua paragraf dua, ”She went to New York
A. She had to look after her ill mother. and invested on Wall Street.” yang artinya ”Ia pergi
B. She had to do the house chores. ke New York dan menginvestasikannya di bursa
C. She learned about stock from the very early age. saham Wall Street.”.
D. She prepared her father’s needs herself. 4. C. Kata ’witch’ artinya penyihir wanita. Jadi, pilihan
3. What did Hetty do with the money she received from her jawaban yang memiliki makna sama dengan kata
father? tersebut yaitu (C) yang artinya wanita yang dianggap
A. She invested it on Wall Street. memiliki kekuatan sihir jahat. Pilihan jawaban yang
B. She shared it with her mother. lain maknanya berbeda; (A) artinya wanita yang
C. She spent it all in New York. memerintah bursa saham, (B) artinya wanita yang
D. She spent it on foods. terkenal karena kekayaannya, dan (D) artinya
seseorang yang merampok uang dari Wall Street.
4. “She was called ‘The Witch of Wall Street’.” (Paragraph 2) 5. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ketiga paragraf
The underlined word means ________. dua, ”Hetty saved every penny, eating in the
A. a woman who ruled stock exchange cheapest restaurants for 15 cents.” yang artinya
B. a woman who was famous for her richness ”Hetty menabung setiap sennya, makan di rumah
C. a woman thought to have evil magic powers makan-rumah makan paling murah seharga
D. a person who robbed money from Wall Street 15 sen.”. Jadi, ia menjadi wanita yang paling dibenci
5. According to the text, why was she the most hated di dunia karena ia sangat pelit membelanjakan
woman in the world? uangnya, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (A).
A. She saved every penny and spent her money as 6. D. Pikiran utama paragraf terakhir dijelaskan oleh
little as possible. kalimat pertama paragraf tersebut, ”Hetty’s
B. She never donated her money for the poor. meanest was legendary.” yang artinya ”Kekikiran
C. She saved every penny and ate in the most Hetty menjadi legenda.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (D),
luxurious restaurants. yang artinya kekikiran Hetty, benar.
D. With her richness, she attempted to control Wall
7. A. Pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya kikir merupakan
jawaban yang paling tepat. Hal ini sesuai dengan
6. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? penjelasan di paragraf dua dan tiga. Salah satu
A. Hetty’s kindness. B. Hetty’s richness. akibat kekikirannya, anak laki-lakinya sampai
C. Hetty’s marriage. D. Hetty’s meanest. kehilangan salah satu kakinya karena diamputasi.
8. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf
7. How did Hetty live?
terakhir, ”Worst of all, when her son Ned fell and
A. Miserly. B. Happily.
injured his knee, she refused to pay for a doctor
C. Cheerfully. D. Greedily.
and spent hours looking for free medical help.”
8. Why did Ned lose his leg? yang artinya ”Yang paling buruk, saat anak laki-
A. Hetty didn’t have enough money to bring him to lakinya Ned jatuh dan lututnya terluka, ia menolak
a doctor. untuk membayar dokter dan menghabiskan berjam-
B. He refused to see a doctor and to be treated. jam untuk mencari bantuan medis gratis.”. Jadi,
C. Hetty didn’t want to take him to a doctor. Ned kehilangan kakinya (diamputasi) karena Hetty
D. His wound was very serious and could not be tidak mau membawanya ke dokter, sesuai dengan
cured. pilihan jawaban (C).
9. “Once she lost a two-cent stamp and spent the night 9. C. Kalimat soal artinya ”Ia pernah kehilangan prangko
looking for it.” (Last paragraph) dua sen dan menghabiskan semalam suntuk untuk
The word ‘it’ refers to ________. mencarinya.”. Jadi, kata ’it’ merujuk pada kata
A. Wall Street B. broken cookies benda tunggal yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya,
C. a two-cent stamp D. a local grocery store yaitu prangko dua sen (a two-cent stamp), sesuai
dengan pilihan jawaban (C).
10. “She always argued about prices in shops.” (Last 10. B. Kalimat soal artinya ”Ia selalu berdebat tentang
paragraph) harga-harga di toko.”. Maksud ’berdebat tentang
What is the similar meaning of the underlined phrase? harga’ yaitu ’menawar harga’. Kata yang artinya
A. Got angry. B. Bargained. menawar yaitu pilihan jawaban (B) Bargained.
C. Awkward. D. Felt unpleasant.
1. A. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama
paragraf satu, ”Henrietta (Hetty) Green was a very
spoilt, only child.” yang artinya ”Henrietta (Hetty)
Green merupakan anak tunggal yang sangat
manja.”. Change the verbs in brackets into the correct forms: past or past
2. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai dengan kalimat di
paragraf satu, ”Her mother was often ill and so from Jawaban:
the age of two her father took her with him to work 1. was driving 2. was driving 3. was wearing
and taught her about stock and shares.” yang 4. stepped 5. was 6. got
artinya ”Ibunya sering sakit dan oleh karena itu 7. was 8. was looking 9. felt
pada usia dua tahun ayahnya mengajaknya bekerja 10. sent 11. was still looking 12. stopped
dan mengarinya tentang saham.”. 13. walked 14. asked 15. needed
16. told

54 When I was a Child

Write ten sentences in past continuous tense. Homework
Read your work aloud, in turns. Write your activities at school before the class started this
Contoh jawaban: morning.
1. When Mr. Ronald came home, his children were playing Share your experience with the class.
with their friends and his wife was gardening. Contoh jawaban:
2. I was watching a shadow puppet show in the town square I arrived at school at 6:15 this morning. I met my friends
at 8 last Saturday evening. Anny and Gading. Then, we were walking to the classroom
3. Were Erlin and her friends having an OSIS meeting at 1 p.m. together.
yesterday? Gading and I took the brooms and started to sweep the
4. Ms. Mawar was not serving a customer when an earthquake floor. We had to clean the classroom this morning. In fact, Dewi
hit our town. and Martiadi also had the duty, but they hadn’t arrived yet. They
5. While Uncle Jossy was repairing the printer, Lilik was arrived five minutes later. Then, Dewi dusted the teacher’s desk
accompanying him. and Martiadi cleaned the board.
6. The students were doing a test when they heard We finished our duty at 6:30. The classroom was clean and
an explosion. tidy which made us feel comfortable to study.
7. While Meilani was cleaning up the dining table, her sister
was washing the dishes.
8. Doni and his friends were running at 5:30 last Sunday
9. Vebri was sweeping the yard when Dewa and Raga
dropped by.
10. I was visiting my grandfather when you arrived at my house.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 55

Use: Showing activities that happen at

Use: Showing activities that happened present, routine activities and general

in past time. truths.

When I was a Child

• (+) S + is/am/are + O/Comp
• (+) S + was/were + O/Comp
(–) S + is/am/are not + O/Comp
(–) S + was/were not +
(?) Is/Am/Are + S + O/Comp + ?
Simple Past Tense • (+) S + verb-s/-es/verb

(?) Was/Were + S + Simple Present Tense
infinitive + O
O/Comp + ?
▲ (–) S + do/does not + Vbase + O
• (+) S + verb + O ▲
(?) Do/Does + S + Vbase + O + ?
(–) S + did not + Vbase + O
(?) Did + S + Vbase + O + ?

• Now we are best friends.

• We study together, play

• We were not close when we were
together and cry together too.

in Grade VII.
• We did not study together. When I was
a Child

Simple Past Continuous Tense

▲ ▲ ▲
Use: Describing unfinished past Patterns: Examples:
actions that are interrupted by other • (+) S + was/were + V-ing + • Erlin and her friends were doing
events or actions. O/Comp their assignment when they heard
• (–) S + was/were not + V-ing + an explosion.
O/Comp • When Erlin and Noval saw a truck
• (?) Was/Were + S + V-ing + stoping on the side of the road,
O/Comp + ? a man was coming out from the
truck cabin.
B. Write your experience.
Contoh jawaban:
My school celebrated its 25th anniversary last Saturday
night. It was very festive, since the funny MC Didot, the buble
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
dumber, made the audience laugh all the time. This celebration
Jawaban: also presented a beautiful rising star singer, Ayu Monalisa. You
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B know, I am one of her big fans. How happy I was to see her live
6. D 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. A performance. I could take photos with her. Then, I put a frame on
11. C 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B the photos and hang them on the wall in my bedroom.
16. D 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. D Those are my activities last weekend.

Write your experience.

Share your experience with the class.
Contoh jawaban:
I experienced this last Sunday morning. I had just finished shopping with my mother in a market.
I was very thirsty. Then, I asked my mother to stop at an ice cream kiosk nearby. Suddenly, my mother cried aloud, “Watch out!”
BRAK! I saw an old woman falling on the road. There was also a young man falling from his motorcycle. The woman was
bleeding. The young man tried to stand up, but then he fell. It seemed he broke his leg.
I ran to them to offer help. I was surprised when I got there. The woman was my teacher at elementary school; her name is
Ms. Rahma. I moved her to the road side. Other people helped the young man. They tried to stop a car to take them to a hospital.
I asked my mother whether I could accompany Ms. Rahma to the hospital and she agreed.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 57

1. B 11. C 21. A 31. C 41. C
2. C 12. B 22. B 32. B 42. D
3. A 13. A 23. B 33. D 43. B
4. C 14. D 24. D 34. A 44. B
5. B 15. B 25. B 35. A 45. A
6. D 16. C 26. A 36. A 46. C
7. B 17. D 27. B 37. D 47. B
8. B 18. A 28. A 38. D 48. D
9. A 19. D 29. C 39. B 49. A
10. C 20. B 30. B 40. C 50. A

58 Mid-Term Test
Setelah mempelajari chapter ini peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
2. terampil:
menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau (personal
recount), dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional;
2. disiplin, santun, dan kerjasama dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Yes, We Made It!

• Teks personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu
lampau, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks

• Pemahaman teks personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek dan sederhana.
• Penyusunan teks personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek dan sederhana.
• Praktik menyampaikan teks personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek dan sederhana.

• Memahami teks personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu
lampau, pendek dan sederhana.
• Mengungkapkan gambaran umum dan maksud teks personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek dan sederhana.
• Menyampaikan teks personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu
lampau, pendek dan sederhana.
• Bersikap disiplin, santun, dan kerjasama dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 59

Source: John Basset, Science Activities Weather and Climate, Connecticut, Grolier Educational Sherman Turnpike, 2002.

Look at the above picture. What is the girl doing? Have you ever done an experiment? What experiment did you do? What
was your purpose doing the experiment? What did you do the experiment? What was the result of your experiment?
Now, in this chapter, you will learn how to relate past experiences.

Dalam chapter ini peserta didik akan belajar tentang teks recount, yaitu teks yang menceritakan kejadian/peristiwa yang
dialami seseorang atau pernah terjadi. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran sebagai berikut.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menceritakan kegiatan yang baru saja dilakukan atau peristiwa yang baru saja
dialami secara singkat.
2. Selanjutnya Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar apersepsi dan menceritakan kejadian/peristiwa
dalam gambar.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menceritakan percobaan yang pernah mereka lakukan.
4. Peserta didik dimotivasi untuk menjelaskannya dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memuji dan memberi balikan positif kepada peserta didik yang berani menjawab.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan cakupan materi yang akan dipelajari dalam chapter ini.
7. Bapak/Ibu Guru senantiasa mengingatkan peserta didik agar berpartisipasi aktif dalam setiap kegiatan dan tidak malu
bertanya ketika mengalami kesulitan.
8. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengingatkan peserta didik agar selalu berperilaku santun dalam berkomunikasi dengan Bapak/Ibu
Guru atau teman.

60 Yes, We Made It!

Listen and repeat. Suppose you are Mitha.
Practice the following dialog with a friend. Relate your experience when doing the experiment, based on the
pictures in TASK 3.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Pada awal pertemuan, Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan Last week, I did an experiment about making clouds.
tujuan kegiatan pembelajaran kepada peserta didik, yaitu Through my experiment, I’d like to show that clouds are formed
mereka akan belajar bercakap-bercakap tentang by water vapor. First of all, I prepared the materials. I prepared
kegiatan yang telah dilakukan pada waktu lampau. a jar, warm water, funnel, ice cubes and a stopwatch. Then,
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan percakapan berikut I started my experiment.
dan peserta didik menyimak dengan saksama. First, I filled the jar with warm water. Then, I placed the
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan kembali percakapan funnel in the neck of the jar. After that, I filled the funnel with the
tersebut dan peserta didik menirukannya. Bapak/Ibu ice cubes. Next, I took my stopwatch and placed a sheet of dark
Guru membetulkan pelafalan peserta didik yang kurang paper behind the jar. Finally, I watched for clouds to form over the
tepat. funnel. That was an amazing experiment! That’s my story. Thank
4. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik you for listening.
untuk memeragakan percakapan tersebut di kelas.
Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik yang lain memberi
balikan atas peragaan tersebut.

Listen and repeat.
Practice the dialog with a friend.

Answer the following questions based on the dialog in TASK 1. Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Denias : Erlin, what are you going to present in our
speaking class?
1. They are talking about Mitha’s experience when doing
Erlin : I’ll talk about how my classmates and
an experiment.
I participated in our school’s art performance
2. They are classmates because they are talking about the
materials to present in their speaking class.
Denias : Sounds great! How would you do that?
3. She’d like to show that clouds are formed by water vapor.
Erlin : First of all, we discussed about what we were
4. She needed a jar, warm water, funnel, ice cubes and
going to perform.
a stopwatch.
Denias : What did you perform?
5. Over the funnel.
Erlin : We decided to perform a drama about
6. She placed a sheet of dark paper behind the jar to see the
a historical event, precisely the Battle of
clouds easier.
Surabaya. For your information, the event
7. He was amazed.
was held to celebrate the Independence Day.
8. He would like to try doing the experiment.
Denias : I see. Then, what did you do?
9. It is ‘count’.
Erlin : Then, we wrote the script together. After that,
10. It refers to the experiment.
we consulted our Indonesian teacher about
our script. We revised it based on our
teacher’s suggestions. It took a week to
revise the script.
Denias : Quite fast!
Look at the following pictures. Erlin : Well, we worked really hard for it because we
Write the sentences from the box under the suitable pictures, didn’t have much time. We had only a month
based on Mitha’s experience of doing an experiment in TASK 1. and half for preparation.

1. Mitha prepared the materials.
2. Mitha filled the jar with warm water.
3. Mitha placed the funnel in the neck of the jar.
4. Mitha filled the funnel with the ice cubes.
5. Mitha took the stopwatch and placed a sheet of dark paper
behind the jar. Then, she watched for clouds to form over
the funnel.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 61

Denias : What did you do after that? 8. How often did they practice?
Erlin : After the script was finalized, we chose the 9. What did they do before performing on the stage?
actors to play the characters in the drama. 10. What did they feel at the end of their performance? Why?
Besides them, we had a backup team. They TASK 4
were responsible to prepare our props. Suppose you are Erlin.
Denias : Then, what role did you play? Who became Relate your experience when performing a school drama,
Bung Tomo? based on the dialog in TASK 1.
Erlin : I became a nurse and our class captain Noval
played Bung Tomo. Jawaban:
Denias : And after that? TASK 2
Erlin : After that, we practiced three times a week, 1. mempersembahkan 2. peristiwa bersejarah
after school. 3. pertempuran 4. naskah
Denias : What days? 5. merevisi, memperbaiki 6. persiapan
Erlin : Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, but 7. merampungkan 8. pendukung
a week before the performance, we practiced 9. peran 10. belakang panggung
every day. TASK 3
Denias : You must all have worked hard for the 1. They are talking about Erlin’s drama performance in her
performance. So, tell me about it. school’s art performance day.
Erlin : Yes, you bet. Well, on the performance day, 2. To celebrate the Independence Day.
we prepared ourselves with the props and 3. At Erlin’s school.
costumes at the backstage. When the 4. A drama about a historical event, precisely the Battle of
announcer announced our turn to perform, we Surabaya.
felt excited, but nervous as well. However, the 5. A month and half.
atmosphere made us very enthusiastic, so we 6. They consulted their Indonesian teacher.
could perform the drama well. We were very 7. They were Erlin’s classmates who were responsible to
delighted when the audience gave us a big prepare the props.
round of applause at the end of our 8. Normally, they practiced three times a week: every
performance. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, but a week before the
Denias : Sounds like you did a great job! Well done! performance, they practiced every day.
Erlin : Thank you. 9. They prepared themselves with the props and costumes
at the backstage.
10. They felt very delighted because the audience gave
them a big round of applause at the end of their show.
Contoh jawaban:
Three months ago, my school held an art performance
Learn our national history to improve our nationalism.
day, to celebrate the Independence Day. My class also
participated in the event. However, we had only a month and
half for preparation, so we worked really hard for it.
At first, my classmates and I discussed about what we
were going to perform. We finally decided to perform a drama
What are the meanings of the following words?
about a historical event, precisely the Battle of Surabaya.
1. to present = __________________ After agreeing on the topic, we wrote the script together.
2. historical event = __________________ When we had finished, we consulted our Indonesian teacher
3. battle = __________________ about our script. We asked for the teacher’s suggestions to
4. script = __________________ improve on the script. It took a week to revise the script.
5. to revise = __________________ After revising the script, we chose the actors to play the
6. preparation = __________________ characters in the drama. We also formed a backup team who
7. to finalize = __________________ were responsible to prepare our props. I played a nurse and
8. backup = __________________ Noval as Bung Tomo. We practiced three times a week, every
9. role = __________________ Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, after school. However,
10. backstage = __________________ a week before the performance, we practiced every day.
Finally, the performance day arrived. My classmates and
I prepared ourselves with the props and costumes at the
Answer the following questions based on the dialog in
backstage. When the announcer announced our turn to
perform, we felt excited, but nervous as well. However, the
1. What are the speakers talking about? atmosphere made us very enthusiastic, so we could perform
2. What was the event held for? the drama well. We were very delighted when the audience
3. Where was the event held? gave us a big round of applause at the end of our
4. What did Erlin and her classmates perform for the event? performance. Our teacher congratulated us on our
5. How much time did they have to prepare for their performance.
6. What did they do to improve on their drama script?
7. Who were the backup team?

62 Yes, We Made It!

1. Noval’s experience when having a bonfire with his family.
2. In the backyard of Noval’ house.
Fill in the blanks with the suitable sentences from the box. 3. To celebrate the New Year.
Jawaban: 4. He chose an ideal spot for the bonfire.
1. When did you have it? 5. Because twigs and leaves burned very quickly.
2. Could you tell me how to make one? 6. Because this would keep the fire from spreading
3. Our backyard seemed ideal. outside the pit.
4. Then, my sister and I collected a bunch of dry twigs, leaves, 7. He arranged them standing like a pyramid.
sticks and unwanted wood. 8. Underneath the pyramid.
5. What was next? 9. He threw sand over it and stomped on it.
6. After that, I surrounded the pit with bricks and stones. 10. When it is cool to touch.
7. When the pit was ready, I arranged the fuel.
8. Then, what did you and your family do with the bonfire?
9. We really had a great time!
10. I think I’d like to have a bonfire with my family for the coming
new year’s celebration.
Read the dialog in TASK 5 again.
Arrange the following pictures to make the procedural steps of
making a bonfire, based on the dialog.
Write suitable sentences for each picture.

Find the meanings of the following words.
1. Peserta didik diminta membaca kembali dan memahami
1. bonfire = __________________ isi percakapan pada kegiatan sebelumnya (TASK 5).
2. brick = __________________ 2. Berdasarkan percakapan tersebut, peserta didik diminta
3. dry twig = __________________ mengurutkan gambar-gambar acak yang menjelaskan
4. to extinguish= __________________ cara membuat api unggun.
5. fire lighter = __________________ 3. Peserta didik diminta menuliskan langkah-langkah
6. to ignite = __________________ membuat api unggun berdasarkan gambar-gambar
7. to lit = __________________ tersebut sehingga menjadi teks yang runtut tentang cara
8. to put out = __________________ membuat api unggun.
9. to roast = __________________ 4. Peserta didik diminta tunjuk jari dan menyampaikan
10. shallow pit = __________________ jawabannya. Sebaiknya Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi
11. shrimp = __________________ kesempatan kepada beberapa peserta didik untuk
12. sparkler = __________________ menyampaikan jawabannya.
13. to stomp = __________________ 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peser ta didik membahas
14. triangle = __________________ jawabannya bersama-sama.
15. unwanted = __________________ 6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai kepada
TASK 2 peserta didik yang aktif dalam kegiatan ini.
Answer the following questions based on the dialog in
TASK 5. Jawaban:
The correct arrangement of the pictures is: 3–5–1–8–2–7–6–4.
1. What is the dialog about? The procedure:
2. Where was the bonfire? Picture 3 : Choose an ideal spot, far enough from trees and
3. Why did they have a bonfire? bushes. It could be in your backyard or at
4. What did Noval do before the bonfire? a campsite.
5. Why should he need plenty of large pieces of fuel wood? Picture 5 : Grab a bunch of dry twigs, leaves, sticks and
6. Why should he surround the pit with bricks and stones? unwanted wood. Be sure to have plenty of large
7. How did Noval arrange the wood or twigs? pieces of fuel wood, as twigs and leaves burn very
8. Where did he put dry leaves? quickly.
9. What did he do to put out the fire? Picture 1 : Dig a shallow pit. The pit should be the size of the
10. When is it safe to leave the bonfire? fire that you want to have.
Jawaban: Picture 8 : Surround the pit with bricks and stones. This will
TASK 1 keep your fire from spreading outside your pit.
1. api unggun 2. batu bata Picture 2 : Place the fuel. Arrange the wood, twigs and wood
3. ranting kering 4. memadamkan sticks standing like a pyramid and place the leaves
5. alat untuk menyalakan api 6. membakar under it.
7. menyalakan 8. memadamkan Picture 7 : Ignite the wood using a fire lighter and start with the
9. memanggang 10. lubang dangkal leaves underneath.
11. udang 12. kembang api Picture 6 : Cook food on the fire, like marshmallows sausages,
13. menghentakkan, menginjak 14. segitiga fish and shrimps.
15. sisa, tak diinginkan Picture 4 : Put out the fire. Throw sand over it, stomp on it, or
otherwise extinguish it completely. By the time you
leave, it should be cool to touch.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 63

7. At the school hall.
8. The principal, teachers, staff and students.
9. He/She supported it.
10. They were pleased and proud.
Relate what Noval and his family did to make a bonfire, based on
the series of pictures in TASK 6.
Do it in front of the class.
Contoh jawaban:
On the New Year’s eve, Noval and his family had a bonfire.
The first thing to do was to choose an ideal place to have the
bonfire, far enough from trees and bushes. Noval and his father
Read the following text.
decided to make it in the backyard. Noval and his sister collected
a bunch of dry twigs, leaves, sticks and unwanted wood. They It was Sunday morning. Denias was jogging around
needed plenty of large pieces of fuel wood because twigs and a soccer field.
leaves burned very quickly. Feeling tired, he sat under a tree at the edge of the
Meanwhile, his father dug a shallow pit. The pit was as big as soccer field. Then, he bought chicken porridge from a food
the size of the fire they’d like to have. After that, he surrounded the stall nearby. Not far away from his place, he saw a shepherd
pit with bricks and stones. He did it to keep the fire from spreading boy sitting on the ground of the field near the soccer field.
outside the pit. When the pit was ready, he arranged the wood, The boy was tending his two goats and looked confused.
twigs and wood sticks standing like a pyramid and placed the Denias approached the boy and talked with him. Denias
leaves under it. asked the boy why he looked very confused. He said he lost
After that, his mother ignited the wood using a fire lighter one of his goats and was afraid of returning home. Denias
and started with the leaves underneath the pyramid. In a few tried to calm him down. Knowing that the boy had not had
minutes, Noval and his family had a bonfire. They used it to roast breakfast yet, Denias bought porridge for him. After having
food, such as marshmallows, sausages, fish and shrimps. They breakfast, Denias asked the little boy to tell him the story.
had a feast with the food while enjoying cool drinks. Noval and Then, Denias accompanied the boy to look for his goat.
his sister then lit sparklers. They really had a great time! Moments later, they found the goat on top of a nearby
When the party was over, the last thing to do was to put out hill. The boy looked very happy. He was very grateful to
the fire. They threw sand over it and stomped on it. They made Denias.
sure that it was already cool to touch before leaving it. TASK 2
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer, based on the
text in TASK 1.
1. When did the story take place?
A. In the morning.
Read the following text. B. In the afternoon.
Pay attention to its generic structure. C. In the evening.
D. At night.
2. Why was the little boy confused?
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan teks yang tersedia dan
A. He didn’t have money.
peserta didik menirukannya.
B. He lost his way home.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca
C. He lost one of his goats.
kembali teks tersebut dengan nyaring, secara bergantian.
D. He hadn’t had breakfast.
Bapak/Ibu Guru membetulkan pelafalan peserta didik
yang kurang tepat. 3. Where did Denias and the boy find the goat?
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami A. On top of a hill.
struktur teks. B. Behind the bushes.
4. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik untuk C. At the edge of the soccer field.
membaca dan memahami informasi yang terdapat dalam D. On the field near the soccer field.
Supporting Feature . Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan
informasi yang belum dipahami peserta didik. 4. From the text we can conclude that ________.
A. Denias helped the boy find the goat
B. the boy offered Denias chicken porridge
C. Denias looked after his goat in the field
D. the boy sold porridge near the soccer field
5. ”... Denias bought porridge for him.” (Paragraph 3)
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 8. What is the synonym of ‘bought’?
A. Sold. B. Took.
Jawaban: C. Purchased. D. Borrowed.
1. The text is about the writer’s experience when his/her
school photography club held a photography exhibition. Jawaban:
2. To celebrate the third anniversary of the writer’s school 1. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat awal teks,
photography club. ”It was Sunday morning.” yang artinya ”Hari itu
3. They prepared for the event a month ago. Minggu pagi.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (A) benar.
4. She proposed to hold a photography competition. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi
5. No, they didn’t because they had already held such a teks; (B) artinya pada sore hari, (C) artinya pada
competition last year. petang hari, dan (D) artinya pada malam hari.
6. They decided to hold a photography exhibition.

64 Yes, We Made It!

2. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar karena sesuai dengan
kalimat-kalimat di paragraf tiga, ”Denias asked the
boy why he looked very confused. He said he lost
one of his goats and was afraid of returning home.” Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard.
yang artinya ”Denias bertanya kepada anak laki-laki Read the text aloud.
tersebut alasan ia tampak sangat bingung. Ia
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan
berkata ia kehilangan salah satu kambingnya dan
takut pulang ke rumah.”. Jadi, anak laki-laki itu
Hi, friends. Let me tell you about my (1) experience when
bingung karena kambingnya hilang satu. Pilihan
making a garden bench.
jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan isi teks;
My brother Rizal, and I made the garden bench after my
(A) artinya ia tidak mempunyai uang, (B) artinya ia
father (2) cut down the old mango tree behind our house three
tidak tahu jalan pulang, dan (D) artinya ia belum
weeks ago. We saw (3) a big piece of wood. Then, we had an
idea. We told father that we wanted to make garden benches. He
3. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf agreed and would help us. Then, he (4) bench the big trunk into
empat, ”Moments later, they found the goat on top pieces. After that, Rizal and I worked together to arrange and nail
of a nearby hill.” yang artinya ”Beberapa saat the wood pieces onto a bench. Then, we (5) rubbed the bench
kemudian, mereka menemukan kambing tersebut with sandpaper to make it smooth. Next, we dried it under the
di puncak bukit terdekat.”. Jadi, kambing itu sun (6) for one week. When it was already dry, we (7) painted it
ditemukan di puncak bukit terdekat, sesuai dengan with green color. Finally, we dried it under the sun again for three
pilihan jawaban (A). Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak days.
sesuai dengan isi teks; (B) artinya di belakang That’s (8) my story. That you for listening.
semak-semak, (C) artinya di pinggir lapangan Adapted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris “When
bola, dan (D) artinya di ladang dekat lapangan English Rings a Bell” SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta,
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.
4. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat akhir paragraf
tiga dan kalimat awal paragraf empat, ”Then,
Denias accompanied the boy to look for his goat.
Moments later, they found the goat on top of
a nearby hill.” yang artinya ”Kemudian, Denias Work in pairs.
menemani anak laki-laki itu mencari kambingnya. Ask and answer questions about the text in TASK 10, in turns.
Beberapa saat kemudian, mereka menemukan See the example.
kambing itu di puncak bukit terdekat.”. Jadi, pilihan Contoh jawaban:
jawaban (A) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak You : Please answer my first question. What did the
sesuai dengan isi teks; (B) salah karena Denias speaker and his brother make?
yang membeli-kan anak gembala itu bubur, bukan Your friend : They made a garden bench.
anak itu menawarkan bubur kepada Denias You : Correct. What is the bench made of?
(kalimat di paragraf tiga, ”... Denias bought Your friend : It is made of old mango wood. Am I right?
porridge for him.” yang artinya ”... Denias membeli You : Yes, you’re right. Now your turn, please.
bubur untuk anak laki-laki itu.”), (C) anak laki-laki Your friend : Thanks. Why did they make the bench?
itu yang menggembala kambing di ladang, bukan You : They wanted to utilize the old mango wood.
Denias (kalimat di paragraf dua, ”The boy was Your friend : Correct. Then, who helped them make the garden
tending his two goats ....” yang artinya ”Anak laki- bench?
laki itu sedang menggembala dua ekor You : Their father.
kambingnya ....”), dan (D) salah karena anak laki- Your friend : Correct. Your questions, please.
laki itu tidak menjual bubur, tetapi orang lain You : O.K., what did their father do to help them?
(kalimat di paragraf dua, ”He bought porridge from Your friend : He sawed the trunk into pieces.
a food stall nearby.” yang artinya ”Ia (Denias) You : You’re right. My next question, what did Rizal and
membeli bubur dari warung makan terdekat.”). the writer do after that?
5. C. Kata ’bought’ dan ’purchased’ memiliki makna Your friend : They arranged and nailed the wood pieces onto
sama, yaitu membeli. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) a bench. Then, they rubbed the bench with
benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain maknanya sandpaper.
berbeda; (A) artinya menjual, (B) artinya You : Correct. Your turn now, please.
mengambil, dan (D) artinya meminjam. Your friend : O.K. Why did they rub the bench?
You : To make it smooth.
Your friend : Right. How did they dry the bench?
You : They dried it under the sun for one week.
Your friend : Correct. Your turn, please.
You : What did they do after the bench was dry?
Your friend : They painted it.
You : Why should they paint it?
Your friend : To make the bench look beautiful.
You : You’re right. Please your turn.
Your friend : How long did they dry the painted bench?
You : They dried it for three days.
Your friend : Correct.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 65

2. Emily’s uncle was going to ___________________
when she visited him.
3. Before planting strawberry plants, Emily’s uncle had
done the following: ___________________,
___________________ and ___________________.
What are the meanings of the following words? 4. The distances between holes to plant strawberry plants
You will hear the words in the text in TASK 2. should be spacious, about ___________________ and
TASK 1 leaving ___________________ between rows.
1. to note = ________________ 5. Emily’s uncle got strawberry plants from
2. explanation = ________________ ___________________.
3. adequate = ________________ 6. He set out the strawberry plants
4. sprawling = ________________ ___________________ (time).
5. row = ________________ 7. The planting holes should be ___________________ in
6. to adjust = ________________ order to ___________________.
7. in advance = ________________ 8. When planting strawberry plants, the roots should be
8. manure = ________________ ___________________ and the crowns should be
9. nursery = ________________ ___________________.
10. root = ________________ 9. The best way to plant strawberry plants is using
11. shed = ________________ ___________________.
12. entire = ________________ 10. According to Emily’s uncle, the good planting site
13. bending = ________________ required ___________________ and
14. soil surface = ________________ ___________________ of direct sunlight.
15. well-drained = ________________
16. particularly = ________________ TASK 4
17. sunlight = ________________ Work in pairs.
18. to require = ________________ Ask and answer questions about the text in TASK 2, in turns.
19. to consider = ________________ See the example.
20. direct = ________________ Example:
You : Please answer my first question. Where did
Emily spend her last holiday?
Listen and complete the text based on what you have heard.
Your friend : At her uncle’s place in Malang.
Read the text aloud.
You : Correct. What was her uncle going to do at
Let’s listen to Emily’s story about her experience. that time?
“Last holiday, I visited my uncle who lives in Malang. Your friend : He was going to plant strawberry plants.
My uncle has a strawberry garden. Luckily, Am I right?
it was (1) __________ when I arrived there. I watched how my You : Yes, you’re right. Now your turn, please.
uncle and his (2) __________ planted the strawberries and
noted his explanation. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Prior to this, my uncle had prepared adequate spaces for Let’s listen to Emily’s story about her experience.
sprawling, about (3) __________ apart and leaving 4 feet “Last holiday, I visited my uncle who lives in
between rows. He also adjusted the soil in advance so its pH Malang. My uncle has a strawberry garden. Luckily,
was between 5.5 and 7. He began working in aged manure or it was planting time when I arrived there. I watched how
(4) __________ a couple of months before planting. my uncle and his workers planted the strawberries and
The planting day arrived. My uncle already had strawberry noted his explanation.
plants (5) __________ from his nursery early in the morning. Prior to this, my uncle had prepared adequate
The plants shouldn’t have roots (6) __________ 20cm. Soon spaces for sprawling, about 50cm apart and leaving 4
afterwards, he and his workers planted each strawberry plant in feet between rows. He also adjusted the soil in advance
the shed carefully. He told me that the planting holes to plant so its pH was between 5.5 and 7. He began working in
should be deep and (7) __________ to accommodate the aged manure or compost a couple of months before
entire root system without bending the plants. However, they planting.
should not be planted (8) __________ either. My uncle The planting day arrived. My uncle already had
explained that the roots should be covered in the ground and strawberry plants set out from his nursery early in the
the crowns should be right at the soil surface. morning. The plants shouldn’t have roots longer than
My uncle added that the planting site must be well- 20cm. Soon afterwards, he and his workers planted
drained. Therefore, raised beds are a particularly each strawberry plant in the shed carefully. He told me
(9) __________ for strawberries. Furthermore, in choosing that the planting holes to plant should be deep and
a planting site, he also considered how long the site received wide enough to accommodate the entire root system
direct sunlight because strawberries required without bending the plants. However, they should not be
(10) __________ a day of direct sunlight. planted too deep either. My uncle explained that the
I was enthusiastic following all the procedure of planting roots should be covered in the ground and the crowns
strawberries. I dreamt that someday I would have my own should be right at the soil surface.
strawberry garden.” My uncle added that the planting site must be well-
Adapted from: (August 20, 2017)
drained. Therefore, raised beds are a particularly good
TASK 3 option for strawberries. Furthermore, in choosing
Complete the following statements based on the text in a planting site, he also considered how long the site
TASK 2. received direct sunlight because strawberries required
1. Emily’s uncle lives in ___________________ and has 6–10 hours a day of direct sunlight.

66 Yes, We Made It!

I was enthusiastic following all the procedure of You : From his nursery.
planting strawberries. I dreamt that someday I would Your friend : Correct. Your turn, please.
have my own strawberry garden.” You : What should planting holes be?
Adapted from: (August 20, Your friend : They should be deep and wide enough.
You : Why should they be such way?
Your friend : To accomodate the entire system without
bending plants.
You : You’re right. Please your turn.
1. mencatat 2. penjelasan
Your friend : How should strawberry plants be planted?
3. cukup, memadai 4. menjalar
You : Their roots should be covered in the ground and
5. baris 6. mengatur, mengurus
their crowns should be right at the soil surface.
7. di muka, sebelumnya 8. pupuk kandang
Your friend : Then, what should be considered when
9. tempat pembibitan 10. akar
choosing a good planting site?
11. bedeng untuk menanam 12. seluruh
You : Good drainage and length of time to receive
13. membengkokkan 14. permukaan tanah
direct sunlight.
15. diairi dengan baik 16. khususnya
Your friend : Correct.
17. cahaya matahari 18. membutuhkan
19. mempertimbangkan 20. langsung
1. planting time 2. workers 3. 50cm
4. compost 5. set out 6. longer than
7. wide enough 8. too deep 9. good option
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.
10. 6–10 hours
TASK 3 1. c 2. j 3. a 4. h 5. i
1. Malang; a strawberry garden 6. g 7. l 8. f 9. e 10. k
2. plant strawberries
3. prepared adequate spaces for sprawling; adjusted the
soil; worked on aged manure or compost
4. 50cm apart; 4 feet
5. his nursery
6. early in the morning Listen to and answer the questions based on the text in TASK 12.
7. deep and wide enough; accomodate the entire root
system without bending the plants Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
8. covered in the ground; right at the soil surface Guru:
9. raised beds 1. Where did Ganish spend her holiday?
10. good drainage; 6–10 hours a day 2. How did she spend her holiday?
3. Where did she stay during her holiday?
TASK 4 (Contoh jawaban) 4. Why did Ganish’s cousins make a booking two days before?
You : Please answer my first question. Where did 5. What is the rafting guide like?
Emily spend her last holiday? 6. Why should they have briefing?
Your friend : At her uncle’s place in Malang. 7. How did their adventure run?
You : Correct. What was her uncle going to do at 8. How did they feel?
that time? Jawaban:
Your friend : He was going to plant strawberry plants. Am 1. In Sentul, Bogor.
I right? 2. She went rafting.
You : Yes, you’re right. Now your turn, please. 3. She stayed in her uncle’s house.
Your friend : Thanks. What did Emily’s uncle do a couple 4. Because they wanted the rafting guide to prepare the
months before planting time? equipment before they arrived.
You : He began working on aged manure or 5. She is kind and polite.
compost. 6. To make the participants to be able to do like rafting well
Your friend : Correct. Then, what was the best distance and safely.
between planting holes? 7. It ran well.
You : About 50cm apart and leaving 4 feet between 8. They were tired, but excited.
Your friend : Correct. Your questions, please.
You : O.K., why did Emily’s uncle provide generous
spaces between planting holes?
Your friend : For strawberry plants to sprawl freely.
You : You’re right. My next question, what should
the soil have so the plants grow well?
Your friend : It should have pH between 5.5 and 7.
You : Correct. Your turn now, please.
Your friend : O.K. When did Emily’s uncle begin working
on manure or compost?
You : A couple months before planting time.
Your friend : Right. Where did Emily’s uncle get strawberry
plants from?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 67

How many events took place, based on the text in TASK 12?
Rewrite the topic sentences of the events below, in the suitable paragraphs.

Paragraph 1 Ganish spent her holiday by rafting in Sentul, Bogor.

Paragraph 2 Ganish, her brother and her brother’s friends went to Bogor.

Paragraph 3 Ganish, her brother, cousins and her brother’s friends went to the rafting site.

Paragraph 4 The rafting guide led the briefing.

Paragraph 5 Ganish, her brother, cousins and her brother’s friends did rafting.

Paragraph 6 Ganish, her brother, cousins and her brother’s friends finished the rafting.

Develop the topic sentence of each event you have written in TASK 14 with supporting sentences, based on the text in TASK 12.
Paragraph 1 has been done for you.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca kembali kalimat-kalimat topik yang telah ditulis pada kegiatan sebelumnya
(TASK 14).
2. Peserta didik diminta menuliskan kembali kalimat-kalimat topik ke dalam tabel, seperti yang terdapat di buku, sesuai dengan
3. Selanjutnya, peserta didik diminta menuliskan kalimat-kalimat pendukung untuk setiap kalimat topik, ber-dasarkan teks yang
terdapat pada kegiatan sebelumnya (TASK 12).
4. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik aktif tunjuk jari dan menyampaikan jawabannya. Selanjutnya, peserta
didik yang lain diminta menyimak dan membacakan jawabannya bila berbeda dengan jawaban temannya.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban-nya bersama-sama.
6. bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.

Paragraf Event Supporting Sentences

Ganish had an adventurous experience last holiday. She wernt rafting for
1 Ganish spent her holiday by rafting in Sentul, Bogor. the first time. She did it with her brother, cousins and her brother’s
friends in Sentul, Bogor.

2 Ganish, her brother and her brother’s friends went to Bogor. Ganish, her brother and her brother’s friends left Jakarta in the afternoon
by minibus. They arrived in Bogor in the evening and stayed at Ganish’s
uncle’s house. His house is near the rafting site.

In the early morning, they went to the site. Ganish, her brother and her
brother’s friends boarded minibus while her cousins drove a car.
3 Ganish, her brother, cousins and her brother’s friends went to the rafting site. Ganish’s cousins had reserved two days before, so the rafting guide had
prepared the equipment. She waited for them and welcomed them
politely. Then, they wore life jackets and safety helmets.

She explained the safety rules before rafting. She also showed how to
4 The rafting guide led the briefing. control the raft. She explained it clearly and made sure that everyone
understood the rules.

It was the time. They did rafting. They rode the raft and started rowing.
The rafting guide led them well, so they could control the raft. They
5 Ganish, her brother, cousins and her brother’s friends did rafting.
screamed loudly when they passed heavy currents. Their raft
occasionally turned around. Finally, they could finish the journey.

After done, they changed their wet clothes and had meals. It was tiring,
6 Ganish, her brother, cousins and her brother’s friends finished the rafting. but exciting.

68 Yes, We Made It!

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.

a. ajar b. their help c. experiences d. return home

e. a small house f. their holiday g. approached h. a nearby clinic
i. a kind old man j. walked around k. a heroic life l. looked ill

Last holiday Erlin and Edwin visited their grandparents in the village. In the morning, they (1) ________ the village.
One morning, as they were passing (2) ________, they heard a moan. The sound came from the house. Soon they
(3) ________ the house. They knocked on the door, but nobody answered. They could only hear moans.
The door was (4) ________. They pushed the door and entered the house. They found an old man in bed. The old man
trembled and (5) ________.
Erlin and Edwin soon informed their grandpa about the old man and they took him to (6) ________. Fortunately, the old man
was not seriously ill. The doctor prescribed him medicine and told him to (7) ________. The old man thanked Erlin and Edwin for
(8) ________.
Since then, during the rest of (9) ________, Erlin and Edwin often visited the man in his house. The man was a veteran soldier
so Erlin and Edwin liked to listen to his (10) ________ during the independence war, which were interesting!
Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 1.
1. Where did Erlin and Edwin spend their holiday?
2. What did Erlin and Edwin do in the morning?
3. What did they hear from a small house?
4. What did they find in the house?
5. What did they do after that?
6. Why did the doctor tell the old man to return home?
7. What was the old man?
8. What did the old man do during colonialism?
9. What did the old man tell Erlin and Edwin about?
10. What did they think about the old man’s story?
How many events took place, based on the text in TASK 1?
Rewrite the topic sentences of the events below, in the suitable paragraphs.
The topic sentences:
• Erlin and Edwin heard an old man’s moan.
• Erlin, Edwin and their grandpa took the old man to a nearby clinic.
• Erlin and Edwin often visited the old man.
• Erlin and Edwin found a sick old man.
• Erlin and Edwin visited their grandparents last holiday.

Paragraph 1 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 3 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 5 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 69

Develop the topic sentence of each event you have written in TASK 3 with supporting sentences, based on the text in TASK 1.
Paragraph 1 has been done for you.
Paragraph Event Supporting Sentences

1 Erlin and Edwin visited their grandparents last holiday. Last holiday Erlin and Edwin visited their grandparents in the village. In the morning,
they walked around the village.

_______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
2 _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
3 _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
4 _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
5 _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

1. j 2. e 3. g 4. a 5. l 6. h 7. d 8. b 9. f 10. c
1. At their grandparents’ house.
2. They walked around the village.
3. A moan.
4. An old man in bed who trembled and looked ill.
5. They soon informed their grandpa about the old man and they took him to a nearby clinic.
6. Because he was not seriously ill.
7. He was a veteran soldier.
8. He took part in the independence war.
9. His experiences during the independence war.
10. The story was interesting.

Paragraph 1 Erlin and Edwin visited their grandparents last holiday.

Paragraph 2 Erlin and Edwin heard an old man’s moan.

Paragraph 3 Erlin and Edwin found a sick old man.

Paragraph 4 Erlin, Edwin and their grandpa took the old man to a nearby clinic.

Paragraph 5 Erlin and Edwin often visited the old man.

Paragraph Event Supporting Sentences

Last holiday Erlin and Edwin visited their grandparents in the village. In
1 Erlin and Edwin visited their grandparents last holiday. the morning, they walked around the village.

One morning as they were passing a small house, they heard a moan.
2 Erlin and Edwin heard an old man’s moan. The sound came from the house. Soon they approached the house.
They knocked on the door, but nobody answered. They could only hear

3 Erlin and Edwin found a sick old man. The door was ajar. They pushed the door and entered the house. They
found an old man in bed. The old man trembled and looked ill.

Erlin and Edwin soon informed their grandpa about the old man and
4 Erlin, Edwin and their grandpa took the old man to they took him to a nearby clinic. Fortunately, the old man was not
a nearby clinic. seriously ill. The doctor prescribed him medicine and told him to return
home. The old man thanked Erlin and Edwin for their help.

Since then, during the rest of their holiday, Erlin and Edwin often visited
5 Erlin and Edwin often visited the old man. the man in his house. The man was a veteran soldier so Erlin and
Edwin liked to listen to his experiences during the independence war,
which were interesting!

70 Yes, We Made It!

The following sentences describe certain events (described in Complete the following statements based on the texts in TASK 16.
paragraphs). Jawaban:
However, both the paragraphs and sentences are not arranged Text 1
chronologically. 1. Sunday morning 2. the tire was flat
Rewrite the sentences and paragraphs to form chronological 3. Her neighbor 4. snacks; the door prize draws
stories. 5. laptop computer
Text 2
1. an English Day at the writer’s schol
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca dan
2. they had been waiting for it since September, last year
memahami perintah kegiatan. Bapak/Ibu Guru
3. all students from grade VII to grade IX joined the English Day
menjelaskannya apabila peserta didik belum paham.
4. all students from grade VII to grade IX joined the event
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas arti
5. Ice World and Gondola
kosakata baru.
3. Peserta didik membaca dan memahami setiap kalimat
dalam kotak, lalu mengurutkannya menjadi paragraf yang
bermakna dan logis. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan
kepada peserta didik bahwa setiap kotak yang berisi
kalimat-kalimat tersebut mewakili sebuah paragraf.
4. Setelah semua kalimat dalam kotak diurutkan, peserta TASK 1
didik diminta mengurutkan paragraf-paragraf menjadi Arrange the jumbled sentences to form a sequential
teks recount yang runtut dan bermakna. paragraph.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk tunjuk
1. Vino was very sleepy. Thinking that the trip would take
jari dan menyampaikan jawabannya. Peserta didik yang
several minutes, he fell asleep.
lain diminta menyimak dan menyampaikan jawabannya
2. Then, he realized that he had passed his house.
sendiri apabila berbeda dengan jawaban temannya.
3. Moments later, a bus arrived. Vino boarded the bus and
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peser ta didik membahas
occupied a window seat.
jawabannya bersama-sama.
4. Hurriedly he got off the bus and walked back to his
7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi evaluasi dan balikan.
5. Suddenly, the bus horn woke him up. He didn’t know
how long he had slept.
Text 1
6. It was a hot afternoon. The bell rang and Vino walked to
Early Sunday morning, Emily checked her bicycle. She
the bus stop.
would participate in a fun bike event to commemorate Heroes
7. Vino looked around and wondered where he was.
Day. O, gosh! The tire was flat. Emily was very confused.
Fortunately, her neighbor mended the tire. Then, Emily rode to TASK 2
the event arena hurriedly. Answer the following questions based on the text in TASK 1.
Arriving at the fun bike arena, the event had not begun yet. 1. When did the story take place?
Emily showed her ticket and the committee gave her two pieces 2. How did Vino go home?
of small cards. One card was for snacks and the other was for 3. What did Vino feel when he boarded the bus?
the door prize draws. 4. What made Vino wake up?
Moments later, the fun bike began. Many people, old and 5. What did Vino realize when he woke up?
young, joined the event. They rode around the town happily.
When they arrived at the finish lane, they exchanged their cards Jawaban:
for snacks. TASK 1
While the participants were enjoying their snacks, the The correct arrangement of the jumbled sentences is 6–3–
committee announced that it was the time for the door prize 1–5–7–2–4.
draws. There were many prizes provided for the event. TASK 2
Surprisingly, Emily got a laptop computer. How happy Emily was! 1. In the afternoon (after school).
Text 2 2. By bus.
Hooray! We had an English Day in our school! We entered 3. He felt very sleepy.
this event on January 17, at our beloved school. We had been 4. The bus horn.
waiting for it since September, last year. So when the day came, 5. He had passed his house.
we were really happy. We played many games such as matching
colors, matching pictures, playing scrabble and finding and
spelling bee. We had storytelling and watched movies too.
All students from grade VII to grade IX joined the English
Day, so there were 3 slots for the activities. We really had fun
and we could practice our English. We also sang together about
parts of our bodies and do–re–mi.
Many prizes were provided for this event. There were tickets
from Ice World and Gondola of Ancol Bay City and Water Boom
of Lippo Cikarang. There were also tickets from Insects World
and Freshwater World of TMII, T-shirts, pens, stickers and many
other merchandises.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 71

What is your unforgettable experience?
Write it down and share it with your friend.
Contoh jawaban:
Last Sunday Rida visited her aunt in a village. In the
morning, Rida’s aunt asked Rida to go with her to the market.
She would buy vegetables and fruit. There wasn’t any
supermarket in the village so they had to go to a traditional
market. Rida reluctantly went to the market because she had
never been there before. However, this time she could not refuse.
Rida and her aunt went to the market by becak. There were
many people in the market. It had rained heavily the night before
so the market was muddy. Rida and her aunt’s slippers were
covered with mud.
Rida’s aunt soon walked to the vegetable seller. After
bargaining for a moment, Rida’s aunt got the vegetables she
needed. Then, she walked towards the fruit seller and bought
fresh fruit. She put her vegetables and fruit in the basket she
brought from home.
Passing a woman selling traditional cakes, Rida’s aunt
stopped and bought a few. She told Rida that Rida should try
traditional cakes. They were as delicious as modern cakes. Rida
just nodded her head.
It was Rida’s first experience shopping in a traditional

72 Yes, We Made It!

To retell past events.
Text Structure:

Yes, We Made It! Recount Text • Orientation: tells about what happened, where the story took place
and who were involved in the story.
• Events: tells a series of events.
• Re-orientation: gives the closure of the events.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

B. Write a recount text about your experience on your birthday.
Contoh jawaban:
Yesterday was my birthday. I didn’t celebrate my birthday by
holding a party. I only treated Nadya, my close friend for lunch.
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
I asked Nadya what she would like to eat and she suggested that
Jawaban: we have lunch at our favorite restaurant.
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C Arriving at the restaurant, we ordered our favorite food and
6. C 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. C drinks. While serving our order, the waitress gave me a small gift.
11. C 12. C 13. C 14. A 15. D It was from a person sitting at the corner.
16. A 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. B I glanced at the girl sitting at the corner. She smiled at me.
O, gosh! I thought I knew her! I would never forget! She was
Maya, my best friend when we were at elementary school. She
had moved to another town. I was touched that she still
remembered my birthday.
Finally, I realized that Nadya and Maya arranged all of this.
Thank you, friends.

Look at the pictures.

Write sentences to describe the pictures, using the words available.
Suppose a few month ago you plant vegetables in a bottle using a hydroponics method.
Tell your friends how you did it.
Use the pictures as guidance.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati gambar-gambar yang ada di buku. Bila perlu, Bapak/Ibu Guru
menjelaskan bahwa gambar-gambar tersebut menjelaskan cara menanam sayur menggunakan botol dengan sistem
2. Peserta didik diminta menuliskan kalimat-kalimat yang menjelaskan langkah-langkah menanam sayur dalam botol
menggunakan sistem hidroponik, berdasarkan gambar-gambar dan kata-kata yang tersedia.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk menyampaikan jawaban mereka untuk setiap gambar, secara bergiliran.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban-jawaban tersebut bersama-sama.
5. Peserta didik menulis teks berdasarkan gambar-gambar dan kalimat-kalimat yang telah mereka buat. Peserta didik
seolah-olah menulis pengalaman menanam sayur dalam botol menggunakan sistem hidroponik beberapa bulan
yang lalu.
6. Peserta didik menyerahkan hasil tulisan mereka kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi masukan atas
hasil tulisan peserta didik.
7. Peserta didik memperbaiki tulisan mereka berdasarkan masukan dari Bapak/Ibu Guru.
8. Peserta didik menceritakan pengalaman menanam sayur dalam botol menggunakan sistem hidroponik di kelas tanpa
teks, tetapi mereka dapat menggunakan gambar yang ada di buku PR Bahasa Inggris.
9. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan nilai.

A few months ago, I learned how to plant vegetables in a bottle using a hydroponics method. These pictures show what
I have done.
• a bottle (size 2 liter) • coconut coir as growing media
• 2–3 cups water • 1–2 wicks
• nutrient • rockwool cube
• seeds • scissors

draw lines–cut across the flip–the top–over prepare–the nutrient–put– add–the wich–at the top
line it–in the water

74 Yes, We Made It!

add–nutrient water–in the place–seeds–in the the plant–grow
upper bottle–place–wet rockwool
coconut coir–place–
rockwool cube–on the top
Pictures source: (August 31, 2017)

1. Draw a line around the bottle and cut across the line.
2. Flip the top over.
3. Prepare the nutrient and put it in the water.
4. Add the wick at the top bottle.
5. Add the nutrient water in the upper bottle and place the wet coconut coir on the top and place the rockwool cube on the
coconut coir on the top.
6. Place the seeds in the rockwool.
7. The plant start growing.
Adopted from: (August 31, 2017)

Recount Text:
A few month ago, I learned to plant vegetables in a bottle using a hydroponics method.
First of all, I prepared the materials to plant the vegetables. I had a bottle sized 2 liter, coconut coir as growing media, 2–3
cups of water, 1–2 wicks, nutrient, rockwool cube, seeds and scissors. Then, I started making the media.
First, I drew a line around the bottle and cut across the line. Then, I flipped the top over. After that I prepared the nutrient and
put it in the water. Next, I added the wick at the top bottle. Then, I added the nutrient water in the upper bottle and place the wet
coconut coir on the top. I also placed the rockwool cube on the coconut coir on the top as the place to grow the seeds. Then,
I placed the seeds in the rockwool. I took care of the plants well and the plant started growing.
That’s my story. Thank you for listening.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 75

Setelah mempelajari chapter ini peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara mengidentifikasi dan menyusun pesan singkat (message) sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaannya; cara mengidentifikasi dan menyusun pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice) sesuai dengan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya.
2. terampil:
mengidentifikasi dan menyusun pesan singkat (message) sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaannya; mengidentifikasi dan menyusun pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice) sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional;
2. kerja sama dan percaya diri dalam melakukan komunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Don’t Forget It, Please!

• Pesan singkat dan sederhana lisan dan tulis.

• Pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice) pendek dan sederhana, lisan dan tulis.

• Pemahaman fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pesan singkat dan sederhana, lisan dan tulis.
• Pemahaman fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice) pendek,
lisan dan tulis.
• Praktik menulis pesan singkat dan sederhana, lisan dan tulis, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
• Praktik menulis pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice) pendek, lisan dan tulis, sesuai dengan konteks

• Memahami gambaran umum dan informasi tersirat maupun tersurat dalam teks-teks pendek dan sederhana berbentuk
pesan dan pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice), lisan dan tulisan.
• Memahami penulisan pesan pendek dan sederhana, baik lisan maupun tulisan.
• Memahami penulisan pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice) pendek dan sederhana, baik lisan maupun tulisan.
• Menulis berbagai teks pendek dan sederhana berbentuk pesan dan pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice), lisan
dan tulisan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar.
• Bersikap peduli, jujur, bertanggung jawab, dan kerja sama dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.

76 Don’t Forget It, Please!

Look at the picture. What are attached in the School’s Announcement Board? There are a few notices attached there.
Can you guess what the notices are probably about?
What about your school? Can you find any notices around your school or attached on the announcement board? What are
they about?
In this chapter, besides learning notices that can be found at school, you will also learn how to write notes and short
telephone messages. Understand all the materials and do all the exercises attentively.

1. Untuk memulai kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru bertanya tentang pemberitahuan sekolah yang tertempel di papan pengumuman
2. Peserta didik diminta memahami gambar apersepsi dan kalimat-kalimat di bawah gambar tersebut.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru membimbing peserta didik menjelaskan gambar tersebut secara singkat. (Jawaban: Two students are
talking about the notices they have just read on the school’s announcement board.)
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami paragraf-paragraf yang ada di bawah gambar dan mengemukakan
pendapatnya/jawabannya atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tersedia terkait pemberitahuan (notice).
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa peserta didik akan mempelajari berbagai pemberitahuan (notice), tetapi terlebih
dahulu mereka akan mempelajari berbagai pesan tulis singkat (notes) dan pesan telepon pendek (short telephone

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 77

• Matikan lampu sebelum pergi tidur.
• Kamu punya banyak buah di lemari es. Makanlah buah dan
sayuran secukupnya setiap hari.
• Jangan lupa menyiram tanaman pada sore hari.
Look at the picture. • Selalu sarapan/makan pagi sebelum kamu berangkat ke
Describe briefly what you can see. sekolah.
• Keringkan handuk di jemuran setelah kamu mandi.
• Jangan membuat berantakan. Taruh pakaian kotormu di
1. Untuk memulai kegiatan pembelajaran, Bapak/Ibu Guru keranjang.
bertanya kepada peserta didik apakah mereka pernah • Pastikan pintu belakang terkunci sebelum kamu berangkat
menempelkan pesan di tempat tertentu, misalnya di pintu ke sekolah.
lemari es, di meja belajar kakaknya atau temannya. Bila • Jangan lupa menutup jendela sebelum kamu meninggalkan
pernah, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peser ta didik rumah.
menyebutkan isi pesan tersebut. • Rapikan tempat tidur setiap pagi.
2. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan kepada peserta • Pel lantai setidaknya dua hari sekali.
didik bahwa mereka akan mempelajari pesan-pesan
pribadi (tidak ditujukan untuk umum).
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memperhatikan
gambar dan pesan-pesan yang tersedia.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring
Work in pairs.
pesan-pesan tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi
Ask and answer questions about the note in TASK 3.
pelafalan peserta didik yang kurang tepat.
5. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik Contoh jawaban:
untuk menjelaskan gambar tersebut secara singkat. Student A : Let me ask you first. What should the son have
before leaving for school?
Jawaban: Student B : He should have breakfast.
The picture shows a refrigerator and there are many notes Student A : Correct. Then, what should the son do after eating?
attached on the door. The notes seem to be written by Student B : He should wash the dishes straightaway.
a mother to her child. Student A : That’s right. Your turn, please.
Student B : What activity does he do twice a day?
Student A : Sweep the floor.
Student B : When should he do the activity?
Student A : He should do it in the morning before going to
school and in the afternoon.
Student B : Correct. Your turn, please.
Answer the following questions based on the picture in TASK 1. Student A : What must he do before playing?
Jawaban: Student B : He must do his homework.
1. There are five. Student A : What should he not forget to do in the afternoon?
2. They are instructions to clean shoes before having a bath, Student B : He should not forget to water the plant. Am I right?
to bake bread and make a glass of milk for breakfast, to Student A : Yes, you’re right.
water the flowers in the afternoon, to lock the door before Student B : My turn now. What should he do before going to bed?
leaving and to turn off the lamp before going to bed. Student A : He should turn off the lights and make sure the
3. Before going to bed. backdoor is locked.
4. To clean shoes before having a bath, to bake bread and Student B : Correct. Now, what should he do after waking up?
make a glass of milk for breakfast. Student A : He should make his bed.
5. There are two actions: watering the flowers and locking the Student B : Right. Your turn, please.
door. Student A : How often should he mop the floor?
6. To ask or remind others to do something. Student B : He should do it at least every two days.
7. Contoh jawaban: I usually write notes for my friends and Student A : What to be done before leaving the house?
families. Student B : He should close the windows.
8. Contoh jawaban: The notes to tell my mother that I would
return home late and to tell my friend that
I borrowed her ruler.

Read the following note.
Read the following note from a mother to her son correctly. Explain the meanings of the content of the note.
Explain the meanings of the sentences. Erlin and Edwin are studying at school. Meanwhile, Erlin’s
Jawaban: mother receives a call and she has to visit Erlin’s grandma
• Cucilah piring kotor langsung setelah kamu selesai makan. who is sick. Before leaving, she writes a note for Erlin and
• Sapulah lantai dua kali sehari, pada pagi hari sebelum Edwin. Here is the content of the note.
kamu berangkat ke sekolah dan pada sore hari.
• Kamu boleh bermain, tetapi pastikan kamu mengerjakan
pekerjaan rumahmu lebih dahulu.

78 Don’t Forget It, Please!

• Use an alarm clock in order to wake up early in the
To Do in the Afternoon
• Keep the house clean by sweeping it in the • Keep the house clean by sweeping it in the
afternoon. afternoon.
• Don’t forget to do homework after having a nap. • Don’t forget to do homework after having a nap.
• Water the flowers and feed the fish in the • Water the flowers and feed the fish in the afternoon.
• Don’t use the water tap in the kitchen. It is broken.
• Lock the door and close the windows before To Do in the Evening/at Night
leaving for school.
• Switch off the television and lights before going to • Switch off the television and lights before going to
bed. bed.
• Clean the dining table and wash the dishes after • Don’t go to bed too late.
• Don’t go to bed too late.
TASK 2 To Do at Any Time of the Day
Classify the activities mentioned in the note in TASK 1,
• Don’t use the water tap in the kitchen. It is broken.
based on the following categories.
• Clean the dining table and wash the dishes after
To Do in the Morning

• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________

To Do in the Afternoon

• _________________________________________ Listen and repeat.

• _________________________________________ Answer the questions that follow.
1. Sinta.
To Do in the Evening/at Night 2. Because Sinta, the receiver, didn’t answer her call or reply
to her text message.
• _________________________________________ 3. To the supermarket and accessories store.
• _________________________________________ 4. She should text or call Armand if she needs something to
5. To inform Sinta that Arman is going to the supermarket.
To Do at Any Time of the Day

• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________

Jawaban: Rewrite the messages using correct punctuation and capitalization.

• Gunakan jam alarm supaya kalian bangun lebih pagi.
• Jagalah kebersihan rumah dengan menyapunya setiap
1. Peserta didik membaca dan memahami pesan-pesan
sore hari.
• Jangan lupa mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah setelah
2. Peserta didik menulis kembali pesan-pesan tersebut
tidur siang.
dengan tanda baca dan huruf kapital yang benar. Peserta
• Sirami bunga dan beri makan ikan pada sore hari.
didik perlu mengingat kembali fungsi tanda baca,
• Jangan menggunakan keran air di dapur. Keran itu rusak.
terutama tanda titik, koma, dan tanya, serta huruf kapital.
• Kunci pintu dan tutup jendela sebelum pergi ke sekolah.
3. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta
• Matikan televisi dan lampu sebelum pergi tidur.
didik untuk menuliskan jawabannya di papan tulis.
• Bersihkan meja makan dan cucilah piring kotor setelah
Peserta didik yang lain memerhatikan dan membetulkan
jawaban temannya yang salah.
• Jangan tidur larut malam.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik bersama-sama
TASK 2 membahas jawaban yang benar.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi evaluasi dan nilai kepada
To Do in the Morning peserta didik yang aktif menjawab.

• Use an alarm clock in order to wake up early in Jawaban:

the morning.
• Lock the door and close the windows before 1. Arya, we will have an OSIS meeting tomorrow. We
leaving for school. are going to discuss about the interclass football
competition. I do hope all OSIS staff members will

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 79

2. Mom, sorry for making my clothes dirty. I have put them 4. Tomy, we will visit your grandma at the hospital.
in a basket. You don’t need to wash them. Let me do it Prepare yourself when you have arrived home from
myself after the course. school. I am going to buy fruit.

3. Brother, there was a call from your friend Erika at 5. Dad, I am doing group work at Roy’s house. I will
around 3 p.m. Since you weren’t home, I asked her to arrive home late. Please tell mom about it. I will
leave a message. She said it was an urgent matter, so return as soon as we finish our work.
she asked you to call her back as soon you arrived

4. Melisa, there will be a photography exhibition in a city

hall. It will be held between April 18 and 21, 2017. It is
free. I know you are very keen of photography, so let’s
go to the exhibition together. What do you think? Listen to the questions carefully.
Please reply soon. Answer the questions based on the notes in TASK 6.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
5. Dion, do you have time this weekend? Please come to Guru:
my house this Saturday at 2 p.m. We need to revise our The following questions are for Message 1.
biology project. We don’t have much time since Monday 1. What is the purpose of the note?
is the due date. For your information, I have contacted 2. Why does Arya receive the note?
Weni, Garin and Tika. 3. When will the meeting be?
4. What is the agenda of the meeting?
5. What does the writer hope?
The following questions are for Message 2.
1. Why does the writer apology?
2. Where does the writer collect the clothes?
Rewrite the messages using correct punctuation and 3. What does the writer ask his/her mother do?
capitalization. 4. Where is the writer when his/her mother reads the note?
5. What is the writer going to do after the course?
1. rossy will you enjoy a car free day with me The following questions are for Message 3.
tomorrow morning we’ll go there on our bicycles i’ll 1. Who is the note written for?
fetch you at six 2. Who is Erika?
3. Who answered Erika’s call?
2. nadya i’m sorry i have to cancel our appointment i 4. What did Erika ask?
can’t go with you to the computer fair this afternoon 5. What should the receiver do after reading the note?
i have a diarrhea
The following questions are for Message 4.
1. Why does the writer write the note?
3. lika are you going to the girl guide activity this 2. What event will be held?
afternoon if you are going to the girl guide activity 3. Where and when will it be held?
please fetch me from my house my bicycle is 4. Why is the writer sure that Melisa will like the event?
broken thank you 5. What should Melisa do after reading the note?

4. tomy we will visit your grandma at the hospital The following questions are for Message 5.
prepare yourself when you have arrived home from 1. What is the purpose of the note?
school i am going to buy fruit 2. Who will gather at the writer’s house?
3. When should they gather?
4. What are they going to do?
5. dad i am doing group work at roy’s house i will 5. Why should they gather soon?
arrive home late please tell mom about it i will
return as soon as we finish our work Jawaban:
Message 1
Jawaban: 1. To invite Arya to attend an OSIS meeting tomorrow.
2. He is a member of OSIS staff.
1. Rossy, will you enjoy a car free day with me 3. Tomorrow.
tomorrow morning? We’ll go there on our bicycles. 4. To discuss the interclass football competition.
I’ll fetch you at six. 5. All OSIS staff members will attend the meeting.
Message 2
2. Nadya, I’m sorry I have to cancel our appointment. 1. He/She has made his/her clothes dirty.
I can’t go with you to the computer fair this 2. In a basket.
afternoon. I have a diarrhea. 3. To not wash the dirty clothes.
4. He/She is attending a course.
3. Lika, are you going to the girl guide activity this 5. He/She is going to wash the dirty clothes.
afternoon? If you are going to the girl guide activity,
please fetch me from my house. My bicycle is
broken. Thank you.

80 Don’t Forget It, Please!

Message 3
1. For the writer’s brother.
2. She is a friend of the writer’s brother.
3. The writer.
4. She asked the writer’s brother to call her soon.
5. Call Erika soon.
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.
Message 4
1. To invite Melisa to see a photography exhibition. a. out b. punishment c. called
2. A photography exhibition. d. submit e. inside f. work
3. It will be held in the city hall between April 18 and 21, 2017. g. done h. forget i. ready
4. Because she likes photography. j. invitations k. apology l. distribute
5. She should reply the note or respond to the writer’s
invitation. Message 1
Message 5
Arina, don’t (1) ________ to write (2) ________ for our
1. To ask a person to come to the writer’s house.
OSIS meeting next Saturday. The invitations should be
2. The writer and his/her friends: Dion, Weni, Garin and Tika.
(3) ________ three days before the meeting, so we can
3. This Saturday at 2 p.m.
(4) ________ them earlier. Let me know when you’re
4. They are going to revise their biology project.
(5) ________. Thank you.
5. Because they should collect the project on Monday which
means they don’t have much time. Gani

Message 2

Raffa, Linda (6) ________ you several minutes ago,

when you were (7) ________. She reminded you
about the English group (8) ________. You should
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.
(9) ________ it tomorrow. Otherwise, your teacher will
Jawaban: give your group (10) ________.
1. d 2. i 3. f 4. l 5. h
6. b 7. j 8. e 9. k 10. g Mom

Complete the following statements based on the messages
in TASK 1.
Message 1
Answer the following questions based on the messages in TASK 8. 1. The purpose of the message is ___________________.
Jawaban: 2. The OSIS meeting will be held ___________________.
Message 1 3. Arina should finish the task by ____________________
1. For Reno’s parents. (day).
2. To tell his parents that he will be home late. 4. The invitations should be completed soon in order that
3. He will go to Raya’s house. ____________________________________________.
4. He is going to study together with his friends. 5. Arina should ____________________ when she has
5. By car. Raya’s father will drive him home. finished the task.
Message 2 Message 2
1. She forgot to feed the birds. 1. ____________________ is the message writer.
2. In the afternoon, before she went to the the course. 2. Linda called Raffa when ____________________.
3. She was overslept and had to go to the course soon. 3. Linda intended to remind Raffa about ______________.
4. It refers to the writer’s mistake that she forgot to feed the birds. 4. Raffa should submit it ____________________.
5. It refers to the note’s writer, Vika. 5. If they don’t submit it, they will get ________________.
Message 3 Jawaban:
1. Marwan. TASK 1
2. They are going to have a final rehearsal for their drama 1. h 2. j 3. i 4. l 5. g
performance. 6. c 7. a 8. f 9. d 10. b
3. At the school hall.
4. Rina, Arya and Winda.
Message 1
5. She should come on time and help Arya and Winda prepare
1. to remind Arina to write invitations for their OSIS meeting
the prop and costumes.
2. next Saturday
3. Wednesday
4. they can distribute the invitations earlier
5. tell/inform Gani
Message 2
1. Rafa’s mother 2. he was out
3. their group work 4. tomorrow
5. punishment

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 81

Rewrite the following sentences into a sequential message. Read and understand the following short telephone messages.
Jawaban: Answer the questions provided.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Dalam kegiatan ini peserta didik akan mempelajari pesan yang
I won’t be at home when you arrive home from work. I have
disampaikan melalui telepon genggam yang dikenal sebagai
an appointment with my friends to attend a computer expo
at the city hall. Sorry, I didn’t tell you about it before. We’ve
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring
just planned it today, at school. I promise, I won’t be home
pesan-pesan dalam bentuk SMS tersebut dengan lafal
dan intonasi yang benar.
Farida 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi pelafalan peserta didik yang
masih kurang tepat.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peser ta didik secara
berpasangan membaca nyaring kalimat-kalimat dalam
SMS tersebut.
4. Selanjutnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tersedia secara
lisan. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi kesempatan kepada lebih
Complete the statements based on the proper message in
dari dua peserta didik untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang
TASK 10.
1. The message is addressed to ____________________.
2. Farida sends the message to tell her parents that Jawaban:
____________________. 1. By a cellular phone.
3. Farida is going to _________________ with 2. Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do. At least three messages a day.
____________________. 3. Contoh jawaban: To my family and friends.
4. The event is held at ____________________. 4. Contoh jawaban: I usually write messages to my parents
5. According to the message, they will go there about arriving home late and to my
____________________ (time). friends about the homework and our plans
6. She didn’t ask for permission earlier because to do, such as studying together.
7. She promises that ____________________.
8. “We’ve just planned it today ….” The word ‘it’ refers to
Jawaban: Answer the following questions based on the telephone
1. Farida’s parents messages in TASK 12.
2. she won’t be at home when her parents arrive home
from work 1. What is the relationship between Alisa and Edo?
3. attend a computer expo; her friends 2. Why does Alisa send a message to Edo?
4. the city hall 3. What does Edo suffer from?
5. today, after school 4. What does Edo ask Alisa about?
6. she and her friends have just planned to attend the 5. Why does Edo ask about it?
computer expo today, at school 6. How many assignments do they have? What are they?
7. she won’t be home late 7. What is Alisa going to do when she meets Edo at school
8. Farida and her friends’ plan to attend the computer expo the following day?
8. What can you learn from Alisa?
1. They are classmates.
2. To ask about his health condition.
3. He catches flu.
4. About today’s homework.
Write messages based on the following situations. 5. Because he didn’t go to school today.
Read your work aloud. 6. There are two assignments; for math, they should do the
Contoh jawaban: exercise on pages 78-79 and for Indonesian, they should
compose descriptive texts.
1. Ditta, I need a favor. I left my camera in the dining 7. She will explain further about the assignments to Edo.
room table, unattended. Would you please keep it with 8. We should express our sympathy to friends who are
you? I am afraid if a thief may break into our boarding sick.
house again. Thank you.

2. Bayu, don’t forget to pick mother up from the railway

station at 8 a.m. Please let me know when you have
met her at the station. Thank you.
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D

82 Don’t Forget It, Please!

Message 2

• Is it free for students?

• That’s O.K. Let’s go there.
Complete the following short telephone messages with • In Rajawali Convention Hall.
• Unfortunately not. We have to pay half of the regular
the suitable sentences from the box.
ticket price.
Message 1 • It seems interesting. Where is the exhibition.

• Sure. Thanks.
• Thanks a million.
• Sure. What about you?
• Why don’t you go with me? I’ll give you
a ride.
• O.K. I’ll fetch you from your house at This is the final day of
three thirty. Just wait for me. the robotic exhibition.
• I will, but I’m not sure whether I can attend It Will you see it? A lot of
or not. My bicycle is broken. robotic equipment are
being displayed there.

There will be an English

speaking club this afternoon.
Will you attend it?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 83

Message 1

Read the following short telephone message.

Write its proper reply.
Contoh jawaban:
There will be an English
speaking club this afternoon.
Will you attend it?

Sure. What about you? Bella, your train will leave

at 5 p.m., right? If that’s
I will, but I’m not sure so, I’d like to meet you
whether I can attend it or before you leave. Please
not. My bicycle is broken. wait for me at the station.

Why don’t you go with You’re right, Friska. My

me? I’ll give you a ride. train will leave at 5 p.m.
If you want to meet me,
please arrive there before
Thanks a million. five. See you there.

O.K. I’ll fetch you from your

house at three thirty. Just
wait for me.

Sure. Thanks.

Work in pairs.
Write short telephone messages based on the following situations.
Message 2 Ask your partner to write the replies.
Share your work with the class.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja secara

This is the final day of berpasangan. Setiap pasangan diminta memahami
the robotic exhibition. kalimat-kalimat situasi soal.
Will you see it? A lot of 2. Peserta didik menulis pesan pertama untuk satu situasi,
robotic equipment are lalu pasangannya menulis respons atas pesan tersebut.
being displayed there. Lakukan secara bergantian.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi semua pasangan peserta
It seems interesting. didik untuk membacakan pesan-pesan yang mereka
Where is the exhibition? telah tulis. Peserta didik yang lain menyimak jawaban
temannya dan memberi masukan.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai kepada peserta didik yang
In Rajawali Convention hall. aktif menjawab dan memberi masukan.

Is it free for students?

Unfortunately not. We
have to pay half of the
normal ticket price.

That’s O.K. Let’s go


84 Don’t Forget It, Please!

Contoh jawaban: 4.

Farel, I have a music extra-

Daffa, I have a diarrhea. curricular activity, but my guitar
Could you drop by is broken. May I borrow yours?
a pharmacy and buy I’ll return it as soon as I finish.
medicine for me? Thank Thanks.
Sure. I’m not using it
O.K., I’m on the way right now and you may
home. I’ll drop by borrow it anytime.
a pharmacy and buy
medicine for you.


Read the following texts.

Leo, I’m sorry that I will

be late. The street is very
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa sebelumnya
busy. I’m stuck in the
peserta didik telah mempelajari pemberitahuan yang
ditujukan kepada individu/perorangan dalam bentuk
pesan singkat. Untuk kegiatan selanjutnya, peserta didik
akan mempelajari pemberitahuan (notice) yang ditujukan
Never mind. We’ll be kepada publik/umum.
waiting for you. I hope 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peser ta didik untuk
everything is fine with membaca nyaring pemberitahuan-pemberitahuan berikut
you. dengan lafal, tekanan, dan intonasi yang benar.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru membetulkan pelafalan peserta didik
yang kurang tepat.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat meminta peser ta didik
menyebutkan isi pemberitahuan-pemberitahuan
3. 5. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
memahami penjelasan dalam Supporting Feature.

Lolita, Arka is waiting for

you at home. He told me
that you are going to have
a study club. Please arrive Listen carefully and write the notices correctly based on what you
home soon. have heard.
Read your answers aloud.
Yes, I know. I’ve almost Teks-teks pendek yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru
finished my shopping. dan sekaligus jawaban:
Don’t worry. I’ll be home 1. Prepare yourself for the English Story Reading Competition.
soon. August 23-25, 2018. All are welcomed!
2. All students of Grade VIII will have a study-tour at the end of
the year, in November or December. Start saving up.
3. Don’t forget, we will have a Clean-up Day next Friday.
Attendance is compulsory. Your class teacher will tell you
what to bring to the event.
Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris When
English Rings a Bell untuk SMP Kelas VIII Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta,
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 85

Complete the following table based on the information conveyed in the notices.
Notice Event Time Additional Information

1 The English Story Reading Competition August 23-25, 2018 All are welcomed to participate.
2 A study tour for the eighth grade students At the end of the year Students should start saving up.
3 A Clean-up Day Next Friday All students have to participate and their class
teachers will tell us what to bring to the event.

Listen carefully and write the notices correctly based on what you have heard.
Read your answers aloud.

Complete the following table based on the information conveyed in the notices.
Notice Event Time Additional Information

Teks-teks pemberitahuan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan sekaligus jawaban:
1. Due to the very thick ashes from the volcano eruption, the school will have a two-day holiday.
It starts from today. Classes will recommence the day after tomorrow.
2. Attention, please. Before our school anniversary, there will be a working bee on Saturday after school. Each student should
bring appropriate equipment, such as a cloth, mop, pail, duster, brush or broom. Also, to make our school greener, each
class should plant a tree in the backyard.
Notice Event Time Additional Information

1 The school’s two-day holiday Today and tomorrow The school is closed due to the very thick ashes from
the volcano eruption. Classes will recommence the
day after tomorrow.
2 The school’s working bee Saturday after school The event is held to celebrate the school anniversary.
Each student should bring a cleaning tool and each
class should plant a tree in the backyard.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.
1. e 2. a 3. f 4. c 5. b

86 Don’t Forget It, Please!

Contoh jawaban:
You are not allowed to bring bags into the library. You
must leave them in the lockers available outside.
Answer the questions based on the texts in TASK 19. Thank you.
1. What is the notice about? Gilang Putra
2. What is the purpose of the event? Librarian
3. When will the event be holding?
4. What should interested students do?
5. How much will the second runner-up receive? Wash your hands before and after contact.
Jawaban: It is important to prevent the spread of infection.
1. A storytelling competition. Nadya Kartika,
2. To celebrate the National Education Day. Nurse Chief
3. On Saturday, May 12, 2018.
4. Enroll themselves to Mr. Pramudya or Mrs. Ananta, the
English teachers. 4.
5. Rp150,000. Students, you should be careful when weighing out
chemicals and reagents.
You should not return excess materials
into the stock container.
Science Teacher

Read the following notices.

What does each notice mean?
Notice 1 : We should always flush the toilet after using it.
Notice 2 : We are not allowed to bring any food or drink in this
Notice 3 : People should be aware that the area is protected Complete the following statements correctly, based on the
by video surveillance in order to avoid any forms of notices in TASK 22.
violence and crimes. 1. We can find the first notice in ___________________.
2. Students are not allowed to bring
___________________ into the place.
3. According to the second notice, visitors should leave
their bags in ___________________.
4. The second notice is written by ___________________.
Look and understand the following notice.
5. We can find the third notice in ___________________.
Answer the questions that follow.
6. Washing hands before and after contact is aimed to
Jawaban: ___________________.
1. Outside a school. 7. “TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF INFECTION”. The
2. Drivers or riders who pass through the road in front of the opposite meaning of ‘to prevent’ is
school. ___________________.
3. It’s valid during school days between 7:30 a.m and 4:30 p.m. 8. According to the fourth notice, students cannot weigh
4. Maximum only 20km/hour. out chemicals and reagents ___________________.
5. He can drive his car more than 20km/hour. 9. They are also forbidden to ___________________.
meaning of ‘careful’ is ___________________.
In pairs, write short messages based on the following notices. 1. a laboratory
Number one has been done for you. 2. food and drinks
3. the lockers provided
4. a librarian
5. a hospital
Dalam kegiatan kali ini peserta didik akan menulis pesan 6. prevent the spread of infection
berdasarkan notices yang tersedia. 7. ‘to cure’
1. Peserta didik diminta bekerja secara berpasangan, misal 8. carelessly
dengan teman yang duduk di seberang mejanya. 9. return excess materials into the stock container
2. Selanjutnya, setiap pasangan memahami contoh notice 10. ‘cautious’
yang diubah menjadi message (soal nomor 1).
3. Setiap pasangan membaca dan memahami berbagai
notice yang tersedia, kemudian mengubah notice
tersebut menjadi pesan.
4. Setelah peserta didik selesai mengerjakan, Bapak/Ibu
Guru meminta setiap pasangan membacakan pesan
yang mereka tulis.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi pujian, balikan positif, dan nilai
kepada peserta didik yang berpartisipasi aktif.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 87

Write two notices for each situation described in the following
Say your work aloud.
Contoh jawaban:
1. • Walk carefully. The floor wet and is still wet.
• Be careful. The floor is slippery.
2. • Keep silent. The exam is in progress.
• Be quiet. There is an exam.
3. • Do not litter.
• Throw the rubbish into the rubbish bin.
4. • Shut down the computer when you have finished using it.
• Use the computer efficiently. Don’t waste the electricity.
5. • Lift the box carefully.
• Do not drop the box.

88 Don’t Forget It, Please!

Function: Function:
To inform others about something. To give information, announcements, instructions or
warnings to public/others.
Write the receiver’s name on the top of the Examples:
message and the sender’s name at the
The students’ parking area in our school is under
bottom of the message.
reconstruction. Therefore, please park your bicycles
Example: at the west of our school building, near the teachers’
Don’t Forget It, motorcycles parking area.

Sinta, where are you now? Why didn’t you Short Messages Notices
Please! Mr. Raditya,
answer my call or reply to my text?
Class Teacher
Anyway, I’m going to the supermarket.
Just in case you read this message soon
and need something, please text or call NOTICE
I will also drop by the accessories store. NO FOOD OR DRINK IN

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

B. Write a message to your friend or parent
based on your own topic.
Read your message aloud.
Contoh jawaban:
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Jawaban: Mom, I’ve just received a text from auntie. Due to her
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D business, she can’t visit us this week. She has tried to
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B call you, but you didn’t pick it up.
11. C 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. A
16. A 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. C

A. Work in groups of three or four.

Make a notice suitable for your school.
Write it on a hard carton or wooden board.
Place the notice on the proper place.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik bekerja dalam kelompok yang terdiri atas tiga atau empat orang.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi waktu kepada peserta didik untuk mengerjakan tugas ini, misalnya satu minggu.
3. Setiap kelompok membuat papan pemberitahuan yang cocok untuk sekolah.
4. Mereka menuliskan pemberitahuan tersebut di kertas karton tebal atau papan kayu dengan menarik.
5. Pada waktu yang telah ditentukan, setiap kelompok menunjukkan hasil pekerjaannya.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta seluruh kelompok memasang papan pemberitahuan tersebut di tempat yang sesuai.
7. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai atas hasil pekerjaan peserta didik, termasuk kerja sama mereka.

Contoh jawaban:

Adopted from: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris When English Rings a Bell untuk SMP Kelas VIII Edisi Revisi Cetakan Ke-2, Jakarta, Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.

B. Let’s play a game.

Follow the instructions.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa dalam kegiatan ini peserta didik akan melakukan kegiatan mengirimkan pesan
berantai. Peserta didik diminta bekerja secara berkelompok. Tiap kelompok terdiri atas lima peserta didik.
2. Setiap kelompok memahami kegiatan yang akan dilakukan. Apabila masih belum paham, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
3. Setiap kelompok mengadakan undian untuk menentukan peserta didik 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5. Peserta didik 1 menulis sebuah
pesan di atas kertas dan membisikkan pesan tersebut kepada peserta didik 2. Peserta didik 2 membisikkan pesan
tersebut kepada peserta didik 3. Begitu seterusnya hingga peserta didik terakhir.
4. Peserta didik terakhir menyebutkan pesan yang ia dengar. Pesan tersebut selanjutnya dicocokkan dengan pesan yang
ditulis peserta didik 1.
5. Apabila pesan yang disampaikan peserta didik 5 tidak sesuai dengan pesan peserta didik 1, kelompok tersebut tidak
mendapat nilai. Pemenang permainan adalah kelompok yang nilainya paling tinggi.

90 Don’t Forget It, Please!

1. Work in groups of five.
2. Determine who will be Student 1, Student 2, etc.
3. Student 1 will write a message on a piece of paper. He/she will whisper the message to Student 2. Student 2 listens to the
message and he/she whispers the message to Student 3. Student 3 listens to the message and he/she whispers it to Student
4. Student 4 whispers it to Student 5 and Student 5 relates the message.
4. All the group members check Student 5’s message with Student 1’s.
5. If Student 5 relates the message wrongly, the group will not get a point. The winner is the group with the highest points.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 91

Setelah mempelajari chapter ini peserta didik:
1. mampu memahami:
cara mengidentifikasi dan menangkap makna atau pesan dalam lagu.
2. terampil:
mengidentifikasi dan menangkap makna atau pesan dalam lagu.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dikuasai, peserta didik:
1. mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi iinternasional;
2. mengembangkan sikap peduli, kasih sayang, bertanggung jawab, dan kerja sama, percaya diri, menghargai, menghormati,
dan santun dalam melakukan komunikasi dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

We Got a Lot of Histories

Lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMP/MTs

• Pemahaman makna atau pesan lirik lagu terkait fungsi sosial.

• Pemahaman unsur-unsur kebahasaan dalam lirik lagu, yang meliputi
rima serta tone dan mood.

• Memahami gambaran umum dan informasi tersirat maupun tersurat

dalam lirik-lirik lagu.
• Memahami rima, tone, dan mood dalam lirik lagu.
• Memahami pesan atau makna lirik lagu.
• Bersikap peduli, kasih sayang, bertanggung jawab, dan kerja sama
dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.

92 We Got a Lot of Histories

Source:, downloaded August 30, 2017

Every person has his/her own life story. The story may be sad, happy, exciting or thrilling. Many are worth-telling, others
aren’t. However, each person will keep the story in his/her heart.
Who have you created most of your life story with? Family or friends? Surely, you have created so many stories or
memories with both your family and friends. Could you tell your friends one of them?
Now take a look at the picture above. Who are they? They are a famous boy band from the U.K called One Direction. They
have recorded many famous songs. Their song themes vary, such as love, friendship and family. Can you mention a few of
In this chapter, you are going to figure out the messages of songs. Besides, you will also learn new English vocabulary
and practice pronouncing English words correctly through song lyrics.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran chapter ini secara garis besar, yaitu peserta didik akan belajar
bahasa Inggris melalui lagu dan memahami pesan dalam lagu.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memerhatikan gambar dengan saksama dan meminta mereka menebak grup
penyanyi dalam gambar tersebut.
3. Peserta didik membaca dan memahami penjelasan yang terdapat dalam gambar.
4. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk
menyampaikan jawabannya.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik untuk aktif dalam setiap kegiatan, baik secara lisan maupun tulisan.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 93

Answer the following questions.
Look at the pictures. Discuss the answers with your friends.
Label the names of the singers or music bands using the words
from the box. Jawaban:
1. It’s about friendship and togetherness.
Jawaban: 2. The rhymes of:
1. g 2. a 3. j 4. i * 1st stanza is aabbc
5. h 6. b 7. d 8. e * 2nd stanza is aabbc
* 3rd stanza is aaab
* 4th stanza is aabbc
3. The word ‘me’ refers to the singer and ‘you’ refers to his/her
Answer the following questions. 4. He/she gets the feeling that his/her friend will leave him/her
or break their relationship.
5. His/her friend will never leave him/her and their history, and
1. Peserta didik diminta mengamati kembali foto-foto they can make some more history as long as they live.
penyanyi dan grup band di TASK 1.
2. Peserta didik membaca dan memahami pertanyaan-
pertanyaan berikut.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan pertanyaan tersebut satu
per satu dan memotivasi peserta didik untuk aktif
Listen to the song lyrics carefully.
mengemukakan jawabannya.
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
4. Apabila penyanyi favorit peserta didik tidak ada dalam
foto-foto di TASK 1, mereka diperkenankan menyebutkan
penyanyi lain, beserta judul lagu dan alasan mereka
menyukai penyanyi tersebut. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengamati teks
rumpang tentang lirik lagu berikut.
Contoh jawaban: 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan lirik lagu berjudul
1. Coldplay. “When We were Young” dan peserta didik menyimak.
2. Their songs are easy listening and inspiring. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan kembali lirik lagu
3. There are many, such as Paradise, Up and Up, Hymn for the tersebut dan peserta didik melengkapi teks rumpang
Weekend, Hypnotized. tentang lirik lagu tersebut dengan kata-kata yang sesuai
4. One of them is Up and Up. dengan lagu yang disimak.
5. The song tells me that we should never give up, no matter 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan kembali lirik lagu
how hard it is to reach our goals. tersebut dan peserta didik menyimak sambil memeriksa
5. Selanjutnya Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peser ta didik
membahas jawaban bersama-sama.
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring
Listen and repeat. lirik lagu tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru membetulkan
Read the song lyrics loudly, clearly and correctly. pelafalan peserta didik yang masih kurang tepat.
7. Pada akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik
membahas arti kosakata baru.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru bertanya kepada peserta didik terkait grup
Lirik lagu yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan
musik One Direction secara singkat, misalnya ”Where
does One Direction come from?”, ”How many members
does the group have? Who are they?”, ”What are their When We were Young
most popular songs?”, dan sebagainya. (By: Adele)
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperdengarkan atau membacakan
lirik lagu dari One Direction berjudul ”History” dan peserta Everybody loves the things you do
didik menyimak dengan saksama. Dalam hal ini, Bapak/ From the way you talk to the way (1) you move
Ibu Guru dapat memperdengarkan/membacakan baris Everybody here is watching you
demi baris. ’Cause (2) you feel like home
3. Setelah selesai memperdengarkan atau membacakan You’re like a dream come true
satu bait, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik untuk
But if (3) by chance you’re here alone
membaca bait lagu tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi
pelafalan peserta didik yang kurang tepat. Lakukan hingga Can I have a moment before I go?
bait terakhir. ’Cause I’ve been by myself (4) all night long
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membacakan lirik Hoping you’re someone I used to know
lagu tersebut secara bergantian. Bapak/Ibu Guru You look like a movie
membetulkan pelafalan yang masih salah. You sound like a song
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru bertanya kepada peserta didik apakah My God, this reminds me
mereka pernah mendengar atau dapat menyanyikan lagu Of when we were young
tersebut. Let me photograph you in this light
6. Bila ada peserta didik yang dapat menyanyikan lagu
In case it is (5) the last time
tersebut, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memintanya
That we might be exactly like we were
Before we realized

94 We Got a Lot of Histories

(6) We were sad of getting old
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik mengidentifikasi
It made us (7) restless
rima setiap bait lagu tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi
It was just like a movie
contoh tabel berikut untuk mengerjakan latihan ini.
It was just like a song
Stanza Word Rhyme
I was (8) so scared to face my fears
Nobody told me that you’d be here First
And I swear you moved (9) overseas
That’s what you said, when you left me
You still look like a movie
You still sound like a song Fourth
My God, this reminds me
Of when we were young
Let me photograph you in this light
In case it is the last time Seventh
That we might be exactly like we were Eighth
Before we realized
We were sad of getting old Ninth
It made us restless Tenth
It was just like a movie
It was just like a song Eleventh

*) When we were young 4. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik
When we were young membahas jawaban bersama-sama.
When we were young 5. Sebagai pengembangan, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
When we were young meminta peserta didik mencari lagu lain dan
mengidentifikasi rima lagu tersebut.
It’s (10) hard to admit that
Everything just takes me back
To when you were there
To when you were there Stanza Word Rhyme
And a part of me keeps (11) holding on
First do/move/you/home/true aaaba
Just in case it hasn’t gone
(12) I guess I still care Second alone/go/long/know aaba
Do you still care? Third movie/song/me/young abac

It was just like a movie Fourth light/time/were/realized/old/restless/movie/song aabacbde

It was just like a song Fifth fears/here/overseas/me aabb
My God, this reminds me
Sixth movie/song/me/young abac
Of when we were young
Seventh light/time/were/realized/old/restless/movie/song aabacbde
Back to *)
Eighth young/young/young/young aaaa
Let me photograph you in this light
Ninth that/back/there/there/on/gone/care/care aaaabbcc
In case it is the last time
That we might be exactly like we were Tenth movie/song/me/young abac
Before we realized Eleventh light/time/were/realized/old/restless/old/reckless/ aabacbcbdef
We were sad of (13) getting old movie/song/young
It made us restless
Oh I’m (14) so mad I’m getting old
It makes me (15) reckless
It was just like a movie
It was just like a song
When we were young
Adopted from: (August
21, 2017)

Identify the rhyme of each stanza in the song lyrics in TASK 5.

Share your answer with the class.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring

kata-kata terakhir tiap baris dalam lagu ”When We were
Young” dengan pelafalan yang tepat.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami rima
setiap bait lagu tersebut. Peserta didik dapat berdiskusi
dengan teman sebangkunya.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 95

What are the meanings of the following words? Here is another song from One Direction.
1. reckless = _____________________ Listen and fill in the blanks based on what you have heard.
2. restless = _____________________
Story of My Life
3. to care = _____________________
4. to hold = _____________________ Written in (1) __________________ are the stories that
5. to swear = _____________________ I can’t explainI leave my heart open but it stays right here
6. overseas = _____________________ empty for days
7. to admit = _____________________ She told me in the morning she don’t feel the same about us
8. by chance = _____________________ in (2) __________________
9. to remind = _____________________ Seems to me that when I die these words will be written on
10. to realize = _____________________ (3) __________________
TASK 2 And I’ll be gone, gone tonight
Make sentences using the words in TASK 1. The ground beneath my feet is (4) __________________
Jawaban: The way that I been holding on (5) __________________
TASK 1 With nothing in between
1. sembrono, ceroboh 2. gelisah, resah
3. peduli 4. bertahan The story of my life
5. bersumpah, berjanji 6. luar negeri I take her home
7. mengakui 8. kebetulan, tidak sengaja I drive (6) __________________
9. mengingatkan 10. menyadari To keep her warm
And time is frozen (the story of, the story of)
TASK 2 (Contoh jawaban) The story of my life
1. Don’t be reckless when riding motorcycles or driving
cars on the road. I give (7) __________________
2. I couldn’t sleep well last night since I felt very restless I spend her love
about the test. Until she’s broke
3. We should care for others, especially ones who are in Inside
needs. The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
4. If you are certain that you’ll make it, keep holding on.
Written on these walls are (8) __________________ that
5. I swear I will never tell anyone about your secret.
I can’t change
6. Ratna will continue her studies overseas next year.
Leave my heart open but it stays right here in
7. I have to admit that my opponent performed better than
(9) __________________
I know that in the morning now I see us in the light upon
8. Last night by chance I met my class teacher at
a hill
a night fair.
Although I am broken, my heart is (10)
9. This situation reminds me about a holiday in my best
_________________, still
friend’s hometown.
10. It won’t take a long time for me to realize that I have And I’ll be gone, gone tonight
done a mistake. The fire beneath my feet is (11) __________________
The way that I been holding on (12) __________________
With nothing in between
The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night
To keep her warm
Reread the song lyrics in TASK 5. And time is frozen (the story of, the story of)
Then, answer the following questions. The story of my life
Jawaban: I give her hope
1. It’s about the singer who coincidentally met a person who I spend her love
she used to know when she was young. Until (13) __________________
2. That the person the singer used to know is very good and Inside
friendly, and everyone likes the person. The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
3. The lines in 5th stanza:
“And I swear you moved overseas And I been waiting for this time to (14) _________________
That’s what you said, when you left me” But baby running after you is like (15) __________________
The lines tell us that the person left the singer because he/
she moved overseas.
4. She is trying to tell us about her meeting with the person
she used to know. She feels that the situation takes her
memory back to the time when she and her friend were
5. It is ‘accidentally’ or ‘coincidentally’.

96 We Got a Lot of Histories

The story of my life Written on these walls are (8) the colors that I can’t change
I take her home Leave my heart open but it stays right here in (9) its cage
I drive all night I know that in the morning now I see us in the light upon a hill
To keep her warm Although I am broken, my heart is (10) untamed, still
And time is frozen
And I’ll be gone, gone tonight
The story of my life
The fire beneath my feet is (11) burning bright
I give her hope (give her hope)
The way that I been holding on (12) so tight
I spend her love
With nothing in between
Until she’s broke (until she’s broke inside)
Inside The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of) I take her home
I drive all night
The story of my life
To keep her warm
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
And time is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
Adopted from: The story of my life
(August 18, 2017) I give her hope
I spend her love
Until (13) she’s broke
Find the synonyms of the following words in the song lyrics
in TASK 1.
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
Explain their meanings.
No. Word Synonym Meaning
And I been waiting for this time to (14) come around
But baby running after you is like (15) chasing the clouds
1. affection ___________________________ _____________________________
2. broad ___________________________ _____________________________ The story of my life
3. firm ___________________________ _____________________________ I take her home
4. modify ___________________________ _____________________________
I drive all night
5. pass away ___________________________ _____________________________
6. sense ___________________________ _____________________________ To keep her warm
7. remains ___________________________ _____________________________ And time is frozen
8. shiny ___________________________ _____________________________
The story of my life
9. vacate ___________________________ _____________________________
10. wild ___________________________ _____________________________ I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love
TASK 3 Until she’s broke (until she’s broke inside)
What is the song about? Inside
What is the message that the singers would like to deliver The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
to listeners?
The story of my life
Discuss the answers with your friends.
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
Jawaban: The story of my life
TASK 1 Adopted from:
Lirik lagu yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan (August 18, 2017)

Story of My Life
No. Word Synonym Meaning
Written in (1) these walls are the stories that I can’t
explain 1. affection love cinta, kasih sayang
2. broad wide lebar, luas
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days 3. firm tight ketat, rapat, kuat
She told me in the morning she don’t feel the same about 4. modify change mengubah
us in (2) her bones 5. pass away die mati, meninggal
6. sense feel merasa
Seems to me that when I die these words will be written on 7. remains stays tetap tinggal
(3) my stone 8. shiny brigth terang
9. vacate empty mengosongkan
And I’ll be gone, gone tonight 10. wild untamed luar, tidak jinak
The ground beneath my feet is (4) open wide
The way that I been holding on (5) too tight TASK 3
With nothing in between The song tells us about a person who is going to part with
his/her special one. Though the person is going to live far
The story of my life away, he/she will never forget all the stories made with his/
I take her home her special one.
I drive (6) all night The message of the song is that we should never forget
To keep her warm people, especially who are very special for us.
And time is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
I give (7) her hope
I spend her love
Until she’s broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 97

Read the following song lyrics.
Pay attention to the following phrasal verbs.
In pairs, discuss the tone, rhymes and content of the song.
Explain their meanings.
Share your answers with the class.
1. search for = ___________________
2. fix up = ___________________
3. give up = ___________________
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peser ta didik bekerja 4. hope for = ___________________
berpasangan, misal dengan teman yang duduk di 5. work with = ___________________
belakangnya. 6. wait for = ___________________
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca nyaring 7. take away = ___________________
lirik lagu tersebut. Bapak/Ibu Guru membetulkan 8. empty out = ___________________
pelafalan peserta didik yang masih kurang tepat. 9. aimed for = ___________________
3. Selanjutnya, setiap pasangan membaca dan memahami 10. break heart = ___________________
isi lirik lagu Can’t Stop the Feeling! tersebut. Mereka dapat 11. stare at = ___________________
membuka kamus untuk mencari arti kata-kata baru. 12. heal up = ___________________
4. Setiap pasangan menjelaskan tone atau nada lagu 13. fight for = ___________________
tersebut (riang, sedih, romantis, dan sebagainya), rima 14. take a risk = ___________________
setiap bait, dan isi lagu tersebut. Terkait identifikasi rima, 15. clench one’s fist = ___________________
Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa bait-bait setelah Jawaban:
bagian Bridge tidak perlu diidentifikasi rimanya. 1. mencari
5. Selanjutnya Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik bersama- 2. memperbaiki, membetulkan
sama membahas jawaban. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi 3. menyerah
peserta didik untuk aktif menyampaikan jawabannya. 4. berharap
6. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai kepada peserta didik yang 5. bekerja dengan
aktif menjawab. 6. menunggu
7. Pada akhir kegiatan, Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik 7. membawa jauh
membahas arti kosakata baru. 8. mengosongkan
9. ditujukan untuk
Jawaban: 10. mematahkan hati
• The content of the song: It tells us about the happiness of 11. memandang pada
dancing. When people are feeling so good or happy, then 12. menyembuhkan
suddenly their bodies will move or dance in accordance with 13. berjuang untuk
the song/music. 14. mengambil risiko
• The tone of the song is happy or cheerful because the 15. mengepalkan kepalan tangan seseorang
music seems to invite people to dance, move their bodies.
• The rhymes of the song lyrics are:
Stanza Word Meaning

1 bones/on/home/zone aaba

2 pocket/feet/drops/phenomenally/stop abcdc
Answer the following questions based on the song lyrics in
3 goes/close/know/imagine aaab TASK 10.
4 dance/you/on/do/dance/dancing abcbad Jawaban:
5 feeling/dance/feeling/on abac 1. They tells us that we must believe in ourselves that we will
get what we have dreamed, no matter how, as long as we
6 magical/on/control/zone abbc
work together and never give up.
7 pocket/feet/drops/phenomenally/stop abcdc 2. Though it seems impossible to reach our dream/goal, as
8 goes/close/know/imagine aaab long as we work hard and never give up, we will succeed.
3. It means that if we have set our goals, we must fight for
9 dance/you/on/do/dance/dancing abcbad
them, believe in ourselves and take any risks during our
ways to reach them. We should go through rough ways with
happiness and if comes to us, we should be grateful.
4. The lines tell us that when we feel so painful and don’t want
to feel that way anymore, we should keep moving and never
give up.
Read the following incomplete song lyrics. 5. Once we set a goal, we must never give up. If we fall or fail,
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box. we have to rise, to reach the goal.
1. n 2. r 3. k 4. t 5. l 6. i
7. o 8. b 9. m 10. q 11. e 12. h
13. a 14. s 15. g 16. d 17. j 18. c
19. f 20. p

98 We Got a Lot of Histories

1. d 2. h 3. k 4. i 5. b
6. l 7. j 8. a 9. e 10. g
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box. TASK 2
1. She feels sad, low or depressed.
a. out of time b. my mind c. refusal 2. The person she really needs is not around her.
d. a wall e. thought f. nervous 3. She hopes the person she is longing for will be around
g. by my side h. hurry i. call her, when she needs him/her.
j. the most k. reaching l. hope 4. It means making a person to feel depressed or lose of
5. Contoh jawaban: We should never leave a person who
Don’t Let Me Down needs our help.
(By: The Chainsmokers featuring Daya)
Crashing, hit (1) ________________
Right now I need a miracle
(2) ________________ up now, I need a miracle
Read the following clips of song lyrics.
Stranded, (3) ________________ out In pairs, describe in brief what each song is about and its message.
I (4) ________________ your name but you’re not around
I say your name but you’re not around Jawaban:
1. The song tells us that we need other people so that we
*)I need you, I need you, I need you right now will never be alone, we will always have companies to talk
Yeah, I need you right now with. They will help us forget our bad times and heal our
So don’t let me, don’t let me, don’t let me down pains. When we are apart from them, they will always be
with us.
I think I’m losing (5) ________________ now
So, the message of the song is that we should make
It’s in my head, darling I (6) ________________
many friends so that we will never feel alone and have
That you’ll be here, when I need you (7) ________________
companies to help us our difficult times.
So don’t let me, don’t let me, don’t let me down
2. The song is about people’s relationships, whether
Don’t let me down
between friends or lovers. Through the song, one person
Don’t let me down has made promises to be always with his/her friend or lover
and do everything for him/her. However, his/her friend or
Don’t let me down, down, down
lover says that he/she should know that the relationship is
Don’t let me down not as simple as it looks like, so it would be better not to
Don’t let me down, down, down make any promises.
From the song, we can learn that it is hard to keep the
Running, (8) ________________
promises we have made. So once we have made a promise,
I really (9) ________________ you were on my side we should try hard to keep it. Otherwise, we should never
But now there’s nobody (10) ________________ promise anything.
3. The song is about a strong bond or relationship
Back to *) between friends or lovers. As a good friend/lover, the
person will come for help and protection whenever his/her
Don’t let me down, down, down
friend or lover faces difficult times. The strong relationship
Don’t let me down
will last long and be unbreakable.
Don’t let me down, down, down The song teaches us that a good friend will always be
Don’t let me down, down, down with us, especially in our difficult times. No matter what
Don’t let me down other people say about us, good or bad, a good friend will
Don’t let me down, down, down never leave us.
Ooh, I think I’m losing my mind now, yeah
Ooh, I think I’m losing my mind now, yeah

Back to *)
Adopted from: Among the song lyrics in TASK 11, which one inspires or
chainsmokers.html (August 18, 2017) influences you most?
Why is it so? Explain your reason(s).
Answer the following questions based on the song lyrics in Contoh jawaban:
TASK 1. For myself, the song which inspires or influences me most is
the song number 3. It really has a deep meaning about human
1. In your opinion, what does the singer feel as described relationship. I should keep a strong, good relationship with others
in the song? so whenever I face problems, they will never leave me. In fact,
they will come to me and offer their help to solve my problems,
2. Why does the singer have such a feeling?
lighten my burden or heal my pains. Though people say bad things
3. What does the singer hope? about me, they will never leave me.
On the other hand, I should be a person who will never ever
4. What is the meaning of ‘let one’s down’? leave my friends, especially in their difficult times. I should be
5. What can you learn from the song? with them to help them, lighten their burden or heal their pain.
I should always be by their sides though people badmouth about
them, to encourage them.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 99

I see your true colors
Shining through (true colors)
I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
Do it yourself. So don’t be afraid to let them show
Which song inspires or motivates you much? Your true colors
Write down the lyrics of the song. True colors are beautiful
What is the content and message of the song? Like a rainbow
How does the song inspire or motivate you? Oooooh oooooh oooh like a rainbow
Share your work with the class.
Can’t remember when
Contoh jawaban:
I last saw you laughing
The song which inspires or motivates me much is the song
entitled True Colors , sang by Justin Timberlake featuring Anna
This world makes you crazy
Kendrick. Here is the song lyrics of True Colors.
Taking all you can bear
True Colors Just, call me up
(By: Justin Timberlake featuring Anna Kendrick) ’Cause I’ll be always be there
You with the sad eyes And I see your true colors
Don’t be discouraged, oh I realize Shining through
It’s hard to take courage I see your true colors
In a world full of people And that’s why I love you
You can lose sight of it all
So don’t be afraid (don’t be afraid)
The darkness inside you
To let them show
Can make you feel so small
Your true colors
Show me a smile then True colors are beautiful
Don’t be unhappy Like a rainbow (Oooh)
Can’t remember when
Like a rainbow
I last saw you laughing
This world makes you crazy
Adopted from: (August 22, 2017)
And you’ve taken all you
Can bear The reason:
Just, call me up From the song, I realize that among millions of people,
’Cause I will always be there I may be not special. However, I know that I have a valuable thing
And I see your true colors inside of me that I need to show to people. I should never be
Shining through afraid of showing it and just ignore people’s mocks or bad words.
I see your true colors People will love me as I become who I really am. Then, whenever
And that’s why I love you I get down, I can always count on my family or friends to get over
So don’t be afraid to let them show Therefore, the song inspires or motivates me to show my
Your true colors talent and skill confidently and to be who I really am to be.
True colors are beautiful

100 We Got a Lot of Histories

Rhyme is the last sound where two or more words
sound the same or very similar.
You gotta help me, I’m losing my mind (a)

Rhyme Keep getting the feeling you wanna
• It’s hard to adit that leave all this behind (a)

Everything just takes me back Thought we were going strong (b)
To when you were there I thought we were holding on (b)
To when you were there Aren’t we? (c)
Message: The meeting with old friends
will remind us of our old memories when
we were together. Song lyrics and We Got a Lot of

• Every turn I take, every trail I track messages Histories Definitions:
Every path I make, every road leads
back • Tone is the singer’s attitude towards
To the place I know, where I cannot go a song. It could be happy or cheerful, melancholy,
Where I long to be etc.
Message: No matter how we go, we will • Mood refers to the emotions that the song writer

always return to our places/hometowns. wants the listeners to feel as they experience

Tone and Mode what are written in the songs. It could be happy,
sad, sorrow, amused, etc.
How to differentiate tone and mode:
Use the music to identify the tone of the song and
lyrics to identify the mood. In other words, for tone,
think of the instruments being used, and for mood,
think of what the lyrics say.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2

See I was on the verge of breaking down
Sometimes silence can seem so loud
There are miracles in life I must achieve
But first I know it starts inside of me, ho oh
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. If I can see it, then I can be it
Jawaban: If I just believe it, there’s nothing to it
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. A
I believe I can fly
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. A
I believe I can touch the sky
11. D 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. B
I think about it every night and day
16. D 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. C
Spread my wings and fly away
B. What an inspirational song do you know? I believe I can soar
Write it out and explain how it inspires you. I see me running through that open door
Contoh jawaban: I believe I can fly, I believe I can fly
I Believe I Can Fly Oh, I believe I can fly
(By: R. Kelly) Hey, ‘cause I believe in me, oh
I used to think that I could not go on If I can see it, then I can be it
And life was nothing but an awful song If I just believe it, there’s nothing to it hey
But now I know the meaning of true love I believe I can fly
I’m leaning on the everlasting arms I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
If I can see it then I can do it Spread my wings and fly away
If I just believe it, there’s nothing to it I believe I can soar
I believe I can fly I see me running through that open door
I believe I can touch the sky I believe I can fly (I can fly)
I think about it every night and day I believe I can fly (I can fly)
Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can fly (I can fly)
Adopted from: (August
I believe I can soar 23, 2017)
I see me running through that open door The reason:
I believe I can fly, I believe I can fly The song inspires me that I must be optimistic and believe that I
I believe I can fly can make my dream come true.

A. Let’s play a guessing game.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru membagi peserta didik menjadi kelompok-kelompok yang terdiri atas empat atau lima orang.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa tiap kelompok akan melakukan permainan menebak judul lagu.
3. Anggota yang lain dapat mengajukan hanya dua pertanyaan untuk satu tebakan judul lagu, misalnya nama
penyanyi, isi lagu, serta beberapa baris dalam lirik lagu.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati peserta didik selama kegiatan berlangsung.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik yang belum aktif untuk berpartisipasi aktif.

1. Work in groups of four or five.
2. In each group, choose the first player and he/she prepares one song.
3. The first player, called Student A, asks the other members of the group to guess the title of the song.
4. To help guessing, the other members only have a chance to ask two questions, such as the name of the singer, parts of the
song lyrics or intro of the song.
5. If one member guesses correctly, he/she replaces the first player, called Student B. Student B does the same as Student A
has done.
6. The members who cannot guess any songs should sing English songs correctly. Do it in turns.
Student A : This is a famous song. What is the title of the song?
Student B : Who is the singer?
Student A : The singer is Justin Bieber.
Student C : Can you tell us a part of the lyrics?
Student A : Sure. Please listen carefully, “You know you love me; I know you care; Just shout whenever; And I’ll be there”.
Student B : I know it. It’s Baby, isn’t it?
Student A : Yes, it is. Now it’s your turn since you guess correctly.

102 We Got a Lot of Histories

B. Work in groups of four or five.
Choose one song and try to paraphrase it.
Share your work with the class.

1. Bapak/Ibu Guru membagi peserta didik menjadi kelompok-kelompok yang terdiri atas empat atau lima orang.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru menjelaskan bahwa tiap kelompok akan mencoba memparafrase sebuah lagu menjadi tulisan/teks yang
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menjadikan tugas ini sebagai pekerjaan rumah dan memberi waktu pengerjaan tertentu, misalnya
4. Setiap kelompok memilih satu buah lagu berbahasa Inggris dan berusaha memparafrasenya.
5. Setelah menyelesaikan draf tulisan, setiap kelompok dapat meminta Bapak/Ibu Guru membaca dan memberi masukan.
6. Setiap kelompok merevisi tulisan mereka berdasar masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru.
7. Pada pertemuan yang telah ditentukan, Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi setiap kelompok untuk membacakan tulisan
8. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik untuk memberi komentar atas hasil pekerjaan temannya.
9. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai atas pekerjaan dan keaktifan peserta didik.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 2 103

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B
11. C 12. D 13. A 14. A 15. C
16. D 17. B 18. D 19. D 20. B
21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. B
26. B 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. C
31. B 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. B
36. D 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. A
41. B 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. C
46. B 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. C

104 Final Test

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