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‘Parts of speech’ adalah jenis kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang dikelompokkan ke dalam 8
fungsi yang berbeda , yaitu :
1. NOUN (Kata Benda) 5. ADVERB (Kata Keterangan)
2. PRONOUN (Kata Ganti) 6. PREPOSITION (Kata Depan)
3. ADJECTIVE (Kata Sifat) 7. CONJUNCTION (Kata Sambung)
4. VERB (Kata Kerja) 8. INTERJECTION (Kata Seru)
Dalam bab ini ke-8 jenis kata tersebut akan kita bahas satu persatu dengan lebih jelas.


Nama dari sesuatu. Kata benda dapat diklasifikasikan dalam empat golongan yang
berbeda, yakni menurut :
1) Kinds ( Macam Kata Benda )
2) Types ( Jenis Kata Benda )
3) Numbers ( Jumlah Kata Benda )
4) Gender ( Jenis Kelamin Kata Benda )

* Menurut macamnya kata benda dibagi dua, yaitu :
1. Concrete Noun ( Kata benda nyata/berwujud )
- Kata benda ini terdiri dari :
- Kata benda yang menyatakan nama diri, ditulis mulai dengan huruf besar.
Contoh : * Jakarta, London, Tokyo, etc. ( Nama Kota )
* Rita, John, Cindy, etc. ( Nama Orang )
* Himalaya, Everest, Merapi, etc. ( Nama Gunung )
- Kata benda yang menyatakan benda-benda umum.
Contoh : * house, plane, girl, eraser, etc.
- Kata benda kolektif yang menyatakan suatu kumpulan.
Contoh : * team, group, fleet, audience, crowd, people, etc.
- Kata benda yang menyatakan bahan.
Contoh : gold, silver, bronze, nickel, etc.
2. Abstract Noun ( Kata benda abstrak/tak berwujud)
Contoh : * friendship, religion, truth, happiness, honesty, justice, etc.


* Menurut jenisnya kata benda dibagi dua, yaitu :
1. Countable Noun ( Kata benda yang dapat dihitung dengan angka)
Contoh : * table, bike, cup, knife, train, etc.
2. Uncountable Noun ( Kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung dengan angka )
Contoh : * sugar, water, milk, butter, sand, etc.


* Menurut jumlahnya kata benda dibagi dua, yakni :
1. Singular Noun ( Kata benda tunggal )
- Umumnya kata benda jenis ini didahului oleh kata sandang ( article ) “A” atau “An”.
a) Article “A” digunakan di depan kata benda yang diawali bunyi mati.
Contoh : - A desk - A taxi
- A hunter - A university
- A forest - A useful book

b) Article “An” digunakan di depan kata benda yang diawali bunyi hidup.
Contoh : - An umpire - An hour
- An X-ray - An umbrella
- An answer - An honesty

2. Plural Noun ( Kata benda jamak )

- Umumnya kata benda jamak dibentuk dari kata benda tunggal dengan cara sebagai
berikut :

A) Mendapat tambahan “s” pada kata benda tunggalnya.

Contoh : - window = windows
- ball = balls
- ruler = rulers
B) Mendapat tambahan “es” untuk kata benda tunggal yang berakhiran bunyi desis
seperti: -s, -sh, -ch, -z, -x, -ss.
Contoh : - brush = brushes
- box = boxes
- watch = watches
C) Mendapat tambahan “i + es” untuk kata benda tunggal yang berakhiran huruf “y”,
yang sebelumnya didahului konsonan.
Contoh : - lady = ladies
- baby = babies
- army = armies
D) Mendapat tambahan “s” untuk kata benda tunggal yang berakhiran huruf “y”, yang
sebelumnya didahului vokal.
Contoh : - monkey = monkeys
- toy = toys
- boy = boys
E) Mendapat tambahan “ves” untuk kata benda tunggal yang berakhiran huruf “f/fe”.
Contoh : - leaf = leaves
- wife = wives
- thief = thieves
- chief = chiefs
- roof = roofs
- proof = proofs
- gulf = gulfs
F) Mendapat tambahan “s” untuk kata benda tunggal yang berakhiran huruf “o” dan
merupakan benda buatan manusia.
Contoh : - piano = pianos
- radio = radios
- studio = studios
G) Mendapat tambahan “es” untuk kata benda tunggal yang berakhiran huruf “o” dan
merupakan benda/sesuatu yang bukan buatan manusia.
Contoh : - mango = mangoes
- tomato = tomatoes
- buffalo = buffaloes
EXCEPTION : * mosquito = mosquitos / mosquitoes
H) Untuk kata benda majemuk ( Compound Noun ) yang dijamakkan hanyalah kata
dasarnya saja.
Contoh : * girl friend = girl friends
* young lady = young ladies
* son-in-law = sons-in-law

I) Untuk kata benda jamak yang tidak beraturan ( IRREGULAR PLURAL ), maka dalam
bentuk jamaknya tidak mendapat tambahan akhiran “s” atau “es” seperti pada umumnya,
melainkan mengambil bentuk lain, yaitu :
Contoh : - ox = oxen - child = children
- foot = feet - tooth = teeth
- goose = geese - mouse = mice
- louse = lice - man = men
- woman = women - sheep = sheep
- deer = deer - fish = fish
J) Ada beberapa kata benda yang selalu jamak, seperti misalnya : glasses, shorts,
trousers, spectacles, scissors, clothes, shoes, socks, etc.

* Menurut jenis kelaminnya, kata benda dibedakan atas :
1. Masculine Gender ( Kata benda jenis laki-laki )
2. Feminine Gender ( Kata benda jenis perempuan )
3. Common Gender ( Kata benda jenis umum )
4. Neuter Gender ( Kata benda jenis netral )

Contoh : 1 + 2
1. father X mother
2. brother X sister
3. uncle X aunt
4. son X daughter
5. nephew X niece
6. grand father X grand mother
7. father-in-law X mother-in-law
8. brother-in-law X sister-in-law
9. step-father X step-mother
10. husband X wife
11. man X woman
12. boy X girl
13. actor X actress
14. male X female
15. widower X widow
16. fiance X fiancee
17. bridegroom X bride
18. king X queen
19. prince X princess
20. emperor X empress
21. hero X heroine
22. waiter X waitress
23. steward X stewardess
24. monk X nun
25. director X directress
26. land-lord X land-lady
27. horse X mare
28. cock X hen
29. lion X lioness
30. drake X duck

Contoh : * teacher, student, doctor, secretary, child, baby, friend, people, animal, office,
lecturer, tailor, etc.

Contoh : book, pencil, ruler, bag, river, hill, lake, island, ocean, mountain, valley, cab,
truck, bus, bike, etc.


- Pronoun adalah jenis kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda. Fungsi dari
jenis kata ini untuk menghindari pengulangan nama. Jenis Pronoun yang akan kita bahas
dalam bab ini adalah : Personal Pronoun, Possessive Pronoun, Reflexive Pronoun,
Demonstrative Pronoun dan Relative Pronoun.

I. Personal Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Orang ) :

I me
You(singular) you
He him
She her
It it
We us
You(plural) you
They them

II. Possessive Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Milik ) :

I my mine
You (singl) your yours
He his his
She her hers
It its its
We our ours
You (plural) your yours
They their theirs

III. Reflexive Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Diri )

I myself
You (singl) yourself
He himself
She herself
It itself
We ourselves
You (plural) yourselves
They themselves

Example :
1. He plays football in the field. ( Subject Pronoun )
2. She gives me a book. ( Object Pronoun )
3. They take my bag. ( Possessive Adjective )
4. That bag is mine. ( Possessive Pronoun )
5. I do the work by myself. ( Reflexive Pronoun )

IV. Demonstrative Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Penunjuk )

* Kata ganti penunjuk digunakan untuk :
1) Menunjuk benda/sesuatu yang dekat.
THIS ( Singular ) ----------------- THESE ( Plural ) = “ini”
Contoh :
 Do you like this picture ?
 These books are interesting.

2) Menunjuk benda/sesuatu yang jauh.

THAT (singular )-------------------- THOSE (plural ) = “itu”
Contoh :
 She likes that magazine.
 Those flowers are beautiful.

V. Relative Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Penghubung )

* Relative Pronoun atau bisa juga disebut “Adjective Clause” berfungsi untuk
menghubungkan anak kalimat dengan orang atau benda baik yang berkedudukan sebagai
Subject maupun Object. Dalam bahasa Inggris ada 5 macam relative pronoun, yaitu :
WHO, WHOM, WHICH, WHOSE dan THAT ( meaning : YANG ).

1. WHO
* Fungsi : untuk menghubungkan anak kalimat dengan orang sebagai ‘Subject’.

* Pattern : Someone + who + Verb

* Example :
1. Rini who speaks English well is a clever student.
2. A man who is standing under the tree is our new teacher.
3. A girl who bought a book yesterday is my niece.

* Fungsi : untuk menghubungkan anak kalimat dengan orang sebagai ‘Object’.

* Pattern : Someone + whom + Subject + Verb

* Example :
1. A woman whom I met yesterday lives near my house.
2. Rita whom Adi loved is the most beautiful girl in the class.
3. A boy whom I talk to is my nephew.

* Fungsi : untuk menghubungkan anak kalimat dengan benda baik sebagai ‘Subject’
maupun ‘Object’.

* Pattern : Something (plants/animals) + which + Verb / S + V

* Example :
1. A book which I borrowed just now is very interesting.
2. A cat which lies on the carpet is very cute.
3. The flowers which he planted this morning are beautiful.

* Fungsi : untuk menghubungkan anak kalimat dengan bentuk kepunyaan baik sebagai
‘Subject’ maupun ‘Object’.

* Pattern : Someone/Something + whose + Noun

* Example :
1. A book whose cover is brown falls down to the floor.
2. A woman whose baby is crying asks for help to someone.
3. A man whose wife is a lawyer comes to my house.

* Fungsi : untuk menghubungkan anak kalimat dengan benda atau orang baik sebagai
‘Subject’ maupun ‘Object’.

* Pattern : Someone/Something + that + Verb / S + V


* Example :
1. A radio that I bought yesterday is very cheap.
2. A boy that comes to my house is my cousin.
3. A bird that is singing beautifully has pretty feather.


* Adjective adalah kata sifat atau kata keadaan yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan kata
benda (Noun) dan kata ganti orang (Personal Pronoun).
* Posisi atau letak adjective dalam kalimat adalah sebelum kata benda yang diterangkan
atau setelah to be (is, am, was, were, been)
Contoh :
1. Menerangkan kata benda (Noun)
 This food is delicious.
 My bike is expensive.
 I have a nice shirt.
2. Menerangkan kata ganti orang (Personal Pronoun)
 She is clever.
 They are happy.
 He is diligent.
3. Terletak sebelum kata benda.
 red car; short hair; good book; easy test; etc.
4. Terletak setelah ‘to be’
- I am sad. - She is angry.
- Don’t be late ! - Be careful !

* Antonyms ( Opposite Meaning ) of Adjective

1. good X bad 21. hungry X full/satisfied
2. happy X sad 22. far X near/close to
3. young X old 23. sweet X bitter
4. new X old 24. clever X stupid
5. easy X difficult 25. intelligent X silly
6. diligent X lazy 26. smart X foolish
7. quiet X noisy 27. soft X hard
8. thick X thin 28. smooth X rough
9. fat X thin 29. rich/wealthy X poor
10. sharp X blunt 30. healthy X sick/ill
11. early X late 31. hot X cold
12. interesting X dull/boring 32. beautiful X ugly
13. wide X narrow 33. handsome X ugly
14. deep X shallow 34. big/large X small
15.long X short 35. clean X dirty
16. tall X short 36. vacant/empty X full
17. high X low 37. silent X crowded
18. expensive X cheap 38. careful X careless
19. bright X dark 39. useful X useless
20. heavy X light 40. strange X familiar
21. different X same 41. fast/quick X slow


* Verb ( kata kerja ) adalah kata-kata yang melakukan suatu pekerjaan atau kata-kata
yang menunjukkan suatu aktifitas.

I. Menurut “Types” atau “Jenisnya” kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris dibagi dalam 2
golongan, yaitu :

1) Regular Verb ( Kata Kerja Beraturan )

* Adalah kata kerja yang mendapat tambahan akhiran “-ed” pada bentuk II dan III-nya.
Contoh : V1 V2 V3
play played played
talk talked talked
work worked worked
2) Irregular Verb ( Kata Kerja Tak Beraturan )
* Adalah kata kerja yang dalam bentuk II dan III mengambil bentuk lain.
Contoh : V1 V2 V3
go went gone
see saw seen
write wrote written

II. Menurut “Usages” atau “Pemakaiannya” kata kerja dibagi dalam 3 kategori yang
berbeda, yakni :
1) Infinitive Verb ( Kata Kerja Asal / Bentuk I )
* Kata kerja ini khusus digunakan dalam kalimat yang menyatakan kebiasaan sehari-hari
atau Simple Present Tense.
Contoh : - I go to school everyday.
- We visit Bali every year.
- They always study English.

2) Preterite Verb ( Kata Kerja Bentuk II )

* Kata kerja ini baik yang beraturan maupun tidak, khusus digunakan dalam kalimat yang
menyatakan peristiwa pada waktu lampau atau Simple Past Tense.
Contoh : - I saw a film last night.
- She wrote a letter yesterday.
- He played football just now.

3) Past Participle ( Kata Kerja Bentuk III )

* Kata kerja ini baik yang beraturan maupun tidak, khusus digunakan dalam kalimat yang
menyatakan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan atau Present Perfect Tense / Past Perfect Tense
dan juga kalimat pasif atau Passive Voice.
Contoh : - I have studied English for three years.
- She had taken a bath.
- A letter is written by Ani.


* Adverb ( Kata Keterangan ) adalah kata yang menerangkan kata kerja, kata sifat atau
kata keterangan yang lain. Jadi menerangkan selain kata benda. Dalam bahasa Inggris
terdapat 5 macam kata keterangan utama, yaitu :

1. Adverb of Time ( Keterangan Waktu )

Contoh : in the morning, at 7 o’clock, just now, in June, etc.
2. Adverb of Place ( Keterangan Tempat )
Contoh : at home, in Bandung, outside, in the office, etc.
3. Adverb of Manner ( Keterangan Cara )
Contoh : lazily, slowly, quickly, happily, etc.
4. Adverb of Degree ( Keterangan Tingkat )
Contoh : little/bit, rather/fairly, very/quite, too, almost, etc.

5. Adverb of Frequency ( Keterangan Frekuensi )

Contoh : often, seldom, sometimes, never, twice, always, etc.

* Dari kelima macam Adverb tersebut, hanya Adverb of Manner yang mempunyai
hubungan/kaitan langsung dengan Adjective (kata sifat) dalam pembentukannya. Oleh
karena itu dalam bab ini hanya Adverb of Manner yang akan kita bahas lebih dalam.
* Adapun pembentukan Adverb of Manner adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Adjective + -ly --- Adverb

- Sebagian besar kata keterangan cara (Adverb of Manner) dalam bahasa Inggris dibentuk
dengan cara menambahkan akhiran “-ly” terhadap kata sifatnya.
Contoh : * slow + -ly = slowly
* happy + -ly = happily
* beautiful + -ly = beautifully
* serious + -ly = seriously
* easy + -ly = easily
Contoh dalam kalimat :
1) A serious student studies seriously.
Adj N V Adv

2) A beautiful girl dances beautifully

Adj N V Adv

3) A slow car moves slowly.

Adj N V Adv

2. Adjectives = Adverbs
- Beberapa ‘Adverb of Manner’ mempunyai bentuk yang sama persis dng kata sifatnya,
yaitu : * late, hard, fast, early, daily, far, long, low, near, and right.
Contoh dalam kalimat :
1) A fast train ran fast.
Adj N V Adv

2) A hard working person always works hard.

Adj N V Adv

3) She usually comes late.

V Adv

3. Adjective = Adverb
- Terdapat satu adverb yang berlainan sekali dng kata sifatnya, yaitu : “good = well”
Contoh : * A good student studies well.
Adj N V Adv


* Preposition berasal dari kata “pre” ( = before/sebelum ), dan “position”(=posisi/letak).
Atau dengan kata lain preposition adalah kata yang ditempatkan di depan atau sebelum
kata benda untuk menerangkan posisi atau letak dari benda lain yang kita maksud.
Contoh :
1) My book is on the table.
2) Your car is outside the garage.
3) Nina is at home.
* Preposistion tidak memiliki pola atau ketentuan yang pasti dalam pemakaiannya. Jadi
kita hanya dapat mempelajarinya dengan cara :
- Menghafalkan pola pemakaian kata depan yang tertentu.
- Menirukan “English Native Speakers” atau si pembicara asli bhs Inggris dalam
menggunakan kata depan.

I. Kinds of Preposition ( Macam Kata Depan )

1. about 11. behind 21. despite 31. outside 41. without
2. above 12. below 22. for 32. over 42. on
3. across 13. beside 23. from 33. through 43. upon
4. after 14. beneath 24. except 34. throughout 44. opposite
5. along 15. besides 25. inside 35. to 45. towards
6. among 16. between 26. in front of 36. under 46. in the middle of
7. around 17. beyond 27. instead of 37. until 47. in the centre of
8. according to 18. by 28. in spite of 38. up 48. in the back of
9. at 19. close to 29. in 39. up to 49. in accordance to
10. before 20. during 30. into 40. with 50. near

II. Beberapa kata depan yang mempunyai penggunaan khusus adalah :

1. Among and Between
* Among = diantara (banyak) / lebih dari dua
* Between = diantara dua hal/benda
Contoh : 1) Santi sits down between Tina and Rudi.
2) Among the other students, Rini is the cleverest.

2. Close to and Near

* Close to = dekat (berhimpitan)
* Near = dekat (ada jaraknya)
Contoh : 1) My school is close to big building.
2) Tini’s house is near the post office.

3. During and For

* During = selama ( diikuti Kata Benda / Frase Kata Benda )
* For = selama ( diikuti lamanya waktu )
Contoh : 1) During holiday, I was only staying at home.
2) She has vacation to Bali for five days.

4. Above, On, and Over

* Above = di atas ( tidak bersentuhan )
* On = di atas ( menempel )
* Over = di atas ( tidak menempel, di atas jauh )
Contoh : 1) The bridge is above the river.
2) He put the books on the table.
3) The plane flies over the sea.

5. In, On, and At ( untuk menerangkan waktu )

* In, On, At = di / pada
- In + bulan / tahun / bagian dari hari
Contoh : - He was born in June.
- She moved to Jakarta in 2005.
- Tina always has sport in the morning.
- On + hari / bulan bertanggal / tanggal
Contoh : - We go to the beach on Sunday.
- The meeting will be held on July 21st.
- My birthday is on 25th November, 1991.
- At + jam / waktu
Contoh : - They study English at 7 o’clock.
- He went to the library at noon.
- We have lunch at midday.

6. In, On and At ( untuk menerangkan tempat )

* In, On, At = di / pada
- In + daerah / kota / negara (tempat yang ruang lingkupnya luas)
Contoh : - Diana lives in Solo.
- Niagara is located in America.
- There are many sheep in the village.
- On + nama jalan / jalan umum
Contoh : - Hari lives on Angkasa street no.129 Surakarta.
- Mr. Robert’s office is situated on highway.
- There are many people on the avenue in the morning.
- At + jalan bernomor / jenis bangunan
Contoh : - Yanti lives at 251 Merdeka street, Solo.
- My mother always stays at home.
- We can cash our cheque at the bank.


* Conjunction (kata sambung) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menyambung dua
kalimat / kata.
* Fungsi kata sambung ada 2, yaitu :

I. Menghubungkan/menggabungkan kalimat yang sederajat ( Coordinate Conjunction ),

seperti misalnya :

A. Menyatakan penambahan ( Cumulative Conjunction )

Contoh :
* He is clever. He is diligent. ( and )
--- He is clever and diligent.
* My mother is a teacher. My father is a teacher. ( Both…and )
--- Both my mother and my father are teachers.
* Rini is clever. Rini is beautiful. ( not only…but also)
--- Rini is not only clever but also beautiful.

B. Menyatakan pilihan ( Alternative Conjunction )

Contoh :
* Do you want an apple ? Do you want a mango ? (or )
--- Do you want an apple or a mango ?
* Andi doesn’t come to my house. Edy doesn’t come to my house. ( Either…or )
--- Either Andi or Edy doesn’t come to my house.
* Titik doesn’t play a piano. Mira doesn’t play a piano. ( Neither…nor )
--- Neither Titik nor Mira plays a piano.

C. Menyatakan perbedaan/perlawanan ( Adversative Conjunction )

Contoh :
* This book is cheap. That book is expensive. ( but )
--- This book is cheap but that one is expensive.
* She is a rich girl. She is modest. ( nevertheless )
--- She is a rich girl nevertheless she is modest.
* I was studying math. My brother was sleeping. ( while )
--- I was studying Math while my brother was sleeping.

D. Menyatakan kesimpulan ( Illative Conjunction )

Contoh :
* They wrote some sentences for doing the homework.(= sebab/karena)
* We’ll have the final test next week so that we must study hard. (= karena itu)
* Rita was headache yesterday therefore she didn’t go to school.(= oleh karena itu)

II. Menghubungkan/menggabungkan kalimat yang tidak sederajat, yaitu antara main

clause/induk kalimat dan sub clause/anak kalimat ( Sub-ordinate Conjunction ), seperti
misalnya :

A. Menyatakan sebab / alasan ( reason )

* He didn’t pass the exam because he was lazy.
- ( because + Subject + Verb )
* He didn’t pass the exam because of his laziness.
- ( because of + Noun/Noun Phrase )

B. Menyatakan syarat ( Conditional Sentence )

Contoh :
* She will come to your party if you invite her.(= jika )
* Anton will fail in his test unless he studies hard.(= kecuali jika )

C. Menyatakan mengalah ( Concession )

Contoh :
* She is still doing the homework although it is very difficult. (= walaupun)
* Though he was very busy, he promised to help me. (= meskipun )
* Joko went to school eventhough he was sick. (= walaupun )

D. Menyatakan perbandingan ( Comparison )

Contoh :
* David is as handsome as his brother. (= seperti )
* A car is more expensive than a motor bike. (= lebih…dari…)
* Cindy is the most beautiful girl in her class. (= paling…)

E. Menyatakan waktu ( Situation )

Contoh :
* I’ll wait for you until you return.(= sampai )
* After having breakfast, Jeny goes to school. (= setelah )
* My mother washes the vegetables before she cooks them. (= sebelum)
* Ani was taking a bath when I came.


* Untuk menyatakan suatu seruan takjub dengan ucapan : “Alangkah…….!” Atau
“Betapa…………!” dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan 3 cara yang berbeda, yakni dengan
menggunakan :

1. WHAT A ….. diikuti oleh Singular Noun (Kata Benda Tunggal)

2. WHAT ….. diikuti oleh Plural Noun (Kata Benda Jamak)
3. HOW ….. diikuti selain kata benda, misalnya kata sifat atau kata keterangan.

Contoh :
* She is really a beautiful girl.
--- What a beautiful girl she is !
* They are really beautiful girls.
--- What beautiful girls they are !
* She dances beautifully !
--- How beautifully she dances !
* She is really beautiful !
--- How beautiful she is !


Direction : Classify the following Nouns into “Proper Noun, Common Noun,
Collective Noun or Material Noun”!
1. Himalaya:………………………………… 11. Tin :…………………………….
2. Train :…………………………………… 12. Audience :………………………
3. Spectator :………………………………. 13. Eraser :…………………………
4. Wardrobe :……………………………… 14. Zinc :……………………………
5. Viewer :…………………………………. 15. Grand Canyon:…………………
6. Cart :…………………………………….. 16. Dutchwife :……………………
7. Egypt :…………………………………… 17. Statue :………………………….
8. Steel :……………………………………. 18. Stone :…………………………..
9. Wood :…………………………………… 19. Greece :…………………………
10. Eiffel :………………………………….. 20. Plastic:………………………….

Direction : Analyze the Nouns below into “Countable Noun or Uncountable Noun” !
1. sand :……………………………………… 6. eagle :…………………………….
2. coconut :………………………………….. 7. inn :………………………………
3. butter :……………………………………. 8. air :……………………………….
4. ink :………………………………………. 9. desk :……………………………..
5. oil :……………………………………….. 10. curtain :…………………………

Direction : Fill in the blanks by using “A” or “An” to the following words !
1. …….. happy hour 11. …….. equipment
2. …….. exciting experience 12. …….. hammer
3. …….. honest man 13. …….. under-cover
4. …….. famous singer 14. …….. useful person
5. …….. universal soldier 15. …….. idea
6. …….. emperor 16. …….. hedge
7. …….. historical remnant 17. …….. upper grade
8. …….. utility 18. …….. opinion
9. …….. interesting book 19. …….. horse
10. …… useless way 20. …….. heroine

Direction : Change the following Nouns into Plural forms !
1. key :………………………………. 11. wolf :……………………………
2. flag :……………………………… 12. chef :…………………………….
3. bus :……………………………… 13. toy :……………………………..
4. story :……………………………. 14. butterfly :……………………….
5. photo :……………………………. 15. volcano :………………………
6. potato :…………………………… 16. mouse :………………………….
7. tax :………………………………. 17. buffalo :
8. video :……………………………. 18. smart boy :
9. old lady :…………………………. 19. brother-in-law :…………………
10. step mother :……………………. 20. wrist-watch :…………………….

Direction : Fill in the blanks by using the right gender !
1. The son of my sister is my ………………………………………………………………
2. A ………………………… is a girl who serves and help passengers on plane.
3. My …………………… is the brother of my father.
4. The daughter of my brother is my ……………………………………………………….
5. The mother of my father is my …………………………………………………………
6. That woman is a …………………. Her husband died a month ago.
7. The sister of my wife is my ……………………………………………………………..
8. Tono and Tini are engaged now. They are ………………………..and…………………
9. After they are married, they become a …………………… and a………………………
10. A man and woman serving food and drink in a restaurant are a …………. and a……
11. Diponegoro is a ……………………. whereas Kartini is a …………………………..
12. My father gets married again. The woman he married is my ………………………….
13. Cousins are children of our ………………… and our ………………………………...
14. A man whose wife passed away is a …………………………………………………...
15. Keanu Reeve is a famous ……………………. in Hollywood.
16. A man who dedicates all of his life to God is a ………………………………………..
17. A daughter of a king is a ……………………………………………………………….
18. In that wedding party Tony becomes a …………….... and Sinta becomes a …………
19. The mother of my husband is my ……………………………………………………...
20. Julia Robert is a talented …………………….. in America.

Direction : Change these underlined words into the right form of Personal Pronoun !
1. Mr. and Mrs. Green came to the party. (…)
2. Nobody likes to go with that man. (…)
3. Tina and her friends went to the library yesterday. (…)
4. I love my father and my mother very much. (…)
5. You and I have to study hard. (…)
6. Please explain the answer to that girl. (… ; …)
7. Adi and Dewi bought those books for Tina. (… ; …)
8. An old lady walked slowly along the street. (…)
9. Rini told my sister and me about that matter. (… ; … )
10. John put all his books in a shelf. (… ; …)

Direction : Choose the correct words from those in the brackets !
1. I like ( he; him; his ) very much.
2. We come here together with ( she; her; hers ).
3. I know ( they; their; them ) well.
4. Go and see ( he; his; him ) right away !
5. There are some letters for you and ( I; me; my ).
6. ( They; Their; Them ) always come on time.
7. I want to talk with ( they; their; them )
8. This car is ( my; me; mine ).
9. Go with Rina and ( he; him; his ) to see ( they; their; them ).
10. Hari said that ( we; us; our ) had to go home early.
11. Do you think ( he; his; him ) is younger than ( I; me; my )?
12. It is none of ( yours; your; you ) business.
13. What is ( her; hers; she ) telephone number ?
14. One of ( our; ours; us ) friends is there.
15. ( Our; We; Ours ) is better than ( your; you; yours ).
16. He is a friend of ( I; my; mine ).
17. Rini and all ( her; hers; she ) friends are beautiful.
18. You can use ( mine; me; my ) car.
19. You and I have to prepare ( your; my; our ) lesson well.

20. ( They; Their; Them ) teacher will give an examination tomorrow.

Direction : Supply the proper ‘Reflexive Pronoun’ to the following sentences !
Example : * I ….. finish that report.
-- I myself finish that report.

1. We ………………… will come a little late.

2. You and I may not regard ………………… the guests here.
3. She made …………….. very popular.
4. I met the president ………………….. at the party.
5. I don’t think they will use it for ……………………. …..
6. Rini …………………. always prepares breakfast for me.
7. I wonder why most people like to talk about …………………….
8. My nephew cannot drink the milk ………………….
9. You have to remind …………………… about this duty.
10. Tina’s brother made a picture of …………………..
11. Do you think I have to do it by ……………………
12. That girl likes to see …………………. in the mirror.
13. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson …………………. come here on foot.
14. I …………….. realize that your mother cannot make a decision.
15. She told me that her father ………………….. had given her a permission to go out.

Direction : Replace “alone” with “by …..self” as shown in the following example !
Example : * She comes here alone.
--- She comes here by herself.

1. We don’t like to go alone. (……………………………………………………………..)

2. Tono’s sister cannot lift that table alone. (……………………………………………...)
3. Of course, this car cannot move alone. (………………………………………………..)
4. My grandma doesn’t like to stay alone at home. (……………………………………)
5. Please, don’t disturb me! Just leave me alone ! (……………………………………….)
6. Those men went to the jungle alone. (…………………………………………………..)
7. I’d like you to go there alone. (…………………………………………………………)
8. Marina and I stay here alone. (………………………………………………………….)
9. I don’t want to live alone in that house. (………………………………………………)
10. Those students always try support their study alone. (………………………………..)

Direction : Fill in the blanks with “this or these” if it’s close(here) and “that or those” if
it’s far(there) !
1. …………… children are playing in the yard. (here)
2. We get …………….. water from the river. (there)
3. ……………… students are very diligent. (there)
4. I don’t like …………. butter. (here)
5. ………………. questions are difficult enough. (here)
6. ……………… films are very interesting. (there)
7. ………….. plane flies over the sky. (there)
8. You can bring ……………. radio. (here)
9. ………………. leaves fall down to the ground. (there)
10. I bought …………….. magazine yesterday. (here)

Direction : Fill in the blanks by using the right form of Relative Pronoun“who; whom;
which; or whose” !
1. A beautiful girl ………. I met yesterday is a new student.
2. An old man ………. house behind my school has passed away.
3. The typewriter ………. he bought last night is very expensive.
4. A lady ………. works in that hospital is my aunt.
5. A man ………. son is very naughty is a famous person.
6. A woman ………. wears a red blouse tries to stop the bus.
7. A dog ………. bit him just now is very fierce.
8. The house ………. fence made of wood is my uncle’s house.
9. A boy ………. called me last night is my nephew.
10. The history ………. told by our teacher is very interesting.
11. A girl ………. hair is long has three children.
12. The man ………. stood near you just now is a sailor.
13. Do you know the girl ………. I love very much ?
14. The broom ………. Santi borrows is mine.
15. The man ………. daughter came to your house yesterday is a soldier.
16. The thief ………. the police arrested had a gun.
17. The car ………. doors were damaged is very expensive.
18. Do you like the violin ………. Mr. Brown brought just now.
19. Rita ………. is working very hard is a clever girl.
20. The captain ………. you gave a bandage is my neighbour.
21. I don’t like the flute ………. Reni used last night.
22. A pretty woman ………. sat down near the door was my sister.
23. Are you a girl ………. I called last night ?
24. The magazine ………. I bought just now is very exciting.
25. He is a famous composer ………. gives a signature to me.
26. The boy ………. you talk to on the street is a beggar.
27. A woman ………. car was broken was my teacher.
28. The tree ………. leaves fall down to the ground will die.
29. The butterflies ………. fly around the flower are beautiful.
30. The flower ………. I planted last week grows well.
31. A boy ………. grandmother passed away moves to the big city.
32. Did you know the man ………. visited you last night ?
33. I don’t want to go to beach ………. wave is very big.
34. The typist ………. is making a report is my best friend.
35. The dentist ………. examines my teeth is my uncle.

Direction : Find out the opposite of the italic words below by using the right form of
Adjectives !
1. Himalaya is a high mountain while Lawu is ……………………………………….
2. News program is dull for you but it is ……………………………………… for me.
3. This custom is not familiar for them, it is ………………………………………….
4. I think it is a foolish way, it’s better for you to get a……………………………one.
5. Kapuas river is very deep while Musi river is ………………………………………
6. Please use a sharp knife, don’t use a …………………………………………….one.
7. Cotton is light but stone is ……………………………………………………………
8. Don’t make noisy in the class, please be …………………………………………….
9. This hotel is vacant but that one is …………………………………………………..
10. As a good student you must be diligent, don’t be ………………………………….

Direction : Identify the following Verbs “Infinitive Verb (V1); Preterite Verb (V2) or Past
Participle (V3)” !

1. drunk :……………………………………… 11. bite :…………………………….

2. taken :……………………………………… 12. ran :……………………………..
3. flown :……………………………………… 13. jump :…………………………...
4. steal :……………………………………….. 14. chose :…………………………..
5. sweep :……………………………………… 15. forbade :………………………..
6. forgiven :…………………………………… 16. known :………………………….
7. did :………………………………………… 17. swam :…………………………..
8. broken :……………………………………. 18. rode :……………………………
9. drove :……………………………………… 19. seen :……………………………
10. given :……………………………………. 20. forgot :…………………………..

Direction : Change the following adjectives into Adverb of Manner !
1. wise :……………………………………….. 11. easy :……………………………
2. actual :……………………………………… 12. far :……………………………...
3. cool :………………………………………... 13. quiet :…………………………...
4. peaceful :…………………………………… 14. comfortable :……………………
5. safe :………………………………………… 15. simple :…………………………
6. dangerous :………………………………….. 16. near :…………………………….
7. possible :……………………………………. 17. nice :…………………………….
8. good :………………………………………. 18. credible :………………………
9. pretty :……………………………………… 19. hungry :…………………………
10. bright :……………………………………. 20. expensive :……………………...

Direction : Choose one of the right Preposition in the brackets !
1. She was born ( in, on, at ) 21st April 1992.
2. My aunt lives ( in, on, at ) 465 Cendana street, Jakarta.
3. ( Between, Among ) the girls in my class, Rini is the best.
4. ( During, For ) holiday I just stayed at home.
5. The helicopter flew ( above, over, on ) the hill.
6. He has read the novel ( during, for ) two hours.
7. I can’t differentiate ( between, among ) you and your sister.
8. He will come to my house ( in, on, at ) Sunday afternoon.
9. She has finished the work ( during, for ) her vacation.
10. The lamp ( above, over, on ) your head is very bright.
11. Put your books ( above, over, on ) the table !
12. My first daughter was born ( in, on, at ) 2002.
13. This is a secret ( between, among ) you and me.
14. Mr. Robert lives ( in, on, at ) avenue near the bridge.
15. They spend their holiday ( during, for ) five days in Bali.
16. The accident happened ( in, on, at ) 09.00 p.m.
17. That old man is sitting ( between, among ) his grandchildren.
18. We will have a meeting (in, on, at ) midday.
19. The farewell party will be held ( in, on, at ) May, 2nd 2006.
20. ( During, For ) the meeting, he missed many calls from his friend.

Direction : Fill in the blanks by using the right Conjunction “But; And; Or” !
1. According to my friends, Rini are beautiful, friendly, ………. diligent.
2. My father ………. I are going to have vacation next week.
3. Edi’s house is far from here ………. Ani’s house is near.
4. Will you go with me ………. my brother ?
5. Dina likes singing ………. dancing on the stage.
6. I want to buy that dress ………. I don’t like the colour.
7. Do you want to drink coffee ……… tea ?
8. Actually I agree with your idea ………. I can’t do it.
9. Mrs. Jeny talked tenderly, calmly, ………. politely to everyone.
10. You have to do the job right now ………. never at all
11. This place is strange for me ………. that one is familiar.
12. Lina is alone at home ……….. she never feels afraid.
13. Joko speaks English fluently ………. correctly.
14. Mr. Adi is the richest man in this town ………. his brother is very poor.
15. She is an honest ………. loyal girl.

Direction : Combine the two sentences below by using the right Conjunction written in
the brackets !
1. Andi gets up late. Dewi gets up late. ( Both … and … )
2. Tini doesn’t watch TV. Tono doesn’t watch TV. ( Neither … nor … )
3. Tomi wasn’t a pilot. Anton wasn’t a pilot. ( Either …. or … )
4. Rini works in a bank. Rita works in a bank. ( Either … or … )
5. Yani doesn’t sleep. Romi doesn’t sleep. ( Neither … nor … )
6. Mira is a nurse. Wati is a nurse. ( Both … and … )
7. Joni wasn’t happy. Doni wasn’t happy. ( Both … and … )
8. Santi buys a comic. Dina buys a comic. ( Either … or … )
9. Edy studies hard. David studies hard. ( Both … and … )
10. I am not absent today. My friend is not absent today. ( Either … or … )
11. Peter doesn’t agree with me. Maria doesn’t agree with me. ( Both … and … )
12. Ita didn’t eat cake. Ana didn’t eat cake. ( Neither … nor … )
13. Ali is hungry. Ira is hungry. ( Both … and … )
14. Anik doesn’t stay here. Ratih doesn’t stay here. ( Either … or … )
15. Chicken didn’t fly. Duck didn’t fly. ( Neither … nor … )

Direction : Fill up the blanks with a suitable Interjection “WHAT; WHAT A ; HOW”!
1. …………… silly you are !
2. …………… crazy boy he is !
3. …………… beautiful eyes she has !
4. …………… hard they are working !
5. …………… clever girl she is !
6. …………… cloudy it is today !
7. …………… stupid questions you are !
8. …………… hard working person you are !
9. …………… perfectly Rini speaks English !
10. ………….. late I am !
11. ………….. seriously they study !
12. ………….. marvelous experience this is !
13. ………….. foolish people they are !
14. ………….. good film I saw last night !
15. ………….. kind men they are !



Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat 5 macam tenses dasar yang harus kita kuasai, yaitu :
1. Simple Present Tense
2. Simple Past Tense
3. Present Continues Tense
4. Future Tense
5. Present Perfect Tense


* Function : Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang biasa dilakukan (habitual
action)atau terjadi sehari-hari (daily activities), dan juga untuk menyatakan suatu
kebenaran umum (general truth ).

* Adverb of time : - always - seldom/rarely

- every …(every week, everyday) - often/frequently
- usually - generally
- sometimes - ever/never

* Pattern : 1. Positive -- S(I,You,They,We) + V1 / S(He,She,It) + V1(-s/-es)

2. Negative- S(He,She,It) + doesn’t +V1 /S(I,They,We,You)don’t + V1
3. Interrogative-- Do/Does + S + V1 ?
* Example : 1. He goes to school everyday. ( + )
2. He doesn’t go to school everyday. ( - )
3. Does he go to school everyday ? ( ? )


* Function : Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi atau dilakukan pada
waktu lampau.

* Adverb of Time : - yesterday

- last …( last week, last month)
- … ago (two days ago, four weeks ago)
- just now
- this morning

* Pattern : 1. Positive--------- S + V2
2. Negative-------- S + didn’t + V1
3. Interrogative---- Did + S + V1 ?
* Example : 1. She went to Bali last month. ( + )
2. She didn’t go to Bali last month. ( - )
3. Did she go to Bali last month ? ( ? )


* Function : Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi atau dilakukan
pada waktu sekarang.

* Adverb of Time : - now/right now - at present

- today - at this moment
- presently - at this time

* Pattern : 1. Positive--------- S + to be (is, am, are) + V-ing

2. Negative-------- S + isn’t/am not/ aren’t + V-ing
3. Interrogative---- Is/Am/Are + S + V-ing ?

* Example : 1. They are studying English now. ( + )

2. They aren’t studying English now. ( - )
3. Are they studying English now ? ( ? )

* Function : Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi atau akan dilakukan
pada waktu yang akan datang.
* Adverb of Time : - tomorrow - soon
- next … ( next week) - … later ( three years later )
* Pattern : 1. Positive-------- a) S + will/shall + V1
b) S + to be (is, am, are) + going to + V1
2. Negative------- a) S + won’t/shan’t + V1
b) S + isn’t/am not/aren’t + going to + V1
3. Interrogative-- a) Will/Shall + S + V1 ?
b) Is/Am/Are + S + going to + V1 ?
* Example : 1. We will buy a new shirt tomorrow.
- We are going to buy a new shirt tomorrow.
2. We won’t buy a new shirt tomorrow.
- We aren’t going to buy a new shirt tomorrow.
3. Will we buy a new shirt tomorrow ?
- Are we going to buy a new shirt tomorrow ?


* Function : Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi sejak waktu lampau dan
berlangsung terus sampai sekarang, dan juga untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang saat ini
telah selesai dikerjakan.

* Adverb of Time : - since … (exact time) - recently/lately/nowadays

- for … (length of time) - many times
- already - repeatedly

* Pattern : 1. Positive--------- S (He,She,It) + Has / S(I,They,We,You) Have + V3

2. Negative--------- S + Hasn’t/Haven’t + V3
3. Interrogative---- Has/Have + S + V3
* Example : 1. I have written a letter for two hours. ( + )
2. I haven’t written a letter for two hours. ( - )
3. Have you written a letter for two hours ? ( ? )


Direction : Analyze the following sentences into the right Tenses !
1. She is listening to the music.(Present Continues Tense)
(-) She isn’t listening to the music now.
(?) Is she listening to the music now ?
2. I have slept for three hours.(Present Perfect Tense)
(-) I haven’t slept for three hours
(?) Have you slept for three hours ?
3. David tries to solve the problem.(………………………………………………….)
4. They won’t do the job.(…………………………………………………………….)
5. Did you see the film last night ?(…………………………………………………...)
6. We aren’t drinking some water.(………………………………………………….)
7. He is going to dive in the sea.(……………………………………………………..)
8. They came to the dancing party.(…………………………………………………..)
9. My mother hasn’t cooked in the kitchen.(…………………………………………)
10. Rani doesn’t agree with my idea.(………………………………………………..)
11. Tom enjoys driving at night.(……………………………………………………..)
12. He has left the house since this morning.(………………………………………..)
13. She is playing tennis in the field.(………………………………………………...)
14. They aren’t going to borrow my book.(…………………………………………)
15. Does Arthur take his bag ? (………………………………………………………)
16. We won’t pick the apples in March.(……………………………………………..)
17. Did you attend the meeting ? (……………………………………………………)
18. The plane flies over the sky.(………………………………………………………)
19. The climber doesn’t carry the rope.(………………………………………………)
20. He hasn’t forgotten the problem.(…………………………………………………)

Direction : Change the verbs in bracket into the right form of Simple Present Tense !
1. She ( listen ) to the music every morning. ( ………………. )
2. I always ( sleep ) in the bedroom. ( ………………………… )
3. David usually ( try ) to solve the problem alone. ( ……………….. )
4. They often ( do ) the job together. ( ……………………… )
5. Your brother sometimes ( see ) an action film. ( ……………….. )
6. We never ( drink ) cold water. ( …………………. )
7. He seldom ( dive ) in the sea. ( …………………… )
8. They ( came ) to the dancing party. ( …………………. )
9. My mother always ( cook ) in the kitchen. ( ………………. )
10. Rani always ( agree ) with my idea. ( ………………….. )
11. Tom generally ( drive ) his car at night. ( …………………. )
12. He ( leave ) the house without saying anything. ( ………………. )
13. She ( play ) tennis in the field every Sunday. ( …………………. )
14. They often ( borrow ) my book. ( ………………… )
15. Arthur never ( bring ) his bag to school. ( …………………. )

Direction : Change the verbs in bracket into the right form of Simple Past Tense !
1. Sinta ( listen ) to the music last night. ( ………………. )
2. Andrew ( sleep ) in the bedroom. ( …………………. )
3. My brother ( try ) to solve the problem. ( ……………….. )
4. My friend and I ( do ) the job together yesterday. ( ………………. )
5. John ( see ) an action film last Sunday. ( ………………. )

6. Wati ( drink ) cold water just now. ( …………………. )

7. Harry ( dive ) in the sea last month. ( ………………… )
8. Matthew ( come ) to the dancing party last night. ( …………….. )
9. My sister ( cook ) in the kitchen this morning. ( ………………. )
10. Renata ( agree ) with my idea. ( ……………….. )
11. Donny ( drive ) his car fast last night. ( ………………. )
12. Cindy ( leave ) the house without saying anything. ( …………….. )
13. Marry ( play ) tennis in the field two days ago. ( ………………. )
14. Tina ( borrow ) my book yesterday. ( ……………………. )
15. Alex ( take ) my money just now. ( ……………………. )

Direction : Change the verbs in bracket into the right form of Present Continues Tense !
1. Fredy ( answer ) all the questions. ( ………………………………………… )
2. Santi ( arrange ) the books on the shelf. ( ………………………………….. )
3. The bricklayers ( build ) the house. ( ………………………………………. )
4. The leader ( begin ) the meeting. ( ………………………………………… )
5. Your sister ( wash ) all the plates. ( ……………………………………….. )
6. My uncle ( make ) a rocking chair. ( ……………………………………… )
7. Nita ( send ) the letters. ( ……………………………………………… )
8. The students ( do ) the final examination. ( ………………………………. )
9. He ( climb ) Lawu mountain. ( ………………………………………… )
10. They ( finish ) the homework. ( …………………………………….. )
11. Dita ( take ) my bag. ( …………………………………………. )
12. The fire ( burn ) many houses. ( ………………………………… )
13. The people ( hear ) the speech. ( ……………………………….. )
14. Edi ( sell ) the car. ( …………………………………………. )
15. Cindy ( sweep ) the yard now. ( ……………………………….. )

Direction : Change the verbs in bracket into the right form of Future Tense by using “to
be + going to + V1” !

1. Your uncle ( drink ) a cup of coffee. ( ………………………………. )

2. He ( ride ) the bike on the street. ( …………………………………. )
3. She ( wash ) the clothes tomorrow. ( ……………………………… )
4. We ( try ) to get the gift next Sunday. ( ……………………………… )
5. They ( discuss ) the problem next week. ( ……………………………. )
6. I ( take ) their money. ( …………………………………… )
7. She ( read ) a novel tomorrow night. ( …………………………….. )
8. They ( watch ) TV in the bedroom. ( ………………………………. )
9. She ( drive ) her car fast. ( ………………………………………. )
10. We ( plant ) the flowers next year. ( ………………………………… )
11. He ( paint ) the fence tomorrow. ( ………………………………….. )
12. They ( help ) you soon. ( …………………………………….. )
13. She ( sell ) her house immediately. ( ……………………………….. )
14. I ( tell ) the story. ( ………………………………. )
15. Your brother ( live ) here alone. ( ……………………………….. )

Direction : Change the verbs in bracket into the right form of Present Perfect Tense !
1. Your father ( drink ) a cup of coffee. ( …………………………….. )
2. He ( ride ) the bike on the street. ( ………………………………… )
3. She ( wash ) the clothes. ( ……………………………………….. )
4. We ( try ) to get the gift. ( ……………………………………. )
5. They ( discuss ) the problem. ( ………………………………….. )
6. I ( take ) their money. ( ……………………………………… )

7. She ( read ) a novel in the bedroom. ( ……………………………… )

8. They ( watch ) football match on television. ( ………………………… )
9. She ( drive ) her car fast. ( …………………………………….. )
10. We ( plant ) the flowers. ( ………………………………………. )

Direction : Change the following sentences into the form of “Positive (+); Negative(-);
or Interrogative (?) !

1. He has drunk a cup of tea.

( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Are you going to discuss the case ?
( + ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
( - ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Is she writing an application letter ?
( + ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. The waiter didn’t serve the food well.
( + ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Shall we visit him immediately ?
( + ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. I won’t accompany her to go out.
( + ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
7. She sang a nice song on the stage.
( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Did the bird fly around the park ?
( + ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. He brought his camera just now.
( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Rita has many kinds of stamps.
( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
11. Are you listening to that music ?
( + ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
12. Is he going to tell the truth ?
( + ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………….
13. We shan’t watch TV in the morning.
( + ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
14. She didn’t give some money to the poor.
( + ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
15. Does your mother fry potatoes in the kitchen?
( + ) …………………………………………………………………………………………
( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………….



* Passive Voice ( Kalimat Pasif ) adalah kalimat yang subyeknya dikenai pekerjaan.
* Kalimat Pasif dapat dibentuk dengan cara sebagai berikut :

1) Subyek Kalimat Aktif berubah menjadi Obyek Pelaku Kalimat Pasif yang didahului
oleh kata “by”.
2) Sebaliknya, Obyek Kalimat Aktif berubah menjadi Subyek Kalimat Pasif.
3) Predikat kalimat pasif selalu berbentuk : To Be + V3 (Past Participle)

* Pedoman pemakaian “To Be” kalimat pasif :

1. Simple Present Tense = is, am, are
2. Simple Past Tense = was, were
3. Present Continues Tense = is, am, are + being
4. Future Tense = * will be / shall be
* is, am, are + going to be
5. Present Perfect Tense = has been / have been


1. Simple Present Tense

* Active : S + V1 / V1 (-s/-es) + O + Adv
* Passive : S + is, am, are + V3 + by + O + Adv

Example :
* A : Hari writes a letter.
P : A letter is written by Hari.
* A : She cooks fried chicken everyday.
P : Fried chicken is cooked by her everyday.

2. Simple Past Tense

* Active : S + V2 + O + Adv
* Passive : S + was / were + V3 + by + O + Adv

Example :
*A : Sinta drank a cup of tea.
P : A cup of tea was drunk by Sinta.
*A : He drove the car fast.
P : The car was driven by him fast.

3. Present Continues Tense

* Active : S + is, am, are + V-ing + O + Adv
* Passive : S + is, am, are + being + V3 + by + O + Adv

Example :
*A : John is studying an English Lesson .
P : An English Lesson is being studied by John.
A : She is sweeping the floor now.
P : The floor is being swept by her now.

4. Future Tense
* Active : 1) S + will/shall + V1 + O + Adv
2) S + is, am, are + going to + V1 + O + Adv
* Passive : 1) S + will be/shall be + V3 + by + O + Adv
2) S + is, am, are + going to + be + V3 + Adv
Example :
1. A : Mr. Heri will sign the contract.
P : The contract will be signed by Mr. Heri.

2. A : My father is going to paint the house.

P : The house is going to be painted by my father.

5. Present Perfect Tense

* Active : S + has/have + V3 + O + Adv

* Passive ( + ) : S + has/have + been + V3 + by + O + Adv

Example :
*A : Yeni has bought some books.
P : Some books have been bought by Yeni.
A : They have done the homework together.
P : The homework has been done by them together.


Direction : Change the following sentences into Passive Voice !
Example : * Wati buys a pencil.
--- A pencil is bought by Wati.

1. Fredy answers all the questions.

2. Santi arranged the books on the shelf.
3. The bricklayers are building the house.
4. The leader will begin the meeting.
5. My sister has washed all the plates.
6. My uncle made a rocking chair.
7.Nita sent the letters yesterday.
8. The students are doing the final examination.
9. He will climb Lawu mountain.
10. They have finished the homework.
11. Dita takes my bag.
12. The fire burnt many houses.
13. The people are hearing the speech.
14. Edi is going to sell the car.
15. Columbus has found some continents.

16. Toni pays the debt.
17. My aunt saw the accident on the street.
18. Mrs. Green is filling the form.
19. The government will protect the animals.
20. The thief stole Television last night.
21. The dog catches the children.
22. The pilot flew the plane over the sky.
23. Rita brings the books.
24. The cat has caught the mice.
25. They will know the truth.
26. Joko hides my bike behind the tree.
27. Mrs. Jane taught the new students.
28. They are announcing the news.
29. We shall clean the bathroom.
30. Mirna is guiding the tourists.

Direction : Change the following sentences into Active Form !
Example : * The radio was sold by Adi yesterday.
------ Adi sold the radio yesterday.

1. My sister was blamed by her.

2. The tower has been destroyed by the enemy.
3. The English skill will be improved by Novi.

4. The people have been invited by Mr. Rudy.

5. The lesson is explained by the teacher.
6. The guests were served by the waiter.
7. The report is being typed by the typist.
8. The letters are going to be received by my brother.
9. Didik has been forgiven by her.
10. An umbrella is brought by Tina.

11. Adi was chosen as a chief by them.
12. English lesson is being learnt by the students.
13. I will be given some money by my mother.
14. The bill has been paid by him.
15. The bike is ridden by my brother.
16. The tiger wasn’t shot by the hunter.
17. Is your planning being undertaken by the people ?
18. The folktale will be told by Mrs. Theresia.
19. Has the door been closed by her ?
20. My disease is cured by the doctor.
21. The legend of Sangkuriang was believed by many people.
22. Fried rice isn’t being cooked by the chef.
23. Are the stamps being collected by Rinda ?
24. The problem hasn’t been discussed by them.
25. The contract is going to be signed by the manager.
26. The hard case was overcome by the lawyer.
27. Have the computers been sold by him ?
28. Some eggs are boiled by my servant.
29. The cars haven’t been repaired by the mechanic.
30. The magazine is being read by them.



* Dalam bahasa Inggris ada 3 macam “Degree of Comparison” ( Tingkat perbandingan ),

yaitu :
1. Positive Degree ( Tingkat Biasa )
2. Comparative Degree ( Tingkat Lebih )
3. Superlative Degree ( Tingkat Paling )

* Function : Untuk membandingkan dua hal atau dua benda yang sama tingkatannya.

* Pattern : As + Adjective + As

* Example :
1. Rita is 15 years old. Rini is 15 years old.
--- Rita is as old as Rini.
2. Santi is 162 cm tall. Dewi is 162 cm tall.
--- Santi is as tall as Dewi.
3. Dini is beautiful. Dina is beautiful.
--- Dini is as beautiful as Dina.

* Function : Untuk membandingkan dua hal atau dua benda yang tidak sama

* Pattern : 1) Short Adjectives --- Adjective + -er

2) Long Adjectives --- More + Adjective

* Example :
1. Rita is 15 years old. Rini is 20 years old.
--- Rita is younger than Rini. / Rini is older than Rita.
2. Santi is 162 cm tall. Dewi is 170 cm tall.
--- Santi is shorter than Dewi. / Dewi is taller than Santi.
3. Dini is beautiful. Dina is very beautiful.
--- Dina is more beautiful than Dini.

* Function : Untuk membandingkan lebih dari dua hal atau dua benda yang tidak sama

* Pattern : 1) Short Adjectives --- The + Adjective + -est

2) Long Adjectives --- The most + Adjective

* Example :
1. Rita is 15 years old. Rini is 20 years old. Rani is 25 years old.
--- Rita is the youngest of all. / Rani is the oldest of all.
2. Santi is 162 cm tall. Dewi is 170 cm tall. Yeni is 175 cm tall.
--- Santi is the shortest of all. / Yeni is the tallest of all.
3. Dini is fairly beautiful. Dina is beautiful. Novi is very beautiful.
--- Novi is the most beautiful of all.



1. good/well better the best
2. bad/ill/badly worse the worst
3. few/little less the least
4. many/much more the most
5. far farther the farthest
further the furthest
6. old older the oldest
elder the eldest
7. late later the latest
latter the last

8. near nearer the nearest

nearer the next


Direction : Combine the two sentences below by using “Positive” or “Comparative”
degree !
Example : * My pencil is sharp. Your pencil is sharp, too.
--- My pencil is as sharp as your pencil.

1. Mira’s house is big. Edi’s house is big, too.

2. Nita is intelligent. Rini is very intelligent.
3. This question is very easy. That one is easy.
4. Adit’s ruler is long. Tomi’s ruler is long, too.
5. Joko’s idea is good. Ira’s idea is very good.
6. Yanti’s bike is new. Ida’s bike is new, too.
7. Nikita is pretty. Kirana is very pretty.
8. Tape recorder is cheap. Radio is very cheap.
9. Anik is smart. Dita is smart, too.
10. Dika is lazy. Reza is very lazy.

Direction : Change the adjectives in the brackets into the form of “Comparative or
Superlative” !
Example : * Television is ( expensive ) than Radio.
-------- more expensive

1. Dina’s mark is ( bad ) than her sister’s. (………………………………………………)

2. Tiger is ( wild ) animal in that jungle. (………………………………………………..)
3. Stone is ( heavy ) than cotton. (………………………………………………………..)
4. Rita’s house is ( far ) among her friends. (…………………………………………….)
5. Yuli has ( little ) money than her brother. (……………………………………………)
6. Arctic is ( cold ) place in the world. (………………………………………………….)
7. Anita is ( thin ) girl in her family. (…………………………………………………….)
8. Riana is ( good ) student in her school. (……………………………………………….)
9. Jakarta is ( big ) than Solo. (……………………………………………………………)
10. Adrian gets ( bad ) score than his sister. (……………………………………………..)
11. Marriage is ( happy ) moment in her life. (……………………………………………)
12. Musi river is ( deep ) river in Indonesia. (……………………………………………..)
13. Music program is ( interesting ) than news program. (………………………………..)
14. Everest is ( high ) mountain in the world. (……………………………………………)
15. This lamp is ( bright ) than that one. (…………………………………………………)
16. This document is ( important ) than that one. (………………………………………..)
17. You will be ( late ) person to be interviewed. (……………………………………….)

18. Pluto is ( far ) planet from Earth. (……………………………………………………)

19. Sinta’s house is ( near ) among her friends. (…………………………………………)
20. I am feeling ( well ) than yesterday. (…………………………………………………)
21. Hari is ( old ) among those boys. (……………………………………………………)
22. This is ( easy ) test I have ever done. (………………………………………………..)
23. Sanskrit is ( difficult ) language to study. (……………………………………………)
24. Kalimantan is ( big ) island in Indonesia. (……………………………………………)
25. I feel ( happy ) than I did yesterday. (…………………………………………………)

Direction : Fill up the blanks with the right form of “Degree of Comparison”!


1. difficult …………………. …………………
2. ………….. richer …………………
3. healthy …………………. …………………
4. ill …………………. …………………
5. …………… …………………. the largest
6. useful …………………. …………………
7. …………… …………………. the emptiest
8. …………… faster ………………….
9. different …………………. ………………….
10. ……………. ………………… the busiest
11. ……………. hotter …………………
12. new ………………… …………………
13. …………….. hungrier …………………
14. …………….. ………………… the strangest
15. familiar ………………… ……………………
16. …………….. cleaner ……………………
17. …………….. ………………… the dirtiest
18. early …………………. ……………………
19. ……………… lighter ……………………
20. careless …………………. ……………………
21. ……………... poorer ……………………
22. ……………… …………………. the furthest
23. handsome …………………. ……………………
24. ……………… quicker ……………………
25. ……………… …………………. the best
26. thick …………………. ……………………
27. ……………… wider ……………………
28. ……………… ………………….. the dullest
29. exciting ………………….. ……………………
30. ……………… darker …………………….



* Dalam bahasa Inggris ada dua macam ‘Elliptical Construction’ atau kalimat ellipsis,
yaitu :
1. Affirmative Agreement = “SO” and “TOO” ( Kalimat Positive )
2. Negative Agreement = “NEITHER” and “EITHER” ( Kalimat Negative )
* Fungsi dari kalimat ellipsis ini adalah untuk menghindari pengulangan pemakaian
bentuk predikat yang sama dalam satu kalimat.
* Dalam bahasa Indonesia, makna dari “so; too; neither; either” adalah “juga”.


* Pattern : 1) S + V + and + so + Aux.V + S

2) S + V + and + S + Aux.V + too

* Example :
1. I will talk to him and so will he / I will talk to him and he will too
2. She has done the homework and so have I/She has done the homework and I have too
3. He plays tennis and she does too / He plays tennis and so does she
4. I am watching TV and they are too./ I am watching TV and so are they


* Pattern : 1) S + Aux.V + not + V + and + neither + Aux.V + S

2) S + Aux.V + not + V + and + S + Aux.V + not + either

* Example :
1. I can’t do the test and neither can he./ I can’t do the test and he can’t either
2. She hasn’t lived here and neither have I./ She hasn’t lived here and I haven’t either
3. Andina doesn’t like apple and Roni doesn’t either./Andina doesn’t like apple and
neither does Roni
4. He isn’t sleeping and they aren’t either./He isn’t sleeping and neither are they


Direction : Complete the following sentences by using the right form of Elliptical
Construction : SO; TOO; NEITHER; or EITHER !

1. Sinta shouldn’t go alone and …………… Rita.

2. They are playing tennis now and my brother ……………
3. Ita had some serious problems and …………… her sister.
4. She washes her clothes everyday and ………….. he.
5. Rina won’t do that work and Yeni …………..
6. Mirna isn’t a good partner and your brother ……………
7. Tono had written a letter and …………… Rudi.
8. We have to learn it carefully and they ……………
9. They try to solve that case and ……………. She.
10. Jane wouldn’t take vacation and …………….Tomy.
11. Ranti drove her car slowly and Tina ……………
12. Novi was the best student in class and ……………. Rita.
13. Ali couldn’t paint that fence and Anto …………….
14. Yeni has arrived at home and ……………. Her mother.
15. I have many interesting books and …………… your brother.
16. Ida shan’t buy that magazine and ………….. Wati.
17. My aunt has a coffee shop and my mother ……………
18. She did the housework well and ……………. her sister.
19. I have to come on time and you …………….
20. Adit plays basket-ball in the field and …………… Edy.
21. He hasn’t repaired the car and …………… I.
22. Dewi shouldn’t come to that meeting and ……………. her sister.
23. I am not cleaning the room and he …………….
24. She gets up early everyday and ……………. I.
25. We shan’t blame her and they …………….

26. He had to be a winner and I …………….

27. Rini wouldn’t save the money and ……………. Nita.
28. I have been painting the scenery and he ……………
29. Mira likes collecting stamps and …………….. we.
30. They have to see that film and I …………….
31. We don’t mind visiting them and ……………. he.
32. Joko stopped smoking and ……………. Didik.
33. Heru won’t get a better job and Erna ……………..
34. She plants some flowers and I …………….
35. He hasn’t bought a car and …………… I.
36. Wati has to win the contest and Cindy …………….
37. We shan’t accuse him and …………… they.
38. They have won the competition and I ……………..
39. Tony tries to get a job and ……………. David.
40. He never gets up late and ………….. I.


( Jenis Kalimat Tanya )

Dalam Bahasa Inggris kita mengenal dua jenis kalimat tanya, yaitu :


Adalah kalimat tanya yang menggunakan kata kerja bantu ( auxiliary verbs ) sebagai
penanya, dan hanya mempunyai dua kemungkinan jawaban, yakni kalau tidak “yes” pasti
“no”. Jenis kalimat tanya ini selalu diucapkan dengan intonasi suara yang naik.


1) To Be
 Present : is, am, are
 Past : was, were

2) To Do
 Present : do, does
 Past : did

3) To Have
 Present : has, have
 Past : had

4) Modals
 Present : can, will, shall, may, must
 Past : could, would, should, might, had to



Contoh :
1. A : Can you help me ? 3. A : Have you taken a bath ?
B : ( + ) Yes, I can. B : (+) Yes, I have.
( - ) No, I can’t. (-) No, I haven’t.

2. A : Does Tony speak English fluently ? 4. A : Would they go abroad ?

B : ( + ) Yes, he does. B : (+) Yes, they would.
( - ) No, he doesn’t. (-) No, they wouldn’t.

5. A : Did they see the film last night ? 6. A : Will you come ?
B : ( + ) Yes, they did. B : (+) Yes, I will.
( - ) No, they didn’t. (-) No, I won’t.


Adalah kalimat tanya yang menggunakan kata tanya ( Question – Word ). Meskipun
kalimat tanya ini diakhiri dengan tanda tanya, namun “question – word question” ini
harus selalu diucapkan dengan intonasi suara yang turun.
Question – words atau kata tanya tersebut adalah :

1. What : apa 11. How long : berapa lama

2. What time : jam berapa 12. How old : berapa umur
3. When : kapan 13. How far : berapa jauh
4. Where : di mana 14. How many : berapa banyak
5. Why : mengapa 15. How much : berapa banyak
6. Which : yang mana 16. How many times : berapa kali
7. Whose : milik siapa 17. How often : berapa kali
8. Who (subject) : siapa 18. How tall : berapa tinggi(org)
9. Whom (object) : siapa 19. How high : berapa tinggi(bnd)
10. How : bagaimana 20. How wide : berapa lebar…etc



Contoh :

David goes home by bus at 3 p.m.

1 2

1.How does David go home at 3 p.m. ?


2. What time does David go home by bus ?



Direction : Give short answer, either using “Yes” or “No” !

1. Does this pen belong to you ? ( ……………………………………. )

2. Are those flowers very beautiful ? ( ……………………………….. )
3. Will Mr. Smith go abroad next month ? ( ………………………….. )
4. Must your niece go alone ? ( ……………………………………….. )
5. Have you got your breakfast ? ( …………………………………….. )
6. Can your nephew fix the bike ? ( ……………………………………. )
7. Was your father in Bali yesterday ? ( ………………………………… )
8. Do those birds fly around the garden ? ( …………………………….. )
9. Were they absent two days ago ? ( ………………………………….. )
10. Was the waiter very happy ? ( ……………………………………… )
11. Did Tina visit the museum ? ( ……………………………………… )
12. Is the television damage again ? ( ………………………………….. )
13. Shall we take a rest a moment ? ( …………………………………… )
14. Has your sister finished her thesis ? ( …………………………… )
15. Do your friends live in Malang ? ( ………………………………….. )

16. Will you accompany me to go out ? ( ………………………………. )

17. Could Helen come to your party last night ? ( ………………………. )
18. Were these books very cheap ? ( ……………………………………. )
19. Are they going down town ? ( ………………………………………. )
20. Must you do this work right now ? ( ………………………………… )

Direction : Make question of the underlined words words !

1. Andrew goes to sleep at 11 o’clock.

2. Mr. Adi drinks two bottles of tea.
3. Lucy plays a piano for two hours everyday.
4. I hate Andrew because he often lies to me.
5. Martin falls in love with Jenny.
6. My sister’s name is Tesalonika.
7. Rita is listening to the radio now.
8. I take an English course three times a week.
9. Dony gets up very late every morning.
10. Diana borrows Eddy’s book


Direction : Translate the following sentences into English !

1. Kemana pamanmu pergi tadi malam ?

2. Jam berapa sepupumu berangkat sekolah setiap hari ?
3. Seberapa dalamkah Samudera Pasifik ?
4. Berapa kali kamu menggosok gigimu dalam satu hari ?
5. Apakah kakekmu tinggal di Mesir ?
6. Apakah kamu ingin pergi ke Yunani suatu hari nanti ?
7. Mengapa kamu ingin bekerja di kapal pesiar ?
8. Kapan temanmu akan membayar hutangnya ?
9. Dapatkah kamu membantuku untuk memecahkan masalah ini ?
10. Sudahkan kamu menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan ?

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