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Parts of Speech

> Pembagian kategori kata-kata (masing-masing kategori memiliki fungsi yang berbeda)
dalam suatu kalimat dinamakan parts of speech
1. Article (kata sandang) (a, an, the)
a. Article (a)
> Digunakan di depan kata benda yang diawali huruf konsonan dan hanya digunakan untuk
benda countable (bisa dihitung), berjumlah tunggal (singular), dan menunjuk pada
benda/orang secara umum/tidak spesifik
- a pen, a chicken, a house
> Dapat juga digunakan untuk benda yang diawali huruf vokal, tapi cara membacanya
dalam bahasa Inggris diawali bunyi konsonan
- a uniform, a university
b. Article (an)
> Digunakan di depan kata benda yang diawali huruf vokal dan hanya digunakan untuk
benda countable, berjumlah tunggal dan menunjuk pada benda/orang secara umum/tidak
- an apple, an umbrella
> Dapat juga digunakan untuk benda yang diawali huruf konsonan, tapi cara membacanya
dalam bahasa Inggris diawali bunyi vokal
- an hour, an honor
c. Article (the)
> Digunakan untuk menunjuk benda.orang secara spesifik atau sudah disebutkan
- Diva brings a handphone. The handphone looks expensive
- I have a pet. The pet is a cute cat
- The sun is shining brightly (benda spesifik)
- Look! the sky is so blue today (benda spesifik)
2. Noun (kata benda)
> Kata yang menunjukan orang, benda, tempat, hewan dan tumbuhan, dll
a. Countable dan Uncountable Noun
- Countable Noun
> Kata benda yang bisa dihitung, memiliki bentuk tunggal dan jamak, jika ingin
menanyakan jumlah countable noun digunakan how many diikuti dengan kata
benda jamak yang dapat dihitung

Singular Plural Catatan

a computer computers bentuk jamak, kata benda
ditambah (s)
a watch watches benda berakhiran (ch, o, s,
ss, z, x), ditambah (es)
a baby babies benda berakhiran (y), huruf
(y) berubah menjadi (i),
plus ditambah (es)
a day days benda berakhiran (y)
didahului huruf vokal,
ditambah (s)
a leaf leaves benda berakhiran (f),
menjadi (ves)
a child, a man, a woman, a children, men, women, benda irregular jamak,
foot, a tooth, a datum feet, teeth, data bentuk jamaknya tidak
a deer, a sheep, a series, a deer, sheep, series, species bentuk singular = bentuk
species plural

- Uncountable Noun
> Kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung, hanya memiliki bentuk tunggal tidak
memiliki bentuk jamak, jika ingin menanyakan jumlah uncountable noun digunakan
how much (apabila uncountable noun didahului dengan satuan ukurang, maka dapat
digunakan many, seperti how many teaspoons of sugar)
- water, news, knowledge, money, air, bread, paper
> Untuk membuat bentuk jamak diperlukan quantifier yakni kosakata untuk
menunjukkan kuantitas atau pembilang dari suatu benda
- a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a handful of, a pinch of, an hour of, dan a
day of
atau digunakan kata atau ekspresi seperti
- some, a lot of, much, a bit of, dan a great deal of
b. Concrete Noun dan Abstract Noun
- Concrete Noun
> Kata benda yang bisa dilihat dan diraba wujudnya
- building, table, chair
- Abstract Noun
> Kata benda yang tidak bisa dilihat dan diraba wujudnya, menyatakan ide, konsep,
dan hal abstrak lainnya
- happiness, ability, friendship, patience
c. Collective Noun
> Kata benda yang menunjuk suatu kumpulan
- team, club, group, family, committee, government
d. Material Noun
> Kata benda yang terdiri dari bahan mentah
- gold, silver, iron
e. Common Noun dan Proper Noun
- Common Noun
> Kata benda yang umum
- city, country, month
- Proper Noun
> Kata benda yang menunjukan suatu nama tertentu atau hal yang spesifik
- Jakarta, January
3. Adjective (kata sifat)
> Kata yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan noun
- happy, sad, angry, busy, quiet, interesting
> Adjective digunakan sebelum noun
- quiet place, interesting story
4. Verb (kata kerja)
> Kata yng menunjukan suatu kegiatan, berfungsi sebagai predikat dalam kalimat
a. Transitive Verb dan Intransitive Verb
- Transitive Verb
> Kata kerja yang membutuhkan objek
- Mira eats candy, My neighbors make gate
- Intransitive Verb
> Kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan objek
- sit, swim, stand, jump
- My parents sleep, Many people walk
b. Regular Verb dan Irregular Verb
- Regular Verb
> Kata kerja yang v2 dan v3 nya beraturan dengan ditambah (ed)
- cook, cooked, cooked
- Irregular Verb
> Kata kerja yang tidak beraturan perubahan bentuk v1, v2, dan v3 nya
- buy, bought, bought
5. Adverb (kata keterangan)
> fungsi adverb adalah untuk memberikan keterangan tambahan pada verb, adjective, atau
adverb itu sendiri
a. Adverb of place (keterangan tempat)
- at home, in jakarta, in the classroom, on street
b. Adverb of time (keterangan waktu)
- tomorrow, tonight, yesterday, in the morning
c. Adverb of manner (keterangan cara)
- carefully, slowly, fast
d. Adverb of frequency (seberapa sering)
- always, often, sometimes, seldom
e. Adverb of degree (intensitas/tingkatan)
- very, rather, too, less
f. Adverb of certainty (tingkat keyakinan)
- surely, obviously, certainly
> Fungsi adverb dalam kalimat adalah:
i. Menerangkan verb
- My sister studies diligently
ii. Menerangkan adjective
- The dancer is very energetic
iii. Menerangkan adverb
- That car moves too slowly
6. Pronoun (kata ganti)
> Kata yang berfungsi menggantikan noun
> Perbedaan penggunaan pronoun bergantung pada (1) noun yang diganti (2) fungsi noun
tersebut dalam kalimat
> Pronoun bergantung pada jenis kelamin, hanya saat mengganti noun dengan bentuk orang
ketiga tunggal
> Pronoun orang kedua jamak sama dengan pronoun orang kedua tunggal, kecuali untuk
reflexive pronoun
Personal Pronoun Possessive Pronoun
Subjective Objective Possessive Possessive Reflexive
(kata ganti (kata ganti Adjective Objective Pronoun
subjek) objek) (kata sifat (kata ganti
kepunyaan) kepunyaan)
orang I Me My Mine Myself
orang kedua You You Your Yours Yourself
tunggal (dirimu)
orang ketiga He Him His His Himself
orang ketiga She Her Her Hers Herself
orang ketiga It It Its - Itself
orang We Us Our Ours Ourselves
orang kedua You You Your Yours Yourselves (diri
jamak kalian)
orang ketiga They Them Their Theirs Themselves

a. Personal Pronoun (subjective)

> Berfungsi sebagai subjek dalam kalimat, sehingga terletak sebelum predikat (verb atau to
- I am 16
- You seem lost
- Jim is angry, and he wants sally to apologize
- This table is old. It needs to be repainted
- We aren’t coming
- They don’t like pancakes
b. Personal Pronoun (objective)
> Berfungsi sebagai objek dalam kalimat
- Give the book to me
- The teacher wants to talk to you
- Jake is hurt because bill hit him
- Rachid received a letter from her last week
- Mark can’t find it
- Don’t be angry with us
- Tell them to hurry up
c. Possesive adjective
> Befungsi sebagai kepemilikan diikuti oleh noun
- Did mother find my shoes
- Mrs. Baker wants to see your homework
- Can jake bring over his baseball cards
- Samantha will fix her bike tomorrow
- The cat broke its leg
- This is our house
- Where is their school
d. Possesive objective
> Berfungsi sebagai kepemilikan dan tidak diikuti oleh noun
- This bag is mine
- Yours is not blue
- That bag looks like his
- These shoes are not hers
- That car is ours
- Theirs is parked in the garage
e. Reflexive pronoun
> Kata ganti untuk menekankan diri sendiri
- I told myself to calm down
- You cut yourself on this nail
- He hurt himself in a dangerous part of town
- The cat threw itself under my car
- We blame ourselves for the fire
- The children can take care of themselves
7. Preposition (kata depan)
> Kata yang berfungsi untuk menunjukan hubungan kata benda dengan kata lain, dan
terletak sebelum kata benda
> Daftar preposition:
(1) about (2) above (3) after (4) at
(5) before (6) beside (7) between (8) by
(9) for (10) from (11) in (12) in fornt of
(13) of (14) on (15) to (16) to
(17) to (18) under (19) via (20) with
- She goes to school with her friend
8. Conjunction (kata hubung)
> Kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan 2 kata, frasa, atau kalimat
> Daftar conjunction:
(1) and (2) or (3) but
(4) because (5) because of (6) so
(7) therefore (8) although (9) if
(10) in order to (11) both..and... (10) either..or..
(12) neither..nor.. (13) not only..but also..
- My friend and my sister watch cartoon
- Nadin does not go to school because she is sick
9. Interjection (kata seru)
> Kata yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan berbagai perasaan/pikiran yang biasanya
diucapkan secara spontan
- Hello! Hi!
- Look! See!
- Bye! See you!
- Bravo! Thank God!
Simple Future Tense
> Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang akan terjadi di waktu yang akan datang
> Maka keterangan waktu yang dapat digunakan:
(1) tomorrow (2) next week (3) tonight
(4) soon (5) later (6) the day after tomorrow
1. Kalimat verbal (mengandung kata kerja)
Note: will (semua subjek), shall (I dan we)
S + will/shall + v1 + object
Sifa will mop the floor tomorrow
S + will/shall + not + v1 + object
Sifa will not mop the floor tomorrow
Will/shall + S + v1 + object?
Will sifa mop the floor tomorrow?

2. Kalimat nominal (tidak mengandung kata kerja)

> Kalimat yang tidak mengandung kata kerja bisa menggunakan kata sifat (Adj), kata
benda (noun), atau kata keterangan (Adv)
S + will/shall + be + v1 + Adj/Noun/Adv
Sifa will be a singer in my birthday party tomorrow
S + will/shall + not + be + v1 + Adj/Noun/Adv
Sifa will not be a singer in my birthday party tomorrow
Will/shall + S + be + v1 + Adj/Noun/Adv?
Will sifa be a singer in my birthday party tomorrow?

Present Continuous Tense

> Digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi
> Keterangan waktu yang bisa digunakan:
(1) now (2) at the moment (3) right now
(4) at present (5) for the time being (6) today
1. Kalimat verbal (mengandung kata kerja)
> Kalimat verbal pada present continuous tense menggunakan to be (is, am, are) + verb ing.
> Berikut penggunaan to be
Subjek To be
I Am
He Is
We Are

> Cara merubah V1 menjadi Ving

VI Ving Notes
Break, listen Breaking, Listening Verb berakhiran konsonan,
langsung ditambah (ing)
Improve, write Improving, Writing Verb berakhiran (e), huruf
(e) dihilangkan, ditambah
Agree, see Agreeing, Seeing Verb berakhiran (ee),
langsung ditambah (ing)
Cut, Plan Cutting, Planning Verb terdiri dari 1 suku
kata dan berakhiran
konsonan, maka konsonan
digandakan, ditambah (ing)

> Penggunaan present continuous tense dalam kalimat verbal

+ S + is/am/are + Ving + Object
Deon is cleaning his room now
- S + is/am/are + not + Ving + Object
Deon is not cleaning his room now
? Is/am/are + S + Object
Is deon cleaning his room now?

2. Kalimat nominal (tidak mengandung kata kerja)

> Kalimat yang tidak mengandung kata kerja bisa menggunakan kata sifat (Adj), kata
benda (noun), atau kata keterangan (Adv)
+ S + is/am/are + Adj/Noun/Adv
I am happy right now
- S + is/am/are + not + Adj/Noun/Adv
I am not happy right now
? Is/am/are + S + Adj/Noun/Adv
Am I happy right now?

Simple Past Tense

> Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau
> Keterangan waktu yang digunakan adalah:
(1) just now (2) two days ago (3) this morning
(4) during (5) never (6) never
(7) just (8) until now
1. Kalimat verbal (mengandung kata kerja)
> Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah V2
Notes : Was (I, she, he, it) Were (you, they, we)
+ S + v2 + object
Dave closed the door last night
- S + did + not + v1 + object
Dave did not close the door last night
? Did + s + v1 + object?
Did Dave close the door last night ?

2. Kalimat nominal (tidak mengandung kata kerja)

> Kalimat yang tidak mengandung kata kerja bisa menggunakan kata sifat (Adj), kata
benda (noun), atau kata keterangan (Adv)
+ S + was/were + Adj/Noun/Adv
Our uncle was a fireman two years ago
- S + was/were + not + Adj/Noun/Adv
Our uncle was not a fireman two years ago
? Was/were + s + Adj/Noun/Adv?
Was our uncle a fireman two years ago?

Simple Present Tense

> Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang berulang-ulang atau merupakan kebiasaan
sehari-hari. Selain itu juga untuk menyatakan fakta atau kebenaran umum
> Keterangan waktu atau keterangan frekuensi yang dapat digunakan:
(1) every day (2) usually (3) once a month
(4) seldom (5) twice a week (6) never
(7) always (8) often (9) sometimes
(10) occasionally
1. Kalimat verbal (mengandung kata kerja)
> Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah v1 atau vs/es
Note: - v1 (I, you, they, we) vs/es (she, he, it)
- do (I, you, they, we) does (she, he, it)

> Cara mengubah v1 ke vs/es

V1 Vs/es Catatan
go, watch, push, mix goes, watches, pushes, Verb berakhiran (ch, c, ss,
mixes sh, x, o), ditambah (es)
cry, fly cries, flies Verb berakhiran (y),
berubah menjadi (i), dan
ditambah (es)
play, buy plays, buys Verb berakhiran (y), yang
didahului huruf vokal,
langsung ditambah (s)
bring, draw brings, draws Verb berakhiran selain
huruf-huruf diatas langsung
ditambah (s)

> Penggunaan simple present tense dalam kalimat verbal

+ S + v1/s/es + object
Kirana eats fried rice every morning
- S + do/does + not + v1 + object
Kirana does not eat fried rice every morning
? Do/does + s + v1 + object ?
Does Kirana eat fried rice every morning?

2. Kalimat nominal (tidak mengandung kata kerja)

> Kalimat yang tidak mengandung kata kerja bisa menggunakan kata sifat (Adj), kata
benda (noun), atau kata keterangan (Adv)
+ S + is/am/are + Adj/Noun/Adv
Her nephew is a dentist
- S + is/am/are + not + Adj/Noun/Adv
Her nephew is not a dentist
? Is/am/are + S + Adj/Noun/Adv?
Is her nephew a dentist

Present Perfect Tense

> Digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang sudah selesai terjadi di masa lalu, tetapi
masih ada kaitannya dengan masa sekarang
> Keterangan waktu yang biasanya digunakan:
(1) since (2) already (3) for
(4) not.yet
Note: already digunakan untuk kalimat positif, yet untuk kalimat negatif dan tanya
1. Kalimat verbal (mengandung kata kerja)
> Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah v3
Note: have (I, you, they, we) has (she, he, it)
+ S + has/have + v3 + object
You have submitted your report since yesterday
- S + has/have + not + v3 + object
You have not submitted your report since yesterday
? Has/have + s + v3 + object?
Have you submitted your report since yesterday?

Contoh lain:
+ Sherin has already made strawberry cake
- Sherin has not made strawberry cake yet
? Has sherin made strawberry cake yet?

2. Kalimat nominal (tidak mengandung kata kerja)

> Kalimat yang tidak mengandung kata kerja bisa menggunakan kata sifat (Adj), kata
benda (noun), atau kata keterangan (Adv)
+ S + has/have + been + Adj/Noun/Adv
That singer has been in the waiting room
- S + has/have+ not + been + Adj/Noun/Adv
That singer has not been in the waiting room
? Has/have + s + been + Adj/Noun/Adv?
Has that singer been in the waiting room?

Yes No Question
> Yes no question adalah kalimat tanya yang membutuhkan jawaban pendek (yes/no),
sehingga kalimat tanya tipe yes no question biasanya diawali dengan “apakah”
> Kata “apakah” tidak bisa diterjemahkan secara langsung, tetapi akan berbeda-beda
berdasarkan tense yang digunakan (5 tense)

Tense Jenis Rumus

verbal Will/shall + s + object?
Will you rent a car next week? (yes, I will/no, I will
Simple Future not)
Tense nominal Will/shall + s + be + Adj/Noun/Adv?
Will the carpenter be busy tomorrow? (yes, he
will/no, he will not)
verbal Is/am/are + s + ving + object?
Is the veterinarian treating a dog? (yes, he is/no, he
Present Continuous is not)
Tense nominal Is/am/are + s + Adj/Noun/Adv?
Are the participants anxious at the moment? (yes,
they are/no, they are not)
verbal Did + s + v1 + object?
Did that pigeon fly this morning? (yes, it did/no, it
did not)
Simple Past Tense
nominal Was/were + s + Adj/Noun/Adv?
Was your father at home last night? (yes, he was/no,
he was not)
Simple Present verbal Do/does + s + v1 + object?
Tense Do you have a pet? (yes, I do/no, I do not)
nominal Is/am/are + s + Adj/Noun/Adv?
Are those people enterpreneurs? (yes, they are/no,
they are not)
verbal Has/have + s + v3 + object?
Has my grandfather eaten breakfast? (yes, he
Present Perfect has/no, he has not)
nominal Has/have + s + been + Adj/Noun/Adv?
Has the room been empty (yes, it has/no, it has not)

Passive Voice (kalimat pasif)

> Biasanya memakai kata kerja berawalan (di), dibakar, direbus, dll
> Oleh karena itu, passive voice merupakan kalimat verbal (mengandung kata kerja) dan
menggunakan jenis kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang memerlukan objek)
> Cara merubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif:
- menentukan subjek-predikat-objek pada kalimat aktif
- mengubah objek kalimat aktif menjadi subjek pada kalimat pasif
- Meletakan (by) pada kalimat pasif sesudah kata kerja
- (By) diikuti dengan objective pronoun (me, him, her, it, them, us, you)

Tense Rumus Contoh

We will clean swimming pool (A)
Swimming pool will be cleaned by us (P)
My headmaster will announce the
information tomorrow (A)
Future S + will + be + v3 The information will be announced by
Tense my headmaster tomorrow (P)
He will explain the material next meeting
The material will be explained by him
next meeting (P)
Two cats are chasing the little mouse now
The little mouse is being chased by two
cats now (P)
I am drinking a glass of orange juice (A)
Continuous S + is/am/are + being + v3
Tense A glass of orange juice is being drunk by
me (P)
Aldi is painting two chairs at the moment
Two chairs are being painted by Aldi at
the moment (P)
Many workers built this hospital a year
ago (A)
This hospital was built by many workers
a year ago (P)
They sold many antique things last week
S + was/were + v3 (A)
Past Tense
Many antique things were sold by them
last week (P)
You brought a basket of fruits two hours
ago (A)
A basket of fruits was brought by you
two hours ago (P)
Simple S + is/am/are + v3 (1.)
Present My friends always clean this classroom
Tense every morning (A)
This classroom is always cleaned by my
friends every morning (P)
Randy saves money every week (A)
Money is saved by Randy every week (P)
I write some stories every night (A)
Some stories are written by me every
night (P)
The waiter has served my order (A)
My order has been served by the waiter
Present She has moved that big stone (A)
Perfect S + has/have + been + v3 The big stone has been removed by her
Tense (P)
Your cousins have bought many toys (A)
Many toys have been bought by your

WH Question
> Adalah kalimat tanya yang diawali dengan 5W 1H
> Terdapat 2 jenis WH question berdasarkan informasi apa yang ditanyakan, yaitu:
1. Jika menanyakan subyek

WH + V/to be/Modal? WH yang dipakai who dan what

- verb/tobe yang digunakan sesuai dengan tense pada kalimat tersebut
- modal: will, can, may, must
Who will borrow your dictionary tomorrow?
Simple Future Tense
What will happen?
Who is borrowing your dictionary now?
Present Continuous Tense
Who is there now?
Simple Past Tense Who borrowed your dictionary yesterday?
What was on the table this morning?
Who always borrows your dictionary every
Simple Present Tense day?
What makes you happy?
Who has borrowed your dictionary?
Present Perfect Tense
What has been available on the dining table?

2. Jika menanyakan non subyek

WH + aux verb/tobe/modal + S + V
Semua WH bisa dipakai
+ ..?

Note: aux verb adalah do/does/did/has/have yang disesuaikan dengan tense kalimat

When will you return that book?

Simple Future Tense
How will they succeed?
What are they discussing now?
Present Continuous Tense
What is she doing?
Where did mother buy this delicious cake
Simple Past Tense yesterday?
Whom did you meet last night?
Why is she sad?
Simple Present Tense
When do the students visit museum?
Where has that company held a computer
Present Perfect Tense expo?
Why haven’t my neighbors arrived?

> Contoh WH Question yang menggunakan kalimat pasif:

- Who was called by teacher to his office yesterday?
- Why is the meeting canceled?
- Where will your birthday party be celebrated?
- When is this room usually used by village chief?
- What has been explained by the speaker of the seminar for one hour
WH Question + Noun
> WH Question + noun adalah jenis kalimat tanya dengan WH (what, which, whose, how
much, dan how many) yang ditambah noun setelah WH
WH + noun + aux verb/to be/modal + s + v?

What book did you buy in Gramedia last

What technology has been developed by that
Which dress will my mother wear to the
Which wedding party?
Which store is open today?
Whose child is crying loudly now?
Whose house is that
How much salt do you need?
How much
How much money does she spend every day?
How many apples have they sold?
How many
How many tables are they painting?

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