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History of Pharmacology and

Drug and Active Principle
2.1.Deskripsi Singkat
Dalam bab ini kita akan membicarakan topik seputar History of Pharmacology dan Drug and
Active Principle dan pembelajaran tata bahasa seputar Parts of Speech. Pengetahuan tentang
unsur-unsur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris sangat penting bagi para mahasiswa agar dapat
membuat suatu kalimat. Seringkali para mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami
kalimat karena mereka pada awalnya belum mengenal dan memahami dengan baik tentang
unsur-unsur kalimat, posisi, dan fungsinya dalam kalimat merupakan dasar untuk mempermudah
membuat kalimat dan merupakan dasar memahami tenses. Bab ini akan membahas tentang
unsur-unsur yang membentuk kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Adapun sub topik yang akan
dibahas meliputi: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, dan Preposition.
2.2.Tujuan Instruksional
Setelah mempejari bab ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat menguasai part of speech
sebagai dasar untuk membentuk kalimat.
2.3. Kompetensi Dasar
Setelah menyelesaikan bab ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat:
a. Memahami tentang History of Pharmacology dan Drug and Active Principle
b. membedakan jenis-jenis Nouns, jenis-jenis Pronouns, menjelaskan Verb dalam kalimat,
membedakan jenis-jenis Adjective, melengkapi kalimat dengan Adverb, dan melengkapi
kalimat dengan Preposition
2.4.Kegiatan Belajar 1
2.1 Uraian dan Contoh
Bacalah dengan seksama bacaan di bawah ini
Bacaan 1

James, Michael and Steven were business partners in a small concern. During their
spare time, they made shoes in Michael‟s garage. James designed the shoes, Steven made them
and Michael took care of correspondence, account, the purchase of raw materials and sales.
(Source: Adult Learner‟s English)
Dalam kalimat-kalimat Bahasa Inggris, kita sudah banyak mengenal jenis-jenis kata yang
membentuk suatu kalimat. Noun merupakan salah satunya. Apakah sebenarnya yang dimaksud
dengan Noun?
a. Noun adalah kata yang menamakan sesuatu, seperti orang, benda, tempat, ide. Apabila kita
mengacu pada teks di atas, kita bisa menemukan beberapa nouns di sana.
Orang (person) : James, Michael, Steven
Tempat (place) : Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali
Benda (thing) : shoes, concern account
Ide (ideas) : love, freedom, justice
Common Noun adalah kata benda yang menamai anggota dari suatu kelompok atau kelas,
misalnya: orang, kita, anjing, dan common noun ditulis dengan huruf kecil. Apabila common
noun ini berupa nama, maka ia disebut Proper Noun dan ia ditulis dengan huruf besar. Untuk
lebih jelas, lihat contoh pada bagan berikut:
Bagan I
Common Noun Proper Noun
City Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali
state Michigan, Chicago
school St. Theresia, STAN
mountain Kendil, Agung
month January, February
writer Stoner, La Rosa

Setelah mempelajari bagian ini Anda sekarang dapat membandingkan perbedaan common noun
dan proper noun.
b. Jenis-jenis Noun
Ada dua macam noun yaitu abstract noun dan concrete noun.

1) Abstract noun adalah kata yang ada di dalam pikiran yang berupa ide-ide, konsep, atau sifat-
sifat yang tidak dapat dilihat, diraba atau dipersepsikan oleh pancaindera. Misalnya: beauty,
wisdom, luck, love, peace, greed, justice, life, freedom, loneliness, happiness, success, health,
security, dan truth.
2) Concrete noun adalah kata yang menyatakan obyek yang dapat diterima oleh indera, yang
dapat dilihat, diraba, dan dicium, misalnya: perfume, boy, table etc. Concrete noun
kemudian dapat dibagi dua yaitu Countable noun dan Non-Countable noun. Countable
noun adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung. Contoh: book, pen, apple. Countable noun
kemudian dibagi menjadi singular noun dan plural noun.
1) Singular Noun adalah kata yang menamai satu benda. Contoh: pen, pencil, chair, box.
2) Plural Noun adalah kata yang menamai lebih dari satu kata benda dengan penambahan -s
atau -es ke kata benda singular yang dapat dihitung. Contoh: pens, pencils, chairs, boxes.
Uncountable noun adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung.
c. Pembentukan kata benda jamak
Anda dapat melihat contoh di bawah ini untuk memperjelas perubahan dari singular menjadi
1) Kata benda umumnya dibuat dengan penambahan -s. Contoh: apple-apples, good – goods,
girl-girls, pen - pens
2) Namun kata benda mempunyai bentuk-bentuk plural yang lain dengan penambahan akhiran -
es ke kata benda.
Sesudah bunyi desiss, z, ch, sh, dan x, akhiran es ditambahkan.
Misalnya: classes, dishes, boxes.
Kata benda yang diakhiri-y dimana huruf -y didahului consonant, maka huruf -y diganti
dahulu dengan huruf -i baru ditambah -es. Misalnya: candy-candies, country-countries.
Kata benda yang terdiri dari satu suku kata yang berakhiranf atau fe menjadi ves dalam
bentuk jamak. Misalnya: wife-wives, life-lives, thief thieves.
Kata benda yang berakhirano, kadangkala ditambah es. Misalnya: hero - heroes, negro-
negroes; namun ada juga yang ditambah s saja, misalnya studio-studios, zoo-zoos, radio-
3) Kata benda yang tidak mendapat akhiran s/es untuk bentuk jamak terdapat pengecualian
sebagai berikut:

Nouns yang mendapat perubahan internal
Contoh: man-men, mouse-mice, foot-feet
Nouns yang berakhiran en.
Contoh: child-children, ox-oxen
Nouns yang bentuk singular sama dengan bentuk plural
Contoh: series-series, means-means
Noun yang bentuk jamak sama dengan bentuk tunggal
Contoh: sheep-sheep, deer-deer
Kata benda plural yang diadopsi dari bahasa asing ke dalam bahasa Inggris, aturannya dapat
dilihat dalam tabel berikut:
Bagan II
Singular berakhiran Plural berakhiran
Huruf Huruf Contoh
-us -i Stimulus-stimulu, radius-radii
-a -ai Larva-larvae, vertebra-vertebrae
-um -a memorandum-memoranda, stratum-strata
-is -es crisis-crises, parenthesis-parentheses
-on -a criterion-criteria, phenomenon-phenomena
-ex, -cx -ices vortax-vortices, matrix-matrice
-eau -eaux bureau-bureaux, plateau-plateux
d. Article yang mendahului kata benda
Kita dapat mengenal kata benda lebih mudah karena kata benda saling didahului oleh
article (kata sandang) a atau, an, the, yang ada di depan kata benda tersebut. Article a dipakai
untuk countable noun yang dimulai dengan konsonan. Contoh : a table, a cupboard, a book, etc.
Sedangkan article -an dipakai di depan kata benda yang dimulai dengan bunyi vowel. Contoh: an
apple, an umbrella, an hour (huruf h di sini tidak diucapkan). Article a dan an biasanya
digunakan di depan kata benda singular yang dapat dihitung. Kadang kata article a dan an
mempunyai arti satu atau setiap. Arti ini juga berlaku bagi ungkapan waktu seperti: a week ago,
a year before, a month from now, two times a week. Article the dapat digunakan sebelum kata
benda singular dan plural. The digunakan bilamana si pembaca atau penulis menunjuk pada kata
benda yang telah diperkenalkan dalam kalimat sebelumnya atau bilamana menunjuk pada satu

kata benda yang sudah familiar bagi pendengar atau pembaca. Contoh: A book is on the table.
The book on the table is English.
e. Uncountable Noun adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Berdasarkan aturan article
atau kata sandang tidak digunakan dengan kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Uncountable
noun termasuk dalam katagori sebagai berikut:
1) Mass Noun (kata benda massa) yang berbentuk cairan seperti: water, coffee, tea, ink, dan rain;
benda gas seperti: air, oxygen, nitrogen, dan smoke; dan benda padat yang terbuat dari
partikel kecil seperti: sugar, pepper, snow, ice, dan sand.
2) Nama-nama bidang studi: economics, computer science, art, English; dan aktivitas rekreasi:
baseball, soccer, tennis, singing, dancing, swimming
Contoh-contoh lain dari uncountable noun yang umum:
advice baggage trouble misery
eternity discrimination bread pollution
hair honesty equipment scenery
homework intelligence furniture violence
money merchandise grass news
wealth patience luggage food
3) Uncountable nouns yang diperlakukan sebagai subyek-subyek singular dan memerlukan kata
kerja singular (tunggal).
Contoh: Milk contains calcium.
Swimming is a favorite summer activity.
Honesty is the best policy.
4) Article tidak digunakan sebelum uncountable noun kecuali kata benda tersebut dibatasi oleh
suatu phrase yang menerangkan kata benda tersebut. Kemudian article the, a, atau an, dapat
digunakan tergantung pada konteks kalimat.
Contoh: Love is blind.
A love that is pure is rare.
The love that I have for you is great
5) Kata sifat tak tentu (some, more, many, any, much, dsb) sering digunakan dengan mass nouns
untuk menunjukkan jumlah tak tentu (indefinite quantities).
Contoh: Teaching requires much patience.

Would you like some sugar in your coffee?
6) Mass noun dapat juga didahului oleh satuan ukuran untuk menunjukkan jumlah.
Contoh: Adult should drink eight glasses of water every day.
She toasted four slices of bread
f. Pembentukan kata benda dengan penambahan akhiran
Kata benda juga dapat dibentuk dengan penambahan akhiran
Contoh: kind + ness  kindness
limit + ion  limitation
develop + ment  development
legal + ization  legalization
2.2 Latihan
Latihan 1
Tambahkan -s atau -es pada kata-kata berikut
Contoh: passenger  passengers
1. tax ______ 2. talk ______ 3. season ______
4. guy ______ 5. enemy ______ 6. face ______
7. size ______ 8. match _______ 9. day _______
10. home _______ 11. sketch _______ 12. blush _______
13. method _______ 14. press _______ 15. ferry _______
16. seat _______ 17. bag _______ 18. belief _______
19. video _______ 20. zero _______
Latihan 2
Tulislah bentuk plural dari kata-kata benda berikut
Contoh: child  children
1. mouse _________ 6. industry _________
2. woman _________ 7. sheep _________
3. hypotheses _________ 8. curriculum __________
4. stimulus __________ 9. analysis __________
5. foot __________ 10. crisis __________

Latihan 3
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini dengan countable noun atau uncountable noun yang
Contoh: We bought two …(book) We bought two books.
1. We replace some … (furniture)
2. Tom gave some good … (advice).
3. Jack also gave me some good …(suggestion).
4. I drank two …(glass) of water.
5. .......… (windows) are made of glass
6. I love … (football) very much.
7. I fixed some … (chair).
8. Tom is studying … (English)
9. We saw beautiful… (mountain, and lake) on our trips.
10. The students are studying in their .........(chair)
2.3. Rangkuman
Noun adalah kata yang menamai sesuatu seperti orang, benda, tempat, dan ide. Terdapat
dua jenis noun yaitu common noun dan proper noun. Selain itu noun juga dapat dibagi menjadi:
abstract noun dan concrete noun. Abstract noun adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dilihat atau
diraba oleh pancaindera, sedangkan concrete noun adalah kata yang dapat diterima, dilihat, dan
diraba oleh pancaindera. Selanjutnya concrete noun dibagi menjadi countable noun dan
uncountable noun.
2.4. Reading
History of Pharmacology
Since time immemorial, medicaments have been used for treating disease in humans and
animals. The herbals of antiquity describe the therapeutic powers of certain plants and minerals.
Belief in the curative powers of plants and certain substances rested exclusively upon traditional
knowledge, that is, empirical information not subjected to critical examination.
Claudius Galen (129–200 A.D.) first attempted to consider the theoretical background
of pharmacology. Both theory and practical experience were to contribute equally to the rational
use of medicines through interpretation of observed and experienced results.

“The empiricists say that all is found by experience. We, however, maintain that it is found in
part by experience, in part by theory. Neither experience nor theory alone is apt to discover all.”
The Impetus
Theophrastus von Hohenheim (1493–1541 A.D.), called Paracelsus, began to quesiton
doctrines handed down from antiquity, demanding knowledge of the active ingredient(s) in
prescribed remedies, while rejecting the irrational concoctions and mixtures of medieval
medmedicine. He prescribed chemically defined substances with such success that professional
enemies had him prosecuted as a poisoner. Against such accusations, he defended himself with
the thesis that has become an axiom of pharmacology: “If you want to explain any poison
properly, what then isn„t a poison? All things are poison, nothing is without poison; the dose
alone causes a thing not to be poison.”
Johann Jakob Wepfer (1620–1695) was the first to verify by animal experimentation
assertions about pharmacological or toxicological actions. “I pondered at length. Finally I
resolved to clarify the matter by experiments.”
Rudolf Buchheim (1820–1879) founded the first institute of pharmacology at the
University of Dorpat (Tartu, Estonia) in 1847, ushering in pharmacology as an independent
scientific discipline. In addition to a description of effects, he strove to explain the chemical
properties of drugs. “The science of medicines is a theoretical, i.e., explanatory, one. It is to
provide us with knowledge by which our judgement about the utility of medicines can be
validated at the bedside.” Consolidation – General Recognition
Oswald Schmiedeberg (1838–1921), together with his many disciples (12 of whom were
appointed to chairs of pharmacology), helped to establish the high reputation of pharmacology.
Fundamental concepts such as structure-activity relationship, drug receptor, and selective
toxicity emerged from the work of, respectively, T. Frazer (1841–1921) in Scotland, J. Langley
(1852–1925) in England, and P. Ehrlich (1854–1915) in Germany. Alexander J. Clark (1885–
1941) in England first formalized receptor theory in the early 1920s by applying the Law of
Mass Action to drug-receptor interactions. Together with the internist, Bernhard Naunyn (1839–
1925), Schmiedeberg founded the first journal of pharmacology, which has since been published
without interruption. The ―Father of American Pharmacology‖, John J. Abel (1857–1938) was
among the first Americans to train in Schmiedeberg‗s laboratory and was founder of the Journal
of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (published from 1909 until the present). After

1920, pharmacological laboratories sprang up in the pharmaceutical industry, outside established
university institutes. After 1960, departments of clinical pharmacology were set up at many
universities and in industry.
Answer the questions based on the text:
1. When have medicaments been used for treating disease in humans and animals?
2. Who is the ―Father of American Pharmacology‖?
3. When were departments of clinical pharmacology set up at many universities and in
4. What are the fundamental concepts of Oswald Schmiedeberg?
5. What has become an axiom of pharmacology?
3. Kegiatan Belajar 2

3.1 Uraian dan Contoh
Bacalah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini, dan lihatlah Bagan di bawah ini .
1. Jane is a singer. She sings at the night club every night.
2. Mr. Bill invited Mary and Jane to dinner last week. He asked them to come to the restaurant.
3. Willy and Lisa live next door at the apartment building. Keith is her neighbour.
4. Whose book is it? It is my book. It is mine
5. You mustn‟t blame yourself for the mistake.
6. They want us lead the discussion ourselves
Bagan III
I me My mine myself
you (sgr) you your yours yourself
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it its its its itself
we us our ours ourselves
you (plr) you yours yours yourselves

they them their theirs themselves
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan PRONOUN?
a. Pronoun adalah kata yang menggantikan kata benda. Contoh: I, you, he, they, we, me, you,
him, my, your, him, dan sebagainya.
b. Jenis-jenis Pronoun
1) Subject Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang dipakai untuk menggantikan kata benda di posisi
subyek. Pada contoh kalimat pertama, She (subject pronoun) dipakai untuk menggantikan kata
benda Jane yang sudah disebut sebelumnya, dan untuk kalimat selanjutnya kata She dipakai
di posisi subjek bila mengacu kepada Jane.
2) Obyek pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda di posisi
obyek. Pada kalimat kedua terdapat kata them (object pronoun) untuk menggantikan Mary
and Jane di posisi objek.
3) Possessive Objective adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai adjective untuk menerangkan
kata benda. Pada kalimat ketiga terdapat her yang diikuti oleh kata benda neighbour (her
neighbour) dan her menerangkan neighbour.
4) Possessive Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai noun untuk menyatakan milik.
Contoh her neighbour dapat diganti dengan hers jika noun yang dimaksudkan (her
neighbour) sudah disebut sebelumnya sehingga tidak terjadi pengulangan. Jadi hers adalah
possessive pronoun. Possessive Pronoun lainnya adalah mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours.
Contoh: Whose book is this? It is mine.
Is it yours or mine? Yes, it is mine
5) Reflective Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang menunjuk kembali ke subyek kalimat untuk
memberi penekanan. Pada kalimat ke lima yourself, ourselves disebut reflective pronoun yang
biasanya menunjuk kembali ke subjek you dan they. Kata ―self‟ atau ―selves‖ digunakan untuk
memberi penekanan. Contoh: We ourselves will lead the discussion (kita sendiri yang
akan memimpin diskusi). Reflective pronoun juga digunakan untuk menamai penerima suatu
tindakan bilamana pelaku sama dengan penerima. Contoh: John fell and hurt himself.
3.2. Latihan
Latihan 1
Sempurnakanlah kalimat berikut. Gunakan me, his, her , them, it dan us.
Contoh : I don‟t know those girls. Do you know …?

I don‟t know those girls. Do you know them?
1. I don‘t know that man. Do you know …?
2. I don‘t know Fred‘s mother. Do you know …?
3. I am talking to you. Please listen to …?
4. I like that camera. I am going to buy…?
5. We are going out. You can come with…?
Latihan 2
Sempurnakan kalimat berikut. Gunakan I/me, we/us, you, he/him, she/her, they/them.
Contoh: I want to see her but she doesn‘t want to see me

1. I want to see him but… doesn‘t want to see…

2. They want to see me but… don‘t want to see…
3. We want to see them but…don‘t want to see…
4. She want to see him but…doesn‘t want to see…
5. They want to see her but… doesn‘t want to see…
6. I want to see them but… don‘t want to see…
7. He want to see us but…don‘t want to see…
8. You want to see her but… doesn‘t want to see…
Latihan 3
Lengkapilah kalimat ini dengan menggunakan my/our/your/his/her/their/its
Example: I like …Job
I like my job
1. Does your father like… Job?
2. Ally is married. … husband works in a bank.
3. I know Mr. Watson, but I don‘t know …wife.
4. We are going to invite all…. friends to the party.
5. We are staying at a very nice hotel. … room is very comfortable.
6. They have got two children but I don‘t remember … names.
7. I am going to finish … homework.
8. Put on… coat when you go out. It is cold.

Latihan 4.
Pilihlah kata yang tepat.
Example : Is this (your/yours) book?
1. Are these (your/yours) book?
2. Is this camera (our/ours)?
3. That is not (my/mine) umbrella. (My/mine) is yellow
4. They‘ve got two children but I don‘t know (their/theirs) name.
5. (My/mine) room is bigger than (her/hers) room, but (her/hers) is nicer.
3.3. Rangkuman
Pronoun adalah kata yang menggantikan kata benda. Personal Pronoun terdiri dari
subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive adjective, possessive pronoun, dan reflective
pronoun. Subjek pronoun merupakan kata yang menggantikan kata benda di posisi subyek.
Obyek Pronoun adalah kata yang menggantikan kata benda di posisi obyek. Possessive Adjective
adalah kata yang berfungsi sebagai adjective menerangkan kata benda di depannya. Possessive
pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai noun sehingga tidak terjadi pengulangan pada
noun yang sudah disebut. Reflective Pronoun adalah pronoun yang biasanya merujuk kembali
pada subyek, untuk memberi penekanan dan menamai penerima tindakan bila pelaku sama
dengan subyek.
3.4. Reading
Drug and Active Principle
Until the end of the 19th century, medicines were natural organic or inorganic products,
mostly dried, but also fresh, plants or plant parts. These might contain substances possessing
healing (therapeutic) properties or substances exerting a toxic effect. In order to secure a supply
of medically useful products not merely at the time of harvest but year-round, plants were
preserved by drying or soaking them in vegetable oils or alcohol. Drying the plant or a vegetable
or animal product yielded a drug (from French ―drogue‖ – dried herb).
Colloquially, this term nowadays often refers to chemical substances with high potential
for physical dependence and abuse. Used scientifically, this term implies nothing about the
quality of action, if any. In its original, wider sense, drug could refer equally well to the dried
leaves of peppermint, dried lime blossoms, dried flowers and leaves of the female cannabis plant
(hashish, marijuana), or the dried milky exudate obtained by slashing the unripe seed capsules of

Papaver somniferum (raw opium). Nowadays, the term is applied quite generally to a chemical
substance that is used for pharmacotherapy.
Soaking plants parts in alcohol (ethanol) creates a tincture. In this process,
pharmacologically active constituents of the plant are extracted by the alcohol. Tinctures do not
contain the complete spectrum of substances that exist in the plant or crude drug, only those that
are soluble in alcohol. In the case of opium tincture, these ingredients are alkaloids (i.e., basic
substances of plant origin) including: morphine, codeine, narcotine = noscapine, papaverine,
narceine, and others. Using a natural product or extract to treat a disease thus usually entails the
administration of a number of substances possibly possessing very different activities. Moreover,
the dose of an individual constituent contained within a given amount of the natural product is
subject to large variations, depending upon the product‗s geographical origin (biotope), time of
harvesting, or conditions and length of storage. For the same reasons, the relative proportion of
individual constituents may vary considerably. Starting with the extraction of morphine from
opium in 1804 by F. W. Serturner (1783–1841), the active principles of many other natural
products were subsequently isolated in chemically pure form by pharmaceutical laboratories.
The aims of isolating active principles are:
1. Identification of the active ingredient( s).
2. Analysis of the biological effects (pharmacodynamics) of individual ingredients and of their
fate in the body(pharmacokinetics).
3. Ensuring a precise and constant dosage in the therapeutic use of chemically pure
4. The possibility of chemical synthesis, which would afford independence from limited
natural supplies and create conditions for the analysis of structure-activity relationships.
Finally, derivatives of the original constituent may be synthesized in an effort to optimize
pharmacological properties. Thus, derivatives of the original constituent with improved
therapeutic usefulness may be developed.
Answer the questions below:
1. What are the aims of isolating active principles?
2. Why were plants preserved by drying or soaking them in vegetable oils or alcohol?
3. How were the active principles of many other natural products subsequently isolated in
chemically pure form?

4. What do alkaloids include?
5. The dose of an individual constituent contained within a given amount of the natural
product is subject to....................
4. Kegiatan Belajar 3

4.1 Uraian dan Contoh
Bacalah bacaan di bawah ini dengan seksama
Betty is tired and sleepy. She‟s been driving for nearly twelve hours now. She‟s on her
way to Arizona to spend Christmas with her parents. They‟ve been living in Phoenix for over a
year now, and for months she‟s been promising to visit them. She tried to get a flight from San
Francisco, but she couldn‟t get reservation. She found out that no seats were available on any
flight until January 6. So she decided to drive. At first, she thought she might be able to make the
trip in one day, but she knows now that she can‟t. She‟s good driver and, as a matter of fact,
probably drives more carefully than a lot of drivers on the road. But she‟s exhausted now, and
she knows that‟s dangerous. She‟s going to try to find a motel and get a good night‟s sleeps.
Then she‟ll get a fresh start in the morning.(Source: New English Course)
a. Verb (kata kerja) adalah kata yang menyatakan suatu tindakan atau keadaan/kondisi. Verb
dalam bahasa Inggris dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu: Auxiliary verb (kata
kerja bantu) dan Ordinary verb (kata kerja biasa)
b. Auxiliary verb ialah kata-kata kerja pembantu yang membantu membentuk waktu (tense)
kata-kata kerja lainnya. Auxiliary verbs terdiri dari dua jenis:
1) Primary Auxiliaries disebut juga ‗the anomalous finites‟ artinya kata kerja bantu yang tidak
to be : am, is, are, was, were, being, been.
to do : does, did.
to have: has, had.
2) Modal Auxiliaries (can-could, may-might, must, shall-should, will-would, ought (to), need,
dare, used (to).

c. Ordinary Verb yang disebut juga sebagai full verb adalah semua kata yang menyatakan
tindakan atau menyatakan keadaan yang mana kata kerja ini sudah memberi arti secara
lengkap tanpa bantuan kata kerja lain.
Contoh: be decide think do spend know
have try make visit find drive get
Ordinary verb di atas dapat dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) jenis:
1) Kata kerja transitive (v.t) ialah kata-kata kerja yang membutuhkan obyek (pelengkap
Contoh: They manage ( a company )
v.t object
I buy ( a book )
v.t object
He sent ( a letter )
v.t object
Dalam contoh di atas: They manage a company. They adalah subyek yang melakukan pekerjaan,
manage adalah kata kerja transitive, dan a company adalah obyek penderita. Kalimat-kalimat
dengan kata kerja transitive di atas apabila tidak mempunyai obyek, mereka tidak dapat
dinyatakan sebagai kalimat karena pengertiannya belum lengkap.
2) Kata kerja intransitive (v.i), ialah kata-kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan suatu obyek atau
Contoh: She cried She sleeps Birds fly
Dalam contoh kalimat “She cried”. She adalah subjek pelaku pekerjaan, cried adalah kata kerja
intransitive yang tanpa memiliki obyekpun sudah dapat disebut ‗kalimat‘, karena maknanya
sudah lengkap dan bentuk ini dapat dilengkapi dengan keterangan. Misalnya: She cried loudly
d. Kata kerja full verb dapat dibagi lagi menjadi dua yaitu: regular verb dan irregular verb.
1) Regular Verbs adalah kata kerja yang bentuk Past (bentuk II) dan Past Participle (bentuk III)
mengikuti pola beraturan dengan menambahkan akhiran –ed pada kata kerja dasar, sedangkan
kata kerja dasar (bentuk I) tidak mengalami perubahan. Pembentukan Verb II dan verb III dari
Regular verb dapat dikelompokkan sebagai berikut:
Regularyang berakhiran –e hanya ditambah –d.
Present Past Past Participle Present Participle Meaning

agree agreed agreed agreeing menyetujui
bathe bathed bathed bathing mandi
believe believed believed believing percaya
change changed changed changing mengganti
close closed closed closing menutup
decide decided decided deciding memutuskan
live lived lived living hidup
practice practiced practiced practicing berlatih
Regular verb yang terdiri dari satu suku kata dan berakhir dengansebuah konsonan yang
didahului sebuah vokal (terkecuali berakhiran dengan konsonan c, h, w, x, atau y), maka
konsonan terakhir ditulis dobel kemudian ditambah –ed.
Present Past Past Participle Present Meaning
drag dragged dragged dragging menyeret
plan planned planned planning merencanakan
stop stopped stopped stopping menghentikan

Regular verbs yang terdiri dari dua suku kata atau lebih dan berakhir dengan sebuah
konsonan setelah didahului sebuah vokal dengan tekanan jatuh pada suku kata kedua, maka
konsonan terakhir juga ditulis dobel kemudian ditambah -ed.
Present Past Past Participle Present Participle Meaning
occur occurred occurred occurring terjadi
omit omitted omitted omitting menghilangkan
Tetapi apabila tekanan jatuh pada suku kata pertama, maka konsonan terakhir tidak ditulis dobel.
Present Past Past Participle Present Participle Meaning
answer answered answered answering menjawab,
listen listened listened listening mendengarkan
Semua kata kerja beraturan yang berakhiran -y setelah didahului konsonan, maka dalam
penulisan past tense nya -y berubah menjadi –i kemudian ditambah -ed.
Present Past Past Participle Present Participle Meaning
to hurry hurried hurried hurrying terburu-buru

to study studied studied studying belajar
Tetapi apabila berakhir -y, namun didahului dengan sebuah vokal, maka langsung
ditambah -ed.
Dan umumnya untuk semua kata-kata yang beraturan lainnya langsung ditambahkan -ed
pada bentuk simple/present-nya.
Present Past Past Participle Present Participle Meaning
act acted acted Acting bertindak
book booked booked Booking memesan
clean cleaned cleaned Cleaning membersihkan
dress dressed dressed Dressing mengenakan pakaian
end ended ended Ending mengakhiri
finish finished finished Finishing menyelesaikan
2) Irregular Verb (kata kerja tidak beraturan)
Irreguler verb adalah kata kerja yang pembentukan past (bentuk II) dan past participle
(III) tidak mengikuti pola yang teratur. Dalam hal ini tidak ada cara tertentu untuk menguasai
bentuk-bentuk kata kerja ini kecuali menghafalnya. Pembentukan verb II dan verb III dari
irregular verb dapat dikelompokkan sebagai berikut :
Kata kerja yang mempunyai bentuk yang sama untuk present (I), past(II), dan past participle
Present Past Past Participle Present Participle Meaning
bet bet bet betting bertaruh
cut cut cut cutting memotong
hurt hurt hurt hurting menyakiti
read read read reading membaca
slit slit slit slitting mengeras
spread spread spread spreading membentangkan
Kata kerja yang bentuk present (I) dan past participle (III) sama, tetapi past tense (II)
Present Past Past Participle Present Participle Meaning
come came come coming datang
rerun reran rerun rerunning berlari kembali

become became become becoming menjadi
Kata kerja bentuk past (II) dan past perticiple (III)-nya sama
Present Past Past Participle Present Participle Meaning
bend bent bent bending Membengkokkan
sell sold sold selling Menjual
pay paid paid paying Membayar
make made made making Membuat
tell told told telling Menceritakan
meet met met meeting Bertemu
feed fed fed feeding Memberi makan
lose lost lost losing hilang
Kata kerja yang present (I), bentuk past (II), dan bentuk past participle (III)-nya berbeda
Present Past Past Participle Present Participle Meaning
be (is, am, are) was/are been being Ada
begin began begun beginning Mulai
chose chose chosen choosing Memilih
drive drove driven driving Mengendarai
know knew known knowing Mengetahui
4. 2 Latihan
Latihan 1
Berilah bentuk past dan past participle dari kata kerja di bawah ini.
Contoh: drink  drank - drunk
1. tell
2. come
3. know
4. help
5. repeat
6. set
7. walk
8. attend
9. deliver

10. be
11. cost
12. forget
13. look
14. bring
15. eat
Latihan 2
Tulislah semua verbs yang ada dalam cerita ini.
Contoh:  1) had (pada kalimat pertama)
2) …teruskan !
I had an unusual experience yesterday. I was downtown and decided to stop at the bank to see
Alice Green. I thought she might have time to go to lunch with me. When I got to the bank, they
told me she had just stepped out for a few minutes. I asked them if she would be back by 11:30 or
11:45, and they said yes. I had some time, so I decided to wait for her.
Latihan 3
1) Tulislah semua irregular verbs dari bacaan exercise 2 di atas.
2) Berilah juga bentuk asal dari irregular verbs itu.
Contoh :  1. Had - have
2. … - ... teruskan!
Latihan 4
Tulislah kata kerja di dalam kurung dalam bentuk Past dan Past Participle, tanpa menulis seluruh
Contoh: I (do) my homework  I did my homework (past)
I have done my homework (past participle)
1. We (study) English in this class.
2. Mr. Smith (owe) some more money for books.
3. It (rain) very much in Puncak.
4. Miss. Rini (talk) to someone on the phone.
5. My wife and I (live) in this city.
6. The mailman (delivery) the letter.
7. Mr. Rudi (be) in Bandung.

8. The students (finish) that hard exercise.
9. The company (hire) twenty new workers.
10. My friends (help) me with my homework.
Latihan 5
Tulislah verb yang di dalam kurung menjadi bentuk present dan past tanpa menulis kembali
seluruh kalimatnya.
1. Contoh : I (have seen) the movie (past participle)
I see the movie (present)
2. Contoh : I the movie (past participle)
I saw the movie (past)
1. The teacher (has shut) the door.
2. I (have spoken) to my boss.
3. The weather (has been) very warm.
4. Someone (has stolen) the money.
5. They (have spent) one million rupiah for the birthday party.
6. I (have forgotten) the name of the book.
7. Mr. and Mrs. Robert (have bought) a new house.
8. She (has left) her car in front of the apartment.
9. The students (have copied) the assignment.
10. Everyone (has enjoyed) the party very much.
4.3 Rangkuman
Verb adalah kata yang menyatakan suatu tindakan atau keadaan. Dalam bahasa Inggris
verb dapat dikelompokkan menjadi auxiliary verb dan ordinary verb. Selanjutnya Full Verb
dapat dibagi lagi menjadi dua yaitu: transitive verb (kata karja transitive) – dan intransitive verb.
Transitive verb adalah kata kerja yang memerlukan obyek, sedangkan intransitive verb adalah
kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan obyek.
Full verb dapat juga dikelompokkan ke dalam: Regular verb yaitu kata kerja yang
berbentuk past dan past participle mengikuti pola beraturan, sedangkan Irregular verb adalah
kata kerja yang pembentukan past dan past participle tidak mengikuti pola yang beraturan.
4.4 Reading
Drug Development

This process starts with the synthesis of novel chemical compounds. Substances with
complex structures may be obtained from various sources, e.g., plants (cardiac glycosides),
animal tissues (heparin), microbial cultures (penicillin G), or human cells (urokinase), or by
means of gene technology (human insulin). As more insight is gained into structure-activity
relationships, the search for new agents becomes more clearly focused.
Preclinical testing yields information on the biological effects of new substances. Initial
screening may employ biochemical-pharmacological investigations (e.g., receptor-binding
assaysp) or experiments on cell cultures, isolated cells, and isolated organs. Since these models
invariably fall short of replicating complex biological processes in the intact organism, any
potential drug must be tested in the whole animal. Only animal experiments can reveal whether
the desired effects will actually occur at dosages that produce little or no toxicity. Toxicological
investigations serve to evaluate the potential for: (1) toxicity associated with acute orchronic
administration; (2) geneticdamage (genotoxicity, mutagenicity); (3) production of tumors (onco-
or carcinogenicity); and (4) causation of birth defects (teratogenicity). In animals, compounds
under investigation also have to be studied with respect to their absorption, distribution,
metabolism, and elimination (pharmacokinetics). Even at the level of preclinical testing, only a
very small fraction of new compounds will prove potentially fit for use in humans.
Pharmaceutical technology provides the methods for drug formulation.
Clinical testing starts with Phase I studies on healthy subjects and seeks to determine
whether effects observed in animal experiments also occur in humans. Dose-response
relationships are determined. In Phase II, potential drugs are first tested on selected patients for
therapeutic efficacy in those diseasestates for which they are intended.Should a beneficial action
be evidentand the incidence of adverse effects be acceptably small, Phase III is entered,
involving a larger group of patients in whom the new drug will be compared with standard
treatments in terms of therapeutic outcome. As a form of human experimentation, these clinical
trials are subject to review and approval by institutional ethics committees according to
international codes of conduct (Declarations of Helsinki, Tokyo,and Venice).
During clinical testing, many drugs are revealed to be unusable.Ultimately, only one new
drug remains from approximately 10,000 newly synthesized substances.The decision to approve
a newdrug is made by a national regulatory body (Food & Drug Administration in the U.S.A.,
the Health Protection Branch Drugs Directorate in Canada, UK, Europe, Australia) to which

manufacturers are required to submit their applications. Applicants must document by means of
appropriate test data (from preclinical and clinical trials) that thecriteria of efficacy and safety
have beenmet and that product forms (tablet, capsule, etc.) satisfy general standards of quality
control. Following approval, the new drug may be marketed under a trade name and thus become
available for prescription by physicians and dispensing by pharmacists. As the drug gains more
widespread use, regulatory surveillance continues in the form of post licensing studies (Phase IV
of clinical tries). Only on the basis of long-term experience will the risk: benefit ratio be properly
assessed and, thus, the therapeutic value of the new drug be determined.
Answer the questions below:
1. what may Initial screening may employ?
2. How is the decision to approve a newdrug made?
3. When are many drugs revealed to be unusable?
4. Toxicological investigations serve to evaluate the potential for?
5. Explain about the phases of clinical testing
5. Kegiatan Belajar 4
5.1 Uraian dan Contoh
Bacalah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini.
The small girl left
I bought a new car
She is a careful driver
Setelah membaca ketiga kalimat di atas, apakah Anda dapat menerangkan apa fungsi kata-kata
yang digarisbawahi itu? Kata-kata tersebut menerangkan kata benda yang mengikutinya seperti:
girl, car, dan driver. Jadi kata-kata small, new, dan careful dinamai kata sifat.
a. Kata sifat (adjective) adalah kata yang menerangkan kata benda atau kata ganti kata benda.
Dalam suatu kalimat adjective mempunyai beberapa posisi:
1) Sebelum kata benda. Dalam hal ini adjective dan kata benda yang diterangkan membentuk
suatu frasa kata benda.
Adjective Noun
a Small House

a Beautiful Girl
an Hard lecture

2) Setelah kata kerja (Linking verb) seperti: to be, get, dan become. Adjective juga digunakan
setelah kata linking verb lainnya; feel, taste, sound, look, seem, smell, dsb.
Subject Linking verb Adjective
I Am happy
The Students Are tired
She Gets hungry
He Became ill
They Feel tired
This coffee Tastes bitter
Dick Sounded angry
Mary Looked upset
b. Berdasarkan jenisnya, adjective dapat dibagi menjadi lima jenis. Lihat contoh berikut:
Jenis Adjective Contoh
Adjective of Quality good, red, tall, stupid, etc.
Demonstrative Adjective this, that, these, those, etc.
Distributive Adjective each, every, neither, either, etc.
Adjective of Quantity many, much, plenty, two, dozens, etc.
Interrogative Adjective which, what, whose, etc.
Possessive Adjective my, his, her, your, our, etc.

Sekarang Anda tentu dapat menyimpulkan bahwa adjective itu mempunyai tugas hanya
menerangkan kata benda atau kata ganti kata benda dengan menjawab pertanyaan which ?
(which one?), what? (what kind?), dan whose?
c. Berdasarkan bentuknya adjective dapat juga dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu adjective yang
merupakan kata dasar dan adjective dari kata jadian.
1) Adjective yang merupakan kata dasar antara lain:
good blue cold wise safe new big old

2) Adjective yang merupakan kata jadian:
Adjective yang tergolong dalam kelompok ini dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran
tertentu pada kata benda tertentu. Akhiran pembentuk adjective yang sering kita temukan dalam
bahasa Inggris adalah :
Contoh : care + ful  careful
use + ful  useful
though + ful  thoughtful
Contoh : help + less  helpless
use + less  useless
price + less  priceless
Contoh : risk + y  risky
ice + y  icy
oil + y  oily
water + y  watery
Contoh : danger + ous  dangerous
Envy + ous  envious
nerve + ous  nervous
continue + ous  continuous
Contoh : charm + ing  charming
excite + ing  exciting
close + ing  closing
Contoh : boil + ed  boiled
Import + ed  imported
suprice + ed  Surprised

Contoh : intention + al  intentional
origin + al  original
structur + al  structural
Contoh : move + able  movable
notice + able  noticeable
enjoy + able  enjoyable
Contoh : child + ish  childish
black + ish  blackish
girl + ish  girlish
Akhiran-ive, -tive, -ative or -itive
Contoh : act + ive  active
attend + tive  attentive
imagine + ative  imaginative
sense + itive  sensitive
d. Perbandingan kata sifat
Bila kita bicara tentang perbandingan sifat atau keadaan dari dua benda/orang atau lebih,
kita diingatkan pada degree of comparison (tingkat perbandingan) yang terdiri dari positive,
comparative, dan superlative.
Lihat contoh di bawah ini:
Positive Comparative Superlative
tall taller tallest
happy happier happiest
short shorter shortest
careful more careful most careful
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
difficult more difficult most difficult
Dari contoh di atas, kita dapat melihat bahwa dalam membandingkan sifat dan benda/orang atau
lebih, kita akan menemukan bahwa sesuatu/seseorang adalah lebih….. dari sesuatu/seseorang
yang lain atau sesuatu/seseorang adalah

yang paling dari semua yang dibandingkan.
Contoh: Lina is taller than her sister.
Lina is the tallest girl in class.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata sifat yang menunjukkan lebih dari …disebut comparative sedangkan
yang menunjukkan paling … disebut superlative. Pada dasarnya comparative dibentuk dengan
menambahkan akhiran -er pada kata sifat atau kata more di muka kata sifat, sedangkan
superlative dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran -est pada kata sifat atau kata most di muka
kata sifat.
Perhatikan pola berikut ini:
Kata sifat dalam bentuk comparative biasanya diikuti kata than, sedangkan kata sifat dalam
bentuk superlative selalu di dahului kata the.
Contoh: Rini is cleverer than her sister.
This book is more interesting than that one.
Ita is the prettiest girl in her class
This is the most beautiful flower I have ever seen.
Penggunaan more, most, akhiran -er dan akhiran -est:
1) Sebagian kata sifat yang terdiri dari satu suku kata menggunakan akhiran -er dan -est.

Positive Comparative Superlative

thin thinner thinnest
hot hotter hottest
clean cleaner cleanest
smart smarter smartest
2) Kata sifat yang terdiri dari dua suku kata dan berhuruf akhir -y, -er atau -ow menggunakan
akhiran -er dan -est.
Positive Comparative Superlative

happy happier happiest
busy busier busiest
lazy lazier laziest
clever cleverer cleverest
narrow narrower narrowest
shallow shallower shallowest
3) Kata sifat yang terdiri dari dua suku kata dan berhuruf akhir selain y, er, atau ow
menggunakan more dan most.
Positive Comparative Superlative
honest more honest most honest
careful more careful most careful
boring more boring most boring
4) Kata sifat yang terdiri dari tiga suku kata atau lebih menggunakan more dan most
Positive Comparative Superlative
difficult more difficult most difficult
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
important more important most important
diligent more diligent most diligent
Catatan: Beberapa kata mempunyai bentuk comparative dan superlative dengan pola yang tidak
beraturan. Beberapa kata sifat penting yang termasuk dalam kelompok ini adalah:
Positive Comparative Superlative
good better best
bad worse worst
much/m more most
any less least
little farther farthest
far further furthest

5. 2 Latihan

Latihan 1
Garis bawahilah adjectives yang ada dalam kalimat-kalimat berikut:
Contoh: Simon is a clever boy clever
1. The old woman is deaf.
2. He gave me two magazines.
3. We have little time left.
4. Each student must see an advisor.
5. The children became sick.
6. That suitcase is on the cupboard.
7. The smell of rendang makes me feel hungry.
8. Whose pen is it? It is my pen.
9. It is a nice day.
10. There were many people at the seminar yesterday.
Latihan 2
Bentuklah adjective yang berakhiran dengan -ful, -less, -y, -ous, -ing, -able, -ish, -ive, dari kata-
kata di bawah ini.
Contoh : origin  original
1. travel - …………………
2. enjoy - ………………….
3. grate - ………………….
4. commerce - ………………….
5. crowd - …………………..
6. help - ……………………
7. risk - ……………………
8. child - ……………………
9. create - ……………………
10. advantage - ……………………
Latihan 3
Berilah bentuk comparative dan superlative untuk kata-kata berikut ini.
Contoh: handsome – more handsome – most handsome
1. careful

2. cold
3. much
4. ugly
5. comfortable
6. wide
7. boring
8. for
9. important
10. wonderful
Latihan 4
Berilah bentuk yang tepat dari tingkat perbandingan kata sifat di dalam kurung
Contoh : Lisa has … (little) free time than Ani.
Lisa has less free time than Ani
1. The American car is ... (expensive) than the Japanese one.
2. Robby is the … (lucky) boy in the class. He has just got a scholarship.
3. Teddy is … (hardworking) among all the children in the family
4. We will begin our meeting not …(late) than eight a.m.
5. Whose handwriting is …(good), do you think? His or mine?
5.3 Rangkuman
Adjective adalah kata yang menerangkan nouns atau pronoun. Posisi adjective dalam
kalimat berada sebelum nouns atau setelah kata kerja to be, dan kata kerja linking verb lainnya.
Berdasarkan jenisnya adjective terdiri dari : adjective of quality, demonstrative adjective,
distributive adjective, adjective of quantity, interrogative, adjective dan possesive adjective. Dari
segi bentuk, adjective dapat berupa kata dasar dan kata jadian yaitu adjective yang dibentuk
dengan penambahan akhiran tertentu pada kata-kata tertentu. Di samping itu, apabila
membandingkan sifat atau keadaan dua benda atau lebih, kita mengenal tingkat perbandingan
degree of comparison, yaitu: positive, comparative, dan superlative. Comparative digunakan bila
kita hendak membandingkan antara 2 benda/orang. Superlative digunakan bila kita
membandingkan 3 benda/orang atau lebih. Comparative dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran
–er pada kata sifat atau kata more dimuka kata sifat, sedangkan superlative mendapat akhiran –
est atau kata most dimuka kata sifat.

5.4. Reading
Dosage Forms for Oral, Ocular, and Nasal Applications
A medicinal agent becomes a medication only after formulation suitable for therapeutic
use (i.e., in an appropriate dosage form). The dosage form takes into account the intended mode
of use and also ensures ease of handling (e.g., stability, precision of dosing) by patients and
physicians. Pharmaceutical technology is concerned with the design of suitable product
formulations and quality control.
Liquid preparations may take the form of solutions, suspensions (a sol or mixture
consisting of small water- insoluble solid drug particles dispersed in water), or emulsions
(dispersion of minute droplets of a liquid agent or a drug solution in another fluid, e.g., oil in
water). Since storage will cause sedimentation of suspensions and separation of emulsions,
solutions are generally preferred. In the case of poorly water soluble substances, solution is often
accomplished by adding ethanol (or other solvents); thus, there are both aqueous and alcoholic
solutions. These solutions are made available to patients in specially designed drop bottles,
enabling single doses to be measured exactly in terms of a defined number of drops, the size of
which depends on the area of the drip opening at the bottle mouth and on the viscosity and
surface tension of the solution. The advantage of a drop solution is that the dose, that is, the
number of drops, can be precisely adjusted to the patient‗s need. Its disadvantage lies in the
difficulty that some patients, disabled by disease or age, will experience in measuring a
prescribed number of drops. When the drugs are dissolved in a larger volume — as in the case of
syrups or mixtures — the single dose is measured with a measuring spoon. Dosing may also be
done with the aid of a tablespoon or teaspoon (approx. 15 and 5 ml, respectively). However, due
to the wide variation in the size of commercially available spoons, dosing will not be very
precise. (Standardized medicinal teaspoons and tablespoons are available.)
Eye drops and nose drops are designed for application to the mucosal surfaces of the
eye (conjunctival sac) and nasal cavity, respectively. In order to prolong contact time, nasal
drops are formulated as solutions of increased viscosity.
Solid dosage forms include tablets, coated tablets, and capsules. Tablets have a disk-
like shape, produced by mechanical compression of active substance, filler (e.g., lactose, calcium
sulfate), binder, and auxiliary material (excipients). The filler provides bulk enough to make the
tablet easy to handle and swallow. It is important to consider that the individual dose of many

drugs lies in the range of a few milligrams or less. In order to convey the idea of a 10-mg weight,
two squares are marked below, the paper mass of each weighing 10 mg. Disintegration of the
tablet can be hastened by the use of dried starch, which swells on contact with water, or of
NaHCO3, which releases CO2 gas on contact with gastric acid.
Auxiliary materials are important with regard to tablet production, shelf life, palatability,
and identifiability (color). Effervescent tablets (compressed effervescent powders) do not
represent a solid dosage form, because they are dissolved in water immediately prior to ingestion
and are, thus, actually, liquid preparations.
Answer the questions below:
1. What is Pharmaceutical technology?
2. What do not represent a solid dosage form?
3. How can disintegration of the tablet be hastened?
4. What do Solid dosage forms include?
5. What are designed for application to the mucosal surfaces of the eye (conjunctival sac)
and nasal cavity, respectively?
6. Kegiatan Belajar 5

6.1 Uraian dan contoh.
Bacalah Teks di bawah ini dengan seksama.
Tina has just passed her final test and has qualified as a secretary. She has been training
for three years in a Secretary Academy in Jakarta, and has worked hard. She always passes both
in written tests and in practice tests, and she does very well in all her secretarial tests every
semester. She types fast and efficiently. She learns correspondence, filling, stenography, taking
telephone call, organizing diary and work schedule, etc. Her instructors are proud of her. She
will graduate and start working in a shipping company next month. She was very happy after she
heard the good news yesterday.
(Adapted from Guided Composition Exercise)
a. Adverb adalah kata yang menerangkan verb, adjective, dan adverb yang lain. Adverb tidak
menerangkan Noun.

1) Adverb menerangkan verb (kata kerja). Contoh: She types efficiently.
Dalam contoh di atas adverb efficiently menerangkan verb types.
2) Adverb menerangkan adjective (kata sifat) Contoh: She was very happy.
Dalam contoh di atas adverb very menerangkan adjective happy.
3) Adverb menerangkan adverb yang lain. Contoh: She does very well in all her secretarial
tests. Dalam contoh di atas adverb very menerangkan adverb well.
b. Pembentukan Adverb
Dalam bahasa Inggris jumlah adverb banyak sekali dan sebagian besar berupa kata jadian.
Pembentukan adverb dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:
1) Sebagian besar adverb dibentuk dengan menambah akhiran – ly pada adjective.
Contoh: careful + ly  carefully
angry + ly  angrily
honest + ly  honestly
2) Sebagian adverb dibentuk dengan menambah akhiran – ally pada adjective tertentu.
Contoh: practical + ally  practically
accidental + ally  accidentally
intentional + ally  intentionally
3) Sejumlah adverb dibentuk dengan menambah awalan a pada kata benda tertentu.
Contoh : a + head  ahead
a + way  away
a + board  aboard
4) Sejumlah adverb dibentuk dengan menambah akhiran – wise
Contoh : length + wise  lengthwise
clock + wise  clockwise
5) Sejumlah adverb dibentuk dengan menambah akhiran ward (s)
Contoh : back + ward (s)  backward
fore + ward (s)  forward
6) Sejumlah adverb mempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan adjective. Adverb ini disebut
irregular adverb. Contoh: hard, fast, late, early, well.
c. Berdasarkan fungsinya dalam kalimat, adverb dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam beberapa

1) Adverb of manner (keterangan cara)
Adverb ini menerangkan bagaimana suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Adverb ini menjawab pertanyaan
Contoh: sweetly well quickly fast intentionally hard
Adverb ini biasanya ditempatkan setelah verb
Contoh: He walked fast She spoke determinedly
Kadang kala adverb ini ditempatkan setelah direct object (object langsung) jika terdapat satu
Contoh: She replied the question angrily
He drives his car carelessly
2) Adverb of time (keterangan waktu)
Adverb of time menyatakan kapan suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Adverb ini menjawab pertanyaan
Contoh: today, yesterday, before, next month, soon, recently
Adverb ini biasanya ditempatkan pada awal atau akhir kalimat.
Contoh: Yesterday I went shopping Tini will start working next week
3) Adverb of place (keterangan tempat)
Adverb of place menyatakan di mana suatu kegiatan dilakukan atau menyatakan keterangan
tempat. Adverb ini menjawab pertanyaan Where?
Contoh: here somewhere Jakarta there down everywhere
Adverb ini biasanya ditempatkan setelah kata kerja atau setelah obyek langsung bila terdapat
satu obyek.
Contoh: I looked everywhere. I found my key here.
4) Adverb of frequency
Adverb ini menerangkan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Adverb ini menjawab
pertanyaan How often?
Contoh: usually, sometimes, always, often, never, ever, just, nearly, seldom, rarely,
occasionally, frequently, already.
Adverb ini ditempatkan:
 Setelah kata kerja “to be”.
Contoh: He is often late for school.

 Sebelum kata kerja, apabila kata kerja terdiri dari satu kata.
Contoh: We usually arrive on time
 Sebelum kata kedua apabila kata kerja terdiri dari dua kata atau lebih.
Contoh: He will never catch up with us.
5) Adverb of degree
Adverb ini menerangkan degree/tingkatan seberapa jauh sesuatu kegiatan dilakukan. Adverb ini
menjawab pertanyaan To what extent? Adverb ini menerangkan adjective dan kata keterangan
lain. Ia tidak menerangkan kata kerja.
Contoh: almost rather quite too fairly very
Bila dalam suatu kalimat terdapat lebih dari satu Adverb, maka biasanya urutan posisi adverb
dalam kalimat adalah sebagai berikut:
manner ------- place ------- time

Contoh: Tina studies seriously in the library on weekends.

manner place time
Maria Carey sang her new album beautifully on TV last week.
manner place time
6.2 Latihan
Latihan 1
Tulislah semua adverb yang ada dalam kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini.
Contoh: Nomor 1 …efficiently.
Teruskan untuk nomor berikutnya.
1. The team does the work efficiently.
2. He arrived unexpectedly.
3. Tom always goes to work by car.
4. We arrived at the airport early.
5. Hurry up! You are so slow.
6. His business is going ahead.
7. I am looking forward to your replying.
8. The baby seldom cries during the night.

9. I don‘t quite understand what you mean.
10. She almost fell over as she came down the stairs.
Latihan 2
Sempurnakanlah kalimat di bawah ini dengan menuliskan bentuk adverb yang benar dari kata-
kata di dalam kurung.
Contoh: She walks (slow).  She walks slowly.
1. Please shut the door (quiet)
2. Why weren‘t you at home last night?
3. Drive (careful).
4. She speaks English. (perfect)
5. The trucks are (heavy) loaded.
6. I waited (nervous) in the waiting room before the interview.
7. Oh, I am (terrible) sorry. I didn‘t mean to push you.
8. Maria learns languages (incredible) quickly.
9. George‘s mother is (serious) ill in hospital.
10. The food is (extreme) good in

Latihan 3
Sisipkanlah adverbs yang ada di dalam kurung pada kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini.
Contoh: He studies hard (always)  He always studies hard.
1. I will be late home this evening (probably).
2. You really shouldn‘t go to bed late (so).
3. He doesn‘t understand what you mean (quite).
4. The traffic isn‘t as bad as it was this morning (usually).
5. It is a cheap restaurant (reasonably).
6. That boy is courageous (extremely).
7. Jack ever watches television (hardly).
8. I think I will go to bed tonight (early).
6.3 Rangkuman
Adverb adalah kata yang menerangkan verb, adjective, dan adverb lain. Adverb
menjawab pertanyaan How? When? Where?, dan To what extent? Jumlah adverb dalam bahasa

Inggris banyak, dan sebagian besar berasal dari kata jadian dengan penambahan akhiran tertentu
ke kata tertentu, dan untuk beberapa adverb ada yang terbentuk dengan menambah awalan a
pada kata tertentu. Di samping itu, sejumlah adverb mempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan
adjective dan adverb ini dinamakan irregular adverb. Contoh: hard, fast, late, well, early.
Berdasarkan fungsinya dalam kalimat adverb dapat dikelompokkan menjadi: adverb of manner,
adverb of time, adverb of place, adverb of frequency, dan adverb of degree. Apabila dalam suatu
kalimat terdapat lebih dari satu adverb, maka biasanya urutan posisi adverb adalah: manner,
place dan time.
6.4 Reading
Dosage Forms for Parenteral, Pulmonary, Rectal or Vaginal,
and Cutaneous Application
Drugs need not always be administered orally (i.e., by swallowing), but may also be
given parenterally. This route usually refers to an injection, although enteral absorption is also
by passed when drugs are inhaled or applied to the skin. For intravenous, intramuscular, or
subcutaneous injections, drugs are often given as solutions and, less frequently, in crystalline
suspension for intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intra articular injection. An injectable solution
must be free of infectious agents, pyrogens, or suspended matter. It should have the same
osmotic pressure and pH as body fluids in order to avoid tissue damage at the site of injection.
Solutions for injection are preserved in airtight glass or plastic sealed containers.
From ampules for multiple or single use, the solution is aspirated via a needle into a
syringe. The cartridge ampule is fitted into a special injector that enables its contents to be
emptied via a needle. An infusion refers to a solution being administered over an extended period
of time. Solutions for infusion must meet the same standards as solutions for injection. Drugs
can be sprayed in aerosol form onto mucosal surfaces of body cavities accessible from the
outside (e.g., the respiratory tract). An aerosol is a dispersion of liquid or solid particles in a gas,
such as air. An aerosol results when a drug solution or micronized powder is reduced to a spray
on being driven through the nozzle of a pressurized container. Mucosal application of drug via
the rectal or vaginal route is achieved by means of suppositories and vaginal tablets,
respectively. On rectal application, absorption into the systemic circulation may be intended.
With vaginal tablets, the effect is generally confined to the site of application. Usually the drug is

incorporated into a fat that solidifies at room temperature, but melts in the rectum or vagina. The
resulting oily film spreads over the mucosa and enables the drug to pass into the mucosa.
Powders, ointments, and pastes are applied to the skin surface. In many cases, these do
not contain drugs but are used for skin protection or care. However, drugs may be added if a
topical action on the outer skin or, more rarely, a systemic effect is intended.
Transdermal drug delivery systems are pasted to the epidermis. They contain a
reservoir from which drugs may diffuse and be absorbed through the skin. They offer the
advantage that a drug depot is attached noninvasively to the body, enabling the drug to be
administered in a manner similar to an infusion. Drugs amenable to this type of delivery must:
(1) be capable of penetrating the cutaneous barrier; (2) be effective in very small doses
(restricted capacity of reservoir); and (3) possess a wide therapeutic margin (dosage not
Answer the questions below!
1. What are applied to the skin surface?
2. Drugs amenable to Transdermal drug delivery systems must.................
3. Mucosal application of drug via the rectal or vaginal route is achieved by.........
4. What is an aerosol?
5. How do parental routes refer to?

7. Kegiatan Belajar 6

7.1 Uraian dan Contoh
Bacalah bacaan di bawah ini dengan seksama.
Martha is a cashier who works in a bank. Her working hours are 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
She earns $ 200 a week. She plays tennis with Joyce on weekends. In her spare time. She is
studying accounting, and she hopes to become a shop manageress in eight or ten years.
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Preposition?
a. Preposition atau kata depan adalah suatu kata perangkai yang mengawali kata benda atau
frase kata benda dan menunjukkan hubungan antara obyeknya dan kata-kata lain dalam suatu

kalimat. Setiap preposition mempunyai obyek, contoh: in a bank, to 5 p.m, with Joice, on
weekends, in her spare time, in eight year. Dalam contoh in a bank, kata in adalah preposition
dan kata bank adalah obyeknya. Preposition dengan obyeknya membentuk phrase (frase kata
depan). Jenis frase yang demikian biasanya berfungsi sebagai modifier (adjective or adverb)
Contoh: The report of the meeting was read (adjective)
Her working hours are from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (adverb)
b. Fungsi Preposition
1) Preposition berfungsi menunjukkan hubungan kata-kata benda atau juga kata ganti dan kata-
kata lainnya dalam sebuah kalimat. Contoh: (1) She plays tennis with Joyce on weekends.
Preposition with menghubungkan kata benda tennis dengan Joyce. (2) Martha is a cashier who
works in a bank. Preposition in menghubungkan kata kerja works dengan bank.
2) Preposition juga berfungsi memberi keterangan atas pertanyaan where?, what time?, how?,
Contoh: (1) Where is the key? It is on the table.
(2) How do you go to work? I go to work by bus .
c. Bentuk Preposition
Preposition dapat berbentuk satu kata (at, by, in) atau berbentuk frase yang berfungsi sebagai
satu kesatuan misalnya dua kata (according to, because of) dan tiga kata by means of, in front
d. Hubungan yang dinyatakan preposition:
Beberapa hubungan yang dinyatakan oleh preposition antara lain: Place (tempat) atau position
(posisi), direction (arah) time (waktu), manner (cara), dan agent (pelaku atau alat), purpose
(tujuan), possession (milik) dan quantity (jumlah).
Perhatikan Preposition dan contoh kalimat di bawah ini.
No. Indicating Preposition Examples
1 Time at The class starts at 7 am.
in The train will arrive in an hour.
on She plays tennis on Saturday.
for They stayed for a week.
around I will pick you up around 7 o‘clock.
after Call me after 9 o‘clock.

before He always sleeps before midnight.
by Marry will get home by five o‘clock.
from to She work from eight to five o‘clock.
during At rained a lot during February.
within/in We finished the job within two hours.
since We haven‘t met her since March.
Place/Position at Jane is at school.
on Please sit on the sofa.
over A plane flew over the lake.
under The pen is under the table.
below Andri‘s grade is below average.
underneath She put the letter underneath a book.
near He is sitting near the window.
next to The school is next to the church.
beside Mina sat beside her brother.
between Martha sat between George and Jack.
opposite They walked in opposite direction.
Direction up-down He climbed up (down) the hall.
toward She walked toward the bank.
around They are jogging around the park.
through We took is walk through the park.
into I walked into the hall.
out of They ran out of the class.
Purpose For I went to the store for milk
Association Of The renovation of building is almost completed.
Manner by She ran got to Bogor by train.
on He went on foot (horseback).
in They came here in a taxi.
with She greeted us with a smile.
like Judy walked like on old man.
Agent or by The book was written by Shakespeare.

Instrument with They open the bottle with a bottle opener.
Quantitiy By Fish is sold by kilo (per kilo).
Distance For They ran for miles
Di samping itu ada kata-kata tertentu yang harus memakai preposition tertentu, misalnya:
Preposition after verbs
About complain, talk;
at glance, laugh, look, smile, stare;
of consist, smell, approve, remind, beware;
off cross, drop, take, turn, dream, speak, talk, think, advise, remind;
of or about warn;
for call, hope, look, pray, wait, watch, wish, ask, care, blame, forgive, substitute;
to consent, listen, object, point, reply, respond, subscribe;
on, up (on) depend, agree, insist, rely, put, try on, take, turn;
with deal, interfere, agree;
from differ, escape, recover, retire;
in believe, confide, consist;
for or against declare, demonstrate, vote;
againts struggle, rebel;
out figure, take, bring, put, point, carry, check, cross, cheer;
into turn;
over rule;
up bring, call, pick, look, give.
Prepositions after adjective
from absent, different;
for good, enough, grateful, responsible, famous;
in successful, interested;
with consistent, gentle, content, patient, delighted, familiar, happy, satisfied;
(up)on dependent;
about careful, happy;
of afraid, beware, certain, composed, fond, full, glad, guilty, proud, worthy, aware, jealous, thoughtful;

to essential, faithful, friendly, relevant, generous, kind, polite, rude, sensitive;

by frightened;
Daftar Kombinasi Tambahan Lainnya Antara Lain
become of = befall or happen to get through with = be finished with
catch on = understand go through = search or look through
catch up with = overtake happen to = befall or become of
come along with = accompany keep up with = maintain a standard
check out of = leave (a hotel) look down on = regard as interior
check up on = investigate look in on = pay a brief visit to
drop in on = visit informally look up to = admire
drop out of = discontinue attendance ―or participation look forward to = anticipate
get along with = cooperate, come along with. run across = come across, meet by chance
get behind in = fall behind in see about = find out about
get through = manage to finish talk back to = answer rudely
wait on = serve
7.2 Latihan
Latihan 1
Isilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan preposition: on, in, for, by, during.
Contoh: He has lived in Bandung …… 1990
He has lived in Bandung since 1990.
1. We met a lot of interesting people … our holiday.
2. They watched television…two hours last night.
3. The children are playing … the part.
4. Did you come here … car or on foot.
5. Mary is sitting … sofa in the living room.
Latihan 2
Isilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan preposition: at, into, from-to, with tender.
1. I opened the door and went ... the room
2. Tom left school…the age of 16.
3. The paper is … the desk.
4. It takes three days to drive … Jakarta …Medan
5. She greeted …a smile
Latihan 3
Lingkarilah preposition yang tepat dalam kurung pada paragraph di bawah ini.

Jim was walking (across, over) the campus (in, at) noon when he met a friend whom he had not
seen (since, during) summer. They stoped (in front of, around) the gymnasium and sat down (in,
on) the steps. After they had talked (for, during) about ten minutes, Jim said, “I must go (toward,
to) the library and take out some books. I have a test in history (in, on) Friday. I am living (to,
in) Jefferson Hall this semester. Why don‟t you drop by some afternoon (over, after) classes?”
Latihan 4
Isilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan preposition on, up, against, to, about.
1. Jones subscribes … several newspapers.
2. Are you going to buy it? It depends …the price.
3. He loves complaining. He complains … Everything.
4. Michael knocked her head …the window.
5. Can you pick me … about 4:30.
7.3 Rangkuman
Preposition (kata depan) adalah suatu kata perangkai yang mengawali kata benda atau
frase kata benda. Setiap Preposition mempunyai obyek. Preposition ditambah obyek membentuk
prepositional phrase. Preposition berfungsi menunjukkan hubungan kata benda atau kata ganti,
dan kata-kata lainnya dalam sebuah kalimat. Di samping itu, preposition juga berfungsi memberi
jawaban atas pertanyaan where, what time, dan how. Preposition dapat berbentuk satu kata, dua
kata, atau tiga kata.
7.4. Reading
Drug Administration by Inhalation
Inhalation in the form of an aerosol, a gas, or a mist permits drugs to be applied to the
bronchial mucosa and, to a lesser extent, to the alveolar membranes. This route is chosen for
drugs intended to affect bronchial smooth muscle or the consistency of bronchial mucus.
Furthermore, gaseous or volatile agents can be administered by inhalation with the goal of
alveolar absorption and systemic effects (e.g., inhalational anesthetics).
Aerosols are formed when a drug solution or micronized powder is converted into a mist
or dust, respectively. In conventional sprays (e.g., nebulizer), the air blast required for aerosol
formation is generated by the stroke of a pump. Alternatively, the drug is delivered from a
solution or powder packaged in a pressurized canister equipped with a valve through which a

metered dose is discharged. During use, the inhaler (spray dispenser) is held directly in front of
the mouth and actuated at the start of inspiration.
The effectiveness of delivery depends on the position of the device in front of the mouth,
the size of aerosol particles, and the coordination between opening of the spray valve and
inspiration. The size of aerosol particles determines the speed at which they are swept along by
inhaled air, hence the depth of penetration into the respiratory tract.
Drug deposited on the mucous lining of the bronchial epithelium is partly absorbed and
partly transported with bronchial mucus towards the larynx. Bronchial mucus travels upwards
due to the orally directed undulatory beat of the epithelial cilia. Physiologically, this mucociliary
transport functions to remove inspired dust particles. Thus, only a portion of the drug aerosol (10
%) gains access to the respiratory tract and just a fraction of this amount penetrates the mucosa,
whereas the remainder of the aerosol undergoes mucociliary transport to the laryngopharynx and
is swallowed.
The advantage of inhalation (i.e., localized application) is fully exploited by using drugs
that are poorly absorbed from the intestine (isoproterenol, ipratropium, cromolyn) or are subject
to first-pass elimination (beclomethasone dipropionate, budesonide, flunisolide, fluticasone
dipropionate). Even when the swallowed portion of an inhaled drug is absorbed in unchanged
form, administration by this route has the advantage that drug concentrations at the bronchi will
be higher than in other organs.
The efficiency of mucociliary transport depends on the force of kinociliary motion and
the viscosity of bronchial mucus. Both factors can be altered pathologically (e.g., in smoker‘s
cough, bronchitis) or can be adversely affected by drugs (atropine, antihistamines).
Answer the questions below
1. How does The efficiency of mucociliary transport depends on?
2. What does permit drugs to be applied to the bronchial mucosa and, to a lesser extent, to
the alveolar membranes?
3. Aerosols are formed when a drug solution or micronized powder is converted into......
4. What is the example of conventional sprays?
5. What is the the advantage of inhalation?

8. Tes Formatif
8.1. Tes Formatif 1
Tes 1
Lengkapilah kalimat berikut dengan countable noun (singular dan plural) atau uncountable noun
yang tepat.
Contoh: Two …(student) were late today.
Two students were late today.
I had fried … (rice) for breakfast this morning
I had fried rice for breakfast this morning
1. Jack was … (glass) because he has poor eyesight.
2. Outside my window, I can see a lot of… (tree, grass, and flower).
3. I have been in Bali three … (time).
4. I have spent a lot of… (time) in Bali.
5. I receive several… (letter).
6. Jake has a lot of… (homework).
7. He wants to visit other …(city) before she returns to his country.
8. She bought some … (shirt, and dress).
9. He posseses many fine … (quality).
10. The … (child) are playing in the yard.
11. She ate two …(slice) of bread.
12. Europe has four …(season).
13. The company set some … (criterion) to pass the test.
14. Money can‘t buy… (happiness).
15. The … (apple) that I picked up were not yet ripe.
8.2 Tes Formatif 2
Test 1
Gantilah pronoun dengan kata-kata yang bercetak miring.
Contoh: Mary is studying her lesson with John.
She is studying her lesson with John

The boy is reading the novel
He is reading it
1. All of the students enjoy baseball very much.
2. The women are talking about the party
3. John, Frank and I are studying the new words now.
4. His friends always enjoy his jokes very much.
5. Do Bill and you read that newspaper every morning?
6. The man is moving the furniture into the other room.
7. These people need the money as soon as possible.
8. That fellow understands the lesson completely.
Tes 2
Gantilah possessive pronoun dengan kata-kata dalam tanda kurung untuk setiap kalimat di bawah
Contoh: Those cigarettes on the table are (my cigarettes)
Those cigarettes on the table are mine.
1. Are all of these papers (your papers)?
2. That book is (my book).
3. Those are (her pictures).
4. Their house and (our house) are both on the same block.
5. Is this book (your book)?
6. That big white house on the corner is (their house).
7. All of these magazines are (their magazines).
8. That red car is in front of (your car) or (John‘s car).
Tes 3
Lengkapilah kalimat ini dengan menggunakan reflexive pronoun yang tepat.
Contoh: He …answered the phone, not his secretary.
He himself answered the phone, not his secretary.
1. I can‘t help you, Bob. You‘ll have to solve your problem by …
2. You may think Stan is telling the truth, but I… don‘t believe him.
3. Jane didn‘t join the rest of us. She sat in the back of the room by …
4. It is important for all of us to be honest with …

5. He looked at …in the mirror.
6. You …have to make that decision, Ann. No one can make it for you.
7. They have repaired the house …
8. The teacher wanted us to settle the dispute …
8.3 Tes Formatif 3
Tes 1
Tulislah kata kerja di dalam kurung ke dalam bentuk: 1. present; 2. past; 3. past participle tanpa
menulis seluruh kalimat.
Contoh: a) I (do) my homework.
did (past)
done (participle)
Contoh: b) I (did) my homework
 do (present)
 done (past participle)
Contoh: c) I have (done) my homework
 do (present)
 did (past)
1. The farmers (grow) apples in the fields.
2. Dina (drive) her car to campus.
3. They (make) a trip to Bali.
4. Mr. Harris (teach) English.
5. Julia (take) a course in statistics.
6. The children (watch) TV.
7. We (go) there.
8. He (bring) my book back.
9. She (make) a mistake.
10. I (speak) to her about it.
11. They (study) that lesson.
12. They (eat) dinner at the restaurant
13. He (enjoy) her classes at the university.
14. Someone (steal) his wallet.

15. Rina (see) that picture.
8.4 Tes Formatif 4
Tes 1
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan kata sifat yang tepat dari daftar kata-kata di bawah
fragrant many nervous late upset
heavy boring interested critical good
Contoh: Julie‟s mother is ….in the hospital
Julie‟s mother is ill in the hospital
1. Ann seemed … this morning. Do you know what was wrong?
2. What beautiful flowers! They smell…too.
3. Are you …in politics.
4. Jane‘s job is … she doesn‘t enjoy it anymore.
5. Michael is a … pianist.
6. That professor is usually… of our assignments.
7. Gary was…during the interview.
8. Because of the economic crisis, this company dismissed … employees.
9. We didn‘t go out last night because of the …rain.
10. The rain to Yogyakarta was …for an hour yesterday.
Test 2
Berilah bentuk adjective yang tepat dari kata yang terdapat dalam tanda kurung untuk
melengkapi kalimat-kalimat ini.
Contoh : John… (tall) than Jack
John is taller than Jack
1. The problem is…(simple) than you think.
2. You look …(thin) than when I last saw you.
3. He is one of the … (rich) men in the town.
4. It is the…(valuable) painting in the gallery.
5. This paper is…(good) than your last one.
6. Of all the candidates, Jimmy is probably the … (small) qualified.
7. Jakarta is the…(large) of all Indonesian cities.

8. The electric bill which we receive was the ... (high).
9. Please put …(much) sugar in my coffee than you did yesterday
10. The climate in Puncak is ... (cold) than that of Jakarta.
8.5 Tes Formatif 5
Tes 1
Sempurnakanlah kalimat ini dengan memilih salah satu adverb dalam daftar di bawah ini sesuai
dengan kata tanya di dalam kurung.
last Sunday at the basket ball game scientifically
usually hard extremely at the cafeteria
accidentally sometimes quite patiently
Contoh: John is … (how often) late from school
John issometimes late from school
1. The teacher explained the lesson…(how) twice over.
2. I found your address … (to what extent) easily.
3. We had an exciting time on the beach….(when).
4. I …(how often) pass the post office on my way out.
5. I waited for him for fifteen minutes …(where)
6. He knocked her head on the window…(how)
7. There was an …(to what extent) horrible accident
8. We cheered the winners … (where)
9. The new government worked …(how) to improve the economic condition.
10. Work in mathematics should always be done …(how).
Tes 2
Tulislah bentuk adverb yang tepat dari kata-kata di dalam kurung.
Contoh: I went out after ate my dinner (quick)
1. When I heard the news, I called Tom (immediate).
2. I haven‘t see John (late).
3. He walks (down) the hill to town once in a week.
4. He wake up very (late) this morning.
5. Tom can sing very (well).

6. The doctor checks the patient (careful).
7. The film is (quite) exciting.
8. Dinner will start (exact) at 6 p.m., so please be punctual.
9. I (frequent) drink coffee in the morning.
10. Don‘t take us (serious), I was only joking.
Tes 3
Susunlah bagian-bagian kalimat ini ke dalam urutan yang tepat.
Contoh: (he won/easily/the game)
He won the game easily
1. (football/every weekend/does Kan play?).
2. (quietly/the window/I closed).
3. (recently/to the theatre/have you been?).
4. (tennis/very much/Jim likes).
5. (to the bank/every Friday/I go).
6. (continuously/for three days/it rained).
7. (very well/English/Ann speaks).
8. (on Saturday night/at the party/I didn‘t see you).
9. (completely/everything/had changed).
10. (colorfully dressed/at the party/everybody was very).

8.6. Tes Formatif 6
Tes 1
Isilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan preposition: like, around, next to, over, among, with,
as, about, above, by.
1. Let‘s take a walk … the park.
2. Lily sat …Sandy at the meeting last week.
3. A plane flew…their house at noon.
4. We heard the news…your promotion from Hendrik.
5. You score on the examination is well… average.
6. The first speech will be given…Mr. Utomo.
7. It looks …a nice day.
8. Rina takes a temporary job… a salesgirl.
9. Would rather write… a pen or pencil?
10. The teacher asked the students to settle their argument …themselves.
Tes 2
Isilah kalimat di bawah ini dengan preposition : from, to, over, for, on, of, out of, with, by, dan in.
1. The garment workers are asking …an increase in wages.
2. He has just recovered …his illness.
3. You can rely…Thomas. He always keeps his promise
4. Shally objected … John‘s invitation.
5. Mr. Peter has ruled…the company for 5 years.
6. Jane is interested …gardening.
7. Mary was satisfied … the result of her test.
8. That child was frightened … the dark
9. Water is composed … hydrogen and oxygen.
10. Rudy dropped … school last semester.
10. Umpan Balik dan Tindak Lanjut
Cocokkanlah jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban Tes Formatif yang terdapat di bagian akhir
bab ini dan hitunglah jumlah jawaban Anda yang benar untuk tiap bagian. Kemudian gunakan
rumus di bawah ini untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi

Kegiatan Belajar.
Jumlah jawaban Anda yang benar
Tingkat penguasaan = ------------------------------------------ x 100%
Jumlah butir soal
Arti tingkat penguasaan yang Anda capai:
90%- 100% = baik sekali
80%- 89% = baik
70%- 79% = sedang
- 69% = kurang
Kalau Anda mencapai tingkat penguasaan 80% atau lebih, Anda dapat meneruskan dengan
Kegiatan Belajar berikutnya. BAGUS! Tetapi kalau nilai Anda di bawah 80%, Anda harus
mengulangi Kegiatan Belajar tersebut, terutama yang belum Anda kuasai.


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