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Drama Pengorbanan Seorang Ibu

Suatu hari, disebuah daerah perkampungan terdapat keluarga sederhana dengan

beranggotakan 4 orang. Si bapak seorang kepala keluarga bekerja sebagai petani, sedangkan
si Ibu bekerja sebagai tukang cuci. Mereka memiliki 2 orang anak, si sulung adalah laki-laki
yang duduk dikelas 1 SMP, sedangkan yang bungsu duduk dikelas 5 SD.

Ibu : ayo, bangun anak-anak sudah pagi. Nanti terlambat pergi kesekolah

Anak-anak : (tetap tertidur)

Ibu : (Membangunkan) ayoo bangun anak-anak, itu sarapan sudah ibu siapkan.

Anak-anak : baik bu.... (sembari pergi ke kamar mandi)

Setelah itu saat makan...

Ibu : anak-anak makannya dihabiskan ya, biar nanti belajarnya semangat

Bapak : benar bu, karna sarapan itu penting.

Anak-anak : iya pak,buu... masakan ibu enak sekali. Pasti dihabiskan kok 

Bapak : nah, sudah selesai makan anak-anak? Ayo bapak antarkan kesekolah.

Anak-anak : sudah pak, ayo..

Ibu : tunggu sebentar anak-anak, ini ibu berikan uang saku kalian, maaf ya nak ibu

tidak bisa memberi banyak-banyak(sembari memberikan)

Anak-anak : tidak apa-apa bu, terima kasih ya bu.. berangkat ya bu. Assalamu’alaykum

(sambil menyalam ibunya)

Ibu : wa’alaykumsalam. Hati-hati dijalan ya pak, nak...

Bapak&anak : baik bu..

Begitulah pagi hari dalam rumah, keluarga yang memiliki anak penurut dan beretika baik.
Kehidupan keluarga sederhana itu sangat bahagia. Suatu ketika, di warung saat si ibu ingin

Tetangga : assalamu’alaykum bu... wahh mau belanja apa hari ini?

Ibu : wa’ayalkumsalam, tempe dan tahu bu. Ibu sendiri mau belanja apa?

Tetangga : saya mau beli ikan bu. Beruntung ya bu, punya anak yang pada nurut dan

mengerti dengan kondisi orangtuanya.

Ibu : alhamdulillah, iya bu saya bersyukur sekali.

Tetangga : saya pulang duluan ya bu

Ibu : iya bu.........

Setelah sampainya dirumah, si ibu mempersiapkan masakan dan bergegas untuk bekerja.

Tepat pukul 13.00 si anak pulang sekolah, tak seperti pergi sekolah, mereka pulang sekolah
tidak dijemput oleh bapak melainkan menaiki angkutan umum.

Sesampainya mereka dirumah terlihat rumah masih terkunci, tetapi mereka memiliki kunci
cadangan untuk membuka pintu.

Tak lama kemudian, si ibu pulang dari bekerja. Terlihat wajah si ibu yang lesu dan sangat

Anak sulung : ibu lelah ya? Sini bu biar saya pijitin kakinya...

Ibu : iya nak, terima kasih. Kaki ibu sakit

Anak sulung : enakkan bu pijatan saya?

Ibu : hehe... iya nak

Anak bungsu : bu, kita makan siang bersama-sama yukk....... biar saya yang hidangkan.

Pasti ibu masaknya enak.

Bapak : assalamu’alaykum....

Ibu : wa’alaykumsalam ... wahh bapak sudah pulang, ayoo pak kita makan


Saat Makan...

Ibu : hari ini kita hanya bisa makan ikan asin dan tempe goreng nak...

Anak-anak : iya bu, yang seperti ini saja sudah nikmat. Apalagi kalau ibu yang masak

kami suka sekali

Ibu : alhamdulillah.....

Begitulah potret keluarga sederhana itu, setiap harinya terasa nikmat walau hanya dengan
seadanya. Yang terpenting bagi mereka adalah rasa kebersamaan dan syukur. Bahkan
tetangga menyanjung kisah keluarga ini.

Namun, hal itu mulai memudar pada saat si anak sulung memasuki Sekolah Menengah Atas
(SMA). Sifat dan perlakuannya terhadap keluarga berubah. Bahkan kepada sang ibu.
Suatu hari sepulang sekolah..........

Anak sulung : bu.. minta uang dong!

Ibu : masuk rumah salam dulu nak...

Anak sulung : yaaa... assalamu’alaykum.. cepat dong buu.. minta uang!

Ibu : wa’alaykumsalam, tadi pagikan sudah dikasih bapak nak. Buat apa lagi?

Anak sulung : kurang lah buk.... (sedikit membentak). Aku mau main warnet

Ibu : buat apa nak.. itu hal yang sia-sia.

Anak sulung : ah.. ibu pelit! Aku minta smartphone tidak dikasih. Minta duit buat main

warnet juga tidak boleh.

Ibu : nak.. sabar ya, ibu dan bapak belum mampu membelikannya dan ibu lagi

tidak memegang uang sekarang.

Anak sulung : ah... ibu sabar mulu... bosan aku jadi orang miskin.

Ibu : astagfirullah... kamu kok seperti itu nak..

Anak sulung : pokoknya aku cari uangnya! (sambil mencari ke kamar si ibu) nah.. inikan
ada bu.. pelit sekali.
Ibu : jangan nak.. itu uang untuk kita belanja besok.
Anak sulung : aku tidak mau tau buk, pokoknya aku mau main warnet.
Anak bungsu : kak.. jangan kasar seperti itu sama ibu. Kakak kok berubah yaa..!
Anak sulung : apa kalian? Masih anak-anak tidak usah ikut campur. Iya aku bosan jadi
orang miskin terus, malu sama teman.
Ibu : (mencoba mengambil uang ditangan anak sulung)
Anak sulung : (menolak si ibu sampai jatuh)
Ibu : astagfirullah..... (sambil menangis)
Anak sulung : pergi aku ya bu..
Anak bungsu : (sambil menopah ibu bangkit) bu.. ibu yang sabar yaa..
Ibu : iya nak...
Hingga pada malam harinya....
Bapak : assalamu’alaykum.......
Ibu & anak : wa’alaykumsalam pak
Bapak : loh kok hanya bertiga? Kakakmu mana?
Anak bungsu : tadi kakak katanya mau pergi bermain warnet. Sampai memaksa ibu kasih
Bapak : astagfirullah.. kelewatan! Nanti bapak akan tegur dia.
Jam 22.00 saat si anak sulung pulang kerumah.. bapakpun menegurnya...
Bapak : dari mana saja kamu?
Anak sulung : main.
Bapak : kenapa jam segini pulangnya?
Anak sulung : terserahku lah pak..
Bapak : kamu itu ya.. sopan. Mau jadi brandalan kamu? Rusak masa depanmu.
(hampir ingin menampar)
Ibu : (menahan)
Anak sulung : aku itu malu pak, bu.. temanku semua punya smartphone. Aku tidak punya.
Ibu : iya nak.. besok ibu usahan beli
Bapak : uang dari mana bu?
Ibu : sudah bapak tenang saja.
Anak sulung : nah.. begitu lah buk.
Ke esokan paginya si ibu mencari rentenir untuk mendapat pinjaman uang agar bisa
membelikan smartphone si anak sulung....
Suatu pagi di tempat tukang sayur keliling...
Ibu : bu, kira-kira tau tidak rentenir yang bisa pinjam uang?
Tetangga : ohh.. ada bu, di jalan denai itu ada. Ibu mau pinjam uang banyak ya? Buat
Ibu : anak saya minta smartphone..
Tetangga : anak sulung ibu? Iya saya lihat kemarin dia pulang malam-malam, kok
berubah ya??
Ibu : (sedih) saya duluan ya bu...
Tetangga : iya bu..
Akhirnya pun si ibu mendapat pinjaman dari seorang rentenir, pada saat itu pun si ibu
langsung membelikan smartphone canggih kepada anak sulungnya....
Ibu : assalamu’alaykum..
Bapak & anak : wa’alaykumsalam , ibu kenapa lama sekali pulangnya?
Ibu : iya pak, tadi ibu meminjam uang dan membelikan smartphone.. (sambil
menyerahkannya kepada anak sulung)
Anak sulung : wahh... mantap ini bu.. begini lah, kenapa tidak dari kemarin-kemarin saja.
Bapak : sopan kamu! Bukannya terima kasih. Ibu sudah berkorban untuk
mendapatkan itu.
Seperti itulah pengorbanan seorang ibu yang rela meminjam uang kepada rentenir yang
akibatnya ia bekerja keras untuk mengembalikannya, hamoir setiap hari si rentenir menangih
bahkan mengancam. Semua ini dilakukannya demi akanya..
Suatu pagi...
Rentenir : bu.. mana uang yang ibu pinjam?
Ibu : maaf pak, saya belum punya uang. Tolong beri saya keinganan.
Rentenir : tidak bisa bu, saya bisa polisikan ibu!
Ibu : pak tolong jangan... nanti saya lunaskan...
Sampai pada akhirnya si ibu dijemput polisi dan masuk penjara.
Tetangga 1 : wahh.. Ada apa itu? Sampai ada polisi?
Tetangga 2 : iya bu, karena ibu itu tidak bisa bayar pinjaman di rentenir. Kadang
berbahaya ya bu... minjam direntenir.
Tetangga 1 : iya bu
Terlihat bapak dan anak bungsu sangat merasa terpukul dan sedih. Namun tidak terlihat pada
anak sulung. Dia lebih mementingkan gamenya. Dia asik bermain game.
Sampai akhirnya pada suatu pagi.......
Anak sulung : bu... sarapan kok tidak ada?
Anak bungsu : kak, ibu lagi dipenjara.
Anak sulung : (kaget) oh iya, kamulah yang masak!
Anak bungsu : aku tidak bisa masak kak. Ini semua gara-gara kakak. Ibu jadi dipenjara.
Kasihan ibu kak (sedih)......
Anak sulung : (sambil luluh) sudah, kakak pergi sekolah dulu..
Sampai pada akhirnya si anak sulung pun tersadar, setelah pulang sekolah ia mencari kerja
dan bekerja keras untuk menembus biaya sang ibu dipenjara. 1 bulan berlalu, akhirnya si ibu
dapat dibebaskan.
Anak sulung : bu.. saya minta maaf bu.. sudah durhaka terhadap ibu..
Ibu : iya nak... sudah ibu maafkan...
Akhirnya keluarga tersebut berkumpul kembali dan bahagia....
A Mother's Sacrifice Drama
One day, in a village area there is a simple family with 4 members. The father of a head of
the family works as a farmer, while the mother works as a washerwoman. They have 2
children, the eldest is a man who sits in the class 1 junior high, while the youngest sat in 5
elementary school.
Mother: come on, wake up the kids already morning. Late going to school
Children: (stay asleep)
Mother: (Wake up) let's wake up the kids, that's breakfast the mother has prepared.
Children: well bu .... (while going to the bathroom)
After that when eating ...
Mother: the children eat it is spent yes, let me learn the spirit
Bapak: really bu, because breakfast is important.
Children: yes sir, buu ... delicious mother cooking. It must be spent
Father: well, already finished eating the children? Come on let's go to school.
Children: it's pack, come on ..
Mother: wait a minute children, this mother give your pocket money, sorry ya nak mother
can not give a lot (while giving)
Children: it's okay bu, thanks ya bu .. leave ya bu. Assalamu'alaykum
(while greeting his mother)
Mother: wa'alaykumsalam. Be careful on the road yes sir, nak ...
Father & son: good bu ..
That is the morning in the house, the family with the child obedient and ethical good. Simple
family life is very happy. Once upon a time, in the shop when the mother wants to shop ...
Neighbors: assalamu'alaykum bu ... wahh what are you shopping for today?
Mother: wa'ayalkumsalam, tempe and tahu bu. Mother want to what shopping?
Neighbors: I want to buy bu fish. Lucky yes ma'am, have a child who on and
understand the condition of his parents.
Mother: alhamdulillah, yes sir I am very grateful.
Neighbors: I go home first ya bu

Mother: yes ma ...

Upon arriving home, the mother prepares the dishes and rushes to work.

Exactly at 13.00 the child came home from school, not like going to school, they come home
from school not picked up by father but ride public transport.

When they got home, the house was still locked, but they had a spare key to open the door.

Soon the mother came home from work. Visible face of the mother who is lethargic and very

Firstborn: tired mother huh? Here bu let me massage his legs ...

Mother: yes son, thank you. Mother's feet hurt

Eldest child: feel my massage?

Mother: hehe ... yes son

The youngest child: bu, we have lunch together yukk ....... let me serve.

Surely the mother cooks well.

Father: assalamu'alaykum ....

Mother: wa'alaykumsalam ... wahh father has come home, ayoo sir we eat


When eating...

Mother: today we can only eat salted fish and fried tempe nak ...

Children: yes, ma'am, this one is delicious. Especially if mothers are ripe

we love it

Mother: alhamdulillah .....

That simple family portrait, every day feels good though only with sober. The most important
thing for them is a sense of togetherness and gratitude. Even the neighbors flatter this family

However, it begins to fade as the eldest child enters high school. The nature and treatment of
the family changed. Even to the mother.
One day after school ..........

Firstborn: bu .. ask for money dong!

Mother: go home first greeting nak ...

Firstborn: yaaa ... assalamu'alaykum .. fast dong buu .. ask for money!

Mother: wa'alaykumsalam, earlier have been given papa father father. What else?

Firstborn: less is the book .... (a little snarl). I want to play the cafe

Mother: what's that kid .. that's a waste of things.

Firstborn: ah .. a stingy mother! I'm asking for a smartphone not being given. Ask for money
to play

internet cafe also should not be.

Mother: son .. patiently yes, mother and father have not been able to buy her and mother

not holding money now.

Eldest son: ah ... mother patiently mulu ... bored me so poor.

Mother: astagfirullah ... you really like that boy ..

Firstborn: I just want the money! (while looking into the mother's room) nah .. inikan

there bu .. stingy once.

Mother: no boy .. it's money for us to shop tomorrow.

Firstborn: I do not want to know the book, I just want to play the cafe.

The youngest child: kak .. do not be rude like that same mother. Sister really changed yaa ..!

Firstborn: are you guys? Still kids do not have to interfere. Yeah I'm so bored

the poor continue, ashamed of friends.

Mother: (trying to get money in the hands of the eldest son)

Firstborn: (refuses the mother to fall)

Mother: astagfirullah ..... (while crying)

Firstborn: go me yes bu ..

The youngest child: (while waiting for the mother to rise) bu .. the patient mother ..

Mother: yes na ...

Until at night ....

Father: assalamu'alaykum .......

Mother & son: wa'alaykumsalam pak

Father: loh kok only three? Where's your brother?

The youngest child: his brother had said he wanted to go to the cafe. To force my mother to


Father: astagfirullah .. too much! Later father will scold him.

22:00 hours when the eldest son went home .. bapakpun admonished him ...

Father: where have you been?

Firstborn: play.

Father: why is this hour back?

Eldest son: it's up to me sir

Father: you are so ... polite. Want to be your brandalan? Damage your future.

(almost wanting to slap)

Mother: (withhold)

Firstborn: I was embarrassed sir, bu .. my friends all have smartphones. I do not have.

Mother: iya nak .. tomorrow mothers usahan buy

Father: money from where bu?

Mother: I have been calm.

Firstborn: well .. so is the book.

To the next morning the mother is looking for a loan shark to get a loan of money to be able
to buy the oldest child's smartphone.

One morning at the handyman's cooking place ...

Mother: ma'am, do you think it's not loan sharks who can borrow money?

Neighbors: ohh .. there bu, on the road there denai. I want to borrow a lot of money huh?

Mother: my son asked for a smartphone ..

Neighbors: mother's eldest son? Yeah I saw yesterday he came home at night, really

changed yes ??

Mother: (sadly) I am first ya bu ...

Neighbors: yes ma ..

Finally, the mother gets a loan from a loan shark, at that moment even the mother
immediately bought a sophisticated smartphone to his eldest son ....

Mother: assalamu'alaykum ..

Father & son: wa'alaykumsalam, mother why long to go home?

Mom: yes sir, the mother borrowed the money and bought a smartphone .. (while

leave it to the eldest son)

Eldest son: wahh ... steady this bu .. like this, why not from yesterday only yesterday.

Father: you are polite! Not thank you. Mom has sacrificed for

get it.

Such is the sacrifice of a mother who is willing to borrow money to the loan shark which
consequently he works hard to return it, hamoir every day the loan sharks even threaten. All
this is done for the sake of ..

One morning...

Moneylenders: bu .. where is the money borrowed?

Mother: sorry sir, I do not have any money yet. Please give me the keinganan.

Moneylenders: can not bu, I can policikan mother!

Mother: sir please do not ... I'll pay you back ...

Until finally the mother was picked up by the police and went to jail.

Neighbor 1: wahh .. What's up? Until there is a cop?

Neighbor 2: yes, because the mother can not pay the loan at the loan shark. Sometimes

dangerous yes bu ... minjam is distorted.

Neighbor 1: yes ma'am

Seen the father and the youngest child felt very upset and sad. But not seen in the eldest son.
He is more concerned with the game. He is cool to play games.

Until finally one morning .......

Eldest child: bu ... breakfast no kok?

The youngest child: kak, mother again imprisoned.

Firstborn: (shocked) oh yeah, you're the cook!

The youngest child: I can not cook. It's all because of my sister. Mom gets jailed.

Poor mother kak (sad) ......

Eldest son: (while melting) already, brother went to school first ..

Until finally the eldest son awakened, after school he sought work and worked hard to break
the cost of the mother imprisoned. 1 month passed, finally the mother can be released.

Eldest son: bu .. i apologize bu .. already ungodly against mother ..

Mother: yes son ... I'm sorry ...

Finally the family reunited and happy ....

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