Anda di halaman 1dari 35

1. Metode elektromagnetik yang umum digunakan dalam eksplorasi panas bumi yaitu?

Jawaban : magnetotellurik
2. Sebutkan parameter dalam metode Leverett (J-function)!
Jawaban : Pc = tekanan kapiler
Φ = Porositas
σ = Tegangan permukaan
k = Permeabilitas
3. Jelaskan tujuan dilakukannya LOT pada operasi pemboran!
Jawaban : Leak Off Test tujuannya untuk mengetahui berapa besar tekanan rekah formasi.
4. Sebutkan salah satu cara menurunkan pressure loss di tubing!
Jawaban : Menurunkan densitas fluida
Menurunkan kecepatan fluida di tubing
Membesarkan ukuran tubing
5. Perbandingan antara volume gas pada tekanan tertentu dengan volume gas tersebut apabila
berperilaku seperti gas ideal pada kondisi yang sama, disebut dengan?
Jawaban : Faktor deviasi gas (Z)
6. CSEM adalah salah satu metode geofisika, apa kepanjangan dari CSEM? Jawaban : Controlled
Source Electro Magnetic
7. Apa kegunaan VDL (Variable Density Log)?
Jawaban : untuk mengevaluasi ikatan antara semen dengan formasi dan semen dengan casing
8. Apa kepanjangan dari POOH dalam istilah drilling?
Jawaban : Pull Out Of Hole
9. Salah satu cara penanggulangan paraffin secara mekanis di dalam pipeline yaitu dengan
Jawaban : pigging atau scrapper
10. Prosedur standar untuk reservoir fluid study atau dikenal juga dengan PVT study merupakan
pelaksanaan prosedur-prosedur untuk jenis-jenis pengujian?
Jawaban : pengukuran komposisi, flash liberation, differential leberation,
separator test, pengukuran viskositas
11. Metode geofisika yang paling umum digunakan dalam mendelineasi reservoir minyak, yaitu?
Jawaban : seismik refleksi
12. Pemeriksaan dan analisis informasi geologi yang terkandung dalam cutting dan lumpur
pengeboran untuk menentukan indikasi minyak dan gas yang ditemukan selama proses
pengeboran sebuah sumur, disebut?
Jawaban : Mud log
13. Waktu yang diperlukan suspensi semen untuk mencapai konsistensi sebesar 100 UC (Unit of
Konsistensi) disebut
Jawaban : Thickening Time
14. Metode umum yang digunakan dalam memprediksi produksi air setelah terjadi water
breakthrough dicetuskan oleh?
Jawaban : Kuo dan DesBrisay
15. Penentuan sifat-sifat fisik fluida reservoir dapat menggunakan korelasi, salah satunya adalah
korelasi Vasquez and Beggs, Korelasi Beggs and Robertsons, untuk menghitung?
Jawaban : viskositas minyak
16. Siapakah yang pertama kali mencetuskan ide yang mengilhami lahirnya system PSC di
Jawaban : Ir.Soekarno
17. Beliau adalah Sarjana Teknik Geologi Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), angkatan 1976. Lahir
di Pati Jawa Tengah, 12 September 1956. Beliau mengawali karirnya di Direktorat Jendral
Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Dit.Jen Migas), Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM)
sebagai staf sie Teknologi Peralatan Eksplorasi dan Eksploitasi, Direktorat Pembinaan
Pengusahaan Migas. Siapakah nama Tokoh yang diceritakan di atas?
Jawaban : R. Priyono (Ka BPMIGAS)
18. Sebutkan 5 negara pendiri OPEC!
Jawaban : Iran, Irak, Kuwait, Arab Saudi dan Venezuela
19. Batuan reservoir panasbumi pada umumnya adalah?
Jawaban : Batuan beku
20. Ketika fluida panasbumi terus bergerak ke atas, tekanannya makin berkurang hingga mencapai
kondisi boiling. Apa yang dimaksud dengan kondisi boiling?
Jawaban : yaitu kondisi dimana fluida panasbumi mendidih mengeluarkan gelembung gas-gas
21. Sebutkan salah satu konfigurasi elektroda pada metoda resistivity?
Jawaban : Wenner, Schlumberger, Dipole-dipole, pole-dipole, pole-pole
22. Apakah tujuan dari Induction log?
Jawaban : mendeteksi lapisan-lapisan tipis yang jauh untuk menentukan harga
Rt dan korelasi, tanpa memandang jenis lumpur pemborannya
23. Bila volume semen 43.34 cuft, factor volume tambahan 1.10, sehingga volume total 47.7 cuft.
Bila diketahui yield semen 1.18 cuft/sak, maka semen yang dibutuhkan sekitar?
Jawaban : 47.7/ 1.18 = 40.4 sak
24. Wax akan terpisah dari fasa minyak dapat terdiri dari dua jenis, yaitu?
Jawaban : parafin wax dan microcrystallin wax
25. Perhatikan gambar berikut!
25. Jelaskan ciri-ciri dari jenis reservoir pada gambar tersebut!
Jawaban : Di separator 40 % mole oil liquid dan 60 % gas.
Pada remaining fluid (3) ± 65 %
GOR < 10.000 SCF/STB.
API = 50 0 atau lebih kecil
26. Proses diagenesa batu pasir yakni saat termampatnya butir sedimen satu dengan yang lain akibat
tekanan dari berat beban di atasnya merupakan proses?
Jawaban : Kompaksi
27. Salah satu jenis log listrik adalah Spontaneous Potential Log (SP log) yang digunakan untunk
menghitung atau mengetahui?
Jawaban : Harga Rw, ketebalan lapisan porous, korelasi batuan, evaluasi Vclay
28. Korosi yang terbentuk pada suatu permukaan tertentu dari logam dengan kecepatan yang jauh
lebih tinggi dengan kecepatan korosi dari permukaan bagian logam yang lainnya merupakan
definisi dari tipe korosi
Jawaban : Pitting
29. Sebutkan parameter- parameter yang diperlukan dalam menghitung permeabilitas suatu batuan
beserta satuannya!
Jawaban : Q (cm3/ sec), µ (centipoises), L (cm), A (cm 2), P1-P2 (atm)
30. Injeksi polymer pada reservoir minyak diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi?
Jawaban : sweep efficiency
31. Berdasarkan kedalaman dari lingkungan pengendapan di laut (marine), yang merupakan
lingkungan pengendapan dengan kedalaman lebih dari 2000 meter dinamakan?
Jawaban : Abyssal
32. Salah satu kelebihan CEL (Cement Evaluation Log) dibandingkan dengan CBL (Cement Bond
Log) adalah
Jawaban : dapat mendeteksi adanya channel
33. Sebutkan 3 fungsi dari Surface Casing!
Jawaban : Melindungi dari air tanah agar tidak terkontaminasi
Mempertahankan kestabilan lubang bor
Meminimkan problem losc circulation pada zona-zona permeable
Melindungi zona-zona lemah dan secara tidak langsung mengontrol kick
Sebagai tempat dudukan peralatan BOP
34. Metoda MBH dapat digunakan untuk memperkirakan tekanan reservoir yang terbatas dari hasil
tes build up. MBH kepanjangan dari?
Jawaban : Matthews – Brons – Hazebroek
35. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan proved reserves?
Jawaban : Proved reserves adalah jumlah hidrokarbon yang berdasarkan data geologi dan data
keteknikan dapat diperkirakan dengan tingkat kepastian yang pantas (reasonable) dan dapat
diambil dengan menggunakan teknologi yang ada pada suatu saat dalam keadaan ekonomi dan
dengan peraturan pemerintah yang berlaku pada saat yang sama
36. Menurut Hobson & Tratsoo dalam bukunya Introduction to Petroleum Geology, batuan berikut
yang memiliki kecepatan rambat gelombang paling tinggi jika dialiri gelombang suara dari
kegiatan survey seismic adalah?
Jawaban : Limestone
37. Short normal resistivity (SN) dan Induction Log resistivity (RIL) digunakan untuk menentukan?
Jawaban : SN = menentukan Rxo
RIL = menentukan Rt
38. Sebutkan jenis-jenis dari tubing completion!
Jawaban : single completion
commingle completion
multiple completion
permanent type completion
39. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan packer?
Jawaban : Packer merupakan peralatan bawah permukaan yang digunakan Untuk menyekat
antara tubing dengan casing, untuk mencegah aliran vertical disepanjang annulus casing- tubing
40. Metoda untuk menilai ukuran tingkat heterogenitas reservoir adalah?
Jawaban : Variasi Dykstra – Parson (1950) dan Lorenz (Gini’s)
41. Sebutkan satu badan hukum milik Negara yang terbentuk akibat dikeluarkannya UU Migas No
22 tahun 2001!
Jawaban : BP MIGAS atau BPH MIGAS
42. Sistem PSC telah diterapkan lebih dari 74 negara di seluruh dunia. Negara manakah yang
memakai system PSC pertama kali!
Jawaban : Indonesia
43. Ia lahir di Dijon Perancis pada tanggal 10 Juni 1803. Ayahnya meninggal pada tahun 1817. Ia
melanjutkan pendidikan saya di Sekolah Politeknik di Paris kemudian menikah dengan wanita
asal Inggris bernama Henriette Carey pada tahun 1828. Penelitiannya lebih fokus tentang
hidrolika, terutama pada aliran dan kerugian gesekan dalam pipa. Penelitiannya yang paling
dikenal dalam dunia perminyakan adalah hubungan antara laju alir dan permeabilitas. Siapakah
Jawaban : Henry Darcy
44. Setidaknya ada 5 tahapan survei lapangan dalam kegiatan eksplorasi panasbumi yang diurutkan
secara kronologis, yaitu
Jawaban : 1. survei penginderaan jauh (remote-sensing)
2. survei geologi
3. survei hidrologi
4. survei geokimia
5. survei geofisika
45. Di Indonesia usaha pencarian sumber energi panasbumi pertama kali dilakukan di daerah?
Jawaban : Kawah Kamojang
46. Urutan jenis batuan dalam Skala Mohs dari yang terlunak sampai yang terkeras adalah?
Jawaban : Talc-Gypsum-Calsite-Fluorite-Apatite-Orthoclas-Quart-Topas-Corundum-Diamond
47. Apakah keuntungan dari Compensated Neutron Log (CNL) dibandingkan Sidewall Neutron Log
Jawaban : CNL lebih sedikit terpengaruh oleh ketidakseragaman lubang bor
48. Perhatikan gambar berikut ini!
Apakah jenis rig yang ditunjukkan oleh gambar no.3?
Jawaban : Jack up rig
49. Sebutkan 4 macam jenis packer!
Jawaban : Retrievable, permanent, permanent-retrievable, inflatable packer
50. Kelarutan Gas (Rs) adalah banyaknya SCF gas yang terlarut dalam satu STB minyak pada
kondisi standar, yaitu?
Jawaban : 14.7 psi dan 60 ºF
51. Sebutkan 3 jenis peta geologi yang dibutuhkan dalam eksplorasi migas! Jawaban :NTG,
Isoporosity, Isopermeability, Isosaturasi
52. Log-log yang termasuk ke dalam log jangkauan dalam (deep investigation) adalah?
Jawaban : Log normal (R64), Induction log (LLD, 6FF40), Laterolog (LL7,
53. Apakah perbedaan antara compressive strength dan shear strength?
Jawaban : Compressive strength didefinisikan sebagai kekuatan semen dalam menahan tekanan-
tekanan yang bersal dari formasi maupun dari casing, sedangkan shear strength didefinisikan
sebagai kekuatan semen dalam menahan berat casing
54. Temperatur terendah dimana suatu material mudah terbakar dan menimbulkan uap tertentu
sehingga akan bercampur dengan udara, campuran tersebut mudah terbakar adalah pengertian
Jawaban : Flash point (titik nyala)
55. Crude Oil adalah bagian dari petroleum yg berwujud fasa liquid di reservoir dan tetap berwujud
liquid pada kondisi permukaan. (@ Kondisi P,T atmosfir), merupakan pengertian crude oil
Jawaban : Martinez (1987)
56. Sebutkan 4 bentuk ketidakselarasan (unconformity) menurut Whitten & Brooks 1979!
Jawaban : Heterolitic unconformity, Angular unconformity, Parallel unconformity, Non depositional
57. Jenis log yang digunakan untuk mengukur bentuk dan diameter lubang bor yaitu?
Jawaban : Caliper log
58. Tentukan Bouyancy Factor dari 120 lb/ft3 lumpur?
Jawaban : BF = (489-120)/ 489
= 0.7546
59. Sebutkan 2 jenis valve yang terdapat pada gas lift!
Jawaban : Unloading valve dan Operating valve
60. Sebutkan asumsi-asumsi Darcy dalam percobaannya menentukan harga permeabilitas!
Jawaban : - Alirannya mantap (steady state)
- Fluida yang mengalir satu fasa
- Viskositas fluida yang mengalir konstan
- Kondisi aliran isothermal
- Formasinya homogen dan arah alirannya horizontal
- Fluidanya incompressible
61. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan quick section!
Jawaban : Merupakan proyeksi keadaan geologi disepanjang lintasan (khususnya) atau proyeksi
keadaan geologi suatu daerah pada bidang vertikal yang tegak lurus dari suatu batuan atau
formasi yang ada.
62. Pada prisnsipnya ada dua metode coring yang umum dilakukan di lapangan, yaitu Bottom hole
coring dan Sidewall coring. Apa perbedaan kedua metode tersebut?
Jawaban : Bottom hole coring yaitu cara pengambilan core yang dilakukan pada waktu pemboran
berlangsung. Sedangkan sidewall coring yaitu cara pengambilan core yang dilakukan setelah
operasi pemboran selesai atau pada waktu pemboran berhenti
63. Sebutkan 4 tipe pemboran horizontal !
Jawaban : Long radius system, Medium radius system, Short radius system
Ultra short radius system
64. Bila diketahui Ps = 2000 psi, Pwf = 1500 psi dan q = 65 bbl/ hari, berapakah harga qmax?
Jawaban : PI = 65/ (2000-1500) = 0.13 bbl/ hari/ psi
Qmax = 0.13 x 2000 = 260 bbl/ hari
65. Sebutkan asam-asam yang digunakan dalam pengasaman!
Jawaban : asam chloride (HCl), Asam flourida, Asam asetat, Asam Formiat,
Asam sulfamik
66. AOF dalam bidang produksi merupakan kepanjangan dari
Jawaban : Absolute Open Flow
67. Sebutkan 3 kilang LNG di Indonesia!
Jawaban : Arun,Badak,Tangguh
68. Ia adalah seorang Industrialis asal Amerika. Di tahun 1870, dia mendirikan suatu perusahaan
Standard Oil Company dan memimpinnya hingga pensiun di tahun 1897. Sebagai perusahaan
kerosene dan gasoline yang tumbuh dan berkembang, kemudian dia menjadi pria terkaya di
dunia dan orang milioner Amerika pertama. Ia juga dianugerahi gelar sebagai orang terkaya
dalam sejarah. Siapakah dia?
Jawaban : John D. Rockefeller
69. Sistim panas bumi yang umum terdapat di dunia dimana reservoirnya mempunyai kandungan air
yang sangat dominan walaupun “boiling” sering terjadi pada bagian atas reservoir membentuk
lapisan penudung uap yang mempunyai temperatur dan tekanan tinggi, disebut?
Jawaban : Sistem dominasi air
70. Hembusan uap air (H2O) melalui lubang atau celah, umumnya di daerah vulkanik disebut?
Jawaban : Fumarol
71. Endapan yang tertua diendapkan di Cekungan Jawa Timur adalah batuan sedimen yang berumur
Eocene tengah. Apa nama formasi dari endapan tertua tersebut?
Jawaban : Formasi Ngimbang
72. Kegiatan pengukuran sifat-sifat fisik batuan yang dilakukan di laboratorium terhadap contoh
batuan, disebut?
Jawaban : Analisa core
73. Perhatikan gambar berikut ini!

No.12 menunjukkan gambar dari drilling line. Apakah fungsi dari drilling line?
Jawaban : Menahan atau menarik beban yang diderita oleh hook
Menghubungkan semua komponen dalam hoisting system
74. Gas lift adalah proses pengangkatan fluida dari sumur dengan menggunakan gas yang
diinjeksikan ke dalam sumur. Ada dua metode gas-lift yang dapat diterapkan, yaitu Continuous
gas lift dan Intermittent gas lift. Jelaskan perbedaannya!
Jawaban : Continuous gas lift. Dalam cara ini gas dengan tekanan dan volume
Tertentu diinjeksikan ke dalam sumur secara terus menerus
(kontinyu) selama proses pengangkatan minyak.
Intermittent gas lift. Dalam cara ini gas diinjeksikan secara
75. Perhatikan gambar berikut!

Jelaskan ciri-ciri dari jenis reservoir pada gambar tersebut!

Jawaban : Di separator biasanya terdapat 25 % oil liquid, yang terkondensasi
dari gas (minyak kondensat).
Pada remaining fluid ± 7 % liquid.
GOR terletak antara 10.000 – 100.000 SCF/STB (umumnya 70.000 SCF/STB)
API ~ 60

76. Kualitas dan intensitas cahaya yang dipantulkan dari permukaan suatu mineral diistilahkan
Jawaban : Kilap/ luster
77. Berapa harga densitas matriks sandstone?
Jawaban : 2.648 gr/ cc
78. Gilsonite, cellophane flakes, gypsum, bentonite dan nutshells merupakan aditif-aditif yang
digunakan dalam suspense semen, yang berfungsi sebagai?
Jawaban : Loss Circulation Control Agents
79. Sebutkan 3 kelebihan separator verikal!
Jawaban : Pengontrolan level cairan tidak terlalu rumit
Dapat menanggung pasir dalam jumlah yang besar
Mudah dibersihkan
Mempunyai kapasitas surge cairan yang besar
Sedikit sekali kecenderungan akan penguapan kembali dari cairan
80. Perbedaan tekanan yang ada antara permukaan dua fluida yang tidak tercampur (cairan-cairan
atau cairan-gas) sebagai akibat dari pertemuan permukaan yang memisahkan kedua fluida
tersebut, disebut?
Jawaban : Tekanan Kapiler
81. Fosil adalah sisa-sisa atau bekas-bekas kehidupan yang terekam dalam proses pembatuan
berumur minimum?
Jawaban : 10000 tahun
82. Radioaktivitas alamiah yang ada di formasi timbul dari elemen-elemen?
Jawaban : Uranium(U), Thorium(Th), Potasium (K)
83. Dik : Leak of test pressure = 1140 psi
Casing shoe TVD = 4000 ft
Mud weight = 10 ppg
Dit : berapa maksimum allowable mud weight dari data Leak of test tersebut (ppg)
Jawaban : Ppg = (1140 psi / 0.052 / 4000 ft ) + 10 ppg
= 15.48 ppg
84. Sebutkan parameter dalam rumus Reynold Number beserta satuannya!
Jawaban : ρ = densitas, lb/ft3
v = kecepatan, ft/ sec
D = (kedalaman), ft
μ = viskositas, lbm/ ft.s
85. Kondisi yang memungkinkan fasa gas mulai berubah menjadi liquid disebut?
Jawaban : Dew point
86. Ketidakselarasan yang terdapat antara batuan sedimen dengan batuan kristalin (batuan beku atau
batuan metamorf), disebut?
Jawaban : Nonconformity
87. Perbandingan antara resistivitas dari batuan basah dengan resistivitas air disebut?
Jawaban : Faktor resistivitas formasi
88. Sebutkan 3 jenis komplesi!
Jawaban : Formation Completion, Tubing Completion, Well head Completion
89. Sebutkan 3 kelebihan separator horizontal!
Jawaban : Lebih murah dari separator vertical
Lebih mudah pengiriman bagian-bagiannya
Baik untuk minyak berbuih (foaming)
Lebih ekonomis dan efisien untuk mengolah volume gas yang lebih besar
Lebih luas untuk setting bila terdapat dua fasa cair
90. Berapakah laju alir fluida (cm 3/det) dalam suatu system horizontal rectangular jika diberikan
kondisi aliran sebagai berikut :
Permeabilitas = 1 darcy
Luas penampang = 6 ft2
Viscositas = 1.0 cp
Panjang = 6 ft
Tekanan inlet = 5.0 atm
Tekanan outlet = 2.0 atm
Jawaban :
k = 1 darcy
A = 6 ft2 (144 in2/ 1 ft2) (6.45 cm2/ 1 in2) = 5572.3 cm2
L = 6 ft (12 in/ 1 ft) (2.54 cm/ 1 in) = 182.88 cm
P1 = 5.0 atm
P2 = 2.0 atm
Q= (P1 – P2)
= (5.0 – 2.0)
= 91.42 cm3/ sec

91. Kapan OPEC secara resmi terbentuk?

Jawaban : Saat Konferensi Baghdad (10-14 September 1960)
92. Sebutkan 4 jenis perangkat lunak/ software yang digunakan dalam industri migas!
Jawaban : OFM, Saphire, Eclipse, Pipesim, CMG, MBAL, Prosper, PSim, Osprey Risk, Petrel
93. Apakah kepanjangan dari kata MEDCO pada nama perusahaan migas swasta milik Indonesia
Medco Energy?
Jawaban : Meta Epsi Drilling Company
94. Apa yang dimaksud dengan solfatar dalam istilah panas bumi?
Jawaban : Hembusan gas gunung api terutama mengandung gas H2S dan endapan belerang.
95. Apa yang dimaksud dengan gas shale?
Jawaban :  shale yang cenderung menghasilkan gas (gas prone shale)
96. Perhatikan gambar berikut!

2 3

Apakah struktur sedimen yang ditunjukkan oleh gambar no. 3?

Jawaban : Paleo Mud Crack
97. Log EPT digunakan untuk menentukan?
Jawaban : Penentuan sisa hidrokarbon jika Rw tidak diketahui, tanpa memperhitungkan kadar air
Mendeteksi keberadaan dan gerakan dari hidrokarbon dalam hal minyak berat atau pasir tar
Penentuan dari kejenuhan air sisa (irreducible) dalam lumpur Minyak (menggantikan log Rxo)
98. Dalam system sirkulasi pada dasarnya terdiri dari empat komponen, salah satunya adalah tempat
persiapan (preparation area). Sebutkan 5 peralatan yang digunakan untuk persiapan pembuatan
lumpur pemboran!
Jawaban : Mud house, steel mud pits/ tank, mixing hopper, chemical mixing
barrel, bulk storage bins, water tank, reserve pit
99. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Multiple Rate Test?
Jawaban : Multiple Rate Testing adalah test pada sumur yang dilakukan dengn Laju alir yang
100. Perhitungan volume batuan reservoir dengan menggunakan peta isopach dibedakan menjadi dua
persamaan, yaitu?
Jawaban : pyramidal dan trapezoidal

1. Mention four of five The founding members of OPEC

Answer :
Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.
2. Science that can be used to estimate how much heat energy required to change the system
from one state to another state, but can not be used analyze the rate of heat transfer. What
is the name of science?
Answer : Thermodynamics
3. Mention two methods of stimulation that is often used to increase the permeability of rocks!
Answer : Acidizing and Hidraullic Fracturing
4. AAPG is one of the world's largest professional geological societies. The AAPG works to
advance the science of geology (especially in regard to exploration for and production of
petroleum), to promote technology, and to inspire high professional conduct. What does
AAPG stand for?
Answer : American Association of Petroleum Geologists
5. Who is president of SPE International at 2012?
Answer : Ganesh Thakur
6. Mention the cities of SPE Region around the world?
Answer : Dallas, Houston, Calgary, London, Dubai, Moscow and Kuala Lumpur.
7. Mention three kinds of routine core analysis measurements!
Answer : Porosity, Absolute Permeability, Fluid Saturation
8. What is the name of a lаrge structure with facilities to drill wells, extract and process the oil
and natural gas then export the products to off shore?
Answer : Platform/ offshore platform
9. One of economic indicators that used in capital budgeting to measure and compare
the profitability of investments. or project is the "annualized effective compounded return
rate" or discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows (both positive
and negative) from a particular investment equal to zero. What is the name of this term?

Answer : internal rate of return (IRR)/ discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR)/ or simply
the rate of return (ROR)

10. The deepest well is located in?

Answer : Gulf of Mexico
11. Mention five of ten countries that have the largest gas reserves
Answer :
Russia, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, US, Nigeria, Algeria, Venezuela, Iraq
12. OPEC is a group of oil exporting countries. Indonesia withdrew in 2008 after it became a net
importer of oil, but stated it would likely return if it became a net exporter in the world
again. Mention six of twelve member countries of OPEC
Answer :
Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait
Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Venezuela
13. What is Type of this wettability if the rock has a contact angle of fluid ( oil and water) about
the rock itself which bigger than 900 (θ > 900) ?
Answer : Oil wet
14. What is Z factor in the fluid reservoir!
Answer : Compressibility factor / Gas deviation factor/ Supercompressibility
15. Remaining oil reserves due to reduced reservoir capacity for lifting it up, associated with a
reduced reservoir pressure and temperature. These reserves can be produced with
conventional processes, namely by improving performance or increasing reservoir pressure,
for example by using Artificial Lift, like Electric Submersible Pump and Gas Lift, or with water
injection method (pressure maintenance). What is the term that also includes the type of
remaining oil reserves?
Answer : Unrecovered mobile oil
16. The world’s biggest steam flood is located in?
Answer : Indonesia, Chevron Pacific Indonesia
17. A bull-nose shaped device which is attached to the bottom of the casing string. And a short
assembly, typically manufactured from a heavy steel collar and profiled cement interior, that
is screwed to the bottom of a casing string. What is the name of the tool?
Answer : Casing shoe or Guide shoe
18. Impairment of physical goods or tools with the passage of time and usage. It can be
considered as expenditure, but in the economic calculations performed impairment of the
physical properties of goods or tools are incorporated into the cost recovery. What is the
name of the term in the analysis of the economics of petroleum?
Answer : Depreciation
19. Mention five Method of depreciation in petroleum economic analyze are often used in the
petroleum industry!
Answer :
Straight Line Method
Declining Balance Method
Double Declining Balance Method
Unit of Production Method
Sum of the Year Digit Method
20. In what country Larderello Geothermal Field located?
Answer : Italy
21. The world’s biggest oil reservoir is taken place in?
Answer : Al Ghawa Saudi Arabia
22. What is the definition of static fluid level?
Answer : The level to which fluid rises in a well when the well is shut in. The hydrostatic head
of this fluid is equal to the well bottomhole pressure.
23. Comparison between the total amount of gas with liquid at the time of production is known
as GLR. What doest GLR stand for?
Answer : Gas Liquid Ratio
24. Who am i? Many people know me as the founder of Material balance equation?
Answer : Schiltuis
25. He was born in Dijon France on June 10, 1803. His father died in 1817. He continued his
education at the Polytechnic School in Paris and married a British woman named Henriette
Carey in 1828. His research is focused on hydraulics, particularly in the flow and friction loss
in pipes. His research of the best known in the petroleum world is the relationship between
flow rate and permeability. Who is he?
Answer : Henry Darcy
1. A meeting point between two components, where at the point of physically meeting will
occur during the balance or equilibrium pressure. This means that the fluid that comes out of
a component would be equal to the fluid that comes into the subsequent components that
are interconnected or the pressure at the end of a component will be equal to the pressure
at the other end of the related components. The explanation describes the definition of..
Answer : Nodal
2. The measurement and analysis of bottomhole pressure data acquired after a producing well
is shut in. Soon after a well is shut in, the fluid in the wellbore usually reaches a somewhat
quiescent state in which bottomhole pressure rises smoothly and is easily measured. This
allows interpretable test results. What is the name of the well testing?
Answer : Pressure Build Up
3. Mention five parameters obtained from analysis of pressure build-up!
Answer :
Permeability (k)
Skin Factor (Damage or formation repair)
Produktivity Index (PI)
Static Pressure (P*)
The average Reservoir Pressure(P)
4. A process of improvement wells to increase the value of permeability. Performed at wells
whose production is decrease caused by the presence of formation damage (formation
damage) around the well by way of improving the permeability of reservoir rocks. The
explanation describes the definition of?
Answer : Well stimulation
5. An index or degree of measurement capability for the production of a well producing at a
certain condition is the definition of?
Answer : Productivity Index
6. BONUS QUESTION (Kermit vol.1, page 6)
How to determine Specific Productivity Index
Reservoir Pressures : 2500 psi
Flow Well Pressure : 2200 psi
Oil rate : 200 BPD
Net feet of pay thickness : 20 ft
Answer : 0.0333 bpd/psi/feet

7. A procedure as calibration of permeability data obtained from a minipermeameter device.

When using nitrogen gas for core plug measurements, correction is usually necessary due to
the so called gas slippage effect. This takes place when the pore space approaches the free
path of the gas. What is the name of the correction factor?
Answer : Klinkenberg correction
8. BONUS QUESTION (H. Dale Beggs , Gas Production Operations Page 104)
Estimate Reynolds Number, if known
γg (Specific gravity gas) = 0.75
Qsc (Rate) = 4 MMscfd
μ= 0.012 cp
Diameter of Pipe = 2 in
C (constant Variable in Field Unit) = 20011
Answer : 2501375

C γ g Q sc 20011 ×0.75 × 4
N ℜ= = =2501375
μd 0.012 ×2

9. The most common test sequence consists of a short flow period, perhaps five or ten minutes,
followed by a buildup period of about an hour that is used to determine initial reservoir
pressure.This is followed by a flow period of 4 to 24 hours to establish stable flow to the
surface, if possible, and followed by the final shut-in or buildup test that is used to determine
permeability thickness and flow potential. What is type of the test?
Answer : Drillstem Test
10. Mention five operation stages in DST (Drillstem Test)
- Going in hole
- Making test
- Taking closed in pressure
- Equalizing
- Reversing
11. Mention two types of thermal displacement which often used in the oil industry to improve
oil recovery factor
Answer : Steam injection, In-situ combustion
12. Mention seven process or stages steamflooding starting from the fluid is injected to the
reservoir until has enough to save heat energy in the reservoir
Answer :
Steam Chest Expansion
Mature Flood
Steam Tail-Out
13. What does ESP stand for?
Answer : Electric Summersible Pump
14. Mention seven factors that affected the success of EOR?
Answer :
Reservoir depth, the slope of the reservoir, homogeneity, petrophysic characteristic, drive
mechanism, remaining oil reserves, residual oil saturation, oil viscosity
15. The point in time when the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction is reached, after
the rate of production enters terminal decline. This concept is based on the observed
production rates of individual oil wells, and the combined production rate of a field of
related oil wells. What is it called?
Answer : Peak Oil
16. Separator calculations are performed to determine the optimum operating pressure for
processing a particular hydrocarbon mixture. Mention the properties that should be required
normally in black oils for separator calculations.
Answer: the composition of the produced gases, the gravity of the stock-tank oil, the
producing gas-oil ratio, and the formation volume factor of the oil
17. It transfers fluid by means of the progress, through the pump, of a sequence of small, fixed
shape, discrete cavities, as its rotor is turned. consists of a helical rotor and a twin helix,
twice the wavelength and double the diameter helical hole in a rubber stator. What is the
name of this artificial lift?
Answer : A progressive cavity pump
18. The disintegration of an engineered material into its constituent atoms due to chemical
reactions with its surroundings. This means electrochemical oxidation of metals in reaction
with an oxidant such as oxygen. Formation of an oxide of iron due to oxidation of the iron
atoms in solid solution is a well-known. What is the name of this term?
Answer : Corrosion 
19. Mention four type of the Corrosion!
Answer :
1. Pitting corrosion
2. Corrosion of metal
3. Crevice corrosion
4. Corrosion cracks
5. Erosion corrosion
6. Caviation
Stress corrosion cracking
20. A pressure transient testing technique, this test is done first by producing the wells during a
certain time interval with a fixed flow rate, then closing the well. Closure of these wells cause
the rising pressures are recorded as a function of time. What type of well testing?
Answer : PBU (Pressure Build Up)

What is the name of the deliverability test shown in the picture?

Answer : Back Pressure Test
22. Mention three stages of Huff and Puff method
Answer : Injection, Soaking and Production
23. Mention 2 types of valves in gas lift!
Answer : Unloading valve and Operating valve
24. What is the type of secondary method  that supports pressure of the reservoir (also known
as voidage replacement), and to sweep or displace oil from the reservoir and push it towards
a well?
Answer : Waterflooding/ Water Injection
25. In a subsurface sucker-rod pump, What is the name of the valve that closes the barrel
chamber and allows the trapped fluid to be lifted in the upstroke of the pump?
Answer : Travelling Valve

1. Appearance in the analysis of hydrocarbons through the odour. Hydrocarbons which
have an unpleasant smell or stench. From the statements mentioned, what is the type
of hydrocarbon?
Answer : Aromatic

2. The value that is used in all reservoir engineering calculations because it represents
the interconnected pore space that contains the recoverable hydrocarbon fluids is
definition of....

Answer : Effective Porosity

3. A dimensionless function of water saturation describing the capillary pressure and an

attempt at extrapolating capillary pressure data for a given rock to rocks that are
similar but with differing permeability, porosity and wetting properties. It assumes
that the porous rock can be modeled as a bundle of non-connecting capillary tubes.
What is the name of dimensionless function of water saturation describing
the capillary pressure?
Answer : Leverett J-function

4. Explain the difference between the drainage and imbibition processes!

Answer :
Drainage process :The process of generating the capillary pressure curve by displacing
the wetting phase, i.e., water, with the nonwetting phase (such as
with gas or oil).
Imbibition Process :The other principal flow process of interest involves reversing the
drainage process by displacing the nonwetting phase (such as with
oil) with the wetting phase, (e.g., water).
5. Mention five parameters obtained from analysis of pressure build-up!
Answer :
1. Permeability (k)
2. Skin Factor (Damage or formation repair)
3. Produktivity Index (PI)
4. Static Pressure (P*)
5. The average Reservoir Pressure(P)
6. The highest pressure at which a bubble of gas is first liberated from the oil. This
important property can be measured experimentally for a crude oil system by
conducting a constant-composition expansion test. Based on the statements, what
is the name of this term?
Answer : Bubble-point pressure
7. A procedure as calibration of permeability data obtained from a minipermeameter
device. When using nitrogen gas for core plug measurements, correction is usually
necessary due to the so called gas slippage effect. This takes place when the pore
space approaches the free path of the gas. What is the name of the correction
Answer :  Klinkenberg correction
8. Simulations that use random number that can be generated by a particular
mathematical formula is the definition of..

Answer : Monte Carlo Simulation

9. Mention 6 in row basic steps of reservoir simulation work!

Answer :

1. Preparation Data
2. inputing data
3. build grid
4. Initialization
5. History Matching
6. Prediction
10. The rocks from which hydrocarbons have been generated or are capable of being
generated. They form one of the necessary elements of a working petroleum
system. They are organic-rich sediments that may have been deposited in a variety
of environments including deep water marine, lacustrine and deltaic. What is it?
Answer : Source rocks
11. In 1935, S. J. Pirson argued that decline curve classification on the basis of Loss
Ratio method according to mathematical analysis into three types. Mention three
types Decline Curve anlysis..

Answer :

1. Exponential Decline Curve

2. Hyperbolic Decline Curve
3. Harmonic Decline Curve
12. The world’s biggest steam flood is located in?
Answer : Indonesia, Chevron Pacific Indonesia
13. Comparison between the total amount of gas with liquid at the time of production
is known as GLR. What doest GLR stand for?
Answer : Gas Liquid Ratio
14. Based on these charts, what is the type of Drive Mechanism?

Answer : Solution Gas Drive Reservoir

15. This saturation is important primarily because it reduces the amount of space
available between oil and gas. It is generally not uniformly distributed throughout
the reservoir but varies with permeability, lithology, and height above the free
water table. What is it?
Answer : Connate (interstitial) water saturation Swc

16. The point in time when the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction is

reached, after the rate of production enters terminal decline. This concept is
based on the observed production rates of individual oil wells, and the combined
production rate of a field of related oil wells. What is it called?

Answer : Peak Oil

17. The state of pressure and temperature at which all intensive properties of the gas
and liquid phases are equal is the defenition of..

Answer : Critical point

18. He was born in Dijon France on June 10, 1803. His father died in 1817. He
continued his education at the Polytechnic School in Paris and married a British
woman named Henriette Carey in 1828. His research is focused on hydraulics,
particularly in the flow and friction loss in pipes. His research of the best known in
the petroleum world is the relationship between flow rate and permeability. Who is

Answer : Henry Darcy

19. A brine is used to measure the absolute permeability of a core plug. The rock
sample is 4 cm long and 3 cm2 in cross section. The brine has a viscosity of 1.0 cp
and is flowing a constant rate of 0.5 cm3/sec under a 2.0 atm pressure differential.
Calculate the absolute permeability. (Applying Darcy’s equation)

Answer :
20. When we take the naturally occurring steam and force it through turbines to get
power, we call it as EGS. What does EGS stand for?
Answer : Enhanced Geothermal System
21. Mention four MEOR agents produced by microorganism
Answer :
1. Biomass, i.e. flocks or biofilms
2. BioSurfactants
3. Biopolymers
4. Solvents
5. Acids
6. Gases
22. During the displacing process of the crude oil system from the porous media by
water or gas injection (or encroachment), there will be some remaining oil left that
is quantitatively characterized by a saturation value that is larger than the critical
oil saturation. This saturation value is called
Answer : Residual oil saturation, Sor
23. Mention the tipe or gas well testing = Back pressure test ,Isochronal test,
Modified isochronal test
24. A equation used to generate the well test analysis solutions is linear. It is possible
to add several pressure responses, and therefore to describe the well behavior after
any rate change = Diffusivity Equation
25. What the new EOR technology that mainly to recover a heavy oil? CHOPS(Cold
Heavy Oil Production with Sand)
26. Look at the picture, what the name of process that show by red arrow?

Drainage Process
27. What is STOIIP stand for? Stock Tank Oil Initial In Place
28. What is DPGWC stand for? Deepest Possible Gas Water Contact
29. SCAL stand for? Spesial Core Analysis Laboratory
30. Mention the kind of stimulation : Hydraulic Fracuring & Acidizing
1. Use to plug large openings in the formations, to prevent the loss of whole drilling
fluid. what is the name of this additives?
Answer : LCM (Lost Circulation Materials)

2. What is purpose of Ultrasonic Cement Analyzer?

Answer : Measuring Compressive Strength

3. What is the definition of Compressive Strength ?

Answer : Strength of cement in holding the pressure that comes from the formation as
well as from the casing or the amount of strength required to support a string of casing

4. What is the function of Marsh Funnel at Mud Laboratory?

Answer : To measure mud viscosity

5. What does SPF stand for?

Answer : Shoot Per Foot

6. Mention four conditions for criteria of casing design

1. Burst
2. Collapse
3. Tension
4. Biaxial Effect

7. Calculate the hydrostatic pressure of the following system:

True Vertical Depth 10000 feet of 12.0 lb/gal mud
Answer : 6240 psi

0.052 x Density x h = 0.052 x 12.0 lb/gal x 10000 feet = 6240 psi

8. A chemical additive use to speed up the normal rate of reaction between cement and
water which also shorter the thickening time of the cement. What is the name of this
Answer : Accelerators
9. A process of improvement wells to increase the value of permeability. Performed at
wells whose production is decrease caused by the presence of formation damage
(formation damage) around the well by way of improving the permeability of
reservoir rocks. The explanation describes the definition of?
Answer : Well stimulation
10. Mention two methods of stimulation that is often used to increase the permeability of
Answer : Acidizing and Hidraullic Fracturing
11. Also called as lithostatic pressure or vertical stress, is the pressure or stress imposed
on a layer of soil or rock by the weight of overlying material. The explanation
describes the definition of?
Answer : Overburden pressure
12. Determine the buoyancy factor for a 13.0 ppg fluid
Answer : 0.8015 BF = (65.5 – 13.0) ÷ 65.5
BF = 0.8015
13. Uncontrolled release of crude oil and/or natural gas from an oil well or gas well after
pressure control systems have failed. What is the name of terms that can occur in the
drilling operation/
Answer : Blow Out
14. Mention four of Early warning signs of a well kick!
 Sudden change in drilling rate;
 Change in surface fluid rate;
 Change in pump pressure;
 Reduction in drillpipe weight;
 Surface mud cut by gas, oil or water


What is the function of leak off test?

Answer : Knowing the strength of rock under the shoe to the pressure (maximum
pressure that can be retained by the formation below the shoe)
15. The most common test sequence consists of a short flow period, perhaps five or ten
minutes, followed by a buildup period of about an hour that is used to determine initial
reservoir pressure.This is followed by a flow period of 4 to 24 hours to establish stable
flow to the surface, if possible, and followed by the final shut-in or buildup test that is
used to determine permeability thickness and flow potential. What is type of the test?
Answer : Drillstem Test

Mention five operation stages in DST (Drillstem Test)

 Going in hole
 Making test
 Taking closed in pressure
 Equalizing
 Reversing
16. What is the name of a lаrge structure with facilities to drill wells, extract and process
the oil and natural gas then export the products to off shore?
Answer : Platform/ offshore platform
Mention Five types of Offshore Platform
Answer :
1. Fixed platforms
2. Compliant towers
3. Semi-submersible platform
4. Jack-up drilling rigs
5. Drillships
6. Floating production systems
7. Tension-leg platform
8. Spar platforms
9. Normally unmanned installations (NUI)
10. Conductor support systems

17. Comprehensive schedule or plan of a drilling operation that contains the shape, depth,
casing size, , completion/perforation is the definition of..
Answer : Drilling Prognosis

Mention the hoisting equipment of the rig on drilling operation!
 Rig (Substructure, Rig floor, Derrick/tower)
 Draw work
 Overhead tools (crown block, travelling block, hook, elevator)
 Drilling line
18. A bull-nose shaped device which is attached to the bottom of the casing string. And a
short assembly, typically manufactured from a heavy steel collar and profiled cement
interior, that is screwed to the bottom of a casing string. What is the name of the tool?
Answer : Casing shoe or Guide shoe
Mention Function of Centralizer on Cementing Job!
Answer :
A device fitted with a hinged collar and bow springs to keep the casing or liner in the
center of the wellbore to help ensure efficient placement of a cement sheath around
the casing string.
19. What is the definition of static fluid level?
Answer :The level to which fluid rises in a well when the well is shut in. The
hydrostatic head of this fluid is equal to the well bottomhole pressure.


Mention five parameters about the conditions at the drill bit obtained by MWD!

Answer :
1. Rotational speed of the drillstring
2. Smoothness of that rotation
3. Type and severity of any vibration downhole
4. Downhole temperature
5. Torque and Weight on Bit, measured near the drill bit
6. Mud flow volume

20. What does BOP stand for?

Answer : Blow Out Preventer

What is the name of this BOP section? from top to bottom!
Answer :
a.Annular Preventer

b.Blind Ram

c.Drilling Spool

d.Pipe Ram

e.Tubing Head

21. Why do we need infill drilling?

Answer : Infill Well located between existing wells, the purpose of drilling an infill
well is to drain the hidrocarbon from areas which are unrecovered by existing wells.
22. A technique of conveying well logging tools into the well borehole downhole as part
of the bottom hole assembly(BHA). What is the name of the technique?
Answer : Logging While Drilling (LWD)
23. What are the three basic components of drilling fluids?
Answer :
1. Base liquid
2. Dispersed Solid
3. Dissolved Solid
24. What minerals used as an additive commonly used to "weight" the mud to maintain
adequate hydrostatic pressure down-hole?
Answer : Barite
25. What is the main function of BOP?
Answer : To control kick (Shut well when kick occur)
Calculate how much water in bbls is required to make 800 barrels of a 10.5 lb/gal
water based drilling mud?
Answer: 735 bbls of water
Using: V1W1 + V2W2 = VFWF
where: V1 =unknown volume of water
W1 =8.33 lb/gal
V2 =unknown volume of barite or (800 - V1)
W2 =34.9 lb/gal
VF = 800 bbls
WF =10.5 lb/gal
therefore: V1(8.33) + (800 - V1)34.9 = 800(10.5)
8.33V1 + 27920 - 34.9V1 = 8400-26.57V1 = -19520V1 = 735 bbls of water
26. What is the function of drill collar? give four function!
Answer :
1. Give weigth to drill string
2. Maintain tension of drill string
3. Stabilize rotation of drill string
4. Strengthen the bottom of the drill string

27. What is the name of a tool used to detect the gas content at the time of drilling
operation in progress. With the working principles: Gas separated from cutting drilling
by the agitator, then the gas is passed into the hot wire (or by using liquid glycol and
calcium powder), thus resulting change in resistance and voltage on the filament. then
gas transferred to the gas content detector?

Answer : Gas Chromatograph

28. Drilling rig equipment with a set of hydrocyclones that separates sand from the
drilling fluid. What is the name of this tool?
Answer : Desanders 
Mention sequentially conditioning equipment in mud circulation system!
Answer : Shale shaker,Desander, Desilter, Degasser
29. A pressure transient testing technique, this test is done first by producing the wells
during a certain time interval with a fixed flow rate, then closing the well. Closure of
these wells cause the rising pressures are recorded as a function of time. What type of
well testing?
Answer : PBU (Pressure Build Up)
30. The function of this logging tool is to evaluate the integrity of cement work performed
on an oil well It detects the bond of the cement to the casing and formation via a
principle based on resonance. What is the name of the logging tool?
Answer : Cement Bond Log (CBL)


1. A depression in the sea floor located between a subduction zone and an

associated volcanic arc.  It is typically filled with sediments from the adjacent
landmass and the island arc in addition to trapped oceanic crustal material. What is the
name of this basin?

Answer : Forearc basin

2. Molten rock in earth’s subsurface which sometimes seeps up to the surface and erupts through
the crust as part of volcano lava is called as?
Answer : Magma
3. Explain, What is the depositional environment?

Answer : The area in which and physical conditions under which sediments are
deposited, including sediment source; depositional processes such as
deposition by wind, water or ice; and location and climate, such as
desert,swamp or river.

4. What is defenition of Non-Newtonian fluid !

Answer :a fluid whose flow properties differ in any way from those of Newtonian fluids.
Most commonly the viscosity of fluids is not independent of shear rate or shear rate
history. In the fluid, the relation between the shear stress and the shear rate is different,
and can even be time-dependent. 
5. In the study of petrology known the terms of Mohs scale. What is the use of the Mohs
Answer : Knowing the level of rock hardness
6. Includes the crust and the uppermost mantle, which constitute the hard and rigid outer
layer of the Earth. What is it? Answer : lithosphere
7. Mention Five types of Identifying Physical Properties of Minerals

1. Answer : Crystal form

2. Color
3. Streak
4. Luster
5. Cleavage
6. Fracture
7. Hardness
8. Tenacity
9. Specific gravity
10. Taste
11. Magnetism
12. Reaction with acid
13. Striations
8. A measurement taken by oil industry well loggers to characterize rock formation
properties. The log works by measuring small electric potentials between depths in
the borehole and a grounded voltage at the surface. What is the name of the logging

Answer : Spontaneous Potential log (SP Log)


Mention three of five factors that can cause the SP curve to be muted or even inverted.

Answer :

 Formation bed thickness

 Resistivities in the formation bed and the adjacent formations
 Resistivity and make up of the drilling mud
 Wellbore diameter
 The depth of invasion by the drilling mud into the formation
9. Mention two types of packer settings!
Answer :
 Compression-set
 Tension-set
 Mechanical-set
 Hydraulic-set
10. This type of rock is formed through three main ways: weathering of other rocks;
deposition due to biogenic activity, and precipitation of the solution. from these
explanations, what is type of the rock?
Answer : Sedimentary Rock


Sedimentary rocks can be subdivided into compositional groups based on their

mineralogy, mention four of the seven kinds of sedimentary rock based on its mineral

Answer :

 Siliciclastic sedimentary rocks,

 Carbonate sedimentary rocks 
 Evaporite sedimentary rocks 
 Organic-rich sedimentary rocks 
 Siliceous sedimentary rocks 
 Iron-rich sedimentary rocks 
 Phosphatic sedimentary rocks 
11. What types of maps that illustrating the contour lines show the places with the
same porosity?
Answer : Isoporosity Map
12. This type of rock is formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava. it
may formed with or without crystallization, either below the surface as intrusive rocks
or on the surface as extrusive rocks. What is the type of this rock?
Answer : Igneous rock

Mention four kinds of igneous rock classification based on the content of SiO2!

Answer :

 acid igneous rocks
 intermediate igneous rocks
 basic igneous rocks
 ultrabasic igneous rocks
13. The name or term was coined in the scientific discussion of Alfred Wegener's theory
of continental drift. In his book The Origin of Continents and Oceans (Die Entstehung
der Kontinente und Ozeane) first published in 1915, he postulated that all the
continents had at one time formed a single supercontinent which he called the
"Urkontinent", before later breaking up and drifting to their present locations. What is
name of the term?
Answer : Pangea, Pangaea, Pangæa
Explain what is the meaning of subduction!
Answer :  is the process that takes place at convergent boundaries by which
one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate, sinking into the Earth's mantle,
as the plates converge, Subduction zones involve an oceanic plate sliding beneath
either a continental plate or another oceanic plate (that is, the subducted plate is
always oceanic while the subducting plate may or may not be oceanic)
14. Mention three kinds of distribution of shale or clay in the sandstones
Answer :
Laminated, Dispersed, Structural
What is the difference seismogram and Seismograph
Answer :
Seismogram = Commonly called a synthetic, is a direct one-dimensional model
of acoustic energy traveling through the layers of the Earth. The synthetic seismogram
is generated by convolving the reflectivity derived from digitized acoustic and density
logs with the wavelet derived from seismic data.
Seismograph = A device or system that records the ground oscillations that make up
exploration seismic data or earthquakes, sometimes used incorrectly as a synonym for
geophone. A seismograph can include amplifiers, receivers and a recording device
(such as a computer disk or magnetic tape) to record seismograms.
15. Mention logging tool used to measure the density of rocks
Answer : Density Log

Estimate the Density of sandstone on condition Salt Water using the following data
from Density Log Data if known bulk density 2.4 gr/cc.
Answer : 0.16129
ρma - ρb 2. 65−2 .4
FDL = ρma - ρf = 2.65−1.1 =0.16129

16. It is part of igneous rocks. This rock formed by lava flows or volcanic ash deposition
on top of an existing surface. It consists of 2 types based on relationships with
surrounding rocks which are concordant and discordant. What is type of igneous rock?
Answer : Igneous rock Intrusif
17. What is the yype of Geophysics science that studies the structure and composition of
the Earth through seismic waves, and of surface deformations during earthquakes and
seismic hazards?Answer : Seismology
18. Geologic features, submarine basins associated with island arcs and subduction zones.
They are found at some convergent plate boundaries, presently concentrated in the
Western Pacific ocean. Most of them result from tensional forces caused by oceanic
trench rollback and the collapse of the edge of the continent. what is type of basin ?

Answer : Back-arc basins (or retro-arc basins)


Mention four types of Continental depositional environment!

Answer :

 Alluvial
 Aeolian
 Fluvial
 Lacustrine
19. A branch of earth sciences, is the scientific discipline that deals with the measurement
and representation of the Earth, including its gravitational field, in a three-dimensional
time-varying space. this science also study geodynamical phenomena such as crustal
motion, tides, and polar motion. What is the name of the science?

Answer : Geodesy/ Geodetics

20. The science and study of the solid Earth and the processes by which it is shaped and
changed. The science provides primary evidence for plate tectonics, the history of life
and evolution, and past climates. In modern times, this science is commercially
important for mineral and hydrocarbon exploration, evaluating water resources and
etc. What is the name of science?
Answer : Geology
21. A chain of volcanoes parallel to a mountain belt positioned in an arc shape as seen
from above. Generally they are formed from subduction of an oceanic tectonic plate
under another tectonic plate. The friction produces magma at depth under the
overriding plate. What is it called?
Answer : Volcanic arc
Mention two type of Volcanic arc
Answer : Oceanic arcs and Continental arcs
22. This method makes it quick with a fairly accurate results in well logging analysis. This
method is particularly done in the drilling area after logging job. The results obtained
are quantitatively. What is the name of this method?
Answer : Quick Look Method
23. The transformation of an existing rock type, the protolith, which means "change in
form". The protolith is subjected to heat and pressure (temperatures greater than 150
to 200 °C and pressures of 1500 bars) causing profound physical and/or chemical
change.They are also formed when rock is heated up by the intrusion of hot molten
rock called magma from the Earth's interior. What is type of the rock?
Answer : Metamorphic rock
24. The data are used to analyze potential petroleum reservoirs and mineral deposits, to
locate groundwater, to locate archaeological finds, to find the thicknesses of glaciers
and soils, and for environmental remediation. Those statements are the function of?
Answer : Geophysical survey
25. Mention three kinds of natural radioactive elements of rock that can be recorded by
radioactive log!
Answer : Uranium, Thorium, Potassium
26. Within the field of geology is able to explain why certain types of minerals tend to be
found together while others are almost never associated with one another. Based upon
this scheme, one can infer from the minerals present in a rock the relative conditions
under which the material had formed. The statements describe the definition of?
Answer : Bowen's reaction series
27. This are characteristics of rock,
1. Common components found in sedimentary rock
2. Chemical Formula aluminosilicates
3. There are 4 types, depending on the forming environment: montmorillonite, illite,
chlorite, and kaolinite
What is the type of the rock?
Answer : Clay

28. Mention three types of logging equipment belonging to the type of log porosity tools
Answer :Density Log, Sonic Log and Neutron Log
29. What is the type of log that used to detect thin layers of a long way in determining the
value of True resistivity when combined with Short Normal Logs?
Answer : Induction Electrical Survey (IES)
30. Sedimentary structures caused by the sedimentation process or by processes that occur
shortly after sedimentation, or before or at the time of diagenesis is definition of..
Answer : Primary Sedimentary Structures

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