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National Conference on Mathematics

Education (NaCoME)
Mathematical Modelling: The First Step towards Problem Solving

Buku Acara dan Abstrak

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya

Yang terhormat Rektor Universitas Sriwijaya

Yang terhormat Dekan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya
Yang terhormat para undangan, peserta dan pemakalah National Conference on Mathematics Education (Na-
CoME) 2019 , peserta Workshop Pemodelan Matematika yang saya banggakan.

Mewakili seluruh panitia National Conference on Mathematics Education (NaCoME) 2019 dan Workshop
Pemodelan Matematika , ijinkanlah Saya untuk mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya atas parti-
sipasi Saudara/Saudari sekalian pada acara ini. NaCoME dan Workshop Pemodelan Matematika pada tahun
2019 ini mengusung tema “Modeling in Mathematics Instruction: The First Step towards Problem Solving”.
Dengan hadirnya revolusi industri 4.0, para guru dituntut untuk semakin inovtif dalam menyenggaran pem-
belajaran, baik dengan memanfaatkan teknologi, mengevaluasi proses dan hasil belajar siswa, terutama untuk
dapat memfasilitasi siswa dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tingginya. Sejalan dengan itu,
siswa harus dibina agar mampu bersaing secara global, oleh sebab itu, tujuan dari diselenggarannya acara ini
adalah untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan jiwa kompetitif siswa, sembari menambah wawasan para pendidik,
calon pendidik, dan tenaga kependidikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Sebagai ketua pelaksana
seminar ini, Saya melaporkan bahwa kami telah mengundang partisipan dari seluruh Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
melalui kerjasama dengan Ikatan Alumni Pendidikan Matematika (IKADIKMAT) dan Universitas Sriwijaya.
Total partisipan pada acara ini adalah sebanyak orang, yang terdiri atas 101 pemakalah, 28 peserta non pema-
kalah, dan 73 peserta kontes literasi matematika yang tersebar dari 11 provinsi dari seluruh Indonesia yaitu dari
Provinsi Aceh, Sumatera Selatan, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, Banten, Sumatera Barat, Bengkulu, Jambi, Jawa
Barat, Sulawesi Barat, NTT. Kami mengundang pembicara utama antara lain Dr. Tan Liang Soon dari Aca-
demy of Singapore Teachers, Prof. Wono Setiabudhi, Guru besar matematika dari Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Dr. Yusuf Hartono, Doktor Pendidikan Maematika dari Universitas Sriwijaya.
Akhir kata, selamat mengikuti seluruh aktivitas akademik yang tersedia. Semoga melalui acara ini, kita
dapat berkembang menjadi praktisi pendidikan yang lebih baik, serta menjadi asset yang berperan signifikan
dalam perkembangan Bangsa Indonesia.

Ketua Pelaksana NacoME 2019

Dr. Darmawijoyo

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

iv Buku Acara & Abstrak

Daftar Isi

Prakata iii

Daftar Isi v

Keynote Speaker 1

Abstrak Sesi Plenary 3

Abstrak Parallel 1 7

Abstrak Parallel 2 23

Abstrak Parallel 3 35

Abstrak Parallel 4 49

Abstrak Parallel 5 67

Abstrak Parallel 6 81

Abstrak Parallel 7 85

Agenda dan Jadwal Ruangan Parallel NaCoME 2019 95

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

vi Buku Acara & Abstrak

Pembicara Utama

Dr. Tan Liang Soon

Doktor Pendidikan Matematika dari Academy of Singapore Teachers

Tan Liang Soon memperoleh gelar master Teknologi Informasi dalam Pendidikan dari University of Mel-
bourne, Australia dan master of science pada bidang matematika dari National Institute of Education (NIE),
Nanyang Technological University, Singapura, kemudian dia melanjutkan studi untuk memperoleh gelar doktor
pendidikan matematika dari NIE, Nanyang University. Minatnya adalah di bidang pemodelan matematika,
psikologi kognitif, pembelajaran profesional untuk guru. Dia juga terlibat dalam banyak proyek dan penelitian
terkait aplikasi matematika dan pemodelan.

Dr. Yusuf Hartono

Doktor Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Sriwijaya

Yusuf Hartono lahir di Kundur 16 November 1964. Dia mendapat gelar Sarjana Pendidikan Matematika dari
FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya tahun 1988. Dia kemudian melanjutkan studi di University of Missouri at Rolla,
Amerika Serikat dan memperoleh Master of Science in Applied Mathematics pada tahun 1993. Sepuluh tahun
kemudian dia memperoleh Doktor Matematika dari Technische Universiteit Delft, Belanda. Minatnya adalah
ststistika, teori peluang, dan teori bilangan, bukti dan penalaran matematika, dan pemecahan masalah.

Prof.Marcus Wono Setya Budhi

Guru Besar Pendidikan Matematika Institut Teknologi Bandung

Wono Setya Budhi adalah guru besar dari Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Institut Tek-
nologi Bandung (ITB). Dia mendaoat gelar sarjana sains dari Institut Teknologi Bandung pada tahun 1982.
Dia kemudian melanjutkan studi di ITB pada tahun 1984. Beliau memperoleh gelar doktor matematika dari
University of Illinois, Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1993. Bidang keilmuannya adalah analisis dan geometri.

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

2 Buku Acara & Abstrak

Abstrak Sesi Plenary

Kumpulan Abstrak
Sesi Plenary
Aula Pascasarjana

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

A School-based Professional Development Programme


Tan Liang Soon

Academy of Singapore Teachers
tan liang

Abstrak. A school-based professional development programme (SBPD)

aimed at developing secondary school mathematics teachers’ competen-
cies to teach mathematical modelling in Singapore is presented in this
talk. The SBPD is characterized by two key features—content elements
to develop teachers’ knowledge and skills, and transformative learning
cycles for teachers to elicit, enact and reorganize their orientations in a
mathematical modelling classroom. Goal-based decision-making analysis
of teachers’ practice suggests that this SBPD positively influences tea-
chers’ knowledge and resources, goals and orientations in planning, de-
signing and enacting modelling learning experiences. Implications from
the findings are also discussed.

4 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Pemodelan Matematika dalam Pemecahan Masalah

Yusuf Hartono
FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya

Abstrak. Makalah ini merupakan kajian literatur mengenai pemecahan

masalah dan pemodelan matematika. Langkah-langkah pemodelan ma-
tematika dibandingkan dengan tahapan pemecahan masalah. Sebagai
hasilnya, disimpulkan bahwa pemodelan merupakan bagian dari peme-
cahan masalah.
Kata kunci: pemecahan masalah, pemodelan matematika

Buku Acara & Abstrak 5

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

6 Buku Acara & Abstrak

Abstrak Parallel 1

Kumpulan Abstrak
Sesi Parallel
Room 1(Aula Pascasarjana)

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Pengembangan E-Book Berbasis Life & Career Skills

Dalam Mata Pelajaran Pengantar Ekonomi Dan Bisnis
Di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Methodist 2 Palembang

Benni Taslim, Yosef, Hartono

Universitas Sriwijaya

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan e-book dalam

pelajaran Pengantar Ekonomi dan Bisnis di SMK Methodist 2 Palem-
bang yang valid dan praktis, serta untuk mengetahui dampak potensial
penggunaan e-book dalam pelajaran Pengantar Ekonomi dan Bisnis di
SMK Methodist 2 Palembang terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian
ini dilakukan di kelas X SMK Methodist 2 Program Studi Bisnis Ma-
najemen Pemasaran. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMK
Methodist 2 Program Studi Bisnis Manajemen Pemasaran yang berjum-
lah 37 orang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan Rowntree,
yang dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu tahap perencanaan, persiapan
penulisan, dan penyuntingan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tek-
nik wawancara, dokumentasi, angket dan tes tertulis. Data yang telah
dikumpulkan kemudian diolah dan dianalisis untuk diketahui hasilnya.
Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa (1) E-Book dalam pelajaran Pengantar
Ekonomi dan Bisnis sudah memenuhi kriteria sangat valid menurut vali-
dator, berdasarkan indikator materi, desain dan media; (2) E-Book yang
dikembangkan dinyatakan praktis setelah diujicobakan melalui uji coba
satu satu dan kelompok kecil; (3) pada tahap uji lapangan terdapat per-
ubahan hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan e-book
yang dikembangkan, nilai rata-rata pretes sebesar 61,62, sedangkan nilai
rata-rata postes 77,16, dan N-Gain yang didapatkan sebesar 0,4 dengan
kategori sedang. Dengan demikian, produk e-book dalam pelajaran Pe-
ngantar Ekonomi dan Bisnis di SMK Methodist 2 Palembang memiliki
dampak potensial yang cukup baik terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Pene-
liti meyarankan bagi peneliti lain yang akan melakukan penelitian lebih
lanjut dapat mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor yang belum ada da-
lam pengembangan e-book ini, sehingga dapat menghasilkan bahan ajar
yang lebih baik.

8 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Pengembangan Editor Equation Matematik Berbasis

Android sebagai Media Pembelajaran Eksponensial

A Rosyid, A Mahpudin, Z Nuraeni

Pendidikan Matematika, STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan, Kuningan, Indonesia
Suparman, Andriyani
Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Abstract. Tujuan jangka panjang penelitian ini adalah untuk meng-

embangkan pembelajaran berbasis Android sebagai suatu alternatif da-
lam pembelajaran matematika. Sementara itu, tujuan khusus yang ingin
dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh media
pembelajaran Matematika berbentuk Editor Equation Matematik ber-
basis Android terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Penelitian ini me-
rupakan penelitian Research and Development (R& D). Tahapan dalam
penelitian ini ada 8 yaitu (1) Potensi dan masalah, (2) Pengumpulan da-
ta, (3) Desain produk, (4) Validasi desain, (5) Revisi desain, (6) Uji coba
produk, (7) Revisi desain, dan (8) Uji coba pemakaian. Adapun kesim-
pulan yang diperoleh dari pengembangan Editor Equation Matematik
berbasis android sebagai media pembelajaran eksponensial ini adalah
valid, praktis dan efektif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Pro-
duk Editor Equation Matematik berbasis Android adalah valid, praktis
dan efektif. Kevalidannya dilihat dari hasil analisis penilaian validator
terhadap media pembelajaran Matematika berbentuk Editor Equation
Matematik berbasis Android diperoleh korelasi pearson sebesar 0,322;
(2) Kepraktisannya dilihat dari hasil analisis penilaian pengguna melalui
uji coba terbatas terhadap media pembelajaran Matematika berbentuk
Editor Equation Matematik berbasis Android yang menunjukkan skor
rata-rata sebesar 3,958 dengan kriteria praktis; (3) Keefektifannya dili-
hat dari hasil analisis penilaian siswa melalui uji coba lapangan terhadap
media pembelajaran Matematika berbentuk Editor Equation Matema-
tik berbasis Android dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar matematika
siswa pada materi eksponensial.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 9

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

The Effectiveness Of Volleyball Under Serve Learning

Though Beginner Techniques On Seventh Grade Student

Destriana, S Solahuddin, R R Pratama, and Marsiyem

Physical Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aims to see the effectiveness of the under-serve

learning techniques on seventh grade junior high school students. This
research uses classroom action research methods. The subjects in this
study were 32 students of class 7.6 of class 2018/2019. This research was
conducted using 1 cycle consist of 2 meetings. The results of this study
shows that the students’ learning outcomes average value after being
given treatment are 87.50% in the domain of skills, 81.25% in the domain
of attitude and 87.50% in the domain of knowledge. The results showed
that the development of the volleyball under-serve learning model can
effectively improve the learning outcomes of seventh grade students of
1 Junior High School Palembang. The implication in this study is that
physical education teachers can use this learning technique as one of the
variations in teaching volleyball under-serve for seventh grade students.

10 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Improvement of Student Learning Outcomes uses

Development of Volleyball Game Infrastructure

Destriani1, H Yusfi, Destriana, and S Aryanti

Physical Education and Health Departement, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South
Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase

in learning outcomes of the FKIP Sriwijaya University Health and Fit-
ness Education students in volleyball games using the development of
volleyball game infrastructure. This research is a class action research
consisting of two cycles, with each cycle consisting of 4 stages, namely
the planning, action, observation, and reflection stages. The population
in this study were Indralaya class 2 semester 2 students. The sample
used was the entire population of semester 2 students at Indralaya class,
amounting to 54 students. Data collection instruments in this study
used a skills test. Knowledge test sheets are used to measure the level of
student learning achievement using the development of volleyball game
facilities and infrastructure. This class action research uses 2 cycles. The
data analysis technique used in this study is descriptive using percentage
techniques to see trends that occur in learning activities. The analysis
results obtained a significant increase from pre-action to cycle I and from
cycle I to cycle II. The results in this study are the initial test of (55.56%)
students are in the value less with a range of grades 40-55.99, then action
taken in cycle 1 obtained an increase in the percentage of students in the
range of grades 44-55.99 to (16.67%) and cycle 2 students who included
in the category of less by (1.85%), so the increase from the pre-action
condition to cycle 2 was (53.71%). The findings in this study is that by
using the development of facilities and infrastructure in volleyball games
an increase of 14.82% in the first and second cycle. Implications in the
study of improving student learning outcomes using the development of
volleyball infrastructure that can be used as an alternative in learning
volleyball games to improve student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Infrastructure, learning outcomes, volleyball

Buku Acara & Abstrak 11

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Multimedia Development in Course Basketball Working


Giartama1, Hartati, and S Aryanti

Physical Education and Health, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aims to develop learning media by using multi-

media in basic basketball skills courses so that helping physical educa-
tion and health students in the learning process can achieve competence.
The method used is research and development. Respondents in the stu-
dy were students in the physical and health education study program at
the FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya. The results of the study on small-scale
trials obtained a percentage of 68.75 which is the average yield of 20
respondents who were tested included in the category of ”quite decent”.
The results of a large-scale multimedia development trial in the baske-
tball game working course obtained a percentage of 83.43 which is the
average yield of 55 respondents who were tested included in the category
of ”feasible” to be used as multimedia. The implication of this study is
that multimedia learning models can be applied to basketball learning.

12 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Microcontroler based test service instrument

development models in the volley game

Giartama, Destriani, Waluyo, Destriana , and H Yusfi

Physical Education and Health Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South
Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. The aim of this research is to develop a model of a lower

service test instrument and a microcontroller-based top service in volle-
yball games. The research approach used in this research is research and
development (Research and Development). Development of a prototype
model of a lower service test instrument and a microcontroller based se-
rvice, this research is grouped into three stages which include the first
preliminary study stage with the research and information collecting sta-
ge, the second stage of the model development includes six activities na-
mely planning, developing preliminary form of product, preliminary field
testing, main product revision, main field testing, operational product
revision, and the third stage of model validation are operational field
testing, final product revision, and dissemination and implementation.
Data analysis techniques in the form of descriptive data using percen-
tages. Validation was carried out by 3 experts namely software experts,
volleyball game experts, and electro experts. The average validation re-
sults from the three experts were 66.8%, so that it was declared feasible
to proceed to the product trial phase. Product trials were conducted
on male and female volleyball athletes in Sriwijaya State Sports School,
amounting to 20 people. The test results obtained an error percentage
of 5.17%. The novelty of this research is the test used is based on a
microcontroller which utilizes sensor and computer technology which is
certainly more effective and valid compared to manual instruments. The
implementation of the results of the analysis can evaluate the athlete’s
shortcomings, so that athletes can find out deficiencies or errors that can
later be corrected during the training process.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 13

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Genetic variation and Kinship relations of red rice in

South Sumatra based on PCR-RAPD (Polymerase
Chain Reaction-Random amplified polymorphic DNA)
using the mathematical modeling application of ntsys 2.1

L Hanum, S T Wardana, Alazi2*, Y Windusari, N Aminasih, and E Patriono

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Sriwijaya University,
Palembang,South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. Mathematical model is as a representation of a very im-

portant problem in the field of molecular biology, because the field of
molecular biology can not be separated from calculations in determining
the size of DNA and genetic variation, especially genetic variation of red
rice. Red rice has a high diversity of phenotypes and genotypes. Based
on this problem, the role of mathematical modeling is very important in
solving problems in determining a decision in DNA analysis. In this re-
search, researchers determined genetic variation based on polymorphism
bands and the relationship between red rice in south sumatra based
on PCR- RAPD (Polymerase Chain Reaction – Random Amplified Po-
lymorphic DNA) tecnique using the mathematical modeling application
NTSys 2.1. DNA bands obtained electrophoresized PCR sample is then
converted into binary data which is stated by the presence or absence
of DNA bands, if there is a DNA band then marked with (1), whereas
if the DNA band does not appear then marked with (0). Data were
analyzed using the NTSys version program. 2.1. Dendrogram created
using unweighted pair-group with arithmetic average with genetic simi-
larity coefficient using Jaccard Coefficient of Similarity and presented
in the form of dendrogram. Based on the DNA band profile of RAPD
results which 43 DNA bands show polymorphism (93.47%). Based on
the analysis using the NTSys 2.1 program, a dendogram was obtained
where red rice in South Sumatra was divided into two main clusters at a
genetic similarity coefficient level of 0.19, namely cluster A consisting of
red rice with CT code (Cahya Tani) and cluster B consisting of red rice
SJ code (Sumber Jaya), SP (Sp Padang), and K (Kelirejo). The four red
rice individuals taken from different places have a low genetic similarity
coefficient of 0.15-0.37, meaning that the fourth genetic variation of red
rice is very high.

14 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Student learning interest in E-Learning based nutrition


Silvi Aryanti* and Hartati

Physical Education and Health, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aims to determine the interest of Physical Edu-

cation and Health students in semester 3 of FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya
in nutrition science. This research is a survey research. The population
in this study were students of Physical Education and Health. The re-
search sample consisted of 44 people. Data collection using a student
interest in learning questionnaire. Based on the results of the study ob-
tained a percentage of student interest in learning in subjects based on
e-learning nutrition that is equal to 86.5. The implication in this study is
that e-learning based learning can increase student interest and learning
outcomes in nutrition science courses.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 15

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Moment of inertia analysis of solid rod using a

Smartphone Phyphox

Suharli AJ, A Wijayanti, D Nurvita, M Annisa, M Faradini,

N Fajriah, T S Sekarani, Y Lestari and I Sriyanti*
Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract. This learning demonstrates the moment of inertia on the

stem using the Magnetometer ‘Phypox’ android application, free trial.
The experiments were carried out with physics laboratory equipment in-
cluding, a moment of inertia set, a 60 cm aluminum bar, balance sheet,
ruler, light gate, neodymium magnet and android magnetometer appli-
cation. The magnet is affixed to the moment of inertia, placed parallel
to the HP / magnetometer sensor, when the aluminum bar is rotated at
1800 then a horizontal oscillation occurs with respect to the x-axis and
a magnetic field graph appears with respect to the time on the android
application Magnetometer. This experiment was carried out once wi-
th a rotation of 10 times, obtained values and graphs of the relation of
the magnetic induction to the time of the android magnetometer. From
these data the period can be calculated at each round per time, so that
the moment of inertia can be calculated. From the results of this expe-
riment we can see the effect of the length of the rod on the period and
the relationship between the period and moment of inertia. From the
experiments carried out above are very accurate with a relative error of
0.084% with a confidence level of 99.916%. This shows that the suita-
bility level is good. We hope that experiments looking for moments of
inertia on these rods will be useful and can be used in general physics

16 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Penggunaan Elearning Berbasis Android Pada

Perkuliahan Aktuaria

Suherman, M P Dewi, D Ahmad

Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia

Abstrak. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan ini, merupakan penelitian lan-

jutan dari penelitian yang membangun sebuah aplikasi android yang da-
pat digunakan dalam proses perkuliahan berupa e-learning untuk mata
kuliah aktuaria. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengha-
silkan desain perkuliahan untuk menerapkan aplikasi yang dikembangk-
an pada mata kuliah Aktuaria. Pada penelitian ini, produk yang telah
dikembangkan adalah aplikasi android yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk
membangun e-learning pada matakuliah aktuaria. Dalam aplikasi ini,
disusun Rancangan Perkuliahan Semester, Satuan Acara Perkuliahan,
Bahan Ajar dan soal-soal latihan serta Soal Ujian. Penelitian ini meng-
hasilkan sebuah Program aplikasi android untuk e-learning pada perkuli-
ahan matakuliah Aktuaria di Program Studi di Pendidikan Matematika
Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNP Padang.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 17

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Penggunaan social network schoology pada e-learning

S Patmawati*, Misdalina*, and P Fitriasari

Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas PGRI, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengunaan

social network schoology pada e-learning. Penelitian ini menggunakan
metode deskriptif dimana hanya menggambarkan proses dari penggu-
naan social network schoology pada e-learning. Subjek penelitian ini
adalah siswa kelas X IPA SMA Arinda Palembang yang terdiri dari 23
siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan social network
schoology pada e-learning dapat mengarahkan siswa untuk aktif mela-
lui kegiatan diskusi serta mandiri melalui materi dan tugas yang bisa
diakses selama 24 jam.

18 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Penggunaan software Graphmatica melalui pendekatan

saintifik pada materi grafik fungsi di perguruan tinggi

Widiawati*, I Widyaningrum
Pendidikan Matematika, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pagaralam, Pagaralam, Indonesia

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the students’

mathematical communication skills as long as a scientific approach was
applied using graphmatica software on the function graphic material in
college. This study was an experimental study by using of one group
pretest posttest design involving 30 students of mathematics education
study programs of the first semester at STKIP Muhammadiyah Pagara-
lam. The results showed that the students mathematics communication
skills during the scientific approach was applied by using graphmatica
software on the graph material function in college was categorized very
good. This can be seen from the descriptors of students’ mathemati-
cal communication abilities that come up during the learning process.
The descriptors come because of scientific activities such as observing,
questioning, associating, experimenting, and networking. From these
scientific activities, students are invited to play an active role in learning
indirectly, so that they are encouraged to follow the learning process that
is being carried out. Therefore, students’ mathematical communication
skills could grow and develop during with the learning process. In other
words, students understood the material which giver to the students,
appropiate with the mathematical communication that occurs during
learning process.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 19

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Analysis of the potential energy of mechanical system

dynamics with non-holonomic constraints on the silender
configuration space

M Ariska *, H Akhsan and M Muslim

Physics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang,South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. The formulation of the dynamics of a mechanical system

can be done by the method of the Port Controlled Hamiltonia System
(PCHS), but this method still leaves a Lagrange multiplier. Further-
more, the dynamics can be formulated using another method which is
more systematic, namely the Routhian Reduction method. The method
illustrates a system that is subject to non-holonomic constraints and
external force, so that the Lagrange multiplier can be removed from the
equation. Before formulating the dynamics of a non-holonomic mechani-
cal system, the researcher will analyze the potential energy that occurs
in a system that moves in the cylinder configuration space. Potential
energy is the main part that must be completed to formulate the motion
system of an object, because Routhian reduction only reviews the kine-
tic energy and potential energy in a dynamic system. The dynamical
system reviewed is an object that moves both translation and rotation
with a non-holonomic constraint, namely the Tippe Top (TT). The au-
thor analyzes the potential energy of a mechanical system that moves in
a cylinder configuration space with non-holonomic constraints.

20 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Development of badminton learning model through

animation video on physical education and health

Syafaruddin*, Hartati and Silvi Aryanti

Physical Education and Health, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to develop a badminton lear-

ning model through animated videos on physical education and health
students of FKIP UNSRI. This research method is Research and Develo-
pment (R&D). The research sample was conducted on the third semester
students. The results of research on small-scale trials conducted on stu-
dents totaling 20 people obtained a percentage of 63.1 included in the
category of ”good enough” to be continued at the next stage, namely
large-scale trials. The results of research on large-scale trials obtained
a percentage of 82.59 is the average result of 55 respondents included
in the ”feasible” category. Implications in this study video animation
based learning models can be used for badminton learning.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 21

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

22 Buku Acara & Abstrak

Abstrak Parallel 2

Kumpulan Abstrak
Sesi Parallel
Room 2(Aula Pascasarjana)

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Problem hots evaluation category of high school levels

Baidil , Somakim
Mathematics Education

Abstrak. The purpose of this study is the development of a mathema-

tical problem High Order Thingking (HOT) evaluation type. By using
the design research method type of development studies (development
research). The research process is preliminary and formative evaluation
consisting of self evaluation, expert reviews, one-to-one, small groups
and field tests. The process of collecting data using document techniqu-
es, walkthroughs, tests, interviews and observations. The results of the
data can then be analyzed descriptively. This research produces valid
and practical questions and potential effects. For the validity of the qu-
estions can be seen from the results of the walkthrough with the expert,
the process of expert review to students through one to one. The pra-
cticality of the questions can be seen from the use made by the teacher
and students do not experience difficulties. The potential effects of the
questions can be seen in the process of small groups and field tests to
see students’ mathematical literacy.

24 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Pengembangan bahan ajar pemodelan matematika

konteks hipertermia

E Irwansyah, Darmawijoyo
Universitas Sriwijaya

Abstrak. Penelitian ini membahas tentang persepsi siswa dan pemo-

delan matematika. Pelajaran matematika yang memisahkan antara per-
masalahan dunia nyata dan matematika membuat persepsi siswa terha-
dap pelajaran matematika dirasa sulit dan tidak menarik. Berakar dari
pembelajaran bermakna berdasarkan teori PMRI, bahwa untuk mena-
fsirkan model matematika dibutuhkan pengetahuan matematika yang
abstrak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode desain research tipe deve-
lopment studies yang bertujuan membantu siswa dalam belajar matema-
tika menggunakan pemodelan matematika dengan konteks hipertermia.
Persepsi yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah persepsi value.

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T Suendang, Darmawijoyo
Prodi Magister Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP , Universitas Sriwijaya

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan : (1) menghasilkan Lembar Kerja

Peserta Didik (LKPD) Mathematical Modelling topik Literasi Finan-
sial pada Aritmatika Sosial yang valid dan praktis di kelas VII, dan
(2) mengetahui efek potensial terhadap hasil belajar dari pengembang-
an Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Pembelajaran Mathematical
Modelling topik Literasi Finansial pada Aritmatika Sosial di kelas VII.
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Design Research tipe Develo-
pment Study. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri
2 Tungkal Ilir. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan walk through,
dokumen, tes, angket, dan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini ada-
lah: (1) Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik
(LKPD) Pembelajaran Mathematical Modelling topik Literasi Finansi-
al pada Aritmatika Sosial yang valid dan praktis. (2) Lembar Kerja
Peserta Didik (LKPD) Pembelajaran Mathematical Modelling yang di-
kembangkan memiliki efek potensial terhadap hasil belajar.

26 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Mathematical Modelling of Traveling Salesman Problem

(TSP) by implementing simulated annealing and genetic

F M Puspita 1* , A Meitrilova , and S Yahdin

Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas
Sriwijaya, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is one of the optimi-

zation problems of the Hamiltonian circuit, which will find the shortest
route that must be passed by a number of city salesmen exactly once
and return to the initial city. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated
Annealing (SA) are one method that can be used in TSP case. Fertilizer
distribution at PT. Sahabat Mewah dan Makmur (SMM) in Belitung
which is one of the branches of PT. Austindo Nusantara Jaya Group do-
es not yet have an optimal fertilizer distribution schedule, where when
fertilizer will be distributed from the starting point of distribution to
the location of storage warehouses it is not determined which location
points will receive delivery, shipments are made to warehouse locations
that still have enough storage space or stacked in the nearest warehouse.
PT.SMM distributes fertilizer from Port of Tanjung Pandan to wareho-
uses in Jangkang, Balok, Ladang Jaya, Sari Bunga, and Aik Ruak. Th
results show that in the GA of 120 routes, there are 8 routes with a
distance of 175 km; In SA, the shortest distance is equal to GA, which
is 175 km.

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Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Construction analysis of student evidence on exponent


F Nurfadilah , Hapizah , and Scristia

Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra,

Abstract. This research is a qualitative decriptive research that aims

to describe the construction of student evidence on exponent material.
Construction of evidence is compiling evidence from a statement based
on the definitions and rules used. The subject of research were students
of class X IPA from SMAN 10 Palembang which consisted of 38 stu-
dents. The learning process takes place according to the steps of direct
learning. The technique of collecting data that used on this research was
written test consisting of three problem descriptions. Data collected was
analyzed using evaluation of evidence consisting of three categories as fo-
llows: Valid, logically connected between facts and conclusions that will
be proven (), valid but not proof (), invalid or incomplete (). The rese-
arch result shows that the construction of student evidence on exponent
material was still in the and categories, with details as follows: In the
first question, there are 11 students in category, 15 students in category,
and 12 students in category. In the second question, there are 7 students
in category, 11 students in category, and 20 students in category. In the
third question, there are 10 students in category, 13 students in category,
and 15 students in category. Students who are categorized as a whole
are able to construct evidence correctly. Students who are categorized as
are still unable to construct evidence caused by errors in mathematical
manipulation so that it shows things that are not logical. Students who
are categorized as are still unable to construct evidence due to not being
able to use definitions and rules to be used in proof so that the evidence
is invalid or incomplete.

28 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Analisis pembuktian matematis menggunakan induksi

matematika pada siswa Kelas XI

G Emeira* , Hapizah, Scristia

Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran

bagaiman cara siswa dalam melakukan pembuktian matematis menggu-
nakan induksi matematika melalui kegiatan menyusun dan memvalida-
si bukti. Diketahui induksi matematika merupakan pembuktian yang
digunakan untuk membuktikan kebenaran dari suatu pernyataan mate-
matika yang berhubungan dengan bilangan asli. Subjek dari penelitian
ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 13 Palembang yang berjunlah 34
orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) siswa sudah mampu
melakukan pembuktian pada langkah basis induksi dengan menunjukk-
an kebenaran ketika dimisalkan dengan salah satu anggota bilangan asli,
(2) siswa sudah dapat membuat hipotesis induksi matematika dengan
mengasumsikan pernyataan bernilai benar, (3) siswa masih melakukan
kesalahan dalam melakukan langkah induksi matematika tepatnya pada
bagian saat melakukan manipulasi aljabar untuk membuktikan bernilai
benar dari pernyataan yang telah dianggap benar, serta (4) masih ba-
nyak siswa yang menuliskan kesimpulan pada kegiatan menyusun bukti
bahwa pernyataan terbukti benar tanpa menunjukkan kebenaran dari
langkah induksi.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 29

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

The modified branch and bound algorithm and dotted

board model for triangular shape items

S Octarina* , M Janna , E S Cahyono , P B J Bangun and L Hanum

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas

Abstract. Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) is a problem of cutting stocks

into items with certain cutting rules. This study used the data where
the rectangular stocks were cut into triangular shape items with various
order sizes. This study used the Modified Branch and Bound Algorithm
(MBBA) to determine the optimal cutting pattern then formulated it
into a Dotted Board model. Based on the results, it showed that the
MBBA produced three optimal cutting patterns, which used 6 times, 8
times, and 4 times respectively to fulfill the consumer demand. Then
the cutting patterns were formulated into the Dotted Board model.

30 Buku Acara & Abstrak

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Penerapan model reciprocal teaching sebagai upaya

meningkatkan kemampuan representasi matematis

A M Retta; T D Nopriyanti
Universitas PGRI Palembang

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peningkatan Ke-

mampuan Representasi Matematis (KRM) mahasiswa setelah dilakuk-
an penerapan model reciprocal teaching (RT). Model pembelajaran RT
adalah suatu proses pembelajaran berkelompok yang dalam pelaksanaa-
nya mengggunakan empat strategi yaitu 1) menyimpulkan, 2) membuat
pertanyaan, 3) klarifikasi, dan 4) memprediksi. Permasalahan dalam pe-
nelitian ini didasari oleh karena rendahnya KRM mahasiswa pada mata
kuliah statistika dasar. Hal ini dkarenakan dalam proses perkuliahan,
sebagian besar dosen melaksanakan model pembelajaran langsung. Pe-
nelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi-eksperimen dengan desain ke-
lompok kontrol pretes dan postes nonekuivalen. Subyek penelitian ini
adalah mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika di Universitas
PGRI Palembang tahun akademik 2018-2019. Data dalam penelitian ini
ada dua jenis, yaitu data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Hasil Penelitian
menunjukan bahwa terdapat peningkatan setelah dilakukan penerapan
model RT terhadap KRM mahasiswa. Terlihat dari uji n-gain yang
mendapatkan model pembelajaran RT sebesar 0,3 sedangkan yang men-
dapatkan pembelajaran konvensional sebesar 0,2. Selanjutnya dilakukan
uji-t untuk melihat signifikan atau tidak peningkatan kemampuan ma-
hasiswa, diperoleh bahwa t hitung; t tabel sehingga H o ditolak yang
artinya tidak adanya peningkatan yang signifikan untuk KRM mahasis-

Buku Acara & Abstrak 31

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Pengembangan LKPD berbasis pembelajaran pemodelan

matematika menggunakan konteks transportasi materi
pertidaksamaan linear satu variabel untu siswa kelas VII

Y Anastasya, Darmawijoyo
Universitas Sriwijaya

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan LKPD (Lem-

bar Kerja Peserta Didik) berbasis pembelajaran pemodelan matematika
menggunakan konteks transportasi yang valid dan praktis pada materi
pertidaksamaan linear satu variabel untuk siswa Kelas VII, dan dapat
mengetahui efek potensial terhadap norma sosio- matematik peserta di-
dik dari pengembangan LKPD berbasis pembelajaran pemodelan mate-
matika menggunakan konteks transportasi pada materi pertidaksaman
linear satu variabel di kelas VII. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah
metode pengembangan model ADDIE. Metode ini terdiri dari self eva-
luation, expert review, one to one, small group, dan field test. Subjek
penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VII SMP Negeri 33 Palembang
tahun ajaran 2019/2020 yang berjumlah 29 orang. Teknik pengumpul-
an data dengan walkthrough, observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Hasil
dari penelitian ini adalah LKPD berbasis pembelajaran pemodelan ma-
tematika menggunakan konteks transportasi yang valid dan praktis ser-
ta LKPD yang dikembangkan memiliki efek potensial terhadap norma
sosio-matematik peserta didik.

32 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Mathematical modeling learning in vocational high

school using PDAM Contexts

B Riyanto * , Zulkardi , R I I Putri , and Darmawijoyo

Universitas Sriwijaya, Jalan Srijaya Negera, Bukit Besar, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract. Learning in the mathematics classroom emphasizes the con-

tent, the thinking process, and the skills required that is aimed prima-
rily at helping students apply what they have learned to solve everyday
problems. However, most students have succeeded in only solving speci-
fic mathematical problems but when they face common problems, they
cannot handle them. This show that promoting students’ modeling com-
petency is very important in mathematical learning. Model formulation
is the most challenging stage for students (and teachers) as it requires
fairly high order thinking, inter-disciplinary knowledge and modelling
experience. The formulation of problem in this research is (1) How to
Mathematical Modeling using technology in vocational high school whi-
ch is valid, practice and useful?. This research uses development resear-
ch methods developed by Akker, Gravemeijer, McKenney and Nieveen.
This development research consists of 3 stages, namely analysis, design
and evaluation. In the analysis step, student analysis, curriculum and
mathematical modeling are carried out. The second step, design and pro-
duct. The final step, the researcher uses a formative evaluation design
consisting of self-evaluation, one-to-one, expert review, small group, and
field tests. After being collected, the data are analyzed using descriptive
analysis method: (1) walk through, analysis based on expert comments
in expert review to get mathematical modeling tasks for mathematical
modeling learning which valid; (2) Analyze the results of the review in
one to one, small group to gain practicality. (3) Analyze the results of fi-
eld test to get useful. Based on expert validation, students; answers, and
comment of the student obtained the task of modeling using technology
which is valid, practical and useful. Based on this research recommen-
ded to use modeling tasks using technology in mathematics teaching and

Buku Acara & Abstrak 33

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

34 Buku Acara & Abstrak

Abstrak Parallel 3

Kumpulan Abstrak
Sesi Parallel
Room 3(Aula Pascasarjana)

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Pemecahan masalah melalui pemodelan matematika

dalam aplikasi kalkulus integral

Universitas PGRI Palembang, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstrak. Proses untuk memperoleh model dari suatu masalah dikatak-

an pemodelan matematika, yang mana merupakan salah satu tahapan
yang di butuhkan dalam pemecahan masalah matematika. Adapun ke-
gunaan model matematika di antaranya dapat mendeskripsikan masalah
menjadi pusat perhatian , sebagai dasar perencanaan dan control dalam
pembuatan kebijakan ataupun keputusan. Pada Aplikasi Kalkulus in-
tegral banyak permasalahan atau pun pembahasan yang berhubungan
dengan konteks keseharian si pembelajar dan keadaan ini membutuhkan
langkah-langkah seperti identifikasi masalah, asumsi , manipulasi dalam
pembentukan model matematikanya. Pemodelan matematika yang di
inginkan dapat berupa bentuk persamaan, pertidaksamaan, system per-
samaan maupun bentuk lain sekumpulan lambang yang berupa variabel
atau besaran , serta di dalamnya digunakan lambang operasi matematika
seperti tambah ,kali, kurang ataupun bagi.

36 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Mathematical critical thinking ability of students with

Realistic Mathematics Learning Innovations with
Etnomatematics (PMRE)

Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah, Palembang,
South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. The importance of critical thinking skills is in line with the

demands of the current curriculum which wants students to have the abi-
lity to analyze and solve problems, especially in everyday life. However,
this ability is still not explored maximally by the teacher in classroom
learning. Therefore, this study examines the improvement of critical
thinking skills among students who obtained the PMRE approach with
students who obtained conventional learning, reviewed as a whole and
reviewed according to the high, medium and low mathematical initi-
al ability categories. This research is a quasi-experimental study with
nonequivalent pre-test and post-test control-group design. The data ob-
tained were analyzed using the mean difference test namely t-test and
mann-whitney. The results showed that: 1) the improvement of critical
thinking skills of students who received PMRE approach as a whole was
better than students who obtained conventional learning with a mode-
rate category 2) reviewed from KAM, increased critical thinking skills
of students in the medium KAM category who were getting PMRE lear-
ning more better than students who get conventional learning, while for
high and low KAM students who get PMRE learning is no better than
students who get conventional learning.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 37

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Mathematics learning using ethnomatematics the

context of the Agung Palembang Mosque

I Martadinata* , and Somakim

Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. Ethnomathematics as a program studies the cultural as-

pects of mathematics. It acknowledges that there are different ways of
doing mathematics by considering the appropriation of academic mathe-
matical knowledge developed by different sectors of the society as well
as by considering different modes in which different cultures negotiate
their mathematical practices. Ethnomathematics researchers investiga-
te ways in which different cultural groups comprehend, articulate, and
apply ideas, procedures, and techniques identied as mathematical practi-
ces. The purpose of this study is to produce mathematics learning using
ethnomathematics on the building of the Agung Palembang Mosque for
students. The research data were obtained from observations, interviews
with religious leaders of the Agung Palembang Mosque, and interviews
with math teachers. In this study, researchers will use context that is in
accordance with rectangular flat (square, rectangle, isosceles trapezoid)
building material that is not far from the students; minds and enviro-
nment, namely of the Agung Palembang Mosque as the starting point
in mathematics learning. This Agung Palembang Mosque is a learning
media that is arranged according to certain rules. This study resulted in
a mathematical learning syntax using ethnomathematics adopted from
the history of the Agung Palembang Mosque used in State Junior High
School 1 Palembang.

38 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Application of HOTs based learning using the model

PBL with SPLDV material in junior high school

N Aisyah , E Kurniadi , and N S Tama

Mathematics Education Departement, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan,

Abstrak. This research is a qualitative descriptive approach which

aims to determine student activities during the implementation of lear-
ning by using problem-based learning models and high order thinking
skills of students after applying higher-order thinking skills- based lear-
ning using problem-based learning model on two linear variable equation
system material. This research was carried out at Palembang 33rd Juni-
or High School, with the subject of this research were students of class
VIII.3. This learning process is adapted to the steps or phases of the
problem-based learning model, namely student orientation to the pro-
blem, organizing students to learn, guiding investigations individually
or in groups, developing and presenting work, analyzing and evaluating
problem-solving processes. The researcher uses higher-order thinking
skills questions on students; worksheets and test questions. Data colle-
ction techniques in this study uses observation sheets and test results.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 39

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Analysis Of Student’s thinking ability to solve math

problems higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) : Create

Megawati , Hartatiana, A K Wardani

Department of Mathematics Education, State Islamic University of Raden Fatah Palembang,
South Sumatera, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aims to describe students’ thinking skills in so-

lving mathematical problems of the type of Higher Order Thinking Skills
(HOTS). The thinking process here refers to Bloom’s Taxonomy which
was revised by Anderson and Krathwohl. This study uses a qualitative
descriptive study conducted at SMP Xaverius 1 in Palembang. 30 stu-
dents from class IX.I have been the subject of research. Data collection
techniques used were tests, documentation, and interviews. Based on
the results of the study, it was found that there were students who were
able to reach the creating stage. However, from all students it can be
said that most students were only able to do the analysis stage. This
showed that students still need to be trained in high- level thinking skills
using HOTS questions, especially the creating stage.

40 Buku Acara & Abstrak

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Analysis of Students’ ability in solving high school

mathematical HOTS Questions

Yastri Nopalia, Somakim

Universitas Sriwijaya, Jalan Srijaya Negara, Bukit Besar, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan
30128, Indonesia

Abstrak. The purpose of this study is to describe the ability of students

to solve high school HOTS math problems. This research is a descriptive
study with a qualitative approach. The subject of this research is the
class XII students of SMA Negeri 1 OKU with the ability categories of
high, medium, and low students. The techniques used are in this study
that is documentation and tests. The results of the analysis of high
ability students already have a very good high level thinking category,
ability students are having good high level thinking skills, and low ability
students have sufficiently high and low level abilities.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 41

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

The development of HOTs problems on probability and

statistics for middle school

Amalia Ansari

Abstract. The lack of using high-level thinking questions (HOTs) in

schools requires Indonesian students to be less successful in solving pro-
blems that demand that ability. To improve the quality of education, the
government revised the curriculum which in its development refers to one
of the aspects that must be raised in the learning process is HOTs. This
research aims to produce valid and practical as material for student’s
training and see the potential effects of these questions on students’ ma-
thematical literacy abilities. This study uses the design research method
for the type of development study with eighth-grade students of SMP
Negeri 1 Palembang as the subject of the research. The results of the
study showed that the HOTS problem developed discussed material as-
pects, constructs, and languages that were declared valid and practical
and were feasible to use.

42 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Soal hots tipe evaluasi untuk SMP

R Putri , Somakim , Darmawijoyo, N Eliyati

Pendidikan Matematika, UniversitasSriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aims to describe the ability of students to so-

lve the type of C-5 math hots (evaluation) with the type of descriptive
research using a qualitative approach. The subjects this study six pe-
ople of grade VIII students in SMP Nurul Qomar Palembang with the
categories of high, medium, and low math abilities. We obtained the
data using documentation and test. The results of the analysis show
that high-ability students are good at understanding the problem, able
to do the questions, and can check the truth of the answers. Students
who are capable of being able to understand the problem, but in the
answer process have not been able to finish until the end. Furthermore,
for low-ability students have not been able to understand the questions
well so they do not solve the questions correctly.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 43

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Kemampuan Literasi Matematika Siswa dalam

Menyelesaikan Soal Tipe PISA Konteks Kelapa

Amelia Utari

Abstrak. Indonesia sudah mengalami peningkatan dalam hasil PISA

walaupun masih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain.
Maka dari itu tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk melihat tingkat kemam-
puan literasi matematika siswa menggunakan soal model PISA konteks
buah Kelapa. Artikel ini juga membahas tentang kemampuan literasi sis-
wa yang muncul dalam mengatasi soal matematika dengan konteks buah
kelapa. Penelitian ini adalah design research dengan tipe development
studies, dengan 2 tahap yaitu preliminary dan tahap formative evalution
dimana meliputi tahap self evalution, expert reviews,one-to-one, small
group dan field test. Berdasarkan hasil analisis peneliti menunjukan bah-
wa siswa dalam menjawab soal matematika model PISA dengan konteks
buah kelapa banyak menggunakan kemampuan memilih strategi dalam
memecahkan masalah dan kemampuan komunikasi.

44 Buku Acara & Abstrak

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Jeki Gusdinata
Magister Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia

Abstract. The study aims to describe the development steps of the

Higher-order Thinking Skill (HOTS) for the subject of trigonometric and
their validation processes. Trigonometric is a subject that is considered
difficult for learners due to the use of the mathematical concepts that
are not real (abstract). Whilst, the 2013 curriculum demands students
to have critical, collaborative, communication, creativity and innovation
ability in accordance with 21st century necessities. In developing the
HOTS problem, one should consider the curriculum, select the latest
contextual stimulus then validate and test it. The method used in this
research is a qualitative method with a formative evaluation followed
with a self- evaluation phase (Tessmer, 1993; Zulkardi, 2006). The results
of this study are ten item problems of HOTS based on the C-4 framework
(analyze), C-5 (evaluate), and C-6 (create). After being developed, the
problem was tested to the research subject, in order to check the validity,
practicality and potential.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 45

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Problem HOTS type geometry material and

measurement analysis for junior high school

I Primasanti , Somakim , Darmawijoyo , Ning Eliyati

Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30128, Indonesia

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to describe the ability of stu-

dents to solve HOTS math problems type C-4 (analysis). This research
is a descriptive qualitative research. The subjects in this study were
eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Palembang. Data collection te-
chniques used were walk through, documentation, interviews and tests.
The material used in this study is Geometry and Measurement. The re-
sults of the analysis of the questions obtained by the average student can
answer the questions that exist in the answer process that is sometimes
less precise, so the answer to the question is not quite right, so for the
type of analysis problem the ability of students is sufficient.

46 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Analysis of students’ mitakes in soving mathematical

olympiad problems

L J Shinariko* , N W Saputri* , Y Hartono* , and J Araiku*

Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aims at analizing students’ mistakes in soving

mathematical olympiad problem. The test will consducted in SMA Ne-
geri 1 Palembang involving 40 students. The main topics are algebra,
combinatorics, geometry, and number theory. The analysis is based from
Newman Error Analysis. The result show that the most common mista-
kes are found in combinatorics and geometry. While the most common
mistakes indentified from Newman Error namely comprehension error
and transformation error. In order to solve this problem, teachers need
to assign various mathematical problems/ Hence, the students will have
more flexibility to apply problem soving strategy.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 47

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Learning design of mathematical modelling courses

through designing task on modelling based learning

E Kurniadi, Darmawijoyo, and W D Pratiwi

Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract. The approach to learning mathematical modeling is an app-

roach that focuses on mathematics learning by using the context of real
world phenomena so that the use of mathematics can be used in de-
scribing a process of understanding, simplifying, and solving problems
in the form of mathematical modeling in order to have deeper unders-
tanding. Therefore, undergraduate students of the mathematics educa-
tion as prospective mathematics teachers in schools need to get in-depth
competencies related to mathematical modeling learning. These com-
petencies were obtained by students in mathematics modeling courses.
Based on the importance of mathematical modeling courses for students
of mathematics education study programs need to be made in the de-
sign of learning in the subject of mathematical modeling based on the
development of questions according to the characteristics of mathema-
tical modeling. This study aims to generate local instruction theory
in mathematics modeling courses after lectures are based on designing
modeling task. Therefore this research will refer to design research me-
thods in learning by constructing the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory
(HLT) which will become Local Instruction Theory in the subject of ma-
thematical modeling. The results of this study are forming hypotheses,
developing learning designs, and testing the truth according to research
design methodology.

48 Buku Acara & Abstrak

Abstrak Parallel 4

Kumpulan Abstrak
Sesi Parallel
Room 4(Aula Pascasarjana)

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Kemampuan penalaran statistis mahasiswa calon guru

melalui model blended learning

Rohana, Y L Ningsih
Universitas PGRI Palembang

Abstrak. Blended learning merupakan model pembelajaran yang

menggabungkan antara pembelajaran tatap muka di kelas dengan pem-
belajaran online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana
kemampuan penalaran statistis mahasiswa calon guru melalui penerapan
model pembelajaran Blended Learning. Penelitian ini merupakan pene-
litian deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 40 orang mahasiswa
semester IV.B Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI
Palembang Tahun Akademik 2018/2019. Data dikumpulkan melalui tes
tertulis dan wawancara. Tes bertujuan untuk mengungkap kemampuan
penalaran statistis mahasiswa calon guru. Wawancara bertujuan un-
tuk menggali lebih jauh tentang penalaran statistis mahasiswa melalui
pembelajaran Blended learning. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuan-
titatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan
penalaran statistis mahasiswa setelah diterapkan pembelajaran Blended
Learning termasuk dalam kategori baik. Indikator penalaran statistis
yang paling banyak muncul adalah deskripsi data (sebesar 77,5%) se-
dangkan indikator yang paling sedikit adalah analisis dan interpretasi
data (sebesar 65%).

50 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Disain Sintaks Maple untuk Simulasi Definisi Limit


M W Afgani
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah

Abstract. This study aimed to know the effectiveness of designing of

Maple syntax in simulate the Limit of Function definition. In designing,
the main syntax used with(Statistics), with(plottools), and with(plots).
The research method used computerization and Maple program to design
the syntax and test it with any function of f (x). The result showed that
the syntax works properly to any function of f (x) for some x in Real

Buku Acara & Abstrak 51

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Students proving congruence triangles by flowproof


Sumarni* , Hapizah, Scristia

Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra,

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to describe students proving

congruence triangles. Proving congruence is prerequisite to developing
skill in constructing formal proof in mathematics. The subject in this
study is a student of SMP Negeri 33 class IX.1. The learning process
implemented with flowproof strategy, namely re-writing existed infor-
mation, stating what is needed to be proved, using existed rules such as
postulate and definition, and writing the consequence from used rules.
Data were collected by a test with three questions and an interview.
Based on data ability students in proving congruence in SMP Negeri
33 Palembang class IX.1 are 4% student excellent categorized, 16% stu-
dent good categorized, 48% student medium categorized, 24% student
bad categorized, and 8% student very bad categorized. The factor is
prerequisite material that is not understood by students.

52 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran Missouri

Mathematics Project (MMP) Berbasis Teknologi

J Siska, E Susanto
Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, Jalan Meranti Raya No. 32 Sawah Lebar Bengkulu

Abstrak. Blended learning merupakan model pembelajaran yang

menggabungkan antara pembelajaran tatap muka di kelas dengan pem-
belajaran online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana
kemampuan penalaran statistis mahasiswa calon guru melalui penerapan
model pembelajaran Blended Learning. Penelitian ini merupakan pene-
litian deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 40 orang mahasiswa
semester IV.B Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI
Palembang Tahun Akademik 2018/2019. Data dikumpulkan melalui tes
tertulis dan wawancara. Tes bertujuan untuk mengungkap kemampuan
penalaran statistis mahasiswa calon guru. Wawancara bertujuan un-
tuk menggali lebih jauh tentang penalaran statistis mahasiswa melalui
pembelajaran Blended learning. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuan-
titatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan
penalaran statistis mahasiswa setelah diterapkan pembelajaran Blended
Learning termasuk dalam kategori baik.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 53

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Implementasi video tutorial pada mata kuliah metode

numerik terhadap pemahaman konsep matematis

N Surmilasari*, dan A S Mulbasari

Universitas PGRI, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstrak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang ber-

tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh implementasi video tutorial pada
mata kuliah metode numerik terhadap pemahaman kosep matematis
mahasiswa. Subyek penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Mate-
matika Universitas PGRI Palembang. Teknik pengumpulan data meng-
gunakan tes yang dilaksanakan pada akhir perkuliahan. Teknik analisis
data dengan menggunakan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, data
kelas eksperimen dan kontrol dikatagorikan normal namun tidak homo-
gen. Dengan demikian dilakukan uji Mann Whitney untuk menjawab
hipotesis. Hasil pengujian diperoleh nilai signifikan 0,000 kurang dari
α = 0, 05 sehingga Ho ditolak yang berarti ada pengaruh yang signifikan
implementasi video tutorial pada mata kuliah metode numerik terhadap
pemahaman kosep matematis mahasiswa.

54 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Pemahaman konsep matematis mahasiswa dengan

implementasi video tutorial

A S Mulbasari and N Surmilasari

Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas PGRI, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstrak. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana pemahaman konsep mate-

matis mahasiswa setelah diterapkam video tutorial dalam perkuliahan
metode numerik. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana perbedaan pema-
haman konsep matematis mahasiswa di kelas eksperimen dan kelas kon-
trol berdasarkan indikator pemahaman konsep yaitu Menyatakan ulang
sebuah konsep, mengklasifikasikan objek menurut tertentu sesuai dengan
konsepnya, memberikan contoh dan bukan contoh dari suatu konsep,
menyajikan konsep dalam berbagai bentuk representasi, mengembangk-
an syarat perlu atau syarat cukup dari suatu konsep, menggunakan dan
memanfaatkan serta memilih prosedur atau operasi tertentu, dan meng-
aplikasikan konsep atau algoritma dalam pemecahan masalah. Berda-
sarkan dan hasil analisis terdapat perbedaan rata-rata antara kelas eks-
perimen dan kelas kontrol yaitu 90,7 untuk kelas eksperimen dan 78,4
untuk kelas eksperimen.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 55

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Dynamic analysis of tippe top on cylinder’s inner surface

with and without friction based on Routh reduction

M Ariska* , H Akhsan and M Muslim

Physics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang,South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. Physics computing can be used to help solve complex dyna-

mic equations, both translation and rotation. The purpose of this study
is to obtain differences in the dynamics of the tippe top with and without
friction moving on inner surface of a cylindrical with varying initial state
based of Routhian Reduction. The equation of tippe top in flat fields
with and without friction has been reduced by the Routhian reduction
method with the Poincare equation with computational in the previous
research, and computation has also been carried out in the search for
numerical solutions to the dynamics of tippe top with friction in the
Maple program. In this study the reduction used is a Routhian redu-
ction, so that the equation used in determining the equations of tippe
top motion with and without friction that moves in a curved plane in the
form of a cylindrical surface with varying initial state based on maple
is Poincaré39;s equation based on Routhian reduction with and without
friction. The effect of friction can be seen clearly through the dynamics
and graph equations in the return top. This method can reduce the equ-
ation of backward motion with and without friction that moves on the
surface of the cylinder clearly in the form of a set of differential equa-
tions. This research can be continued by solving the dynamic equations
of the tippe top in other curved fields such as the torus and ball. The
purpose of this research is to solve the equation of tippe top motion with
and without friction by utilizing maple-based physics computation. The
findings of this study are dynamic equations and graphs of friction with
and without friction equations that move in curved fields in the inner of
surfaces in cylinders with varying initial state based on maple.

56 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Dampak Penggunaan Bahan Ajar Turunan Fungsi

Berbasis Teori APOS Berbantuan Geogebra Terhadap
Minat Belajar Siswa

S Samosir, Darmawijoyo, Y Hartono

Magister Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Sriwijaya

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak penggu-

naan bahan ajar turunan fungsi berbasis Teori APOS berbantuan Geoge-
bra terhadap minat dan hasil belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 2 Palembang.
Metode penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 tahap yaitu : (1). Pengembangan
bahan ajar dengan tahap preliminary, meliputi tahap analisis dan desain
LAS dan formative study meliputi tahap self evaluation, expert review,
one to one dan small group serta field test. (2) Menganalis dampak
penggunaan bahan ajar terhadap minat dan hasil belajar siswa. Subjek
penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Palembang. Pe-
ngumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara angket, wawancara untuk meng-
etahui dampak penggunaan bahan ajar terhadap minat belajar siswa dan
tes untuk mengetahui dampak bahan ajar terhadap hasil belajar siswa.
Semua data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Berdasark-
an hasil analisis data, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) penelitian ini
menghasilkan suatu produk berupa bahan ajar turunan fungsi berbasis
Teori APOS yang valid dan praktis. Valid berdasarkan expert review.
Praktis berdasarkan one to one dan small group; (2) Bahan ajar turunan
fungsi berbasis Teori APOS berbantuan Geogebra yang dikembangkan
memiliki dampak positif terhadap minat dan hasil belajar siswa.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 57

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Analysis Students Character Values In Mathematics

Learning Using HOTS Questions Assisted By ICT
Linear Program Material In High School

N Aisyah ,Meryansumayeka, E Kurnidi , and A Suci

Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra,

Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe character stu-

dents with HOT (Higher order thinking) questions and help by
ICT(Information and Communication of Technology). Research con-
ducted is descriptive qualitative research. This study have 4 Focus cha-
racter first discipline, hard work, creative, dan curiosity. The subject in
this study is a student of class XI IPS SMA Srijaya Negara Palembang in
total 10 subjects. Data collection in this study include tests, interview,
observation, documentation, and using triangulation techniques of data
collection to checking the validity of the data instrument.

58 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Pembelajaran matematika materi logika matematika

menggunakan alat peraga pipa logika

I Widyaningrum* , Widiawati
Pendidikan Matematika, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pagaralam, Pagaralam, Indonesia

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar sis-

wa pada materi logika matematika setelah diterapkan alat peraga pipa
logika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen
dengan kategori one group pretest postest design yang melibatkan 32
siswa kelas X SMA Muhammadiyah Pagaralam. Teknik pengumpulan
data menggunakan dokumentasi, wawancara, dan tes. Dari hasil pene-
litian terlihat bahwa hasil belajar siswa pada materi logika matematika
menggunakan alat peraga pipa logika dapat dikatakan baik. Hal ini
dapat dilihat selama proses pembelajaran dan Lembar Kerja Peserta
Didik (LKPD) yang dikerjakan oleh siswa. Pada kegiatan pembelajaran
tersebut, siswa dalam kelompoknya terlihat aktif dalam menyelesaikan
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) dan siswa terlihat terampil dalam
menggunakan alat peraga pipa logika tersebut. Selain itu hasil belajar
siswa yang dapat dilihat dari hasil post tes tergolong memiliki rata – rata
yang tinggi dimana rata – rata nilai post tes siswa adalah 83,00. Ber-
dasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dikatakan alat peraga pipa logika baik
digunakan pada pembelajaran materi logika matematika.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 59

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Construction of the properties of angles formed from

parallel and transverse lines with APOS approach

Indaryanti* , C Hiltrimartin , Hapizah,1 I Sari, Q A Nisrina,

R P Sari , R S S Silitonga , and E Pradanda
Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aims to describe the ability of students to con-

struct of the properties of angles formed from parallel and tranverse lines
with APOS approach. The research method used is qalitative method.
What is measured in this study are validity of the construction of the
properties of angles formed from parallel and tranverse lines in the stu-
dents’ worksheet, the teaching process with APOS approach, the conne-
ctions tha occur during construction, the learning outcomes or students’
comprehension of the material, and the abilility of students to connect
to the material. The data used comes from secondary data derived from
several studies contained in research group theme, namely learning of
the properties of angles formed from parallel and tranverse lines. The
results showed that the worksheet was compiled was valid so that stu-
dents could understand the properties angles formed from parallel and
tranverse lines with APOS approach.

60 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Penggunaan social network schoology pada e-learning

Sutri Patmawati* , Misdalina , and P Fitriasari

Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas PGRI, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengunaan

social network schoology pada e-learning. Penelitian ini menggunakan
metode deskriptif dimana hanya menggambarkan proses dari penggu-
naan social network schoology pada e-learning. Subjek penelitian ini
adalah siswa kelas X IPA SMA Arinda Palembang yang terdiri dari 23
siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan social network
schoology pada e- learning dapat mengarahkan siswa untuk aktif mela-
lui kegiatan diskusi serta mandiri melalui materi dan tugas yang bisa
diakses selama 24 jam.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 61

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Penggunaan Software Graphmatica Melalui Pendekatan

Saintifik pada Materi Grafik Fungsi di Perguruan Tinggi

Widiawati* , I Widyaningrum
Pendidikan Matematika, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pagaralam, Pagaralam, Indonesia

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the students’

mathematical communication skills as long as a scientific approach was
applied using graphmatica software on the function graphic material in
college. This study was an experimental study by using of one group
pretest posttest design involving 30 students of mathematics education
study programs of the first semester at STKIP Muhammadiyah Pagara-
lam. The results showed that the students mathematics communication
skills during the scientific approach was applied by using graphmatica
software on the graph material function in college was categorized very
good. This can be seen from the descriptors of students’ mathemati-
cal communication abilities that come up during the learning process.
The descriptors come because of scientific activities such as observing,
questioning, associating, experimenting, and networking. From these
scientific activities, students are invited to play an active role in learning
indirectly, so that they are encouraged to follow the learning process that
is being carried out. Therefore, students’ mathematical communication
skills could grow and develop during with the learning process. In other
words, students understood the material which giver to the students,
appropiate with the mathematical communication that occurs during
learning process.

62 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

The Modified Branch and Bound Algorithm and Dotted

Board Model for Triangular Shape Items

S Octarina* , M Janna , E S Cahyono , P B J Bangun and L Hanum

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas

Abstract. Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) is a problem of cutting stocks

into items with certain cutting rules. This study used the data where
the rectangular stocks were cut into triangular shape items with various
order sizes. This study used the Modified Branch and Bound Algorithm
(MBBA) to determine the optimal cutting pattern then formulated it
into a Dotted Board model. Based on the results, it showed that the
MBBA produced three optimal cutting patterns, which used 6 times, 8
times, and 4 times respectively to fulfill the consumer demand. Then
the cutting patterns were formulated into the Dotted Board model.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 63

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Enhancing mathematical reasoning ability and self

confidence students’ through realistic mathematics
education approach with geogebra

C M Pertiwi 1*
Master of Mathematics Education, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi, Cimahi,
West Java, Indonesia

Abstract. This research aimed to analyze the role of Realistic Mathe-

matics Education (RME) approach with GeoGebra in enhancement and
achievement of Mathematical Reasoning Ability (MRA) and Mathema-
tical Self-Confidence (MSC) of Junior High School students, and due to
no research on the dependent variable and independent variable together
yet. The method used was experimental research with a pretest-posttest
Control Group Design. In this research, the population was all 7 th gra-
ders in Cimahi City. The research sample was 69 students consisted of
two classes that were randomly selected and divided into experimental
and control classes in a school. The instrument used an essay test on
MRA and MSC scale. The results showed that: (1) Significant enhan-
cement and achievement of MRA and MSC for students who learned
through RME with GeoGebra were better than the Ordinary Learning
(OL), (2) Students achievement of MRA through RME with GeoGebra
was at a strong level and for students with OL was at a sufficient level,
(3) Students achievement of MSC through RME with GeoGebra and
students with OL were at a good level, (4) Students MRA on the indi-
cator explained that the model had not been achieved ideally, (5) There
was an association between MRA and MSC.

64 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Stimulation of mathematics learning activities in

situational-referential phase with emergent modeling

W D Pratiwi, E Susanti, J Araiku

Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aims to describe learning activities that can sti-
mulate student activity in learning in this case their activities in submit-
ting arguments related to mathematics in two important phases, namely
the situational and referential phases. Improvement at this stage wi-
ll greatly help students progress in the next stage, namely the general
stage and formal mathematics. If each activity in this phase can be cate-
gorized as good, then students will not experience problems in building a
complete understanding of mathematics. This research will explain how
emergent models are used in stimulating the progress of the movement
from model of to model for. Emergent modeling is one of the three Rea-
listic Mathematics Education (RME) heuristics among others, which are
didactical phenomenology, and guided reinvention. The method of this
study is design research, started with preparation phase in formulating
and revising the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory, preliminary teaching,
teaching experiment, and restrospective analysis, the study showed that
the student who had good understanding in situational phase performed
better in referential phase, this finding need to be proved for the next
two stages.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 65

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Implementation of Blended Learning Using Schoology in

Teaching Macromedia Flash-Based Instructional Media

N Sari
Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
P Fitriasari, and D Octaria
Mathematics Education Department, Universitas PGRI Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract. Macromedia Flash, one of ICT program, is an animation

program that can be explored to design instructional media. However,
time allocation in the class is not sufficient to facilitate students for un-
derstanding how to design and work with Macromedia Flash. Blended
learning is carried out to facilitate student learning in the classroom
and online class. Online class is using Schoology as learning platform
so that students can learn anytime and anywhere. This study aims to
describe how the process of blended learning using Schoology in teaching
Macromedia Flash-based instructional media for mathematics education
students of University of PGRI Palembang and how students’ respon-
ses. Qualitative descriptive research method is used. Data was analyzed
from documentation, questionnaire, and interviewing. The results show
that blended learning using Schoology can be employed by students to
learn, practice, and discuss material of Macromedia Flash-based instru-
ctional media from inside and outside class. It also facilitated students
to collect their task. Most of students can produce Macromedia Flash-
based instructional creatively. Students give very good response to the
implementation of blended learning using schoology about 81,9%.

66 Buku Acara & Abstrak

Abstrak Parallel 5

Kumpulan Abstrak
Sesi Parallel
Room 5(Aula Pascasarjana)

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Design Study : Learning Function with Thermometers

in Senior High School

Noveawan* , Zulkardi, and Hapizah

Mathematics education, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract. This research aimed to produce a learning trajectory that

can help students in 8th grade in learning functions. The learning app-
roach used in this study was PMRI approach by using the context of
the thermometer. This research used design research through three sta-
ges: preparing for the experiment, the design of experiments, and the
retrospective analysis. Data collection techniques used were interviews,
video footage and photographs, written tests, and field notes. The study
involved six students in the 8th grade which were composed by students
with high, medium and low of capability in first cycle, and involved 20
students in second cycle. The research conducted to produce learning
trajectory which consists of a series of learning process in the activity.
The results showed that the process by giving the PMRI approach, the
role of the thermometer can help students to recognize functions, pre-
sent functions, determine (domain, codomain and range), determine the
value of functions, and resolve the problems related to functions.

68 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Pengembangan bahan ajar metode numerik untuk

meningkatkan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa di STKIP
muhammadiyah Pagaralam

N Susanti , R Erviana
STKIP Muhammadiyah Pagaralam

Abstrak. Berdasarkan pendapat beberapa mahasiswa menyatakan

perkuliahan metode Numerik dikarenakan materi kuliah dalam perhi-
tungan soal-soal membutuhkan banyak waktu, ketelitian dan mempu-
nyai tingkat kesulitan tinggi, sistem perkuliahan menggunakan pembe-
lajaran langsung menyebabkan mahasiswa merasa bosan dan cenderung
menganggap materi ini sangat sulit, dan refensi bahan ajar baik online
maupun hard copy belum mendukung sepenuhnya untuk metode nu-
merik bidang matematika. Salah satu pendukung tingkat keberhasilan
dalam proses pembelajaran adalah ketersediaan sumber belajar yang
memadai. Akan tetapi kebanyakan mahasiswa tidak mempunyai buku
sebagai penunjang belajar. Berdasarkan pengalaman mengajar, maha-
siswa hanya terfokus pada dosen yang mengajar sebagai sumber bela-
jar di kelas, padahal penjelasan dosen sangat tergantung pada alokasi
waktu yang tersedia yang tidak memungkinkan memberikan penjelasan
secara menyeluruh. Kegiatan belajar mengajar yang ditunjang dengan
ketersedian sumber belajar yang memadai sangat menunjang tingkat ke-
berhasilan mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan sehingga peneliti ingin meng-
embangan bahan ajar metode numerik yang dapat membantu proses
belajar di kelas. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan
bahan ajar berupa modul metode numerik yang praktis dan efektif serta
mengetahui efek potensial terhadap pemahaman konsep mahasiswa ST-
KIP Muhammadiyah Pagaralam. Metode penelitian menggunakan me-
tode pengembangan (Research and development R&D). Subjek dalam
penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika
STKIP Muhammadiyah Pagaralam semester tujuh. Metode Penelitian
ini terdiri dari dua tahap yaitu (1) priliminary, meliputi tahap analisis
dan desain bahan ajar (2) formative study meliputi tahap self evaluation,
expert reviews, one-to-one dan small group dan field test. Berdasark-
an hasil analisis data maka disimpulkan bahwa (1)penelitian ini telah
menghasilkan bahan ajar analisis kompleks yang valid dan praktis. Va-
lid tampak pada hasil revisi berdasarkan hasil validasi oleh beberapa
validator berdasarkan konten, konstruk, dan bahasa. Praktis tampak
pada hasil pengamatan uji small group dan diperoleh bahwa bahan ajar
yang dikembangkan mudah dipakai pengguna dalam hal sesuai alur pikir
mahasiswa sehingga mahasiswa bisa mengerjakannya, mudah dipahami.
Selain valid dan praktis, bahan ajar ini juga mempunyai efek potensial
terhadap pemahaman konsep mahasiswa STKIP Muhammadiyah dipe-
roleh rata-rata 80,0 dengan kategori baik.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 69

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Hypothetical learning trajectory on the pyramid volume

learning for Secondary Schools

Z A Sawitri, N F Fuadiah
Universitas PGRI Palembang

Abstract. This research is part of the Didactical Design Research in

the prospective analysis phase which aims to design Hypothetical Lear-
ning Trajectory (HLT) for pyramid volume learning. This study involved
27 8th grade students and one mathematics teacher. HLT is defined as a
prediction of learning activities, such as what students thinking, and how
students understanding will develops during learning. HLT was desig-
ned based on curriculum review on the volume of pyramid in secondary
schools and study of learning obstacles based on didactic, ontogenic,
and epistemological aspects identified through diagnostic tests, intervi-
ews with mathematics teachers, and analysis of lesson plan used by the
teacher in learning then analyzed using qualitative approach through
case studies and documents. The results showed that the concept of
Pythagoras and learning media support played an important role in the
learning trajectory of the pyramid volume.

70 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Pengembangan LKPD berbasis gerakan literasi sekolah

(GLS) materi persamaan garis lurus di kelas VIII

W A Negara, Somakim , J Araiku

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,
Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKPD ber-

basis GLS yang valid, praktis dan mampu membantu siswa meningkatk-
an hasil belajar. LKPD ini menggunakan bacaan harga produk berbasis
Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) yang memenuhi kategori sangat baik
yang dilaksanakan di SMPN 15 Palembang. Pengembangan ini dilakuk-
an dengan model ADDIE yang dikombinasikan pada evaluasi formatif
Tessmer. Terdapat 5 tahap dalam penelitian ini yaitu tahap analisa,
tahap perancangan, tahap pengembangan, tahap implementasi, dan ta-
hap evaluasi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII.2 SMPN 15
Palembang yang berjumlah 33 orang. Dalam mengembangkan LKPD,
penelitian ini melibatkan beberapa ahli sebagai validator. Para ahli
menguji beberapa aspek Kevalidan konten, konstruk dan bahasa yang
memiliki rata-rata skor dengan kategori sangat baik. Kepraktisan pada
LKPD ini terlihat pada saat peserta didik mampu mengerjakan LKPD
dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan. Keefektifan LKPD ini tampak da-
ri hasil belajar yang dilakukan pada tahap uji coba LKPD. Berdasarkan
hasil field test, diperoleh 70% dari peserta didik memiliki nilai yang baik
dan peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik setelah menggunakan LKPD
yang telah dikembangkan.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 71

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Hubungan self-efficacy terhadap hasil belajar siswa

R A Resmi* , Caswita
Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Lampung, Jl. Prof.Dr.Ir.Sumantri Brojonegoro, Bandar
Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara

self-efficacy dengan hasil belajar siswa yang merupakan hasil penilaian
akhir semester (PAS). Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa di MAN
1 Lampung Selatan dan MTsN 1 Lampung Selatan. Subjek dari pene-
litian ini adalah siswa kelas unggul di sekolah tersebut. Jumlah subjek
dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 107 siswa. Self-efficacy diukur dengan
skala self-efficacy berdasarkan teori Bandura. Data hasil belajar siswa
berdasarkan hasil penilaian akhir semester (PAS) genap mata pelajaran
matematika. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis ko-
relasi Bivariate Pearson dengan taraf signifikansi 0, 05. Penelitian ini
menghasilkan koefisien korelasi (r = 0, 414) dengan Sig. = 0, 000. Ka-
rena Sig. = 0, 000 < 0, 05 maka H0 ditolak. Hal ini berarti terdapat
hubungan yang signifikan antara self-effiacy dengan hasil belajar siswa.

72 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Analysis of student’s proof construction in logarithmic


C Jessica, Hapizah, and Scristia

Mathematics Education, Sriwijaya University

Abstrak. The purpose of this study is to describe the construction of

student proof on logarithmic material. The construction of proof is the
ability carried out to construct direct or indirect evidence using informa-
tion provided such as definitions, principles, theorems and assumptions
in a logical and detailed manner. The research subjects are 40 students
of Sciences in X grades at palembang state senior high school number
10. The learning process is carried out with direct learning steps. The
data collection technique used is a written test consisting of 3 questions.
The data obtained will be analyzed to identify students’; understanding
of the construction of evidence for each question by using an evaluation
of evidence consisting of three categories, namely A1 (valid argument,
logical connection between facts and conclusions that will be proven),
A2 (valid argument but not evidence) and A3 (argument is not yet valid
or incomplete). The results of the study stated that, the construction
of proof by students on logarithmic material of sciences in X grades at
palembang state senior high school number 10 was already in the A1
and A2 categories. In the first problem, there were 6 students in the A1
category, 29 students in the A2 category and 5 students in the A3 cate-
gory. In the second question, there were 27 students in the A1 category,
12 students in the A2 category and 1 student in the A3 category. In the
third problem, there were 22 students in the A1 category, 5 students in
the A2 category and 13 students in the A3 category. logarithmic rules

Buku Acara & Abstrak 73

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Pengembangan LKPD pembelajaran perkalian bilangan

menggunakan konteks berbaris di kelas II

S W Permatasari, Darmawijoyo
Magister Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Sriwijaya

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan Lembar

Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) pembelajaran perkalian menggunakan kon-
teks berbaris dengan pendekatan PMRI yang valid, praktis dan memi-
liki efek potensial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan
menggunakan Design Research tipe Development Study. Penelitian ini
melalui 2 tahap, yaitu tahap Preliminary yang meliputi analysis dan
Design serta tahap formative evaluation yang meliputi self evaluation,
expert review, one to one, small group dan field test. LKPD yang diha-
silkan telah mempunyai karakteristik yang valid, praktis dan memiliki
efek potensial terhadap pembelajaran perkalian.

74 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Description of the modeling abilities of students in linear

programming subject

Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta,
Darhim, N Priatna, and D Juandi
Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, West Java,

Abstract. Linear Programming is a subject matter that involves

mathematical modeling at the beginning of lectures before using it to
solve problems by algebraic or graphical methods. Modeling is one of
the abilities students need to have that bridges real-world problems in-
to mathematics. The purpose of this study is to describe the modeling
abilities of students. This research was carried out in one of the state
university in Jakarta with respondents sophomores’ students majoring
in Mathematics Education who took the subject in linear programming.
Data obtained from the results of the mid-semester written test and ana-
lyzed quantitatively descriptive. The results showed that most students
have not been able to form a linear programming model correctly, and
one of the causes is not yet able to relate it to other concepts.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 75

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Analysis cadets’ competence in solving routine and

non-routine math problems

R Anggraini, E Septiyansyah and Purboyo

Polytechnic of Inland Waters and Ferries Transport Palembang The Official School of
Ministry of Transportation, Indonesia.

Abstract. This study aims to generate a clear and comprehensive de-

scription of cadets’ competence in applied mathematics courses. Applied
mathematics courses become one of the subjects that must be taught by
cadets of Polytechnic of Inland Waters and Ferries Transport Palembang.
Competence in graduate learning outcomes and learning achievement in
applied mathematics courses requires cadets to be able to solve mathe-
matical problems related to daily life. An analysis of these competencies
is needed as an illustration of lecturers in developing learning designs
and teaching materials that are more effective and efficient. Therefore,
before compiling and designing more effective learning, it is necessary
to analyze the ability of cadets in solving routine and non- routine ma-
thematical problems. The method used is descriptive qualitative and
the subject of this study is the cadets of the Nautical Technology study
program 2018/2019 academic year that follows the applied mathemati-
cs course. The research instrument consisted of test descriptions and
interviews. The results of this study are obtained a description of the
competence of cadets in solving routine and non-routine math problems.

76 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Peningkatan kemampuan berpikir siswa melalui model

pembelajaran problem solving dengan menggunakan
strategi act in out

Intan Purnama
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstrak. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpi-

kir siswa dalam memecahkan berbagai permasalahan dalam matematika
dengan berpikir kritis dan aktif. Pembelajaran ini berpusat kepada sis-
wa dengan menggunakan berbagai penyelesaian masalah tidak berpacu
kepada satu cara saja sehingga siswa menjadi semangat dan berperan
aktif sesuai dengan teori problem solving. Ada empat tahapan model
pembelajaran problem solving yaitu (1) memahami masalah; (2) me-
rencanakan penyelesaian; (3) melaksanakan penyelesaian masalah sesuai
rencana; dan (4) memeriksa kembali (evaluasi). Dengan menggunakan
strategi act in out diharapkan mampu membuat semangat siswa dalam
belajar semakin tinggi dan cara berpikir mereka diharapkan semakin
kreatif serta kritis dalam menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan sehingga
menciptakan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan. Siswa dapat berper-
an aktif, guru sebagai fasilitator saja sehingga tujuan pembelajaran yang
terdapat di rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran dapat terlaksana.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 77

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Development of android-based prism teaching materials

for problem-based learning in 8 th graders

Hapizah* , E Susanti* , Scristia* and Mitha Frilia

Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra,

Abstract. Technological developments in industry 4.0 era makes cha-

nges to education system. The education system is replaced with a
modern education system that uses technology in the learning process.
Smartphone, one of the technology is not only used for communication
tool, but also can be used as a supporting tool in learning a subject mat-
ter, one of them is Prism material. This developmental research aimed
to produce valid and practical teaching materials for 8th graders in whi-
ch the research subject was android-based teaching material tested on
students. The research design is the ADDIE developmental model with 5
developmental stages including (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development,
(4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. Data collection uses validation
sheets, observation and questionnaire sheets. The eligibility of teaching
materials was determined by material experts and media experts. Data
analyzing used quantitative descriptive method. The result of this study
was android-based teaching materials that were eligible to be used. It
could be seen from the results of material validation, media and student
responses in using the application. Based on the data analysing result,
it could be concluded that this android-based teaching materials for pro-
blem based learning was valid and practical so that it could be used as
a learning resource for 8 th graders.

78 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Development of Teaching Materials Based on Android in

Material of Arithmetic Sequence and Series for Problem
Based Learning

Hapizah* , E Susanti* , Scristia* and M S Sari

Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, ely,

Abstract. This research aims to produce the teaching materials based

on Android which is valid and practical in order to support the senior hi-
gh school students in learning arithmetic sequence and series for Problem
Based Learning. The subjects of this research were the eleventh grade
students of Senior High School in Palembang. This research is kind of
development research by adapting model development of ADDIE. The
stages of the research conducted consist of analysis stage, design stage,
development stage, implementation stage, and evaluation stage. Data
collection techniques which is used in this research were by walkthrou-
gh, observation and questionaire. The result of this research is teaching
materials based on Android in material of arithmetic sequence and series
for Problem Based Learning are valid and practical. The validity of the
teaching materials produced could be seen from the validator assessment
in the development stage where the validator assess the teaching material
in terms of content, construct, and language used. As for the practicality
of teaching materials could be seen from the testing results of teaching
materials in implementation stage by analysing observation results abo-
ut the learning process of students during the use of teaching materials
based on Android and sheet of questionaire filled by the students after
the teaching materials tested.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 79

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

80 Buku Acara & Abstrak

Abstrak Parallel 6

Kumpulan Abstrak
Sesi Parallel
Room 6(Aula Pascasarjana)

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Learning design of propotion using the tangram context

Andinasari and Jayanti

Mathematics Education Department, Universitas PGRI, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstrak. The aim of the study was to produce a learning trajectory

on comparative material based on the Indonesian Realistic Mathemati-
cs Approach (PMRI). Design research through three stages, preliminary
design, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis was chosen to
achieve the research objectives by designing a Hypothetical Learning
Trajectory tested on 32 students of class VII SMP 30 Palembang. The
results showed a series of activities provided were able to stimulate infor-
mal knowledge and explore students’ prerequisite knowledge as a bridge
in understanding the comparison of values and reciprocal proportiona-
lity. The activity of drawing parts of objects to be intact stimulates
students to the knowledge of comparative concepts and with the context
of the tangram, students are able to model and represent problems thro-
ugh partitioning the model area and partitioning the object collection
model. Furthermore, strategies used by students are gradually develo-
ped into more formal mathematics where the area model is used as a
model of partition situations and models for more formal reasoning such
as comparison strategies, repeated sums, and multiplication are able to
bring students towards higher rules.

82 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Penerapan discovery learning sebagai PenTas

(Pembelajaran Tuntas): upaya mengembangkan
keterampilan komunikasi matematis siswa dalam
pemecahan masalah

Rahmat Fauzi
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstrak. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran penting

discovery learning dalam pemecahan masalah. Metode pembelajaran di-
scovery learning yang telah diujicobakan dalam beberapa penelitian ter-
bukti dapat meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi matematis siswa.
Pengaruh model pembelajaran discovery learning dalam meningkatk-
an keterampilan komunikasi matematis siswa dalam pemecahan masa-
lah terbagi menjadi tiga komponen yaitu (1) kemampuan siswa dalam
menjelaskan gagasan atau ide dalam menyelesaikan masalah secara lisan
maupun tertulis; (2) kemampuan siswa dalam menanggapi keberagaman
pendapat tentang penyelesaian suatu masalah dalam kelompok; (3) ke-
mampuan siswa menyatakan suatu permasalahan ke dalam bahasa atau
simbol matematika. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dan pembahasan dapat
disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran discovery learning efektif digu-
nakan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi matematis siswa.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 83

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

84 Buku Acara & Abstrak

Abstrak Parallel 7

Kumpulan Abstrak
Sesi Parallel
Room 7(Aula Pascasarjana)

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Pengembangan model asesmen autentik dalam

perkembangan anak usia dini di taman kanak kanak kota

Syafdaningsih , Y Rahelly, Taruni Suningsih, Dini Anggraeni, Sofiati

PG PAUD Universitas Sriwijaya

Abstrak. Masalah penelitian ini adalah masih rendahnya pemaham-

an guru di Taman Kanak- Kanak kota Palembang dalam mengunakan
asesmen autentik untuk enam aspek perkembangan anak usia dini. Tu-
juan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan buku panduan asesmen
autentik dalam enam aspek perkembangan anak usia dini yang meme-
nuhi kriteria validitas dan kepraktisannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan
model penelitian dan pengembangan Dick & Carey. Populasi penelitian
ini adalah guru di Taman Kanak- Kanak kota Palembang berjumlah 15
orang guru. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purpose sam-
pling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi dan
angket. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan validasi
ahli materi dan media. Hasil penelitian diperoleh adalah menghasilkan
buku panduan asesmen penilaian autentik yang valid dan praktis.

86 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri




Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pem-

belajaran berbasis PowerPoint yang valid, praktis dan efektif terhadap
pembelajaran subtema peristiwa kebangsaan masa penjajahan. Peneli-
tian ini dilakukan di MI Al-Kautsar Palembang dengan subjek peneli-
tian yaitu peserta didik kelas V. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian
pengembangan model Hannafin dan Peck yang terdiri dari tiga tahap-
an yaitu fase analisis kebutuhan, fase desain, dan fase pengembangan
atau implementasi. Pada tahap evaluasi formatif menggunakan evaluasi
Tessmer. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan uji validitas, wawan-
cara terstruktur, angket, observasi, dan tes hasil belajar. Validasi yang
dilakukan meliputi tiga hal yaitu validasi media, validasi desain, dan
validasi materi pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil validasi yang dilakuk-
an oleh para validator didapatkan layak untuk diuji rekapitulasi hasil
tahap validasi para ahli (Expert Review) sebesar 4,68 dengan kategori
sangat valid dan cobakan. Hasil kepraktisan yang didapat melalui Tahap
Uji Kelompok Kecil (Small Group) nilai rerata 4,32 dengan kategori sa-
ngat praktis. Pada tahap uji lapangan (Field Test) menunjukkan adanya
peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sebesar 38,8 dengan rata-rata hasil pre
test sebesar 46,2 sedangkan hasil post test sebesar 85,0 dengan perolehan
N-gain sebesar 0,72 yang termasuk kategori tinggi. Dapat disimpulkan
bahwa media pembelajaran berbasis PowerPoint yang telah dikembangk-
an memiliki nilai valid, praktis, dan keefektifan terhadap pembelajaran
subtema peristiwa kebangsaan masa penjajahan.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 87

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Test the Validity of the Design of Integrated Al-Qur’an

Trigonometry Learning with the Sibaliparriq Concept as
a Learning Model

H Ahmad, Febriyanti
Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar, Indonesia.

Abstract. This research is part of the development research that aims

to test the validity of trigonometry learning design integrated Al-Qur’an
with the concept of sibaliparriq as a learning model. The learning de-
sign developed refers to the modified design flow of the Mc Kenney cycle
with the development of Dick and Carey. The stages of this study are
(1) conducting a needs analysis to produce an integrated trigonometry
learning design prototype of the Qur’an with the sibaliparriq concept
as a learning model, (2) developing integrated Al-Qur’an trigonometry
textbooks, and (3) using instruments The evaluation is conducte by vali-
dating two mathematicians (validators) on the learning design prototype
and trigonometry textbook. The analysis of the validation sheet of two
validators. Calculated the average V value of V1 (first validator) and
V2 (second validator) obtained. (1)The V value for each aspect of the
evaluation of integrated Al-Qur’an trigonometry learning prototype with
sibaliparriq concept as the learning model is in the Valid category with
a small revision note, and (2) V value for each aspect of the evaluation
of the integrated trigonometry textbook is in the Very Valid; category
with a small revised note. Therefore the design of integrated Al-Qur’an
trigonometry learning with the sibaliparriq concept as a learning model
is said to be valid and worthy of being tested on Students of the Mathe-
matics Education Study Program at Al Asyariah Mandar University.

88 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Analysis of student character values in HOTS based

learning using PBL models on SPLDV material in
Palembang Junior high School

Nyimas, Somakim, Elika and Niwanti

Mathematics Education Department, UniversitasSriwijaya, Palembang,South Sumatra,

Abstract. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims

to analyze the character values of junior high school students in HOTS
(High Order Thingki Skills)based learning using PBL (Problem Based
Learning) rmodels on SPLDV material. Student character analysis is on
HOTS type question on Student Sheet Work. Data collection techni-
ques used were observation, interviews, and written in the form of type

Buku Acara & Abstrak 89

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Application of probing prompting strategy in

mathematical learning on derivative of algebraic
functions lesson in senior high school

A Hardiyanti* , Hapizah
Mathematics Education, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Abstrak. This research was aimed to determine student responses and

student learning outcomes in mathematics learning on derivative of alge-
braic functions lesson by applying probing prompting learning strategy.
This research is a quantitative descriptive research with 34 students of
XI.IPA 2 class at SMAN 9 Palembang as the subjects. Data collection
techniques used were observation and tests. The results of the study
stated that student responses and student learning outcomes in mathe-
matics learning on derivative of algebraic functions lesson by applying
probing prompting learning strategy in general were categorized as go-
od. Student responses were categorized as good with an average of 72,55.
Students have been able to respond and formulate answers to the ques-
tions asked by the teacher. Student learning outcomes were categorized
as good with an average of 73,19 with these details: percentage of stu-
dents whose learning outcomes were categorized as excellent was 17,65%.
Then, 41,17% were categorized as good, 23,53% were categorized as me-
dium, and 17,65% were categorized as bad.

90 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Developing of ICT-Based Si Unyil Comics: Integers

Primary Teacher Education Department, Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas, Palembang,
South Sumatra, Indonesia

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to develop the ICT-based Si

Unyil comic on integer material that is valid, practical and has potential
effects. This study is a design research type of development study. The
subjects in this study were class VIII students. Data collection techni-
ques are walkthrough, documentation, observation, tests, questionnaires,
and interviews. Data analysis techniques are walkthrough data analysis,
documents, observation data, tests, questionnaires, and interviews. The
results of this study resulted in valid and practical ICT- based Si Unyil
comics. Based on the results of the analysis of learning outcomes test
data using Si Unyil comics it is known that the comparison of student
scores at the pretest and posttest, which means the use of comics can
improve students’ knowledge about integers.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 91

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

Inventarisasi Konteks Lubuklinggau Untuk

Pembelajaran Matematika

I adha, R Refianti
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau

Abstrak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kajian pendidikan ma-

tematika yang berhubungan dengan kontek Lubuklinggau, Konteks da-
pat dijadikan langkah awal dalam pembelajaran matematika pemilihan
konteks secara tepat memudahkan siswa memahami konsep matematika,
sehingga matematika betul- betul dapat diaplikasaikan dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari siswa. Beberapa bangunan-bangunan asli lubuklinggau da-
pat digunakan sebagai konteks pembelajaran matematika, seperti masjid
agung taman kurma yang merupakan icon kota Lubuklinggau dan ter-
kenal dengan menara kembarnya, objek wisata bukit sulap, air terjun
temam, Gubuk makan mang engkin,dan bendungan watervang. Kelima
konteks tersebut dapat diaplikasikan pada pembelajaran.

92 Buku Acara & Abstrak

NaCoME 2019 Pendidikan Matematika Unsri

Development of Problem Based Learning Teaching

Materials Using Android on the Subject of Cartesian
Coordinate in Class VIII Junior High School

Zulkardi* , Hapizah, and Arika

Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra,

Abstrak. This study aims to: (1) Developing valid and practical
problem based learning teaching materials using android on the subje-
ct of cartesian coordinate, (2) to know the potential effect of student’s
learning outcomes using android teaching materials on the subject of
cartesian coordinate for problem-based learning. Subjects were studen-
ts in Patra Mandiri 1 Plaju Junior High School. The experiment was
conducted in June 2019-September 2019. Using the method of research
and development by Akker which consists of two stages: a preliminary
stage and formative evaluation phase. Data obtained from interviews in
the classroom, open comment expert, observation sheet, results of stu-
dent worksheets or assignments, and open student questionnaire. Then
the data were analyzed qualitatively to determine the answer to a pro-
blem that has been formulated. The results of this study, is (1) A build
Android-based teaching materials in the form of applications which can
present the process of problem based learning. Teaching materials are
also designed to be a practical resource, and can be used by students
anytime and anywhere. (2) The effect of teaching materials based on
Android in helping students in Class VIII Patra Mandiri 1 Junior High
School increases the student’s learning outcome. Students feel attra-
cted to the applications used and applications help them understand the
material of cartesian coordinates easily.

Buku Acara & Abstrak 93

Pendidikan Matematika Unsri NaCoME 2019

94 Buku Acara & Abstrak

Agenda dan Jadwal Ruangan Parallel
NaCoME 2019

(NACoME) 2019

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Sriwijaya
Rabu, 27 November 2019

Pukul Durasi Kegiatan Keterangan

07.00 – 08.00 60' Kedatangan dan Registrasi Hall Aula Pascasarjana UNSRI
Pembukaan Acara
2’ 1. Pembukaan (MC) Aula Pascasarjana UNSRI

5’ 2. Menyanyikan Lagu Aula Pascasarjana UNSRI

"Indonesia Raya"
8’ 3. Tarian Tradisional Aula Pascasarjana UNSRI
(Tari Tanggai)
5’ 4. Doa Aula Pascasarjana UNSRI
08.00 – 09.00 35’ 5. Sambutan 1. Ketua Pelaksana NACOME 2019
Dr. Darmawijoyo, M.Si.
2. Dekan FKIP, Universitas Sriwijaya
Prof. Sofendi, M.A., Ph.D.
3. Rektor Universitas Sriwijaya,
Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Anis Saggaff, MSCE
sekaligus membuka acara
5’ 6. Penutup dan Sesi Foto Aula Pascasarjana UNSRI
09.00 – 09.15 15' Coffee break
09.15 – 10.15 60' Presentasi Narasumber 1: moderator: Weni Dwi Pratiwi,M.Sc.
Dr. Tan Liang Soon
(Academi Of Singapore
10.15 – 11.15 60' Presentasi Narasumber 2:
Prof. Wono Setya Budhi, Ph.D. moderator: Meryansumayeka, M.Sc.
(Institut Teknologi Bandung)
11.15 – 12.15 60' Presentasi Narasumber 3: moderator: Elika Kurniadi, M.Sc.
Dr. Yusuf Hartono
(Universitas Sriwijaya)
12.15 – 13.00 45' ISHOMA
13.00 – 17.00 240’ Sesi Paralel Ruang Kelas Paralel

RUANG 1 (KELAS ) Penanggung Jawab Ruangan: Dr. Ely Susanti, M.Pd.

Waktu : 13.00 - 17.00 (240 menit) 1. M. Aji Fathurrahman
Topik : Sosial Humaniora 2. Yuke

No Sesi Waktu Pemakalah Afiliasi Judul
13.00 – Velocity Profiles At Non-Stagnation Point Of Viscous Fluid
1 FE001 Rahmat Nursalim Universitas Bengkulu
13.10 Passes A Sliced Sphere Contains Magnet
2 FE002 Hamdi Akhsan Universitas Sriwijaya INSTRUMENT HIGH DEGREE OF MATTER FLUID FOR
Sesi 1.
13.20 – Pendidikan Fisika Moment of inertia analysis of solid rod using a Smartphone
3 (13.00- 14.00) FE003 Suharli AJ
13.30 Universitas Sriwijaya Phyphox
13.30 – Analysis of the potential energy of mechanical system dynamics
4 Moderator:
FE005 M Ariska Universitas Sriwijaya with non-holonomic constraints on the silender configuration
Destriana 13.40
13.40 –
5 OE006 Silvi Aryanti Universitas Sriwijaya Student Learning Interest in E-Learning Based Nutrition Studies
13.50 – Multimedia Development in Course Basketball Working
6 OE002 Giartama Universitas Sriwijaya
14.00 Expertise
8 Sesi 2. Improvement of Student Learning Outcomes uses Development
(14.00- 15.00) 14.20 of Volleyball Game Infrastructure
14.20 – The Effectiveness Of Volleyball Under Serve Learning Though
9 Moderator: OE008 Destriana Universitas Sriwijaya
14.30 Beginner Techniques On Seventh Grade Student
Silvi Aryanti 14.30 –
10 OE009 Waluyo/Hartati Universitas Sriwijaya Level Fitness of Physical Education Student
14.40 –
11 OE012 Hartati Universitas Sriwijaya Development of Ball Capture Test Based on Vibration Sensor
No Sesi Waktu Pemakalah Afiliasi Judul
15.20 – Universitas Sultan Designing bungee jumping using the stem approach to improve
13 FE006 R Haryadi
15.30 Ageng Tirtayasa science process skill
Sesi 3. 15.30 – Development of interactive instructional materials for solution
14 KE001 Effendi Nawawi Universitas Sriwijaya conductivity in the Chemistry Education of Study Program FKIP
(15.20- 16.10) 15.40
Universitas Sriwijaya
15.40 – Pengembangan Permianan Tradisional hadang melalui latihan
15 Moderator: OE007 Supriyanto Universitas Dehasen
15.50 pylometric pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri 98 Bengkulu Utara
Dr. Ely Susanti, 15.50 –
M.Pd. OE010 Destriana Universitas Sriwijaya
16.00 – Development of Badminton Learning Model through Animation
17 OE011 Syafaruddin Universitas Sriwijaya
16.10 Video on Physical Education And Health Students
16.10 – Prior Knowledge Analysis of Science Teacher Candidate for
18 BE001 Safira Permata Dewi Universitas Sriwijaya
16.20 Cellular Respiration Concept
Sesi 4.
16.20 – Measuring Biology Educations Students' Critical Thinking Skill
19 (16.10- 17.00) BE002 Yenny Anwar UNSRI
16.30 Using Online Systems
20 Moderator: FE007 Ketang Wiyono Universitas Sriwijaya
Dr. Ely Susanti,
16.40 – Universitas Dehasen Pembuatan aplikasi periklananan susunan acara kegiatan upacara
21 M.Pd. MP003 Rizka Tri Alinse
16.50 Bengkulu tradisional tabot di bengkulu
22 MP002 Reno Supardi Unived

RUANG 2 (KELAS ) Penanggung Jawab Ruangan: Ruth Helen S., M.Pd., M. PMat.
Waktu : 13.00 - 17.00 (240 menit) 1. Ahmad Ridwan
Topik : Mathematical Modelling 2. Tiurma

No Sesi Waktu Pemakalah Afiliasi Judul
Genetic Variation And Kinship Relations Of Red Rice In South
13.00 – Sumatra Based On PCR-RAPD (Polymerase Chain Reaction-
1 BE003 Laila hanum Universitas Sriwijaya
13.10 Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) Using The Mathematical
Modeling Application Of Ntsys 2.1
Genetic Mutation Detection of Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Sesi 1. 13.10 – from South Sumathra Using Mathematical Model Application of
2 BO001 Yuanita Windusari Universitas Sriwijaya
(13.00- 14.00) 13.20 Phylip Programs and Bioinformatics Multiple Sequence
Moderator: 13.20 – Mathematical modelling skills of prospective mathematics
3 ME004 Hapizah Universitas Sriwijaya
Ruth Hellen S., 13.30 teachers in solving problem-solving problems
M.Pd., M. 13.30 – FKIP UNIVERSITAS Pemecahan Masalah melalui Pemodelan Matematika dalam
4 ME011 Lusiana
PMat. 13.40 PGRI PALEMBANG Aplikasi Kalkulus Integral
13.40 – learning mathematics modeling through student worksheet in
5 ME018 Fahma Sari universitas sriwijaya
13.50 senior high school: using financial context
13.50 – Mathematical Modeling Learning Design Using Model-Eliciting
6 ME036 nila pitriana sriwijaya university Activities (MEAs) Approach to Two Variable Linear Equation
System Material
14.00 – Development of Mathematical Modeling Teaching Material with
7 ME041 Efri Irwansyah Universitas Sriwijaya
Sesi 2. 14.10 Hyperthermia Context
(14.00- 15.00) 14.10 –
8 ME042 Arvin efriani UIN Raden Fatah Control and Rationalism Value in Mathematics Modelling
10 PMat.
No Sesi Waktu Pemakalah Afiliasi Judul
14.40 – Pendidikan Matematika
11 Mathematical Modeling Learning in Vocational High School
ME062 Bambang Riyanto Program Doktor
14.50 using PDAM Contexts
Universitas Sriwijaya
14.50 – Mathematical Modelling of Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
12 ME069 Fitri Maya Puspita Universitas Sriwijaya
15.00 by implementing simulated annealing and genetic algorithms
15.20 – Students’ Mathematical Modelling Skills with The Model
13 ME074 Diki Suryanto Universitas Sriwijaya Eliciting Activities (MEAs) Approach on Material Number
Sesi 3. 15.30 – Univ. Muhamadiyah
14 Bonita Hirza, Cecil application of the hardy-weinberg balancing formulation using
ME079 Palembang, universitas
(15.20- 16.10) 15.40 Hiltrimartin mathematical modeling
15.40 – Learning design of mathematical modelling courses through
15 Moderator: ME082 Elika Kurniadi Universitas Sriwijaya
15.50 designing task on modelling based learning
Bambang The Development of Student Worksheet Based On Math Model
Riyanto 15.50 –
16 ME095 Yolanda Anastasya Universitas Sriwijaya Using Transportation Context of One Variable Linear Inequality
for Student of Grade VII
16.00 – How students learn mathematical modeling through a financial
17 ME099 Fahma Sari Universitas Sriwijaya
16.10 context
16.10 – The effectiveness of the missouri mathematical models project
18 Universitas PGRI
ME107 Tika Dwi Nopriyanti through thinking, speaking, and writing strategies on students'
16.20 Palembang
mathematical problem solving abilities
19 ME108 Uta Damayanti Universitas Sriwijaya
(16.10- 17.00) 16.30 LEARNING IN THE OPEN-ENDED SMP
20 ME109 Putih Fitri Universitas Sriwijaya
Bambang 16.40 – The Learning Model ARCS-V by Applying Metacognitive
21 Riyanto ME114 R H Simarmata Universitas Sriwijaya Approach to Enhance Student Mathematical Conceptual
16.50 – Mathematics Modeling Skill in Problem Based Learning (PBL)
22 ME106 Ajeng Rizki Sakinah Universitas Sriwijaya
17.00 In Senior High School

RUANG 3 (KELAS ) Penanggung Jawab Ruangan: Jeri Araiku, M.Pd.

Waktu : 13.00 - 17.00 (240 menit) 1. Bayu
Topik : PMRI & Etnomatika 2. Anggi

No Sesi Waktu Pemakalah Afiliasi Judul
Program Magister
1 ILHAM Pendidikan Matematika,
13.10 MARTADINATA FKIP Universitas
Sesi 1. 13.10 – HOTS Based Learning Using PBL Model On The Two Variable
2 ME031 Nurhati Suci Tama Universitas Sriwijaya
(13.00- 14.00) 13.20 Linear Equation System Topic In Junior High School
3 ME045 Dewi Oktarina universitas sriwijaya
Jeri 13.30 – Ambarsari Kusuma UIN Raden Fatah Analysis Of Student's Thinking Ability To Solve Math Problems
4 ME054
Araiku,M.Pd. 13.40 Wardani Palembang Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) : Create
13.40 – Analisis Kemampuan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal HOTS
5 ME063 Yastri Nopalia Universitas Sriwijaya
13.50 Matematika SMA
13.50 –
6 ME058 Nursa Fatri Nofriati Umum Musi Tour Context in Direct and Inverse Proportion
14.00 – The Development of HOTs Problems on Probability and
7 ME075 Amalia Ansari Universitas Sriwijaya
14.10 Statistics for Middle School
14.10 –
8 ME098 Risnawati Putri Universitas Sriwijaya SOAL HOTS TIPE EVALUASI UNTUK SMP
Sesi 2. Magister Pendidikan
(14.00- 15.00) 14.20 – ARBELLA SRI Ethnomathematics In The Context Of Semende Traditional
9 ME035 Matematika Universitas
14.30 MARLENY.M House In The Mathematics Learning Of Junior High School
10 ME097 Baidil Universitas Sriwijaya
Martadinata 14.40 – Ethnomathematics based Instructional Design through South
11 ME081 Jeri Araiku Universitas Sriwijaya
14.50 Sumatra’s Cultures and Handcrafts Exploration.
14.50 – Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability of Students with
12 Universitas Islam
ME016 Muslimahayati Realistic Mathematics Learning Innovations with
15.00 Negeri Raden Fatah
Ethnomatematics (PMRE)
No Sesi Waktu Pemakalah Afiliasi Judul
15.20 – Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Etnomatematika dengan
13 ME046 Kristeria Febriani Universitas Sriwijaya Konteks Motif Batik Palembang Materi Komposisi Transformasi
di Kelas XI SMAN 13 Palembang
Sesi 3. 15.30 – Pembelajaran matematika berbasis etnonatematika dengan
14 ME048 Helen Juwita Sari Universitas Sriwijaya
(15.20- 16.10) 15.40 konteks oban yadikon rasan kayuagung untuk siswa smp
15 ME015 SUKIRI YONO Sriwijaya University
Moderator: 15.50 DESIGN RESEARCH
Jeri 15.50 – mahasiswa S2 KBTT-based learning design using PMRI approach SPLDV
Araiku,M.Pd. 16.00 Matematika Unsri material in class VIII of junior high school
17 SD IT Azizah
16.10 Palembang
16.10 – Development of Math Module Based n Local Wisdom and 21st
18 ME121 H Pujiastuti Untirta
16.20 Century Skills Linear Equation System of Two Variables
16.20 – Universitas Batanghari
19 Sesi 4. ME122 Silvia Fitriani Ethnomathematics: Exploration in Traditional Games Jambi
16.30 Jambi
(16.10- 17.00)
16.30 – Cecilia Novianti Effectiveness of Jarimatika Method to Improve Students'
20 ME123 Universitas Timor
16.40 Salsinta Counting Ability in Kefamenanu NTT
16.40 – Talisadika Serrisanti
21 Eka Septiani ME126 Universitas Timor Students’ Understanding of Geometry: Points and Line
16.50 maifa
16.50 –

RUANG 4 (AULA Pascasarjana UNSRI ) Penanggung Jawab Ruangan: Weni Dwi Pratiwi, M.Sc
Waktu : 13.00 - 17.00 (240 menit) 1. Yosua
Topik : ICT dalam Pembelajaran Matematika 2. Mela

No Sesi Waktu Pemakalah Afiliasi Judul
13.10 – Analysis Students Character Values In Mathematics Learning
2 ME032 Ayu Suci Universitas Sriwijaya Using HOTS Questions Assisted By ICT Topic Linear Program
Sesi 1. 13.20
In High School
(13.00- 14.00) The Impact of Using Function Derivative Teaching Material
13.20 –
3 ME050 sangkot samosir universitas sriwijaya Based on APOS Theory in Geogebra Assistance Towards
Moderator: Students’ Learning Interest
Weni Dwi 13.30 – Anggria Septiani universitas pgri Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Mahasiswa dengan Implementasi
4 ME023
Pratiwi,M.Sc 13.40 Mulbasari palembang Video Tutorial
13.40 – Stkip muhammadiyah Pembelajaran matematika materi logika matematika
5 ME028 Indah Widyaningrum
13.50 pagar alam menggunakan alat peraga pipa logika
13.50 – Construction of te properties of anles formed from paralle and
6 ME104 Indaryanti Universitas Sriwijaya
14.00 transverse lines wit APOS approach
14.00 – Universitas Negeri Penggunaan Elearning Berbasis Android Pada Perkuliahan
7 ME026 Suherman
14.10 Padang Aktuaria
14.10 – Student’s Triangles Congruence Proving Through Flowproof
8 Sesi 2. ME071 Sumarni Universitas Sriwijaya
14.20 Strategy
(14.00- 15.00)
14.20 – Mathematical thinking aspek simbolization melalui strategi
9 ME116 D Alyawati Universitas Sriwijaya
14.30 pembelajaran probing prompting pada siswa kelas VIII.
14.30 – Universitas Islam Designing of Maple Syntax to Simulate the Limit of Function
10 Indaryanti, ME029 Muhammad Win Afgani
14.40 Negeri Raden Fatah Definition
14.40 – Dr. ROHANA, S.Si., Universitas PGRI Kemampuan penalaran statistis mahasiswa calon guru melalui
11 ME065
14.50 M.Pd. Palembang model blended learning
14.50 – Universitas PGRI
12 ME096 Sutri patmawati Penggunaan social network schoology pada e-learning
15.00 Palembang
No Sesi Waktu Pemakalah Afiliasi Judul
15.20 – Pengembangan Metode Pembelajran missouri matheics
13 ME003 Jumiati Siska universitas dehasen
15.30 projeck(MMP) berbasis teknologi
15.30 – Universitas PGRI Statistical reasoning of prospective teachers through blended
14 Sesi 3. ME021 Yunika Lestaria Ningsih
15.40 Palembang learning
Moderator: 15.50 PALEMBANG
Weni Dwi 15.50 – STKIP Muhammadiyah Penggunaan Software Graphmatica Melalui Pendekatan Saintifik
16 ME024 Widiawati
Pratiwi,M.Sc 16.00 Pagaralam pada Materi Grafik Fungsi di Perguruan Tinggi
16.00 – Implementasi Blended Learning untuk Melatih Mahasiswa Calon
17 ME121 Novita Sari Universitas Sriwijaya Guru Matematika dalam Membuat Media Pembelajaran Berbasis
Macromedia Flash
16.10 – Dynamic analysis of tippe top on cylinder’s inner surface with
18 MO001 Melly Ariska Universitas Sriwijaya
16.20 and without friction based on Routh reduction
16.20 – Jurusan Matematika
19 The Modified Branch and Bound Algorithm and Dotted Board
Sesi 4. MO002 Sisca Octarina Fakultas MIPA
16.30 Model for Triangular Shape Items
Universitas Sriwijaya
(16.10- 17.00)
16.30 – Stimulasi Aktivitas Pembelajaran Matematika pada Fase
20 ME002 Weni Dwi Pratiwi Universitas Sriwijaya
16.40 Situasional-Referensial dengan Emergent Modeling
16.40 – Enhancing Mathematical Reasoning Ability and Self Confidence
21 Novita Sari, Citra Megiana Pertiwi,
ME078 IKIP Siliwangi Students through Realistic Mathematics Education Approach
M.Pd. 16.50 S.Pd.
with GeoGebra
16.50 –

RUANG 5 (AULA Pascasarjana UNSRI ) Penanggung Jawab Ruangan: Meryansumayeka, M.Sc.

Waktu : 13.00 - 17.00 (240 menit) 1. Leonardo Jonathan Shinariko
Topik : Pendidikan Matematika 2. Intan Purnama

No Sesi Waktu Pemakalah Afiliasi Judul
13.00 – Design Study : Learning Function with Thermometers in Senior
1 ME057 Noveawan Mahasiswa S2 Unsri
13.10 High School
13.10 – Students Statistical Reasoning Reviewed from Academic Internal
2 ME120 D Cahyawati Universitas Sriwijaya
Sesi 1. 13.20 Factors in Two Learning Classes
(13.00- 14.00) 14.20 – STKIP Pengembangan bahan ajar metode numerik untuk meningkatkan
3 ME093 Novi susanti MUHAMMADIYAH kemampuam pemahaman konsep mahasiswa STKIP
PAGARALAM Muhammadiyah Pagaralam
Moderator: 13.30 –
4 Universitas PGRI Hypothetical Learning Trajectory on The Pyramid Volume
Meryansumayeka, ME072 Zeni alif sawitri
13.40 Palembang Learning for Secondary Schools
M.Sc 13.40 –
5 Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS)
ME073 Wahyu Adi Negara Universitas Sriwijaya
13.50 Materi Persamaan Garis Lurus Di Kelas VIII
14.00 –
6 ME084 Restu Adilla Resmi Universitas Lampung Hubungan Self-Efficacy Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa
13.20 –
7 ME090 Chintya Jessica Universitas Sriwijaya Construction Analysis of Student’s Proof on Logarithmic Material
14.10 – Ability to Model Mathematics in Learning Creative Problem
8 ME105 Esterlina Universitas Sriwijaya
14.20 Solving in High School
Sesi 2. 13.40 – Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik untuk Berpikir
9 (14.00- 15.00) ME111 B Sinta Universitas Sriwijaya Tingkat Tinggi Berbasis CPS pada Materi Program Linear di Kelas
10 Moderator:
Noveawan 14.40
14.40 – The development of students’ worksheet in number multiplication
11 ME049 Sri Widya Permatasari Universitas Sriwijaya
14.50 learning using lined-up context in the second grade
14.50 – Leonardo Jonathan Analysis of students' mistakes in solving mathematical olympiad
12 ME101 Universitas Sriwijaya
15.00 Shinariko problems
15.20 – Universitas Islam
13 Description of the modeling abilities of students in linear
ME039 Khairunnisa Negeri Syarif
15.30 programming subject
Hidayatullah Jakarta
15.30 – Nyiayu Fahriza Universitas PGRI Hypothetical Learning Trajectory on The Pyramid Volume
14 ME061
Sesi 3. 15.40 Fuadiah Palembang Learning for Secondary Schools
(15.20- 16.10) Politeknik Transportasi
15 ME059 Rina Anggraini
Meryansumayeka, Program Studi
M.Sc 15.50 – Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Siswa melalui Model
16 Pendidikan
ME067 Intan Purnama Pembelajaran Problem Solving dengan Menggunakan Strategi Act
16.00 Matematika, FKIP
In Out
Universitas Sriwijaya
16.00 – The effect of direct learning on students' proof construction ability
17 ME124 Scristia Universitas Sriwijaya
16.10 of Palembang High School
16.10 – Development of Android-based Prism Teaching Materials for
18 ME052 Mitha Frilia Hidayat Universitas Sriwijaya
16.20 Problem-based Learning in 8th Graders
16.20 – Development of Teaching Materials Based on Android in Material
19 Sesi 4. ME055 Melati Septia Sari Universitas Sriwijaya
16.30 Arithmetic Sequence and Series for Problem Based Learning
(16.10- 17.00) 16.30 – Secondary students’ higher order thinking skills in solving PISA-
20 ME012 Meryansumayeka Universitas Sriwijaya
16.40 like tasks
Moderator: 16.40 – kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis mahasiswa PPG FKIP
21 Scristia, M.Pd. ME126 Cecil Hiltrimartin Universitas Sriwijaya
16.50 Unsri
22 Universitas PGRI
17.00 Palembang

RUANG 6 (AULA Pascasarjana UNSRI ) Penanggung Jawab Ruangan: Novika Sukmaningthias, M.Pd
Waktu : 13.00 - 17.00 (240 menit) 1. Rahmat Fauzi
Topik : Pendidikan Matematika 2. Ismi Nur ’Azizah

No Sesi Waktu Pemakalah Afiliasi Judul
1 ME064
13.10 – Universitas PGRI
2 Sesi 1. ME047 Andinasari dan Jayanti Learning Design Of Proportion Using Tangram Contex
13.20 Palembang
(13.00- 14.00) 13.20 – Strategi Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Higher Order
3 ME115 R S Utari Universitas Sriwijaya
13.30 Thinking Skills (HOTS) pada Materi Statistika
Moderator: 13.30 – Analysis Of Student's Thinking Ability To Solve Math
4 Novika ME119 Megawati Universitas Sriwijaya
13.40 Problems Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) : Create
13.40 –
13.50 – Universitas UIN Raden junior high students' mathematical problem solving skill
6 ME125 Sujinal Arifin
14.00 Fatah through scaffolding
14.00 – Implementasi Pembelajaran Listening Team dalam
7 ME103 Indaryanti Universitas Sriwijaya Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar Mahasiswa pada Mata
Sesi 2. Kuliah Perkembangan Peserta Didik
8 Universitas sriwijaya
14.20 palembang
Moderator: 14.20 –
9 STKIP Muhammadiyah Development of Android-Based Math Equation Editor as an
Novika ME040 Abdul Rosyid
14.30 Kuningan Exponential Learning Media
Sukmaningthias, Program Studi
M.Pd 14.30 – Penerapan Discovery Learning sebagai PenTas (Pembelajaran
10 Pendidikan
ME068 Rahmat Fauzi Tuntas):Upaya Mengembangkan Keterampilan Komunikasi
14.40 Matematika,FKIP
Matematis Siswa dalam Pemecahan Masalah
Universitas Sriwijaya
14.40 – Student’s High Order Thinking Skills in Linear Program
11 ME112 Nandita Selvia Universitas Sriwijaya Material with Creative Problem Solving Learning Model in
Class XI
14.50 – Pengaruh Model Creative Problem Solving terhadap
12 ME113 R Adila Universitas Sriwijaya Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Siswa pada Materi
Program Linier Kelas XI SMA Negeri 5 Palembang
15.20 – Mathematical Proof Analysis Using Mathematical Induction of
13 ME117 G Emeira Universitas Sriwijaya
15.30 Grade XI Students
Sesi 3. 15.30 – Design problem for measuring student’s mathematical thinking
14 ME118 Viona Adelia Universitas Sriwijaya
(15.20- 16.10) 15.40 aspect abstraction in topic number of pattern.
15.40 –
15 ME091 Fitria Nurfadilah Universitas Sriwijaya Construction Analysis of Student’s Proof on Exponent Material
Moderator: 15.50
Zuli Nuraeni, 15.50 – Mathematical Proof Analysis Using Mathematical Induction of
16 ME110 G Emeira Universitas Sriwijaya
M.Pd. 16.00 Grade XI Students
16.30 SARI
Moderator: 16.40
M.Pd. 16.40 –
16.50 – Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis
22 ME100 Novika Sukmaningthias Universitas Sriwijaya Pendekatan Matematika Realistik Berorientasi pada Prestasi
dan Minat Belajar Mtematika Siswa SMP

RUANG 7 (AULA Pascasarjana UNSRI ) Penanggung Jawab Ruangan: Zuli Nuraeni, M.Pd.
Waktu : 13.00 - 17.00 (240 menit) 1. M. Nabil Arifin
Topik : Pendididikan MIPA dan Ilmu Sosial 2. Rifdah

No Sesi Waktu Pemakalah Afiliasi Judul
13.00 – Pengembangan Model Asesmen Autentik Dalam Perkembangan
1 PL001 Syafdaningsih Universitas Sriwijaya
13.10 Anak Usia Dini Di Taman Kanak-kanak Kota Palembang
13.10 –
2 OE013 Yakrus Universitas Sriwijaya
13.20 –
3 OE014 Yakru Universitas Sriwijaya
Sesi 1. 13.30
(13.00- 14.00) 13.30 – STEM Approach fot Mathematics and Science Education:
4 FE004 Ismet Universitas Sriwijaya
13.40 Hypertermia Context
5 HE001 Universitas Sriwijaya
Uji Validitas Desain Pembelajaran Trigonometri Terintegrasi Al-
13.50 – Qur'an Dengan Konsep Sibaliparriq Sebagai Model
6 Herlina Ahmad, S.Pd., Universitas Al Asyariah
ME001 Pembelajaran (Test the Validity of the Design of Integrated Al-
14.00 M.Pd. Mandar
Qur'an Trigonometry Learning with the Sibaliparriq Concept as a
Learning Model)
14.00 – Analysis of student character values in HOTS based learning
7 ME033 Niwanti Rizki Hutami Universitas Sriwijaya using PBL models on SPLDV material in Palembang Junior
High School
Sesi 2.
14.10 – Application of probing prompting strategy in mathematical
8 (14.00- 15.00) ME043 Ayu Hardiyanti Universitas Sriwijaya learning on derivative of algebraic functions lesson in senior high
Moderator: 14.20 – Universitas Katolik
9 ME066 Lisnani Developing of ICT-Based Si Unyil Comics: Integers
Inggrid Tesa 14.30 Musi Charitas
Ningrum 14.30 – STKIP PGRI Inventarisasi Konteks Lubuklinggau untuk Pembelajaran
10 ME070 Idul Adha
14.40 Lubuklinggau Matematika
11 14.40 – ME085 CUT LATIFAH UNIVERSITAS Visuospatial reasoning of students through hybrid learning
14.50 – Development of Problem Based Learning Teaching Materials
12 ME089 Arika Sari Universitas Sriwijaya Using Android on the Subject of Cartesian Coordinate in Class
VIII Junior High School
15.20 –
15.30 –
14 Sesi 3.
(15.20- 16.10)
15.40 –
15.50 –
16.00 –
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19 Sesi 4.
(16.10- 17.00)
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