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Teks berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 41 sampai dengan 46

Imun merupakan sistem terpenting yang dimiliki oleh tubuh manusia karena menjadi pertahanan dari
bakteri dan virus yang berada di sekitar lingkungan. Daya tahan tubuh ini memiliki sebuah komponen
yang dinamakan “Alkylglycerols”. Alkylglycerols adalah sebuah komponen yang diperlukan untuk
pembentukan fosfolipid atau membran sel, khususnya sel darah putih dan makrofag atau yang biasa
disebut sel imun. Secara alami, alkylglycerols ini terdapat dalam sumsum tulang belakang maupun air
susu ibu sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa komponen ini merupakan antibodi alami tubuh.
Alkylglycerols dianggap sebagai peningkat sistem imun yang berfungsi meningkatkan produksi
leukosit, limfosit dan trombosit. Karena fungsi kerjanya tersebut, alkylglycerol ini dapat membantu
mencegah sel kanker. Didukung squalene yang dimiliki oleh tubuh yang berfungsi membantu membunuh
virus dan bakteri, kekebalan dan resistensi tubuh akan semakin meningkat.
Pertahanan tubuh terhadap infeksi dihasilkan melalui sel-sel pertahanan di permukaan sel dan
dalam darah. Pertahanan di permukaan sel menghambat masuknya kuman ke dalam sel. [....], sel dapat
terhindar dari infeksi. Ketika virus dan bakteri yang masuk ke dalam tubuh terlalu banyak, tubuh butuh
asupan tambahan alkylglycerol, seperti suplemen. Suplemen ini membantu aktivasi respon imun tubuh.
(Diadaptasi dari

41. Kata imun dalam teks di atas memiliki makna yang sama dengan ....
(A) pelindung
(B) kebal
(C) pertahanan
(D) perisai
(E) antibodi

42. Topik yang dibahas dalam teks di atas adalah ....

(A) sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia
(B) fungsi sistem kekebalan tubuh
(C) cara kerja sistem kekebalan tubuh
(D) peran alkylglycerols dalam sistem imun
(E) cara imunitas mempertahankan tubuh

43. Kata ini dalam kalimat 2 merujuk pada ....

(A) imun
(B) antibodi
(C) alkylglycerols
(D) tubuh manusia
(E) squalene

44. Apa fungsi paragraf 2 dalam bacaan di atas?

(A) Mengulas tujuan zat alkylglycerols dalam sistem imun
(B) Menyadarkan bahwa zat alkylglycerols berperan penting dalam sistem imun
(C) Mengajak penguatan zat alkylglycerols untuk mencegah sel kanker
(D) Mendorong pemanfaatan zat alkylglycerols sebagai upaya pencegahan sel kanker
(E) Menjelaskan fungsi zat alkylglycerols dalam sistem imun

45. Apa hubungan antara paragraf 3 dan paragraf sebelumnya?

(A) Paragraf 1 membahas pengertian imun yang mengandung zat alkylglycerols yang dipaparkan di
paragraf 3.
(B) Paragraf 2 menjelaskan fungsi zat alkylglycerols yang dipaparkan di paragraf 1.
(C) Paragraf 3 menjelaskan konsep kerja zat alkylglycerols yang dijelaskan di paragraf 2.
(D) Paragraf 3 menjadi penyebab dari fungsi zat alkylglycerols yang dipaparkan di paragraf 2.
(E) Paragraf 3 menjelaskan sistem kerja zat alkylglycerols sebagai kompenen imun yang diterangkan di
paragraf 1.

46. Kata hubung yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi [....] di paragraf terakhir adalah ....
(A) jadi
(B) maka
(C) sehingga
(D) menyebabkan
(E) karena

Questions 47–50 are based on the following passage.

We have all seen how our weather patterns are changing everywhere. Severe droughts are becoming
the norm. It can be traced by the way we have changed our life-style. Let's look at an example of how
our desire for the now famous American hamburger has affected the fish in the Arctic Ocean. It is hard to
conceive that they are related, but the following should point out how all 4.5 billion people on this planet
are being affected.
In North America, fast food chains are very popular. The rest of the world, unfortunately, is following
their example. Because the demand for hamburgers is so great, the American farmers cannot produce
enough animals to use for these hamburgers so a deal was struck with the farmers in Central and South
America to develop large ranches to graze cattle, slaughter them and export them back to North
America. In order to get the available land, rain forests are being destroyed. Cattle ranchers are burning
nearly one million acres of forest per day. One thirds of Costa Rica has been turned over to cattle
raising. Rain forests are the lungs of the planet. They supply valuable oxygen, prevent floods, and
moderate climate.
They recycle and purify our water. Most important of all they are home to thousands of migratory
birds which return to these forests from North America and Canada for their winter home. Yet when they
arrive, their home is destroyed and they ultimately die. Every year approximately 1,000 of these species
are becoming extinct. These birds do not fly back to the United States and Canada to control the insects,
thus the balance of our ecosystem is upset. But the governments work on an alternate plan to control the
insects. They sanction and approve the production of more and more chemicals. And where do these
chemicals go? They go into the land and ultimately the water ways. Fish are being found in the Arctic
and Antarctic Oceans containing chemicals that have been used to control these insects. Fish are like
magnets; they have an innate ability to attract these chemicals.

47. What is the writer's purpose in writing the text?

(A) To show that rain forests can purify ourwater
(B) To argue for the troubled ecosystem due to food consumption
(C) To give examples of the extinction of certain animal species
(D) To describe the popularity of hamburger in America
(E) To inform that fish can attract dangerous chemicals

48. Paragraph 1 is related with paragraph 2 in that the former deals with ....
(A) the change of forests for cattle raising, the latter the balance of our ecosystem
(B) the development of food chain, the latter the function of rain forests
(C) the change of our life style; the latter its impacts on weather patterns
(D) winter home of migratory birds, the latter their ability to control insects
(E) production of more chemicals, the latter fish ability to act like magnets

49. The word "they" in "They recycle and purify our water." (paragraph 3, line 1) refers to ....
(A) migratory birds
(B) floods
(C) insects
(D) chemicals
(E) rain forests

50. Which of the following statements is relevant to the information in paragraph 3?

(A) Insects disturb the balance of ecosystem
(B) Many birds die in their winter home
(C) Fish in the oceans can purify waters
(D) Human lifestyle affects the ecosystem
(E) The home of migratory birds is recycled

Questions 51–54 are based on the following passage.
Advanced maternal age is linked to a number of developmental disorders in children, such as
Down's syndrome. Now, a study has confirmed that older mothers are more likely to give birth to a child
with autism, too. The authors of the epidemiologiest study, published February 8 in Autism Research,
examined the parental age of more than 12,000 children with autism and nearly five million "control"
children between 1990 and 1999, all living in California. The researchers found that mothers over 40 had
a 51 percent higher risk of having a child with autism than mothers 25 to 29. and a 77 percent higher risk
than mothers under 25.
Autism-a developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication
appears to be on the rise. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now estimates that as
many as one In 110 children in the U.S. has an autistic spectrum disorder –a group of developmental
disorders including autism, Asperger's syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder. The prevalence
of autistic spectrum disorders in California In 2007 was 12 times that from 1987, representing an
average annual growth of 13 percent, according to a report from the California Department of
Developmental Services. Only a fraction of these extra cases can be explained by changes to diagnostic
criteria and earlier diagnoses.
Maternal age is also increasing in the U.S. A California-based study reported a three-fold increase in
the number of births to women aged 40 to 44 between 1982 and 2004. But this trend toward delayed
childbearing accounted for less than 5 percent of the total increase in autism diagnoses in California over
the decade, according to the study—a finding that surprised Janie Shelton, a doctoral student in
University of California, Davis's Department of Public Health Sciences and the study's lead author.
"I would have expected to see more of a contribution, because age is a risk factor and women are having
kids later," she says. Earlier work had suggested that both maternal and paternal ages are independently
associated with autism risk. But the current study found that paternal age is only a risk-factor when the
mother is under 30.

51. In the text above the writer deals with a topic 53. It can be concluded from the text that ....
on .... (A) a big age difference of parents of 40 years
(A) prevalence of autism among children or beyond may result in autism
(B) possible biological causes of autism (B) several mental disorders can be prevented
(C) research findings on mental disorders by having kids earlier
(D) maternal age and autism in children (C) women today show a general trend in
(E) negative effects of delayed pregnancy delaying pregnancy
(D) the paternal age only partly explains the
52. Which of the following best describes the case of mental disorders among children
author's purpose in this study? (E) the case of autism among children remains
(A) To analyse how delayed pregnancy brings a mystery among scientists
about autism
(B) To reveal that the case of autism among 54. Which of the following according to the text is
children is prevalent implied about autism in children?
(C) To refute a common misconception about (A) It is genetically transmitted
the cause of autism (B) It was not detected until recently
(D) To demonstrate that autism is associated (C) It is getting more infectious
with delayed pregnancy (D) It makes children antisocial
(E) To make the readers aware of the (E) If was among Californian children
consequence of delayed pregnancy

Teks berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 55 sampai dengan 60.
Diet Mediterania disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu diet paling sehat. Menjalani pola makan ini bisa
[....] umur panjang. Diet Mediterania sebenarnya tidak memiliki aturan spesifik, melainkan lebih kepada
meniru pola makan tradisional orang-orang di negara Mediterania. Ciri khasnya adalah konsumsi banyak
buah, sayur, kacang, polong, dan biji-bijian mentah. Diet Mediterania juga menganjurkan konsumsi
minyak zaitun dan ikan. Untuk larangannya, kita perlu mengurangi konsumsi produk olahan susu,
daging, dan unggas. Gula dan biskuit pun perlus dibatasi.
Manfaat lain dari diet Mediterania juga dibuktikan lewat penelitian terbaru. Diet Mediterania disebut
bisa membuat perubahan microbiome yang dikaitkan dengan peningkatan fungsi kognitif dan memori,
kekebalan, dan kekuatan tulang.

Peneliti melihat pola makan 612 partisipan berusia antara 65 sampai 79 dari Inggris, Prancis,
Belanda, Italia, dan Polandia. Setengah partisipan menjalani diet Mediterania selama 1 tahun dan
setengahnya lagi tetap berpegang pada pola makan mereka yang biasa. Awalnya tidak terlihat
perbedaan berarti, [....] seiring waktu terlihat mereka yang jalani diet Mediterania mengalami kenaikan
mikroba positif di tubuhnya. Hal ini berkaitan dengan peradangan yang lebih sedikit dan secara
keseluruhan hidupnya lebih sehat.
(Diadaptasi dari

55. Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan teks di 58. Topik yang mungkin dibahas pada paragraf
atas adalah .... berikutnya adalah ....
(A) Diet Mediterania tidak memiliki aturan (A) cara melakukan diet Mediterania
khusus. (B) tujuan melakukan diet Mediterania
(B) Disebut diet Mediterania karena meniru (C) pantangan-pantangan dalam melakukan
pola makan tradisional negara Mediterania. diet Mediterania
(C) Diet Mediterania dapat meningkatkan (D) hambatan-hambatan dalam melakukan
diet Mediterania
fungsi kognitif dan kekebalan tubuh.
(E) imbauan penerapan diet Mediterania
(D) Partisipan yang tidak melakukan diet
Mediterania berpotensi terkena 59. Apa fungsi paragraf 3 pada bacaan di atas?
peradangan lebih banyak. (A) menjelaskan manfaat penelitian terkait
(E) Masyarakat yang tidak melakukan diet diet Mediterania
Mediterania berpotensi mengalami (B) memberikan argumen bahwa diet
penurunan fungsi kognitif. Mediterania dapat menaikkan mikroba
positif pada tubuh
56. Kata yang paling tepat untuk mengisi [....] (C) memberikan informasi hasil penelitian
pada kalimat 2 paragraf awal adalah .... mengenai partisipan yang menjalani diet
(A) berdampak Mediterania
(B) mengakibatkan (D) memberikan informasi bahwa diet
(C) menyebabkan Mediterania memiliki banyak manfaat
(D) berakibat (E) meyakinkan pembaca bahwa diet
(E) terkena Mediterania perlu diterapkan

57. Kata partisipan dalam teks tersebut memiliki 60. Kata hubung yang tepat untuk melengkapi
makna yang sama dengan .... [....] di paragraf terakhir adalah ....
(A) responden (A) tetapi
(B) masyarakat (B) namun
(C) warga (C) akan tetapi
(D) lansia (D) lalu
(E) peserta (E) dan

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