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Bahasa Inggris
untuk SMP Kelas IX

Penyusun : Hj. Indah Pujiastuti, M.Pd. Pengarah : H. Entis Sutisna, S.Pd., M.M.
Tim Editor : H. Itang Cintaka, M.Pd. (Kadisdik Kabupaten Bogor)
Hj. Iswatun Khoiriyah, M.Pd.

Kata Pengantar Daftar Isi

Puji syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT atas Kata Pengantar................................................................... 1
rahmat dan karuniaNya hingga kami dapat menyelesaikan
Modul Cerdas Bahasa Inggris SMP kelas IX Semester 1 dan
Daftar Isi............................................................................. 1
2. Kami berharap modul ini bermanfaat sebagai penunjang Sambutan Bupati............................................................... 2
pembelajaran atau dapat digunakan sebagai sumber belajar Unit 1 I Hope You Win................................................... 3
tambahan dari buku-buku teks utama yang sudah ada karena
modul ini berisi Kompetensi Dasar,tujuan pembelajaran, peta Formative Test Unit 1......................................... 7
konsep, kumpulan materi pokok, kegiatan pembelajaran serta Unit 2 It is for Good Cause............................................ 9
evaluasi formatif maupun sumatif.
Formative Test Unit 2....................................... 14
Dalam buku ini terdapat berbagai materi dan kegiatan
yang melibatkan langsung siswa dalam proses belajar secara Unit 3 Make Sure the Food is Healthy....................... 16
aktif. Dengan demikian siswa dapat memperoleh pengalaman Formative Test Unit 3....................................... 19
langsung dan terlatih untuk dapat menemukan sendiri
Unit 4 Follow the Instructions.................................... 21
berbagai pengetahuan serta ketrampilam yang dipelajarinya
dan membuat pembelajaran lebih bermakna. Formative Test Unit 4....................................... 24
Tim penyusun MGMP Bahasa Inggris berusaha ikut Unit 5 I am Reading a Book......................................... 26
serta memberi sumbangsih yang bermutu untuk membantu Formative Test Unit 5....................................... 33
terwujudnya pendidikan yang berkualitas yang sejalan
dengan Program Bupati Bogor, Ibu Ade Yasin, dalam Karsa Unit 6 I Have Done My Homework an Hour Ago... 35
Bogor Cerdas dalam rangka mempersiapkan generasi emas Formative Test Unit 6....................................... 39
Indonesia Merdeka di masa yang akan datang.
Sumative Test Semester 1 . ............................................. 41
Pada Kesempatan ini kami mengucapkan terima kasih
kepada: Unit 7 Sangkuriang......................................................44
1. Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bogor Formative Test Unit 7....................................... 49
2. Pengurus MKKS Disdik Kabupaten Bogor Unit 8 They Are Made in Indonesia........................... 51
3. Pengawas Disdik Kabupaten Bogor
Formative Test Unit 8....................................... 53
4. Seluruh anggota MGMP
5. Pihak Percetakan Unit 9 What Is It ? .........................................................55
6. Semua pihak yang telah berkontribusi membantu menye­ Formative Test Unit 9....................................... 58
le­saikan penyusunan modul ini
Unit 10 Come and Visit Us .......................................... 61
Penyusunan modul ini tentu masih memerlukan
penyempurnaan dan perbaikan dalam berbagai aspek. Formative Test Unit 10..................................... 65
Oleh karena itu, kami mengundang para pembaca Unit 11 You Can Always Come Back Home.............. 67
memberikan kritik, saran dan masukan untuk perbaikan,
serta penyempurnaan pada edisi berikutnya. Atas kontribusi Formative Test Unit 11..................................... 70
tersebut, kami mengucapkan terima kasih. Sumative Test Semester 2 ............................................... 72
Daftar Pustaka................................................................. 75
Bogor, Maret 2020
Biodata Penulis................................................................ 76


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillah puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas berkat limpahan rahmat dan karunia Nya,
Modul Bogor Cerdas sebagai modul untuk SMP dapat diterbitkan sesuai rencana.

Penerbitan Modul Bogor Cerdas untuk 4 (empat) mata pelajaran (Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika,
Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Bahasa Inggris) untuk kelas VII, VIII, dan IX merupakan
pengejawantahan dari Program Panca Karsa yang menjadi Program Prioritas Pembangunan
Kabupaten Bogor lima tahun ke depan, yang terdiri dari Bogor Membangun, Bogor Maju,
Bogor Cerdas, Bogor Sehat dan Bogor berkeadaban. Program peningkatan kualitas pendidikan
di Kabupaten Bogor ini terangkum dalam Karsa Bogor Cerdas, salah satunya adalah dengan
penyusunan Modul Bogor Cerdas.

Penerbitan Modul ini diharapkan dapat menjadi materi suplemen bagi para peserta didik
sehingga dapat memperkaya sumber belajar dan pengalaman belajar.Modul ini dirancang untuk
melatih kemandirian peserta didik dalam memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sesuai
prinsip belajar mencari dan menemukan sendiri, sehingga peserta didik yang ada di Kabupaten
Bogor semakin meningkat kualitasnya dan memiliki daya saing.

Ucapan terima kasih kepada tim Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Kabupaten Bogor,
yang telah bekerja dalam penyusunan Modul Bogor Cerdas ini sehingga bisa terbit tepat pada
waktunya. Ucapan terimakasih juga disampaikan kepada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bogor
yang telah memberikan dukungan dan fasilitas bagi guru untuk mengembangkan kreativitas
dan inovasinya melalui penyusunan Modul Bogor Cerdas ini.

Semoga Allah SWT senantiasa membimbing dan meridhoi segala upaya kita bersama dalam
melakukan akselerasi peningkatan mutu pendidikan di Kabupaten Bogor.

Billahi taufiq walhidayah, wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.



2 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX




3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan
dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyatakan harapan, doa, dan ucapan selamat atas suatu
kebahagiaan dan prestasi, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan
tindakan menyatakan harapan, doa, dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi, dan
menanggapinya, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks.

Setelah mempelajari materi ini siswa mampu:
1. Mengamati Ungkapan atau tutur kata dalam menyatakan harapan, doa dan ucapan selamat
2. Mengidentifikasi ungkapan harapan, doa, dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi
dari teks yang dibaca
3. Menentukan ungkapan yang tepat secara lisan/tulis dari berbagai situasi lain yang serupa.
4. Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan
tindakan menyatakan harapan, doa, dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi, dan
menanggapinya, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks

I Hope You Win

Expressing Hope and Expressing

Expressing Wish Congratulation

Observing the Questioning and Using expressions of hope and

expressions of exploring the expressions wish and responding to the
hope and wish of hope on wish expressions of hope and wish

Observing the expression Questioning and Using expressions

of congratulations exploring the expressions of congratulations
of congratulations and responding to
the expressions of


1. Expressions of Hope
Expressions of hope is used to state your wants on something to happen or to be true, and
usually have a good reason to think that it might be happen.
NO Example of expressing Hope Responses
1. I hope that you get better soon. Thanks.
2. I hope you win the competition. Thank you.
3. I hope you will pass the audition. Thank you very much.
4. I hope that your interview will go well. I really appreciate it.
5. She is hopping you get the chance. That’s very kind/nice of you.
6 We hope you become a winner. I hope that too.

When writing the expressions of hope, you can follow the following sentence structure.
a. Sentence structure to express hope using “to” or “that”

Subject + hope(s) + to + Verb1

Example: They hope to get a reply from you.

Subject + hope(s) + that + sentence

b. Sentence structure to express hope using “that”
Example : I hope that your play runs smoothly.
We hope that she chooses the right job.
c. Sentence structure to express hope using “Verb-ing”

S + to be (is, am, are) + hoping + for + noun + complement

Example: She is hoping for the best for us.

S + hope(s) + object + verb + complement

2. Expressions of Wish
Expressions of Wish is used to express a desire that impossible or unlikely to happen.
No Example of Expressing Wish Responses
1 We wish you good fortune. Thanks.
2 I wish you a safe flight. Thank you.
3 We wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you very.
4 I wish you great success. much. I appreciate it.
5 I wish you the best of luck Thanks. That means so much.
Expression of wish expresses hope for another person’s success or happiness on a particular
occasion. However, there are some other phrases and idioms in English that are used to
express wish or hope, for example good luck, best of luck, fingers crossed, or break a leg.
For the examples: X : I’m taking my final exams next week.
Y : Best of luck with your exams!

4 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

Activity 1

In pairs, read the following dialog and answer the questions.

Hana : Why do you like to play piano, Galih?
Galih : I like music and I like the sound of the piano.
Hana : So, when is your competition?
Galih : It is in two weeks.
Hana : How many participants has registered?
Galih : I’m not sure. It is around 50, maybe.
Hana : Wow, it is a tight competition. I really hope you win, Galih.
Galih : Thanks, Hana. I will try my best.
1. What is the dialog about?
2. What make Galih very fond of playing piano?
3. When does Galih participate in a competition?
4. What does Hana think about the competition?
5. What does Hana hope for Galih?

Activity 2

Complete the dialog below with the correct words in the box. Then, read and practice the
nervous luck moves audition
tomorrow hope dream participant

Sarah : Are you okay? You seem nervous.
Angga : I’m okay. I’m just thinking about tomorrow.
Sarah : What is going on about 1) ?
Angga : I have an audition for a dance contest.
Sarah : That’s great. Your 2)….....;; is to become a dancer, right?
Angga : Yes, it is.
Sarah : Then, why are you so 3) ............. about?
Angga : It is my first 4).............. and there are hundreds of 5)…….. that join this contest.
Sarah : You will be okay. You have great 6).....................
Angga : Thanks, Sarah. I feel better now.
Sarah : Sure. I wish you best of 7)............................
Angga : Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
Sarah : Ah.. I really 8)…….. . I can see your audition.
1. Expressions of Congratulating
Usage Congratulating Responses
I’d like to congratulate you on ... Thank you very much.
I must congratulate you. I truly appreciate…
Formal Please accept my congratulations. It’s very good of you to say so.
It was great to hear about …. That’s very nice of you.
How nice of you to say so.
I’m so thankful for you to say so.


Congrats! Thanks a lot.
Congratulations! Many thanks.
Informal Congratulations on Thank you, friend.
winning the competition. Thanks, I appreciate it.

Activity 1

Read the formal and informal expressions of congratulation in the box. Observe the situations.
Match the situations with the most related expressions.
Formal Expressions
a. I must congratulate you. You deserve it. You have worked hard.
b. I must congratulate you all for this success. We need to work harder for
the next month goal.
c. It was so great to read about your achievement. You have acquired a
reputation as young business person. And you have bound in honor for
this company.
d. I’d like to congratulate you on your promotion.
e. Please accept my congratulation, Sir. I am your supporter.

1. Your worker gets promotion in office. (......)
2. Your team reaches the highest number of sales in this month. (......)
3. Your friend becomes the best worker of the month and she gets pay raise. (…..)
4. Your boss congratulates you on your feature as the rising star in business magazine.(......)
5. Your friend’s father elected as the city governor. You congratulates him. (......)
Formal Expressions
f. Congratulations, little one! You did a good job.
g. Congratulation on getting the bronze medal.
h. Wow! That’s amazing. I was so proud that you had been chosen.
i. Happy engagement. I know you will be a great husband.
j. Congratulations, Toni. I expect so much from you.

Your brother engages to his significant other. (......)
You elected as student council. Your teacher congratulates you. (......)
Your younger sister wins the bike race. (......)
You tells your dad about your achievement getting chosen for national team.
He congratulates you. (......)
Your friend won the third place in chess match. (......)

Activity 2

Arrange the following dialogs into correct order and practice them.
Dialog 1
Ilham : I’m planning to visit my grandparents for a week or two.
Then, I will start to apply for job. Wish me luck.
Mia : Good luck for your future.
Ilham : Thank you so much for helping me. I own you big time.

6 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

Mia : It’s no big deal. I’m glad I can help. Besides, you have worked so hard.
What is your next plan?
Mia : I just heard about your graduation. Congratulations!
Ilham : Thanks, Mi
Dialog 2
Mr. Josep : Where did you get the news?
Ms. Jihan : My pleasure, Sir. I believe our school will be in the right hand.
Ms. Jihan : Mr. Josep, rumour has it that you are going to be appointed our new
Mr. Josep : Thank you. I appreciate it.
Ms. Jihan : All the teacher has talking about it. This news has been spreading since last
week. By the way, let me congratulate you on this promotion.


I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Your brother will participate in a a. I hope I have a good score.
cooking contest. How do you wish his b. Let’s hope we can do it well.
luck? c. I am hopeful of risky questions.
a. I’m happy. c. Good luck! d. Hopefully, we’ll get headache.
b. That’s great! d. Thank you. 5. Tania : Karina and I are going to
2. Your sister becomes one of the candi­ watch the Avenger movie this
dates of student council president. evening. Will you join us?
How do you say your hope for your Adit : That sounds fun. But I haven’t
sister’s success? finished my social science
a. I hope you tell me. project.
b. I hope you get the most votes. Next time, maybe?
c. I hope the students choose the right Tania : Okay, ……
person. Adit : Thanks, enjoy the movie
d. I hope they choose someone else. a. bad luck for you
3. Teacher : Dine, you get selected to b. fingers crossed
sing in front of students’ c. good luck with that
parents next week. Please, d. we’re hoping for your company
prepare yourself. 6. Mira : Dad, I won the writing contest.
Dine : Yes, Sir. Wish me luck. Dad : ....
Teacher : Sure, ….. (expressing hope a. It is no big deal, baby girl.
that the event will be runs b. Tell her my congratulation.
smoothly) c. That’s wonderful, girl!
a. I hope your throat okay. Congratulations.
b. I hope to replace your place. d. I hope you will get the first rank.
c. I hope that you will fail. 7. Tina : Congratulations on your job
d. I hope that you find no difficulties. promotion.
4. Jaka : We will have a math test Harry : ....
tomorrow. a. Thanks, I’m good.
Lisa : …… (expressing hope for their b. No, but thanks anyway.
success) c. I’m looking forward for my


d. Thank you. I was not expecting a a. I own you!
new position. b. That’s very kind of you to say.
8. Sandi : Let me be the first to congratulate c. Thanks, but it’s nothing special.
you on company merging. d. Congratulations!
Anita : .... 10. Ahmad: I won a free ticket for a music
a. Nice job concert from a quiz in the magazine .
b. Thanks. I appreciate it. Narya : ....
c. Happy anniversary for us. a. Many happy returns.
d. All the hard work pays off. b. Lucky you! Congratulations.
9. Eka : Congrats on the new house! c. I’d like to congratulate you
Jaja : .... d. Please accept my congratulations.

II. Essay
1. Complete the dialog.
Dewi : How is your business, Putra?
Putra : a)....... I’ve sold 50 items today.
Dewi : Congratulations! That’s b)........
Putra : c) ........
2. Look at the card below. Answer the questions.

a. What kind of congratulation card is it?
b. Whom is this card for?
c. ‘It’s about time he asked!’ In your opinion, what kind of question did he ask?

3. Complete these short conversations.

a. Bani : My mom is in hospital. She is very ill.
Adit : ......................................................................................................................
b. Ilyas : I’m going to handle a big project for my company. Wish me luck.
Nanda : ......................................................................................................................
c. Yun : The City Major will visit my office. I’m a bit nervous. I have to show him
Dwi : ......................................................................................................................
d. Prima : I heard that tomorrow is your first drama performance.
Rensi : Thank you so much.

8 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX




Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait maksud, tujuan, persetujuan
melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan to, in order to, so that (dis)agreement)
Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait maksud, tujuan, persetujuan melakukan suatu
tindakan/kegiatan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks

1. mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang digunakan dalam menyatakan informasi terkait maksud dan tujuan
atas suatu tindakan/kegiatan
2. membuat percakapan pendek yang menggunakan ungkapan menyatakan informasi terkait maksud
dan tujuan atas suatu tindakan/kegiatan dengan menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
ungkapan yang benar dan tepat, mengamati ungkapan atau tutur kata yang digunakan dalam
menyatakan persetujuan (agreement) dan ketidaksetujuan (disagreement) atas suatu hal,
3. mengidentifikasi struktur dan unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan yang digunakan dalam menyatakan
persetujuan (agreement) dan ketidaksetujuan (disagreement) atas suatu hal,
4. membuat percakapan pendek yang menggunakan ungkapan persetujuan (agreement) dan
ketidaksetujuan (disagreement) atas suatu hal.

It is for Good Cause

Expressing Purpose

Expressing Agreement
and Disagreement on a
Observing the Questioning Composing the Suggestion
expressions of and exploring expressions showing
showing purpose by the expressions purpose by using so (that),
using so (that), to, showing purpose to, for, and in order to.
for, and in order to

Observing the Discovering the Composing the

expressions of agreement expressions of agreement expressions of agreement
and disagreement on a and disagreement on a and disagreement on a
suggestion suggestion suggestion


1. Expression to state the purpose or intention to do something.
Expressing Intention is an expression of hope from someone. This means that the expression
is indirectly an event that has not happened because it is still a hope. The tenses used are
tenses future.
Here are expression to ask for and state intention.
• I would like to … • I am going to …
• I will … • I want to …
• I would rather …
Examples of Expressing Intention:
• I would like to tell about my family • I am going to introduce my friend
• I will visit museum today • I would rather stay at home than go
• I want to make a pancake fishing

Another example :
Asking for intention Stating intention
1. What are you going to do this afternoon ? 1. I am going to attend an English course.
2. What book will you borrow from library ? 2. I will borrow an English story book.
3. Do you any plans for this Saturday ? What’s 3. Yes I do. I am going to meet Mr. Adam to
your plan ? discuss the training.
4. What for do we need to have regular exercise ? 4. To stay healthy
5. What do you want to achieve by the end of the 5. I intend to have my own online shop
term ?

Here are the grammar of stating intention

a. Either “Will” or “Be going to” is used to express prediction
Example : Reni will travel to Bali next holiday.
Reni is going to travel to Bali next holiday.
“Be going to” “Will”
Is used to talk about activities the speaker intends to Is used to express willingness
do/has planned for the future.
Example : Example :
Aby : Are you free this morning ? Bio : It is hot here.
Irel : I don’t think so. Lala and I are going to look Rafi : Don’t worry. I’ll turn on the AC.
for reference books for our English B assignment at
Botani square.

b. Penggunaan In order + to infinitive, so + that clause

A. Penggunaan “in order to”

In order to selalu diikuti oleh verb1, seperti terlihat pada formula berikut:
Subject + verb + object + in order to + verb1 + object…
In order to + verb1 + object, subject + verb + object
• We should study hard in order to pass the exam.
• Many people in Jakarta decide to leave their office late in the evening in order to avoid
traffic jam.
• He works very hard in order to be able to support his family.

10 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

B. so that
Setelah conjunction so that, harus diikuti subject (I, you, they, we, she, he, it)
• You need to drink a lot of water so that you will not get dehydrated.
• Please turn off the light so that I can get to sleep.
• You must study hard so that you can pass the examination.   
C. to
Setelah conjunction to harus diikuti be/V1.
• She is using her hand phone to send a message to her friend.
• I must study hard to pass the national examination.
• They wake up early to be on time to work.

• “what if …?” dan “how if?” saat meminta persetujuan

What if  dan How if merupakan frasa yang digunakan di awal kalimat untuk memberi saran
atau membicarakan tentang kemungkinan. Frasa ini  dapat diikuti oleh bentuk kata kerja  simple
present, simple past, atau past perfect.
Pola dan Penjelasan Contoh Kalimat
what if + simple present
What if + present tense digunakan
What if we invite him to join our group? How would
untuk memberi saran (suggestion)
you feel about that?
tentang apa yang mungkin terjadi,
(Bagaimana jika saya mengajaknya bergabung dengan
namun kita tidak terlalu percaya diri
kelompok kita? Bagaimana menurutmu tentang itu?)
untuk mendapatkan jawaban “yes”.
what if + simple past
Kita menggunakan what if + past What if I talked to him about that. Do you think he
tense untuk membicarakan would listen to me?
tentang future possibility ketika kita (Bagaimana jika saya mengatakan padanya tentang itu.
kurang yakin (less certain). Apakah menurutmu dia akan mendengarkan saya?)
what if + past perfect
What if I had bought apple pie instead of pumpkin
What if + past perfect digunakan ketika
pie. She wouldn’t have been eaten much.
kita membicarakan sesuatu yang tidak
(Bagaimana jika saya telah membeli pai apel, bukan
terjadi (something hypothetical).
kue labu. Dia tidak akan makan banyak.)

Activity 1

a. In pairs, read the dialogs. Identify which are the actions and the expressions talking
about the purposes of the actions.
Dialog 1
Angga sees Dewi in a newsstand in the neighborhood. He greets her.
Angga : Hi, Dewi. Why do you buy so many newspapers?
Dewi : I buy it so that I can help my brother. He wants to make some craft.
Angga : Why don’t you use old newspaper? It could save you some money.
Dewi : You are right. I didn’t think about that.
Dialog 2
Farid is watching an English learning video. Rina suggests him to take a course.
Rina : What are you doing, Farid?
Farid : I am watching an English learning video in order to improve my English
speaking skills.


Rina : You might want to take an English course. It will very helpful.
Farid : Hmmm... Maybe you are right.
Dialog 3
Opi is calling Dinda.
Opi : Hi, Dinda. What is your plan this weekend? Would you like to shop with me?
Dinda : Hi, Opi. I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m going to Yogyakarta to watch my brother’s
exhibition. How about asking Sinta out?
Opi : Nice idea. I’ll call her.
Dialog Actions Expressions of Purposes
Dialog 1
Dialog 2
Dialog 3

Activity 2

Complete the dialogs below with the correct expressions in the box. Then, read and practice
the dialog.
to show the life of a wildlife photographer what seminar
so that I can work in a wildlife conservative you are interested in wildlife
for your grandparents’ anniversary dinner

Yadi is going to participate in a seminar.

Yadi : Dad, I am going to a seminar in the stadium.
Dad : 1) ………?
Yadi : There is a wildlife photography seminar. The seminar aims 2)….......
It’s also for raising the awareness of the importance of wildlife photographer professions.
Dad : I can see that 3).....................
Yadi : Yes, I am. I want to learn a lot about wildlife 4)..............
Dad : Okay, but you have be home before 6 pm 5)...................
Yadi : Sure, Dad.
2. Expression of Giving Suggestion, Agreement and Disagreement
Expression of agree means an expression or expression that agrees with the opinions of
others. Expression of disagree means expressions or expressions that express disagreement
with the opinions of others. Expressing disagree means expressing disapproval.
Expression of Giving Suggestion is English Expressions used to express how to advise others.
Here are expressions to agree, disagree and giving a suggestion.
Giving a suggestion. Agreeing Disagreeing
• May I suggest ...? • I agree/                 • I disagree/I don’t agree
• I have an idea • I agree with you • I can’t agree
• You should… • You are right/That’s right • I don’t think so
• You need/ought to… • That’s true/It’s true • I wouldn’t say that
• You had better… • Absolutely/Definitely • I wouldn’t go as far as that
• You ought to… • No doubt about it • I wouldn’t go as far to say that
• I think you should…. • That’s exactly • I wish I could agree with you, but ...
• I advise you to… • I suppose you are right • I hate to disagree with you, but ...
• I suggest you to… • I see your point • I don’t mean to disagree with you,
• I recommend you to… • I’m afraid you are right but...
• Maybe you should ...

12 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

Activity 1

a. Read the following dialog then Answer the question.

Zahra and Kayla cleaning the yard and collecting dry leaves.
Zahra : You look so busy Kayla. What are you going to do with the dry leaves ?
Kayla : I am going to burn them.
Zahra : I don’t think it’s a good idea. Don’t burn dry leaves. You know that the smoke from
burning leaves causes air pollution.
Kayla : So, what should I do with the leaves ?
Zahra : You should recycle them into useful items. You can make compost from the leaves
in order to protect environment. Soil produced is rich in nutrients for our yard. It is
natural fertilizer. It is also cheaper.
Kayla : You are right. But I don’t know how to make it.
Zahra : My elder brother studies agriculture. He understand it. If you intend to learn it, you
can ask him.
Kayla : Sure. I will come to your house tomorrow.
Zahra : OK.

Answer Questions:
1. How many people in the dialog above ? Who are they ?
2. Where is the dialog take place ?
3. What is Kayla doing ?
4. What is Kayla doing with the leaves ?
5. What does Zahra tell kayla not to do ?
6. Why should Kayla not to do that ?
7. What does Zahra tell Kayla to do with the leaves ?
8. What are the advantages of compost ?
9. What is Kayla’s intention visiting Zahra’s house ?
10. Zahra : You should recycle them into useful items. What is the synonym of useful ?
b. Arrange the sentences into sequential dialog, then practice the dialog with a friend.
Dialog 1
Dhiya : Well, I like photography and I’d like to improve my knowledge and skills in
photography. I think we’d better choose extracurricular activities based on our
Dhiya : I will choose photography.
Dhiya : What extracurricular activity will you choose ?
Cecil : What is your goal by joining it?
Cecil : You’re absolutely right .
Cecil : I like martial arts. So I will choose karate. How about you ?
Dialog 2
Tasya : I saw many cardboard boxes in the storeroom yesterday. Do you agree if we
change them into useful items ?
Tasya : Brother, Do you have any plan for this weekend ?
Tasya : Look at the picture on my smartphone. These unique and beautiful desk lamp
are from cardboard. I intend to make them and we can put them on our desks.
Tasya : That’s good idea
Dion : I have no plan yet. What’s on ?
Dion : I agree with you100 percent, but what will we make ?
Dion : All right
Dion : I agree. Moreover, my school is going to hold bazaar next month. I will make
more lamps and self them at the bazaar.


Activity 2

a. Complete the dialog with the expressions of suggestion, agreement, or disagreement.

Sari and Ayu are talking on the phone.
Sari : The weather is nice today. 1)..................
Ayu : Picnic? Nice idea I suggest that we go to Taman Hutan Raya Dago”?
What do you think?
Sari : 2).................... That park is too quiet, I don’t really like the atmosphere. 3).........
“Taman Balai Kota” is in the central of the city and surrounded by interesting places.
We can go sigh seeing after the picnic.
Ayu : 4) ................... Let’s invite Joni, Harry, and Dewi. I think they will like it.
Sari : 5) .................... I’ll call them. Where will we meet?
Ayu : Let’s meet in the north gate in one hour.
Sari : 6).................... Can we meet in two hours? I have to prepare something.
b. Make short dialogs based on the situations below. Write them on a piece of paper.
1. Agus and Rio are planning their vacation. Agus disagrees with Rio’s plan.
2. Dina and Tania are talking about her friend’s birthday. They wants to surprise her.
3. Anton, Galih, and Eva are discussing about their project to make music festival. There are
some agreement and disagreement during the discussion.
4. Putra, Kiki, and Gina are talking about painting house. They have disagreement on some


I. Choose the correct and logical answer.

a. to make a handmade bracelet.
1. Jack : Why do you bring lunch from home?
b. for make a handmade bracelet.
Fredi : I bring my lunch from home …
c. so that I can buy them in stationery store.
a. so that people will be happy.
d. so that you can save some pocket money.
b. so that I can buy in the canteen.
5. Yani : Why are you joining Orangutan
c. so that I can save some pocket money.
foundation Indonesia?
d. so that you can have my pocket money.
Terry : I’m joining the organization ....
2. Putri : Why do you buy a telescope?
prevent orangutan from extinction.
Simon : I buy it ...
a. for c. so that
a. in order to hear sounds better
b. make d. in order to
b. in order to see underwater
6. Rian : Hi, Malik. Would you join me this
c. in order to see the moon.
evening? We can hang out.
d. in order to see microscopic algae
Malik : Nice idea. Do you have any ...?
3 Bonar : Why do people gather in city hall?
a. dislike c. agreement
They seem intense.
b. suggestion d. disagreement
Denny : They gather …..
7. Mother : The sky is getting dark. You should
a. for have fun
bring the umbrella with you.
b. in order to be happy
Lukas : ................................
c. to see each other
a. What do you think?
d. for protesting the new law
b. Yes, you are right, Mom.
4. Lina : Why are you bringing string,
c. I don’t like umbrella.
glue and beads?
d. That is my favorite thing, Mom.
Fredi : I am bringing these ....

14 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

8. Diana : Perhaps you must read more 10. Opi : What about preparing ourselves for
literature. the scholarship from now?
Fania : I know very little about this topic. Eva : ........
a. Bad idea. c. You are right. a. Why should we?
b. I am smart. d. That can be. b. Let’s join the scholarship now.
9. Joko : What if we go swimming? c. That is really a great idea.
Agus : ........ d. Is scholarship important ?
a. Feel it! It is a great day.
b. Do you want to go swimming?
c. I like this kind of weather very much.
d. I don’t feel like doing it. The weather is
too cold.
II. Essay
Read the dialog and identify the suggestions, the agreements, and the disagreements.
During English class, Bagas, Astri, and Lina are discussing about their project to make a brochure.
Astri : First, we need to decide the theme of the brochure. Does anyone have an idea?
Bagas : I’m thinking about “The Importance of Learning English”? In my opinion it is an
interesting theme.
Astri : Yes, it is a good theme. How about you, Lina? What do you think?
Lina : I’m sorry, but I disagree. I think “The Importance of Learning English” is kind of
typical. I want our brochure to have greater impact to society. It must be something
Astri : So, what do you suggest?
Lina : How about the cyber-bullying? Nowadays, social media is a part of teenagers’ life.
We use it every day. We spend most of our time talking with friends via social media
or commenting someone’s post, yet some of us have not use it responsibly. Some
of us use social media to hurt people. I want to spread the information of how the
dangerous of cyber-bullying is.
Bagas : Actually, that sound a great idea, Lina. Cyber-bullying is real. Some people bully
other without realizing what its impact to the victims.
Astri : Okay, let’s go with “The Danger of Cyber-Bully”. What if we meet after school at the
library to discuss it further?
Bagas and Lina : Sounds great.

Suggestions Agreement Disagreement





3.3 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam
bentuk label, dengan meminta dan memberi informasi terkait obat/makanan/ minuman, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.3 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
teks khusus dalam bentuk label pendekdansederhana, terkait obat/makanan/ minuman.

1. Mengamati label pada kemasan makanan , minuman dan obat .
2. Menganalisis struktur pada label pada kemasan makanan, minuman dan obat
3. Mengidentifikasi informasi yang terdapat pada label pada kemasan makanan, dan obat
4. Menuliskan informasi penting yang terdapat pada label kemasan makanan, minuman dan obat


Make Sure the Food is Healthy

Food and Drink Labels Drug/Medicine Labels

Reading food and Identifying and Describing food

drink labels analyzing food and and drink label
drink label

Reading drug/ Identifying and Describing drug/

medicine labels analyzing drug/ medicine label
medicine label

16 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX


Label adalah keterangan yang terdapat di bagian luar kemasan sebuah produk/barang. Di label
produk biasanya terdapat kalimat yang menunjukan keunggulan produk, petunjuk penggunaan,
komposisi produk, serta indikasi. Kemasan atau label biasanya terdapat dalam produk makanan
(food), minuman (drink), obat (medicine), produk kecantikan (cosmetics) dan lainnya.
Tujuannya untuk memberikan informasi rinci tentang suatu produk atau barang. Dalam
Kemasan produk/label biasanya memberikan beberapa informasi sebagai berikut:
Basic information that can be found on food labels are as follow.
1. Name of the company that produce the product, it tells the producer/manufacturer the product.
2. Name of the product, it tells you what food is of the brand of the product.
3. Nutrition information panel, it shows the nutrition contained in the product.
4. Ingredient list, it tells the quantity of ingredients of the product.
5. Net quantity or net amount, it is the minimum net quantity of the product stated on the label.
6. Manufacturer details, it shows the name and the address of the manufacture of the product.
7. Storage instruction, it tells how to storage the product.
8. Instruction for use, it tells how to consume the product.
9. Expiry dates, it tells when the product stops being in use.
10. Picture or illustration of the product.
11. Price
Here are the language feature of labels:
1. Use positive and negative imperative sentences
2. Use declarative sentence
3. Use modal auxiliaries Commonly used on labels
4. Use singular and plural nouns correctly

Example of Food and Drink Label

Food and drink labels are intended to enable consumers to make informed nutritional choices
between different products and should not carry misleading or false claims. Food and drink labels
have similar structure. Look at the examples of food labels.
The Company
of Product

The Brand of
the Product
Information Panel

of Product

NetWeight/ Net

2. Drug Label/Medicine Label

The structure of drug/medicine label is as follow :
The information can be found on drugs label are as follow.
The brand of the drug
The company of the drug
Net amount/net weight


1 . Active ingredient and its purpose, it lists the substances in a medicine that make the medicine
work. It tells you what type—or category—of medicine it is.
2. The use of the drug, it tells desirable effects of active ingredients. It tells you what symptoms or
illnesses you can expect the medicine to treat
3. Warnings, it tells the side effects or may be less safe under certain circumstances.
4. Direction or dosage instruction, it contains instructions for the drug’s safe use. These instructions
tell you exactly how and when to take a medicine.
5. Other information, it tells additional information, such as the safety and the storage instructions.
6. Inactive ingredients, it lists the ingredient that may be used to improve the taste or ease of use of
the medicine. Inactive ingredients usually have no effect on consumers.
7. Manufacturer/Distributor/Importer Details, it contains the name and address of the manufacturer
or distributor or importer of the medicine.

Example of Drug
Dosage Brand of the Company of the Active Ingredients
Instruction Product Product and Its Purpose


Manufacturer/ Net Amount/ Warnings
Distributor/ Importer Net Weight

Activity 1

1. Read the following food label. Identify the structure of the label.

18 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

2. Read the food label and answer the questions.
1. What kind of food is it? What is the flavor?
2. What does “citric acid is added for taste
and not as preservative” mean?
3. Does it contain paprika extract?
4. What is the serving size of the food?
5. How many calories does it have for 30
6. What vitamin does it contain?

3. Read the label and answer the questions.

DECONGESTANT ANTISPASMODIC AND 1. What is the purpose of the text ?
Decadril expectorant cures quickly 2. What illness can decadril cure?
- Coughs, colds, flu, asthma, gastritis, stomach disturbances in 3. What does decadril tastes to the?
cases of tightness in chest parkinsonism allergic diseases etc. 4. How many tablespoon (tsp) should children
- It dilutes tenacious secretion, facilities expectoration and 6 to under 12 years take the medicine in a
relieves pains.
Decadril expectorant has a nice flavour is refreshing and gives
satisfaction to user. 5. What is the kind of the medicine above?
Adult : 1-2 tspf every two or three hours
Children : 1 tspf every three hours
Reg no D 2018068

4. Read the following drug label. Identify the label.


I. Choose the correct answer. Read the picture for questions number 2-5.
1. The information about the substance
materials of the product can be found in
a. expiry dates
b. usage instruction
c. ingredient list
d. nutrition information panel


2. One container of the product has ..... 6. If needed, we can take the medicine
serving(s). every .....
a. one c. two a. hours c. 5 hours
b. 228 gram d. 456 gram b. 4 hours d. half of hour
3. Each serving contains sodium. 7. Don’t take the medicine times a day.
a. 280 gram c. 2 milligram a. 3 c. 4
b. 660 gram d. 660 milligram b. 5 d. 6
4. Each serving contains 5 gram .... 8 . The dose for 9 years old children is ....
a. Sugar c. Cholesterol a. 2 teaspoons
b. Trans fat d. Dietary fiber b. 10 milliliter
5. The product doesn’t contain .... c. 2,5 teaspoons
a. Iron c. Calcium d. 125 milliliter
b. Zinc d. Vitamin C 9. A 49-pounds child take the medicine
Read the following label for questions with dosage ....
number 6-10. a. 2 tablespoons c. 15 milliliter
b. 10 milliliter d. 3 teaspoons
10. The medicine has not ..... as the inactive
a. citric acid
b. fructose corn syrup
c. acetaminophen
d. sodium benzoate

II. Essay
Read the label and answer the questions.
1. What kind of food is this product?
2. What is the brand of the product?
3. What is the company of manufacture of the
4. What is the amount of the product?
5. How many serving a package can be served?
6. How much calories a serving has?
7. How much carbohydrate a serving has?
8. What are the ingredients of the food?
9. How to cook the food?
10. How to storage the food?

20 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX



3.4 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan
tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait resep makanan/ minuman dan manual, pendek
dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.4 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
prosedur lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, dalam bentuk resep dan manual.

1. Mengamati ungkapan atau tutur kata yang digunakan dalam berdialog membicarakan resep makanan
dan minuman atau manual melakukan suatu pekerjaan,
2. Membuat percakapan pendek membicarakan resep makanan dan minuman atau manual melakukan
suatu pekerjaan
3. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dalam procedur teks mengenai resep makanan
dan minuman atau manual melakukan suatu pekerjaan,
4. Membuat teks monolog mengenai langkah dalam membuat makanan dan minuman atau manual
melakukan suatu pekerjaan.

Follow the Instructions


Reading recipes of food Identifying and Composing recipes of

and beverage analyzing recipes of food food and beverage
and beverage


Reading manuals Identifying and Composing manuals

analyzing manuals


1. Procedure Text adalah text yang mengungkapkan bagaimana melakukan atau membuat
sesuatu. Text tersebut menjadi panduan bagi pembaca untuk menyelesaikan suatu tugas
melalui serangkaian langkah.
2. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks Procedure adalah to give instructions about how to do something,
to explain how to do something, how to make something or how to get somewhere, to describe
how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps, recipes, instructional
manuals, experiment reports, spoken directions.
3. Procedure texts also use particular language features including:
a. Uses adjectives related to size, shape, color or amount, e.g: diced carrot, sliced potato, red
paprika, etc.
b. Present tense is generally used.
c. Action verbs are places in the beginning of sentences, e.g. Beat the eggs, add the flour, etc.
Use adverbs (e.g. slowly, gently, carefully, etc.), prepositions (e.g. in, on, over, etc.), and adverbial
phrases to add the detailed information.
Use sequencing words to show the steps in the process, e.g. Firstly, ....Secondly, Thirdly,……
Then, ....Next, etc.
4. Struktur Procedure Text ( Generic Structure)
a. Introductory Paragraph or Title/Goal/aim yaitu (paragraf pembuka)atau hanya title
(judul) yang menyatakan tujuan dari procedure.
b. List of Material yaitu daftar bahan/alat yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan
procedure yang dapat berupa daftar, paragraf, atau tidak disebutkan.
c. Sequence of Steps yaitu Serangkaian langkah untuk menyelesaikan procedure
dengan urutan yang tepat. Steps or instruction, it elaborates the steps that we must do
to achieve the goal. The steps are presents on chronological order.

When reading a recipe, you will find not only the ingredients, but also the measure of the
ingredient itself. The quantities of ingredients may be specified by mass (commonly called
weight), by volume, or by count. Here they are some example of measurement used in
1. Weight
Weight can be measured in kilos, pounds, oz. Look at the examples.
a. 250 gram of rice
b. 3 pounds of potatoes
c. 2 oz. of butter
2. Volume
Volume can be measured in six different ways, such as spoons, cups, pints, quarts, liters and
fluid ounces. Look at the examples.
a. 2 teaspoons of sugar e. A quarts (0.95 liters) of water
b. a tablespoon of olive oil f. a litter of orange juice
c. 3 cups of water g. 150 milliliter hot water
d. A pint of milk
3. Count
In the kitchen, weight can be measured in counts. Look at the examples.
a. 3 eggs
b. One paprika

22 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

4. Other measurement
a. A pinch of salt/sugar e. A sprinkle of herb
b. A scoop of ice cream/massed potatoes f. A drop of oil
c. A dash of milk g. A bar of chocolate
d. A blob of cream d. A hunk of bread/meat/cheese
The example of Procedure Text
Title/Goal How to Make a Pancake
1 ½ cups flour
List of Ingredients 3 ½ teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon white sugar

1. Firstly, in a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt
and sugar.
2. Secondly, make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and
melted butter.
Steps/Instructions 3. Thirdly, mix the ingredients until smooth.
4. Fourthly, heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium
high heat.
5. Fifthly, pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using
approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake.
6. Sixthly, cook until brown on both sides.
7. Lastly, serve hot.

Activity 1

a. Read the following dialog and answer the questions.

Wandi : What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Sarah : Rice and omelet, my favorite.
Wandi : Did you prepare it? How do you make an omelet?
Can you tell me?
Sarah : Yes, I did. First, crack the eggs into mixing bowl, add a pinch of salt, and beat
them well with a fork. Second, add chopped tomatoes and onion leaves.
Wandi : What is next?
Sarah : Next, heat the oil and butter in a non-stick frying pan over a medium-low heat
until the butter has melted. Then, pour the eggs into the pan, tilt the pan ever so
slightly from one side to another to allow the eggs to swirl and cover the surface
of the pan completely.
Wandi : How long should I cook it?
Sarah : Well... Let the mixture cook for about 20-30 seconds until the underneath turns
golden brown. Finally, using a spatula eases around the edges of the omelet,
fold it in half, and slide the omelet on to the plate. If you’re still confused, I could
write it down for you.
Wandi : Thanks, Sarah.
1. What did Sarah have for breakfast?
2. Who prepares Sarah’s breakfast?
3. What are the ingredients of the dish Sarah had?
4. What are the tools need to make the dish?
5. How to make the dish that Sarah had for breakfast?


b. Complete the following recipe with words in box.

Finally minutes chocolate completely

Secondly cup softened
teaspoon stir beat

How to Make Chocolate Cookies
• 1/4 cups butter, ….. • 3/4 …. unsweetened cocoa powder
• 2 cups white sugar • 1 teaspoon baking soda
• 2 eggs 1/2 ….. salt
• 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
• 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
• 2 cups all-purpose flour
1. Firstly, preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. …… , in a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Thirdly, ….. in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Sift together the flour, cocoa,
baking soda, and salt; …… into the creamed mixture.
4. Then, mix in the chips.
5. After that, drop dough by teaspoonful onto ungreased cookie sheets.
6. Next, bake 8 to 9 …… in the preheated oven. Cookies will be soft.
7. ……. cool slightly on cookie sheet; remove from sheet onto wire rack to cool …….
c. Write down the recipe of your favorite food or drink.
Title/Goal How to make




I. Choose the correct answer based on the text.
1. What is the topic of the text?
How To Make Sandwich
Materials: a. How to make some snacks properly.
Two slices of bread b. How to fill in some bread with jam.
Content (fried-egg, strawberry jam, chocolate sprinkles, c. `How to prepare breakfast quickly.
a sausage, etc.) d. How to make a sandwich.
First of all, take two slices of bread.  2. When do we put a fried egg or sausage on the
Spread the bread with butter or margarine.  bread?
Then, put anything you like on top of one slice of the a. While we bought the bread.
bread. You can have a fried egg, some strawberry jam, b. After we fried the egg or sausage.
(or any kind of jam), chocolate sprinkles, a slice of
c. Before we spread strawberry jam.
cheese, a sausage, or something else. 
After that, join the two slices of bread together, and d. After we spread butter or margarine
your sandwich is ready! 3. What is the important thing in making a

24 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

a. Choosing good kind of bread. a. Spreads  c. Scatters
b. Putting the filling between the bread. b. Joins  d. Slices 
c. Choosing the best sausages. 5. What we should do after spread the bread
d. Spreading many kinds of bread. with butter ?
4. ... chocolate sprinkles, a slice of cheese, a a. take two slices of bread
sausage, or something else. b. join the two slices of bread together
Which of the following words has similar c. put anything you like on top of one
meaning to the underlined word? slice of the bread.
d. Choosing the best sausages

Bread Pudding
• 6 slices bread, preferably a day to a few days old • 2 cups (475 ml) milk, the creamier the
• 2 tablespoons (30 g) butter, melted better
• 1/2 cup (80g) raisins, optional • 1/2 cup (100g) white sugar
• 3 eggs, beaten • 1 teaspoon (2g) ground cinnamon
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• Preheat the oven to 350°F (175° C). Make sure the rack you’ll be using is placed in the middle of
the oven.
• Tear up the bread slices into small to medium sized pieces. Then, place them in a greased 8”
square pan.
• Drizzle the melted butter on top of the bread pieces.
• Sprinkle the raisins all over the pan.
• Measure and mix together the beaten eggs, milk, cinnamon, sugar, and vanilla in a medium sized
• Pour the bowl mixture all over the pan. 
• Use a fork/spoon to lightly press the bread down. This helps the bread absorb the mixture and
to coat all bread pieces.
• Bake for 45 minutes or until golden. You’ll know it’s done when you insert a toothpick into it and
it comes out clean.
• Cut into pieces, serving warm with pecans or whipped cream

6. The text mainly is about the … making c. spread the raisins all over the pan
bread pudding. d. press the bread down with a spoon or
a. tips on c. tools for fork
b. ways of d. ingredients of 9. “You’ll know it’s done when you insert a
7. The pudding is considered done when …. toothpick into it and it comes out clean.”
a. the dough turns brown The underlined word is closest in meaning
b. the butter becomes liquid to ….
c. the butter is not tough a. lay in c. cut out
d. the dough is not sticky b. put in d. look out
8. After drizzling the melted butter on top of 10. To make bread pudding, we need half a
the bread pieces we …. cup … white sugar.
a. Slice the bread a. in c. of
b. blend together all the ingredients b. at d. into
II. Look at the pictures. Match the pictures with their instructions.
a. Squeeze the lever slowly. How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
b. Pull the pin in the needle. 1 2 3 4

c. Aim the nozzle at

the base on the fire.
d. Sweep from side to side.




3.5 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/
kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/ terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau, dan waktu yang akan datang,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan present continuous, past
continuous, will+continuous).
4.5 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang
dilakukan/ terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau, dan waktu yang akan datang, dengan memperhatikan
fungsisosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

1. mengamati ungkapan atau tutur kata yang digunakan dalam bertukar informasi terkait keadaan/
tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau, dan waktu
yang akan datang,
2. menirukan ungkapan bertukar informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang
dilakukan/terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau, dan waktu yang akan datang,
3. mengidentifikasi struktur dan unsur kebahasaan teks informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/
kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau, dan waktu yang akan datang,
4. membuat percakapan bertukar informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang
dilakukan/terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau, dan waktu yang akan datang.

I am Reading a Book

Present Continuous Tense

Reading text in Identifying and Composing

present continuous analyzing text in present texts in present
tense continuous tense continuous tense

Reading text in past Identifying and analyzing text Composing texts in

continuous tense in past continuous tense past continuous tense

Future Continuous Tense

Reading text in future Identifying and analyzing text Composing texts in

continuous Tense in future continuous tense future continuous tense

26 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

1. Asking for and Giving nformation about something is being Happening
(Meminta dan Memberi Informasi tentang Sesuatu yang Sedang Terjadi)
Saat menceritakan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi, kita menggunakan kalimat present continuous
tense. Present continuous tense or present progressive tense is commonly used to talk about
temporary things or actions which have begun but haven’t finished. The actions are often
happening now, at present time (at this moment).
A. The Use
Present continuous tense is used in the following contexts:
1. Talking about actions happening at the moment of speaking (now, present time)
a. I am watching a documentary on penguin.
b. Rina is kicking the ball.
c. Farhan is not sleeping.
d. Are you joking?
2. Talking about fixed plans in the near future (something that is already discussed or
planned ahead)
a. When we are in Bandung, we are taking a taxi to our hotel.
b. I am not going to Malan in near future.
c. They are holding a meeting after the class.
d. Is grandma visiting us?
3. Talking about temporary actions
a. Ibrahim, Bayu, and Astri are making project for the parents’ day.
b. Satyana is taking summer course in Paris this month.
c. We are not playing football during the exam week.
d. Are we participating in this voluntary job?
4. Talking an action that is new or a trend
a. These days people are improving their soft skills.
b. Many people are becoming vegetarian.
c. A couple of people are rejecting the law.
d. Are people using email rather than postcards?
5. Talking repeated actions which are irritating to the speakers. It usually uses the words
“always, constantly, forever”)
a. They are always coming late.
b. He is constantly gossiping.
B. The Form
When writing in present continuous tense, use auxiliary verb or to be (am/is/are) and V + ing
(present participle).
a. Affirmative sentence
Subject + Auxiliary (To Be) + V-ing + Rest of the sentence

b. Negative sentence
Subject + Auxiliary (To Be) + Not + V-ing + Rest of the sentence

c. Interrogative sentence
Auxiliary (To Be) +Subject + V-ing + Rest of the sentence/ Auxiliary (To Be) + Not
+Subject + V-ing + Rest of the sentence/
W-H words question + Auxiliary + Subject + V-ing + Rest of the sentence?


Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu aksi yang sedang terjadi
sekarang. Time expression (keterangan waktu) yang dapat digunakan antara lain:
• now (sekarang)
• at the moment (saat ini)
• over the holidays (selama hari libur)

Activity 1

1. Complete the table with the correct form of verbs.

Verb in Action of Verb in Action of
Verb Verb
progress Progress
study studying Jump jumping
drink Plan
do Cry
define Broom
brush Fly
drive Climb
borrow Mix
travel Struggle
lie muffle
2. Practice these dialog with a friend. Underline to be and verb of the sentences written in
present continuous tense.
a. Andri : Hi, Ratih. What are you doing? Are you reading comic book?
Ratih : Hi, Andri. No, I am not reading comic book. I am writing a poem.
Andri : What poem are you writing?
Ratih : I am writing a poem about friendship.
b. Mom : Jaka, we are going to the department store. Do you want to join us?
Jaka : No, mom. I doing my homework right now.
Mom : What homework are you doing?
Jaka : I am doing my Natural Science homework.
c. Ovi : Where is Farida, dad?
Dad : She is with her friends in her room. They are practicing drama.
Ovi : Why are they practicing drama?
Dad : They are practicing drama for the talent show.
d. Asep : Where is Tina? She never comes late.
Puput : She cannot come to the meeting today. She is shopping for her mother’s café.
Asep : When is she coming to the meeting?
Puput : She is coming to the next meeting.

Activity 2

a. Fill in the verbs in parenthesis into the gaps. Use the present continuous form of the verbs.
1. Where ……… you sister ……… (to travel)?
2. Look! They ……… inside. (to go)
3. Mrs . Diana……… to CDs. (to listen)
4. We (……… English at the moment. (not/to speak)
5. What ……… Risa and Sari ……… for lunch now? (to have)

28 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

b. Compose dialogs based on the pictures. Use the present continuous tenses forms.
1. Mr. Doni and Mrs. Sari are talking about their children.


2. Rina, Dewi, and Joko are talking about their plan to visit zoo on weekend.


2. Asking for and Giving Information about something was Happening
(Meminta dan Memberi Informasi tentang Sesuatu yang sedang Terjadi di Masa Lampau)
In general, the past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, refers to a
continuing action or state that was happening at some point in the past.
1. The Use
The past continuous tense is used to talk about the past in the following contexts:
a. To describe an unfinished action that was interrupted by another event or action.
• In this context we used ‘when’ to join the actions. The unfinished action is written in
past continuous tense, while the interrupting action is written in simple past tense.
• Ina was cleaning the table when my dad came home. (It means Ina was cleaning the
table. In the middle of the cleaning, his dad came home.)
• Last week I was reading when the electricity went off.
• Yesterday my family and I were having dinner when uncle Sam got heart attack.
b. For something that happened before and after a specific time.
• At 9.00 pm, I was watching horror movie. (It means ‘I’ watched the movie before 9.00
pm, and at 9.00 pm the watching activity was still on process.)
• At 5.30 am. Iqbal was preparing his breakfast.
c. To show that something continued for some time.
• My heart was beating so fast.
• Everyone was shouting
d. For something that happened again and again:
• I was practicing every day, three times a day.
• They were meeting secretly after school.
• They were always quarrelling.
e. With verbs which show change or growth:
• The children were growing up quickly.
• My hair was going grey.
2. The Form
The past continuous is made from the past tense of the verb be and the Verb + ing.
a. Affirmative sentence
S + Past form of To Be (Was/Were) + V-ing + Rest of the sentence


b. Negative sentence
Subject + Past form of To Be (Was/Were) + Not + V-ing + Rest of the sentence

c. Interrogative sentence
Past form of To Be (Was/Were) + Subject + V-ing + Rest of the sentence/ Past
form of To Be (Was/Were) Not + Subject + V-ing + Rest of the sentence/
W-H words questions + Past form of To Be (Was/Were) + Subject + V-ing +
Rest of the sentence?

Activity 1

a. Practice these dialogs with a friend. Underline the sentences written in past continuous
Fika : Last night, Andre called me. He wanted me to help him with his project.
Lina : Oh yeah? What were you doing when he called?
Fika : I was watching TV with my family when he called.
Lina : Last night something happened to my house.
Fika : What happened?
Lina : My family lost two motorcycles.
Fika : When? I am sorry to hear that.
Lina : Last night when we were sleeping, somebody broke in and stole them.
b. Ask your friends about their activities on break time. Use the correct forms of past
continuous tense. Complete the following table.
For example:
A : What were you doing on break time yesterday?
B : I was reading the material in the class.
No Students Name Activities

Activity 2

a. Fill in the blanks with activities in progress at past time based on your ideas.
1. Mr. Jokis : What were you doing when the land slid ?
Ricko : _____________________________________________
2. Nena : You are sitting here alone. Where are the others ?
Nadel : ____________________________________________
3. Lala : I heard ten houses were burnt down last night. I hope your house is safe.
Lili : ________________________________________________
4. Hadni : There were many people in your house yesterday. What happened ?
Joko : ________________________________________________
5. Nena : Zidane, your father was cleaning the car himself when I passed by. You
were used to helping him weren’t you ?
Zidane : _______________________________________________________

30 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

b. Look at the picture. Write 5 sentences for each picture to describe what the students were
doing. Use past continuous tense.
Picture 1

In general, the future continuous tense indicates that something will occur in the future and
continue for an expected length of time. It is formed using the construction will + be + the
present participle (the root verb + -ing).
1. The Use
a. For an action in progress in the future.
• I will be sleeping at 10.00 pm. Don’t call me.
• I will be meeting my boss tomorrow at 02.00 pm.
b. For interrupted action in the future.
• I will be waiting for you when you come.
• We will be playing football when the coach came.
c. While expressing the intentions for the future
• I will be helping my mom during the weekend.
• She will be working part time the next week.
d. In interrogative form, to ask questions politely about the future
• Will she be coming to the party?
e. When combined with ‘still’, it is for the actions, already happening now and expected
to continue sometime in the future.
• Tomorrow he will still be struggling to fix his mistakes.
• Unfortunately the sea levels will still be rising in 20 years.
2. The Form
The future continuous is made from will, verb be and the Verb+ing.
a. Affirmative sentence
Subject + Will + Be + V-ing + Rest of the sentence

b. Negative sentence

Subject + Will + Not + Be + V-ing + Rest of the sentence

c. Interrogative sentence
Will + Subject + Be + Verb-ing + Rest of the sentence?/
Will + not + Subject + Be + Verb-ing + Rest of the
sentence?/the sentence


Activity 1

a. In pairs, read the sentences and identify whether the sentence is written in present
continuous tense, past continuous tense, or future continuous tense.
1. I am writing a story. (....) 6. The boy will be playing with his dog. (....)
2. It was getting dark. (....) 7. I am sure she will be waiting for me. (....)
3. Father is fixing his bicycle. (....) 8. Suma will be having her music lessons. (....)
4. I was hoping to win the first prize. (....) 9. The students were preparing for their exam.(....)
5. Mother is getting ready for office. (....) 10. Don’t call them now. They will be having dinner. (....)
b. Complete the dialog with correct form of present continuous tense, past continuous tense,
or future continuous tense of the words in the box.
wait not-do celebrate type
do clean pick up do

: Hello, Dani.
Dani : Hi, Fitri. What’s up?
: What … …. (you) ?
Dani : Me? I … my room.
: I need your help. My laptop is broken.
Dani : What happened?
: I an essay for the English subject when my litter brother accidently slipped the water all over
the keyboards. Could you please look at it?
Dani : Okay. But, I can’t do that today.
Fitri : It’s okay. How about tomorrow at 11.00 am?
Dani : I’m sorry. I…… my grandma at the airport. Are you free on 5.00 pm?
Fitri : My family and I ............. my aunt’s graduation. How about next week?
What .........(you) next Saturday?
Dani : Saturday? I ................ anything. Does Saturday work for you?
Fitri : Okay, I’ll come over after lunch time on Saturday.
Dani : Good! I .................... for you.

Activity 2

Ask your friends about their plans after the school finished until the bed time. Use the correct
forms of future continuous tense when asking and answering the questions. Complete the
For example:
Andi : What will you be doing at 3.00 pm this evening?
Berta : I will be having an English course.

32 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX


I. Choose the correct answer. Look at the picture to answer questions 6-10.
Look at the picture to answer questions
number 1-5. Gia David Rika


6. A : What was Adam doing during

break time?
B : .........................................................
a. He was painting.
b. He was playing blocks.
1. A : What is Joe doing? c. He was playing bus toy.
B : Joe ..... fish tank. d. He was listening to music.
a. is talking c. is watching 7. A : Who was David playing with?
b. are painting d. are watching B : ...........................................................
2. A : What is Kania doing? a. He was playing alone.
B : Kania ....... d. He was playing together.
a. is reading c. am reading d. He was playing with Gia and Ana.
b. is writing d. are writing e. He was playing with Leo and Rika.
3. A : Is Tina playing puzzle? 8. A : What was Rika playing?
B: ....... B : ...........................................
a. No, she is. c. Yes, she are. a. She was playing bass.
b. Yes, she is. d. No, she is not. b. She was playing viola.
4. A : Are Eva and Tio playing marbles? c. She was playing guitar.
B : ... d. She was playing trumpet.
a. Yes, he is. 9. A : .........................................................
b. Yes, they are. B : Because he was painting.
c. They are playing. a. What was Ryan doing?
d. No, they are not. b. How was Tomi painting?
5. A : Why cannot Bayu play with Eva c. Who was playing on the table?
and Tio? d. Why was not Tomi playing with Adam?
B : .... 10. A : ........................................................
a. Because Bayu is writing. B : Adam was playing block on the floor.
b. Because Bayu is reading. a. Where was Adam playing block?
c. Because Bayu is learning. b. Who was Adam playing blocks with?
d. Because Bayu is painting c. How good was Adam playing blocks?
d. Was Adam playing blocks on the table?


Ovi Look at the Fajar’s trip schedule next week. Complete the dialog.
Day 1( July 6, 2020 ) Day 2 ( July 7, 2020)
Time Destination Time Destination
1.00 pm Arrive in Bali 6.00 am Breakfast at jimbaran
2.00 pm Check in to hotel 10.00 am Go to B Padang Beach
4.30 pm Go to kuta beach 2.00 Visit Garuda Wastu Kencana
6.30 Dinner at Deli Express 4.00 Go to Uluwatu
7.30 Visit Dream Museum 8.00 Stroll the city with family

Ovi : Hi, Fajar.

Fajar : Hi, Ovi.
Ovi : What will you be doing on July 6th?
Fajar : ...........................................................................................
Ovi : What about July 7th?
Fajar : ..........................................................................................
Ovi : What will you be doing right after you land on Bali?
Fajar : ..........................................................................................
Ovi : Where will you be having dinner?
Fajar : ..........................................................................................
Ovi : ..........................................................................................
Fajar : Yes, I will be. I will be visiting Dream Museum Zone. On the second day, I will
start the day by exploring Jimbaran.
Ovi : That’s good. ..................................................................
Fajar : I will be visiting Padang-Padang beach.
Ovi : Will you be visiting GWK? I heard it is one of the most famous attractions
place for tourist.
Fajar : ..........................................................................................
Ovi : Where will you be enjoying the sunset on the second day?
Fajar : ..........................................................................................

34 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX


I Have Done My
Homework an Hour Ago


3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/
kejadian yang sudah/ telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang,
tanpa menyebutkan waktu terjadinya secara spesifik, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
(perhatikan unsur kebahasaan present perfect tense).
4.6 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/ kejadian
yang sudah/telah dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang, tanpa
menyebutkan waktu terjadinya secara spesifik, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai kontek.

1. mengamati ungkapan atau tutur kata yang digunakan dalam bertukar informasi terkait keadaan/
tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau dikaitkan dengan
keadaan sekarang, tanpa menyebutkan waktu terjadinya secara spesifik,
2. mengidentifikasi struktur dan unsur kebahasaan teks informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/
kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang,
tanpa menyebutkan waktu terjadinya secara spesifik,
3. membuat percakapan bertukar informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/
telah dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang, tanpa menyebutkan
waktu terjadinya secara spesifik,
4. membuat monolog menyampaikan informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/
telah dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang, tanpa menyebutkan
waktu terjadinya secara spesifik.

I Have Done My Homework an Hour Ago

Present Perfect Tense

Reading texts written in Identifying structure Analyzing texts written Composing texts in
present perfect tense texts written in present in present perfect tense present perfect tense
perfect tense

UNIT 6: I Have Done My Homework an Hour Ago 35


Present perfect tense is used to indicate a link between the present and the past. The time
of the action is before now but not specified, and we are often more interested in the
result than in the action itself.).
1. The Use
The present perfect tense is used in the following specific contexts:
a. An action or situation that started in the past and continues in the present.
• I have lived in Bandung since 2015. (I moved in Bandung in 2015 and I still live in
• She has worked as a teacher since three years ago.
b. An action performed during a period that has not yet finished.
• We have attended the meeting three times this month (it means the month has not
ended yet).
• I have met her parents twice this week.
c. A repeated action in an unspecified period between the past and now.
• We have visited Medan several times.
• Dion and Sinta have volunteered in several charities.
d. An action that was completed in the very recent past, expressed by ‘just’.
• Putri has just finished her homework.
• Frida and Anton have just finished the debate.
e. An action when the time is not important.
• Nia has read about the history of Indonesia.
• Tania and Wildan have took an art class.

2. The Form
Sentence in present perfect tense is formed by ‘have/has’ and the past participle of
a verb (Verb 3).
a. Affirmative sentence
Subject + Has/Have + Past Participle Verb (Verb 3) + Rest of the sentence

b. Negative Sentence
Subject + Has/Have + Not + Past Participle Verb (Verb 3) + Rest of the sentence

c. Interrogative Sentence
Has/Have + Subject + Verb 3 + Rest of the sentence/ Has/Have + Not
+Subject + Verb 3+ Rest of the sentence/

W-H words question + Has/Have + Subject + Verb 3+ Rest of the sentence?

Past Participle
The past participle refers to an action that was started and completed entirely in the past.
It is known as the third part or type of verb (Verb 3). The past participle is mostly created
by adding -ed, -d, or -t to the base form of a verb. Though this rule applies to most of verbs
(regular verb), this rule cannot apply to some particular verbs (irregular verb).

36 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

Activity 1

a. Complete the table with the correct form of verb

Regular Verb Irregular Verb
Verb Base
Past Past Participle Past Past Participle
Await Awaited Awaited
Become Became Became
b. Practice the dialog with friend, then Answer the following questions!
Karin : Heru, where have you been? We have waited for you since 9 o’clock.
Toni : We have prepared all the materials for the movie project. Everyone has worried about
Heru : I am sorry. I’ve felt unwell since this morning. I have no energy.
Cindy : Are you all right? Have you visited the doctor?
Heru : No, I haven’t. I haven’t tell my parents yet.
Karin : If you want, we can take you to the hospital.
Heru : That’s so nice of you. But I prefer to go with my parents. So, what have you
Toni : We have decided the theme of our movie project.
Cindy : We also have written the script.
Heru : That is great, guys.
Karin : The problem is we still have no idea where to shoot the movie. Do you know any
interesting place, Heru?
Heru : How about the park near the city hall? Not only has good view, it is also not too
Cindy : Have you been there, Heru?
Heru : Yes, my family and I have been picnicked on there several times.
Toni : That sounds a nice place.
Karin : Okay, so we will be shooting there tomorrow at 10.00 am. How about that?
Heru : Deal! Listen, guys, I am really sorry. I should have been here earlier to help you.
Karin : Hey, it is okay.
1. What are Heru, Karin, Toni, and Cindy talking about?
2. Why does Heru come late?
3. What have Karin, Toni, and Cindy done before Heru came?
4. Why doesn’t Heru want to go to the doctor with his friends?
5. What idea has Heru suggested for the team?

UNIT 6: I Have Done My Homework an Hour Ago 37

6. Why has Heru suggested the idea?
7. When will they be meeting again?
8. Why has Heru apologized?
c. Complete the dialog with correct form of Present Perfect Tense of the words in the
1. Budi plays football with Rian.
Budi : Rian, I don’t know you are a good football player.
Rian : Thanks. I ……………………… (play) football since elementary.
I ……… (win) the match several times.
Budi : ………. (ever/lose) the match?
Rian : Yes, I have.
Budi : You should teach me, Rian.
2. In a park, Tina is taking with Farida. She tells her that she misses her brother.
Tina : I miss my brother.
Farida : Where is he?
Tina : He is in Singapore. He ……………….. (live) and …...(work) there for a year.
Farida : Why don’t you send him an email?
Tina : I …. (send) him an email twice this month.
3. In a run track, Asep and Galih run together.
Galih : Let’s take a break for a while. We …… (run) for two hours.
Asep : Are you tired, Galih?
Galih : I am. I ………..(never/be) this tired. Do you run regularly, Asep?
Asep : Actually, I do sport regularly. I…………… (be) interested in sports since I was

Activity 2

Fill in the blank spaces with suitable questions or answers.

Conversation 1:
Dayu : “Riri, ____________________________________________?”
Riri : “For eight years now. My father died when I was a baby, and my mother died
eight years ago.”
Conversation 1:
Dayu : “How long have you been an orphan?”
Riri : “For eight years now. My father died when I was a baby, and my mother died
eight years ago.”
Conversation 2:
Dayu : “Why don’t you live with your grandparents?”
Riri : “________________________________.
My grandfather died even before I was born, and my grandmother died six years ago.”
Conversation 2:
Dayu : “Why don’t you live with your grandparents?”
Riri : “Because they have passed away. My grandfather died even before I was born,
and my grandmother died six years ago.”
Conversation 3:

Dayu : “________________________________________________?”
Riri : “For about six years. I came here in 2008.”
Conversation 4:

Dayu : “How have you come to this orphanage?”

Riri : “_________________________________________________.”

38 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

Conversation 5:

Dayu : “________________________________________________?”
Riri : “Never. He has five children and his house is very small.”
Conversation 6:
Dayu : “Have your uncle and his family visited you this year?”
Riri : “____________________________________. They visit me routinely once a month.”
Conversation 7:

Dayu : “________________________________________________?”
Riri : “Yes, I have joined it since it was founded early last year.”
Conversation 8:

Dayu : “What have you done to get the money for the needy?”

Riri : “_________________________________________________.”
Conversation 9:
Dayu : “________________________________________________?”
Riri : “We have given them money. Last year we gave thirty street children twenty
thousand rupiahs each.”
Conversation 10:
Dayu : “What have you done for some poor families in the neighbourhood?”
Riri : “_________________________________________________.
b. Look at the pictures.
In pairs, ask and answer questions about the pictures using present perfect tense !

A : _________________________ A : _________________________
B : _________________________ B : _________________________
A : _________________________ A : _________________________
B : _________________________ B : _________________________


I. Choose a, b, c, or d for the correct answer. 4. They boy can’t open the door. He ....
1. This is my pet. I ..... her for a year. the keys.
a. keep c. have keep a. has lose c. has not lost
b. kept d. have kept b. has lost d. has not lose
2. What song is it? I .... heard this song 5. My uncle is a pilot.
before. He .... the plan since 2015.
a. has c. has never a. flies c. has flown
b. have ever d. have never b. flew d. have flown
3. You don’t need to download the 6. Josua .... late to school.
worksheets. Tania .... downloaded it The teacher loves him.
for all of us. a. often come
a. has c. has not b. always came
b. have d. have not c. has never come
d. has never came

UNIT 6: I Have Done My Homework an Hour Ago 39

7. She .... in national ceremony several times. 9. Kania .... her English vocabularies.
a. has sung a. has known
b. has sang b. has arranged
c. have sung c. has enriched
d. have sang d. has improved
8. I.... him anything. 10. Bayu .... me to keep a secret.
a. has told a. asking
b. have told b. promising
c. has not told c. have asked
d. haven’t told d. has promised

II. Essay
A. Complete the text with correct form of present perfect tenses or simple past of the
words in the box.
Write Die Dream Be friends Just – feed
See/never Accept Be Have – not
1. A : Why do you have a carrot with you?
B : Oh, I ....... the rabbit.
2. A : That girl looks so happy.
B : She ....... in her dram high school.
3. A : Toni asked me to give you this.
B : Oh my God. It is so beautiful.
A : He ....... this picture for you.
4. A : Did you like the movie “Star Wars?”
B : I don’t know. I ....... that movie.
5. A : Did you know that girl?
B : Of course. She is Fania. She and I ....... for over 5 years.
We still get Together once a week.
6. A : Who is your favorite writer?
B : Dewi Lestari is my favorite author. She many creative novels.
7. A : you seem happy.
B : I am. I ....... this much fun since I ....... a kid.
8. A : I am so sorry for Wawan.
B : Why?
A : He ....... to go to before he .......

40 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX


A. Choose A, B,C or D for the correct answer! 4. The underlined sentence expresses….
a. Disappointment c. Agreement
b. Hope d. Disagreement
Ever since I heard about your success Read the following text and answer questions
as the first winner of singing contest 5 to 8.
of FLS2N. I know how long and how
hard you practiced. We are all very MILK CALCIUM Dietary Supplem ent
proud of you. We wish you all the best 600 mg 100 Soft gels
in pursuing your dream to be a popular SupplementFacts Serving size : 1 soft gel
singer someday. Amount per 1 soft gel Vitamin D
Calcium (from milk) Zinc
Daffa Chairperson of Class 9.1 200 IU 600 mg
% Daily Value* 50
1. The text above shows that... 60
a. the writer is one of the contestants 15mg *
*Dailyvalue has notbeenestablished
b. Esther is the best student
Other ingredients:Gelatin,Glycerin,
c. Esther is the best singer Purified Water
d. Daffa is Esther’s special friend Directions:As a dietary
2. The text is for ..... of FL2SN. supplement,takeone softgel for adults
a. the best student daily.
Manufactured for: EXP 04 27 20 NU-
b. the best singer
c. the best teacher Walnut, CA 91789 Made in U.S.A.
d. the best graduate student
Dialog for no 3 5. The label is telling us about ..... of a dietary
Tom : So, how long has it been since the first supplement.
competition of your football team? a. the information c. the materials
Jack : It’s been 3 months since then. b. the usage d. the benefits
Tom : So, how many awards have been saved 6. When would it be best to consume the
this far? product?
Jack : Thank God. Many people seem to be a. During April 4th, 2020.
very happy. b. After April 4th, 2020.
Tom : Splendid! …. c. Before April 27th, 2020
Jack : Thank you very much, Mr. Tom. It’s d. On April 4th, 2020.
very kind of you to say so. 7. How many soft gels does someone take
Tom : Keep the good work, Jack. I am sure you everyday?
could be a better captain in a football a. 1 gel. c. 200 IU.
team someday. b. 15mg. d. 600 mg.
3. The best expression to complete the dialogue 8. “Daily value has not been established.”
above is.… (Line 10) What is the meaning of the word
a. I very agree on your idea “established”?
b. I’d like to congratulate you on the success a. Ordered. c. Carried
of your team recently b. Determined. d. Helped
c. We are so happy Read the following text and answer questions
d. Please give us your opinion 9 to 13.
Dialog for no 4 How to Make Flannel Rose Ring
Lisa : Rio, what do you think if we make a Ingredients
website about fashion? 1) Red Flannel around 10×10 cm
Rio : I don’t think it is a good idea 2) Scissors
Lisa : Why? 3) Glue
Rio : It really takes time.

UNIT 6: I Have Done My Homework an Hour Ago 41

The ways: a. What is that
1) Cut round the flannel about 5×3 cm and b. That’s a very beautiful handycraft
make spiral in it. c. I’m glad to hear that
2) Glue each side of spiral flannel. d. You are the winner
3) Twist it from central until the end (look like Read the text to complete question no. 15 to
a rose). 17!
4) Cut the flannel in a rectangle (the size depend First, melt the butter in the (15)… over
on your finger). medium heat. Then, crack open the eggs into
5) Put the rose in a rectangle and glue it. the pan and (16)… fry until the yolks begin to
6) Flannel rose ring is ready to wear. harden at the edges (indicated by a lightening in
9. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the the yolk color). Using the spatula, flip the eggs
instruction? (17)… and allow cooking ten seconds for over-
a. We must glue the rose in rectangle to get easy, or up to one minute for over-hard. Finally,
thering. add salt and pepper to taste, and serve.
b. The biggest the finger means the more 15. a. kettle c. stove
flannel that needed. b. spatula d. pan
c. All people have the same size of rectangle 16. a. let c. start
to make thering. b. make d. stop
d. We make a rectangle after we make a 17. a. carelessly c. reluctantly
rose form. b. carefully d. immediately
10. We need flannel . . . to make rose ring for 18. Rearrange the following jumbled words to
twice. make a good sentence!
a. About 10 x10cm all – the – of – gorillas – primates – are
b. Only 10x10cm 1 2 3 4 5 6
c. Less than10x10cm – largest
d. More than 10x10cm 7
11. What should we do after we cut round the a. 4-6-2-7-3-1-5 c. 2-4-6-7-1-3-5
flannel? b. 4-6-2-3-1-7-5 d. 2-4-6-1-3-7-5
a. Glue each side of the flannel 19. Arrange the following sentences to make
b. Cut it in spiral form a good procedure of charging your hand­
c. Twist from the central until the end phone.
d. Put the rose in a rectangle and glue it. 1) Remove the charger by pulling out
12. What is the Generic Structure of the second from your hand phone.
paragraph? 2) Wait until the battery icon appears on
a. Goal c. Ingredients the screen.
b. Materials d. Steps 3) Connect the charger to your hand
13. “Twist it from central until the end “ (second phone, the flash symbol on the charger
paragraph) plug must face upward.
The underlined word has similar meaning 4) Charge the battery approximately 5
with... hours or until the battery icon indicates
a. pull c. Fling that the battery is fully charged.
b. Ream d. push a. 1-2-3-4 c. 3-2-4-1
14. Situation Rania has just made a very b. 4-3-2-1 d. 3-4-1-2
beautiful handycraft from pandan leaf. Dialog for no 20.
Chandra praises her craft and hope that Matt : You’re awesome, Nancy! You gra­
she will win the national competition. du­ated with high honors.
Chandra: “_______________________.” Nancy : I would not make this without
I’m sure you will win the national competition.” you, Matt. I should be the one who
Rania : “Thank you. I hope so too.” expresses my gratitude.
Matt : ...., so that’s enough for me.

42 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

20. Which of these following sentences is c. I don’t feel like to celebrate your
appropriate to fill the gap? graduation
a. I’m so thrilled to be celebrating your d. I’m so gloomy to be celebrating your
graduation with you graduation with you
b. I’m so happy not be the part of your

1. Rearrange the words into a good sentence!
are – characterized – rainfall – high – by - rainforests
2. Complete the dialog
Sandra : Andre, last night Dinda wanted to see you but you were not at home.
Andre : She came while I …, so I could not hear her knocking my door.
Read text and answer question
Vanilla Drops Cookies
1 1⁄2 cups all purpose flour 1⁄4 tea spoons baking powder 1⁄4 tea spoons vanilla
extract 2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1. Combine flour and baking powder, set aside
2. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl until light coloured
3. Stir in the flour and baking powder mixture
4. Drop the butter by tea spoonfuls about 2 inches apart into a greased and floured
baking sheets. Set aside in a room temperature for 6 hours.
5. Bake at 350o F for 6 minutes
6. Remove from baking sheets to a wire rack to cool
3. Answer the following question based on the text above !
a. What should we do after combining flour and baking powder?
b. How long do you need to bake the cookies?
c. What is the purpose of the text?
4. Rearrange the sentences below to make a good paragraph!
1. Prepare all the ingredients, shrimps, corn flour, grated ginger, pepper, salt, cooking oil.
2. Dip each shrimp into the whisked egg, then roll it on the mixture of corn flour
3. Fry the shrimp into the hot oil until its colour turns golden
4. Mix together the corn flour, salt, pepper, seasoning and stir them thoroughly.
5. Mix the shrimp and grated ginger. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes.
6. Serve them together with a bottle of tomato sauce or chile sauce
Read the following text !
This hair tonic is processed from the leaves of the specific tree stimulate hair
growth. Apply evenly on scalp every morning or evening particularly on areas
where hair is thinning and lightly massage.

5. Answer the question base on the text above.

a. What does the text tell you about ?
b. What is the synonym of the word “ stimulate”

UNIT 6: I Have Done My Homework an Hour Ago 43




3.7 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan
tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairytales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.7 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
naratif, lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait fairytales.

1. Mengidentifikasi isi cerita Narrative teks yang didengar atau dibaca
2. Membacakan dongeng dengan ucapan, dan tekanan kata yang benar
3. Mengidentifikasi informasi dari isi teks yang sedang dibacakan.
4. Menyebutkan bagian-bagian cerita yang memuat pesan yang disebutkan
5. Melengkapi ringkasan cerita dengan kata-kata dan ungkapan yang yang tepat sesuai cerita



Identify the Identify the Reading a story with

content of story information of the right pronunciation

Mention the Complete the story

generic structure with the available
of story words

Reading aloud in Write a short

the group narrative text

44 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX


1. Narrative text adalah suatu jenis teks yang berupa cerita khayalan, kisah nyata yang
direkayasa, atau dongeng. Narrative text menceritakan suatu cerita yang memiliki
rangkaian peristiwa kronologis yang saling terhubung.
2. Tujuan dari narrative text adalah untuk menghibur pembacanya.
3. Struktur teks Narrative Text (generic structure).
• Orientation: pendahuluan atau pembuka yang berupa pengenalan tokoh, waktu, dan
• Complication: pengembangan konflik atau pemunculan masalah pada cerita.
• Resolution: penyelesaian konflik atau langkah yang diambil untuk merespons masalah.
• Re-orientation: ungkapan – ungkapan penutup yang menunjukan berakhirnya suatu
cerita. Re-orientation bersifat opsional atau tidak selalu ada pada narrative text.
4. Unsur kebahasaan.
• Noun: pada umumnya kata benda (noun) digunakan sebagai kata ganti orang hewan,
atau benda dalam cerita, misalnya stepmother, the dwarfs, carriage, dan lain-lain.
• Past tense: narrative text menggunakan kata kerja bentuk lampau (verb 2), misalnya
went, ate, met, dan lain-lain.
• Time connective: merupakan kata penghubung waktu untuk mengurutkan kejadian,
misalnya after, before, after that, dan lain sebagainya.
• Action verbs: kata kerja yang menunjukan peristiwa atau kegiatan, misalnya stayed,
climbed, wrote, dan lain-lain.
• Saying and thinking verb: kata kerja yang menunjukan pelaporan atau ujaran, misalnya
said, told, thought, dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh Narrative Text :
Once upon a time, a beautiful lady named Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a boy which she
named Sangkuriang. When Sangkuriang was old enough to hunt, he took his mother’s dog
Tumang (which according to this legend is an incarnation of a god and also Sangkuriang’s
father) and ordered Tumang to chase after a boar. When Tumang did not follow Sangkuriang’s
order, Sangkuriang became very angry and he killed Tumang. He carved out Tumang’s heart
and brought it back to his mother.
Dayang Sumbi took the heart, cooked it and ate it. When she discovered that the heart
belonged to Tumang, her husband, she was overcome with wrath. She sent her son away, but
not before she hit him with a spoon and left a deep scar on his head.
Sangkuriang travelled around the world. After a long while, he arrived back in his village
again without recognizing it. He saw a beautiful lady and fell in love with her. Little did he know
that she was his own mother. He asked for her hand in marriage and she agreed.
Dayang Sumbi later realized that Sangkuriang was her son, as she recognized the scar that
she had inflicted. She tried to tell him and break off the wedding, but he didn’t believe her
and insisted to go on with the wedding. Dayang Sumbi then set an impossible condition that
Sangkuriang has to fulfill in order to marry her: he should build her a big boat and a lake by
damming Citarum river, all within one night, and it shall be finished by dawn. Sangkuriang
agreed to the condition.
He built a boat from a large tree, and with the help of spirits, he dammed the Citarum river
with landslides. The water eventually rose and filled the plain, turning it into a lake. When
dawn was near, he was almost ready. Dayang Sumbi realized this, so she prayed for divine
intervention. As an answer to her prayers, the eastern horizon lit up. Deceived by the lights,
cocks crowed and farmers rose for the new day, thinking that dawn has broken.

Sangkuriang was also deceived. He thought his endeavor has failed. Angrily, he kicked the
boat so that it toppled over. This boat became Tangkuban Parahu mountain (tangkuban means
upside down, and parahu means boat). The pile of leftover woods became Mt. Burangrang,
and the rest of the big tree became Mt. Bukit Tunggul. The lake became lake Bandung (which
literally means ‘dam’).

Activity 1

Complete the following text by using the words available.

Sangkuriang cursed turn one day male
 to bring

dog woods sometimes whenever father weaving
married son beautiful man
Paragraph 1
Dayang Sumbi was a __________ and kind-hearted princess, but __________ she was very lazy.
Her hobby was __________ cloth. __________ her weaving tool fell. Tumang, a __________
dog, came to bring her __________ back to her. As she had promised, she __________ him.
was actually a __________ who had been cursed by a __________ to become a dog.
sometimes he could __________ back
to a normal man. Dayang Sumbi and
Tumang got one
__________. His name was Sangkuriang. He did not know that Tumang was his __________
because he was a dog __________ he was with him. Tumang always accompanied __________
whenever he went hunting in the __________.
Paragraph 2
brought village gave asked badly told a piece of
 deer’s at
woods deer heart disappoint
When he was twelve years old, Dayang Sumbi __________ Sangkuriang to bring her a deer’s
__________. But after many days in the __________, he could not nd a __________. He did not
want to __________ his mother,
so he killed Tumang and __________ his heart home and __________ it to his mother. Because
of her __________ to Tumang, Dayang Sumbi __________ it was his heart, not a __________
heart. She got very angry __________ Sangkuriang. She hit him with __________ wood on his
forehead, and __________ him to go away. __________ wounded, Sangkuriang left her and
the __________.

46 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

Activity 2

Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph

Paragragh 3
1. He fell in love with her at the first sight.
2. She could never get older because she was granted eternal youth by the gods.
3. There he met a beautiful young woman.
4. He did not know that she was Dayang Sumbi.
5. One day Sangkuriang went back to his village.
6. He was big and strong.
Paragraph 4
1. Then she got an idea.
2. Dayang Sumbi saw the bad scar on his forehead.
3. She gave him a task which she thought was impossible for him to do.
4. She told him the truth again and again but he would not believe her.
5. One day he approached Dayang Sumbi to propose her.
6. She asked him to make her a lake and a boat in one night.
7. She soon realized that he was her own son, Sangkuriang.
8. She was thinking hard to nd a way not to marry him.
9. She did not know Sangkuriang had genies to help him to do the task.
Paragraph 5
1. Knowing Dayang Sumbi cheated him, Sangkuriang got very angry.
2. Dayang Sumbi got very worried.
3. She was thinking hard again to nd a way to fail him.
4. The genies thought that the morning was almost broken.
5. It is now known as Mount Tangkuban Perahu.
6. By dawn both the lake and the boat were almost done.
7. She asked the people in the village to burn the woods in the east, so that the light made all the
cocks in the village crow.
8. They ran away as fast they could, leaving the boat un finished.
9. Then she had an idea.
10. He kicked the boat so hard that it went upside down.

Activity 3

Read the text and answer the questions below.

Sura and Baya

A long time ago, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya
was a crocodile. They lived in a sea.
Once Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat.
“Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya.
“No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy” said Sura. Then they fought for the goat. After several
hours, they were very tired.
Feeling tired of fighting, they lived in the different places. Sura lived in the water and Baya lived in
the land. The border was the beach, so they would never fight again.
One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there
was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise.

Answer the questions.
1. What is the title of a narrative text above?
2. How many characters in the story?
3. What is seen Baya?
4. Why are they fighting?
5. Anyone who violates the agreement between Sura and Baya?
6. What lessons can we learn in the story?

Activity 4

Read the text and do the following tasks.

1. Work in a group. Each group consists of 4 students.
2. Identify the parts where the characters in “The Golden Star-Fruit Tree” are introduced.
3. Identify the parts where the problem in “The Golden Star-Fruit Tree” is resolved.
4. Identify and write the words involving simple past tense
5. What is The resolution of the problem ?
6. What is the moral value from this story ?


A long time ago there was a rich old man living in Vietnam. He had two sons. They had very
different attitudes. The older brother was very greedy, and the younger brother was very kind.
When the old man died, the brothers divided his father’s wealth into two parts. The big brother
took almost everything. He gave his younger brother only a small piece of land, with a star-fruit
tree in front of it. The younger brother did not mind. From then on he lived there and made his
living only by selling star fruits from the tree.
Unfortunately, a very big raven often came and ate all the ripe fruits. At first he was too afraid
of the raven, and did not know what to do. But one day he dared to approach the raven. He begged
to it not to eat the fruits. “If you eat the fruits, I will have nothing to sell to the market, and my
family will starve.”
Surprisingly the raven was not angry. He replied, “I need the fruits too. Can I have them and
I’ll pay you with gold. Bring a 1-meter long bag, and I’ll bring to a place full of gold and you can fill
the bag full with gold. ”The younger brother then told his wife to make a 1-meter long bag. When
the bag was done, he climbed on the raven’s back and they flew to a place full of gold. He filled
the bag full with gold, and then flied back home on the raven’s back. From then on, the younger
brother and his family could live happily in luxury.
On the commemoration of his father’s death, he invited his older brother to come to his house.
Thinking that his brother had a poor house, the big brother refused to come. But because his
younger brother insisted, he and his wife finally decided to come. When they got to the younger
brother’s house, they were surprised to see that he was now very rich.
He asked his younger brother how he had got all his wealth, and the younger brother was
happy to tell him the truth. Then the greedy brother and his wife offered the younger brother to
trade all their fortune for the star-fruit tree. The younger brother gladly accepted the o er. Soon the
older brother and his family moved to the house with the star-fruit tree. When the raven came for
the star fruits, the older brother made the same plea. As expected, the raven told him to bring a
1-meter long bag.
Because he was greedy, he asked his wife to make a much longer bag. When the bag was done,
he climbed on the raven’s back and then they sew to the place full of gold. He filled the big bag
with gold. He also brought some gold in his pockets. On the way home, the load soon became too
heavy for the raven. Unable to hang on, the raven swayed, and the greedy brother fell straight
down to the sea with his bag and pockets full of gold. He sank very fast down the sea. The older
brother finally died. He died because of his greed.

48 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

Choose the correct answer
Read he following text to answer the question no 1 – 4 .
Once upon a time, there were three brothers named Samuel, Timothy and Xander, who lived
in a cottage by the woods. They were honest and hardworking. Every day, they would venture into
the forest looking for the fell wood. Their life continued in this manner. However, the brothers were
always sad even they lived a good life.
One day, they met a poor woman who carried a sack and they offered her a help. They took
turns in carrying the sack, and at last, when they reached her home, they felt very tired. This old
woman was actually not an ordinary person. She had magical powers. She asked them whether
there was anything she could give them in return. ―We are not happy, and that has become our
greatest cause of concern,‖ replied Samuel. The woman asked what would make them happy. Each
of them mentioned a different thing from one another. Then, she granted what they wished for, gave
them several things and asked them to go home.
The days passed and soon a year was over. The situation was however, now different for Samuel,
Timothy and Xander. They became rich men and it made them lazy to manage what they had got
from the woman. In short, all of them were unhappy again.
One day, the three of them met up and decided to visit the old woman at her home. ―That
woman has magical powers which turned our dreams into reality. However, since we are no longer
happy, we must go and seek her help now. It is she who will be able to tell us the secret to attaining
happiness,‖ said Samuel. Greeting her, each of the brothers recounted how he had turned unhappy
again. ―Please tell us how we can once more be happy,‖ said Timothy. ―Well,‖ replied the old
woman. ―It is all in your own hands. See, when each of you made his wish and it was granted, you
were happy. However, happiness never lasts without a very important thing – content. Earlier, since
you were happy but never really content or satisfied, boredom and misery overcame you and you
became sad again. Only if you learn to be content, can you truly enjoy the bliss of happiness.‖
The brothers realized their mistake and went back home. They saw how lucky they were to
have the gifts for which they had once craved.

1. The text tells us about ... . a. Three brothers would live

a. learning to be thankful for the happily.
blessing in life b. They would travel around to find a
b. teaching about hard works and happy life .
efforts c. They would be sad and morose
c. sharing happiness to other people entire their life.
d. trying to get a better life d. Three brothers would realize their
2. What is the main idea of the last own problem .
paragraph? 4. What can we learn from the text?
a. Brothers realized their mistake. a. The happy life can be actualized by
b. Three brothers met the old woman. enjoying life.
c. Brothers remembered their b. The happiness can be achieved
happiness. from the belongings.
d. Three brothers only took good care c. The secret of happiness is measured
of their land by the richness.
3. What would probably happen if d. To be happy, we need to enjoy life
the woman did not help the three and do our responsibility

5. … content or satisfied, boredom and a. ennui c. tired
misery overcame …. (paragraph 4 line b. lazy d. weak
9) The underlined word has the closest
in meaning with …
The text is for questions 6 to 10.
A very long time ago before men had learnt how to hunt and set traps, all the birds lived together
peacefully in a great forest. The forest supplied all their needs, plentiful supply of nuts, fruits seeds
and berries for the birds to feed on and they had no enemies. The birds came to be rather wasteful.
The phoenix, an ugly dull brownish grey bird, was a real worrier. She was always telling the
other birds to be careful and to prepare for a time that food might not be so plentiful. The fruit
might stop growing on the trees, or the trees might drop their leaves, or just fall over, even. All the
other birds ignored her useless advice. The phoenix determined to prepare for the worst and started
collecting all the fruits and berries and seeds other birds discarded. She stowed them away in places
like hollow trees, buried them in the ground or underneath the roots. They just laughed and mocked
One day a great storm hit the forest, and what phoenix had been worrying about all these
years came to pass. Leaves and whole branches were blown off the trees and carried far away by
the powerful wind. Some trees were blown over altogether, and with the protection of the dense
foliage now gone, the heat of the sun penetrated the forest and dried everything up! Suddenly the
birds found they had to fight each other for the odd berry or a stray nut. Phoenix started sharing out
all the scraps of food she had stored up all over the forest. Now every single bird, large and small,
wanted to be her friend. Eventually the gods sent some clouds over the land, which cooled things
down a bit, and some rain fell. Green sprouts started to appear again, just as the food stores phoenix
had built up started to run out. Slowly the forest returned to its old self, and the birds recovered.
But they didn’t forget their new friend, phoenix. To show their gratitude every bird in the whole
forest selected its most beautiful and colorful feather and presented it to phoenix. When they were
finished phoenix had been transformed into the most fantastic and multi colorful creature in the
Adapted from:

6. What is the purpose of writing the 8. All birds finally knew that phoenix
text? kept all the fruits and berries and seeds
a. To tell how phoenix’s feathers other birds discarded for ....
changed in color. a. deserving them for all birds
b. To amuse the readers with the b. keeping for her own need
story of phoenix. c. planting them in the future
c. To describe the birds’ life style in d. hiding them from all birds
the forest. 9. What is the moral value of the story?
d. To inform the characteristics of a. Reserve for future spend.
phoenix. b. Appreciate others’ kindness.
7. All the birds ignored phoenix’ c. Face your problems together.
suggestion because .... d. Give hospitality to new friends.
a. there was still plentiful supply of 10. She stowed them away in places …
food The synonym of underlined word is
b. the birds would prefer fight each …..
other a. contained
c. the forest had been in better b. recommended
condition c. loaded
d. the birds thought she was just an d. packed
ugly bird

50 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX




Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/
kejadian tanpa perlu menyebutkan pelakunya sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (perhatikan
unsur kebahasaan passive voice).
Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian tanpa perlu
menyebutkan pelakunya dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai konteks. (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan passive voice).

1. Melengkapi kalimat dengan jawaban berupa ungkapan-ungkapan yang diambil teks, dengan ejaan
dan tanda baca yang benar
2. Mengidentifikasi informasi tentang beberapa benda yang ada di sekitar
3. Mendeskripsikan beberapa benda dengan banyak menggunakan kalimat pasif
4. Membuat teks deskripsi tentang benda-benda yang ada di sekitar
5. Mempresentasikan teks masing-masing dengan teman-temannya, secara lisan, dengan ucapan dan
tekanan kata yang benar
6. Mengajukan kalimat tanya dan jawaban tentang teks masing-masing dengan teman-temannya, secara
lisan, dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata yang benar


They are Made in Indonesia

Reading text in Complete the sentences

passive Voice

Describe the thing Make Descriptive Presentation of Question answer

in Passive voice text the text about the text




Passive Voice
Kalimat pasif atau  passive voice  digunakan untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan pada
seseorang atau objek yang dikenai tindakan dan bukan seseorang atau objek yang melakukan
tindakan. Jadi, hal atau orang yang terpenting akan menjadi subjek kalimat.
Kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris terdiri dari dua unsure yaitu, bentuk kata kerja to
be yang sesuai + past participle

• The store is always closed.
• The house is being renovated.
• The hotel was built in 1997.
• The cars were repaired yesterday.
• The road has been built since last year.
• The books have been sold out since yesterday.
• The package will be sent tomorrow.

Activity 1

The paragraphs below describe each of the above Indonesian handicrafts. The verbs
have been left out. Complete the sentences again with suitable verbs in the passive voice.
Remember that each verb consists of two words.
1. This musical instrument __________ an angklung. It __________ in Indonesia. It is from
Sunda, West Java. It __________ of bamboo. It __________ to play traditional as well as
modern music.
2. This musical instrument is called an angklung. It is made in Indonesia. It is from Sunda,
West Java. It is made of bamboo. It is used to play traditional as well as modern music.
3. This cloth __________ an ulos. It __________ in North Sumatra, Indonesia. It __________
in special events like weddings and funerals. It __________ on one shoulder or both
shoulders. It is made of cotton. It is woven by hand.
4. This bag __________ a noken. It __________ in Papua, Indonesia. The bag is very strong
because it __________ of wood bre or leave bre. It __________ to carry many things. It
__________ on the head.
5. The beautiful umbrellas __________payung geulis. They __________ in Tasikmalaya,
Indonesia. They __________ of plain waterproof paper or cloth. Beautiful pictures of
owers __________on paper umbrellas. On cloth umbrellas, the pictures __________.

Activity 2

The table below shows you that every verb has four different forms, and the passive voice
uses the form of the verb in the last column.
No To- Present Past For The passive voice
1 To make make made Made
2 To marinate marinate marinated Marinated

52 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

3 To skewer skewer skewered Skewered
4 To grill grill grilled Grilled
5 To serve serve served Served


I. Choose the best answer. a. Will have been built

1. Benji : May I borrow your camera? b. Will build
Nathan : Oh sorry, it .... now. c. Will build
a. Is repairing d. Will be built
b. Has sold 5. I’m sorry, you can’t swim today.
c. Will have sold Because the swimming pool .... now.
d. Is being repaired a. Be cleaned
2. Arik : “Last night, a thief broke into b. It cleans
my brother’s house” c. Is being cleaned
  Rika : Really? What ... from the house. d. Is cleaning
a. He took 6. New products …… in the electronic
b. It was taken exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre a
c. Was being taken week ago.
d. Was taken a. Display
3. That is a very old building. I was not b. Displayed
even born yet when it ....... c. Was displaying
a. Is built c. Was built d. Were displayed
b. Is being built d. Has been built 7. Andi : ‘What time will the delayed
4. The Government of Jakarta promises plane depart?
that next year MRT project ...... Jokis : ‘They say that it .... soon.’


a. Will announce a. are still being selected
b. Has announced b. still selected
c. Will be announced c. are still selecting
d. Is to announced d. still be selected
8. Zidane : ‘I’d like to reserve a single 10. Anita is looking forward to her birthday
room for next week, please.’ because she . . . a new watch.
Zahra : ‘I’m sorry, Sir. Our hotel .... a. promised    
until the end of this month.’ b. has been promised
a. It is fully booked c. has been promising
b. We booked d. has promised
c. Is fully booked
d. Booking it fully
9. Andre : Which paintings will be
exhibited  tomorrow?
Sule : “We don’t know yet, They . . .
by a team.’

Change the following sentences into Passive Voice form.
1. Daddy drinks A cup of coffee every day
2. My brother repaired the motorcycle yesterday.
3. Johan has taken an English course
4. Mr Joko is teaching English at Junior High School.
5. They were watching a horror film at cinema.

54 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX




3.9 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks information report
lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX,
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.9. Teks Information Report
4.9.1 Menangkapmakna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
information report lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait topik yang tercakup dalam
mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX
4.9.2 Menyusun teks information report lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait topik yang
tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

1. Mendeskripsikan beberapa teks information report terkait mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX
2. Mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian struktur teks report
3. Mengidentifikasi cara penggunaa teks report melalui contoh
4. Mengidentifikasi makna beberapa teks lain lagi dengan topik yang berbeda
5. Membuat teks information report terkait mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX
6. Menampilkan dan mempresentasikan teksnya kepada teman-teman yang mendatangi
7. Menuliskan booklet tentang flora fauna lokal


What Is It ?

Describe information Identify generic

of report text structure of Report Text

Identify the use of Make a report text Presentation of Make a booklet of

Report text Report text flora and fauna


1. Report text adalah jenis teks yang mengumumkan hasil penyelidikan

atau mengumumkan sesuatu . Informasi yang diberikan dalam teks
laporan adalah informasi yang sangat umum.
2. Tujuan dari report text adalah untuk menyajikan informasi tentang
sesuatu secara umum kepada pembaca.
3. Struktur Report Text (Generic Structure).
- General Classification yaitu berisi pernyataan umum tentang subject
yang dibicarakan atau dibahas.
- Descriptionmerupakan bagian yang memberikan gambaran
secara detail mengenai subject yang dibahas pada bagian general
4. Unsur Kebahasaan
Menggunakan :
* General nouns seperti “ Reptiles in Komodo island “
* Relating verbs untuk menjelaskan cirri, misalnya reptiles are scary
animals ( ciri
ini berlaku untuk semua reptilian )
* Action verbs dalam menjelaskan perilaku, misalnya lizards can not
* Present tense untuk menyatakan suatu yang umum, misalnya
dragons usually weight 160 kg.
* Istilah tehnis misalnya water contains oxygen and hydrogen.
* Paragraf dengan topic sentence untuk menyusun sebuah informasi.

Contoh Report Text


One of the most valuable and widespread plant is the bamboo. It is a tall treelike grass.
There are more than 350 species. Most grow in Asia and on islands of the Indian and
Pacific oceans. Although bamboo is a tropical plant, it can grow in a cooler temperate

A single root may produce as many as 100 stems. They are hollow, woody, and jointed.
The stems are sometimes 3 feet (0,9 meter) around. Sprouts grow fast, at times 1 foot
(0,3 meter) or more a day. They may grow to 30, 50, or even 130 feet (9 to 40 meters)
in height. Near the top are many branches. Some species do not bloom for 60 years
or more.

Bamboo products range from food to houses. Asian people usually use the sprouts
as vegetables. In East and Southeast Asia people use the hollow stems for water
pipes and for building bridges and houses. Short sections serve as pails and cooking
utensils. The stems make for walls, floors, and roofs. Thinner strips are woven into
mats, chairs, cages, and curtains. Bamboo fishing rods are made of matched strips
glued together. Split bamboo is also used for chopsticks and fan ribs. The inner
parts of the stems of several species are made into quality papers.

56 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

Activity 1

Read the text carefully!

Coconut is a common name for the fruit of a tree in palm family. It is classified as Cocos Nucifera.
People usually call the tree as coconut palm. Coconut palm trees grow well in tropical countries.
They grow especially on san soil.
The trees can grow up to 30 m high. They have a cylindrical trunk. At the top of the trunk there
is a crown of leaves. The leaves are long, about 3 to 4,5 m long The fruit grows in clusters. In one
cluster, there about 5 to 20 coconuts.
The fruit is oval and about 30 cm long. It has a thick husk and hard shell. Inside the shell there
white oily fresh. Inside the shell there is also sweet fluid.
Coconut is high in sugar. It also contains a lot of fat, protein and vitamin. The young coconut
water can be very refreshing drink which contains a lot of minerals.
Coconut palm are very useful plants. People can use every single inch of the tree. They dry the
coconut meat into copra. After that, they can get oil from it and use it for daily cooking or make it
into soaps or candles. People also use the trunks to build houses. For the roof, they dry the leaves.
People can also make rope and doormats from the coconut’s husk.
Coconuts are usually propagated by seeds. But experts have been trying to clone coconuts or
propagate them by tissue culture.

Find the meaning of the following words!

1. Common: ................................................... 6. Shell: ...............................................................
2. Grow: ......................................................... 7. Contain: .........................................................
3. Soil: ............................................................ 8. Trunk: ............................................................
4. Cluster: ....................................................... 9. Propagate: .....................................................
5. Husk: .......................................................... 10. Tissue: .........................................................

Activity 2

Answer the following questions based on the text!

1. What is the scientific name for coconut ?
2. Where do the coconuts grow well ?
3. How long are the coconut’s leaves ?
4. What is inside the coconut’s shell ?
5. How many coconuts are there in one cluster ?
6. What does coconut contain ?
7. What is copra ?
8. What can people get from copra ?
9. What do people use coconut’s trunk for?
10. How are the coconuts propagated?

Activity 3

The following paragraph is about the school. But they are not yet punctuated nor written
properly. Rewrite them in good sentences.


a school is a place where students go to learn today children in most countries must go to
school for

a number of years teachers help them to learn a school is headed by a principal or a headmaster
at school students can learn skills and knowledge that are useful for the life now and in the
future in most countries students learn basic subjects—science, music, geography, history,
and languages they also learn extracurricular activities in indonesia, religion

is a compulsory subject with their teachers and their friends students also learn to be
good people who can di erentiate between right and wrong and between acceptable and
unacceptable behaviour

Activity 4

Make a Report text about flora or fauna!


I. Choose the best answer.
Number 1 to 5 are based on the following text.

Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group as lizards
(the scaled group, Squamata) but from a sub-group of their own (Serpentes).
Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along.
Snakes are not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin
is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the ground.
Snakes often sun bathe on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes are cold-
blooded; they need the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies up.
Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in water,
but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass and in old logs.
A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizard, and mice and other snakes. The Anaconda
can eat small crocodiles and even bears. Many snakes protect themselves with their fangs.
Some snakes are protected by scaring their enemies away like the Cobra. The flying snakes
glide away from danger. Their ribs spread apart and the skin stretches out. Its technique is
just like the sugar gliders.

1. Since the snakes are cold-blooded, they…

a. like sucking the cool blood
b. avoid sun-bathing to their skins
c. never sun bathe in the warm weather
d. require the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies

58 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

2. We know from the text that snakes… 4. How do flying snakes protect themselves.
a. do not have claws a. They fly away
b. have two legs and claws b. They use their fangs they scare
c. use their legs to climb the tree their enemies.
d. use their claws to slither along the c. They stretch out their skin,
ground d. They eat the other animals.
3. Some types of snakes live in tress, 5. What is the main idea of the last
some live in water, but most live on the paragraph ?
ground in deserted rabbit burrows,… a. The Anaconda can eat small
(paragraph 4). The word “burrows “ crocodiles
has the similar meaning with… b. snakes protect themselves with
a. foster c. plough their fangs.
b. dig d. nurture c. snakes have two legs and claws
d. A snake’s diet usually consists of
frogs, lizard, and mice
Number 6 to 10 are based on the following text.

A rabbit is a small furry mammal with a short tail and pointed ears. Compared to its small
body rabbits has large – sized ears.
Rabbits live in burrows in a ground. Each burrow is the home of a single family. The first
fossils which can be attributed to this family came from North America but now they are found
in every part of the world.
A rabbit is a weak and timid animal and is always surrounded by many enemies. Therefore
nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear even the fun drop sound. The large area of
the ear catches almost every sound wave produced in the air and transfers them into the inner
ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to safety zones.
You must have noticed that a rabbit washes its ears by repeatedly licking its forepaws and
rubbing them over the surface of its ears. It does this in order to keeps its ears clean, and also to
take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface. This oil is important in forming
vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of healthy bones. If the rabbit is not allowed to
form this, it will develop rickets.

6. What does the text tell us about? 9. How can a rabbit detect its enemy?

a. A furry mammal called rabbit a. Its excellent sense of hearing help
b. A small animal called rabbit it much.
c. A rabbit and its behavior b. The natural oil which it produces
d. A rabbit and its habitat help it much
7. What is the main idea of paragraph c. The burrow where it lives protects
three? it from enemy.
a. Rabbit is surrounded by enemies d. Its small body help it much in
b. Rabbit detects its enemies skillfully escaping from enemy.
c. Why a rabbit has many enemies 10. A rabbit is a weak and timid animal ..
d. Why a rabbit likes fighting The underlined word has the closest
8. Which part of the rabbit’s body meaning with …
produces natural oil? Its .... a. fearful
a. forepaws b. doubt
b. mouth c. happy
c. ears d. cute
d. tail

II. Essay
a. Arrange these jumbled sentences to make a meaningful report text
1. These colourful spiky flowers generally bloom from midsummer to first frost.
2. Most varieties grow 4 to 5 feet tall.
3. Dahlias are known as tuberous – rooted tender perennials.
4. They range in color and even size from the giant 10 – inch blooms to the 2 – inch
lollipop-style pompons.
5. They are grown from small brown biennial tubers planted in the spring.

b. Complete the Report text by using the available words below

Circle stick female learn behind groups walk jungle

swim baby elephants

In some part of Indonesia, there are still elephants living in the ……..(1)…….
Elephants don’t like to live alone. They always live in …..(2)….. They help each
other when there is a trouble. The leader of the group is usually a …..(3)….
elephant. She walks in front of the group and the other females and their young
follow her. The man elephants walk …. (4)…. If there is trouble the male elephants
make a ….(5)…. around the others. If one of the elephants is ….(6)…., all of
the other elephants help it. Two will walk on each side of it to help it ….(7)….
All elephants in a group help to look after the young elephants. They help the
young one ….(8)…. across the river. And when a female elephant is going to
have a ….(9)…., another female elephant stands beside her, to help her, like a
nurse. So we can ….(10)…. a lot from elephants about helping other people.

60 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX




3.10 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam
bentuk iklan dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait produk dan jasa, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
4.10 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
khusus dalam bentuk iklan, pendek dan sederhana, terkait produk dan jasa.

1. Mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian iklan dan ungkapan atau kata yang digunakan dengan menggunakan
tabel analisis
2. Menganalisis beberapa iklan lain untuk mengidentifikasi bagian-bagiannya
3. Mengidentifikasi persamaan dan perbedaan beberapa iklan dari segi isi dan bentuk
4. Mempresentasikan hasil analisis secara lisan di depan kelompok lain
5. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
khusus dalam bentuk iklan, pendek dan sederhana, terkait produk dan jasa


Come and Visit Us

Identify the part of Analyze an

Advertisement advertisement

Find the meaning of

Identify some Presentation of
advertisement Advertisement




Advertisement atau iklan merupakan media pemasaran yang bertujuan untuk

mengajak pendengar atau pembaca membeli atau menggunakan barang atau jasa yang
ditawarkan dalam iklan tersebut.
Advertisement has purpose to promote, advertise or persuade the reader or listener
to use a kind of products or services.
Ada berbagai bentuk iklan, diantaranya iklan produk, baik barang maupun jasa,
iklan tempat, dan iklan lowongan pekerjaan.

Contoh Advertisement :

Green Garden Boutique Hotel

Jl Angkasa no 31

The cosy place to stay

Located only 1 km from the airport, the hotel offers 100 comfortable room.
Enjoy our discounts on special occasions!

Nice restaurant, serving delicious Indonesian cuisines
Ellegant ballroom, with capacity 100 people.
Meeting room, for meetings, conferences, exhibitions and wedding.
Fitness centre
For reservation, please call Green Garden Boutique Hotel at (0357) 5667777888 or visit
our website at www.

62 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

Activity 1

Work in your group. Look closely at the advertisements again. Use the table below to identify the
different kinds of information available in the advertisements.

Price Not available
Contact Number/email address
Selling points/Promoting words

Price Not available
Contact Number/email address
Selling points/Promoting words

Price Not available
Contact Number/email address
Selling points/Promoting words

Price Not available
Contact Number/email address
Selling points/Promoting words


Activity 2

Arrange the following sentences to form sequential text.

Then present the text in the class?
1. The new Cartoon Network Video brand presents tour sixty-minutes action-packed videos
featuring your favorite classic animated characters. Johny, Calvin, Bandit and D’Quest.
2. Take your family on the quest of their lives-the classic Johny Quest Collection.
3. The quest begins on DVD at SHINE Movie Store.
4. Live the adventure! Share the mystery!
5. Only from Cartoon Network Video and Turner Home Entertainment
6. Good News! Everyone’s ultimate superhero, JOHNY QUEST, is back for a limited time time
only in this greatest adventures.
7. Also introducing a brand new full length movie . “Johny Quest Vs “ The cyber Insect”

Activity 3

Read the following text and answer the questions!


There is no limit for your satisfaction
17 National Awards and 51 International Awards
New Honda Jazz still moves forward. With world-beating
features and technology.
New Honda jazz is the best car that suits to every youngster.

Do anything, go everywhere! Jazz up your life!!!

1. Who are the most suitable people to drive the car?
2. How many awards did new Honda Jazz get?
3. The word “suites” in the text has the same meaning as ....
4. What is the function of the text?

64 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

Choose the best answer! 3.   Which of the following statements is NOT
The following text is for questions number 1 CORRECT according to the announcement
and 2. above?
a. Classes are held twice a week
A BURST OF NATURE b. Each session will last for two hours
NatragiustTM is a powerful food source c. Only kindergarten students can attend
consisting of a wide variety of premium class
ingredients which work together to
provide a variety of health benefits. d. There are six programmes for the holiday
Each serving contains an equivalent of 4. How many programs does the learning
more than 6 vegetables and fruits, with center offer?
an ORAC value of 4.000 Additionally, a. One c. Six
NataBurstTNI help supports lean muscle b. Three d. Nine
mass with its concentration of high-
quality protein. 5.  “Friendly” atmosphere. What does the
• Increase energy underlined word mean?
• Reduce appetite a. Easy
• Promote Fat Loss b. Helpful
• Anti.Aging c. Pleasant
• Promote Healthy Skin
d. Dull
1. What’s the benefit of consuming Natra The following text is for questions number
Burst? 6 and 7! 
a. Increase appetite
b. Decrease energy G570 4334DDU Laptop with a large
screen. The laptop also comes with a
c. Promote fat loss spatial experience of the screen and it has
d. Promote healthy hair advanced function features that work
2 . The purpose of the text is … efficiently. It is more user-friendly than
a. To warn the reader the danger of the ever.
product G570 433DDU 15.6-Inch Laptop Feature:
1. 15.6-Inch Screen; Integrated Intel HD
b. To describe the composition of the 3000 Graphics
product 2. Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, 4
c. To persuade people to consume the hours Battery Life
product 3. 2.5 GHz Intel Core 15-2450M
d. To tell the reader how to use the 4. 4 GB DIMM RAM
5. 500 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
The following text is for questions number 3 6. Normally, this laptop can be used for ….
and 5! hours.
a. Two and a half
Holiday classes at the learning center b. Four
for Nursery. Kindergarten and primary
school children c. Seven
Supervised reading programme d. Sixty-four
Creative writing 7.  From the text, we know that …
Poetry appreciation a. The laptop is as user-friendly as the
Art in action previous edition
Speech training
Grooming and etiquette b. The laptop has advance function
– Qualified teachers features
– Friendly atmosphere c. The battery can be used for 6 hours
– Two-hour class twice a week d. The screen of the laptop is small
Call 03-23860505


The following text is for questions number 8. The text is probably addresses to someone
8 to 10! who wants to stay in the hotel to ....
a. have fun 
GN b. enjoy beautiful scenery  
Great National c. work hard
Hotels and Convention Hall
124 opulent bedroom and suites d. have important meetings
Full choice of restaurants 9. A company probably want to hold an event
Convention Room in that hotel because ....
Free secure parking a. it can accommodate many people
Capacity for up to 1200 persons b. it is luxurious hotel 
Minutes from limerick tunnel &
motorways c. it is close to the airport 
90 minutes from Dublin d. it has free parking area 
15 Minutes from Shannon Airport  10. “124 opulent bedrooms and suites.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning
to ....
a. luxurious c. large
b. spacious d. neat
II. Essay


Whitens your teeth safely and effectively, helping to
remove plague and tartar too.
Just use daily instead of your normal toothpaste and you
will see and feel the difference within days.
Available at pharmacies and department store

1. What is being advertised?
2. What is the purpose of the text above?
3. Who is the addressee of this advertisement ?
4. “helping to remove plague …” The word “to remove” means….
5. Where can you usually find this product ?

66 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX




3.11 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dalam lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMP/
4.11 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu
terkait kehidupan remaja SMP/MTs

1. Menirukan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMP/MTs secara lisan
2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dalam lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMP/
3. Menyebutkan pesan yang terkait dengan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait
kehidupan remaja SMP/MTs


You Can Always Come Back Home

Repeat a lyric of song Identify the social Mention message in

function of song social function and
language feature



A song is a single (and often standalone) work of music intended to be sung by the human
voice with distinct and fixed pitches and patterns using sound and silence and a variety of
forms that often include the repetition of sections.

1 . Sosial function of song :

To entertain the listeners.
To teach moral value through the lyrics of the songs.
To provide a way of managing the relationship between our public and private emotional
To express personal feeling and cultural values.
To give someone to not only shares their emotions with others, but also to have an
emotional connection that just can’t be experienced in any other way.
2. General structure of songs
The general structure of a song consists of verse-chorus-verse-bridge-chorus. It is better
for us to learn more about the complete structure of songs.
a. Intro
The introduction establishes melodic, harmonic, and/or rhythmic related to the main
body of song.
b. Verse
It is the section of the song structure that tells the story. This is the exposition,
describing the scene or the person, or an emotion. There are usually two or three
verses in a row that have the same musical structure, the same rhyme and poetic
meter, but different words. The second verse builds on the picture painted in the first
verse, etc.
c. Chorus of Refrain
A chorus is the most repeated section, so it’s the easiest remembered. A chorus
is the summary of the song’s story. All the verses have been leading up to the chorus,
and is usually the part of the song people sing along with. A chorus can come at the
beginning of the song structure; it can also start in the middle, or come at the end.
In fact, some songs don’t have choruses at all. Some people are usually confused to
differentiate between choruses and refrain. A refrain is any line that repeats in the
song lyric, while a chorus is any group of lines that repeat.
d. Break
A break is actually a brief “rest” or “pause” for the core melody within a song
used to add further dimension and excitement. It may include a quick instrumental
solo or drum interlude or it may be a brief moment of silence, or a combination of
each of these elements.
e. Bridge
This is the part of the song that shifts. It can suddenly change tempo, or volume,
or instrumentation. The bridge is the section that gives the audience time to reflect on
the story, or gives them the “climax” or conclusion of the story through verses and
chorus. Bridges can be used to give the singer a break.
f. Outro or Coda
This is the end of the road for the song. It can repeat the intro, chorus or a refrain as
an outro, or a bridge with an instrumental solo.

68 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

Activity 1

Read the following song lyrics.

One Call Away

By Charlie Puth

I’m only one call away

I’ll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I’m only one call away
Call me, baby, if you need a friend
I just wanna give you love
Come on, come on, come on
Reaching out to you, so take a chance
No matter where you go
You know you’re not alone
I’m only one call away
I’ll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I’m only one call away
Come along with me and don’t be scared
I just wanna set you free
Come on, come on, come one
You and me can make it anywhere
For now, we can stay here for a while, ay
‘Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile
No matter where you go
You know you’re not alone
I’m only one call away
I’ll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I’m only one call away And when…

Activity 2

Answer the following questions based on the song lyric above !

1. What is the title of the song ?
2. Who is the singer ?
3. What is the song above ?
4. What do the following lines mean ?
You know you’re not alone
I’m only one call away
I’ll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
5. Do you think the song teaches us the proud of being a friend ?


6. Why do you think “I’m only one call away need to be repeated ?
7. What does “Superman got nothing on me” probably means ?
8. Which stanza do you like most ? why ?
9. What makes you probably like the song ?
10. What can you learn from the song ?

Activity 3

Find your favorite song and perform it with your group !


Choose the best answer. 5. a. or c. and

The following text is for number 1-5! b. with d. so

Straight Through The Heart Down to Earth

Song by: Dio Song by: Peter Gabriel

Hanging ….(1) the cobwebs in your mind [Verse 1]

It looks like a long, long way to fall Did you …. (1) that your feet had been
No one ever told me life was kind bound
I guess I never heard it, never heard it all By what gravity brings …. (2) the ground?
Living in a world of make believe Did you feel you were tricked
I can hide ….(2) what’s real By the future you picked?
But wearing your emotions on your sleeve Well, come on down
And they all know what you ….(3) All those rules don’t apply
And here it comes again When you’re high in the sky
Straight through the heart So, come on down
Straight through the heart Come on down
Oh, never …. (4) a secret with your eyes [Chorus}
It’s the eyes that let you down We’re coming down to the ground
Tell a little truth ….(5) many lies There’s no better place to go
It’s the only way I’ve found We’ve got snow up on the mountains
Shout to the wind We’ve got rivers down below
How can you hurt me this way We’re coming down to the ground
Oh once it begins We hear the birds sing in the trees
It looks like it’s coming to stay And the land will be looked after
1. a. from c. to We send the seed out in the breeze
b. for d. at [Verse 2]
2. a. beside c. front Did you think you’d escaped from routine
b. behind d. up By charging the script and the scene?
3. a. see c. feel ….(3) all you made of it
b. hear d. saw You’re always afraid
4. a. mouth c. say Of the change
b. tell d. hear You’ve got a lot on your chest
Well, you can come as my guest

70 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

….(4), come on down Coming down to Earth
Come on down We’re gonna find new priorities
[Bridge} These are extraordinary qualities
Like the fish ….(5) the ocean
We felt at home in the sea 6. a. say c. hear
We learned to live off the good land b. think d. feel
Learned to climb up a tree 7. a. on c. of
Then we got up on two legs b. to d. off
But we wanted to fly 8. a. despite c. although
When we messed up our homeland b. because d. nevertheless
We set sail for the sky 9. a. but c. let’s
[Outro] b. so d. and
We’re coming down 10. a. on c. at
Coming down to Earth b. in d. under
Like babies at birth


Count on Me
Bruno Mars

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,

I’ll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can’t see,
I’ll be the light to guide you
Find out what we’re made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one two three ……I’ll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
You’ll be there
‘Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Whoa, whoa Oh, oh Yeah, yeah
If you tossin’ and you’re turnin’ and you just can’t fall asleep
I’ll sing a song Beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will Remind you
Ooh Find out what we’re made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one two three

Answer the following questions based on the song lyric above !

1. What is the title of the song above ?
2. What will the singer do when finding someone stuck in the middle of the sea ?
3. When will the singer be the light for his friends ?
4. Which lyric shows the singer will always be there for his friends ?
5. What is the message of the song ?



Choose A, B,C or D for the correct answer!

1. Olla : Where is Mommy, Daddy? “You are absolutely right,” said the ‘trader while still
Father: She is in the living room. holding the ropes of the three cows. “The fact is that
She … movie on TV. I don’ t have the money with me, but 1’11bring it to
A. watched C. is watching you tomorrow. Surely you trust me, don’t you?” he
B. watches D. will watch assured him,
2. Luki : What is Priyo doing in his vacation “How can I trust you?” asked the son. “Yes, I under­
now? stand, you are right,” agreed the trader, “I was just
about to say that! could leave you something as a
Lusi : He is … to Bangladesh now.
guarantee that I will come back and bring you the
A. go C. gone money,” said the man seriously.
B. went D. going “What will you leave me?” the young man wanted
Read the advertisement and answer question 3 to know first.
and 4! “Suppose I leave you a cow, is that good enough?”
GRAND OPENING “That certainly seems fair enough,” said the so, the
Experience our brand new peaceful ambience trader left one cow, and went off with two others,
decoration in luxurious band comfortable hotel and never came back.
room for affordable price 5. What does the text tell you about?
Reservation A. The trader and his beloved family.
Telephone : ( 0251) 611 850
B. The three cheap cows of the farmer.
Fax : ( 0251 ) 339 387
Address : Plaza Ghani Timur, C. The trader and the farmer’s son.
Jln. Sumuradem 78-79 Bogor D. The farmer and his clever son.
6. What was the trader like?
3. What is being advertised in the advertise­ A. Cunning C. Honest.
ment above? B. Old. D. Stingy.
A. Hotel C. Decoration 7. What does Paragraph 2 tell us about?
B. House D. Restaurant A. The guarantee of the trader to pay the
4. Where would the above advertisement animals.
possibly posted? B. The bargaining on the price of the cows.
A. Police station C. Restaurant C. The agreement made to do the sale.
B. Recreation Object D. Prison D. The trader’s sum of his money
Text for no 5 – 9. 8. “.... but I’ll bring it for you tomorrow.”
The Erafty Trader What does the word “it” in the sentence
Once upon a time, there Iived a farmer with his refers to?
only son. He wanted to sell his cows. One day he had A. The fact C. The rope
to go away for a few days. Before he departed, he told B. The cow D. The money
his son what to do. “If the cattle trader comes along,” 9. The text shows that ....
he said, “offer him those three cows. But be ware! A. a naive person will be easily deceived
Don’t let him have them for less than two hundred
by a cunning person
The following day the trader came. He looked at B. a good son should always remember
the cows and asked the price. “Two hundred pound is what his father said
a very fair price for these three cows,” he commented, C. cows are important animals for a family
“O.K., I’ll take them.” He began to untie the animals because of their prices
and lead them away. But the farmer’s son did not D. bath the persons in the story belong to
allow him to do so. “Just a moment, My friend, if you good people for their father
want the cows, first you have ‘to pay,” he said.

72 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

10. Desta : What is your sister doing with her 15. Arrange these jumble word to make a good
friends in the library? sentence
Pram : They are … Mother – cooking – I – on – rendang – want
A. buying some books 1 2 3 4 5 6
B. lending some books – help – Sunday – to - happily
C. borrowing some books 7 8 9 10
D. collecting some books A. 3- 6- 9 -7-1-2-5-10-4-8
Read text for question no. 11-8! B. 3-6-9-7-3-2-10-7-4-8
C. 1-6-9-7-3-2-10-5-4- 8
Applicants must be:
• Friendly
D. 1-6-9-10-7-5-2- 3 – 4- 8
• Able to speak English. • Age16–20 16. We can see many beautiful paintings in
• Experience unnecessary this exhibition. They were ..... by famous
PART-TIME JOB Indonesian painter.
Wanted for Big Restaurant A Painting C. Painted
All applications must reach to our office B. Paint D. Be Painting
no later than two weeks. 17. They translated some old documents last
Apply in writing to: SEAFOOD RESTAURANT week.
Jl. Gajah Mada 108, Yogyakarta Yogya What is the passive form of this sentence?
Post / 3rd March 2019.
A. Some old documents are translated by
11. Which qualification must the applicants them last week.
have? B. Some old documents have been
A. Unfriendly translated by them last week.
B. Fluent English C. Some old documents were being
C. Experience translated by them last week.
D. More than 20 years old D. Some old documents were translated
12. How can we apply the job? by them last week.
A. By mail C. By e-mail Read the text for no 18 - 20.
B. by phone D. on line
13. The word “unnecessary” is similar in
meaning to .... Magazine is interesting reading material. They
are another type of printed mass media. Magazine
A. very urgent
contain news, articles, entertainment, puzzle, horos­
B. not perfect
cope, etc. like newspaper, magazine also have adver­
C. not important tise­ment to attract readers. They are also easy to get
D. uneasy from news agent, shops, new boys, or subscriptions.
14. Arrange these sentences to make a good Magazine look rather like newspaper, but
paragraph! there are important differences too. They are usually
1) This is how to cook rice using a magic published weekly, biweekly, or monthly. The paper
com size of magazine is smaller to that of a newspaper’s
2) Second, pour water into the magic com but a magazine often consists of more pages, so it
3) Then, wait it for few minutes is thicker. Magazine are bound and covered like
4) Then, four the washed rice in it
5) Next, push the “cook” button in magic 18. What is the text talk about?
com A. Magazine are interesting reading
6) First, take the washed rice material
7) Finally pick the rip rice up, and it is B. Magazine are like a newspaper
ready to eat C. Magazine are not interesting reading
The best arrangement is … material
A. 1-6-2-4-5-3-7 C. 1-6-2-4-7-3-5 D. Magazine are so very important thing
B. 4-6-2-1-5-3-7 D. 4-6-2-3-5-1-7


19. The second paragraph tell us about .. 20. They are usually published weekly,
A. Magazine are more expensive than biweekly, or monthly “(par 2)
newspaper The word “biweekly” means ….
B. Magazine are not published everyday A. Twice a week C. Every two week
C. We can buy everyday B. Every week D. Once a week
D. The differences between magazine and


1. Complete the following dialogue with correct past continuous forms!

Rudi : Where did you go yesterday, An?
Ani : I went to Ujung Negoro Beach with my family.
Rudi : What were you doing there?
Ani : (a) I____________ a sand castle.
Rudi : And what were your mom and dad doing?
Ani : They (b)_____________ scenery there. And what about you, Rudi?
Rudi : I was so bored. I (c)_____________________ at home
Ani : What were you doing at home?
Rudi : (d) _________________ TV for hours.
2. Rearrange the disorder sentences below into a good paragraph!
How to use a blender
1) Put your ingredients inside. Try fruits like banana, avocado, or papaya.
2) Make sure the blender is clean and in working conditions.
3) After the usage, don’t forget to clean the blender jar, lid, and blades.
4) Plug to the socket.
5) Press the button to blend it. There are other buttons showing the speed of blender
blades. Try the other buttons.
6) Close the lid and hold the cover tightly.
7) Open up the lid and pour it out.

74 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX


Brown, H. Douglas (2006). Principles of language learning and teaching (5th Edition), Person ESL.
Fromkin, V., R. Rodman and N. Hyams (2006). An Introduction to Language, Heinle, 8th edition.
Oxenden, Clive and Christina Latham-koening. 2009. New English File: Elementary Student’s
Book. New York: Oxford University Press
Oxenden, Clive and Christina Latham-koening. 2010. New English File: Intermediate Student’s Book.
New York: Oxford University Press
Peck, J. and Coyle, M. (2005). The student’s guide to writing. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Macmillan, p.157.
Puchta, Herbert and Jeff Stranks. 2011. English in Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. Richard. C. Jack. 2010. Interchange 1-3rd Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Suyanto, K. E. 2010. English For Young Learners. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika Offset
The World Book Student Discovery Encyclopedia. 2006. Chicago: World Book.
Wilson, P. and Glazier, T. (2011). The least you should know about English. Boston, Mass.: Wadsworth,
Young, A. and Strauch, A. (2006). Nitty gritty grammar. New York: Cambridge University Press, p.284.
Widiatuti, Nur. 2019. Modul Cerdas Bahasa Inggris kelas VII . Bogor: MGMP Kab.Bogor

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tanggal 9 Juli 2019)
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Nama : Indah Pujiastuti, M.Pd.
NIP : 19720912199702 2001
Pangkat/Gol. : Guru Madya/IVb
Tempat /Tanggal Lahir : Bogor/ 12 September 1972
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Pendidikan Terakhir : S1 Bahasa Inggris
S2 Magister Pendidikan
Status Perkawinan : Menikah
Unit Kerja : SMP Negeri 3 Cibinong
Alamat Rumah : Mutiara Sentul Blok Z No.16 RT 05 RW 10
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HP. 0812 8268 034

76 Modul Bogor Cerdas Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas IX

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