Anda di halaman 1dari 7



1. Dua hari setelah mengalami infark miokardium, seorang laki-laki berusia 58 tahun berada dalam
keadaan stabil, tetapi tiba-tiba produksi urinnya menurun diikuti nitrogen urea yang meningkat
dalam serum. Setelah 5 hari terjadi oliguria diikuti oleh poliuria selama 2 hari. Pasien kemudian
diperbolehkan pulang. Apakah kelainan yang diderita?

A. Nekrosis tubular akut D. Sindroma hemolitik-uremik

B. Nefrosklerosis E. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

C. Infark ginjal akut

2. Laki-laki 20 tahun datang dengan pembesaran skrotum sejak setahun ini. Pada pemeriksaan fisik
ditemukan pembesaran testis kanan sebesar 2 X ukuran testis kiri, kenyal dan nyeri. Pemeriksaan
USG menemukan masa berdiameter 3.5 cm di testis. Pemeriksaan CT-scan paru menunjukkan
pembesaran kelenjar getah bening para aortal. Ditemukan peningkatan kadar HCG dan AFP serum.
Kelainan apakah yang diderita oleh pasien ini?

A. Leydig cell tumor D. Choriocarcinoma

B. Mixed germ cell tumor E. Metastasis adenokarsinoma prostat

C. Pure spermatocytic seminoma

3. Laki-laki 35 tahun dan istrinya berusia 33 tahun merupakan pasangan infertil selama 12 tahun.
Pemeriksaan fisik tidak ditemukan kelainan, pada analisa sperma jumlah dan morfologik sperma
normal. Pemeriksaan biopsi testis mendapatkan gambaran tubulus seminiferus yang atrofik
setempat tetapi masih menunjukkan spermatogenesis aktif. Apakah penyebab kelainan tersebut?

A. Infeksi virus Mumps D. Klinefelter syndrome

B. Cryptorchidism E. Kemoterapi

C. Hydrocele

4. Laki-laki 33 tahun mengalami pembesaran testis yang asimetrik sejak 4 bulan terakhir. Pada
pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan ukuran testis kanan 2 X testis kiri, dan nyeri pada palpasi. Setelah
dilakukan operasi, ditemukan radang granulomatosa pada epididimis, dengan sel datia Langhans dan
nekrosis perkijuan. Kelainan apakah yang paling sesuai?

A. Mumps D. Gonorrhea

B. Syphilis E. Sarcoidosis

C. Tuberculosis
5. A 19 year-old man comes to his physicians complaining of worsening local pain and irritation with
difficult urination over the past 3 years. He has become more sexually active during the past years
and describes his erections as painful. Physical examination shows that he is not circumcised. The
prepuce (foreskin) cannot easily retracted over the glans penis. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Epispadias D. Genital candidiasis

B. Bowenoid papulosis E. Paraphimosis

C. Phimosis

6. Seorang laki-laki mengeluh gangguan BAK sejak 6 bulan yang lalu. Pernah dilakukan TUR dengan
hasil tidak diketahui berdasarkan anamnesa pasien. Secara klinik diduga BPH, dilakukan biopsy
dengan gambaran mikroskopis terdiri dari sel-sel kuboid atau transtitional dengan inti kecil, lokasi
central, hiperkromatis nucleolus tidak jelas, sitoplasma bergranular kadang kadang cerah. Manakah
diiagnosis yang tepat ?

A. Hiperplasia prostat

B. Prostatic adenocarcinoma dengan gambaran atrofik

C. Psedudohyperplastic prostatic adenocarcinoma

D. Foamy glandula carcinoma prostat

E. Mucinous adenocarcinoma prostat

7. Jika hasil pemeriksaan histopatlogi dari suatu adenokarsinoma prostat menunjukkan sel tumor
hanya ditemukan pada prostat, melibatkan kedua lobus namun tidak melewati kapsul, maka staging
tumor ini adalah

A. Stage I D. Stage IV

B. Stage II E. Stage V

C. Stage III

8. Untuk membedakan lesi jinak dan ganas pada biopsi prostat sering digunakan pemeriksaan
immunohistokimia p63. Pemeriksaan ini akan positif untuk sel?

A. Sel myoepitelial D. Sel neuroendokrin

B. Sel basal E. Sel sekretori

C. Sel urotelial

9. Seorang anak 6 tahun dengan tanda-tanda klinik sinfroma nefrotik memberikan respon baik pada
pemberian prednisone. Bila dilakukan biopis ginjal, kemungkinan paling besar akan ditemukan…

A. Kelainan minimal
B. GlomerulosklerosisMembranoproliferatif

C. Glomerulopati membranosa

D. Glomerulosklerosis fokal segmental

E. IgA nefropati

10. Pada kasus di atas, bila dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan mikroskop electron akan ditemukan:

A. Disrupsi GMB

B. Deposit subendotelial

C. Hilangnya foot processes dan tidak ditemukan deposit immunoglobulin

D. Deposit padat dari immunoglobulin

E. Tonjolan subepitelial

11. Seorang laki-laki 48 tahun mengeluhkan adanya area kemerahan pada penis 3 bulan terakhir.
Didapatkan area kemerahan seperti plak berukuran diameter 8 mm pada batang penis. Kultur
mikrobiologik dan hapusan dengan pulasan Gram menunjukkan flora kulit normal. Pada
pemeriksaan biopsy didapatkan dysplasia pada seluruh ketebalan epitel pelapis. Apakah diagnose
yang paling mungkin?

A. Sifilis primer D. Balanitis

B. Bowen disease E. Kondiloma akuminata

C. Soft chancre

12. Laki-laki 18 tahun datang dengan hemiplegi yang bersifat akut. Temuan pada CT scan berupa
massa perdarahan di lobus frontalis, berbatas tegas. Biopsy testis menunjukkan sel neoplastic yang
mengekspresikan βHCG, keratin dan EMA. Tumor yang sesuai dengan hasil pemeriksaan IHC biopsy

A. Choriocarcinoma D. Teratoma maligna

B. Embryonal carcinoma E. Yolk sac tumor

C. Seminoma

13. What is hypospadias?

A. Opening of urethra on the ventral surface of the penis.

B. Opening of urethra on dorsal surface of the penis

C. Inflammation of the testicles

D. Benign warty growth on genital skin

E. Painful erection lasting > 4 hours

14. What type of testicular tumour fits this description? A homogenous and painless mass with the
absence of haemorrhage. On histology, findings include large cells in lobules with clear cytoplasm
‘fried egg appearance’ ?

A. Teratoma

B. Choriocarcinoma

C. Leydig cell tumor

D. Seminoma

E. Embryonal carcinoma

15. What are the risk factors for developing germ cell tumours?

A. Orchitis

B. Hydrocele and varicocele

C. Klinefelter syndrome and cryptorchidism

D. Hipospadia and Epispadia

E. Testicular torsio

16. Manakah pernyataan berikut yang benar mengenai kelainan pada testis ?

A. Varicocele lebih banyak terjadi pada testis sisi kanan

B. Tumor testis paling sering didiagnosis melalui biopsy

C. Orchitis paling sering disebabkan oleh virus mumps

D. Epididimitis paling banyak disebabkan oleh infeksi mycobacterium tuberculosis

E. Hydrocele lebih banyak didapatkan pada orang tua

17. How does testicular torsion typically present?

A. Sudden pain in the scrotum and an absent cremasteric reflex

B. Swelling of the scrotum and fever

C. A painless testicular mass that cannot be transilluminated

D. ‘Bag of worms’ appearance of the scrotum

E. Accumulation of serous fluids around testicle

18. What area does prostate cancer spread to most frequently?

A. Lumbar spine

B. Lung

C. Pancreas

D. Brain

E. Hepar

19. What is the best description for the area of the prostate that the carcinoma usually affects?

A. Posterior and peripheral region

B. Anterior and peripheral region

C. Periurethral region

D. Entire anterior region

E. Non-spesific region

20. A 25-year-old man and his wife undergo an infertility workup. His wife's reproductive function is
normal. On physical examination he has descended testes that appear decreased in size. A sperm
count shows aspermia. A testicular biopsy is performed and on microscopic examination only Sertoli
cells are present in the seminiferous tubules. Which of the following laboratory test findings is he
most likely to have?

A. Increased FSH

B Increased HCG

C Increased alpha-fetoprotein

D Decreased testosterone

E Decreased muellerian inhibiting substance

21. A clinical study is performed with male subjects diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases.
The clinical and laboratory findings in their medical records are analyzed. It is observed that in some
cases there is ulceration of the male external genitalia while in others no ulceration is observed on
physical examination. Which of the following organisms is most likely to result in non-ulcerated

A. Human Papilloma Virus

B. Treponema Pallidum

C. Chlamydia Trachomatis
D. Hemophylus Ducreyi

E. Herpes simplex virus

22. A 65-year-old man gets up several times during a football match to go to the restroom to urinate,
even though he has had only one beer. This is a problem that has plagued him for 4 years. When he
visits his physician for a checkup, on physical examination he has a diffusely enlarged prostate
palpated on digital rectal examination. Laboratory studies show his serum prostate specific antigen
is 6 ng/mL. Which of the following pathologic findings is most likely to be present in this man?

A. Adenocarcinoma

B Acute inflammation

C Multiple infarctions

D Nodular hyperplasia

E Granulomas

23. A 20-year-old man has noted a penile discharge with some pain on urination for the last 2 days.
On physical examination there is a small amount of whitish exudate that can be expressed from the
urethral meatus. Laboratory studies with culture of the penile discharge reveal Neisseria
gonorrheae. If untreated, which of the following complications is he most likely to develop as a
consequence of his disease?

A. Aortitis

B Balanitis

C Epididymitis

D Orchitis

E Sacroiliitis

24. 35-year-old man has had a feeling of heaviness in his scrotum for over 6 months. On exam he has
an enlarged left testis. An ultrasound reveals a solid 4 cm mass in the body of the right testis.
Laboratory studies show a serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) of 81 ng/mL and human chorionic
gonadotrophin (HCG) of 15 IU/L. A right orchiectomy is performed, and on gross examination the
testicular mass is soft and reddish brown. Microscopic examination shows cords and sheets of
primitive cells with large nuclei. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

(Normal range : Alpha-fetoprotein (non-maternal)<15 ng/Ml, HCG, serum quantitative female 2 - 8

IU/L, male 0 - 5 IU/L )

A Teratoma

B Embryonal carcinoma

C Mumps orchitis
D Leydig cell tumor

E Squamous cell carcinoma

25. A 77-year-old man has a routine check-up by his physician. The only physical examination finding
is slight nodularity of his prostate on digital rectal examination. Laboratory studies show a serum
prostate specific antigen of 6 ng/mL. A prostate biopsy is performed and on microscopic examination
shows prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). Which of the following is the best medical care option
to offer this man?

(Normal range : Prostate-specific antigen 0.0 - 4.0 ng/mL)

A. Radical prostatectomy

B Multiagent chemotherapy

C Transurethral prostate resection

D Monitoring PSA levels

E Nothing


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