Anda di halaman 1dari 3



1. The criteria of satisfactory for evaluation of thyroid cytology according to the 2017 Bethesda
System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology is:
A. At least ten follicular cells are well preserved.
B. At least ten groups of benign follicular cells are required, each group composed of at least
C. At least six groups of benign follicular cells are required, each group composed of at least ten
D. The background must contain of colloid.
E. At least six groups of macrophages.

2. Di bawah ini merupakan ciri-ciri sel mesothel normal yang sering ditemukan pada sitologi
peritoneal washing:
A. Kelompok sel-sel dengan inti bulat, tersusun dalam tiga dimensi.
B. Kelompok sel-sel berbentuk polygonal, tersusun dalam lembaran dengan celah-celah antar
sel (window).
C. Sel-sel tampak single, inti bulat, dengan villi di bagian tepi sel.
D. Sel-sel berbentuk spindle, tersusun dalam sebaran.
E. Kelompok sel-sel berbentuk columnar dengan inti eksentrik, membentuk pola picket fences.

3. Laki-laki 70 tahun, dengan keluhan batuk berdahak 3 bulan. Akhir-akhir ini penderita mengeluh
sesak napas. Dilakukan pemeriksaan sitologi sputum, dibuat hapusan sebanyak 2 slide, dan
dilakukan pewarnaan papanicolaou. Hasil sitologi sputum disimpulkan sebagai squamous cell
carcinoma. Deskripsi mikroskopis yang sesuai dengan diagnosis tersebut adalah:
A. Kelompok-kelompok sel dengan inti bulat, pleomorfik, anak inti prominent, sitoplasma
B. Kelompok-kelompok sel berinti bulat, pleomorfik, tersusun syncytia.
C. Sebaran sel-sel berbentuk spindle, tad pole, dengan inti pleomorfik, hiperkromatik,
D. Sebaran sel-sel berinti bulat dengan nuclear groove, kromatin tampak kasar, sitoplasma
E. Sebaran dan kelompok-kelompok sel berinti bulat, anak inti prominent, sitoplasma

4. Laki-laki, nelayan, usia 67 tahun. Terdapat tahi lalat di pelipis yang makin melebar dan kadang-
kadang berdarah. Dilakukan pemeriksaan sitologi dengan prosedur scrapping. Mikroskopis
didapatkan kelompok-kelompok padat sel-sel berukuran kecil, dengan tepi yang rata. Sel berinti
oval, berukuran kecil, hiperkromatik, sitoplasma sempit :
A. Squamous cell carcinoma D. Melanoma
B. Merkel cell carcinoma E. Seborrheic Keratosis
C. Basal cell carcinoma

5. A 34-year-old female with left breast nodule. The nodule was 2 cm, firm, well defined border.
FNA cytology was performed. Microscopic feature showed, cellular smear containing of cohesive
mild atypia epithelial cells forming branching pattern and numerous single, bare bipolar cells.
There were fragments of fibromyxoid stroma. The conclusion is:
A. Fibroadenoma D. Tubular adenoma
B. Phyllodes tumor E. Lactating adenoma
C. Intraductal papilloma

6. Seorang laki-laki, 17 tahun, mengeluh bengkak pada paha bagian bawah setelah jatuh. Hasil foto
polos X-ray menunjukkan bulging mass di bagian distal os femur disertai coldman triangle.
Dilakukan FNA. Hapusan terdiri dari sebaran sel-sel berbentuk bulat, pleomorfik. dengan
macronucleoli. Tampak pula sel dengan inti multiple. Di antara sel-sel tersebut didapatkan pula
matriks eosinophilic.
A. Osteoblastoma D. Osteosarcoma
B. Chondrosarcoma E. Chordoma
C. Osteochondroma

7. Di bawah ini merupakan pernyataan yang benar tentang sitologi urine pancar:
A. Merupakan jenis spesimen urine dengan selularitas tertinggi
B. Tergolong spesimen sitologi kaya protein
C. Jumlah volume urine pancar minimum 10 ml
D. Spesimen terbaik diperoleh dari berkemih kedua di pagi hari
E. Spesimen terbaik diperoleh dari berkemih pertama di pagi hari

8. Wanita 45 tahun dengan benjolan di bawah telinga kiri. Benjolan telah diketahui penderita
setahun yang lalu, makin membesar. Benjolan tersebut dilakukan pemeriksaan FNA. Mikroskopis
didapatkan cellular smear dalam sebaran maupun kelompok-kelompok, tersusun berlapis-lapis
membentuk fragmen jaringan dengan ciri cup-shaped. Sel-sel berinti bulat, monoton, kromatin
kasar, sitoplasma sempit. Tampak material berbentuk globular kemerahan dengan pewarnaan
MGG. Manakah diagnosis yang sesuai ?
A. Chondrosarcoma D. Basalioma
B. Pleomorphic adenoma E. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
C. Ameloblastoma

9. Laki-laki usia 39 tahun dengan keluhan efusi pleura. Dari foto thoraks, diketahui ada infeksi
tuberkulosa. Kemudian, dilakukan pungsi pada efusi pleura. Kemungkinan-kemungkinan sel yang
dapat ditemukan adalah, KECUALI:
A. Banyak limfosit
B. Makrofag
C. Sel mesotel berkelompok
D. Sel mesotel dengan rasio inti dan sitoplasma yang meningkat
E. Sel-sel epiteloid

10. Untuk pemeriksaan sitohormonal, bahan diambil dari:

A. Ektoserviks
B. Endoserviks
C. Dinding lateral vagina 1/3 proximal
D. Dinding lateral vagina 1/3 distal
E. Forniks posterior
11. A 47-year-old woman visits her physician because she noticed a “lump” in her neck 1 week ago.
On physical examination, there is a 2-cm nodule in the right lobe of the thyroid gland. A fine-
needle aspiration biopsy is performed and microscopic examination of the specimen shows cell
consistent with follicular neoplasm. She undergoes a subtotal thyroidectomy. Which of the
following laboratory tests should be performed on this patient in the immediate postoperative
period ?
A. Calcitonin E. TSH
B. Calsium D. Antithyroglobulin antibody
C. Parathyroid hormone

12. A 30-year-old sexually active woman has had a mucosal purulent vaginal discharge for 1 week.
On pelvic examination, the cervix appears reddened around the os, but no erosions and mass
lesions are present. A Pap smear shows numerous neutrophils, but no dysplastic cells. A cervical
biopsy shows marked follicular cervicitis. Which of the following infectious agents is most likely
to produce these findings?
A. Chlamydia trachomatis D. Herpes simplex virus
B. Human papillomavirus E. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
C. Gardnerella vaginalis

13. A 62-year-old obese, nulliparous woman had an episode of vaginal bleeding, which produce only
about 5 mL of blood. On pelvic examination, there appears to be no enlargement of the uterus,
and the cervix appears normal. A Pap smear shows cells consistent with adenocarcinoma. Which
of the following conditions is most likely to have contributed to the development of this
A. Chronic endometritis D. Use of oral contraceptives
B. Adenomyosis E. Endometrial hyperplasia
C. Human papillomavirus infection

14. A healthy 30-year-old woman comes to the physician for a routine health examination. No
abnormalities are found on physical examination. A screening Pap smear shows cells consistent
with a low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). Subsequent cervical biopsy specimen
confirm the presence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) I. Which of the following risk
factors is most likely related to her Pap smear findings?
A. Oral contraceptive use
B. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency
C. Diethylstilbestrol exposure carcinoma
D. Multiple sexual partners
E. Prior treatment for squamous cell

15. A 31-year-old has had a whitish, globular vaginal discharge for the past week. On pelvic
examination, the cervix appears erythematous, but there are no erosions or masses. A Pap
smear shows budding cells and pseudohyphae. No dysplastic cells are present. Which of the
following infectious agents is most likely to produce these findings?
A. Trichomonas vaginalis D. Chlamydia trachomatis
B. Candida albicans E. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
C. Ureoplasma urealyticum

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