Anda di halaman 1dari 353


FIN - 001 A To Z GCG Dana Pensiun (Good Pension Fund Governance)

FIN - 002 Account Payable Management
FIN - 003 Account Receivable Management
FIN - 004 Accounting Information Systems
FIN - 005 Accounting Management
FIN - 006 Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual
FIN - 007 Activity Based Costing
FIN - 008 Activity Based Costing sebagai Teknik Penghitungan Biaya
FIN - 009 Admin Professional and Dashboard Reporting
FIN - 010 Administrasi Penggajian (Payroll)
FIN - 011 Administrasi Perpajakan
FIN - 012 Advanced Accounting
FIN - 013 Advanced Budgeting & Cost
FIN - 014 Advanced Corporate Credit
FIN - 015 Advanced Credit Analyst
FIN - 016 Advanced Financial Management
FIN - 017 Advanced Financial Statements Analysis
FIN - 018 Advanced Project Cost Estimation and Cost Control
FIN - 019 Aktuaria
FIN - 020 Akuntansi dan Aspek – aspek Perpajakan dalam Usaha Jasa Konstruksi dan Properti
FIN - 021 Akuntansi Keuangan Konvergensi IFRS – PSAK
FIN - 022 Akuntansi Management
FIN - 023 Akuntansi Pajak Penghasilan and Rekonsiliasi Fiskal
FIN - 024 Akuntansi Perbankan
FIN - 025 Akuntansi Perpajakan dalam Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan
FIN - 026 Akuntansi Sumber Daya Manusia
FIN - 027 Akuntasi Keuangan
FIN - 028 Akuntasi Sektor Publik
FIN - 029 Akutansi Dasar
Analisa Dan Laporan Temuan Audit : Audit Investigatif, Analisa Temuan Audit, Pembuatan
FIN - 030
Laporan Audit
FIN - 031 Analisa Investasi
FIN - 032 Analisa Keuangan dan Pelaporan Untuk Staf
FIN - 033 Analisa Kredit Korporasi
FIN - 034 Analisa Kredit Menengah dan Besar
FIN - 035 Analisa Kredit Mikro : Teknik Praktis, Monitoring dan Pemecahan Permasalahan
FIN - 036 Analisa Kredit Retail and UMKM
FIN - 037 Analisa Laporan Keuangan
FIN - 038 Analisa Laporan Keuangan dan Perencanaan Keuangan
FIN - 039 Analisa Manajemen Risiko Kredit
FIN - 040 Analisis Laporan Keuangan : Proyeksi dan Valuasi
FIN - 041 Analisis Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan
FIN - 042 Anti Pencucian Uang
FIN - 043 Anti Pencucian Uang dan Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme (APU PPT)
FIN - 044 Aplikasi Akuntansi Perpajakan dalam Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan
FIN - 045 Apprasial Agunan Kredit
FIN - 046 Aspek Hukum dan Jaminan Kredit Sindikasi
FIN - 047 Aspek Hukum Eksekusi Atas Jaminan Kredit
FIN - 048 Aspek Hukum Jaminan Hipotek Kapal dalam Transaksi Kredit/Pembayaran
FIN - 049 Asset Liability Management (ALMA)
FIN - 050 Asset Management
FIN - 051 Asset Management Integrated to ISO 55001 : 2014
FIN - 052 Audit In Exploration And Production Industry
FIN - 053 Audit Kredit Bank
FIN - 054 Audit Pencegahan, Pendeteksian, dan Investigasi Atas Kecurangan
FIN - 055 Audit Pratice
FIN - 056 Audit Project
FIN - 057 Balanced Scorecard, Pelipat Ganda Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan
FIN - 058 Bank Garansi
FIN - 059 Bank Garansi Surety Bond Standby L/C
FIN - 060 Banking Fraud And Prevention
FIN - 061 Basic Accounting
FIN - 062 Basic Accounting and Intermediate Accounting
FIN - 063 Basic Accounting and Office Management
FIN - 064 Basic Asset Liability Management (ALMA)
FIN - 065 Basic Cost Accounting
FIN - 066 Basic Credit for Account Officer
FIN - 067 Basic Production Sharing Contract
FIN - 068 Basic Treasury and Investment Service Management
FIN - 069 Basic Treasury for Banking
FIN - 070 Best Practice Accounting for Banking Operation
FIN - 071 Best Practice Budgeting dan Control Terpadu
FIN - 072 Best Practice in Auditing for Internal Fraud
FIN - 073 Best Practice in Financial Control Management
FIN - 074 Best Practice In Research Methods For Business Bank
FIN - 075 Best Practice Material Budgeting
FIN - 076 Best Practice of Account Payable Management
FIN - 077 Best Practice of Cost Reduction and Control
FIN - 078 Best Practice Research in Business Intellegence for Gaining Competitive Advantage
FIN - 079 Best Practice Teknik Penagihan dan Penanganan Piutang
FIN - 080 Best Practices Implementation of Payroll Administration System with Using Excel 2007 For Non IT

FIN - 081 Best Practices In Finance and Accounting

FIN - 082 Biaya dan Anggaran Perusahaan
FIN - 083 Boosting Company Profit Through Cash Management Application
FIN - 084 Budget Planning, Controlling and Analyzing
FIN - 085 Budgeting , Profit Planning And Control
FIN - 086 Budgeting : Planning, Controlling and Analyzing
FIN - 087 Budgeting and Cost Control
FIN - 088 Budgeting and Cost Control For Banking
FIN - 089 Budgeting and Cost Control Untuk Perbankan
FIN - 090 Budgeting Financial Planning & Cost Control
FIN - 091 Budgeting, Planning and Cost Control
FIN - 092 Business Acumen
FIN - 093 Bussiness Anaysis and Valuation
FIN - 094 Capital Budgeting (Penganggaran Modal)
FIN - 095 Capital Market (Pasar Modal)
FIN - 096 Cash Flow and Treasury Management Driving To Positive Cash
FIN - 097 Cash Flow Management
FIN - 098 Cash Flow, Risk Analysis & Finance
FIN - 099 Cash Management
FIN - 100 Cashflow And Treasury Management
FIN - 101 Compensation and Benefit System
FIN - 102 Compensation and Benefits
FIN - 103 Comprehensive Compensation and Benefit Cost
FIN - 104 Comprehensive Correspondent Banking
FIN - 105 Comprehensive Credit Analysis Berbasis Resiko
FIN - 106 Comprehensive Taxation Training (All About Tax)
FIN - 107 Corporate Budgeting
FIN - 108 Corporate Credit Analysis
FIN - 109 Corporate Finance
FIN - 110 Corporate Finance Budgeting and Planning Process
FIN - 111 Corporate Finance Management
FIN - 112 Corporate Finance Technique, Theory and Strategy
FIN - 113 Corporate Tax Planning
FIN - 114 Corporate Valuation Technique
FIN - 115 Cost Accounting and Control untuk Kantin/Restoran
FIN - 116 Cost Analysis and Budgeting
FIN - 117 Cost and Profit (Planning, Control and Analysis)
FIN - 118 Cost Benefit Analysis
FIN - 119 Cost Benefit Program Outage Statement
Cost Control and Financial Reporting of The Up Stream Operation of Oil and Gas Under Indonesia
FIN - 120
FIN - 121 Cost Control Management : Effective Cost Reduction Strategy
FIN - 122 Cost Estimating Control
FIN - 123 Cost Planning Management
FIN - 124 Cost Reduction Program
FIN - 125 Creative Accounting & Tax Planning sebagai Strategi Efisiensi Pengelolaan Pajak
FIN - 126 Credit Administration
FIN - 127 Credit Analysis, Monitoring and Problem Solving
FIN - 128 Credit Analyst
FIN - 129 Credit Committee, Credit Recovery And Credit Restructuring
FIN - 130 Credit Risk Management
FIN - 131 Credit Supervision
FIN - 132 Credit Verification Techniques
FIN - 133 Dasar – dasar Akuntansi
FIN - 134 Dasar – Dasar Restrukturisasi Kredit
FIN - 135 Dasar-Dasar Perpajakan
FIN - 136 Dasar-Dasar Perpajakan dan PPh Pasal 21/26
FIN - 137 Deferred Tax (PSAK 46)
FIN - 138 E-Faktur Pajak
FIN - 139 Effective Cashflow Management
FIN - 140 Effective Cost Accounting
FIN - 141 Effective Cost Accounting (Financial Analysis, Decision Making, and Reduction Cost)
FIN - 142 Effective Human Resources Budgeting : Planning and Controlling
FIN - 143 Effective Inventory Accounting (Controlling and Decision Making)
FIN - 144 Effective Managerial Accounting
FIN - 145 Effective Negotiation & Presentation Skills
FIN - 146 Effective Payroll Management
FIN - 147 Effectivelly Managing & Organising Accounts Payable
FIN - 148 Ekonomi Teknik
FIN - 149 Ekonomi, Sistem Fiskal dan Pembiayaan Migas
FIN - 150 Electronic SPT
FIN - 151 Engineering Economy for Investment and Decision Making
FIN - 152 Essentials of Finance and Operation Risk Management
FIN - 153 Estimator
FIN - 154 Evaluating Returns on Training Investment
FIN - 155 Export Import and Letter of Credit
FIN - 156 Field Of Development, Budgeting and Risk Assessment (POD, AFE, and WP & B)
FIN - 157 Finance and Budgeting
FIN - 158 Finance and Operation Risk Management
FIN - 159 Finance For Non Finance
FIN - 160 Finance For Non Finance For Oil and Gas Industry
FIN - 161 Finance for Non financial Executives
FIN - 162 Financial Analysis
FIN - 163 Financial and Non-Financial Risk Management (Risiko Manajemen Keuangan dan Non-Keuangan)

FIN - 164 Financial and Treasury Analyst

FIN - 165 Financial Control Management
FIN - 166 Financial Engineering
FIN - 167 Financial Lab (Easy Business Decision Making Through Finance Approach)
FIN - 168 Financial Modeling
FIN - 169 Financial Risk Management
FIN - 170 Financial Statement Analysis (FSA)
FIN - 171 Financial Statement Analysis for Decision Making
FIN - 172 Financial Statement Preparation and Analysis
FIN - 173 Forecasting Technique and Business
FIN - 174 Fraud Auditing
FIN - 175 Fraud Prevention and Detection for Non‐Auditor
FIN - 176 Fundamental Cost Accounting
FIN - 177 Fundamental Trade Finance Product and Sales For Banking
FIN - 178 Global Remuneration Professional
FIN - 179 Grafonomi Sebagai Alat Pencegahan Tindak Kejahatan Perbankan
FIN - 180 Great Cash Management
FIN - 181 Harga Perkiraan Sendiri (Owner Estimate)
FIN - 182 Harga Perkiraan Sendiri Dalam Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa
FIN - 183 How To Read & To Understand Accounting Report by Non-Accountant
FIN - 184 Hukum Jaminan Pinjaman
FIN - 185 Hukum Penyelesaian Kredit Bermasalah
FIN - 186 Hukum Perkreditan
FIN - 187 Intermediate Accounting
FIN - 188 Intermediate Financial Management (Manajemen Keuangan Menengah)
FIN - 189 International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS)
FIN - 190 Interogasi dan Investigasi
FIN - 191 Introduction to Trade Finance
FIN - 192 Introduction to Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Taxation
FIN - 193 Inventory Accounting and Management
FIN - 194 Jenis – Jenis Jaminan Proyek
FIN - 195 L/C as Protection Instruments and Trade Finance Under UCP600
FIN - 196 Laboratorium Keuangan
FIN - 197 Laporan Bulanan Umun
FIN - 198 Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi PSAK 4
FIN - 199 Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi PSAK 4 (Revisi 2009), PSAK 15 (Revisi 2009), ISAK 7
FIN - 200 Lelang Hak Tanggungan dan Fidusia
FIN - 201 Life Cycle Cost Analysis
FIN - 202 Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)
FIN - 203 Liquidity Management and Contingency Funding Plan
FIN - 204 Liquidity Risk Management & Stress Test
FIN - 205 Loan Syndication
FIN - 206 Management Resiko Bisnis
FIN - 207 Managing Foreign Exchange (Manajemen Resiko Valuta Asing)
FIN - 208 Managing Liabilities, Liquidity and Cash
FIN - 209 Managing Supplier Performance In Effective
FIN - 210 Manajemen Keuangan
FIN - 211 Manajemen Keuangan dan Anggaran Perusahaan
FIN - 212 Manajemen Keuangan Untuk Non-Keuangan
FIN - 213 Manajemen Pengendalian Kredit dan Strategi Penagihan
FIN - 214 Manajemen Perpajakan (Efisiensi PPN, PPh21, Witholding Taxes dan PPh Badan)
FIN - 215 Manajemen Perpajakan Internasional & Transfer Pricing
FIN - 216 Manajemen Piutang (Account Receivables Management)
FIN - 217 Manajemen Piutang Dasar
FIN - 218 Manajemen Resiko
FIN - 219 Manajemen Resiko Terintegrasi – Integrated Risk Management
FIN - 220 Manajemen Risiko Operasional
FIN - 221 Manajemen Risiko Perbankan
FIN - 222 Marketing Pemasaran Jasa
FIN - 223 Memahami Analisa Kredit Retail dan Kredit Komersial Secara Komprehensif
FIN - 224 Membangun Hubungan Harmonis Antara Manajemen dan Auditor Independent
FIN - 225 Menyusun Anggaran untuk Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
FIN - 226 Merger, Akuisisi & Divestasi
FIN - 227 Metode Statistika Kuantitatif
FIN - 228 Modern Financial Modeling
FIN - 229 Non Performing Loan Management
FIN - 230 Obligasi : Konsep Dan Oplikasi
FIN - 231 Oil & Gas Accounting And Performance Measurement
FIN - 232 Oil And Gas Quantity Accounting Sistem
FIN - 233 Optimizing Working Capital
FIN - 234 Owner Estimate
FIN - 235 Pajak Penghasilan Karyawan PPH Pasal 21/26
FIN - 236 Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN)
FIN - 237 Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) Dan E-FAKTUR
FIN - 238 Pelatihan Manajemen Operasional Resiko Perbankan
FIN - 239 Pelatihan Sertifikat Brevet A
FIN - 240 Pembiayaan Pinjaman : Aspek Hukum Dan Jaminan Kredit
FIN - 241 Pembuatan Feasibility Study (Studi Kelayakan)
FIN - 242 Pemeriksaan Akuntan Publik Versus Pemeriksaan Pajak
FIN - 243 Pemeriksaan dan Penyidikan Pajak
FIN - 244 Penanganan Kredit Bermasalah
Penanganan Pengaduan Nasabah Terkait Dengan Ketentuan Perlindungan Konsumen
FIN - 245
Sebagaimana Diatur Oleh Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (POJK)
FIN - 246 Penegakan Kepatuhan Pada Perbankan
FIN - 247 Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa IT Perbankan
FIN - 248 Pengelolaan Kredit Mikro
FIN - 249 Pengendalian Kinerja Bisnis & Aliran Kas
FIN - 250 Penghapus Piutang
FIN - 251 Penghitungan PPh Pasal 21
FIN - 252 Pengisian dan Penghitungan SPT PPh Badan Tahun 2008
FIN - 253 Penilaian Agunan Kredit
FIN - 254 Penilaian Efisiensi Kinerja Cabang Dengan Metode DEA
FIN - 255 Penilaian Kualitas Asset Bank
FIN - 256 Penilaian Kualitas Kredit
FIN - 257 Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Nasabah Dengan Mengoptimalkan Mesin EDC Untuk Transaksi
FIN - 258 Penyelesaian Kredit Bermasalah
FIN - 259 Penyusunan Annual Report Berbasis GCG dan CSR
FIN - 260 Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan
FIN - 261 Penyusunan Rencana Bisnis Bank
FIN - 262 Penyusunan Rencana Kerja Dan Anggaran Perusahaan
FIN - 263 Perencanaan dan Audit Perpajakan
FIN - 264 Perencanaan Pajak vs Akuntasi Kreatif dalam Menghemat Pajak
FIN - 265 Perhitungan Kesehatan Bank
FIN - 266 Perpajakan Atas Usaha Jasa Konstruksi
FIN - 267 Petroleum Economic and Risk Analysis
FIN - 268 Petroleum Finance Accounting and Cost Accounting
FIN - 269 Petty Cash Management
FIN - 270 PPh Badan (Update Peraturan, SPT, Penyesuaian Fiskal Laporan Keuangan Berdasarkan IFRS)
FIN - 271 PPh Badan: Update Peraturan, SPT, Penyesuaian Fiskal Keuangan Berdasarkan IFRS
FIN - 272 PPH Pasal 21, Pelaporan dan e-SPT
FIN - 273 PPh Pasal 25/29 – Pajak Penghasilan Badan
FIN - 274 PPN, PPH 21 dan  E-FAKTUR
FIN - 275 Practical Debt Collecting
FIN - 276 Practical Project Evaluation and Financing
FIN - 277 Procurement Based On PTK 007 On Oil and Gas Industry
FIN - 278 Profil Bisnis dan Manajemen Risiko Perhotelan
FIN - 279 Profil Bisnis dan Pembiayaan Konstruksi
FIN - 280 Project Cost Estimation
FIN - 281 Project Cost Estimation and Cost Control
FIN - 282 Project Cost Management
FIN - 283 Project Financing (Pembiayaan Proyek)
FIN - 284 PSAK 50 Dan 55 (Revisi 2006)
FIN - 285 Receivable and Collection Management
FIN - 286 Remunerasi (Sistem Penggajian Modern)
FIN - 287 Remunerasi, Kompensasi Dan Tunjangan
FIN - 288 Restrukturisasi dan Penyelamatan Kredit yang Efektif Guna Meningkatkan Kinerja Bank
FIN - 289 Revitalisasi Kredit Mikro Untuk Staff
FIN - 290 Risk Appetite, Analisis, dan Pemodelan Risiko
FIN - 291 Risk Management
FIN - 292 Risk Management (Concept & Application)
FIN - 293 Seputar Faktur Pajak dan Perencanaan PPN
FIN - 294 SOP Finance (Set up, Design & Implementation)
FIN - 295 SOP For Accounting
FIN - 296 Statement of Cash Flow
FIN - 297 Statistical Process Control (SPC)
FIN - 298 Strategi Manghadapi Pemeriksaan Pajak
FIN - 299 Strategi Mengatasi Kredit Bermasalah
FIN - 300 Strategi Menghadapi Masalah Perpajakan Internasional dan Transfer Pricing
FIN - 301 Strategi Pemberian Pinjaman dan Penanganan Piutang Bermasalah
FIN - 302 Strategi Penanganan Piutang Bermasalah
FIN - 303 Strategic Business and Financial Analysis
FIN - 304 Strategic Corporate Financial
FIN - 305 Strategic Cost Efficiency for Manager or Supervisor
FIN - 306 Strategic Planning and Effective Corporate Budgeting
FIN - 307 Strategic Planning and Financial Budgeting
FIN - 308 Strategis dan Operasional dalam Implementasi Cost Reduction Strategy
FIN - 309 Strategy Investasi Obligasi
FIN - 310 Strategy Menghadapi Audit Perpajakan Paska Pelaporan SPT Tahunan
FIN - 311 Studi Kelayakan Investasi (Feasibility Study)
FIN - 312 Study Kelayakan Bisnis
FIN - 313 Study Kelayakan Pembukaan Jaringan Kantor
FIN - 314 Tax Accounting and Fiscal Reconciliation
FIN - 315 Tax Guide for Export – Import Handling
FIN - 316 Tax Management ( Tax Planning )
FIN - 317 Tax Planning and Tax Management
FIN - 318 Tax Treaty (P3B) and (BUT), Representative Office, dan Joint Operation
FIN - 319 Technical Skill For Bank Credit Analyst
FIN - 320 Techniques of Financial Analysis for Strategic Management
FIN - 321 Teknik Analisis Laporan Keuangan
Teknik dan Metode Penyusunan HPS/OE (Harga Perkiraan Sendiri) Atas Pengadaan Barang dan
FIN - 322
FIN - 323 Teknik Pengelolaan Cash Yang Efisien
FIN - 324 Teknik Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan
Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) : Strategi, Teknik Penilaian, Penghitungan dan
FIN - 325
FIN - 326 Tips dalam Meminimalisir Resiko pada Pajak Internasional dan Transfer Pricing
FIN - 327 Total Cost of Ownership
FIN - 328 Training Basic Treasury for Banking
FIN - 329 Treasury and Cash Management
FIN - 330 Treasury Management
FIN - 331 Updating PPN (Sesuai UU Baru No. 42 Tahun 2009)
FIN - 332 Withholding Tax Strategy – Sesuai UU PPH Baru – PPH Pasal 21, 22, 23, 26 Dan PPH Pasal 4 (2)
FIN - 333 PSAK 71
FIN - 334 PSAK 72
FIN - 335 PSAK 73
Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumla
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima re
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program
Finance, Accoun
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28

25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10

17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16

25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5

5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24

10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 28 - 29 16 - 17 5-6
28 - 29 30 - 31 10 - 11 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 29 - 30 17 - 18 11 - 12
4-5 1-2 11 - 12 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 5-6 21 - 22 12 - 13
5-6 2-3 17 - 18 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 6-7 22 - 23 18 - 19
6-7 3-4 18 - 19 15 - 16 23 - 24
16 - 17 7-8 23 - 24 19 - 20
7-8 4-5 19 - 20 21 - 22 27 - 28
17 - 18 8-9 24 - 25 23 - 24
11 - 12 8-9 20 - 21 22 - 23 28 - 29
18 - 19 12 - 13 28 - 29 24 - 25
12 - 13 9 - 10 24 - 25 26 - 27 29 - 30
22 - 23 13 - 14 29 - 30 25 - 26
13 - 14 15 - 16 27 - 28 27 - 28 1-2
23 - 24 14 - 15 1-2 26 - 27
14 - 15 16 - 17 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 2-3
24 - 25 15 - 16 2-3 30 - 31
18 - 19 17 - 18 3-4 29 - 30 6-7
25 - 26 19 - 20 3-4 2-3
19 - 20 18 - 19 4-5 1-2 7-8
1-2 20 - 21 7-8 3-4
20 - 21 22 - 23 5-6 5-6 8-9
2-3 21 - 22 8-9 4-5
21 - 22 23 - 24 6-7 6-7 9 - 10
3-4 22 - 23 9 - 10 5-6
25 - 26 24 - 25 10 - 11 7-8 13 - 14
4-5 26 - 27 10 - 11 11 - 12
26 - 27 25 - 26 11 - 12 8-9 14 - 15
8-9 27 - 28 14 - 15 12 - 13
27 - 28 29 - 30 17 - 18 12 - 13 15 - 16
9 - 10 28 - 29 15 - 16 18 - 19
28 - 29 30 - 31 18 - 19 13 - 14 16 - 17
10 - 11 29 - 30 16 - 17 19 - 20
4-5 1-2 19 - 20 14 - 15 20 - 21
15 - 16 5-6 17 - 18 23 - 24
5-6 2-3 20 - 21 15 - 16 21 - 22
16 - 17 6-7 21 - 22 24 - 25
6-7 3-4 24 - 25 21 - 22 22 - 23
17 - 18 7-8 22 - 23 25 - 26
7-8 4-5 27 - 28 22 - 23 23 - 24
18 - 19 8-9 23 - 24 26 - 27
11 - 12 8-9 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 27 - 28
22 - 23 12 - 13 24 - 25 30 - 31
12 - 13 9 - 10 3-4 27 - 28 28 - 29
23 - 24 13 - 14 28 - 29 2-3
13 - 14 15 - 16 4-5 28 - 29 29 - 30
24 - 25 14 - 15 29 - 30 3-4
14 - 15 16 - 17 5-6 29 - 30 1-2
25 - 26 15 - 16 1-2 4-5
18 - 19 17 - 18 6-7 1-2 2-3
1-2 19 - 20 2-3 5-6
19 - 20 18 - 19 10 - 11 5-6 6-7
2-3 20 - 21 3-4 11 - 12

20 - 21 22 - 23 11 - 12 6-7 7-8
3-4 21 - 22 7-8 12 - 13
21 - 22 23 - 24 17 - 18 7-8 8-9
4-5 22 - 23 8-9 18 - 19
25 - 26 24 - 25 18 - 19 8-9 9 - 10
8-9 26 - 27 9 - 10 19 - 20
26 - 27 25 - 26 19 - 20 12 - 13 13 - 14
9 - 10 27 - 28 10 - 11 23 - 24
27 - 28 29 - 30 20 - 21 13 - 14 14 - 15
10 - 11 28 - 29 14 - 15 24 - 25
28 - 29 30 - 31 24 - 25 14 - 15 15 - 16
15 - 16 29 - 30 15 - 16 25 - 26
4-5 1-2 27 - 28 15 - 16 16 - 17
16 - 17 5-6 16 - 17 26 - 27
5-6 2-3 31 - 1 Juni 21 - 22 20 - 21
17 - 18 6-7 17 - 18 30 - 31
6-7 3-4 3-4 22 - 23 21 - 22
18 - 19 7-8 21 - 22 2-3
7-8 4-5 4-5 26 - 27 22 - 23
22 - 23 8-9 22 - 23 3-4
11 - 12 8-9 5-6 27 - 28 23 - 24
23 - 24 12 - 13 23 - 24 4-5
12 - 13 9 - 10 6-7 28 - 29 27 - 28
24 - 25 13 - 14 24 - 25 5-6
13 - 14 15 - 16 10 - 11 29 - 30 28 - 29
25 - 26 14 - 15 28 - 29 11 - 12
14 - 15 16 - 17 11 - 12 1-2 29 - 30
1-2 15 - 16 29 - 30 12 - 13
18 - 19 17 - 18 17 - 18 5-6 1-2
2-3 19 - 20 1-2 18 - 19
19 - 20 18 - 19 18 - 19 6-7 2-3
3-4 20 - 21 2-3 19 - 20
20 - 21 22 - 23 19 - 20 7-8 6-7
4-5 21 - 22 3-4 23 - 24
21 - 22 23 - 24 20 - 21 8-9 7-8
8-9 22 - 23 7-8 24 - 25
25 - 26 24 - 25 24 - 25 12 - 13 8-9
9 - 10 26 - 27 8-9 25 - 26
26 - 27 25 - 26 27 - 28 13 - 14 9 - 10
10 - 11 27 - 28 9 - 10 26 - 27
27 - 28 29 - 30 31 - 1 Juni 14 - 15 13 - 14
15 - 16 28 - 29 10 - 11 30 - 31
28 - 29 30 - 31 3-4 15 - 16 14 - 15
16 - 17 29 - 30 14 - 15 2-3
4-5 1-2 4-5 21 - 22 15 - 16
17 - 18 5-6 15 - 16 3-4
5-6 2-3 5-6 22 - 23 16 - 17
18 - 19 6-7 16 - 17 4-5
6-7 3-4 6-7 26 - 27 20 - 21
22 - 23 7-8 17 - 18 5-6
7-8 4-5 10 - 11 27 - 28 21 - 22
23 - 24 8-9 21 - 22 11 - 12
11 - 12 8-9 11 - 12 28 - 29 22 - 23
24 - 25 12 - 13 22 - 23 12 - 13
12 - 13 9 - 10 17 - 18 29 - 30 23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14 23 - 24 18 - 19
13 - 14 15 - 16 18 - 19 1-2 27 - 28
1-2 14 - 15 24 - 25 19 - 20
14 - 15 16 - 17 19 - 20 5-6 28 - 29
2-3 15 - 16 28 - 29 23 - 24
18 - 19 17 - 18 20 - 21 6-7 29 - 30
3-4 19 - 20 29 - 30 24 - 25
19 - 20 18 - 19 24 - 25 7-8 1-2
4-5 20 - 21 1-2 25 - 26
20 - 21 22 - 23 27 - 28 8-9 2-3
8-9 21 - 22 2-3 26 - 27
21 - 22 23 - 24 31 - 1 Juni 12 - 13 6-7
9 - 10 22 - 23 3-4 30 - 31
25 - 26 24 - 25 3-4 13 - 14 7-8
10 - 11 26 - 27 7-8 2-3
26 - 27 25 - 26 4-5 14 - 15 8-9
15 - 16 27 - 28 8-9 3-4
27 - 28 29 - 30 5-6 15 - 16 9 - 10
16 - 17 28 - 29 9 - 10 4-5
28 - 29 30 - 31 6-7 21 - 22 13 - 14
17 - 18 29 - 30 10 - 11 5-6
4-5 1-2 10 - 11 22 - 23 14 - 15

18 - 19 5-6 14 - 15 11 - 12
5-6 2-3 11 - 12 26 - 27 15 - 16
22 - 23 6-7 15 - 16 12 - 13

6-7 3-4 17 - 18 27 - 28 16 - 17
23 - 24 7-8 16 - 17 18 - 19
7-8 4-5 18 - 19 28 - 29 20 - 21
24 - 25 8-9 17 - 18 19 - 20
11 - 12 8-9 19 - 20 29 - 30 21 - 22
25 - 26 12 - 13 21 - 22 23 - 24
12 - 13 9 - 10 20 - 21 1-2 22 - 23
1-2 13 - 14 22 - 23 24 - 25
13 - 14 15 - 16 24 - 25 5-6 23 - 24
2-3 14 - 15 23 - 24 25 - 26
14 - 15 16 - 17 27 - 28 6-7 27 - 28

an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

a), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
UN 2021
Finance, Accounting & Treasury
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26

4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
22 - 23
28 - 29 20 - 21
23 - 24
4-5 21 - 22
24 - 25
5-6 22 - 23
25 - 26
6-7 23 - 24
29 - 30
7-8 27 - 28
11 - 12 28 - 29
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
9 - 10
21 - 22 7-8
10 - 11
25 - 26 8-9
15 - 16

26 - 27 9 - 10
16 - 17
27 - 28 13 - 14
17 - 18
28 - 29 14 - 15
18 - 19
4-5 15 - 16
22 - 23
5-6 16 - 17
23 - 24
6-7 20 - 21
24 - 25
7-8 21 - 22
25 - 26
11 - 12 22 - 23
29 - 30
12 - 13 23 - 24
13 - 14 27 - 28
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
9 - 10
26 - 27 6-7
10 - 11
27 - 28 7-8
15 - 16
28 - 29 8-9
16 - 17
4-5 9 - 10
17 - 18
5-6 13 - 14
18 - 19
6-7 14 - 15
22 - 23

7-8 15 - 16
23 - 24
11 - 12 16 - 17
24 - 25
12 - 13 20 - 21
25 - 26
13 - 14 21 - 22
29 - 30
14 - 15 22 - 23
20 - 21 23 - 24
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
9 - 10
28 - 29 2-3
10 - 11
4-5 6-7
15 - 16
5-6 7-8
16 - 17
6-7 8-9
17 - 18
7-8 9 - 10
18 - 19
11 - 12 13 - 14
22 - 23
12 - 13 14 - 15
23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16
24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21 20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26 22 - 23

26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
9 - 10
5-6 1-2
10 - 11
6-7 2-3
15 - 16
7-8 6-7
16 - 17
11 - 12 7-8
17 - 18
12 - 13 8-9
18 - 19
13 - 14 9 - 10
22 - 23
14 - 15 13 - 14
23 - 24
20 - 21 14 - 15
24 - 25
21 - 22 15 - 16
25 - 26
25 - 26 16 - 17
29 - 30
26 - 27 20 - 21
27 - 28 21 - 22
28 - 29 22 - 23
4-5 23 - 24
5-6 27 - 28
6-7 28 - 29
9 - 10
7-8 29 - 30
10 - 11
11 - 12 1-2
15 - 16
12 - 13 2-3
16 - 17
13 - 14 6-7
17 - 18
14 - 15 7-8
18 - 19
20 - 21 8-9
22 - 23
21 - 22 9 - 10
23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14
24 - 25
26 - 27 14 - 15
25 - 26
27 - 28 15 - 16
29 - 30
28 - 29 16 - 17
4-5 20 - 21
5-6 21 - 22
6-7 22 - 23
7-8 23 - 24
11 - 12 27 - 28
9 - 10
12 - 13 28 - 29
10 - 11
13 - 14 29 - 30
15 - 16
14 - 15 1-2
16 - 17
20 - 21 2-3
17 - 18
21 - 22 6-7

18 - 19
25 - 26 7-8
22 - 23
26 - 27 8-9
23 - 24
27 - 28 9 - 10
24 - 25
28 - 29 13 - 14
25 - 26
4-5 14 - 15
29 - 30
5-6 15 - 16
6-7 16 - 17
7-8 20 - 21
11 - 12 21 - 22
12 - 13 22 - 23
13 - 14 23 - 24
9 - 10
14 - 15 27 - 28
10 - 11
20 - 21 28 - 29
15 - 16
21 - 22 29 - 30
16 - 17
25 - 26 1-2
17 - 18
26 - 27 2-3
18 - 19
27 - 28 6-7
22 - 23
28 - 29 7-8
23 - 24
4-5 8-9
24 - 25
5-6 9 - 10
25 - 26
6-7 13 - 14
29 - 30
7-8 14 - 15
11 - 12 15 - 16
12 - 13 16 - 17
13 - 14 20 - 21
14 - 15 21 - 22
20 - 21 22 - 23
9 - 10
21 - 22 23 - 24
10 - 11
25 - 26 27 - 28
15 - 16
26 - 27 28 - 29
16 - 17
27 - 28 29 - 30
17 - 18
28 - 29 1-2
18 - 19
4-5 2-3
22 - 23
5-6 6-7
23 - 24
6-7 7-8
24 - 25
7-8 8-9
25 - 26
11 - 12 9 - 10
29 - 30
12 - 13 13 - 14

13 - 14 14 - 15
14 - 15 15 - 16

20 - 21 16 - 17
21 - 22 20 - 21
25 - 26 21 - 22
9 - 10
26 - 27 22 - 23
10 - 11
27 - 28 23 - 24
15 - 16
HSE - 001 Accident and Incident Investigation
HSE - 002 Accident Investigation
HSE - 003 Accident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
HSE - 004 Administrasi Sistem Keamanaan
HSE - 005 Advance HAZOP Leadership & risk Management
HSE - 006 Advance Process Risk Assessment & Management
HSE - 007 Advanced Accident Investigation
HSE - 008 Advanced C02 & H2S Removal
HSE - 009 Air Emission and Quality Control
HSE - 010 Air Pollution Technology & Control
HSE - 011 Alarm Management System
HSE - 012 AMDAL (Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan) Understanding And Implementing Environmental
Social Impact Assesment (EIA)
HSE - 013 Analisis Air Minum Berwawasan K3
HSE - 014 Analysis Water Injection
HSE - 015 API 570 Piping
HSE - 016 API 580 Risk Based Inspection
HSE - 017 Api RP 14C ( Oil & Gas Process Safety System )
HSE - 018 Applied Water Technology
HSE - 019 Assessment Of Risk To Healt From Chemical Substance
HSE - 020 Asset Integrity Risk Management
HSE - 021 Asuransi Jiwa
HSE - 022 Audit Energi (Energy Audit)
HSE - 023 Audit Internal OHSAS 18001:2007
HSE - 024 Auditor Internal Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan
HSE - 025 Auditor Training Course ISO 17025
HSE - 026 Basic Fire Fighting
HSE - 027 BASIC ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System Awareness
HSE - 028 Basic K3 Umum
HSE - 029 Basic Occupational Health
HSE - 030 Basic Safety Training
HSE - 031 Basic Supervisory Skills for Security
HSE - 032 Basic Technology Fire & Safety in Process
HSE - 033 Basic Water Treatment(Treeting)
HSE - 034 Behaviour Based Safety
HSE - 035 Biodiversity (Keanekaragaman Hayati)
HSE - 036 Blast Resistant Structural Design
HSE - 037 Bow Tie
HSE - 038 Building Maintenance : Manajemen Perawatan Gedung Dan Bangunan
HSE - 039 Building Maintenance : Manajemen Perawatan Gedung Dan Fasilitas
HSE - 040 Business Continuity Planning
HSE - 041 Cathodic Protection, Corrosion Control & Prevention
HSE - 042 Chemical and Hydrocarbon Handling
HSE - 043 Chemical Hazard Handling
HSE - 044 Chemical Safety and Major Hazard Handling
HSE - 045 Chemical Storage and Handling
HSE - 046 Claim Medis
HSE - 047 Clean Development Mechanism
HSE - 048 CO2 Absorber
HSE - 049 CO2 Removal
HSE - 050 Coal Handling & transportation
HSE - 051 Confined Space Entry
HSE - 052 Consequence Modeling
HSE - 053 Construction Safety Design And Management
HSE - 054 Contractor Safety
HSE - 055 Contractor Safety Management System
HSE - 056 Control Emision
HSE - 057 Control of Hazardous Substance
HSE - 058 Corrosion And Scale Control
HSE - 059 Culture, Behaviour and Competency
HSE - 060 Dasar Operasi Pengelolaan Air Limbah
HSE - 061 Dasar-dasar Operasi Pengolahan Air Limbah
HSE - 062 Dasar-Dasar Pengelolaan Lingkungan
HSE - 063 Defensive Driving
HSE - 064 Dehydration: Principles & Operation
HSE - 065 Detection, Investigation and Interrogation
HSE - 066 Drilling Optimization & Hazard Analysis
HSE - 067 Dringking Water Treatment Sampling and Analysis
HSE - 068 Effective 5S Implementation
HSE - 069 Efisiensi Energi di Industri
HSE - 070 Electrical Installation In Hazardous Area
HSE - 071 Electrical Power Generator : Operation, Protection And Maintenance
HSE - 072 Electrical Safety
HSE - 073 Electrical Safety in Work Place
HSE - 074 Electrostatic Ignitions of Fires and Explosions
HSE - 075 Emergency Response and Crisis Management
HSE - 076 Emergency Response Planning In High Risk Building
HSE - 077 Emergency Response Program
HSE - 078 Energy Audit for Chemical Industries
HSE - 079 Engineered Risk Control System and Performance
HSE - 080 Environmental Impact Assessment
HSE - 081 Environmental Management System Auditor ISO 14001
HSE - 082 Environmental Standard
HSE - 083 Environmental Stewardship
HSE - 084 Environmental Technology
HSE - 085 Ergonomi
HSE - 086 Ergonomics at Workplace
HSE - 087 Ergonomics Program Development and Management
HSE - 088 Facility Risk Audits
HSE - 089 Facility Safety Design
HSE - 090 Fault Tree and Event Tree Analysis ( FTA & ETA )
HSE - 091 Fire Prevention and Protection
HSE - 092 Fire Protection Design & Engineering
HSE - 093 Fire Protection Inspection, Testing and Maintenance
HSE - 094 Fire Protection Systems and Hydraulics
HSE - 095 Fire Rescue
HSE - 096 Fire Risk Analysis
HSE - 097 Fire Safety
HSE - 098 Fire Safety Management
HSE - 099 Fire Safety Management & Risk Assessment
HSE - 100 First Aid Training
HSE - 101 Food Handlers
HSE - 102 Food Safety
HSE - 103 Gas Measurement & Testing
HSE - 104 Gas Turbine For Fertilizer / Chemical Industry
HSE - 105 General Safety Induction
HSE - 106 General Safety Training
HSE - 107 Groundwater and Surface Water Management
HSE - 108 Gugus Kendali Mutu
HSE - 109 HACCP (Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan ISO 22000:2005)
HSE - 110 Handling Food Safety
HSE - 111 Hazard & Analysis
HSE - 112 Hazard Assessment and Evaluation Courses
HSE - 113 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)
HSE - 114 Hazard Identification Risk Assesment
HSE - 115 Hazard Identification Risk Assesment Determination Control (HIRADC)
HSE - 116 Hazard Identification Risk Management
HSE - 117 Hazard Monitoring Control System
HSE - 118 Hazardous Area Classification
HSE - 119 Hazardous Chemical Handling
HSE - 120 Hazardous Communication
HSE - 121 Hazardous Material Handling
HSE - 122 Hazardous Materials Management and Disposal
HSE - 123 Hazardous Materials Storage & Segregation
HSE - 124 Hazardous Materials Storage and Segregation
HSE - 125 Hazardous Waste Management
HSE - 126 Hazards Identification and Control
HSE - 127 Hazid dan Hazop
HSE - 128 Hazop, Ehazop and Chazop
HSE - 129 HazopS
HSE - 130 HAZOPS (Hazard and Operability Studies)
HSE - 131 Health and Safety for Warehouse Workers
HSE - 132 Health and Safety in Oil & Gas Industry
HSE - 133 Health and Safety In Oil and Gas
HSE - 134 Health and Safety in The Laboratory
HSE - 135 Health And Safety Inspector
HSE - 136 Health Risk Assesment
HSE - 137 HES Property Transfer
HSE - 138 HSE Awareness and Implementation
HSE - 139 HSE Welder
HSE - 140 HSES Management for non HSES Personnel
HSE - 141 Hygienist Industrial
HSE - 142 Incident & Accident Investigation
HSE - 143 Industrial Electrical Safety
HSE - 144 Industrial Hygiene
HSE - 145 Industrial Pollution Control
HSE - 146 Industrial Safety & Hygiene
HSE - 147 Industrial Transportation Safety Management
HSE - 148 Industrial Waste & Pollution Control Officer
HSE - 149 Industrial Waste Control Management
HSE - 150 Industrial Waste Water Treatment Management
HSE - 151 Infra Red Thermography
HSE - 152 Instrumental Chemical Analisys
HSE - 153 Integrated HSE & Quality Management Systems )
HSE - 154 Integrated HSE and Quality Management System
HSE - 155 Integrated QHSE Management System
HSE - 156 Integrated Safety Management
HSE - 157 Internal Audit SMK3
HSE - 158 Introduction to Explosion Investigation
HSE - 159 Introduction to Incident Investigation
HSE - 160 Introduction to Process Safety Management
HSE - 161 Introduction to Safety Instrumented Systems
HSE - 162 ISO 14001 Environmental Awareness
HSE - 163 ISO 14001:Understanding and Implementing ISO 14001
HSE - 164 ISO 14031 : Evaluasi Kinerja Lingkungan
HSE - 165 ISO 27000 – Information Security Management System
HSE - 166 Isolation of Hazardous Energy Sources
HSE - 167 Jaminan Mutu Data Hasil Pengujian
HSE - 168 Job Safety Analysis
HSE - 169 Job Safety Environmental Analysis
HSE - 170 K3 di Laboratorium Kimia
HSE - 171 K3 di Warehouse
HSE - 172 Karakteristik Limbah dengan Metode TCLP
HSE - 173 Keanekaragaman Hayati
HSE - 174 Kebijakan Pengelolaan Hutan Mangrove
HSE - 175 Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Pertambangan
HSE - 176 Keselamatan Kerja & Bahan Kimia Lab.
HSE - 177 Konservasi Air
HSE - 178 Konservasi Sumber Daya Air
HSE - 179 Lab. Operation Maintenance
HSE - 180 Laboratory Management for Lab Manager
HSE - 181 Layer of Protection Analysis ( LOPA )
HSE - 182 Lightning Protection (Instalasi Listrik Dan Penangkalan Petir)
HSE - 183 Loss Prevention Fundamentals
HSE - 184 Management Lingkungan
HSE - 185 Manajemen Bahan Kimia Berbahaya
HSE - 186 Manajemen Hygiene Dan Kesehatan Perusahaan
HSE - 187 Manajemen Kebisingan
HSE - 188 Manajemen Kesehatan Diri dan Perusahaan
HSE - 189 Manajemen Kontrol Kehilangan Minyak Di Unit Pengolahan
HSE - 190 Manajemen Lingkungan
HSE - 191 Manajemen Mutu dan Lingkungan ISO 9001:14001
HSE - 192 Manajemen Pengamanan Perusahaan
HSE - 193 Manajemen Pengelolaan Air (Water Treatment)
HSE - 194 Manajemen Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara
HSE - 195 Manajemen Perawatan Bangunan Gedung dan Fasilitas
HSE - 196 Manajemen Stress Di Tempat Kerja
HSE - 197 Method Validation for Chemical Analysis ISO 17025
HSE - 198 Metodelogi Penelitian, Pemantauan & Evaluasi Lingk.
HSE - 199 Mining Water Technology
HSE - 200 Modern Safety Management
HSE - 201 Monitoring Lingkungan Untuk Bebas Polusi
HSE - 202 Ner Mist, Near Hit In HSE ( Healt, Safety & Environmental )
HSE - 203 Nitrogen, Oxygen, Liquefaction & Separator
HSE - 204 Office Management
HSE - 205 OHSAS 18001 Auditor
HSE - 206 Oil & Oily Water Treatment
HSE - 207 Oil Spill / Oil Boom & Environmental Management
HSE - 208 Oil Spill and Pollutant Prevention & Treatment
HSE - 209 Ooccupation Healt Safety Assesment Series ( OHSAS )
HSE - 210 P2K3
HSE - 211 Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3)
HSE - 212 Pedoman Inspeksi dan Evaluasi Keamanan Bendungan
HSE - 213 Pemantauan Kebisingan, Praktik Perhitungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan
HSE - 214 Pemantauan Kualitas Udara dan Teknik Sampling
HSE - 215 Pemeliharaan APAR
HSE - 216 Pemeliharaan Instalasi Air Bersih
HSE - 217 Penanganan Limbah Domestik dan B3
HSE - 218 Penanganan Unit Pengolahan Air Minum
HSE - 219 Penanggulangan Bahaya Kebakaran
HSE - 220 Penerapan 5S/5R
HSE - 221 Penerapan Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Pada Pengelolaan Makanan
HSE - 222 Pengelolaan Bahan Berbahaya Beracun
HSE - 223 Pengelolaan Kualitas Udara
HSE - 224 Pengelolaan Limbah Non B3
HSE - 225 Pengelolaan Lingkungan Terpadu
HSE - 226 Pengelolaan Sampah Kompos
HSE - 227 Pengendalian Emisi, Kebisingan & Pencemaran Udara
HSE - 228 Pengendalian Pencemaran Air
HSE - 229 Pengolahan Air Industri Untuk Air Baku Khusus
HSE - 230 Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Migas
HSE - 231 Pengolahan Limbah B3
HSE - 232 Pengolahan Limbah Cair pd Industri Pencairan Gas Alam
HSE - 233 Pengolahan Limbah Sampah Organik dan Anorganik
HSE - 234 Pengukuran Emisi Gas Buang
HSE - 235 Pengurangan Emisi Dan Mitigasi Gas Rumah Kaca
HSE - 236 Penyakit Akibat Kerja (PAK)
HSE - 237 Peraturan Perundangan Lingkungan Hidup dan Cara Pemenuhannya
HSE - 238 Perawatan Alat Pemadam Api Ringan (APAR)
HSE - 239 Perawatan Anggaran Bangunan Gedung dan Fasilitas
HSE - 240 Perencanaan sistem pengololahan Air Limbah
HSE - 241 Power Hand Tool Safety Training
HSE - 242 Power System Protection: Installation And Electric
HSE - 243 PPGD/Petugas P3K
HSE - 244 PPR/Petugas Proteksi Radiasi
HSE - 245 Prediction of Blast Loads
HSE - 246 Prevention Treatment Of Oil Spill Pollutant & Waste Water
HSE - 247 Principle Of Radiological Healt & safety
HSE - 248 Process Hazard Analysis - Leadership
HSE - 249 Process Safety and Instrumentation Control System
HSE - 250 Process Safety Engineering
HSE - 251 Process Safety Fundamental
HSE - 252 Process Safety Information
HSE - 253 Process Safety Management
HSE - 254 Process Safety Management Systems and Techniques
HSE - 255 Production Safety System
HSE - 256 Professional Accident Investigation
HSE - 257 Proffesional Responsibility for Engineers
HSE - 258 Proper Hijau dan Emas
HSE - 259 Prosedur Pemantauan Lingkungan
HSE - 260 Protection Of Industrial Power System
HSE - 261 Proyek Kendali Mutu
HSE - 262 Quality Assurance and Control For Testing Lab ( IEC 17025 )
HSE - 263 Quantitativ Risk Assessment ( QRA )
HSE - 264 Quantitative Estimation of Event Likelihood
HSE - 265 Quantitative Evaluation of Process Hazards
HSE - 266 Radiation Protection In Industry
HSE - 267 Reability , Availability, Maintainability
HSE - 268 Reactive and Explosive Chemicals
HSE - 269 Reactive Chemicals Hazards Evaluation
HSE - 270 Reklamasi Dan Revegetasi Lahan Pasca Tambang
HSE - 271 Reklamasi Lahan Bekas Tambang
HSE - 272 Relay Protection Coordination
HSE - 273 Risk Analysis in Construction Activity
HSE - 274 Risk Assesment For Maining Professional
HSE - 275 Risk Assesment Within Production Operations
HSE - 276 Risk Assessment
HSE - 277 Safe Behavior Observation
HSE - 278 Safe Driving Training
HSE - 279 Safe Handling Hydrocarbon
HSE - 280 Safe Handling LNG/LPG Plant
HSE - 281 Safe Work Practice
HSE - 282 Safety & Environment Aspect
HSE - 283 Safety & Manpower Development
HSE - 284 Safety /Accident Investigation
HSE - 285 Safety Aviation Rescue
HSE - 286 Safety Awareness
HSE - 287 Safety Cargo Handling
HSE - 288 Safety Concept & Practices
HSE - 289 Safety Driving Awareness
HSE - 290 Safety EHS
HSE - 291 Safety in Work at Height
HSE - 292 Safety Inspection & Auditing
HSE - 293 Safety Inspector
HSE - 294 Safety Instrumented System
HSE - 295 Safety Instrumented System / Safety Instrumented Function ( SIS/SIF )
HSE - 296 Safety Instrumented System/Safety Instrumented Level (SIS/SIL)
HSE - 297 Safety Instrumented Systems : Design, Analysis and Justification
HSE - 298 Safety Integrated Levels ( SIL )
HSE - 299 Safety Integrity System (SIS, SIF and SIL)
HSE - 300 Safety Investigation
HSE - 301 Safety Management
HSE - 302 Safety Management For Project Managers
HSE - 303 Safety Technology
HSE - 304 Safety, Health & Environmental in Coal Maining
HSE - 305 Sampling Emisi Udara di Cerobong
HSE - 306 Sanitasi & Kesehatan Lingkungan Kerja
HSE - 307 Security Incident Report Writing
HSE - 308 Sistem Manajemen K3
HSE - 309 Sistem Manajemen Pengamanan
HSE - 310 Specification of Safety Instrumented Systems
HSE - 311 Standar Kualitas Air Pembangkit
HSE - 312 System Manajemen Lingkungan ISO 14001
HSE - 313 Teknik Analisa Cemaran Kimia Dalam Limbah
HSE - 314 Teknik dan Implementasi Pengelolaan Praktis Limbah Cair (Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah/IPAL)
HSE - 315 Teknik Inspeksi K3
HSE - 316 Teknik Penerapan AMDAL Pada Industri Minyak & Gas
HSE - 317 Teknik Pengendalian Emisi Udara
HSE - 318 Teknik Penjernihan Air
HSE - 319 Teknik Penyusunan SOP Security
HSE - 320 Teknik Reklamasi Lahan Pasca Penambangan (Metode Landscaping Dan Revegetasi)
HSE - 321 Teknik Sampling dan Pemantauan Lingkungan
HSE - 322 The Safety in Heat Of Welder & Pipe Filter
HSE - 323 Toxic Environment Protection
HSE - 324 Trace of Measurement and Validation method for Testingg Lab ( IEC 17025 )
HSE - 325 Understanding & Preventing Explossions
HSE - 326 Verification of Safety Instrumented System Performance
HSE - 327 Vibration, noise Safety In Industry
HSE - 328 Warehouse Safety Management
HSE - 329 Waste & Environment Management
HSE - 330 Waste Gas Boiler
HSE - 331 Waste Management
HSE - 332 Waste Management (Pengelolaan Limbah)
HSE - 333 Waste Water Treating & Disposal
HSE - 334 Waste Water Treatment (WWT)
HSE - 335 Waste Water Treatment Technology (IPAL)
HSE - 336 Water Pollution Technology
HSE - 337 Water Rescue basic Training
HSE - 338 Water Treatment
HSE - 339 Water Treatment & Chemical System
HSE - 340 Water Treatment : Sanitation & Industry
HSE - 341 Water Treatment Advanced
HSE - 342 Water Treatment Analysis
HSE - 343 Water Treatment and Enhanced Oil Recovery
HSE - 344 Water Treatment For Boiler
HSE - 345 Work Permit (Izin Kerja)
HSE - 346 Pengelolaan B3 dan Limbah B3
HSE - 347 Penyusunan UKL & UPL

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumla
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima re
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program
HSE & Secur
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3 4-5
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4 5-6
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5 6-7
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6 7-8
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10

9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19 13 - 14
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20 14 - 15
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24 20 - 21
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25 21 - 22
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31 27 - 28
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3 28 - 29
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4 4-5
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5 5-6
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6 6-7
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12 7-8
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20 13 - 14
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24 14 - 15
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25 20 - 21
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26 21 - 22
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3 27 - 28
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4 28 - 29
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12 6-7
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13 7-8
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19 11 - 12
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20 12 - 13
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24 13 - 14
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25 14 - 15
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26 20 - 21
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27 21 - 22
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31 25 - 26
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3 26 - 27
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4 27 - 28
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5 28 - 29
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6 4-5
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12 5-6
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13 6-7
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19 7-8
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25 13 - 14
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26 14 - 15
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27 20 - 21
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31 21 - 22
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5 27 - 28
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6 28 - 29
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12 4-5
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13 5-6
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19 6-7
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20 7-8
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24 11 - 12
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25 12 - 13
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26 13 - 14
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27 14 - 15
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31 20 - 21
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3 21 - 22
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4 25 - 26
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5 26 - 27
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6 27 - 28
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12 28 - 29
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20 6-7
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24 7-8
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25 11 - 12
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26 12 - 13
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27 13 - 14
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31 14 - 15
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3 20 - 21
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4 21 - 22
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5 25 - 26
5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6 26 - 27
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12 27 - 28
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13 28 - 29
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19 4-5
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20 5-6
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24 6-7
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25 7-8
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31 13 - 14
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3 14 - 15
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4 20 - 21
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5 21 - 22
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 28 - 29 16 - 17 5-6 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 10 - 11 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 29 - 30 17 - 18 11 - 12 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 11 - 12 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 5-6 21 - 22 12 - 13 27 - 28
5-6 2-3 17 - 18 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 6-7 22 - 23 18 - 19 28 - 29
6-7 3-4 18 - 19 15 - 16 23 - 24
16 - 17 7-8 23 - 24 19 - 20 4-5
7-8 4-5 19 - 20 21 - 22 27 - 28
17 - 18 8-9 24 - 25 23 - 24 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 20 - 21 22 - 23 28 - 29
18 - 19 12 - 13 28 - 29 24 - 25 6-7
12 - 13 9 - 10 24 - 25 26 - 27 29 - 30
22 - 23 13 - 14 29 - 30 25 - 26 7-8
13 - 14 15 - 16 27 - 28 27 - 28 1-2
23 - 24 14 - 15 1-2 26 - 27 11 - 12
14 - 15 16 - 17 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 2-3
24 - 25 15 - 16 2-3 30 - 31 12 - 13
18 - 19 17 - 18 3-4 29 - 30 6-7
25 - 26 19 - 20 3-4 2-3 13 - 14
19 - 20 18 - 19 4-5 1-2 7-8
1-2 20 - 21 7-8 3-4 14 - 15
20 - 21 22 - 23 5-6 5-6 8-9
2-3 21 - 22 8-9 4-5 20 - 21
21 - 22 23 - 24 6-7 6-7 9 - 10
3-4 22 - 23 9 - 10 5-6 21 - 22
25 - 26 24 - 25 10 - 11 7-8 13 - 14
4-5 26 - 27 10 - 11 11 - 12 25 - 26
26 - 27 25 - 26 11 - 12 8-9 14 - 15
8-9 27 - 28 14 - 15 12 - 13 26 - 27
27 - 28 29 - 30 17 - 18 12 - 13 15 - 16
9 - 10 28 - 29 15 - 16 18 - 19 27 - 28
28 - 29 30 - 31 18 - 19 13 - 14 16 - 17
10 - 11 29 - 30 16 - 17 19 - 20 28 - 29
4-5 1-2 19 - 20 14 - 15 20 - 21
15 - 16 5-6 17 - 18 23 - 24 4-5
5-6 2-3 20 - 21 15 - 16 21 - 22
16 - 17 6-7 21 - 22 24 - 25 5-6
6-7 3-4 24 - 25 21 - 22 22 - 23
17 - 18 7-8 22 - 23 25 - 26 6-7
7-8 4-5 27 - 28 22 - 23 23 - 24
18 - 19 8-9 23 - 24 26 - 27 7-8
11 - 12 8-9 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 27 - 28
22 - 23 12 - 13 24 - 25 30 - 31 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 3-4 27 - 28 28 - 29
23 - 24 13 - 14 28 - 29 2-3 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 4-5 28 - 29 29 - 30
24 - 25 14 - 15 29 - 30 3-4 13 - 14
14 - 15 16 - 17 5-6 29 - 30 1-2
25 - 26 15 - 16 1-2 4-5 14 - 15
18 - 19 17 - 18 6-7 1-2 2-3
1-2 19 - 20 2-3 5-6 20 - 21
19 - 20 18 - 19 10 - 11 5-6 6-7
2-3 20 - 21 3-4 11 - 12 21 - 22
20 - 21 22 - 23 11 - 12 6-7 7-8
3-4 21 - 22 7-8 12 - 13 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 17 - 18 7-8 8-9
4-5 22 - 23 8-9 18 - 19 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 18 - 19 8-9 9 - 10
8-9 26 - 27 9 - 10 19 - 20 27 - 28
26 - 27 25 - 26 19 - 20 12 - 13 13 - 14
9 - 10 27 - 28 10 - 11 23 - 24 28 - 29
27 - 28 29 - 30 20 - 21 13 - 14 14 - 15
10 - 11 28 - 29 14 - 15 24 - 25 4-5
28 - 29 30 - 31 24 - 25 14 - 15 15 - 16
15 - 16 29 - 30 15 - 16 25 - 26 5-6
4-5 1-2 27 - 28 15 - 16 16 - 17
16 - 17 5-6 16 - 17 26 - 27 6-7
5-6 2-3 31 - 1 Juni 21 - 22 20 - 21
17 - 18 6-7 17 - 18 30 - 31 7-8
6-7 3-4 3-4 22 - 23 21 - 22
18 - 19 7-8 21 - 22 2-3 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 4-5 26 - 27 22 - 23
22 - 23 8-9 22 - 23 3-4 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 5-6 27 - 28 23 - 24
23 - 24 12 - 13 23 - 24 4-5 13 - 14
12 - 13 9 - 10 6-7 28 - 29 27 - 28
24 - 25 13 - 14 24 - 25 5-6 14 - 15
13 - 14 15 - 16 10 - 11 29 - 30 28 - 29
25 - 26 14 - 15 28 - 29 11 - 12 20 - 21
14 - 15 16 - 17 11 - 12 1-2 29 - 30
1-2 15 - 16 29 - 30 12 - 13 21 - 22
18 - 19 17 - 18 17 - 18 5-6 1-2
2-3 19 - 20 1-2 18 - 19 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 18 - 19 6-7 2-3
3-4 20 - 21 2-3 19 - 20 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 19 - 20 7-8 6-7
4-5 21 - 22 3-4 23 - 24 27 - 28
21 - 22 23 - 24 20 - 21 8-9 7-8
8-9 22 - 23 7-8 24 - 25 28 - 29
25 - 26 24 - 25 24 - 25 12 - 13 8-9
9 - 10 26 - 27 8-9 25 - 26 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 27 - 28 13 - 14 9 - 10
10 - 11 27 - 28 9 - 10 26 - 27 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 31 - 1 Juni 14 - 15 13 - 14
15 - 16 28 - 29 10 - 11 30 - 31 6-7
28 - 29 30 - 31 3-4 15 - 16 14 - 15
16 - 17 29 - 30 14 - 15 2-3 7-8
4-5 1-2 4-5 21 - 22 15 - 16
17 - 18 5-6 15 - 16 3-4 11 - 12
5-6 2-3 5-6 22 - 23 16 - 17
18 - 19 6-7 16 - 17 4-5 12 - 13
6-7 3-4 6-7 26 - 27 20 - 21
22 - 23 7-8 17 - 18 5-6 13 - 14
7-8 4-5 10 - 11 27 - 28 21 - 22
23 - 24 8-9 21 - 22 11 - 12 14 - 15
11 - 12 8-9 11 - 12 28 - 29 22 - 23
24 - 25 12 - 13 22 - 23 12 - 13 20 - 21
12 - 13 9 - 10 17 - 18 29 - 30 23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14 23 - 24 18 - 19 21 - 22
13 - 14 15 - 16 18 - 19 1-2 27 - 28
1-2 14 - 15 24 - 25 19 - 20 25 - 26
14 - 15 16 - 17 19 - 20 5-6 28 - 29
2-3 15 - 16 28 - 29 23 - 24 26 - 27
18 - 19 17 - 18 20 - 21 6-7 29 - 30
3-4 19 - 20 29 - 30 24 - 25 27 - 28
19 - 20 18 - 19 24 - 25 7-8 1-2
4-5 20 - 21 1-2 25 - 26 28 - 29
20 - 21 22 - 23 27 - 28 8-9 2-3
8-9 21 - 22 2-3 26 - 27 4-5
21 - 22 23 - 24 31 - 1 Juni 12 - 13 6-7
9 - 10 22 - 23 3-4 30 - 31 5-6
25 - 26 24 - 25 3-4 13 - 14 7-8
10 - 11 26 - 27 7-8 2-3 6-7
26 - 27 25 - 26 4-5 14 - 15 8-9
15 - 16 27 - 28 8-9 3-4 7-8
27 - 28 29 - 30 5-6 15 - 16 9 - 10
16 - 17 28 - 29 9 - 10 4-5 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 6-7 21 - 22 13 - 14
17 - 18 29 - 30 10 - 11 5-6 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 10 - 11 22 - 23 14 - 15
18 - 19 5-6 14 - 15 11 - 12 13 - 14
5-6 2-3 11 - 12 26 - 27 15 - 16
22 - 23 6-7 15 - 16 12 - 13 14 - 15
6-7 3-4 17 - 18 27 - 28 16 - 17
23 - 24 7-8 16 - 17 18 - 19 20 - 21
7-8 4-5 18 - 19 28 - 29 20 - 21
24 - 25 8-9 17 - 18 19 - 20 21 - 22
11 - 12 8-9 19 - 20 29 - 30 21 - 22
25 - 26 12 - 13 21 - 22 23 - 24 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 20 - 21 1-2 22 - 23
1-2 13 - 14 22 - 23 24 - 25 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 24 - 25 5-6 23 - 24
2-3 14 - 15 23 - 24 25 - 26 27 - 28
14 - 15 16 - 17 27 - 28 6-7 27 - 28
3-4 15 - 16 24 - 25 26 - 27 28 - 29
18 - 19 17 - 18 31 - 1 Juni 7-8 28 - 29
4-5 19 - 20 28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5
19 - 20 18 - 19 3-4 8-9 29 - 30
8-9 20 - 21 29 - 30 2-3 5-6
20 - 21 22 - 23 4-5 12 - 13 1-2
9 - 10 21 - 22 1-2 3-4 6-7
21 - 22 23 - 24 5-6 13 - 14 2-3
10 - 11 22 - 23 2-3 4-5 7-8
25 - 26 24 - 25 6-7 14 - 15 6-7
15 - 16 26 - 27 3-4 5-6 11 - 12
26 - 27 25 - 26 10 - 11 15 - 16 7-8


n kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

, kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
HSE & Security
Nov Dec
9 - 10

9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15
16 - 17
15 - 16
17 - 18
16 - 17
18 - 19
20 - 21
22 - 23
21 - 22
23 - 24
22 - 23
24 - 25
23 - 24
25 - 26
27 - 28
29 - 30
28 - 29
29 - 30
9 - 10
10 - 11
9 - 10
15 - 16
13 - 14
16 - 17
14 - 15
17 - 18
15 - 16
18 - 19
16 - 17
22 - 23
20 - 21
23 - 24
21 - 22
24 - 25
22 - 23
25 - 26
23 - 24
29 - 30
27 - 28
28 - 29
29 - 30
9 - 10
10 - 11
15 - 16
9 - 10
16 - 17
13 - 14
17 - 18
14 - 15
18 - 19
15 - 16
22 - 23
16 - 17
23 - 24
20 - 21
24 - 25
21 - 22
25 - 26
22 - 23
29 - 30
23 - 24
27 - 28
28 - 29
29 - 30
9 - 10
10 - 11
15 - 16
16 - 17
9 - 10
17 - 18
13 - 14
18 - 19
14 - 15
22 - 23
15 - 16
23 - 24
16 - 17
24 - 25
20 - 21
25 - 26
21 - 22
29 - 30
22 - 23
23 - 24
27 - 28
28 - 29
29 - 30
9 - 10
10 - 11
15 - 16
16 - 17
17 - 18
9 - 10
18 - 19
13 - 14
22 - 23
14 - 15
23 - 24
15 - 16
24 - 25
16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22
22 - 23
23 - 24
27 - 28
28 - 29
29 - 30
9 - 10
10 - 11
15 - 16
16 - 17
17 - 18
18 - 19
9 - 10
22 - 23
13 - 14
23 - 24
14 - 15
24 - 25
15 - 16
25 - 26
16 - 17
29 - 30
20 - 21
21 - 22
22 - 23
23 - 24
27 - 28
28 - 29
9 - 10
29 - 30
10 - 11
15 - 16
16 - 17
17 - 18
18 - 19
22 - 23
9 - 10
23 - 24
13 - 14
24 - 25
14 - 15
25 - 26
15 - 16
29 - 30
16 - 17
20 - 21
21 - 22
22 - 23
23 - 24
27 - 28
9 - 10
28 - 29
10 - 11
29 - 30
15 - 16
16 - 17
17 - 18
18 - 19
22 - 23
23 - 24
9 - 10
24 - 25
13 - 14
25 - 26
14 - 15
29 - 30
15 - 16
16 - 17
20 - 21
21 - 22
22 - 23
23 - 24
9 - 10
27 - 28
10 - 11
28 - 29
15 - 16
29 - 30
16 - 17
17 - 18
18 - 19
22 - 23
23 - 24
24 - 25
9 - 10
25 - 26
13 - 14
29 - 30
14 - 15
15 - 16
16 - 17
20 - 21
21 - 22
22 - 23
9 - 10
23 - 24
10 - 11
27 - 28
15 - 16
28 - 29
16 - 17
29 - 30
17 - 18
18 - 19
22 - 23
23 - 24
24 - 25
25 - 26
9 - 10
29 - 30
13 - 14
14 - 15
15 - 16
16 - 17
20 - 21
21 - 22
9 - 10
22 - 23
10 - 11
23 - 24
15 - 16
27 - 28
16 - 17
28 - 29
17 - 18
29 - 30
18 - 19
22 - 23
23 - 24
24 - 25
HR - 001 Administrasi Personalia
HR - 002 Advance Hubungan Industrial Dan Ketenagakerjaan
HR - 003 Advanced Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
HR - 004 Advanced Human Resources Management
HR - 005 Advanced General Affair Management
HR - 006 Advanced Good Corporate Governance
HR - 007 Aligning Governance, Risk and Compliance For Business Value Added
HR - 008 Analisa Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
HR - 009 Aspek Hukum dan Peraturan Tenaga Kerja Asing
HR - 010 Assesment Center
HR - 011 Audit Sumber Daya Manusia
HR - 012 Basic Human Resource Management
HR - 013 Basic Human Resources Management
HR - 014 Basic Psychology For HRM And People Development
HR - 015 Basic Supervisory Management Program
HR - 016 Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Concept And Application
HR - 017 Becoming a Human Resources Professional
HR - 018 Becoming Effective Trainer for Your Staff
HR - 019 Best Practice Skill in Recruitment and Selection
HR - 020 Best Practice Training Need Analysis
HR - 021 Building Service Culture
HR - 022 Career Development Management
HR - 023 Career Mapping and Planning (Talent Management)
HR - 024 Career Path and Individual Development Analysis
HR - 025 Coaching and Counseling (Monitoring) for Optimal Performance
HR - 026 Coaching and Counseling for Manager
HR - 027 Coaching, Counseling and Mentoring
HR - 028 Communication and Public Relation Intensive Study
HR - 029 Community Development And Conflict Handling
HR - 030 Competency Base Development Program
HR - 031 Competency Based Human Resources Management
HR - 032 Competency Based Curiculum Design
HR - 033 Competency Matrix Management System (CMMS)
HR - 034 Competency Matrix System
HR - 035 Competency Mapping
HR - 036 Conflict Management
HR - 037 Conflict Negotiation And Protocols
HR - 038 Continuous Improvement of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) di Indonesia
HR - 039 Creative Thinking at Work
HR - 040 Dasar-Dasar Kehumasan
HR - 041 Designing Training Program
HR - 042 Design & Evaluation Employee Satisfaction Survey
HR - 043 Designing Accurate Job Description
HR - 044 Designing And Conducting Performance Appraisal System
HR - 045 Developing Others
HR - 046 Development Others
HR - 047 Effective 5S Implementation
HR - 048 Effective Communication skill
HR - 049 Effective Human Resources Budgeting : Planning and Controlling
HR - 050 Effective Leadership and Personal Effectiveness
HR - 051 Effective Performance Appraisal
HR - 052 Effective Teamwork
HR - 053 Engagement and Retention
HR - 054 Evaluasi Training
HR - 055 Excellent Supervisory Skills
HR - 056 Facilitation Skills
HR - 057 Fraud Auditing
HR - 058 General Affairs Officer Program
HR - 059 General Affairs Professional Program
HR - 060 Global Remuneration Professional
HR - 061 Good Corporate Governance
HR - 062 Gugus Kendali Mutu (GKM)
HR - 063 High Impact Presentation
HR - 064 How To Plan Design and Deliver Training
HR - 065 HR Officer Development Program
HR - 066 HRM For Line Managers
HR - 067 Hubungan Industrial
HR - 068 Hubungan Industrial dan BPJS Ketenagkerjaan
HR - 069 Hukum Perjanjian dan Dokumen Legal SDM
HR - 070 Human Resource and Career Planning
HR - 071 Human Resource Audit
HR - 072 Human Resource Information System
HR - 073 Human Resource Management
HR - 074 Human Resource Management For Beginners
HR - 075 Human Resource Scorecard
HR - 076 Human Resources Management
HR - 077 Human Resources Management and Organization Development
HR - 078 Human Resources Management System
HR - 079 Human Capital Management & Development
HR - 080 Human Resources Management For Non HT
HR - 081 Human Resources Legal
HR - 082 Humas dan Protokoler
HR - 083 Industrial Relation
HR - 084 Identification And Analysis Of Training Need
HR - 085 Internal Communication Strategy
HR - 086 Interpreting and Documenting of ISO 9001:2008
HR - 087 Interview and Investigation Skill for Legal
HR - 088 ISO 31000 : Risk Management
HR - 089 ISO 9001 : Interprenting and Documenting Quality Management System
HR - 090 Job Analysis and Evaluation
HR - 091 Job Evaluation
HR - 092 Job Evaluation And Job Grading
HR - 093 Kehumasan Dan Protokoler
HR - 094 Kepemimpinan Transaksional
HR - 095 Key Performance Incdicator (KPI) Development
HR - 096 Key Performance Indicator
HR - 097 Key Performance Indicators For Corporate
HR - 098 Know Your Employee (KYE)
HR - 099 KPI For Employee Performance Management
HR - 100 Leadership Skills
HR - 101 Magnetic Leadership
HR - 102 Man Power Planning (MPP)
HR - 103 Management Development Program
HR - 104 Management Outsourcing
HR - 105 Management Personalia
HR - 106 Management SDM
HR - 107 Management Sumber Daya Manusia
HR - 108 Management Training & TOT Advance
HR - 109 Managing Conflict and Handling Difficult People
HR - 110 Managing Conflict and Handling Difficult People and Situations
HR - 111 Managing Conflict Change and Handling Difficult People
HR - 112 Managing People
HR - 113 Manajemen Diklat
HR - 114 Manajemen Kepegawaian
HR - 115 Manajemen Kesehatan Diri dan Perusahaan
HR - 116 Manajemen Konflik
HR - 117 Manajemen Pendidikan dan Pelatihan
HR - 118 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
HR - 119 Measuring Return On Invesment (ROI) In Training
HR - 120 Outsourcing, Perjanjian Kerja dan Aspek Hukum Hubungan Kerja
HR - 121 Outsourcing Management
HR - 122 Pemahaman ISO TS 16949:2009
HR - 123 Penerapan 5S/5R
HR - 124 Pengelolaan Karyawan Alih Daya (Outsourcing)
HR - 125 Pengembangan Sistem Recruitment Pegawai
HR - 126 Pengenalan dan Manfaat ISO 9001:2008
HR - 127 Penilaian Kinerja Berbasis Balanced Score Card
HR - 128 Penilaian Kinerja Dan Karir (Performance Assessment)
HR - 129 Penilaian Kinerja Unggul Berbasis KPKU BUMN
HR - 130 Penyusunan Model Kompetensi
HR - 131 Penyusunan Peraturan Perusahaan (PP) & Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB)
HR - 132 Penyusunan Rencana Kerja Dan Anggaran Perusahaan
HR - 133 Penyusunan SOP Dan Instruksi Kerja
HR - 134 Penyusunan Standart Operating Procedure
HR - 135 Peraturan Tenaga Kerja Asing
HR - 136 Perencanaan Diklat Dan Evaluasi Program Diklat
HR - 137 Performance Management System
HR - 138 Performance Audit
HR - 139 Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB)
HR - 140 Perjanjian Kerja, Peraturan Perusahaan Atau Perjanjian Kerja Bersama
HR - 141 Permit To Work (PTW)
HR - 142 Personal Image And Table Manners
HR - 143 Port Management
HR - 144 Powerful and Effective Team Building
HR - 145 Practicing Kirkpatrick’s Training Evaluation
HR - 146 Proses PHK Efektif Dan Perhitungan Pesangon
HR - 147 Problem Solving, Decision Making and Conflict Management
HR - 148 Professional Accident Investigation
HR - 149 Professional and Effective Secretary Management
HR - 150 Psychology For Non Psycologist
HR - 151 Public Relation Strategy, External Relations and Community
HR - 152 Public Relation, Media Relations And Corporate Communication
HR - 153 Public Relation, Media Relation & Corporate Communication
HR - 154 Recruitment Analyst Program
HR - 155 Recruitment And Interview Skill
HR - 156 Recruitment Employee
HR - 157 Recruitment, Interview and Sellect Technique
HR - 158 Remuneration Analyst Program
HR - 159 Remuneration Management
HR - 160 Return On Training Investment
HR - 161 Return On Training Investment (ROTI)
HR - 162 Salary Administration
HR - 163 Safety Inspector
HR - 164 Safety Plant Management
HR - 165 Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2008
HR - 166 Strategic Human Resource Management and Organization Development
HR - 167 Strategic Learning and Development (SLD)
HR - 168 Strategic Outsourching dan Dampaknya Pada Aspek SDM
HR - 169 Supervisory Management
HR - 170 Supplier Relationship Management
HR - 171 Teknik Fotografi Jurnalistik
HR - 172 Teknik Inspeksi K3
HR - 173 Teknik Interview Berbasis Kompetensi
HR - 174 Teknik Penyusunan Peraturan Disiplin
HR - 175 Teknik Protokoler
HR - 176 Third Party Contract (Outsourcing) Management
HR - 177 Total Quality Management (TQM)
HR - 178 Trainee for Trainers
HR - 179 Training Development (Assess, Design, Deliver, and Evaluate)
HR - 180 Training Development Program
HR - 181 Training Impact Evaluation
HR - 182 Training Management
HR - 183 Training Need Analysis
HR - 184 Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and Training Evaluation (TE)
HR - 185 Training Of Trainer (TOT)
HR - 186 Training Total Quality Management
HR - 187 Work Permit (Izin Kerja)
HR - 188 Workplace Productivity Improvement
HR - 189 World Class Human Resources Management Program

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumlah M
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima reque
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program se
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17


an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

a), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
N 2021
Human Resources
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26
4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
22 - 23
28 - 29 20 - 21
23 - 24
4-5 21 - 22
24 - 25
5-6 22 - 23
25 - 26
6-7 23 - 24
29 - 30
7-8 27 - 28
11 - 12 28 - 29
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
9 - 10
21 - 22 7-8
10 - 11
25 - 26 8-9
15 - 16
26 - 27 9 - 10
16 - 17
27 - 28 13 - 14
17 - 18
28 - 29 14 - 15
18 - 19
4-5 15 - 16
22 - 23
5-6 16 - 17
23 - 24
6-7 20 - 21
24 - 25
7-8 21 - 22
25 - 26
11 - 12 22 - 23
29 - 30
12 - 13 23 - 24
13 - 14 27 - 28
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
9 - 10
26 - 27 6-7
10 - 11
27 - 28 7-8
15 - 16
28 - 29 8-9
16 - 17
4-5 9 - 10
17 - 18
5-6 13 - 14
18 - 19
6-7 14 - 15
22 - 23
7-8 15 - 16
23 - 24
11 - 12 16 - 17
24 - 25
12 - 13 20 - 21
25 - 26
13 - 14 21 - 22
29 - 30
14 - 15 22 - 23
20 - 21 23 - 24
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
9 - 10
28 - 29 2-3
10 - 11
4-5 6-7
15 - 16
5-6 7-8
16 - 17
6-7 8-9
17 - 18
7-8 9 - 10
18 - 19
11 - 12 13 - 14
22 - 23
12 - 13 14 - 15
23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16
24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21 20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26 22 - 23
26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
9 - 10
5-6 1-2
10 - 11
6-7 2-3
15 - 16
7-8 6-7
16 - 17
11 - 12 7-8
17 - 18
12 - 13 8-9
18 - 19
13 - 14 9 - 10
22 - 23
14 - 15 13 - 14
23 - 24
20 - 21 14 - 15
24 - 25
21 - 22 15 - 16
25 - 26
IT - 001 4G LTE RF Planning
IT - 002 Accounting Information Systems
IT - 003 Admin Office Management And Filling System
IT - 004 Admin Professional and Dashboard Reporting
IT - 005 Administration & Electronic Filling System
IT - 006 Adobe Flash 3D Max
IT - 007 Advance Database Analysis And Dashboard Reporting With Excel 2007
IT - 008 Advance Magic Powerpoint With Powerful Presentation
IT - 009 Advanced Documents & Electronic Records Management System – Based on ISO 15489 & UU NO.
IT - 010 Advanced Maintenance Management
IT - 011 Advanced Microsoft Project
IT - 012 Advanced Ms. Excel
IT - 013 Advanced PLC
IT - 014 Analisis & Perancangan Sistem Informasi
IT - 015 Anaytic Network Process (ANP)
IT - 016 Angka Ketidakpastian Pengukuran
IT - 017 Aplikasi Autocad Dalam Pembangunan
IT - 018 Aplikasi Komputer Untuk Perkantoran Dan Penyusunan Laporan
IT - 019 Application Electronic Filing and Document Management System
IT - 020 Asset Management Berbasis ICT
IT - 021 Asset Management Berbasis Teknologi
IT - 022 Audit Commado Languange (ACL) Tingkat Lanjut
IT - 023 Audit Command Languange (ACL) Dasar
IT - 024 Audit IT Security
IT - 025 Audit Teknologi Informasi
IT - 026 AutoCAD 2 Dimensi
IT - 027 Autocad 3D Design For P & ID Essentials
IT - 028 AutoCAD Civil 3D
IT - 029 AutoCAD Training
IT - 030 Basic and Advanced Networking
IT - 031 Basic Autocad 2011
IT - 032 Basic Computer Business Application for Secretary and Assistant Administration
IT - 033 Basic Computer Networking
IT - 034 Basic VSAT System
IT - 035 Be Expert of Intranet Computer Networking
IT - 036 Best Practice E-Business & E-Commerce
IT - 037 Best Practice Photography
IT - 038 Best Practices Implementation of Payroll Administration System with Using Excel 2007 For Non IT
IT - 039 Best Practices Implementation Of Soft Or Hard Document Management System With Using Excel
IT - 040 Best Practices of Implementation Document Filing System with Excel & VBA
IT - 041 Best Practices of Implementation Document Filing System with OS Windows & Excel 2007
IT - 042 Build Your Own Corporate Website: Langkah demi langkah Membangun dan Mengembangkan Situs Perusahaan
IT - 043 Building A Powerful Internet Gateway With Clear-OS
IT - 044 Building Web Application With Php And MySQL
IT - 045 Business Analysis with IT Software
IT - 046 Business Plan & Budgeting [Menggunakan Software Business Plan Pro 2007]
IT - 047 Cara Mudah Membangun Website Toko Online Program Wordpress
IT - 048 Cara Mudah Membuat dan Mengelola Situs Web Dengan CMS ‘JOOMLA’
IT - 049 CCNA *(Non Certification)
IT - 050 CCTV : Instalasi, Pemograman dan Perawatan
IT - 051 CISSP *(Non Certification)
IT - 052 CodeIgniter, PHP Framework for Rapid Application Development
IT - 053 Compressor : Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting
IT - 054 Computer Network And Troubleshooting
IT - 055 Computer Networking
IT - 056 Configuring and Administering Windows 7
IT - 057 Continous Improvement
IT - 058 Contract Management Strategy and Administration For Oil & Gas Company
IT - 059 Corporate Blogging with Wordpress
IT - 060 Creative Power Point; Exploring Power Point 2007/2010
IT - 061 Crystal Report
IT - 062 Dasar dan Perbaikan Power Supply Analog dan Switching
IT - 063 Data Communications
IT - 064 Data Management and Filing System For Secretaries and Administrative Professionals
IT - 065 Database Administration Using Oracle Database 10g
IT - 066 Database Programming with VB.NET
IT - 067 Design Grafis
IT - 068 Design Of Experiments (DOE) With Minitab
IT - 069 Deteksi Kecuranagan Data Menggunakan Audit Command Languange (ACL)
IT - 070 Develop Website Application
IT - 071 Digital Advertising
IT - 072 Digital Congress Network
IT - 073 Distribution System: Fuzzy Logic & Metering Load Control
IT - 074 Document Control And Digital Filing System
IT - 075 Document Management and Electronic Filing Implementation Comply With UU Kearsipan Terbaru
IT - 076 EC-Council Network Security Administrator (ENSA)
IT - 077 Effective Management Of Information Security, And Continually Improve The Security Level – ISO 27
IT - 078 Effective Team Development Using Microsoft Visual Studio Team System
IT - 079 E-filling Kearsipan
IT - 080 E-Learning
IT - 081 Electronic Filing & Document Management System
IT - 082 Electronic Filing System
IT - 083 Electronic Office Filing And Document Management
IT - 084 Engineering and Maintenance HMI Berbasis Wonderware In Touch
IT - 085 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
IT - 086 Essential Of IT Management For Non IT Officer
IT - 087 Ethernet
IT - 088 Excellent Automatic Process with Visual Basic Application
IT - 089 Excellent Automation Process with Visual Basic Application for Excel 2010
IT - 090 Exploring Microsoft Office 2010 – From Zero To Master
IT - 091 Fiber Optic Training
IT - 092 Filing Management Fot Secretary And Administration Staff (Using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel)
IT - 093 Filling System & Retention Records Management
IT - 094 Filling Sytem & E- Filling System
IT - 095 Foundation Design With Computer Program
IT - 096 Framework CodeIgniter
IT - 097 Fundamental Java Programming
IT - 098 Fuzzy Logic & Matering Load Control
IT - 099 Gas Turbine Generator And Electrical System
IT - 100 GPSS – General Purpose Simulation System
IT - 101 HMI-Basic Operation and Programming (INTOUCH/WINCC)
IT - 102 How to enable Arabic language support in Windows & Microsoft
IT - 103 How to Plan Your IT Budgeting for Strategic IT Investment
IT - 104 Implementation Of Electronic Filing And Document Management System And Email Handling
IT - 105 Implementation of Electronic Filing With Integrated Document Management System
IT - 106 Implementation Of Intranet Networking Management
IT - 107 Implementation Of Project Management With Primavera And QSB Software
IT - 108 Implementing Forefront Unified Access Gateway 2010
IT - 109 Improving Your Business By Optimally Manage And Develop Web Business
IT - 110 Information System Strategy-Master Plan
IT - 111 Information Technology Audit (IT-Audit Practice)
IT - 112 Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
IT - 113 Information Technology Network
IT - 114 Information Technology Project Management
IT - 115 Information Technology Service Management (ITSM)
IT - 116 Initiating Quality in IT Service
IT - 117 International Standard, ISO/IEC 20000: IT Service Management
IT - 118 Internet Working Dengan TCP/IP
IT - 119 Intranet Computer Networking Management
IT - 120 Intranet Networking For Non IT Executives
IT - 121 Inventory Application Development With Access 2007 SQL Distinc
IT - 122 ISO 14001:Understanding and Implementing ISO 14001
IT - 123 ISO 20000 : IT Service Management System
IT - 124 ISO 27000 – Information Security Management System
IT - 125 IT Asset Management
IT - 126 IT Audit Practice
IT - 127 IT Balanced Scorecard
IT - 128 IT Business Analysis
IT - 129 IT For Non IT
IT - 130 IT Governance – A Best Practice Framework for Planning and Deployment for Competitive Advantage
IT - 131 IT Helpdesk
IT - 132 IT Infrastructure Library
IT - 133 IT Project Management
IT - 134 IT Risk Management
IT - 135 IT Service Management
IT - 136 IT Strategic Plan
IT - 137 IT Strategy Master Plan
IT - 138 IT Strategy menggunakan Balanced scorecard
IT - 139 IT Vendor Management
IT - 140 Jaringan Komputer Berbasis Linux
IT - 141 Jomla
IT - 142 Komputerisasi Manajemen Barang
IT - 143 Komputerisasi Pergudangan
IT - 144 Leaky Feeder Systems
IT - 145 Lightning Protection (Instalasi Listrik Dan Penangkalan Petir)
IT - 146 Linux Server
IT - 147 Local Area Network (LAN) Basic
IT - 148 Lubrication and Bearing Technology
IT - 149 Maintenance Management Mesin
IT - 150 Maintenance Management Systems (MMS)
IT - 151 Malcolm Baldridge Criteria For Performance Excellence
IT - 152 Management Sumber Daya Teknologi Informasi
IT - 153 Managing Control Object For IT (COBIT) Version 4.1
IT - 154 Managing Investment of Information Technology
IT - 155 Manajemen Aset dan Implementasi SIM Aset
IT - 156 Manajemen Infrastuktur
IT - 157 Manajemen IT
IT - 158 Manajemen Sumber Daya Teknologi Informasi
IT - 159 Mastering Excel 2007 Beyond For Data Processing Automation
IT - 160 Mastering Excel 2010 Beyond For Office Data Processing System
IT - 161 Mastering Microsoft Excel 2007 Beyond For Office Automation
IT - 162 Mastering Microsoft Word 2010 For Business
IT - 163 Mastering Ms. Word 2007 : For Secretary And Administrative Executive
IT - 164 Mastering of Office Automation System Using Microsoft Excel 2010
IT - 165 Mastering of Writing a Business Using Microsoft Word 2010
IT - 166 Media Relations Strategy And Executions
IT - 167 Membuat dan Mengelola Situs Web Perusahaan
IT - 168 Membuat Web Dinamis dengan Dreamweaver
IT - 169 Membuat Website untuk Bisnis Online dan Corporate
IT - 170 Mengolah Data Menggunakan SPSS 16
IT - 171 Merumuskan Job Profile Menggunakan Ms.Excel 2007
IT - 172 Metoda Manajemen IT efektif secara mudah, simple, reliable & aplikabel
IT - 173 Modern Inventory And Stock Control
IT - 174 Modern Microsoft Office 2007 for Advanced User
IT - 175 Modern Office Administration System For Leader & Staff
IT - 176 Modern Office Administration With Using Excel 2007 and Word 2007
IT - 177 Modern Office and Computer Application Management
IT - 178 Modern Office Automation System
IT - 179 Motor Control And Protection
IT - 180 Ms Excell Macro Programming
IT - 181 MTCNA : Jaringan Komputer *(non certification)
IT - 182 MTCWE : Jaringan Komputer Wireless *(non certification)
IT - 183 Multiplex Digital and Modulation Sinkronisasi
IT - 184 Network & Traffic Management
IT - 185 Network Management And Operations Support System
IT - 186 Networking & Network Security
IT - 187 Online Social Networking dalam Era e-Government 2.0 untuk Menunjang Efisiensi dan Produktivita
IT - 188 Optimalisasi Cyber for Public Relation
IT - 189 Optimalisasi Fitur Mesin ATM Sebagai Sarana Transaksi
IT - 190 Optimalisasi Microsoft Office
IT - 191 Optimally Manage And Develop Corporate Website : Improve Your Business
IT - 192 Optimization of RDBMS Implementation with Access 2010 and SQL Method for IT & Non IT
IT - 193 Oracle 10G Admin Workshop
IT - 194 Oracle Workforce Development Program (OWDP): APEX (Application Express)
IT - 195 Otomasi Persuratan di Perusahaan [Menggunakan Aplikasi Otomasi Persuratan]
IT - 196 Payroll Administration System
IT - 197 Pelatihan Admin IT Level Lanjut
IT - 198 Pemograman Web Berbasis PHP
IT - 199 Pemrograman Web Berbasis HTML
IT - 200 Pemrograman Web dengan PHP dan MySQL
IT - 201 Penetration Testing : Pengujian Terhadap Kelemahan Sistem Informasi Perusahaan
IT - 202 Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa IT Perbankan
IT - 203 Pengambilan Keputusan Menggunakan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) dan Software Expert Ch
IT - 204 Pengembangan Konten Situs Web Perusahaan
IT - 205 Pengolahan dan Analisis Data Kegagalan
IT - 206 Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Nasabah Dengan Mengoptimalkan Mesin EDC Untuk Transaksi
IT - 207 People Development Analyst Program
IT - 208 Photoshop Basics
IT - 209 Piping Pipeline Technology
IT - 210 PLC Communication and LAN
IT - 211 POS Application Development with Inventory Control Using Access 2007 for IT & Non IT
IT - 212 Powerful Data Analysis and Dashboard Reporting with Excel 2010
IT - 213 Powerful Database Analysis And Dashboard Reporting With Excel 2010
IT - 214 Powerful Visual Presentation
IT - 215 Presentation Techniques & Advance Powerpoint 2010 for Presentation
IT - 216 Private Automatic Branch eXchange (PABX)
IT - 217 Progammable Logic Controller (PLC)
IT - 218 Program Adobe Web Communication using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5: Software untuk Membuat Website
IT - 219 Programmer Handal Dengan Tools .Net Developer
IT - 220 Project Management using WINQSD & Microsoft Project
IT - 221 Project Management With Microsoft Project Application & Monte Carlo Simulation
IT - 222 Reative Power Point Exploring Power Point 2007/2010
IT - 223 Record Management berbasis Web
IT - 224 SAP 2000
IT - 225 SAP 2000 : Structural Design Analysis
IT - 226 SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition): Principles, Design, Operation and Applications)
IT - 227 Scheduling & Controlling Project Using Primavera
IT - 228 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
IT - 229 SEO Fundamental for Web Designer
IT - 230 Server Management With SQL Server 2008
IT - 231 Sizzling PowerPoint
IT - 232 Smart HRD With Ms Excel
IT - 233 Social Media Marketing Corporate Training
IT - 234 Software Management
IT - 235 SOP Of Electronic Office Filing And Document Management
IT - 236 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) IT
IT - 237 Statistical Process Control (SPC) Based Minitab
IT - 238 Step by step Microsoft Powerpoint 2007
IT - 239 Strategi Migrasi Open Source, & Trend Teknologi Open Source
IT - 240 Structures Design & Analysis with Computer Program
IT - 241 TCP/ IP Communication Protocol
IT - 242 TCP/IP And VoIP
IT - 243 Technical Drawing Autocad
IT - 244 Teknik Design Grafis Pada Web
IT - 245 Teknik Pembenahan Dokumen/Arsip Inaktif  Dan Retention Document
IT - 246 Teknology Dan Bisnis Di WIMAX Dan SUB WIMAX
IT - 247 Terrestrial Microwave And Satellite Communications
IT - 248 The Information Technology (IT) Governance
IT - 249 Tips & Tricks On Printing
IT - 250 Training Powerful Database Analysis And Dashboard Reporting With Excel 2007
IT - 251 Updating Your SQL Server 2005 Skills to SQL Server 2008
IT - 252 VBA – Visual Basic Aplication and Financial Accounting Information System Development with Excel 2017
IT - 253 Videografi
IT - 254 Virtual Private Network
IT - 255 VSAT Management System
IT - 256 Web Data Base Dengan PHP Dan MYSQL Server
IT - 257 Web Master
IT - 258 Web Programming Menggunakan PHP & MySQL
IT - 259 Website Design
IT - 260 Windows Server
IT - 261 Windows Server dengan Wireless Networking
IT - 262 Wireles Infrastructur
IT - 263 Wireless LAN in Industrial Automation
IT - 264 Wireless LANs
IT - 265 Wireless Mesh Networks
IT - 266 Wordpress
IT - 267 Workload Analysis Implementation with Excel 2007
IT - 268 Zimbra Server
IT - 269 Android Kotlin Basic
IT - 270 Android Studio
IT - 271 Sys admin training
IT - 272 Pemeliharaan Trubleshooting AAS (Atomic absorption spectroscopy)

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumla
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima re
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
bangkan Situs Perusahaan
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
rosoft Excel) 1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
tive Advantage 8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 28 - 29 16 - 17 5-6
28 - 29 30 - 31 10 - 11 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 29 - 30 17 - 18 11 - 12
4-5 1-2 11 - 12 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 5-6 21 - 22 12 - 13
5-6 2-3 17 - 18 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 6-7 22 - 23 18 - 19
6-7 3-4 18 - 19 15 - 16 23 - 24
16 - 17 7-8 23 - 24 19 - 20
7-8 4-5 19 - 20 21 - 22 27 - 28
17 - 18 8-9 24 - 25 23 - 24
11 - 12 8-9 20 - 21 22 - 23 28 - 29
18 - 19 12 - 13 28 - 29 24 - 25
12 - 13 9 - 10 24 - 25 26 - 27 29 - 30
22 - 23 13 - 14 29 - 30 25 - 26
13 - 14 15 - 16 27 - 28 27 - 28 1-2
23 - 24 14 - 15 1-2 26 - 27
14 - 15 16 - 17 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 2-3
24 - 25 15 - 16 2-3 30 - 31
18 - 19 17 - 18 3-4 29 - 30 6-7
25 - 26 19 - 20 3-4 2-3
19 - 20 18 - 19 4-5 1-2 7-8
1-2 20 - 21 7-8 3-4
20 - 21 22 - 23 5-6 5-6 8-9
2-3 21 - 22 8-9 4-5
21 - 22 23 - 24 6-7 6-7 9 - 10
3-4 22 - 23 9 - 10 5-6
25 - 26 24 - 25 10 - 11 7-8 13 - 14
Membuat Website 4-5 26 - 27 10 - 11 11 - 12
26 - 27 25 - 26 11 - 12 8-9 14 - 15
8-9 27 - 28 14 - 15 12 - 13
27 - 28 29 - 30 17 - 18 12 - 13 15 - 16
9 - 10 28 - 29 15 - 16 18 - 19
28 - 29 30 - 31 18 - 19 13 - 14 16 - 17
10 - 11 29 - 30 16 - 17 19 - 20
4-5 1-2 19 - 20 14 - 15 20 - 21
pplications) 15 - 16 5-6 17 - 18 23 - 24
5-6 2-3 20 - 21 15 - 16 21 - 22
16 - 17 6-7 21 - 22 24 - 25
6-7 3-4 24 - 25 21 - 22 22 - 23
17 - 18 7-8 22 - 23 25 - 26
7-8 4-5 27 - 28 22 - 23 23 - 24
18 - 19 8-9 23 - 24 26 - 27
11 - 12 8-9 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 27 - 28
22 - 23 12 - 13 24 - 25 30 - 31
12 - 13 9 - 10 3-4 27 - 28 28 - 29
23 - 24 13 - 14 28 - 29 2-3
13 - 14 15 - 16 4-5 28 - 29 29 - 30
24 - 25 14 - 15 29 - 30 3-4
14 - 15 16 - 17 5-6 29 - 30 1-2
25 - 26 15 - 16 1-2 4-5
18 - 19 17 - 18 6-7 1-2 2-3
1-2 19 - 20 2-3 5-6
19 - 20 18 - 19 10 - 11 5-6 6-7
2-3 20 - 21 3-4 11 - 12
20 - 21 22 - 23 11 - 12 6-7 7-8
3-4 21 - 22 7-8 12 - 13
21 - 22 23 - 24 17 - 18 7-8 8-9
4-5 22 - 23 8-9 18 - 19
25 - 26 24 - 25 18 - 19 8-9 9 - 10
8-9 26 - 27 9 - 10 19 - 20
26 - 27 25 - 26 19 - 20 12 - 13 13 - 14
nt with Excel 2017 9 - 10 27 - 28 10 - 11 23 - 24
27 - 28 29 - 30 20 - 21 13 - 14 14 - 15
10 - 11 28 - 29 14 - 15 24 - 25
28 - 29 30 - 31 24 - 25 14 - 15 15 - 16
15 - 16 29 - 30 15 - 16 25 - 26
4-5 1-2 27 - 28 15 - 16 16 - 17
16 - 17 5-6 16 - 17 26 - 27
5-6 2-3 31 - 1 Juni 21 - 22 20 - 21
17 - 18 6-7 17 - 18 30 - 31
6-7 3-4 3-4 22 - 23 21 - 22
18 - 19 7-8 21 - 22 2-3
7-8 4-5 4-5 26 - 27 22 - 23
22 - 23 8-9 22 - 23 3-4
11 - 12 8-9 5-6 27 - 28 23 - 24
23 - 24 12 - 13 23 - 24 4-5
12 - 13 9 - 10 6-7 28 - 29 27 - 28
24 - 25 13 - 14 24 - 25 5-6
13 - 14 15 - 16 10 - 11 29 - 30 28 - 29
25 - 26 14 - 15 28 - 29 11 - 12
14 - 15 16 - 17 11 - 12 1-2 29 - 30
1-2 15 - 16 29 - 30 12 - 13


an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

a), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
N 2021
Information & Technology
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26
4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
22 - 23
28 - 29 20 - 21
23 - 24
4-5 21 - 22
24 - 25
5-6 22 - 23
25 - 26
6-7 23 - 24
29 - 30
7-8 27 - 28
11 - 12 28 - 29
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
9 - 10
21 - 22 7-8
10 - 11
25 - 26 8-9
15 - 16
26 - 27 9 - 10
16 - 17
27 - 28 13 - 14
17 - 18
28 - 29 14 - 15
18 - 19
4-5 15 - 16
22 - 23
5-6 16 - 17
23 - 24
6-7 20 - 21
24 - 25
7-8 21 - 22
25 - 26
11 - 12 22 - 23
29 - 30
12 - 13 23 - 24
13 - 14 27 - 28
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
9 - 10
26 - 27 6-7
10 - 11
27 - 28 7-8
15 - 16
28 - 29 8-9
16 - 17
4-5 9 - 10
17 - 18
5-6 13 - 14
18 - 19
6-7 14 - 15
22 - 23
7-8 15 - 16
23 - 24
11 - 12 16 - 17
24 - 25
12 - 13 20 - 21
25 - 26
13 - 14 21 - 22
29 - 30
14 - 15 22 - 23
20 - 21 23 - 24
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
9 - 10
28 - 29 2-3
10 - 11
4-5 6-7
15 - 16
5-6 7-8
16 - 17
6-7 8-9
17 - 18
7-8 9 - 10
18 - 19
11 - 12 13 - 14
22 - 23
12 - 13 14 - 15
23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16
24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21 20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26 22 - 23
26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
9 - 10
5-6 1-2
10 - 11
6-7 2-3
15 - 16
7-8 6-7
16 - 17
11 - 12 7-8
17 - 18
12 - 13 8-9
18 - 19
13 - 14 9 - 10
22 - 23
14 - 15 13 - 14
23 - 24
20 - 21 14 - 15
24 - 25
21 - 22 15 - 16
25 - 26
25 - 26 16 - 17
29 - 30
26 - 27 20 - 21
27 - 28 21 - 22
28 - 29 22 - 23
4-5 23 - 24
5-6 27 - 28
6-7 28 - 29
9 - 10
7-8 29 - 30
10 - 11
11 - 12 1-2
15 - 16
12 - 13 2-3
16 - 17
13 - 14 6-7
17 - 18
14 - 15 7-8
18 - 19
20 - 21 8-9
22 - 23
21 - 22 9 - 10
23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14
24 - 25
26 - 27 14 - 15
25 - 26
27 - 28 15 - 16
29 - 30
28 - 29 16 - 17
4-5 20 - 21
5-6 21 - 22
6-7 22 - 23
7-8 23 - 24
11 - 12 27 - 28
9 - 10
12 - 13 28 - 29
10 - 11
13 - 14 29 - 30
15 - 16
14 - 15 1-2
16 - 17
20 - 21 2-3
17 - 18
21 - 22 6-7
18 - 19
25 - 26 7-8
22 - 23
26 - 27 8-9
23 - 24
27 - 28 9 - 10
24 - 25
28 - 29 13 - 14
25 - 26
4-5 14 - 15
29 - 30
5-6 15 - 16
6-7 16 - 17
7-8 20 - 21
11 - 12 21 - 22
12 - 13 22 - 23
13 - 14 23 - 24
9 - 10
14 - 15 27 - 28
10 - 11
20 - 21 28 - 29
15 - 16
21 - 22 29 - 30
LAW - 001 Advanced Contract Law
LAW - 002 Advanced Contract Management
LAW - 003 Advanced procurement & purchasing for oil & gas company
LAW - 004 Advanced Security Risk Management
LAW - 005 Analisa Dampak CSR
LAW - 006 Analisa, Dampak CSR dan Penyelesaian Konflik Masyarakat
LAW - 007 Aspek hukum dalam pinjaman komersial dan jaminan
LAW - 008 Aspek Hukum dan Jaminan Kredit Sindikasi
LAW - 009 Aspek hukum dan penyelesaian konflik pertanahan
LAW - 010 Aspek Hukum dan Peraturan Tenaga Kerja Asing
LAW - 011 Aspek Hukum Eksekusi Atas Jaminan Kredit
LAW - 012 Aspek Hukum Kepailitan
LAW - 013 Aspek Hukum Marketing
LAW - 014 Aspek Hukum Organisasi Perusahaan
LAW - 015 Aspek Hukum penyelesaian kredit bermasalah
LAW - 016 Aspek Hukum Perijinan Dan Pertanahan
LAW - 017 Aspek Hukum Perizinan Pemerintahan
LAW - 018 Aspek Hukum Perlindungan, Penyelesaian Sengketa dan Litigasi Perlindungan Konsumen
LAW - 019 Aspek Hukum Pertanahan
LAW - 020 Aspek hukum pertanahan / keagrariaan indonesia
LAW - 021 Aspek Hukum Pertanahan Di Indonesia
LAW - 022 Aspek Pertanahan dan Permasalahannya
LAW - 023 Basic Audit for internal auditor
LAW - 024 Basic procurement & purchasing
LAW - 025 Basic Production Sharing Contract
LAW - 026 Berita Acara Pemeriksaan (BAP)
LAW - 027 Best Practice in Auditing for Internal Fraud
LAW - 028 Budget Cashflow and Statement
LAW - 029 Business and Legal Drafting for Beginner
LAW - 030 Business contract drafting and reviewing
LAW - 031 Business Law
LAW - 032 Business Law for Entrepreneur
LAW - 033 Business Law for Non Lawyer
LAW - 034 Business Law: Drafting ,Review Business Contract  &  Penyelesaian Sengketa Bisnis
LAW - 035 Business Process And Internal Control System Manual & Establishing Business Effectiveness Unit
LAW - 036 Business Protocol
LAW - 037 Business Writing Skills
LAW - 038 Coal and mineral mining law training
LAW - 039 Commercial Contract Law
LAW - 040 Commercial Contractv Drafting and management
LAW - 041 Competition Law & Practice
LAW - 042 Comphensive Legal Aspect On Power Project
LAW - 043 Comprehensif understanding on oil & gas industry : legal & management aspect
LAW - 044 Comprehensive Corporate Law
LAW - 045 Comprehensive Corporate Law : Ruang Lingkup Hukum Perusahaan Dalam Paradigma Hukum Bisni
LAW - 046 Comprehensive Legal Aspect on Power Project
LAW - 047 Conflict Negotiation And Protocols
LAW - 048 Consumer Behaviour
LAW - 049 Continous Improvement of Corporate Social Responsibility
LAW - 050 Contract Administration and Negotiation
LAW - 051 Contract and Risk Management
LAW - 052 Contract Busines & Legal aspect
LAW - 053 Contract Drafting And Review Business Contract
LAW - 054 Contract Drafting Skills
LAW - 055 Contract Drafting, Contract Management and Legal Aspect Description
LAW - 056 Contract Management (claims, disputes in construction contract)
LAW - 057 Contract Management and Effective Negotiation (Manajemen Kontrak dan Negosiasi Efektif)
LAW - 058 Contract Management And Legal Aspek
LAW - 059 Contract Management And Negotiation Bussiness
LAW - 060 Contract Management and Tendering
LAW - 061 Contract Management, strategy and administration
LAW - 062 Contract Management, Strategy and Administration for Oil & Gas
LAW - 063 Contract Managemnt And Legal Aspect
LAW - 064 Contract Negotiation : Skills and Techniques
LAW - 065 Contract Negotiation Skill
LAW - 066 Contract negotiation skills & techniques
LAW - 067 Contract writing, planning and management
LAW - 068 Contract Writing And Legal Drafting
LAW - 069 Corporate And Business Law
LAW - 070 Corporate Bussiness Law
LAW - 071 Corporate Communication
LAW - 072 Corporate Credit Analysis
LAW - 073 Corporate In House Legal Role
LAW - 074 Corporate Law
LAW - 075 Corporate Law Legal Aspect In Business
LAW - 076 Costum facility, shipping document & export import procedure
LAW - 077 CSR and Conflict Handling
LAW - 078 CSR Planning and Implementation
LAW - 079 CSR Sustainability Reporting
LAW - 080 CSR Partnership and Stakeholder Relationship
LAW - 081 Customer Relationship Management Training : E-Business  &  E-Commerce
LAW - 082 Customs And Tax Regulation Updating
LAW - 083 Dampak Perubahan Ifrs Terhadap Perpajakan, Perubahan It, Dan Penilaian Perusahaan
LAW - 084 Dasar-Dasar Perpajakan dan PPh Pasal 21/26
LAW - 085 Developing Strategic Business Plan
LAW - 086 Domestic Law
LAW - 087 Drafting Acquisition Agreement In Oil And Gas Industry
LAW - 088 Drafting Contract in English Workshop
LAW - 089 Education of Law
LAW - 090 E-Faktur Pajak
LAW - 091 Effective Tender Contract Management & Owner's Estimate
LAW - 092 E-Mail Marketing Training
LAW - 093 Employment Law
LAW - 094 Employment Law For Hrd Executives
LAW - 095 Enviromental Legislation (Anticipating Conflics)
LAW - 096 Environmental Law
LAW - 097 Executive Corporate Law
LAW - 098 Expatriate : Licence & Permit Handling
LAW - 099 Expatriate Permit Prosedure
LAW - 100 Export Import Costum Fasility, Global Logistic And Material Management
LAW - 101 Financial Statement Analysis (FSA)
LAW - 102 Formatilities – Expatriate Legal Document Procedures
LAW - 103 Fraud Prevention, Detection and Investigation Audit
LAW - 104 Grafonomi
LAW - 105 Hak Tanggungan
LAW - 106 Hubngan Industrial Komprehensif Dalam UU Tenaga Kerja
LAW - 107 Hubungan Industrial & Ketenagakerjaan
LAW - 108 Hukum Bisnis dan Hukum Kontrak
LAW - 109 Hukum Dan Bisnis Pengadaan Tanah 2013
LAW - 110 Hukum dan Etika Bisnis
LAW - 111 Hukum Invenstasi
LAW - 112 Hukum Jaminan Pinjaman
LAW - 113 Hukum Konstruksi (Construction Law)
LAW - 114 Hukum Kontrak Dalam Bisnis
LAW - 115 Hukum Kontrak dan Negosiasi Bisnis International
LAW - 116 Hukum Kontrak Migas dan Aspek Legal Untuk Minyak dan Gas
LAW - 117 Hukum Kontrak Minyak dan Gas
LAW - 118 Hukum Kontrak Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa
LAW - 119 Hukum Merger Dan Akuisisi
LAW - 120 Hukum Pasar Modal
LAW - 121 Hukum Penyelesaian Kredit Bermasalah
LAW - 122 Hukum Perbankan
LAW - 123 Hukum Perdagangan Internasional
LAW - 124 Hukum Perjanjian Dan Dokumen Legal SDM
LAW - 125 Hukum Perkreditan
LAW - 126 Hukum Perlindungan Konsumen
LAW - 127 Hukum Perlindungan Konsumen Dan Persaingan Usaha
LAW - 128 Hukum Pertambangan
LAW - 129 Hukum Pertanahan: Hak-Hak Atas Tanah dan Penyelesaian Sengketa
LAW - 130 Hukum Perusahaan
LAW - 131 Hukum Perusahaan (Corporate Law)
LAW - 132 Hukum Tindak Pidana Korupsi
LAW - 133 Human Resources Legal
LAW - 134 Immigration Law & Procedures
LAW - 135 Implementasi Kontrak, Barang, dan Jasa Industri Migas
LAW - 136 Implikasi Penerapan PSAK Terbaru Menuju Konvergensi IFRS 2011/12
LAW - 137 Innovative and Creative Thinking at Work
LAW - 138 Integrated Purchasing & Material Management
LAW - 139 Intelectual Property Management
LAW - 140 Intellectual Property Laws And Procedures
LAW - 141 Intensif Hukum Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara
LAW - 142 Intensive Course of Oil Gas Law
LAW - 143 International Financial System - Law & Practice
LAW - 144 Introduction Arbitrase
LAW - 145 ISO 26000 : Guidance On Corporate Social Responsibility
LAW - 146 ISO 26000 : Understanding and Implementing CSR
LAW - 147 Jenis – Jenis Jaminan Proyek
LAW - 148 Kasus Hukum Bidang Pertanahan Untuk Industri
LAW - 149 Kepabeanan : Regulasi dan Ketentuan Pemerintah
LAW - 150 Kepabeanan, Export Import and Custom Facility
LAW - 151 Kepailitan: Dasar Hukum dan Teknik Penyelesaian
LAW - 152 Ketrampilan Membuat Akta Perjanjian & Dokumen Hukum Lainnya
LAW - 153 Know Your Customers Principle (Prinsip-Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah)
LAW - 154 Konsep Hubungan Industrial (Hukum Perburuhan) Yang Normatif
LAW - 155 Labor Law
LAW - 156 Land Dispute Resolution
LAW - 157 Land Problems Solving - Through Excellence Essential Skill
LAW - 158 Laporan Bulanan Umun
LAW - 159 Law Archives
LAW - 160 Law Of Construction
LAW - 161 Leadership Characteristic
LAW - 162 Legal - Contracts & Insurance
LAW - 163 Legal And Contract Management
LAW - 164 Legal Aspect Approach For Contract Management
LAW - 165 Legal Aspect For Oil And Gas Company
LAW - 166 Legal Aspect Initial Public Offering (IPO) sebagai Sumber Pendanaan
LAW - 167 Legal Aspect of Carbon Trading
LAW - 168 Legal Aspect of Power Plant Industry
LAW - 169 Legal Aspect on Coal Mining Industry Pasca UU
LAW - 170 Legal Aspect on Directors and Commissioners Duties and Liabilities
LAW - 171 Legal Aspect on Project Financing
LAW - 172 Legal Audit And Legal Opinion
LAW - 173 Legal Audit And Legal Opinion Drafting
LAW - 174 Legal Compliance
LAW - 175 Legal Drafting & Writing
LAW - 176 Legal Drafting dan Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA)
LAW - 177 Legal Due Diligence Pertambangan Batu Bara
LAW - 178 Legal For Non Legal Profesional
LAW - 179 Legal Issues and Documentation
LAW - 180 Legal Issues In Reducing Emissions form Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD)
LAW - 181 Legal Issues in Structured Products
LAW - 182 Legal Protection Of Consumer And Business Competition
LAW - 183 Legal Strategy
LAW - 184 Legal Officer Perusahaan
LAW - 185 Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)
LAW - 186 Litigasi : Menyelesaikan Sengketa Di Dalam Pengadilan
LAW - 187 Managing Consumer Lending Business
LAW - 188 Managing Contract Risks, Perfomance & Negotiation In Oil & Gas Industry
LAW - 189 Managing Tender, Specifications and Contract
LAW - 190 Manajemen Klaim Asuransi
LAW - 191 Manajemen Kontrak dan Negosiasi Efektif
LAW - 192 Manajemen Risiko
LAW - 193 Membangun Hubungan Harmonis Antara Manajemen dan Auditor Independent
LAW - 194 Mentoring, Coaching, And Counseling
LAW - 195 Menyusun SOP Berdasarkan IKU Dengan Format Standar Kementerian PAN-RB
LAW - 196 Mining Service Agreement
LAW - 197 Monitoring and Evaluation of CSR Program For Professional Administrator
LAW - 198 Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Program CSR
LAW - 199 Negotiation Skills for Legal Department
LAW - 200 NLP for Lawyer
LAW - 201 Obligasi : Konsep Dan Oplikasi
LAW - 202 Outsourcing Management And Contract
LAW - 203 Outsourcing, Perjanjian Kerja dan Aspek Hukum Hubungan Kerja
LAW - 204 Pajak Penghasilan Karyawan PPH Pasal 21/26
LAW - 205 Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) Dan E-FAKTUR
LAW - 206 Paradigma Baru Internal Audit (The New Paradigm of Internal Auditing)
LAW - 207 Pelatihan Kepailitan: Dasar Hukum dan Teknik Penyelesaian
LAW - 208 Pelatihan Litigasi : Menyelesaikan sengketa di dalam pengadilan
LAW - 209 Pelatihan Perencanaan Perundang-Undangan (Legislative Drafting Training)
LAW - 210 Pemahaman dan Penggunaan Letter of Credit (L/C) dalam Transaksi Ekspor – Impor
LAW - 211 Pemahaman Terhadap Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas
LAW - 212 Pembiayaan Pinjaman : Aspek Hukum Dan Jaminan Kredit
LAW - 213 Penanganan Pengaduan Nasabah Terkait Dengan Ketentuan Perlindungan Konsumen Sebagaimana D
LAW - 214 Pendekatan Dalam Pembuatan Kontrak Bisnis “ Contract Drafting, Contract Management and Legal Aspect “
LAW - 215 Penyelesaian Perselisihan Dalam Industrial Relation
LAW - 216 Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial
LAW - 217 Penyelesaian Sengketa Bisnis (Mediation and Dispute Resolution)
LAW - 218 Penyelesaian Sengketa Lahan Dan Konflik
LAW - 219 Penyelesaian Sengketa Melalui Jalur Litigasi
LAW - 220 Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah BUMN
LAW - 221 Penyusunan Annual Report Berbasis GCG dan CSR
LAW - 222 Penyusunan Hukum Kontrak
LAW - 223 Penyusunan Kontrak Bersama (Contract Drafting)
LAW - 224 Penyusunan Kontrak Bisnis Dalam Bank
LAW - 225 Perancangan dan Administrasi Kontrak Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Kontruksi
LAW - 226 Perancangan Peraturan Perundang- Undangan ( Legal Drafting)
LAW - 227 Perancangan Perjanjian Kerja (PK), Peraturan Perusahaan (PP) atau Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB)
LAW - 228 Peraturan Tenaga Kerja Asing
LAW - 229 Perdagangan Internasional dan Prosedur Kepabeanan
LAW - 230 Perjanjian Kerja & Outsourcing
LAW - 231 Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB)
LAW - 232 Perjanjian Kerja Dan Hubungan Industrial
LAW - 233 Permasalahan Hukum Jasa Konstruksi dan Pencegahan Korupsi Terkait Jasa Konstruksi
LAW - 234 Permit To Work (PTW)
LAW - 235 PER-NO.14/PJ/2013 Tentang PPh 21
LAW - 236 PPN, PPH 21 dan  E-FAKTUR
LAW - 237 Procurement Contract & Bidding Evaluation
LAW - 238 Prosedur, Mekanisme serta Penerbitan Dokumen Dalam Perspektif Perdagangan International
LAW - 239 Social Mapping dan Pembentukan Program CSR Perusahaan
LAW - 240 Stakeholder Engagement
LAW - 241 Strategi Manajemen Outsorcing
LAW - 242 Strategi Mengatasi Kredit Bermasalah
LAW - 243 Strategi Penyelamatan Aset Negara
LAW - 244 Strategi Penyelesaian Sengketa Bisnis Melalui Arbitrase
LAW - 245 Strategic Tender Management & Evaluation
LAW - 246 Strategy Contract Maintenance
LAW - 247 Success CSR Program
LAW - 248 Surat Kredit Berdokumen Dalam Negeri
LAW - 249 Tehnik Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial
LAW - 250 Teknik Pembuatan Legal DUE Diligence Dalam Rangka Merger Dan Akuisi Untuk Perusahaan Perkebunan
LAW - 251 Teknik Penyusunan Kontrak
LAW - 252 Tender Evaluation & Contract Management
LAW - 253 Tindak Pidana Cyber Crime
LAW - 254 Training Aspek Hukum Perijinan Dan Pertanahan
LAW - 255 Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas (UU PT)
LAW - 256 UU Ketenagakerjaan
LAW - 257 Withholding Tax Strategy – Sesuai UU PPH Baru – PPH Pasal 21, 22, 23, 26 Dan PPH Pasal 4 (2)
LAW - 258 Workshop PTK 007
LAW - 259 Undang Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi & Transaksi Elektronik

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumlah
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima req
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program s
Legal, Corporate Law & R
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 28 - 29 16 - 17 5-6
28 - 29 30 - 31 10 - 11 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 29 - 30 17 - 18 11 - 12
4-5 1-2 11 - 12 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 5-6 21 - 22 12 - 13
5-6 2-3 17 - 18 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 6-7 22 - 23 18 - 19
6-7 3-4 18 - 19 15 - 16 23 - 24
16 - 17 7-8 23 - 24 19 - 20
7-8 4-5 19 - 20 21 - 22 27 - 28
17 - 18 8-9 24 - 25 23 - 24
11 - 12 8-9 20 - 21 22 - 23 28 - 29
18 - 19 12 - 13 28 - 29 24 - 25
12 - 13 9 - 10 24 - 25 26 - 27 29 - 30
22 - 23 13 - 14 29 - 30 25 - 26
13 - 14 15 - 16 27 - 28 27 - 28 1-2
23 - 24 14 - 15 1-2 26 - 27
14 - 15 16 - 17 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 2-3
24 - 25 15 - 16 2-3 30 - 31
18 - 19 17 - 18 3-4 29 - 30 6-7
25 - 26 19 - 20 3-4 2-3
19 - 20 18 - 19 4-5 1-2 7-8
1-2 20 - 21 7-8 3-4
20 - 21 22 - 23 5-6 5-6 8-9
ent and Legal Aspect “ 2-3 21 - 22 8-9 4-5
21 - 22 23 - 24 6-7 6-7 9 - 10
3-4 22 - 23 9 - 10 5-6
25 - 26 24 - 25 10 - 11 7-8 13 - 14
4-5 26 - 27 10 - 11 11 - 12
26 - 27 25 - 26 11 - 12 8-9 14 - 15
8-9 27 - 28 14 - 15 12 - 13
27 - 28 29 - 30 17 - 18 12 - 13 15 - 16
9 - 10 28 - 29 15 - 16 18 - 19
28 - 29 30 - 31 18 - 19 13 - 14 16 - 17
10 - 11 29 - 30 16 - 17 19 - 20
4-5 1-2 19 - 20 14 - 15 20 - 21
15 - 16 5-6 17 - 18 23 - 24
5-6 2-3 20 - 21 15 - 16 21 - 22
16 - 17 6-7 21 - 22 24 - 25
6-7 3-4 24 - 25 21 - 22 22 - 23
17 - 18 7-8 22 - 23 25 - 26
7-8 4-5 27 - 28 22 - 23 23 - 24
18 - 19 8-9 23 - 24 26 - 27
11 - 12 8-9 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 27 - 28
22 - 23 12 - 13 24 - 25 30 - 31
12 - 13 9 - 10 3-4 27 - 28 28 - 29
23 - 24 13 - 14 28 - 29 2-3
13 - 14 15 - 16 4-5 28 - 29 29 - 30
24 - 25 14 - 15 29 - 30 3-4
14 - 15 16 - 17 5-6 29 - 30 1-2
25 - 26 15 - 16 1-2 4-5
18 - 19 17 - 18 6-7 1-2 2-3
1-2 19 - 20 2-3 5-6
19 - 20 18 - 19 10 - 11 5-6 6-7
2-3 20 - 21 3-4 11 - 12
20 - 21 22 - 23 11 - 12 6-7 7-8
3-4 21 - 22 7-8 12 - 13
21 - 22 23 - 24 17 - 18 7-8 8-9
4-5 22 - 23 8-9 18 - 19
25 - 26 24 - 25 18 - 19 8-9 9 - 10
ahaan Perkebunan 8-9 26 - 27 9 - 10 19 - 20
26 - 27 25 - 26 19 - 20 12 - 13 13 - 14
9 - 10 27 - 28 10 - 11 23 - 24
27 - 28 29 - 30 20 - 21 13 - 14 14 - 15
10 - 11 28 - 29 14 - 15 24 - 25
28 - 29 30 - 31 24 - 25 14 - 15 15 - 16
15 - 16 29 - 30 15 - 16 25 - 26
4-5 1-2 27 - 28 15 - 16 16 - 17
16 - 17 5-6 16 - 17 26 - 27
5-6 2-3 31 - 1 Juni 21 - 22 20 - 21

an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan
a), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
N 2021
Corporate Law & Responsibility
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26
4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
22 - 23
28 - 29 20 - 21
23 - 24
4-5 21 - 22
24 - 25
5-6 22 - 23
25 - 26
6-7 23 - 24
29 - 30
7-8 27 - 28
11 - 12 28 - 29
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
9 - 10
21 - 22 7-8
10 - 11
25 - 26 8-9
15 - 16
26 - 27 9 - 10
16 - 17
27 - 28 13 - 14
17 - 18
28 - 29 14 - 15
18 - 19
4-5 15 - 16
22 - 23
5-6 16 - 17
23 - 24
6-7 20 - 21
24 - 25
7-8 21 - 22
25 - 26
11 - 12 22 - 23
29 - 30
12 - 13 23 - 24
13 - 14 27 - 28
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
9 - 10
26 - 27 6-7
10 - 11
27 - 28 7-8
15 - 16
28 - 29 8-9
16 - 17
4-5 9 - 10
17 - 18
5-6 13 - 14
18 - 19
6-7 14 - 15
22 - 23
7-8 15 - 16
23 - 24
11 - 12 16 - 17
24 - 25
12 - 13 20 - 21
25 - 26
13 - 14 21 - 22
29 - 30
14 - 15 22 - 23
20 - 21 23 - 24
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
9 - 10
28 - 29 2-3
10 - 11
4-5 6-7
15 - 16
5-6 7-8
16 - 17
6-7 8-9
17 - 18
7-8 9 - 10
18 - 19
11 - 12 13 - 14
22 - 23
12 - 13 14 - 15
23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16
24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21 20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26 22 - 23
26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
9 - 10
5-6 1-2
10 - 11
6-7 2-3
15 - 16
7-8 6-7
16 - 17
11 - 12 7-8
17 - 18
12 - 13 8-9
18 - 19
13 - 14 9 - 10
22 - 23
14 - 15 13 - 14
23 - 24
20 - 21 14 - 15
24 - 25
21 - 22 15 - 16
25 - 26
25 - 26 16 - 17
29 - 30
26 - 27 20 - 21
27 - 28 21 - 22
28 - 29 22 - 23
4-5 23 - 24
5-6 27 - 28
6-7 28 - 29
9 - 10
7-8 29 - 30
10 - 11
11 - 12 1-2
15 - 16
12 - 13 2-3
16 - 17
13 - 14 6-7
17 - 18
14 - 15 7-8
18 - 19
20 - 21 8-9
22 - 23
21 - 22 9 - 10
23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14
24 - 25
26 - 27 14 - 15
25 - 26
27 - 28 15 - 16
29 - 30
28 - 29 16 - 17
4-5 20 - 21
5-6 21 - 22
6-7 22 - 23
7-8 23 - 24
11 - 12 27 - 28
9 - 10
12 - 13 28 - 29
10 - 11
13 - 14 29 - 30
15 - 16
14 - 15 1-2
16 - 17
20 - 21 2-3
17 - 18
21 - 22 6-7
18 - 19
25 - 26 7-8
22 - 23
26 - 27 8-9
23 - 24
27 - 28 9 - 10
24 - 25
28 - 29 13 - 14
25 - 26
4-5 14 - 15
29 - 30
5-6 15 - 16
6-7 16 - 17
MNG - 001 5S
MNG - 002 Accident Investigation
MNG - 003 Account Payable Management
MNG - 004 Accurate Inventory Control Planning and Stock Control
MNG - 005 Achievement Motivation
MNG - 006 Achievement Motivation and Team Work
MNG - 007 Admin Professional and Dashboard Reporting
MNG - 008 Administrasi Kesekretariatan
MNG - 009 Administrasi Perkantoran
MNG - 010 Administrasi Personalia
MNG - 011 Administration and Electronic Filling System
MNG - 012 Adobe Flash 3D Max
MNG - 013 Advance Hubungan Industrial Dan Ketenagakerjaan
MNG - 014 Advanced Business Writing Skills
MNG - 015 Advanced Compensation and Benefit
MNG - 016 Advanced Contract Management
MNG - 017 Advanced General Affair Management
MNG - 018 Advanced Good Corporate Governance
MNG - 019 Advanced Management : Motivation, Strategic Planning and Creative Problem Solving
MNG - 020 Advanced Microsoft Excel
MNG - 021 Advanced Project Cost Estimation and Cost Control
MNG - 022 Advanced Service Excellence
MNG - 023 Advanced Tools For Protocol Officers And Personal Assistant
MNG - 024 Analisa Beban Kerja (Workload Analysis)
MNG - 025 Analisa Dan Laporan Temuan Audit : Audit Investigatif, Analisa Temuan Audit, Pembuatan Laporan
MNG - 026 Analisa Kelayakan Proyek
MNG - 027 Analisa Kredit Korporasi
MNG - 028 Analisa Laporan Keuangan
MNG - 029 Analisa Manajemen Risiko Kredit
MNG - 030 Analisa, Dampak CSR dan Penyelesaian Konflik Masyarakat
MNG - 031 Analisis Laporan Keuangan : Proyeksi dan Valuasi
MNG - 032 Analisis Statistik I
MNG - 033 Analysis Strategic Value Chain
MNG - 034 Anti Pencucian Uang dan Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme (APU PPT)
MNG - 035 Anti Monopoli
MNG - 036 Apprasial Agunan Kredit
MNG - 037 Aspek Hukum Eksekusi Atas Jaminan Kredit
MNG - 038 Asset Management Integrated to ISO 55001 : 2014
MNG - 039 Audit Energi and Program Penghematan Energi
MNG - 040 Audit Project
MNG - 041 Auditor Energi
MNG - 042 Basic Communication Skills
MNG - 043 Basic Human Capital Analysis
MNG - 044 Basic Human Resource Management
MNG - 045 Basic K3 Umum
MNG - 046 Basic Leadership
MNG - 047 Basic Supervisory Management Program
MNG - 048 Basic Supervisory Skill
MNG - 049 Becoming Effective Trainer for Your Staff
MNG - 050 Behavioral Event Interview
MNG - 051 Behaviour Based Safety
MNG - 052 Best Practice Budgeting dan Control Terpadu
MNG - 053 Best Practice in Financial Control Management
MNG - 054 Best Practice In Research Methods For Business Bank
MNG - 055 Best Practice Skill in Recruitment and Selection
MNG - 056 Best Practice Teknik Penagihan dan Penanganan Piutang
MNG - 057 Best Practice Warehouse and Inventory Management
MNG - 058 Best Practices For The Multi-Project Manager
MNG - 059 Bisnis Fotografi
MNG - 060 Budgeting , Profit Planning And Control
MNG - 061 Budgeting and Cost Control
MNG - 062 Budgeting Financial Planning & Cost Control
MNG - 063 Building Maintenance And Maintenance Of Air Conditioning
MNG - 064 Building Powerful Brand and Product
MNG - 065 Building Service Culture
MNG - 066 Business Acumen
MNG - 067 Business Analysis Training
MNG - 068 Business Continuity Plan
MNG - 069 Business Contract
MNG - 070 Business English For Secretaries
MNG - 071 Business Ethics
MNG - 072 Business Presentation Skills
MNG - 073 Business Process Management
MNG - 074 Career Development Management
MNG - 075 Career Management
MNG - 076 Career Mapping and Planning (Talent Management)
MNG - 077 Catering And Accomodation Management
MNG - 078 Change Management
MNG - 079 Coaching and Counseling (Monitoring) for Optimal Performance
MNG - 080 Coaching and Counseling for Manager
MNG - 081 Coaching Counseling and Mentoring Skills
MNG - 082 Coaching, Counseling and Mentoring
MNG - 083 Communication & Negotiation Skill
MNG - 084 Communication and Interpersonal Skills
MNG - 085 Communication and Public Relation Intensive Study
MNG - 086 Communication Skills for Supervisors and Managers
MNG - 087 Community Development
MNG - 088 Community Development And Conflict Handling
MNG - 089 Community Safety, Crime Prevention and Social Control
MNG - 090 Competency Base Development Program
MNG - 091 Competency Based HRM
MNG - 092 Competency Matrix System
MNG - 093 Competitive Marketing Strategy
MNG - 094 Comprehensive Correspondent Banking
MNG - 095 Comprehensive Credit Analysis Berbasis Resiko
MNG - 096 Conflict Management
MNG - 097 Conflict Negotiation And Protocols
MNG - 098 Construction Management
MNG - 099 Continuous Learning
MNG - 100 Contract and Risk Management
MNG - 101 Contract Drafting And Review Business Contract
MNG - 102 Contract Management
MNG - 103 Contract Management And Legal Aspek
MNG - 104 Contract Management and Tendering
MNG - 105 Contractor Management
MNG - 106 Contractor Safety Management System
MNG - 107 Control Self Assesment (CSA) Basic-Advance
MNG - 108 Corporate Communication and Reputation
MNG - 109 Corporate Finance Budgeting and Planning Process
MNG - 110 Corporate Finance Management
MNG - 111 Corporate Secretary
MNG - 112 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
MNG - 113 Cost Analysis and Budgeting
MNG - 114 Cost Benefit Program Outage Statement
MNG - 115 Cost Reduction
MNG - 116 Creative Leadership For Better Result
MNG - 117 Crisis Management
MNG - 118 CSR dan Pengembangan Masyarakat
MNG - 119 CSR Sustainability Reporting
MNG - 120 CSR Partnership and Stakeholder Relationship
MNG - 121 Customer Satisfication Measurement
MNG - 122 Customer Service Excellent
MNG - 123 Customer Service Satisfaction For Driver
MNG - 124 Dasar-Dasar Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara
MNG - 125 Database Employee
MNG - 126 Dealing With Difficult People
MNG - 127 Designing Effective Internal Communications Program
MNG - 128 Designing Training Program
MNG - 129 Developing High Performing
MNG - 130 Developing Office Management Profesionals
MNG - 131 Developing Others
MNG - 132 Document Filling System
MNG - 133 Documentation and Filing Management System
MNG - 134 Effective Communication & Negotiation Skill
MNG - 135 Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills
MNG - 136 Effective Communication Skill
MNG - 137 Effective Filing Management
MNG - 138 Effective Leadership and Personal Effectiveness
MNG - 139 Effective Leadership For Supervisory
MNG - 140 Effective Management for Training Center
MNG - 141 Effective Manajemen Proyek
MNG - 142 Effective Negotiation Skills
MNG - 143 Effective Negotiation Skills For Contract
MNG - 144 Effective Office Management
MNG - 145 Effective Presentation And Report Writing Skills
MNG - 146 Effective Public Relation
MNG - 147 Effective Public Speaking
MNG - 148 Effective Report Writing
MNG - 149 Effective Report Writing Techniques
MNG - 150 Effective Sales Strategy
MNG - 151 Effective Supervisory Management
MNG - 152 Effective Teamwork
MNG - 153 Effective Tender Management
MNG - 154 Effective Time, Priority And Stress Management
MNG - 155 E-Filing Kearsipan
MNG - 156 E-Filing Management Berbasis ISO 15489
MNG - 157 E-Filling System And Office Management
MNG - 158 Electronic Document Management System
MNG - 159 Electronic Filing and Document Management System
MNG - 160 Electronic Filing System and Document Management
MNG - 161 Electronic Filing System For Secretary
MNG - 162 Employee Relation
MNG - 163 Energy Management System Implementation
MNG - 164 Energy Saving
MNG - 165 Engagement and Retention
MNG - 166 Enterprise Risk Management
MNG - 167 Essential Communication Skill And Leadership Management
MNG - 168 Essential Skill Secretary and Administration Professional
MNG - 169 Essentials of Finance and Operation Risk Management
MNG - 170 Evaluating Returns on Training Investment
MNG - 171 Evaluator Penilaian Kinerja Berbasis KPKU BUMN
MNG - 172 Event Organizer
MNG - 173 Excellence Public Relation And Media Relationship
MNG - 174 Excellent Customer Focus
MNG - 175 Excellent Supervisory Skills
MNG - 176 Facilitation Skills
MNG - 177 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
MNG - 178 Feasibility Study : Teknik Menyusun Studi Kelayakan Investasi
MNG - 179 Filing Management
MNG - 180 Filing System dan Laporan Pengelolaan Kendaraan
MNG - 181 Filing System For Secretary
MNG - 182 Filling System And E-Filling EDMS
MNG - 183 Financial and Treasury Analyst
MNG - 184 Fire Protection Design & Engineering
MNG - 185 Fire Safety
MNG - 186 Food and Beverage Service
MNG - 187 Food Handlers
MNG - 188 Fraud Auditing
MNG - 189 Fraud Prevention, Detection and Investigation Audit
MNG - 190 General Affairs Management
MNG - 191 General Affairs Officer Program
MNG - 192 General Affairs Profesional
MNG - 193 General Affairs Professional Program
MNG - 194 Gizi Kerja
MNG - 195 Good Corporate Governance
MNG - 196 Government Relations
MNG - 197 Grafonomi Sebagai Alat Pencegahan Tindak Kejahatan Perbankan
MNG - 198 Gugus Kendali Mutu (GKM)
MNG - 199 Handling The Media Public Speaking
MNG - 200 Harga Perkiraan Sendiri
MNG - 201 Harga Perkiraan Sendiri (Owner Estimate)
MNG - 202 Health and Safety in The Laboratory
MNG - 203 Health And Safety Inspector
MNG - 204 High Performance Leadership
MNG - 205 Holding Company
MNG - 206 Housekeeping Management
MNG - 207 How To Communicate and Making Decision
MNG - 208 How To Design Competency Model
MNG - 209 How To Plan Design and Deliver Training
MNG - 210 HR for Non HR Manager
MNG - 211 Hubungan Industrial
MNG - 212 Hubungan Industrial dan BPJS Ketenagkerjaan
MNG - 213 Human Capital Develoment & Analysis
MNG - 214 Human Resource develeopment & Management
MNG - 215 Human Resource Information System
MNG - 216 Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
MNG - 217 Human Resource Management
MNG - 218 Human Resources Audit
MNG - 219 Humas and Community Development
MNG - 220 Humas dan Protokoler
MNG - 221 Identification And Analysis Of Training Needs
MNG - 223 Implementation of Electronic Filing and Document Management System
MNG - 224 Implementation of Electronic Records Filing With Integrated Document Management System And Email Handl
MNG - 225 Improving Communication Skill
MNG - 226 Industrial Relation
MNG - 227 Industrial Transportation Safety Management
MNG - 228 Information Technology Project Management
MNG - 229 Innovative and Creative Thinking at Work
MNG - 230 Integrated HSE and Quality Management System
MNG - 231 Integrated Maintenance Management
MNG - 232 Integrated Management System ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004
MNG - 233 Internal Communication Strategy
MNG - 234 Interogasi dan Investigasi
MNG - 235 Interpreting and Documenting of ISO 9001:2008
MNG - 236 Interviewing Skill for Identifying Competencies
MNG - 237 Introduction to Business Process Management
MNG - 238 Inventory and Material Management
MNG - 239 Inventory Management and Control
MNG - 240 ISO 14031 : Evaluasi Kinerja Lingkungan
MNG - 241 ISO 27000 – Information Security Management System
MNG - 242 ISO 31000 : Risk Management
MNG - 243 ISO 9001 : Interprenting and Documenting Quality Management System
MNG - 244 ISO 9001:2008 Series QMS Internal Auditor
MNG - 245 Job Evaluation
MNG - 246 Jurnalistik dan Cara Menulis di Media
MNG - 247 Keahlian Managerial Setingkat Superintendent
MNG - 248 Kehumasan Dan Protokoler
MNG - 249 Kepemimpinan Efektif
MNG - 250 Kepemimpinan Transaksional
MNG - 251 Keprotokolan dan Master of Ceremony
MNG - 252 Key Performance Indocator
MNG - 253 Kirkpatrick’s Four Level Training Evaluation Model
MNG - 254 Know Your Employee (KYE)
MNG - 255 Knowledge Management
MNG - 256 Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR)
MNG - 257 Laporan Yang Efektif
MNG - 258 Leadership
MNG - 259 Leadership Characteristic
MNG - 260 Leadership Development And Management
MNG - 261 Leadership For Quality Management
MNG - 262 Leadership Management And Presentation Skills
MNG - 263 Leadership Skill
MNG - 264 Leadership Skill
MNG - 265 Leadership Skill For Supervisor And Manager
MNG - 266 Leadership Skills
MNG - 267 Leadersip Skill For Manager & Supervisor
MNG - 268 Lean System
MNG - 269 Legal Drafting and Writing
MNG - 270 Life Cycle Cost Analysis
MNG - 271 Life Cycle Cost Analysis
MNG - 272 Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)
MNG - 273 Magnetic Leadership
MNG - 274 Maintenance landscape
MNG - 275 Maintenance Management for Supervisor & Manager
MNG - 276 Maintenance Management Systems (MMS)
MNG - 277 Management Claim
MNG - 278 Management Development Program
MNG - 279 Management Energy
MNG - 280 Management Filling & Tata Kelola Kantor
MNG - 281 Management Kinerja Transportasi
MNG - 282 Management Outsourching
MNG - 283 Management Outsourcing
MNG - 284 Management Personalia
MNG - 285 Management Resiko Bisnis
MNG - 286 Management SDM
MNG - 287 Management SDM
MNG - 288 Management Sumber Daya Manusia
MNG - 289 Management Supervisory Skills
MNG - 290 Management Training & TOT Advance
MNG - 291 Management Training and Development
MNG - 292 Managing Conflict and Difficult People
MNG - 293 Managing Conflict and Handling Difficult People
MNG - 294 Managing Conflict and handling Difficult People
MNG - 295 Managing Conflict and Handling Difficult People and Situations
MNG - 296 Managing Conflict Change and Handling Difficult People
MNG - 297 Managing Liabilities, Liquidity and Cash
MNG - 298 Managing People
MNG - 299 Manajemen Alat Berat
MNG - 300 Manajemen Aset Berbasis Teknologi
MNG - 301 Manajemen Asset
MNG - 302 Manajemen dan Pengelolaan Aset
MNG - 303 Manajemen dan Pengelolaan Kendaraan Perusahaan
MNG - 304 Manajemen Diklat
MNG - 305 Manajemen Diklat
MNG - 306 Manajemen Filing dan Tata Kelola Kantor
MNG - 307 Manajemen Food Hygiene dan kesehatan Perusahaan
MNG - 308 Manajemen Investasi Dana Pensiun
MNG - 309 Manajemen Kearsipan dan Filling System
MNG - 310 Manajemen Kehumasan
MNG - 311 Manajemen Kepegawaian
MNG - 312 Manajemen Kesekretariatan
MNG - 313 Manajemen Keuangan
MNG - 314 Manajemen Konflik Pemasaran
MNG - 315 Manajemen Pendidikan dan Pelatihan
MNG - 316 Manajemen Perkantoran Dan Pengarsipan
MNG - 317 Manajemen Perpustakaan
MNG - 318 Manajemen Persediaan Dan Pengelolaan Fasilitas
MNG - 319 Manajemen Produksi
MNG - 320 Manajemen Proyek
MNG - 321 Manajemen Proyek Dengan Primavera
MNG - 322 Manajemen Renumerasi
MNG - 323 Manajemen Resiko Perbankan
MNG - 324 Manajemen Risiko
MNG - 325 Manajemen Risiko Operasional
MNG - 326 Manajemen Stress Di Tempat Kerja
MNG - 327 Manajemen Tranportasi
MNG - 328 Manajemen Transportasi
MNG - 329 Manajemen Transportasi Darat
MNG - 330 Master Arts of Internal Communication
MNG - 331 Master of Ceremony and Public Speaking
MNG - 332 Media Communication
MNG - 333 Media Relation and Communication
MNG - 334 Media Relations Strategy And Executions
MNG - 335 Membuat dan Mengelola Situs Web Perusahaan
MNG - 336 Mentoring, Coaching, And Counseling
MNG - 337 Microsoft Project Pada Manajemen Proyek
MNG - 338 Modern CSR Program Development
MNG - 339 Modern Financial Modeling
MNG - 340 Modern Inventory And Stock Control
MNG - 341 Negotiation and Lobbying Skills
MNG - 342 Negotiation Skill
MNG - 343 Negotiation Skill For Sales and Marketing People
MNG - 344 Negotiation Skills for Legal Department
MNG - 345 Negotiation Skills for Sales and Marketing People
MNG - 346 Network To Build Business Connection
MNG - 347 Non Performing Loan Management
MNG - 348 Obligasi : Konsep Dan Oplikasi
MNG - 349 Office Administration
MNG - 350 Office Management
MNG - 351 Office Management
MNG - 352 Office Management and Administration Filing System
MNG - 353 Office Management for Secretary and Administration
MNG - 354 Operation and Production Management
MNG - 355 Optimizing Working Capital
MNG - 356 Organization Development Professionals
MNG - 357 Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) Dan E-FAKTUR
MNG - 358 Pedoman Penerapan Manajemen
MNG - 359 Pelatihan Manajemen Event Organizer (EO) Tingkat Dasar
MNG - 360 Pelatihan Manajemen Operasional Resiko Perbankan
MNG - 361 Pelayanan Prima
MNG - 362 Pembuatan Feasibility Study (Studi Kelayakan)
MNG - 363 Pendayagunaan dan Optimalisasi Aset Tetap BUMN
MNG - 364 Pengelolaan Karyawan Alih Daya (Outsourcing)
MNG - 365 Pengelolaan Sarana & Fasilitas
MNG - 366 Pengembangan Diri
MNG - 367 Pengenalan dan Manfaat ISO 9001:2008
MNG - 368 Penghapus Piutang
MNG - 369 Penghematan Energy
MNG - 370 Penilaian Kinerja Dan Karir (Performance Assessment)
MNG - 371 Penilaian Kinerja Transportasi
MNG - 372 Penilaian Kinerja Unggul Berbasis KPKU BUMN
MNG - 373 Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Nasabah Dengan Mengoptimalkan Mesin EDC Untuk Transaksi
MNG - 374 Penyusunan Kontrak Bisnis Dalam Bank
MNG - 375 Penyusunan Model Kompetensi
MNG - 376 Penyusunan Perencanaan Strategis
MNG - 377 Penyusunan Standart Operating Procedure
MNG - 378 Penyusunan Tata Naskah Dinas
MNG - 379 Perancangan dan Administrasi Kontrak Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Kontruksi
MNG - 380 Perawatan Anggaran Bangunan Gedung dan Fasilitas
MNG - 381 Perawatan Landscape
MNG - 382 Perencanaan, Monitoring dan Evaluasi Program
MNG - 383 Performance Management
MNG - 384 Perhitungan Kesehatan Bank
MNG - 385 Perjanjian Kerja, Peraturan Perusahaan Atau Perjanjian Kerja Bersama
MNG - 386 Perlindungan Konsumen dan Penyelesaian Pengaduan Nasabah
MNG - 387 Persiapan Memasuki Masa Purnabakti
MNG - 388 Persiapan Menghadapi Verifikasi dan Audit
MNG - 389 Personal Power Leadership
MNG - 390 Personality Development For Secretary
MNG - 391 Personality Development for Secretary and Professional
MNG - 392 Personnel Administration Development Program
MNG - 393 Planning and Organizing Skills
MNG - 394 Port Management
MNG - 395 Powerful and Effective Team Building
MNG - 396 Powerful Data Analysis and Dashboard Reporting with Excel 2007
MNG - 397 Powerful Public Speaking
MNG - 398 PR Strategy, External Relations and Community
MNG - 399 Practical Assertive Communication
MNG - 400 Practicing Kirkpatrick’s Training Evaluation
MNG - 401 Presentation Skill : Praktek Dan Implementasi
MNG - 402 Presentation Skills
MNG - 403 Printing dan Kalkulasi Biaya Cetak
MNG - 404 Proactive Financial Risk Management
MNG - 405 Problem Solving and Decision Making
MNG - 406 Problem Solving, Decision Making and Conflict Management
MNG - 407 Process Safety Management
MNG - 408 Production Management
MNG - 409 Production Planning And Inventory Control
MNG - 410 Production Safety System
MNG - 411 Professional Accident Investigation
MNG - 412 Professional Administrasi Skill
MNG - 413 Professional and Effective Secretary Management
MNG - 414 Professional Business Writing for Secretary and Administrative
MNG - 415 Professional Leadership
MNG - 416 Professional Skills for Administrators and Secretaries
MNG - 417 Profil Bisnis dan Manajemen Risiko Perhotelan
MNG - 418 Profil Bisnis dan Pembiayaan Konstruksi
MNG - 419 Profil Bisnis Perkapalan
MNG - 420 Project Management
MNG - 421 Project Management : Dari Konseptual Sampai Operasional
MNG - 422 Project Management Professional
MNG - 423 Project Management With MS Project Application
MNG - 424 Project Management, Planning, Control, Schedulling and Financing Analysis
MNG - 425 Project Monitoring and Evaluation
MNG - 426 Project Risk Management
MNG - 427 Project Scheduling and Controling
MNG - 428 Protokoler dan Master of Ceremony
MNG - 429 Public Relation, Media Relations And Corporate Communication
MNG - 430 Public Relations Excellence For Great Corporate Image
MNG - 431 Public Relationship Management
MNG - 432 Pumbling System and Maintenance For A Company
MNG - 433 Purchasing Management
MNG - 434 Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Analysis
MNG - 435 RCFA and FMEA
MNG - 436 Receivable and Collection Management
MNG - 437 Report Writing Skill
MNG - 438 Revitalisasi Kredit Mikro Untuk Staff
MNG - 439 Risk and Control Self Assessment
MNG - 440 Risk Assesment
MNG - 441 Risk Management
MNG - 442 Risk Management Berbasis ISO 31000
MNG - 443 Root Cause Failure Analysis
MNG - 444 Safety Inspector
MNG - 445 Safety Instrumented System
MNG - 446 Secretary Development Based On Competencies
MNG - 447 Selling Skill
MNG - 448 Selling Skill For Banking Product
MNG - 449 Service Excellence
MNG - 450 Service Excellence for Public Relation
MNG - 451 Seven Habits
MNG - 452 Sistem Administrasi Perkantoran
MNG - 453 Sistem Manajemen Energi ISO 50001 : 2011
MNG - 454 Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2008
MNG - 455 Smart Selling Skills
MNG - 456 Social Mapping for CSR Effectively
MNG - 457 SOP for Banks
MNG - 458 Stakeholder Dialoque Technique
MNG - 459 Statistik Terapan
MNG - 460 Strategi Dan Teknik Penyaluran Dana PKBL BUMN
MNG - 461 Strategi Membangun SOP Dan KPI Berbasis Balanced Scorecard
MNG - 462 Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis
MNG - 463 Strategic Learning and Development (SLD)
MNG - 464 Strategic Outsourching dan Dampaknya Pada Aspek SDM
MNG - 465 Strategic Procurement Management
MNG - 466 Stress Management and Managing Your Time
MNG - 467 Study Kelayakan Bisnis
MNG - 468 Study Kelayakan Pembukaan Jaringan Kantor
MNG - 469 Supervising in The Warehouse
MNG - 470 Supervisor Management Development
MNG - 471 Supervisory Skills and Leadership for Secretary
MNG - 472 Supplier Performance Assessment Using Supplier Scorecard
MNG - 473 Supplier Relationship Management
MNG - 474 Tata Kelola Kantor, Dokumen, Surat dan Inventaris Perusahaan
MNG - 475 Teknik Inspeksi K3
MNG - 476 Teknik Interview Berbasis Kompetensi
MNG - 477 Teknik Investigasi
MNG - 478 Teknik Komunikasi
MNG - 479 Teknik Komunikasi dan Negosiasi
MNG - 480 Teknik Komunikasi Yang Efektif
MNG - 481 Teknik Negosiasi Untuk Staff Pengadaan
MNG - 482 Teknik Pelayanan Pelanggan (Effective Customer Service Technique)
MNG - 483 Teknik Pembuatan Laporan Berkelanjutan
MNG - 484 Teknik Pembuatan Legal DUE Diligence Dalam Rangka Merger Dan Akuisi Untuk Perusahaan Perkebunan
MNG - 485 Teknik Perawatan Gedung dan Bangunan
MNG - 486 Teknik Presentasi
MNG - 487 Telephone Technique And Courtesy
MNG - 488 The 7 Selling Steps For Sales People
MNG - 489 Time and Stress Management in Workplace
MNG - 490 Time Management
MNG - 491 Total Quality Management (TQM)
MNG - 492 Trainee for Trainers
MNG - 493 Training Basic Treasury for Banking
MNG - 494 Training Development Program
MNG - 495 Training Evaluation
MNG - 496 Training Management
MNG - 497 Training Need Analysis
MNG - 498 Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and Training Evaluation (TE)
MNG - 499 Training Of Trainer (TOT)
MNG - 500 Training Total Quality Management
MNG - 501 Treasury Management
MNG - 502 Variable Speed Control
MNG - 503 Warehouse and Material Management
MNG - 504 Warehouse Management
MNG - 505 Warehouse, Inventory and Storage Management
MNG - 506 Wirausaha Dan Investasi
MNG - 507 Work Planning Control
MNG - 508 Workplace Productivity Improvement
MNG - 509 World Class Human Resources Management Program
MNG - 510 Continuous Self Implement
MNG - 511 Initiative Motivation
MNG - 512 Motivation Management

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumlah
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima req
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program s
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 28 - 29 16 - 17 5-6
28 - 29 30 - 31 10 - 11 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 29 - 30 17 - 18 11 - 12
4-5 1-2 11 - 12 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 5-6 21 - 22 12 - 13
5-6 2-3 17 - 18 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 6-7 22 - 23 18 - 19
6-7 3-4 18 - 19 15 - 16 23 - 24
16 - 17 7-8 23 - 24 19 - 20
7-8 4-5 19 - 20 21 - 22 27 - 28
17 - 18 8-9 24 - 25 23 - 24
11 - 12 8-9 20 - 21 22 - 23 28 - 29
18 - 19 12 - 13 28 - 29 24 - 25
12 - 13 9 - 10 24 - 25 26 - 27 29 - 30
22 - 23 13 - 14 29 - 30 25 - 26
13 - 14 15 - 16 27 - 28 27 - 28 1-2
23 - 24 14 - 15 1-2 26 - 27
14 - 15 16 - 17 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 2-3
24 - 25 15 - 16 2-3 30 - 31
18 - 19 17 - 18 3-4 29 - 30 6-7
25 - 26 19 - 20 3-4 2-3
19 - 20 18 - 19 4-5 1-2 7-8
1-2 20 - 21 7-8 3-4
20 - 21 22 - 23 5-6 5-6 8-9
2-3 21 - 22 8-9 4-5
21 - 22 23 - 24 6-7 6-7 9 - 10
3-4 22 - 23 9 - 10 5-6
25 - 26 24 - 25 10 - 11 7-8 13 - 14
4-5 26 - 27 10 - 11 11 - 12
26 - 27 25 - 26 11 - 12 8-9 14 - 15
8-9 27 - 28 14 - 15 12 - 13
27 - 28 29 - 30 17 - 18 12 - 13 15 - 16
9 - 10 28 - 29 15 - 16 18 - 19
28 - 29 30 - 31 18 - 19 13 - 14 16 - 17
System And Email Handl 10 - 11 29 - 30 16 - 17 19 - 20
4-5 1-2 19 - 20 14 - 15 20 - 21
15 - 16 5-6 17 - 18 23 - 24
5-6 2-3 20 - 21 15 - 16 21 - 22
16 - 17 6-7 21 - 22 24 - 25
6-7 3-4 24 - 25 21 - 22 22 - 23
17 - 18 7-8 22 - 23 25 - 26
7-8 4-5 27 - 28 22 - 23 23 - 24
18 - 19 8-9 23 - 24 26 - 27
11 - 12 8-9 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 27 - 28
22 - 23 12 - 13 24 - 25 30 - 31
12 - 13 9 - 10 3-4 27 - 28 28 - 29
23 - 24 13 - 14 28 - 29 2-3
13 - 14 15 - 16 4-5 28 - 29 29 - 30
24 - 25 14 - 15 29 - 30 3-4
14 - 15 16 - 17 5-6 29 - 30 1-2
25 - 26 15 - 16 1-2 4-5
18 - 19 17 - 18 6-7 1-2 2-3
1-2 19 - 20 2-3 5-6
19 - 20 18 - 19 10 - 11 5-6 6-7
2-3 20 - 21 3-4 11 - 12
20 - 21 22 - 23 11 - 12 6-7 7-8
3-4 21 - 22 7-8 12 - 13
21 - 22 23 - 24 17 - 18 7-8 8-9
4-5 22 - 23 8-9 18 - 19
25 - 26 24 - 25 18 - 19 8-9 9 - 10
8-9 26 - 27 9 - 10 19 - 20
26 - 27 25 - 26 19 - 20 12 - 13 13 - 14
9 - 10 27 - 28 10 - 11 23 - 24
27 - 28 29 - 30 20 - 21 13 - 14 14 - 15
10 - 11 28 - 29 14 - 15 24 - 25
28 - 29 30 - 31 24 - 25 14 - 15 15 - 16
15 - 16 29 - 30 15 - 16 25 - 26
4-5 1-2 27 - 28 15 - 16 16 - 17
16 - 17 5-6 16 - 17 26 - 27
5-6 2-3 31 - 1 Juni 21 - 22 20 - 21
17 - 18 6-7 17 - 18 30 - 31
6-7 3-4 3-4 22 - 23 21 - 22
18 - 19 7-8 21 - 22 2-3
7-8 4-5 4-5 26 - 27 22 - 23
22 - 23 8-9 22 - 23 3-4
11 - 12 8-9 5-6 27 - 28 23 - 24
23 - 24 12 - 13 23 - 24 4-5
12 - 13 9 - 10 6-7 28 - 29 27 - 28
24 - 25 13 - 14 24 - 25 5-6
13 - 14 15 - 16 10 - 11 29 - 30 28 - 29
25 - 26 14 - 15 28 - 29 11 - 12
14 - 15 16 - 17 11 - 12 1-2 29 - 30
1-2 15 - 16 29 - 30 12 - 13
18 - 19 17 - 18 17 - 18 5-6 1-2
2-3 19 - 20 1-2 18 - 19
19 - 20 18 - 19 18 - 19 6-7 2-3
3-4 20 - 21 2-3 19 - 20
20 - 21 22 - 23 19 - 20 7-8 6-7
4-5 21 - 22 3-4 23 - 24
21 - 22 23 - 24 20 - 21 8-9 7-8
8-9 22 - 23 7-8 24 - 25
25 - 26 24 - 25 24 - 25 12 - 13 8-9
9 - 10 26 - 27 8-9 25 - 26
26 - 27 25 - 26 27 - 28 13 - 14 9 - 10
10 - 11 27 - 28 9 - 10 26 - 27
27 - 28 29 - 30 31 - 1 Juni 14 - 15 13 - 14
15 - 16 28 - 29 10 - 11 30 - 31
28 - 29 30 - 31 3-4 15 - 16 14 - 15
16 - 17 29 - 30 14 - 15 2-3
4-5 1-2 4-5 21 - 22 15 - 16
17 - 18 5-6 15 - 16 3-4
5-6 2-3 5-6 22 - 23 16 - 17
18 - 19 6-7 16 - 17 4-5
6-7 3-4 6-7 26 - 27 20 - 21
22 - 23 7-8 17 - 18 5-6
7-8 4-5 10 - 11 27 - 28 21 - 22
23 - 24 8-9 21 - 22 11 - 12
11 - 12 8-9 11 - 12 28 - 29 22 - 23
24 - 25 12 - 13 22 - 23 12 - 13
12 - 13 9 - 10 17 - 18 29 - 30 23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14 23 - 24 18 - 19
13 - 14 15 - 16 18 - 19 1-2 27 - 28
1-2 14 - 15 24 - 25 19 - 20
14 - 15 16 - 17 19 - 20 5-6 28 - 29
2-3 15 - 16 28 - 29 23 - 24
18 - 19 17 - 18 20 - 21 6-7 29 - 30
3-4 19 - 20 29 - 30 24 - 25
19 - 20 18 - 19 24 - 25 7-8 1-2
4-5 20 - 21 1-2 25 - 26
20 - 21 22 - 23 27 - 28 8-9 2-3
8-9 21 - 22 2-3 26 - 27
21 - 22 23 - 24 31 - 1 Juni 12 - 13 6-7
9 - 10 22 - 23 3-4 30 - 31
25 - 26 24 - 25 3-4 13 - 14 7-8
10 - 11 26 - 27 7-8 2-3
26 - 27 25 - 26 4-5 14 - 15 8-9
15 - 16 27 - 28 8-9 3-4
27 - 28 29 - 30 5-6 15 - 16 9 - 10
16 - 17 28 - 29 9 - 10 4-5
28 - 29 30 - 31 6-7 21 - 22 13 - 14
17 - 18 29 - 30 10 - 11 5-6
4-5 1-2 10 - 11 22 - 23 14 - 15
18 - 19 5-6 14 - 15 11 - 12
5-6 2-3 11 - 12 26 - 27 15 - 16
22 - 23 6-7 15 - 16 12 - 13
6-7 3-4 17 - 18 27 - 28 16 - 17
23 - 24 7-8 16 - 17 18 - 19
7-8 4-5 18 - 19 28 - 29 20 - 21
24 - 25 8-9 17 - 18 19 - 20
11 - 12 8-9 19 - 20 29 - 30 21 - 22
25 - 26 12 - 13 21 - 22 23 - 24
12 - 13 9 - 10 20 - 21 1-2 22 - 23
1-2 13 - 14 22 - 23 24 - 25
13 - 14 15 - 16 24 - 25 5-6 23 - 24
2-3 14 - 15 23 - 24 25 - 26
14 - 15 16 - 17 27 - 28 6-7 27 - 28
3-4 15 - 16 24 - 25 26 - 27
18 - 19 17 - 18 31 - 1 Juni 7-8 28 - 29
4-5 19 - 20 28 - 29 30 - 31
19 - 20 18 - 19 3-4 8-9 29 - 30
8-9 20 - 21 29 - 30 2-3
20 - 21 22 - 23 4-5 12 - 13 1-2
9 - 10 21 - 22 1-2 3-4
21 - 22 23 - 24 5-6 13 - 14 2-3
10 - 11 22 - 23 2-3 4-5
25 - 26 24 - 25 6-7 14 - 15 6-7
15 - 16 26 - 27 3-4 5-6
26 - 27 25 - 26 10 - 11 15 - 16 7-8
16 - 17 27 - 28 7-8 11 - 12
27 - 28 29 - 30 11 - 12 21 - 22 8-9
17 - 18 28 - 29 8-9 12 - 13
28 - 29 30 - 31 17 - 18 22 - 23 9 - 10
18 - 19 29 - 30 9 - 10 18 - 19
4-5 1-2 18 - 19 26 - 27 13 - 14
22 - 23 5-6 10 - 11 19 - 20
5-6 2-3 19 - 20 27 - 28 14 - 15
23 - 24 6-7 14 - 15 23 - 24
6-7 3-4 20 - 21 28 - 29 15 - 16
24 - 25 7-8 15 - 16 24 - 25
7-8 4-5 24 - 25 29 - 30 16 - 17
25 - 26 8-9 16 - 17 25 - 26
11 - 12 8-9 27 - 28 1-2 20 - 21
1-2 12 - 13 17 - 18 26 - 27
12 - 13 9 - 10 31 - 1 Juni 5-6 21 - 22
2-3 13 - 14 21 - 22 30 - 31
13 - 14 15 - 16 3-4 6-7 22 - 23
3-4 14 - 15 22 - 23 2-3
14 - 15 16 - 17 4-5 7-8 23 - 24
4-5 15 - 16 23 - 24 3-4
18 - 19 17 - 18 5-6 8-9 27 - 28
8-9 19 - 20 24 - 25 4-5
19 - 20 18 - 19 6-7 12 - 13 28 - 29
9 - 10 20 - 21 28 - 29 5-6
20 - 21 22 - 23 10 - 11 13 - 14 29 - 30
10 - 11 21 - 22 29 - 30 11 - 12
21 - 22 23 - 24 11 - 12 14 - 15 1-2
15 - 16 22 - 23 1-2 12 - 13
25 - 26 24 - 25 17 - 18 15 - 16 2-3
16 - 17 26 - 27 2-3 18 - 19
26 - 27 25 - 26 18 - 19 21 - 22 6-7
17 - 18 27 - 28 3-4 19 - 20
27 - 28 29 - 30 19 - 20 22 - 23 7-8
18 - 19 28 - 29 7-8 23 - 24
28 - 29 30 - 31 20 - 21 26 - 27 8-9
22 - 23 29 - 30 8-9 24 - 25
4-5 1-2 24 - 25 27 - 28 9 - 10
23 - 24 5-6 9 - 10 25 - 26
5-6 2-3 27 - 28 28 - 29 13 - 14
24 - 25 6-7 10 - 11 26 - 27
6-7 3-4 31 - 1 Juni 29 - 30 14 - 15
25 - 26 7-8 14 - 15 30 - 31
7-8 4-5 3-4 1-2 15 - 16
1-2 8-9 15 - 16 2-3
11 - 12 8-9 4-5 5-6 16 - 17
2-3 12 - 13 16 - 17 3-4
12 - 13 9 - 10 5-6 6-7 20 - 21
3-4 13 - 14 17 - 18 4-5
13 - 14 15 - 16 6-7 7-8 21 - 22
4-5 14 - 15 21 - 22 5-6
14 - 15 16 - 17 10 - 11 8-9 22 - 23
8-9 15 - 16 22 - 23 11 - 12
18 - 19 17 - 18 11 - 12 12 - 13 23 - 24
9 - 10 19 - 20 23 - 24 12 - 13
19 - 20 18 - 19 17 - 18 13 - 14 27 - 28
10 - 11 20 - 21 24 - 25 18 - 19
20 - 21 22 - 23 18 - 19 14 - 15 28 - 29
15 - 16 21 - 22 28 - 29 19 - 20
21 - 22 23 - 24 19 - 20 15 - 16 29 - 30
16 - 17 22 - 23 29 - 30 23 - 24
25 - 26 24 - 25 20 - 21 21 - 22 1-2
17 - 18 26 - 27 1-2 24 - 25
26 - 27 25 - 26 24 - 25 22 - 23 2-3
18 - 19 27 - 28 2-3 25 - 26
27 - 28 29 - 30 27 - 28 26 - 27 6-7
22 - 23 28 - 29 3-4 26 - 27
28 - 29 30 - 31 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 7-8
23 - 24 29 - 30 7-8 30 - 31
4-5 1-2 3-4 28 - 29 8-9
24 - 25 5-6 8-9 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 29 - 30 9 - 10
25 - 26 6-7 9 - 10 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 1-2 13 - 14
1-2 7-8 10 - 11 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 5-6 14 - 15
2-3 8-9 14 - 15 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 6-7 15 - 16
3-4 12 - 13 15 - 16 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 7-8 16 - 17
4-5 13 - 14 16 - 17 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 8-9 20 - 21
8-9 14 - 15 17 - 18 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 12 - 13 21 - 22
9 - 10 15 - 16 21 - 22 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 13 - 14 22 - 23
10 - 11 19 - 20 22 - 23 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 14 - 15 23 - 24
15 - 16 20 - 21 23 - 24 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 15 - 16 27 - 28
16 - 17 21 - 22 24 - 25 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 21 - 22 28 - 29
17 - 18 22 - 23 28 - 29 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 29 - 30
18 - 19 26 - 27 29 - 30 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 26 - 27 1-2
22 - 23 27 - 28 1-2 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 27 - 28 2-3
23 - 24 28 - 29 2-3 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 28 - 29 6-7
24 - 25 29 - 30 3-4 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 29 - 30 7-8
25 - 26 5-6 7-8 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 1-2 8-9
1-2 6-7 8-9 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 5-6 9 - 10
2-3 7-8 9 - 10 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 6-7 13 - 14
3-4 8-9 10 - 11 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 7-8 14 - 15
4-5 12 - 13 14 - 15 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 8-9 15 - 16
8-9 13 - 14 15 - 16 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 12 - 13 16 - 17
9 - 10 14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 13 - 14 20 - 21
10 - 11 15 - 16 17 - 18 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 14 - 15 21 - 22
15 - 16 19 - 20 21 - 22 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 22 - 23
16 - 17 20 - 21 22 - 23 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 21 - 22 23 - 24
17 - 18 21 - 22 23 - 24 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 22 - 23 27 - 28
18 - 19 22 - 23 24 - 25 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 26 - 27 28 - 29
22 - 23 26 - 27 28 - 29 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 27 - 28 29 - 30
23 - 24 27 - 28 29 - 30 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 28 - 29 1-2
24 - 25 28 - 29 1-2 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 29 - 30 2-3
25 - 26 29 - 30 2-3 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 1-2 6-7
1-2 5-6 3-4 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 5-6 7-8
ahaan Perkebunan 2-3 6-7 7-8 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 6-7 8-9
3-4 7-8 8-9 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 7-8 9 - 10
4-5 8-9 9 - 10 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 8-9 13 - 14
8-9 12 - 13 10 - 11 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 12 - 13 14 - 15
9 - 10 13 - 14 14 - 15 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 15 - 16
10 - 11 14 - 15 15 - 16 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 14 - 15 16 - 17
15 - 16 15 - 16 16 - 17 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 15 - 16 20 - 21
16 - 17 19 - 20 17 - 18 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 21 - 22 21 - 22
17 - 18 20 - 21 21 - 22 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 22 - 23 22 - 23
18 - 19 21 - 22 22 - 23 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 26 - 27 23 - 24
22 - 23 22 - 23 23 - 24 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 27 - 28 27 - 28
23 - 24 26 - 27 24 - 25 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 28 - 29 28 - 29
24 - 25 27 - 28 28 - 29 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 29 - 30 29 - 30
25 - 26 28 - 29 29 - 30 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 1-2 1-2
1-2 29 - 30 1-2 23 - 24


an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

a), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
N 2021
Managerial & Soft skills
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26
4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
22 - 23
28 - 29 20 - 21
23 - 24
4-5 21 - 22
24 - 25
5-6 22 - 23
25 - 26
6-7 23 - 24
29 - 30
7-8 27 - 28
11 - 12 28 - 29
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
9 - 10
21 - 22 7-8
10 - 11
25 - 26 8-9
15 - 16
26 - 27 9 - 10
16 - 17
27 - 28 13 - 14
17 - 18
28 - 29 14 - 15
18 - 19
4-5 15 - 16
22 - 23
5-6 16 - 17
23 - 24
6-7 20 - 21
24 - 25
7-8 21 - 22
25 - 26
11 - 12 22 - 23
29 - 30
12 - 13 23 - 24
13 - 14 27 - 28
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
9 - 10
26 - 27 6-7
10 - 11
27 - 28 7-8
15 - 16
28 - 29 8-9
16 - 17
4-5 9 - 10
17 - 18
5-6 13 - 14
18 - 19
6-7 14 - 15
22 - 23
7-8 15 - 16
23 - 24
11 - 12 16 - 17
24 - 25
12 - 13 20 - 21
25 - 26
13 - 14 21 - 22
29 - 30
14 - 15 22 - 23
20 - 21 23 - 24
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
9 - 10
28 - 29 2-3
10 - 11
4-5 6-7
15 - 16
5-6 7-8
16 - 17
6-7 8-9
17 - 18
7-8 9 - 10
18 - 19
11 - 12 13 - 14
22 - 23
12 - 13 14 - 15
23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16
24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21 20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26 22 - 23
26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
9 - 10
5-6 1-2
10 - 11
6-7 2-3
15 - 16
7-8 6-7
16 - 17
11 - 12 7-8
17 - 18
12 - 13 8-9
18 - 19
13 - 14 9 - 10
22 - 23
14 - 15 13 - 14
23 - 24
20 - 21 14 - 15
24 - 25
21 - 22 15 - 16
25 - 26
25 - 26 16 - 17
29 - 30
26 - 27 20 - 21
27 - 28 21 - 22
28 - 29 22 - 23
4-5 23 - 24
5-6 27 - 28
6-7 28 - 29
9 - 10
7-8 29 - 30
10 - 11
11 - 12 1-2
15 - 16
12 - 13 2-3
16 - 17
13 - 14 6-7
17 - 18
14 - 15 7-8
18 - 19
20 - 21 8-9
22 - 23
21 - 22 9 - 10
23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14
24 - 25
26 - 27 14 - 15
25 - 26
27 - 28 15 - 16
29 - 30
28 - 29 16 - 17
4-5 20 - 21
5-6 21 - 22
6-7 22 - 23
7-8 23 - 24
11 - 12 27 - 28
9 - 10
12 - 13 28 - 29
10 - 11
13 - 14 29 - 30
15 - 16
14 - 15 1-2
16 - 17
20 - 21 2-3
17 - 18
21 - 22 6-7
18 - 19
25 - 26 7-8
22 - 23
26 - 27 8-9
23 - 24
27 - 28 9 - 10
24 - 25
28 - 29 13 - 14
25 - 26
4-5 14 - 15
29 - 30
5-6 15 - 16
6-7 16 - 17
7-8 20 - 21
11 - 12 21 - 22
12 - 13 22 - 23
13 - 14 23 - 24
9 - 10
14 - 15 27 - 28
10 - 11
20 - 21 28 - 29
15 - 16
21 - 22 29 - 30
16 - 17
25 - 26 1-2
17 - 18
26 - 27 2-3
18 - 19
27 - 28 6-7
22 - 23
28 - 29 7-8
23 - 24
4-5 8-9
24 - 25
5-6 9 - 10
25 - 26
6-7 13 - 14
29 - 30
7-8 14 - 15
11 - 12 15 - 16
12 - 13 16 - 17
13 - 14 20 - 21
14 - 15 21 - 22
20 - 21 22 - 23
9 - 10
21 - 22 23 - 24
10 - 11
25 - 26 27 - 28
15 - 16
26 - 27 28 - 29
16 - 17
27 - 28 29 - 30
17 - 18
28 - 29 1-2
18 - 19
4-5 2-3
22 - 23
5-6 6-7
23 - 24
6-7 7-8
24 - 25
7-8 8-9
25 - 26
11 - 12 9 - 10
29 - 30
12 - 13 13 - 14
13 - 14 14 - 15
14 - 15 15 - 16
20 - 21 16 - 17
21 - 22 20 - 21
25 - 26 21 - 22
9 - 10
26 - 27 22 - 23
10 - 11
27 - 28 23 - 24
15 - 16
28 - 29 27 - 28
16 - 17
4-5 28 - 29
17 - 18
5-6 29 - 30
18 - 19
6-7 1-2
22 - 23
7-8 2-3
23 - 24
11 - 12 6-7
24 - 25
12 - 13 7-8
25 - 26
13 - 14 8-9
29 - 30
14 - 15 9 - 10
20 - 21 13 - 14
21 - 22 14 - 15
25 - 26 15 - 16
26 - 27 16 - 17
27 - 28 20 - 21
9 - 10
28 - 29 21 - 22
10 - 11
4-5 22 - 23
15 - 16
5-6 23 - 24
16 - 17
6-7 27 - 28
17 - 18
7-8 28 - 29
18 - 19
11 - 12 29 - 30
22 - 23
12 - 13 1-2
23 - 24
13 - 14 2-3
24 - 25
14 - 15 6-7
25 - 26
20 - 21 7-8
29 - 30
21 - 22 8-9
25 - 26 9 - 10
26 - 27 13 - 14
27 - 28 14 - 15
28 - 29 15 - 16
4-5 16 - 17
9 - 10
5-6 20 - 21
10 - 11
6-7 21 - 22
15 - 16
7-8 22 - 23
16 - 17
11 - 12 23 - 24
17 - 18
12 - 13 27 - 28
18 - 19
13 - 14 28 - 29
22 - 23
14 - 15 29 - 30
23 - 24
20 - 21 1-2
24 - 25
21 - 22 2-3
25 - 26
25 - 26 6-7
29 - 30
26 - 27 7-8
27 - 28 8-9
28 - 29 9 - 10
4-5 13 - 14
5-6 14 - 15
6-7 15 - 16
9 - 10
7-8 16 - 17
10 - 11
11 - 12 20 - 21
15 - 16
12 - 13 21 - 22
16 - 17
13 - 14 22 - 23
17 - 18
14 - 15 23 - 24
18 - 19
20 - 21 27 - 28
22 - 23
21 - 22 28 - 29
23 - 24
25 - 26 29 - 30
24 - 25
26 - 27 1-2
25 - 26
27 - 28 2-3
29 - 30
28 - 29 6-7
4-5 7-8
5-6 8-9
6-7 9 - 10
7-8 13 - 14
11 - 12 14 - 15
9 - 10
12 - 13 15 - 16
10 - 11
13 - 14 16 - 17
15 - 16
14 - 15 20 - 21
16 - 17
20 - 21 21 - 22
17 - 18
21 - 22 22 - 23
18 - 19
25 - 26 23 - 24
22 - 23
26 - 27 27 - 28
23 - 24
27 - 28 28 - 29
24 - 25
28 - 29 29 - 30
25 - 26
4-5 1-2
29 - 30
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
12 - 13 9 - 10
13 - 14 13 - 14
9 - 10
14 - 15 14 - 15
10 - 11
20 - 21 15 - 16
15 - 16
21 - 22 16 - 17
16 - 17
25 - 26 20 - 21
17 - 18
26 - 27 21 - 22
18 - 19
27 - 28 22 - 23
22 - 23
28 - 29 23 - 24
23 - 24
4-5 27 - 28
24 - 25
5-6 28 - 29
25 - 26
6-7 29 - 30
29 - 30
7-8 1-2
MOG - 001 API Q1
MOG - 002 Advanced Oil And Gas Process Design
MOG - 003 Advanced Petroleum Project Planning
MOG - 004 Advanced Well Test Analysis
MOG - 005 Akuisisi Pertambangan Batu Bara
MOG - 006 Analisa Kestabilan Lereng
MOG - 007 Analisi Lingkungan Panas Bumi
MOG - 008 Analysis of Techno-Economics of Geothermal Projects
MOG - 009 API RP 14C Oil and Gas Process Safety System
MOG - 010 Aplikasi Computational Fluid Dinamis Dalam Pembakaran
MOG - 011 Applied Concept of Structural Geology
MOG - 012 Applied Mining Geostatistics
MOG - 013 Artificial Lift System
MOG - 014 Ash Handling
MOG - 015 Asset Integrity Management System
MOG - 016 Auxiliary Equipment
MOG - 017 Basic Drilling
MOG - 018 Basic Drilling, Completion and Work Over
MOG - 019 Basic Drilling, Technology and Equipment
MOG - 020 Basic Geothermal
MOG - 021 Basic Of Geology Mapping & Mining Exploration
MOG - 022 Basic Of Mining Exploration Technology
MOG - 023 Basic Production Sharing Contract
MOG - 024 Batubara
MOG - 025 Bea Keluar Batu Bara Mencari Solusi Pengendalian Produksi Dan Beban Exspor
MOG - 026 Bearge And Loading
MOG - 027 Belt Conveyors
MOG - 028 Best Practices for Mining Projects
MOG - 029 Best Pratice Management Exploration
MOG - 030 Buldoser
MOG - 031 Car Dumpers
MOG - 032 Cathodic Protection For Mine Steel Sturcture & Mining Supporting Facilities
MOG - 033 Coal & Mineral Mining Law
MOG - 034 Coal and Mineral Law
MOG - 035 Coal Handling
MOG - 036 Coal Pile Management
MOG - 037 Coal Preparation Equipment
MOG - 038 Coal Quality and Stockpile Management
MOG - 039 Computational Fluid Dynamics
MOG - 040 Control Equipment
MOG - 041 Conveyor
MOG - 042 Cost Control and Financial Reporting of The Up Stream Operation of Oil and Gas Under Indonesia PSC
MOG - 043 Crude Oil Pipeline and Storage Handling
MOG - 044 Dasar - Dasar Teknik Eksplorasi & Pemetaan Air Tanah
MOG - 045 Drilling and Coring Bits
MOG - 046 Drilling and Drilling Fluid Technology
MOG - 047 Drilling and Health, Safety, Environmental Consideration
MOG - 048 Drilling Engineering
MOG - 049 Drilling Engineering for Non Engineer
MOG - 050 Drilling Maintenance Equipment Operations for Drilling Crew
MOG - 051 Drilling Optimization and Well Planning Analysis
MOG - 052 Drilling Practices, Operation, Trouble Shooting and Optimization
MOG - 053 Drilling Production Safety
MOG - 054 Drilling Technology Fundamental
MOG - 055 Drilling, Well Completion & Work Over For Oil / Maining Industri
MOG - 056 Dust Control Equipment
MOG - 057 Effective & Profesional Role Of Secretary for Mining
MOG - 058 Eksplorasi Geologi Panas Bumi
MOG - 059 Electrical Engineering For Facilities Personnel
MOG - 060 Enterprise Risk Management Mining Industry
MOG - 061 Field Of Development POD, AFE And WP&B
MOG - 062 Flow Mettering and Custody Transfer
MOG - 063 Formation Damage : Cause, Prevention and Remediation
MOG - 064 Fuel Handling and Operation Management
MOG - 065 Fuel Management
MOG - 066 Fundamental of Well Testing
MOG - 067 Fundamental Thermal Recovery
MOG - 068 Fundamentals of Petroleum Geology
MOG - 069 Gas & Liquid Chromatography
MOG - 070 Gas and Liquid Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer
MOG - 071 Gas Compression
MOG - 072 Gas Compressor : Maintenance & Troubleshooting
MOG - 073 Gas Conditioning and Processing
MOG - 074 Gas Cooling System
MOG - 075 Gas Dehydration and Hydrate Inhibition
MOG - 076 Gas Dehydration Processing System
MOG - 077 Gas Dehydration System
MOG - 078 Gas Diesel Angine
MOG - 079 Gas Engine (Principles and practise)
MOG - 080 Gas Engine Operation and Maintenance
MOG - 081 Gas Flow Measurement and Metering System
MOG - 082 Gas Fractionation Process
MOG - 083 Gas Handling, Conditioning and Processing Facilities
MOG - 084 Gas Lift Design and Trouble Shooting
MOG - 085 Gas Lift Design Calculation, Optimization and Trouble Shooting
MOG - 086 Gas Lift Design, Operation and Procedure
MOG - 087 Gas Lift Operation and Procedure
MOG - 088 Gas Measurement and Testing
MOG - 089 Gas Pipeline Design & Operation
MOG - 090 Gas Plant Operations & Maintenance
MOG - 091 Gas Process Treatment & Sulphur Recovery
MOG - 092 Gas Processing : Principles of Operation
MOG - 093 Gas Production Engineering
MOG - 094 Gas Production Operation
MOG - 095 Gas Removal System
MOG - 096 Gas Treating and Sulfur Recovery
MOG - 097 Gas Treating Process
MOG - 098 Gas Turbine Control System, Operation and Maintenance
MOG - 099 Gas Turbine Controls
MOG - 100 Gas Turbine Operations
MOG - 101 Gas Turbine Operations & Maintenance
MOG - 102 Gas Turbine System :Failure Analisys
MOG - 103 Gas Turbine: Troubleshooting of Rotating equipment
MOG - 104 Gas Turbines : operation, maintenance and troubleshooting
MOG - 105 Gas Well Deliquification
MOG - 106 Gasket
MOG - 107 General Equipment Maintenance
MOG - 108 General Mineral dan Batubara
MOG - 109 Geochemical Techiques for Solving Reservoir Management and Field Development Problems
MOG - 110 Geolog Facimage
MOG - 111 Geology & Mining Technology: Best Pratice & Case Study
MOG - 112 Geology For Non Geologist
MOG - 113 Geology, Geographics & Geochemistry for Geothermal Explotation
MOG - 114 Geo-Stastical Resource: Modeling & Estimation
MOG - 115 Geostatistic For Geothermal Geoscience
MOG - 116 Geoteknik Untuk Perencanaan Lereng Penambangan
MOG - 117 Geothermal Wells Stimulation
MOG - 118 Geothermal Energy in the Oil Field
MOG - 119 Geothermal Energy Utilization
MOG - 120 Geothermal Geoscience
MOG - 121 Geothermal Production Engineering
MOG - 122 Geothermal Resource
MOG - 123 Health and Safety In Oil and Gas
MOG - 124 Hukum Kontrak Migas dan Aspek Legal Untuk Minyak dan Gas
MOG - 125 Hukum Kontrak Minyak Dan Gas
MOG - 126 Inspeksi Rig
MOG - 127 Instrument for Production Operator
MOG - 128 Intensive Course Of Oil Gas Law
MOG - 129 Introduction to Geothermal Geochemistry
MOG - 130 Introduction to Geothermal Reservoir Modelling
MOG - 131 Introduction to Geothermal System and Technology
MOG - 132 Introduction to Offshore Oil and Gas Systems
MOG - 133 Introduction to Onshore & Offshore Drilling
MOG - 134 Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
MOG - 135 Leadership in Mine Management
MOG - 136 Legal & Tax Pertambangan Batubara
MOG - 137 Managing Mine Contractors
MOG - 138 Managing Well Site Operation
MOG - 139 manajemen dan Ekonomi Panas Bumi
MOG - 140 Manajemen Exsplorasi
MOG - 141 Manajemen Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Untuk Oil and Gas Industry
MOG - 142 Manual Handling, Slinging, Rigging and Lifting Equipment
MOG - 143 Material Knowledge for Drilling and Production Operation
MOG - 144 Material Knowledge Skill for Supporting Personnel
MOG - 145 Mining Course for Non Miners
MOG - 146 Mining Grade Control
MOG - 147 Mining Law
MOG - 148 Mining Method Evaluation And Design
MOG - 149 Modern Horizontal Drilling Technology
MOG - 150 Muds – Design and Troubleshooting
MOG - 151 Natural Gas Processing
MOG - 152 Offshore Operation
MOG - 153 Oil & Gas (O&G) Treatment: Operations & Maintenance
MOG - 154 Oil & Gas Industry : Exploration, Drilling & Production
MOG - 155 Oil & Gas Measuring System
MOG - 156 Oil & Gas Separation
MOG - 157 Oil Analysis
MOG - 158 Oil and Gas (O&G) Turbine Instrumentations
MOG - 159 Oil and Gas Handling Facilities
MOG - 160 Oil and Gas Metering System
MOG - 161 Oil And Gas Metering System Operator
MOG - 162 Oil and Gas Pipeline Operation and Maintenance
MOG - 163 Oil and Gas Pipeline Transportation System Design
MOG - 164 Oil and Gas Processing Plant Design and Operation
MOG - 165 Oil and Gas Production Simulation and Optimation with ASPEN – HYSYS.8
MOG - 166 Oil And Gas Quantity Accounting Sistem
MOG - 167 Oil and Gas Surface Production Facilities
MOG - 168 Oil and Gas Well Test & Production Surveillance Analysis
MOG - 169 Oil Production & Processing Facilities
MOG - 170 Oil Recovery Enhancement
MOG - 171 Oil sucker rod : operaton & maintenance
MOG - 172 Oil transortation by piping
MOG - 173 Oil Well Performance & Surveillance
MOG - 174 Oilfield Water Production, Handling And Injection
MOG - 175 Onshore Drilling Safety Operation
MOG - 176 Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes
MOG - 177 Operator Alat Berat
MOG - 178 Pemboran & Peledakan Tambang
MOG - 179 Pemeliharaan Batubara
MOG - 180 Penanganan Batubara
MOG - 181 Pengangan Batubara Bersih Dan Beku
MOG - 182 Pengawasan Produksi Pertambangan
MOG - 183 Pengembangan Masyarakat di Wilayah Pertambangan
MOG - 184 Pengoperasian Alat Hydraulic (Geothermal)
MOG - 185 Pengoperasian Alat Pelumasan (Geothermal)
MOG - 186 Pengoperasian Alat Pendingin (Geothermal)
MOG - 187 Pengoperasian Auxilary Steam (Geothermal)
MOG - 188 Pengoperasian Gas Removal System (Geothermal)
MOG - 189 Pengoperasian Reinjeksi Condensat (Geothermal)
MOG - 190 Pengoperasian Turbine Generator (Geothermal)
MOG - 191 Pengoperasian Udara Tekan (Geothermal)
MOG - 192 Perencanaan Penutupan Tambang
MOG - 193 Perencanaan Tambang & Design Tambang Terbuka
MOG - 194 Petroleum & Natural Gas engineering
MOG - 195 Petroleum Economic and Investment
MOG - 196 Petroleum Engineering For Non Petroleum Engineer
MOG - 197 Petroleum Field Handling
MOG - 198 Petroleum Project Management
MOG - 199 Pipeline Pigging Operation and Equipments
MOG - 200 Pipeline Transportation Distribution and Row
MOG - 201 Pipephase
MOG - 202 Pressure Vessel
MOG - 203 Process Chemistry For Geothermal
MOG - 204 Process Chemistry for Oil and Gas/Petro Chemical Company
MOG - 205 Process Simulator With HYSYS
MOG - 206 Procurement Based On PTK 007 On Oil and Gas Industry
MOG - 207 Production Operation and Problem Solving
MOG - 208 Production Optimization & Minimizing Downtime
MOG - 209 Production Optimization for Oil and Gas
MOG - 210 Production Optimization Using Systems Analysis
MOG - 211 Productivity Improvement
MOG - 212 Project Financing bagi Industri Pertambangan di Indonesia
MOG - 213 PTK 007 – Revisi 2 dan TKDN
MOG - 214 PTK 007 Revisi 3/2015 dan TKDN Sebagai Pedoman Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa
MOG - 215 Rail Yard Operations
MOG - 216 Real Time Production Optimization of ESP Wells
MOG - 217 Reklamasi Dan Revegetasi Lahan Pasca Tambang
MOG - 218 Reklamasi Lahan Bekas Tambang
MOG - 219 Reliability Centered Maintenance
MOG - 220 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Analysis
MOG - 221 Risk Based Inspection
MOG - 222 Ruang Lingkup Reklamasi Penutupan Tambang
MOG - 223 Safe Storage Tank Operation
MOG - 224 Safety Integrity System (SIS, SIF and SIL)
MOG - 225 Separation Equipment Selection and Sizing
MOG - 226 Sertifikasi K3 Tingkat Pengawas/Koordinator (MIGAS)
MOG - 227 Sertifikasi Petugas Pengambil Contoh (BBM dan Pelumas)
MOG - 228 Slurry Transport in Dredging & Wet Mining
MOG - 229 Standar Kualitas Bahan Bakar dan Minyak Bumi
MOG - 230 Storage Tank Design, Construction and Maintenance
MOG - 231 Storage Tank Operation And Maintenance
MOG - 232 Structural Styles In Petroleum Exploration
MOG - 233 Surface Mining Operation
MOG - 234 Surface Production System and Facility
MOG - 235 Technology Batubara Bersih
MOG - 236 Teknik Reklamasi Lahan Pasca Penambangan (Metode Landscaping Dan Revegetasi)
MOG - 237 Transformer Oil Analysis
MOG - 238 Upstream Oil & Gas Accounting & Contracts
MOG - 239 Ventilasi Tambang
MOG - 240 Well Completion and Work Over
MOG - 241 Well Test Analysis
MOG - 242 Wellhead Safety and Shutdown System
MOG - 243 Workshop PTK 007

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumlah
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima req
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program
Mining, Oil, Gas &
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
Indonesia PSC 9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 28 - 29 16 - 17 5-6
28 - 29 30 - 31 10 - 11 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 29 - 30 17 - 18 11 - 12
4-5 1-2 11 - 12 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 5-6 21 - 22 12 - 13
5-6 2-3 17 - 18 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 6-7 22 - 23 18 - 19
6-7 3-4 18 - 19 15 - 16 23 - 24
16 - 17 7-8 23 - 24 19 - 20
7-8 4-5 19 - 20 21 - 22 27 - 28
17 - 18 8-9 24 - 25 23 - 24
11 - 12 8-9 20 - 21 22 - 23 28 - 29
18 - 19 12 - 13 28 - 29 24 - 25
12 - 13 9 - 10 24 - 25 26 - 27 29 - 30
22 - 23 13 - 14 29 - 30 25 - 26
13 - 14 15 - 16 27 - 28 27 - 28 1-2
23 - 24 14 - 15 1-2 26 - 27
14 - 15 16 - 17 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 2-3
24 - 25 15 - 16 2-3 30 - 31
18 - 19 17 - 18 3-4 29 - 30 6-7
25 - 26 19 - 20 3-4 2-3
19 - 20 18 - 19 4-5 1-2 7-8
1-2 20 - 21 7-8 3-4
20 - 21 22 - 23 5-6 5-6 8-9
2-3 21 - 22 8-9 4-5
21 - 22 23 - 24 6-7 6-7 9 - 10
3-4 22 - 23 9 - 10 5-6
25 - 26 24 - 25 10 - 11 7-8 13 - 14
4-5 26 - 27 10 - 11 11 - 12
26 - 27 25 - 26 11 - 12 8-9 14 - 15
8-9 27 - 28 14 - 15 12 - 13
27 - 28 29 - 30 17 - 18 12 - 13 15 - 16
9 - 10 28 - 29 15 - 16 18 - 19
28 - 29 30 - 31 18 - 19 13 - 14 16 - 17
10 - 11 29 - 30 16 - 17 19 - 20
4-5 1-2 19 - 20 14 - 15 20 - 21
15 - 16 5-6 17 - 18 23 - 24
5-6 2-3 20 - 21 15 - 16 21 - 22
16 - 17 6-7 21 - 22 24 - 25
6-7 3-4 24 - 25 21 - 22 22 - 23
17 - 18 7-8 22 - 23 25 - 26
7-8 4-5 27 - 28 22 - 23 23 - 24
18 - 19 8-9 23 - 24 26 - 27
11 - 12 8-9 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 27 - 28
22 - 23 12 - 13 24 - 25 30 - 31
12 - 13 9 - 10 3-4 27 - 28 28 - 29
23 - 24 13 - 14 28 - 29 2-3
13 - 14 15 - 16 4-5 28 - 29 29 - 30
24 - 25 14 - 15 29 - 30 3-4
14 - 15 16 - 17 5-6 29 - 30 1-2
25 - 26 15 - 16 1-2 4-5
18 - 19 17 - 18 6-7 1-2 2-3
1-2 19 - 20 2-3 5-6
19 - 20 18 - 19 10 - 11 5-6 6-7


an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

a), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
N 2021
Mining, Oil, Gas & Geothermal
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26
4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
22 - 23
28 - 29 20 - 21
23 - 24
4-5 21 - 22
24 - 25
5-6 22 - 23
25 - 26
6-7 23 - 24
29 - 30
7-8 27 - 28
11 - 12 28 - 29
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
9 - 10
21 - 22 7-8
10 - 11
25 - 26 8-9
15 - 16
26 - 27 9 - 10
16 - 17
27 - 28 13 - 14
17 - 18
28 - 29 14 - 15
18 - 19
4-5 15 - 16
22 - 23
5-6 16 - 17
23 - 24
6-7 20 - 21
24 - 25
7-8 21 - 22
25 - 26
11 - 12 22 - 23
29 - 30
12 - 13 23 - 24
13 - 14 27 - 28
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
9 - 10
26 - 27 6-7
10 - 11
27 - 28 7-8
15 - 16
28 - 29 8-9
16 - 17
4-5 9 - 10
17 - 18
5-6 13 - 14
18 - 19
6-7 14 - 15
22 - 23
7-8 15 - 16
23 - 24
11 - 12 16 - 17
24 - 25
12 - 13 20 - 21
25 - 26
13 - 14 21 - 22
29 - 30
14 - 15 22 - 23
20 - 21 23 - 24
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
9 - 10
28 - 29 2-3
10 - 11
4-5 6-7
15 - 16
5-6 7-8
16 - 17
6-7 8-9
17 - 18
7-8 9 - 10
18 - 19
11 - 12 13 - 14
22 - 23
12 - 13 14 - 15
23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16
24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21 20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26 22 - 23
26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
9 - 10
5-6 1-2
10 - 11
6-7 2-3
15 - 16
7-8 6-7
16 - 17
11 - 12 7-8
17 - 18
12 - 13 8-9
18 - 19
13 - 14 9 - 10
22 - 23
14 - 15 13 - 14
23 - 24
20 - 21 14 - 15
24 - 25
21 - 22 15 - 16
25 - 26
25 - 26 16 - 17
29 - 30
26 - 27 20 - 21
27 - 28 21 - 22
28 - 29 22 - 23
4-5 23 - 24
5-6 27 - 28
6-7 28 - 29
9 - 10
7-8 29 - 30
10 - 11
11 - 12 1-2
15 - 16
12 - 13 2-3
16 - 17
13 - 14 6-7
17 - 18
14 - 15 7-8
18 - 19
20 - 21 8-9
22 - 23
21 - 22 9 - 10
23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14
24 - 25
26 - 27 14 - 15
25 - 26
27 - 28 15 - 16
29 - 30
28 - 29 16 - 17
4-5 20 - 21
5-6 21 - 22
6-7 22 - 23
7-8 23 - 24
11 - 12 27 - 28
9 - 10
12 - 13 28 - 29
10 - 11
13 - 14 29 - 30
15 - 16
14 - 15 1-2
16 - 17
20 - 21 2-3
17 - 18
PD - 001 Achievement Motivation
PD - 002 Administrasi Personalia
PD - 003 Advanced Good Corporate Governance
PD - 004 Advanced Service Excellence
PD - 005 Aligning Governance, Risk and Compliance For Business Value Added
PD - 006 Analisa Dan Laporan Temuan Audit : Audit Investigatif, Analisa Temuan Audit, Pembuatan Laporan Audit
PD - 007 Basic Communication Skills
PD - 008 Basic Human Capital Analysis
PD - 009 Basic Leadership
PD - 010 Basic Psychology For HRM And People Development
PD - 011 Becoming Effective Trainer for Your Staff
PD - 012 Behavioral Event Interview
PD - 013 Best Practice Skill in Recruitment and Selection
PD - 014 Best Practices For The Multi-Project Manager
PD - 015 Brand Management
PD - 016 Building Service Culture
PD - 017 Business English For Secretaries
PD - 018 Business Ethics
PD - 019 Career Development Management
PD - 020 Career Management
PD - 021 Coaching and Counseling (Monitoring) for Optimal Performance
PD - 022 Coaching and Counseling for Manager
PD - 023 Coaching, Counseling and Mentoring
PD - 024 Communication & Negotiation Skill
PD - 025 Communication and Interpersonal Skills
PD - 026 Communication and Public Relation Intensive Study
PD - 027 Community Safety, Crime Prevention and Social Control
PD - 028 Competency Based HRM
PD - 029 Competitive Marketing Strategy
PD - 030 Comprehensive Correspondent Banking
PD - 031 Continuous Improvement of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) di Indonesia
PD - 032 Corporate Secretary
PD - 033 Creative Leadership For Better Result
PD - 034 Creative Thinking at Work
PD - 035 Crisis Management
PD - 036 CSR / Community Development : Monitoring & Evaluation
PD - 037 Customer Service Excellent
PD - 038 Dealing with Difficult People
PD - 039 Developing Leadership Capability
PD - 040 Developing Motionally Intelligence Management
PD - 041 Developing Office Management Profesionals
PD - 042 Developing Others
PD - 043 Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills
PD - 044 Effective Communication Skill
PD - 045 Effective Leadership and Personal Effectiveness
PD - 046 Effective Manajemen Proyek
PD - 047 Effective Office Management
PD - 048 Effective Performance Appraisal
PD - 049 Effective Report Writing Techniques
PD - 050 Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ)
PD - 051 Essential Skill Secretary and Administration Professional
PD - 052 Excellent Customer Focus
PD - 053 Excellent Supervisory Skills
PD - 054 Filing System For Secretary
PD - 055 Fraud Auditing
PD - 056 General Affairs Officer Program
PD - 057 Global Remuneration Professional
PD - 058 Handling The Media Public Speaking
PD - 059 High Impact Presentation
PD - 060 High Performance Leadership
PD - 061 HR Officer Development Program
PD - 062 Human Resource develeopment & Management
PD - 063 Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
PD - 064 Human Resources Information System (HRIS)
PD - 065 Implementation of Electronic Records Filing With Integrated Document Management System And
PD - 066 Implementation Reliability Centered Maintenance
PD - 067 Improving Communication Skill
PD - 068 Integrated Management System ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004
PD - 069 Internal Communication Skill For Professional
PD - 070 Internal Communication Strategy
PD - 071 Interview and Investigation Skill for Legal
PD - 072 Interviewing Skill for Identifying Competencies
PD - 073 ISO 31000 : Risk Management
PD - 074 Journalistic Public Relation
PD - 075 Jurnalistik dan Cara Menulis di Media
PD - 076 Kepemimpinan Efektif
PD - 077 Kepemimpinan Transaksional
PD - 078 Keprotokolan dan Master of Ceremony
PD - 079 Key Performance Indicator Berdasarkan Balanced Scorecard
PD - 080 Key Performance Indocator
PD - 081 Leadership
PD - 082 Leadership Development And Management
PD - 083 Leadership Skill
PD - 084 Leadership Skill For Supervisor And Manager
PD - 085 Leadersip Skill For Manager & Supervisor
PD - 086 Legal Drafting and Writing
PD - 087 Magnetic Leadership
PD - 088 Maintenance Management for Supervisor & Manager
PD - 089 Majalah Internal
PD - 090 Management Development Program
PD - 091 Management Outsourching
PD - 092 Management Personalia
PD - 093 Management SDM
PD - 094 Management SDM
PD - 095 Management Sumber Daya Manusia
PD - 096 Management Supervisory Skills
PD - 097 Management Training & TOT Advance
PD - 098 Managing Conflict and handling Difficult People
PD - 099 Managing Conflict and Handling Difficult People and Situations
PD - 100 Managing People
PD - 101 Manajemen Diklat
PD - 102 Manajemen Filing dan Tata Kelola Kantor
PD - 103 Manajemen Kearsipan dan Filling System
PD - 104 Manajemen Kesekretariatan
PD - 105 Manajemen Konflik
PD - 106 Marketing Intelligence
PD - 107 Master Arts of Internal Communication
PD - 108 Master of Ceremony and Public Speaking
PD - 109 Meningkatkan Kemampuan Negosiasi dan Komunikasi Bisnis Secara Efektif
PD - 110 Modern CSR Program Development
PD - 111 Negotiation and Lobbying Skills
PD - 112 Negotiation Skill
PD - 113 Negotiation Skill in Business
PD - 114 Network To Build Business Connection
PD - 115 Optimizing Working Capital
PD - 116 Organization Development Professionals
PD - 117 Pengelolaan Event
PD - 118 Pengembangan Diri
PD - 119 Penyusunan Perencanaan Strategis
PD - 120 Penyusunan Rencana Kerja Dan Anggaran Perusahaan
PD - 121 Perencanaan Diklat Dan Evaluasi Program Diklat
PD - 122 Performance Management System
PD - 123 Personal Image And Table Manners
PD - 124 Personal Power Leadership
PD - 125 Personality Development For Secretary
PD - 126 Personality Development for Secretary and Professional
PD - 127 Personnel Administration Development Program
PD - 128 Powerful and Effective Team Building
PD - 129 Powerful Public Speaking
PD - 130 Practical Assertive Communication
PD - 131 Presentation Skills
PD - 132 Problem Solving and Decision Making
PD - 133 Professional Administrasi Skill
PD - 134 Professional and Effective Secretary Management
PD - 135 Professional Business Writing for Secretary and Administrative
PD - 136 Professional Leadership
PD - 137 Professional Marketing Executive
PD - 138 Professional Skills for Administrators and Secretaries
PD - 139 Project Risk Management
PD - 140 Protokoler dan Master of Ceremony
PD - 141 Public Relation
PD - 142 Public Relation Strategy, External Relations and Community
PD - 143 Public Relation, Media Relations And Corporate Communication
PD - 144 Public Relations and Negotiation Skills
PD - 145 Public Relations Excellence For Great Corporate Image
PD - 146 Public Relationship Management
PD - 147 Public Speaking & Master Of Ceremony
PD - 148 Public Speaking and Presentation Skill
PD - 149 Quality Control and Quality Assurance Management
PD - 150 Report Writing Skill
PD - 151 Secretary Development Based On Competencies
PD - 152 Selling and Negotiation Skill
PD - 153 Selling Skill
PD - 154 Service Excellence for Public Relation
PD - 155 Seven Habits Of Highly Efective People
PD - 156 Smart Selling Skill
PD - 157 Social Mapping dan Pembentukan Program CSR Perusahaan
PD - 158 Social Mapping for CSR Effectively
PD - 159 Strategic Learning and Development (SLD)
PD - 160 Strategic Outsourching dan Dampaknya Pada Aspek SDM
PD - 161 Supervisor Management Development
PD - 162 Supervisory Management
PD - 163 Supervisory Skills and Leadership for Secretary
PD - 164 Supplier Relationship Management
PD - 165 Teknik Komunikasi
PD - 166 Teknik Komunikasi Yang Efektif
PD - 167 Teknik Negosiasi
PD - 168 Teknik Pelayanan Pelanggan (Effective Customer Service Technique)
PD - 169 Teknik Presentasi
PD - 170 Teknik Protokoler
PD - 171 Total Quality Management (TQM)
PD - 172 Training Development Management
PD - 173 Training Need Analysis
PD - 174 Training Of Trainer (TOT)
PD - 175 Training Total Quality Management
PD - 176 World Class Human Resources Management Program

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumlah M
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima reque
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program se
Personal D
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
tan Laporan Audit 3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25

an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

a), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
N 2021
Personal Development
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26
4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
22 - 23
28 - 29 20 - 21
23 - 24
4-5 21 - 22
24 - 25
5-6 22 - 23
25 - 26
6-7 23 - 24
29 - 30
7-8 27 - 28
11 - 12 28 - 29
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
9 - 10
21 - 22 7-8
10 - 11
25 - 26 8-9
15 - 16
26 - 27 9 - 10
16 - 17
27 - 28 13 - 14
17 - 18
28 - 29 14 - 15
18 - 19
4-5 15 - 16
22 - 23
5-6 16 - 17
23 - 24
6-7 20 - 21
24 - 25
7-8 21 - 22
25 - 26
11 - 12 22 - 23
29 - 30
12 - 13 23 - 24
13 - 14 27 - 28
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
9 - 10
26 - 27 6-7
10 - 11
27 - 28 7-8
15 - 16
28 - 29 8-9
16 - 17
4-5 9 - 10
17 - 18
5-6 13 - 14
18 - 19
6-7 14 - 15
22 - 23
7-8 15 - 16
23 - 24
11 - 12 16 - 17
24 - 25
12 - 13 20 - 21
25 - 26
13 - 14 21 - 22
29 - 30
14 - 15 22 - 23
20 - 21 23 - 24
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
9 - 10
28 - 29 2-3
10 - 11
4-5 6-7
15 - 16
5-6 7-8
16 - 17
6-7 8-9
17 - 18
7-8 9 - 10
18 - 19
11 - 12 13 - 14
22 - 23
12 - 13 14 - 15
23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16
24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21 20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26 22 - 23
26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
9 - 10
5-6 1-2
10 - 11
6-7 2-3
15 - 16
7-8 6-7
PURC - 001 Accurate Inventory Control Planning and Stock Control
PURC - 002 Administrasi Kontrak Pembelian
PURC - 003 Administrasi Pergudangan
PURC - 004 Administration Purchasing
PURC - 005 Advanced Warehouse Management
PURC - 006 Air Transportasion Security and Aviation Safety Management
PURC - 007 Aplikasi Manajemen Pergudangan Yang Efektif
PURC - 008 Approaches to Inventory Management
PURC - 009 Basic Warehouse and Inventory Management
PURC - 010 Basic Warehouse Management
PURC - 011 Best Practice Budgeting dan Control Terpadu
PURC - 012 Best Practice in Logistic Cost Reduction
PURC - 013 Best Practice Warehouse and Inventory Management
PURC - 014 Best Practices For Managing Inventories and Cycle Count
PURC - 015 Best Practices Integrated Supply Chain Management
PURC - 016 Best Practices Warehouse Management
PURC - 017 Business Contract
PURC - 018 Commercial Negotiation Skill
PURC - 019 Contract and Procurement Fraud
PURC - 020 Contract Management
PURC - 021 Contract Management & Tendering
PURC - 022 Contract Management and Effective Negotiation
PURC - 023 Contract Principles and Admin
PURC - 024 Contract Writing, Planning and Management
PURC - 025 Contractor Management
PURC - 026 Contractor Selection & Contract Management Program
PURC - 027 Corporate And Business Law
PURC - 028 Custom Clearance Procedures
PURC - 029 Customer Service Satisfaction For Driver
PURC - 030 Customs, Shipping Documents, & Ex-Imp Procedure
PURC - 031 Developing and Maintaining Supply Chain Partner
PURC - 032 Draught Survey
PURC - 033 Due Diligence in Procurement
PURC - 034 E Procurement : Concept and Implementation
PURC - 035 Effective Contract Management
PURC - 036 Effective Global Procurement
PURC - 037 Effective Negotiation Skill
PURC - 038 Effective Profitable Purchasing
PURC - 039 Effective Purchasing and Warehouse Management
PURC - 040 Effective Purchasing Management
PURC - 041 Effective Purchasing Management and Negotiation
PURC - 042 Effective Purchasing Management for New Buyer
PURC - 043 Effective Receiving and Warehousing
PURC - 044 Effective Storekeeping & Warehouse Management
PURC - 045 Effective Storekeeping, Warehouse and Distribution Management
PURC - 046 Effective Supervisory Management
PURC - 047 Effective Vendor Assesment
PURC - 048 Effective Warehouse and Safety Management
PURC - 049 Effective Warehouse Management
PURC - 050 Effective Warehouse Management System
PURC - 051 E-Procurement
PURC - 052 Evaluasi Vendor Berbasis Risiko
PURC - 053 Export-Import and Incoterm
PURC - 054 Fraud in Purchasing
PURC - 055 Fundamentals of Purchasing for New Buyer
PURC - 056 Global Logistic and Material Management
PURC - 057 Global Supply Chain
PURC - 058 Global Trend In Purchasing Management and E Procurement
PURC - 059 Good Corporate Governance
PURC - 060 Health & Safety In The Warehouse
PURC - 061 Highlight of Procurement Process from Planning to Execution
PURC - 062 Hukum Kontrak Dalam Bisnis
PURC - 063 Hukum Kontrak Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa
PURC - 064 Hukum Perdagangan Internasional
PURC - 065 Industrial Transportation Safety Management
PURC - 066 Integrated Production Planning System
PURC - 067 Integrated Warehouse, Inventory and Distribution Management
PURC - 068 International Ship and Port Security Code
PURC - 069 Introduction to E-Procurement
PURC - 070 Introduction to Procurement Procedures for Oil & Gas Industry
PURC - 071 Inventory and Material Management
PURC - 072 Inventory and Warehouse Management
PURC - 073 Inventory Asset
PURC - 074 Inventory Control
PURC - 075 Inventory Management
PURC - 076 Inventory Management & Control System
PURC - 077 Inventory Management : Planning & Activities Control
PURC - 078 Inventory Management and Control
PURC - 079 Inventory Management as a Competitive Weapon
PURC - 080 Inventory Management Planning Activity And Control
PURC - 081 ISO Warehousing
PURC - 082 Kelogistikan, Pengadaan IT & Manajemen Aset Tetap
PURC - 083 Kepabeanan
PURC - 084 Kepabeanan : Regulasi & Ketentuan Pemerintah
PURC - 085 Kepabeanan, Export Import and Custom Facility
PURC - 086 Knowledge Material (Warehousing)
PURC - 087 Komputerisasi Pergudangan
PURC - 088 Land Transportation Management
PURC - 089 Land Transportation Untuk Angkutan Penumpang
PURC - 090 Lean Production & Operation Manufacturing
PURC - 091 Liquid Cargo Surveyor
PURC - 092 Loading Master
PURC - 093 Loading Unloading Cargo
PURC - 094 Logistic & Supply Chain Management
PURC - 095 Logistic and Inventroy Control
PURC - 096 Logistic and Supply Chain Management
PURC - 097 Logistic Best Practices
PURC - 098 Logistic Management : Strategic and Best Practice
PURC - 099 Logistic Management And Operation Control
PURC - 100 Logistic Management and Supply Chain Management
PURC - 101 Logistic Management System
PURC - 102 Logistic Management: Strategic and Best Practices
PURC - 103 Logistic, Shipping, Transportation and Material Management
PURC - 104 Logistic, Stock and Inventory Management
PURC - 105 Management Pembelian
PURC - 106 Management Purchasing and Procurement
PURC - 107 Management Security
PURC - 108 Managing and Improving DistributionOperations
PURC - 109 Managing Product Lines & Brands
PURC - 110 Managing Risk & Procurement
PURC - 111 Managing Supplier Performance In Effectively
PURC - 112 Managing Tender, Specifications and Contract
PURC - 113 Manajemen dan Administrasi Logistik
PURC - 114 Manajemen Kehumasan
PURC - 115 Manajemen Lanjutan, Pergudangan dan Pengendalian Persediaan
PURC - 116 Manajemen Logistik
PURC - 117 Manajemen Logistik dan Pengadaan Berbasis Web
PURC - 118 Manajemen Material Terpadu
PURC - 119 Manajemen Pembelian & Pengadaan
PURC - 120 Manajemen Pembelian Yang Efektif
PURC - 121 Manajemen Pengadaan Barang Dan Jasa
PURC - 122 Manajemen Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Untuk Oil and Gas Industry
PURC - 123 Manajemen Perdagangan Non Industri
PURC - 124 Manajemen Pergudangan dan Persediaan
PURC - 125 Manajemen Pergudangan Untuk Non Industri
PURC - 126 Manajemen Persediaan Dan Pengelolaan Fasilitas
PURC - 127 Manajemen Rute Distribusi
PURC - 128 Manajemen Stock Untuk Meningkatkan Produktifitas Perusahaan
PURC - 129 Manajemen Transportasi
PURC - 130 Manajemen Vendor
PURC - 131 Marine and Terminal Operation
PURC - 132 Material & Inventory Control
PURC - 133 Material control management
PURC - 134 Material Handling and Packaging
PURC - 135 Material Knowledge Skill
PURC - 136 Material Knowledge Skill for Supporting Personnel
PURC - 137 Material Management
PURC - 138 Metode Transportasi & Penanganan Barang
PURC - 139 Modern Inventory And Stock Control
PURC - 140 Modern Warehousing Management
PURC - 141 Negotiation Skills for Purchasing Officer
PURC - 142 Negotiation Technique For Procurement Staff
PURC - 143 Operational Contract
PURC - 144 Owner Estimate ( Harga Perkiraan Sendiri)
PURC - 145 Pelaporan Sistem Pergudangan
PURC - 146 Pemahaman dan Penggunaan Letter of Credit (L/C) dalam Transaksi Ekspor – Impor
PURC - 147 Penanganan Hasil Produksi
PURC - 148 Penanganan Pemeliharaan dan Perawatan Barang
PURC - 149 Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa
PURC - 150 Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah
PURC - 151 Pengetahuan Quality Improvement
PURC - 152 Pengetahuan Transportasi dan Penanganan Barang
PURC - 153 Penyusunan HPS Atas Pelelangan Barang dan Jasa Perusahaan
PURC - 154 Peramalan & Perencanaan Pembelian / Inventory
PURC - 155 Perdagangan Internasional dan Prosedur Kepabeanan
PURC - 156 Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Jasa
PURC - 157 Perencanaan Distribusi Produk
PURC - 158 Pergudangan & Persediaan: Manajemen & Administrasi
PURC - 159 Port Management
PURC - 160 Practical Supply Chain Management
PURC - 161 Procurement and Contracting
PURC - 162 Procurement and Purchasing Strategy
PURC - 163 Procurement Based On PTK 007 On Oil and Gas Industry
PURC - 164 Procurement Best Practices
PURC - 165 PROCUREMENT FRAUD : Prevention & Investigation
PURC - 166 Procurement Management
PURC - 167 Procurement Process & Contract Monitoring
PURC - 168 Procurement Process (Planning Execution)
PURC - 169 Procurement Program Integrated With MS Excel 2003
PURC - 170 Procurement Progress and Order Monitoring
PURC - 171 Procurement Strategy and Strategic Sourcing
PURC - 172 Production and Operation Management
PURC - 173 Production Planning & Inventory Control (PPIC)
PURC - 174 Professional Warehouse Management
PURC - 175 Profitable Purchasing : Strategies & Best Practices
PURC - 176 Project Planning & Control
PURC - 177 Project Risk Management & Risk Analysis
PURC - 178 Prosedur Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa
PURC - 179 Prosedur Pembayaran Dalam Transaksi Eks- Imp
PURC - 180 Prosedure Ekspor - Impor & Kepabeanan
PURC - 181 PTK 007 Revisi 3/2015 dan TKDN Sebagai Pedoman Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa
PURC - 182 Purchasing & Outsourcing Management
PURC - 183 Purchasing and Procurement Management
PURC - 184 Purchasing and Supply Management
PURC - 185 Purchasing Management
PURC - 186 Purchasing Negotiation and Contracting Strategy
PURC - 187 Raw Material Handling & Modern Warehousing
PURC - 188 Receiving & Warehousing
PURC - 189 SAP Inventory Control
PURC - 190 SAP Logistics Execution
PURC - 191 Ship Charter Party and Administration
PURC - 192 Shipping & Port Management
PURC - 193 Shipping Management and Freight Forwarder
PURC - 194 Shipping Port Management
PURC - 195 Shipping Reporting System
PURC - 196 Shipping, Incoterm 2010, UCP 600 & Custom Procedures
PURC - 197 Shipping, Receiving & Warehousing
PURC - 198 Store, Warehouse & Distribution Management
PURC - 199 Strategi Designing Princing
PURC - 200 Strategi Sourcing
PURC - 201 Strategic Inventory Control And Warehousing
PURC - 202 Strategic Logistics and Supply Chain Management
PURC - 203 Strategic Logistics Cost Reduction
PURC - 204 Strategic Planning For Supply Chain
PURC - 205 Strategic Procurement Management
PURC - 206 Strategic Purchasing, Inventory Control & Warehouse Management
PURC - 207 Strategic Sourcing In Procurement
PURC - 208 Strategic Tender Management
PURC - 209 Supervising in The Warehouse
PURC - 210 Supplier Performance Assesment
PURC - 211 Supplier Performance Assessment Using Supplier Scorecard
PURC - 212 Supply Chain & Warehouse Management
PURC - 213 Supply Chain Management (SCM)
PURC - 214 Supply Chain Security Management System ( ISO 28000:2007)
PURC - 215 Surat Kredit Berdokumen Dalam Negeri
PURC - 216 Tata Laksana Pergudangan
PURC - 217 Teknik Negosiasi Untuk Staff Pengadaan
PURC - 218 Teknik Penjadwalan Produksi
PURC - 219 Tender Management Dalam Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa (Procurement)
PURC - 220 Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) : Strategi, Teknik Penilaian, Penghitungan dan Implementasinya
PURC - 221 Tools & Sparepart Inventory Management
PURC - 222 Tools and Techniques for Contract Management
PURC - 223 Total Productivity Improvement
PURC - 224 Toxycology Industri
PURC - 225 Transport Planning
PURC - 226 Vendor Assesment
PURC - 227 Vendor Evaluation
PURC - 228 Vendor Evaluation Techniques
PURC - 229 Vendor Management
PURC - 230 Warehouse and Inventory Management
PURC - 231 Warehouse and Material Management
PURC - 232 Warehouse Inventory & Storage
PURC - 233 Warehouse Management
PURC - 234 Warehouse Officer
PURC - 235 Warehouse Operation & Management
PURC - 236 Warehouse Operation Management & Control
PURC - 237 Warehouse Safety Management
PURC - 238 Warehouse, Stores, & Stock Control Management
PURC - 239 Warehousing and Inventory Control (Tools Management)
PURC - 240 Warehousing, Planning & Material Handling
PURC - 241 Workshop PTK 007
PURC - 242 Cataloguing Inventory

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumlah
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima req
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program
Purchasing &
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 28 - 29 16 - 17 5-6
28 - 29 30 - 31 10 - 11 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 29 - 30 17 - 18 11 - 12
4-5 1-2 11 - 12 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 5-6 21 - 22 12 - 13
5-6 2-3 17 - 18 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 6-7 22 - 23 18 - 19
6-7 3-4 18 - 19 15 - 16 23 - 24
16 - 17 7-8 23 - 24 19 - 20
7-8 4-5 19 - 20 21 - 22 27 - 28
17 - 18 8-9 24 - 25 23 - 24
11 - 12 8-9 20 - 21 22 - 23 28 - 29
18 - 19 12 - 13 28 - 29 24 - 25
12 - 13 9 - 10 24 - 25 26 - 27 29 - 30
22 - 23 13 - 14 29 - 30 25 - 26
13 - 14 15 - 16 27 - 28 27 - 28 1-2
23 - 24 14 - 15 1-2 26 - 27
14 - 15 16 - 17 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 2-3
24 - 25 15 - 16 2-3 30 - 31
18 - 19 17 - 18 3-4 29 - 30 6-7
25 - 26 19 - 20 3-4 2-3
19 - 20 18 - 19 4-5 1-2 7-8
1-2 20 - 21 7-8 3-4
20 - 21 22 - 23 5-6 5-6 8-9
2-3 21 - 22 8-9 4-5
21 - 22 23 - 24 6-7 6-7 9 - 10
3-4 22 - 23 9 - 10 5-6
25 - 26 24 - 25 10 - 11 7-8 13 - 14
4-5 26 - 27 10 - 11 11 - 12
26 - 27 25 - 26 11 - 12 8-9 14 - 15
n Implementasinya 8-9 27 - 28 14 - 15 12 - 13
27 - 28 29 - 30 17 - 18 12 - 13 15 - 16
9 - 10 28 - 29 15 - 16 18 - 19
28 - 29 30 - 31 18 - 19 13 - 14 16 - 17
10 - 11 29 - 30 16 - 17 19 - 20
4-5 1-2 19 - 20 14 - 15 20 - 21
15 - 16 5-6 17 - 18 23 - 24
5-6 2-3 20 - 21 15 - 16 21 - 22
16 - 17 6-7 21 - 22 24 - 25
6-7 3-4 24 - 25 21 - 22 22 - 23
17 - 18 7-8 22 - 23 25 - 26
7-8 4-5 27 - 28 22 - 23 23 - 24
18 - 19 8-9 23 - 24 26 - 27
11 - 12 8-9 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 27 - 28
22 - 23 12 - 13 24 - 25 30 - 31
12 - 13 9 - 10 3-4 27 - 28 28 - 29
23 - 24 13 - 14 28 - 29 2-3
13 - 14 15 - 16 4-5 28 - 29 29 - 30
24 - 25 14 - 15 29 - 30 3-4
14 - 15 16 - 17 5-6 29 - 30 1-2
25 - 26 15 - 16 1-2 4-5
18 - 19 17 - 18 6-7 1-2 2-3
1-2 19 - 20 2-3 5-6


an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

a), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
N 2021
Purchasing & Procurement
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26
4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
22 - 23
28 - 29 20 - 21
23 - 24
4-5 21 - 22
24 - 25
5-6 22 - 23
25 - 26
6-7 23 - 24
29 - 30
7-8 27 - 28
11 - 12 28 - 29
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
9 - 10
21 - 22 7-8
10 - 11
25 - 26 8-9
15 - 16
26 - 27 9 - 10
16 - 17
27 - 28 13 - 14
17 - 18
28 - 29 14 - 15
18 - 19
4-5 15 - 16
22 - 23
5-6 16 - 17
23 - 24
6-7 20 - 21
24 - 25
7-8 21 - 22
25 - 26
11 - 12 22 - 23
29 - 30
12 - 13 23 - 24
13 - 14 27 - 28
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
9 - 10
26 - 27 6-7
10 - 11
27 - 28 7-8
15 - 16
28 - 29 8-9
16 - 17
4-5 9 - 10
17 - 18
5-6 13 - 14
18 - 19
6-7 14 - 15
22 - 23
7-8 15 - 16
23 - 24
11 - 12 16 - 17
24 - 25
12 - 13 20 - 21
25 - 26
13 - 14 21 - 22
29 - 30
14 - 15 22 - 23
20 - 21 23 - 24
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
9 - 10
28 - 29 2-3
10 - 11
4-5 6-7
15 - 16
5-6 7-8
16 - 17
6-7 8-9
17 - 18
7-8 9 - 10
18 - 19
11 - 12 13 - 14
22 - 23
12 - 13 14 - 15
23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16
24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21 20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26 22 - 23
26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
9 - 10
5-6 1-2
10 - 11
6-7 2-3
15 - 16
7-8 6-7
16 - 17
11 - 12 7-8
17 - 18
12 - 13 8-9
18 - 19
13 - 14 9 - 10
22 - 23
14 - 15 13 - 14
23 - 24
20 - 21 14 - 15
24 - 25
21 - 22 15 - 16
25 - 26
25 - 26 16 - 17
29 - 30
26 - 27 20 - 21
27 - 28 21 - 22
28 - 29 22 - 23
4-5 23 - 24
5-6 27 - 28
6-7 28 - 29
9 - 10
7-8 29 - 30
10 - 11
11 - 12 1-2
15 - 16
12 - 13 2-3
16 - 17
13 - 14 6-7
17 - 18
14 - 15 7-8
18 - 19
20 - 21 8-9
22 - 23
21 - 22 9 - 10
23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14
24 - 25
26 - 27 14 - 15
25 - 26
27 - 28 15 - 16
29 - 30
28 - 29 16 - 17
4-5 20 - 21
5-6 21 - 22
6-7 22 - 23
7-8 23 - 24
11 - 12 27 - 28
9 - 10
12 - 13 28 - 29
10 - 11
13 - 14 29 - 30
15 - 16
14 - 15 1-2
16 - 17
20 - 21 2-3
QE - 001 Administration and Electronic Filling System
QE - 002 Advanced Maintenance Management
QE - 003 Akreditasi JCI USA (RS Berstandart Internasional)
QE - 004 Akreditasi KARS
QE - 005 Analysis Strategic Value Chain
QE - 006 Angka Ketidakpastian Pengukuran
QE - 007 Arsip Dinamis
QE - 008 Audit Energy and Power System Management
QE - 009 Audit Integrasi System Manajemen ISO 9001:2000,ISO 14001:2004 dan SMK3/OHSAS-18001
QE - 010 Audit Internal Integrasi Sistem ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 (Based On ISO 19011)
QE - 011 Audit Internal ISO : 17025
QE - 012 Audit Internal ISO 9001 : 2015
QE - 013 Audit Medik/Audit Klinik
QE - 014 Audit Mutu
QE - 015 Auditor Internal ISO 9001 : 14001
QE - 016 Awareness dan Perencanaan Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan ISO 14001: 2015
QE - 017 Balanced Scorecard
QE - 018 Basic Maintenance
QE - 019 BCMS with ISO 22301 : Planning, Design,and Implementing
QE - 020 Best Practice implementasi Manajemen Mutu Laboratorium ISO 17025:2017
QE - 021 Best Practice Photography
QE - 022 Best Practice Research in Business Intellegence for Gaining Competitive Advantage
QE - 023 Biodiversity (Keanekaragaman Hayati)
QE - 024 Budgeting and Cost Control
QE - 025 Building Awereness of CSR based on ISO 26000
QE - 026 Calibration ISO / IEC 17025
QE - 027 Clean Development Mechanism
QE - 028 Cost Benefit Program Outage Statement
QE - 029 Dasar dasar ISO 14000
QE - 030 Dokumentasi SNI ISO/IEC 17020:2012
QE - 031 Effective Receiving and Warehousing
QE - 032 Effective Warehouse and Safety Management
QE - 033 E-Filing Management Berbasis ISO 15489
QE - 034 Efisiensi Energi di Industri
QE - 035 Electronic Filing and Document Management System
QE - 036 Evaluasi dan Perancangan Clinical Pathway
QE - 037 Evaluasi Training
QE - 038 Excutive Introduction of ISO / TS 16949:2016
QE - 039 Export Import and Letter of Credit
QE - 040 Export-Import and Incoterm
QE - 041 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
QE - 042 Food And Beverage Service
QE - 043 Food Handlers
QE - 044 Food Safety Based on ISO 22000 for Fish & Fishery Product
QE - 045 Food Safety Based On Iso 22000 For Palm Oil Industry
QE - 046 Good Corporate Governance
QE - 047 Green Building Concept
QE - 048 Handling Food Safety
QE - 049 Harga Perkiraan Sendiri Dalam Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa
QE - 050 HSE Internal Audit based on 19011 : 2018
QE - 051 Implementasi ISO 14064 : 2006
QE - 052 Implementing Food Safety Management System (ISO 22000 : 2005)
QE - 053 Implementing ISO 14001 : 2015
QE - 054 Integrated Maintenance Management
QE - 055 Integrated Management System ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2015
QE - 056 Integrated QHSE Management System ISO 9001,ISO 14001 dan OHSAS 18001
QE - 057 Internal Audit Integrated QHSE Management System Based On ISO 19011:2011
QE - 058 Internal Audit ISO 90001
QE - 059 INTERNAL AUDIT ISO 9001 : 2015
QE - 060 Internal Auditor (Satuan Pengawas Internal)
QE - 061 Internal Quality Audit based on ISO 9001:2015
QE - 062 Interpreting of ISO 9001:2015
QE - 063 Inventory Management
QE - 064 ISO 10012: Measurement Management System for Supporting ISO 9001
QE - 065 ISO 14000
QE - 066 ISO 14001 : Understanding & Implementing ISO 14001
QE - 067 ISO 14031 : Evaluasi Kinerja Lingkungan
QE - 068 ISO 17025
QE - 069 ISO 20000 : 2011
QE - 070 ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System Implementation
QE - 071 ISO 26000 Awareness
QE - 072 ISO 27001 : Information Security Management System Internal Audit
QE - 073 ISO 27001 Foundation
QE - 074 ISO 27005
QE - 075 ISO 28000 : Supply Chain Security Management System
QE - 076 ISO 31000:2018 Standart Internasional Manajemen Risiko
QE - 077 ISO 38500 : IT Governance
QE - 078 ISO 50001 : Energy Management System
QE - 079 ISO 9000
QE - 080 ISO 9000 : 2000 Series QMS Internal Auditor
QE - 081 ISO 9000 : 2008 Quality Management System
QE - 082 ISO 9000 Sebagai pengendali kwalitas produksi
QE - 083 ISO 9001 : 2000 Continual Quality Improvement
QE - 084 ISO 9001 : 2015
QE - 085 ISO 9001 : 2015
QE - 086 ISO 9001 : Interprenting and Documenting Quality Management System
QE - 087 ISO Laboratorium 17025
QE - 088 ISO/IEC 20000 : IT Service Management
QE - 089 Job Evaluation And Job Grading
QE - 090 Key Performance Incdicator (KPI) Development
QE - 091 Key Performance Indicator
QE - 092 Key Performance Indicators For Corporate
QE - 093 KPI For Employee Performance Management
QE - 094 Laboratory Preparation for ISO 17025:2005 Accreditation
QE - 095 Leadership Skill For Supervisor And Manager
QE - 096 Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)
QE - 097 Man Power Planning (MPP)
QE - 098 Management Energy
QE - 099 Management Pembelian
QE - 100 Management Project : Review and Analysis
QE - 101 Management Representative Skills For QHSE
QE - 102 Manajemen Aset Berbasis Teknologi
QE - 103 Manajemen Asset
QE - 104 Manajemen CSR dan Implementasi ISO 26000 : 2010 Guidance on Social Responsibililty
QE - 105 Manajemen dan Administrasi Proyek
QE - 106 Manajemen Food Hygiene dan kesehatan Perusahaan
QE - 107 Manajemen Hygiene Dan Kesehatan Perusahaan
QE - 108 Manajemen K3 Laboratorium : Documenting & Implementing ISO 17025
QE - 109 Manajemen Laboratorium Analisa Kimia
QE - 110 Manajemen Mutu
QE - 111 Manajemen Mutu dan Lingkungan ISO 9001:14001
QE - 112 Manajemen Overhaul
QE - 113 Manajemen Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Untuk Oil and Gas Industry
QE - 114 Manajemen Pengendalian Persediaan Suku Cadang
QE - 115 Manajemen Pergudangan dan Persediaan
QE - 116 Manajemen Pergudangan Kimia dan Tanggap Darurat
QE - 117 Manajemen Perkantoran Dan Pengarsipan
QE - 118 Manajemen Risiko
QE - 119 Manajemen Rute Distribusi
QE - 120 Manajemen Vendor
QE - 121 Office Management
QE - 122 OHSAS 18001:2007
QE - 123 Operation and Production Management
QE - 124 Owner Estimate
QE - 125 Pemahaman penerapan Integrasi ISO 9001 SMK3 COC
QE - 126 Pembuatan Study Kelayakan Jaringan Kantor
QE - 127 Penanganan Bahaya Hidrogen
QE - 128 Pendayagunaan dan Optimalisasi Aset Tetap BUMN
QE - 129 Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa
QE - 130 Pengelolaan Air Bersih
QE - 131 Pengelolaan Karyawan Alih Daya (Outsourcing)
QE - 132 Pengelolaan Limbah B3
QE - 133 Pengelolaan Limbah B3 dan Limbah Non B3
QE - 134 Pengelolaan Limbah Non B3
QE - 135 Pengelolaan Sampah Kompos
QE - 136 Pengembangan System HRD berdasarkan System ISO 9001:2008
QE - 137 Pengenalan dan Implementasi System managemen Energy ISO 50000 : 2011
QE - 138 Pengenalan dan Manfaat ISO 9001:2008
QE - 139 Penilaian Efisiensi Kinerja Cabang Dengan Metode DEA
QE - 140 Penilaian Kinerja Transportasi
QE - 141 Perancangan Standart Operating Prosedur
QE - 142 Perencanaan dan Penjadwalan Perawatan (Maintenance, Planning and Scheduling)
QE - 143 Performance Appraisal
QE - 144 Performance Management System
QE - 145 Persiapan ISO 9001 : 2015
QE - 146 Persiapan Menghadapi Verifikasi dan Audit
QE - 147 Personal Image And Table Manners
QE - 148 Powerful Database Analysis And Dashboard Reporting With Excel 2010
QE - 149 Prinsiples And Applications For Energy Cost Saving
QE - 150 Procurement Process (Planning Execution)
QE - 151 Procurement Strategy and Strategic Sourcing
QE - 152 Production and Operation Management
QE - 153 Production Management
QE - 154 Production Optimazation And Minimizing Downtime
QE - 155 Profil Bisnis Perkapalan
QE - 156 Project Cost Estimation
QE - 157 Project Management, Planning, Control, Schedulling and Financing Analysis
QE - 158 Project Scheduling and Controling
QE - 159 Proper Hijau dan Emas
QE - 160 Quality Assurance and Control Mechanism
QE - 161 Quality Assurance for Internal Audit Department
QE - 162 Quality Control 7 Tools
QE - 163 Quality Control and Quality Assurance Management
QE - 164 Quality Control Laboratorium
QE - 165 Quality Control Of Civil Work
QE - 166 Quality Control of Civil Work (Pengendalian Mutu Pada Proyek Konstruksi)
QE - 167 Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 ( Manajemen Mutu )
QE - 168 Quality Service Excellence
QE - 169 Reliability Engineering
QE - 170 Root Cause Failure Analysis
QE - 171 Safety Management
QE - 172 Secretary Development Based On Competencies
QE - 173 Shipping Management and Freight Forwarder
QE - 174 Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan
QE - 175 Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2008
QE - 176 SMK3 For Sawit Base on OHSAS dan PP No.50 2012
QE - 177 SOP Perpustakaan : System Management Mutu ISO 9001:2008
QE - 178 Statistik Industri
QE - 179 Strategi Membangun SOP Dan KPI Berbasis Balanced Scorecard
QE - 180 Strategi Sourcing
QE - 181 Strategic Logistics and Supply Chain Management
QE - 182 Sukses Membangun Bisnis Ritel Di Era “Modern Market”
QE - 183 Supervising in The Warehouse
QE - 184 Supply Chain Management (SCM)
QE - 185 System Manajemen ISO 14001:2015
QE - 186 Teknik Fotografi Jurnalistik
QE - 187 Teknik Pelayanan Pelanggan (Effective Customer Service Technique)
QE - 188 Tender Management Dalam Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa (Procurement)
QE - 189 Total Productive Maintenance
QE - 190 Training Need Analysis
QE - 191 Understanding of ISO 9001:2015 - Based Performance “Continual Improvement”
QE - 192 Validasi Metode Uji
QE - 193 Vendor Evaluation Techniques
QE - 194 Vendor Management
QE - 195 Warehouse Management
QE - 196 Work Planning Control
QE - 197 Workplace Productivity Improvement

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumlah M
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima reque
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program se
Quality a
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 28 - 29 16 - 17 5-6
28 - 29 30 - 31 10 - 11 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 29 - 30 17 - 18 11 - 12
4-5 1-2 11 - 12 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 5-6 21 - 22 12 - 13
5-6 2-3 17 - 18 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 6-7 22 - 23 18 - 19
6-7 3-4 18 - 19 15 - 16 23 - 24


an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

a), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
N 2021
Quality and Efficiency
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26
4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
22 - 23
28 - 29 20 - 21
23 - 24
4-5 21 - 22
24 - 25
5-6 22 - 23
25 - 26
6-7 23 - 24
29 - 30
7-8 27 - 28
11 - 12 28 - 29
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
9 - 10
21 - 22 7-8
10 - 11
25 - 26 8-9
15 - 16
26 - 27 9 - 10
16 - 17
27 - 28 13 - 14
17 - 18
28 - 29 14 - 15
18 - 19
4-5 15 - 16
22 - 23
5-6 16 - 17
23 - 24
6-7 20 - 21
24 - 25
7-8 21 - 22
25 - 26
11 - 12 22 - 23
29 - 30
12 - 13 23 - 24
13 - 14 27 - 28
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
9 - 10
26 - 27 6-7
10 - 11
27 - 28 7-8
15 - 16
28 - 29 8-9
16 - 17
4-5 9 - 10
17 - 18
5-6 13 - 14
18 - 19
6-7 14 - 15
22 - 23
7-8 15 - 16
23 - 24
11 - 12 16 - 17
24 - 25
12 - 13 20 - 21
25 - 26
13 - 14 21 - 22
29 - 30
14 - 15 22 - 23
20 - 21 23 - 24
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
9 - 10
28 - 29 2-3
10 - 11
4-5 6-7
15 - 16
5-6 7-8
16 - 17
6-7 8-9
17 - 18
7-8 9 - 10
18 - 19
11 - 12 13 - 14
22 - 23
12 - 13 14 - 15
23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16
24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21 20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26 22 - 23
26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
9 - 10
5-6 1-2
10 - 11
6-7 2-3
15 - 16
7-8 6-7
16 - 17
11 - 12 7-8
17 - 18
12 - 13 8-9
18 - 19
13 - 14 9 - 10
22 - 23
14 - 15 13 - 14
23 - 24
20 - 21 14 - 15
24 - 25
21 - 22 15 - 16
25 - 26
25 - 26 16 - 17
29 - 30
26 - 27 20 - 21
27 - 28 21 - 22
28 - 29 22 - 23
MKT - 001 Brand Management
MKT - 002 Business Presentation Skills
MKT - 003 Costumer Service Technique
MKT - 004 Customer Relation Management (CRM)
MKT - 005 Dasar-Dasar Marketing
MKT - 006 Digital Marketing Strategy
MKT - 007 Distributorship Management (Meningkatkan Penjualan Principal Dan Distributor, Meningkatkan
Profit Dan Menekan Shrinkage Distributor)
MKT - 008 Effective Marketing Communication
MKT - 009 Effective Marketing Management
MKT - 010 Effective Marketing Research
MKT - 011 Effective Marketing Strategy
MKT - 012 Effective Negotiation & Presentation Skills
MKT - 013 Effective Sales Strategy
MKT - 014 Effective Selling Skills and Negotiation for AE
MKT - 015 Excellent Customer Focus
MKT - 016 Handling Complaint
MKT - 017 Handling Customer Complaint
MKT - 018 Improving Quality of Customer Interaction and Handling Customer Complaint
MKT - 019 Integrated Marketing Communication
MKT - 020 Management Konflik Pemasaran
MKT - 021 Manajemen Pemasaran Jasa
MKT - 022 Manajemen Pemasaran Lanjutan
MKT - 023 Manajemen Rute Distribusi
MKT - 024 Market Intelligence
MKT - 025 Marketing Management
MKT - 026 Marketing Pemasaran Jasa
MKT - 027 Marketing Strategic and Planning
MKT - 028 Marketing Strategy Based on Customer Behavior
MKT - 029 Memimpin dan Mengelola Tim Penjualan
MKT - 030 Mengukur Efektivitas Program Promosi
MKT - 031 Mind Gold Strategy For Sales
MKT - 032 Negotiation and Lobbying Skills
MKT - 033 Negotiation Skills for Sales and Marketing People
MKT - 034 Negotiation Technique For Sales & Marketing People
MKT - 035 Network To Build Business Connection
MKT - 036 Pelayanan Prima
MKT - 037 Perilaku Konsumen
MKT - 038 Personal Image And Table Manners
MKT - 039 Priority Banking and Wealth Management
MKT - 040 Professional Marketing Executive
MKT - 041 Sales Forecasting
MKT - 042 Salesmanship
MKT - 043 Selling and Negotiation Skill
MKT - 044 Selling Skill For Banking Product
MKT - 045 Service Excellence
MKT - 046 Smart Selling Skills
MKT - 047 Strategi Penjualan Efektif
MKT - 048 Strategi Promosi
MKT - 049 Strategi Selling Skills
MKT - 050 Strategic Marketing
MKT - 051 Strategy Selling Skills Professional and Succesfull
MKT - 052 Successful Multichannel Marketing Strategies
MKT - 053 Sukses Membangun Bisnis Ritel Di Era “Modern Market”
MKT - 054 The 7 Selling Steps For Sales People

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumlah M
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima reque
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program se
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5

7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8

4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3


an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

a), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
N 2021
Sales & Marketing
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7

7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26
4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
MECH - 001 A squence - Wavelet Analy. Exploration-Exploitation Workshop
MECH - 002 AC Inverter Drives (Application and Maintenance)
MECH - 003 Acidizing Applications In Sandstones And Carbonates
MECH - 004 Advanced Drilling Engineering
MECH - 005 Advanced Gas Turbine: Routine Maintenance
MECH - 006 Advanced Hydraulic Fracturing
MECH - 007 Advanced Instrumentation
MECH - 008 Advanced Maintenance Management
MECH - 009 Advanced Maintenance Planning
MECH - 010 Advanced Mechanical
MECH - 011 Advanced Microsoft Project
MECH - 012 Advanced Oil And Gas Process Design
MECH - 013 Advanced Pipephase
MECH - 014 Advanced PLC
MECH - 015 Advanced Process Risk Assessment & Management
MECH - 016 Advanced Programmable Logic Controller (Siemens S7)
MECH - 017 Advanced Scale Prevention
MECH - 018 Advanced Troubleshooting Of Rotating Equipment
MECH - 019 Advanced Vibration Analysis
MECH - 020 Advanced Vibration Monitoring Technique
MECH - 021 Advanced Well Control
MECH - 022 Air Conditioning System
MECH - 023 Air Supply System
MECH - 024 Aircraft Gas Turbine
MECH - 025 Alarm & Announciator
MECH - 026 Alarm & Protective Device
MECH - 027 Alarm & Shutdown System
MECH - 028 Alarm Management System
MECH - 029 Alat Berat Pertambangan
MECH - 030 Alignment and Balancing in Rotating Equipment
MECH - 031 Alignment Vibration Monitoring and Diagnosis
MECH - 032 Allen Bradley PLC 5 System
MECH - 033 Ammonia Plant Process Optimation
MECH - 034 Analisa dan Evaluasi Dampak Transformator
MECH - 035 Analisa Gangguan Listrik Pembangkit
MECH - 036 Analisa Generator dan Electrical Motor
MECH - 037 Analisa Hidrologi Waduk
MECH - 038 Analisa Kelayakan Proyek Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik
MECH - 039 Analisa Vibrasi
MECH - 040 Analysis for Bearing
MECH - 041 Analysis of Structural Traps in Extensional Settings
MECH - 042 Angka Ketidakpastian Pengukuran
MECH - 043 Anodic, Cathodic Protection Technology & Corrosion Monitoring
MECH - 044 API 570, Preparatory Training On Piping Inspector
MECH - 045 Aplikasi Autocad Dalam Pembangunan
MECH - 046 Application of Lubrication for Maintenance Professional
MECH - 047 Application of Reliability Centered Maintenance to Optimize Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 048 Applied Reservoir Engineering
MECH - 049 Ariel Waukesha Compressor & Engine
MECH - 050 Artificial Intelligence Based Instrumentation System
MECH - 051 Artificial Lift Systems
MECH - 052 Assessor Training for Power GE
MECH - 053 Asset Integrity Management System
MECH - 054 Audit Energi (Energy Audit)
MECH - 055 Audit Energy and Power System Management
MECH - 056 Audit Energy for Power Plant
MECH - 057 Auditing Energy & Conservation : Efficiency & Cost Saving
MECH - 058 Autocad 3D Design For P & ID Essentials
MECH - 059 Autocad Civil 3D
MECH - 060 Automatic Gauge Control TPM
MECH - 061 Automatic Process Control System
MECH - 062 Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
MECH - 063 Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) (Excitation Of Synchronous Machine And Their Control)
MECH - 064 Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)/(System Excitation, Synchronous Generator, Protection Generator and Gen
MECH - 065 Autonomus Maintenance
MECH - 066 Auxiliary Power Measurement, Optimization and Analysis
MECH - 067 B & W Boiler ( Babcock & Wilcox )
MECH - 068 Balancing and Alignment
MECH - 069 Balancing Machine and Total Alignment
MECH - 070 Balancing Total Alignment
MECH - 071 Ball Mill Operations and Maintenance
MECH - 072 Based knowledge of catalitic Reactor in Ammonia Industry
MECH - 073 Basic Alarm & S/D System
MECH - 074 Basic Alternating Current
MECH - 075 Basic Amplifier
MECH - 076 Basic Autocad 2011
MECH - 077 Basic Cementing
MECH - 078 Basic Centaur Compressor
MECH - 079 Basic Compressor
MECH - 080 Basic Diesel Engine
MECH - 081 Basic Drilling, Completion and Work Over
MECH - 082 Basic Drilling, Completion And Workover Operation
MECH - 083 Basic Electrical
MECH - 084 Basic Electronic
MECH - 085 Basic Fire Safety
MECH - 086 Basic Gas Engine
MECH - 087 Basic Gas Turbine & Compressor
MECH - 088 Basic Gas Turbine Fundamentals, Control, Maintenance, Inspection Dan Operation Titan 130 Solar Turbine
MECH - 089 Basic Infrared Thermography
MECH - 090 Basic Instrumentation
MECH - 091 Basic Instrumentation Process Measurement and Control
MECH - 092 Basic Maintenance
MECH - 093 Basic Mechanical
MECH - 094 Basic Mechanical and Metallurgy
MECH - 095 Basic Of Gas Chromatograph
MECH - 096 Basic of surface production, operation & maintenance for oil & gas
MECH - 097 Basic Petroleum Engineering
MECH - 098 Basic Petroleum Engineering for Non Petroleum Engineer
MECH - 099 Basic Power System Protection
MECH - 100 Basic Pump
MECH - 101 Basic Rotating Equipment
MECH - 102 Basic Saturn Compressor
MECH - 103 Basic Saturn Genset
MECH - 104 Basic Telecomunication PABX
MECH - 105 Basic Utilities
MECH - 106 Basic Vibration Analysis
MECH - 107 Basic Water Flooding and Operations
MECH - 108 Basic Water Treating
MECH - 109 Basic Welding
MECH - 110 Basic well Logging
MECH - 111 Battery & Charger
MECH - 112 Beam Pumping Unit
MECH - 113 Bearing & Lubrication Analysis
MECH - 114 Bearing & Seals Maintenance
MECH - 115 Bearing and Oil Lubrication For Machinery
MECH - 116 Bearing Lubrication Technology
MECH - 117 Bearing Technology & Lubrication Systems
MECH - 118 Bearing, Installation, Lubrication Maintenance and Troubleshooting
MECH - 119 Belt Conveyor : Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 120 Belt Conveyor : Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
MECH - 121 Belt Conveyor For Coal / Cement / Fertilizer Industry
MECH - 122 Belt Conveyors (Maintenance and Troubleshooting)
MECH - 123 Bengkel Alat Berat
MECH - 124 Biodiesel Diesel Engine : Performance & Maintenance
MECH - 125 Block Logic Saturn Compressor
MECH - 126 Block Logic Saturn Genset
MECH - 127 Blowout Prevention and Well Control
MECH - 128 Boiler Life Assessment
MECH - 129 Boiler Maintenance
MECH - 130 Boiler Operation
MECH - 131 Boiler Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 132 Boiler Operation dan Tata Cara Udara Pembakaran Boiler
MECH - 133 Boiler Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
MECH - 134 Boiler Product Design
MECH - 135 Boiler Specialist
MECH - 136 Boiler Supervisor
MECH - 137 Boiler System : Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 138 Bolt Identification & Selection
MECH - 139 Bolt Torquing & Locking Method
MECH - 140 Bottom Hole Well Pressure Analysis
MECH - 141 Bridge Design and Construction
MECH - 142 Brine & Condensate Injection Process
MECH - 143 Brine Injection System
MECH - 144 Building & Construction Maintenance
MECH - 145 Building Maintenance And Maintenance Of Air Conditioning
MECH - 146 Building Management
MECH - 147 Builiding Facilities "electrical Maintenance Of AC"
MECH - 148 Caesar II
MECH - 149 Calibration & Alignment Level Controller
MECH - 150 Calibration System
MECH - 151 Cascade Loops
MECH - 152 Cased Hole Formation Evaluation
MECH - 153 Casing And Cementing
MECH - 154 Caterpillar Parallel System
MECH - 155 Caterpillar Power Generator
MECH - 156 Centrifugal Compressor: Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 157 Centrifugal gas compressor : operation & maintenance
MECH - 158 Centrifugal Gas Compressor: Anti Surge Control
MECH - 159 Centrifugal Pump : Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
MECH - 160 Centrifugal pump failure analysis
MECH - 161 Centrifugal Pump For Clean & Sea water ; Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 162 Centrifugal pump for dean & seawater : operation & Maintenance
MECH - 163 Centrifugal pump for slurry mud, sewage
MECH - 164 Centrifugal Pump System For Mud / Sand ; Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 165 Centrifugal Pumps: Selection, Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 166 Centrifuge Oil Separator
MECH - 167 Clutch
MECH - 169 CO2 Surface Facilities
MECH - 170 Combined Cycle Power Plant Performance
MECH - 171 Combined Electrical Control Operation and Power System
MECH - 172 Combustible Gas Monitor & Smoke Detector
MECH - 173 Combustion Engineering
MECH - 174 Combustion Gas Turbine
MECH - 175 Completions And Workovers
MECH - 176 Compressor & Anti Surge Control
MECH - 177 Compressor & Surging
MECH - 178 Compressor : Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting
MECH - 179 Compressor failure analysis
MECH - 180 Compressor Maintenance
MECH - 181 Compressor Turbotronic Control System
MECH - 182 Computational Fluid Dynamics
MECH - 183 Computer Network And Troubleshooting
MECH - 184 Computer Networking
MECH - 185 Computerized Maintenance Management System
MECH - 186 Condensate & Water Distribution System
MECH - 187 Conductivity Measurement and Calibration
MECH - 188 Construction Management
MECH - 189 Construction Method
MECH - 190 Container / Port Crane : Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 191 Continuous Anealing Line
MECH - 192 Control System For Turbine & Generator
MECH - 193 Control System Fundamentals
MECH - 194 Control Valve : Operation, Selection and Maintenance
MECH - 195 Control Valve and Regulator Engineering
MECH - 196 Control Valve and Sizing:Selection and Maintenance
MECH - 197 Control Valve Operations & Maintenance
MECH - 198 Control Valves : Selection, Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 199 Cooling Tower System
MECH - 200 Corrosion & Cathodic Protection
MECH - 201 Corrosion & Scaling Prevention
MECH - 202 Corrosion : Testing and Monitoring
MECH - 203 Corrosion And Scale Control
MECH - 204 Corrosion Control & Monitor di Industri Migas
MECH - 205 Corrosion Control & Protection Technology for Oil & Gas Facilities
MECH - 206 Corrosion Control Low Pressure Boiler
MECH - 207 Corrosion Control Management
MECH - 208 Corrosion Control Management & Coating
MECH - 209 Corrosion control management & testing monitoring
MECH - 210 Corrosion engineering For Oil Exploration & Recovery
MECH - 211 Corrosion Inspector
MECH - 212 Corrosion Management and Testing Methods
MECH - 213 Corrosion Management In Production/Process Operation
MECH - 214 Corrosion Prevention On Boiler & Heat Exchanger
MECH - 215 Corrosion, Metallurgy and Failure Prevention
MECH - 216 Crack : Detection, Prevention and controlling
MECH - 217 Crane Maintenance & Inspection
MECH - 218 Crude & Condensate Terminal Operations
MECH - 219 Crude Oil Stabilizer System
MECH - 220 Cryogenic Techniques
MECH - 221 Cryogenic Technology
MECH - 222 Cryogenics Engineering: Low Temperature Condition
MECH - 223 CT Fan
MECH - 224 Dasar – Dasar Pengelasan Pipa / Fundamental Of Welding
MECH - 225 Dasar dan Perbaikan Power Supply Analog dan Switching
MECH - 226 Dasar-Dasar Getaran Mesin
MECH - 227 Dasar-dasar Inspeksi & Fabrikasi Pressure Vessel
MECH - 228 DC Electric Motor
MECH - 229 DC Motor
MECH - 230 DCS Engineering, Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 231 DCS Training
MECH - 232 Dehydration Process (Oil & Gas)
MECH - 233 Diesel & Gas Engine Operating, Maintenance & Trouble shooting
MECH - 234 Diesel Engine : Rotating and Maintenance
MECH - 235 Diesel Engine Failure Analisys
MECH - 236 Diesel Engine Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 237 Diesel Engine Technology
MECH - 238 Digital Electronic Hydraulic Control
MECH - 239 Directional, Horizontal And Multilateral Drilling
MECH - 240 Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) Trafo
MECH - 241 Distillation
MECH - 242 Distributed Control System (DCS)
MECH - 243 Distributed Control System (DCS) Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 244 Distributed Control System (DCS) System Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 245 Distributed Terminal Automation System
MECH - 246 Distribution Transformer Maintenance
MECH - 247 Domestic Water System (DWS)
MECH - 248 Downhole Monitoring
MECH - 249 Draught Survey
MECH - 250 Drilling Production Safety
MECH - 251 DSS 2003 Power User
MECH - 252 Editing Video, Design Grafis dan Iklan (E-Movie)
MECH - 253 Effect of Earth Loop Currents
MECH - 254 Effective maintenance management
MECH - 255 Effective Maintenance Shutdhowns
MECH - 256 Efisiensi Operasional dan Perawatan Gardu Induk
MECH - 257 Ejector
MECH - 258 Electric Installation in Hazardous Area
MECH - 259 Electric Motor: Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting
MECH - 260 Electric Submersible Pump : Principles, Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
MECH - 261 Electrical and Instrumentation
MECH - 262 Electrical and Mechanical Safety
MECH - 263 Electrical Engineering For Facilities Personnel
MECH - 264 Electrical for Powerline : Instalation, Protection, Maintenance And Troubleshooting
MECH - 265 Electrical Installation In Hazardous Area
MECH - 266 Electrical Maintenance : Troubleshooting Electrical Circuit
MECH - 267 Electrical Power Generator : Operation, Protection And Maintenance
MECH - 268 Electrical Power System Analysis
MECH - 269 Electrical Power System Analysis Using ETAP
MECH - 270 Electrical Safety
MECH - 271 Electrical Submersible Pump : Principles, Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshootin
MECH - 272 Electrical System
MECH - 273 Electrical Transmision and Distribution : Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 274 Electrical Using ETAP
MECH - 275 Electrical, Instrumentation and Control System
MECH - 276 Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)
MECH - 277 Elevators : Safety, Inspection and Maintenance
MECH - 278 Emergency Generator System
MECH - 279 Emergency Generator System
MECH - 280 EMF to Pneumatic Transmitter
MECH - 281 EMF Transmitter
MECH - 282 Emission Control
MECH - 283 Energy Audit And Application
MECH - 284 Engine Lubricating System
MECH - 285 Engineering and Maintenance HMI Berbasis Wonderware In Touch
MECH - 286 Engineering Material Selection
MECH - 287 Engineering training
MECH - 288 Estimasi Ketidakpastian Pengukuran & Perhitungan BMC
MECH - 289 Extraction Steam Turbine : Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 290 Failure Analysis
MECH - 291 Failure Analysis (Diesel)
MECH - 292 Failure Analysis in Engineering Application
MECH - 293 Failure Analysis of Equipment
MECH - 294 Failure Analysis of Mechanical Component and Structure
MECH - 295 Failure Defense Planning
MECH - 296 Failure Of Turbomachinery
MECH - 297 Fatique Failure For Steel & Metal : Analisys, Problem Solving
MECH - 298 Fault Analysis
MECH - 299 Fault Seal Concept & Methods
MECH - 300 Fiber Optic Maintenance
MECH - 301 Fibre Optic for PLC Communication
MECH - 302 Field Hot Line Work
MECH - 303 Field Inspection Mechanical / Piping
MECH - 304 Field Instruments
MECH - 305 Fire Drill Evaluation
MECH - 306 Fire Protection Design & Engineering
MECH - 307 Fire Truck Pump & Troubleshooting
MECH - 308 Fire Tube Boiler For Steam Injection in Oil Industry
MECH - 309 First Line Maintenance
MECH - 310 Flapper & Nozzle System
MECH - 311 Flow Assurance for Pipeline System
MECH - 312 Flow Comp/B. Babcock DPC3330
MECH - 313 Flow Measurement
MECH - 314 Flow Mettering and Custody Transfer
MECH - 315 Flowing Well
MECH - 316 Fluid Flow Measurement
MECH - 317 Fluid Mechanic
MECH - 318 Fluid Mechanics & Properties
MECH - 319 Forklift : Operation, Maintenace and Troubleshooting
MECH - 320 Formation Damage Analysis & Acid Stimulation
MECH - 321 Formation Damage: Causes, Prevention, and Remediation
MECH - 322 Formation Pressure Evaluation
MECH - 323 Foundation Fieldbus
MECH - 324 Foundry Engineering
MECH - 325 Fundamental Control Valve
MECH - 326 Fundamental of Formation Evaluation
MECH - 327 Fundamental of Piping
MECH - 328 Furnace Operation
MECH - 329 Fuzzy Logic Control
MECH - 330 Gardu Induk
MECH - 331 Gas and Liquid Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer
MECH - 332 Gas Lift Design, Operation and Procedure
MECH - 333 Gas Measurement and Testing
MECH - 334 Gas Turbine Generator And Electrical System
MECH - 335 Gas Turbine Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 336 Gas Turbine Performance
MECH - 337 Gas Turbine Power And Co – Generation
MECH - 338 Gear Box Transmission, Lubrication : Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 339 Gearbox : Selecting, Inspection, Maintenance, And Repair
MECH - 340 Gearbox Technology
MECH - 341 General Purpose Steams Turbine For Petroleum & Gas
MECH - 342 Generator : Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
MECH - 343 Generator And Trafo
MECH - 344 Generator Excitation
MECH - 345 Generator Governor Control System
MECH - 346 Generator, Transformer and Power Factor Improvement
MECH - 347 Genset Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting
MECH - 348 Geology For Non Geologist
MECH - 349 Geoscience for Non-Geoscientists
MECH - 350 Geotechnical Foundation Engineering Principles Comprehensive and Understanding
MECH - 351 Gray & Cmeron Surface Safety Valve
MECH - 352 Harmonics & Power Quality
MECH - 353 Harmonisa Analisa dan Dampak Pada Sistem Kelistrikan
MECH - 354 HAZOPS (Hazard and Operability Studies)
MECH - 355 Heat Exchanger : Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 356 Heat Exchangers: Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
MECH - 357 Heat Management
MECH - 358 Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) Design, Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 359 Heat Tracing
MECH - 360 Heat Transfer & Equipment
MECH - 361 Heat Treatment Process
MECH - 362 Heating Venting Air Condtning
MECH - 363 Heavy duty vehicle : maintenance & trouble shooting
MECH - 364 Heavy Equipment Maintenance
MECH - 365 Hidraulic & Control System In Power Plant / Manufacturer
MECH - 366 Hidraulic Piping System In Heavy Duty Equipment
MECH - 367 High Rise Building AC : Consept / design 7 Operation
MECH - 368 High Speed Engine Analysis
MECH - 369 High Voltage Distribution
MECH - 370 High Voltage Electrical Equipment Operation, Maintenance And Repair
MECH - 371 High Voltage Operational Safety
MECH - 372 HMI-Basic Operation and Programming (INTOUCH/WINCC)
MECH - 373 Honeywell Experion Pks Operations & Maintenance
MECH - 374 Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Drilling and Completions
MECH - 375 Horizontal Well Drilling
MECH - 376 Hot - Gas Compresor (VIP & AWE)
MECH - 377 Hot - Separator (Oil / Gas / H20)
MECH - 378 Hot Bolting
MECH - 379 Human Factor in Engineering & Design
MECH - 380 Human Machine Interface
MECH - 381 Human Machine Interface (JMI)
MECH - 382 HVAC System And PLC Control
MECH - 383 Hydraulic - Pneumatic Power and Control Valve
MECH - 384 Hydraulic Actuator
MECH - 385 Hydraulic and Air System Maintenance - Trouble Shooting
MECH - 386 Hydraulic And Control System
MECH - 387 Hydraulic and Pneumatic System : Design, Operation, Maintenance
MECH - 388 Hydraulic And Pneumatic System Maintenance
MECH - 389 Hydraulic Fracturing Applications
MECH - 390 Hydraulic Management System
MECH - 391 Hydraulic Power System
MECH - 392 Hydraulic System
MECH - 393 Hydraulic System Maintenance
MECH - 394 Hydraulic Valve Actuator System
MECH - 395 Hydraulic, Pneumatic & Lubrication
MECH - 396 Hydraulics and Pneumatics
MECH - 397 Hydrocarbon AC & Refrigerator Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 398 Improve Production of Old Field
MECH - 399 Induction Motor
MECH - 400 Industrial Batteries and UPS (Selection and Maintenance)
MECH - 401 Industrial Control System Design
MECH - 402 Industrial Material Handling Equipment
MECH - 403 Industrial Pollution Control
MECH - 404 Infra Red Thermography
MECH - 405 Infrared Termography
MECH - 406 Injection Test (Rig & Well Site)
MECH - 407 Ins and Outs of Chemical Process Engineering
MECH - 408 Installation Rotary Drum
MECH - 409 Instrument Design Installation And Maintenance
MECH - 410 Instrument for Production Operator
MECH - 411 Instrumentation Process Control
MECH - 412 Integrated Injection Modelling
MECH - 413 Integrated Maintenance Management
MECH - 414 Integrated Sequence Stratigraphy
MECH - 415 Interface Level Measurement
MECH - 416 Intermediate Electrical Motor Diagnose
MECH - 417 Intermediate Vibration Analysis
MECH - 418 Introduction To Geostatistic
MECH - 419 IT For Non IT Managers / Engineers / Executive
MECH - 420 Kalibrasi Besaran Elektrik & Temperatur
MECH - 421 Kalibrasi Besaran Suhu
MECH - 422 Kalibrasi Instrumen Penganalisa
MECH - 423 Kalibrasi Masa, Suhu dan Tekanan
MECH - 424 Kalibrasi Massa Volumetrik
MECH - 425 Kalibrasi Peralatan
MECH - 426 Kalibrasi Transmitter
MECH - 427 Kebijakan Vetting Kapal & Assesment
MECH - 428 Lab Instrumentation Calibration
MECH - 429 Lab Instrumentation Operations & Maintenance
MECH - 430 Lab Instrumentation Performance Test
MECH - 431 Laboratory, Instrumentation, Performance and Maintenance
MECH - 432 Lean Manufacturing
MECH - 433 Level Measurement
MECH - 434 Lifting Supervisor
MECH - 435 Light Vehicle : Basic Engine Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
MECH - 436 Lightning Protection (Instalasi Listrik Dan Penangkalan Petir)
MECH - 437 Lightning Protection and Grounding System
MECH - 438 Lightning Protection System
MECH - 439 Lightning Protection System and Electrical Grounding
MECH - 440 Liquid Pipeline Hydraulics
MECH - 441 Log Applications for Stimulation Design
MECH - 442 Log Interpretation
MECH - 443 Logic & Digital Control System
MECH - 444 Logic Sequence
MECH - 445 LogOut & TagOut (LOTO)
MECH - 446 Lube Oil System
MECH - 447 Lubrication and Bearing System
MECH - 448 Lubrication Fundamentals
MECH - 449 Lubrication with technology for industry
MECH - 450 LV and HV Switchgear
MECH - 451 LV Electrical Power Distribution System
MECH - 452 LV Switchgear Maintenance and Control System
MECH - 453 LV Switchgear Maintenance, Testing and Troubleshooting
MECH - 454 Machine condition monitoring
MECH - 455 Machinery Condition Monitoring For Predective And Preventive Maintenance
MECH - 456 Machinery Diagnostic
MECH - 457 Machinery Foundation - Vibration Analysis
MECH - 458 Machinery Practical Solution
MECH - 459 Machinery Vibration
MECH - 460 Magnetic Circuit
MECH - 461 Main Condensor System
MECH - 462 Maintenance & Handling Of Analyzer Sampling System
MECH - 463 Maintenance Bearing and Analysis
MECH - 464 Maintenance Genset
MECH - 465 Maintenance Management
MECH - 466 Maintenance Management (PDM, PM, & Pro-Active Maintenance)
MECH - 467 Maintenance Management And Control
MECH - 468 Maintenance Management Mesin
MECH - 469 Maintenance of Building
MECH - 470 Maintenance of Machine Tools
MECH - 471 Maintenance Plaining And Work Control
MECH - 472 Maintenance Planner Development
MECH - 473 Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
MECH - 474 Maintenance Planning And Work Control
MECH - 475 Maintenance Planning, Scheduling And Control
MECH - 476 Maintenance procedure for surface production equipment
MECH - 477 Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Turbine Compressor dan Pompa
MECH - 478 Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) Well Design And Application
MECH - 479 Managing Efficient Shutdowns & Turnarounds
MECH - 480 Managing Well Site Operation
MECH - 481 Manajemen Alat Berat
MECH - 482 Manajemen Bengkel
MECH - 483 Manajemen dan Administrasi Proyek
MECH - 484 Manajemen IT
MECH - 485 Manajemen Konversi Energi
MECH - 486 Manajemen Overhaul
MECH - 487 Manajemen Pengelolaan Air (Water Treatment)
MECH - 488 Manajemen Pengelolaan Alat Berat
MECH - 489 Manajemen Pengendalian Persediaan Suku Cadang
MECH - 490 Manajemen Perawatan Mesin Kapal
MECH - 491 Manajemen Perbengkelan
MECH - 492 Manajemen Proyek
MECH - 493 Manajemen Sedimentasi
MECH - 494 Manual Handling, Slinging, Rigging and Lifting Equipment
MECH - 495 Manufacturing Tehnical and Operational
MECH - 496 Marine Pilot Endorsement/Revalidation
MECH - 497 Marine Radio Operation
MECH - 498 Marine Surveyor
MECH - 499 Marley Gearbox
MECH - 500 Mass Flow Measurement
MECH - 501 Material Handling
MECH - 502 Material Identification & Properties
MECH - 503 Material Knowledge
MECH - 504 Material Knowledge for Drilling and Production Operation
MECH - 505 Material Teknik : Sifat, Penggunaan & Permasalahannya
MECH - 506 Material Teknik: Sifat, Penggunaan Dan Permasalahannya
MECH - 507 Matrikon OPC
MECH - 508 Measurement and Control Systems
MECH - 509 Measurement Fundamentals
MECH - 510 Measurement Testing For Medium Voltage
MECH - 511 Mechanic of Fluid
MECH - 512 Mechanic Technology
MECH - 513 Mechanical Compilation of Power Station
MECH - 514 Mechanical Driver
MECH - 515 Mechanical failure analysis in Diesel Engine
MECH - 516 Mechanical Maintenance : Planning, Scheduling and Estimating
MECH - 517 Mechanical Measurement & Instrumentation
MECH - 518 Mechanical Process Awarenes
MECH - 519 Mechanical Seal
MECH - 520 Mechanical Seal Technical
MECH - 521 Mechanical Vibration
MECH - 522 Mechanical vibration systetm
MECH - 523 Medium Voltage (MV) Electrical Power Distribution System
MECH - 524 Medium Voltage Motors
MECH - 525 Mekanika Retak
MECH - 526 Mengoperasikan Sistem Operasi Jaringan Komputer Berbasis Teks
MECH - 527 Metal Corrosion
MECH - 528 Metal Spray
MECH - 529 Metallurgy for inspection & maintenance
MECH - 530 Metallurgy for Non Metallurgist
MECH - 531 Metalurgi Proses
MECH - 532 Meter Prover
MECH - 533 Metering System Operator
MECH - 534 Method Validation For Chemical Analysis ISO : 17025
MECH - 535 Microprocessor Based Instrumentation
MECH - 536 Microprocessor: Principles of Operation
MECH - 537 Microsoft Project 2010
MECH - 538 Microsoft Project Pada Manajemen Proyek
MECH - 539 Mikro Elektronika dalam Industri Migas
MECH - 540 Modern Maintenance Management
MECH - 541 Motor Control & Protection
MECH - 542 Motor Control And Protection
MECH - 543 Motor Control Centre : Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting
MECH - 544 Motor Protection, Control and Maintenance Technologies
MECH - 545 Ms Excell Macro Programming
MECH - 546 Mud/ slurry/ sand pump : operation & maintenance
MECH - 547 Muds – Design and Troubleshooting
MECH - 548 Multi Link Motor Control Center
MECH - 549 Multi Phase Flow Meter (MPFM)
MECH - 550 Natural Gas Design Engineering
MECH - 551 Natural Gas Flow Calculation
MECH - 552 Natural Gas Processing, Transportation & Facilities
MECH - 553 Natural Gas Production Process and Compression
MECH - 554 Natural Gas Treatment: Operations & Maintenance
MECH - 555 Nature of Heat
MECH - 556 NEC Code Familirization
MECH - 557 Nodal System Analysis
MECH - 558 Non CVC Air Condisioner System
MECH - 559 Non Destructive Test
MECH - 560 Non Destructive Testing
MECH - 561 Non Destructive Testing Inspection
MECH - 562 Objektif Bearing Inspection and Technology
MECH - 563 Offshore, Facility (Platform) Design Fabrication & Installation
MECH - 564 Oil Analysis and Tribology
MECH - 565 Oil And Gas Metering System Operator
MECH - 566 Operasi Perawatan Sistem Pompa Sentrifugal
MECH - 567 Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes
MECH - 568 Operations Management System (OMS) Auditor
MECH - 569 Operator Alat Berat
MECH - 570 Operator Boiler
MECH - 571 Operator Driven Reliability
MECH - 572 Operator Forklift
MECH - 573 Operator Radio Umum
MECH - 574 Operator Routine Duty Cheklist
MECH - 575 Optimizing Maintenance Decisions
MECH - 576 Overhaul Gearbox
MECH - 577 Overhaul General Control Valve
MECH - 578 Overhead Crane Maintenance and Inspection
MECH - 579 Overhead Crane System : Inspection, operation & Maintenace
MECH - 580 Overview of Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities
MECH - 581 Painting - Coating System Inspection, Maintenance and Repair
MECH - 582 Painting Technology
MECH - 583 Paradigm / Geolog - Introduction To Geolog
MECH - 584 Passenger / Cargo Elevator ( lift ) In Manufacturing Industry
MECH - 585 Pelatihan Las Argon
MECH - 586 Pelumasan Alat Berat
MECH - 587 Pelumasan Bearing And Tribology
MECH - 588 Pelumasan Dan Sistem Pelumasan
MECH - 589 Pemelihara Sistem Hidrolik & Pneumatik
MECH - 590 Pemeliharaan DC Power
MECH - 591 Pemeliharaan Generator
MECH - 592 Pemeliharaan Genset
MECH - 593 Pemeliharaan Genset di Gedung Bertingkat
MECH - 594 Pemeliharaan Heat Exchanger
MECH - 595 Pemeliharaan Instalasi Air Bersih
MECH - 596 Pemeliharaan Kontrol Instrumentation
MECH - 597 Pemeliharaan Motor Listrik
MECH - 598 Pemeliharaan Peralatan Instumentation
MECH - 599 Pemeliharaan Peralatan Pelumasan
MECH - 600 Pemeliharaan Pompa
MECH - 601 Pemeliharaan Pompa Submersible
MECH - 602 Pemeliharaan Preventif Untuk Pompa & Kompressor
MECH - 603 Pemeliharaan Pump & Compressor
MECH - 604 Pemeliharaan Sistem Kontrol
MECH - 605 Pemeliharaan Transformator
MECH - 606 Pemeliharaan Turbin Uap
MECH - 607 Pengasaman & Perekahan Hidrolik
MECH - 608 Pengaturan & Kalibrasi Dimensi
MECH - 609 Pengendalian Motor Listrik Secara Electronik
MECH - 610 Penggunaan IBM CATIA Design Software V5
MECH - 611 Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Nasabah Dengan Mengoptimalkan Mesin EDC Untuk Transaksi
MECH - 612 Perawatan Alat Angkat Angkut
MECH - 613 Perawatan Crane
MECH - 614 Perawatan Gedung & Bangunan Pabrik
MECH - 615 Perawatan Peralatan Listrik
MECH - 616 Perawatan Sistem Kontrol Jaringan
MECH - 617 Perawatan Sistem Pembangkit
MECH - 618 Perawatan Sistem Transmisi Energi Listrik
MECH - 619 Perencanaan & Pemeliharaan Boiler
MECH - 620 Perencanaan & perancangan sistem listrik (bangunan & industri)
MECH - 621 Perencanaan dan Penjadwalan Perawatan (Maintenance, Planning and Scheduling)
MECH - 622 Pertanahan dan Pemetaan
MECH - 623 PID Controller
MECH - 624 Pipe & Fitting For Oil & Gas Industry
MECH - 625 Pipe & Fitting Identification
MECH - 626 Pipe Analysis
MECH - 627 Pipe and Pipeline Technology
MECH - 628 Pipe Fitter
MECH - 629 Pipe Insulation
MECH - 630 Pipe Selection and Friction Loss Calculation
MECH - 631 Pipe Stress Analisys
MECH - 632 Pipe Stress Analysis Using Caesar II for Engineers
MECH - 633 Pipeline Design, Testing and Operating
MECH - 634 Pipeline System
MECH - 635 Pipeline System Mechanical Design And Specification
MECH - 636 Pipephase
MECH - 637 Piping & fitting For Oil & Gas Industry
MECH - 638 Piping Analysis
MECH - 639 Piping and Pipeline Management System
MECH - 640 Piping Design and Specification
MECH - 641 Piping Engineering & Plant Design
MECH - 642 Piping Engineering Concepts, Design and Evaluation
MECH - 643 Piping Integrity
MECH - 644 Piping Pigging and Pipeline Inspection
MECH - 645 Piping Pipeline Technology
MECH - 646 Piping Support Systems: Design, Installation and Maintenance
MECH - 647 Piping system : material design & maintenance
MECH - 648 Piping System and Pipeline Integrity
MECH - 649 Piping System and Piping Integryty With ASME B31 Codes
MECH - 650 Piping System Mechanical Design and Specification
MECH - 651 Piping system with ANSI standard
MECH - 652 Piping system with API service 5L
MECH - 653 Piping System, Inspection and Maintenance
MECH - 654 Piping Systems - Mechanical Design And Specification
MECH - 655 Piping Technology
MECH - 656 Piping Technology : Corrosion, Inspection, Protection, Prevention
MECH - 657 Planning & Scheduling
MECH - 658 Plant Information
MECH - 659 Plant Piping & Pipeline System
MECH - 660 Plant Piping Systems : Operation, Maintenance, and Repairs
MECH - 661 Platform and Structural Design Considerations
MECH - 662 PM400SP-Facilitator SPS Tools
MECH - 663 Pneumatic Actuator
MECH - 664 Pneumatic Analog Computer
MECH - 665 Pneumatic And Hydraulic Systems
MECH - 666 Pneumatic Control Valve
MECH - 667 Potentiner Thermocouple Calibration
MECH - 668 Power And Distribution Transformer Principle, Operation, And Maintenance
MECH - 669 Power Circuit Breaker Maintenance
MECH - 670 Power Generation
MECH - 671 Power Generation Operation, Protection and Excitation Control
MECH - 672 Power Generation: Gas Turbines, Co-Generation, Combined Cycle Plants, Wind Power Generation And Solar P
MECH - 673 Power Generator & Voltage Regulator
MECH - 674 Power Generator : Operation, Protection And Maintenance
MECH - 675 Power Generator and Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
MECH - 676 Power Hand Tool Safety Training
MECH - 677 Power Inverter
MECH - 678 Power Management System
MECH - 679 Power Plant Chemistry
MECH - 680 Power Plant Process
MECH - 681 Power Quality : Understanding, Measurement and Analysis
MECH - 682 Power Supply
MECH - 683 Power System Analysis Under Fault Condition
MECH - 684 Power System Fault Analysis and Protection
MECH - 685 Power System Protection
MECH - 686 Power System Protection: Installation And Electric
MECH - 687 Power Transformer
MECH - 688 Power Transformer Maintenance
MECH - 689 Power Transformers : Operation And Maintenance
MECH - 690 Powerful Database Analysis And Dashboard Reporting With Excel 2010
MECH - 691 Powerline Construction
MECH - 692 Practical Pumping Methods for Petroleum Production System
MECH - 693 Practical Solution to Machinery and Vibration Problem
MECH - 694 Predictive Maintenance
MECH - 695 Predictive Maintenance By Vibration Monitoring Technique
MECH - 696 Pressure Controller
MECH - 697 Pressure Measurement
MECH - 698 Pressure Safety Valve
MECH - 699 Pressure Transient & Well Testing
MECH - 700 Pressure Vessel
MECH - 701 Pressure Vessel : Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 702 Pressure Vessel Analysis : Construction & Maintenance
MECH - 703 Pressure Vessel Chemical Cracking
MECH - 704 Pressure Vessel Design Using PV Elite
MECH - 705 Pressure Vessel: Calculation & Inspection
MECH - 706 Prevention Oil Polution, Terminal & Crude Oil
MECH - 707 Preventive And Predictive Maintenance
MECH - 708 Preventive and Predictive Maintenance
MECH - 709 Preventive Maintenance & Operation Gen Set
MECH - 710 Preventive Maintenance of Electrical Equipment
MECH - 711 Principles of Reliability Engineering
MECH - 712 Prinsiples And Applications For Energy Cost Saving
MECH - 713 Probabilistics Forecasting
MECH - 714 Process Analysis Simulation
MECH - 715 Process Chemistry
MECH - 716 Process Control & System Engineering
MECH - 717 Process Control and Instrumentation
MECH - 718 Process Measurement Instrumentation
MECH - 719 Process Piping ASME B 31.1
MECH - 720 Process Plant Start Up, Commissioning & Trouble Shooting
MECH - 721 Process Simulator With HYSYS
MECH - 722 Process Troble Shooting & Problem Solving
MECH - 723 Process Vessel Specification and Design
MECH - 724 Production Chemistry
MECH - 725 Production Downhole and Surface : Equipments and Facilities
MECH - 726 Production Engineering Methods
MECH - 727 Production Equipment & Tools
MECH - 728 Production Handling Separation & Measurement
MECH - 729 Production Logging
MECH - 730 Production Management For Underground Mining System
MECH - 731 Production Operation - I for SMO
MECH - 732 Production Operation - II for SMO
MECH - 733 Production Operation and Problem Solving
MECH - 734 Production Optimazation And Minimizing Downtime
MECH - 735 Production Optimazion Using NODAL* Analysis
MECH - 736 Production Optimization for Artificial Lift Design
MECH - 737 Production Optimization for Artificial Lift Design
MECH - 738 Production Optimization Using Nodal Analysis
MECH - 739 Production Planning & Scheduling In Petroleum Refineries
MECH - 740 Production Safety System
MECH - 741 Production Technology for Other Disciplines
MECH - 742 Production Well Handling
MECH - 743 Production/Cased Hole Logging
MECH - 744 Profesionalisasi dalam Pengawasan Proses Pengelasan
MECH - 745 Progammable Logic Controller (PLC)
MECH - 746 Progammable Logic Controller Allen Bradley – SLC 500
MECH - 747 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Power Electric
MECH - 748 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Using Siemens S7 400
MECH - 749 Programmable Logic Controller (Siemens Win CC)
MECH - 750 Progressing Cavity Pumps
MECH - 751 Project Cost Evaluation
MECH - 752 Project Management : Dari Konseptual Sampai Operasional
MECH - 753 Project Management With MS Project Application
MECH - 754 Propane - butane refrigerant For AC
MECH - 755 Proses Overhaul Turbine
MECH - 756 Proses Produksi Urea
MECH - 757 Proses terjadinya Korosi & Pencegahannya
MECH - 758 Protection Of Industrial Power System
MECH - 759 Protection Relay Calibration
MECH - 760 Protective Device
MECH - 761 Pumbling System and Maintenance For A Company
MECH - 762 Pump & Compressors : Predictive Maintenance and Diagnostics
MECH - 763 Pump & Seal Specialist
MECH - 764 Pump and Compressor : Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting
MECH - 765 Pump and Seal Specialist Improving Pump, Seal and System Reliability
MECH - 766 Pump Fundamental
MECH - 767 Pump Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 768 Pump Operations Inspection & Maintenance
MECH - 769 Pump Technology
MECH - 770 Pump, compressor & Hidraulic System
MECH - 771 Pumps & Compressors
MECH - 772 Pumps (Esp., Hyd., Sucker Rod, & Wf)
MECH - 773 Pumps And Compressor : Selection, Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 774 Pumps and Compressor for Technician and Operator
MECH - 775 Pumps and Compressor: Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
MECH - 776 Pumps Operation, Maintenance and Trouble Shooting
MECH - 777 Quality Control For Civil Work
MECH - 778 Quality Control For Overhaul Turbine Gas
MECH - 779 Quality Control of Civil Work (Pengendalian Mutu Pada Proyek Konstruksi)
MECH - 780 Quality Control Of Piping and Pipeline Construction
MECH - 781 Quality Maintenance
MECH - 782 Radiografi Interpreter
MECH - 783 RCM & RBI
MECH - 784 RCM Program Principle & Implementation
MECH - 785 RCM-Awareness
MECH - 786 Reciprocasting Pump For high Pressure System
MECH - 787 Reciprocating and Centrifugal Compressor
MECH - 788 Reciprocating compressor : operations & maintenance
MECH - 789 Reciprocating Pump
MECH - 790 Reciprocating pump for high Pressure System
MECH - 791 Rectifier
MECH - 792 Reda pump For Oil Industry
MECH - 793 Refinery Gas Treating, Sour Water, Sulfur and Tail Gas
MECH - 794 Refining Technology
MECH - 795 Refractory & Heat Insulation
MECH - 796 Refrigeration Sytem
MECH - 797 Relay Calibration & Maintenance
MECH - 798 Relay Protection
MECH - 799 Relay Protection Coordination
MECH - 800 Relay Protection Maintenance
MECH - 801 Reliability Centered Maintenance
MECH - 802 Reliability Centred Maintenance& Total Productive Maintenance
MECH - 803 Reliability Engineering
MECH - 804 Reliability Engineering & Maintenance Optimization
MECH - 805 Reliability Topic
MECH - 806 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Analysis
MECH - 807 Reservoir Characterization
MECH - 808 Reservoir Fluid Analysis
MECH - 809 Reservoir Fluid Properties
MECH - 810 Resevoir Characterization: A Multi-Diciplinary Team Approach
MECH - 811 Respiratory Protection
MECH - 812 Rewinding Kumparan Motor Listrik
MECH - 813 Rewinding Motor
MECH - 814 Rig Equipment Maintenance
MECH - 815 Rigging & handling material
MECH - 816 Rigging Plan
MECH - 817 Risk Assessment Within Production Operation
MECH - 818 Risk Based Inspection
MECH - 819 Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
MECH - 820 Road, LOC, & Water Way
MECH - 821 Roads Design, Construction And Maintenance
MECH - 822 Robertshaw Control System
MECH - 823 Rock Mechanics for Drilling and Completion
MECH - 824 Rod Pump Design & Application
MECH - 825 Root Cause Failure Analysis and Pareto Analysis
MECH - 826 Root Couse Failure Analisys ( RCFA )
MECH - 827 Rotating Eq-Mechanical seal
MECH - 828 Rotating Equipment & Control : Balancing, Inspection, Analisys
MECH - 829 Rotating Equipment : Maintenance and Optimal Performance
MECH - 830 Rotating Equipment Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 831 Rotating Equipments : Operation, Maintenance, Trouble Shooting and Analysis
MECH - 832 Rotating Machinary
MECH - 833 Roto Dynamic Equipment
MECH - 834 Rotor Balancing & Shaft Alignment
MECH - 835 Safety Instrumented Systems : Design, Analysis and Justification
MECH - 836 Safety Shutdown System
MECH - 837 Sampling Technique & Monitor
MECH - 838 Sampling Tools & Equipment
MECH - 839 Sand Control Technology
MECH - 840 SAP 2000
MECH - 841 Sap Review & Troubleshooting
MECH - 842 SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition)
MECH - 843 Scaffolding
MECH - 844 Scale & Compressor
MECH - 846 Scale Controller Maintenance
MECH - 847 Schot Boiler For Industry : Operation, Inspection , Maintenance
MECH - 848 Scrubber
MECH - 849 Seal Analysis Workshop
MECH - 850 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
MECH - 851 Semi Conductor
MECH - 852 Senior & Junior Orifice Plate Carrier
MECH - 853 Separation Equipment Selection and Sizing
MECH - 854 Sertifikasi Pemadam Kebakaran Tingkat D
MECH - 855 Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
MECH - 856 Ship Handling and Maneuvering
MECH - 857 Siemens Scalance Wireless Communication System(konsep sist konfig PLC)
MECH - 858 Sistem instalasi & Proteksi jaringan tenaga listrik
MECH - 859 Sistem Kelistrikan dan Kontrol
MECH - 860 Sistem Manajemen & Pengawasan Peralatan Terpadu
MECH - 861 Sistem Metering Instrumentasi
MECH - 862 Sistem Pengukuran Dan Kalibrasi
MECH - 863 Software Simulation For Proses Engineer
MECH - 864 Soil Improvement
MECH - 865 Solar Allignment & Compressor
MECH - 866 Solar Centaur Compressor
MECH - 867 Solar Gas turbine : Operation & Maintenance
MECH - 868 Solar GS-4000 &MD 1200
MECH - 869 Solar Saturn Compressor CS-1200
MECH - 870 Solar Saturn Generator GS-1200/1300
MECH - 871 Solar Saturn GS-1200
MECH - 872 Solar Troubleshooting Blocklogic
MECH - 873 Solar Troubleshooting CS-1200&4000
MECH - 874 Solar Troubleshooting GS-1200
MECH - 875 Solar Troubleshootng & Calibration
MECH - 876 Solar Turbine Instrumentation
MECH - 877 Solid Control Systems
MECH - 878 Solution Gas Compressor
MECH - 879 Sound System
MECH - 880 Sparepart Management
MECH - 881 Specific S/D System
MECH - 882 Speed Governor for Prime Mover
MECH - 883 Spill Prevention & Control
MECH - 884 SPS Installation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
MECH - 885 SPS Intllation, Maintence & Troubleshooting
MECH - 886 Standar Boiler Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 887 Standar Steam Turbine: Operation and Maintenance
MECH - 888 Standard Based Reliability Prediction
MECH - 889 Standard, Codes & Specs - Prod Operations
MECH - 890 Standard, Codes Specification For Pipes, Piping and Valve
MECH - 891 Static Electricity and Lightning Protection
MECH - 892 Statistik Terapan
MECH - 893 Steam Flood Injection , Operation and Management
MECH - 894 Steam Gathering System
MECH - 895 Steam Generator For Power Plant
MECH - 896 Steam Injection Best Practices
MECH - 897 Steam Reforming
MECH - 898 Steam Turbine For Electrical Power Plant : Control & Operation
MECH - 899 Steam Turbine For Oil Industry : operation & Maintenance
MECH - 900 Steam Turbine Operation & Troubleshooting
MECH - 901 Steam Turbine Performance
MECH - 902 Storage Tank : Handling and Safety
MECH - 903 Storage Tank: Design & Maintenance Bulk
MECH - 904 Strategi & Metoda Perawatan Mandiri
MECH - 905 Substation Equipment and Control Relay
MECH - 906 Subsurface Asset Development CPDEP
MECH - 907 Subsurface Equipments
MECH - 908 Sucker rod ( Beam rod ) for oil maining : Operation And Maintenance
MECH - 909 Sucker Rod Pump Design and Trouble Shooting
MECH - 910 Surface Analysis Design and Trouble Shooting
MECH - 911 Surface Equipment Reliability Integrity Process (SERIP) Refreshing
MECH - 912 Surface Production Operations
MECH - 913 Surface Production System/Facility
MECH - 914 Surface Pump Operations & Maintenance
MECH - 915 Surge control centrifugal compressor
MECH - 916 Switchgear and Motor Control Center (MCC)
MECH - 917 Switchgear, MCC, Switchrack
MECH - 918 System Control Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas Uap
MECH - 919 Tank Equipment
MECH - 920 Tank Inspection
MECH - 921 Technical Drawing Piping and Instrumentation Design
MECH - 922 Technical Drawing/Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
MECH - 923 Technical Inspection Program
MECH - 924 Teknik Analisa Bahaya Mekanik
MECH - 925 Teknik Pendingin
MECH - 926 Teknik Pengukuran Kalibrasi
MECH - 927 Teknis Penilaian Bangunan
MECH - 928 Teknisi Laboratorium Beton
MECH - 929 Teknologi Otomasi
MECH - 930 Temperature Measurement
MECH - 931 Tendon Tension & Riser Monitor
MECH - 932 Teori Dasar Listrik
MECH - 933 The Primary & Squeeze Cementing
MECH - 934 Thermodinamika Metallurgy
MECH - 935 Thermofisika
MECH - 936 Thermofluid
MECH - 937 Thermomechanical Treatment
MECH - 938 Three-Phase Motor
MECH - 939 Total Productive Maintenance
MECH - 940 Tracer Testing
MECH - 941 Train for Trainer Crane Inspection
MECH - 942 Transaksi Tenaga Listrik
MECH - 943 Transfer Pumps
MECH - 944 Transformer : Opration & Maintenance
MECH - 945 Transformer Oil Analysis
MECH - 946 Travellator / Escalator & Apron Conveyor
MECH - 947 Trouble Shooting and Maintenance of Hydraulic System
MECH - 948 Troubleshooting & Maintenance Electric
MECH - 949 Troubleshooting Fundamentals
MECH - 950 Troubleshooting GS-1200&T-4000 CS
MECH - 951 Troubleshooting Turbin Air
MECH - 952 Troubleshooting, Inspection and Monitoring of Machinery
MECH - 953 Turbine Controller
MECH - 954 Turbine System
MECH - 955 Turbo Machinery Monitoring and Problem Analysis
MECH - 956 Turbomachinery
MECH - 957 Tutorial Metering System
MECH - 958 Two Phase Production Testing
MECH - 959 Uji Tak Merusak Radiografi (Radiography)
MECH - 960 Underground Gas Storage
MECH - 961 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
MECH - 962 Uninterupted Power Supply
MECH - 963 Unit Measurement Conversion
MECH - 964 Vacuum Pump
MECH - 965 Validasi Metoda & Ketulusan Pengukuran
MECH - 966 Validasi Metode Uji
MECH - 967 Value Engineering
MECH - 968 Valve Fundamentals
MECH - 969 Valve Greasing
MECH - 970 Valve Repair
MECH - 971 Variable Speed Control
MECH - 972 Variable Speed Drives : Operation, Protection and Maintenance
MECH - 973 Vessel Inspection
MECH - 974 Vibrasi, Alignment and Balancing
MECH - 975 Vibration Analysis and Tribology
MECH - 976 Vibration Analysis for Machinery Trouble Shooting
MECH - 977 Vibration Analysis Level I 
MECH - 978 Vibration Monitoring, Analyzing and Alignment
MECH - 979 Vibration Problem In Manufacturer Industry
MECH - 980 Vibration, Monitoring & Balancing
MECH - 981 Vibration, Noise Safety In Industry
MECH - 982 Vibration, Oscillation & Reciprocating Problem
MECH - 983 Water Flooding & Controlling System
MECH - 984 Water Treatment
MECH - 985 Water Tube Boiler in Electrical Power Plant
MECH - 986 Website Design
MECH - 987 Welding dan Fabrikasi
MECH - 988 Welding Electrode
MECH - 989 Welding for Supervisor
MECH - 990 Welding Inspection
MECH - 991 Welding Inspection and Quality Control
MECH - 992 Welding Inspector And Operator
MECH - 993 Welding Machine
MECH - 994 Welding Metallurgy
MECH - 995 Welding Repair Technology
MECH - 996 Welding Safety
MECH - 997 Welding Safety
MECH - 998 Welding Technology
MECH - 999 Well & Facilities Maintenance: P&S
MECH - 1000 Well Completion & Stimulation Practice for Horizontal Well
MECH - 1001 Well Completion & Work Over
MECH - 1002 Well Completion and Servicing
MECH - 1003 Well Completion Design
MECH - 1004 Well Completion Equipment
MECH - 1005 Well Completion Techniques
MECH - 1006 Well Control Combined Drilling & Work Over
MECH - 1007 Well Control Technology
MECH - 1008 Well Controll School
MECH - 1009 Well Design & Drilling Equipment
MECH - 1010 Well Engineering & Field Development Plan
MECH - 1011 Well Head & Separator System
MECH - 1012 Well Interference Testing
MECH - 1013 Well Log Interpretation
MECH - 1014 Well Servicing and Workover
MECH - 1015 Well Stimulation Practical and Applied
MECH - 1016 Wellhead Safety & Shutdown System
MECH - 1017 Wellsite Geology And Mudlogging
MECH - 1018 Wellview Application Advance
MECH - 1019 Wireline Operation Training

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan juml
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima r
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), progra
Technical, Mechanical &
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
ction Generator and Gen2 - 3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
n 130 Solar Turbine 24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 28 - 29 16 - 17 5-6
28 - 29 30 - 31 10 - 11 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 29 - 30 17 - 18 11 - 12
4-5 1-2 11 - 12 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 5-6 21 - 22 12 - 13
5-6 2-3 17 - 18 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 6-7 22 - 23 18 - 19
6-7 3-4 18 - 19 15 - 16 23 - 24
16 - 17 7-8 23 - 24 19 - 20
7-8 4-5 19 - 20 21 - 22 27 - 28
17 - 18 8-9 24 - 25 23 - 24
11 - 12 8-9 20 - 21 22 - 23 28 - 29
18 - 19 12 - 13 28 - 29 24 - 25
12 - 13 9 - 10 24 - 25 26 - 27 29 - 30
22 - 23 13 - 14 29 - 30 25 - 26
13 - 14 15 - 16 27 - 28 27 - 28 1-2
23 - 24 14 - 15 1-2 26 - 27
14 - 15 16 - 17 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 2-3
24 - 25 15 - 16 2-3 30 - 31
18 - 19 17 - 18 3-4 29 - 30 6-7
25 - 26 19 - 20 3-4 2-3
19 - 20 18 - 19 4-5 1-2 7-8
1-2 20 - 21 7-8 3-4
20 - 21 22 - 23 5-6 5-6 8-9
2-3 21 - 22 8-9 4-5
21 - 22 23 - 24 6-7 6-7 9 - 10
3-4 22 - 23 9 - 10 5-6
25 - 26 24 - 25 10 - 11 7-8 13 - 14
4-5 26 - 27 10 - 11 11 - 12
26 - 27 25 - 26 11 - 12 8-9 14 - 15
8-9 27 - 28 14 - 15 12 - 13
27 - 28 29 - 30 17 - 18 12 - 13 15 - 16
9 - 10 28 - 29 15 - 16 18 - 19
28 - 29 30 - 31 18 - 19 13 - 14 16 - 17
10 - 11 29 - 30 16 - 17 19 - 20
4-5 1-2 19 - 20 14 - 15 20 - 21
15 - 16 5-6 17 - 18 23 - 24
5-6 2-3 20 - 21 15 - 16 21 - 22
16 - 17 6-7 21 - 22 24 - 25
6-7 3-4 24 - 25 21 - 22 22 - 23
17 - 18 7-8 22 - 23 25 - 26
7-8 4-5 27 - 28 22 - 23 23 - 24
18 - 19 8-9 23 - 24 26 - 27
11 - 12 8-9 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 27 - 28
22 - 23 12 - 13 24 - 25 30 - 31
12 - 13 9 - 10 3-4 27 - 28 28 - 29
23 - 24 13 - 14 28 - 29 2-3
13 - 14 15 - 16 4-5 28 - 29 29 - 30
24 - 25 14 - 15 29 - 30 3-4
14 - 15 16 - 17 5-6 29 - 30 1-2
25 - 26 15 - 16 1-2 4-5
18 - 19 17 - 18 6-7 1-2 2-3
1-2 19 - 20 2-3 5-6
19 - 20 18 - 19 10 - 11 5-6 6-7
2-3 20 - 21 3-4 11 - 12
20 - 21 22 - 23 11 - 12 6-7 7-8
3-4 21 - 22 7-8 12 - 13
21 - 22 23 - 24 17 - 18 7-8 8-9
4-5 22 - 23 8-9 18 - 19
25 - 26 24 - 25 18 - 19 8-9 9 - 10
8-9 26 - 27 9 - 10 19 - 20
26 - 27 25 - 26 19 - 20 12 - 13 13 - 14
9 - 10 27 - 28 10 - 11 23 - 24
27 - 28 29 - 30 20 - 21 13 - 14 14 - 15
10 - 11 28 - 29 14 - 15 24 - 25
28 - 29 30 - 31 24 - 25 14 - 15 15 - 16
15 - 16 29 - 30 15 - 16 25 - 26
4-5 1-2 27 - 28 15 - 16 16 - 17
16 - 17 5-6 16 - 17 26 - 27
5-6 2-3 31 - 1 Juni 21 - 22 20 - 21
17 - 18 6-7 17 - 18 30 - 31
6-7 3-4 3-4 22 - 23 21 - 22
18 - 19 7-8 21 - 22 2-3
7-8 4-5 4-5 26 - 27 22 - 23
22 - 23 8-9 22 - 23 3-4
11 - 12 8-9 5-6 27 - 28 23 - 24
23 - 24 12 - 13 23 - 24 4-5
12 - 13 9 - 10 6-7 28 - 29 27 - 28
24 - 25 13 - 14 24 - 25 5-6
13 - 14 15 - 16 10 - 11 29 - 30 28 - 29
25 - 26 14 - 15 28 - 29 11 - 12
14 - 15 16 - 17 11 - 12 1-2 29 - 30
1-2 15 - 16 29 - 30 12 - 13
18 - 19 17 - 18 17 - 18 5-6 1-2
2-3 19 - 20 1-2 18 - 19
19 - 20 18 - 19 18 - 19 6-7 2-3
3-4 20 - 21 2-3 19 - 20
20 - 21 22 - 23 19 - 20 7-8 6-7
4-5 21 - 22 3-4 23 - 24
21 - 22 23 - 24 20 - 21 8-9 7-8
8-9 22 - 23 7-8 24 - 25
25 - 26 24 - 25 24 - 25 12 - 13 8-9
9 - 10 26 - 27 8-9 25 - 26
26 - 27 25 - 26 27 - 28 13 - 14 9 - 10
10 - 11 27 - 28 9 - 10 26 - 27
27 - 28 29 - 30 31 - 1 Juni 14 - 15 13 - 14
15 - 16 28 - 29 10 - 11 30 - 31
28 - 29 30 - 31 3-4 15 - 16 14 - 15
16 - 17 29 - 30 14 - 15 2-3
4-5 1-2 4-5 21 - 22 15 - 16
17 - 18 5-6 15 - 16 3-4
5-6 2-3 5-6 22 - 23 16 - 17
18 - 19 6-7 16 - 17 4-5
6-7 3-4 6-7 26 - 27 20 - 21
22 - 23 7-8 17 - 18 5-6
7-8 4-5 10 - 11 27 - 28 21 - 22
23 - 24 8-9 21 - 22 11 - 12
11 - 12 8-9 11 - 12 28 - 29 22 - 23
24 - 25 12 - 13 22 - 23 12 - 13
12 - 13 9 - 10 17 - 18 29 - 30 23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14 23 - 24 18 - 19
13 - 14 15 - 16 18 - 19 1-2 27 - 28
1-2 14 - 15 24 - 25 19 - 20
14 - 15 16 - 17 19 - 20 5-6 28 - 29
2-3 15 - 16 28 - 29 23 - 24
18 - 19 17 - 18 20 - 21 6-7 29 - 30
3-4 19 - 20 29 - 30 24 - 25
19 - 20 18 - 19 24 - 25 7-8 1-2
4-5 20 - 21 1-2 25 - 26
20 - 21 22 - 23 27 - 28 8-9 2-3
8-9 21 - 22 2-3 26 - 27
21 - 22 23 - 24 31 - 1 Juni 12 - 13 6-7
9 - 10 22 - 23 3-4 30 - 31
25 - 26 24 - 25 3-4 13 - 14 7-8
10 - 11 26 - 27 7-8 2-3
26 - 27 25 - 26 4-5 14 - 15 8-9
15 - 16 27 - 28 8-9 3-4
27 - 28 29 - 30 5-6 15 - 16 9 - 10
16 - 17 28 - 29 9 - 10 4-5
28 - 29 30 - 31 6-7 21 - 22 13 - 14
17 - 18 29 - 30 10 - 11 5-6
4-5 1-2 10 - 11 22 - 23 14 - 15
18 - 19 5-6 14 - 15 11 - 12
5-6 2-3 11 - 12 26 - 27 15 - 16
22 - 23 6-7 15 - 16 12 - 13
6-7 3-4 17 - 18 27 - 28 16 - 17
23 - 24 7-8 16 - 17 18 - 19
7-8 4-5 18 - 19 28 - 29 20 - 21
24 - 25 8-9 17 - 18 19 - 20
11 - 12 8-9 19 - 20 29 - 30 21 - 22
25 - 26 12 - 13 21 - 22 23 - 24
12 - 13 9 - 10 20 - 21 1-2 22 - 23
1-2 13 - 14 22 - 23 24 - 25
13 - 14 15 - 16 24 - 25 5-6 23 - 24
2-3 14 - 15 23 - 24 25 - 26
14 - 15 16 - 17 27 - 28 6-7 27 - 28
3-4 15 - 16 24 - 25 26 - 27
18 - 19 17 - 18 31 - 1 Juni 7-8 28 - 29
4-5 19 - 20 28 - 29 30 - 31
19 - 20 18 - 19 3-4 8-9 29 - 30
8-9 20 - 21 29 - 30 2-3
20 - 21 22 - 23 4-5 12 - 13 1-2
9 - 10 21 - 22 1-2 3-4
21 - 22 23 - 24 5-6 13 - 14 2-3
10 - 11 22 - 23 2-3 4-5
25 - 26 24 - 25 6-7 14 - 15 6-7
15 - 16 26 - 27 3-4 5-6
26 - 27 25 - 26 10 - 11 15 - 16 7-8
16 - 17 27 - 28 7-8 11 - 12
27 - 28 29 - 30 11 - 12 21 - 22 8-9
17 - 18 28 - 29 8-9 12 - 13
28 - 29 30 - 31 17 - 18 22 - 23 9 - 10
18 - 19 29 - 30 9 - 10 18 - 19
4-5 1-2 18 - 19 26 - 27 13 - 14
22 - 23 5-6 10 - 11 19 - 20
5-6 2-3 19 - 20 27 - 28 14 - 15
23 - 24 6-7 14 - 15 23 - 24
6-7 3-4 20 - 21 28 - 29 15 - 16
24 - 25 7-8 15 - 16 24 - 25
7-8 4-5 24 - 25 29 - 30 16 - 17
25 - 26 8-9 16 - 17 25 - 26
11 - 12 8-9 27 - 28 1-2 20 - 21
1-2 12 - 13 17 - 18 26 - 27
12 - 13 9 - 10 31 - 1 Juni 5-6 21 - 22
2-3 13 - 14 21 - 22 30 - 31
13 - 14 15 - 16 3-4 6-7 22 - 23
3-4 14 - 15 22 - 23 2-3
14 - 15 16 - 17 4-5 7-8 23 - 24
4-5 15 - 16 23 - 24 3-4
18 - 19 17 - 18 5-6 8-9 27 - 28
8-9 19 - 20 24 - 25 4-5
19 - 20 18 - 19 6-7 12 - 13 28 - 29
9 - 10 20 - 21 28 - 29 5-6
20 - 21 22 - 23 10 - 11 13 - 14 29 - 30
10 - 11 21 - 22 29 - 30 11 - 12
21 - 22 23 - 24 11 - 12 14 - 15 1-2
15 - 16 22 - 23 1-2 12 - 13
25 - 26 24 - 25 17 - 18 15 - 16 2-3
16 - 17 26 - 27 2-3 18 - 19
26 - 27 25 - 26 18 - 19 21 - 22 6-7
17 - 18 27 - 28 3-4 19 - 20
27 - 28 29 - 30 19 - 20 22 - 23 7-8
18 - 19 28 - 29 7-8 23 - 24
28 - 29 30 - 31 20 - 21 26 - 27 8-9
22 - 23 29 - 30 8-9 24 - 25
4-5 1-2 24 - 25 27 - 28 9 - 10
23 - 24 5-6 9 - 10 25 - 26
5-6 2-3 27 - 28 28 - 29 13 - 14
24 - 25 6-7 10 - 11 26 - 27
6-7 3-4 31 - 1 Juni 29 - 30 14 - 15
25 - 26 7-8 14 - 15 30 - 31
7-8 4-5 3-4 1-2 15 - 16
1-2 8-9 15 - 16 2-3
11 - 12 8-9 4-5 5-6 16 - 17
2-3 12 - 13 16 - 17 3-4
12 - 13 9 - 10 5-6 6-7 20 - 21
3-4 13 - 14 17 - 18 4-5
13 - 14 15 - 16 6-7 7-8 21 - 22
4-5 14 - 15 21 - 22 5-6
14 - 15 16 - 17 10 - 11 8-9 22 - 23
8-9 15 - 16 22 - 23 11 - 12
18 - 19 17 - 18 11 - 12 12 - 13 23 - 24
9 - 10 19 - 20 23 - 24 12 - 13
19 - 20 18 - 19 17 - 18 13 - 14 27 - 28
10 - 11 20 - 21 24 - 25 18 - 19
20 - 21 22 - 23 18 - 19 14 - 15 28 - 29
15 - 16 21 - 22 28 - 29 19 - 20
21 - 22 23 - 24 19 - 20 15 - 16 29 - 30
16 - 17 22 - 23 29 - 30 23 - 24
25 - 26 24 - 25 20 - 21 21 - 22 1-2
17 - 18 26 - 27 1-2 24 - 25
26 - 27 25 - 26 24 - 25 22 - 23 2-3
18 - 19 27 - 28 2-3 25 - 26
27 - 28 29 - 30 27 - 28 26 - 27 6-7
22 - 23 28 - 29 3-4 26 - 27
28 - 29 30 - 31 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 7-8
23 - 24 29 - 30 7-8 30 - 31
4-5 1-2 3-4 28 - 29 8-9
24 - 25 5-6 8-9 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 29 - 30 9 - 10
25 - 26 6-7 9 - 10 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 1-2 13 - 14
1-2 7-8 10 - 11 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 5-6 14 - 15
2-3 8-9 14 - 15 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 6-7 15 - 16
3-4 12 - 13 15 - 16 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 7-8 16 - 17
4-5 13 - 14 16 - 17 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 8-9 20 - 21
8-9 14 - 15 17 - 18 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 12 - 13 21 - 22
9 - 10 15 - 16 21 - 22 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 13 - 14 22 - 23
10 - 11 19 - 20 22 - 23 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 14 - 15 23 - 24
15 - 16 20 - 21 23 - 24 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 15 - 16 27 - 28
16 - 17 21 - 22 24 - 25 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 21 - 22 28 - 29
17 - 18 22 - 23 28 - 29 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 29 - 30
18 - 19 26 - 27 29 - 30 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 26 - 27 1-2
22 - 23 27 - 28 1-2 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 27 - 28 2-3
23 - 24 28 - 29 2-3 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 28 - 29 6-7
24 - 25 29 - 30 3-4 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 29 - 30 7-8
25 - 26 5-6 7-8 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 1-2 8-9
1-2 6-7 8-9 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 5-6 9 - 10
2-3 7-8 9 - 10 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 6-7 13 - 14
3-4 8-9 10 - 11 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 7-8 14 - 15
4-5 12 - 13 14 - 15 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 8-9 15 - 16
8-9 13 - 14 15 - 16 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 12 - 13 16 - 17
9 - 10 14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 13 - 14 20 - 21
10 - 11 15 - 16 17 - 18 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 14 - 15 21 - 22
15 - 16 19 - 20 21 - 22 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 22 - 23
16 - 17 20 - 21 22 - 23 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 21 - 22 23 - 24
17 - 18 21 - 22 23 - 24 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 22 - 23 27 - 28
18 - 19 22 - 23 24 - 25 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 26 - 27 28 - 29
22 - 23 26 - 27 28 - 29 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 27 - 28 29 - 30
23 - 24 27 - 28 29 - 30 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 28 - 29 1-2
24 - 25 28 - 29 1-2 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 29 - 30 2-3
25 - 26 29 - 30 2-3 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 1-2 6-7
1-2 5-6 3-4 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 5-6 7-8
2-3 6-7 7-8 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 6-7 8-9
3-4 7-8 8-9 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 7-8 9 - 10
4-5 8-9 9 - 10 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 8-9 13 - 14
8-9 12 - 13 10 - 11 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 12 - 13 14 - 15
9 - 10 13 - 14 14 - 15 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 15 - 16
10 - 11 14 - 15 15 - 16 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 14 - 15 16 - 17
15 - 16 15 - 16 16 - 17 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 15 - 16 20 - 21
16 - 17 19 - 20 17 - 18 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 21 - 22 21 - 22
17 - 18 20 - 21 21 - 22 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 22 - 23 22 - 23
18 - 19 21 - 22 22 - 23 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 26 - 27 23 - 24
22 - 23 22 - 23 23 - 24 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 27 - 28 27 - 28
23 - 24 26 - 27 24 - 25 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 28 - 29 28 - 29
24 - 25 27 - 28 28 - 29 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 29 - 30 29 - 30
25 - 26 28 - 29 29 - 30 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 1-2 1-2
1-2 29 - 30 1-2 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 5-6 2-3
2-3 5-6 2-3 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 6-7 6-7
3-4 6-7 3-4 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 7-8 7-8
4-5 7-8 7-8 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 8-9
8-9 8-9 8-9 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 12 - 13 9 - 10 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 13 - 14 10 - 11 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 14 - 15 14 - 15 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 15 - 16 15 - 16 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 19 - 20 16 - 17 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 20 - 21 17 - 18 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 21 - 22 21 - 22 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 22 - 23 22 - 23 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 26 - 27 23 - 24 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 27 - 28 24 - 25 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 28 - 29 28 - 29 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 29 - 30 29 - 30 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 1-2
3-4 5-6 1-2 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 7-8 2-3
4-5 6-7 2-3 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 8-9 6-7
8-9 7-8 3-4 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 8-9 7-8 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 12 - 13 8-9 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 13 - 14 9 - 10 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 14 - 15 10 - 11 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 15 - 16 14 - 15 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 19 - 20 15 - 16 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 20 - 21 16 - 17 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 21 - 22 17 - 18 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 22 - 23 21 - 22 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 26 - 27 22 - 23 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 27 - 28 23 - 24 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 28 - 29 24 - 25 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 29 - 30 28 - 29 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 5-6 29 - 30 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 8-9 1-2
8-9 6-7 1-2 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 7-8 2-3 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 8-9 3-4 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 12 - 13 7-8 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 13 - 14 8-9 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 14 - 15 9 - 10 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 15 - 16 10 - 11 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 19 - 20 14 - 15 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 20 - 21 15 - 16 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 21 - 22 16 - 17 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 22 - 23 17 - 18 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 26 - 27 21 - 22 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 27 - 28 22 - 23 4-5
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24 5-6
28 - 29 30 - 31 10 - 11 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 29 - 30 24 - 25 11 - 12
4-5 1-2 11 - 12 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 5-6 28 - 29 12 - 13
5-6 2-3 17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 6-7 29 - 30 18 - 19
6-7 3-4 18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 7-8 1-2 19 - 20
7-8 4-5 19 - 20 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 8-9 2-3 23 - 24
11 - 12 8-9 20 - 21 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 12 - 13 3-4 24 - 25
12 - 13 9 - 10 24 - 25 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 13 - 14 7-8 25 - 26
13 - 14 15 - 16 27 - 28 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 14 - 15 8-9 26 - 27
14 - 15 16 - 17 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 15 - 16 9 - 10 30 - 31
18 - 19 17 - 18 3-4 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 19 - 20 10 - 11 2-3
19 - 20 18 - 19 4-5 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 20 - 21 14 - 15 3-4
20 - 21 22 - 23 5-6 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 21 - 22 15 - 16 4-5
21 - 22 23 - 24 6-7 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 22 - 23 16 - 17 5-6
25 - 26 24 - 25 10 - 11 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 26 - 27 17 - 18 11 - 12
26 - 27 25 - 26 11 - 12 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 27 - 28 21 - 22 12 - 13
27 - 28 29 - 30 17 - 18 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 28 - 29 22 - 23 18 - 19
28 - 29 30 - 31 18 - 19 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 29 - 30 23 - 24 19 - 20
4-5 1-2 19 - 20 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 5-6 24 - 25 23 - 24
5-6 2-3 20 - 21 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 6-7 28 - 29 24 - 25
6-7 3-4 24 - 25 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 7-8 29 - 30 25 - 26
7-8 4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 8-9 1-2 26 - 27
11 - 12 8-9 31 - 1 Juni 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 12 - 13 2-3 30 - 31
12 - 13 9 - 10 3-4 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 13 - 14 3-4 2-3
13 - 14 15 - 16 4-5 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 14 - 15 7-8 3-4
14 - 15 16 - 17 5-6 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 15 - 16 8-9 4-5
18 - 19 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 19 - 20 9 - 10 5-6
19 - 20 18 - 19 10 - 11 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 20 - 21 10 - 11 11 - 12
20 - 21 22 - 23 11 - 12 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 21 - 22 14 - 15 12 - 13
21 - 22 23 - 24 17 - 18 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 22 - 23 15 - 16 18 - 19
25 - 26 24 - 25 18 - 19 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17 19 - 20
26 - 27 25 - 26 19 - 20 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 27 - 28 17 - 18 23 - 24
27 - 28 29 - 30 20 - 21 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 28 - 29 21 - 22 24 - 25
28 - 29 30 - 31 24 - 25 12 - 13 22 - 23
Generation And Solar P 9 - 10 29 - 30 22 - 23 25 - 26
4-5 1-2 27 - 28 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 5-6 23 - 24 26 - 27
5-6 2-3 31 - 1 Juni 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 6-7 24 - 25 30 - 31
6-7 3-4 3-4 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 7-8 28 - 29 2-3
7-8 4-5 4-5 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 8-9 29 - 30 3-4
11 - 12 8-9 5-6 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 12 - 13 1-2 4-5
12 - 13 9 - 10 6-7 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 13 - 14 2-3 5-6
13 - 14 15 - 16 10 - 11 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 14 - 15 3-4 11 - 12
14 - 15 16 - 17 11 - 12 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 15 - 16 7-8 12 - 13
18 - 19 17 - 18 17 - 18 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 19 - 20 8-9 18 - 19
19 - 20 18 - 19 18 - 19 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 20 - 21 9 - 10 19 - 20
20 - 21 22 - 23 19 - 20 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 21 - 22 10 - 11 23 - 24
21 - 22 23 - 24 20 - 21 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 22 - 23 14 - 15 24 - 25
25 - 26 24 - 25 24 - 25 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 26 - 27 15 - 16 25 - 26
26 - 27 25 - 26 27 - 28 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 27 - 28 16 - 17 26 - 27
27 - 28 29 - 30 31 - 1 Juni 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 28 - 29 17 - 18 30 - 31
28 - 29 30 - 31 3-4 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 29 - 30 21 - 22 2-3
4-5 1-2 4-5 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 5-6 22 - 23 3-4
5-6 2-3 5-6 15 - 16 23 - 24
16 - 17 6-7 23 - 24 4-5
6-7 3-4 6-7 21 - 22 27 - 28
17 - 18 7-8 24 - 25 5-6
7-8 4-5 10 - 11 22 - 23 28 - 29
18 - 19 8-9 28 - 29 11 - 12
11 - 12 8-9 11 - 12 26 - 27 29 - 30
22 - 23 12 - 13 29 - 30 12 - 13
12 - 13 9 - 10 17 - 18 27 - 28 1-2
23 - 24 13 - 14 1-2 18 - 19
13 - 14 15 - 16 18 - 19 28 - 29 2-3
24 - 25 14 - 15 2-3 19 - 20
14 - 15 16 - 17 19 - 20 29 - 30 6-7
25 - 26 15 - 16 3-4 23 - 24
18 - 19 17 - 18 20 - 21 1-2 7-8
1-2 19 - 20 7-8 24 - 25
19 - 20 18 - 19 24 - 25 5-6 8-9
2-3 20 - 21 8-9 25 - 26
20 - 21 22 - 23 27 - 28 6-7 9 - 10
3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10 26 - 27
21 - 22 23 - 24 31 - 1 Juni 7-8 13 - 14
4-5 22 - 23 10 - 11 30 - 31
25 - 26 24 - 25 3-4 8-9 14 - 15
8-9 26 - 27 14 - 15 2-3
26 - 27 25 - 26 4-5 12 - 13 15 - 16
9 - 10 27 - 28 15 - 16 3-4
27 - 28 29 - 30 5-6 13 - 14 16 - 17
10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17 4-5
28 - 29 30 - 31 6-7 14 - 15 20 - 21
15 - 16 29 - 30 17 - 18 5-6
4-5 1-2 10 - 11 15 - 16 21 - 22
16 - 17 5-6 21 - 22 11 - 12
5-6 2-3 11 - 12 21 - 22 22 - 23
17 - 18 6-7 22 - 23 12 - 13
6-7 3-4 17 - 18 22 - 23 23 - 24
18 - 19 7-8 23 - 24 18 - 19
7-8 4-5 18 - 19 26 - 27 27 - 28
22 - 23 8-9 24 - 25 19 - 20
11 - 12 8-9 19 - 20 27 - 28 28 - 29
23 - 24 12 - 13 28 - 29 23 - 24
12 - 13 9 - 10 20 - 21 28 - 29 29 - 30
24 - 25 13 - 14 29 - 30 24 - 25
13 - 14 15 - 16 24 - 25 29 - 30 1-2
25 - 26 14 - 15 1-2 25 - 26
14 - 15 16 - 17 27 - 28 1-2 2-3
1-2 15 - 16 2-3 26 - 27
18 - 19 17 - 18 31 - 1 Juni 5-6 6-7
2-3 19 - 20 3-4 30 - 31
19 - 20 18 - 19 3-4 6-7 7-8
3-4 20 - 21 7-8 2-3
20 - 21 22 - 23 4-5 7-8 8-9
4-5 21 - 22 8-9 3-4
21 - 22 23 - 24 5-6 8-9 9 - 10
8-9 22 - 23 9 - 10 4-5
25 - 26 24 - 25 6-7 12 - 13 13 - 14
9 - 10 26 - 27 10 - 11 5-6
26 - 27 25 - 26 10 - 11 13 - 14 14 - 15
10 - 11 27 - 28 14 - 15 11 - 12
27 - 28 29 - 30 11 - 12 14 - 15 15 - 16
15 - 16 28 - 29 15 - 16 12 - 13
28 - 29 30 - 31 17 - 18 15 - 16 16 - 17
16 - 17 29 - 30 16 - 17 18 - 19
4-5 1-2 18 - 19 21 - 22 20 - 21
17 - 18 5-6 17 - 18 19 - 20
5-6 2-3 19 - 20 22 - 23 21 - 22
18 - 19 6-7 21 - 22 23 - 24
6-7 3-4 20 - 21 26 - 27 22 - 23
22 - 23 7-8 22 - 23 24 - 25
7-8 4-5 24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24
23 - 24 8-9 23 - 24 25 - 26
11 - 12 8-9 27 - 28 28 - 29 27 - 28
24 - 25 12 - 13 24 - 25 26 - 27
12 - 13 9 - 10 31 - 1 Juni 29 - 30 28 - 29
25 - 26 13 - 14 28 - 29 30 - 31
13 - 14 15 - 16 3-4 1-2 29 - 30
1-2 14 - 15 29 - 30 2-3
14 - 15 16 - 17 4-5 5-6 1-2
2-3 15 - 16 1-2 3-4
18 - 19 17 - 18 5-6 6-7 2-3
3-4 19 - 20 2-3 4-5
19 - 20 18 - 19 6-7 7-8 6-7
4-5 20 - 21 3-4 5-6
20 - 21 22 - 23 10 - 11 8-9 7-8
8-9 21 - 22 7-8 11 - 12
21 - 22 23 - 24 11 - 12 12 - 13 8-9
9 - 10 22 - 23 8-9 12 - 13
25 - 26 24 - 25 17 - 18 13 - 14 9 - 10
10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10 18 - 19
26 - 27 25 - 26 18 - 19 14 - 15 13 - 14
15 - 16 27 - 28 10 - 11 19 - 20
27 - 28 29 - 30 19 - 20 15 - 16 14 - 15
16 - 17 28 - 29 14 - 15 23 - 24
28 - 29 30 - 31 20 - 21 21 - 22 15 - 16
17 - 18 29 - 30 15 - 16 24 - 25
4-5 1-2 24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17
18 - 19 5-6 16 - 17 25 - 26
5-6 2-3 27 - 28 26 - 27 20 - 21
22 - 23 6-7 17 - 18 26 - 27
6-7 3-4 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 21 - 22
23 - 24 7-8 21 - 22 30 - 31
7-8 4-5 3-4 28 - 29 22 - 23
24 - 25 8-9 22 - 23 2-3
11 - 12 8-9 4-5 29 - 30 23 - 24
25 - 26 12 - 13 23 - 24 3-4
12 - 13 9 - 10 5-6 1-2 27 - 28
1-2 13 - 14 24 - 25 4-5
13 - 14 15 - 16 6-7 5-6 28 - 29
2-3 14 - 15 28 - 29 5-6
14 - 15 16 - 17 10 - 11 6-7 29 - 30
3-4 15 - 16 29 - 30 11 - 12
18 - 19 17 - 18 11 - 12 7-8 1-2
4-5 19 - 20 1-2 12 - 13
19 - 20 18 - 19 17 - 18 8-9 2-3
8-9 20 - 21 2-3 18 - 19
20 - 21 22 - 23 18 - 19 12 - 13 6-7
9 - 10 21 - 22 3-4 19 - 20
21 - 22 23 - 24 19 - 20 13 - 14 7-8
10 - 11 22 - 23 7-8 23 - 24
25 - 26 24 - 25 20 - 21 14 - 15 8-9
15 - 16 26 - 27 8-9 24 - 25
26 - 27 25 - 26 24 - 25 15 - 16 9 - 10
16 - 17 27 - 28 9 - 10 25 - 26
27 - 28 29 - 30 27 - 28 21 - 22 13 - 14
17 - 18 28 - 29 10 - 11 26 - 27
28 - 29 30 - 31 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 14 - 15
18 - 19 29 - 30 14 - 15 30 - 31
4-5 1-2 3-4 26 - 27 15 - 16
22 - 23 5-6 15 - 16 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 27 - 28 16 - 17
23 - 24 6-7 16 - 17 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 28 - 29 20 - 21
24 - 25 7-8 17 - 18 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 29 - 30 21 - 22
25 - 26 8-9 21 - 22 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 1-2 22 - 23
1-2 12 - 13 22 - 23 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 5-6 23 - 24
2-3 13 - 14 23 - 24 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 6-7 27 - 28
3-4 14 - 15 24 - 25 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 7-8 28 - 29
4-5 15 - 16 28 - 29 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 8-9 29 - 30
8-9 19 - 20 29 - 30 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 12 - 13 1-2
9 - 10 20 - 21 1-2 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 13 - 14 2-3
10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 14 - 15 6-7
15 - 16 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 7-8
16 - 17 26 - 27 7-8 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 21 - 22 8-9
17 - 18 27 - 28 8-9 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 22 - 23 9 - 10
18 - 19 28 - 29 9 - 10 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 26 - 27 13 - 14
22 - 23 29 - 30 10 - 11 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 27 - 28 14 - 15
23 - 24 5-6 14 - 15 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 28 - 29 15 - 16
24 - 25 6-7 15 - 16 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 29 - 30 16 - 17
25 - 26 7-8 16 - 17 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 1-2 20 - 21
1-2 8-9 17 - 18 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 5-6 21 - 22
2-3 12 - 13 21 - 22 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 6-7 22 - 23
3-4 13 - 14 22 - 23 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 7-8 23 - 24
4-5 14 - 15 23 - 24 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 8-9 27 - 28
8-9 15 - 16 24 - 25 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 12 - 13 28 - 29
9 - 10 19 - 20 28 - 29 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 29 - 30
10 - 11 20 - 21 29 - 30 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 14 - 15 1-2
15 - 16 21 - 22 1-2 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 15 - 16 2-3
16 - 17 22 - 23 2-3 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 21 - 22 6-7
17 - 18 26 - 27 3-4 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 22 - 23 7-8
18 - 19 27 - 28 7-8 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 26 - 27 8-9
22 - 23 28 - 29 8-9 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 27 - 28 9 - 10
23 - 24 29 - 30 9 - 10 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 28 - 29 13 - 14
24 - 25 5-6 10 - 11 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 29 - 30 14 - 15
25 - 26 6-7 14 - 15 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 1-2 15 - 16
1-2 7-8 15 - 16 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 5-6 16 - 17
2-3 8-9 16 - 17 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 6-7 20 - 21
3-4 12 - 13 17 - 18 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 7-8 21 - 22
4-5 13 - 14 21 - 22 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 22 - 23
8-9 14 - 15 22 - 23 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 12 - 13 23 - 24
9 - 10 15 - 16 23 - 24 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 13 - 14 27 - 28
10 - 11 19 - 20 24 - 25 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 14 - 15 28 - 29
15 - 16 20 - 21 28 - 29 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 15 - 16 29 - 30
16 - 17 21 - 22 29 - 30 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 21 - 22 1-2
17 - 18 22 - 23 1-2 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 22 - 23 2-3
18 - 19 26 - 27 2-3 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 26 - 27 6-7
22 - 23 27 - 28 3-4 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 27 - 28 7-8
23 - 24 28 - 29 7-8 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 28 - 29 8-9
24 - 25 29 - 30 8-9 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 29 - 30 9 - 10
25 - 26 5-6 9 - 10 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 1-2 13 - 14
1-2 6-7 10 - 11 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 5-6 14 - 15
2-3 7-8 14 - 15 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 15 - 16
3-4 8-9 15 - 16 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 7-8 16 - 17
4-5 12 - 13 16 - 17 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 8-9 20 - 21
8-9 13 - 14 17 - 18 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 12 - 13 21 - 22
9 - 10 14 - 15 21 - 22 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 13 - 14 22 - 23
10 - 11 15 - 16 22 - 23 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 14 - 15 23 - 24
15 - 16 19 - 20 23 - 24 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 15 - 16 27 - 28
16 - 17 20 - 21 24 - 25 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 21 - 22 28 - 29
17 - 18 21 - 22 28 - 29 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 22 - 23 29 - 30
18 - 19 22 - 23 29 - 30 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 26 - 27 1-2
22 - 23 26 - 27 1-2 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 27 - 28 2-3
23 - 24 27 - 28 2-3 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 28 - 29 6-7
24 - 25 28 - 29 3-4 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 29 - 30 7-8
25 - 26 29 - 30 7-8 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 8-9
1-2 5-6 8-9 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 5-6 9 - 10
2-3 6-7 9 - 10 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 6-7 13 - 14
3-4 7-8 10 - 11 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 7-8 14 - 15
4-5 8-9 14 - 15 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 8-9 15 - 16
8-9 12 - 13 15 - 16 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 12 - 13 16 - 17
9 - 10 13 - 14 16 - 17 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 13 - 14 20 - 21
10 - 11 14 - 15 17 - 18 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 14 - 15 21 - 22
15 - 16 15 - 16 21 - 22 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 15 - 16 22 - 23
16 - 17 19 - 20 22 - 23 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 21 - 22 23 - 24
17 - 18 20 - 21 23 - 24 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 22 - 23 27 - 28
18 - 19 21 - 22 24 - 25 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 26 - 27 28 - 29
22 - 23 22 - 23 28 - 29 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 27 - 28 29 - 30
23 - 24 26 - 27 29 - 30 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 1-2
24 - 25 27 - 28 1-2 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 29 - 30 2-3
25 - 26 28 - 29 2-3 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 1-2 6-7
1-2 29 - 30 3-4 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 5-6 7-8
2-3 5-6 7-8 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 6-7 8-9
3-4 6-7 8-9 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 7-8 9 - 10
4-5 7-8 9 - 10 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 8-9 13 - 14
8-9 8-9 10 - 11 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 12 - 13 14 - 15
9 - 10 12 - 13 14 - 15 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 13 - 14 15 - 16
10 - 11 13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 14 - 15 16 - 17
15 - 16 14 - 15 16 - 17 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 15 - 16 20 - 21
16 - 17 15 - 16 17 - 18 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 21 - 22 21 - 22
17 - 18 19 - 20 21 - 22 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 22 - 23 22 - 23
18 - 19 20 - 21 22 - 23 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 23 - 24
22 - 23 21 - 22 23 - 24 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 27 - 28 27 - 28
23 - 24 22 - 23 24 - 25 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 28 - 29 28 - 29
24 - 25 26 - 27 28 - 29 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 29 - 30 29 - 30
an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan
a), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
N 2021
hnical, Mechanical & Engineering
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26
4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
22 - 23
28 - 29 20 - 21
23 - 24
4-5 21 - 22
24 - 25
5-6 22 - 23
25 - 26
6-7 23 - 24
29 - 30
7-8 27 - 28
11 - 12 28 - 29
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
9 - 10
21 - 22 7-8
10 - 11
25 - 26 8-9
15 - 16
26 - 27 9 - 10
16 - 17
27 - 28 13 - 14
17 - 18
28 - 29 14 - 15
18 - 19
4-5 15 - 16
22 - 23
5-6 16 - 17
23 - 24
6-7 20 - 21
24 - 25
7-8 21 - 22
25 - 26
11 - 12 22 - 23
29 - 30
12 - 13 23 - 24
13 - 14 27 - 28
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
9 - 10
26 - 27 6-7
10 - 11
27 - 28 7-8
15 - 16
28 - 29 8-9
16 - 17
4-5 9 - 10
17 - 18
5-6 13 - 14
18 - 19
6-7 14 - 15
22 - 23
7-8 15 - 16
23 - 24
11 - 12 16 - 17
24 - 25
12 - 13 20 - 21
25 - 26
13 - 14 21 - 22
29 - 30
14 - 15 22 - 23
20 - 21 23 - 24
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
9 - 10
28 - 29 2-3
10 - 11
4-5 6-7
15 - 16
5-6 7-8
16 - 17
6-7 8-9
17 - 18
7-8 9 - 10
18 - 19
11 - 12 13 - 14
22 - 23
12 - 13 14 - 15
23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16
24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21 20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26 22 - 23
26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
9 - 10
5-6 1-2
10 - 11
6-7 2-3
15 - 16
7-8 6-7
16 - 17
11 - 12 7-8
17 - 18
12 - 13 8-9
18 - 19
13 - 14 9 - 10
22 - 23
14 - 15 13 - 14
23 - 24
20 - 21 14 - 15
24 - 25
21 - 22 15 - 16
25 - 26
25 - 26 16 - 17
29 - 30
26 - 27 20 - 21
27 - 28 21 - 22
28 - 29 22 - 23
4-5 23 - 24
5-6 27 - 28
6-7 28 - 29
9 - 10
7-8 29 - 30
10 - 11
11 - 12 1-2
15 - 16
12 - 13 2-3
16 - 17
13 - 14 6-7
17 - 18
14 - 15 7-8
18 - 19
20 - 21 8-9
22 - 23
21 - 22 9 - 10
23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14
24 - 25
26 - 27 14 - 15
25 - 26
27 - 28 15 - 16
29 - 30
28 - 29 16 - 17
4-5 20 - 21
5-6 21 - 22
6-7 22 - 23
7-8 23 - 24
11 - 12 27 - 28
9 - 10
12 - 13 28 - 29
10 - 11
13 - 14 29 - 30
15 - 16
14 - 15 1-2
16 - 17
20 - 21 2-3
17 - 18
21 - 22 6-7
18 - 19
25 - 26 7-8
22 - 23
26 - 27 8-9
23 - 24
27 - 28 9 - 10
24 - 25
28 - 29 13 - 14
25 - 26
4-5 14 - 15
29 - 30
5-6 15 - 16
6-7 16 - 17
7-8 20 - 21
11 - 12 21 - 22
12 - 13 22 - 23
13 - 14 23 - 24
9 - 10
14 - 15 27 - 28
10 - 11
20 - 21 28 - 29
15 - 16
21 - 22 29 - 30
16 - 17
25 - 26 1-2
17 - 18
26 - 27 2-3
18 - 19
27 - 28 6-7
22 - 23
28 - 29 7-8
23 - 24
4-5 8-9
24 - 25
5-6 9 - 10
25 - 26
6-7 13 - 14
29 - 30
7-8 14 - 15
11 - 12 15 - 16
12 - 13 16 - 17
13 - 14 20 - 21
14 - 15 21 - 22
20 - 21 22 - 23
9 - 10
21 - 22 23 - 24
10 - 11
25 - 26 27 - 28
15 - 16
26 - 27 28 - 29
16 - 17
27 - 28 29 - 30
17 - 18
28 - 29 1-2
18 - 19
4-5 2-3
22 - 23
5-6 6-7
23 - 24
6-7 7-8
24 - 25
7-8 8-9
25 - 26
11 - 12 9 - 10
29 - 30
12 - 13 13 - 14
13 - 14 14 - 15
14 - 15 15 - 16
20 - 21 16 - 17
21 - 22 20 - 21
25 - 26 21 - 22
9 - 10
26 - 27 22 - 23
10 - 11
27 - 28 23 - 24
15 - 16
28 - 29 27 - 28
16 - 17
4-5 28 - 29
17 - 18
5-6 29 - 30
18 - 19
6-7 1-2
22 - 23
7-8 2-3
23 - 24
11 - 12 6-7
24 - 25
12 - 13 7-8
25 - 26
13 - 14 8-9
29 - 30
14 - 15 9 - 10
20 - 21 13 - 14
21 - 22 14 - 15
25 - 26 15 - 16
26 - 27 16 - 17
27 - 28 20 - 21
9 - 10
28 - 29 21 - 22
10 - 11
4-5 22 - 23
15 - 16
5-6 23 - 24
16 - 17
6-7 27 - 28
17 - 18
7-8 28 - 29
18 - 19
11 - 12 29 - 30
22 - 23
12 - 13 1-2
23 - 24
13 - 14 2-3
24 - 25
14 - 15 6-7
25 - 26
20 - 21 7-8
29 - 30
21 - 22 8-9
25 - 26 9 - 10
26 - 27 13 - 14
27 - 28 14 - 15
28 - 29 15 - 16
4-5 16 - 17
9 - 10
5-6 20 - 21
10 - 11
6-7 21 - 22
15 - 16
7-8 22 - 23
16 - 17
11 - 12 23 - 24
17 - 18
12 - 13 27 - 28
18 - 19
13 - 14 28 - 29
22 - 23
14 - 15 29 - 30
23 - 24
20 - 21 1-2
24 - 25
21 - 22 2-3
25 - 26
25 - 26 6-7
29 - 30
26 - 27 7-8
27 - 28 8-9
28 - 29 9 - 10
4-5 13 - 14
5-6 14 - 15
6-7 15 - 16
9 - 10
7-8 16 - 17
10 - 11
11 - 12 20 - 21
15 - 16
12 - 13 21 - 22
16 - 17
13 - 14 22 - 23
17 - 18
14 - 15 23 - 24
18 - 19
20 - 21 27 - 28
22 - 23
21 - 22 28 - 29
23 - 24
25 - 26 29 - 30
24 - 25
26 - 27 1-2
25 - 26
27 - 28 2-3
29 - 30
28 - 29 6-7
4-5 7-8
5-6 8-9
6-7 9 - 10
7-8 13 - 14
11 - 12 14 - 15
9 - 10
12 - 13 15 - 16
10 - 11
13 - 14 16 - 17
15 - 16
14 - 15 20 - 21
16 - 17
20 - 21 21 - 22
17 - 18
21 - 22 22 - 23
18 - 19
25 - 26 23 - 24
22 - 23
26 - 27 27 - 28
23 - 24
27 - 28 28 - 29
24 - 25
28 - 29 29 - 30
25 - 26
4-5 1-2
29 - 30
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
12 - 13 9 - 10
13 - 14 13 - 14
9 - 10
14 - 15 14 - 15
10 - 11
20 - 21 15 - 16
15 - 16
21 - 22 16 - 17
16 - 17
25 - 26 20 - 21
17 - 18
26 - 27 21 - 22
18 - 19
27 - 28 22 - 23
22 - 23
28 - 29 23 - 24
23 - 24
4-5 27 - 28
24 - 25
5-6 28 - 29
25 - 26
6-7 29 - 30
29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
14 - 15 8-9
20 - 21 9 - 10
9 - 10
21 - 22 13 - 14
10 - 11
25 - 26 14 - 15
15 - 16
26 - 27 15 - 16
16 - 17
27 - 28 16 - 17
17 - 18
28 - 29 20 - 21
18 - 19
4-5 21 - 22
22 - 23
5-6 22 - 23
23 - 24
6-7 23 - 24
24 - 25
7-8 27 - 28
25 - 26
11 - 12 28 - 29
29 - 30
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
21 - 22 7-8
25 - 26 8-9
9 - 10
26 - 27 9 - 10
10 - 11
27 - 28 13 - 14
15 - 16
28 - 29 14 - 15
16 - 17
4-5 15 - 16
17 - 18
5-6 16 - 17
18 - 19
6-7 20 - 21
22 - 23
7-8 21 - 22
23 - 24
11 - 12 22 - 23
24 - 25
12 - 13 23 - 24
25 - 26
13 - 14 27 - 28
29 - 30
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
26 - 27 6-7
27 - 28 7-8
9 - 10
28 - 29 8-9
10 - 11
4-5 9 - 10
15 - 16
5-6 13 - 14
16 - 17
6-7 14 - 15
17 - 18
7-8 15 - 16
18 - 19
11 - 12 16 - 17
22 - 23
12 - 13 20 - 21
23 - 24
13 - 14 21 - 22
24 - 25
14 - 15 22 - 23
25 - 26
20 - 21 23 - 24
29 - 30
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
28 - 29 2-3
4-5 6-7
9 - 10
5-6 7-8
10 - 11
6-7 8-9
15 - 16
7-8 9 - 10
16 - 17
11 - 12 13 - 14
17 - 18
12 - 13 14 - 15
18 - 19
13 - 14 15 - 16
22 - 23
14 - 15 16 - 17
23 - 24
20 - 21 20 - 21
24 - 25
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26
25 - 26 22 - 23
29 - 30
26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
5-6 1-2
6-7 2-3
9 - 10
7-8 6-7
10 - 11
11 - 12 7-8
15 - 16
12 - 13 8-9
16 - 17
13 - 14 9 - 10
17 - 18
14 - 15 13 - 14
18 - 19
20 - 21 14 - 15
22 - 23
21 - 22 15 - 16
23 - 24
25 - 26 16 - 17
24 - 25
26 - 27 20 - 21
25 - 26
27 - 28 21 - 22
29 - 30
28 - 29 22 - 23
4-5 23 - 24
5-6 27 - 28
6-7 28 - 29
7-8 29 - 30
11 - 12 1-2
9 - 10
12 - 13 2-3
10 - 11
13 - 14 6-7
15 - 16
14 - 15 7-8
16 - 17
20 - 21 8-9
17 - 18
21 - 22 9 - 10
18 - 19
25 - 26 13 - 14
22 - 23
26 - 27 14 - 15
23 - 24
27 - 28 15 - 16
24 - 25
28 - 29 16 - 17
25 - 26
4-5 20 - 21
29 - 30
5-6 21 - 22
6-7 22 - 23
7-8 23 - 24
11 - 12 27 - 28
12 - 13 28 - 29
13 - 14 29 - 30
9 - 10
14 - 15 1-2
10 - 11
20 - 21 2-3
15 - 16
21 - 22 6-7
16 - 17
25 - 26 7-8
17 - 18
26 - 27 8-9
18 - 19
27 - 28 9 - 10
22 - 23
28 - 29 13 - 14
23 - 24
4-5 14 - 15
24 - 25
5-6 15 - 16
25 - 26
6-7 16 - 17
29 - 30
7-8 20 - 21
11 - 12 21 - 22
12 - 13 22 - 23
13 - 14 23 - 24
14 - 15 27 - 28
20 - 21 28 - 29
9 - 10
21 - 22 29 - 30
10 - 11
25 - 26 1-2
15 - 16
26 - 27 2-3
16 - 17
27 - 28 6-7
17 - 18
28 - 29 7-8
18 - 19
4-5 8-9
22 - 23
5-6 9 - 10
23 - 24
6-7 13 - 14
24 - 25
7-8 14 - 15
25 - 26
11 - 12 15 - 16
29 - 30
12 - 13 16 - 17
13 - 14 20 - 21
14 - 15 21 - 22
20 - 21 22 - 23
21 - 22 23 - 24
25 - 26 27 - 28
9 - 10
26 - 27 28 - 29
10 - 11
27 - 28 29 - 30
15 - 16
28 - 29 1-2
16 - 17
4-5 2-3
17 - 18
5-6 6-7
18 - 19
6-7 7-8
22 - 23
7-8 8-9
23 - 24
11 - 12 9 - 10
24 - 25
12 - 13 13 - 14
25 - 26
13 - 14 14 - 15
29 - 30
14 - 15 15 - 16
20 - 21 16 - 17
21 - 22 20 - 21
25 - 26 21 - 22
26 - 27 22 - 23
27 - 28 23 - 24
9 - 10
28 - 29 27 - 28
10 - 11
4-5 28 - 29
15 - 16
5-6 29 - 30
16 - 17
6-7 1-2
17 - 18
7-8 2-3
18 - 19
11 - 12 6-7
22 - 23
12 - 13 7-8
23 - 24
13 - 14 8-9
24 - 25
14 - 15 9 - 10
25 - 26
20 - 21 13 - 14
29 - 30
21 - 22 14 - 15
25 - 26 15 - 16
26 - 27 16 - 17
27 - 28 20 - 21
28 - 29 21 - 22
4-5 22 - 23
9 - 10
5-6 23 - 24
10 - 11
6-7 27 - 28
15 - 16
7-8 28 - 29
16 - 17
11 - 12 29 - 30
17 - 18
12 - 13 1-2
18 - 19
13 - 14 2-3
22 - 23
14 - 15 6-7
23 - 24
20 - 21 7-8
24 - 25
21 - 22 8-9
25 - 26
25 - 26 9 - 10
29 - 30
26 - 27 13 - 14
27 - 28 14 - 15
28 - 29 15 - 16
4-5 16 - 17
5-6 20 - 21
6-7 21 - 22
9 - 10
7-8 22 - 23
10 - 11
11 - 12 23 - 24
15 - 16
12 - 13 27 - 28
16 - 17
13 - 14 28 - 29
17 - 18
14 - 15 29 - 30
18 - 19
20 - 21 1-2
22 - 23
21 - 22 2-3
23 - 24
25 - 26 6-7
24 - 25
26 - 27 7-8
25 - 26
27 - 28 8-9
29 - 30
28 - 29 9 - 10
4-5 13 - 14
5-6 14 - 15
6-7 15 - 16
7-8 16 - 17
11 - 12 20 - 21
9 - 10
12 - 13 21 - 22
10 - 11
13 - 14 22 - 23
15 - 16
14 - 15 23 - 24
16 - 17
20 - 21 27 - 28
17 - 18
21 - 22 28 - 29
18 - 19
25 - 26 29 - 30
22 - 23
26 - 27 1-2
23 - 24
27 - 28 2-3
24 - 25
28 - 29 6-7
25 - 26
4-5 7-8
29 - 30
5-6 8-9
6-7 9 - 10
7-8 13 - 14
11 - 12 14 - 15
12 - 13 15 - 16
13 - 14 16 - 17
9 - 10
14 - 15 20 - 21
10 - 11
20 - 21 21 - 22
15 - 16
21 - 22 22 - 23
16 - 17
25 - 26 23 - 24
17 - 18
26 - 27 27 - 28
18 - 19
27 - 28 28 - 29
22 - 23
28 - 29 29 - 30
23 - 24
4-5 1-2
24 - 25
5-6 2-3
25 - 26
6-7 6-7
29 - 30
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
12 - 13 9 - 10
13 - 14 13 - 14
14 - 15 14 - 15
20 - 21 15 - 16
9 - 10
21 - 22 16 - 17
10 - 11
25 - 26 20 - 21
15 - 16
26 - 27 21 - 22
16 - 17
27 - 28 22 - 23
17 - 18
28 - 29 23 - 24
18 - 19
4-5 27 - 28
22 - 23
5-6 28 - 29
23 - 24
6-7 29 - 30
24 - 25
7-8 1-2
25 - 26
11 - 12 2-3
29 - 30
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
14 - 15 8-9
20 - 21 9 - 10
21 - 22 13 - 14
25 - 26 14 - 15
9 - 10
26 - 27 15 - 16
10 - 11
27 - 28 16 - 17
15 - 16
28 - 29 20 - 21
16 - 17
4-5 21 - 22
17 - 18
5-6 22 - 23
18 - 19
6-7 23 - 24
22 - 23
7-8 27 - 28
23 - 24
11 - 12 28 - 29
24 - 25
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BANK - 260
BANK - 261
BANK - 262
BANK - 263
Accounting Banking : Konsep Implementasi Operasional 4-5
Advaced Supervisory Skills Development
Advanced Contract Law 5-6
Advanced Corporate Cash Management
Advanced Credit Analyst 6-7
Advanced Financial Control
Advanced General Affair Program 7-8
Advanced Hubungan Industrial
Advanced marketing management 11 - 12
Advanced Syndication Loan & Project Financing
Akuntansi Intermediate and Advanced 12 - 13
Akuntansi Proffesional untuk staff
Analaisa Pinjaman dan Risiko Kredit 13 - 14
Analisa Kredit Korporasi
Analisa Kredit Mikro 14 - 15
Analisa Laporan Keuangan
Analisa Manajemen Risiko Kredit 18 - 19
Aspek Hukum Kepailitan
Aspek Hukum pemberian kredit 19 - 20
Aspek Hukum perijinan pemerintahan
Aspek Hukum Perijinan dan Pertanahan 20 - 21
Asset Liability Management
Audit and Legal Opinion Drafting 21 - 22
Audit investigatif atas kecurangan pada korporasi
Audit keuangan dan operasional 25 - 26
Audit Kredit Bank
Audit Pengadaan barang dan Jasa 26 - 27
Audit sistem informasi
Bank Fraud and Prevention 27 - 28
Basic Asset Liability Management
Basic Audit Technique 28 - 29
Basic Human Resource Management
Basic Psychology for HRM & People Development 4-5
Basic Skill for internal auditor
Basic Treasury & Invesment service Management 5-6
Becoming Effective Traininer for your Staff
Best Practice account payable 6-7
Best Practice accounting for banking operation
Best Practice Banking & Risk Awereness 7-8
Best Practice Developing the Right Mind set for Supervisor
Best Practice in Invesment analysis and Portofolio Theory 11 - 12
Best Practice Training Design
Bond Dealer 12 - 13
Brand Management in Marketing
Budgeting Cost Cotrol for Banking 13 - 14
Budgeting Profit Planning and Control
Business Correspondence 14 - 15
Business English for Secretary
Business Periklanan 18 - 19
Career & Talent Management Specialist Program
Cash Flow & Risk Analyst in Finance 19 - 20
Cash Flow & Treasury Management
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Introduction and Implementation 20 - 21
Coaching and Counseling Techniques
Coaching to sales people 21 - 22
Communication Skills for Publik Relation
Community Development and Conflic Handling 25 - 26
Community Relations and Development
Competency Based Training Need Analyst 26 - 27
Comprehensive HRIS
Contract drafting & Review Business Kontrak 27 - 28
Contract management and legal aspect
Contract Negotiation Skills 28 - 29
Corporate Business Law
Corporate forum for Community Development 4-5
Corporate Law legas aspect in Business
Corporate Secretary : Menghadapi Bisnis Global 5-6
Creative Accounting & Tax planning
Creative Leadership & Management for Better Result 6-7
Creative Sales Management and Time Table
Creativity and Innovation : How to Improve Performance 7-8
Credit & Treasury for Internal Auditors
Credit Analyst, Monitoring & Problem Solving 11 - 12
Credit Anlayst for bank and non bank
Credit Committee, Credit recovery and Credit Restructuring 12 - 13
Credit Risk, Receivable & Corp Collection Management
Credit Supervision 13 - 14
Crisis Management and Public Relations
CSR Communication melalui Cyber Media 14 - 15
CSR Melalui Media Massa
CSR Partnership and Stakeholder Relationship 18 - 19
Customer Service excelence
Deffered tax asset 19 - 20
Digital marketing strategy
Document Control and Filling System 20 - 21
Effective & Productive Profesional Secretary
Effective Handling Complaint Techniques 21 - 22
Effective Job Interview for Staff Recruiting or Career Path
Effective Lobbying and Negotation Skills 25 - 26
Effective Management for Training Center
Effective marketing communication 26 - 27
Effective PR Advocacy
Effective PR Campaign Technique 27 - 28
Effective Public Speaking and Communication Skills
Effective Report Writing 28 - 29
Effective Time Management & Delegation
Eksekusi Jaminan Kredit 4-5
Essential for the Management Application
Essential of Finance & Operation Risk Management 5-6
Essential Skill For Secretary
Essential Supervisory Skills for Supervisor 6-7
Essentials of Finance & Operation risk management
Excecutive Leadership Training 7-8
Excellent Supervisory
Export, Import and Letter of Credit 11 - 12
Filling System For Secretary
Financial Accounting & Reporting 12 - 13
Financial Auditing for internal auditor
Financial Reporting Skills Accounting 13 - 14
Financial Statement Analyst
Fraud and Corruption in the workplace 14 - 15
Fraud Auditing : understanding Prevention, Detection & Investigation
Fraud Auditing in Financial Institution 18 - 19
Fraud in Procurement
Fraud in Purchasing 19 - 20
Fraud prevention in contract and purchasing
Fundamental of Cost accounting 20 - 21
Fundraising Course
Good Corporate Governance 21 - 22
Handling the media and Public Speaking
How to Design Management Trainer Programme 25 - 26
How to Prepare Selection Test For Recruitment
How to Recruit & Select Candidate Effectively 26 - 27
HR & And Career Planning
Hukum acara perdata 27 - 28
Hukum pasar modal
Hukum Perbankan 28 - 29
Hukum tindak pidana korupsi
Humas dan Protokoler 4-5
Identification & Analysis of Training Needs
IFRS for internal Auditor 5-6
Implementasi PSAK 50 & 55 Revisi 2006
Innovative & Creative Thinking at Work 6-7
Intermediate Accounting
Intermediate Credit Risk management 7-8
Internal audit bank
Internal audit dan Fraud Audit 11 - 12
International Business and Relationship
International Risk Management ISO 31000:2009 12 - 13
Interpersonal Skill Development Skills for Secretary
Introduction to internal auditing and control 13 - 14
Introduction to marketing management
ISO 26000 14 - 15
Job Description Analysis Development and Design
Key Performance Management System 18 - 19
Know Your Customer
Komunikasi Organisasi 19 - 20
KPI With Balanced Score Card 20 - 21
Laporan : Skillfully Present a quality Report
Laporang Keuangan Konsolidasi PSAK 4 21 - 22
Legal audit and Legal opinion
Lelang hak tanggungan dan Fidusia 25 - 26
Liquidity Risk Management & Stress Test
Managerial Skill for Secretary 26 - 27
Managing Conflict & Handling Difficult People
Manajemen and Administrasi logistic 27 - 28
Manajemen Kehumasan
Manajemen Komunitas di Sekitar Perusahaan 28 - 29
Manajemen persuasive marketing
Manajemen Risiko Berbasisi ISO 31000 4-5
Manajemen SDM
Marketing & Competitive Intelligence 5-6
Marketing Analyst
Marketing for non marketer 6-7
Marketing Issus in Experiential marketing
Marketing Manager Development Program 7-8
Marketing Strategy Base on Customer Behavior
Master of Ceremony and Publik Speaking 11 - 12
Measuring Marketing Performance
Media Handling and Communication Skills 12 - 13
Media Relation Strategy & Executions
Memahami analisa kredit retail & kredit komersial 13 - 14
Memahami Peraturan Ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia
Membangun Kemitraan dengan Stakeholders dan Mengelola Konflik CSR 14 - 15
Metode penegakan kepatuhan pada internal perbankan
Monitoring and Evaluation CSR 18 - 19
Motivating Staff for Excellent Performance
Negotiation and Public Relation 19 - 20
Negotiation Skills for sales and Marketing people
Optimalisasi Cyber Public Relation 20 - 21
Paradigma baru internal audit
Pedoman Menyusun Perjanjian Kerja Bersama 21 - 22
Penanganan Krisis Melalui hubungan Media
Penerapan Sistem Outsourcing 25 - 26
Penilaian Agunan Kredit
Penilaian Kinerja dan Karier 26 - 27
Peningkatan Produktivias SDM
Penyelesaian Perselisihan dalam Industrial Relation 27 - 28
Penyelesain Sengketa melalui jalur litigasi
Penyusunan Annual Report berdasarkan GCG & CSR 28 - 29
Penyusunan Hukum kontrak
Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan berbasis PSAK, IFRS & Perpajakan 4-5
Perencanaan Program CSR
Perhitungan Akutiaria sesuai PSAK 24 5-6
Perjanjian Kerja dan Outsourcing
Powerfull lobbying skills 6-7
Powerfull Public Speaking
PR dan Crisis Handling 7-8
Practical Management Trainee Programme
Practicing Kirkpatricks Training Evaluation 11 - 12
Process flow auditing
Process for auditing 12 - 13
Procurement audit and system for prevention and detection of fraud and corruption
Professional Secretary 13 - 14
Proffesional Akuntansi
PSAK 16 (Berbasis 2007) 14 - 15
Public Relation for Secretary
Public Relations, Media Relations and Corporate Communication 18 - 19
Recruitment & Selection Based on Competency
Recruitment Interview and Selection 19 - 20
Revitalisasi Kredit mikro untuk Staff
Riisiko Manajemen Keuangan dan non keuangan 20 - 21
Risk Based audit (Internal Audit berbasis Risiko)
Risk Based audit practical 21 - 22
Risk Based internal Auditing
Risk Management 25 - 26
Risk management control and the role of internal audit
Safeguarding your organisation againts fraud 26 - 27
Sales management for bankers
Secretary Development Best on Competency 27 - 28
Selection Interviewing Skills for Non Psychologist
Smart Interview, Selection and Recruitment 28 - 29
Smart selling skills
Social Media and onLine PR for Business 4-5
Social Media Corporate Branding
Social Media for Personal Branding 5-6
Speaking And Writing Basic Skill Training for PR Executives
Stakeholder Engagement 6-7
Strategy Business and Financial Analysis
Strategy Crazy Promotion 7-8
Strategy Investasi Obligasi
Strategy Mengatasi Kredit Bermasalah 11 - 12
Strategy Outsourcing Management
Strategy pemberian pinjaman 12 - 13
Strategy Performance Management System
Strategy Selling skills and Succesfull 13 - 14
Stress Management & Managing your Time
Study Kelayakan Pembukaan Jaringan Kantor Bank 14 - 15
Supervisory and Leadership for Secretary
Tax Management 18 - 19
Technical auditing and tools
Teknik Fotografi Jurnalistik 19 - 20
Teknik Interview dalma Proses Recruitment
Teknik Menulis dan Menembus Media 20 - 21
Teknik Penulisan audit report yang effective
Teknik Penulisan proposal dan Laporan 21 - 22
Telephone Courtesy for Front Liners
TIE (Training Impact Evaluation) 25 - 26
Training Need Analyst
Treasury Management 26 - 27
Ultimate grapho selling technique practitioner
Value added marketing strategic : Best practice and case study 27 - 28
Work Class Human Resources Management Program
Writing Skills for Secretary 28 - 29
Penilaian Dan Pembinaan Efisiensi Kinerja Cabang
Tata Cara Review Evaluasi Kinerja Kantor Cabang dalam Menghadapi Persaingan
Teknik Penagihan & Negosiasi Dalam Penyelesaian Kredit Bermasalah
Potensi Permasalahan Hukum Akibat Hapus Buku Kredit Bermasalah

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
Kota Kuota
Yogyakarta 3
Solo 3
Semarang 3
Bandung 4
Malang 4
Jakarta 5
Surabaya 5
Lombok 6
Bali 6
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumlah Minimum
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima request baik
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program sertifikas
Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct
1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3 4-5
2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4 5-6
3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5 6-7
4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6 7-8
8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12 11 - 12
9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13 12 - 13
15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19 13 - 14
16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24 20 - 21
18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25 21 - 22
22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26 25 - 26
23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27 26 - 27
24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31 27 - 28
25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3 28 - 29
29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4 4-5
30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5 5-6
1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6 6-7
2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12 7-8
3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13 11 - 12
4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19 12 - 13
8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20 13 - 14
9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24 14 - 15
15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25 20 - 21
16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26 21 - 22
17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27 25 - 26
18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31 26 - 27
22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3 27 - 28
23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4 28 - 29
24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5 4-5
25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6 5-6
29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12 6-7
30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13 7-8
1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19 11 - 12
2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20 12 - 13
3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24 13 - 14
4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25 14 - 15
8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26 20 - 21
9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27 21 - 22
15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31 25 - 26
16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3 26 - 27
17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4 27 - 28
18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5 28 - 29
22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6 4-5
23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12 5-6
24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13 6-7
25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19 7-8
29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20 11 - 12
30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24 12 - 13
1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25 13 - 14
2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26 14 - 15
3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27 20 - 21
4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31 21 - 22
8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3 25 - 26
9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4 26 - 27
15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5 27 - 28
16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6 28 - 29
17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12 4-5
18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13 5-6
22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19 6-7
23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24 11 - 12
25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25 12 - 13
29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26 13 - 14
30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27 14 - 15
1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31 20 - 21
2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3 21 - 22
3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4 25 - 26
4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5 26 - 27
8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6 27 - 28
9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12 28 - 29
15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13 4-5
16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19 5-6
17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20 6-7
18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24 7-8
22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25 11 - 12
23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26 12 - 13
24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27 13 - 14
25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31 14 - 15
29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3 20 - 21
30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4 21 - 22
1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5 25 - 26
2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6 26 - 27
3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12 27 - 28
4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13 28 - 29
8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19 4-5
9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20 5-6
15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24 6-7
16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25 7-8
17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26 11 - 12
18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27 12 - 13
22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31 13 - 14
23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3 14 - 15
24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4 20 - 21
25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5 21 - 22
29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 28 - 29 16 - 17 5-6 25 - 26
30 - 31 10 - 11 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 29 - 30 17 - 18 11 - 12 26 - 27
1-2 11 - 12 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 5-6 21 - 22 12 - 13 27 - 28
2-3 17 - 18 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 6-7 22 - 23 18 - 19 28 - 29
3-4 18 - 19 15 - 16 23 - 24
16 - 17 7-8 23 - 24 19 - 20 4-5
4-5 19 - 20 21 - 22 27 - 28
17 - 18 8-9 24 - 25 23 - 24 5-6
8-9 20 - 21 22 - 23 28 - 29
18 - 19 12 - 13 28 - 29 24 - 25 6-7
9 - 10 24 - 25 26 - 27 29 - 30
22 - 23 13 - 14 29 - 30 25 - 26 7-8
15 - 16 27 - 28 27 - 28 1-2
23 - 24 14 - 15 1-2 26 - 27 11 - 12
16 - 17 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 2-3
24 - 25 15 - 16 2-3 30 - 31 12 - 13
17 - 18 3-4 29 - 30 6-7
25 - 26 19 - 20 3-4 2-3 13 - 14
18 - 19 4-5 1-2 7-8
1-2 20 - 21 7-8 3-4 14 - 15
22 - 23 5-6 5-6 8-9
2-3 21 - 22 8-9 4-5 20 - 21
23 - 24 6-7 6-7 9 - 10
3-4 22 - 23 9 - 10 5-6 21 - 22
24 - 25 10 - 11 7-8 13 - 14
4-5 26 - 27 10 - 11 11 - 12 25 - 26
25 - 26 11 - 12 8-9 14 - 15
8-9 27 - 28 14 - 15 12 - 13 26 - 27
29 - 30 17 - 18 12 - 13 15 - 16
9 - 10 28 - 29 15 - 16 18 - 19 27 - 28
30 - 31 18 - 19 13 - 14 16 - 17
10 - 11 29 - 30 16 - 17 19 - 20 28 - 29
1-2 19 - 20 14 - 15 20 - 21
15 - 16 5-6 17 - 18 23 - 24 4-5
2-3 20 - 21 15 - 16 21 - 22
16 - 17 6-7 21 - 22 24 - 25 5-6
3-4 24 - 25 21 - 22 22 - 23
17 - 18 7-8 22 - 23 25 - 26 6-7
4-5 27 - 28 22 - 23 23 - 24
18 - 19 8-9 23 - 24 26 - 27 7-8
8-9 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 27 - 28
22 - 23 12 - 13 24 - 25 30 - 31 11 - 12
9 - 10 3-4 27 - 28 28 - 29
23 - 24 13 - 14 28 - 29 2-3 12 - 13
15 - 16 4-5 28 - 29 29 - 30
24 - 25 14 - 15 29 - 30 3-4 13 - 14
16 - 17 5-6 29 - 30 1-2
25 - 26 15 - 16 1-2 4-5 14 - 15
17 - 18 6-7 1-2 2-3
1-2 19 - 20 2-3 5-6 20 - 21
18 - 19 10 - 11 5-6 6-7
2-3 20 - 21 3-4 11 - 12 21 - 22
22 - 23 11 - 12 6-7 7-8
3-4 21 - 22 7-8 12 - 13 25 - 26
23 - 24 17 - 18 7-8 8-9
4-5 22 - 23 8-9 18 - 19 26 - 27
24 - 25 18 - 19 8-9 9 - 10
8-9 26 - 27 9 - 10 19 - 20 27 - 28
25 - 26 19 - 20 12 - 13 13 - 14
9 - 10 27 - 28 10 - 11 23 - 24 28 - 29
29 - 30 20 - 21 13 - 14 14 - 15
10 - 11 28 - 29 14 - 15 24 - 25 4-5
30 - 31 24 - 25 14 - 15 15 - 16
15 - 16 29 - 30 15 - 16 25 - 26 5-6
1-2 27 - 28 15 - 16 16 - 17
16 - 17 5-6 16 - 17 26 - 27 6-7
2-3 31 - 1 Juni 21 - 22 20 - 21
17 - 18 6-7 17 - 18 30 - 31 7-8
3-4 3-4 22 - 23 21 - 22
18 - 19 7-8 21 - 22 2-3 11 - 12
4-5 4-5 26 - 27 22 - 23

dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
tan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
Nov Dec
9 - 10
9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15
16 - 17
15 - 16
17 - 18
16 - 17
18 - 19
20 - 21
22 - 23
21 - 22
23 - 24
22 - 23
24 - 25
23 - 24
25 - 26
27 - 28
29 - 30
28 - 29
29 - 30
9 - 10
10 - 11
9 - 10
15 - 16
13 - 14
16 - 17
14 - 15
17 - 18
15 - 16
18 - 19
16 - 17
22 - 23
20 - 21
23 - 24
21 - 22
24 - 25
22 - 23
25 - 26
23 - 24
29 - 30
27 - 28
28 - 29
29 - 30
9 - 10
10 - 11
15 - 16
9 - 10
16 - 17
13 - 14
17 - 18
14 - 15
18 - 19
15 - 16
22 - 23
16 - 17
23 - 24
20 - 21
24 - 25
21 - 22
25 - 26
22 - 23
29 - 30
23 - 24
27 - 28
28 - 29
29 - 30
9 - 10
10 - 11
15 - 16
16 - 17
9 - 10
17 - 18
13 - 14
18 - 19
14 - 15
22 - 23
15 - 16
23 - 24
16 - 17
24 - 25
20 - 21
25 - 26
21 - 22
29 - 30
22 - 23
23 - 24
27 - 28
28 - 29
29 - 30
9 - 10
10 - 11
15 - 16
16 - 17
17 - 18
9 - 10
18 - 19
13 - 14
22 - 23
14 - 15
23 - 24
15 - 16
24 - 25
16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22
22 - 23
23 - 24
27 - 28
28 - 29
29 - 30
9 - 10
10 - 11
15 - 16
16 - 17
17 - 18
18 - 19
9 - 10
22 - 23
13 - 14
23 - 24
14 - 15
24 - 25
15 - 16
25 - 26
16 - 17
29 - 30
20 - 21
21 - 22
22 - 23
23 - 24
27 - 28
28 - 29
9 - 10
29 - 30
10 - 11
15 - 16
16 - 17
17 - 18
18 - 19
22 - 23
9 - 10
23 - 24
13 - 14
24 - 25
14 - 15
25 - 26
15 - 16
29 - 30
16 - 17
20 - 21
21 - 22
22 - 23
23 - 24
27 - 28
9 - 10
28 - 29
10 - 11
29 - 30
15 - 16
16 - 17
17 - 18
18 - 19
22 - 23
23 - 24
9 - 10
24 - 25
13 - 14
25 - 26
14 - 15
29 - 30
15 - 16
16 - 17
20 - 21
21 - 22
RS - 001 Action Plan rumah sakit
RS - 002 Akreditasi JCI USA (RS Berstandart Internasional)
RS - 003 Akreditasi KARS
RS - 004 Akuntansi & perpajakan untuk rumah sakit, klinik dan dokter
RS - 005 Akuntansi Imbalan Kerja Khusus Rumah Sakit Dan Klinik (Sesuai PSAK 24 Revisi 2010 Dan UU NO.
RS - 006 Akuntansi Keuangan Rumah Sakit
RS - 007 Akuntansi Manajemen Rumah Sakit
RS - 008 Akuntansi Perpajakan
RS - 009 Akuntansi Untuk Penyusunan Laporan Rumah Sakit Dan Perhitungan PPH
RS - 010 AMDAL Rumah Sakit
RS - 011 AMDAL Rumah Sakit
RS - 012 Analisa dan perencanaan keuangan rumah sakit / klinik
RS - 013 Analisa Mikrobiologi Rumah Sakit
RS - 014 Analisis Appraisal (Inventarisasi Aset)
RS - 015 Analisis Aset dan Optimisasi Kinerja
RS - 016 Analisis Beban Kerja (Time Motion Study)
RS - 017 Analisis Biaya dan Perilaku Biaya (Unit Cost) dan Overhead Cost untuk Rumah Sakit
RS - 018 Analisis Biaya Langsung dan Biaya Tidak Langsung Rumah sakit
RS - 019 Analisis Budgeting Peralatan Medik
RS - 020 Analisis Cash Flow Untuk Meningkatkan Profit Rumah Sakit
RS - 021 Analisis Cost Benefit dari KSO Alat-alat Medik
RS - 022 Analisis Cost Effectiveness Rumah Sakit
RS - 023 Analisis Efisiensi dan Kinerja Pegawai Rumah Sakit
RS - 024 Analisis Efisiensi SDM
RS - 025 Analisis Investasi (Alat, Gedung, SDM dll)
RS - 026 Analisis Job Diskripsi
RS - 027 Analisis Kinerja Farmasi (obat-obatan)
RS - 028 Analisis KSO (Kerjasama Operasi)
RS - 029 Analisis Manajemen Bakat dan Pengukuran
RS - 030 Analisis Manajemen Mutu dan Beban Kerja
RS - 031 Analisis Manajemen Penjualan Berdasarkan Paket
RS - 032 Analisis Pasar untuk Rumah Sakit
RS - 033 Analisis Pelayanan Konsumen
RS - 034 Analisis Pengadaan Barang
RS - 035 Analisis Penjualan
RS - 036 Analisis Perilaku Pembayaran
RS - 037 Analisis Perilaku Pembayaran Pasien
RS - 038 Analisis Perilaku Pembayaran Rekan Rumah Sakit
RS - 039 Analisis Persediaan (Logistik) dan Manajemen Gudang
RS - 040 Analisis Profitabilitas (Merancang Profit Rumah Sakit)
RS - 041 Analisis Program dan Manajemen Proyek
RS - 042 Analisis Proses Tugas dan Pengukuran
RS - 043 Analisis Stakeholder di rumah Sakit
RS - 044 Analisis Struktur Organisasi (SOTK-Struktur Organisasi dan Tata Kerja)
RS - 045 Analisis Transportasi
RS - 046 Analisis Value-Based Management in Hospital
RS - 047 Aplikasi Branding pada Uniform
RS - 048 Aplikasi Branding untuk Advertising
RS - 049 Aplikasi Branding untuk Format Presentasi
RS - 050 Aplikasi Branding untuk Kendaraan Dinas dan Ambulance
RS - 051 Aplikasi Branding untuk Stationery
RS - 052 Asisten Apoteker
RS - 053 Assistent Apoteker
RS - 054 Asuhan keperawatan
RS - 055 Asuhan Persalinan Normal
RS - 056 Audit Internal Berbasis Resiko
RS - 057 Audit Keperawatan
RS - 058 Audit Keperawatan
RS - 059 Audit keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja di rumah sakit
RS - 060 Audit Medik/Audit Klinik
RS - 061 Audit Mutu
RS - 062 Audit Operasional Rumah Sakit
RS - 063 Audit Operasional Rumah Sakit
RS - 064 Audit Operasional Rumah Sakit
RS - 065 Balanced Scorecard Rumah Sakit
RS - 066 Basic First Aid
RS - 067 Basic HypnoBirthing for Midwives & Paramedics
RS - 068 Basic Trauma And Cardio Life Support
RS - 069 Benchmarking Tugas Antar Karyawan
RS - 070 Biomedical Engineering
RS - 071 Biomedical Informatic
RS - 072 Bisnis Model Canvas (BMC)
RS - 073 Blue Ocean Strategy
RS - 074 Bridging IT BPJS
RS - 075 Building Corporate Culture Rumah Sakit
RS - 076 Business Plan Rumah Sakit
RS - 077 Business Plan Rumah Sakit
RS - 078 Business Plan Rumah Sakit
RS - 079 Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD)
RS - 080 Change Management for Hospital
RS - 081 Clinical Engineering
RS - 082 Clinical Pathway
RS - 083 Commisioning
RS - 084 Corporate Governance
RS - 085 Cost Benefit Analysis
RS - 086 Cost Effective Analysis
RS - 087 Cost Reduction Strategi (Analisis Efisiensi Biaya)
RS - 088 Councseling
RS - 089 Create Cost Center menjadi Revenue Center
RS - 090 Create Learning Center Menjadi Revenue Center
RS - 091 Create SBU (Strategic Business Unit) Baru
RS - 092 Customer Care Center
RS - 093 Customer Service for Hospital
RS - 094 Desain Tarif RS (Low Cost High Quality)
RS - 095 Desain Tarif RS (Low Cost High Quality)
RS - 096 Design Rumah Sakit Yang Menunjang Efisiensi Pelayanan
RS - 097 Deversifikasi Produk
RS - 098 Effective Cost and Competitive for Installation Pharmacy in Hospital
RS - 099 Elektromedik dan Clinical Engineering
RS - 100 Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Untuk Rumah Sakit
RS - 101 Enducer input from a panel of Renowded Experts
RS - 102 Evaluasi dan Perancangan Clinical Pathway
RS - 103 Evaluasi Kinerja Keuangan
RS - 104 Feasibility Study / Studi Kelayakan Keuangan
RS - 105 Feasibility Study rumah sakit
RS - 106 Feasibility Study Rumah Sakit Baru
RS - 107 Fellowship Dokter-dokter ke Luar Negeri
RS - 108 Fisioterapi
RS - 109 Food Hygiene untuk Sektor Food Service
RS - 110 Fotografi dan Video Profile
RS - 111 Gerilya Marketing (Low Cost, High Impact)
RS - 112 Gizi Kerja
RS - 113 Gizi Seimbang di Rumah Sakit
RS - 114 Hanging Signage
RS - 115 HIPERKES untuk Paramedis dan Dokter
RS - 116 Hospital by Law (Corporate by Law)
RS - 117 Hospital Inventory Management
RS - 118 Hospital Strategic Marketing Management
RS - 119 Hukum Kedokteran & Manajemen Rumah Sakit
RS - 120 Hukum Kedokteran Untuk Dokter dan Manajemen Rumah Sakit
RS - 121 Hukum Kesehatan bagi Perawat, Badan & Pelayanan Penunjang Lainnya di Rumah Sakit
RS - 122 Hukum Kesehatan Perawat
RS - 123 Hukum Kontrak Rumah Sakit
RS - 124 Hygiene dan Sanitasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 125 ID Board
RS - 126 ID Letter
RS - 127 Implementasi Kaidah SAK (Standar Akuntansi Keuangan) berdasarkan IAI di Rumah Sakit
RS - 128 Incinerator Medis: Alat Pengolahan Sampah Klinik/Puskesmas/Rumah Sakit
RS - 129 Instalation, pre-commision testing
RS - 130 Instruktur Keperawatan (Clinical Instructure)
RS - 131 Integrated Logistic Management Rumah Sakit
RS - 132 Internal Audit Rumah Sakit
RS - 133 Internal Audit untuk Satuan Pengawas Internal (SPI) Rumah Sakit
RS - 134 ISO 9000
RS - 135 K3 Di Rumah Sakit dan Patient Safety
RS - 136 K3 Laboratorium Medis
RS - 137 K3 Rumah Sakit
RS - 138 K3 Rumah Sakit
RS - 139 Kebijakan dan Regulasi BLU untuk rumah Sakit
RS - 140 Kehumasan Dan Marketing Rumah Sakit
RS - 141 Kerjasama Dalam Negeri
RS - 142 Kerjasama Luar Negeri
RS - 143 Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di rumah sakit
RS - 144 Kesehatan Kerja (OH)
RS - 145 Kesehatan Mental & Psikoterapi
RS - 146 Keselamatan Pasien di Ruang Isolasi (Patient Safety)
RS - 147 Keterampilan Dasar Administrator Rumah Sakit
RS - 148 Keuangan Rumah Sakit
RS - 149 Key performance indicator di keperawatan
RS - 150 Klaim Management
RS - 151 Klaim Manajemen
RS - 152 Klaim Medis dan Verifikasi BPJS Rumah Sakit
RS - 153 Kode etik dan hukum dalam keperawatan
RS - 154 Komputerisasi Akuntansi dan Keuangan Rumah Sakit
RS - 155 Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat dan Bidan
RS - 156 Komunikasi yang Efektif bagi Staf Rumah Sakit
RS - 157 Komunikasi yang Efektif di Rumah Sakit
RS - 158 Konseling Berhenti Merokok
RS - 159 Kredensial Keperawatan Rumah Sakit
RS - 160 Laboratory Management for Laboratory Manager
RS - 161 Laboratory Operation Maintenance
RS - 162 Laporan Akuntabilitas untuk Rumah Sakit
RS - 163 Leadership for Doctor
RS - 164 Limbah B3 Rumah Sakit
RS - 165 Magang Perawat ke Luar Neger
RS - 166 Maintenance, Repair and Calibration
RS - 167 Make Your Patient Safe With Patient Safety
RS - 168 Management bangsal keperawatan
RS - 169 Management diklat bagi penanggung jawab unit diklat rumah sakit
RS - 170 Management Keuangan Rumah Sakit
RS - 171 Management Policy (Good CorporateGovernance)
RS - 172 Management Quality Control dan Quality Assurance Dalam Organisasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 173 Management Rekam medis
RS - 174 Management Rumah Sakit & Filling System Untuk Rumah Sakit
RS - 175 Manajemen Administrasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 176 Manajemen Advokasi & Perlindungan Malpraktik di Rumah Sakit
RS - 177 Manajemen Advokasi dan Perlindungan Malpraktik di Rumah Sakit
RS - 178 Manajemen Bahan Kimia Berbahaya
RS - 179 Manajemen Bakat/Keunggulan
RS - 180 Manajemen Bangsal Keperawatan
RS - 181 Manajemen dan Penggunaan Darah di Rumah Sakit
RS - 182 Manajemen diklat bagi penanggung jawab unit diklat rumah sakit
RS - 183 Manajemen DIKLAT Bagi Unit DIKLAT Rumah Sakit
RS - 184 Manajemen Diklat Rumah Sakit
RS - 185 Manajemen Farmasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 186 Manajemen Fasilitas dan keselamatan Rumah Sakit
RS - 187 Manajemen Food Hygiene dan kesehatan Perusahaan
RS - 188 Manajemen Gawat Darurat & Bencana
RS - 189 Manajemen Gizi & Asupan Makanan bagi Pasien
RS - 190 Manajemen ICU dan NICU Rumah Sakit
RS - 191 Manajemen IGD Rumah Sakit
RS - 192 Manajemen Insentif dan Komisi
RS - 193 Manajemen Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 194 Manajemen Instalasi Sanitasi Rumah Sakit menuju Akreditasi JCI
RS - 195 Manajemen Investasi dan Cashflow
RS - 196 Manajemen Investasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 197 Manajemen Kamar Jenazah
RS - 198 Manajemen Kauangan Rumah Sakit
RS - 199 Manajemen Kegiatan Aset
RS - 200 Manajemen Kehumasan Rumah Sakit
RS - 201 Manajemen Kepala Ruang
RS - 202 Manajemen Keperawatan Rumah Sakit
RS - 203 Manajemen Keuangan & Pemasaran Rumah Sakit
RS - 204 Manajemen Keuangan Rumah Sakit
RS - 205 Manajemen Laboratorium Analisa Kimia
RS - 206 Manajemen Laboratorium Rumah Sakit
RS - 207 Manajemen Laboratorium Rumah Sakit
RS - 208 Manajemen Laboratprium Rumah Sakit
RS - 209 Manajemen Laktasi
RS - 210 Manajemen Laktasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 211 Manajemen Layanan Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (PUSKESMAS)
RS - 212 Manajemen Linen dan Laundry Rumah Sakit
RS - 213 Manajemen Logistik Rumah Sakit
RS - 214 Manajemen Logistik Rumah Sakit
RS - 215 Manajemen Mutu
RS - 216 Manajemen Mutu Rumah Sakit
RS - 217 Manajemen Nyeri (Pain Management)
RS - 218 Manajemen Nyeri Rumah Sakit
RS - 219 Manajemen Pelayanan & Asuhan Keperawatan
RS - 220 Manajemen Pelayanan dan Asuhan Keperawatan
RS - 221 Manajemen Pelayanan dan Asuhan Keperawatan Untuk Manajer Perawat
RS - 222 Manajemen Pelayanan Kamar Rumah Sakit
RS - 223 Manajemen Pemeliharaan Peralatan Medik Rumah Sakit
RS - 224 Manajemen Penggunaan Darah di Rumah Sakit
RS - 225 Manajemen Penggunaan Obat (MPO)
RS - 226 Manajemen Penyediaan Fasilitas Kepada Karyawan
RS - 227 Manajemen Peralatan Medik
RS - 228 Manajemen Perubahan Data
RS - 229 Manajemen Portofolio dan Proyek
RS - 230 Manajemen Proses Pengerjaan Tugas
RS - 231 Manajemen Quality Control dan Quality Assurance Dalam Organisasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 232 Manajemen Radiologi Rumah Sakit
RS - 233 Manajemen Rantai Nilai Keuangan
RS - 234 Manajemen Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit
RS - 235 Manajemen Rekam Medis untuk Rumah Sakit & Sarana Pelayanan Kesehatan
RS - 236 Manajemen Resiko & Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit
RS - 237 Manajemen Resiko di Rumah sakit
RS - 238 Manajemen Rumah Sakit & Filling System Untuk Rumah Sakit
RS - 239 Manajemen Rumah Sakit Ibu & Anak (RSIA)
RS - 240 Manajemen Strategi Pengembangan Rumah Sakit
RS - 241 Manajemen TB
RS - 242 Manajemen Tenaga Medis dan Paramedis
RS - 243 Mangement Farmasi
RS - 244 Manpower Planning di Rumah Sakit
RS - 245 Manpower Planning di Rumah Sakit
RS - 246 Marketing Rumah Sakit
RS - 247 Master Plan Peralatan Medik di Rumah Sakit
RS - 248 Master Plan Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 249 Media Komunikasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 250 Medical Emergency Response Plan (MERP) design
RS - 251 Medical Hypnosis
RS - 252 Medical Physicits Enginering
RS - 253 Medical Staff by Law
RS - 254 Memahami Aspek Perijinan Rumah Sakit
RS - 255 Memahami Fraud (Kecurangan) Dan Penyelesaian Sengketa Dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Rumah S
RS - 256 Mendesain pelatihan internal yang efektif di rumah sakit
RS - 257 Mengelola Program Humas di Lingkungan Rumah Sakit
RS - 258 Menghitung Unit Cost Berdasar Activity Based Costing Rumah Sakit
RS - 259 Meningkatkan benefit rumah sakit melalui iklan dan publikasi
RS - 260 Meningkatkan Kinerja Rumah Sakit Melalui Penyempurnaan Jam Kerja
RS - 261 Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Rumah Sakit
RS - 262 Meningkatkan kualitas layanan rumah sakit; awareness quality management system ISO 9001 : 2008
RS - 263 Menyusun Laporan Keuangan
RS - 264 Minimize Handling Complaint To Build Patient Trust
RS - 265 nterior/Exterior Design
RS - 266 Optimalisasi & Manajemen Kinerja Rumah Sakit menggunakan metode BSC
RS - 267 Panduan Case Manager
RS - 268 Pasarkan Produk Rumah Sakit Dengan Efektif Melalui Hospital TV
RS - 269 Payment Mechanism
RS - 270 Pelaporan Keuangan dan Manajemen Keuangan rumah Sakit
RS - 271 Pelatihan APAR Untuk Rumah Sakit
RS - 272 Pelatihan Audit Medis/ Klinis
RS - 273 Pelatihan Bimbingan Teknis Penyusunan Strategic Action Plan di Rumah Sakit
RS - 274 Pelatihan Dialisis Dokter & Perawat
RS - 275 Pelatihan HIPERKES untuk paramedis dan dokter perusahaan
RS - 276 Pelatihan Humas Rumah Sakit, Protokoler & Promosi Kesehatan dalam Mendukung Akreditasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 277 Pelatihan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Rumah Sakit (K3 RS) Sebagai Penunjang Akreditasi RS
RS - 278 Pelatihan Perawat Intensif Ginjal Dialisis Hipertensi
RS - 279 Pelatihan Perawat Kamar Bedah
RS - 280 Pelatihan Perawat Mahir Anestesi
RS - 281 Pelatihan perhitungan unit cost
RS - 282 Pelatihan Pijat Bayi Untuk Awam
RS - 283 Pelatihan sistem manajemen k3 rumah sakit
RS - 284 Pelatihan Strategi Pemasaran Rumah Sakit
RS - 285 Peluang-peluang bisnis rumah sakit
RS - 286 Pemasangan Billboard
RS - 287 Pembiayaan Kesehatan Daerah
RS - 288 Pembuatan Bulletin
RS - 289 Pembuatan Logo dan Corporate Identity
RS - 290 Pembuatan Marketing Kit
RS - 291 Penanggulangan Gawat Darurat
RS - 292 Pencegahan & Pendeteksian Kecurangan Dalam Pengadaan Barang Dan Jasa Di Rumah Sakit
RS - 293 Pencegahan & Pengendalian Infeksi (PPI) Rumah Sakit
RS - 294 Pencegahan & Pengendalian Infeksi Persyaratan Akreditasi
RS - 295 Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi
RS - 296 Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi (PPI)
RS - 297 Pendampingan Administrasi Keuangan Pemerintah
RS - 298 Pendampingan Implementasi Pedoman Akuntansi Rumah Sakit
RS - 299 Pendampingan Implementasi Standart Akuntansi Pemerintah
RS - 300 Pendampingan Implementasi Tarif Berdasarkan INA CBG’s/INA DRG’s/Case Mix
RS - 301 Pendampingan Komplain Pasien
RS - 302 Pendampingan Operasional
RS - 303 Pendampingan Pra Operasional
RS - 304 Pendistribusian Tugas dan Kewenangan
RS - 305 Penerapan Kode Etik dan Hukum Dalam Keperawatan Rumah Sakit
RS - 306 Penerapan Kode Etik dan Hukum Dalam Keperawatan Rumah Sakit
RS - 307 Pengadaan Alat Medis
RS - 308 Pengelolaan & Penanganan Limbah B3 di Rumah Sakit
RS - 309 Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Rumah Sakit
RS - 310 Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Di Rumah Sakit
RS - 311 Pengembangan Karir Keperawatan Rumah Sakit
RS - 312 Pengembangan Karir Perawat Berbasis Kompetensi di Rumah Sakit
RS - 313 Pengembangan Karir Perawat Berbasis Kompetensi di Rumah Sakit
RS - 314 Pengembangan pemeriksaan intern (internal audit) untuk Satuan Pengawasan Internal (SPI) Rumah Sakit
RS - 315 Pengembangan Produk-produk Baru
RS - 316 Pengenalan Pijat Bayi Aman Berbasis Keluarga
RS - 317 Pengenalan Tahapan Awal Menuju Akreditasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 318 Pengenalan Tahapan dan Persiapan Awal menuju Akreditasi rumah Sakit
RS - 319 Pengendalian dan Penanganan Infeksi Bagi Perawat di Rumah Sakit
RS - 320 Penghitungan Unit Cost Rumah Sakit
RS - 321 Penghitungan Unit Cost Rumah Sakit
RS - 322 Peningkatan Mutu dan Keselamatan Pasien (PMKP)
RS - 323 Peningkatan SDM Rumah Sakit
RS - 324 Penjajaran Strategi
RS - 325 Pentingnya Pembuatan Cheklist Kebersihan
RS - 326 Penyusunan & penyajian laporan keuangan rumah sakit swasta & perjan
RS - 327 Penyusunan Aneka Kontrak di Rumah Sakit
RS - 328 Penyusunan Bisnis Proses Sistem Pengendalian Internal dan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Rumah Sakit
RS - 329 Penyusunan dan penyajian laporan keuangan rumah sakit / klinik
RS - 330 Penyusunan Kontrak Kerja dan Perjanjian Antara Dokter Dengan Rumah Sakit
RS - 331 Penyusunan Kontrak Kerjasama Antara Dokter Dan Rumah Sakit
RS - 332 Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan BLU (Realisasi Anggaran, Arus Kas, Neraca dan CALK) untuk Rumah sakit
RS - 333 Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Rumah Sakit Atau Klinik
RS - 334 Penyusunan Manual Kebijakan dan Prosedur Akuntansi Rumah Sakit
RS - 335 Penyusunan Panduan Praktek klinik dan Clinical athway
RS - 336 Penyusunan Rencana Strategis Rumah Sakit
RS - 337 Penyusunan Sasaran Kerja Pegawai Bidang Layanan Medis
RS - 338 Penyusunan Sistem Remunerasi Pegawai Rumah Sakit
RS - 339 Penyusunan Standart Operating Prosedur Akuntansi dan Keuangan
RS - 340 Penyusunan Statuta Rumah Sakit
RS - 341 Penyusunan Statuta Rumah Sakit (Hospital Bylaws)
RS - 342 Penyusunan Strategi Marketing di Rumah Sakit
RS - 343 Perancangan Standart Operating Prosedur
RS - 344 Perawat GIGI
RS - 345 Perawat Pencegah dan Pengendali Infeksi (IPCN)
RS - 346 Perawatan Bayi Intensif
RS - 347 Perawatan Intensif & Resiko Tinggi
RS - 348 Perawatan Jantung Intensif
RS - 349 Perawatan Jiwa Intensif
RS - 350 Perawatan Luka Bakar
RS - 351 Perawatan Mahir Bedah Dasar
RS - 352 Perawatan THT Intensif
RS - 353 Perencanaan Biaya Pembagian Tugas dan Simulasi
RS - 354 Perencanaan Bisnis Anggaran Rumah Sakit
RS - 355 Perencanaan Investasi Internal Rumah sakit
RS - 356 Perencanaan Keuangan Anggaran Rumah Sakit
RS - 357 Perencanaan Manajemen dan Budgeting AIDS
RS - 358 Perencanaan Pelaporan Keuangan Rumah sakit
RS - 359 Perencanaan Pembagian Tugas, Pokok dan Fungsi
RS - 360 Perencanaan Pembangunan Rumah Sakit
RS - 361 Perencanaan Penjualan Jasa Layanan Kesehatan (tarif)
RS - 362 Perencanaan SDM (Man Power Planning)
RS - 363 Perencanaan SDM Rumah Sakit
RS - 364 Performance Based Budgeting (Anggaran Berbasis Kinerja)
RS - 365 Perhitungan Unit Cost Rumah Sakit
RS - 366 Perlindungan Hukum & Penyelesaian Sengketa Malpraktek Bagi Rumah Sakit & Klinik Medis
RS - 367 Perpajakan
RS - 368 Perpajakan Rumah Sakit
RS - 369 Perpajakan Rumah Sakit
RS - 370 Persiapan Awal Akreditasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 371 Planning and Budgeting TB
RS - 372 Preparation of Request for Proposal
RS - 373 Produk Hukum untuk Rumah sakit
RS - 374 Professional clinical hypnotherapy
RS - 375 Proses Pembuatan Brosur
RS - 376 PSAK 14 Akuntasi Persediaan dan PSAK 16 Aset Tetap
RS - 377 Publikasi Ilmiah
RS - 378 Quality Control dan Quality Assurance Rumah Sakit
RS - 379 RBA (Rencana Bisnis Anggaran) BLU untuk Rumah sakit
RS - 380 Regulasi & Hukum Rumah Sakit
RS - 381 Rekam Medis
RS - 382 Rekam Medis Persiapan Akreditasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 383 Rekam Medis Rumah Sakit
RS - 384 Rekruitmen SDM Berkualitas
RS - 385 Remunerasi BLU
RS - 386 Rencana Bisnis Anggaran (RBA)
RS - 387 Renstra BLU Rumah Sakit
RS - 388 Resiko Penyajian Laporan Keuangan Rumah Sakit
RS - 389 Satuan pengawas Internal Pada Rumah Sakit
RS - 390 SDM rumah sakit
RS - 391 Service Excellence bagi Staf Medis dan Non Medis Rumah Sakit
RS - 392 Service Excellence Perawat
RS - 393 Service Excellence Rumah Sakit
RS - 394 Service Excellence SDM Rumah Sakit
RS - 395 Service Excellenent Bagi Petugas keamanan di rumah Sakit
RS - 396 Signage
RS - 397 Sistem Akuntansi dan Keuangan BLU
RS - 398 Sistem Akuntansi dan Keuangan Rumah Sakit dan Puskesmas
RS - 399 Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit
RS - 400 Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit
RS - 401 Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit BLU
RS - 402 Sistem Kesehatan Karyawan
RS - 403 Sistem Manajemen Kebersihan Rumah Sakit
RS - 404 Sistem Penggajian Karyawan
RS - 405 Sistem penggajian rumah sakit
RS - 406 Sistem Remunerasi dan Jasa Medis
RS - 407 SPM (Standar Pelayanan Minimal) untuk Rumah Sakit
RS - 408 Strategi & Manajemen Penyusunan Diklat Rumah Sakit
RS - 409 Strategi Advertising
RS - 410 Strategi Advertorial
RS - 411 Strategi Pelayanan Keperawatan
RS - 412 Strategi Pembiayaan BLU
RS - 413 Strategi Pricing (analisis produk dan harga pelayanan) Rumah Sakit
RS - 414 Strategi System Informasi Kesehatan Di Rumah Sakit
RS - 415 Strategi Untuk Brand Awareness
RS - 416 Strategy Implementasi INA CBG’s
RS - 417 Strategy Pelayanan Keperawatan Sesuai Standar JCI
RS - 418 Stress management “how to reduce, prevent, and cope with stress”
RS - 419 Tata Kelola (Manajemen Policy, GCG, Hospital by Law, Medical Staff by Law) untuk Rumah Sakit
RS - 420 Tatalaksana Transfer Pasien Rumah Sakit
RS - 421 Technical Spesification Development
RS - 422 Teknik Pengarsipan Rekam Media Rumah Sakit
RS - 423 Tendering Technical and Commercial Analysis
RS - 424 Training Akreditasi Puskesmas dan Fasilitas Kesehatan
RS - 425 Training Canteen Hygiene
RS - 426 Training Gizi Seimbang Rumah Sakit
RS - 427 Training Hygiene & Sanitasi Rumah Sakit
RS - 428 Training Internal Audit Untuk Satuan Pengawasan Internal (SPI)
RS - 429 Training Komunikasi Efektif Bagi Staff Rumah Sakit
RS - 430 Training Manajemen Bangsal Keperawatan
RS - 431 Training Manajemen Keperawatan
RS - 432 Training Manajemen Logistik Rumah Sakit
RS - 433 Training Manajer Pelayanan Pasien Rumah Sakit (Case manager)
RS - 434 Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Rumah Sakit
RS - 435 Training of Trainers for Nurse
RS - 436 Training Profesi Perawat Gigi
RS - 437 Training Promosi Kesehatan Rumah Sakit (PKRS)
RS - 438 Training Sanitasi Pengelolaan Makanan untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Penjamah Makanan di Rumah Sakit
RS - 439 Training SDM rumah sakit
RS - 440 Unit Cost, Tarif dan Subsidi BLU
RS - 441 Video Profile Graphic Guide
RS - 442 Website Perusahaan
RS - 443 Workshop Patient Safety
RS - 444 Workshop pelayanan Prima
RS - 445 Workshop Sedasi Rumah Sakit

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumlah M
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima reque
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program se
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept
4-5 1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4
28 - 29 30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5
4-5 1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6
5-6 2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12
6-7 3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13
7-8 4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19
11 - 12 8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20
12 - 13 9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26
18 - 19 17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27
19 - 20 18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31
20 - 21 22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3
21 - 22 23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4
25 - 26 24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5
26 - 27 25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6
27 - 28 29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12
28 - 29 30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13
4-5 1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19
5-6 2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20
6-7 3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24
7-8 4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25
11 - 12 8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26
12 - 13 9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27
13 - 14 15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31
14 - 15 16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10
17 - 18 15 - 16 9 - 10 2-3
18 - 19 17 - 18 4-5 22 - 23 13 - 14
18 - 19 19 - 20 10 - 11 3-4
19 - 20 18 - 19 5-6 26 - 27 14 - 15
22 - 23 20 - 21 14 - 15 4-5
20 - 21 22 - 23 6-7 27 - 28 15 - 16
23 - 24 21 - 22 15 - 16 5-6
21 - 22 23 - 24 10 - 11 28 - 29 16 - 17
24 - 25 22 - 23 16 - 17 11 - 12
25 - 26 24 - 25 11 - 12 29 - 30 20 - 21
25 - 26 26 - 27 17 - 18 12 - 13
26 - 27 25 - 26 17 - 18 1-2 21 - 22
1-2 27 - 28 21 - 22 18 - 19
27 - 28 29 - 30 18 - 19 5-6 22 - 23
2-3 28 - 29 22 - 23 19 - 20
28 - 29 30 - 31 19 - 20 6-7 23 - 24
3-4 29 - 30 23 - 24 23 - 24
4-5 1-2 20 - 21 7-8 27 - 28
4-5 5-6 24 - 25 24 - 25
5-6 2-3 24 - 25 8-9 28 - 29
8-9 6-7 28 - 29 25 - 26
6-7 3-4 27 - 28 12 - 13 29 - 30
9 - 10 7-8 29 - 30 26 - 27
7-8 4-5 31 - 1 Juni 13 - 14 1-2
10 - 11 8-9 1-2 30 - 31
11 - 12 8-9 3-4 14 - 15 2-3
15 - 16 12 - 13 2-3 2-3
12 - 13 9 - 10 4-5 15 - 16 6-7
16 - 17 13 - 14 3-4 3-4
13 - 14 15 - 16 5-6 21 - 22 7-8
17 - 18 14 - 15 7-8 4-5
14 - 15 16 - 17 6-7 22 - 23 8-9
18 - 19 15 - 16 8-9 5-6
18 - 19 17 - 18 10 - 11 26 - 27 9 - 10
22 - 23 19 - 20 9 - 10 11 - 12
19 - 20 18 - 19 11 - 12 27 - 28 13 - 14
23 - 24 20 - 21 10 - 11 12 - 13
20 - 21 22 - 23 17 - 18 28 - 29 14 - 15
24 - 25 21 - 22 14 - 15 18 - 19
21 - 22 23 - 24 18 - 19 29 - 30 15 - 16
25 - 26 22 - 23 15 - 16 19 - 20
25 - 26 24 - 25 19 - 20 1-2 16 - 17
1-2 26 - 27 16 - 17 23 - 24
26 - 27 25 - 26 20 - 21 5-6 20 - 21
2-3 27 - 28 17 - 18 24 - 25
27 - 28 29 - 30 24 - 25 6-7 21 - 22
3-4 28 - 29 21 - 22 25 - 26
28 - 29 30 - 31 27 - 28 7-8 22 - 23
4-5 29 - 30 22 - 23 26 - 27
4-5 1-2 31 - 1 Juni 8-9 23 - 24
8-9 5-6 23 - 24 30 - 31
5-6 2-3 3-4 12 - 13 27 - 28
9 - 10 6-7 24 - 25 2-3
6-7 3-4 4-5 13 - 14 28 - 29
10 - 11 7-8 28 - 29 3-4
7-8 4-5 5-6 14 - 15 29 - 30
15 - 16 8-9 29 - 30 4-5
11 - 12 8-9 6-7 15 - 16 1-2
16 - 17 12 - 13 1-2 5-6
12 - 13 9 - 10 10 - 11 21 - 22 2-3
17 - 18 13 - 14 2-3 11 - 12
13 - 14 15 - 16 11 - 12 22 - 23 6-7
18 - 19 14 - 15 3-4 12 - 13
14 - 15 16 - 17 17 - 18 26 - 27 7-8
22 - 23 15 - 16 7-8 18 - 19
18 - 19 17 - 18 18 - 19 27 - 28 8-9
23 - 24 19 - 20 8-9 19 - 20
19 - 20 18 - 19 19 - 20 28 - 29 9 - 10
24 - 25 20 - 21 9 - 10 23 - 24
20 - 21 22 - 23 20 - 21 29 - 30 13 - 14
25 - 26 21 - 22 10 - 11 24 - 25
21 - 22 23 - 24 24 - 25 1-2 14 - 15
1-2 22 - 23 14 - 15 25 - 26
25 - 26 24 - 25 27 - 28 5-6 15 - 16
2-3 26 - 27 15 - 16 26 - 27
26 - 27 25 - 26 31 - 1 Juni 6-7 16 - 17
3-4 27 - 28 16 - 17 30 - 31
27 - 28 29 - 30 3-4 7-8 20 - 21
4-5 28 - 29 17 - 18 2-3
28 - 29 30 - 31 4-5 8-9 21 - 22
8-9 29 - 30 21 - 22 3-4
4-5 1-2 5-6 12 - 13 22 - 23
9 - 10 5-6 22 - 23 4-5
5-6 2-3 6-7 13 - 14 23 - 24
10 - 11 6-7 23 - 24 5-6
6-7 3-4 10 - 11 14 - 15 27 - 28
15 - 16 7-8 24 - 25 11 - 12
7-8 4-5 11 - 12 15 - 16 28 - 29
16 - 17 8-9 28 - 29 12 - 13
11 - 12 8-9 17 - 18 21 - 22 29 - 30
17 - 18 12 - 13 29 - 30 18 - 19
12 - 13 9 - 10 18 - 19 22 - 23 1-2
18 - 19 13 - 14 1-2 19 - 20
13 - 14 15 - 16 19 - 20 26 - 27 2-3
22 - 23 14 - 15 2-3 23 - 24
14 - 15 16 - 17 20 - 21 27 - 28 6-7
23 - 24 15 - 16 3-4 24 - 25
18 - 19 17 - 18 24 - 25 28 - 29 7-8
24 - 25 19 - 20 7-8 25 - 26
19 - 20 18 - 19 27 - 28 29 - 30 8-9
25 - 26 20 - 21 8-9 26 - 27
20 - 21 22 - 23 31 - 1 Juni 1-2 9 - 10
1-2 21 - 22 9 - 10 30 - 31
21 - 22 23 - 24 3-4 5-6 13 - 14
2-3 22 - 23 10 - 11 2-3
25 - 26 24 - 25 4-5 6-7 14 - 15
3-4 26 - 27 14 - 15 3-4
26 - 27 25 - 26 5-6 7-8 15 - 16
4-5 27 - 28 15 - 16 4-5
27 - 28 29 - 30 6-7 8-9 16 - 17
8-9 28 - 29 16 - 17 5-6
28 - 29 30 - 31 10 - 11 12 - 13 20 - 21
9 - 10 29 - 30 17 - 18 11 - 12
4-5 1-2 11 - 12 13 - 14 21 - 22
10 - 11 5-6 21 - 22 12 - 13
5-6 2-3 17 - 18 14 - 15 22 - 23
15 - 16 6-7 22 - 23 18 - 19
6-7 3-4 18 - 19 15 - 16 23 - 24
16 - 17 7-8 23 - 24 19 - 20
7-8 4-5 19 - 20 21 - 22 27 - 28
17 - 18 8-9 24 - 25 23 - 24
11 - 12 8-9 20 - 21 22 - 23 28 - 29
18 - 19 12 - 13 28 - 29 24 - 25
12 - 13 9 - 10 24 - 25 26 - 27 29 - 30
22 - 23 13 - 14 29 - 30 25 - 26
13 - 14 15 - 16 27 - 28 27 - 28 1-2
23 - 24 14 - 15 1-2 26 - 27
14 - 15 16 - 17 31 - 1 Juni 28 - 29 2-3
24 - 25 15 - 16 2-3 30 - 31
18 - 19 17 - 18 3-4 29 - 30 6-7
25 - 26 19 - 20 3-4 2-3
19 - 20 18 - 19 4-5 1-2 7-8
1-2 20 - 21 7-8 3-4
20 - 21 22 - 23 5-6 5-6 8-9
2-3 21 - 22 8-9 4-5
21 - 22 23 - 24 6-7 6-7 9 - 10
3-4 22 - 23 9 - 10 5-6
25 - 26 24 - 25 10 - 11 7-8 13 - 14
4-5 26 - 27 10 - 11 11 - 12
26 - 27 25 - 26 11 - 12 8-9 14 - 15
8-9 27 - 28 14 - 15 12 - 13
27 - 28 29 - 30 17 - 18 12 - 13 15 - 16
9 - 10 28 - 29 15 - 16 18 - 19
28 - 29 30 - 31 18 - 19 13 - 14 16 - 17
10 - 11 29 - 30 16 - 17 19 - 20
4-5 1-2 19 - 20 14 - 15 20 - 21
15 - 16 5-6 17 - 18 23 - 24
5-6 2-3 20 - 21 15 - 16 21 - 22
16 - 17 6-7 21 - 22 24 - 25
6-7 3-4 24 - 25 21 - 22 22 - 23
17 - 18 7-8 22 - 23 25 - 26
7-8 4-5 27 - 28 22 - 23 23 - 24
18 - 19 8-9 23 - 24 26 - 27
11 - 12 8-9 31 - 1 Juni 26 - 27 27 - 28
22 - 23 12 - 13 24 - 25 30 - 31
12 - 13 9 - 10 3-4 27 - 28 28 - 29
23 - 24 13 - 14 28 - 29 2-3
13 - 14 15 - 16 4-5 28 - 29 29 - 30
24 - 25 14 - 15 29 - 30 3-4
14 - 15 16 - 17 5-6 29 - 30 1-2
25 - 26 15 - 16 1-2 4-5
18 - 19 17 - 18 6-7 1-2 2-3
1-2 19 - 20 2-3 5-6
19 - 20 18 - 19 10 - 11 5-6 6-7
2-3 20 - 21 3-4 11 - 12
20 - 21 22 - 23 11 - 12 6-7 7-8
3-4 21 - 22 7-8 12 - 13
21 - 22 23 - 24 17 - 18 7-8 8-9
4-5 22 - 23 8-9 18 - 19
25 - 26 24 - 25 18 - 19 8-9 9 - 10
8-9 26 - 27 9 - 10 19 - 20
26 - 27 25 - 26 19 - 20 12 - 13 13 - 14
9 - 10 27 - 28 10 - 11 23 - 24
27 - 28 29 - 30 20 - 21 13 - 14 14 - 15
10 - 11 28 - 29 14 - 15 24 - 25
28 - 29 30 - 31 24 - 25 14 - 15 15 - 16
15 - 16 29 - 30 15 - 16 25 - 26
4-5 1-2 27 - 28 15 - 16 16 - 17
16 - 17 5-6 16 - 17 26 - 27
5-6 2-3 31 - 1 Juni 21 - 22 20 - 21
17 - 18 6-7 17 - 18 30 - 31
6-7 3-4 3-4 22 - 23 21 - 22
O 9001 : 2008 18 - 19 7-8 21 - 22 2-3
7-8 4-5 4-5 26 - 27 22 - 23
22 - 23 8-9 22 - 23 3-4
11 - 12 8-9 5-6 27 - 28 23 - 24
23 - 24 12 - 13 23 - 24 4-5
12 - 13 9 - 10 6-7 28 - 29 27 - 28
24 - 25 13 - 14 24 - 25 5-6
13 - 14 15 - 16 10 - 11 29 - 30 28 - 29
25 - 26 14 - 15 28 - 29 11 - 12
14 - 15 16 - 17 11 - 12 1-2 29 - 30
1-2 15 - 16 29 - 30 12 - 13
18 - 19 17 - 18 17 - 18 5-6 1-2
2-3 19 - 20 1-2 18 - 19
19 - 20 18 - 19 18 - 19 6-7 2-3
reditasi Rumah Sakit 3-4 20 - 21 2-3 19 - 20
20 - 21 22 - 23 19 - 20 7-8 6-7
4-5 21 - 22 3-4 23 - 24
21 - 22 23 - 24 20 - 21 8-9 7-8
8-9 22 - 23 7-8 24 - 25
25 - 26 24 - 25 24 - 25 12 - 13 8-9
9 - 10 26 - 27 8-9 25 - 26
26 - 27 25 - 26 27 - 28 13 - 14 9 - 10
10 - 11 27 - 28 9 - 10 26 - 27
27 - 28 29 - 30 31 - 1 Juni 14 - 15 13 - 14
15 - 16 28 - 29 10 - 11 30 - 31
28 - 29 30 - 31 3-4 15 - 16 14 - 15
16 - 17 29 - 30 14 - 15 2-3
4-5 1-2 4-5 21 - 22 15 - 16
17 - 18 5-6 15 - 16 3-4
5-6 2-3 5-6 22 - 23 16 - 17
18 - 19 6-7 16 - 17 4-5
6-7 3-4 6-7 26 - 27 20 - 21
22 - 23 7-8 17 - 18 5-6
7-8 4-5 10 - 11 27 - 28 21 - 22
23 - 24 8-9 21 - 22 11 - 12
11 - 12 8-9 11 - 12 28 - 29 22 - 23
24 - 25 12 - 13 22 - 23 12 - 13
12 - 13 9 - 10 17 - 18 29 - 30 23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14 23 - 24 18 - 19
13 - 14 15 - 16 18 - 19 1-2 27 - 28
1-2 14 - 15 24 - 25 19 - 20
14 - 15 16 - 17 19 - 20 5-6 28 - 29
2-3 15 - 16 28 - 29 23 - 24
18 - 19 17 - 18 20 - 21 6-7 29 - 30
3-4 19 - 20 29 - 30 24 - 25
19 - 20 18 - 19 24 - 25 7-8 1-2
4-5 20 - 21 1-2 25 - 26
20 - 21 22 - 23 27 - 28 8-9 2-3
8-9 21 - 22 2-3 26 - 27
21 - 22 23 - 24 31 - 1 Juni 12 - 13 6-7
9 - 10 22 - 23 3-4 30 - 31
25 - 26 24 - 25 3-4 13 - 14 7-8
(SPI) Rumah Sakit 10 - 11 26 - 27 7-8 2-3
26 - 27 25 - 26 4-5 14 - 15 8-9
15 - 16 27 - 28 8-9 3-4
27 - 28 29 - 30 5-6 15 - 16 9 - 10
16 - 17 28 - 29 9 - 10 4-5
28 - 29 30 - 31 6-7 21 - 22 13 - 14
17 - 18 29 - 30 10 - 11 5-6
4-5 1-2 10 - 11 22 - 23 14 - 15
18 - 19 5-6 14 - 15 11 - 12
5-6 2-3 11 - 12 26 - 27 15 - 16
22 - 23 6-7 15 - 16 12 - 13
6-7 3-4 17 - 18 27 - 28 16 - 17
23 - 24 7-8 16 - 17 18 - 19
7-8 4-5 18 - 19 28 - 29 20 - 21
i Rumah Sakit 24 - 25 8-9 17 - 18 19 - 20
11 - 12 8-9 19 - 20 29 - 30 21 - 22
25 - 26 12 - 13 21 - 22 23 - 24
12 - 13 9 - 10 20 - 21 1-2 22 - 23
ntuk Rumah sakit 1-2 13 - 14 22 - 23 24 - 25
13 - 14 15 - 16 24 - 25 5-6 23 - 24
2-3 14 - 15 23 - 24 25 - 26
14 - 15 16 - 17 27 - 28 6-7 27 - 28
3-4 15 - 16 24 - 25 26 - 27
18 - 19 17 - 18 31 - 1 Juni 7-8 28 - 29
4-5 19 - 20 28 - 29 30 - 31
19 - 20 18 - 19 3-4 8-9 29 - 30
8-9 20 - 21 29 - 30 2-3
20 - 21 22 - 23 4-5 12 - 13 1-2
9 - 10 21 - 22 1-2 3-4
21 - 22 23 - 24 5-6 13 - 14 2-3
10 - 11 22 - 23 2-3 4-5
25 - 26 24 - 25 6-7 14 - 15 6-7
15 - 16 26 - 27 3-4 5-6
26 - 27 25 - 26 10 - 11 15 - 16 7-8
16 - 17 27 - 28 7-8 11 - 12
27 - 28 29 - 30 11 - 12 21 - 22 8-9
17 - 18 28 - 29 8-9 12 - 13
28 - 29 30 - 31 17 - 18 22 - 23 9 - 10
18 - 19 29 - 30 9 - 10 18 - 19
4-5 1-2 18 - 19 26 - 27 13 - 14
22 - 23 5-6 10 - 11 19 - 20
5-6 2-3 19 - 20 27 - 28 14 - 15
23 - 24 6-7 14 - 15 23 - 24
6-7 3-4 20 - 21 28 - 29 15 - 16
24 - 25 7-8 15 - 16 24 - 25
7-8 4-5 24 - 25 29 - 30 16 - 17
25 - 26 8-9 16 - 17 25 - 26
11 - 12 8-9 27 - 28 1-2 20 - 21
1-2 12 - 13 17 - 18 26 - 27
12 - 13 9 - 10 31 - 1 Juni 5-6 21 - 22
2-3 13 - 14 21 - 22 30 - 31
13 - 14 15 - 16 3-4 6-7 22 - 23
3-4 14 - 15 22 - 23 2-3
14 - 15 16 - 17 4-5 7-8 23 - 24
4-5 15 - 16 23 - 24 3-4
18 - 19 17 - 18 5-6 8-9 27 - 28
8-9 19 - 20 24 - 25 4-5
19 - 20 18 - 19 6-7 12 - 13 28 - 29
9 - 10 20 - 21 28 - 29 5-6
20 - 21 22 - 23 10 - 11 13 - 14 29 - 30
10 - 11 21 - 22 29 - 30 11 - 12
21 - 22 23 - 24 11 - 12 14 - 15 1-2
15 - 16 22 - 23 1-2 12 - 13
25 - 26 24 - 25 17 - 18 15 - 16 2-3
16 - 17 26 - 27 2-3 18 - 19
26 - 27 25 - 26 18 - 19 21 - 22 6-7
17 - 18 27 - 28 3-4 19 - 20
27 - 28 29 - 30 19 - 20 22 - 23 7-8
18 - 19 28 - 29 7-8 23 - 24
28 - 29 30 - 31 20 - 21 26 - 27 8-9
22 - 23 29 - 30 8-9 24 - 25
4-5 1-2 24 - 25 27 - 28 9 - 10
23 - 24 5-6 9 - 10 25 - 26
5-6 2-3 27 - 28 28 - 29 13 - 14
24 - 25 6-7 10 - 11 26 - 27
6-7 3-4 31 - 1 Juni 29 - 30 14 - 15
25 - 26 7-8 14 - 15 30 - 31
7-8 4-5 3-4 1-2 15 - 16
1-2 8-9 15 - 16 2-3
11 - 12 8-9 4-5 5-6 16 - 17
2-3 12 - 13 16 - 17 3-4
12 - 13 9 - 10 5-6 6-7 20 - 21
3-4 13 - 14 17 - 18 4-5
13 - 14 15 - 16 6-7 7-8 21 - 22
4-5 14 - 15 21 - 22 5-6
14 - 15 16 - 17 10 - 11 8-9 22 - 23
8-9 15 - 16 22 - 23 11 - 12
18 - 19 17 - 18 11 - 12 12 - 13 23 - 24
9 - 10 19 - 20 23 - 24 12 - 13
19 - 20 18 - 19 17 - 18 13 - 14 27 - 28
10 - 11 20 - 21 24 - 25 18 - 19
20 - 21 22 - 23 18 - 19 14 - 15 28 - 29
15 - 16 21 - 22 28 - 29 19 - 20
21 - 22 23 - 24 19 - 20 15 - 16 29 - 30
16 - 17 22 - 23 29 - 30 23 - 24
25 - 26 24 - 25 20 - 21 21 - 22 1-2
17 - 18 26 - 27 1-2 24 - 25
26 - 27 25 - 26 24 - 25 22 - 23 2-3
18 - 19 27 - 28 2-3 25 - 26
27 - 28 29 - 30 27 - 28 26 - 27 6-7
22 - 23 28 - 29 3-4 26 - 27
28 - 29 30 - 31 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 7-8
23 - 24 29 - 30 7-8 30 - 31
4-5 1-2 3-4 28 - 29 8-9
24 - 25 5-6 8-9 2-3
5-6 2-3 4-5 29 - 30 9 - 10
25 - 26 6-7 9 - 10 3-4
6-7 3-4 5-6 1-2 13 - 14
1-2 7-8 10 - 11 4-5
7-8 4-5 6-7 5-6 14 - 15
2-3 8-9 14 - 15 5-6
11 - 12 8-9 10 - 11 6-7 15 - 16
3-4 12 - 13 15 - 16 11 - 12
12 - 13 9 - 10 11 - 12 7-8 16 - 17
4-5 13 - 14 16 - 17 12 - 13
13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 8-9 20 - 21
8-9 14 - 15 17 - 18 18 - 19
14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 12 - 13 21 - 22
9 - 10 15 - 16 21 - 22 19 - 20
18 - 19 17 - 18 19 - 20 13 - 14 22 - 23
10 - 11 19 - 20 22 - 23 23 - 24
19 - 20 18 - 19 20 - 21 14 - 15 23 - 24
15 - 16 20 - 21 23 - 24 24 - 25
20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 15 - 16 27 - 28
an di Rumah Sakit 16 - 17 21 - 22 24 - 25 25 - 26
21 - 22 23 - 24 27 - 28 21 - 22 28 - 29
17 - 18 22 - 23 28 - 29 26 - 27
25 - 26 24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 29 - 30
18 - 19 26 - 27 29 - 30 30 - 31
26 - 27 25 - 26 3-4 26 - 27 1-2
22 - 23 27 - 28 1-2 2-3
27 - 28 29 - 30 4-5 27 - 28 2-3


an kembali dengan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan

), kami siap menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
g bersangkutan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)
N 2021
Rumah Sakit
Oct Nov Dec
4-5 1-2
5-6 2-3
6-7 6-7
7-8 7-8
11 - 12 8-9
9 - 10
12 - 13 9 - 10
10 - 11
13 - 14 13 - 14
15 - 16
14 - 15 14 - 15
16 - 17
20 - 21 15 - 16
17 - 18
21 - 22 16 - 17
18 - 19
25 - 26 20 - 21
22 - 23
26 - 27 21 - 22
23 - 24
27 - 28 22 - 23
24 - 25
28 - 29 23 - 24
25 - 26
4-5 27 - 28
29 - 30
5-6 28 - 29
6-7 29 - 30
7-8 1-2
11 - 12 2-3
12 - 13 6-7
13 - 14 7-8
9 - 10
14 - 15 8-9
10 - 11
20 - 21 9 - 10
15 - 16
21 - 22 13 - 14
16 - 17
25 - 26 14 - 15
17 - 18
26 - 27 15 - 16
18 - 19
27 - 28 16 - 17
22 - 23
28 - 29 20 - 21
23 - 24
4-5 21 - 22
24 - 25
5-6 22 - 23
25 - 26
6-7 23 - 24
29 - 30
7-8 27 - 28
11 - 12 28 - 29
12 - 13 29 - 30
13 - 14 1-2
14 - 15 2-3
20 - 21 6-7
9 - 10
21 - 22 7-8
10 - 11
25 - 26 8-9
15 - 16
26 - 27 9 - 10
16 - 17
27 - 28 13 - 14
17 - 18
28 - 29 14 - 15
18 - 19
4-5 15 - 16
22 - 23
5-6 16 - 17
23 - 24
6-7 20 - 21
24 - 25
7-8 21 - 22
25 - 26
11 - 12 22 - 23
29 - 30
12 - 13 23 - 24
13 - 14 27 - 28
14 - 15 28 - 29
20 - 21 29 - 30
21 - 22 1-2
25 - 26 2-3
9 - 10
26 - 27 6-7
10 - 11
27 - 28 7-8
15 - 16
28 - 29 8-9
16 - 17
4-5 9 - 10
17 - 18
5-6 13 - 14
18 - 19
6-7 14 - 15
22 - 23
7-8 15 - 16
23 - 24
11 - 12 16 - 17
24 - 25
12 - 13 20 - 21
25 - 26
13 - 14 21 - 22
29 - 30
14 - 15 22 - 23
20 - 21 23 - 24
21 - 22 27 - 28
25 - 26 28 - 29
26 - 27 29 - 30
27 - 28 1-2
9 - 10
28 - 29 2-3
10 - 11
4-5 6-7
15 - 16
5-6 7-8
16 - 17
6-7 8-9
17 - 18
7-8 9 - 10
18 - 19
11 - 12 13 - 14
22 - 23
12 - 13 14 - 15
23 - 24
13 - 14 15 - 16
24 - 25
14 - 15 16 - 17
25 - 26
20 - 21 20 - 21
29 - 30
21 - 22 21 - 22
25 - 26 22 - 23
26 - 27 23 - 24
27 - 28 27 - 28
28 - 29 28 - 29
4-5 29 - 30
9 - 10
5-6 1-2
10 - 11
6-7 2-3
15 - 16
7-8 6-7
16 - 17
11 - 12 7-8
17 - 18
12 - 13 8-9
18 - 19
13 - 14 9 - 10
22 - 23
14 - 15 13 - 14
23 - 24
20 - 21 14 - 15
24 - 25
21 - 22 15 - 16
25 - 26
25 - 26 16 - 17
29 - 30
26 - 27 20 - 21
27 - 28 21 - 22
28 - 29 22 - 23
4-5 23 - 24
5-6 27 - 28
6-7 28 - 29
9 - 10
7-8 29 - 30
10 - 11
11 - 12 1-2
15 - 16
12 - 13 2-3
16 - 17
13 - 14 6-7
17 - 18
14 - 15 7-8
18 - 19
20 - 21 8-9
22 - 23
21 - 22 9 - 10
23 - 24
25 - 26 13 - 14
24 - 25
26 - 27 14 - 15
25 - 26
27 - 28 15 - 16
29 - 30
28 - 29 16 - 17
4-5 20 - 21
5-6 21 - 22
6-7 22 - 23
7-8 23 - 24
11 - 12 27 - 28
9 - 10
12 - 13 28 - 29
10 - 11
13 - 14 29 - 30
15 - 16
14 - 15 1-2
16 - 17
20 - 21 2-3
17 - 18
21 - 22 6-7
18 - 19
25 - 26 7-8
22 - 23
26 - 27 8-9
23 - 24
27 - 28 9 - 10
24 - 25
28 - 29 13 - 14
25 - 26
4-5 14 - 15
29 - 30
5-6 15 - 16
6-7 16 - 17
7-8 20 - 21
11 - 12 21 - 22
12 - 13 22 - 23
13 - 14 23 - 24
9 - 10
14 - 15 27 - 28
10 - 11
20 - 21 28 - 29
15 - 16
21 - 22 29 - 30
16 - 17
25 - 26 1-2
17 - 18
26 - 27 2-3
18 - 19
27 - 28 6-7
22 - 23
28 - 29 7-8
23 - 24
4-5 8-9
24 - 25
5-6 9 - 10
25 - 26
6-7 13 - 14
29 - 30
7-8 14 - 15
11 - 12 15 - 16
12 - 13 16 - 17
13 - 14 20 - 21
14 - 15 21 - 22
20 - 21 22 - 23
9 - 10
21 - 22 23 - 24
10 - 11
25 - 26 27 - 28
15 - 16
26 - 27 28 - 29
16 - 17
27 - 28 29 - 30
17 - 18
28 - 29 1-2
18 - 19
4-5 2-3
22 - 23
5-6 6-7
23 - 24
6-7 7-8
24 - 25
7-8 8-9
25 - 26
11 - 12 9 - 10
29 - 30
12 - 13 13 - 14
13 - 14 14 - 15
14 - 15 15 - 16
20 - 21 16 - 17
21 - 22 20 - 21
25 - 26 21 - 22
9 - 10
26 - 27 22 - 23
10 - 11
27 - 28 23 - 24
15 - 16
28 - 29 27 - 28
16 - 17
4-5 28 - 29
17 - 18
5-6 29 - 30
18 - 19
6-7 1-2
22 - 23
7-8 2-3
23 - 24
11 - 12 6-7
24 - 25
12 - 13 7-8
25 - 26
13 - 14 8-9
29 - 30
14 - 15 9 - 10
20 - 21 13 - 14
21 - 22 14 - 15
25 - 26 15 - 16
26 - 27 16 - 17
27 - 28 20 - 21
9 - 10
28 - 29 21 - 22
10 - 11
4-5 22 - 23
15 - 16
5-6 23 - 24
16 - 17
6-7 27 - 28
17 - 18
7-8 28 - 29
18 - 19
11 - 12 29 - 30
22 - 23
12 - 13 1-2
23 - 24
13 - 14 2-3
24 - 25
14 - 15 6-7
25 - 26
20 - 21 7-8
29 - 30
21 - 22 8-9
25 - 26 9 - 10
26 - 27 13 - 14
27 - 28 14 - 15
28 - 29 15 - 16
4-5 16 - 17
9 - 10
5-6 20 - 21
10 - 11
6-7 21 - 22
15 - 16
7-8 22 - 23
16 - 17
11 - 12 23 - 24
17 - 18
12 - 13 27 - 28
18 - 19
13 - 14 28 - 29
22 - 23
14 - 15 29 - 30
23 - 24
20 - 21 1-2
24 - 25
21 - 22 2-3
25 - 26
25 - 26 6-7
29 - 30
26 - 27 7-8
27 - 28 8-9
28 - 29 9 - 10
4-5 13 - 14
5-6 14 - 15
6-7 15 - 16
9 - 10
7-8 16 - 17
10 - 11
11 - 12 20 - 21
15 - 16
12 - 13 21 - 22
16 - 17
13 - 14 22 - 23
17 - 18
14 - 15 23 - 24
18 - 19
20 - 21 27 - 28
22 - 23
21 - 22 28 - 29
23 - 24
25 - 26 29 - 30
24 - 25
26 - 27 1-2
25 - 26
LAB - 001
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Achievement Motivation 4-5
Aplikasi Konsep Ketertelusuran Dalam Pengujian Kimia Menurut SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2008
Aplikasi Teknik PCR pada Sektor Keamanan Pangan & Deteksi Produk Non Halal 5-6
Aspek-aspek Teknis Audit Internal dan Kaji Ulang Manajemen Laboratorium Pengujian Sesuai SNI ISO/IEC 1702
Be a Great Supervisor & Manager Laboratory 6-7
Brain Management to Create Success
Effective Negotiation Skill 7-8
Estimasi Ketidakpastian pada metode analisis berbasis Spektrometri AAS
Estimasi Ketidakpastian Pengukuran dalam Analisis Kimia 11 - 12
Estimasi Ketidakpastian Pengukuran dalam Analisis Kimia
Estimasi Ketidakpastian Pengukuran Pada Analisis Udara Ambient 12 - 13
Estimasi Ketidakpastian Pengukuran untuk Uji Mikrobiologi
Ethos Kerja Dimensi 3 S 13 - 14
Highly Effective Leadership
Jaminan Mutu Data Hasil Pengujian 14 - 15
Jaminan Mutu Data hasil Pengujian Laboratorium Mikrobiologi
Kalibrasi Peralatan Uji Volumetri 18 - 19
Manajemen Laboratorium Analisa Kimia
Mengelola Keselamatan & Keamanan Bahan Kimia Dengan Menerapkan GHS (Good Practice in
Managing Chemical Safety and Security through GHS application) 19 - 20
Merancang Program QC Internal dan Eksternal yang Sesuai Dengan Keperluan Laboratorium
Metoda Analisis ICP & Teknik Preparasi Contoh 20 - 21
Pelatihan Dua hari : Estimasi Ketidakpastian Pengujian dengan Cara Top-Down (Harga Spesial)
Pelatihan Dua Hari : Kalibrasi Peralatan, Validasi dan Verifikasi Metode (Harga Spesial) 21 - 22
Pelatihan Dua Hari : Pembuatan Contoh Uji Profisiensi
Pelatihan Dua Hari : Teknik Investigasi & Upaya Tindak Lanjut Uji Profisiensi 25 - 26
Pelatihan Dua Hari : Teknik Investigasi & Upaya Tindak Lanjut Uji Profisiensi (Harga Spesial)
Pelatihan Promo : Bagaimana dan Apa Yang Perlu diketahui oleh Manajer Laboratorium 26 - 27
Pelatihan Tiga Hari : Aspek Teknis ISO 17025 (Harga Spesial)
Pelatihan Tiga Hari : Cara Mencatat, Mengolah & Menampilkan Data Hasil Pengujian 27 - 28
Pelatihan Tiga Hari : Design dan Perhitungan Statistika Data Uji Banding Dua Laboratorium & Uji Banding Antar
Pelatihan Tiga Hari : ILAC G13, Persyaratan Kompetensi Penyelenggara Uji Profisiensi 28 - 29
Pelatihan Tiga Hari : ISO 17043 : Uji Profisiensi Laboratorium Cara Penyelenggaraan dan Pengolahan Data
Pelatihan Tiga Hari : Jaminan Mutu Data Hasil Pengujian (Harga Spesial) 4-5
Pelatihan Tiga Hari : Kalibrasi/Verifikasi, Pemeliharaan &Troubleshooting GC-GCMS
Pelatihan Tiga Hari : Pemeliharaan dan Troubleshooting AAS 5-6
Pelatihan Tiga Hari : Pemeliharaan dan Troubleshooting HPLC
Pelatihan Tiga Hari : Penanganan Bahan Acuan Bersertifikat 6-7
Pelatihan Tiga Hari : Statistika untuk Laboratorium Pengujian Menunjang Penerapan ISO 17025 (Harga Spesial)
Pemahaman Dan Penerapan SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2008 Pada Pengelolaan Laboratorium 7-8
Pemahaman ISO 17043 : Persyaratan Umum Kompetensi Penyelenggara Uji Profisiensi (Harga Spesial)
Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Kontaminasi Laboratorium Mikrobiologi 11 - 12
Pemantauan Kualitas Air dengan Alat WQC (Water Quality Checker)
Pembuatan Contoh Uji Profisiensi 12 - 13
Pembuatan dan Aplikasi lembar Data Keselamatan Bahan
Pengecekan Status Kalibrasi dan Verifikasi Peralatan dalam Laboratorium Pengujian 13 - 14
Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Secara Biologis
Penyiapan Contoh Uji Profisiensi untuk Laboratorium Mikrobiologi 14 - 15
Perencanaan Laboratorium Mikrobiologi
Persiapan Akreditasi Laboratorium Mikrobiologi 18 - 19
Powerfull Business Presentation Skill
Sistem Inventori dan Database Bahan kimia di Laboratorium 19 - 20
Sistem Manajemen Informasi Laboratorium (LIMS) Mendukung SNI ISO 17025:2008
Sistem Manajemen untuk Perlindungan Laboratorium Kimia 20 - 21
Teknik Analisis dan Aplikasi GC-MS
Teknik Dasar Pengujian Kimia Berbasis Kompetensi 21 - 22
Teknik Investigasi Sumber Penyebab Ketidaksesuaian dalam Sistem Manajemen Mutu Laboratorium dan Tinda
Teknik Pengambilan Contoh dan Analisis Parameter Emisi Gas Buang dari Sumber Tak Bergerak 25 - 26
Teknik Pengambilan Contoh Limbah Padat Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun
Teknik Pengambilan Contoh Parameter Air Limbah Industri 26 - 27
Teknik Pengujian Kimia dengan Kromatogafi Gas (GC) Berbasis Kompetensi Level 2
Teknik Pengujian Kimia dengan Kromatografi Cairan Kinerja Tinggi (HPLC) Berbasis Kompetensi Leve27 - 28
Teknik Pengujian Kimia dengan Kromatografi Cairan Kinerja Tinggi (HPLC) Berbasis Kompetensi Level 2
Teknik Pengujian Kimia dengan Spektrometri Uv/Vis Berbasis Kompetensi 28 - 29
Teknik Pengukuran Senyawa Pestisida dengan GC-LC/MS
Teknik Penyusunan Dokumen Sistem Manajemen Mutu Laboratorium Berdasarkan SNI ISO/IEC 17 4 - 5
Teknik Preparasi Contoh Senyawa Organik
Teknik Sampling Bahan Baku & Produk bagi Petugas Pengambil Contoh untuk Pengujian Laborator 5 - 6
Teknik Sampling dan Penanganan Contoh untuk Parameter Mikrobiologi
The Great Team Development 6-7
Time Management
Toksisitas, Pencegahan dan Penanganan Bahan Kimia Berbahaya 7-8
Uji Profisiensi Parameter Mikrobiologi
Validasi Metode Dan Pengolahan Data Hasil Validasi Metode 11 - 12
Validasi/Verifikasi Metoda dan Estimasi Ketidakpastian Pengukuran pada Analisis BOD
Validasi/Verifikasi Metoda dan Estimasi Ketidakpastian Pengukuran pada Analisis COD 12 - 13
Validasi/Verifikasi Metoda pada Analisis Kromatografi Cairan Kinerja Tinggi (HPLC)
Validasi/Verifikasi Metoda pada Analisis Kromatografi Gas (GC) 13 - 14
Validasi/Verifikasi Metoda Pada Analisis Mikrobiologi
Validasi/Verifikasi Metode Analisis Berbasis Spektrometri Serapan Atom (AAS) 14 - 15

Noted :
Untuk venue pelatihan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan ketentuan :
Kota Kuota
Yogyakarta 3
Solo 3
Semarang 3
Bandung 4
Malang 4
Jakarta 5
Surabaya 5
Lombok 6
Bali 6
dan kota-kota lain dengan jumlah Min Kuota peserta & biaya menyesuaikan
Apabila judul pelatihan yang dibutuhkan sudah dilaksanakan, kami bisa menschedulekan kembali dengan jumlah Minimum
Apabila ada judul/materi lain yang dibutuhkan (tidak tercantum dalam schedule Media), kami siap menerima request baik
Kami bisa menyelenggarakan training baik public, inhouse training (di perusahaan yang bersangkutan), program sertifikas
Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov
1-2 3-4 1-2 1-2 1-2
1-2 5-6 1-2 2-3 4-5
2-3 4-5 5-6 2-3 2-3
2-3 6-7 2-3 3-4 5-6
3-4 5-6 6-7 6-7 3-4
3-4 7-8 3-4 4-5 6-7
4-5 6-7 7-8 7-8 4-5
4-5 8-9 7-8 5-6 7-8
8-9 10 - 11 8-9 8-9 8-9
8-9 12 - 13 8-9 11 - 12 11 - 12
9 - 10 11 - 12 12 - 13 9 - 10 9 - 10
9 - 10 13 - 14 9 - 10 12 - 13 12 - 13
15 - 16 17 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 14 10 - 11
10 - 11 14 - 15 10 - 11 18 - 19 13 - 14
16 - 17 18 - 19 14 - 15 14 - 15 15 - 16
15 - 16 15 - 16 14 - 15 19 - 20 14 - 15
17 - 18 19 - 20 15 - 16 15 - 16 16 - 17
16 - 17 19 - 20 15 - 16 23 - 24 20 - 21

18 - 19 20 - 21 21 - 22 16 - 17 17 - 18
17 - 18 20 - 21 16 - 17 24 - 25 21 - 22
22 - 23 24 - 25 22 - 23 20 - 21 18 - 19
18 - 19 21 - 22 17 - 18 25 - 26 25 - 26
23 - 24 27 - 28 26 - 27 21 - 22 22 - 23
22 - 23 22 - 23 21 - 22 26 - 27 26 - 27
24 - 25 31 - 1 Juni 27 - 28 22 - 23 23 - 24
23 - 24 26 - 27 22 - 23 30 - 31 27 - 28
25 - 26 3-4 28 - 29 23 - 24 24 - 25
24 - 25 27 - 28 23 - 24 2-3 28 - 29
29 - 30 4-5 29 - 30 27 - 28 25 - 26
25 - 26 28 - 29 24 - 25 3-4 4-5
30 - 31 5-6 1-2 28 - 29 29 - 30
1-2 29 - 30 28 - 29 4-5 5-6
1-2 6-7 5-6 29 - 30 1-2
2-3 5-6 29 - 30 5-6 6-7
2-3 10 - 11 6-7 1-2 2-3
3-4 6-7 1-2 11 - 12 7-8
3-4 11 - 12 7-8 2-3 3-4
4-5 7-8 2-3 12 - 13 11 - 12
4-5 17 - 18 8-9 6-7 4-5
8-9 8-9 3-4 18 - 19 12 - 13
8-9 18 - 19 12 - 13 7-8 8-9
9 - 10 12 - 13 7-8 19 - 20 13 - 14
9 - 10 19 - 20 13 - 14 8-9 9 - 10
10 - 11 13 - 14 8-9 23 - 24 14 - 15
15 - 16 20 - 21 14 - 15 9 - 10 10 - 11
15 - 16 14 - 15 9 - 10 24 - 25 20 - 21
16 - 17 24 - 25 15 - 16 13 - 14 15 - 16
16 - 17 15 - 16 10 - 11 25 - 26 21 - 22
17 - 18 27 - 28 21 - 22 14 - 15 16 - 17
17 - 18 19 - 20 14 - 15 26 - 27 25 - 26
18 - 19 31 - 1 Juni 22 - 23 15 - 16 17 - 18
18 - 19 20 - 21 15 - 16 30 - 31 26 - 27
22 - 23 3-4 26 - 27 16 - 17 18 - 19
22 - 23 21 - 22 16 - 17 2-3 27 - 28
23 - 24 4-5 27 - 28 20 - 21 22 - 23
23 - 24 22 - 23 17 - 18 3-4 28 - 29
24 - 25 5-6 28 - 29 21 - 22 23 - 24
24 - 25 26 - 27 21 - 22 4-5 4-5
25 - 26 6-7 29 - 30 22 - 23 24 - 25
25 - 26 27 - 28 22 - 23 5-6 5-6
29 - 30 10 - 11 1-2 23 - 24 25 - 26
1-2 28 - 29 23 - 24 11 - 12 6-7
30 - 31 11 - 12 5-6 27 - 28 29 - 30
2-3 29 - 30 24 - 25 12 - 13 7-8
1-2 17 - 18 6-7 28 - 29 1-2
3-4 5-6 28 - 29 18 - 19 11 - 12
2-3 18 - 19 7-8 29 - 30 2-3
4-5 6-7 29 - 30 19 - 20 12 - 13
3-4 19 - 20 8-9 1-2 3-4
8-9 7-8 1-2 23 - 24 13 - 14
4-5 20 - 21 12 - 13 2-3 4-5
9 - 10 8-9 2-3 24 - 25 14 - 15
8-9 24 - 25 13 - 14 6-7 8-9
10 - 11 12 - 13 3-4 25 - 26 20 - 21
9 - 10 27 - 28 14 - 15 7-8 9 - 10
15 - 16 13 - 14 7-8 26 - 27 21 - 22
15 - 16 31 - 1 Juni 15 - 16 8-9 10 - 11
16 - 17 14 - 15 8-9 30 - 31 25 - 26
16 - 17 3-4 21 - 22 9 - 10 15 - 16
engan jumlah Minimum peserta menyesuaikan
menerima request baik JUDUL, TEMPAT maupun TANGGAL pelatihan.
tan), program sertifikasi, ataupun Program Masa Pra Purna Bakti (MPP)






9 - 10

13 - 14

14 - 15

15 - 16

16 - 17

20 - 21

21 - 22

22 - 23

23 - 24

27 - 28

28 - 29

29 - 30





9 - 10

13 - 14

14 - 15

15 - 16

16 - 17

20 - 21

21 - 22

22 - 23

23 - 24

27 - 28

28 - 29

29 - 30






















Pemboran ( Drilling ) Tingkat Operator Lantai Bor / Floorman (OLB)
Pemboran ( Drilling ) Tingkat Operator Menara Bor / Derrickman (OMB )
Pemboran ( Drilling )Tingkat juru Bor / Driller ( JB )
Pemboran ( Drilling ) Tingkat Ahli Pengendali Bor / Toolphuser / Companyman / Rig Supertitendent / Rig manager ( APB )
Perawatan Sumur ( PES ) Tingkat Operator Lantai ( OLP)
Perawatan Sumur ( PES ) Tingkat Operator Menara ( OMP)
Perawatan Sumur (PES ) Tingkat Operator Unit (OUP)
Perawatan Sumur ( PES ) Tingkat Ahli Pengendali Perawatan Sumur ( APS )
Tingkat Juru Aduk ( Mud Boy )
Tingkat Ahli Fluida ( Mud Enginer )
Tingkat Juru Tembak Seismik/ Shooter (JTS )
Tingkat Juru Bor Seismik / ( JBS )
Tingkat Juru Ukur Seismik ( JUS )
Tingkat Juru Tanam Dinamit ( JTD )
Tingkat Juru Rekam Seismik ( JRS )
Tingkat Petugas Penanggulangan dan Bahaya H2S
Tingkat Operator / Teknisi Uji Air
Tingkat Operator / Teknisi Uji Crude Oil
Tingkat Operator / Teknisi Uji BBM Penerbangan
Tingkat Operator / Teknisi Uji BBM Non Penerbangan & BBM Khusus
Tingkat Operator / Teknisi Uji Pelumas
Tingkat Operator / Teknisi Uji Produk Petrokimia
Tingkat Operator / Teknisi Uji Gas Bumi
Tingkat Penyelia / Pengawas
Tingkat Manajer Teknik / Pengawas Utama
Tingkat Pramuniaga PPC
Tingkat Petugas Pengambil Contoh BBM & Pelumas
Tingkat Petugas Pengambil Contoh Limbah
Tingkat Petugas Pengambil Contoh Gas Bumi
Tingkat Petugas Pengambil Contoh Udara
Tingkat Petugas Pengambil Contoh Air
Tingkat Petugas Pengendali Dokumen SML
Tingkat Petugas Pengendali Emisi Gas & Kebisingan Industri Migas
Tingkat Petugas Pengendali Limbah B3
Tingkat Petugas Pengendali Limbah Padat & Limbah Cair
Tingkat Auditor Internal SML
Tingkat Koordinator Pengendali & Penerapan SML
Tingkat Manajer Representative Bidang SML
Tingkat Operator Scaffolding
Tingkat Inspector Scaffolding
Tingkat Juru Las
Tingkat Operator Muda (OPM )
Tingkat Operator Madya ( OPA )
Tingkat Operator Kepala ( OPK )
Tingkat Pengawas ( POP )
Tingkat Pengawas Utama ( PUP )
Tingkat Operator Kelas 1
Tingkat Operator Kelas 2
Teknisi Instrumentasi Tingkat I
Teknisi Instrumentasi Tingkat II
Teknisi Kalibrasi
Tingkat Klas Operator Pesawat Angkat ( OPA ): A / B / C
Tingkat Kran Mobil / Mobile Crane ( KM )
Tingkat Kran Putar Tetap / Pedesatal Crane ( KPT )
Tingkat Kran Jembatan / Overhead Crane ( KJ )
Tingkat Forklift ( FL )
Tingkat Juru Ikat Beban / Rigger (JIB )
Tingkat Asisten JIB
Tingkat Petugas Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
Tingkat Pengawas Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
Accident INCIDENT Investigation
Ahli K3 Migas
Ahli K3 Umum
Training Of Trainers (TOT)
K3 Rumah Sakit
Pemantauan dan Analisia Pengelolaan Limbah B3
HIPERKES Untuk Perawat dan Bidan
HIPERKES Untuk Dokter
Sertifikasi Penanggung Jawab Pengendalian Pencemaran Air (PPPA)
Sertifikasi Pemantauan & Analisis Pengelolaan Limbah B3 (PLB3)
Sertifikasi Penanggung Jawab Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara (PPPU)
Durasi Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug

6 Mengikuti update jadwal dari PUSDIKLAT MIGAS CEPU 2021
6 Mengikuti update jadwal dari PUSDIKLAT MIGAS CEPU 2021
6 Mengikuti update jadwal dari PUSDIKLAT MIGAS CEPU 2021
Durasi Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug

Mengikuti jadwal dari HIPERKES jogja 2021

3 5-7 2-4 3-5 6-8

3 2-4 6-8 8 - 10 3-5
3 12 - 14 8 - 10 4-6 13 - 15
3 9 - 11 13 - 15 15 - 17 11 - 13
3 19 - 21 16 - 18 5-7 27 - 29
3 16 - 18 20 - 22 22 - 24 18 - 20
UN 2021
Sept Oct Nov Dec
Sept Oct Nov Dec

S jogja 2021

7-9 2-4
5-7 7-9
14 - 16 9 - 11
12 - 14 14 - 16
21 - 23 16 - 18
26 - 28 21 - 23

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