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Universitas Federal Bahia (UFBA), Fakultas Kedokteran,

Departemen Kedokteran, Salvador, BA, Brazil


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Jurnal Brasil tentang PENYAKIT Kata kunci: Sangat aktif ART HIV / AIDS Kepatuhan ketidakpatuhan
Kecemasan Depresi Kualitas hidup

MENULAR abstrak

Pengenalan terapi antiretroviral ditandai keuntungan besar dalam

kemanjuran pengobatan HIV / AIDS dan pengurangan morbiditas dan
mortalitas pasien yang terinfeksi. Namun, kepatuhan tingkat tinggi
diperlukan untuk mendapatkan penekanan virologi. Di Brasil,
kebijakan akses gratis dan universal terhadap terapi antiretroviral telah
Artikel asli diterapkan sejak 1996, meskipun ada laporan tentang kepatuhan yang
buruk. Tujuan: Untuk menentukan karakteristik klinis, demografi dan

Kualitas hidup, kecemasan dan psikologis, serta kualitas hidup pasien dengan HIV / AIDS yang
menunjukkan kepatuhan yang buruk terhadap terapi antiretroviral yang
sangat aktif. Metode: Jenis penelitian cross-sectional. Untuk
depresi pada pasien dengan dimasukkan dalam penelitian, pasien harus berusia 18 sampai 65 tahun,
didiagnosis dengan HIV / AIDS, memiliki dua viral load sebelumnya
HIV / AIDS yang di atas 500, pengganti untuk kepatuhan yang buruk terhadap
antiretroviral. Instrumen berikut diterapkan untuk semua pasien yang
menunjukkan kepatuhan yang memenuhi syarat: kuesioner sosiodemografi "Kuesioner Tindak Lanjut
Kepatuhan", Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety
buruk terhadap terapi Inventory (BAI), dan 36-Item Short Form Survey. Hasil: 47 pasien
dievaluasi, 70,2% berjenis kelamin perempuan, usia rata-rata 41,9
antiretroviral: studi tahun (±10,5), 46,8% lajang, 51,1% kepatuhan yang dilaporkan sendiri
≥95%, 46,8% menyebutkan depresi sebagai alasan utama tidak
cross-sectional di Salvador, meminum obat. , 59,5% menunjukkan gejala depresi sedang sampai
berat, dan 44,7% menunjukkan gejala kecemasan sedang sampai berat.
Brasil Terakhir, mengenai kualitas hidup yang berhubungan dengan
kesehatan, pasien ini memperoleh skor rendah di semua dimensi,
ringkasan komponen fisik 43,96 (±9,64) dan ringkasan komponen
mental 33,19 (±13,35). Kesimpulan: Komponen psikologis dianggap
Q1 fundamental dalam penatalaksanaan pasien HIV / AIDS. Psikoedukasi

Mónica Narváez Betancur a, Liliane Linsb, harus dilakukan pada evaluasi awal untuk mengurangi keyakinan
negatif mengenai terapi antiretroviral Penilaian kecemasan dan
Irismar Reis de Oliveirab,Carlos Brites Pengenalan terapi antiretroviral yang sangat aktif menandai
keuntungan besar dalam kemanjuran pengobatan HIV / AIDS dan
Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) Program Pasca penurunan morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien yang terinfeksi. Namun,
kepatuhan tingkat tinggi diperlukan untuk mendapatkan penekanan
Sarjana Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, Salvador, BA, Brasil b virologi. Di Brasil, kebijakan akses gratis dan universal terhadap terapi
antiretroviral telah diterapkan sejak 1996, meskipun ada laporan
Universitas Federal Bahia (UFBA), Fakultas Kedokteran,
tentang kepatuhan yang buruk. Tujuan: Untuk menentukan
Departemen Kedokteran, Salvador, BA, Brasil karakteristik klinis, demografi dan psikologis, serta kualitas hidup
sebuah, pasien dengan HIV / AIDS yang menunjukkan kepatuhan yang buruk
Mónica Narváez Betancur Liliane terhadap terapi antiretroviral yang sangat aktif. Metode: Jenis
b, b, penelitian cross-sectional. Untuk dimasukkan dalam penelitian, pasien
Lins Irismar Reis de Oliveira Carlos harus berusia 18 sampai 65 tahun, didiagnosis dengan HIV / AIDS,
Brites a,b,* Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) Program
memiliki dua viral load sebelumnya di atas 500, pengganti untuk
kepatuhan yang buruk terhadap antiretroviral. Instrumen berikut
Pasca Sarjana Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, Salvador, BA, Brasil b diterapkan pada semua pasien yang memenuhi syarat: kuesioner
sosiodemografi "Kuesioner Tindak Lanjut Kepatuhan", Beck pasien dengan HIV / AIDS yang menunjukkan kepatuhan yang buruk
Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), dan terhadap terapi antiretroviral yang sangat aktif. Metode: Jenis
36-Item Short Form Survey. Hasil: 47 pasien dievaluasi, 70,2% penelitian cross-sectional. Untuk dimasukkan dalam penelitian, pasien
berjenis kelamin perempuan, usia rata-rata 41,9 tahun (±10,5), 46,8% harus berusia 18 sampai 65 tahun, didiagnosis dengan HIV / AIDS,
lajang, 51,1% kepatuhan yang dilaporkan sendiri ≥95%, 46,8% memiliki dua viral load sebelumnya di atas 500, pengganti untuk
menyebutkan depresi sebagai alasan utama tidak meminum obat. , kepatuhan yang buruk terhadap antiretroviral. Instrumen berikut
59,5% menunjukkan gejala depresi sedang sampai berat, dan 44,7% diterapkan pada semua pasien yang memenuhi syarat: kuesioner
menunjukkan gejala kecemasan sedang sampai berat. Terakhir, sosiodemografi "Kuesioner Tindak Lanjut Kepatuhan", Beck
mengenai kualitas hidup yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan, pasien Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), dan
ini memperoleh skor rendah di semua dimensi, ringkasan komponen 36-Item Short Form Survey. Hasil: 47 pasien dievaluasi, 70,2%
fisik 43,96 (±9,64) dan ringkasan komponen mental 33,19 (±13,35). berjenis kelamin perempuan, usia rata-rata 41,9 tahun (±10,5), 46,8%
Kesimpulan: Komponen psikologis dianggap fundamental dalam lajang, 51,1% kepatuhan yang dilaporkan sendiri ≥95%, 46,8%
penatalaksanaan pasien HIV / AIDS. Psikoedukasi harus dilakukan menyebutkan depresi sebagai alasan utama tidak meminum obat. ,
pada evaluasi awal untuk mengurangi keyakinan negatif mengenai 59,5% menunjukkan gejala depresi sedang sampai berat, dan 44,7%
terapi antiretroviral Penilaian kecemasan dan menunjukkan gejala kecemasan sedang sampai berat. Terakhir,
Pengenalan terapi antiretroviral yang sangat aktif menandai mengenai kualitas hidup yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan, pasien
keuntungan besar dalam kemanjuran pengobatan HIV / AIDS dan ini memperoleh skor rendah di semua dimensi, ringkasan komponen
penurunan morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien yang terinfeksi. Namun, fisik 43,96 (±9,64) dan ringkasan komponen mental 33,19 (±13,35).
kepatuhan tingkat tinggi diperlukan untuk mendapatkan penekanan Kesimpulan: Komponen psikologis dianggap fundamental dalam
virologi. Di Brasil, kebijakan akses gratis dan universal terhadap terapi penatalaksanaan pasien HIV / AIDS. Psikoedukasi harus dilakukan
antiretroviral telah diterapkan sejak 1996, meskipun ada laporan pada evaluasi awal untuk mengurangi keyakinan negatif mengenai
tentang kepatuhan yang buruk. Tujuan: Untuk menentukan terapi antiretroviral. Penilaian kecemasan dan
karakteristik klinis, demografi dan psikologis, serta kualitas hidup
∗ Penulis yang sesuai.
Alamat email: (C. Brites). 1413-8670 / © 2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Infectologia.
Diterbitkan oleh Elsevier Editora Ltda. Ini adalah artikel akses terbuka di bawah lisensi CC BY-NC-ND


braz j menginfeksi dis 2 0 1 7;xxx (xx): xxx - xxx
kepatuhan yangterhadap terapi antiretroviral: studi cross-sectional di Salvador, Brazil. Braz J Infect Dis. 2017.
2526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666 dikelompokkan sebagai berikut: karakteristik pasien, rejimen
768697071727374757677 pengobatan yang ditentukan sebelumnya, karakteristik penyakit,
hubungan dokter-pasien, dan lokasi pemberian perawatan
PRESS 2 medis.12,13 Jadi, tantangan awal bagi para manajer kebijakan
INESS. 2 0 1 7;xxx (xx): xxx - xxx nasional dan layanan perawatan kesehatan yang berspesialisasi
dalam HIV / AIDS adalah untuk memahami bagaimana semua
gejala depresi harus dilakukan selama terapi karena kedua kondisi faktor ini mempengaruhi kepatuhan pasien, untuk menetapkan
psikologis tersebut terkait dengan kepatuhan pasien, keberhasilan tindakan yang efektif, disesuaikan dengan karakteristik populasi.
pengobatan, dan pada akhirnya dengan kualitas hidup pasien. Lebih lanjut, ada sedikit penelitian di Brasil yang mengevaluasi
© 2017 Masyarakat Penyakit Menular Brasil. Diterbitkan oleh Elsevier faktor yang terkait dengan kepatuhan rendah dan kualitas hidup
Editora Ltda. Ini adalah artikel akses terbuka di bawah lisensi CC pasien yang menjalani ART.14,15 Oleh karena itu, tujuan utama
BY-NC-ND ( licenses / by-nc-nd / 4.0 /). dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan karakteristik
klinis-demografi dan psikologis serta kualitas hidup dan keyakinan
tentang ART pasien yang menunjukkan kepatuhan yang buruk
terhadap ART, dan mengevaluasi hubungan antara beberapa
Pendahuluan karakteristik ini untuk kepatuhan dan kualitas hidup.
Bahan dan metode
Bahan dan metode
Pengenalan terapi antiretroviral (ART) yang sangat aktif pada
tahun 1990-an menandai peningkatan besar dalam kemanjuran
pengobatan HIV / AIDS, dan penurunan morbiditas, mortalitas, Pengaturan
dan kualitas hidup pasien ini. Di Brasil, kebijakan akses gratis dan studi Pengaturan
universal terhadap terapi antiretroviral1 telah diberlakukan sejak
1996. Saat ini, rekomendasi untuk mulai ART dini, karena studi Studi ini dilakukan di Universitas Prof. Edgard Santos
manfaatnya bagi orang yang hidup dengan HIV / AIDS serta University Hospital (HUPES), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, merupakan
untuk pengendalian virus.2,3 pusat rujukan yang menyediakan layanan kesehatan di klinik
rawat jalan atau rawat inap, bagi pasien dengan diagnosis HIV /
Namun, agar ART berhasil, kepatuhan sangat penting dan sangat
terkait dengan penekanan virologi.4,5 Oleh karena itu, kemanjuran Penelitian ini dilakukan di Prof. Edgard Santos University
ART bergantung pada mempertahankan tingkat kepatuhan Hospital (HUPES), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, merupakan pusat
pengobatan yang tinggi, yang dianggap dalam sebagian besar rujukan yang menyediakan layanan kesehatan di klinik rawat jalan
literatur ilmiah sebagai kepatuhan yang sama atau lebih besar dari atau rawat inap, bagi pasien dengan diagnosis HIV / AIDS.
95% dari dosis yang ditentukan.6 Meskipun regimen obat yang
lebih manjur yang saat ini digunakan memungkinkan tingkat
Desain penelitian dan populasi
kepatuhan sedang, tidak ada regimen yang memungkinkan
Desain penelitian dan populasi
kepatuhan parsial.
Tingkat kepatuhan yang rendah meningkatkan perkembangan Penelitian ini adalah penelitian cross-sectional yang dilakukan
penyakit serta resistensi virus, dan membatasi pilihan terapeutik. antara Februari dan Mei 2016. Pasien dengan HIV, menggunakan
Di Brasil, antara 1999 dan 2008, ada laporan tentang kepatuhan terapi antiretro-viral setidaknya selama satu tahun, berusia antara
yang buruk terhadap ART, bervariasi antara 23,3% dan 36,9%. 8–10 18 dan 65 tahun, menerima perawatan di Klinik rawat jalan AIDS,
Kepatuhan adalah proses dinamis dan multifaktorial yang yang memiliki dua viral load terakhir di atas 500, dan yang bisa
kompleks yang mencakup aspek fisik, psikologis, sosial, budaya, membaca dan menulis diundang untuk berpartisipasi. Pasien yang
mengalami gangguan neurokognitif atau gangguan psikotik yang
dan perilaku.2 Oleh karena itu, ada berbagai tantangan yang
dapat mengganggu pemahaman mereka tentang penelitian
dihadapi oleh orang yang hidup dengan HIV / AIDS terkait
dikeluarkan. Selama masa studi, 1395 pasien dengan diagnosis
dengan kesulitan dalam mempertahankan kepatuhan terapeutik
HIV / AIDS mencari perawatan di klinik rawat jalan HUPES; dari
yang tinggi dan berkepanjangan. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya
jumlah tersebut, 898 laki-laki dan 497 perempuan, dan rekam
tentang faktor-faktor yang terkait dengan kepatuhan yang buruk,
medis mereka diperiksa untuk kriteria kelayakan yang
berikut ini ditekankan: depresi, kecemasan, dukungan sosial yang
dipertimbangkan. Sebanyak 1331 pasien tidak memenuhi kriteria
rendah, kompleksitas rejimen terapeutik, hubungan dengan tenaga
inklusi sehingga menyisakan 64 pasien untuk dipelajari. Namun,
medis, tingkat sekolah yang rendah, efek samping, keyakinan
17 (26%) pasien menolak untuk berpartisipasi sisanya 47 (73,4%)
negatif tentang pengobatan, stigma, dan penyalahgunaan alkohol /
untuk dievaluasi (Gbr. 1).
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross-sectional yang dilakukan
Singkatnya, faktor prediktif dari ketidakpatuhan dapat antara Februari dan Mei 2016. Pasien HIV, yang menggunakan
terapi antiretro-viral setidaknya satu tahun, berusia antara 18 dan pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan jenis dukungan. Lebih lanjut, mereka
65 tahun, menerima perawatan di klinik rawat jalan AIDS, ditanyai pertanyaan terkait dengan kebiasaan dan kondisi
menjalani perawatan terakhir di klinik rawat jalan AIDS. dua viral kesehatan mereka, seperti tahun diagnosis dan kapan mereka
load di atas 500, dan yang bisa membaca dan menulis diundang mulai ART, penyakit kronis lainnya, konsumsi alkohol,
untuk berpartisipasi. Pasien yang mengalami gangguan penggunaan obat-obatan psikoak, dan bantuan medis. Rekam
neurokognitif atau gangguan psikotik yang dapat mengganggu medis mereka ditinjau untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang viral
pemahaman mereka tentang penelitian dikeluarkan. Selama masa load terbaru dan jumlah limfosit CD4 +.
studi, 1395 pasien dengan diagnosis HIV / AIDS mencari Sebuah kuesioner terstruktur dikembangkan untuk penelitian yang
perawatan di klinik rawat jalan HUPES; dari jumlah tersebut, 898 bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi sosiodemografi peserta:
laki-laki dan 497 perempuan, dan rekam medis mereka diperiksa jenis kelamin, usia, etnis, status perkawinan, orientasi seksual,
untuk kriteria kelayakan yang dipertimbangkan. Sebanyak 1331 pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan jenis dukungan. Lebih lanjut, mereka
pasien tidak memenuhi kriteria inklusi sehingga menyisakan 64 ditanyai pertanyaan terkait dengan kebiasaan dan kondisi
pasien untuk dipelajari. Namun, 17 (26%) pasien menolak untuk kesehatan mereka, seperti tahun diagnosis dan kapan mereka
berpartisipasi sisanya 47 (73,4%) untuk dievaluasi (Gbr. 1). mulai ART, penyakit kronis lainnya, konsumsi alkohol,
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross-sectional yang dilakukan penggunaan obat-obatan psikoak, dan bantuan medis. Rekam
antara Februari dan Mei 2016. Pasien HIV, yang menggunakan medis mereka ditinjau untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang viral
terapi antiretro-viral setidaknya satu tahun, berusia antara 18 dan load terbaru dan jumlah limfosit CD4 +.
65 tahun, menerima perawatan di klinik rawat jalan AIDS, Sebuah kuesioner terstruktur dikembangkan untuk penelitian yang
menjalani perawatan terakhir di klinik rawat jalan AIDS. dua viral bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi sosiodemografi peserta:
load di atas 500, dan yang bisa membaca dan menulis diundang jenis kelamin, usia, etnis, status perkawinan, orientasi seksual,
untuk berpartisipasi. Pasien yang mengalami gangguan pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan jenis dukungan. Lebih lanjut, mereka
neurokognitif atau gangguan psikotik yang dapat mengganggu ditanyai pertanyaan terkait dengan kebiasaan dan kondisi
pemahaman mereka tentang penelitian dikeluarkan. Selama masa kesehatan mereka, seperti tahun diagnosis dan kapan mereka
studi, 1395 pasien dengan diagnosis HIV / AIDS mencari mulai ART, penyakit kronis lainnya, konsumsi alkohol,
perawatan di klinik rawat jalan HUPES; dari jumlah tersebut, 898 penggunaan obat-obatan psikoak, dan bantuan medis. Rekam
laki-laki dan 497 perempuan, dan rekam medis mereka diperiksa medis mereka ditinjau untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang viral
untuk kriteria kelayakan yang dipertimbangkan. Sebanyak 1331 load terbaru dan jumlah limfosit CD4 +.
pasien tidak memenuhi kriteria inklusi sehingga menyisakan 64
pasien untuk dipelajari. Namun, 17 (26%) pasien menolak untuk
berpartisipasi sisanya 47 (73,4%) untuk dievaluasi (Gbr. 1).
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross-sectional yang dilakukan
antara Februari dan Mei 2016. Pasien HIV, yang menggunakan
terapi antiretro-viral setidaknya satu tahun, berusia antara 18 dan Dua kuesioner digunakan untuk mengukur kepatuhan: (1)
65 tahun, menerima perawatan di klinik rawat jalan AIDS, "Kuesioner Tindak Lanjut Kepatuhan" dari Aids Clinical Trial
menjalani perawatan terakhir di klinik rawat jalan AIDS. dua viral Groups (ACTG),16 diterjemahkan ke bahasa Portugis17 untuk
load di atas 500, dan yang bisa membaca dan menulis diundang menilai kepatuhan yang dilaporkan sendiri dalam empat hari
untuk berpartisipasi. Pasien yang mengalami gangguan sebelumnya, penggunaan pil berdasarkan dosis dan alasan untuk
neurokognitif atau gangguan psikotik yang dapat mengganggu tidak mengonsumsi obat; dan (2) kuesioner tentang pengetahuan
pemahaman mereka tentang penelitian dikeluarkan. Selama masa dan keyakinan terkait AIDS dan
studi, 1395 pasien dengan diagnosis HIV / AIDS mencari Dua kuesioner digunakan untuk mengukur kepatuhan: (1)
perawatan di klinik rawat jalan HUPES; dari jumlah tersebut, 898 "Kuesioner Tindak Lanjut Kepatuhan" dari Aids Clinical Trial
laki-laki dan 497 perempuan, dan rekam medis mereka diperiksa Groups (ACTG),16 diterjemahkan ke bahasa Portugis17 untuk
untuk kriteria kelayakan yang dipertimbangkan. Sebanyak 1331 menilai diri sendiri kepatuhan yang dilaporkan dalam empat hari
pasien tidak memenuhi kriteria inklusi sehingga menyisakan 64 sebelumnya, penggunaan pil berdasarkan dosis dan alasan untuk
pasien untuk dipelajari. Namun, 17 (26%) pasien menolak untuk tidak mengonsumsi obat; dan (2) kuesioner pada Pengetahuan dan
berpartisipasi sisanya 47 (73,4%) untuk dievaluasi (Gbr. 1). keyakinan yang berkaitan dengan AIDS dan

Penilaian 78 798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100 78

798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100 78

Karakteristik sosiodemografi Karakteristik 798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100 78

sosiodemografi 798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100

Sebuah kuesioner terstruktur dikembangkan untuk penelitian yang

bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi sosiodemografi peserta:
jenis kelamin, usia, etnis, status perkawinan, orientasi seksual,
106 106 106 105 107 107 107 108

Silakan mengutip artikel ini dalam pers sebagai: Betancur MN, dkk. Kualitas hidup, kecemasan dan depresi pada pasien dengan HIV / AIDS yang
736 BJID 1-8
kepatuhan yangterhadap terapi antiretroviral: studi cross-sectional di Salvador, Brazil. Braz J Infect Dis.2017

118 119 120121 122 123 124 125


DALAM PERS brazjinfectdis. 2 0 1 7;xxx (xx): xxx - xxx 3

1395 orang dengan HIV / AIDS datang ke HUPES ́ Klinik AIDS dari Februari sampai Mei 2016
1331 orang dikeluarkan:
1.199 viral load <500 eksemplar / mL 188 kunjungan pertama di klinik rawat jalan 10 tidak bisa membaca dan tulis 07 gangguan
psikotik 05 gangguan neurokognitif 02> 65 tahun

64 individu yang memenuhi syarat 17 individu menolak untuk berpartisipasi:

07 tinggal di pedesaan Bahia 07 kurangnya minat 02 bekerja (tidak dapat menghadiri kunjungan) 01 berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan
lain penelitian
47 orang dimasukkan
Gambar. 1 - Ringkasan proses pemilihan pasien HIV-AIDS yang menunjukkan kepatuhan yang buruk terhadap terapi HIV di
menjadi HAART, dikembangkan oleh kelompok yang sama dan diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Portugis oleh penelitian sebelumnya.18
Kepatuhan dihitung sebagai jumlah dosis yang diminum secara efektif dibagi dengan jumlah dosis yang ditentukan dalam empat hari sebelumnya.
Peserta dengan kepatuhan lebih besar atau sama dengan 95% dianggap patuh.
Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) dalam bahasa Portugis versi19.20 digunakan untuk mengukur gejala depresi. BDI-II adalah skala yang
dilaporkan sendiri dengan 21 item, masing-masing dengan empat pilihan jawaban yang menyiratkan peningkatan tingkat keparahan depresi. Skor
total adalah jumlah skor individu dari item dan memberikan klasifikasi intensitas depresi sebagai minimal, ringan, sedang, atau berat.
The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), versi Portugis,20 membeli 21 item atau afirmasi gejala kecemasan yang dievaluasi oleh subjek pada skala
empat poin terkait dengan tingkat peningkatan keparahan tiap gejala, digunakan untuk menilai gejala kecemasan pasien. Skor total adalah jumlah
dari skor individu dari item dan memberikan klasifikasi tingkat intensitas kecemasan sebagai minimal, ringan, sedang, atau berat.
Kualitas hidup
Untuk memperkirakan kualitas hidup, 36 item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36), bahasa Portugis versi21 dipilih.ini
Kuesionermemiliki 36 pertanyaan yang mengukur kualitas hidup yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan di delapan dimensi: Berfungsi Fisik, Peran
fisik, Bodily Sakit, Kesehatan Umum, Vitalitas, Sosial Functionaling, Peran Emosional, dan Kesehatan Mental. Selanjutnya, kuesioner
memungkinkan evaluasi ringkasan komponen fisik serta ringkasan komponen mental.
Analisis statistik Analisis
deskriptif variabel kualitatif disajikan dalam frekuensi absolut dan relatif. Variabel kontinyu dengan distribusi normal (usia) disajikan sebagai
mean dan deviasi standar. Variabel berkelanjutan tanpa distribusi normal (tahun sejak diagnosis, tahun pengobatan, jumlah pil, viral load, dan
jumlah limfosit CD4 +) dinyatakan sebagai median, minimum dan maksimum. Skor kualitas hidup dibandingkan antara jenis kelamin dan antara
mereka yang pernah atau tidak menggunakan obat antiretroviral dalam sebulan terakhir dengan tes nonparametrik Mann-Whitney.
Lebih lanjut, variabel depresi dan kecemasan dikategorikan dalam variabel dikotomis (minimal dan ringan, sedang dan berat), dengan sedang dan
berat dianggap sebagai gejala klinis yang signifikan.19,22 Perbandingan antar dimensi kualitas hidup dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji
nonparametrik Mann - Whitney. Dengan cara yang sama, uji chi-kuadrat Pearson digunakan untuk mengevaluasi apakah intensitas gejala
kecemasan dan depresi dikaitkan dengan jenis kelamin peserta, dan juga apakah alasan paling relevan yang dilaporkan oleh peserta untuk
menghentikan ART terkait. dengan intensitas gejala depresi. Nilai pkurang dari 0,05 dianggap signifikan secara statistik. The
Silakan mengutip artikel ini dalam pers sebagai: Betancur MN, et al. Kualitas hidup, kecemasan dan depresi pada pasien dengan HIV / AIDS yang
BJID 736 1-8
kepatuhan yangterhadap terapi antiretroviral: studi cross-sectional di Salvador, Brazil. Braz J Infect Dis. 2017.


DALAM PERS 4 brazjinfectdis. 2 0 1 7;xxx (xx): xxx - xxx

Paket Statistik untuk Ilmu Sosial (SPSS) versi 20.0 untuk Windows digunakan.
Pertimbangan Etis
Penelitian ini telah disetujui oleh Komite Etika Penelitian dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Federal Bahia, pada bulan Agustus 2015 (nomor
kasus 1.154.393). Semua peserta menandatangani formulir persetujuan tertulis.
Karakteristik sosiodemografi peserta disajikan pada Tabel 1. Dari 47 peserta, 70,2% adalah
Tabel 1 - Karakteristik sosiodemografi peserta dengan HIV / AIDS yang menunjukkan kepatuhan yang buruk terhadap ART, di
Salvador, Bahia, 2016.
Variabel Total n = 47 (%) Jenis
kelamin perempuan 33 (70,2) Usia ( tahun) (rata-rata, Ds) 41.9 (±10.5)
Kulit hitam 22 (46.8) Campuran ras 13 (27.7) Kulit putih 10 (21.3) Pribumi 2 (4.3)
Sekolah dasar, lengkap / tidak lengkap 22 (46.8) Sekolah menengah atas, lengkap / tidak lengkap 25 (53.2)
Status perkawinan
Lajang 22 (46.8) Menikah / tinggal dengan pasangan 19 (40.4) Cerai / janda 6 (12.7)
Orientasi seksual
Heteroseksual 42 (89.4) Homoseksual 4 (8.5) Biseksual 1 (2.1)
individu Memiliki pendapatan individu 25 (53.2) Tidak memiliki penghasilan perorangan 22 (46.8) Pensiun dini karena sakit 11 (23.4)
dukungan keluarga
Dukungan39 (83) Tolak 4 (8.6) Tidak ada yang mengetahui diagnosisnya 4 (8.6)
Jenis dukunganyang
Spiritual 23 (48.9) ) Emosional 7 (14.8) Terapi 5 (10.6) Keuangan 12 (25.5) Tidak ada jenis dukungan 8 (17)
Mengkonsumsi alkohol dalam tiga bulan terakhir nths 24 (51.1) Sering mengkonsumsi alkohol (setidaknya
sekali seminggu)
perempuan, usia rata-rata 41,9 tahun (±10,5), dan 46,8% melaporkan diri sebagai etnis kulit hitam. Mengenai status perkawinan, 46,8% belum
menikah dan 40,4% menikah; mayoritas (89,4%) adalah heteroseksual. Hanya 53,2% yang memiliki pendapatan perorangan, dan dari jumlah
tersebut 23,4% melaporkan pendapatan yang berasal dari pembayaran asuransi cacat / pensiun terkait penyakit. Di bidang dukungan sosial, 91,6%
peserta melaporkan bahwa keluarga mengetahui diagnosis HIV, dan 83% melaporkan memiliki dukungan keluarga. Konsumsi alkohol dalam tiga
bulan terakhir diakui sebesar 51,1%, dengan 21,3% mengonsumsi setidaknya sekali seminggu, dan 14,9% mengonsumsi alkohol berat,
didefinisikan sebagai lima atau lebih dosis lebih dari sekali seminggu. Hanya 6,4% (semua pria) melaporkan penggunaan zat psikoaktif lain
sebagai kecanduan konsumsi alkohol berat.
Karakteristik klinis dan psikologis tercantum pada Tabel 2. Jumlah rata-rata tahun sejak diagnosis adalah 13,5 (minimal 2 dan maksimal 28), dan
rata-rata lama pengobatan adalah 13 (minimal 1 dan maksimal 20); pada saat evaluasi, rata-rata limfosit TCD4 + adalah 366 sel /μL (minimal 1
dan maksimum 970), dan 80% peserta menunjukkan viral load antara 400 dan 100.000. Selain itu, di antara partisipan yang memiliki penyakit
kronis lain yang membutuhkan pengobatan, depresi adalah yang paling umum, dengan 31,2%. Relevan karena 59,5% dari semua pasien
menunjukkan gejala depresi sedang sampai berat, dan 44,7% menunjukkan gejala kecemasan. Artinya, hanya sebagian kecil yang menjalani
pengobatan untuk masalah tersebut. Sebuah hubungan juga ditemukan antara penghentian ART karena perasaan tertekan dan sedang dan berat
Tabel 2 - Karakteristik klinis dan psikologis peserta dengan HIV / AIDS yang menunjukkan kepatuhan yang buruk terhadap ART,
dirawat di Salvador, Bahia, 2016.
Variabel Total n = 47 ( %)
Tahun sejak diagnosis (n = 45) (Md; min-max) 13,5 (2–28) Tahun ART (n = 40) (Md; min-max) 13 (1–20) Jumlah pil per hari ( Md; min-max) 3 (1–9) Kepatuhan yang
Dilaporkan Sendiri ≥ 95% 24 (51.1) CD4 + (Md; min-max) 366 (1–970)
Viral load (n = 45)
400–100.000 36 (80 ) 100.000 9 (20)
Penyakit kronis lainnya dengan pengobatan 16 (34.0) Depresi dengan pengobatan 5 (10.6)
Minimal 9 (19.1) Ringan 10 (21.3) Sedang 19 (40.4) Berat 9 (19.1)
Minimal 11 (23.4) )
10 (21.3)
Ringan Sedang 15 (31.9) 13 (27.7)
Konsumsi alkohol berat 7 (14.9)
Parah 8 (17.0)
Konsumsi zat psikoaktif 3 (6.4)
a BeckDepression Inventory - BDI, versi bahasa Portugis. Minimal Tidak
bertemu dokter dalam 6 bulan terakhir 25 (53.2)

0–11, Ringan 12–19, Sedang 20–35, dan Parah 36–63. b Beck Anxiety Inventory - BAI, versi bahasa Portugis. Minimal 0-10, keluarga Termasuk dukungan.
Ringan 11–19, Sedang 20–30, dan Parah 31–63.
artikel ini di media sebagai: Betancur MN, dkk. Kualitas hidup, kecemasan dan depresi pada pasien dengan HIV / AIDS yang menunjukkanburuk
BJID 736 1–8 Kutip
kepatuhan yangterhadap terapi antiretroviral: studi cross-sectional di Salvador, Brazil. Braz J Infect Dis. 2017.


IN PRESS brazjinfectdis. 2 0 1 7;xxx (xx): xxx - xxx 5

Merasa sehat
Gambar 2 - Alasan untuk menghentikan terapi di antara pasien HIV / AIDS yang menunjukkan kepatuhan yang buruk terhadap ART,
di Salvador, Brasil.
intensitas gejala depresi (p = 0,02). Ketika mengevaluasi hubungan jenis kelamin dengan kecemasan dan depresi, hubungan yang diamati antara
jenis kelamin perempuan dan gejala kecemasan sedang dan berat (p = 0,006) tetapi tidak ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin dan gejala depresi (p
= 0,13).
Mengenai kepatuhan, meskipun 51,1% dari peserta menunjukkan kepatuhan yang sama dengan atau lebih besar dari 95% dalam empat hari
sebelumnya, 57,4% tidak menggunakan beberapa obat pada minggu sebelumnya, dan 74,5% pada bulan sebelumnya. Alasan paling relevan untuk
tidak memakai ART (Gbr. 2) adalah depresi, dengan 46,8%, dan alasan lain berada jauh dari rumah 44,7%; kelupaan; menghindari efek samping
yang tidak diinginkan, dan meminum pil pada waktu tertentu, masing-masing 38,3%. Di sisi lain, meskipun 89,4% peserta mengakui bahwa
memakai ART membantu seseorang tetap sehat untuk waktu yang lebih lama, mereka juga menunjukkan beberapa keyakinan negatif terkait
pengobatan: 89,4% percaya bahwa efek sampingnya kuat, 74,4% berpikir bahwa memakai ART berarti Anda mengidap AIDS, dan 72,3% yakin
bahwa ART itu beracun (Tabel 3).
Ketika mengevaluasi kualitas hidup yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan dari pendekatan multidimensi, diamati bahwa partikel-
Tabel 3 - Keyakinan tentang ART peserta dengan HIV / AIDS, yang dirawat di Salvador, Bahia, 2016, yang menunjukkan kepatuhan
yang buruk terhadap terapi antiretroviral.
Variabel Jumlah n = 47 (%)
Menjalani ART adalah ide yang baik
meskipun Anda tidak memiliki gejala
Tidak ada pil lagi
Jam tertentu untuk minum obat
Merasa depresi
Merasa sakit atau tidak sehat
Tidur saat waktunya minum dosis
Merasa obat itu beracun / berbahaya
Perubahan dalam rutinitas harian
Tidak diamati minum obat
Menghindari efek samping yang tidak diinginkan
Jumlah pil yang diminum
38,3% Menyibukkan diri
dengan hal lain
Berada di luar rumah
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
penipu disajikan lebih rendah dari yang diharapkan (berdasarkan nilai referensi skala) skor rata-rata di semua dimensi (Tabel 4), dengan dimensi
komponen mental memiliki skor terendah . Selain itu, ketika membandingkan jenis kelamin, perempuan memiliki skor yang lebih rendah dalam
dimensi vitalitas (laki-laki: 47,9, perempuan: 37,2; p = 0,03), kesehatan mental (laki-laki: 40,2, perempuan: 32,3; p = 0,008) dan ringkasan
komponen mental (laki-laki: : 39,5, perempuan: 31,7; p = 0,014). Furthermore, the patients who missed doses of antiretrovirals in the previous
month had lower scores in the dimensions of general health (yes 39.2, not 50.9; p = 0.01) and bodily pain (yes 41.8, not 50.8; p = 0.01). When
comparing intensity of anxiety and depression symptoms (Table 4), the patients who had moderate and severe symptoms of depres- sion or
anxiety also had lower scores in all dimensions except depression with bodily pain (p = 0.12) and anxiety with physi- cal functioning (p = 0.63),
general health (p = 0.35) and physical component summary (p = 0.42).
The aim of this study was to identify the relevant character- istics that might have been associated with non-adherence to treatment, in a group of
patients who presented poor adher- ence to HAART. During the time period of the study, 898 (64.4%) men and 497 (35.6%) women were treated
at the HUPES out- patient clinic. It is noteworthy that more women (33 subjects, 70% of sample) showed poor adherence to HAART. This result
37 (78.7)
is consistent with a study developed in Belo Horizonte, MG, that confirmed poorer adherence among women.23 Likewise,
HAART has demonstrated its efficacy 32 (68.0)
another multicentric study developed by the AIDS Clinical Tri-
By undergoing HAART a person will be
als Group in the United States, Puerto Rico and Italy24 reported healthy for longer
women as having a greater risk of virologic failure due to poor adherence. Nevertheless, there are other recent studies that did not find a
relationship between gender and levels of adherence.25,26 Moreover, a systematic review on differences of adherence according to gender found a
marginally signifi- cant difference of lower adherence in women.27 42 (89.4)
Side effects are intense for most
42 (89.4)
Undergoing HAART means you have
35 (74.4)
HAART is toxic for most people 34 (72.3)
Please cite this article in press as: Betancur MN, et al. Quality of life, anxiety and depression in patients with HIV/AIDS who present poor
BJID 736 1–8 adherence to
antiretroviral therapy: a cross-sectional study in Salvador, Brazil. Braz J Infect Dis. 2017.


















icantly higher than those from other Brazilian studies (18% and
IN 21.5%),31,33 that evaluated patients with HIV who did not
necessarily have adherence issues as in this present study. In
PRESS 6 brazjinfectdis . 2 0 1 7;xxx(xx):xxx–xxx addition, only 10.6% had prescriptions of antidepressive drugs.
Other studies mention that between 50% and 60% of the patients
with depression are undiagnosed.31
The rates of moderate and severe symptoms of anxiety were
higher in this study (44.7%) than in another previous study in
Brazil (35.8%), that detected symptoms of severe anx- iety
(12.6%) as an important predictor for non-adherence to HAART.33
Since our work was focused on a non-adherent
population, our results were expected, and reinforces the
importance of anxiety in the adherence process. A relation- ship
with the intensity of anxiety symptoms and female gender was
also observed, which is consistent with a study published in
2016.34 This also reinforces the importance of finding a high
proportion of women in our study.
population, our results were expected, and reinforces the
importance of anxiety in the adherence process. A relation- ship
with the intensity of anxiety symptoms and female gender was
also observed, which is consistent with a study published in
2016.34 This also reinforces the importance of finding a high
proportion of women in our study.
population, our results were expected, and reinforces the
importance of anxiety in the adherence process. A relation- ship
with the intensity of anxiety symptoms and female gender was
also observed, which is consistent with a study published in
This study also investigated the participants' beliefs about HAART 2016.34 This also reinforces the importance of finding a high
and the reasons for not using the treatment. Although they proportion of women in our study.
admitted that HAART was effective and helped one to remain population, our results were expected, and reinforces the
healthy for a longer time, negative ideas related to side effects, importance of anxiety in the adherence process. A relation- ship
toxicity, and the concept that undergoing HAART meant one had with the intensity of anxiety symptoms and female gender was
AIDS were also presented. A review article on adherence and also observed, which is consistent with a study published in
HAART demonstrated that the patient's belief system about the
2016.34 This also reinforces the importance of finding a high
nature of the illness, its treatment, and the fears regarding side
proportion of women in our study.
effects may be important obstacles to adherence.6 It is noteworthy
population, our results were expected, and reinforces the
that avoiding undesirable side effects was also one of the relevant importance of anxiety in the adherence process. A relation- ship
reasons reported by 38.3% of the participants for stopping with the intensity of anxiety symptoms and female gender was
HAART, a finding that is near the 33.3% found in another also observed, which is consistent with a study published in
Brazilian study.28 2016.34 This also reinforces the importance of finding a high
High prevalence of depression and symptoms of depres- sion have proportion of women in our study.
been widely demonstrated in the literature in patients with population, our results were expected, and reinforces the
HIV/AIDS. Prevalence studies reported a 28.1% in France,29 importance of anxiety in the adherence process. A relation- ship
25.6% in the United States,30 and 32% in Brazil.31 Sev- eral with the intensity of anxiety symptoms and female gender was
studies mention depression as one of the most important barriers also observed, which is consistent with a study published in

to adhering to HAART.6,32 In this study, we found that the reason 2016.34 This also reinforces the importance of finding a high
for stopping HAART because of feeling depressed was associated proportion of women in our study.
with moderate and severe levels of depres- sion symptoms. This population, our results were expected, and reinforces the
finding is even more relevant when considering that feeling importance of anxiety in the adherence process. A relation- ship
depressed was the greatest reason reported by the participants for with the intensity of anxiety symptoms and female gender was
stopping HAART and that most (59.5%) of them presented also observed, which is consistent with a study published in

clinically significant symptoms of depression.19,22 2016.34 This also reinforces the importance of finding a high
proportion of women in our study.
The percentage of participants who presented depressive
symptoms between moderate and severe (59.5%) was signif- Differences by gender were also observed in some dimen- sions of
quality of life: women had lower scores in the dimensions vitality,
mental health, and mental component summary, which might be mental health, and mental component summary, which might be
related to the fact that they had more symptoms of moderate and related to the fact that they had more symptoms of moderate and
severe anxiety than did men. In a previously published Brazilian severe anxiety than did men. In a previously published Brazilian
work it was found that women living with HIV and patients with work it was found that women living with HIV and patients with
anxiety had worse quality of life scores.35 anxiety had worse quality of life scores.35
Differences by gender were also observed in some dimen- sions of Differences by gender were also observed in some dimen- sions of
quality of life: women had lower scores in the dimensions vitality, quality of life: women had lower scores in the dimensions vitality,
mental health, and mental component summary, which might be mental health, and mental component summary, which might be
related to the fact that they had more symptoms of moderate and related to the fact that they had more symptoms of moderate and
severe anxiety than did men. In a previously published Brazilian severe anxiety than did men. In a previously published Brazilian
work it was found that women living with HIV and patients with work it was found that women living with HIV and patients with
anxiety had worse quality of life scores.35 anxiety had worse quality of life scores.35
Differences by gender were also observed in some dimen- sions of One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of
quality of life: women had lower scores in the dimensions vitality, patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an
mental health, and mental component summary, which might be
improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In
related to the fact that they had more symptoms of moderate and
this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of
severe anxiety than did men. In a previously published Brazilian
patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the
work it was found that women living with HIV and patients with
dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
anxiety had worse quality of life scores.35 Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
Differences by gender were also observed in some dimen- sions of Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the
quality of life: women had lower scores in the dimensions vitality, adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all
mental health, and mental component summary, which might be
components, including mental component summary.38 On the
related to the fact that they had more symptoms of moderate and
other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during
severe anxiety than did men. In a previously published Brazilian
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that
work it was found that women living with HIV and patients with
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower
anxiety had worse quality of life scores.35 quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to
Differences by gender were also observed in some dimen- sions of
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could
quality of life: women had lower scores in the dimensions vitality,
explain in part the results of the present study.
mental health, and mental component summary, which might be
One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of
related to the fact that they had more symptoms of moderate and
patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an
severe anxiety than did men. In a previously published Brazilian
improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In
work it was found that women living with HIV and patients with
this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of
anxiety had worse quality of life scores.35
patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the
Differences by gender were also observed in some dimen- sions of
dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
quality of life: women had lower scores in the dimensions vitality,
Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
mental health, and mental component summary, which might be
Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the
related to the fact that they had more symptoms of moderate and
adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all
severe anxiety than did men. In a previously published Brazilian
components, including mental component summary.38 On the
work it was found that women living with HIV and patients with
other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during
anxiety had worse quality of life scores.35
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that
Differences by gender were also observed in some dimen- sions of
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower
quality of life: women had lower scores in the dimensions vitality,
quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to
mental health, and mental component summary, which might be
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could
related to the fact that they had more symptoms of moderate and
severe anxiety than did men. In a previously published Brazilian explain in part the results of the present study.
work it was found that women living with HIV and patients with One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of
patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an
anxiety had worse quality of life scores.35
improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In
Differences by gender were also observed in some dimen- sions of
quality of life: women had lower scores in the dimensions vitality, this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of
mental health, and mental component summary, which might be patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the
related to the fact that they had more symptoms of moderate and dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
severe anxiety than did men. In a previously published Brazilian Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
work it was found that women living with HIV and patients with Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the
adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all
anxiety had worse quality of life scores.35
components, including mental component summary.38 On the
Differences by gender were also observed in some dimen- sions of
quality of life: women had lower scores in the dimensions vitality, other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of
quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
explain in part the results of the present study. Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the
patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all
improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In components, including mental component summary.38 On the
this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during
patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that
dimensions, and mental health was the most affected. patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower
Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to
Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could
adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all explain in part the results of the present study.
components, including mental component summary.38 On the One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of
other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of
quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
explain in part the results of the present study. Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the
patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all
improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In components, including mental component summary.38 On the
this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during
patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that
dimensions, and mental health was the most affected. patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower
Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to
Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could
adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all explain in part the results of the present study.
components, including mental component summary.38 On the One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of
other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of
quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
explain in part the results of the present study. Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the
patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all
improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In components, including mental component summary.38 On the
this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during
patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that
dimensions, and mental health was the most affected. patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower
Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to
Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could
adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all explain in part the results of the present study.
components, including mental component summary.38 On the One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of
other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of
quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
explain in part the results of the present study. Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the
patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all
components, including mental component summary.38 On the One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of
other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of
quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
explain in part the results of the present study. Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the
patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all
improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In components, including mental component summary.38 On the
this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during
patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that
dimensions, and mental health was the most affected. patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower
Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to
Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could
adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all explain in part the results of the present study.
components, including mental component summary.38 On the One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of
other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of
quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
explain in part the results of the present study. Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the
patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all
improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In components, including mental component summary.38 On the
this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during
patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that
dimensions, and mental health was the most affected. patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower
Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to
Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could
adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all explain in part the results of the present study.
components, including mental component summary.38 On the One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of
other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of
quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
explain in part the results of the present study. Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the
patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all
improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In components, including mental component summary.38 On the
this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during
patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that
dimensions, and mental health was the most affected. patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower
Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to
Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could
adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all explain in part the results of the present study.
components, including mental component summary.38 On the One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of
other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of
quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
explain in part the results of the present study. Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the mental health.
adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all Similarly, several studies established the association of lower
components, including mental component summary.38 On the quality of life with depression and anxiety,39,40 some of which
other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during were developed in Brazil.37,41 In this study, presenting clinically
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that significant anxiety and depression symptomatology was associated
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower with lower scores in some dimensions of phys- ical health and
quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to mental health.
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could Similarly, several studies established the association of lower
explain in part the results of the present study. quality of life with depression and anxiety,39,40 some of which
One of the purposes of HAART is to improve the quality of life of
were developed in Brazil.37,41 In this study, presenting clinically
patients, which is confirmed by several studies that have shown an
significant anxiety and depression symptomatology was associated
improvement in quality of life after patients started therapy.36,37 In with lower scores in some dimensions of phys- ical health and
this study, however, it was demonstrated that the quality of life of mental health.
patients who showed poor adherence was lower in all the Similarly, several studies established the association of lower
dimensions, and mental health was the most affected.
quality of life with depression and anxiety,39,40 some of which
Furthermore, when compared to another study con- ducted in
were developed in Brazil.37,41 In this study, presenting clinically
Brazil in 2009, with HIV/AIDS patients, regardless of the
significant anxiety and depression symptomatology was associated
adherence level, these results retain lower scores in all
with lower scores in some dimensions of phys- ical health and
components, including mental component summary.38 On the
mental health.
other hand, a multicentric study that evaluated the changes during
one year in quality of life of patients on HAART con- cluded that In addition, our study showed a significantly higher pro- portion of
patients with less than 80% adherence to HAART had lower women among non-adherent patients, and a strong association
quality of life, and patients with continuous adher- ence to between the presence of moderate or severe levels
In addition, our study showed a significantly higher pro- portion of
HAART had improvements in quality of life,36 which could
women among non-adherent patients, and a strong association
explain in part the results of the present study.
between the presence of moderate or severe levels
Similarly, several studies established the association of lower In addition, our study showed a significantly higher pro- portion of
quality of life with depression and anxiety,39,40 some of which women among non-adherent patients, and a strong association
were developed in Brazil.37,41 In this study, presenting clinically between the presence of moderate or severe levels
significant anxiety and depression symptomatology was associated In addition, our study showed a significantly higher pro- portion of
with lower scores in some dimensions of phys- ical health and women among non-adherent patients, and a strong association
mental health. between the presence of moderate or severe levels
Similarly, several studies established the association of lower 307

quality of life with depression and anxiety,39,40 some of which


were developed in Brazil.37,41 In this study, presenting clinically 308
significant anxiety and depression symptomatology was associated
with lower scores in some dimensions of phys- ical health and 309
mental health. 309
Similarly, several studies established the association of lower 310
quality of life with depression and anxiety,39,40 some of which 310
were developed in Brazil.37,41 In this study, presenting clinically 311
significant anxiety and depression symptomatology was associated 311
with lower scores in some dimensions of phys- ical health and
mental health. 312
Similarly, several studies established the association of lower 312

quality of life with depression and anxiety,39,40 some of which 313

were developed in Brazil. In this study, presenting clinically 313

significant anxiety and depression symptomatology was associated 314

with lower scores in some dimensions of phys- ical health and 314
mental health.
Similarly, several studies established the association of lower 315

quality of life with depression and anxiety,39,40 some of which


were developed in Brazil.37,41 In this study, presenting clinically 316
significant anxiety and depression symptomatology was associated
with lower scores in some dimensions of phys- ical health and 317
317 331
318 332
318 332
319 333
319 333
320 334
320 334
321 335
321 335
322 336
322 336
323 337
323 337
324 338
324 338
325 339
325 339
326 340
326 340
327 341
327 341
328 342
328 342
329 343
329 343
330 344
330 344
331 345
331 345
Table 4 – Quality of life scores, compared by levels of depression and anxiety of participants with HIV/AIDS, treated in Salvador, Bahia,
2016, who present poor adherence to HAART.
p-Value Minimal and mild
Dimensions Total Moderate and severe
n = 43 Mean (SD)a Moderate and severe
Median Depression, median Anxiety, median Moderate and severe
Minimal and mild p-Value
Moderate and severe p-Value
p-Value Minimal and mild p-Value

Physical functioning 40.65 (10.49) 42.4 44.6 39.1 0.008b 40.4 44.6 0.63 Physical Role 38.47 (10.62) 35.0 42.1 27.9 0.002b 42.1 27.9 0.03b Bodily Pain 41.62 (10.73)
42.1 46 37.9 0.12 46 37.9 0.008b General Health 41.23 (11.13) 41.5 46.2 37.5 0.04b 43.9 39.2 0.35 Vitality 41.29 (10.58) 39.6 49 36 0.001c 45.5 34.8 0.03b Social
Functioning 36.05 (12.43) 35.4 40.8 30 0.003b 40.8 24.6 0.008b Emotional Role 32.06 (12.70) 23.7 34.3 23.7 0.01b 29 23.7 0.02b Mental Health 34.06 (13.97) 36.8 39
27.7 0.003b 39.1 23.2 0.002b Physical component summary 43.96 (9.64) 42.9 49.3 39.8 0.04b 46.1 41.8 0.42 Mental component summary 33.19 (13.35) 32.9 36.1 26.1
0.002b 36.2 25.8 0.002b

a Reference scores normalized by Short Form-36 me an 50 SD 10. b p < 0.05 for Mann–Whitney U test. c p < 0.01 for Mann–Whitney U test.
Please cite this article in press as: Betancur MN, et al. Quality of life, anxiety and depression in patients with HIV/AIDS who present poor
BJID 736 1–8 adherence to
antiretroviral therapy: a cross-sectional study in Salvador, Brazil. Braz J Infect Dis. 2017.


IN PRESS brazjinfectdis . 2 0 1 7;xxx(xx):xxx–xxx 7

of anxiety, depression symptoms, and low scores in quality of life. Similar characteristics were found in a study published in 2016, carried out in
Thailand in patients with HIV/AIDS, which found associations between anxiety in female patients with poor adherence to HAART and
associations between anxiety and depression with low quality of life.34 Therefore, there is a need for further studies to clarify and understand how
gen- der, anxiety, depression, and quality of life might be associated with adherence to HAART.
The role of the psychological component is considered to be fundamental in the management of HIV/AIDS patients. Psychoeducation should be
used to reduce negative beliefs regarding antiretroviral therapy, beyond the initial evaluation and subsequent assessments of anxiety and
depression symp- toms. These points warrant greater attention because they are associated with adherence, the success of the treatment and
ultimately, with the patients' quality of life. Furthermore, it is pertinent to develop studies related to women's adherence to HAART, to gather the
necessary information that would allow the implementation of differentiated interventions tailored to women.
Finally, the limitations of this cross-sectional study include difficulties in establishing causal relationships to poor adher- ence, the use of
self-report to assess adherence that could foster under- or overestimating the rates of participants' adherence, and the small sample size. However,
self-reported adherence is a validated method to evaluate the proper use of antiretroviral drugs, despite some clear limitations.16 The use of a
biological marker (viral load) reduces the effect of inac- curate self-reported adherence levels. In addition, our results clearly pointed out to the
importance of a better evaluation of psychological aspects of women failing antiretroviral therapy due to non-adherence. Strategies to overcome
these barriers are urgently needed.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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prospective cohort study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016;95:e2525. 40. 513
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determinants of health-related quality of life of people living with 514
HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy at Udupi District, Southern India. 514

Int J Prev Med. 2014;5:203–9. 41. Tostes MA, Chalub M, Botega NJ. 515
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Int J Prev Med. 2014;5:203–9. 41. Tostes MA, Chalub M, Botega NJ. 520
The quality of life of 520
determinants of health-related quality of life of people living with
HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy at Udupi District, Southern India. 521
Int J Prev Med. 2014;5:203–9. 41. Tostes MA, Chalub M, Botega NJ. 521

The quality of life of 522

determinants of health-related quality of life of people living with 522
HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy at Udupi District, Southern India.
Int J Prev Med. 2014;5:203–9. 41. Tostes MA, Chalub M, Botega NJ. 523
The quality of life of
HIV-infected women is associated with psychiatric morbidity. AIDS 524
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HIV-infected women is associated with psychiatric morbidity. AIDS 525

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HIV-infected women is associated with psychiatric morbidity. AIDS
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depression symptoms as risk factors for non-adherence

Please cite this article in press as: Betancur MN, et al. Quality of life, anxiety and depression in patients with HIV/AIDS who present poor
BJID 736 1–8 adherence to
antiretroviral therapy: a cross-sectional study in Salvador, Brazil. Braz J Infect Dis. 2017.

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