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Pada unit ini peserta didik akan mempelajari dan diharapkan menguasai:

1. tindak tutur berterima kasih,

2. tindak tutur mengucapkan selamat,
3. berbagai teks narrative, baik lisan maupun tulisan,
4. teks lisan fungsional pendek: pengumuman (announcement),
5. teks tulis fungsional pendek: kartu ucapan selamat (congratulations card), serta
6. tata bahasa: causative verbs dan past perfect tense.


• Tindak tutur berterima kasih Teks narrative • Pengumuman (announcement)

• Tindak tutur mengucapkan lisan
terima kasih • Kartu ucapan selamat
(congratulations card)

• Percakapan yang memuat • Berbagai teks narrative lisan dan • Berbagai pengumuman lisan.
ungkapan berterima kasih dan tulis. • Berbagai kartu ucapan selamat.
mengucapkan selamat yang • Pemahaman terhadap tujuan • Praktik menyampaikan peng-
diperdengarkan. komunikatif, informasi rinci, dan umuman lisan.
• Praktik bercakap-cakap informasi tertentu teks narrative. • Praktik menulis kartu ucapan
menggunakan ungkapan • Praktik menyampaikan teks selamat dengan topik yang dekat
berterima kasih dan narrative dengan lafal, tekanan, dengan peserta didik.
mengucapkan selamat dalam dan intonasi yang benar.
konteks sehari-hari. • Praktik menulis teks narrative
dengan langkah retorika dan
struktur teks yang benar.

• Mampu bersikap sopan dan santun ketika berkomunikasi.

• Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama dan maksud ungkapan berterima kasih dan mengucapkan selamat dalam percakapan
yang diperdengarkan.
• Mampu mempraktikkan ungkapan berterima kasih dan mengucapkan selamat dalam konteks sehari-hari.
• Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama serta informasi rinci dan tertentu dari monolog narrative yang diperdengarkan.
• Mampu menyampaikan teks narrative secara lisan dengan lafal, tekanan, dan intonasi yang benar.
• Mampu mengungkapkan gambaran umum, informasi rinci, fungsi sosial, dan tujuan komunikatif teks narrative.
• Mampu menulis teks narrative dengan memperhatikan langkah retorika dan struktur teks yang benar.
• Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama dan informasi rinci pengumuman yang diperdengarkan.
• Mampu menyampaikan pengumuman dengan topik yang dekat dengan peserta didik.
• Mampu mengungkapkan gambaran umum, informasi rinci, fungsi sosial, dan tujuan komunikatif kartu ucapan selamat.
• Mampu menulis kartu ucapan selamat dengan topik yang dekat dengan peserta didik.

2 Narratives
1.1 Expressions
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
memberi soal berikut.

Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

Yoga and Maudy meet at the school gate.
Yoga : Maudy, did you participate in the school’s
(1) drama’s casting?
Maudy : Yes, I did.
Yoga : What was the result? Did you make it?
Maudy : Yes! And guess what! I will play (2) the main
A. Listen and complete the dialogs based on what you
Yoga : Will you? That’s great! Congratulations! I knew
have heard.
you (3) would succeed.
Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ Maudy : Thank you for your support.
Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Yoga : My pleasure. So, when will you begin practicing
Dialog 1 the drama?
Lita : I need to buy a new pair of sports shoes for the Maudy : Next week. We will do it (4) twice a week for
(1) cycling event next week. See, my shoes have three months. I hope I will be able to do it well.
been damaged. Would you (2) accompany me? Yoga : Certainly you will. Just (5) be optimistic.
Arnold : Sure, but actually there’s only a little damage. Your Maudy : You’re right. Thanks.
shoes are still in (3) good condition. Why don’t you
have your shoes repaired (4) at a cobbler’s? By doing Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik:
that, you won’t (5) spend as much. Yoga and Maudy meet at the school gate.
Lita : You’re right, but where can I (6) find a cobbler? Yoga : Maudy, did you participate in the school’s
Arnold : I usually have my shoes repaired at Pak Ari’s, located (1) ________________?
on Jalan Kemerdekaan. If you want, I can have them Maudy : Yes, I did.
repaired for you, as I’ll be going (7) pass the place. Yoga : What was the result? Did you make it?
Lita : Oh, you’re (8) very kind. Thank you. Maudy : Yes! And guess what! I will play
Arnold : Don’t mention it. (2) ________________!
Yoga : Will you? That’s great! Congratulations! I knew you
Dialog 2 (3) ________________.
Surya : (1) Congratulations! Finally, you’ve opened your own Maudy : Thank you for your support.
bookstore. By the way, how did you get (2) the idea of Yoga : My pleasure. So, when will you begin practicing the
having a bookstore? drama?
Inggrid : Well, I like reading. I am sad knowing that many Maudy : Next week. We will do it (4) ________________ for
children can’t gain much (3) knowledge because three months. I hope I will be able to do it well.
they don’t have money. So, I sell used books to help Yoga : Certainly you will. Just (5) ________________.
them. Maudy : You’re right. Thanks.
Surya : So, what if the children don’t have (4) enough money
to buy the books? Jawaban:
Inggrid : I will (5) reduce the price, or they can just borrow 1. drama’s casting 2. the main role
a similar book from my library. 3. would succeed 4. twice a week
Surya : Library? 5. be optimistic
Inggrid : Yes. Besides a book store, there is also a library.
Surya : I am really (6) amazed. You are very kind and B. Answer the following questions based on the dialogs
(7) creative. I wish you succes. in Task A.
Inggrid : Thank you.
Dialog 3 Dialog 1
Anna : Oh no, ants again .... Why are there so many ants? On the 1. A new pair of sports shoes.
table, in (1) the cupboard, even in glasses. 2. They have been damaged.
Shinta : Why don’t you use (2) special chalk for ants? 3. For a cycling event.
Anna : Chalk for ants? 4. The following week.
Shinta : Yeah, just draw a line using the chalk (3) around the 5. To accompany her to buy new sports shoes.
plate or glass containing food. I have (4) found it 6. She should have her shoes repaired.
effective. Let me give you some if you’d like to try. 7. At Pak Ari’s on Jalan Kemerdekaan.
(After getting some) Here you are. 8. Because he is willing to take Lita’s shoes for repair.
Anna : O.K., thanks.
Later that day .... Dialog 2
Anna : Shinta, I feel relieved now. Yeah, there are not so 1. Because she has opened her own bookstore.
many ants now. Thank you for giving me the chalk. 2. Many children can’t gain much knowledge, because they
It (5) really worked. don’t have enough money to buy books.
Shinta : You’re welcome. 3. She will reduce the price.
4. A library.
5. She is very kind and creative.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 3

Dialog 3
1. There are many ants in her house.
2. She should use special chalk for ants.
3. Yes, she does.
4. For giving her the chalk. A. Complete the following dialogs with the correct
5. It really worked. words from the boxes.
Dialog 1
C. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct
answer. a. the most difficult step b. more relaxed
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: c. don’t worry d. bravery
This dialog is for questions 1 to 3. e. wonderful f. encouraged me
Boy : Let me congratulate you on your success.
Girl : Success? What do you mean? Dian : Your speech was really (1) ________. You spoke
Boy : Didn’t you know? Your story is published in the magazine. English fluently. Congratulations!
Girl : Really? I haven’t read it yet. Etha : Thank you. At first I was really nervous, but after
Boy : Just have a look. speaking for a few minutes, I finally felt (2) ________.
Girl : You’re right. Thank you for the information. Dian : Yeah, (3) ________ is the beginning.
Etha : I think so. By the way, I learned from you.
Dian : From me?
1. B 2. D 3. A
Etha : Yes. You always spoke confidently before the class.
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: You have also always (4) ________ to be confident.
This dialog is for questions 4 to 8. Thank you.
Boy : I’m so sorry, Tia. I have invited you to go to the computer Dian : I am happy to hear that.
expo with Linda, Bayu and me by car. However, Linda’s Etha : I wonder what mark I will get.
little sister cried aloud and asked to join us. So, I have to Dian : Just (5) ________ about the mark. The important
cancel my invitation. point is, you were successful in overcoming your
Girl : Well, it is O.K. for me not to go with you, Ardi. nerves.
Boy : Thank you for your understanding.
Dialog 2
Girl : You’re welcome.
Jawaban: a. return it to you b. be taking my daughter
4. E 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B c. for informing me d. driver’s license
e. go to your house f. fell from your pocket

(Ring ... ring ...)

Mr Handi : Good morning. The Handis’ residence.
Mr. Harjono : Good morning. May I talk to Mr. Handi, please?
A. Complete the following dialogs with the correct words Mr. Handi : Yes, I am Handi. Who is this?
from the boxes. Mr. Harjono : I am Harjono. Did you lose your (1) ________,
Mr. Handi?
Jawaban: Mr. Handi : Yes, I lost it yesterday.
Dialog 1 Mr. Harjono : I found it on the street when I was jogging
1. e 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. c this morning. Perhaps it (2) ________.
Dialog 2 Mr. Handi : I think so. Oh, thank God. You have found it.
1. d 2. f 3. a 4. c 5. b I didn’t think I’d get it back. Thank you very
much (3) ________, Mr. Harjono. I will
B. Answer the following questions based on the dialogs (4) ________ now.
in Task A. Mr. Harjono : No, you don’t need to. I’ll (5) ________ to
school, so I will deliver it to your house.
Jawaban: Mr. Handi : O.K., then. I’ll wait for you. Once again, thank
Dialog 1 you very much.
1. For her engagement.
2. On the 15th next month. B. Answer the following questions based on the
3. Rendy Kusuma. dialogs in Task A.
4. They were schoolmates at senior high school.
Dialog 1
5. He is very kind-hearted.
1. What does Dian congratulate Etha for?
Dialog 2 2. What did Etha feel when delivering the speech, initially?
1. Fruit salad. 3. What is the most difficult according to Dian?
2. She says, “Thank you, my dearest son.” 4. According to Etha, how did Dian always speak before
3. Mrs. Ardini, Evan’s mother. the class?
4. Because he hasn’t eaten fruit salad for a long time. 5. What does Dian think about Etha’s mark?
5. To buy cheese and mayonnaise.
Dialog 2
1. What was lost?
2. What was Mr. Harjono’s aim of phoning Mr. Handi?
3. When did Mr. Harjono find the driver’s license?
4. Why doesn’t Mr. Handi need to go to Mr. Harjono’s
5. What does Mr. Handi say to express his gratitude?

4 Narratives
Jawaban: Your sister : Oh, you still remember it. Thank you very
Task A much.
Dialog 1 You : How could you finish reading the fifty
1. e 2. b 3. a 4. f 5. c books in a year?
Dialog 2 Your sister : Well, I tried to manage my time well and
1. d 2. f 3. c 4. e 5. b above all, the books are my favorites.

Task B 2. You : Oh, my shoes are damaged! What should

Dialog 1 I do? Would you accompany me to buy
1. For her wonderful speech. a pair?
2. She felt nervous. Your friend : Well, I have a pair you can try. Here they
3. The beginning. are.
4. Confidently. You : O.K. Let me try them. Hmm ... they really
5. Etha should not worry about it. fit me.
Your friend : O.K. Just wear them.
Dialog 2 You : Thank you very much. Without your help,
1. Mr. Handi’s driver’s license. I don’t know what would have happened.
2. To inform him that he had found Mr. Handi’s driver’s Your friend : Don’t mention it.
3. When he was jogging in the morning.
4. Mr. Harjono will deliver it to Mr. Handi’s house. D. Create a dialog using the expressions
5. He says, “Thank you very much for informing me, you have learned.
Mr. Harjono.” and “Once again, thank you very much.” Then, practice the dialog with a friend.
Contoh jawaban:
C. Create dialogs based on the following Lina : What are you doing?
situations. Rani : I am practicing English. We will perform an English
Then, practice the dialogs with a friend. drama next week.
Lina : It means that you have been chosen to perform.
Contoh jawaban:
1. You : I can’t see question number two clearly.
Rani : Thank you.
Would you like to read it for me, please?
Your friend : Sure. The question is “Can you find the
causative verbs in the dialog?”
You : Thanks a lot.
Your friend : No big deal. You should have your eyes
tested at the ophthalmologist. 1.2 Genre
You : Yeah. Thank you for your suggestion.
2. You : Hey… I must congratulate you. You have
overcome your acrophobia.
Your friend : Thank you so much for saying so.
You : I’m amazed to hear you reached the top of
a mountain.
Your friend : I’m glad you think so. You know, I have fought
my phobia for a long time. Thanks for being
You : That’s what friends are for. We will always
stand by and support you.
A. Match the words in column A with their suitable
meanings in column B.
You will hear the words in the text in Task B.
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru 1. g 2. j 3. c 4. f 5. b
memberi soal berikut. 6. a 7. h 8. l 9. e 10. d

1. Last year, your sister made a resolution to read several B. Listen and complete the text based on what you have
books. She succeeded with her resolution. So, you heard.
congratulate her. What would the two of you say?
2. You need a pair of sports shoes for a running event Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban:
tomorrow. However, your shoes are damaged. Your Once upon a time, a mouse, a bird and a sausage became
friend offers to lend you his. They fit your feet. What (1) companions. They kept house together, lived well and
would you say? How would your friend respond to it? happily with each other and wonderfully increased their
possessions. The bird’s work was to fly into the forest daily and
Contoh jawaban: bring back wood. The mouse had to (2) carry water, light the fire
1. You : I should congratulate you on your and lay the table, but the sausage had to cook.
success. One day, the bird thought that he had worked harder than
Your sister : Success? the other two friends. So, he would not go into the wood
You : Yes. You have finished reading all the anymore, saying that he had been (3) a servant long enough. He
books, right? That was what you said you insisted that they must change about for once and try to arrange
would do for your new year’s resolution. things another way. Though the mouse and the sausage also

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 5

(4) begged most earnestly, the bird insisted and said it must be
tried. They cast lots about it and the lot fell on the sausage who Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik:
was to carry wood, the mouse had to cook and the bird was to Hello, everyone. I have a (1) ________________ story.
fetch water. It is the legend of the Sleeping Ute Mountain. Here is the
What happened? The little sausage went out towards the story.
wood, the little bird lit the fire, the mouse stayed by the pot and In the days of yore, Sleeping Ute Mountain was a Great
(5) waited alone until little sausage came home and brought Warrior God. He helped fight against the Evil Ones who were
wood for the next day. However, the little sausage stayed so long causing (2) ________________.
on the road that they both feared something was amiss and the Soon a tremendous battle between the Great Warrior
bird flew out a little way to meet him. Not far off, however, he met God and the Evil Ones followed. As they stepped hard upon
a dog that (6) had eaten the sausage. The bird got angry with the earth and braced themselves to fight, their feet
the dog, but could not do anything. (3) ________________ into mountains and valleys.
Then, the bird sadly (7) picked up the wood, flew home and Unfortunately, the Great Warrior God was hurt, so he
related what he had seen and heard. The bird therefore laid the (4) ________________ and fell into a deep sleep. The blood
cloth and the mouse would prepare the food. The mouse got into from his wound turned into (5) ________________ for all
the pot as the sausage used to do and roll and creep among the creatures to drink. According to the Ute Indians, when the fog
vegetables to mix them. However, before she got into the midst or clouds settle over Sleeping Warrior God, it is a sign that he
of them, she was stopped and lost (8) her skin, hair and life in is changing (6) ________________ for the four seasons.
the attempt. When the Indians see the light green blanket over their
When the bird came to pick up the dinner, no cook was “God”, they know it is spring. The (7) ________________
there. In its distress the bird threw the wood here and there, blanket is summer, the yellow and red one is fall and the
called and searched, but no cook was to be found! Due to his white one is winter.
(9) carelessness the wood caught fire and the conflagration The Indians also believe that when
ensued. The bird (10) hastened to fetch water, but the bucket (8) ________________ gather on the highest peak, the Great
dropped from his claws into the well. Then, he fell down with it, Warrior God is pleased with his people and allows rain clouds
could not recover himself and had to drown there. slip from (9) ________________. They also believe that the Great
Adopted from: (August 6, 2015)
Warrior God will (10) ________________ to help them in the
fight against their enemies.
Adopted from: (September 15, 2015)

1. very interesting 2. much trouble
3. pushed the land 4. lay down to rest
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru 5. living water 6. his blankets
memberi soal berikut. 7. dark green 8. the clouds
9. his pockets 10. rise again
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Hello, everyone. I have a (1) very interesting story.
It is the legend of the Sleeping Ute Mountain. Here is the C. Answer the following questions based on the text in
story. Task B.
In the days of yore, Sleeping Ute Mountain was
a Great Warrior God. He helped fight against the Evil Jawaban:
Ones who were causing (2) much trouble. 1. They were companions.
Soon a tremendous battle between the Great Warrior 2. To fly into the forest daily and bring back wood.
God and the Evil Ones followed. As they stepped hard 3. It had worked harder than the other two friends.
upon the earth and braced themselves to fight, their feet 4. To change about for once.
(3) pushed the land into mountains and valleys. 5. By casting lots.
Unfortunately, the Great Warrior God was hurt, so he 6. The mouse.
(4) lay down to rest and fell into a deep sleep. The blood 7. A dog.
from his wound turned into (5) living water for all 8. It drowned in the well.
creatures to drink. According to the Ute Indians, when the
fog or clouds settle over Sleeping Warrior God, it is a sign D. Find the meanings of the following words.
that he is changing (6) his blankets for the four seasons. You will hear the words in the text in Task E.
When the Indians see the light green blanket over their Jawaban:
“God”, they know it is spring. The (7) dark green blanket is 1. musafir, pengelana
summer, the yellow and red one is fall and the white one 2. kosong, gundul
is winter. 3. amat panas
The Indians also believe that when (8) the clouds 4. daun-daunan
gather on the highest peak, the Great Warrior God is 5. naungan, tempat berteduh
pleased with his people and allows rain clouds slip from 6. teman
(9) his pockets. They also believe that the Great Warrior 7. kemarahan
God will (10) rise again to help them in the fight against 8. memaki
their enemies. 9. tidak tahu berterima kasih
Adopted from: (September 15,
10. orang yang malas dan tidak punya keahlian

6 Narratives
Text 2
1. To look for food to eat.
2. Into a large-drum full of milk.
3. Because it gave up and didn’t try to survive.
Complete the following sentences with the suitable 4. It kept moving its legs.
words from Task D. 5. The creamy layer.
1. The bear asked a fox to be his ____________ on the
2. Now, it is raining heavily. We should find a ____________.
3. “I didn’t cheat you!” shouted the man with ____________.
4. The young man succeeded in changing the
____________ land into a productive one. A. Complete the texts with the correct words or
5. The girl’s friends had helped her a lot, but she still phrases from the boxes.
behaved badly to them. She was really ____________. Then, present the texts before the class, in turns.
Jawaban: Text 1
1. companion 2. shelter
3. indignation 4. bare a. the miser’s habit b. place a stone
5. ungrateful c. her friends d. lost jewelry
e. stole the jewelry f. worked very hard
g. her sweat h. cry aloud
E. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct i. the slightest use j. anxious to wear it
answer. k. honest l. on the miser’s lap

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: A miser (1) ________ and bought expensive golden
One day, two travelers were walking along a bare and dusty jewelry, which she put in her bag. She was very proud of the
road in the heat of a summer’s day. They approached a big tree jewelry, but was afraid of wearing it in case (2) ________
and joyfully turned aside to shelter under it, from the burning rays damaged the jewelry. She just showed it to (3) ________
of the sun. As they rested, one of them looked up into the tree every time she met them.
and remarked to his companion, “What a useless tree it is! It One of her friends didn’t like (4) ________. So, she
bears no fruit and is of no service to man at all.” The tree decided to teach her a lesson. She observed where the miser
interrupted him with indignation. “You ungrateful creature!” it usually put her bag and (5) ________.
cried, “you come and take shelter under me from the scorching When the miser noticed that her bag was empty, she
sun and then, whilst enjoying the cool shade of my foliage, you began to (6) ________. The news about the (7) ________
abuse me and call me good for nothing!” soon spread around the neighborhood.
Adapted from: (August 14, 2015) One day, the friend who had taken the jewelry visited the
Jawaban: miser and said, “Do not be sad, but (8) ________ in your bag
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B and pretend as if the jewelry was still there. It will be just the
5. E 6. A 7. C 8. C same; for when the jewelry was there, you felt (9) ________,
but just showed it to your friends and made them jealous of
The miser cried louder and louder, but then, the friend
took the jewelry from her pocket and put it (10) ________.
Adapted from: (August 19, 2015)

A. Complete the texts with the correct words from the Text 2
Then, present the texts before the class, in turns. a. a wedding gift b. crept up c. a trick
d. was hidden e. wondered f. old age
g. could not see h. fell in love i. kindness
Text 1
j. wicked
1. j 2. f 3. e 4. b 5. c
6. k 7. a 8. h 9. i 10. l Zeus, the chief God, didn’t like a man named
Text 2 Epimetheus, so he planned (1) ________ for him.
1. g 2. j 3. i 4. c He introduced Epimetheus to a beautiful woman named
5. a 6. d 7. h 8. f Pandora and suggested that Epimetheus marry her.
Epimetheus (2) ________ with Pandora and agreed to marry
B. Answer the following questions based on the texts in her. Zeus, pleased that his trick was working, gave Pandora
Task A. a beautiful box for (3) ________. There was one condition
however, she must never open the box.
For a while they were very happy. Pandora often
Text 1
(4) ________ what was in the box, but she was never left it
1. With his wife and two children.
alone so she never opened it. Gradually over a while she
2. They were indeed quite well-off.
began to wonder more and more what was in the box. She
3. Their hen laid golden eggs.
could not understand why a person would send her a box if
4. Because he wasn’t satisfied with one golden egg a day and
she (5) ________ what was in it. It became very important to
wanted to get all the golden eggs simultaneously.
find out what (6) ________ there.
5. He caught hold of the hen, took a sharp knife, chopped off
Finally, she could stand it no longer. One day when
its neck and cut it open.
everyone was out, she (7) ________ to the box, took the
6. Only blood.
huge key, fitted it carefully into the lock and opened it. She
7. Because he could not even get a single egg.
lifted the lid to peep in, but before she realized it, the room
8. His life was miserable.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 7

was filled with terrible objects: disease, despair, malice,
greed, (8) ________, death, hatred, violence, cruelty and
war. She slammed the lid down and turned the key again,
keeping only the spirit of hope inside.
A. Match the words in column A with their suitable
To this day occasionally when objects are really bad, the
meanings in column B.
only object we have left is hope.
You will read the words in Task B and C.
Adapted from: (August 11,
B. Answer the following questions based on the texts 1. g 2. c 3. j 4. a 5. k
in Task A. 6. b 7. h 8. d 9. f 10. i
Text 1
B. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
1. What did the miser do to buy jewelry?
2. What did the miser do with her jewelry? Jawaban:
3. Why was she afraid of wearing it? 1. D 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. B
4. Who stole the miser’s jewelry? 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A
5. Why did she steal it?
6. What did the friend advise the miser to do? C. Complete the following text with the correct words
7. Why did the friend think the stone would feel the same from the box.
to the miser?
8. What did the friend do finally? Jawaban:
1. g 2. l 3. b 4. j 5. a
Text 2
6. i 7. h 8. e 9. d 10. k
1. What did Zeus suggest Epimetheus should do?
2. Who gave Pandora a beautiful box?
D. Answer the following questions based on the text in
3. What was the condition on getting the gift?
Task C.
4. What happened when Pandora opened the gift?
5. What was kept inside the box at last? Jawaban:
Jawaban: 1. He taught Jaka Pandelegan.
Task A 2. After they left Kiai Gede Penanggungan’s house and lived
Text 1 on their own.
1. f 2. g 3. c 4. a 5. e 3. A pari seed.
6. h 7. d 8. b 9. j 10. I 4. They mustn’t be arrogant when they were rich.
5. To ask for pari seed.
Text 2
6. He decided to visit Jaka and Dewi.
1. c 2. h 3. a 4. e
7. He ignored Kiai Gede Penanggungan.
5. g 6. d 7. b 8. f
8. He was really angry.
Task B 9. It is ‘unbelievable’.
Text 1 10. They were transformed into temples.
1. She worked very hard.
2. She showed it to her friends every time she met them.
3. She was afraid that her sweat damaged the jewelry.
4. One of the miser’s friends.
5. To teach the miser a lesson.
6. To place a stone in her bag and pretend as if the jewelry A. Match the words in column A with their suitable
was still in the bag. meanings in column B.
7. Because when the jewelry was in the miser’s bag, she You will read the words in Task B and C.
felt anxious to wear it, but just showed it to her friends
and made them jealous of her. A B
8. She took the jewelry from her pocket and put it on the
miser’s lap. 1. to protect a. a person who fights in battle
2. intruder b. to gain control
Text 2
3. warrior c. a person who is owned by
1. He should marry Pandora.
4. to sneak another person and forced to
2. Zeus.
5. to get over work for them
3. Pandora should never open it.
6. slave d. to make sure that an object is
4. The room was filled with terrible objects.
7. to give up not harmed
5. The spirit of hope.
8. magnificent e. very interesting and impressive
9. to drag f. to stop trying
C. Tell your friends a fable you create yourself. 10. to count g. to calculate
h. to pull an object along with
Contoh jawaban: great effort and difficulty
A long time ago, the cockerel could sing very beautifully. It i. a person who enters a building
always sang in the morning, in the afternoon and at night. People without permission
loved to hear its voice. However, one day, it had a sore throat. j. to go quietly and secretly in the
The cat pretended to be a doctor and gave it medication which direction specified
made its condition worse. The cat planned to have the cockerel
as its prey. Luckily, the cockerel’s friend, the hen, knew this trick
and gave it certain vegetables to save its life. The cockerel’s life
was saved, but not its voice. It became embarrassed and it never
sang anymore. It only crowed in the morning, to wake people up.

8 Narratives
B. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. 7. How many people would hide in the horse?
The Legend of the Trojan Horse A. Ten.
B. Twenty.
Part 1 C. Thirty.
A long time ago, there was an ancient city named Troy. D. Forty.
Troy was located on the coast of Asia, across the sea from E. Fifty.
the Greek city-state of Sparta.
In those days, people used to build walls around their 8. What was the task of the men hidden inside the horse?
city to help protect them. The people built gates in the walls. A. To steal the Trojan soldiers’ equipment.
The gates could be opened to let people enter the city. In B. To disguise as the Trojan soldiers.
times of war, the gates could be closed and locked to stop C. To kill the Trojan people.
intruders from getting in. D. To destroy the Trojan’s walls.
Along the walls, inside of the city, a set of stairs wound E. To open the Trojan’s gate.
up to the top. Warriors could stand at the top of the stairs and
shoot arrows down at intruders who were trying to get inside 9. What was the aim of giving a gift to Troy?
the city. There were also holes built high in the wall. Archers A. To offer help.
could shoot arrows through the holes as well. B. To announce the end of the war.
The walls around Troy were very high and very strong. C. To announce that the sender needed help.
For ten years, the Greeks had been trying to get over the D. To show that a person was willing to sacrifice.
walls around the city of Troy, but they could not. The Trojans E. To show willingness to discuss the solution of
could not drive the Greeks away. Year after year they fought a lengthy war.
and neither side won. 10. “One day, a Greek general, Odysseus, had
One day, a Greek general, Odysseus, had a clever idea. a clever idea.” (Paragraph 5)
“Let’s pretend to sail away,” he suggested. “We’ll leave a gift The synonym of ‘clever’ is ________.
for Troy, a gift to announce the end of the war, a wooden A. funny
horse with 30 men hidden inside. At night, these men can B. cheeky
sneak out and open the gate of Troy!” That was the way it C. truthful
was done back then. When you admitted defeat, you D. witty
presented a gift. It could be a gift of money, art, slaves, E. trustworthy
anything really. It made sense to leave a gift of art. The
Greeks were famous for their art. C. Complete the following text with the correct words
Adopted from: (August 25, 2015) or phrases from the box.
1. What is the purpose of the text? The Legend of the Trojan Horse
A. To describe a process step by step. Part 2
B. To tell people about the news of the day.
C. To talk about a particular place. a. a reminder b. a sad fate c. to display
D. To describe an object in general. d. pretended e. exhausted f. opened
E. To entertain the readers. g. craftsmen h. their bragging i. dragged
j. magnificent
2. What is paragraph two about?
A. The stairs on the walls. The Greeks thought it was a brilliant idea. They had their
B. The gift for Troy. best (1) ________ build the horse. It was a (2) ________
C. How ancient people fought. horse. When it was ready, the Greeks brought the huge
D. What ancient walls were like. wooden horse as close to Troy’s city gates as they could,
E. The walls around Troy. without being hit by arrows. The Greeks (3) ________ to sail
3. What were built winding up on the walls? away.
A. Gates. B. Stairs. When the Trojan archers at the top of the stairs saw the
C. Stupas. D. Holes. Greeks leaving, they could not believe their eyes. Were the
E. Tower. Greeks giving up at last? Had the Trojans won the war? It
certainly appeared so! The Trojans (4) ________ the horse
4. What was the function of the holes on the walls? inside their city and closed the gates.
A. To observe enemies’ activity. Several people wanted to burn the horse, which would
B. To send letters through them. have been (5) ________ for the Greek soldiers hidden inside.
C. To shoot arrows through them. However, the Trojan people said, “No! It’s too beautiful! We’ll
D. To help people climb the walls. keep it forever as (6) ________ of our victory!” (The Greeks
E. As windows for soldiers living upstairs. had counted on that reaction. The Greeks might be famous
for their art, but the Trojans were famous for (7) ________.
5. How long had the Trojans fought against the Greeks?
The Greeks were sure that the Trojans would want
A. Ten weeks.
(8) ________ the magnificent horse. Sure enough, that’s
B. Ten months.
exactly what happened, or so legend says.)
C. Ten years.
That night, while the Trojan people slept soundly,
D. Twenty years.
(9) ________ from their celebrations, the 30 Greek soldiers
E. Fifty years.
hidden inside the wooden horse climbed out and
6. What was Odysseus’ idea? (10) ________ the gates of Troy and let the Greek army
A. To destroy the walls Troy city. inside. That was the end of Troy.
B. To pretend to sail away and give a gift for Troy. There is an old saying, one still used today–Beware of
C. To add numbers of people in the army. Greeks bearing gifts! That old saying refers to the legend of
D. To make a wooden horse for each family. the Trojan Horse.
E. To make a wooden horse for each Trojan soldier. Adopted from: (August 25, 2015)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 9

D. Answer the following questions based on the text in Task C
Task C. 1. g 2. j 3. d 4. i 5. b
1. What was the horse like? 6. a 7. h 8. c 9. e 10. f
2. What did the Trojans think about what the Greeks had Task D
done by giving the wooden horse? 1. It was magnificent and made of wood.
3. Where did the Greeks place the horse? 2. They thought the Greeks had given up.
4. Where did the Trojans drag the horse? 3. Close to Troy’s city gates.
5. What did the Trojans do with the wooden horse? 4. Inside their city.
6. Why did they do that? 5. They displayed it.
7. Did the hidden men accomplish the mission? 6. The horse became a reminder of their victory.
8. What were the Trojans famous for? 7. Yes, they did.
9. When did the Greeks beat the Trojans? 8. They were famous for their bragging.
10. What does the saying “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” 9. When the Trojans slept soundly at night.
refer to? 10. The legend of the Trojan Horse.
Task A
1. d 2. i 3. a 4. j 5. b E. Make sentences using the available words.
6. c 7. f 8. e 9. h 10. g Use past perfect tense.
Number one has been done for you.
Task B
1. E. Teks tersebut merupakan teks narrative. Jadi, Contoh jawaban:
tujuan teks tersebut yaitu menghibur pembaca, 2. Father had forgiven me before I had explained all of the
sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (E). matter.
2. E. Pikiran utama paragraf dua disimpulkan dari 3. Dian had checked the tire before he started riding his bicycle.
kalimat awal paragraf, yaitu ”In those days, people 4. Rama returned the books after he had finished doing his
used to build walls around their city to help protect assignment.
them.”. Jadi, jawabannya yaitu dinding yang 5. I had had dinner when my father arrived home.
dibangun mengelilingi kota Troy, sesuai dengan 6. Putri had locked the door before she left home.
pilihan jawaban (E). 7. They had a rest after they had walked for a mile.
3. B. Pilihan jawaban (B) benar karena sesuai dengan 8. I had arrived at the airport before your plane landed.
kalimat di paragraf tiga, ”... a set of stairs wound up 9. Mr. Budiman had bought a house before he got married.
to the top.”. Jadi, yang dibuat berkelok ke atas yaitu 10. I sent the application letter after you had told me about the
tangga (stairs). job vacancy.
4. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar karena sesuai dengan
kalimat-kalimat terakhir di paragraf tiga, ”There
were also holes built high in the walls. Archers
could shoot arrows through the holes as well.”. Jadi,
fungsi lubang itu untuk menembakkan anak panah.
5. C. Dalam paragraf empat terdapat kalimat ”For ten Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
years, the Greeks had been trying to get over the memberi soal berikut.
walls around the city of Troy, but they could not.”. 1. have breakfast – go to school
Jadi, Yunani dan Troya sudah berperang selama Answer: We had had breakfast before we went to school.
sepuluh tahun, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (C). 2. write down the questions – answer them correctly
6. B. Di paragraf lima terdapat kalimat ”One day, a Greek 3. lock the drawer – leave the room
general, Odysseus, had a tricky idea. ’Let’s pretend 4. move to another town – an earthquake destroy the house
to sail away,’ he suggested. ’We’ll leave a gift for 5. write a note – leave home
Troy, ....’”. Jadi, Odysseus mengusulkan bahwa 6. prepare well – the enemy arrive
sebaiknya mereka berpura-pura pergi berlayar jauh 7. clean the blackboard – the class begin
dari tempat itu dan memberikan sebuah hadiah 8. finish homework – watch a film
untuk orang-orang Troya, sesuai dengan pilihan 9. pass the message – die
jawaban (B). 10. discuss with parents – quit a job
7. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar karena sesuai dengan
Contoh jawaban:
kalimat Odysseus di paragraf lima, ”... a wooden horse
2. After Candra had written down the questions, he
with 30 men hidden inside.”.
answered them correctly.
8. E. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf lima,
3. The man had locked the drawer when he left the room.
”... a wooden horse with 30 men hidden inside.
4. The family moved to another town because an earthquake
At night, these men can sneak out and open the
had destroyed their house.
gate of Troy!”. Jadi, tugas para laki-laki di dalam
5. Sita had written a note before she left home.
kuda kayu itu yaitu membuka pintu gerbang Troya.
6. The soldiers had prepared themselves well when the
Pilihan jawaban (E) benar.
enemy arrived.
9. B. Pilihan jawaban (B) benar karena sesuai dengan
7. Rika had cleaned the blackboard before the class
kalimat di paragraf lima, ”We’ll leave a gift for Troy,
a gift to announce the end of the war ....”. Jadi,
8. I had finished my homework before I watched a film.
pemberian itu sebagai tanda menyerah.
9. The king had passed the message to his son before he
10. D. Kata ’clever’ artinya pintar. Kata ini sama artinya
dengan ’witty’, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (D).
10. Laila had discussed with her parents before she quit
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena maknanya
her job.
berbeda; (A) artinya lucu, (B) artinya bermuka
tebal, (C) artinya jujur, dan (E) artinya terpercaya.

10 Narratives
F. Complete the following sentences with your own 2. Biwar then came to his mother and told her about
words. the death of the dragon. The next day, he built a boat
Contoh jawaban: and set sail to return to the village. When they arrived at
1. practice more the village, all the people were happy to hear the news
2. save the money in the bank about the dragon’s death. Thanks to Biwar, they were
3. peeled not afraid to sail on the river anymore.
4. utilize new teaching methods 3. One day, the people from the village of Mimika were
5. fetch the medicine very busy. They prepared twelve boats and set off on
6. to attend the party a journey to find sago (traditional food of the people of
7. watered Papua). After three days, their boats were filled with sago.
8. stop doing their activities However, on their way back to the village, they were
9. to have lunch together attacked by a dragon. The dragon’s tail caused a big wave
10. polished in the river. Most of the villagers were drowned, but there
was a woman who managed to save herself. She was
hanging on to a tree log and arrived on land.
4. Biwar then decided to hunt the dragon so that he
and his mother could go back to the village. He set traps
near the river. Then, he made noise by playing the tifa
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru (traditional drums). Attracted by the noise, the dragon
memberi soal berikut. came to Biwar. When the dragon started to attack, Biwar
1. The governor made the area pulled the rope that linked his traps, releasing spears
_________________________. that hit the dragon’s head directly. The dragon died
2. Mirna got her mother _________________________. instantly.
3. I had my dress _________________________. 5. The woman was the only survivor from the incident.
4. Mr. Thamrin had his room _________________________. She was pregnant. Her boat was broken, so she couldn’t
5. The teacher made the students go back to the village. The woman then lived in the
_________________________. forest near the river. Later she gave birth to a son. She
6. The sales girl got the woman named her son Biwar. He grew up to be a skillful hunter.
_________________________. He could make various weapons, set traps to catch
7. Seeing the poor old woman always makes me animals and provide sufficient food for his mother and
_________________________. himself.
8. The chef prepared the order to be Adopted from:
_________________________. 20folklore_Papua_Biwar%20and%20the %20Dragon.htm (October 16, 2011)

9. The police made the robber Jawaban:

_________________________. The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 3–5–1–4–2.
10. Mr. John managed to get the seller
H. Answer the following questions based on the text in
Contoh jawaban: Task G.
1. clear of vehicles 2. to buy her sandwiches
3. sewn 4. cleaned Jawaban:
5. memorize the words 6. to buy her product 1. In a remote village in ancient Gorontalo.
7. cry 8. delivered soon 2. He dreamt that he was given a large piece of rattan called
9. surrender 10. reduce the price of the house “Hutiya Mala”.
3. Seven.
4. They stopped bathing and got out of water to fetch their
G. Arrange the following paragraphs to form selendangs and flew to the heaven.
a sequential text. 5. Because she could not find her selendang so she could not
Start from number 5. fly to the heaven.
6. Because Lahilote refuse to take her with him.
Jawaban: 7. She wandered around the house.
The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 5–2–7–3–1–6–4. 8. A wise Polahi (a certain tribe living in the forest) man.
9. Soon she sprang up and dashed away from her startled
10. Because no one with graying hair was allowed to live in heaven.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru

memberi soal berikut.
Biwar and the Dragon
1. One day he brought fish for their food. When his A. Continue the following paragraphs
mother saw the fish, she asked where Biwar got it from. to form a good text.
He said it was from the river. The mother was still afraid
Contoh jawaban:
of the dragon, so she forbade Biwar to go near the river
again. She also told him about his father and the The Jackdaw and Its Borrowed Feathers
villagers that were killed by the dragon, “Your father was A Jackdaw risked flying over the garden of the King’s
killed by the dragon. I’m the only one who survived. palace. There it saw with much wonder and envy, a flock of royal
That’s why we live alone here, Son.” Peacocks in all the glory and splendour of their plumages.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 11

The black Jackdaw was not a very handsome bird, nor very
refined in manner, yet it imagined, to join the society of the The Cat didn’t believe it. “It is impossible. Ants could not
Peacocks. It needed a dress like theirs. So it picked up several drag such a big cake. If they could, they would need a long
castoff feathers of the Peacocks and stuck them among its own time.”
black plumes. “Oh, sorry. It was the fly who ate it.”
Dressed in its borrowed finery, it strutted loftily among the “It is impossible. Flies could not finish such a big cake,”
birds of its own kind. Then, it flew down into the garden among replied the Cat, in disbelief.
the Peacocks. However, they soon saw what it was. Being angry “Mm ... our neighbor, the goat. Yeah ... it was the goat
with the cheat, they flew at it, plucking away the borrowed that ate it.”
feathers and also several of its own. “You were at home all day, weren’t you?” shouted the
The poor Jackdaw returned sadly to its former companions. Cat, getting more angry. “You must know if the goat ate it.
There was another unpleasant surprise awaiting it. They had not Well, just tell me the truth. Where is the cake?”
forgotten its superior airs toward them. “I ... I ....” the Mouse didn’t finish its sentence, but ran
Adopted from:
away. Since that time, the Cat always chased the Mouse to
THE_WHEELS (September 17, 2015) ask where the cake was.

B. Write a fable or a legend that you know.

Contoh jawaban:
Why a Bat Has Short Legs
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
memberi soal berikut. A long time ago, Killer-of-Enemies vowed to save its people
from the terror of monster eagles that roamed the skies and
Why the Mouse and the Cat Become Enemies carried off children. Killer-of-Enemies tricked one monster eagle
Many years ago, the Cat and the Mouse were friends. into carrying it up to the eagle nest on the cliff, where it killed the
They lived in a house. One day, the Cat brought a delicious monster eagle and its family. However, Killer-of-Enemies did not
chocolate cake. It said to the Mouse, “I will go to work. know how to get down from the cliff. Just then, it saw Old Woman
Please keep the cake well. We will eat the cake tonight.” Bat approaching.
The Mouse just put the cake on the table. When it was “Grandmother, help me. Take me down,” Killer-of-Enemies
going to wash the dishes, it passed the table where it had put asked. Old Woman Bat looked all around, but did not see it.
the cake. “Hmm ... it smells so good,” it said. “It must be Killer-of-Enemies called out again, again and again. Finally, Old
delicious.” Woman Bat saw it high in the eagle’s nest. It came over to the
________________________________________________________________________________________ cliff and began to climb.
________________________________________________________________________________________ “What are you doing here?” Old Woman Bat asked, when it
________________________________________________________________________________________ reached the top.
________________________________________________________________________________________ “A monster eagle carried me up here,” Killer-of-Enemies
said. “Please take me down.”
Contoh jawaban: “Climb in my basket,” Old Woman Bat said. Killer-of-
Why the Mouse and the Cat Become Enemies Enemies looked at the burden basket on Old Woman Bat’s back.
Its carrying strap was made of spider’s silk.
Many years ago, the Cat and the Mouse were friends.
“That strap is too fine,” Killer-of-Enemies said. “It will break
They lived in a house. One day, the Cat brought a delicious
and I shall fall.”
chocolate cake. It said to the Mouse, “I will go to work.
“Nonsense! I’ve carried a bighorn sheep in this basket,” Old
Please keep the cake well. We will eat the cake tonight.”
Woman Bat said. “Get in and close your eyes. If you look, we will
The Mouse just put the cake on the table. When it was
going to wash the dishes, it passed the table where it had put
Old Woman Bat clambered down the rock, singing a strange
the cake. “Hmm ... it smells so good,” it said. “It must be
song. Its burden basket swayed wildly from side to side. Killer-of-
Enemies thought the spider thread would surely break, so it
Then, the Mouse opened the box of the cake. “I will get
opened its eyes to look.
a share of the cake. So, it is not wrong to eat my share.”
As soon as Killer-of-Enemies opened its eyes, they both
Thinking about this, it ate a piece. “Yummy! It tasted so good!
crashed down from the cliff. Old Woman Bat landed first and
I guess I need a little more.”
broke its legs. Killer-of-Enemies fell on top of it and was safe. Old
Then, the Mouse cut another piece. It thought, “It is not
Woman Bat’s broken legs soon mended, but from that day on its
fair. Its share is much more than mine. I should cut again.”
legs were short.
The Mouse cut another piece, a big one, which it thought
Adopted from:
would make the division fair. Legs-Apache.html (August 11, 2015)
When the Mouse came to the place again, it thought,
“The Cat would not be satisfied by just eating a little like this,
so it is better for me to finish it up.”
In the evening, when the Cat came home, the Mouse
told it, “Honey, your cake was eaten by ants.”

12 Narratives
B. Answer the following questions based on the texts in
Task A.
1.3 Short Functional Texts: Jawaban:
Announcements and Congratulations Text 1
1. A teacher.
Cards 2. In April.
3. Eight.
4. Create a dress and a gown from old newspapers.
5. Two of the four girls.
6. A rice cooking competition.
7. Give the list of the students joining the competitions to
Mr. Raharja.
8. Before the end of the week.
Text 2
1. Yogyakarta Festival of the year.
2. Various clothes which characterize Yogyakarta.
3. Food and drinks which have become Yogya specialties over
A. Listen and complete the texts based on what you
the years.
have heard.
4. On the east and west parts of the building.
Teks-teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan 5. Ancient Yogya.
Text 1 C. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct
Attention, please. To celebrate Kartini Day, there will be answer.
some (1) competitions. Each class should send four girls to
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
create a dress and a gown from (2) old newspapers. Two of the
This text is for questions 1 to 3.
girls should do a (3) fashion show with the clothes. Besides, four
Starting this week, there will be a jogging before class on
boys from each class should join a rice cooking competition.
Fridays. It will start at 6 a.m. Please wear your sports kit. Due to
Each class captain has to give (4) the list of the students joining
this activity, the first class will start at 8 a.m. on every Friday.
the competitions to Mr. Raharja, at the end of (5) this week at
Thank you.
the latest. Thank you.
Text 2 1. B 2. C 3. E
Welcome to Yogyakarta Festival of the year. Please enjoy
your time here. On the (1) south part of the building, you can Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
find various (2) clothes which characterize Yogya, while on the This text is for questions 4 and 5.
east and west you can enjoy paintings which describe To celebrate our school anniversary, some teachers are
(3) ancient Yogya, soldiers’ equipment and (4) vehicles used in going to dance together in the hall. Let’s watch them. Mr. Harry,
the past. If you are hungry or thirsty, don’t worry. You can enjoy our principal, will also perform a stand-up comedy. So, don’t miss
food and drink, which have become Yogya (5) specialties over the event.
the years in the yard. Thank you. Jawaban:
4. B 5. A

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru

memberi soal berikut.
A. Complete the texts with the correct words from the
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: boxes.
Attention, please. There will be a (1) class meeting Jawaban:
soon. Several (2) competitions have been arranged for Text 1
you who are (3) keen on sports, such as soccer, volleyball, 1. b 2. g 3. e 4. a 5. d
basketball and badminton. You can also show your skills in
Text 2
speech and (4) singing contests, as well as a (5) painting
1. d 2. f 3. g 4. a 5. b
contest. Many prizes are waiting for all the winners.
B. Answer the following questions based on the texts in
Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik:
Task A.
Attention, please. There will be a (1) ________________
soon. Several (2) ________________ have been arranged for Jawaban:
you who are (3) ________________ on sports, such as Text 1
soccer, volleyball, basketball and badminton. You can also 1. At school.
show your skills in speech and (4) ________________, as 2. Safe water and sanitation resources.
well as a (5) ________________. Many prizes are waiting for 3. All students and teachers.
all the winners. 4. To their class captains.
Jawaban: 5. Before 9 a.m. this Saturday.
1. class meeting 2. competitions 3. keen
4. singing contests 5. painting contest

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 13

Text 2
1. Cultural tourism. Text 2
2. To improve the students’ cultural and historical knowledge. 1. A teacher.
3. All tenth graders. 2. A working bee.
4. Culture and history. 3. To clean and decorate classrooms.
5. They can visit the school website. 4. Bring cleaning equipment and items to decorate their
5. The cooperation, cleanliness and decoration.

C. Present an announcement about

an event held at school.
A. Complete the texts with the correct words from the
boxes. Contoh jawaban:
Text 1 For all members of the dance extra-curricular club, there will
be a welcoming dance for the governor next Wednesday. Please
a. celebrate b. entrepreneurship attend the final practice this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Thank you.
c. presence d. Congratulations
e. Welcome f. invite
g. important h. wishes

We should be happy because our friends Fanny, Tonny

and Metta have won the (1) ________ competition this year. A. Complete the following texts with the correct words
(2) ________, Fanny, Tonny and Metta! To (3) ________ the from the boxes.
victory, they will(4) ________ us to a party at Lezat
Restaurant on Saturday this week, at 1 p.m. We hope for your
(5) ________ at the party. Thank you.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik melengkapi teks
Text 2
berikut menggunakan kata-kata dalam kotak.
2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa peserta didik
a. cooperation b. decorate c. will be graded
membacakan jawabannya dengan tunjuk jari.
d. do the best e. Welcome f. working bee
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban-
g. important h. won
Attention, please. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi pujian dan balikan positif
There will be a (1) ________ tomorrow. The purpose is kepada peserta didik yang aktif berpartisipasi dan
to clean and (2) ________ your classrooms. All students senantiasa memotivasi peserta didik yang kurang aktif
should bring cleaning equipment such as brooms, dusters, agar aktif berpartisipasi.
cloths and materials to decorate your classrooms. Please
note that the activity (3) ________. The points scored will be Jawaban:
for (4) ________, cleanliness and decoration. So, Text 1
(5) ________ for your classrooms. 1. d 2. b 3. g 4. f 5. a
Text 2
B. Answer the following questions based on the texts 1. f 2. a 3. b 4. g 5. d
in Task A.
Text 3
Text 1 1. c 2. g 3. e 4. f 5. b
1. Who have won the competition?
2. What competition have they won? B. Answer the following questions based on the texts in
3. What do the winners invite their friends to? Task A.
4. When will the event be held?
5. Where will it be held? Jawaban:
Text 2 Text 1
1. Who may present the text? 1. To congratulate a person on his job promotion.
2. What is the announcement about? 2. A job promotion.
3. What is the purpose of the activity? 3. That Eza will reach the height of success.
4. What should the students do? Text 2
5. What will be marked? 1. When a person has a new home.
Jawaban: 2. Mutiara.
Task A Text 3
Text 1 1. To congratulate a person.
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. f 5. c 2. On a person’s achievement.
Text 2 3. Mrs. Diana, Andra’s class teacher.
1. f 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. d 4. Teacher and student.
5. That Andra always performs his best achievement.
Task B
Text 1
1. Fanny, Tonny and Metta.
2. The entrepreneurship competition.
3. To a party.
4. On Saturday this week, at 1 p.m.
5. At Lezat Restaurant.

14 Narratives
Text 2
1. When do we usually send such a card?
2. Who is the card’s sender?
A. Complete the texts with the correct words from the Text 3
boxes. 1. What is the purpose of the text?
Text 1 2. For what event should we send such a text?
3. Who is the sender of the card?
a. marriage b. united c. life 4. What is the sender’s advice?
d. Congratulations e. Children f. forever 5. What is supposed to be the effect following the advice?
g. bless h. dream
Task A
Dear Andrew and Julie, Text 1
1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. f
(1) ________ on being (2) ________ by God
Text 2
in a wonderful (3) ________!
1. b 2. e 3. c 4. f 5. d
Wishing you a joyful and blessed (4) ________.
Hope your love will last (5) ________. Text 3
1. e 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. f
Your happy sister,
Task B
Tiara Text 1
1. To congratulate a couple on their marriage.
2. On a wedding party.
Text 2 3. That the marriage will be joyful and blessed and that the
couple’s love will last forever.
a. look after b. family c. baby
d. happy e. bless f. make Text 2
g. cute h. birth 1. When a person has a new baby.
2. Liani’s co-workers (Ria, Anto and Saras).
Text 3
Dear Liani,
1. To congratulate a person.
So, there is a new member in your (1) ________. 2. On a person’s graduation.
Congratulations! 3. Aunt Mathilda.
May God (2) ________ the newborn (3) ________. 4. That Tiara will stay on the path she has started out and
May she always (4) ________ you proud and stay lovable and sweet.
(5) ________. 5. The years will bring her everything to make her life
Your co-workers,

Ria, Anto and Saras C. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Text 3
1. C 2. D 3. E 4. A 5. B
a. happiness b. full c. sweet
d. the path e. wishes f. bring
g. enormous h. studies

Tiara, Arrange the following sentences to form a good

congratulations card.
Best (1) ________ on your graduation.
Congratulations too!
● Dear Calista,
May you find great (2) ________
● You have been chosen to join the ASEAN student
in all you plan to do.
exchange program.
Stay on (3) ________ you’ve started out,
● Hopefully, you will gain valuable experience.
stay lovable and (4) ________
● Your beloved uncle and aunt
and the years will (5) ________ you
● Congratulations!
everything to make your life
Contoh jawaban:
Aunt Mathilda
Dear Calista,
Adopted from:
Graduation%20verses (August 11, 2015) Congratulations!
You have been chosen to join the ASEAN student
B. Answer the following questions based on the texts exchange program.
in Task A. Hopefully, you will gain valuable experience.
Text 1
Your beloved uncle and aunt
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. For what event should we send such a card?
3. What is the sender’s wish?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 15

2. Dear __________________,

Congratulations on being able to join

A. Complete the following cards with ______________________________________________
your own words. ______________________________________________

Your ___________,
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik menulis kartu
ucapan selamat dengan melengkapi kartu ucapan
selamat yang tersedia menggunakan kata-kata mereka
Contoh jawaban:
2. Setelah selesai menulis, peserta didik mengumpulkan 1. Dear Fanny,
kartu ucapan selamat yang dibuatnya kepada Bapak/Ibu
Guru. Congratulations on becoming the student of the year!
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengoreksi kartu ucapan selamat yang Your spirit truly inspires us.
dibuat peserta didik tersebut.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan positif kepada setiap Your cousins,
peserta didik.
Mia and Titi
Contoh jawaban:
2. Dear Anto,
1. Dear Nadia,
Congratulations on your success as the best editor of the Congratulations on being able to join a singing
year! audition!
Here is a big hug for your achievement. It has been a good achievement!
Hope you will be successful through to the last
Your best friend, round!

Abimanyu Your nephew and niece,

Andri and Ersa

2. Dear Bastian,
Congratulations on your occasion to join a stand-up
comedy contest! B. Write congratulations cards based on
You have performed your best. the following situations.
Wish you luck till the last round!
Contoh jawaban:
Your roommate,
1. My beloved brother,
Congratulations on your success opening the ‘smart-
This helps those who really need free education.
Hope your charity can improve their quality of education.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
memberi soal berikut. 2. Alynda,
1. Dear __________________, You have passed the brown belt test for taekwondo.
Congratulations on becoming
____________________ Fian

Your ___________,


16 Narratives
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
memberi soal berikut.
1. Suppose your relative has been successful in his/her
business. Write a congratulations card for him/her.
2. Suppose your little sister has achieved the best mark at
her school. Write a congratulations card for her.
Contoh jawaban:

1. Dear Uncle Andre,

Congratulations on your success running the online
May God always bless the store.

2. Nia,
You have got the best mark at school.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 17

Tape Script for Assesment

This dialog is for question 1.

Man : It seems you are very happy today.
Woman : Yeah, I am accepted as a part-time employee at I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
Intan company.
Man : Intan Company? It is such a good company, you
1. E 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D
know. Many people have tried hard to get a job there,
6. B 7. D 8. E 9. C 10. B
but failed. I must congratulate you on your success
11. D 12. D 13. A 14. D 15. C
16. D 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. E
Woman : Thank you.
Question: II. Write a story.
1. What does the man congratulate the woman for? Share your work with the class.
Contoh jawaban:
This dialog is for question 2.
The Reason Why the Family was Happy
Girl : You look unhealthy. Would you like me to buy medicine
for you? Once upon a time, there was a poor woodsman. He was
Man : No, thanks. If you are not busy, please make me a cup of always unhappy because he only had a son. He and his wife
hot coffee. always wanted a daughter like an angel, so they always prayed
Girl : Yes, Dad. Sure. to God.
Man : Thank you. I am happy to have a daughter like you. One day as he went along the forest to cut wood, he heard
a cry like a little child’s. Then, he followed the sound. When at
Question: last he looked up a tall tree, on one of the branches sat a very
2. What will the girl do? little child.
He thought, “This is the gift from God.” So the woodsman
This text is for questions 3 to 5. climbed up the high tree and took the little child down from the
On one hot summer day, Buck was so bored. He wanted to tree. He found that the baby was a pretty little girl. She looked
do something magical. “I wish I had a magic car!” Buck yelled. like an angel who he and his wife wanted. He said to himself,
Suddenly, a cool car appeared. Buck wanted to examine the “The baby will give happiness to my son and my family.”
car. When Buck got inside, a guy appeared on the screen. “May So he brought her to his cottage and both children grew up
I bring you something?” together. He was very happy because his desire was achieved.
“I’ll have a soda,” Buck said. The two children were so very fond of each other. They were
In two seconds, a soda appeared in the cup holder. Buck never happy except when they were together. So their family
suddenly found a button that said “FLY”. When Buck pushed the lived happily forever.
button, the car rose from the ground and started to fly. Adopted from: Woo Jin Shin, in
students/students_stories.html#jociene (September 23, 2015)
“Wait, I don’t have a driver’s license!” Buck yelled.
“That’s O.K.”, the guy on the screen told him. “This car can
drive itself.”
So Buck was flying everywhere. Whether it was Mexico,
Paris, the North Pole, anywhere!
However, at 5 p.m. when Buck landed the car and got out,
the car disappeared!
“Mom, I’m home!” Buck yelled.
“Oh Buck, it’s almost time for dinner!” his mother told him.
When they were at the table, Buck’s mom asked, “What did
you do today?” Buck just smiled.
Adopted from: Ian Bricker, The Magic Car, (August 25,
3. When did the story take place?
4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE based on the text?
5. When did Buck get out from the car?

18 Narratives
Tape Script for Review Unit I Version A However, the soldier was killed by an enemy. The woman was
very sad and didn’t want to eat or drink for weeks. So, she grew
thinner and thinner. One day, she went to a nearby river to calm
This dialog is for questions 1 and 2.
herself. There she saw some fish swimming here and there
Man : Congratulations, mate! You have won the door prize. happily. She thought, “The fish’s life might end in a frying pan, but
Woman : Thank you. they are still happy. Why should I suffer like this? My lover won’t
Man : What did you get? come back. All people must die some day. So, it is useless to be
Woman : An iron, thank God. You know, we needed a new one. sad every day thinking about him.”
Our old one is broken. By the way, thanks for your So, she went back home, started to eat and drink again and
information about the program. find a good job for herself.
Man : Don’t mention it. I am also happy you won it. Adapted from: (August 6,
1. What is the conversation about? Questions:
2. Why does the woman express her gratitude? 3. What made the woman sad?
4. When did she change her attitude?
This text is for questions 3 to 5. 5. Why did she change?
A long time ago, there was a beautiful young woman.
A soldier fell in love with her and promised to marry her.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 19

Review Unit I RAHASIA

Version A
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : 2 (dua)
Kelas : X Tanggal : ....

Nama Nomor Induk

Kelas Tanda Tangan

7. How long will the drama be?

I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
A. Five minutes. B. Ten minutes.
C. Fifteen minutes. D. Twenty minutes.
A. Listening Section
E. Twenty-five minutes.
1. A. An event.
8. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
B. A door prize.
A. Every class should join all the contests.
C. A plan to buy an iron.
B. The event is to celebrate the school’s anniversary.
D. Clothes to be ironed.
C. There should be five students participating in the drama.
E. The woman’s need.
D. The singing participants should be between two and
2. A. The man has given her an iron. five students from each class.
B. The man has repaired the woman’s iron. E. There should be three students participating in a stand-
C. The man has ironed the woman’s clothes. up comedy from each class.
D. The man has accompanied her buying an iron.
E. The man has told her about the program. This text is for questions 9 to 12.
Once upon a time, a ladybug noticed a house with a door
3. A. The soldier fell in love with another woman.
opening and a man was leaving the house, so the ladybug flew
B. The soldier didn’t want to marry her.
into the house. On its way in it almost bumped into a woman who
C. The soldier was fired from his job.
was heading out. The woman walked out the door and slammed
D. The soldier was killed by an enemy.
it shut. Oops, the ladybug was stuck inside!
E. The soldier disappeared suddenly.
The ladybug didn’t care at first. It looked around and
4. A. When she saw a few fish swimming in the river. explored. It flew into the kitchen where it nibbled on a few crumbs
B. When she was going to eat a few fish. it found on the table. It also licked a spot of maple syrup it found
C. When she saw a few fish in a market. on the table. Then, it flew to the bedroom and slept soundly.
D. When a person gave her a few fish. When the ladybug woke up, it was already night. It heard
E. When she was swimming in a river. the door slamming shut and saw the man and the woman
walking in. Then, it waited until they went to bed and fell asleep.
5. A. She understood that her lover’s life was happier. The ladybug decided to do an activity. It thought of a place
B. She realized that her lover would never come back. to hide where it wouldn’t be seen, but it also needed an object
C. The fish told her not to be sad. that the man or woman would take with them when they left the
D. She was forced to change by her mother. house.
E. She found another lover. Then, it noticed the man’s hat. “That would be a perfect
place,” it thought. “I can hide inside the hat. Hopefully he won’t
This is the end of the listening section wear his hat really hard and squash me.” Then, it crawled to the
topmost part of the hat and waited till the morning.
B. Reading Section The ladybug sighed with relief when the man took the hat
This text is for questions 6 to 8. and gently placed it on his head. Then, it realized. How was it
going to get out from under the hat unless the man took it off?
To explore your talent, there will be several contests for The ladybug wanted to return to its family. So, the ladybug
students. First, singing, between two and five students from each jumped on the man’s bald head and started tickling him on his
class. Then, a stand-up comedy, one or two people from each scalp. The man felt his head starting to itch and took his hat off
class. Finally, a short drama, with open numbers of participants, to scratch it. At that very moment the ladybug was ready and it
for about ten minutes. Each class should join at least one of the flew to freedom. “Free at last!” it cried. Then, it flew back home to
contests. For further information, please contact Ms. Inna. Thank its very worried family.
you. Adapted from: (August 18, 2015)
6. How many contests will be held? 9. What is the story about?
A. Two. A. A ladybug that caused chaos in a house.
B. Three. B. A ladybug that was trapped in a forest.
C. Four. C. A ladybug that was stuck in a house.
D. Five. D. A ladybug’s new home.
E. Six. E. A ladybug’s dream.

20 Narratives
10. When did the ladybug sleep? For questions 17 to 20, choose the correct words to
A. After the man and the woman arrived home. complete the text.
B. After it observed the house. The Frog and the Fox
C. After it found a perfect place to hide.
D. After it enjoyed the flowers in the yard. A frog was having a bath in a puddle in the middle of the
E. After it licked a little syrup in the kitchen. jungle. It appeared quite happy splashing about in the water.
A fox passing by asked contemptuously, “What are you
11. Where did ladybug hide to escape from the place? doing in the mud, you slimy creature? How can you get about
A. In the man’s hat. with a pair of short legs and one pair of extra long ones?”
B. In the woman’s hat. “You’d better watch out you with your hairy nose,” replied
C. In the man’s wallet. Frog. “I’m the (17) ________ frog in this whole jungle! I bet I’m
D. In the woman’s wallet. quicker than you. We’ll have a race to prove it.”
E. In the man’s clothes pocket. Fox couldn’t believe what it was hearing. “You? Quicker than
me? Very well, let’s have a race. Meet me at the guava tree,
12. How did the ladybug escape from the hiding place?
twelve o’clock sharp!”
A. It flew out when the man was opening the door.
They met at the appointed hour. Frog had brought along his
B. It tickled the man’s scalp.
friend, Duck. Duck had a very loud (18) ________, so it was
C. It tickled the man on his eye.
going to shout out the starting signal.
D. It crept on the man’s body.
They stood at the starting line, ready to dash off. Duck
E. It made its body thinner.
quacked the start signal and Fox started running. Frog, standing
on its hind legs, took one almighty leap and landed on Fox’s tail,
This text is for questions 13 and 14.
where it hung on. Fox was so concentrated on its running that
Dear Bob, it didn’t notice a thing.
After having sprinted as fast as it could for a few minutes,
Congratulations on being accepted as one of Fox stopped and turned round. It laughed. Frog was nowhere to
the employees of our company! be seen, it knew it had already won the race; all it had to do now
You have been chosen from hundreds of was saunter along at a gentle pace. All the time Frog was
other candidates and it has proven hanging on to Fox’s tail, unobserved.
that you are the best. The finish line approached and Fox (19) ________ to have a
I hope we can be mutual companions. little sprint, just for show. Just then, Frog flung itself onto Fox’s
back and standing on its hind legs, made another almightily terrific
jump. It landed over the finish line, just as Fox was about to cross
13. What is the purpose of the text? Frog jumped up and down. “I’ve won! I’ve won!”
A. To congratulate a new student. Fox was incandescent with rage. “You cheat! You slimy
B. To congratulate a new employee. spotty little cheat!”
C. To congratulate a new employer. Frog just laughed. “I was first to cross the line,” it said, “You
D. To congratulate the winner of a contest. lost!”
E. To congratulate a person who received a scholarship. Fox turned to Duck, but Duck (20) ________ that Frog was
the winner. “Frog won the race fair and square,” it quacked.
14. From the text we can conclude that ________.
From that time on, whenever a fox passes a frog, it lifts its tail
A. Bob is Amelia’s manager
up in the air!
B. Amelia is a failed applicant
C. Bob and Amelia work in the same company Frans Timmermans
D. Bob has become a manager because of Amelia’s Adopted from:
and-fox.html (September 23, 2015)
E. there are thousands of people who applied for a job in 17. A. fasts B. faster
the company C. fasted D. fast
E. fastest
15. Diana didn’t make the cake herself. She ________.
A. has her mother made it 18. A. skill B. quack
B. got to make it C. body D. sight
C. had it made E. hearing
D. got it to make
E. had her mother makes it 19. A. has decided B. deciding
C. decision D. decided
16. Ricko studied harder after he ________ in the physics test. E. decide
A. fails
B. had failed 20. A. agreed B. blamed
C. has failed C. caught D. denied
D. has been failing E. permitted
E. had been failed
II. Create a congratulations card.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 21

Kunci Review Unit I Version A Tape Script for Review Unit I Version B
I. Pilihan Ganda This dialog is for question 1.
1. B 11. A Man : How is your condition now?
2. E 12. B Woman : I feel better. Thank you for your suggestion that
3. D 13. B I should drink lemonade. It really worked.
4. A 14. C Question:
5. B 15. C 1. What does the woman do in the dialog?
6. B 16. B This dialog is for question 2.
7. B 17. E Woman : Hey, Tommy ... congratulations! You have been
8. D 18. B successful in reducing your weight.
9. C 19. D Man : Thank you. Now I feel healthier by reducing my meat
10. E 20. D
Woman : Well, I think it was such hard work for you.
II. Uraian Man : You’re right.

Contoh jawaban: Question:

2. Why does the woman congratulate the man?
To Desta
Congratulations, graduate! This text is for questions 3 to 5.
Wishing you all the best Once upon a time, Owl and Pigeon met and talked just like
for your future to come. folks.
Your best buddy, “There are more owls than pigeons in this wood,” boasted Owl.
Ron “No,” said Pigeon, “Many more pigeons. I challenge you to
a count!”
“Agreed,” responded Owl. “The big wood is a fine place.
Plenty of trees for everybody.”
“Fine. A week from today will have enough time to notify all
owls and pigeons,” Pigeon said.
On the day to count owls, the trees were full of owls.They
were sure there could not be as many pigeons. Owls were all
over the place.
Soon they heard a roar from the east, then a roar from the
south and roar from the north. Pigeons covered trees until
branches broke. Owls could not believe there could be that many
pigeons. They sat still moving their heads back and forth staring
with wide eyes. Pigeons kept coming.
Owls darted under the trees and flew away. Owls stared so
long and hard at pigeons. Their eyes just stayed that way.
Adopted from:
years/choctaw-childrens-legend/ (August 11, 2015)
3. What did the Owl think?
4. What is the text about?
5. What made the branches break?

22 Narratives
Review Unit I RAHASIA

Version B
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : 2 (dua)
Kelas : X Tanggal : ....

Nama Nomor Induk

Kelas Tanda Tangan

7. What is each member supposed to do?

I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
A. Save money at home.
B. Choose people to hold the activity.
A. Listening Section
C. Hand in money to the treasurer every week.
1. A. She offers an item. D. Enroll themselves as soon as possible.
B. She congratulates the man. E. Prepare equipment to do the activities.
C. She talks about her habit.
D. She suggests an action. This text is for questions 8 to 11.
E. She expresses gratitude. Pilandok and Sabandar
2. A. He could undergo a surgery.
B. He could eat more vegetables. A prankster, called Pilandok, tricked Prince Sumusong-sa-
C. He was successful in reducing his weight. Alongan into getting stung by bees until he almost died. Then,
D. He has become a vegetarian. a relative of Sumusong-sa-Alongan, named Sabandar, went out
E. He has been successful in avoiding junk food. searching for the man who had done this to the prince.
Sabandar came upon Pilandok as he was resting beneath
3. A. Owls were cleverer than pigeons. a tree with a large black python coiled around the branches.
B. Owls were stronger than pigeons. Sabandar asked if his name was Pilandok.
C. Humans liked owls more than pigeons. “I am Pilandok,” the prankster, he answered truthfully.
D. Owls were more beautiful than pigeons. Then, Sabandar said that he would kill him, because the
E. There were more owls than pigeons in the wood. man had almost killed his relative Sumusong-sa-Alongan.
4. A. Why owls stare. “No, wait,” Pilandok said. “In this town where
B. Why owls hate pigeons. I live, there are two Pilandoks. One is called Pilandok-from-
C. Why owls hunt at night. Upstream, and the other is Pilandok-from-Downstream. I am
D. Why pigeons have white fur. Pilandok-from-Downstream. The other Pilandok is blind in one
E. Why people prefer keeping pigeons to owls. eye and I am not.”
Sabandar was quiet. Yes, Sumusong-sa-Alongan had told
5. A. Hunters who tried to shoot the birds. him that the prankster he had encountered had one eye closed.
B. Owls that covered trees. This Pilandok-from-Downstream must be an honest man.
C. Pigeons that covered trees. “Tell me what you are doing beneath this tree, Pilandok-
D. Pigeons’ magical power. from-Downstream.”
E. Owls’ magical power. “Ah! well,” said Pilandok, “I am guarding the black belt of
a queen.”
This is the end of the listening section. Sabandar thought that the belt must be special indeed.
“Let me try on the belt, Pilandok,” Sabandar said.
B. Reading Section “No, the queen will be angry with me if I allow any man wear
her special belt,” Pilandok answered.
This text is for questions 6 and 7.
“Look, I’ll give you everything I have right now if only you will
Attention, please. Our organization will be three years old in let me try the belt on, Pilandok.”
July. During this period, we have had many more members and Pilandok pretended to think. After a while he said, “I’ll take
have won many journalistic competitions. To celebrate the success everything you have. However, mind you, you must not wear the
and to allow our members to get to know each other better, we belt until I am far away, for the queen’s guards might catch me
have planned to do refreshing activities such as going to beaches lending her special belt to a stranger.”
or mountainous areas and hold interesting activities there. Dealing Sabandar agreed to this. Pilandok took everything Sabandar
with this plan, I hope starting from this week we can collect had (which was a lot!) and ran away as fast as he could.
money, at least Rp3,000 per week. Please hand in the money to Sabandar took the sleeping python and wound it around his
our treasurer, Indrawati. Thank you. waist. The python, alarmed at being so rudely awakened, coiled
6. Which is NOT the purpose of the activities? itself tighter and tighter about Sabandar’s waist until he died.
A. To show the members’ talent. Then, it went up the tree again to sleep.
B. To celebrate the increase in memberships. Pilandok lived happily with all of Sabandar’s possessions.
Adopted from: (September 23,
C. To allow the members to get to know each other better. 2015)
D. To celebrate the organization’s anniversary.
E. To celebrate the organization’s victories in competitions.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 23

8. Why did Sabandar meet Pilandok? The cat went up to the children. The little girl said, “What
A. To trick him. a cute cat!” and started petting it. The cat said to itself, “I will not
B. To learn from him. bite the children.” Then, it went back home to the witch.
C. To take revenge. The witch was furious. It then mixed up a potion in her
D. To ask Pilandok to heal his relative. cauldron. She put frogs’ legs, frogs’ slime, spiders’ legs and ants
E. To ask Pilandok to return his possessions. in. Then, she gave it to the cat. The witch said, “Now go to that
house across the street. Sneak into the cabinets and steal all the
9. Where was the phyton? food. Then, bring it here.”
A. On Pilandok’s lap. So off the cat went. It arrived at the door of a very nice
B. Beside Pilandok. family. The mother picked up the cat and said, “Oh, how cute!”
C. At the top of the tree. She gave it a bowl of milk. Then, the father petted the cat and the
D. On the branches of a tree. children started playing with it.
E. On the ground not far from Pilandok. The cat purred. Then, it looked at the food in the cabinets.
10. Which of the following was what Pilandok said? It said to itself, “I will not steal the food from this nice family.” So it
A. He was blind. went back home to the witch.
B. There were three Pilandoks. The witch was furious! She said, “I will have to make
C. There was a phyton near him. a stronger spell!” So she mixed up a potent brew in her cauldron.
D. He was Pilandok-from-Upstream. First, she added spiders, then ants, bees, cockroaches,
E. Sabandar should not wear the belt until he was far away. mosquitoes, flies and bat’s hairs. She gave it to the cat and said,
“Now go to the house of those two old people and go look in their
11. What can we learn from the story? wallets. Then, steal all their money and bring it to me. Don’t fail
A. We must be humble. this time!”
B. We must not mind other people’s business. So off the cat went. It arrived at the door of an old couple.
C. We must be honest. They opened the door and let it in. The old lady said, “Oh, how
D. We must not harm other people. cute!” The old man gave it food and a bowl of milk. They were
E. We must be knowledgeable, so that people won’t cheat very nice to it. The cat purred and purred. This time, it also
us easily. decided not to steal anything from the couple. When it was about
to go back to the witch, it thought, “It is better for me to stay here.
This text is for questions 12 and 13. If I go back to the witch, she will just send me out somewhere
else to do mean tricks.” So the cat just stayed.
You met the challenge with determination, strength and total
The witch looked into her crystal ball. She saw that the cat
had no intention of coming home. The witch was furious again.
She went over to the old people’s house.
Adopted from:
The witch knocked on the door. When the old man
20verses (August 11, 2015) answered, the witch asked, “Do you have my cat?”
“Oh,” said the old man, “I thought it was a stray.”
12. What is the purpose of the text? So the old lady went upstairs to get the cat and handed it to
A. To wish a person luck. the witch. The cat scratched the witch and ran back upstairs.
B. To express sympathy. The old lady said, “I don’t think it wants to go home with
C. To celebrate a person’s success. you.”
D. To wish a person to get well soon. “Well, I am going to get it. I will make it come with me, or it
E. To encourage a person to act. will be very sorry,” said the witch.
13. “... with determination, strength and total confidence!” The old lady didn’t want the witch to go get the cat. She
The synonym of ‘determination’ is ________. knew if she threw water over the witch,
A. certainty it would melt her. She had a cup of tea in her hand, so she threw
B. awareness the tea over the witch and it melted her.
C. preference That was the end of the wicked witch.
D. commitment The cat lived happily ever after with the nice old couple.
E. improvement Adapted from: Elizabeth C. Stephens, The Cat and the Witch, in
witchcat.html (August 18, 2015)
14. Mrs. Sanders was very tired, so she got her husband 16. Where did the cat have to steal food?
________ the housework. A. At the house across the street.
A. do B. to do B. At a little boy and girl’s house.
C. doing D. did C. At an old couple’s house.
E. done D. At a young couple’s house.
15. Rani received a bad mark because she ________. E. At a teacher’s house.
A. has studied 17. How many times did the witch instruct the cat to do tasks?
B. hasn’t studied A. Two times. B. Three.
C. had studied C. Four. D. Five.
D. hadn’t studied E. Six
E. had been studied
18. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the cat?
This text is for questions 16 to 20. A. It asked people to fight the witch.
The Cat and the Witch B. It did what the witch had instructed it most of the time.
C. It would bite people, but not steal items from them.
Once upon a time there was a wicked witch. One day, the
D. Every time the witch ordered it to go, it would just stay
witch saw a stray cat walking down the street. She thought,
“I could take that cat to my house and make her play tricks on
E. Every time the witch instructed it to steal items, it didn’t
people.” She took the cat home. Then, she put a spell on it. She
do it.
told it to go bite a little girl and a little boy playing outside.

24 Narratives
19. What did the witch do to make the cat come back to her? 20. What did the old lady do to the witch?
A. She poisoned the cat. A. She threw a bottle of water on her.
B. She cast a spell to make the cat come back. B. She threw a cup of tea over her.
C. She visited the family with whom the cat stayed. C. She chased her away.
D. She poisoned the family with which the cat stayed. D. She tied her in her room.
E. She stole the cat from the family with which the cat E. She made the cat scratch her.
II. Create a congratulations card.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 25

Kunci Review Unit I Version B II. Uraian
Contoh jawaban:
I. Pilihan Ganda
1. E 11. E Dear Uncle,
2. C 12. C Congratulations! May you have joy with your new baby. May
3. E 13. D you also be given the patience and energy that you will need.
4. A 14. B Your beloved niece,
5. C 15. D
6. A 16. A
7. C 17. B
8. C 18. E
9. D 19. C
10. E 20. B

26 Narratives
Pada unit ini peserta didik akan mempelajari dan diharapkan menguasai:
1. tindak tutur memuji,
2. tindak tutur menyatakan rasa terkejut,
3. berbagai teks descriptive, baik lisan maupun tulis,
4. teks lisan fungsional pendek: iklan tempat,
5. teks tulis fungsional pendek: brosur/pamflet, serta
6. penggunaan will/be going to dan paired conjunctions.


• Tindak tutur memuji Teks descriptive • Iklan tempat

• Tindak tutur menyatakan rasa • Brosur/pamflet

• Percakapan yang memuat • Berbagai teks descriptive lisan • Berbagai iklan tempat lisan.
ungkapan memuji dan menyata- dan tulis. • Berbagai brosur/pamflet tulis.
kan rasa terkejut yang diper- • Pemahaman terhadap tujuan • Praktik menyampaikan iklan
dengarkan. komunikatif, informasi rinci, dan tempat lisan.
• Praktik bercakap-cakap meng- informasi ter tentu teks • Praktik menulis brosur/pamflet
gunakan ungkapan memuji dan descriptive. dengan topik yang dekat dengan
menyatakan rasa terkejut dalam • Praktik menyampaikan teks peserta didik.
konteks sehari-hari. descriptive dengan lafal,
tekanan, dan intonasi yang
• Praktik menulis teks descriptive
dengan langkah retorika dan
struktur teks yang benar.

• Mampu bersikap sopan dan santun ketika berkomunikasi.

• Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama dan maksud ungkapan memuji dan menyatakan rasa terkejut dalam percakapan
yang diperdengarkan.
• Mampu mempraktikkan ungkapan memuji dan menyatakan rasa terkejut dalam konteks sehari-hari.
• Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama serta informasi rinci dan tertentu dari monolog descriptive yang diperdengarkan.
• Mampu menyampaikan teks descriptive tentang benda, orang dan tempat secara lisan dengan lafal, tekanan, dan intonasi yang
• Mampu mengungkapkan gambaran utama, informasi rinci, dan tujuan komunikatif teks descriptive.
• Mampu menulis teks descriptive tentang benda, orang, dan tempat dengan langkah retorika dan struktur teks yang benar.
• Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama dan informasi rinci iklan tempat yang diperdengarkan.
• Mampu menyampaikan iklan tempat dengan topik yang dekat dengan peserta didik.
• Mampu mengungkapkan gambaran umum, informasi rinci, fungsi sosial, dan tujuan komunikatif brosur/pamflet.
• Mampu menulis brosur/pamflet dengan topik yang dekat dengan peserta didik.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 27

Dialog 2
The main idea is a free ticket to see David Cook’s concert, won
2.1 Expressions by a boy entering a voting system in an idol program.

C. Listen to the dialogs in Task B once again.

Then, answer the following questions based on what
you have heard.
Dialog 1
1. He said, ”Good effort! That was the most wonderful dance
I’ve ever seen.”
2. Young girls.
3. A bowl called bokor with flowers inside.
4. One year.
A. Match the words in column A with their correct 5. Moving her eyeballs here and there.
meanings in column B.
Dialog 2
You will hear the words in the text in Task B.
1. In Jakarta next month.
Jawaban: 2. He entered a voting system in an idol program, where there
1. d 2. g 3. h 4. a were five lucky callers chosen randomly to win free tickets
5. e 6. b 7. c 8. f for David Cook’s concert.
3. Because he likes David Cook’s songs and he can see him
B. Listen and determine the main ideas of the dialogs. in concert.
Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ 4. To avoid any deception.
Ibu Guru: 5. She expresses surprise.
Dialog 1
Boy : Good effort! That was the most wonderful dance I’ve ever
Girl : Really?
Boy : Yes, I enjoyed it very much. You are very skillful at dancing. Listen and answer the questions based on what you have
Girl : Thanks. heard.
Boy : Anyway, the MC said at the opening that it was pendet
dance, didn’t he? Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Girl : Yes, it was pendet. It’s a traditional dance from Bali. It is Girl : Do you know?
a dance of greeting to welcome the audience and invite Boy : What?
spirits to enjoy a performance. Girl : I went to Tower Department Store yesterday
Boy : I saw you bringing a bowl with some flowers, right? afternoon and I saw a huge chocolate hero displayed
Girl : You are right. The dancers are usually young girls and in the lobby.
they bring flowers in a bowl called bokor. Boy : A huge chocolate hero?
Boy : Oh, I see. Anyway, how long have you learned the dance? Girl : Yes, if I am not mistaken, it was a replica of General
Girl : One year, and I’m keen on learning more about the dance. Soedirman.
Boy : That’s great! Did you find it difficult to learn the dance? Boy : General Soedirman in chocolate? You aren’t kidding
Girl : Well, I think the movements are simple, but I find it hard to me, are you?
move my eyeballs here and there. I need more practice. Girl : No, I’m serious. The shop assistant told me that it was
Boy : Practice makes perfect. I believe you can do it perfectly. made to commemorate Indonesia Independence Day.
Girl : Yes, thanks. Boy : How huge is it?
Dialog 2 Girl : It is 3 meters tall and made from 200 kilograms of
Boy : Do you know that I won a free ticket to see David Cook’s dark chocolate.
concert in Jakarta next month? Boy : It must have become a visitors’ attraction.
Girl : Really? How come? Girl : Yup, many people were interested in it. It will be
Boy : Well, I entered a voting system for my favorite singer in an displayed for 3 weeks.
idol program. There would be five lucky callers chosen Boy : Let me see for myself this afternoon.
randomly, to receive free tickets for David Cook’s concert.
You know the program, right? 1. Where was the girl yesterday afternoon?
Girl : Yes, I do. Then? 2. What huge object did the girl tell the boy about?
Boy : Luckily, I was one of five who won a free ticket to see 3. Why was the huge figure made and displayed in the
David Cook in concert. lobby?
Girl : What a surprise! 4. How big is the figure?
Boy : Yeah, I am so excited because I really love David Cook’s 5. The boy says, “You aren’t kidding me, are you?”
songs. What does he express?
Girl : You are lucky. Anyway, have you confirmed the news? I’m Jawaban:
afraid it could be a deception. 1. At Tower Department Store.
Boy : I have. Don’t worry. 2. A huge chocolate replica of General Soedirman.
Girl : That’s good. 3. To commemorate Indonesian Independence Day.
Jawaban: 4. It is 3 meters tall.
Dialog 1 5. He expresses surprise.
The main idea is a pendet dance performance.

28 Descriptions
D. Listen and complete the dialog based on what you Mrs. Stella : We have vegetable soup and
have heard. (3) __________________. Vegetable soup is
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan good for your fiber supply, while the fish helps
jawaban: supply the protein. Rice will provide the
Joyce : Hi, Jack. (1) How is life? (4) __________________ for your energy.
Jack : Hi, Joyce. I’m great. How about you? Winsley : May I taste them? I’m
Joyce : Fine, thanks. It’s been a long time (2) since we met. (5) __________________, Mom.
Jack : Yeah, it’s been two years since. Mrs. Stella : Sure. It really shows that you
Joyce : You look slimmer and brighter. It seems that Samarinda (6) __________________ your hunger any
(3) treated you well. longer.
Jack : I think so. We enjoyed living there. We managed (4) to Winsley : Absolutely.
get along with the place, the people and their customs. Mrs. Stella : O.K. Let’s eat.
Joyce : Anyway, are you on holiday here? Winsley : Hmmmm, this soup really tastes great and the
Jack : No, my family and I (5) will return to live here. fish ... (7) __________________ have been
Joyce : Are you serious? soaked up perfectly. Yummy! You’re a really
Jack : I am. We (6) arrived two days ago. (8) __________________, Mom.
Joyce : However, you once told me that you may live in Mrs. Stella : Thanks, dear.
Samarinda for three years, (7) at the very least. Jawaban:
Jack : Yup, I said so. (8) Surprisingly, my father received 1. starving 2. to boost
a letter from the managing director, telling him that he 3. roasted fish 4. carbohydrate
is the person (9) in charge for handling a project here. 5. mouth-watering 6. can’t bear
Joyce : Really? 7. the spices 8. good cook
Jack : Yes. He will start the project next week.
Joyce : It means that you’ll stay in Jakarta. E. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer based
Jack : (10) Certainly! on the dialog in Task D.
Joyce : I’m glad to hear that.
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru

memberikan soal berikut.

Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: A. Practice the following dialogs with a friend.
Mrs. Stella : Let’s have dinner, honey.
Winsley : Sure, Mom. I’m (1) starving. The soccer
practice seemed to drain my energy.
Mrs. Stella : Don’t worry. I’ve prepared healthy food 1. Peserta didik diminta mencari pasangan, sebaiknya
(2) to boost your energy. bukan teman sebangku.
Winsley : What did you cook for this evening? 2. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami
Mrs. Stella : We have vegetable soup and (3) roasted percakapan yang terdapat di buku PR.
fish. Vegetable soup is good for your fiber 3. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta beberapa pasangan
supply, while the fish helps supply the secara sukarela ke depan kelas dan mempraktikkan
protein. Rice will provide the percakapan tersebut. Peser ta didik yang lain
(4) carbohydrate for your energy. memperhatikan.
Winsley : May I taste them? I’m (5) mouth-watering, 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati sambil membuat catatan
Mom. untuk memberi ulasan dan nilai. Bapak/Ibu Guru
Mrs. Stella : Sure. It really shows that you (6) can’t bear memperhatikan kelancaran, pelafalan, intonasi, mimik
your hunger any longer. wajah, dan gerak tubuh.
Winsley : Absolutely. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan atas penampilan
Mrs. Stella : O.K. Let’s eat. peserta didik.
Winsley : Hmmmm, this soup really tastes great and
the fish ... (7) the spices have been soaked B. Answer the following questions based on the dialogs
up perfectly. Yummy! You’re a really in Task A.
(8) good cook, Mom.
Mrs. Stella : Thanks, dear. Jawaban:
Dialog 1
Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik: 1. From television.
Mrs. Stella : Let’s have dinner, honey. 2. Because SMK Jaya is new school, but the students can
Winsley : Sure, Mom. I’m (1) __________________. design amazing innovations.
The soccer practice seemed to drain my energy. 3. They succeeded in designing a plane.
Mrs. Stella : Don’t worry. I’ve prepared healthy food 4. They are smart and creative.
(2) __________________ your energy. 5. It is decrease.
Winsley : What did you cook for this evening?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 29

Dialog 2
1. At Mitha’s house. B. Answer the following questions based on the
2. Mitha’s World Culture and History Encyclopedia. dialogs in Task A.
3. The shape is different from common bookshelves. Dialog 1
4. He compliments Mitha and her brother. 1. What news does Winston tell Adel?
5. It refers to unused lumber. 2. Why does Adel feel surprised with the news?
3. How will Adel and Winston show their sympathy to Mark?
4. What does Winston know about a heart attack?
5. Adel says, “He was fine.”
Who does the word ‘he’ refer to?
Dialog 2
A. Practice the following dialogs with a friend. 1. Where does the conversation probably take place?
Dialog 1 2. How is Andre’s speaking test result?
Winston :
Adel, have you heard the news? 3. What does Mr. Roy think about Andre’s speaking test?
Adel :
What news? 4. Mr. Roy says, “You did well.”
Winston :
Mark’s father passed away a few hours ago. What does he express?
Adel :
Really? You must be kidding! 5. Mr. Roy says, “You were fluent enough ....”
Winston :
No, I’m serious. Mark just texted me. What is the antonym of the underlined word?
Adel :
I did group work at Mark’s house two days ago Dialog 3
and I met his father. He was fine. So, the news 1. What does Andara think about Nadia’s speech?
really surprises me. 2. What did Nadia present on her speech?
Winston : He had a heart attack. You know, a heart attack 3. Who inspired Nadia to choose such a topic?
can occur unexpectedly; when you are resting, 4. What may be one of the reasons Nadia felt nervous
after sudden emotional stress or after severe about?
hectic days. 5. How did Nadia reduce her nervousness?
Adel : I’m sorry to hear that. It must be a difficult Jawaban:
situation for Mark. Dialog 1
Winston : Let’s show our condolences and encourage Mark. 1. That Mark’s father passed away a few hours ago.
Dialog 2 2. Because she met Mark’s father two days ago, in good
Mr. Roy : Andre, here is your speaking test result. condition.
Andre : Thank you, Sir. 3. By going to Mark’s house and encouraging him.
Mr. Roy : You did well. You were fluent enough and left no 4. A heart attack can occur unexpectedly; when people
doubt about what you were talking about. are resting, after sudden emotional stress or after
Andre : I practiced a lot at home. My brother helps me severe hectic days.
improve my English. 5. It refers to Mark’s father.
Mr. Roy : That’s great! You have a person to encourage Dialog 2
you to learn more. However, you made a few 1. At school.
mistakes in pronunciation. 2. It is good.
Andre : Yes, Sir. I realized that. I need to learn more, too. 3. He thinks that Andre was confident with what he was
Mr. Roy : I really appreciate your effort to do well in your talking about. He was fluent, but he made a few
test. Keep practicing to improve your English. mistakes in pronunciation.
Andre : Sure, I will. 4. He compliments Andre’s speaking test performance.
5. It is halting or hesitant.
Dialog 3
Dialog 3
Andara : Good job, Nadia. It was an outstanding speech.
1. It was great.
Nadia : Thank you. In fact, I was a bit nervous when
2. About the quality of education.
presenting the speech.
3. Her parents.
Andara : I didn’t see that. You involved us in the speech
4. She had a broad-minded audience.
by asking a few interactive questions. That was
5. By asking interactive questions to the audience.
interesting, you know.
Nadia : That was one of the tricks to reduce my anxiety.
Having such a broad-minded audience was not C. Arrange the following sentences to form sequential
easy for me. dialogs.
Andara : You have been successful in overcoming it,
right? The big applause was for you. Jawaban:
Nadia : Thanks a lot, Andara. Dialog 1
Andara : Besides the attractive technique, I also like the topic The correct arrangement of the sentences is 2–6–4–8–3–5–1–7.
of your speech about the quality of education. Dialog 2
Nadia : It was inspired by my parents’ experience. As The correct arrangement of the sentences is 3–8–5–10–1–7–4–
teachers, they do not merely teach, but they 9–2–6.
educate. To be able to educate well, they should
also learn and improve themselves daily.
Andara : Yes, I agree with you.

30 Descriptions
D. Work in pairs. 2. Bobby : Yes, an article about Indonesian cultures, isn’t
Ask and answer questions based on the dialogs in it? Here you are. See it for yourself.
Task C. 3. Bobby : Congrats, friend! You’re really talented at
Contoh jawaban:
4. Bobby : Becky, look! Your article is published.
Dialog 1
5. Becky : Yeah, you are right! It’s mine.
You : What news does Irwan tell Danu about?
6. Becky : Thanks. In fact, it’s my first article published in
Your partner : The news that Danu is one of the representatives
a magazine. I used to send articles to teen’s
for the International Jamboree of Scouts in Japan.
magazines, but none of them were published.
My turn. Why does Danu feel surprised?
7. Becky : Certainly. Thanks Bob.
Your partner : Because he was elected considering the other
8. Becky : Are you serious?
candidates are also skilled scouts.
You : Correct. Your question, please. B. Work in pairs.
Your partner : How does Irwan know about the surprising news? Ask and answer questions based on the dialogs in
You : Mr. Andy showed the announcement to him. Where Task A.
can Irwan and Danu read the announcement? Example:
Your partner : On the board. Dialog 1
Dialog 2 You : Who are talking in the dialog?
You : What are they talking about? Your partner : Mother and daughter. It’s my turn. Where do
Your partner : Dina’s kebaya. Why does Mela compliment Dina? you think the dialog takes place?
You : Because Dina looks elegant in her kebaya. Now, You : At the speakers’ house.
my turn. How did Dina get the kebaya? Jawaban:
Your partner : She sewed it. Who taught Dina to sew it? Task A
You : Her mother. Dialog 1
Your partner : Correct. Give me a question. The correct arrangement of the sentences is 3–7–1–8–5–9–
You : Okay. When did Mela learn sewing? 2–6–4.
Your partner : When she was at junior high school. What is Dialog 2
Mela’s ability in sewing? The correct arrangement of the sentences is 4–8–2–5–3–6–
You : Sewing simple shirts. Why does Mela intend to 1–7.
learn sewing with Dina?
You : Because she intends to make kebaya. My turn. Task B (Contoh jawaban)
Why does Mela prefer wearing her own kebaya on Dialog 1
Kartini Day, to renting it? You : What good news does Gisele tell her mother
Your partner : Because renting a kebaya is expensive enough. about?
Your partner : The news that Gisele has become the new
OSIS chairperson. My turn. Why does
Gisele feel surprised?
You : Because she was elected as the
chairperson, considering that the other two
A. Arrange the following sentences to form sequential male candidates are smart and experienced.
dialogs. You partner : Correct. Your question, please.
You : What should Gisele do as the new OSIS
Dialog 1
1. Gisele : I’ve become the new OSIS chairperson at
Your partner : She has to do her best to handle her
responsibilities at OSIS.
2. Gisele : Yes, and I have to do my best to handle
my responsibilities at OSIS. Dialog 2
3. Gisele : Mom, I have news for you. Your partner : What is the relationship between the
4. Gisele : You’re right. Thank you, Mom. speakers?
5. Gisele : Yes, Mom. That’s surprising, considering You : They are friends. What did Becky write about?
that the other two candidates are boys. Your partner : An article about Indonesian cultures.
Both of them are smart and have You : You’re right. Your turn now.
organizational experience and skills. It’s Your partner : O.K. What does Bobby think about Becky?
unbelievable that I am the one who was You : He thinks that Becky is talented at writing
elected. and she’ll be a great writer one day.
6. Mrs. Cindy : That’s a wise thought. Boy or girl, smart
or so-so, as long as he or she is aware of
his or her duties, he or she will do his or
her best. Besides, he or she should be
willing to learn and be motivated.
7. Mrs. Cindy : What’s that?
8. Mrs. Cindy : Really?
9. Mrs. Cindy : It means that the electors have more trust
in you to handle the OSIS.
Dialog 2
1. Bobby : Now they realize that your article is apt for
publishing. Keep on writing. I believe you’ll be
a great writer one day.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 31

E. Complete the following dialogs with suitable
Percakapan-percakapan yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik
dan contoh jawaban: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
Dialog 1 memberikan soal berikut.
Dina and Rama are riding Ferris wheel. They can see the beauty
Dialog 1
of the city at night from it.
Dina : Look Rama, the city looks wonderful with sparkling Lilly and Daisy are visiting Tawangmangu Waterfalls. Lilly is
lights. impressed with the place.
Rama : You are right. Riding the Ferris wheel at night is the Lilly : (1) _____________________________________
best choice because we can enjoy the sparkling city. Daisy : It is. It’s one of great spots at this mountain resort.
Dina : Yeah. The position of the Ferris wheel is precise, so we It offers cool fresh air.
can see all over part of the city. Lilly : Yup. I can feel it.
Rama : That’s true. You know, this Ferris wheel is the biggest Daisy : For your information, it lies on the slopes of Mount
on this island and can accommodate hundreds of Lawu, at an elevation of 1,300m above sea level.
people. Lilly : Oh, I see. (2) ______________________________
Dina : Wow, what an amazing Ferris wheel it is! Daisy : Any time.
Dialog 2
Dialog 2 Radit is telling Andika that he saw Brenda, their old friend,
Bagas is telling Salsa that Anita doesn’t wear thick spectacles on TV last night. Andika feels surprised.
anymore. Salsa feels surprised. Radit : I saw Brenda on TV last night.
Bagas : Do you know that Anita doesn’t wear thick spectacles Andika : (1) _____________________________________
anymore? Radit : Yup! She was on the catwalk for a fashion show.
Salsa : Are you serious? You must be joking. She has She looked beautiful and glamorous.
a high degree of myopia. She might be wearing contact Andika : (2) _____________________________________
lenses. Radit : I am. She had a talent to be a model since she
Bagas : I am serious. She can see without visual aids. was in junior high school, right?
Salsa : What? I can’t believe it. As I know, the way to cure Andika : Yes, I know it. She used to enter modeling
myopia is laser eye surgery, but it is expensive. She contests.
has told me that she didn’t have enough money to have Radit : I’m glad to have a young talented friend like her.
the surgery. Andika : So am I.
Bagas : She told me that she can correct her myopia with
traditional medicine. She drinks carrot juice, has eye Dialog 3
massage therapy and puts betel leaves on her eyes Mrs. Wardana compliments Ivana for her great piano playing.
when she sleeps. Mrs. Wardana : (1) ________________________________
Salsa : That surprising. Your performance was really amazing.
Bagas : You know, traditional medicine is occasionally more Ivana : Thank you, Ma’am. I tried to do my best.
effective than modern, but it takes a long time. Anita Mrs. Wardana : Yes, you did.
said that she needs years to cure her eyes. (2) ________________________________
Salsa : You are right. It is really painstaking. Even the governor gave a standing ovation.
Ivana : Did he?
Dialog 3 Mrs. Wardana : Yes, dear. He handed me this card. It’s for
Danu compliments Mira for her good picture shots. you. He invited you to play the piano at
Danu : Nice pictures. You have good shots with right angles. a banquet next week.
You seem like a professional photographer. Where did Ivana : (3) ________________________________
you learn photography? It really surprises me.
Mira : Thank you. I am self-taught. Dialog 4
Danu : Wow! What a surprise! I attended a photograph Asthi and Jody have just received their history test results.
extra-curricular activity at school, but my shots were Asthi got a good score while Jody failed the test.
not good enough. Asthi : I got 9 for my history test.
Mira : You just need more practices. Jody : (1) _____________________________________
Danu : You are right. I know that you are excellent at history.
Asthi : Not really. What about yours?
Jody : I failed.
Asthi : Pardon me?
Jody : I got 6 for the test.
Asthi : (2) _____________________________________
Jody : Yes.
Asthi : This really surprises me.
(3) _____________________________________
None of them were below 8, right?
Jody : Yeah, (4) ________________________________
I was busy preparing for the soccer tournament,
so I had little time to study.
Asthi : You have to learn how to manage your time wisely.
Jody : Yes, you’re right.

32 Descriptions
Your friend : It was great. Although there were only five of us,
Dialog 5 we could counterbalance the formation.
Ashna meets Mischa, her late neighbor, in a restroom at The best part was Linda’s somersault.
immigration office. You : What? Linda did a somersault?
Mischa : Are you Ashna? Your friend : Yes. It should have been you who did it, right? But
Ashna : Yes, I am. then, we agreed that Linda would do it.
Mischa : Do you remember me? You : I should have watched it. I do want to know how
Ashna : Er.... she did it.
Mischa : (1) _____________________________________ Your friend : She did it perfectly. She impressed the audience
Ashna : Mischa Satriya? Mr. Agusta Satriya’s daughter? and us, with her fancy flip flop.
Mischa : Yes, you’re right.
You : That must have been amazing.
Ashna : How are you doing? It’s been such a long time
since we last met. Your friend : Absolutely.
Mischa : I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
Ashna : I’m fine, too. Anyway, what are you doing here?
Mischa : (2) _____________________________________
Ashna : A passport? 2.2 Genre
Mischa : Yup. I work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
I have to leave for duty in Dubai in the next two
Ashna : (3) _____________________________________
Mischa : Thanks. What about you?
Ashna : I accompany my brother. He’s applying for
a passport too, because he was awarded
a scholarship to study in The Netherlands.
Mischa : That’s amazing.
Ashna : Thanks. Er ... (4) ___________________________
My brother must be waiting.
Mischa : Oh, O.K. Give him my regards. See you.
Ashna : See you. A. Find the meanings of the following words.
Contoh jawaban: You will hear the words in the text in Task B.
Dialog 1 Jawaban:
1. It’s a wonderful landscape. 1. rencana perjalanan 2. berasal dari
2. Thank you for taking me to these beautiful talls. 3. menjorok 4. batu karang
Dialog 2 5. menghempas 6. angin sepoi-sepoi yang sejuk
1. Do you mean Brenda our old triend from junior high school? 7. jalan berkelok-kelok 8. deru; cepat-cepat; desakan
2. Are you serious?
Dialog 3 B. Listen and answer the questions based on what you
1. Good job, Ivana! have heard.
2. Most of the audience was amazed with your play. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
3. Thank you very much. Are you planning to have a trip to Yogyakarta? If you are,
Dialog 4 don’t forget to put Wediombo beach on your itinerary.
1. That’s good. Wediombo Beach is a beautiful white sand beach which is
2. Are you serious? located in Wonosari, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. The name
3. I know you always received good scores for history tests. Wediombo derives from wedi which in Javanese means sand
4. I didn’t do well on the last test. and ombo which means wide. So, Wediombo means wide,
Dialog 5 white-sand beach, although the spread of the sand is not as wide
1. I’m Mischa who lived across your house 5 years ago. as the ones on other beaches in Gunung Kidul. Besides white
2. I applying for a passport. sand, Wediombo also presents a few unique slopped corals.
3. Really? That’s great! People usually stay there to fish and enjoy the waves dashing
4. Sorry, I have to leave now. against the corals. The waves are not so huge that the visitors
can enjoy swimming there. Around the beach are green hills,
which are suitable for hiking. The cool breeze and clear blue sky
F. Create a dialog using the expressions may help visitors relax on the shore while enjoying the waves
you have learned in this unit. coming in with a rush.
Decide your own topic. The beach can be reached by motorcycle, car or bus.
Then, practice the dialog with a friend. However, they must be careful when driving on the winding road.
Contoh jawaban: 1. The description of Wediombo Beach.
You : I thought I missed a great show yesterday. 2. It comes from Javanese, wedi means sand and ombo
Your friend : Don’t worry. I know you have to be in bed because means wide.
of your ankle injury, right? 3. They can enjoy the white sand, waves, unique corals
You : Yes. I have to rest for recovery, or I won’t be able to and green hills.
dance anymore. 4. They can go hiking, fishing or swimming.
Your friend : We still have other performances and I hope you 5. By motorcycle, car or bus.
can join us.
You : I hope so. Anyway, how was the performance?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 33

This game can teach me to be patient and (12) persistent,
since solving the random cubies is not easy. It is not about guess
or (13) trial and error. I have to be sharp in deciding how and
which to rotate. One single mistake in rotating the cubies will
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru affect the next step. Besides, it can train my (14) nerve system
memberikan soal berikut. by recognizing the colors, speed cubing, my memory and
(15) logic, by rotating and solving the rubik game.
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Do you know which waterfall is the tallest in the
world? It is the Angel Falls which is located in Venezuela.
Angel Falls is named after Jimmy Angel, an American who
discovered this place in 1933.
The falls flow over the edge of one of the steep cliffs A. Find the meanings of the following words.
in Auyantepui Mountain. It drops 979 meters in height
1. valley = ________________
through the air to the river below. It is one of Venezuela’s
2. to dwell = ________________
top tourist attractions, though a trip to the falls is quite
3. hay = ________________
complicated. The falls are located in the remote rainforest
4. dome = ________________
of Canaima National Park. Visitors need to endure
5. fireplace = ________________
a lengthy journey by air, river and jungle to reach it.
Adapted from:
6. minute = ________________
(August 8, 2015) 7. pivot = ________________
8. to rotate = ________________
1. What is the purpose of the text? 9. random = ________________
2. Who found the place? 10. persistent = ________________
3. Where is the place located?
4. How tall is the waterfall? B. Reread the two texts in the previous task.
5. How can visitors reach the place? Then, answer the following questions based on the
1. To describe Angel Falls. Text 1
2. Jimmy Angel. 1. What is the text about?
3. In the remote rainforest of Canaima National Park, 2. Where does Flor live?
Venezuela. 3. How high is Flor’s house?
4. It is 979 meters tall. 4. What does a Honai roof look like?
5. By air, river and jungle trip. 5. How do Flor and his family set up a fireplace in their Honai?
Text 2
1. What is rubik cube?
C. Listen and complete the texts based on what you 2. What does paragraph two tell us about?
have heard. 3. How many faces and cubies does the writer’s rubik
cube consist of?
Teks-teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan 4. What is the function of the pivot mechanism?
jawaban: 5. What are the benefits of playing the rubik game?
Text 1 Jawaban:
Flor is a twelve-year-old boy who lives in Papua. He and his Task A
family live in Baliem, a (1) valley surrounded by a mountainous 1. lembah 2. tinggal, mendiami
area of fresh and natural scenery. 3. jerami, rumput kering 4. berbentuk kubah
Like other (2) residents of Baliem, Flor and his family dwell 5. tungku, perapian 6. sangat kecil
in a half-round wooden house (3) native to Papua. People call it 7. poros, sumbu 8. memutar
Honai. Flor’s Honai is (4) 2.5 meters high and consists of two 9. acak 10. tekun, ulet
simple stories. It is small and has no windows or furniture. His
family use the ground floor to welcome guests and to make Task B
sleeping bags from hay. The (5) dome-shaped roof is made of Text 1
straw. Considering the cold weather in Papua, this (6) unique 1. A description of Flor’s Honai house.
house has a special location for the fireplace, (7) dug into the 2. In Baliem, Papua.
ground. 3. It is 2.5 meters high.
Adapted from: 4. It is dome-shaped and made of straw.
(August 8, 2015) 5. By digging into the ground.
Text 2 Text 2
Rubik cube, a 3-D mechanical puzzle, is a (8) worldwide 1. It is a 3-D mechanical puzzle.
top-selling puzzle game. It is especially familiar to kids and 2. The description of the writer’s rubik cube.
teens, including me. 3. It consists of six faces and twenty six cubies.
My rubik cube consists of (9) six faces, with twenty-six 4. It enables each face to turn independently and for the
minute cubes, which are called “cubies”. Each face has colors to mix.
a different color. They are white, red, blue, orange, green and 5. It can teach us patience and persistence, besides,
yellow. There is a pivot mechanism which enables each face to it can train the nerve system, memory and logic.
turn (10) independently, so the colors can be mixed up. To solve
the puzzle, I have to return each face to one color. As a beginner,
I need a lot of time to solve the puzzle by (11) rotating here and

34 Descriptions
D. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct My uncle once showed me how to play it; that is with
answer. both hands reaching the strings on the bamboo tube
through the lontar opening on the front and the player’s
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
fingers pluck the strings similar to playing a harp.
Most of you must know the founder of the Facebook social Adapted from:
networking site. Yes, he is Mark Zuckerberg. What about Twitter, – (August 8, 2015)
– (August 8, 2015)
another social networking site? Do you know who the founder of
Twitter is? He is Jack Dorsey, an innovator and computer
B. Answer the following questions based on the text
in Task A.
Born on November 19, 1976, Jack Dorsey is best known as
the creator, co-founder and chairman of Twitter. Jack is originally 1. What kind of musical instrument is Sasando?
from St. Louis, Missouri and lives in San Francisco, California. 2. Where did Sasando originate from?
Jack became interested in computers and communications at 3. What does paragraph three tell us about?
an early age. Jack dropped out of college before receiving his 4. What are the functions of the wedges?
degree. 5. How do we play the Sasando?
Jack is also the founder and CEO of Square, a mobile-
payments company. Following his success, Jack became C. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
a billionaire and was once named as one of the top 35 innovators Derawan Island is situated in the district of Berau,
in the world. about two kilometers off the coast of East Kalimantan.
Adapted from: (August Derawan Island can be called the perfect tropical paradise,
4, 2015)
with unspoiled white sandy beaches decorated with swaying
Jawaban: palm trees, crystal clear sea that changes color from green
1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. E to blue when the sun is shining and spectacular underwater
life. Derawan is renowned amongst diving enthusiasts as
one of the best places to go snorkeling, scuba diving or
even free diving. You just have to swim under a bit of shelter
to reach clear water areas as deep as three feet and see
the colorful coral reefs as the flower garden.
The wealth of underwater life lies here. Located in
B. Answer the following questions based on the text in a biodiversity hotspot, Derawan Island features many
Task A. species of reef fish, coral and invertebrates, including
Jawaban: protected species such as sea turtles and coconut crab.
1. The description of the speaker’s grandparents’ traditional Derawan is known as a nest of giant green turtles. You can
house called Krong Bade. watch the turtles hatching their eggs on the sand every day,
2. It originates from Aceh. or feel an incredible sensation of swimming with turtles.
3. The description of the part of the house. In this exotic island, divers also have a chance to see sea
4. It has rooms on the left and right side as bedrooms. cows, tuna, leopard sharks, hawksbill turtles, whales,
5. To relax, chat and cook. dolphins, clams, coconut crabs, several species of jellyfish,
an abundance of tropical fish and mantarays too.
Adapted from:
%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Bpulau-derawan-beach-tanjung-redeb (August 8,
– (August 11, 2015)

A. Present the following text. Questions:

Mind your pronunciation and intonation. 1. What is the text about?
2. Where is the island located?
Have you ever heard of Sasando? 3. What can we do on the island?
My uncle introduced the term to me. 4. Derawan is also known for its biodiversity. What
Sasando is a harp-like traditional string species does the island feature?
musical instrument from Rote Island, 5. “Derawan is renowned amongst diving enthusiasts as
East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The one of the best places to go ....”
name Sasando derives from “sasandu” What is the synonym of the underlined word?
which means vibrating or sound
instrument. D. Retell the text in Task C using your own words.
My uncle has one. He can’t play it Source: http:// Jawaban:,
really well, but knows downloaded September 18, Task B
the techniques on how to play it. He 2015 1. A string/vibrating instrument.
bought it during a trip to East Nusa Tenggara, last year. 2. From Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara.
My uncle’s Sasando is a bamboo tube that serves as 3. The physical description of the speaker’s uncle’s
the frame of the instrument. The tube is surrounded by Sasando.
several wooden wedges, where the strings are stretched 4. To hold the strings higher than the tube surface and to
from the top to the bottom. The wedges are to hold the produce various lengths of strings which create
strings higher than the tube surface, to produce various different musical notations.
lengths of strings which create different musical notations. 5. By using both hands, reaching the strings on the
The bamboo tube is surrounded by a bag-like fan of dried bamboo tube through the lontar opening on
lontar or palmyra leaf, which is used as the resonator. the front and the player’s fingers pluck the strings.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 35

Task C
1. The description of Derawan Island.
2. In Berau district, two kilometers off the coast of East
3. Diving, snorkeling, scuba diving, enjoying the beautiful Work in pairs.
beaches and the marine animals. Describe a musical instrument you know orally in the
4. Many species of reef fish, coral and invertebrates, class.
including protected species such as sea turtles and Contoh jawaban:
coconut crab. What comes to your mind when you hear the word
5. It is famous or popular. gamelan? Gamelan is a traditional musical instrument from
Task D (Contoh jawaban) Indonesia. It features a variety of instruments such as
Do you like traveling? Visit Derawan Island. If it is the metallophones, xylophones, kendang (drums) and gongs,
first time you’ve heard the name, let me tell you about the bamboo flutes, bowed and strings.
place. There is a set of Javanese gamelan at my school, to
Derawan Island is one of the many beautiful islands in facilitate the students who are interested in Javanese
Indonesia. You can find this island in Berau district, two culture, especially in learning and improving their skills in
kilometers off the coast of East Kalimantan. The island offers playing gamelan. The gamelan instruments are mostly
unspoiled white sand beaches, with swaying palm trees, made of cast brass. There are a number of ensembles
crystal clear sea that changes color from green to blue when included in a set of gamelan. To name a few of the
the sun is shining and spectacular underwater life. Derawan ensembles; gong, bonang, kenong, kempul, kempyang,
is famous for divers, as they can enjoy snorkeling, scuba kethuk, which are categorized as percussion. In the form of
diving or free diving here. strings, there are rebab and siter. Demung, saron and
The island is rich with underwater life. There are many gender are kinds of metallophones, the ones which are
marine animals to see, such as different species of reef fish, made of metal bars and played by striking the bars with
coral and invertebrates, including protected species such as a mallet. Bamboo flute is the woodwind ensemble, while
sea turtles and coconut crab. Since it is known as a nest of kendang is a kind of drum. Each ensemble has its own
giant green turtles, visitors can watch the turtles hatching technique for playing.
Adapted from:
their eggs on the sand every day, or feel the incredible (August 14, 2015)
sensation swimming with turtles. Divers also have a chance
to see sea cows, tuna, leopard sharks, hawksbill turtles, D. Describe the picture based on the clues.
whales, dolphins, clams, coconut crabs, several species of Do it orally.
jellyfish, an abundance of tropical fish and mantarays under
the sea. Contoh jawaban:
What icon do you see when you arrive in Jakarta? Selamat
Datang or Welcome Monument at the Hotel Indonesia traffic
C. Work in pairs. circle or Dirgantara Statue? Well, if you land at Halim Perdana
Describe a traditional house you know orally Kusuma airport, you will be welcomed by the Dirgantara Statue
in the in turns. or known as Pancoran Statue. It is located in front of Wisma
Aldiron Dirgantara complex, formerly Air Force headquarters,
Contoh jawaban: Pancoran, South Jakarta.
Do you know about the traditional Dayak house? Yup. It is The statue is a man with his right hand forward, face up and
lamin. My uncle often invites me to visit his friend who lives there. half-squat position. It is made from bronze which measures
Let me tell you about it. It is a long house. The building is made 11 meters high and weighs 11 tons while the base of the statue
of black durable ironwood and decorated with dragon, horn bill, is 27 meters.
squid, mask and human skeleton carvings. The tip of the roof The statue was initiated by President Sukarno to show
ornaments a dragon’s head. For your information, the dragon’s a national identity and the might of Indonesia aerospace. The
head is a symbol of grandeur, nobility and heroism. word “dirgantara” relates to the skies or space which symbolizes
Well, the house is occupied by tens of families and courage, gallantry and dedication in aviation. The statue was
accommodate up to 200 people. Lamin consists of the main designed by Edhi Sunarso around 1964–1965 with the help of
building, rice barn or kerangking, lungun as a place to lay Arca Yogyakarta. The foundry process was conducted by Artistic
a corpse, a stage building and statues. At the main building, Bronze Sculpture Decorative of Yogyakarta, led by I Gardono.
there is a long space for meeting, ceremonies and men, youth The process of construction work was carried out by PN Hutama
and male guests’ beds and room rows for family and girls’ beds. with Ir. Sutami as executive architect. It was finally completed by
I see the kitchen behind the room rows. You know, there are the end of 1966.
human and animal statues made of wood in front of lamin called Adopted from:
sambang lawing. –
patung.html (August 25, 2015)
Adopted from:
timur?lang=en (September 10, 2015)
dirgantara-gets-set-shine.html (September 10, 2015)

36 Descriptions
E. What is your favorite place?
Describe the place to your friends without
mentioning the name of it.
Let your friends guess it.
Dengan kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi
latihan berikut. Contoh jawaban:
Merlion Statue I like spending my spare time in this place, especially in the
afternoon or Sunday morning. I often visit this place to relax. The
● a creature with a lion’s head place is comfortable, cozy and shady with breeze because there
and body of a fish are many trees. It seems like a stretched manicured lawn. I can
● Singapore’s icon and see many kinds of flowers around a fountain in the center of this
symbol to welcome visitors place. There are many benches under the tree and I like sitting
● the fish-body statue there. There is a long track to walk on. There is also a playground
symbolizes Singapore’s with many kinds of play things such as swing, monkey bar and
origin as a prosperous Source: publisher’s doc., photographer: sea saw. I see many children playing there.
seaport Cicik K.
(Answer: A park near the speaker’s house)
● the name combines ‘mermaid’ and ‘lion’
● the fish body represents Singapore’s origin as a fishing
village, when it was called Temasek, which means “sea
town” in Javanese
● the lion’s head represents Singapore’s original name,
Singapura, meaning “lion city”
What is your favorite possession?
● built in 1972 by Lim Nan Seng, a local craftsman
Describe it to your friends without mentioning the item.
● originally located at the Esplanade Bridge
Let your friends guess it.
● in September 2002, it was moved to Merlion Park in
Marina Bay, near One Fullerton Contoh jawaban:
● the body is made of cement, eyes from small red I really like this item. My best friend gave it to me when
teacups and skin from porcelain plates she left for Surabaya. This item is neither big nor small. It’s
● measures 8.6 meters (26 feet) high and weighs about 30cm in diameter. It is yellow in color and has
40 tonnes pleasant black lips with one of its eyes winking. I can hug it,
Adapted from: I can use it for sleeping or for cushioning me when I’m lying
– (August 8, 2015) on the sofa. Its smile can cheer me up. This soft circular
animal-and-symbol (August 10, 2015) cotton item usually accompanies me when it’s time to relax
and it comforts me.
Contoh jawaban:
(Answer: The speaker’s smiley cushion)
Have you ever visited Singapore? What is famous in
Singapore? Sentosa Island? Marina Bay? Merlion Park?
Well, when you visit Singapore don’t forget this attraction,
Merlion statue, which is the mascot of Singapore.
Merlion statue is a creature with a lion’s head and the
body of a fish. This statue is the icon and symbol of
Singapore to welcome visitors. It symbolizes Singapore’s
origin as a prosperous seaport. The name of this A. Match the words with their correct meanings.
Singapore’s famous landmark, Merlion, combines the word You will read the words in the text in Task B.
‘mermaid’ and ‘lion’. The fish body represents Singapore’s Jawaban:
origin as a fishing village, when it was called Temasek. 1. d 2. c 3. g 4. f 5. a
Temasek means “sea town” in Javanese. The lion’s head
represents Singapore’s original name “Singapura”, meaning C. Answer the following questions based on the text in
“lion city”. Task B.
Merlion statue was built by a local craftsman, Lim Nan
Seng, in 1972. It was originally located at the Esplanade Jawaban:
Bridge, but was moved to Merlion Park in Marina Bay, near 1. Because the monument is located in Simpang Lima Gumul.
One Fullerton, in September 2002. The body of this statue 2. They depict the history, art and culture of Kediri.
is made of cement while the eyes are small red teacups and 3. The day, month and year of Kediri Regency’s anniversary.
the skin is made from porcelain plates. This statue 4. Five years.
measures 8.6 meters high and weighs 40 tonnes. 5. They can find an auditorium, convention hall, multipurpose
rooms, diorama room and mini market that sell souvenirs.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 37

Text 2
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. Where is Toronto located?
A. Read the following texts aloud. 3. What are the official languages in Toronto?
4. How high is the CN Tower?
Suramadu National Bridge 5. Which place is considered the home to the Blue Jays
Suramadu National Bridge is a bridge that crosses the and the Argonauts?
Madura Strait, connecting the island of Java, in Surabaya 6. What is Path?
and Madura Island, in Bangkalan, precisely east Kamal. 7. What can visitors do in Path?
With a length of 5,438m, this bridge is the longest bridge in 8. “It is famous for its retractable roof.”
Indonesia today. What does the underlined word mean?
Suramadu bridge consists of three parts, namely the Jawaban:
overpass (causeway), bridges (bridge approach) and the Text 1
main bridge. The construction began on August 20, 2003 and 1. It connects Surabaya in Java Island and Bangkalan in
it was inaugurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Madura Island.
on June 10, 2009. 2. On June 10, 2009.
The bridge construction is intended to accelerate 3. To accelerate development on the island of Madura,
development on the island of Madura, including its including its infrastructure and economic field.
infrastructure and economic field. The bridge is 30 meters 4. Three parts. They are the overpass (causeway), bridges
wide and 146 meters high. It caters for motor vehicles and (bridge approach) and the main bridge.
provides four lanes in both directions as wide as 3.5 meters 5. It is 5,438 meters long, 30 meters wide and 146 meters
with two 2.75-meter-wide emergency lane. There’s also high.
a special lane for motorists.
Text 2
The main bridge was constructed using a cable stay
which was supported by the 140-meter-high twin towers. The 1. To describe a particular place, i.e. Toronto.
bridge deck used 2.4-meter-thick composite construction. To 2. In Canada on the shore of Lake Ontario.
accommodate cruise ships crossing the Strait of Madura, the 3. English and French.
bridge provides free space as high as 35 meters from the 4. It is 553 meters high.
sea surface. The estimated cost for building this bridge was 5. It is Sky Dome.
4.5 trillion Rupiah. 6. It is Toronto’s underground walkway and the largest
Adapted from: underground shopping complex in the world.
bridge.html (August 8, 2015) 7. They can go shopping, make a photocopy, have
Text 2 a haircut, watch a movie and find a subway stop.
8. It means ’can be moved or pulled in’.
Toronto, Canada lies on the shores of Lake Ontario.
The city is well located with direct flights to most major
world cities. Toronto is a multicultural center and there are D. Complete the following text with the correct words
over 100 ethnic groups. English and French are the official from the box.
languages, but many people also speak Chinese, Italian,
Tamil, Portuguese and Spanish.
Toronto has many attractions such as the CN Tower,
Sky Dome and Path. The CN Tower is 553 meters high and 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami teks
it has observation decks with glass floors. The view from the di buku PR, kemudian Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta
top is fantastic. Sky Dome is located near the tower. It is didik melengkapi teks dengan kata-kata yang tersedia
famous for its retractable roof. It is home to Toronto’s di dalam kotak.
baseball team, the Blue Jays, and its football team, the 2. Setelah selesai, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
Argonauts. What impresses the visitors a lot is Path. It is aktif tunjuk jari menyampaikan jawabannya.
Toronto’s underground walkway and it is the largest 3. Kemudian, Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik aktif
underground shopping complex in the world. It runs for 27 tunjuk jari membaca teks tersebut di depan kelas dan
kilometers and connects 1,200 shops and other businesses. peserta didik lain memperhatikan.
Visitors and residents can go shopping for many things, 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru mengamati sambil membuat catatan
make a photocopy, have a haircut, catch a movie or find a untuk memberi ulasan dan nilai. Bapak/Ibu Guru
subway stop. memperhatikan kelancaran, pelafalan, dan intonasi.
Toronto is a safe city and the quality of life is one of the 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan atas penampilan
best in the world. peserta didik.
Adopted from: Manuel dos Santos, My World 2, New York, Mc-Graw Hill, 2006.
B. Answer the following questions based on the texts 1. d 2. f 3. b 4. g 5. i
in Task A. 6. c 7. e 8. j 9. a 10. h
Text 1
1. What provinces/cities does the bridge connect?
2. When was the bridge officially opened?
3. What is the aim of the bridge?
4. How many parts does the bridge consist of? What are
5. What is the measurement of the bridge?

38 Descriptions
7. Because of congenital absence of the fibula in both legs.
8. Cheetah Flex-Feet.
9. a. He holds the world record in the 100-, 200-, and
400-meter sprints for one or both legs disabled
A. Complete the following text with the correct words athletes.
from the box. b. He became a world-class sprinter in the Paralympics.
c. He was the first amputee sprinter in the Summer
a. emigrant b. made of Olympic Games.
c. competed d. sprinter 10. He competed with able-bodied athletes.
e. athletes f. Paralympics
g. world record h. younger sister
i. artificial j. knees E. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius is 1. B 2. E 3. D 4. D 5. A
a South African (1) ________. He is
known as the “Blade Runner”. He was F. Complete the sentences using will or be going to and
born on November 22, 1986 with the verbs in the brackets.
congenital absence of the fibula in both
legs. When he was 11 months old, his Jawaban:
legs were amputated halfway at the 1. am going to watch 2. will be fun
(2) ________. 3. will buy 4. is going to hold
Pistorius has Italian ancestry from 5. will return 6. will rain/is going to rain
his mother’s grandfather, an Italian 7. are going to visit 8. will use
(3) ________ to Kenya. He has an elder 9. will have 10. will be interesting
brother, Carl, and a (4) ________,
Aimée. Pistorius credits his late mother,
who died at the age of 42 when Pistorius was just 15 years
old, as a major influence in his life.
As a blade runner, Pistorius holds the (5) ________ in
the 100-, 200-, and 400-meter sprints for (6) ________ who Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
are disabled in one or both legs. He runs with the aid of memberi latihan berikut.
Cheetah Flex-Feet which are (7) ________wood and
1. Vino’s sister __________________________ [have]
high-strength carbon fibers. With the help of the cheetahs
a baby at the end of this month.
(8) ________ lower legs, he became a world-class sprinter
2. He __________________________ [attend]
in the (9) ________, the Olympics for physically disabled
a graduation ceremony tomorrow morning.
athletes. He is also the first amputee sprinter in the
3. Don’t worry! I __________________________ [hand]
Summer Olympic Games, who (10) ________ with
the books to Sagita.
able-bodied athletes.
Adapted from:
4. My family and I are going to the beach at the weekend.
– Time for Kids, New York, Time Home Entertainment Inc., 2011. We hope that the weather
– ___________________________ [be] nice.
Oscar-Pistorius-1st-disabled-athlete-qualify-400m.html (August 9, 2015)
5. A : Can I help you?
B. Answer the following questions based on the B : Yes, please cut the grass.
previous text. I ___________________________ [trim] the
branches of that tree. Thanks.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
6. We ___________________________ [fly] to
2. What is Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius?
Hongkong in August.
3. When was Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius born?
7. I ___________________________ (give) you a hand
4. Whom does Pistorius have Italian descent from?
as soon as I finish doing the laundry.
5. How many siblings does Pistorius have?
8. I think my mother ___________________________
6. When did his mother pass away?
[like] this Batik scarf.
7. Why did Pistorius have his legs amputated?
9. Lillian has already rented a few movies. She
8. What artificial aids help Pistorius run?
__________________________ [stay] at home and
9. What has Pistorius achieved?
watch them tonight.
10. Who did Pistorius compete with in the Summer
10. The weather forecast says that the sun
Olympic Games?
__________________________ [shine] all day long
Jawaban: tomorrow.
Task A
1. d 2. j 3. a 4. h 5. g
1. is going to have/will have 2. is going to attend
6. e 7. b 8. i 9. f 10. c
3. will hand 4. will be
Task B 5. will trim 6. are going to fly
1. To describe a particular person. 7. will give 8. will like
2. He is a sprinter. 9. is going to stay 10. is going to shine
3. He was born on November 22, 1986.
4. From his mother’s grandfather.
5. Two, one elder brother and one younger sister.
6. In 2001.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 39

C. Write a descriptive text about an inspiring
Contoh jawaban:
Jessica Cox is an inspiring woman. She was born without
A. Combine the sentences using the paired conjunctions arms, but she has made achieved a lot. She holds the Guinness
in brackets. World Record for being the first person with a pilot’s license to fly
Jawaban: an airplane with only her feet and the first armless black-belt in
1. Both my father and brother can repair laptop computers. the American Taekwondo Association. She also holds
2. Neither Mira nor I will attend the English course because a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.
we are sick. She was born in 1983 in Sierra Vista, Arizona. She has
3. Tyas not only sends a message but also calls her father to learned to live her life with her feet. Her parents always support
fetch her from school. her and improve her potential. She has grown as a confident
4. Either students or teachers should be creative and enough to explore the world with her feet. She can do activities
innovative. like a normal person with her feet; maybe even better, like
5. A forest is not only the home of various kinds of flora and dancing, diving and surfing. At the age of 14, she earned her first
fauna but is also the lungs of the Earth. black belt in the International Taekwondo Federation. While at
college, she earned a second black belt in the American
Taekwondo Association. She continues to train in the ATA
(American Taekwondo Association) and currently holds the rank
of Second Degree Black Belt and Trainee Instructor. Her martial
art shapes her body and makes her look healthy. She also looks
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru beautiful with long straight hair, medium height and a fair
memberi latihan berikut. complexion.
1. The job requires a degree in educational background. She works as a motivational speaker. She travels the world
[both ... and ...] sharing her stories and encourages people to be creative and
The job requires working experience. innovative with the slogan “Think outside the shoe.”
Adopted from: (September 17,
2. My sister doesn’t enjoy traveling. [neither ... nor ...]
My parents don’t enjoy traveling.
3. She delivers the speech fluently. [not only ... but also ...]
She delivers the speech confidently.
4. The asparagus soup served at Crispy Restaurant is 2.3 Short Functional Texts: Spoken
tasty. [both ... and ...]
The asparagus soup served at Crispy Restaurant is Advertisements and Brochures/
cheap. Pamphlets
5. The hotel provides comfortable and complete facilities.
[both ... and ...]
The villa provides comfortable and complete facilities.
1. The job requires both a degree in educational
background and working experience.
2. Neither my sister nor my parents enjoy traveling.
3. She delivers the speech not only fluently, but also
4. The asparagus soup served at Crispy Restaurant is both
tasty and cheap.
5. Both the hotel and the villa provide comfortable and
complete facilities. A. Find the meanings of the following words.
You will hear the words in the text in Task B.
B. What are you going to do next holiday? Jawaban:
Write about your plan for your holiday. 1. secara resmi 2. lampion
3. obral 4. membangun, mendirikan
Contoh jawaban: 5. memesan
Next month I will have a week’s holiday. I am going to
spend my holiday with my brother and his friends on a hike to B. Listen and number the pictures being advertised.
Mount Merapi. It will be my third experience, after hiking on
Mount Lawu and Merbabu. I will choose the days of my Teks-teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
holiday, so I will have enough time to have a rest before Text 1
returning to school. Do you wish to have a night tour? Visit Taman Pelangi. It is
My brother suggests I plan it well and keep my stamina a park, decorated with lights and is located at Jogja Kembali
because the track to the peak is not easy. He is going to teach Monument area, Yogyakarta. This park was officially opened in
me physical exercises a month before our hike. We will 2011 specially for night time relaxing.
prepare enough food, drink and first aid before leaving. I will It provides a package of a night tour of a playground, food
bring my camera to take my adventure’s pictures while my stalls and a paper lantern park. For only Rp10,000/IDR on
brother will bring his handy cam. weekdays or Rp15,000/IDR at weekends, you can spend your
We will start our hike via Selo, Boyolali. We will leave base nights in this beautiful tourist spot. We open from 5 to 11 p.m.
camp at night because we plan to enjoy sunrise at the peak. It Visit us now.
will take about six hours to reach the peak. I think it will be
an amazing and unforgettable experience.

40 Descriptions
Text 2 C. Listen to the texts in Task B once again.
Comfort Department Store offers you a big sale of up to Answer the following questions.
70% discount. It is specially organized for the Lebaran season,
from July 10 to August 10, 2013. Jawaban:
Go shopping now and get special prices on all items. 1. It is located at Jogja Kembali Monument area, Yogyakarta.
Text 3 2. A playground, food stalls and a paper lantern park.
Are you going camping? Pitch your tent at Badak Air, 3. Rp10,000/IDR on weekdays and Rp15,000/IDR at weekends.
an exlusive camping ground in Ciawi, Bogor. Besides a great 4. Six hours.
place for camping, the place provides fresh air, beautiful scenery 5. An advertisement about a big sale at Comfort Department
of natural environment, an organic farm area and an outbond Store.
activities area. 6. For a month.
We offer you a special price, Rp100,000/day. Reserve now 7. A camping ground.
at 7227827 or e-mail at cs@Badakair. com. For more details, call 8. Camp, enjoy fresh air and beautiful scenery, learn about an
us on 7227827. organic farm and do outbond activities.
Adopted from: (September 12, 2015) 9. By calling 7227827 or sending an e-mail at
10. Rp100,000.
Gambar yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik dan sekaligus

Listen and answer the questions based on what you have

Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

Getting bored with your routines? Find a relaxing
time in Belitung. The region, famous as a tin producer,
also has superb beaches with blue sea water, coral reefs,
fine white sand and granite rock formations. Besides
enjoying the beaches, you can spend your days with
Source: http://www.indrokilocamp. files. wordpress., culinary tours, cultural tours or history tours.
downloaded January 14, 2015 will assist you to further explore
the island. We present a complete guide to visit Belitung.
We also provide many kinds of tour packages at
1 reasonable prices. Contact us on +6271922890 for the
detailed information and reservation.
Adopted from:
?id_dest=6&bahasa=en (August 25, 2015)

1. What is the text about?

2. Based on the text, what is Belitung famous for?
3. What are the characteristics of the beaches in Belitung,
based on the text?
4. What should listeners do to get more information?
5. “... has superb beaches with blue sea water, ....”
Source: publisher’s doc., photographer: Mustriana What is the antonym of ‘superb’?
1. An advertisement of
2 2. It is famous as a tin producer.
3. The beaches have blue sea water, coral reefs, fine white
sand and granite rock formations.
4. Call +62719 22890.
5. It is ‘awful’ or ‘terrible’.

D. Listen and complete the text based on what you have

Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban:
Do you like (1) snorkeling? Try Pink Beach for your next
Source: http://www.1hildalexander.files. snorkeling event. Located on Komodo Island, this famous tourist, downloaded January 14, 2015 (2) destination features a beautiful pink sand beach, amazing
(3) underwater sea life and stunning panorama. The pink sand is
formed from a (4) mixture of white and red sand from pieces of
plankton species, Foraminifera.
Spend your days at Pink Beach, going snorkeling, swimming,
(5) sunbathing or just enjoying the beautiful romantic view. It will
be fun! Don’t miss your (6) adventure at one out of seven pink
beaches in the world. Be (7) assured that you will have
tremendous pleasure and (8) memorable moments at the beach.
Adapted from:
komodo-national-park.html (August 13, 2015)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 41

E. Your teacher is going to ask you questions about the 3. What products does Green Batik House provide?
text in Task D. 4. How much do the products at Green Batik House cost?
Listen and answer the questions correctly. 5. Where is Green Batik House located?
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Jawaban:
Guru: Task A
1. What is the purpose of the text? 1. collections 2. displays 3. patterns
2. What does the place offer its visitors? 4. vary 5. charge
3. How is the pink sand formed? Task B
4. What can visitors do at the place? 1. To advertise Green Batik House.
5. How many pink beaches are there in the world, based on 2. See batik collections, shop and learn how to make
the text? batik cloth.
Jawaban: 3. Dresses, shirts, jackets, sarongs, bags, laptop cases
1. To advertise Pink Beach. and other clothing items made from batik cloth.
2. A beautiful pink sand beach, amazing underwater sea life 4. The costs vary from Rp10,000 to millions.
and stunning panorama. 5. At Jalan Jenderal Sudirman no. 10.
3. It is formed from a mixture of white and red sand from
pieces of plankton species, Foraminifera.
4. Go snorkeling, swim, sunbathe and enjoy the view.
5. There are seven.

A. Present a spoken advertisement of the cruise ship

journey below.
A. Listen and complete the text based on what you have Add information of your own.
Contoh jawaban:
Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Enjoy a 7-night eastern Caribbean cruise from Miami on
Would you like to see batik (1) collections? Are you a Cruise Ship Journey. It is a luxurious cruise ship with 5 distinct
looking for batik clothes? Would you like to learn how to areas 1,000 professional and friendly crew who are ready to
make batik cloth? Find your answers at Green Batik serve you while your cruise.
House. Luxurious 15 dining options with the most delicious menus
Green Batik House (2) displays a number of batik around the world served by professional chefs. We provide
collections. There are batik Pekalongan, batik Yogyakarta, a spa, fitness center, central park and 4 pools for your rest and
batik Solo and many others. Besides, you can find many relaxation. For those of you who want to have adventure with fun,
(3) patterns and styles of batik, for dresses, shirts, we have surf simulators, rock climbing walls, zip line, basketball
jackets, sarongs, bags, laptop cases and other clothing court, ice-skating rink and mini golf course. Don’t miss the
items. The prices (4) vary from Rp10,000 to millions, fascinating water park and 3D movie theater for your kids and
depending on the products and materials. family. Enjoy live music performances and theater shows.
Green Batik House also gives you a chance to see Lounge, café and shopping center open at all times. A fast
how batik cloth is made. If you would like to learn how to Internet access is available throughout the ship. Enjoy perfect
make batik cloth, Green Batik House will (5) charge you cruise with us. For more detail information and reservation, visit
Rp10,000 for the cost of the materials. So, what are you
waiting for? You can learn, shop and see batik collections
at Green Batik House, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman no. 10.

Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik:

Would you like to see batik (1) ________? Are you
looking for batik clothes? Would you like to learn how to make A. Present a spoken advertisement of this place.
batik cloth? Find your answers at Green Batik House. Add information of your own.
Green Batik House (2) ________ a number of batik Grand Christa Hotel
collections. There are batik Pekalongan, batik Yogyakarta,
batik Solo and many others. Besides, you can find many
(3) ________ and styles of batik, for dresses, shirts, jackets,
sarongs, bags, laptop cases and other clothing items. The
prices (4) ________ from Rp10,000 to millions, depending on
the products and materials.
Green Batik House also gives you a chance to see how
batik cloth is made. If you would like to learn how to make batik
cloth, Green Batik House will (5) ________ you Rp10,000 for
the cost of the materials. So, what are you waiting for? You can
learn, shop and see batik collections at Green Batik House,
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman no. 10. Facilities:
● 250 spacious rooms ● Free internet access
B. Answer the following questions based on the text in ● Meeting rooms ● Swimming pool
Task A. ● Spa and beauty salon ● Restaurant and café
1. What is the purpose of the text? ● Fitness center ● Playground
2. What can visitors do at Green Batik House?

42 Descriptions
B. Choose one of the following places and make B. Choose a place.
a spoken advertisement of the place. Present a spoken advertisement ofthe place.

Contoh jawaban:
1 Are you looking for high quality smart phones at reasonable
prices? Visit and shop at Griya Phone. We provide smart phones
of various brands with factory authorized warranties. Enjoy
special offers for this month. A free memory card for all type of
smart phones and a power bank for particular brands. Don’t miss
it. Visit us at Jalan Pemuda no. 50 Pekanbaru.

downloaded September 18, 2015 A. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
1. The advertisement of Tagalaya Island.
2. It is located in Tobelo, North Maluku.
3. It is a beautiful island with clear sea water combined wide
expanses of white sandy beaches and picturesque view.
4. They can snorkel, dive, enjoy marine life from the boat,
enjoy mangrove trees and explore
the island with a long tail boat or speedboat.
5. By boarding at Dufa-Dufa Harbor in Tobelo.

Source: http://www.overtherainbowtoys.,

downloaded September 26, 2015

Contoh jawaban: A. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Task A
Grand Christa Hotel is a 4-star hotel in the center of town.
It is an ideal and strategic place for travelers and businessmen.
With 250 spacious rooms, it offers you facilities such as free
internet access, meeting rooms, swimming pool, spa and
beauty salon, restaurant and café, fitness center and
playground. The hotel also provides breakfast and laundry
Choose the room of your preference at reasonable cost:
Rp250,000/night for superior rooms, Rp350,000/night for
deluxe rooms and Rp500,000/night for suite rooms. We trust
you will enjoy your stay with us. For reservations, please call
us on 580793380.
Task B
1. Dine with our special menu, roasted chicken and
vanilla choco cream, for only Rp15,000/person. We also
offer other special menus for your lunch and dinner at Adapted from: (August 13, 2015)
special prices. The cozy place has live music to
accompany your delicious meals. Questions:
Reservations are available for business meetings, 1. What is the purpose of the text?
birthday parties and other occasions. Visit us at Yummy 2. What information is presented in the text?
Restaurant, Jalan Affandi no. 102 from 10 a.m. to 3. How many islands are there in Indonesia’s archipelago?
10 p.m. or call us on 6290528 for more details. 4. What kinds of landscapes does Indonesia have,
2. Getting confused about what presents you are going mentioned in the text?
to give your friends’ on special occasions? Come and 5. What places can we visit in Nusa Tenggara?
shop at Kiddie Gift Shop. We provide you many kinds of B. Find the meanings of the following words.
gifts; toys, girls’ and boys’ accessories, clothing items and 1. to endow = _______________
stationery. We also offer you unique wrapping paper and 2. trader = _______________
boxes. So, what are you waiting for? Visit us at Jalan 3. to conspire = _______________
Dewi Sartika number 10 and get the best presents for 4. incredible = _______________
your beloved ones. 5. diverse = _______________
6. to explore = _______________
7. plateau = _______________
8. to stretch = _______________

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 43

C. Make sentences using the words in Task B. B. Answer the following questions based on the
Jawaban: brochure in Task A.
Task A 1. What is the text about?
1. To advertise a place, Indonesia’s archipelago. 2. Who is the place intended for?
2. About Indonesia’s archipelago and several suggested 3. What languages are used in the classroom?
places to visit. 4. Why should the targeted readers enroll in the school?
3. Over 17,000 islands. 5. “Peer assessment.”
4. Beautiful beaches, volcanoes and jungles. What is the synonym of ‘peer’?
5. Mount Rinjani, Narmada Park, Komodo Island and Jawaban:
Nemberela Beach.
Task A
Task B 1. f 2. d 3. i 4. a
1. memberkahi, memberi 2. pedagang 5. j 6. e 7. g 8. b
3. bekerja sama 4. luar biasa
5. bermacam-macam 6. menjelajahi Task B
7. dataran tinggi 8. membentang 1. Innovative Bilingual Senior High School.
Task C (Contoh jawaban) 2. For adults in senior high school, at the ages between
1. The little girl is endowed with musical talent. 15 and 18 years old.
2. Suramadu Bridge can be a beneficial route for traders 3. English and Bahasa Indonesia.
from both Surabaya and Madura. 4. Because the place offers an integrated curriculum,
3. Both of them are conspiring on how to win the game. qualified and experienced teachers, assisted indepen-
4. Diving in Karimunjawa will be an incredible tour and dent learning, peer assessment, small group teaching,
experience for you. creative teaching method, character building programs,
5. We should be proud to live in a country with diverse complete facilities and varied extracurricular activities.
languages, cultures and customs. 5. It is ‘colleague’ or ‘friend’.
6. The man likes traveling. He has traveled and explored
a lot of places overseas.
7. The weather is usally rather cold in a plateau area.
8. Ali stretches his arms after working on the computer
for hours.

B. Complete the following text with the correct words Make a brochure to advertise an interesting
from the box. place you have ever visited.
Gather any information from your surroundings
Jawaban: or Internet.
1. d 2. g 3. b 4. e
5. j 6. h 7. a 8. c Contoh jawaban:

A. Complete the following text with the correct words

from the box.

a. provides b. enrollment
c. academic year d. bilingual
e. qualified f. education
g. facilities h. teaches
i. creative j. talents

44 Descriptions
Tape Script for Assessment

This dialog is for question 1.

Girl : Have you heard the news?
Boy : What about?
I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
Girl : Yolanda was chosen as the best student for 2013 at her
school. Jawaban:
Boy : Really? It’s surprising! 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. E 5. B
Girl : It is. 6. A 7. E 8. C 9. B 10. A
Question: 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. C
1. What makes the speakers surprised? 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. E 20. B

This dialog is for question 2. II. Write a descriptive text about one of interesting
Woman : That tuxedo suits you well. places in your hometown.
Boy : Does it? A. Practice
Contoh jawaban:the following dialogs with a friend.
Woman : Yes. You look stylish and handsome in it. Pindul Cave is another spot for travelers to enjoy. It offers
Boy : Thanks, Mom. interesting natural scenery and a unique traveling experience.
Question: Pindul cave is located within Bejiharjo Village in Karangmojo,
2. What are the speakers talking about? Gunung Kidul. The journey takes about 1 to 1.5 hours the by car,
going through the mountainous area. Make sure that the engine
This text is for questions 3 to 5. of your car is reliable for winding roads.
Australia is enormous. It is a country and a continent. The cave is 300 meters long and divided into three zones.
Australians speak English but they have their own accent. The first zone is the lightest zone, where visitors can see the
Australians are called Aussies, their country is Oz and they have beauty of the cave, stones ornaments and a cluster of bats. The
forty different kinds of kangaroos. second zone is the dim zone while the third zone is the dark
There are lots of things to do in Australia. In Sydney, there is zone where there is no light. Visitors need lamps to enjoy the
the famous Opera House and there are beautiful beaches. In the third zone.
northeast, there is the Great Barrier Reef. Visitors can snorkel In this fantastic cave, visitors can enjoy drifting underground
and see beautiful coral and a great variety of fish. There is also along the Pindul River, with its unique caves. The river is about 5
Ayers Rock in the center of the country. The big rock measures meters wide and about 8 meters deep. Visitors can enjoy cave
345 meters tall and 3 kilometers long. tubing and the magnificient stalactites inside the cave. This
Adopted from: Manuel dos Santos, My World 2, New York, Mc-Graw Hill, 2006. activity is a combination of rafting and caving on a rubber tube.
Questions: Visitors lay inside a set of tubes and follow the drift of the
3. Which picture goes with the description? underground river. Cave tubing is perfect for those who love
4. Where is the big rock located? adventure traveling. It can be done on a personal basis or in
5. What can people do at Great Barrier Reef? groups. The activity is relatively safe and can be enjoyed by
anyone from different age groups. Experts and experienced
instructors are ready anytime to guide the participants through
the journey, complete with safety equipment such as safety
helmets, rubber tubes, head lamp and safety jacket for one to
Cave tubing at Pindul cave is managed by the local
community. It costs about IDR 30.000/pax, which includes the
cost for the standard safety cave tubing equipment.
Adopted from:
enjoying-the-beautiful-inside-of-pindul-cave.html (August 11, 2015)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 45

Tape Script for Review Unit II Version A Question:
2. What are the speakers talking about?
This dialog is for question 1.
Woman : Your essay is great. The content is complete and the This text is for questions 3 to 5.
language is understandable. My neighborhood is a wonderful place to eat and shop for
Boy : Is it? food, because people from all over the world live there.
Woman : Yes. I’m interested in the topic you wrote. It reflects It is interesting because it has many ethnic restaurants. It is
a teenagers’ life these days. also the best place to go when you want to eat good Chinese,
Boy : Thanks. I learn from my surroundings. Italian, Middle Eastern Vietnamese, or Polish food.
My neighborhood is the best to buy many kinds of
Question: international food. You can buy delicious cheeses and sausages
1. What does the woman compliment the boy for? at the Italian store on the corner of my block. You can buy sweet
melons and all kinds of fresh vegetables from the Korean
This dialog is for question 2. produce store two blocks from my house.
Boy : I have good news for you. You can also buy delicious kebabs and baklava from the
Girl : What is it? Lebanese restaurant across the street. Why would I want to live
Boy : My basketball team will compete in the National anywhere else when everything I need is available in my
Basketball Competition next month. neighborhood?
Girl : Are you serious? Adopted from: Cheryl Pavlik and Margaret Keenan Segal, Interactions 2 Writing:
Paragraph Development and Introduction to the Essay, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Boy : I am. The coach told us so.
Girl : But I heard that the school wouldn’t send any Questions:
representatives to the competition, due to a few problems. 3. Why is the speaker’s neighborhood interesting?
Boy : There were a few problems, but the school staff and 4. What can people buy from the Korean produce store in the
committee have found solutions. So, we can participate in speaker’s neighborhood?
the competition. 5. Where is the Lebanese restaurant?
Girl : Wow! That’s great! Congratulations!

46 Descriptions
Review Unit II RAHASIA

Version A
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : 2 (dua)
Kelas : X Tanggal : ....

Nama Nomor Induk

Kelas Tanda Tangan

B. Reading Section
I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
This text is for questions 6 and 7.
A. Listening Section
Are you keen on culinary? Drop by at Exotic Resto
1. A. The boy’s topic in a debate.
and enjoy your favorite Indonesian food, from all regions in
B. The boy’s interesting essay.
Indonesia. Choose your menu and satisfy your taste buds.
C. The boy’s complete artwork.
Get 20% discount on all meals we provide.
D. The boy’s speech on a teenagers’ life.
This promo is valid until June 30, 2016. Find and reach
E. The boy’s performance in a contest.
us soon at Jalan Dewi Sartika number 56 and at Jalan Imam
2. A. The committee of the basketball competition. Bonjol number 102.
B. The victory of the basketball team.
C. The national basketball competition. 6. What is the text about?
D. A coach of a basketball club. A. An announcement about the change of address of
E. The basketball practice. a restaurant.
B. A promotion of Indonesian cuisines festivals.
3. A. Because it has many ethnic restaurants. C. Information about Indonesian foods.
B. Because it is a great producer of cheese. D. An introduction to Exotic Resto.
C. Because there are a lot of unique houses. E. An advertisement of a restaurant.
D. Because it is well known for its traditional cuisines.
E. Because there are many wonderful tourist attractions. 7. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The restaurant provides Indonesian food.
4. A. Cheeses and sausages. B. The restaurant offers an exotic new Indonesian menu.
B. Kebabs and baklava. C. The restaurant promotes a one-day discount, on June
C. Korean typical food. 30, 2016.
D. International foods. D. Customers can get 20% discount for certain meals.
E. Fresh vegetables. E. Customers can find the restaurant in three separate
5. A. Across the street. addresses.
B. On the corner of the block.
C. Opposite the Italian store.
D. Beside the speaker’s house.
E. Two blocks from the speaker’s house.

This is the end of the listening section.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 47

This text is for questions 8 to 11.

Adopted from: (August 23, 2015)

8. The purpose of the text is ________. Born on September 20, 1990 to Sheryl and Phillip LaDon
A. to promote water adventures Phillips, Sr., Phillips holds a degree from Albany Technical
B. to describe luxurious condominiums College, majoring in Industrial Systems Technology. He missed
C. to advertise Bahama Beach Club the graduation ceremony due to his participation in the eleventh
D. to inform about activities on Caribbean beaches season of “American Idol”.
E. to relate to a person’s experience in Treasure Cay Phillips loves music. He started playing music when he was
14. He also formed a band with his brothers-in-law in 2009. He is
9. Where is Bahama Beach Club located? a fan of Jonny Lang, Dave Matthews, John Butler and Damien
A. By the beach. Rice.
B. On the hillside. Adapted from: en/ (August 23, 2015)
C. In a countryside.
D. At the center of the town. 12. What is Phillips’ nationality?
E. On the slope of a mountain. A. Scotland. B. Ireland.
C. Brazilian. D. American.
10. What is one facility Bahama Beach Club provides in the E. Mexican.
A. Fitness equipment. B. Free laundromat. 13. When did Phillips start playing music?
C. Large kitchens. D. Daily breakfast. A. In 2001. B. In 2004.
E. Flat TV. C. In 2007. D. In 2009.
11. The following are the activities Bahama Beach Club offers, E. In 2012.
EXCEPT ________.
A. barbequing B. scuba diving 14. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
C. water skiing D. white water rafting A. Phillips was born in Georgia about 26 years ago.
E. playing beach volleyball B. Phillips admires Jonny Lang and Dave Matthews.
C. Phillips beat Jessica Sanchez at the American Idol
This text is for questions 12 to 14. show.
Phillip LaDon Phillips, Jr. is a singer or song writer from D. Phillips graduated from the Albany Technical College in
Leesburg, Georgia. He is the winner of the American Idol 2012, 2012.
defeating his fellow finalist Jessica Sanchez. E. Phillips started to perform with his band when he was 14.

48 Descriptions
15. Ayushita : Look! The little girl is very skillful at ballet 17. What is the best title for the text?
dancing. A. The History of Chocolate
Diandra : Yeah. I think she ________ a professional ballet B. Excellent European Chocolate
dancer in the future. C. The Unique Museum in Prague
A. will become B. has become D. Prague, the Great Producer of Cocoa
C. hardly ever become D. almost never become E. Choco Story Prague, the Chocolate Museum
E. would have become
18. Based on the text, what was chocolate used for by the
16. Phil : Bams was absent from the music course yesterday. Mayas and the Aztecs?
Ken : So was Juna. A. Snack.
What can we conclude from the conversation? B. Drink.
A. Neither Bams nor Ken attended the music course. C. Medicine.
B. Either Phil or Ken met Bams at the music course. D. Food ingredients.
C. Not only Ken but also Juna can play music. E. Cosmetic articles.
D. Both Bams and Juna didn’t join the music course
yesterday. 19. What can visitors do in the third part of the museum?
E. Either Phil or Bams loves music. A. Learn about the history of cocoa.
B. Taste the excellent chocolate products.
This text is for questions 17 to 20. C. See a unique collection of historical chocolate
Chocolate has stimulated our taste buds for centuries, from packages.
the spicy drink of the Mayas and the Aztecs to the favorite sweet D. Learn about the chocolate creation and processing.
chocolate that we know at present. E. Discover the secret of origin of silky chocolate.
People often ask, “Where does chocolate come from?”, 20. “The museum of chocolate will even deepen
“How did it get to Europe?”, “What is the secret of excellent the fascination of young and elderly chocolate lovers ....”
chocolate?”, “Why was chocolate used as medicine?” (Paragraph 5)
The chocolate museum Choco Story Prague answers these What is the synonym of the underlined word?
questions and many others by reviving the 2,600-year-old history A. Wonder.
of chocolate in words, pictures and tastes. B. Attraction.
In the museum you will be absorbed by the exciting world of C. Spirit.
chocolate and using all senses you will be traveling in time. It will D. Passion.
be a pleasure not only for your eyes, but also for the nose and E. Eagerness.
the tongue.
The museum of chocolate will even deepen the fascination II. Make a brochure/pamplet about your school.
of young and elderly chocolate lovers and also those who are
only interested in its history. The number of authentic historical
artifacts pleases the heart of every historian.
The museum is divided into three parts. The first part deals
with history, describing cocoa as a drink and its route to Europe,
the second part shows creation of chocolate including its further
processing until the present time, and the third part presents
a unique collection of historical chocolate packages.
In the exhibition center, the visitors will discover the secret
of origin of excellent silky chocolate and they will be able to taste
chocolate products that are prepared in the museum. The
museum is unique in Prague, for its collections.
Adopted from: (August 7, 2015)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 49

Kunci Review Unit II Version A

I. Pilihan Ganda
1. B 11. D
2. C 12. D
3. A 13. B
4. E 14. E
5. A 15. A
6. E 16. D
7. A 17. E
8. C 18. B
9. A 19. C
10. C 20. B

II. Uraian
Contoh jawaban:

Tape Script for Review Unit II Version B This text is for questions 4 and 5.
Oprah Gail Winfrey, known as Oprah Winfrey, is famous for
her show “The Oprah Winfrey Show”. It was the highest-rated talk
This dialog is for question 1.
show in U.S. TV history.
Woman : What a nice fancy jump! Your girl is really adept at it.
Oprah is a famous host, entrepreneur, producer and actress.
Man : Thanks. She likes fancy jump and she started
She has won numerous Emmy Awards. She was an Academy
learning it when she was at elementary school.
Award-nominee, film and play producer and magazine publisher.
Woman : That’s great. She has both the talent and motivation
Besides, she is regarded as the richest African American of the
to learn, no wonder she can do the fancy jump quiet
20th century and the world’s black billionaire for three straight
Question: Oprah was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko,
1. Who likes the fancy jump? Mississippi to Vernita Lee and Vernon Winfrey. She holds a BA
degree in Speech and Performing Arts from Tennessee State
This dialog is for questions 2 and 3. University.
Girl : You won’t believe this. Adapted from: –
(August 16, 2015)
Boy : What? –
Girl : We have free holiday tickets, to Hong Kong. (August 16, 2015)
Boy : You must be kidding.
Girl : No. Father told me that he received a letter from Marina
4. Which of the following is Oprah Winfrey’s occupation?
Package Tour, telling him that our family has been the
5. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?
lucky customer to win the free tickets to Hong Kong.
Boy : Really? It’s surprising.
Girl : Yup! Father has confirmed it.
2. What is the relationship between the speakers?
3. What surprising news does the girl have?

50 Descriptions
Review Unit II RAHASIA

Version B
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : 2 (dua)
Kelas : X Tanggal : ....

Nama Nomor Induk

Kelas Tanda Tangan

6. The purpose of the text is ________.

I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
A. to describe a particular place
B. to inform a new location
A. Listening Section
C. to advertise a place
1. A. The woman. D. to report the recent news
B. The woman’s daughter. E. to announce a grand opening
C. The man’s daughter.
D. The man’s mother. 7. The following are the reasons to reserve at The Carnations
E. The man’s sister. Inn, EXCEPT _______.
A. the rooms are varied and comfortable
2. A. Siblings. B. Friends. B. the location is reachable by road
C. Pen pals. D. Teammates. C. it serves a pleasant natural atmosphere
E. Coworkers. D. it provides deluxe facilities
3. A. The girl is lucky to receive a scholarship to study abroad. E. it offers a low-priced rate
B. The girl’s father will leave for Hong Kong to work. This text is for questions 8 to 11.
C. The boy receives a big present from his father.
D. The Marina Package Tour offers them a tour discount.
E. The speakers’ family won free holiday tickets to Hong
4. A. A film director. B. An actress.
C. A news reader. D. A music writer.
E. A magazine editor.
5. A. “The Oprah Winfrey Show” was the highest-rated talk
show in England.
B. Oprah Winfrey is regarded as the richest entrepreneur
this year.
C. Oprah Winfrey was born in Mississippi on January 29,
D. Oprah Winfrey graduated from Tennessee State
E. Oprah Winfrey has won Emmy Awards for three straight

This is the end of the listening section. Adopted from: Leanadon G. Rodrigo, Learning English Primary
5, Singapore, Singapore Asian Publications, 2002.
B. Reading Section 8. Where can visitors see the black rhinoceros breeding?
This text is for questions 6 and 7. A. At London Zoo.
B. At Paris Zoo.
Feel relaxed at our deluxe hotel, The Carnations Inn. C. At Cologne Zoo.
Located in the center of town, The Carnations Inn serves you D. At Peking Zoo.
great comfort, with a natural atmosphere. E. At London and Cologne Zoo.
With luxurious facilities, including flat TV, air condi-
tioner, high speed Internet access, swimming pool, café, 9. What is the unique feature of Paris Zoo?
fitness center and many others, you’ll feel reassured. A. Natural surroundings.
Besides, The Carnations Inn is close to public places which B. Man-made hills.
you can get to easily. C. A superb aquarium.
We provide you three types of pleasant rooms, D. Antelope breeding.
superior, deluxe and suite. Reserve now and get your best E. A huge number of reptiles.
experience at our four star hotel. For more details, call us on
+62361 7510842.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 51

10. Which of the following statements is TRUE? 13. Which of the following statement describes the device?
A. Most of the zoos featured in the brochure are located in A. It weighs less than 300 grams.
Asia. B. It features dual VGA camera.
B. The Cologne Zoo has an excellent aquarium and C. It has limited Internet connectivity.
aquatic animal house. D. It is facilitated with complete ports.
C. The London Zoo was once a famous botanical garden. E. It is portable and multi-functioned.
D. Visitors can see unique rare animals at Peking Zoo.
14. What is the drawback of the device?
E. There are deer, hippopotamuses and antelopes
breeding at the London Zoo. A. The device has a small memory.
B. The screen can be easily damaged.
11. “There are walk-in aviaries and a special enclosure for giant C. The multimedia features are not complete.
pandas.” D. The speed of the Internet connection is low.
What does ‘aviaries’ mean? E. The GPS satellite navigation lacks a signal.
A. Pools for aquatic animals. 15. “... he can carry it quite easily, tucked under his arm from
B. Large cages for birds. one place to another.” (Paragraph 2)
C. Special showcases for insects.
The underlined word is similar to ________.
D. Rooms for visitors to lounge in.
E. Playgrounds for the children. A. placed B. set
C. held D. fitted
This text is for questions 12 to 15. E. loosen
My cousin works outdoors and he needs 16. Tania : There are many chores to do today.
a portable device which can help him ease his workload. That is Bella : Don’t worry. ________.
why he owns a tablet computer which is supposed to facilitate his A. I will help you B. I used to help you
C. I have helped you D. I would mind helping you
His tablet computer is black in color. It measures 19.3 × 12.2
× 1.05 centimeters in dimension and weighs 344 grams. It is light E. I won’t be able to help you
enough to hold and small enough to slip into any bag. Its smaller 17. Which of the sentences is INCORRECT?
size means that he can carry it quite easily, tucked under his arm A. Neither Ron nor Bob enjoys horseback riding.
from one place to another. Besides, its operating systems are B. The villa provides both a playground and pool.
quick, simple and easy to understand and navigate. It allows him C. The man stated his ideas either explicitly or shrilly.
to work at any time and stay connected for personal, or business D. We have not only chemistry, but also a math test
use. The design of his tablet enables it to be laid flat on any tomorrow.
working surface. This facilitates better presentations, personalized E. Either Mr. Anderson or Mr. John are going to Paris for
interactions with people in any work setting. holiday.
This compact touchscreen device features potential cell
phone functions like messaging, picture messaging, video calling This text is for questions 18 to 20.
and speakerphones uses. Thus, he can communicate with his Ampera Bridge is a vertical-lift bridge in the city of
clients, or boss or coworkers and others, at ease. This smart Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia. It is not only a landmark
device is also complete with Android system, processor dual of the city but also reflects the nation’s political aspirations.
core, dual camera, video recording, wireless mobile browser, The bridge was initially called Bung Karno bridge. It was
e-mail and social media devices, GPS satellite navigation, constructed in April 1962 and officially opened on September 30,
downloadable applications such as games and dictionaries, 1965. It measures 1,177 meters long and 22 meters wide.
Bluetooth and other advanced specifications. With such a highly The bridge, lying over the Musi River, connects Seberang
developed design and features, his tablet computer offers Ulu and Seberang Ilir, two regions of Palembang. It has two lifting
a package set including multimedia, communication and towers at 63 meters tall, with a distance of 75 meters between
unlimited Internet connectivity. the two.
Although this innovative and convenient device has a lot of This bridge once had a retractable section, which could be
benefits and features, it also has a few disadvantages. There is lifted to make way for tall ships to sail through. The section was
no doubt that his tablet is fragile and the touchscreen can easily powered by a 500-ton pendulum ballast lifter, which could fully lift
become damaged. Its small size means that it should be handled the bridge to make way for ships. However, this section is no
carefully. Compared to a laptop computer, my cousin’s tablet is longer opened to allow ships through, because of the time
less durable and lacks of ports and drives. My cousin is aware consuming process and for safety reasons.
that the technology simply facilitates him in doing his work, so he People nowadays use the areas at both sides of the river for
has to use it wisely, considering the features, benefits and recreational activities.
disadvantages. Adapted from:
Adapted from: – www.indonesiatravel/en/destination/227/ampera-bridge (August 25, 2015)
– –
Tablets.aspx#axzz23CTD9j00 symbol.html (August 25, 2015)
(August 11, 2015)
18. How long did it take to complete the bridge?
– (August
11, 2015) A. Two years. B. Three years.
C. Four years. D. Five years.
12. What is the text about? E. Six years.
A. A light innovative computer.
B. A highly developed portable device. 19. What was the purpose of the retractable section?
C. The writer’s cousin’s tablet computer. A. To attract visitors.
D. The writer’s compact personal device. B. To make way for cargo ships.
E. The specific features of a tablet computer. C. To allow tall ships to pass through.
D. To give more space for ships to anchor.
E. To enable traders to sail the river.

52 Descriptions
20. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? II. Make an advertisement based on the picture.
A. The Ampera Bridge is 1,177 meters long and 22 meters Add details of your own.
B. The Ampera Bridge is a landmark of Palembang, South
C. The two lifting towers of the Ampera Bridge measure
63 meters tall.
D. The retractable section was officially closed in
September 1967.
E. Recently, people visit areas of the bridge for recreation.

Source:, downloaded September 19, 2012

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 53

Kunci Review Unit II Version B II. Uraian
Contoh jawaban:
I. Pilihan Ganda Spend hours of pleasure at Willow Beach. Sunbathing,
1. C 11. B swimming, diving, snorkeling, enjoying the wonderful sunset or
tasting great roasted fish and other seafood at cafes by the
2. A 12. C
beach will bring you delight and satisfaction. Located on Willow
3. E 13. E Street, 10 kilometers from the airport, Willow Beach is one of the
4. B 14. B tourists’ attractions with its marine wealth and exotic panorama.
5. D 15. A Head for the beach and have fun.
6. C 16. A
7. E 17. E
8. C 18. B
9. A 19. C
10. D 20. D

54 Descriptions
5. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengar-
Guru: kan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Girl : Here we are. This is my house. Thank you for Man : I’ve locked the giant in the cave and now
the lift. you’re free, Princess.
Boy : You’re welcome. Woman : ________
Girl : Would you like to come in? Narrator : What will the woman most likely say in
Boy : No, thanks. Maybe some other time. Bye. response?
Girl : Bye. A. Don’t mention it.
Narrator : Why does the girl thank the boy? B. Thank you so much.
C. Would you drop by?
Jawaban: C D. I hope I’ll meet you again.

2. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Jawaban: B

6. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Boy : I heard you received a scholarship.
Girl : Yes, that’s right. From now, I don’t need to Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengar-
pay school fees. kan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Boy : Wow! That’s cool. Boy : Cinderella, I heard you’ll marry the prince
Congratulations! and stay in the palace.
Girl : Thanks. Girl : Yes, I will.
Narrator : What does the boy say when he knows the Boy : ________
girl received a scholarship? Narrator : What will the boy most likely say to respond
to it?
Jawaban: D
A. Finally, your dream has come true.
B. That sounds miserable!
3. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu C. You’re really beautiful!
Guru: D. What pity!
Man : I want to give you the results of the test.
Santi, here’s your work. Jawaban: A
Girl : Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.
Man : You got the best mark this time. Keep up the 7. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
good work!
Girl : Thank you, Sir. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengar-
Narrator : What does the man say to compliment the kan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
girl? Man : We’ll be rich! We’ll be rich!
Woman : Why do you say that?
Jawaban: E Man : I found this precious metal.
Woman : ________
Narrator : What will the woman most likely say to
4. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
respond to it?
Guru: A. I don’t like it.
Girl : Have you heard the news? B. You must be dreaming!
Boy : What news? C. I don’t think it happens!
Girl : I heard Mrs. Amira will become the new D. Wow, it’s gold!
Boy : Are you serious? Jawaban: D
Girl : Yes. Gustav told me about it yesterday.
Narrator : What are the girl and boy talking about?

Jawaban: D

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 55


8. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Guru: This text is for questions 12 and 13.
Boy : Excuse me. Pina was a spoiled girl. She never did house chores.
Woman : Yes? How can I help you? However, her mother was happy about this, because Pina
Boy : Where is the toilet? would always count on her.
Woman : The toilet is at the end of this alley. It’s on One day, Pina’s mother was ill, so Pina had to look after
your left hand side. her. She asked Pina to cook porridge, but Pina couldn’t do it.
Boy : Thank you, Ma’am. The girl finally made the porridge after her mother forced her.
Woman : You’re welcome. However, she couldn’t finish cooking it, because she didn’t
Narrator : Where do you think the speakers are? know where the ladle to stir the rice was. In anger, Pina’s
mother said, “You won’t even look! I hope you grow
Jawaban: A a thousand eyes so you’ll be able to find it!” After saying this,
Pina’s mother couldn’t find where the girl was. She
disappeared. None of her neighbors knew or saw where Pina
9. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
Guru: A long time had passed. One sunny day, Pina’s mother
Man : I have something special for you, dear. Here was cleaning her backyard. She saw a yellow fruit about as
you are. large as the head of a child that had sprung up from the
Girl : What is it? ground. Then, she bent to examine it curiously. “It had
Man : Open it. I hope you like it. thousands of black eyes!” she exclaimed. She remembered
Girl : Wow! A blouse! Thanks, Dad. her words and Pina. However, there was nothing she could do.
Man : You’re welcome. Now people call the fruit pineapple.
Narrator : What does the man give the girl? Adapted from: (September 2,
Jawaban: C Narrator:
12. What is the text about?
10. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: 13. What equipment couldn’t Pina find when she wanted to
Snow White lived happily with her new friends in cook porridge?
the forest. Although they were short and small, they
were kind and wise. They treated Snow White well. 12. Jawaban: E
Narrator : Whom did Snow White live with? 13. Jawaban: C

Jawaban: B Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:

This text is for questions 14 and 15.
11. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: I’m in the Butterfly Hotel at the moment. This three-star
I went to Affandi Museum in Yogyakarta last week. hotel is only fifteen minutes drive from the town center and
The building is in the shape of banana leaves with thirty minutes from the airport. It has fifty rooms, including
concrete main pillars and several carved wooden three presidential suits, five executive and superior rooms
pillars. There are three galleries that permanently and some standard rooms. Each room is equipped with
exhibit the collection of pantings. a double bed or two single beds, a TV set, an air conditioner
Let me tell you about one of them, the first gallery. and a private bathroom with hot and cold water.
Here, Affandi’s works from his early years of painting
until his last moments are exhibited.
14. What is the purpose of the text?
Narrator : Where did the speaker go last week?
15. How many rooms does the Butterfly Hotel have?
Jawaban: D
14. Jawaban: D
15. Jawaban: C
This is the end of the listening section.

16. B 23. B 30. B 37. D 44. D

17. A 24. A 31. B 38. A 45. E
18. B 25. D 32. D 39. B 46. A
19. E 26. E 33. C 40. A 47. D
20. D 27. A 34. A 41. E 48. C
21. A 28. C 35. B 42. E 49. B
22. B 29. C 36. C 43. C 50. C

56 Mid-Term Test
Pada unit ini peserta didik akan mempelajari dan diharapkan menguasai:
1. tindak tutur menyatakan rasa tak percaya,
2. tindak tutur menerima undangan, tawaran, dan ajakan,
3. berbagai teks news item, lisan maupun tulis,
4. teks fungsional pendek lisan: short news,
5. teks fungsional pendek tulis: letters to the editor,
6. penggunaan tag question dan phrasal verb, dan
7. kosakata yang terkait dengan teks.

News Items

• Tindak tutur menyatakan rasa tak Teks news item • Short news
percaya • Letters to the editor
• Tindak tutur menerima undangan,
tawaran, dan ajakan

• Percakapan yang memuat • Berbagai teks news item. • Berbagai headline/short news.
ungkapan menyatakan rasa tak • Praktik menyampaikan teks • Praktik menyampaikan short
percaya ser ta menerima news item dengan topik yang news dengan topik yang dekat
undangan, tawaran, dan ajakan dekat dengan peserta didik. dengan peserta didik.
yang diperdengarkan. • Praktik menulis teks news item • Berbagai letters to the editor.
• Praktik bercakap-cakap meng- dengan topik yang dekat dengan • Praktik membuat letters to the
gunakan ungkapan menyatakan peserta didik. editor dengan topik yang dekat
rasa tak percaya serta menerima dengan peserta didik.
undangan, tawaran, dan ajakan
dalam konteks sehari-hari.

• Mampu bersikap sopan dan santun ketika berkomunikasi.

• Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama dan maksud ungkapan menyatakan rasa tak percaya serta menerima undangan, tawaran,
dan ajakan dalam percakapan yang diperdengarkan.
• Mampu menyatakan rasa tak percaya serta menerima undangan, tawaran, dan ajakan dalam bahasa Inggris dalam konteks
• Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan/topik utama teks news item yang diperdengarkan.
• Mampu menyampaikan teks news item dengan konteks sehari-hari.
• Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama, gagasan rinci, dan tujuan komunikatif teks news item.
• Mampu menulis teks news item dengan konteks sehari-hari.
• Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan/topik utama short news yang diperdengarkan.
• Mampu menyampaikan short news sesuai dengan konteks sehari-hari.
• Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan utama, gagasan rinci, dan tujuan komunikatif letters to the editor.
• Mampu menulis letters to the editor dengan konteks sehari-hari.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 57

C. Answer the following questions based on the dialogs
in Task B.
3.1 Expressions Jawaban:
Dialog 1
1. A cockroach. 2. It loses its head.
3. For up to nine days. 4. From the Internet.
5. She expresses disbelief.
Dialog 2
1. In the afternoon.
2. A sandwich.
3. Because she and her family will have a small party.
4. She accepts the invitation.
5. It refers to Meisya’s brother’s graduation from university.
A. Listen and answer the questions based on what you
have heard.
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Boy : You know what! There is a girl who tears crystals.
Girl : What do you mean?
Boy : When she cries, crystals come out of her eyes. A. Listen and complete the dialog based on what you
Girl : Really? It’s hard to believe. have heard.
Boy : Yes, but that’s true.
Girl : What do doctors say about the phenomenon? Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Boy : Doctors assume that she is suffering from an eye illness Boy : You look serious (1) reading. What’s interesting?
disorder. However, they will check the girl to prove it. Girl : Several rhinoceroses appeared at Mount Leuser
Girl : What an odd phenomenon! National Park. They are the (2) rarest species,
you know.
Jawaban: Boy : Are they?
1. A girl who tears crystals. Girl : Yes. They (3) appeared for first time in twenty six
2. Whenever she cries. years.
3. They assume that the girl is suffering from an eye illness Boy : It’s (4) unbelievable!
disorder. Girl : Yes. People think that rhinoceroses might have
4. It refers to the doctors. been extinct.
5. It is ‘strange’. Boy : We must keep them from (5) extinction.
Girl : You’re right.
B. Listen and complete the dialogs based on what you
have heard. Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik:
Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ Boy : You look serious (1) ________________. What’s
Ibu Guru dan jawaban: interesting?
Dialog 1 Girl : Several rhinoceroses appeared at Mount Leuser
Darren : Look at the cockroach! National Park. They are the (2) ________________
Bella : (1) Poor thing. It has lost its head. species, you know.
Darren : Do you know that a cockroach can live for up to nine Boy : Are they?
days (2) without its head? Girl : Yes. They (3) ________________ for first time in
Bella : Wow! It’s (3) unbelievable! twenty six years.
Darren : Yes. I’ve read about it on the Internet. Boy : It’s (4) ________________!
Bella : However, it is (4) pitiful. Girl : Yes. People think that the rhinoceroses might have
Darren : Why do you say so? been extinct.
Bella : It must be very (5) painful. Boy : We must keep them from (5) ________________.
Darren : You’re right. Girl : You’re right.

Dialog 2 B. Answer the following questions based on the dialog

Meisya : Let’s have lunch together. in Task A.
Linda : Sorry. I left my (1) lunchbox at home. 1. What news is the girl reading about?
Meisya : Don’t worry. I have two (2) sandwiches. You may 2. How long have the rhinoceroses disappeared?
have one. 3. What do people think about rhinoceroses?
Linda : Thank you. 4. What should people do with rhinoceroses?
Meisya : Anyway, will you come to my house this evening? We 5. The girl says, “They are the rarest species, you know.”
will have a small (3) party. What word is similar to ‘rare’?
Linda : A small party? For what occasion?
Meisya : My brother (4) graduated from university. That’s why, Jawaban:
we want to celebrate it. Task A
Linda : O.K. I’ll come. Thanks for the (5) invitation. 1. reading 2. rarest 3. appeared
Meisya : You’re welcome. 4. unbelievable 5. extinction
Task B
1. Several rhinoceroses which appeared at Mount Leuser
National Park.
2. About twenty six years.

58 News Items
3. They think that rhinoceroses might have been extinct. Sharon : How do you know?
4. They must keep them from extinction. Harry : I just read the article on the Internet.
5. It is ‘scarce’. Sharon : We must be proud of that, then.
Harry : Yes, you bet!
D. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct 1. Where did Sharon’s mother buy the new dress?
answer. 2. What is Harry’s opinion about our national products
compared to the ones from other countries?
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: 3. What fact does Harry use to support his opinion?
This dialog is for questions 1 and 2. 4. How did Harry know about the fact?
Boy : Have you seen the picture of Mona Lisa? 5. Sharon says, “My mom bought it for me.”
Girl : Do you mean Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci? What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
Boy : That’s right.
Girl : Yes, I have. What’s up? Jawaban:
Boy : If you notice her face carefully, you will notice that Mona 1. In Singapore.
Lisa has no eyebrows. 2. They also have high qualities.
Girl : Is it true? How can it be? 3. The fact that the uniforms for NATO soldiers are made in
Boy : I don’t know for sure. Just try to look at it closely and you Indonesia.
will notice. 4. By reading an article on the Internet about it.
5. It refers to Sandra’s new dress.
1. D 2. B
Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: B. Complete the following dialogs with the suitable
This dialog is for questions 3 to 5. expressions from the boxes.
Girl : Hello, Donny. Where is Lia? Then, practice the dialogs with a friend.
Boy : Um ... she is getting dressed.
Girl : I see. I’ll wait for her. Jawaban:
Boy : Will you have a seat? Dialog 1
Girl : O.K. Thanks. 1. e 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. d
Boy : Anyway, where are you going? Dialog 2
Girl : We are going to have dinner at Kartika Restaurant. 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. f 5. b
Boy : How will you go there?
Girl : By taxi. C. Answer the following questions based on the dialogs
Jawaban: in Task B.
3. E 4. A 5. C Jawaban:
Dialog 1
1. She feels sorry.
2. She had to use an alternative route and it took more time.
3. It didn’t have a strong enough construction so floods had
ruined it.
4. He hopes the government rebuilds a stronger bridge soon.
A. Practice the following dialog in pairs. 5. It refers to the bridge connecting Rena’s village to the town.
Then, answer the questions that follow.
Dialog 2
Jawaban: 1. She is Dave’s sister.
1. On the path to the waterfall. 2. It’s very cool. 2. She invites Randy to attend a small party at her house.
3. To rent a horse. 4. Near the waterfall. 3. Dave will be circumcised.
5. It is slippery. 4. A few of Dave’s friends.
5. It refers to Dave.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru

memberikan soal berikut. A. Complete the following dialogs with the suitable
Sharon : What do you think of my new dress? expressions from the boxes.
Harry : It’s beautiful. Where did you buy it? Then, practice the dialogs with a friend.
Sharon : In Singapore. My mom bought it for me. Dialog 1
Harry : I don’t think we always need to buy a product
from other countries. Our national products also a. I usually serve customers
have high qualities. b. doing my homework there
Sharon : Perhaps, but .... c. in a mobile phone kiosk
Harry : But what? You know, the uniforms for NATO d. Good boy
soldiers are made in Indonesia. e. I saw nobody
Sharon : Really? f. It’s my parents’ kiosk
Harry : Yes. The uniforms are made in Sritex, a textile
company in Sukoharjo, Central Java.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 59

Bertha : Yesterday I saw you (1) ________. Dialog 2
Gerry : Did you? 1. A seminar about journalism.
Bertha : Yes. (2) ________ but you. 2. Next Sunday at nine a.m.
Gerry : You’re right. 3. All people, including students.
Bertha : What were you doing there? 4. Luki’s brother.
Gerry : (3) ________ who want to buy new mobile 5. She accepts an invitation.
phones, or sell their old ones.
Bertha : Do you mean you work there? I don’t believe it.
Gerry : No. (4) ________. Occasionally, I help them look D. Arrange the jumbled sentences to form a sequential
after the kiosk after school. dialog.
Bertha : How do you study then?
Gerry : That’s not a big problem. I can bring my books and Jawaban:
study there. The correct arrangement of the jumbled sentences is 2–7–4–6–
Bertha : (5) ________! 1–8–3–5.

Dialog 2 E. Complete the following statements based on the

dialog in Task D.
a. How about attending b. How do you know
c. A famous journalist d. two tickets for us Jawaban:
e. seminar about journalism f. are not expensive 1. New Year
2. crowded
Luki : Do you know that there will be a (1) ________ at 3. a New Year celebration in Ethiopia
the city hall? 4. let the old year out and the new year in
Icha : No, I don’t. When will it be held? 5. the New Year
Luki : Next Sunday at about nine a.m.
Icha : Who will the presenter be?
Luki : (2) ________ from Jakarta.
Icha : Can we attend?
Luki : Of course. Anyone can attend, including students.
The tickets (3) ________. A. Arrange the jumbled sentences to form a sequential
Icha : That’s interesting. You know, I am interested in dialog.
1. Irfan : That’s true! I watched it on television last night.
Luki : I know. (4) ________ it?
2. Irfan : Yes, but he never thinks about the money he
Icha : I’d like to, but how about the tickets?
spends on it. He is so fond of tigers that he
Luki : My brother is also going. I’ll ask him to reserve
wants to be like a tiger.
(5) ________.
3. Irfan : You know what! There is a man who got his face
Icha : O.K. Thanks.
changed, similar to a tiger’s.
4. Irfan : He had an operation to make his jaw and lips
B. Answer the following questions based on the
similar to a tiger’s. He also changed his teeth for
dialogs in Task A.
false teeth and tusks.
Dialog 1 5. Vika : He must have spent a lot of money on that.
1. Where did Bertha see Gerry yesterday? 6. Vika : Do you mean his face is like a tiger’s? Nonsense!
2. What does Gerry usually do there? 7. Vika : Unbelievable! I’d never have thought there was
3. Whose kiosk does Gerry look after? such a crazy man.
4. How does Gerry manage his study time? 8. Vika : How could his face be changed?
5. What is Bertha’s opinion about Gerry?
B. Complete the following statements based on the
Dialog 2 dialog in Task A.
1. What seminar will be held at the city hall?
1. Irfan tells Vika about ________________.
2. When will the seminar be held?
2. Irfan watched the news about it ________________.
3. Who can attend the seminar?
3. The man changed his teeth for ________________.
4. Who will reserve tickets for Luki and Icha?
4. The man is very fond of ________________, so he got
5. Icha says, “I’d like to, ....”
his face changed, similar to a tiger’s.
What does she express?
5. Vika expresses disbelief by saying, “________________.”
Task A
Task A
Dialog 1
The correct arrangement of the jumbled sentences is 3–6–1–
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. d
Dialog 2
1. e 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. d Task B
1. a man who got his face changed, similar to a tiger’s.
Task B 2. on television last night
Dialog 1 3. false teeth and tusks
1. In a mobile phone kiosk. 4. tigers
2. He usually serves customers who want to buy new 5. Unbelievable! I’d never have thought there was such
mobile phones or sell their old ones. a crazy man
3. His parents’ kiosk.
4. He brings his books to the kiosk and studies there.
5. She thinks that Gerry is a good boy.

60 News Items
F. Create a dialog based on the following guideline. G. Create dialogs based on the following
Then, practice the dialog with a friend. situations.
Practice the dialogs with a friend.
Contoh jawaban:
Gavin : You know what! Ronny is absent today. Contoh jawaban:
Venska : Why is he absent? 1. Your friend : Guess what the plant in this photograph is!
Gavin : His house was ablaze last night. You : It seems to be Rafflesia Arnoldi.
Venska : Don’t be kidding! Your friend : You’re right. You know, it grows in my
Gavin : No. I am telling you the truth. Ronny sent me a text, backyard.
telling me about the incident. You : It’s unbelievable!
Venska : Poor him! How could that happen? Your friend : Yeah, it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Please
Gavin : I don’t know for sure. come to my house and I will show you the plant.
Venska : What about visiting him after school? You : O.K. I am also curious to see the plant.
Gavin : O.K. We can invite other friends to join.
2. You : Will you be free next Sunday, around 1 p.m.?
Venska : That’s a good idea!
Your friend : Yes. What’s up?
You : My mother will open a new restaurant and
I hope you can come.
Your friend : Where is it located?
You : It is at Jalan Kusuma no. 79. It is Kenari
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru Your friend : O.K. I’ll come. Thanks for the invitation.
memberikan soal berikut. You : You’re welcome.
Tonny Deswita 3. Your sister : People say that the old house in our
residence is spooky.
You : Who said that? I don’t believe it.
Greets Deswita. Answers the greeting.
Your sister : It is said that few people saw shadows in the
old house when passing it.
You : Have you seen the shadow yourself?
Tells Deswita that he Asks Tonny what the Your sister : No, I haven’t. However, people are afraid of
has got sad news. news is. passing the house at night.
You : Well, I’m curious about that.

Says that Robin’s Expresses disbelief

father passed away. since she met Robin’s
father only this morning.

Tells Deswita that Robin’s Expresses her Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
father had an accident sympathy. memberikan soal berikut.
and passed away.
1. You walk home from school. Suddenly, your uncle who is
riding a motorcycle passes by. He offers you a lift and
Asks Deswita to go to
Agrees to it. you accept it. How would the conversation go?
Robin’s house to
2. Your brother tells you that he saw your old friend at the
show their sympathy.
mall. You don’t believe him because your old friend has
Contoh jawaban: moved to Canada. How would the conversation go?
Tonny : Hi, Deswita. 3. Your favorite band releases a new album. You would like
Deswita : Hi, Tonny. to buy the CD. You invite your friend to go to the CD store
Tonny : I’ve got sad news. together. How would the conversation go?
Deswita : What’s that? Contoh jawaban:
Tonny : Robin’s father passed away. 1. Your uncle : Hello, Mario.
Deswita : You’re kidding! I met him only this morning. You : Hello, Uncle.
Tony : He had an accident on his way to work and Your uncle : Walking home alone?
passed away. You : Yes.
Deswita : Poor him! Robin must be very sad. Your uncle : Why don’t you come home with me? I’ll
Tony : I bet he is. So, let’s go to his house and show our give you a lift. We travel in the same
sympathy. He must need us to share his direction, right?
sadness. You : Yup! Thanks, Uncle.
Deswita : You’re right. O.K. Let’s go now. Your uncle : You’re welcome.
2. Your brother : Hey, I saw Alice at the mall this afternoon.
You : Do you mean Alice, my old friend?
Your brother : Yes.
You : It can’t be. Alice has moved to Canada.
Your brother : I am sure she was Alice. Maybe she is
having a holiday here.
You : Um ... I remember. Alice has a twin
sister named Aline. It may be her.
Your brother : It could be.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 61

3. You : Hello, Rona.
Your friend : Hello, Icha.
You : Do you know that Sweet Girlies has
released a new album?
Your friend : Yes, I do. My sister bought the CD A. Listen and complete the text based on what you
yesterday. have heard.
You : Really? I also want to buy the CD. Will
you go with me to the CD store? Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Your friend : When do you want to go? This is Nindy Sasmita with the News for Today.
You : This afternoon. Will you be free? SMA Bhuana will (1) celebrate its twentieth
Your friend : Yup! We can go there after school. anniversary. As usual, the school will hold many
You : O.K. contests. Among the contests, the most (2) interesting
one is a speech contest using a local language. In the
contest participants have to speak in a local language.
This contest is the school’s (3) effort to preserve our
Mr. Adnan, the principal of SMA Bhuana, said,
3.2 Genre “In this modern era, many people can’t speak in their
(4) local languages. Through this contest, we would like to
prove that we are concerned about our local language.
Surprisingly, many students are interested in participating
in it. I am very (5) delighted.”

Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik:

This is Nindy Sasmita with the News for Today.
SMA Bhuana will (1) ___________ its twentieth
anniversary. As usual, the school will hold many contests.
Among the contests, the most (2) ___________ one is
a speech contest using a local language. In the contest
participants have to speak in a local language. This contest is
A. What do the following words mean? the school’s (3) ___________ to preserve our culture.
You will hear them in the text in Task B. Mr. Adnan, the principal of SMA Bhuana, said, “In this
Jawaban: modern era, many people can’t speak in their (4) ___________
1. melarikan diri 2. memberi makan languages. Through this contest, we would like to prove that
3. berteriak 4. kecerobohan we are concerned about our local language. Surprisingly,
5. peristiwa, kejadian many students are interested in participating in it. I am very
(5) ___________.”
B. Listen and complete the text based on what you have
B. Answer the following questions based on the text in
Task A.
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: 1. What will SMA Bhuana celebrate?
Good evening, (1) viewers. Still with me, Sarah Listy on 2. What is the most interesting contest during the celebration?
Evening News. 3. What is the purpose of the contest?
A tiger at Zolanda Zoo escaped from its cage this morning. 4. Who is Mr. Adnan?
The (2) incident happened not long after the zookeeper fed the 5. Why does Mr. Adnan feel happy?
tiger. The door of the cage was brittle, so the tiger broke it and
(3) ran away. Some visitors panicked and screamed. Fortunately, Jawaban:
no one was injured during the incident. The zookeepers Task A
immediately caught the tiger and returned it to its cage. 1. celebrate 2. interesting 3. effort
Suryono, the head of Zolanda Zoo stated that it was due to 4. local 5. delighted
his staff’s (4) carelessness. “I ask for the visitors’ forgiveness.
Task B
I promise that we will be more (5) careful with the animals,
1. Its twentieth anniversary.
especially wild animals. We do hope such an incident will not
2. The speech contest in a local language.
3. To preserve our culture.
4. The principal of SMA Bhuana.
C. Answer the following questions based on the text in
5. Because many students are interested in participating in
Task B.
the contest.
1. A tiger.
2. After the zookeeper fed the tiger. D. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct
3. The door of the tiger’s cage was brittle. answer.
4. They panicked and screamed.
5. He said that it was due to his staff’s carelessness. He Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
promised that they will be more careful with the animals, This is Amanda with Morning News.
especially wild ones. They do hope such an incident will not A four-year-old boy, Aiden Moore, was trapped in a toy
recur. display machine on Wednesday, July 11. The boy was interested
in buying a toy bear from a toy shop in Devon, England.
Being impatient, the little boy entered the machine himself.
Moore who was celebrating his fourth birthday crawled into the
machine through a 25cm glass hole.

62 News Items
Inside the machine Moore laughed happily for getting the Contoh jawaban:
toy he desired. He was also happy because he could play with Good morning, viewers. Still with me, Hendra Jatmika, on
many other toys. He didn’t realize that he was trapped and could News Lens.
not get out. His mother was worried about him and panicked. She Robbers stole jewelry from a jewelry shop in Makassar.
rushed to ask for help. It took about one and half hours to find The robbery happened at night. The robbers attacked and
the key, to get the boy out of the machine. injured the security officer. Then, they entered the jewelry
The shop owner stated that this was not the only event at shop and took all the jewelry. Before the crime, the robbers
his toy shop. Several children have done unpredictable things to destroyed the CCTV at the corner of the shop. The owner
get to the toys they wanted. claimed his loss to be around seven hundred million Rupiah.
Adapted from: The police stated that they are still investigating the
machine-on-his-birthday (September 23, 2015)
crime. They had not interrogated the security officer because
Jawaban: he is seriously injured. However, they have important
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. E 5. C information from eye-witnesses.
That’s news for today. Bye.

B. Suppose you are a news reader.

Present recent news about what you have
just seen.
A. Present a news item text based on the following data, Contoh jawaban:
orally. Good morning. I am Sandra Wirawan with News for Today.
In Indonesia, Indonesian citizens above the age of seventeen
must arrange for electronic citizenship member cards, or E-KTP.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami Early in the morning people went to their subdictricts and
peristiwa dan detail tentang peristiwa berikut. queued. As we know, the E-KTP is made at subdistrict offices.
2. Peserta didik menulis berita berdasarkan data-data It is free and every citizen aged seventeen years and above must
tersebut. participate in applying for an E-KTP.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik tunjuk jari dan The Minister of Domestic Affairs stated that E-KTP is
menyampaikan berita yang mereka tulis. Bapak/Ibu important to avoid double identity cards. Furthermore, it is
Guru menyimak dan mengoreksi pelafalan peserta didik significant for the next General Election. He also suggested that
yang kurang tepat. all citizens participate in getting it.
4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan penilaian. Well, that’s news for today. Have a nice day.
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memotivasi peserta didik yang masih
kurang berani menyampaikan berita untuk berani

Contoh jawaban:
Good morning, viewers. This is Andini Malik with Morning News. A. Read the following texts.
Fire burned several kiosks at a traditional market in Which of the texts is a news item text?
Denpasar. The fire occurred early in the morning, from a kiosk Give your reasons.
selling books. It is adjacent to a kiosk selling clothes so the fire
spread quickly, due to flammable materials. The sellers had tried
hard to save their items. So far, they haven’t known their losses for
sure. Until now, the fire brigade is still trying to extinguish the fire. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik membaca
The police chief stated that they are still investigating the nyaring teks-teks berikut dan mencari makna kata-kata
cause of the fire. baru.
That’s news for this morning. Bye. 2. Peserta didik diminta menunjukkan perbedaan kedua
teks tersebut secara umum.
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi nilai peserta didik yang berani
mengungkapkan jawabannya.
4. Selanjutnya Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik
menentukan teks yang termasuk news item. Peserta
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru didik tunjuk jari dan menyampaikan jawaban mereka.
memberikan soal berikut. 5. Bapak/Ibu Guru dan peserta didik membahas jawaban
Newsworthy Event:
Robbers Stole Jewelry from a Jewelry Shop Jawaban:
Text 1 is a news item text because it contains news, i.e.
Background Events:
the Sumatran rhino in a Cincinnati Zoo which is sent to
● It happened at night.
Indonesia. Mean while, Text 2 is a report text because it
● The robbers injured the security officer and destroyed
describes Sumatran rhinos in general.
the CCTV.
● The loss is estimated to be around seven hundred
million Rupiah.
The police stated that they are still investigating the crime.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 63

B. Answer the following questions based on the texts in 3. What robot can ‘learn’ to do difficult work?
Task A. 4. “..., so that it can order the robot to do whatever the
computer instructs it to do.” (Paragraph 3)
Jawaban: What does ‘it’ refer to?
Text 1 5. “..., programmed to do endless repetitive work ....”
1. In order to mate and help preserve its critically endangered (Paragraph 2)
species. What word is similar to ‘endless’?
2. Eight years old. Text 2
3. Nine years. 1. According to the text, in what event did Indonesian
4. One male. university students get an achievement?
5. It’s a huge loss for them, but it’s the right thing, to at least 2. Where did the event take place?
have Harapan able to contribute to survival of the species. 3. How many days did the event take place?
Text 2 4. Who is Wahidin Wahab?
1. The description of Sumatran rhinoceroses in common. 5. How often do DP2M-DIKTI and universities in Indonesia
2. Two horns. hold Indonesian Robotics Contest?
3. It becomes sparse, bristly and almost black. Jawaban:
4. It is usually quite small and often no more than 10cm. Task A
5. It is ‘thin’. The news item is Text 2. It conveys factual news. Its text
structure consists of newsworthy events (the Indonesian
university students’ achievement in the International Robotics
Competition), background events (about who are involved,
where and when the event is hold) and sources (the
statements from Wahidin Wahab, a robotic expert from the
A. Read the following texts. University of Indonesia).
Which of the texts is a news item text? Task B
Give your reasons. Text 1
Text 1 1. To describe robots in common.
Robots have become part of human life. 2. They are machines controled by a computer, programmed
Robots are machines controled by a computer, to do the endlessly repetitive work which most people would
programmed to do the endlessly repetitive work which most find both tiring and boring.
people would find both tiring and boring. Robots can also be 3. A computerized robot.
programmed to work with substances and carry out jobs 4. It refers to ‘the memory of a computer’.
which may be dangerous to our health. 5. It is ‘forever’.
Only a computerized robot can ‘learn’ to do such work
instead of a person. The memory of a computer remembers all Text 2
the instructions which a programmer or operator supplies, so 1. In the International Robotics Competition.
that it can order the robot to do whatever the computer 2. In San Mateo, California, United States of America.
instructs it to do. For example, in the manufacture of cars, robot 3. Three days.
arms can be ‘trained’ to spray on paint from every angle. 4. A robotics expert from the University of Indonesia.
Adopted from: Maureen Spurgeon (Transl.), 366 Questions & Answers, England, 5. Once a year.
Brown Watson, 2008.

Text 2
We should be proud of the Indonesian university C. Complete the following text with the correct words
students for their achievement in the International Robotics from the box.
Competition in San Mateo, California, United States of
America. The competition was held from April 20 to 22. In the Jawaban:
competition they won three gold medals. 1. d 2. i 3. g 4. a
Wahidin Wahab, a robotics expert from the University of 5. e 6. c 7. j 8. b
Indonesia, said, “Besides that achievement, the Indonesian
team has won the smart robotics competition in the United D. Answer the following questions based on the text in
States of America at the beginning of April.” Task C.
To develop research on robotics in Indonesia, DP2M- Jawaban:
DIKTI and universities in Indonesia hold an Indonesian 1. 12 years old.
Robotics Competition. This event is held every year and 2. She achieved the top score of 162 on Mensa’s Cattell III B
followed by students from all universities in Indonesia. paper, suggesting she has a higher IQ than well-known
“Through the Indonesian Robotics Competition we can geniuses Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.
see whether the interest of Indonesian people, especially 3. She didn’t think she could be compared to such great
youngsters, in robotics is good enough,” said Wahidin. intellectuals such as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking
Translated from:
robot_indonesia_saat_ini_terbaik_di_dunia/ (August 30, 2014) because they achieved so much.
4. She felt nervous.
B. Answer the following questions based on the texts 5. It refers to math.
in Task A.
Text 1
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. What are robots?

64 News Items
E. Match the phrasal verbs in column A with their
correct meanings in column B.
A. Complete the following text with the correct words 1. i 2. d 3. k 4. b 5. j
from the box. 6. g 7. e 8. a 9. h 10. c

a. air b. local c. enhanced F. Complete the following sentences with the correct
d. stable e. increased f. comfortable phrasal verbs from Task E.
g. living h. tourists i. wonders Use the correct forms.
Kupang (ANTARA News)–Number of foreign (1) ________ 1. hang up 2. turned up 3. walk behind
who visited Komodo National Park at Labuan Bajo, East Nusa 4. shop around 5. think back 6. get along
Tenggara (NTT) reached 16,768 people until June. 7. counting on 8. make up 9. figure out
“The data showed that foreign visitors to the national 10. broke into
park have (2) ________ since May,” said Head of Promotion
Department at NTT Tourism Office, Bonaventura Rumat, here
on Tuesday.
He said the growing number of foreign tourists recently
was due to the strong promotion from the (3) ________
government and also that Komodo National Park was one of
A. Match the phrasal verbs in column A with their
the new seven (4) ________ of nature. correct meanings in column B.
Therefore, the increasing number of foreign tourists in
Komodo Park has (5) ________ the trade value in the region, A B
as it enjoyed more than Rp838 billion (88.6 million US Dollar).
Due to the positive situation, the local people could well 1. break down a. to get information
improve their economic standard of (6) ________ and 2. call back b. become an adult/grow tall
purchasing power in order to get a higher economy level of 3. calm down c. wear nice clothing
life. 4. dress up d. submit
Nonetheless, the growing number of visitors from 5. drop out e. return
foreign countries was not supported by the well-conditioned 6. find out f. return a phone call
infrastructure in Labuan Bajo, as transportation services, 7. come back g. wait a short time/retain/grip
either land or (7) ________, still needed to be improved as 8. give up h. stop functioning
well. 9. grow up i. quit a class or a school
“Apart from the lack of facility and infrastructure units,” 10. hold on j. cool off
he said, “the local government would develop the tourism k. stop trying/surrender/cede
object, making the visitors (8) ________ in spending their
holiday at Komodo Park.” B. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal
Adopted from: verbs in Task A.
tourists-visit-komodo-park (September 23, 2014)
Use the correct forms.
B. Answer the following questions based on the text in 1. Can you ________________ what time the seminar will
Task A. start?
1. What is the news about? 2. The news has made us angry. However, please
2. What causes the growing number of foreign tourists? ________________.
3. What is the effect of the phenomena to the local people? 3. Please ________________. I’ll call Diana for you. She
4. Who is Bonaventura Rumat? is reading a magazine.
5. How is the infrastructure condition in Labuan Bajo? 4. Never ________________. I believe you will succeed
through hard work.
Jawaban: 5. My motorcycle ________________ when I was on the
Task A way to school.
1. h 2. e 3. b 4. i 6. All guests ________________ for the party last night.
5. c 6. g 7. a 8. f They had prepared their best costumes.
7. After reading a voicemail from her mother, Anya
Task B ________________ her mother ________________.
1. It’s about the increase of foreign tourists visiting Komodo 8. We have not seen Sonia since she was a child. Now,
Park. she has ________________ beautifully.
2. The strong promotion from the local government and 9. Mr. Anwar was upset. His son’s teacher told him that his
also the fact that Komodo National Park was one of the son ________________ from college.
seven wonders of nature. 10. When will you ________________ to this town? We
3. They could well improve their economic standard of really miss you.
living and purchasing power in order to get higher Jawaban:
economy level of life. Task A
4. He is the Head of Promotion Department at NTT Tourism 1. h 2. f 3. j 4. c 5. i
Office. 6. a 7. e 8. k 9. b 10. g
5. It lacks facility and infrastructure units.
Task B
1. find out 2. calm down 3. hold on
4. give up 5. broke down 6. dressed up
7. called, back 8. grown up 9. dropped out
10. get back

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 65

G. What do the following words mean? B. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
You will read the words in the text in Task H. A sunken, 1,000-seat, open-air amphitheater on the
South Bank of the Thames with stunning views of Tower
Bridge and the Tower of London is the setting for the annual
1. pengangkutan
Scoop at More London festival. It runs this year through the
2. secara resmi
summer with a program of theater, music and film—all free.
3. memulai
Each month has a theme: Fringe theater in June is
4. wakil
followed by music in July, mainstream theater in August and
5. kereta api yang membawa orang yang pulang pergi kerja
film in September. Set in 13.5-acre space, “It’s safe and
6. dalam masa pembangunan
intimate—and it’s very exciting to feel the difference when you
7. mendesak, meminta dengan tegas
don’t have to sell tickets,” said Sarah Green, Communications
8. terjadi tiap empat tahun
Manager for the Scoop.
Among the attractions in June are “Troy Boy”, presented
H. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
by the Merry Opera company and a contemporary twist on
Jawaban: Chaucer’s “Canterburry Tales” from the Pantaloons. July
1. The kick off of the first phase of building Jakarta’s Light Rail features music running from Cuban salsa to classical. August
Transit (LRT). has a stage version of “Around the World in 80 Days”. No
2. A week before the kick-off. tickets, no booking, just turn up.
3. Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, deputy governor Adopted from: International Herald Tribun, June 11-12, 2011.

and the president director of PT Adhi Karya. Questions:

4. Transjakarta busway, the commuter train and the Mass Rail 1. What is the setting for the annual Scoop at More London
Transit (MRT). Festival?
5. It is ‘urged’. 2. Through the summer, what program runs this year?
3. Who is Sarah Green?
I. Write five tag questions based on the text in Task H. 4. What will be presented in July?
See the example. 5. “It runs this year through the summer ....” (Paragraph 1)
What does ‘it’ refer to?
C. Write five tag questions based on the text in Task B.
1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami See the example.
kembali penjelasan tentang tag question serta teks pada Example:
kegiatan sebelumnya. The festival takes place in London, doesn’t it?
2. Peserta didik diminta menulis tag question berdasarkan
teks tersebut. Jawaban:
3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik tunjuk jari dan Task A
menyampaikan jawaban mereka. Peserta didik yang lain 1. merosot, turun, tenggelam 2. yang menarik perhatian
menyimak. 3. tahunan 4. pinggiran, tambahan
4. Peserta didik yang memiliki kalimat berbeda dapat tunjuk 5. atraksi, daya tarik 6. sementara
jari dan menyebutkan jawabannya. 7. menghadirkan 8. panggung
5. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan penilaian. Task B
1. A sunken, 1,000-seat, open-air amphitheater
Contoh jawaban: on the South Bank of the Thames with stunning views of
1. Jokowi officially kicked off the first phase of building Tower Bridge and the Tower of London.
Jakarta’s LRT, didn’t he? 2. A program of theater, music and film.
2. The LRT is part of the mass transportation integration plan, 3. The Communications Manager for the Scoop.
isn’t it? 4. Music running from Cuban salsa to classical.
3. Transjakarta busway and the commuter train as well as the 5. It refers to the festival.
Mass Rail Transit (MRT) are also still under construction,
Task C (Contoh jawaban)
aren’t they?
1. The festival is held every year, isn’t it?
4. The project must be finished before the ASEAN Games in
2. The festival runs this year with a program of theater,
2018, mustn’t it?
music and film, doesn’t it?
5. The next ASEAN Games will be held in Indonesia, won’t it?
3. There would be a mainstream theater in August during
the festival, wouldn’t there?
4. People do not pay for the tickets for enjoying
the attractions, do they?
5. “Troy Boy” would be presented by the Merry Opera
company, wouldn’t it?
A. What do the following words mean?
You will read the words in the text in Task H.
1. to sink = _____________________ J. Complete the following sentences with the correct
2. stunning = _____________________ tags.
3. annual = _____________________
4. fringe = _____________________ Jawaban:
5. attraction = _____________________ 1. won’t you 2. did she 3. aren’t they
6. contemporary = _____________________ 4. wasn’t it 5. is he 6. am I
7. to feature = _____________________ 7. don’t we 8. doesn’t she 9. isn’t it
8. stage = _____________________ 10. must they

66 News Items
1. I am not a liar, am I?
2. The cat was hungry, wasn’t it?
3. Regina is not your neighbor, is she?
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru 4. Bryan didn’t forget to call you last night, did he?
memberi soal berikut. 5. We will take a train to Bandung, won’t we?
1. I am your close friend, ________? 6. Afgan is a famous Indonesian singer, isn’t he?
2. Dora is an energetic girl, ________? 7. Mr. and Mrs. David work at the hospital, don’t they?
3. The coconut tree is not very tall, ________? 8. You attended the OSIS meeting yesterday, didn’t you?
4. You are not Leo’s classmate, ________? 9. Dona always studies hard in the evening, doesn’t she?
5. Linda wrote an e-mail last night, ________? 10. You and I usually remain in the classroom during break
6. Wika could not attend the party, ________? time, don’t we?
7. We should come to school early, ________?
8. Tonny would attend the extracurricular club, ________?
9. The students didn’t submit their work yesterday, L. Arrange the words to form sequential tag questions.
________? Don’t forget to insert commas and question marks in
10. The fisherman doesn’t catch fish due to the storm, the proper places.
Jawaban: 1. I come on time, don’t I?
1. aren’t I 2. isn’t she 3. is it 2. You remember my birthday, don’t you?
4. are you 5. didn’t she 6. could she 3. Atika and Alika are not sisters, are they?
7. shouldn’t we 8. wouldn’t he 9. did they 4. Allan didn’t break school rules, did he?
10. does he 5. Dona was not your schoolmate, was she?
6. Your father often works overtime, doesn’t he?
7. The cat is sleeping under the bed, isn’t it?
K. Fill in the blanks with the words in brackets. 8. Our teachers will not have a meeting today, will they?
Change the words into their correct forms to make 9. They picked flowers from the school garden, didn’t they?
correct tag questions. 10. We should clean the classroom before seven, shouldn’t we?

Jawaban: M. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

1. Shinta is Shanty’s twin sister, isn’t she?
2. You and I don’t like fried noodles, do we? Jawaban:
3. Mr. Kevin is not a junior high school principal, is he? 1. B 2. C 3. E 4. D 5. A
4. The goat usually eats grass in the field, doesn’t it?
5. You will not blame us for this problem, will you?
6. Ryan and Farid are not watching television, are they?
7. Arkan received trophies from the Governor, didn’t he?
8. I was not there when the accident happened, was I?
9. You were not fond of flying kites when you were a kid, were
you? A. Write five correct tag questions.
10. The students should arrive at school before seven, shouldn’t
they? Contoh jawaban:
1. The seminar was not interesting, was it?
2. Della is cooking the soup in the kitchen, isn’t she?
3. The women will gather in the town hall, won’t they?
4. You didn’t take my dictionary, did you?
5. Regal doesn’t like candies, does he?

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru B. Complete the following table.
memberikan soal berikut.
1. I ________ [be] a liar, am I?
2. The cat ________ [be] hungry, wasn’t it? Phrasal Verb Meaning Sentence
3. Regina ________ [be] your neighbor, is she?
4. Bryan ________ [forget] to call you last night, did he? 1. get on enter (bus, Please get on the bus soon.
5. We ________ [take] a train to Bandung, won’t we? train, etc) We will leave now.
6. Afgan ________ [be] a famous Indonesian singer, isn’t 2. look up consult If you experience difficulties
he? a reference in translating the text, you
7. Mr. and Mrs. David ________ [work] at the hospital, book can look up a dictionary.
don’t they? 3. put off postpone Don’t put off until tomorrow
8. You ________ [attend] the OSIS meeting yesterday, what you can do today.
didn’t you? 4. run away escape Three criminals ran away
9. Dona always ________ [study] hard in the evening, from the prison last night.
doesn’t she? 5. keep off stay away We must keep off drugs.
10. You and I usually ________ [remain] in the classroom
during break time, don’t we?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 67

C. Write a news item text about interesting
news you might hear from TV or read
on newspapers.
Contoh jawaban: A. Listen and complete the text based on what you have
Canterbury’s preparations for their NRL sudden-death semi- heard.
final against the Sydney Roosters have been disrupted, with
players reportedly quarantined from the rest of the team as Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
a virus spreads through the Bulldogs. Good morning. Youth Affairs and Sports Minister is
According to Fairfax Media, at least two Canterbury players slated to hand out new awards to 10 (1) former athletes
have been kept away from Belmore this week as they battle who have had successful post-retirement careers.
a virus. The badges will be handed over to Utut Adianto for
It is understood one of the players had not trained all week (2) chess, Rudi Hartono for badminton, Susi Susanti for
while another was told to leave on Wednesday after also starting badminton, Purnomo for athletics, John D. Item for
to show flu-like symptoms with a severe head cold. swimming, Budi Dharma Sidi for athletics, Tan Joe Hok
The duo should play on Friday night at Allianz Stadium but for badminton, M. Sarengat for (3) athletics, Leane
remain in doubt. Suniar for archery and Ricard Samberra for swimming.
It is unclear if they will be on hand on Thursday morning to The awards will be handed to the former athletes
complete the captain’s run. on National Sports Day at Gelora Bung Karno Sports
Adopted from: (September 17, 2015) (4) Center on Friday. “This award is important to
(5) inspire other athletes,” the minister said.
Adopted from:
minister-honor-10-former-athletes.html (September 23, 2014)

Soal yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik:

3.3 Short Functional Texts: Short Good morning. Youth Affairs and Sports Minister is slated
News and Letters to the Editor to hand out new awards to 10 (1) __________ athletes who
have had successful post-retirement careers.
The badges will be handed over to Utut Adianto for
(2) __________, Rudi Hartono for badminton, Susi Susanti
for badminton, Purnomo for athletics, John D. Item for
swimming, Budi Dharma Sidi for athletics, Tan Joe Hok for
badminton, M. Sarengat for (3) __________, Leane Suniar for
archery and Ricard Samberra for swimming.
The awards will be handed to the former athletes on
National Sports Day at Gelora Bung Karno Sports
(4) __________ on Friday. “This award is important to
(5) __________ other athletes,” the minister said.
Adopted from:
honor-10-former-athletes.html (September 23, 2014)
A. What do the following words mean?
You will hear them in the text in Task B. B. Answer the following questions based on the text in
Jawaban: Task A.
1. perlintasan 2. melewati 1. What is the news about?
3. kelihatan, muncul 4. bayangan hitam 2. Who will hand out the awards?
5. titik 6. jarang, langka 3. How many badminton players will get the awards? Who
are they?
B. Listen and complete the text based on what you have 4. When will the awards be handed to the athletes?
heard. 5. What is the purpose of the awards?
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Jawaban:
This is Teddy Irawan with the (1) headline news. Task A
Venus’ transit day has passed. The last (2) transit of Venus 1. former 2. chess 3. athletics
for the 21st century! The (3) brightest planet, Venus, passed 4. Center 5. inspire
right in front of the Sun for nearly seven hours on June 5 and 6,
2012. Venus (4) appeared in silhouette as a small, dark dot Task B
moving in front of the solar disk. This exceedingly (5) rare 1. It’s about new awards to ten former athletes who have
astronomical event—a transit of Venus—won’t happen again until had successful post-retirement careers.
December 11, 2117. 2. Youth Affairs and Sports Minister.
Adapted from:
tury-will-happen-in-june-2012 (September 23, 2015)
3. Three. They are Rudi Hartono, Susi Susanti and Tan Joe
C. Answer the following questions based on the text in 4. On National Sports Day on Friday.
Task B. 5. To inspire other athletes.

1. It’s about the last transit of Venus for the 21st century.
2. For nearly seven hours.
3. It appeared in silhouette as a small, dark dot moving in front
of the solar disk.
4. On December 11, 2017.
5. It is ‘very’.

68 News Items
D. Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct 6. People on Twitter said tremors were felt in Singapore,
answer. Thailand, Malaysia and India.
Adopted from:
Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: (September 18, 2014)
I am Hendrawan Sulistyo with breaking news.
Conservationists have observed a male whale shark sucking B. Answer the following questions based on the text in
fish out of a net in Indonesia’s Cendrawasih Bay National Marine Task A.
Park. The unique behavior was filmed after the sharks were 1. What is the news about?
innovatively radio tagged, enabling the conservationists to pin 2. For what areas is the tsunami warning issued?
point their location in the sea. The video has become an Internet 3. Besides Indonesia, what countries felt the tremors?
sensation, attracting almost two million views since it was shown 4. How long did high-rise apartments and offices on
two weeks ago. Malaysia’s west coast shake?
Adapted from:
sucking-fish-out-of-net.html (September 23, 2014)
5. What did Thailand’s National Disaster Warning Center
advise people to do?
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. C Jawaban:
Task A
The correct arrangement of the jumbled sentences is 4–1–6–
Task B
1. It’s about a tsunami warning which was issued in
A. Arrange the following sentences to form a sequential
2. Aceh, West Sumatra, North Sumatra, Lampung and
news script.
Then, present the news.
3. Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and India.
Jawaban: 4. For at least one minute.
The correct arrangement of the sentences is 2–5–3–1–4. 5. To move to higher places and stay as far away as
possible from the sea.
B. Answer the following questions based on the text in
Task A.
Jawaban: C. Present short news about an event/incident
1. Inside the Taj Mahal in Agra. happening at your school.
2. A 66-year-old Japanese tourist named H. Ueda.
3. Both of the Japanese tourists fell from the staircase of the Contoh jawaban:
monument. Good morning. Yesterday SMAN 1 celebrated its anniversary
4. They rushed the victim to the nearby private nursing home yesterday. It held many contests and the top contest was the
where doctors pronounced him dead, informed the selection of the best student of the year. The school appointed
Japanese Embassy in New Delhi about the incident and Olivia Anggraini as the best student for this year.
held an inquiry to investigate the real cause of one of the That was breaking news. See you.
Japanese tourists’ death.
5. It is ‘died from’ or ‘yielded’.

A. Which of the following letters is a letter to the editor?

How do you know?
A. Arrange the following sentences to form a sequential
news script. Jawaban:
Then, present the news orally. A letter to the editor is Letter 2. It can be seen from the salutation
1. Said, an official at Indonesia’s Meteorology and “Dear Editor”.
Geophysics Agency, said a tsunami warning has been
issued for Aceh, West Sumatra, North Sumatra, B. Answer the questions based on the letters in Task A.
Lampung and Bengkulu.
2. Thailand’s National Disaster Warning Center advised Jawaban:
people in the area to move to higher places and stay as Letter 1
far away as possible from the sea. 1. To apply for a job.
3. Meanwhile, Thailand issued an evacuation order 2. By reading it on
Wednesday for its Andaman coast, a popular tourist 3. For over ten years.
destination, after a massive earthquake off Indonesia 4. She has a solid work ethic and the desire to excel.
triggered a tsunami alert. 5. It is ‘strong’.
4. Indonesia issued a tsunami warning Wednesday, after Letter 2
an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 1. To respond to a certain section in a magazine.
8.5 hit waters off westernmost Aceh Province. 2. Because she is always curious about fashion.
5. High-rise apartments and offices on Malaysia’s west 3. She wants to be a fashion designer.
coast shook for at least a minute. In Bangalore, India 4. There will be more articles about fashion and style.
hundreds of office workers left their buildings, workers 5. It refers to the article in the new section.
there said.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 69

C. What do the following words mean? C. Answer the following questions based on the letter
in Task B.
You will read them in the text in Task D.
1. Who is the sender of the letter?
Jawaban: 2. According to Harry, compared to the past, what is
1. pemancaran gas rumah kaca children’s discipline like now?
2. pendapatan, penghasilan 3. What is the fundamental cause of the trouble dealing
3. dividen with children’s discipline?
4. mengganti kerugian 4. “... then they support the parents rather than preempt
5. pendorong ekonomi them.” (Paragraph 3)
What does ‘they’ refer to?
D. Complete the letter with the correct words from the 5. “However, your article completely ignored the fact ....”
box. (Paragraph 2)
What word is similar to ‘ignore’?
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. f Jawaban:
Task A
E. Answer the following questions based on the letter in 1. bekas 2. dasawarsa 3. merampas
Task D. 4. menguasai 5. memercayai 6. menghendaki
Jawaban: Task B
1. In a magazine or newspaper (printed media). 1. e 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. d
2. An article entitled “Why We don’t Care about Saving Our
Task C
Grandchildren from Climate Change”.
1. Harry, a former teacher.
3. We should invest in cheap clean energy instead of making
2. It has lessened.
fossil fuels more expensive.
3. Schools have spent many decades slowly robbing
4. o place a fee on carbon and then return the revenue equally parents of responsibility, then they wonder why parents
to every household. send them undisciplined kids.
5. It is ‘expensive’. 4. It refers to ‘private schools’.
5. It is ‘neglect’.

F. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

A. What do the following words mean? Jawaban:
You will read them in the text in Task B. 1. E 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C
1. former = _________ 2. decade = _________
3. to rob = _________ 4. to retain = _________
5. to trust = _________ 6. to court = _________
B. Complete the following letter with the correct words
from the box.
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
a. private b. convince c. discipline memberikan soal berikut.
d. expect e. teacher f. cause
Dear Editor:

Dear Editor: Summer is a time when the children are outdoors,

engaged in many fun activities. Watching out for traffic is
As a former (1) ________, I must take issue with likely the last thing on their mind.
your editorial, “If Only Parents Would Do Their Part”. In 2007 many children aged 14 and younger were
There is no doubt that teachers are in a difficult position. killed on the roads of our state. The most recent national
Children do come to school less disciplined now than in statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety
years past. Teachers do have fewer options in dealing Administration show that almost one-fifth (306 children,
with (2) ________ issues. 18%) of the traffic fatalities in the 14-and-younger age
However, your article completely ignored the fact group were pedestrians. Of the 306 children who were
that much of the fundamental (3) ________ of all this killed while on foot, boys accounted for 61% of the total. In
trouble is that schools have spent many decades slowly addition to the pedestrian fatalities, an estimated 14,000
robbing parents of responsibility, then wonder why children were injured as pedestrians.
parents send them undisciplined kids. Every adult member of our community needs to
When I left the public school system to teach in the become educated about and watch out for vulnerable child
(4) ________ sector, where parents still retain the lion’s pedestrians. Many myths surround child pedestrian safety
share of responsibility for ensuring that their kids are such as “You’re safe as long as you’re on a crosswalk” and
polite and respectful, I was amazed to see the difference. “If you see the driver, the driver sees you”. Parents need to
Private schools (5) ________ parents to do character take immediate action to make sure that their children are
education, then they support the parents rather than informed on the dos and don’ts of pedestrian safety. Local
preempt them. Parents are trusted and courted. governments need to make the construction, maintenance
and enforcement of safe walkways a priority. For example,
Harry roads could be constructed to include more speed bumps
to reduce speed and police officers could be strategically
Adopted from:
(August 18, 2015)
posted at high traffic areas to monitor drivers.

70 News Items
Let’s enjoy our summer outdoor activities, but let’s constructed to include more speed bumps to reduce
be smart and safe. One child’s death is too many. speed and police officers could be strategically
posted at high traffic areas to monitor drivers.”.
Martha Bidez 4. B. Pikiran utama paragraf dua yaitu jumlah pejalan kaki
anak-anak yang mengalami kecelakaan. Hal itu
Adopted from: (August
18, 2014)
disimpulkan dari kalimat awal paragraf, ”In 2007
many children aged 14 and younger were killed on
1. What season is the time when the children are outdoors? the roads of our state.” yang dilanjut-kan dengan
A. Spring. B. Winter. kalimat-kalimat berikutnya yang memperkuat data
C. Autumn. D. Summer. tersebut. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (A) ter-
E. Rainy. dapat dalam paragraf terakhir, (C) terdapat dalam
paragraf tiga, sedangkan (D) dan (E) terdapat dalam
2. What do children usually ignore when they are outside?
paragraf satu.
A. Lunch. B. Health.
C. Traffic. D. Pickpockets. 5. A. Kata ’release’ dan ’issue’ memiliki makna yang
E. Kidnappers. sama, yaitu mengeluarkan. Pilihan jawaban (A)
benar. Pilihan yang lain salah karena maknanya
3. The following are what we should do to avoid the berbeda; (B) artinya dijelajahi, (C) artinya dicari,
accidents, EXCEPT ________. (D) artinya diledakkan, dan (E) artinya diteliti.
A. keep in mind that the children are safe as long as
they are on a crosswalk
B. keep in mind that if the children see the driver, the
driver sees them
C. roads could be constructed to include more speed
D. police officers should be posted at high traffic areas
to monitor drivers
E. parents need to make sure that their children are A. Write a letter to the editor as a response to the
not outside following article.
4. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. The writer’s suggestion to be smart while playing
outside. 1. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik memahami teks
B. Number of child pedestrians in accidents. berikut dan mencari makna kata-kata baru.
C. The writer’s ideas to minimize the accidents. 2. Peserta didik diminta menulis surat pembaca sebagai
D. Children’s carelessness while playing outside. tanggapan atas artikel tersebut.
E. Children’s activities during summer. 3. Bapak/Ibu Guru meminta peserta didik tunjuk jari dan
menyampaikan surat yang mereka tulis. Bapak/Ibu Guru
5. “The most recent national statistics released by ....” menyimak dan mengoreksi pelafalan peserta didik yang
(Paragraph 2) kurang tepat.
The word similar to ‘released’ is ________. 4. Bapak/Ibu Guru memberi balikan dan penilaian.
A. issued B. explored 5. Sebagai pengembangan, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat
C. searched D. exploded meminta peserta didik mencari sebuah artikel di media
E. researched cetak atau Internet kemudian menulis surat pembaca
Jawaban: sebagai tanggapan atas artikel tersebut.
1. D. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar karena sesuai dengan
kalimat awal surat, ”Summer is a time when the Contoh jawaban:
children are outdoors, engaged in many fun
activities.” yang artinya ”Musim panas merupakan Dear Editor:
waktu ketika anak-anak kita berada di luar, melaku-
Reading your article entitled “Indonesia Apologizes for
kan berbagai kegiatan yang menyenangkan.”.
Haze” made me sad. The haze had caused great air
2. C. Anak-anak biasanya mengabaikan mobil-mobil yang pollution, not only in Indonesia but also neighboring
lewat ketika bermain di luar, sesuai dengan pilihan countries such as Singapore and Malaysia. So far, many
jawaban (C). Hal itu disimpulkan dari kalimat di Malaysians and Singaporeans complained about the haze
paragraf satu, ”Watching out for traffic is likely the problem via social media and we should apologize about the
last thing on their mind.”. air pollution we have created.
3. E. Hal-hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghindari I am very concerned about haze problems in Indonesia.
kecelakaan pada anak-anak dijelaskan di paragraf Forest and land fires have lasted for many years and
tiga. Pilihan jawaban (E) yang artinya orang tua remained unsolved. It is very dangerous, especially for
perlu merasa yakin bahwa anak-anak mereka tidak people’s health. Many activities are disturbed due to the haze.
berada di luar, benar untuk soal pengecualian Such a condition should be a challenge for our
karena tidak sesuai dengan isi paragraf tersebut. government. The creators of forest and land fires should
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena sesuai receive great punishment, to avoid worse forest and land
dengan isi surat; (A) dan (B) sesuai dengan kalimat fires.
di paragraf tiga, ”Many myths surround child
Bondan Herlambang
pedestrian safety such as ’You’re safe as long as
you’re on a crosswalk’ and ’If you see the driver, the
driver sees you’.”, sedangkan (C) dan (D) sesuai
dengan kalimat di paragraf tiga, ”... roads could be

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 71

B. Write a letter to the editor expressing your
opinion on a certain article.

Contoh jawaban:
Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru
memberikan soal berikut. To the Editor:
Sharing the Burden
I read an article about stalagmite in this magazine and
In August 1999, Yasuoka Yuriko noticed that her
I was so impressed. The article made me realize that there
daughter, Ayako, was looking thin and pale, so she insisted
are many amazing things and phenomena around us. It’s
that the 22-year-old see a doctor. As they waited for the test
a miracle of nature in our beloved country and we must
results, the doctor quietly slipped Yuriko a note. Yuriko went to
maintain it well.
the restroom and opened the note with shaking hands. “It is
stomach cancer,” it read. “Please hurry. There is no time.”
Then, treatment for her daughter began. Yuriko decided
she needed to do more to help her daughter. She started
visiting the library at nearby Kochi Medical School.
As a single mother with no person to share her burden with,
she was at her wit’s end.
Eventually, in November 2002, Ayako’s treatment came to
an end. Despite her joy and relief, Yuriko couldn’t forget how
lost and alone she felt during her daughter’s ordeal. She wrote
a letter to the local newspaper suggesting the creation of
a support group for cancer patients. Phone calls and letters
supporting her idea started pouring in and in December 2002
Yuriko formally launched Ikkikai, roughly translated to mean
“sharing the joy”. The goal of the group was to provide hope
and information to people with cancer and their families.
Adopted from: Reader’s Digest, March 2010.

Contoh jawaban:

Dear Editor:
I’ve read the article entitled “Sharing the Burden” and
I was very impressed on Yuriko’s efforts to seek treatment
for her daughter. In her loneliness she did everything to
help her daughter who suffered from stomach cancer.
Her loneliness made her realize that people who
suffered from cancer, or their families need other people
to share their burden. Her idea to form a group providing
hope and information to people with cancer and their
families was great. It should inspire us that sharing the
burden with others would be meaningful.

72 News Items
Tape Script for Assessment

This dialog is for question 1.

Boy : I’ve got happy news for you.
Girl : What’s that?
I. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Boy : Your pen pal, Suzy, is coming to Indonesia. She wants to
meet you. Jawaban:
Girl : Really? It’s unbelievable! She lives far away from here. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A
You know, she lives in Canada. 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
Boy : Yes. She called you when you were out. 11. D 12. E 13. A 14. B 15. D
Question: 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. E 20. C
1. Why does the girl disbelieve the boy’s news?
II. Write a news item about recent news at your school.
This dialog is for question 2.
Girl : Would you like to go to the bakery with me this afternoon? Contoh jawaban:
Boy : O.K. What would you like to buy? Jakarta – SMA Pemuda joined the Indonesian Red Cross to host
Girl : I would like to order a tart cake and some snacks for my a blood donation event yesterday. About thirty students and five
sister’s birthday. teachers joined it. The school hosted the event to celebrate
Boy : When will your sister celebrate her birthday? International Red Cross Day.
Girl : Next week. “We want to celebrate International Red Cross Day by doing
a useful activity for other people. I am very surprised and
delighted that many students and teachers participated in the
2. What will the girl and the boy do this afternoon?
event. It shows that many youngsters have deep feelings about
This text is for questions 3 to 5. others,” said Denny Cahyana, the principal of SMA Pemuda.
Good evening. This is Nadya Armelia with Newsworthy News. That was a really good activity and should set a good
Neil Armstrong, 82, passed away in Ohio, USA, on August example for other schools.
25, 2012. As we know, he is the first man who landed on the
moon on July 20, 1969. His first statement after landing on the
moon “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for
mankind” would be always remembered.
After landing on the moon and returning back to Earth, he
didn’t speak a lot about his experience. He just said that it was
a very special and unforgettable experience. He spent his time
mostly researching and gaining more knowledge.
Adapted from:
(September 23, 2015)
3. What is the news about?
4. How old was Neil Armstrong when he passed away?
5. What statement was made by Neil Armstrong after he
landed on the moon?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 73

Tape Script for Review Unit III Version A This text is for questions 3 to 5.
Good afternoon. This is Sandra Wijayanto with Hot News.
This dialog is for question 1. Indonesian people in Qatar yesterday marked the 67th
Boy : Look at this cover girl! Is this Maya, our old neighbor? Indonesian independence anniversary. The celebration was
Girl : Yes. What’s up? attended by the ambassador and his wife, embassy staff and
Boy : Well, it’s hard to believe. She was a very shy girl when members of the Indonesian community in Qatar, dressed in their
she was a child. national attire.
Girl : Yes. Everything has changed. Now she is a model. The Ambassador Deddy Saiful Hadi, in a speech during
a brief ceremony at the Indonesian embassy, said Qatar has
become a second home to approximately 37,000 Indonesians
1. What was Maya like when she was a child?
who have been residing there for the last 17 years and have
made important contributions to the country.
This dialog is for question 2. Adopted from:
Boy : Will you accompany me to the Cherrybelle concert no=525889&version=1&template_id=36&parent_id=16 (August 18, 2014)
tonight? I’ve got two tickets. Questions:
Girl : Really? That’s great! You know, I am very fond of them. 3. Based on the news, in what country did some Indonesian
Boy : O.K. I’ll pick you up at seven. people celebrate the 67th Indonesian independence?
Girl : Thanks. 4. Who did NOT attend the ceremony?
Question: 5. How long have approximately 37,000 Indonesian people
2. Why does the girl accept the boy’s invitation to a Cherrybelle been living in Qatar?
concert tonight?

74 News Items

Version A
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : 2 (dua)
Kelas : X Tanggal : ....

Nama Nomor Induk

Kelas Tanda Tangan

I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. happens, both our children and community pay a heavy
A. Listening Section
John Doe
1. A. She was brave. B. She was confident.
C. She was diligent. D. She was dependent. Adopted from:
(August 18, 2014)
E. She was shy.
2. A. She will be free tonight. 6. According to the text, what have children needed since they
B. She likes Cherrybelle. were babies?
C. She likes to see concerts. A. Stimulating environment.
D. She wants to sing with Cherrybelle. B. Exclusive community.
E. She wants to take photographs with Cherrybelle. C. Intensive interaction.
D. Profound impact.
3. A. In Indonesia. B. In India. E. Enough money.
C. In Qatar. D. In America.
E. In Australia. 7. “... without the social, emotional and academic skills they
should have.” (Paragraph 3)
4. A. The Qatar Ambassador for Indonesia. Who does ‘they’ refer to?
B. The Indonesian Ambassador for Qatar. A. Families. B. Parents.
C. The wife of the Indonesian Ambassador for Qatar. C. Children. D. Community.
D. The Indonesian community in Qatar. E. Workers.
E. The embassy staff.
This text is for questions 8 and 9.
5. A. 14 years. B. 15 years.
C. 16 years. D. 17 years. It is a pride that Indonesian people, even students, manage
E. 18 years. to make national cars. One of the national cars which will be
released to public immediately will be electric cars. These cars
This is the end of the listening section. use electricity as their energy source and are supported by
36 lithium-ion batteries. The car owners should not worry about
B. Reading Section how to recharge the batteries. They can recharge them at home
in only 4 to 5 hours. Dasep Ahmadi, the owner of PT Sarimas
This text is for questions 6 and 7.
Ahmadi Pratama, convinced that Indonesia will release the
Dear Editor: electric cars at the end of 2012 or at the beginning of 2013.
Translated from:
listrik-nasional-dirilis-akhir-2012?o771108bcj (September 23, 2014)
I am writing in response to the article “Families Struggle
to Pay for Child Care” (Feb. 15). We must make sure all 8. What is the text about?
families who need it have access to quality child care. From A. Our national pride.
the time they’re babies, children need to enjoy a stimulating B. Electric cars.
environment where they can interact with responsive, C. Rechargable batteries.
nurturing caregivers. D. The energy source of electric cars.
More than 60% of all infants, toddlers and preschoolers E. The number of batteries in electric cars.
in Kent County have both parents in the workforce. It benefits
all of us to make sure they receive quality child care. We 9. “They can recharge them at home ....”
know the experiences children have in their first few years of What does ‘them’ refer to?
life, have a profound impact on their later success in school. A. The car owners.
The average cost of full-time care in Kent County is B. The machines.
16% of the average wage-far higher for low-income workers. C. The cars.
We need public policies that ensure families can afford D. The batteries.
quality child care and pre-school. Without it, far too many E. The electricity.
children are beginning kindergarten without the social,
emotional and academic skills they should have. When that

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 75

This text is for questions 10 to 13. Habibie said on Friday that his main target was to get
Similar to Thailand, the newspaper business in Indonesia a United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) license for
faces stagnation while online news portals enjoy healthy growth as the N-250 within two years. He also said that he would form
they cash in on increasing penetration of mobile Internet users. PT Regio Aviasi Industry, a joint venture with PT Ilhabi
The most popular categories are involved with constructive news Rekatama belonging to his son Ilham Akbar Habibie and
such as science, technology and business. PT Eagle Capital belonging to former president director of the
“Because an online newspaper needs different strategies to Indonesian Stock Exchange Erry Firmansyah.
build advertisers’ confidence, it should not be treated as a bonus “PT Ilhabi Rekatama will be the main shareholder. I will be
to mainstream media,” said Karaniya Dharmasaputra, the the president commissioner,” Habibie said on the sidelines of the
founder and chief executive officer of Viva Media Baru, the commemoration of National Technology Day at Gedung Sate in
operator of, one of the biggest online news Bandung, West Java.
portals in Indonesia. Habibie led the state-owned aircraft manufacturer IPTN,
It is estimated that there are at least 55 million Internet users which is now called PT Dirgantara Indonesia, in 1974 and was
among Indonesia’s population of more than 200 million. “38 per the creator of Indonesia’s aerospace technology.
cent of that number were mobile Internet users. Though 90 per The nation’s pride the N-250 was first produced in 1995, but
cent of total income comes from advertisements, reader-centric was not developed in the years ahead due to the economic
content remains our strong selling point,” Dharmasaputra added. crisis. The aircraft was a larger version of the CN-235 commuter
Adopted from: aircraft, produced in 1983.
growth-of-Indonesian-onl-30188316.html (September 23, 2014) While the CN-235 was designed and developed by IPTN in
10. What is the text about? cooperation with Spain’s Construcciones Aviacion SA (CASA),
A. The healthy growth of the newspaper business in Habibie claimed that the N-250 was 100 per cent engineered by
Indonesia. Indonesian experts.
Adopted from:
B. The stagnation of the newspaper business in Indonesia. ready-fly-high-again.html (September 23, 2014)
C. The healthy growth of online news portals in Indonesia.
D. The population growth in Indonesia. 16. According to the text, what is Habibie’s main target for the
E. The number of the Internet users. N-250?
A. It is engineered by Indonesian experts.
11. According to the text, what supports the growth? B. It will get a FAA license within two years.
A. The decrease of mobile Internet users. C. It will be a larger version of the CN-235 aircraft.
B. The increase of mobile Internet users. D. It is designed and developed by IPTN.
C. The increase of people’s awareness on reading. E. It will be produced by PT Ilhabi Rekatama.
D. The development of technology.
E. The effect of globalization. 17. The following are Habibie’s roles in the aerospace industry,
EXCEPT ________.
12. Where does the income for the Indonesian online portal A. he is known as the country’s most prominent aviation
mostly come from? expert
A. The government. B. The donator. B. he was the creator of Indonesia’s aerospace technology
C. The readers. D. Internet users. C. he led the state-owned aircraft manufacturer, IPTN
E. Advertisements. D. he is PT Ilhabi Rekatama’s owner
E. he will be the president commissioner of the N-250
13. “... as they cash in on increasing penetration of mobile
Internet users.” (Paragraph 1)
What does ‘they’ refer to? 18. Why was the N-250 NOT developed after it was first
A. The online news portals. produced in 1995?
B. The newspapers. A. People were not interested in the aerospace industry.
C. The Internet users. B. There were no Indonesian aviation experts.
D. The news categories. C. An economic crisis ever happened in Indonesia.
E. The constructive news. D. No companies were willing to produce it.
E. Habibie did not lead IPTN.
14. Dianne : The camera is not your brother’s, ________?
Jasmine : No. It’s mine. 19. What is the main idea of paragraph five?
A. doesn’t it B. does it A. Habibie’s idea to make the N-250 again.
C. isn’t it D. is it B. Companies that will manufacture the N-250.
E. did it C. Habibie’s main target for the N-250.
D. Habibie’s role in the aerospace technology.
15. Vita : Mr. Andrew is a very successful businessman.
E. The development of the N-250.
David : Yes. He had run his business for a long time. He
has ________ his business since he was young. 20. “... who is also known as the country’s most prominent
A. got through B. got across aviation expert, ....” (Paragraph 1)
C. set up D. turned over The word similar to ‘prominent’ is ________.
E. broke off A. foremost B. smart
C. diligent D. influential
This text is for questions 16 to 20. E. sophisticated
Indonesia’s third president Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, who
is also known as the country’s most prominent aviation expert, II. Write a dialog using the expressions you have
has said that he is ready to get back into aviation development learned in this unit.
with the first locally made passenger aircraft the N-250.

76 News Items
Kunci Review Unit III Version A Tape Script for Review Unit III Version B
I. Pilihan Ganda This dialog is for question 1.
1. E 11. B Girl : Here is the result of your biology test.
2. B 12. E Boy : Thanks. Actually I don’t want to see the mark. I am sure
I got the worst mark.
3. C 13. A Girl : No. You have got eight.
4. A 14. D Boy : Are you kidding? That’s impossible! I didn’t prepare well
5. D 15. C for the test the night before.
Girl : Just see it for yourself.
6. A 16. B
7. C 17. D
1. Why does the boy disbelieve that he got a good mark?
8. B 18. C
9. D 19. E This dialog is for question 2.
Boy : Dona, will you be free this afternoon?
10. C 20. A
Girl : No. I am going to the bookstore. What’s the matter?
Boy : I want to visit Bella at the hospital. How about visiting her
II. Uraian tomorrow afternoon?
Girl : O.K.
Contoh jawaban:
Karen : You know what! Ricky received a Gates Cambridge Question:
scholarship. 2. Where are the boy and girl going tomorrow afternoon?
Hendra : Ricky?
Karen : Yes. Ricky, my cousin. This text is for questions 3 to 5.
Hendra : Wow! That’s terrific! It’s really hard to believe. You Hello, viewers. This is Louisa Adrian with the Morning News.
know, it is very difficult to get the scholarship. More than 30 manhole covers have been stolen from the
Karen : You’re right. The scholarship is for brilliant students. city’s Brooklyn, Queens and Bronx boroughs since early March.
Hendra : Will he have a full-scholarship? Manhole covers are stolen occasionally, but the recent thefts are
Karen : Yes. Besides school fees, he will receive a subsidy a marked increase. The covers are made of cast iron or
and airplane tickets. composite materials and can weigh as much as 136 kg. The high
Hendra : That’s great! price of metal makes them attractive to sell as scrap.
Karen : Yes. You know, it is donated by Bill Gates. “Stealing manhole covers is dangerous,” said Milovan Blair,
Con Edison’s Vice President for Brooklyn-Queens Electric
Operations. “Anyone who steals these covers creates a serious
hazard for pedestrians and motorists.”
Adopted from:
news-item-manhole.html (September 23, 2014)
3. What do thieves in the city’s Brooklyn, Queens and Bronx
boroughs steal?
4. Why are thieves interested in stealing them?
5. According to Milovan Blair, why is stealing manhole covers

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 77


Version B
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : 2 (dua)
Kelas : X Tanggal : ....

Nama Nomor Induk

Kelas Tanda Tangan

I. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. equal, then humans should have as equal a right to
participate in the “survival of the fittest” game as any animal
A. Listening Section does. To pass a law restricting the human consumption of
animals would damn the human race to extinction. Rifkin’s
1. A. He is not smart. bigotry and hypocrisy doesn’t stop here.
B. He is not diligent.
C. He didn’t prepare well for the test. Feross Aboukhadijeh
D. He thinks that he could do the test.
E. He didn’t have enough time to study. Adopted from:
animal-rights/ (September 23, 2014)
2. A. To the bookstore. B. To the hospital.
C. To their school. D. To the girl’s house. 6. What does Jeremy Rifkin say about animals?
E. To the boy’s house. A. Animals participate in the ‘survival for the fittest’.
B. Animals can experience pain, suffering and affection.
3. A. Diamonds. B. Jewelries. C. Animals will be extinct in the years ahead.
C. Iron equipment. D. Metal scraps. D. Animals cannot live alone.
E. Manhole covers. E. Animals have no brain.
4. A. Metal is expensive. B. Metal is cheap. 7. “To pass a law restricting the human consumption of
C. Metal is precious. D. Metal is useful. animals ....” (Paragraph 2)
E. Metal is strong. The word ‘restrict’ is similar to ________.
A. avoid B. prevent
5. A. It may cause floods. C. permit D. limit
B. It may cause great loss. E. suggest
C. It will make people nervous.
D. It can create a serious hazard for This text is for questions 8 and 9.
pedestrians and motorists.
E. It can create a serious problem for the government. Again, several students from many universities in Indonesia
made achievements in an international event. They won medals
This is the end of the listening section. in the 19th International Mathematics Competition (IMC) in
Blageovgrad, Bulgaria. The competition was held from July 26, to
B. Reading Section August 1 and followed by 316 IMC members from 50 countries. It
was officially opened by IMC President, Prof. John E. Jayne. The
This text is for questions 6 and 7.
substances of the competition included Algebra, Analysis,
Dear Editor: Geometry and Combinatorics.
Adapted from: (August 29, 2014)
I would personally like to thank Jeremy Rifkin for his 8. Where was the competition held?
earth-shaking findings published in “A Change of Heart about A. In Bulgaria. B. In Indonesia.
Animals”. Without Rifkin’s article, I never would have realized C. In Malaysia. D. In America.
that animals can experience pain, suffering and affection. E. In England.
The global community is truly indebted to Rifkin for proving,
for the first time ever, that animals are actually living, 9. How many days was the competition held?
breathing creatures—a truly groundbreaking scientific A. Three days. B. Four days.
achievement, no doubt. The truth is: Rifkin has proven C. Five days. D. Six days.
nothing new and merely demonstrated the barefaced E. Seven days.
hypocrisy of the animal rights movement.
The ‘discovery’ that animals can experience simple This text is for questions 10 to 13.
emotions like pain and fear does not justify the adoption of Taipei (ANTARA News/CNA-OANA) – A biotech company
laws protecting animals from lab experiments or human introduced a herbal medicine for the treatment of cancer-related
consumption. Would a starving lion restrain itself before fatigue (CRF), touting it as the first drug ever developed
savagely slaughtering an innocent child for food? Why should specifically for that purpose.
humans treat animals any more humanitarianly than they “The intravenous drug, made from a herb commonly used in
treat us? Since the beginning of time, animals have killed Chinese medicine, can increase the chi energy of patients,” said
and consumed other animals as part of the natural course of Chen Kuang-chi, chief executive officer of Maywufa Bio
nature. If, as Rifkin argues, humans and animals should be Pharmaceutical Group.

78 News Items
The drug, recently approved by Taiwan’s health authorities, This statement was made by the Kazakhstan Constitutional
is expected to provide relief for about 80 per cent of cancer Court Chairman, Ivanivich Igor Rogov, when he met Mahfud MD
patients, he said at a press conference. in Jakarta.
The drug, however, does not come cheap. One gram of the “We arrive here to discuss about democracy in this country
powder, which makes two injections, costs US$840. The which hopefully can be applied to our society,” he said.
suggested dose for cancer patients is two to three injections per Indonesia, according to Igor, is a country that managed to
week, according to the developers. harmonize economic growth with democracy. This, he said, will
“A large scale clinical trial of the new drug for stroke patients be applied in his country.
is underway, as the company is also trying its effectiveness on On the occasion, Igor also explained the system of
people suffering from other diseases,” Chen said. government in his country. He said the Kazakhstan president
Although most healthy people experience fatigue from time only has a term of three years. Currently, the country has
to time, CRF is said to be more severe. Causes of CRF include conceived legislation to limit the tenure of president for two terms
anemia, emotional distress, sleep disturbance and side effects of only.
cancer treatments. “The power of the president is limited by the Parliament and
Adopted from: prime minister,” added him.
medicine-for-cancer-related-fatigue (September 23, 2014) Adapted from:
indonesia.html (September 23, 2014)
10. What is the text about?
A. A herbal medicine for the treatment of many diseases. 16. What is the text about?
B. A herbal medicine for maintaining people’s health. A. Democracy in Indonesia.
C. A herbal medicine for the treatment of cancer-related B. Democracy in Kazakhstan.
fatigues. C. The limit of the president’s power in Kazakhstan.
D. Suggestions for people suffering from CRF. D. Kazakhstan government that wants to adapt democracy
E. Causes of CRF and how to overcome them. in Indonesia.
E. The chairman of Kazakhstan Constitutional Court’s
11. The following are causes of CRF, EXCEPT ________. arrival in Indonesia.
A. side effects of cancer treatments
B. sleep disturbance 17. How many years is the president’s term in Kazakhstan?
C. emotional distress A. One year. B. Two years.
D. high fever C. Three years. D. Four years.
E. anemia E. Five years.
12. What is the main idea of paragraph four? 18. What limits the power of president in Kazakhstan?
A. The cost of the herbal medicine. A. The citizens.
B. A large scale clinical trial of the new drug. B. The principal laws.
C. Where the herbal medicine comes from. C. The judicative power.
D. The function of the intravenous drug. D. The chairman of Constitutional Court.
E. Causes of CRF. E. The Parliament and Prime Minister.
13. “... touting it as the first drug ever developed specifically for 19. Who is Ivanivich Igor Rogov?
that purpose.” (Paragraph 1) A. A Kazakhstan journalist.
The word ‘tout’ is similar to ________. B. The Kazakhstan Constitutional Court Chairman.
A. say B. praise C. The Kazakhstan Parliament Chairman.
C. expect D. spend D. The Kazakhstan Prime Minister.
E. use E. The Kazakhstan President.
14. Eddy : Your brother wants to study abroad, ________? 20. “They will study and implement it in their country.”
Rika : Yes, he does. (Paragraph 1)
A. isn’t he B. is he What does ‘it’ refer to?
C. doesn’t he D. does he A. The model of democracy in Indonesia.
E. was he B. The model of democracy in Kazakhstan.
C. The model of democracy in general.
15. Nayla : You know what! Bondan is Karen’s brother! D. The government of Indonesia.
Deryl : How do you know? E. The government of Kazakhstan.
Nayla : I ________ them at the food court and we had
a talk. II. Write a letter to the editor about a certain article you
A. brought about B. got away have read.
C. went out D. put across
E. came across

This text is for questions 16 to 20.

Government of Kazakhstan admires the democratic system
in Indonesia. They hope the model of democracy in Indonesia
can be applied in their country. They will study and implement it
in their country.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 79

Kunci Review Unit III Version B II. Uraian
Contoh jawaban:
I. Pilihan Ganda
To the Editor:
1. C 11. D
2. B 12. A I am writing in response to your article entitled
“Corruption in Indonesia Increases”. It is pitiful that there are
3. E 13. B
many corruptors in our beloved country. I don’t know what is
4. A 14. C in the corruptors’ minds. They grab people’s money, but they
5. D 15. E don’t care. Corruption is a great crime.
6. B 16. D As a common people, I just suggest that the government
should be more active in overcoming the problem. The
7. D 17. C committee which has a duty to combat corruption had worked
8. A 18. E hard to discover the corruption and the government should
9. E 19. B support it well.
10. C 20. A
Tania Erlinda

80 News Items
PART I 5. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
Guru: diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Girl : What is your plan for the next holiday? Girl : Will you attend the opening of our school
Boy : I have no idea. bazaar?
Girl : What about having a picnic to Lembang with Boy : I guess so. What about you?
me, Wira? Girl : I’d love to. So, will you pick me up?
Boy : I’d love to. Thanks. Boy : Sure. No problem.
Narrator : What is the girl doing? Girl : ________
Narrator : What is the most appropriate response for
Jawaban: C
the girl to reply?
A. Thank you.
2. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
B. You’re welcome.
C. Sorry to hear that.
Man : Do you still remember Joni, our friend in
D. Everything will be fine.
SMA? He is an English teacher now.
Woman : Wow, I don’t believe it! He wasn’t good at Jawaban: A
English when he was in SMA, was he?
Narrator : What does the woman express to hear the 6. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
Jawaban: E diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Girl : Guess what! Tora got third ranking in Class
3. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu X2!
Guru: Boy : Tora ... the clumsy boy?
Girl : Firman, congratulations! Your story was Girl : Yes, he is.
published in this magazine. Boy : ________
Boy : Thank you. Narrator : What is the most appropriate response for
Narrator : Why does the girl congratulate the boy? the boy to reply?
A. No doubt.
Jawaban: D B. He deserves it.
C. Congratulations!
4. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu D. That’s very surprising!
Girl : Reno, have you heard that Jawaban: D
Ms. Gina will get married at the end of this
7. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Boy : Yeah, Seno told me yesterday. Why do you Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang
ask? diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Girl : Listen, we are all invited to her wedding Boy : Listen! There’s a music festival.
party! Girl : When?
Boy : Really? That’s great! I’d love to attend. Boy : This afternoon. Would you like tosee it with
Girl : I do too. me?
Narrator : Where will the speakers go at the end of this Girl : _________
month? Narrator : What is the most appropriate response for
the girl to reply?
Jawaban: B
A. That’s impossible!
B. I agree with you.
C. Can I go with you?
D. I’d love to, but I can’t.

Jawaban: D

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 81


8. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Guru: This text is for questions 12 and 13.
Man : Hi, Susan. Long time no see. How are you? Attention, please. This announcement is addressed to
Woman : Hi, George. I’m okay. How about you? all students who will participate in the marching race to
Man : As you see, I’m fine. Anyway, commemorate National Education Day. All participants must
what are you doing here? come to school on Friday, May 10, 2013 at 2:30 p.m.
Woman : Well, my executive editor sent me to cover We will do the final preparation before the competition. All
a story about the demonstration here. participants are kindly requested to wear sports kit. Thank
Man : I see. You’re a journalist now. A great job, you.
Susan! Narrator:
Woman : Thank you. 12. Where do you probably hear the announcement?
Narrator : What does the woman do? 13. What is the announcement about?
Jawaban: C 12. Jawaban: B
13. Jawaban: D
9. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu
Guru: Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
Woman : Reno, is it your USB stick? Questions 14 to 15 refer to the following monolog.
Boy : Yes, it is. Oh, thank God. You know, Mom, Queen Sima is believed to have been the ruler of
I’ve been looking for it for an hour. I thought Kalingga Kingdom in the north of Central Java. The name
I lost it. Where did you find it, Mom? “Kalingga” might have a relation with India.
Woman : Near the toaster. How could it be there? It is said that Queen Sima was a very fair, just and
Boy : I don’t know, Mom, but thank you for finding strong queen and her people were extremely honest.
it. The news about Kalingga even arrived to China, during
Narrator : Where was the USB stick found? the Tang Dynasty. The Emperor of China then sent his
envoys to Java to see if it was true.
Jawaban: D
In front of the envoys, Queen Sima gathered jewels
and gold, then put them in a pot. Later, the pot was put on
10. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
the main street of the town. For three months, the pot
Last month my uncle gave me a nice present for
stayed there, no one touched it.
my birthday. Guess what! It was a pocket digital
One day, the Crown Prince accidentally kicked the pot
camera. The camera is light and small. It has a simple
and it fell and crushed. The Queen said her son was guilty
design, but has 8x optical zoom and 12 mega pixel
and he had to be punished.
resolution. The color is red, my favorite. You know, this
At last, the Chinese envoys went back to China with
camera is now one of the most valuable things to me,
the proof that the story about Queen Sima and her people
since I love photography. I’m really grateful to my uncle
was true.
and I promise that I will take care of it very well.
Adopted from: (August 23, 2015)
Narrator : What does the speaker describe?
Jawaban: A 14. What was Queen Sima like?
15. Why did Queen Sima punish her own son?
11. Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru:
A group of scientists claim that supercharging 14. Jawaban: D
sweet potatoes with an electric shock could increase the 15. Jawaban: C
level of antioxidants and polyphenols in the vegetable—
This is the end of the listening section.
already accepted as a nutritional powerhouse.
At the 244th National Meeting & Exposition of the
American Chemical Society in Philadelphia this week,
the largest scientific society in the world, a team of
16. E 31. A 46. E
Japanese scientists told attendees that passing an
17. C 32. E 47. C
electric current through sweet potatoes increased the
18. A 33. A 48. E
polyphenol levels by 60 percent.
19. C 34. C 49. B
Sweet potatoes in their raw form contain seven
20. D 35. D 50. C
times as much antioxidants and polyphenols than any
21. A 36. D
other tubers.
22. E 37. E
Their theory? That the electric shock stresses the
23. B 38. B
vegetables, which in turn produce more polyphenols—
24. D 39. E
disease-fighting compounds found in plant-based
25. E 40. C
foods—as a protective measure.
26. B 41. C
Their finding could carry larger implications around
27. C 42. B
the world, the scientists say, given that the vegetable is
28. C 43. D
an important food staple in developing countries where
29. D 44. C
95 percent of the global sweet potato is produced, but
30. A 45. D
where malnutrition is a serious problem.
Adopted from:
electricity-ups-antioxidants-research-130729418.html (August 31, 2015)
Narrator : What vegetable does the speaker talk about?

Jawaban: D

82 Final Test

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