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Global Warming

consisting orientation : global warming adalah fenomena meningkatnya suhu rata-rata atmosfer, lautan,
dan daratan bumi secara menyeluruh.Pemanasan global juga bisa diartikan sebagai naiknya suhu bumi
secara menyeluruh, ditandai dengan es di Kutub yang mencair dan temperatur di berbagai tempat di
seluruh dunia yang cenderung naik.Saat terjadi pemanasan global tersebut, suhu di bumi terasa makin
panas. Tak hanya itu, keadaan cuaca di bumi juga menjadi ekstrem dan tidak menentu. Dalam kondisi
tersebut, tentu susah untuk bisa dihindari dan dihentikan secara menyeluruh. Hal itu dikarenakan pola
hidup manusia yang terus berkembang dan berubah.
Global warming is the phenomenon of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, oceans, and
the earth's land as a whole. Global warming can also be interpreted as an increase in the earth's
temperature as a whole, marked by melting polar ice and temperatures in various places around the world
which tend to rise. When global warming occurs, the temperature on earth gets warmer. Not only that, the
weather conditions on earth are also extreme and uncertain. In these conditions, it would be difficult to
avoid and stop it completely. This is because the pattern of human life continues to develop and change.
body (cause and effect) : penyebab pemanasan global yang paling sering terjadi adalah karena
pembakaran bahan bakar fosil yang berlebih oleh manusia yang menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan
suhu bumi yang drastis yang membuat mencairnya gletser di kutub yang mengakibatkan kenaikan
permukaan laut diseluruh bumi yang mengakibatkan hilangnya habitat hewan-hewan laut yang
berdampak kepada punanya spesies laut. Selain itu penyebab lainnya adalah karena penebangan pohon
yang dilakukan terus menerus yang mengakibatkan kadar oksigen di bumi berkurang dan dapat
menyebabkan kepunahan masal baik itu dari manusia, hewan, maupun tumbuhan itu sendiri
The most frequent cause of global warming is due to the burning of excess fossil fuels by humans which
causes a drastic increase in Earth's temperature which causes the melting of polar glaciers which results in
an increase in sea level throughout the earth which results in the loss of habitat for marine animals that
impacts their lives marine species. Besides that, another cause is due to continuous cutting of trees which
results in reduced oxygen levels on the earth and can cause mass extinction of both humans, animals and
plants themselves.

conclusion : jadi kesimpulannya pemanasan global sangat berbahaya jika dibiarkan begitu saja jadi mari
kita menyayangi bumi kita dan mengurangi pemanasan global dengan cara mengurangi pemakaian
kendaraan bermotor, berhenti melakukan penebangan pohon dan kita harus mengembalikan kadar
oksigen di bumi dengan cara melakukan penanaman tumbuhan baik didarat maupun di laut karena akan
sangat berpengaruh untuk suhu bumi,selain itu kita juga harus merawat dan menjaga kelestarian bumi

So the conclusion is that global warming is very dangerous if left unchecked so let's love our earth and
reduce global warming by reducing the use of motorized vehicles, stop cutting trees and we must restore
oxygen levels on the earth by planting plants both on land and in the sea because will be very influential
for the temperature of the earth, besides that we also have to care for and preserve our earth.
Global warming is the phenomenon of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, oceans, and
the earth's land as a whole. Global warming can also be interpreted as an increase in the earth's
temperature as a whole, marked by melting polar ice and temperatures in various places around the world
which tend to rise. When global warming occurs, the temperature on earth gets warmer. Not only that, the
weather conditions on earth are also extreme and uncertain. In these conditions, it would be difficult to
avoid and stop it completely. This is because the pattern of human life continues to develop and change.
The most frequent cause of global warming is due to the burning of excess fossil fuels by humans which
causes a drastic increase in Earth's temperature which causes the melting of polar glaciers which results in
an increase in sea level throughout the earth which results in the loss of habitat for marine animals that
impacts their lives marine species. Besides that, another cause is due to continuous cutting of trees which
results in reduced oxygen levels on the earth and can cause mass extinction of both humans, animals and
plants themselves.
So the conclusion is that global warming is very dangerous if left unchecked so let's love our earth and
reduce global warming by reducing the use of motorized vehicles, stop cutting trees and we must restore
oxygen levels on the earth by planting plants both on land and in the sea because will be very influential
for the temperature of the earth, besides that we also have to care for and preserve our earth.

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