Anda di halaman 1dari 8


1. Salah satu tanggungjawab dari seorang pemandu wisata adalah......

a. mengajar wisatawan tentang budaya dan situs di suatu kota.

b. menyediakan makanan kepada turis.

c. mengarahkan turis agar berwisata di banyak tempat.

d. mengajak turis untuk berbicara terus-menerus.

2. Dalam suatu perjalanan, seorang pemandu wisata haruslah membuat perjalanan.....

a. menyenangkan, seru, dan penuh tantangan.

b. edukatif, menyenangkan, dan menegangkan.

c. menarik, informatif, dan aman.

d. memacu adrenalin, mendebarkan, dan menarik.

3. Tantangan tersulit bagi pemandu wisata adalah......

a. belajar bahasa asing. c. memandu wisata

b. menjawab pertanyaan. d. memberikan penjelasan

4. Jika seorang pemandu wisata tidak memahami suatu pertanyaan maka hal yang harus dilakukan

a. menanyakan balik kepada wisatawan terkait pertanyaan yang ditanyakan.

b. menjelaskan secara detail tentang perjalanan untuk antisipasi pertanyaan aneh-aneh dari wisatawan.

c. menyimpan pertanyaan untuk dijadikan PR.

d. menjelaskan dengan sopan bahwa anda tidak memahami suatu pertanyaan.

5. Bagaimana cara menanyakan kepada wisatawan apakah mereka ada pertanyaan?

a. Do you have a question, Sir? c. Anything else?

b. Can I help you? d. What do you mean?

1. Ketika menjelaskan keselamatan, aturan dan etiket seorang pemandu wisata lebih baik.....

a. membaca naskah. c. menggunakan powerpoint.

b. menghafal. d. membuat rangkuman.

2. Setelah anda menjelaskan aturan dan tindakan pencegahan, pastikan bahwa tamu telah memahami anda,
dengan bertanya......

a. Do you have a question about this? c. Do you understand what I mean?

b. Do you want me to reexplain this? d. Do you agree with this?

3. Berikut adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menjelasakan aturan, kecuali......

a. You are strictly forbidden from taking photographs inside the museum.

b. Please remain seated until we come to a full stop.

c. Please stay on the marked path.

d. I'm sure this goes unsaid, but remember to place all trash in the garbage bins.

4. Berikut adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menjelasakan aturan keselamatan, kecuali......

a. Please keep your seatbelts fastened at all times.

b. I ask that you keep your hands inside the train.

c. As a safety precaution, please stand behind the yellow line.

d. Please pay attention to the time. We don't want to keep the driver waiting.

5. Berikut adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menjelasakan etika, kecuali......

a. It is customary in our country to tip the friendly bus driver.

b. These rules are for your own comfort and safety.

c. In this region we bow rather than shake hands during a first meeting.

d. Though the all-inclusive includes tips for the servers, it does not include tips for the bellboy.
1. Untuk membuat wisatawan tetap tertarik dengan tur yang kita berikan dan untuk memecah keheningan,
maka seorang pemandu wisata haruslah.......

a. mengetahui banyak tentang sejarah, pemandangan, dan budaya untuk tempat-tempat di mana anda
memberikan tur.

b. mengetahui banyak tentang asal-usul wisatawan dan kehidupan mereka, serta tabiat mereka.

c. menjadi seorang pemandu wisata yang lucu dan atraktif, sehingga wisatawan tidak jenuh.

d. menjadi pemandu wisata yang bisa membuat suasana menjadi seru karena bisa bercanda.

2. Berikut adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang bisa digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu hal yang menarik selama
berwisata, kecuali......

a. In front of you is an ancient temple.

b. On your right you will see koala sleeping.

c. At 7 am, we’ll start our tour.

d. In a few minutes we'll be passing the giant tree.

3. Berikut adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang umumnya wisatawan tanyakan ketika sedang bertamasya,

a. Are you tired?

b. Are we going to see any wild tigers?

c. Will we see dolphins on the way back?

d. Are we going to pass Prambanan temple?

4. Tourist : Are there any baby tigers?

Guide : .............

Ungkapan yang paling tepat untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas adalah......

a. That's a good question. They usually run around playing with their mother at this time in the forest.

b. That's a good question. I haven't seen any yet, but we usually see them around this time of year.

c. That's a good question. We will see them when we pass the forest, but only if they come out from their den.

d. Semua jawaban benar.

5. Woman: What's that lake down there, to the right of the green meadow?
Guide: ................

Ungkapan yang paling tepat untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas adalah......

a. I'm glad you asked. That’s Siman Lake.

b. I am not sure what lake it is.

c. well, let me ask the villagers around here.

d. I don’t know the name yet.

1. Hello everyone. My name is Sadam. On behalf of LC Tours I'd like to welcome you all to Kediri. The bus ride
to your hotel will take about fifteen minutes. Right now I'd like to take a minute to familiarize you with the area
and discuss some brief safety precautions.

Potongan kalimat di atas adalah merupakan..........

a. welcoming tourists c. describing the location

b. closing remarks d. offering advice

2. If you need to exchange your dollars into rupiahs, please use a bank or money exchange. We don't
recommend exchanging your money at the hotel because you won't get a fair rate.

Potongan kalimat di atas adalah merupakan..........

a. welcoming tourists c. describing the location

b. closing remarks d. offering advice

3. LC tours offers a variety of special discounts depending on your travel plans. We have golf packages, as well
as guided whale boat tours, and fishing charters. There will be a short information session at 1 pm in the lobby
of the hotel tomorrow where you can learn all about these offers.

Potongan kalimat di atas adalah merupakan..........

a. welcoming tourists c. describing the location

b. introducing special events and offers d. offering advice

4. I promise you are going to enjoy your stay here in Ngancar, Kediri. This is a beautiful, quiet city where you
can relax, sit by the lake, enjoy great meals and feel very safe. You can walk into town and enjoy the fountains
or take a moonlit walk along the water.

Potongan kalimat di atas adalah merupakan..........

a. welcoming tourists c. describing the location

b. introducing special events and offers d. offering advice

5. We're going to be pulling up to the hotel in just a few minutes. Please sit back and enjoy the view of the lake
on the left hand side of the bus as we enter the city. I ask that you remain in your seats until we have come to a
complete stop. Azlan will be meeting us at the bus to help you with your bags.

Potongan kalimat di atas adalah merupakan..........

a. closing remarks c. describing the location

b. introducing special events and offers d. offering advice

1. Bagaimana cara menanyakan kepada wisatawan apakah mereka perlu bantuan?

a. Do you want me to help you eating? c. How can I help you, sir?

b. Is there something I can help you with? d. Jawaban b dan c benar.

2. Bagaimana cara mengungkapkan kepada wisatawan bahwa kita tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan dari

a. Can you please ask another question? c. Wow, what an interesting question

b. I'm afraid I don't have the answer to that. d. Good question!

3. Bagaimana cara merespon pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh wisatawan?

a. I'll try my best to answer your questions. c. I'll have to ask someone about that.

b. That's an interesting question. d. Semua jawaban benar.

4. Berikut adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang umum ditanyakan oleh wisatawan, kecuali.....

a. Do you know where the nearest washroom is?

b. Could you tell us where the nearest bank is?

c. Why do we go to this place?

d. Are we allowed to take pictures?

5. Tourist : Where's the best place to have dinner around here?

Guide : .........

Ungkapan yang paling tepat untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas adalah......

a. Well, that's a tough question. There are so many good restaurants. My personal favourite is Spaghetti

b. Well, I'll have to ask someone about that. Because I don’t know the answer. Wait!

c. Well, That's an interesting question. But actually I don’t know the answer. Maybe you can open your Google

d. Well, that's a difficult question. I am afraid I cannot answer the question. Can you ask another one?

6. Berikut adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menjelasakan aturan, kecuali......

a. Please pay attention to the time. We don't want to keep the driver waiting.

b. Classes are in session, so we need to keep our voices down.

c. You'll have some free time to look around after lunch.

d. I do not recommend swimming here. The water is very rough.

7. Berikut adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menjelasakan aturan keselamatan, kecuali......

a. For your own safety, we ask that you refrain from putting your arms out the window.

b. You'll have some free time to look around after lunch.

c. Please stay with your group at all times.

d. These rules are for your own comfort and safety.

8. Berikut adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menjelasakan etika, kecuali......

a. To indicate that you want to get on or off the bus simply wave your hand at the driver.

b. In this region we bow rather than shake hands during a first meeting.

c. As a safety precaution, please stand behind the yellow line.

d. Though the all-inclusive includes tips for the servers, it does not include tips for the bellboy.

9. Arti yang tepat dari “strictly forbidden” adalah.....

a. sangat dilarang. c. melarang ketat.

b. ketat dilarang. d. sangat melarang.

10. Arti yang tepat dar “pay attention” adalah.......

a. melarang c. menghadiri

b. memperhatikan d. mengumumkan

11. A small house or hotel that offers lodging and a morning meal is called.......

a. bed and breakfast c. air-only

b. all-inclusive d. accommodation

12. A place is where you pick up your bags in an airport is called........

a. airport runways c. balcony

b. baggage claim d. luggage

13. A list of foods that are included in a package is called.........

a. coupon c. cuisine

b. shopper’s paradise d. set menu

14. To visit popular tourist locations by walking around them is called.........

a. a walking tour c. exploration

b. sight seeing d. guided tour

15. Ways that the behaviors of people from different places are not the same are called.......

a. culture shocks c. multicultural

b. cultural differences d. many cultures

16. A valuable object that a person buys and collects is called........

a. a collection c. a collectible

b. a collective d. a selection

17. A small card from a bank or shop that allows you to buy items and pay for them later is called.......

a. a bank card c. a small card

b. a charge card d. a shop card

18. Abusive language is.......

a. words or phrases that hurt other people’s feelings.

b. words or phrases that make other people happy.

c. words or phrases that gladden other people.

d. words or phrases that make other people proud.

19. A famous or recognizable place is called..........

a. a temple c. an ancient building

b. a statue d. a landmark

20. A large statue or building that is a reminder of an important person or event is called........

a. a monument c. a huge building

b. a temple d. a pyramid

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