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By Charles Dickens

Students of English Depatmeent
Semester Iv
Lecturer: Ratna Nery,S.Pd,.M.Pd


1. Lutvia = Oliver Twist
2. Gustina =Fagin
3. Ririn Damayanti = Nancy
4. Citra Rosmitasari = Bill Sikes
5. Resty Ayu Andini = Artful Dodger
6. Anggi Anggrla = Mr Bumble
7. Gita Amanda = Mr Brownlow, Bet
8. Dena Runia = Mr Sowerberry, Charlotte
9. Siti Alimatus Sa’diyah= Widow Corney, Police
10. Lusy Wulandari = Mrs. Sowerberry
11. Ria Almukni =Magistrate, Noah Claypole
12. Hanifa Aryani = Editor
Di sebuah rumah yatim piatu. Semua orphan (anak yatim piatu) bekerja, nampak terus
bekerja meski kelaparan dan lelah. Sisi panggung yang lain dijadikan ruang makan dengan
dinding bertuliskan GOD is LOVE yang sangat besar. Di satu sisinya sebuah tungku dengan
panci berisi makanan para orphan. Para anggora Dewan Panti Asuhan muncul didampingi
Mr. Bumble dan pengasuh rumah yatim yang lain, di antaranya Widow Corney.
Seorang Dewan hendak mencicipi makanan dalam panci, namun begitu dibuka, aroma tak
sedap yang muncul dari panci membuatnya mengurungkan niat. Sambil mencibir jijik Para
Dewan menyingkir, menuju tempat mereka sendiri yang sudah dipenuhi berbagai makanan
enak di sisi panggung lain.
Semua adegan ini terjadi dalam hening, hanya sesekali terdengar derit suara mesin yang
dikerjakan oleh anak-anak.
Seorang pengasuh membunyikan lonceng makan. Semua orphan menghentikan pekerjaan
mereka, tetap tanpa semangat. Sambil bernyanyi mereka berjalan seperti robot, mulai
mengambil mangkok dan mengambil jatah makan dengan ekspresi jijik pada makanannya
Oliver memberanikan diri maju mendekati Mr. Bumble. Orphan lain nampak menunggunya

OLIVER : Please, sir,

I want some more.
MR. BUMBLE : What?
OLIVER : Please, sir...
I want some more?
MR. BUMBLE : More?
Melihat Mr Bumble nampak marah, Oliver segera melarikan diri.
WIDOW CORNEY : Catch him!
Mr. BUMBLE : Snatch him!
WIDOW CORNEY : Hold him!
MR. BUMBLE : Scold him!
WIDOW CORNEY : Pounce him, trounce himu7
Pick him up and bounce him
Oliver berlari-lari di sekitar ruangan. Orphan lain menyoraki. setelah beberapa kali lolos dari
tangkapan penjaga, ahirnya Oliver tertangkap. Orphan lain semakin ramai bersorak-sorak.

MR. BUMBLE : Wait!

Before we take the lad to task
May I be so curious
As to ask his name
ORPHAN : O-li-ver
WIDOW CORNEY : Oliver Twist, Mr. Bumble.
You named him so yourself.
MR. BUMBLE : So that's who he is.
Bersamaan dengan kata “Get Out” dari para Dewan panggung berubah cepat menjadi jalanan
yang sepi dan dingin. Hanya sesekali orang lewat. Mr Bumble nampak menawarkan Oliver di
jalan. Mereka berdua kedinginan.

MR. BUMBLE : (BOY FOR SALE), One boy, Boy for sale, He's going
MR. SOWERBERRY : How much did you say?
MR. BUMBLE : Only three guineas, Mr. Sowerberry.A bargain if ever
there was one.
MR. SOWERBERRY : I was looking for a boy.
Bring him in, Mr. Bumble.
Bring him in.
Mr Sowerberry lalu mencobakan sekenanya topi panjang hitam dan jubah hitam pada Oliver.
Ini adalah jubah pengiring jenazah. Mr dan Mrs Sowerberry nampak puas. Mereka mengantar
Mr Bumble keluar ruangan.

Hanya tinggal Noah, Charlotte, dan Oliver yang tertinggal di ruangan itu. Noah yang nampak
melihat-lihat dan memastikan bahwa tuannya sedang tak melihatnya. Mulailah ia
mengganggu Oliver. Dilemparnya topi pengiring jenazah yang sedang dibersihkan Oliver.
Oliver nampak menahan diri.

NOAH : How's your mother, workhouse?

OLIVER : (nampak tak senang) You leave my mother out of it.
She's dead.
NOAH : What'd she die of?
Shortage of breath?
OLIVER : You better not say anythingabout her to me.
NOAH : Don't you be cheeky, workhouse.
Your mother!
She was a nice one.A regular bad one she was.
OLIVER : What did you say?

NOAH : It's good she died when she did 'causeshe'd been in prison
doing hard labor.
Oliver tak tahan dengan omongan Noah. Diambilnya sapu dan dipukulkan ke arah Noah
hingga Noah terjengkang. Charlotte mencoba menggentikan Oliver.
CHARLOTTE : You murderous little wretch!
What are you doing?
Namun Oliver tak juga melepaskan Noah. Suasana menjadi semakin ribut. Muncul Mrs.

MRS. SOWERBERRY : What's going on?

What are you tryingto do, wake up the dead or something? It's
you again!Get out of here!
NOAH : He started.
Noah yang berhasil terlepas membalas Oliver. Oliver mencoba berlari hingga sebuah peti
mati terbuka. Oliver hendak bersembunyi di sana tapi Noah dan pacarnya malah segera
memasukkan anak itu ke dalam.
NOAH : The lid, quick!
CHARLOTTE : Put the lid on!
Begitu Oliver masuk dalam peti mereke semua menduduki peti.
MRS. SOWERBERRY : Oh, dear.I'm going off. Water!
Noah, go to the workhouse.
Get Mr. Bumble. Tell him to come quick.
Noah segera berlari pergi. Tak lama kemudian ia muncul bersama Mr Bumble.
Mr.Bumble got mad to Oliver. Because this problem Oliver got punishment from Mr.
Sowerberry. Oliver decided tol leave Mr.sowerberry’s house and went to Lonfon.
Jalanan Kota London. Oliver muncul dari tumpukan sayur di sebuah gerobag. Oliver melihat
orang-orang di sekelilingnya yang tidak menyadari kemunculan Oliver. Orang-orang
memindahkan sayur, membersihkan jalan, berjalan, berbelanja dan melakukan hal-hal yang
biasa dilakukan di jalanan.
Seorang anak kecil, sedikit lebih tua dari Oliver, nampak berada di sekitar daerah itu juga. Ia
sesekali berjalan di dekat orang-orang, seperti hendak mengambil sesuatu dari kantung
mereka. Sesekali ia bersembunyi dan berlagak lugu karena ada polisi lewat. Oliver
memperhatikan semua itu hingga si anak, yang bernama Artful Dodger menegurnya.
DODGER : What you starin' at?
Haven't you never seen a toff?
OLIVER : No, never.
I'm sorry, I didn't...
DODGER : That's all right.
Dodger berhasil mengambil sebuah roti dari kranjang belanjaan. Ia menawari Oliver
DODGER : Hungry?
OLIVER : Yes, I am.
Dodger melempar potongan roti ke arah Oliver. Oliver menerima dan makan dengan lahap.
OLIVER : I've come a long way.
I've been walking for seven days.
DODGER : Been running away from the beak?
OLIVER : The what?
DODGER : Don't say you don't know
what the beak is, flash mate.
OLIVER : It's a bird's mouth, isn't it?
DODGER : My eyes! How green can you get?
For your information,a beak's a magistrate.
Who you running away from then?
Your old man?

OLIVER : No. I'm an orphan.

I've come to London to make my fortune.
DODGER : Oh! You have, have you?
Got any lodgings?
OLIVER : Not a farthing.
Do you live in London?
OLIVER : Do you know of anywhere?
DODGER : As it so happens,I know a respectable old gentleman.
He'll give you lodgings for nothing.
OLIVER : Really?
DODGER : And will never ask for change if anyother gentleman he knows
introduces you.And don't he know me?
OLIVER : He must be a very kind old gentleman.
DODGER : Oh, yes, he's very kind.
And I'm a particular favorite of his.
Well, if you're coming along,I better know who you are.
OLIVER : My name is Oliver.
Oliver Twist.
DODGER : Mine's Jack Dawkins...
better known among me more intimatefriends as the Artful
Panggung perlahan kosong dan hening. Tercipta suasana lain, sebuah sudut kota yang kotor,
kumuh, becek dan bau. Ini lah rumah Fagin, si kepala pencopet. Penuh dengan kain-kain
bergelantungan, sprei, sapu tangan , dll
Di sudut panggung lain anak-anak pencopet kecil bermunculan dan mulai melakukan
aktivitasnya masing-masing. Bercanda, bermain-main.
DODGER : Hey, Fagin, I’ve broughta new friend to see you.
Oliver Twist.
Dari balik dinding muncul Fagin. Olive mengamati lelaki ini.
OLIVER : (menyapa Fagin)Sir.
FAGIN : I hope I shall have the honorof your intimate
We are very glad to see you, Oliver.Very.
Aren’t we, my dears?
DODGER : Of course we are.
Anak-anak lain ikut menyalami Oliver. Ada yang mencoba mengambil tas dan topinya.
OLIVER : Give me back my things!
Leave it!
FAGIN : Leave him alone!(Anak-anak serentak bubar)
Dodger, take off the sausages!
Charlie, lay a place at the tablefor Mr. Twist.
The Dodger tells meyou have come to London...
to seek your fortune.
Masing-masing melakukan tugasnya seperti yang diperintahkan Fagin.
OLIVER : Yes, sir.
FAGIN : Well, we must see what we can doto help you, mustn’t

OLIVER : Thank you, sir.

BOY 1 : (menyahut) These sausages are moldy!
FAGIN : Shut up and drink your gin!
Shut up and drink your gin!
You’re staring atthe pocket handkerchiefs, eh, my dear?
We hung them up,ready for the wash, that’s all.
OLIVER : Is this a laundry then, sir?
BOYS : That’s right, a laundry.
FAGIN : Not exactly, my boy.
I suppose a laundry would bea very nice thing, indeed!
But our line of businesspays a little better.
Don’t it, boys?

You see, Oliver...

DODGER : Couple of wallets.(sambil menyerahkan dompet)
FAGIN : Lined?
DODGER : Only the best.
FAGIN : Not as heavy as they might be...
but very nicely made.
Ingenious workman, ain’t he, Oliver?
OLIVER : Does he make these himself?
FAGIN : But in the meantime,you must learn how to make
Like the Dodger.
Would you like that?
OLIVER : Yes, Mr. Fagin,if you’ll teach me.
FAGIN : Certainly, my boy. No fee.
Just do everythingthat Dodger and the others do.
Make them your models!
Especially Dodger.
He’s going to bea right little Bill Sikes.
OLIVER : Who’s Bill Sikes, Mr. Fagin?
FAGIN : He’s a very clever gentleman.
You’ll meet him tomorrow, maybe
OLIVER : I see the edge

Fagin nampak sedang mengamati barang-barang curian yang didapatnya dari Bill Sikes.
Dibersihkannya satu persatu dan dimasukkan ke dalam lobang rahasia, di dekat Oliver tidur.
FAGIN : Worth all the rest put together.
Suara gemericing barang curiang membangunkan Oliver. Anak ini mengendap-endap
mengintip apa yang sedang dilakukan Fagin.
FAGIN : Can I help it?This is my private treasure.My little
A cup of coffee...and a quick count up.
I mean, who's going to look after mein my old age?
(bicara pada burung hantunya) Would you, birdie?Will you?

(sadar bahwa Oliver sedang mengintipnya. Ia bangkit menutupi

hartanya lalu memegang Oliver erat)

Why are you watching me?

Why are you awake?
Speak out! I want to knowevery detail you saw!
OLIVER : (ketakutan) I'm sorry, sir.
FAGIN : Did you see where I fetched the box?
OLIVER : I don't think so, sir.
FAGIN : Be sure. Be sure!
OLIVER : Quite sure, sir.
FAGIN : Well...if you're I'm sure.
'Course I knew all along, my dear.
I didn't mean to frighten you.Brave boy, Oliver.
Did you...
Did you see any of thosepretty things, my dear?
OLIVER : Yes, sir.
FAGIN : They're mine, Oliver.My little treasure.All I've got to
live onin my old age.
It's a terrible thing, old age.

OLIVER : Yes, sir.I'm sorry, sir.

Can I go back to sleep again now, sir?
FAGIN : Certainly, my boy, go to sleep.Pleasant dreams.
OLIVER : Same to you, sir.
Ruangan Nancy yang sederhana tapi rapi. Pagi hari. Nancy sudah bangun dan bersiap hendak
pergi dengan keranjanganya sambil sesekali melihat masakan sarapannya untuk Bill,
sementara Bill Sikes masih terbaring di ranjang.
BET : (dari luar/ bawah ruangan) Nancy!
NANCY : (menjawab teriakan di luar) I'm coming!
(pada Bill) Your breakfast is ready.
BILL : Oh, for God's sake.
NANCY : I'll warm it up for your supper.
BILL : (sambil tetap berbaring) Go down to Fagin's and get the
cash,will you?
NANCY : (sambil menyiapkan sarapan) All right.
BILL : (terganggu oleh keberisikan Nancy) Nancy, I am trying to
Nancy menghentikan aktivitasnya dengan alat-alat dapur. Sambil bersiap ia melihat ke arah
NANCY : You do love me, don't you?
BILL : Of course I do.
I live with you, don't I?
NANCY : That bit's for me, ain't it?
Nancy lalu meninggalkan Bill sendiri dalam ruangan.
hari di rumah Fagin. Suasana ramai, semua pencopet kecil sedang bersiap diri untuk bekerja
hari ini. Fagin sedang menyiapkan sarapan untuk anak buahnya.
DODGER : Eat, eat, eat! Appetites.
FAGIN : Finish your breakfast.
It's time to get to work.
Hurry up!
You'll miss the morning train.
BOY 1 : Ain't there no more sausages then?
FAGIN : You want some supper tonight?

Muncul Nancy dan Bet.

NANCY : Who wants some bull's-eyes?
(semua anak menyambut tawaran Nancy)
Wait a minute. One at a time.
Oh, go on. Go and share them. T
DODGER : They must meet our new boy.
NANCY : Well!
What have we got here?
FAGIN : Ladies, I forgot.
You must meet our new lodger.
Mr. Oliver Twist, Esquire.
Nancy and Bet.
Oliver membungkukkan badan pada Nancy dan Bet sebagai tanda hormat. Anak-anak lain
menertawakannya. Nancy dan Bet juga tertawa.
NANCY : Charmed.
DODGER : Oh, yes, we're allladies and gentlemen around here.
We're all quality.
NANCY : Don't take any notice of them 'causeyou've got manners
and they ain't.
DODGER : What do you mean I ain't got no manners?
I'm a regular gent.Permit me to assist youacross the road.

NANCY : I was only going to the palace.

Doorman, a cab, if you please.
DODGER : Allow me the privilege to escort youin my own carriage.
Di jalanan Kota London. Pagi menjelang siang. Ramai, banyak orang lalu-lalang dan
beraktivitas. Dodger, Oliver dan seorang pencopet lain nampak lalu-lalng id depan penjual
Dodger dan temannya kembeli berkeliaran. Oliver berkeliaran sendiri di dekat mereka. Tiba-
tiba seorang pria kaya, Mr Brownlow lewat. Dodger dan temannya saling memberi kode
bahwa inilah sasaran empuk. Mereka bersiap mengambil dompet dari saku Mr Brownlow.
Sekali gagal. Kedua kalinya, ketika Dodger berhasil mengambil dompet itu, Mr Brownlow
segera membalikkan badan. Dodger dan temannya cepat pergi. Pada saat itulah Oliver yang
lugu yang sedari tadi mengamati aksi Dodger, berdiri di belakang Mr Brownlow. Oliver
nampak gugup dan semakin membuat Mr. Brownlow yakin bahwa anak inilah yang telah
mengambil dompetnya.
MR. BROWNLOW : (pada Oliver) Come here.
Give that back, you hear?
Give that back.
Come along. Come along!
Karena kebingungan Oliver melarikan diri.
MR. BROWNLOW : Stop that boy! Thief!
My wallet! Stop that boy!
Hold that boy! Stop!
Stop! Thief!
Beberapa lelaki ikut mengejar Oliver. Dodger dan temannya yang sedari tadi mengamati
segera ikut mengejar.
DODGER : (pada kerumunan yang mengejar) Leave him to us!
MR. BROWNLOW : Stole the gent's wallet.
We'll catch him!
Dodger menyuruh Oliver bersembunyi di sisi kanannya. Ketika lelaki pengejar lewat,
ditunjukkannya arah yang lain.
DODGER : He went that way!
MR. BROWNLOW : Have you seen him?
DODGER : No. He's disappeared. He's gone.
POLICE : Come here!
Come here, you!
Watch where you're going!

Oliver semakin ketakutan melihat polisi. Ia segera naik ke rel kereta api di dekatnya. saat
itulah kereta api lewat, semua orang meneriakinya.
Kereta api lewat. Semua terdiam.
Setelah kereta lewat, police dan seorang lelaki segera naik ke rel kereta untuk mengecek
Oliver. anak itu yang ternyata masih hidup dan dibawanya turun
MAN/POLICE : There's the gent he stole from.
Can you identify this boyas the thief, sir?
MR. BROWNLOW : Yes. Well, I saw himrunning away.
Dalam ruang sidang pengadilan. Oliver digiring masuk oleh officer. Beberapa orang
termasuk Mr Brownlow dan Nancy yang cemas nampak juga hadir di ruang sidang. Pemilik
tokodi dekat dimana Mr Brownlow kecopetan juga hadir di sana.
COURT OFFICER : Silence. Silence in court.
Lalu munculah pria tua yang menjadi hakimnya.
JUDGE : (menduga Mr Brownlow sebagai terdakwa) Well, what
crimeis this one charged with?
He looks a thorough-pacedold reprobate to me.
Speak up, man!
What's he charged with?
COURT OFFICER : He's not charged at all, Your Worship.
This gentleman appears against the boy.
JUDGE : Boy? What boy?
I see no boy.
COURT OFFICER : The boy in the dock,Your Worship.
JUDGE : Oh, yes.
Stand up, boy. I can't see you.
POLICE : He is standing up, Your Worship.
JUDGE : Don't be impertinent.
Put him on a box.(Officer meminta Oliver naik ke atas kotak
Well, what's he charged with?
COURT OFFICER : Picking pockets, sir.
JUDGE : What's your name?
Hmm. And does your father knowyou're here?
POLICE : He's an orphan.
JUDGE : Where do you come from?
Where do you live?
Who looks after you?
POLICE : He doesn't seem able to saywhere he lives...or anything
else, sir.
JUDGE : A liar as well as a thief?
And insolent into the bargain.
That settles it.
The boy is committed to three monthswith hard labor.
MR. BROWNLOW : This is disgraceful!
I demand to be heard. You've not yet...
MAN (SHOP) : (tiba-tiba, memotong) Sir..!
I was there.
JUDGE : Remove this lunatic. Clear the court.
PEMILIK TOKO : I will speak! I saw what happened.
It was outside my shop.
Two other boys stole
Mr. Brownlow's wallet.
This child had nothingto do with it.
JUDGE : But sentence has been passed!
Hasn't it?
Bill, Fagin, Nancy dan Dodger nampak diam. Semua pencopet kecil juga ikut berkumpul,
hanya diam. Masing-masing tak tahu apa yang harus diucapkan.
BILL : (memecah keheningan) We've got to get him back.
Do you hear?
Nab him the first timehe sets foot out of the door.
NANCY : He never goes out alone.
You know that.
BILL : Don't you back answer me.
Three days since I spotted him.
And what have you done about it?
We've got to get hold of him somehow.
Now, who's coming?
DODGER : I suppose it'll have to be me.
FAGIN : Shut your trap, Dodger.
You've caused enough trouble already.
Nancy, my dear, what do you say?
NANCY : It's no good trying it with me.
BILL : And just exactly what do you meanby that remark?
NANCY : What I say! I'm not going!
Can't you leave the boy alone?
He won't do you harm.
Why can't you leave him where he'll havethe chance of a decent
BILL : You'll bring him back here, my girl.
Unless you want to feel my hand on your throat.
Bill mencekik Nancy. Fagin segera melerai.


OIVER : Can I answer it, Rose?
ROSE (servant) : Thank you, dear.
POSTMAN : Books from Mr. Jessop.
OLIVER : Thank you.
Please, sir, these books came for you.
Wait, there's some to go back.
OLIVER : The boy's gone. Can I take them?
I know where the shop is. Please let me take them.
I'll be very quick.
MR. BROWNLOW : All right. Mrs. Bedwin, the booksare on the table beside my
Now will take those books to Mr. Jessopand tell have come to paythe four pounds ten that I owe him.
This is a five pound note,so there'll be ten shillings change.
You under...
OLIVER : She's a very pretty lady,isn't she, sir?
OLIVER : I'll take the books for you.
THE GUEST : A new suit of clothes, valuable booksand a five pound note in
his pocket.
You expect him to come back?
Don't you?
MR. BROWNLOW : If he does, I'll eat my headwith my hat on it.
Look at that portrait.
Do you see a likeness to the lad?
THE GUEST : That's your niece, isn't it?
MR. BROWNLOW : That's what I mean.
THE GUEST : Wasn't she the girl who...
MR. BROWNLOW : Who ran away.
THE GUEST : A young, innocent face. Nothing
more. A mere coincidence.
MR. BROWNLOW : I'm not so sure.
Born in a workhouse at Dunstable,he thinks.
That's all he can tell us.
Very well.

OLIVER : Who will buy this wonderful morning
Lady : Morning.
OLIVER : Such a sky you never did see
Who will tie it up with a ribbon
And put it in a box for me
OLIVER : Help! Help!
BILL : Get in the cart.
Bullseye, come here.
Bullseye! Bullseye, come here.

FAGIN : Oliver's back!
DODGER : Look at his togs!
CHARLIE : He's got boots, too.
Quite the little gent.
Lovely bit of stuff.
FAGIN : Delighted to see you looking so well,my dear.
The Dodger will give you another suitfor fear you spoil that
Sunday one.
DODGER : Look at this!
FAGIN : I'll bank it for you.
BILL : What's that?
That's mine.
FAGIN : No, no, my dear. Mine. Ours.
You shall have the books.
BIL : You hand it over,you avaricious old skeleton.
That's for our share of the trouble.
You keep the books.
Start a library.

OLIVER : Mr. Brownlow will be here after youif he finds've got his books and money.

BILL : So he'll be out here, will he?

Out here? After us?
What did you tell him about us?
OLIVER : Nothing!

Nancy nampak terkejut dengan kedatangan Bill yang membawa Oliver. Oliver nampak
sangat ketakutan.Bill menyuruh Oliver duduk di sudut ruangan. ia sendiri mengambil sebuah
kotak berisi pistolnya. Diperiksanya pistol itu.
NANCY : What's going on?
Why have you brought the boy here?
BILL : 'Cause he's coming on a jobwith me.
NANCY : But why him?
BILL : 'Cause I need a little one.
That's why.And he's nice and thin.
And on this particular job,that's what counts.
OLIVER : (bertanya pada Nancy) Must I go?
BILL : (memotong cepat dengan dingin) One word out of youwhile
you're out with me...and you know what will happen.(berlagak menembak Nancy dan Oliver)
NANCY : (memohon pada Bill) You can't do this to him.
Please! You can't! I won't let...
BILL : We'll have no more of that. You just be at the
tavern at 11.00


Bill pergi meninggalkan Nancy dengan membawa pistolnya. Sepeninggal Bill, Nancy
nampak ketakutan dan tak tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya. Tiba-tiba terlintas sebuah ide di
kepalanya. Bergegas ia mengambil mantelnya dan pergi.


Nancy nampak gugup dan terburu-buru masuk ke rumah Mr Brownlow bersama Rose.
NANCY : I've come about Oliver.
Would you tell Brownlow...
ROSE (servant) : Come inside. Mr. Brownlow!
NANCY : Don't call him. I'll leave a message.
ROSE (servant) : He'll want to see you.
NANCY : Please, I can't stay.
MR. BROWNLOW : (muncul) What is it?
ROSE (servant) : It's about the boy
MR. BROWNLOW : Is there news of him?
NANCY : He's in danger. He was dragged offthe day you sent him
out with the books.
MR. BROWNLOW : Who took him?
NANCY : Me and someone else.
MR. BROWNLOW : You took him by force?
NANCY : Yes!
I wish I'd never been part of it.
MR. BROWNLOW : Where is he now?
Who is this other person you speak of?
Can you take me to him?
You want to help the boy, don't you?
Then at least tell me where he is!
NANCY : (berteriak memotong) I can't!
But I'll bring him to you.
Not here. It's too far.
MR. BROWNLOW : Where then?
NANCY : The London Bridge tonight at midnight.
But you've got to come alone.
Promise you'll come on your own.
(melihat Mr Brownlow masih ragu-ragu) You don't trust me, do
you?But you've got to.

MR. BROWNLOW : I'll be there.

NANCY : Thank God. Now let me go.
Is the boy hurt? Ill-treated?
NANCY : I can't say no more. Please!
He'll kill me as it isif he finds out.
MR. BROWNLOW : Who is this man?
NANCY : No, I won't tell you.
Whatever else I do,I won't turn on him.
You wouldn't understand.
I've got to go back.I want to go back.
Promise you'll come?
MR. BROWNLOW : At 12.00

Nancy ditemani Bet sedang menunggu Bill. Fagin yang sedang minum di situ memperhatikan
kegelisahan Nancy dan mencoba menenangkan.
FAGIN : Why worry, my dear?
He always turns up.
Maybe he has taken Oliverback to my place.
NANCY : He said he was coming straight here.
FAGIN : Then that is what he will do.
Bill Sikes dan Oliver muncul dengan terengah-engah. Bill menyuruh Oliver berdiam di sudut.

Everything all right, Bill?

BILL : No, it's not, Fagin.
The little brat woke them up.
We had to run for it.

FAGIN : Anybody see you?

BILL : No.

Mr. Brownlow nampak sudah menunggu. Oliver dan Nancy muncul dengan terengah-engah.
Dari bawah jembatan Nancy berusaha memberi tahu Oliver
NANCY : There he is. See him?
Go on, quick.
Go on!
Oliver hendak bergegas pergi, tapi ia membalik dan memeluk Nancy. Ia kembali hendak
berlari, tapi Bill keburu muncul dan berhasil memegang tangan Oliver. Ia menyeret Oliver
dan Nancy ke sisi lain bawah jembatan.
NANCY : (berusaha membebaskan diri dan Oliver) Stop! Stop!
BILL : Get off me, you wench!
Get off me!

Bill mendorong Nancy yang menyerangnya. Ia memukuli Nancy berkali-kali. Oliver hanya
memandang ketakutan. Lalu Nancy tak bersuara. Bill berusaha menyingkir ke sisi lain,
Bullseye tidak segera mengikuti. Beberapa pria dan Mr. Brownlow mendekati Nancy yang
sekarat. Bullseye masih di situ.
BILL : (mencoba memanggil anjingnya) Bullseye!
Come here, boy.Bullseye, come here!
You come here, Bullseye.Come here, Bullseye.

(Bullseye mendekat)
They've seen you...
so you can't come with meno further.
'Cause if you do,they'll know you.
Come. You ain't afraid of me,are you, Bullseye?
You come here.
Come here, Bullseye!

Tengah malam. Fagin mendengar kedatangan Bill. Belum sempat ia melangkah keluar, Bill
dan Oliver sudah sampai di hadapannya. Bill nampak sangat gugup dan ketakutan. Begitu
masuk ia melempar Oliver ke lantai.
BILL : (mendorong Fagin) Brass. I want some brass.
I've got to get away.
FAGIN : What's wrong?
BILL : Did you hear what I said?
I want brass! Money!
FAGIN : (melihat darah di mantel Bill) There's blood on your
Where's Nancy?
Bill Sikes, what did you do?
What did you do?
BILL : She won't peachon nobody no more.
FAGIN : You shouldn't have done that.
She peached? You sure?
BILL : She must have done, mustn't she?
She was handing the boy overto Brownlow on the bridge.
He was there waiting for her.
FAGIN : What did you come here for?
Get out! Do you hear me?
BILL : I want money!
FAGIN : How much?
Ten? Twenty?
BILL : Not all of it!
Ifanyone should come hereasking for me...
FAGIN : They won't find me here. You don't think
I'll stand and wait for them, do you?
Bill hendak mendesak Fagin lagi namun dari luar terdengar rombongan orang datang, dengan
suara Bullseye.
BILL : It's him.
FAGIN : ( berteriak memerintahkan pencopet lain) Quick, boys,
all of you!
We're changing lodgings!
BILL : Nancy, I loved you, didn't I?
Look what you've done to me!
Sementara Fagin dan anak buahnya sedang beres-beres, Bill nampak menyeret Oliver keluar
dari ruangan. Fagin melihat itu.
FAGIN : (mengingatkan Bill) Why make things worse?
Leave him!
BILL : It's me they're after,but they won't go for me.
Not with the boy close, they won't.
So you keep out of it.
Bill meneruskan langkah membawa Oliver. Fagin tak membuang waktu segera memimpin
anak buahnya .
FAGIN : Out the back way. Come on!
out the back way. Come on!
Semua anak buah Fagin sudah pergi kecuali Dodger.
DODGER : (mempersilahkan Fagin) After you, Fagin.
FAGIN : After you, Dodger.
Don't bother with that. Get out.
Setelah Dodger pergi , Fagin menyempatkan diri mengambil kotak harta yang
dikumpulkannya. Ia nampak gugup ketika Dodger balik lagi ke arahnya.
DODGER : Fagin, what do I do?
FAGIN : Live up to your name, Dodger.
Dodge about sharpish!
Dodger segera berlari pergi. Hanya tinggal Fagin seorang diri. Ia sempatkan memeriksa
kotak hartanya. Lalu ditutupnya kembali dan segera ia melangkah pergi. Sayang tubuhnya
yang tua tak sigap melangkap sambil membawa kotak hartanya. Ia terpeleset, isi kotak
hartanya jatuh tersebar, jatuh ke lumpur di bawah rumahnya.
FAGIN : (menyesali jatuhnya harta) No...! No!!!
Tak ada waktu mengambil, terdengar rombongan orang-orang yang semakin dekat. Fagin
segera melarikan diri.
Bill yang sedang membawa Oliver muncul kembali. Ia nampak semakin terpojok. Orang-
orang yang mengejarnya ikut muncul. Ada polisi dan Mr. Brownlow. Seorang pria melihat
Bill membawa Oliver
PRIA 1 : Look! Up there!
PRIA 2 : It's him! It's Bill Sikes!
That's for sure.
And the boy!
I'm waiting for you, Sikes.
Bill segera mengambil sisi jalan lain. Rombongan orang masih mengejarnya. Sampai
akhirnya Bill terpojok, ketika ia hendak melompat
PEOPLE : Stop him! Stop him!

Semua orang berteriak. Suasana tambah gaduh. Bill semakin gugup dan Oliver tambah
ketakutan. Seorang polisi segera mengambil pistolnya dan segera menembak Bill. Bill jatuh.
Mati. Semua orang terdiam. Mr Brownlow segera mengambil Oliver dan memeluknya.


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