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Cara Menulis Kertas Posisi (Nigereria dalam perang Gaza,

Oleh : eHow Kontributor

Kenapa gaza mendapat bantuan?? Jenis bantuan kemanusiaan apa yang bisa nigeria berikan? sejauh apa bantuan yang dibutuhkan oleh Gaza dalam hal persenjataan perang dan bantuan kemanusiaan?

Sebagai pendidikan Anda berlangsung Anda akan dipanggil untuk menulis berbagai jenis kertas. Salah satunya adalah kertas posisi. Karena jenis kertas akan muncul pada standarisasi tes banyak dan di kelas bahasa Inggris yang paling, yang terbaik untuk tahu bagaimana menulis satu. Kesulitan : Cukup Menantang Petunjuk 1. Buat sebuah pengantar. Ini paragraf pertama harus mencakup memimpin dan laporan tesis dan jelas menyajikan gagasan utama kertas posisi Anda. Banyak penulis lebih memilih untuk menempatkan tesis pada akhir paragraf pertama, tetapi ini tidak harus terjadi. 2. Jelaskan pandangan Anda. Katakan kepada pembaca mengapa Anda mengambil posisi yang telah Anda pilih dan bukti yang mendukung pendapat anda tawarkan. Pastikan untuk menyajikan informasi dalam urutan logis dan menghindari membuat pernyataan bahwa kurangnya dukungan jelas. Membuat mereka mengerti mengapa Anda berpikir seperti yang Anda lakukan. 3. Menyajikan sebuah argumen-counter. Pilih masalah yang seseorang terhadap pandangan Anda akan membuka. Pastikan Anda hadir dengan jelas dan memberikan alasan di balik argumen-counter juga. Meneliti makalah posisi menentang dan sudut pandang dapat membantu membuat langkah ini lebih mudah. 4. Mendeklarasikan resolusi untuk masalah. Ambil paragraf untuk menjelaskan mengapa argumencounter tidak berlaku dan menegaskan kembali pandangan Anda. Jelaskan mengapa argumen-counter tidak tahan dan mengapa ide-ide Anda lebih baik.

5. Akhiri dengan sebuah paragraf kesimpulan. Dalam sebuah paragraf kesimpulan, Anda harus menyatakan kembali tesis anda dan meringkas gagasan utama kertas posisi. Pastikan untuk menulis ulang ide-ide Anda sehingga Anda tidak hanya mengulang hal yang sama persis. Sekali lagi, menyatakan kembali posisi Anda.

Brennon Motivational Speaker. Unik, lucu, keynote efektif Selengkapnya: Cara Menulis Kertas Posisi | # ixzz1NJHwJiLN

How to Write a Position Paper

By an eHow Contributor As your education progresses you will be called upon to write many different kinds of papers. One of these is a position paper. Because this kind of paper will appear on many standardized tests and in most English classes, its best to know how to write one. Difficulty: Moderately Challenging


1. Create an introduction. This first paragraph should include a lead in and thesis statement and clearly present the main idea of your position paper. Many writers prefer to place the thesis at the end of the first paragraph, but this doesn't have to be the case. 2. Explain your view. Tell the reader why you're taking the position you've chosen and offer evidence supporting your opinion. Be sure to present the information in a logical order and avoid making any statements that lack obvious support. Make them understand why you think the way you do. 3. Present a counter-argument. Pick a problem that someone against your views would bring up. Make sure you present it clearly and give the reasoning behind the counter-argument as well. Researching opposing position papers and viewpoints can help make this step easier. 4. Declare a resolution to the problem. Take a paragraph to explain why the counterargument doesn't apply and reaffirm your view. Describe why the counterargument doesn't hold up and why your ideas are better. 5. End with a conclusion paragraph. In a conclusion paragraph, you should restate your thesis and summarize the position paper's main ideas. Be sure to rewrite your ideas so that you're not just repeating the exact same thing. Once again, restate your position.

Brennon Motivational Speaker. Unique, humorous, effective keynote Read more: How to Write a Position Paper |

Permission Letters
Mary F. Jury Phoenix, Arizona I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, where I now live. My education covers a variety of areas that include accounting, computer programming, medicine, writing, office and management. At present, I am a selfemployed Virtual Assistant and Medical Transcriptionist that works from home. I work for various companies utilizing my writing skills to write letters and articles that are posted on the Internet. I am also an Herbalife distributor.

Mary F. Juri Phoenix, Arizona Saya dibesarkan di Phoenix, Arizona, di mana aku sekarang tinggal. Pendidikan saya mencakup berbagai bidang yang mencakup akuntansi, pemrograman komputer, kedokteran, menulis, kantor dan manajemen. Saat ini, saya Virtual wiraswasta Asisten dan Medical Transcriptionist yang bekerja dari rumah. Saya bekerja untuk berbagai perusahaan memanfaatkan keterampilan saya menulis untuk menulis surat dan artikel yang diposting di Internet. Saya juga seorang distributor Herbalife.

Writing series

Writing Position Papers

Write a position paper to
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Organize and outline your viewpoint on an issue Formally inform others of your position as a foundation to build resolution to difficult problems Present a unique, though biased, solution or a unique approach to solving a problem Frame the discussion in order to define the "playing field." This can put you in an advantageous position with those who may not be so well prepared as regards the issues behind their positions Establish your credibility Here you are demonstrating that you have a command of the issues and the research behind them, and can present them clearly Let your passion be demonstrated in the force of your argument rather than in the use of emotional terms Guide you in being consistent in maintaining your position in negotiation

The better prepared you are the more disadvantaged are your opponents and more likely they will defer to you

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Format should be consistent with guidelines determined by the sponsoring organization or committee Include topic, date, purpose, etc, and should readily identify you as the author If the paper represents a group, organization, committee, do not write in the first person (not I, my, mine, etc. but rather we, our, etc.) Limit yourself to two pages following the format established by previous successful position papers

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Develop supporting evidence for both sides including factual knowledge, statistical evidence, authoritative testimony Identify the issues and prejudices keeping in mind your audience List these as appropriate and anticipate counterclaims Assume familiarity with basic concepts but define unfamiliar terms/concepts or state meanings that define your point of departure

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Refer to those who agree with your position to assist you in developing your argument Familiarize yourself with those who disagree with you to prepare your defense. Summarize their argument and evidence, then refute

Consider your audience: start with a topic sentence or two that attracts attention and summarizes the issue Inform the reader of your point of view

Focus on three main points to develop Each topic is developed with
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a general statement of the position an elaboration that references documents and source data past experiences and authoritative testimony conclusion restating the position

Establish flow from paragraph to paragraph

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Keep your voice active Quote sources to establish authority Stay focused on your point of view throughout the essay Focus on logical arguments Don't lapse into summary in the development--wait for the conclusion


Summarize, then conclude, your argument Refer to the first paragraph/opening statements as well as the main points o does the conclusion restate the main ideas? o reflect the succession and importance of the arguments o logically conclude their development?

Share a draft with others to better develop the paper and ensure that your argument is clear Revise, spell-check, and succeed in building your case.

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