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Genesa : Batupasir greywacke merupakan salah satu variasi dari batupasir. Batupasir greywacke termasuk kedalam batuan sedimen klastik. Terbentuk sebagai akibat lithifikasi dari rombakan material batuan asal. Memiliki karakteristik berwarna gelap. Pemilahan yang buruk, butiran kuarsa yang menyudut, dan fragmen batuan yang kecil. Batupasir greyzacke mengandung mineral feldspar yang dominan. Dimana tidak terdapat semen pada batupasir greywacke. Texture - clastic. Grain size - < 0.06 - 2mm, clasts typically angular, visible to the naked eye. Hardness hard. Colour grey to black; often with white quartz veins. Clasts - quartz, lithics, minor feldspar (orthoclase, plagioclase), pyroxene (augite), mica (biotite, chlorite, muscovite); often quartz veins visible. Other features - gritty to touch (like sandpaper), often veined, non-vesicular. Uses - widely used as aggregate, fill etc. in the construction and roading industries; as armour rock for sea walls etc. New Zealand occurrences - main axial ranges of the North and South Islands; interbedded with argillite.


Texture - clastic (coarse-grained). Grain size - > 2mm; clasts easily visible to the naked eye, should be identifiable. Hardness - variable, soft to hard, dependent on clast composition and strength of cement. Colour - variable, dependent on clast and matrix composition. Clasts - variable, but generally harder rock types and / or minerals dominate. Other features - rough to touch due to angular clasts. Uses - as dimension stone for decoration of walls and floors; if hard can be used as aggregate, fill etc. in the construction and roading industries. New Zealand occurrences - sporadic occurrence throughout the country; volcanic breccia can be seen exposed along the north Manukau Heads.


Genesa : Konglomerat merupakan suatu bentukan fragmen dari proses sedimentasi, batuan yang berbutir kasar, terdiri atas fragmen dengan bentuk membundar dengan ukuran lebih besar dari 2mm yang berada ditengah-tengah semen yang tersusun oleh batupasir dan diperkuat & dipadatkan lagi kerikil. Dalam pembentukannya membutuhkan energi yang cukup besar untuk menggerakan fragmen yang cukup besar biasanya terjadi pada sistem sungai dan pantai. Kegunaan : Digunakan Sebagai pondasi bangunan. Texture - clastic (coarse-grained). Grain size - > 2mm; clasts easily visible to the naked eye, should be identifiable. Hardness - variable, soft to hard, dependent on clast composition and strength of cement. Colour - variable, dependent on clast and matrix composition. Clasts - variable, but generally harder rock types and / or minerals dominate. Other features - clasts generally smooth to touch, matrix variable. Uses - as dimension stone for decoration of walls and floors; if hard can be used as aggregate, fill etc. in the construction and roading industries. New Zealand occurrences - sporadic occurrence throughout the country, often exposed on coastlines (Hawkes Bay (Cape Kidnappers), Wairarapa), Canterbury Plains; generally found interbedded with sandstone and mudstone.


Genesa : Type utama batulempung menurut terjadinya terdiri dari lempung residu dan lempung letakan (sedimen), lempung residu adalah sejenis lempung yang terbentuk karena proses pelapukan (alterasi) batuan beku dan ditemukan disekitar batuan induknya. Kemudian material lempung ini mengalami proses diagenesa sehingga membentuk batu lempung. Kegunaan : Lempung umumnya digunakan untuk bahan pembuatan keramik, bahan baku semen Portland, genteng, gerabah dan bata.

Name Arkose Sandstone Origin Detrital/Clastic Texture Clastic; Medium-grained (0.06 - 2 mm) Composition Feldspar, Quartz Color Reddish brown Miscellaneous Feels sandy; Immature Depositional Environment Alluvial Fan, or Braided Stream Batupasir Kuarsa (Quartz Arenites): berasosiasi dengan sedimen eolian, b e a c h , s h e l f ( l i n g k u n g a n k e r a k s t a b i l ) , t i n g k a t k e m a t a n g a n : m a t a n g (mature) hingga sangat matang (supermature), interbedded dengan shallowmarine limestone, umumnya memiliki struktur sedimen lapisan bersilang,mineralogi kuarsa, rijang kuarsit lebih dari 90%, semen silika, karbonat,hematit. Batupasir Arkose (Arkoses): memiliki butiran feldspar dengan persentaseyang tinggi, warnanya merah atau merah muda, lingkungan non-marine( s e r i n g f l u v i a t i l p a d a i k l i m s e m i - a r i d ) , t i n g k a t k e m a t n g a n : m a t a n g (mature) atau submatang (submature), mineralogi: kuarsa < 90% (rata-rata5 0 - 6 0 % ) , f e l d s p a r > f r a g m e n l i t i k 1 0 - 7 5 % ( r a t a - r a t a 2 0- 4 0 % ) , s e m e n

Texture - non-clastic. Grain size - cryptocrystalline, cannot be seen except under very high magnification. Hardness - hard. Colour - all colours, dependent on impurities present when precipitated. Clasts - none. Other features - smooth to touch, glassy, exhibits conchoidal fracture. Uses - mainly decorative; ancient cultures used chert for cutting tools, arrow heads etc. New Zealand occurrences - sporadic occurrence throughout the country; generally occurs asnodules, lenses or beds within sedimentary sequences (especially limestone).

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