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Title : Comic 8
Cast : Ernest Prakasa, Kemal Palevi, Arie Kriting, Mongol Stres, Mudy Taylor, Babe
Cabiita, Fico Fachriza, Bintang Timur
Director : Anggy Umbara
Script writer : Fajar Umbara
Genre : Action Comedy
Time duration : 90 minutes
Languange : Indonesian

Stand up comedy kini sudah menjadi tren di Indonesia. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi
Anggy Umbara membuat sebuah film komedi dengan mengambil tokoh utama yang notabene
stand up comedian lokal. Genre film yang berjudul Comic 8 ini adalah action komedi. Dimana
genre tersebut masih jarang ada di industri perfilman Indonesia.
Comic 8 bercerita tentang delapan orang perampok bank yang terbagi dalam tiga
komplotan dengan latar belakang yang berbeda. Komplotan pertama yaitu The Amateurs yang
beranggotakan Babe, Fiko, dan Bintang, The Gangsters yang beranggotakan Ernest, Kemal dan
Arie, serta The Absurd yang berisikan duo Mongol dan Mudy. Ketiga geng ini memiliki satu
tujuan yaitu untuk merampok Bank INI (Indonesia Netherlands Incorporate).

Kisah Comic 8 dimulai dari komplotan The Amateurs yang memutuskan untuk
merampok sebuah bank untuk mendapatkan uang sebanyak-banyaknya karena merasa bosan
dan lelah menjadi orang miskin. Di hari yang telah ditentukan, mereka memasuki bank yang
telah dipilih untuk dijadikan sasaran perampokan mereka. Namun, beberapa saat sebelum
memulai aksi mereka, bank tersebut justru kemudian menjadi sasaran perampokan yang
dilakukan oleh komplotan The Gangster yang terdiri tiga orang penjahat yang profesional dan
ahli memainkan senjata api. Kedua kelompok penjahat tersebut mulai saling berseteru
mengenai siapa yang lebih berhak melakukan perampokan di bank tersebut. Tiba-tiba, ditengah
perseteruan tersebut, datang The Absurd yang terdiri dari dua orang perampok berpenampilan
absurd yaitu Mongol dan Mudy yang juga ingin merampok bank tersebut. Masalah semakin
bertambah ketika pihak kepolisian mengetahui aksi mereka dan kemudian mengepung
sekeliling wilayah bank agar segera dapat meringkus mereka. Tidak ingin tertangkap, kedelapan
penjahat yang berasal dari tiga kelompok berbeda tersebut memutuskan untuk saling
bekerjasama untuk merampok bank tersebut serta menemukan jalan keluar dari bank dan
kepungan polisi. Hingga terungkap siapa mereka sebenarnya dan apa motif mereka merampok
bank tersebut.

Fajar Umbara, sang penulis skrip sukses membuat setiap tokoh terbekali sesuai dengan
karakteristik asli yang kuat dari masih-masing tokoh, namun tetap ada keseimbangan dalam
menghandle pembagian porsi interaksi mereka. Para cameo pun dapat memunculkan
karakteristiknya dengan kuat. Jokes yang ditampilkan tentang issues sosial yang sedang hangat
di kalangan masyarakat, sehingga para penonton lebih mudah merasakan unsur comedi dalam
film ini. Hal ini juga didukung oleh pembuatan twist berlapis yang sangat baik sebagai
kesimpulan akhir yang benar-benar menarik.

Over all, Comic 8 telah berhasil menghadirkan genre film aksi komedi di industri
perfilman Indonesia yang masih jarang ada di film-film Indonesia. Dan sangat
direkomendasikan bagi kamu yang menyukai comedy.

Stand up comedy has been become a trend in Indonesia. This is what lies behind Anggy
Umbara make a comedy film with a main character who is stand up comedian locally artists. The
genre of films titled " Comic 8 " is action comedy. Where, the genre is still rare in the Indonesian
film industry.


Stand up comedy has become a trend in Indonesia. This is one of the reasons why Anggy
Umbara wants to make an action film with the main cast of local stand up comedian artists. He
also wants to prove that Indonesian action movie is not inferior to action film in others

Comic 8 is about eight bank robbers which are divided into three groups with different
backgrounds. The first group is The Amateur, they are Babe, Fico and Bintang. Then The
Gangster which consist of Ernest, Kemal and Arie. And The Absurd that consist of Mongol and
Mudy. These groups have one purpose, that is robbing a bank named BANK INI (Indonesian
Incorporate Netherlands).

The story begin when The Amateur decides to rob a bank because they feel bored and
tired of being poor. On the appointed day, they entered BANK INI which has been targeted
before. But, a few moments before they starts their action, the bank is come by some robbers.
They are The Gangster, which is a professional robbers with firearms expert plays. Actually, The
Gangster also has targeted the bank before. Then both gangs begin to hostile each other about
who has the right to rob the bank. Suddenly, just as they hostile each other, comes The Absurd
which consist of Mudy and Mongol who also wanted to rob the bank. The situation becomes
worst when one of the hostag calls emergency calls. Not for long time, the police come and
sorrounds the bank in order to save all the hostags and catch the robbers. Until it is revealed
who they are and what their motive behind the robbery is.

This movie will bring the audience in strained situation with explosion and shooting
scene, but full of humor by all the cast with their absurd acting and jokes. The jokes are about
social issues which are hot in society now. So, it makes the audience can feel the humor easily.
Fajar Umbara, the script writer makes unique twist in this film. He makes a layered twist which
make the audience guess how the story continues, but he makes it unpredictable.

Action scene in Comic 8 roles good by the casts, altough most of the casts are comedian
artist. It is also supported by the visual effect in the film. Anggy Umbara tries to make
Indonesian action movies as good as the other countries action movies by including slow
motion effect in the film. It showed nicely without make the comedy elements dissapear as the
genre of the film.

Over all, I recommend you to watch Comic 8 to pass your free time. I promise that you
will be consoled by the actic of the comics. At least, I give four stars to Comic 8.

Comic 8 tells about eight bank robbers plot is divided into three different backgrounds.
The first plot is made up Babe Amateurs, Fiko, and Star, The Gangsters consisting Ernest, Kemal
and Arie, and The Absurd duo containing Mongols and Mudy. The third gang has one purpose
and that is to rob a bank THIS (Indonesian Incorporate Netherlands).

The story begins on a plot Comic 8 The Amateurs who decide to rob a bank to get money
as much as feeling bored and tired of being poor. On the appointed day, they entered the bank
who have been targeted for their robbery. However, a few moments before the start of their
action, the bank then it was subjected to robbery committed by gang The Gangster which
comprises three professional criminals and firearms expert plays. Both gangs began warring
with each other over who is more entitled to commit robbery at the bank. Suddenly, amid the
feud, came the Absurd that consists of two robbers dressed absurd that Mongols and Mudy who
also want to rob the bank. Increasing problem as the police know their actions and then
surrounded the area around the bank in order to apprehend them immediately. Not wanting to
be caught, eight criminals from three different groups decided to work together to rob the bank
and find a way out of the bank and the police siege. Until it was revealed who they are and what
their motive is to rob a bank.

Dawn Umbara, a successful script writer to make every character be equipped in
accordance with the original characteristics of the still - strong individual character, but still
there is a balance in the handle portion of the division of their interactions. The cameo can be
raised with strong characteristics. Jokes that appear on social issues those are hot in the
community, so it is easier to feel the audience comedy element in this film. It is also supported
by the making of a very good twist plated as a final conclusion that is really interesting.

Over all, Comic 8 has managed to bring the action comedy genre in the Indonesian film
industry which is still rare in Indonesian films. And it is really recommended for you, who likes

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