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Bachrodin, Hanis., 2016. Pengembangan Trainer Elektro Pneumatik Modular di

Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Malang. Skripsi, Jurusan
Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang,
Pembimbing (1) Arif Nur Afandi, S.T.,M.T., MIAEng, MIEEE, P.hD.
(2) Drs. Dwi Prihanto, S.S.T., M.Pd.

Kata Kunci : Trainer, Elektro Pneumatik, Pneumatik, PLC.

Sebagai institusi yang menyiapkan lulusan berkualitas dan profesional maka

Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Malang, mempunyai
kebijakan-kebijakan yang relevan (Katalog Teknik Elektro, 2012:69). Salah
satunya adalah matakuliah yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa. Mata kuliah yang
memberikan wawasan serta pengalaman tentang oprasional dan pengontrolan
mesinmesin industri dan terkait pneumatik adalah mata kuliah Workshop
Otomasi Industri (Katalog Teknik Elektro: 2012). Selain kebijkan tentang
matakuliah, Jurusan Teknik Elektro juga ditunjang dengan berbagai fasilitas untuk
kegiatan pembelajran diantaranya ketersediaan trainer dalam menunjang proses
Berdasarkan observasi di laboratorium Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas
Negeri Malang ketersediaan trainer pneumatik sudah ada, namun trainer masih
memiliki kekurangan-kekurangan seperti: (1) hampir semua komponen-komponen
trainer tidak berfungsi, (2) cara pengoperasian yang tidak jelas, (3) komponen
tidak lengkap, (4) kapasitas trainer untuk praktikum yang kurang mendukung
dengan kurikulum yang ada, dan lain-lain. Sehingga perlu adanya pengembangan
trainer pneumatik, maka judul pada penelitian pengembangan ini adalah
Pengembangan Trainer Elektro Pneumatik Modular di Jurusan Teknik Elektro
Universitas Negeri Malang
Pada penelitian dan pengembangan trainer ini dipilih model
pengembangan ADDIE, dengan langkahlangkah sebagai berikut: (1) Analysis;
(2) Design; (3) Development or Production; (4) Implementation or Delivery; dan
(4) Evaluations. Hasil dari penelitian dan pengembangan ini nantinya akan di uji
kelayakannya oleh ahli media, ahli materi, setelah dinyatakan valid selanjutnya di
implementasikan kepada subjek uji coba untuk diuji uji kelayakan berdasarkan
penilaian oleh pengguna (subjek uji coba) dan efektifitas dalam pembelajaran.
Hasil pengembangan adalah berupa produk pembelajaran yaitu: (1)
Trainer Elektro Pneumatik Modular; (2) Jobsheet Elektro Pneumatik Modular;
dan (3) Buku Petunjuk Penggunaan Trainer Elektro Pneumatik Modular , produk
yang dihasilkan telah divalidasi oleh ahli media, ahli materi, dan subjek ujicoba
dan dinyatakan sangat layak atau dinyatakan dengan keseluruhan persentase
kelayakan sebesar 85,69%, serta dengan efektifitas sebesar 78%.

Koordinator Program Studi

Pendidikan Teknik Elektro,

Dr. Muladi, S.T., M.T.

NIP. 196806041997021001

Bachrodin, Hanis., 2016. Developing of Modular Electro Pneumatic Trainer in

Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of Malang.
Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, State University of Malang, Advisor (1) Arif Nur Afandi,
S.T., M.T., MIAEng, MIEEE, P.hD. (2) Drs. Dwi Prihanto, S.S.T.,

Keywords: Trainer, Electro Pneumatics, Pneumatic, PLC.

As an institution that prepares qualified graduates and professionals, the

Education Program of Electrical Engineering, State University of Malang, have
policies that are relevant (Electrical Engineering Catalog, 2012: 69). One of them
is a subject that is given to the students. The courses provide insights and
experience of operational and controlling industrial machines and associated
pneumatic are subject Industrial Automation Workshop (Electrical Engineering
Catalog: 2012). In addition to development policy on the subject, Department of
Electrical Engineering is also supported by a wide range of facilities for learning
activities including availability of trainers to support the learning process.
Based on observations in laboratory Department of Electrical
Engineering, State University of Malang availability trainer pneumatic already
exists, but the trainer still has deficiencies such as: (1) almost all the components
trainer does not work, (2) the way the operation is not clear, (3) components
incomplete, (4) the capacity of trainer for the practicum is less support to the
existing curriculum, and others. Thus the need for the development of pneumatic
trainer, so the title of the research and development is "Developing Modular
Electro Pneumatic Trainer in Department of Electrical Engineering, State
University of Malang"
The method that using in this research and development is ADDIE model,
with the following steps: (1) Analysis; (2) Design; (3) Development or
Production; (4) Implementation or Delivery; and (4) Evaluations. The results of
this research and development will be tested for feasibility by media experts,
subject matter experts, having been declared invalid subsequently implemented to
the subject of the trial to test the feasibility test based on an assessment by a user
(the subject of the trial) and effectiveness in learning.
The result of the development is a form of learning products, namely: (1)
Electro Pneumatic Modular Trainer; (2) Jobsheet of modular electro pneumatik
trainer; and (3) User's Guide modular Electro Pneumatic Trainer, the product has
been validated by the media experts, subject matter experts, and the subject of the
trial and otherwise very decent or otherwise with an overall percentage of
85.69% viability, as well as to the effectiveness of 78%.

Koordinator Program Studi

Pendidikan Teknik Elektro,

Dr. Muladi, S.T., M.T.

NIP. 196806041997021001

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