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SULIT 4541/2

Bahagian A
Section A
[60 markah]
[60 marks]
Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.
Answer all questions in this section.
1. Takat lebur naftalena boleh ditentukan dengan memanaskan pepejal naftalena sehingga ianya melebur
seperti ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.1. Suhu naftalena direkodkan setiap setengah minit sehingga suhu
naftalena mencapai 90C.
The melting point nof naphthalene can be determined by heating solid naphthalene until it melts as shown in
the Diagram 1.1. The temperature of naphthalene is recorded at half minute intervals until the temperature of
the naphthalene reaches 90C.

Rajah 1.1 / Diagram 1.1

(a) Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan takat lebur?
What is the meaning of melting point?

[1 markah/mark]
(b) Nyatakan jenis zarah yang membentuk naftalena.
State the type of particles that form naphthalene.

[1 markah/mark]
(c) Apakah tujuan menggunakan kukus air dalam eksperimen ini?
What is the purpose of using water bath in the experiment?

[1 markah/mark]
(d) Mengapakah kita perlu mengacau naftalena secara berterusan dalam eksperimen ini?
Why do we need to stir the naphthalene continuosly in the experiment?

[1 markah/mark]
(e) Graf suhu melawan masa bagi penyejukan naftalena ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.2.
The graph of temperature against time for the cooling of liquid naphthalene is shown in Diagram 1.2.

4541/2 1 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2

Rajah 1.2 / Diagram 1.2

(i) Berdasarkan graf, nyatakan takat lebur naftalena.
Based on the graph, state the melting point of naphthalene.

[1 markah/mark]
(ii) Terangkan mengapa suhu antara Q dan R adalah tetap.
Explain why the temperature between Q and R is costant.

[2 markah/marks]
(iii) Lukiskan susunan zarah-zarah naftalena pada RS.
Draw the arrangement of particles of naphthalene at RS.

[1 markah/mark]
(f) Natrium nitrat mempunyai takat lebur 310C. Bolehkah takat lebur natrium nitrat ditentukan dengan
menggunakan kukus air seperti ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.1.
Terangkan jawapan anda.
Sodium nitrate has a melting point of 310C. Can the melting point of sodium nitrate be determined by
using water bath as shown in the Diagram 1.1?
Explain your answer.

[2 markah/marks]

4541/2 2 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2

2. Jadual 2 menunjukkan nombor proton dan nombor nukleon bagi empat atom R, S, T dan U. Gunakan
maklumat yang diberikan dalam jadual untuk menjawab soalan-soalan yang dikemukakan.
Table 2 shows the proton numbers and nucleon numbers for four atoms R, S, T and U. Use the information
given in the table to answer the following questions.

Atom Nombor proton Nombor nukleon

Atom Proton number Nucleon number
R 10 20
S 12 24
T 17 35
U 17 37

Jadual 2 / Table 2
(a) Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan
What is meant by
(i) Nombor proton
Proton number

[1 markah/mark]
(ii) Nombor nukleon
Nucleon number

[1 markah/mark]
(b) Nyatakan bilangan neutron yang terdapat dalam satu atom R.
State the number of neutrons in an atom of R.

[1 markah/mark]
(c) Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan isotop?
What is meant by isotope?

[1 markah/mark]
(d) (i) Daripada Jadual 2, pilih sepasang isotop.
From the Table 2, choose a pair of isotopes.

[1 markah/mark]
(ii) Tuliskan simbol bagi isotop-isotop tersebut dalam bentuk AZ X.
Write the symbol of the isotopes in the form of AZ X.

[2 markah/marks]
(e) (i) Tuliskan susunan elektron bagi atom S.
Write the electron arrangement for atom S.

[1 markah/mark]

4541/2 3 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2
(ii) Berapakah bilangan elektron yang terdapat dalam atom S?
How many electrons are there in atom S?

[1 markah/mark]
(iii) Berapakah bilangan petala yang berisi elektron dalam atom S?
How many shells are occupied with electrons in an atom of S?

[1 markah/mark]

3. Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan formula molekul bagi glukosa.

Diagram 3.1 shows a molecular formula for glucose.

Rajah 3.1 / Diagram 3.1
(a) Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan formula molekul?
What is meant by molecular formula?

[1 markah/mark]
(b) Lengkapkan Jadual 3.2 di bawah untuk menunjukkan bilangan mol setiap unsur dalam satu mol
Complete the Table 3.2 to shows the number of mole of each element in one mol of glucose.
Unsur Bilangan mol
Element Number of mole
Jadual 3.2 / Table 3.2

[3 marks/markah]
(c) Nyatakan formula empirik bagi glukosa.
State the empirical formula of glucose.

[1 markah/mark]
(d) Hitungkan jisim bagi dua mol glukosa.
Calculate the mass of two mol of glucose.
[Jisim atom relative / Relative atomic mass: H = 1; C = 12, O = 16 ]

[1 markah/mark]
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(e) Satu cawan mengandungi 90 g glukosa.

A cup contains 90 g of glucose.
(i) Berapakah bilangan mol glukosa yang terdapat dalam cawan?
What is the number of mol of glucose in the cup?

[1 markah/mark]
(ii) Nyatakan bilangan molekul glukosa yang terdapat dalam cawan.
State the number of glucose molecules in the cup.
[Pemalar Avogadro/Avogadro constant = 6.02 1023 mol-1]

[1 markah/mark]
(f) Jisim molar bagi karbon dioksida, CO2 ialah 44 g mol-1.
The molar mass of carbon dioxide, CO2 is 44 g mol-1.
(i) Jisim bagi 0.02 mol gas karbon dioksida.
The mass of 0.02 mol carbon dioxide gas.

[1 markah/mark]
(ii) Isi padu yang ditepati oleh 22 g gas karbon dioksida.
The volume occupied by 22 g of carbon dioxide gas.
[Isi padu molar/Molar volume: 22.4 dm3 mol-1]

[2 markah/marks]

4541/2 5 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2
4. Jadual 4 menunjukkan formula sebahagian ion bercas positif dan ion bercas negatif.
Table 4 shows the formulae for part of positively and negatively charged ion.
Ion bercas positif Ion bercas negatif
Positively charged ion Negatively charged ion
Nama Formula Nama Formula
Name Formula Name Formula
Argentum Klorida
Ag+ Cl-
Silver Chloride
Magnesium Oksida
Mg2+ O2-
Magnesium Oxide
Ammonium Hidroksida
NH4+ OH-
Ammonium Hydroxide
Plumbum(II) Karbonat
Pb2+ CO32-
Lead(II) Carbonate
Kuprum(I) Nitrat
Cu+ NO3-
Copper(I) Nitrate
Jadual 4 / Table 4
(a) Tulis formula kimia bagi
Write the chemical formula for
(i) Magnesium klorida / magnesium chloride

(ii) Ammonium karbonat / Ammonium carbonate

[2 markah/marks]
(b) Nyatakan nama bagi sebatian berikut.
State the name for following compound.
(i) Pb(OH)2

(ii) Cu2O

[2 markah/marks]
(c) Apabila 26.7 g plumbum(II) karbonat dipanaskan dengan kuat, ia terurai kepada plumbum(II)
oksida dan membebaskan gas karbon dioksida..
When 26.7 g lead(II) carbonate is strongly heated, it decomposed to lead(II) oxide and released carbon
dioxide gas.
[Jisim atom relative / Relative atomic mass: C = 12; O = 16; Pb = 207]
(i) Tulis persamaan kimia yang seimbang bagi penguraian plumbum(II) karbonat.
Write a balanced chemical equation for the decomposition of lead(II) carbonate.

[1 markah/mark]
(ii) Hitung bilangan mol plumbum(II) karbonat yang dipanaskan.
Calculate the number of mol of lead(II) carbonate that is heated.

[1 markah/mark]
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(ii) Hitung jisim plumbum(II) oksida yang terhasil.
Calculate the mass of lead(II) oxide produced.

[1 markah/mark]
(d) Tulis persamaan kimia yang seimbang bagi tindak balas antara magnesium klorida dan argentum
nitrat untuk menghasilkan magnesium nitrat dan argentum klorida.
Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between silver nitrate and magnesium chloride to
produce magnesium nitrate and silver chloride.

[2 markah/marks]

5. Rajah 5 menunjukkan perwakilan piawai bagi atom empat jenis unsur iaitu litium, karbon, fluorin dan
Diagram 5 shows the standard representation for the atoms of four elements; lithium, carbon, fluorine and

7 19 20
3 Li 6 C 9 F 10 Ne
Rajah 5 / Diagram 5
(a) Apakah yang diwakili oleh nombor 7 dalam 73 Li?
What is represented by the number 7 in 73 Li?

[1 markah/mark]
(b) Tuliskan susunan elektron bagi atom fluorin.
Write the electron arrangement for fluorine atom.

[1 markah/mark]
(c) (i) Unsur litium, karbon, fluorin dan neon berada dalam kala yang sama dalam Jadual Berkala
Unsur. Nyatakan kala itu.
Element lithium, carbon, fluorine and neon are placed in the same period in the Periodic Table of
Elements. State the period.

[1 markah/mark]
(ii) Terangkan jawapan anda dalam (c)(i).
Explain your answer in (c)(i).

[1 markah/mark]
(d) (i) Bandingkan saiz atom karbon dengan atom fluorin.
Compare the saiz of carbon atom with fluorine atom.

[1 markah/mark]

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(ii) Terangkan jawapan anda dalam (d)(i).
Explain your answer in (d)(i).

[2 markah/marks]
(e) Nyatakan satu kegunaan neon dalam kehidupan seharian.
State one use of neon in daily life.

[1 markah/mark]
(f) Apakah atom bagi unsur dalam Rajah 5 yang tidak reaktif secara kimia. Terangkan jawapan anda.
Which atom of element in Diagram 5 is chemically unreactive? Explain your answer.

[2 markah/marks]

6. Rajah 6 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada Jadual Berkala Unsur. P, Q, R, S, T, U, V dan W tidak

mewakili simbol sebenar unsur-unsur berkenaan.
Diagram 6 shows part of the Periodic Table of Elements. P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W do not represent the actual
symbol of the elements.


Rajah 6 / Diagram 6
Dengan menggunakan simbol P, Q, R, S, T, U, V dan W, jawab soalan-soalan berikut:
Using the symbols P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W, answer the following questions:
(a) Nyatakan nama seorang ahli sains yang terlibat dalam perkembangan Jadual Berkala Unsur.
State the name of a scientist that involved in the development of the Periodic Table of Elements.

[1 markah/mark]
(b) Nyatakan satu unsur logam dan satu unsur bukan logam.
State one metal element and one non-metal element.
Logam / Metal:
Bukan logam / Non-metal:
[2 markah/marks]
(c) Nyatakan kedudukan unsur P dalam Jadual Berkala.
State the position of element P in the Periodic Table.

[1 markah/mark]

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SULIT 4541/2
(d) Tuliskan susunan elektron bagi atom V.
Write the electron arrangement of an atom of element V.

[1 markah/mark]
(e) (i) Terangkan mengapa unsur Q dan unsur R mempunyai sifat kimia yang sama.
Explain why element Q and element R have the same chemical properties.

[1 markah/mark]
(ii) Unsur yang manakah lebih reaktif?
Which element is more reactive?

[1 markah/mark]
(f) Nyatakan dua ciri istimewa bagi S.
State two special characteristics of S.
[2 markah/marks]
(g) Persamaan kimia di bawah menunjukkan tindak balas antara U dengan besi panas.
Seimbangkan persamaan tersebut.
Chemical equation below shows the reaction between U and hot iron.
Balance the equation.
. Fe + . U2 . FeU3
[1 markah/mark]

Bahagian B
Section B
[20 markah]
[20 marks]
Jawab mana-mana satu soalan dalam bahagian ini.
Answer any one questions in this section.
7 (a) Jirim terdiri daripada zarah-zarah yang halus dan diskrit.
Matter is made up of tiny and discrete particles.
(i) Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan jirim?
What is meant by matter?
[1 markah/mark]
(ii) Nyatakan tiga jenis zarah yang membina jirim.
State three types of particles that made up matter.
[3 markah/marks]
Anda sedang berada di tingkat dua sebuah kompleks membeli belah. Tiba-tiba, anda terhidu bau
ayam goreng yang sungguh enak. apabila anda melihat ke bawah, didapati terdapat Restoran
Ayam Goreng Masyhur di tingkat satu.

You are at the 2nd floor of a shopping mall. Suddenly you smell the delicious aroma of fried
chicken. When you look down, there is the Famous Fried Chicken Restaurant on the first floor.

4541/2 9 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2

Berdasarkan situasi di atas, terangkan apa yang berlaku berdasarkan teori kinetik jirim.
Based on above situation, explain what happen referring to the kinetic theory of matter.
[3 markah/marks]
(c) Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan susunan zarah- zarah dalam dua keadaan fizikal.
Diagram 7.1 shows the arrangement of particles in two physical states.

Keadaan I Keadaan II
State I State II

Rajah 7.1 / Diagram 7.1

Bandingkan keadaan I dan II berdasarkan kepada susunan zarah-zarah, daya tarikan antara zarah-
zarah dan tenaga kinetik zarah-zarah.
Compare state1 and state II based on the arrangement of particles, forces of attraction between
particles and kinetic energy of the particles.
[6 markah/marks]
(d) Rajah 7.2 menunjukkan model-model atom yang dikemukakan oleh 5 orang saintis.
Diagram 7.2 shows the atomic models proposed by 5 scientist.

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Rajah 7.2 / Diagram 7.2
(i) Nyatakan nama saintis yang telah mengemukakan setiap model tersebut.
State the name of the scientist that proposed each of the models.
(ii) Nyatakan perbezaan antara Model 3 dan Model 5 berdasarkan zarah subatom masing-masing.
State differences between Model 3 and Model 5 based on its subatomic particles.
[7 markah/marks]

8 (a) Jadual 8 menunjukkan formula kimia bagi tiga sebatian. Sebatian-sebatian tersebut adalah baja.
Table 8 shows the chemical formula of three compounds. The compounds are fertilizers.

Sebatian Formula
Compound Formula
Ammonium nitrat
Ammonium nitrate
Ammonium sulfat
Ammonium sulphate
Rajah 8 / Diagram 8

4541/2 10 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2
(i) Nyatakan dua maklumat daripada formula urea, CO(NH2)2.
State two information from the formula of urea, CO(NH2)2.
(ii) Hitungkan bagi setiap sebatian
Calculate for each of the compounds
Jisim molar
The molar mass
Peratus nitrogen mengikut jisim
Percentage of nitrogen by mass
[Jisim atom relative / Relative atomic mass: H = 1; C = 12; N = 14; O = 16; S = 32]
[6 markah/marks]
Nyatakan satu sebatian yang merupakan baja yang paling berkesan. Berikan satu sebab bagi jawapan
State a compound that is the most effective fertiliser. Give a reason for your answer.
[2 markah/marks]
(b) Rajah 8 menunjukkan maklumat bagi sebatian X.
Diagram 8 shows the information of compound X.

Sebatian X / Compound X
48.6 % karbon / carbon
43.2 % oksigen / oxygen
8.2 % hidrogen / hydrogen
Jisim molekul relatif / Relative molecular mass = 74
Rajah 8 / Diagram 8
(i) Formula empirik dan
Empirical formula and
(ii) Formula molekul
The molecular formula
bagi sebatian X
of compound X.

[7 markah/marks]
(c) C2H4 terbakar dengan lengkap dalam oksigen berlebihan menghasilkan karbon dioksida dan air.
C2H4 is completely burnt in excess oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water.
(i) Lengkapkan persamaan kimia di bawah untuk menunjukkan tindak balas antara C2H4 dengan
Complete the chemical equation below to shows the reaction between C2H4 with oxygen.

C2H4 + . O2 .................... + .
[2 markah/marks]
(ii) Hitungkan isipadu gas karbon dioksida yang terbebas apabila 2.8 g C2H4 terbakar dengan
lengkap dalam oksigen yang berlebihan pada keadaan bilik.
Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide gas released when 2.8 g of C2H4 is completely burnt in
excess oxygen at room conditions.
[Isi padu molar sebarang gas pada keadaan bilik ialah 24 dm3 mol-1]
[Molar volume of any gas is 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions]
[3 markah/marks]

4541/2 11 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2

Bahagian C
Section C
[20 markah]
[20 marks]
Jawab mana-mana satu soalan dalam bahagian ini.
Answer any one questions in this section.
9 Jadual 9.1 menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi unsur V dan W.
Table 9.1 shows the electron arrangement of elements V and W.
Unsur Susunan elektron
Element Electron arrangement
V 2.7
W 2.8.7
Jadual 9.1 / Table 9.1
(a) Nyatakan kumpulan dan kala bagi unsur W dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur. Terangkan jawapan anda.
State the group and period of element W in the Periodic Table of Elements. Explain your answer.
[4 markah/marks]
(b) Jadual 9.2 menunjukkan pemerhatian bagi unsur V dan unsur W apabila bertindak balas dengan
larutan natrium hidroksida.
Table 9.2 shows the observations of element V and element W when react with sodium hydroxide

Eksperimen Pemerhatian
Experiment Observation
V + larutan natrium hidroksida V larut dengan cepat dalam larutan natrium hidroksida
V + sodium hydroxide solution V dissolves rapidly in sodium hydroxide solution
W + larutan natrium hidroksida W larut dengan perlahan dalam larutan natrium hidroksida
W + sodium hydroxide solution W dissolves slowly in sodium hydroxide solution
Jadual 9.2 / Table 9.2
(i) Tuliskan persamaan kimia yang seimbang bagi tindak balas antara unsur V dengan larutan
natrium hidroksida.
Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between element V and sodium hydroxide
[3 markah/marks]
(ii) Bandingkan kereaktifan unsur V dan unsur W apabila bertindak balas dengan larutan natrium
Terangkan jawapan anda.
Compare the reactivity of element V and element W when react with sodium hydroxide solution.
Explain your answer.
[4 markah/marks]
(c) Huraikan satu eksperimen untuk membandingkan kereaktifan litium dan natrium apabila bertindak
balas dengan air. Huraian anda perlu juga mengandungi:
Persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas yang berlaku

4541/2 12 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2
Describe an experiment to compare the reactivity of lithium and sodium when react with water. Your
description should also include the following:
Chemical equation for the reactions
[9 markah/ marks]

10 (a) Tindak balas antara magnesium, Mg dan asid hidroklorik, HCl boleh diwakili oleh persamaan
kimia di bawah..
The reaction between magnesium, Mg and hydrochloric acid, HCl can be represented by chemical
equation below.

2 HCl (aq) + Mg (s) MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)

Berikan empat pernyataan untuk menghuraikan persamaan kimia di atas.

Give four statements to describe the chemical equation above.
[4 markah/marks]
(b) Jadual 10 menunjukkan pemerhatian yang tidak lengkap bagi dua eksperimen untuk membina
persamaan kimia yang seimbang.
Table 10 shows the incomplete observation for two experiment to construct a balanced chemical

Eksperimen Prosedur Pemerhatian

Experiment Procedure Observation

Kuprum(II) karbonat dipanaskan dan

Pepejal hijau menjadi hitam.
gas yang terhasil dialirkan melalui air
Air kapur menjadi keruh.
Copper(II) carbonate is heated and the
Green solid turns black.
gas produced is passed through lime
The lime water turns milky.

Larutan kalium iodida ditambah

kepada larutan plumbum(II) nitrat.
Potassium iodide solution is added to
lead(II) nitrate solution.
Jadual 10 / Table 10
(i) Berdasarkan pemerhatian, namakan hasil tindak balas dalam eksperimen I dan tuliskan
persamaan kimia yang seimbang bagi tindak balas tersebut.
Based on the observation, name the products in experiment I and write a balanced chemical
equation for the reaction.
[3 markah/marks]
(ii) Nyatakan satu pemerhatian dalam eksperimen II dan tuliskan persamaan kimia yang
seimbang bagi tindak balas tersebut.
State one observation in experiment II and write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction.
[3 markah/marks]
(c) Huraikan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan formula empirik magnesium oksida.
Dalam huraian anda, nyatakan langkah berjaga-jaga yang harus diambil semasa menjalankan
eksperimen itu dan tunjukkan langkah-langkah penghitungan bagaimana formula empirik
magnesium oksida diperoleh.
[Jisim atom relatif: Mg = 24; O = 16]

4541/2 13 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2
Describe an experiment to determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide.
In your description, state the precautionary steps that have to be taken when conducting the experiment
and show the calculation steps of how the empirical formula of magnesium oxide can be obtained.
[Relative atomic mass: Mg = 24; O = 16]

[10 markah/marks]



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4541/2 14 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2

3 (a) (i) Zinc 1

hydrochloric acid / suphuric acid 1

(ii) Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2 1

(b) The air in the combustion tube must be displaced before lighting the hydrogen 1
gas// The heating, cooling and weighing is repeated until a constant mass is

(c) (i) Element M O

Mass 0.64 0.16 1
Number of mole 0.64 0.16
0.01 0.01
64 16
Simplest ratio 1 1
Empirical formula is MO

(ii) MO + H2 M + H2O 1

(d) (i) Magnesium is more reactive than hydrogen. 1


Total 10

4541/2 15 [Lihat sebelah

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4541/2 17 [Lihat sebelah

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4541/2 18 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2

8 (a) Atom R has 7 valence electrons and 3 shells occupied with electrons. 1+1

4541/2 19 [Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/2
Thus, R is located at Group 17 and Period 3. 1+1
(b) 1. Atom Q has electron arrangement of 2.8.2 / 2 valence electrons. 1
2. Atom Q losses 1 electron/the single valence electron to achieve the stable 1
octet electron arrangement/2.8.8
3. An positive ion, Q2+ is formed
4. Atom R has electron arrangement of 2.8.7 / 7 valence electrons.
5. Two atoms R, each receives 1 electron from atom Q to achieve the stable 1
octet electron arrangement/2.8.8
6. Two negative ions, R are formed. 1
7. An ion Q2+ and two ion R- are attracted together by strong electrostatic 1
forces. 7
(c) (i) CR4 1


R C R 2

(d) Melting point

Compound (b) has high melting point whereas compound (c) has low 1
melting point.
Compound (b) consists of negative and positive ions which are held
together by strong electrostatic forces. 1
[A lot of energy is required to overcome the strong forces.]
Compound (c) consists of molecule which are held together by weak 1
intermolecular forces.
[Less energy is required to overcome the weak intermolecular forces.]

Electrical conductivity
Compound (b) can conduct electricity in liquid or aqueous solution state. 1
Compound (c) can not conduct electricity in any state.
In liquid or aqueous solution state, the ions in the compound (b) can move 1
Compound (c) does not consists of free moving ions. 1
Total 20

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