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Practice 1:

Write the English lines of the poem based on the Bahasa Melayu translation.

English lines Bahasa Melayu translation

Stanza 1

Aku marah dengan kawanku:

Aku memberitahunya tentang


Kemarahanku dapat diatasi.

Aku marah dengan musuhku:

Aku tidak memberitahunya tentang


Kemarahanku semakin membara.

Stanza 2
Dan aku menyiram kemarahanku dengan
emosi yang kurang menyenangkan

Malam dan siang dengan air mata;

Dan aku menyinari kemarahanku dengan

Dan dengan penipuan berbentuk kata-
kata yang lemah lembut dan helah yang
Stanza 3
Dan kemarahanku semakin bertambah
siang dan malam,
Sehingga kemarahan itu mengeluarkan
sebiji buah epal yang berkilat
Dan musuhku ternampak buah epal yang
berkilat itu,
Dan musuhku tahu bahawa buah epal itu
adalah milikku,
Stanza 4
English lines Bahasa Melayu translation
Dan musuhku menyelinap ke dalam
tamanku untuk mencuri (buah epal itu)
Apabila malam telah menyembunyikan
Pada waktu pagi aku berasa gembira
apabila melihat

Musuhku terlentang di bawah pokok itu.

Practice 2: Find the word from the poem.

No Meaning Parts of Word from the

speech poem
1. Extreme anger. Noun
2. An enemy. Noun
3. Poured water on plants. Verb
4. An unpleasant emotion because you believe
that someone is dangerous, a threat and Noun
likely to cause pain.
5. Exposed to the rays of the sun. Verb
6. Tells lies. Adjective
7. Clever talk or tricks used to persuade
someone to do what you want.
8. 1. If a tree bears fruit, it produces fruit.
2. The past tense for bear is _______.
9. 1. Saw something.
2. The past tense for the word behold.
10. Partly hid something so that it cannot be
seen clearly.
11. A long stick OR a star. Noun
12. Happy about something. Adjective
13. If a part of the body of a person or animal is
______, it is stretched out as far as possible.
14. 1. Directly under something
2. Underneath

A Poison Tree by William Blake A brief story of Adam and Eve based on the Bible.

Date: _____________ Scenario 1: The creation of Adam and Eve

God created Adam and Eve. He placed Adam and Eve in the
Practice 3: Listen to your teacher. Fill in the blanks with the beautiful Garden of Eden.
correct word.
God blessed Adam and Eve by saying, "The Garden of Eden is for
William Blake you. Help yourself to anything you like. But never touch The
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the middle of the
Garden. That tree gives knowledge of good and evil. The day
you eat its fruit, you will die."

Scenario 2: Satans revenge towards Adam and Eve

There was a beautiful angel called Lucifer living in heaven. No
other angel was more beautiful or had a higher position than he
did. Lucifer stood next to the throne of God.
William Blake was a 19th century writer.
One day, Lucifer began to think of his beauty, intelligence and
He was born on November 28, 1757, in London, England.
high position. Lucifer wanted to be equal with God.
Blake was a religious Christian.
So, the Bible was Blakes source of inspiration to write his Lucifer led a rebellion among the other angels against God.
poems. Because Lucifer and his followers did not love God, they were
no longer happy in heaven. Finally, they were driven out of

Lucifer was now called Satan. He was unhappy at being driven

out of heaven. In revenge he hoped he could get Adam and Eve
to disobey God.

Scenario 3: Satan tempted and tricked Adam and Eve

One day, Adam and Eve were gathering berries for dinner when she heard a silky voice behind her.

"Has God told you that you can eat the fruit from all the trees?" the voice asked softly.

Eve turned around to see a serpent talking to her. It was really Satan talking through the serpent.

"God has told us we can eat all the fruit except for what grows on The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil," Eve told the serpent.

Then Satan told the first lie. "Oh come now, that's silly! I hardly think such a lovely fruit would do you any harm," the serpent lied.
"God knows that if you eat from The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you'll become just like God, and will be able to decide for
yourself what is right and what is wrong."

The woman looked at the fruit and thought how tasty it looked. She thought how wonderful it would be to be as wise and powerful as
God. She believed the serpent's lie and ate the fruit and also gave some to Adam, who was with her, and he took a bite as well.

Suddenly she realized that she was feeling guilty -- she had disobeyed God and knew she had done something wrong. Soon they began
to understand what evil meant. They became unhappy and fearful of God.

God was sad that Adam and Eve had disobeyed them. He told them that they had to leave the Garden of Eden. He told them that
because they had disobeyed, they would die as they were no longer immortal.

What was A Poison Tree about?
The poem is about repressing anger and its destructive consequences.

Line-By-Line Meaning

Stanza 1 Explanation Metaphor

I was angry with my The persona was angry with his friend.

The persona told his friend that he is angry at him. The persona
I told my wrath, my
wrath did end. got over his anger and forgot it.

anger = small tree

I was angry with my foe: The persona was angry with his foe/enemy.
At first, the personas anger was
not that intense like a small tree.
The persona did not communicate his anger with his foe
I told it not, my wrath properly. He bottled up his wrath. His wrath intensified. His
did grow.
wrath grew like a tree.

Stanza 2 Explanation

The persona fed his wrath with fears. Fears are unpleasant

emotions like suspicion, hatred and revenge. That means the

And I watered it in fears,
persona was suspicious of his foe. He hated his foe and wanted to
The persona fed his
wrath with fears and exact revenge on his foe.


The persona cried every night and morning because he was

Night and morning with my tears;
extremely angry with his foe.

And I sunned it with smiles, He smiled at his foe to gain his trust.

The persona tricked his foe by pretending to be friendly with him. He schemed to trick and
And with soft deceitful wiles.
to trap his foe.

Metaphor in Stanza 2

Illustration Explanation

The small tree grew bigger

when it was watered and

watered exposed to sunshine.


Similarly, the personas anger

intensified when
it is watered with fears and
it is sunned with smiles and
deceitful wiles

deceitful wiles

Stanza 3 Explanation
And it grew both day and night, The personas anger grew steadily every day.
Till it bore an apple bright; The personas anger produced an apple. Outwardly, it was shiny but poisonous.
And my foe beheld it shine, The personas foe saw the shiny apple. The apple looked tempting to the personas foe.
And he knew that it was mine, The persona knew that the apple belonged to the persona.

Metaphor in Stanza 3

The small tree had grown into a big poison tree.

The tree produced a bright poison apple.

Apple = tree = successful trick

Stanza 4 Explanation Metaphor
And into my garden stole The personas foe crept into his garden and stole his poison Poison apple = fall to the
apple. He ate the personas apple and died. personas trap/trick
When the night had When darkness hid the star.
veiled the pole:
In the morning glad I see In the morning, the persona was happy to see.
My foe outstretched His foe lying dead under the poison tree.
beneath the tree.


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