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1 LED Flash Light Bar Oval, 12 VDC, 18 Watt, lifetime 10.000 hrs
2 Multi Sound Sirene System, 12 VDC, 100 Watt
3 Logo & lettering standard, reflektif sticker (3M/Kiwalite)
4 Kaca film 60% & 80%
5 Modifikasi lantai, plywood dilapis vinyl, hospital grade
6 Paramedic Seat (Jok dokter)
7 Attendant Seats (Jok pengantar/paramedic) model box dengan ruang untuk menyimpan peralatan
8 Lemari peralatan medis, plywood 15 mm polyurethan dengan lapis acrylic dan pengaman stainless steel
lengkap dengan wastafel
9 Sumber listrik DC 3 outlet
10 Gantungan Infus, stainless steel 2 ampul dilengkapi dengan straps/pengikat botol infus
11 Lampu periksa pasien, model geser (sliding)
12 Lampu Sorot kabin belakang
13 Pelindung Bumper belakang dari benturan Stretcher, berupa plat atau hambalan dari stainless steel
14 Fire extinguisher with bracket
15 Landasan/Base Stretcher dengan ruang tempat scoop stretcher, dilapis vinyl hospital grade dan dilengkapi dengan reel,
stopper serta pengunci Stretcher yang terbuat dari Stainless Steel
16 Radio Komunikasi (RaKom), Icom IC 2200
17 Automatic Ambulance Stretcher, Chair In Cot dengan spesifikasi :

Material : Aluminium 95%

Length, high-level position : 190 cm
Chair position : 140 cm
Width : 57 cm
Height, maximum : 85 cm
minimum ( lowest level ) : 20 cm
Weight : 33 kg
Max. Load : 180 kg
Castor : 4 pcs, 2 pcs with Brake
Accessories : 3 pcs metal buckle safety belts, 1 pc mattress, 1 pc I.V Pole
18 Fixed Central Gas System :
* 3 pcs Oxygen Cylinder, kap. 1 m3
* 3 pcs Tap Pin Index System
* 2 pcs HP Regulator Oxygen PIS, 1 set kran On / Off, 2 pcs elbow
* HP Tubing with clamp, 1 pc Oxygen Wall Outlet,
* 1 set Flowmeter & Humidifier
* 1 set Ventilator Wall Outlet
* 1 pc Nasal Cannula & Face Mask Cannula

1 Wall Anaeroid Sphygmomanometer with Stetoscope
2 Folding Scoop Stretcher
3 Extrication Collar Set
4 Head Immobilization
5 Long Spinal Board
6 Air Splint
7 Extrication Device
8 ALS Emergency Soft Case
9 Relief Burn Kit
10 Power Converter DC to AC 1000 VA
11 Transport Pasien Monitor, 10" TFT LCD display w/ built-in Battery
12 AED Defibrilators with ECG Monitor
13 Portable Suction Unit with Build in Battery
14 Portable Ventilator with CPAP/PEEP
15 Transport Incubator

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