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FFPM 2018


SambutaN Ketua IAFMI
Greeting From Chief Of Iafmi
Assalaamu’alaikum wr wb.
Inovasi dan Optimasi Fasilitas Produksi
Migas menjadi keniscayaan yang menjadi Assalaamu’alaikum wr wb.
tantangan bagi para professional fasilitas O&G Production Facility Innovation
produksi Migas dalam menghadapi kondisi and Optimization is a must and
industri migas saat ini maupun kondisi lapangan becoming a challenge for O&G production
migas Indonesia yang makin kompleks, remote, facility professionals in facing current O&G
dan marginal. Dalam situasi ini, dibutuhkan industry condition and the Indonesia O&G
terobosan dan inovasi yang dapat tetap field conditions that increasingly complex,
mempertahankan keekonomian, keselamatan remote and marginal. In such situation,
operasi, dan tetap menarik bagi dunia investasi. breakthroughs and innovations that could
Memasuki era Industri 4.0 saat ini, terbuka peluang pemanfaatan keep the economic aspect, operation safety,
berbagai teknologi berbasis IoT, Cloud, AI untuk mengatasi and remain attractive to the investment are needed.
berbagai tantangan di atas. IAFMI sebagai asosiasi para ahli Entering the current era of Industry 4.0, there are
fasilitas produksi migas memiliki tanggung jawab untuk opportunities for the use of various technologies
mendorong dan memfasilitasi para professional melakukan based on IoT, Cloud, AI to overcome above mentioned
inovasi dan optimasi design, penyelenggaraan proyek konstruksi, challenges. IAFMI as an association of oil and gas
operasi dan pemeliharaan fasilitas produksi migas dengan production facilities experts has the responsibility to
memanfaatkan teknologi di era Industri 4.0 ini. encourage and facilitate professional to innovate and
Adalah misi IAFMI untuk terus mendorong dilakukannya berbagai optimize the design, construction project execution,
terobosan berbasis rekayasa dan teknologi untuk menciptakan operation and maintenance of oil and gas production
fasilitas produksi migas yang eknomis, efisien namun tetap facility by utilizing technology in this Industrial 4.0 era.
mengedepankan safety. Menyusul pelaksanaan Forum Fasilitas It is the IAFMI’s mission to continuously encourage
Produksi Migas yang didukung penuh oleh SKK Migas dan telah engineering and technology-based breakthroughs to
berhasil diselengarakan pada buan April 2018 di Jogyakarta, create economical, efficient O&G production facilities
maka FFPM ini kembali akan dihadirkan pada bulan Juli 2019 while still promoting safety. Following the event of
dengan tema Inovasi dan Transformasi Fasilitas Produksi Migas the Oil and Gas Production Facility Forum (FFPM2018)
dalam era Industri 4.0 which is fully supported by SKK Migas and has been
FFPM merupakan  salah satu kesempatan terbaik  bagi para successfully held in April 2018 in in Yogyakarta, the next
stakeholders (ESDM, SKK Migas, KKKS, Konsultan, Kontraktor, FFPM will again be held in July 2019 with the theme
Vendor/Supplier dan akademisi) untuk berbagi ide, pengetahuan, of Innovation and Transformation of Oil and Gas
‘lessons learnt’ dan  ‘best practices’  sesuai kompetensi masing- Production Facility Towards Industry 4.0
masing. Oleh karena itu partisipasi semua stakeholder terutama FFPM is one of the best opportunities for stakeholders
Industri Penunjang Migas merupakan kontribusi yang sangat (ESDM, SKK Migas, PSC Contractor, Consultant,
berarti bagi suksesnya FFPM2019 ini. Contractor, Vendor/Supplier and Academics) to
Terimakasih dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya bagi share ideas, knowledge, lesson learnt and best
mereka yang telah menyatakan komitmennya untuk mendukung practices according to their competencies. Therefore,
FFPM2019 ini. participation of all stakeholders especially O&G
supporting industry is a very significant contribution for
the success of this FFPM2019.
Wassalaamu’alaikum wrwb. Thanks and highest appreciation for those who have
expressed their commitment to support FFPM2019.

Chief of IAFMI
Ir. Rudianto Rimbono, MSc.


Industri Migas Indonesia di era ini menghadapi Nowadays, the Indonesia oil & gas (O&G)
makin beragamnya tantangan dalam mengembangkan industry is facing challenges in developing field
lapangan dan memproduksikan minyak bumi dan gas and producing the O&G to fulfill both national and
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi dalam negeri dan foreign buyer needs. Among these challenges are
pembeli dari luar. Di antara tantangan tersebut adalah increasingly remote and extreme field locations
lokasi lapangan yang semakin remote dan ekstrim (laut (deep sea), high reserve impurities content, and
dalam), kandungan impurities cadangan yang cukup increasingly complex technical implementation
tinggi, dan makin kompleksnya teknik pelaksanaan of work and project management applications.
pekerjaan dan aplikasi manajemen proyek. Kondisi ini These conditions require innovation breakthroughs
menuntut adanya terobosan-terobosan inovasi dan and design optimization in O&G design, project
optimasi dalam desain, manajemen proyek, produksi, management, production, operation, and facility
operasi, dan pemeliharaan fasilitas migas. maintenance.
Di sisi lain, saat ini kita berada pada era Industri 4.0 In the other hand, we are currently in the industry 4.0
dengan fenomena disruption (disrupsi), situasi di mana era with disruption phenomena in which industrial
pergerakan dunia industri tidak lagi linear. Perubahannya development is no longer linear. The changes are
sangat cepat, fundamental, merubah pola tatanan lama very fast, fundamental, changing old pattern to
untuk menciptakan tatanan baru. Era ini ditandai dengan create the new one. This era is indicated with the
adanya lompatan signifikan dalam perkembangan high leap of artificial intelligence, big data, robotic,
teknologi kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence), big and internet of things (IOT) development which is
data, robotic dan internet of things (IOT) yang secara known as industry 4.0 era.
lebih umum dikenal dengan era industry 4.0.
Since O&G is high technology industry, disruptive
Sebagai salah satu industri yang melibatkan teknologi innovation phenomena does affect. Such affected
tinggi, industri migas juga tidak luput dari pengaruh activities are engineering design digitalization with
fenomena disruptive innovation. Praktek digitalisasi TWIN 3D simulation based, real-time digitalization
desain engineering berbasis simulasi dengan TWIN of project management integration, real time and
3D, digitalisasi real-time integrasi manajemen proyek, remote asset management, and procurement by
manajemen asset di lapangan secara real time dan remote, using integrated electronic procurement system.
dan pengadaan menggunakan sistem e-procurement
Indonesia O&G industry shall be prepared to face
yang terintegrasi adalah contoh di antaranya.
the disruption by catching opportunity to improve
Industri migas Indonesia harus segera bersiap diri within technology use, engineering design, facility
menyambut era perubahan ini dengan melihat peluang maintenance, and project execution management
yangadadarisisipenggunaanteknologi,engineeringdesign, area. These improvements are to enhance the O&G
pemeliharaan fasilitas, dan juga pengelolaan pelaksanaan production facility efficiency and optimization in
proyek. Kesemuanya bertujuan meningkatkan efisiensi order to ensure the sustainability supply of O&G
dan optimasi fasilitas produksi Migas yang pada akhirnya production for domestic need.
demi menjamin keberlangsungan pemenuhan produksi
migas dalam negeri.

Menyusul sukses FFPM 2018 yang dihadiri 650 peserta, Following the success of previous FFPM 2018
forum ini direncanakan dihadiri oleh para praktisi, which was attended by 650 participants, FFPM
pelaku bisnis dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan dunia 2019 is expected to be attended by practitioners,
Migas yaitu institusi pemerintah (KESDM, Kemenperin, O&G professionals from governmental institutions
Kominfo, SKK Migas), para perusahaan hulu migas (KESDM, Kemenperin, Kominfo, SKK Migas),
Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS), para perusahaan PSC contractor of upstream O&G company
hilir migas (perusahaan Kilang Minyak, Kilang LNG, (KKKS), downstream O&G company (oil refinery,
Transporter Migas), Konsultan Engineering, Kontraktor LNG refinery, and O&G transporter company),
EPC, Kontraktor Penyedia Barang dan Jasa, Penyedia engineering consultant, EPC contractor, goods
Platform aplikasi digital berbasis IoT. and services supplier, IoT-based digital application
platform provider.
Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan dalam bentuk KONFERENSI,
PAMERAN, dan BUSINESS FORUM. FFPM 2019 will be held in form of CONFERENCE,
• Hari pertama
Menghadirkan Key Note Speakers dan para panelis • Day one
dari para penentu kebijakan dan pelaku utama industri Presenting Key Note Speakers and panelists
migas untuk membahas tantangan, pandangan dan of O&G policy makers and key industry players
lessons learned, dan berbagi best practices yang telah which will talk about challenges, point of view
ada maupun dalam wacana industri 4.0 and lessons learned, and best practices sharing
related to industry 4.0 revolution.
• Hari kedua
Diselenggarakan Diskusi Panel yang terbagi dalam • Day two
3 (tiga) fokus diskusi yaitu: Desain dan Teknologi, Presenting panel discussion which will be
Proyek, serta Pemeliharaan. divided into 3 (three) focus i.e. Design and
Technology, Project, and Maintenance.
• Hari ketiga
• Day three
Diselenggarakan Business Forum yang membahas Presenting Business Forum discussing The
Reposisi Dunia Migas Indonesia Menghadapi Industri 4.0 Indonesia O&G Reposition towards Industry 4.0
Tema yang diangkat tahun ini adalah “Inovasi dan The theme of the forum is “Innovation and
Transformasi Fasilitas Produksi Migas dalam era Transformation of Oil and Gas Production Facility
Industri 4.0”. Towards Industry 4.0“.
Forum ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sarana diskusi, This forum is held to facilitate discussion,
presentasi, dan jejaring (network) yang melahirkan presentation, networking to encourage ideas
ide-ide bagi para stakeholder dalam mengembangkan for stakeholders to develop innovation and
inovasi dan optimasi dalam day-to-day business. Lebih optimization for their day-to-day business.
lanjut, Business Forum di hari ketiga akan menghadirkan Furthermore, Business Forum in day three
para pemangku kepentingan dari sisi pembuat kebijakan will present policy makers from Ministry of

terkait seperti Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, Communication and Informatics, Ministry of
Kementerian Perindustrian, dan Kementerian ESDM, Industry, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,
guna membahas dukungan yang diperlukan dari sisi in order to discuss the necessary support in terms
regulasi dalam menghadapi fenomena disrupsi teknologi of regulation in dealing with the phenomenon of
tersebut. technological disruption.
Selain Konferensi, akan ditampilkan juga Pameran Along the conference, there will be an Exhibition
perkembangan aplikasi keilmuan dan teknologi fasilitas showing the development of O&G applied science
permukaan migas termasuk di dalamnya rotating and surface facilities technology including
machinery, subsea technology dan sebagainya dari rotating machinery, subsea technology, etc. from
para penyedia barang dan jasa migas, terutama yang O&G suppliers / vendors / contractors / related
telah mengaplikasikan teknologi industri 4.0, Penyedia companies, especially those who has applied
Platform aplikasi digital berbasis IoT, serta Penyedia jasa technology related to industry 4.0, IoT-based digital
Corporate Internet Backbone. Selain aplikasi teknologi application platform provider, and Corporate
baru juga diutamakan material dan peralatan pabrikan Internet Backbone provider. In addition to the
lokal dengan semangat untuk turut mendukung application of new technology, local materials and
pengutamaan produk dalam negeri melalui pemberian equipment are prioritized to support the domestic
kesempatan industri dalam negeri untuk berpartisipasi products preference by giving more opportunities
lebih banyak dalam proyek-proyek migas. for domestic industries to participate more in O&G
Acara pameran juga akan memberikan ruang bagi seluruh
pelaku industri migasuntuk dapat mempromosikan The exhibition will also provide opportunity for all oil
dan mengenalkan diri guna membuka peluang yang and gas industry players to be able to promote and
lebih lebar untuk terlibat dan mendukung kegiatan introduce themselves to open wider opportunities
migas. Melalui ajang konferensi, pameran dan business to engage and support oil and gas activities. This
forum ini diharapkan terjadi transfer pengetahuan dan conference, exhibition, and business forum will
pengalaman di antara proyek-proyek migas, termasuk facilitate knowledge and experience transfer
juga dari Industri Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Hasil among O&G projects including downstream
konferensi dan pameran ini diharapkan dapat menjadi O&G industry. The conference and exhibition
referensi bagi seluruh kalangan baik itu Pemerintah, result is expected to be one of the references for
KKKS, maupun industri penunjang kegiatan usaha professionals of Government, PSC contractor, as
migas baik hulu mapun hilir dalam mengoptimalkan well as supporting industries for O&G business
seluruh sumber daya dan aspek dalam menjalankan both upstream and downstream in optimizing all
bisnis proses yang pada akhirnya dapat menumbuhkan resources and aspects in carrying out business
keandalan operasi dan keberlanjutan bisnis. processes that ultimately can grow the reliability of
operations and business sustainability.

Event Format

Forum Fasilitas Produksi Migas 2019 direncanakan O&G Production Facility Forum 2019 will be held
untuk diselenggarakan di Hotel Po Semarang selama in Hotel Po Semarang for 3 (three) days, on July 9th –
3 (tiga) hari, yaitu pada tanggal 9-11 Juli 2019. Acara 11th , 2019. This event is initiated and fully supported
ini digagas dan didukung secara penuh oleh SKK Migas by SKK Migas in collaboration with IAFMI.
bekerja sama dengan IAFMI.
Approximately 900 participants of stakeholders
Diperkirakan 900 peserta dari seluruh pemangku from policy makers, practitioners, and O&G
kepentingan meliputi pemegang kebijakan, praktisi dan upstream also downstream industry players will
pelaku industri hulu dan hilir migas akan menghadiri join this event.
event ini.
This event will present Key Note Speakers and
Dalam acara ini akan dihadirkan Key Note Speakers Panelists presenting their thought, government
dan para Panelis yang akan memaparkan pandangan, regulation, lessons learned, and best practices
regulasi pemerintah, lessons learned, maupun best related to innovation and optimization of Design
practices terkait inovasi dan optimasi Desain dan and Technology, Project Management, O&G
Teknologi, Manajemen Proyek, Pemeliharaan Fasilitas Production Facility Maintenance and Reposition
Produksi Migas serta Reposisi Migas Menghadapi of O&G towards Industry 4.0. The event will be
Industri 4.0. Acara akan ditutup dengan Business Forum ended with Business Forum and recommendation
dan pemaparan Rekomendasi. presentation.
Key Note Speakers untuk acara ini adalah sebagai Key Note Speakers of the event are as follows:
berikut :
1. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (TBC)
1. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (Dalam 2. Minister of Industry (TBC)
2. Menteri Perindustrian (Dalam Konfirmasi) Key Panelists of the event are as follows:

Panelis utama dalam acara ini adalah 1. Operation Deputy of SKK Migas – Integrated
Operation Centre
1. Deputi Operasi SKK Migas – Integrated Operation
2. Pertamina – Digital Transformation
3. Petronas - Petronas Digital Collaboration Centre
2. Pertamina – Transformasi Digital
3. Petronas PDCC – Petronas Digital Collaboration
Centre (TBC) In day two, Panel Discussion will be held and
divided into three separate rooms i.e. Panel-1
Untuk lebih fokus dalam pembahasan maka pada hari (Design & Technology), Panel-2 (Maintenance),
kedua diselenggarakan Diskusi Panel yang terbagi Panel-3 (Project Management). The Panelists are:
dalam 3 ruangan terpisah yaitu Panel-1 (Design &
Technology), Panel-2 (Maintenance), Panel-3 (Project
Management). Para Panelis yang akan tampil adalah:

1. Wakil dari institusi pemerintah (KESDM, SKK Migas, 1. Representative of Government institution
Kemenperin, Kominfo) (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,
2. Wakil dari perusahaan hulu migas/KKKS (Pertamina, SKK Migas, Ministry of Communication and
PHKT-IDD, PHM, BP, PHE, Pertamina EP, dll.) Informatics, Ministry of Telecommunication
3. Wakil dari Kontraktor EPC, Konsultan Engineering and Information)
dan Industri Penunjang Migas (Zee Engineering, 2. Representative of upstream O&G company/
Solar Turbine, GE, Schneider, Aveva, Dessault PSC contractor (Pertamina, PHKT-IDD, PHM,
Systemes, Bentley dll.) BP, PHE, Pertamina EP, etc.)
3. Representative of EPC Contractor,
Engineering Consultant and O&G Supporting
Berikut ini adalah gambaran susunan acara. Industry (Zee Engineering, Solar Turbine,
GE, Schneider, Aveva, Dessault Systemes,
9 Juli 2019 Bentley, etc)
u Pembukaan: Kepala SKK Migas
u Keynote:
Following is the event rundown:
1. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (Dalam
Konfirmasi) July 9th, 2019
2. Menteri Perindustrian (Dalam Konfirmasi) u Opening by Head of SKK Migas

u Diskusi Panel 1 u Keynote

Tema: Peran Isdustri Migas di Era Industri 4.0 1. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
o Deputi Operasi SKK Migas – Integrated 2. Minister of Industry (TBC)
Operation Centre
u Panel 1 Discussion
o PT Pertamina (Persero) – Transformasi Digital Theme: O&G roles in the Industry 4.0 Era:
u Diskusi Panel 2 o Operation Deputy SKK Migas – Integrated
Operation Centre
Tema: Penerapan Teknologi 4.0 di Industri Migas
o PT Pertamina (Persero)
o Petronas - Petronas Digital Collaboration
u Panel 2 Discussion
Center (Pdcc)
Theme: Technology Implementation of
o Management Consultant - Global Insight of
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0
- Petronas - Petronas Digital Collaboration
Center (Pdcc)
- Management Consultant - Global Insight
of Industry 4.0

10 Juli 2019 July 10th, 2019
u Diskusi Panel Room-1 – Project u Panel Discussion Room-1 – Project
l Sub-Tema: Project Management Advancement u Sub-Theme: Project Management
Towards 4.0 Era Advancement Towards 4.0 Era
- Implementation of 3D Modelling in Fabrication - Implementation of 3D Modelling in
& Construction Process (Dessault Systemes) Fabrication & Construction Process
- Improving Project Delivery, Benefiting from 4D (Dessault Systemes)
Technology - Improving Project Delivery, Benefiting
- Digital Project Performance Management from 4D Technology
- Digital Project Performance Management
u Sub-Tema : Oil and Gas Digital Transformation
u Sub-Theme: Oil and Gas Digital
- Implementasi 4.0 Pada Hilir / RDMP (Pertamina
- Implementation of Industry 4.0 in O&G
- CIVD and Roadmap Digital Procurement (SKK
Migas PRS) - CIVD and Roadmap Digital Procurement
u Sub-Tema : Agile Project Management to Deliver (SKK Migas PRS)
Project Excellence u Sub-Theme: Agile Project Management to
- Self-Managed EPC Execution Towerds Project Deliver Project Excellence
Cost Benefits - Self-Managed EPC Execution Towerds
- Delivering Schedule-Optimized Project by Self- Project Cost Benefits
Managed EPC Execution - Delivering Schedule-Optimized Project by
u Diskusi Panel Room 2 – Design and Technology Self-Managed EPC Execution
u Sub-Tema : Breakthrough for Domestic Gas u Panel Discussion Room 2 – Design and
Infrastructure Technology
- PGN-Direktorat LNG u Sub-Theme : Breakthrough for Domestic
- Pertagas Niaga-Direktorat CNG Gas Infrastructure
- Padma Energy - LNG Infrastructure - PGN-LNG Directorate
u Sub-Tema : Offshore Marginal Field Development - Pertagas Niaga - CNG Diractorate
- Operating Philosophy in Offshore Marginal - Padma Energy - LNG Infrastructure
Field (ONWJ) u Sub-Theme : Offshore Marginal Field
- Platform Design for Marginal Field Development Development
- Operating Philosophy in Offshore
Marginal Field (ONWJ)
u Sub-Tema : Technology in Oil and Gas
- Platform Design for Marginal Field
- Creating A Reliable Digital Twin (Aveva)
Development (Zeepod)
- Instrumentation & Control System Internet of
u Sub-Theme : Technology in Oil and Gas
Things (Control System) - Creating A Reliable Digital Twin (Aveva)
- Indonesia Energy Cloud (Telkom-SLB) - Instrumentation & Control System
Internet of Things (Control System)
- Indonesia Energy Cloud (Telkom-SLB)

u Diskusi Panel Room 3 – Maintenance u Panel Discussion 3 – Maintenance
u Sub-Tema : Data / Source for Preventive u Sub-Theme : Data / Source for Preventive
Maintenance / Predictive Maintenance Maintenance / Predictive Maintenance
- Digital Transformation (eNI) - Digital Transformation (eNI)
- IODSC&i-Journey (Chevron Pacific Indonesia) - IODSC &i-Journey (Chevron Pacific
- Agile Transformation (BP) Indonesia)
u Sub-Tema : Infrastructure - Agile Transformation (BP)
- Google Cloud u Sub-Theme : Infrastructure
- PLN UP2B (Unit Pelayanan Pengaturan Beban) - Google Cloud
- Online Tools to Help Operation & Maintenance - PLN UP2B (Service Unit for Load
Effective (PGN Solution) Management)
- SAP - Online Tools to Help Operation &
u Sub-Tema : Analytical Tools Maintenance Effective (PGN Solution)
- Engine Health Management (Solar Turbine) - SAP
- Real Time Equipment Analysis (GE) u Sub-Theme : Analytical Tools
- Mapping Failure Risk Base On Web Based Risk - Engine Health Management (Solar
Based Maintenance (Tiara Vibrasindo) Turbine)
- Artificial Intelligence Big Data Analysis (VROC) - Real Time Equipment Analysis (GE)
- Mapping Failure Risk Base On Web
Based Risk Based Maintenance (Tiara
11 Juli 2019 Vibrasindo)
u Business Forum dengan Kementerian Komunikasi dan - Artificial Intelligence Big Data Analysis
Informatika, Kementerian ESDM dan Kementerian (VROC)
Perindustrian, dengan Tema “Arah Kebijakan
Nasional Pengembangan Industri 4.0 Serta Reposisi
Industri Migas Menghadapi Industri 4.0” July 11th, 2019
u Narasumber: u Business Forum, presenting the representative
of Ministry of Communication and Informatics,
o Kementerian Perindustrian - Tantangan dan
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and
Implikasi Penerapan Industri4.0
Ministry of Industry, with theme of “National
Policy Strategy regarding The Development
of Industry 4.0 and O&G Industry Reposition
towards Industry 4.0”
u Speakers
o Ministry of Industry - Implementation of
Industry 4.0 - Challenges and Implication

o Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika - o
Ministry Communication & Information
Regulasi Pengamanan Data dan Penggunaan Technology - Regulation of Data Security
jaringan di Industri Migas and Network ini O&G Industry
o Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral - o Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Regulasi dalam Managamen Data Migas - Regulation of Data Management in O&G
o SKK Migas - Raodmap Industri Hulu dalam Industry
Penerapan Industri 4.0 o SKK Migas - Roadmap of Industry 4.0
o Swasta - paparan Perkembangan Global Industri implementation in O&G Industry
4.0 o Researcher/Consultant -Industry 4.0 -
u Laporan dan Rekomendasi Global Development
u Report and Recommendation
u Penutupan
u Closing
Selain konferensi, mulai dari hari pertama sampai
dengan hari terakhir akan ditampilkan juga pameran The Exhibition will be held from the day one up to the
perkembangan aplikasi keilmuan dan teknologi fasilitas last day. It will present the development of science
produksi migas termasuk di dalamnya pipa, rotating applications and technology for O&G production
machinery, fasilitas subsea, penunjang fasilitas produksi facility including pipes, rotating machinery, subsea
berbasis IoT, dan sebagainya dari para penyedia facilities, supporting IoT-based production facilities,
barang dan jasa migas. Selain aplikasi teknologi baru and so on from oil and gas suppliers. In addition to
juga diutamakan material dan peralatan pabrikan the application of new technology, local materials
lokal dengan semangat untuk turut mendukung and equipment are prioritized with the enthusiasm
pengutamaan produk dalam negeri melalui pemberian to support the prioritization of domestic products
kesempatan industri dalam negeri untuk berpartisipasi through the provision of opportunities for domestic
lebih banyak dalam proyek-proyek migas. industries to participate more in oil and gas projects.


Business Forum will present the representatives
Business Forum dengan Kementerian Komunikasi
from Communication And Information Technology,
dan Informatika, Kementerian ESDM dan Kementerian
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and
Perindustrian, dengan Tema “Arah Kebijakan Nasional
Ministry of Industry, with theme of “National Policy
Pengembangan Industri 4.0 Serta Reposisi Industri Migas
Strategy regarding The Development of Industry 4.0
Menghadapi Industri 4.0”
and O&G Industry Reposition towards Industry 4.0”
Catatan: Pada masing-masing Break-out session
Note: There will be vendor/sponsor presentations
dan saat Lunch terdapat presentasi perkembangan
regarding technology development in each break-
teknologi oleh para vendor.
out rooms during the day two.


Dalam rangka mendukung acara di atas, kami We would like to offer an opportunity to support
menawarkan skema kerjasama dalam bentuk our event through sponsorship scheme as below:
sponsorship dengan kategori sebagai berikut:

Rp200.000.000 Rp125.000.000 Rp75.000.000 Rp50.000.000 Rp30.000.000
Maximum quota 3 Sponsors NA NA NA NA
Exhibition booths 2 units 1 unit 1 unit No No
Promotion space in 1 full page of 1 full page of 1/2 page of 1/4 page of 1/8 page of
Event Directory Book inner of back dedicated page dedicated dedicated page dedicated page
cover page
Main Stage Backdrop Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
External Monitor / Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Goodiebag Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Other publication Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
media around event
Company Profile video Yes Yes No No No
will be shown in the Max: 5 Minutes Max: 3 Minutes
determined time
Free Ticket for the event Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
5 (five) Tickets 3 (three) Tickets 2 (two) Tickets 1 (one) Ticket 1 (one) Ticket

Catatan: Note:

Tambahan biaya Sponsor EMERALD untuk pilihan Additional EMERALD sponsorship price for the
penempatan Logo/Materi Iklan dalam Direktori: placement of company logo in the directory
a. Rp. 15.000.000 untuk cover depan dalam
a. Rp 15.000.000 for inner of front cover
b. Rp. 10.000.000 untuk cover belakang luar
b. Rp 10.000.000 for outer of back cover

Deskripsi Media Promosi Media Promotion Description
1. Direktori
 1. Directory Book
Direktori akan dicetak sebanyak + 1000 eksemplar + 1000 copies of Directory book will be printed
untuk dibagikan kepada peserta sebagai
acuan to be distributed to the participants as the
dan panduan selama acara.
Direktori akan dicetak event guideline. Following are the Directory
dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut: specification:
• Ukuran A5
 • A5 size
• Full color cover 
 • Full color cover
• Halaman dalam full color, mate paper • Full color inner page, mate paper
2. Media Promosi IAFMI 2. IAFMI Promotion Media
Logo Perusahaan akan ditampilkan dalam media Sponsor Company Logo will be presented
promosi IAFMI (poster dan/atau website dan/atau in IAFMI promotion media (poster and/or
media sosial dan/atau lainnya ). website and/or social media and/or others).
3. Booth Pameran 3. Exhibition Booth
Booth pameran mengikuti standar booth pameran Exhibition booth specification as per detailed
yang diuraikan di bagian Pameran dalam Proposal in Exhibition part (below) of this proposal.
Items to be noticed:
Hal – hal yang harus diperhatikan:
• Sponsorship participation confirmation by
• Konfirmasi sponsorship yang dipilih dapat filling attached commitment formulir and
dilakukan dengan mengisi formulir komitmen shall be submitted to event Committee no
terlampir dan diserahkan kepada panitia paling later than 31 MAY 2019.
lambat tanggal 31 MEI 2019.
• Sponsorship participation will be CLOSED on
• Pendaftaran Sponsorship akan DITUTUP tanggal 31 31 MAY 2019 at 23.00 WIB or whenever the
MEI jam 23.00 WIB atau ketika Jumlah Sponsorship maximum amount of sponsorship is reached.
telah mencapai batas kuota maksimal. Kandidat Sponsor candidate proposing after the said
Sponsor yang mengajukan diri setelah batas due date or after the quota is reached will be
tanggal atau jumlah sponsorhip yang ditetapkan offered to participate in the next FFPM 2020.
sudah tercapai akan diarahkan untuk event

• Pembayaran atas pemesanan sponsorship • Payment upon sponsorship participation
paling lambat tanggal 14 JUNI 2019. shall be made no later than 14 JUNE 2019.
• Pembatalan SPONSORSHIP setelah tanggal 28 • Penalty of 100% of the sponsorship price
JUNI 2019 akan dikenakan penalty sebesar will be applied for the cancellation made
100% dari biaya SPONSORSHIP. after 28 JUNE 2019.
• Logo perusahaan sponsor diserahkan dalam • Sponsor Company Logo shall be
format native file atau dalam format jpg dengan submitted in native format or jpg format
resolusi minimal 300 DPI, raster 150 LPI disertai with minimum resolution of 300 DPI, raster
font dan proof print digital sebagai panduan 150 LPI with font and proof print digital
warna. Logo dan Materi Promosi Cetak harus as color guidance. Logo and Printed
sudah diajukan kepada Panitia paling lambat Promotion Material shall be submitted to
tanggal 14 JUNI 2019. event Committee no later than 14 JUNE
• Format video company profile bagi sponsor
EMERALD dalam bentuk WMV / MP4 dengan • The video format of EMERALD Sponsor
durasi maksimal 5 menit. Video company Company Profile shall be in WMV / MP4
profile diserahkan kepada panitia paling with of duration no more than 5 minutes.
lambat tanggal 14 JUNI 2019. This video shall be submitted to event
Committee no later than 14 JUNE 2019.
• Format video company profile bagi sponsor
PLATINUM dalam bentuk WMV / MP4 dengan • The video format of PLATINUM Sponsor
durasi maksimal 3 menit. Video company Company Profile shall be in WMV / MP4
profile diserahkan kepada panitia paling with of duration no more than 3 minutes.
lambat tanggal 14 JUNI 2019. This video shall be submitted to event
Committee no later than 14 JUNE 2019.


Untuk pameran ini akan disediakan slot 40 booth. There will be 40 exhibition booths prepared. The
Harga Booth pameran adalah Rp 20.000.000,00 untuk booth reservation price is Rp 20.000.000,00 each
setiap kavling booth dengan spesifikasi maksimum booth with maximum specification as follows:
sebagai berikut:
1. R8 partition booth 3 x 3 m
1. Booth R8 partition 3 x 3 m
2. White/bright color multiplex wall panel
2. Panel dinding multiplex coating warna putih/terang
3. Octagonal aluminium frame system 3 x 3 m
3. Rangka aluminium oktagonal system 3 x 3 m
4. Marking & Flooring carpet
3. Carpet marking & flooring
5. 2 MCB/electricity panel of 450 Watt with 4 ports
4. Panel listrik/MCB 2 ampere/electric 4 port termasuk including cabling system
cabling system dengan daya 450 Watt
6. Spot light / TL for each booth
5. Spot light / TL setiap booth
7. Vinyl/sticker cutting lettering (company name)
6. Lettering vinyl/sticker cutting (nama perusahaan)
8. 2 standard chairs & 1 standard table
7. 2 set Kursi & 1 set Meja standar

Exhibitor Provisions:
Ketentuan Peserta Pameran:
l EXHIBITOR commitment registration will
l Pendaftaran Komitmen PAMERAN akan DITUTUP be CLOSED on 31 MAY 2019 at 23:00 WIB, or
pada tanggal 31 MEI 2019 jam 23:00 WIB, atau saat whenever exhibitor number reaches maximum
jumlah total BOOTH PAMERAN telah mencapai quota of the available EXHIBITION BOOTHS.
batas maksimal. Kandidat Peserta PAMERAN yang EXHIBITOR candidate proposing after the said
mengajukan diri setelah batas tanggal atau jumlah due date or after the quota is reached will be
kuota yang ditetapkan akan diarahkan untuk event offered to participate in the next FFPM 2020.
l EXHIBITOR commitment form has to be signed
l Formulir Komitmen PESERTA PAMERAN harus and submitted to event Committee no later
ditandatangani dan diajukan kepada Panitia paling than 31 MAY 2019 at 23:00 WIB.
lambat tanggal 31 MEI 2019 jam 23:00 WIB.
l Payment upon EXHIBITOR commitment shall
l Pembayaran atas Komitmen PESERTA PAMERAN be made no later than 14 JUNE 2019.
harus dilakukan paling lambat tanggal 14 juni 2019
l Penalty of 50% of the exhibitor reservation
l Pembatalan Komitmen Peserta PAMERAN sebelum price will be applied for the cancellation made
tanggal 28 JUNI 2019 akan dikenakan penalty sebesar before 28 JUNE 2019.
50% dari biaya pendaftaran Peserta PAMERAN.
l Penalty of 100% of the exhibitor reservation
l Pembatalan Komitmen Peserta PAMERAN setelah price will be applied for the cancellation made
tanggal 28 JUNI 2019 akan dikenakan penalty after 28 JUNE 2019.
sebesar 100% dari biaya pendaftaran Peserta

l DESAIN BOOTH dan LAY OUT diluar spesifikasi l Custom booth design and layout, shall be
standar panitia di atas, harus sudah diajukan kepada informed/proposed to event Committee before
Panitia sebelum tanggal 21 JUNI 2019. 21 JUNE 2019.
l Tambahan DAYA LISTRIK diluar spesifikasi standar l Additional ELECTRICITY POWER required by
diatur dalam ketentuan terpisah. EXHIBITOR will be determined in separate
l Logo perusahaan Peserta PAMERAN diserahkan provisions.
dalam format native file atau dalam format jpg l EXHIBITOR company logo shall be submitted
dengan resolusi minimal 300 DPI, raster 150 LPI in native file or jpg format with minimum
disertai font dan proof print digital sebagai panduan resolution of 300 DPI, raster 150 LPI with with
warna. LOGO PERUSAHAAN harus sudah diajukan font and proof print digital as color guidance.
kepada Panitia sebelum tanggal 14 JUNI 2019. COMPANY LOGO shall be submitted to event
l Peserta PAMERAN wajib mengikuti Technical Committee before 14 JUNI 2019.
Meeting yang akan dilaksanakan di Jakarta. Tempat l EXHBIITOR shall attend the Technical Meeting
dan waktu technical meeting akan diberitahukan that will be held in Jakarta. Place and time will
kemudian. be informed later.
l Penentuan lokasi booth peserta pameran akan l Booth location allocation will be drawn.
diundi. Namun lokasi booth sponsor akan ditentukan However, dedicated booth for sponsor will be
lebih dahulu. allocated first.

30,6 m

21,75 m
11,65 m

Ballroom 1

Ballroom 3 Ballroom 4
23,45 m
13,85 m

11,65 m

Ballroom 2
30 m

21,75 m 15,75 m 14,70 m

10,80 m


52,2 m



FFPM 2019

Untuk VENDOR PRESENTATION ini akan disediakan
6 (enam) slot. Harga satu slot VENDOR PRESENTATION
adalah Rp 30.000.000,00 dengan ketentuan sebagai There will be 6 (six) available slots for VENDOR
l Durasi presentasi maksimum 25 menit termasuk price is Rp 30.000.000,00 with provisions as follows:
Tanya jawab. l Entitle to maximum 25 minutes presentation
l Presentasi dilakukan di ruangan Break Out Session. including question and answer session.
Waktu dan lokasi presentasi di break out session l Presentation will take place in Break Out
akan ditentukan Panitia paling lambat tanggal 2 JULI Session. Detail time and location of break out
2019, setelah Panitia menerima bahan presentasi session will be informed no later than 2 JULY
dan atau video dari peserta. 2019 by Committee, upon Committee receive
l Pendaftaran Komitmen VENDOR PRESENTATION akan vendor’s presentation slides and or video.
DITUTUP pada tanggal 31 MEI 2019 jam 23:00 WIB, l Commitment registration of VENDOR
atau saat jumlah total slot VENDOR PRESENTATION PRESENTATION will be closed on 31 MAY 2019 at
telah mencapai batas maksimal. Kandidat Peserta 23:00 WIB, or whenever the total slot of VENDOR
VENDOR PRESENTATION yang mengajukan diri PRESENTATION is reached. Candidate that
setelah batas tanggal atau jumlah kuota yang propose for VENDOR PRESENTATION after the said
ditetapkan akan diarahkan untuk event FFPM2020. date above or after the total slot quota is reached
l Formulir Komitmen peserta VENDOR PRESENTATION will be offered to participate in FFPM 2020.
harus ditandatangani dan diajukan kepada Panitia l VENDOR PRESENTATION commitment form has
paling lambat tanggal 31 MEI 2019 jam 23:00 WIB. to be signed and submitted to event Committee
l Pembayaran atas Komitmen peserta VENDOR no later than 31 MAY 2019 at 23:00 WIB.
PRESENTATION harus dilakukan paling lambat l Payment upon VENDOR PRESENTATION
tanggal 14 JUNI 2019 commitment shall be made before 14 JUNE
l Pembatalan Komitmen Peserta VENDOR 2019.
PRESENTATION sebelum tanggal 28 JUNI 2019 l Penalty of 50% of the VENDOR PRESENTATION
akan dikenakan penalty sebesar 50% dari biaya price will be applied for the cancellation made
pendaftaran VENDOR PRESENTATION. before 28 JUNE 2019.
l Pembatalan Komitmen Peserta PAMERAN setelah l Penalty of 100% of the VENDOR PRESENTATION
tanggal 28 JUNI 2019 akan dikenakan penalty price will be applied for the cancellation made
sebesar 100% dari biaya pendaftaran VENDOR after 28 JUNE 2019.
l Logo perusahaan peserta VENDOR PRESENTATION participant shall be submitted in native file
diserahkan dalam format native file atau dalam or jpg format with minimum resolution of 300
format jpg dengan resolusi minimal 300 DPI, raster DPI, raster 150 LPI with with font and proof
150 LPI disertai font dan proof print digital sebagai print digital as color guidance. COMPANY LOGO
panduan warna. LOGO PERUSAHAAN harus sudah shall be submitted to event Committee before
diajukan kepada Panitia sebelum tanggal 14 JUNI 14 JUNE 2019.
l Presentation slides and or video shall be
l Bahan presentasi dan atau video harus diserahkan submitted to Committee no later than 28 JUNE
kepada Panitia paling lambat tanggal 28 JUNI 2019. 2019.

Event Committee Formation

Acara Forum Fasilitas Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi The Oil & Gas Production Facility Forum is join
2019 ini merupakan acara bersama antara Satuan Kerja event between Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana
Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK
Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) dan Ikatan Ahli Fasilitas Produksi Migas) and Ikatan Ahli Fasilitas Produksi Minyak
Minyak dan Gas Bumi Indonesia (IAFMI). Panitia dan Gas Bumi Indonesia (IAFMI). The committee
pelaksana forum ini terdiri atas 3 komponen yang consists of 3 components i.e. SKK Migas, IAFMI,
berasal dari SKK Migas, IAFMI, dan Student Volunteer and Student Volunteer (SV). SV involvement in such
(SV). Keterlibatan SV dalam kepanitiaan ditujukan untuk event will give them organizational experience and
memberikan pengalaman organisasi dan pengenalan introduction & knowledge regarding upstream
dan pengetahuan kepada mahasiswa tentang industri O&G industry. In the other hand, it will be media of
hulu migas itu sendiri. Sehingga pada akhirnya hal ini approaching and prospecting the next generation
bisa menjadi media pendekatan dan kaderisasi bagi (student) in upstream O&G industry.
para calon-calon penerus (mahasiswa) di industri hulu

Dewan Pembina Dwi Soetjipto Kepala SKK Migas

Fatar Yani Abdurrahman Deputi Operasi SKK Migas
Dewan Penasihat
Murdo Gantoro Sekretaris SKK Migas
Kepala Divisi Manajemen Proyek dan
Luky A. Yusgiantoro
Pemeliharaan Fasilitas SKK Migas
Dharmawan H. Samsu Direktur Hulu Pertamina Persero
Rudianto Rimbono Ketua Umum IAFMI
Taufik Aditiyawarman Sekjen IAFMI
Jamsaton Nababan Presiden Direktur PEPC
Yanuar Budinorman Direktur Utama Rekayasa Industri
Joseph Pangalila Presiden Direktur Tripatra
Kepala Departemen Manajemen Proyek SKK
Ketua Panitia G Daru P Dewanto
Kepala Departemen Pemeliharaan Fasilitas
Komite Pengarah Tomy W Poerwanto
Operasi SKK Migas
Syukri Waldi SKK Migas
Yuliscar Buyung Parmanto SKK Migas
Asyhad SKK Migas

Desi A. Mahdi Ketua Bidang 1 IAFMI
Bambang Sadewo Ketua Bidang 2 IAFMI
Farhan febrianto IAFMI
Adjie Heryanto IAFMI
Wayan Mega IAFMI
Sejati Nusantara IAFMI
Organizing Committee Edwin Badrusomad Direktur Eksekutif IAFMI
Arnold Sanda Layuk IAFMI
Gde Pramona IAFMI
I Gede Dian Aryana SKK Migas
Nuli Rakhmad Widodo SKK Migas
Elfan Yusridha SKK Migas
Aswandi SKK Migas
Doyo Suwono SKK Migas
Rega Kristian SKK Migas
Kunto Purbono SKK Migas
Wirawan Aditya Seta P SKK Migas
Ari Sulistiyono SKK Migas
Arif Khozin SKK Migas
Prima Aribowo SKK Migas
Ajeng S Wulandari SKK Migas
Gagas Ardi Markari SKK Migas
Samsul Hadi Saputro SKK Migas
Fachmi Basyar SKK Migas
Yuwono Endro SKK Migas
Rossupanji Pribadi SKK Migas
Aristo Delmayuzar SKK Migas
Barkah Ramadhani SKK Migas
Ahmad Abdul Azizurrofi SKK Migas
Hascaryo Rat Kusumo SKK Migas
I Gede Dian Aryana IAFMI
Wahyu Setiawan Dm IAFMI

Amelia Sari IAFMI
Sendi Khoo IAFMI
Yulia Jordan IAFMI
Randy M Nasir IAFMI
Tri Bagus Prabowo IAFMI
Gideon IAFMI
Rendy Firudino IAFMI
Yulita Dwiningsih IAFMI
Yunita Rachmawati IAFMI
Gumilar Hendayana IAFMI
Wiwin Lukman Febrianto IAFMI
Rossy Julianto IAFMI
Irfan Anshory IAFMI
Wahyudi IAFMI

Sponsorship Commitment Form

Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini atas nama The undersigned below, on behalf of Company / PT
Perusahaan …………………………................................. ……………………………………………………
menyatakan kesediaan sebagai SPONSOR Konferensi dan declared the commitment to be the SPONSOR of The
Pameran Forum Fasilitas Produksi Migas 2019, “Inovasi Oil & Gas Production Facility Forum Conference and
dan Transformasi Fasilitas Produksi Migas dalam era Exhibition 2019, “Innovation and Transformation of
Industri 4.0” sebagai berikut: Oil and Gas Production Facility Towards Industry
4.0“ as the following:

Type of Price
✓ No Sponsorship Benefit / Promotion Media Entitlement (Rp)

Booth pameran 2 unit, penempatan logo/materi 2 units of Exhibition Booth, company logo/
iklan perusahaan di direktori 1 halaman penuh promotion material placement in the event
(cover dalam bagian belakang), backdrop, dan directory book of 1 full page (inner page of
1 Emerald A back cover), backdrop, publication media, 200.000.000,-
media publikasi, penampilan video company
profile di acara (Maksimum 5 menit), 5 tiket company profile video (max duration of 5
peserta ke acara. minutes), 5 event tickets as participant.

1 unit of Exhibition Booth, company logo/

Booth pameran 1 unit, penempatan logo/materi promotion material placement in the
iklan perusahaan di direktori 1 halaman penuh event directory book of 1 full (inner) page,
2 Platinum bagian dalam, backdrop, dan media publikasi, 125.000.000
backdrop, publication media, company
penampilan video company profile di acara profile video (max duration of 3 minutes),
(Maksimum 3 Menit), 3 tiket peserta ke acara. 3 event tickets as participant.
Booth pameran 1 unit, penempatan logo/materi 1 unit of Exhibition Booth, company logo/
iklan perusahaan di direktori 1/2 halaman, promotion material placement in the
3 Gold backdrop, dan media publikasi, 2 tiket peserta event directory book of 1/2 (inner) page, 75.000.000,-
ke acara. backdrop, publication media, 2 event
tickets as participant.
Penempatan logo/materi iklan perusahaan di Company logo/promotion material
direktori 1/4 halaman, backdrop, dan media placement in the event directory book of
4 Silver 50.000.000,-
publikasi, 1 tiket peserta ke acara. 1/4 (inner) page, backdrop, publication
media, 1 event tickets as participant.
Penempatan logo/materi iklan perusahaan di Company logo/promotion material
direktori 1/8 halaman, backdrop, dan media placement in the event directory book of
5 Bronze 30.000.000,-
publikasi, 1 tiket peserta ke acara. 1/8 (inner) page, backdrop, publication
media, 1 event tickets as participant.

Tambahan Nilai Sponsorship Type SPONSOR EMERALD Additional Sponsorship Price of EMERALD
untuk penempatan Media Promosi pada Direktori. SPONSORSHIP for Promotion Media
Placement in the Event Directory Book.
Type of Price
✓ No Benefit / Promotion Media Entitlement
Sponsorship (Rp)
Penempatan Logo/Materi Iklan pada Company Logo/Promotion Material
1.B Emerlad B satu halaman COVER DEPAN DALAM Placement in full page of INNER 15.000.000,-
Penempatan Logo/Materi Iklan pada Company Logo/Promotion Material
1.C Emerald C satu halaman COVER BELAKANG LUAR Placement in full page of OUTER 10.000.000,-

Catatan : Notes :
l Pendaftaran Komitmen Sponsorship akan DITUTUP l Sponsorship Commitment Registration will be
pada tanggal 31 MEI 2019 jam 23:00 WIB, atau saat CLOSED on 31 MAY 2019 at 23:00 WIB, or whenev-
jumlah total Sponsorship telah mencapai batas er the maximum Sponsorship quota is reached.
maksimal. Kandidat sponsor yang mengajukan Sponsor candidate that propose after the said
diri setelah batas tanggal atau jumlah kuota yang due date or after the quota is reached will be of-
ditetapkan akan diarahkan untuk sponsorship event fered to participate in the next FFPM 2020.
FFPM2020. l Please select type of sponsorship by checking the
l Pilih pada tabel di atas dengan memberikan tanda the above column.
centang pada kolom yang disediakan. l Sponsorship commitment form shall be signed
l Formulir Komitmen Sponsorship harus ditandatangani and submitted to event Committee no later than
dan diajukan kepada Panitia paling lambat tanggal 31 31 MAY 2019.
MEI 2019. l Payment upon sponsorship shall be made no lat-
l Pembayaran atas sponsorship paling lambat tanggal er than 14 JUNE 2019.
14 JUNI 2019. l Penalty of 100% of the SPONSORSHIP price will
l Pembatalan SPONSORSHIP setelah tanggal 28 JUNI be applied for the cancellation made after 28
2019 akan dikenakan penalty sebesar 100% dari biaya JUNE 2019.
SPONSORSHIP l Sponsor company logo shall be submitted in na-
l Logo perusahaan sponsor diserahkan dalam format tive file or jpg format with minimum resolution of
native file atau dalam format jpg dengan resolusi 300 DPI, raster 150 LPI with with font and proof
minimal 300 DPI, raster 150 LPI disertai font dan proof print digital as color guidance. COMPANY LOGO
print digital sebagai panduan warna. Logo dan Materi shall be submitted to event Committee before 14
Promosi Cetak harus sudah diajukan kepada Panitia JUNE 2019.
sebelum tanggal 14 JUNI 2019. l Company profile video format of EMERALD spon-
l Format video company profile bagi sponsor EMERALD sor shall be in WMV / MP4 with duration of no
dalam bentuk WMV / MP4 dengan durasi maksimal 5 more than 5 minutes. Company profile video shall
menit. Video company profile diserahkan kepada be submitted to Committee no later than 14 JUNE
panitia paling lambat tanggal 14 JUNI 2019 2019.
l Format video company profile bagi sponsor PLATINUM l Company profile video format of PLATINUM spon-
dalam bentuk WMV / MP4 dengan durasi maksimal 3 sor shall be in WMV / MP4 with duration of no
menit. Video company profile diserahkan kepada more than 3 minutes. Company profile video shall
panitia paling lambat tanggal 14 JUNI 2019 be submitted to Committee no later than 14 JUNE



Nama : ………………………………………

Jabatan : ……………………………………

Exhibition Commitment Form

Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini atas nama The undersigned below, on behalf of Company / PT
Perusahaan ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………...
menyatakan kesediaan untuk mengikuti PAMERAN
Konferensi dan Pameran Forum Fasilitas Produksi declared the commitment to be the EXHIBITOR of The
Migas 2019, “Inovasi dan Transformasi Fasilitas Oil & Gas Production Facility Forum Conference and
Produksi Migas dalam era Industri 4.0” sebagai Exhibition 2019, “Innovation and Transformation of
berikut : Oil and Gas Production Facility Towards Industry
4.0“ as the following :

Booth Price per Unit Total

Unit Booth Specification
Quantity (Rp) (Rp)
Satu area booth standar Standard booth size is + 3
ukuran kurang lebih 3 x 3 x 3 m with 3 sides of wall
Unit m dengan dinding panel panel, as per standard 20.000.000,-
tiga sisi, sesuai spesifikasi specification

Catatan : Notes :
l Pendaftaran Komitmen PAMERAN akan DITUTUP l EXHIBITION Commitment Registration will be
pada tanggal 31 MEI 2019 jam 23:00 WIB, atau saat closed on 31 MAY 2019 at 23:00 WIB, or whenever
jumlah total BOOTH PAMERAN telah mencapai the maximum EXHIBITION BOOTH quota is
batas maksimal. Kandidat Peserta PAMERAN yang reached. Exhibitor candidate that propose after
mengajukan diri setelah batas tanggal atau jumlah the said due date or after the quota is reached
kuota yang ditetapkan akan diarahkan untuk event will be offered to participate in the next FFPM
FFPM2020. 2020.
l Formulir Komitmen PESERTA PAMERAN harus l EXHIBITION commitment form shall be signed
ditandatangani dan diajukan kepada Panitia paling and submitted to event Committee no later than
lambat tanggal 31 MEI 2019 jam 23:00 WIB. 31 MAY 2019 at 23:00 WIB.
l Pembayaran atas Komitmen PESERTA PAMERAN harus l Payment upon EXHIBITION shall be made no later
dilakukan paling lambat tanggal 14 JUNI 2019 than 14 JUNE 2019.
l Pembatalan Komitmen Peserta PAMERAN sebelum l Penalty of 50% of the EXHIBITION price will be
tanggal 28 JUNI 2019 akan dikenakan penalty sebesar applied for the cancellation made before 28 JUNE
50% dari biaya pendaftaran Peserta PAMERAN. 2019.
l Pembatalan Komitmen Peserta PAMERAN setelah l Penalty of 100% of the EXHIBITION price will be
tanggal 28 JUNI 2019 akan dikenakan penalty sebesar applied for the cancellation made after 28 JUNE
100% dari biaya pendaftaran Peserta PAMERAN. 2019.

l Committee provide standard booth only with
specification as follows:
l Panitia hanya menyediakan booth standar dengan 1. R8 partition booth 3 x 3 m
spesifikasi maksimum sebagai berikut: 2. White/bright color multiplex wall panel
1. Booth R8 partition 3 x 3 m 3. Octagonal aluminium frame system 3 x 3 m
2. Panel Dinding Multiplex Coating Warna Putih 4. Marking & Flooring carpet
3. Rangka Aluminium Oktagonal System 3 x 3 m 5. 2 MCB/electricity panel of 450 Watt with 4
4. Carpet Marking & Flooring ports including cabling system
5. Panel Listrik/MCB 2 Ampere/Electric 4 Port 6. Spot light / TL for each booth
Termasuk Cabling System dengan daya 450 Watt 7. Vinyl/sticker cutting lettering (company
6. Spot Light / TL setiap booth name)
7. Lettering Vinyl/Sticker Cutting (Nama Perusahaan) 8. 2 standard chairs & 1 standard table
8. 2 set Kursi & 1 set Meja standar l CUSTOM BOOTH DESIGN and LAYOUT, shall be
informed/proposed to event Committee before
l DESAIN BOOTH dan LAY OUT diluar spesifikasi standar 21 JUNE 2019.
panitia di atas, harus sudah diajukan kepada Panitia
sebelum tanggal 21 JUNI 2019. l Additional ELECTRICITY POWER required by
EXHIBITOR will be determined in separate
l Tambahan DAYA LISTRIK diluar spesifikasi standar provisions.
diatur dalam ketentuan terpisah.
l EXHIBITOR company logo shall be submitted in
l Logo perusahaan Pameran diserahkan dalam format native file or jpg format with minimum resolution
native file atau dalam format jpg dengan resolusi of 300 DPI, raster 150 LPI with with font and proof
minimal 300 DPI, raster 150 LPI disertai font dan print digital as color guidance. COMPANY LOGO
proof print digital sebagai panduan warna. LOGO shall be submitted to event Committee before 14
PERUSAHAAN harus sudah diajukan kepada Panitia JUNE 2019.
sebelum tanggal 14 JUNI 2019.
l EXHBIITOR shall attend the Technical Meeting
l Peserta Pameran wajib mengikuti Technical Meeting that will be held in Jakarta. Place and time will
yang akan dilaksanakan di Jakarta. Tempat dan waktu be informed later.
technical meeting akan diberitahukan kemudian.
l Booth location allocation will be drawn. However,
l Penentuan lokasi booth peserta pameran akan diundi. dedicated booth for sponsor will be allocated
Namun lokasi booth sponsor akan ditentukan lebih first.




Nama : ………………………………………

Jabatan : ……………………………………

Vendor Presentation Commitment Form

Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini atas nama The undersigned below, on behalf of Company / PT
Perusahaan ………………………………………… ……………………………………………….....
menyatakan kesediaan untuk mengikuti VENDOR declared the commitment to be the VENDOR
PRESENTATION Konferensi dan Pameran Forum Fasilitas PRESENTATION participant of The Oil & Gas
Produksi Migas 2019, “Inovasi dan Transformasi Production Facility Forum Conference and Exhibition
Fasilitas Produksi Migas dalam era Industri 4.0” sebagai 2019, “Innovation and Transformation of Oil and
berikut : Gas Production Facility Towards Industry 4.0“ as
the following :

l Hanya tersedia 6 (enam) slot presentasi pada break out
session (hari kedua). l There will be 6 (six) available slots for presentation
in break out session (day two).
l Durasi satu slot presentasi termasuk tanya-jawab
maksimum 25 menit. l Entitle to maximum 25 minutes’ presentation
including question and answer session.
l Harga satu slot VENDOR PRESENTATION adalah Rp.
30.000.000,- l The price of VENDOR PRESENTATION slot is Rp
l Pendaftaran Komitmen VENDOR PRESENTATION akan
DITUTUP pada tanggal 31 MEI 2019 jam 23:00 WIB, l Commitment registration of VENDOR
atau saat jumlah total VENDOR PRESENTATION telah PRESENTATION will be closed on 31 MAY 2019 at
mencapai batas maksimal. Kandidat Peserta VENDOR 23:00 WIB, or whenever the total slot of VENDOR
PRESENTATION yang mengajukan diri setelah batas PRESENTATION is reached. Candidate that
tanggal atau jumlah kuota yang ditetapkan akan propose for VENDOR PRESENTATION after the said
diarahkan untuk event FFPM2020. date above or after the total slot quota is reached
will be offered to participate in FFPM 2020.
harus ditandatangani dan diajukan kepada Panitia l VENDOR PRESENTATION commitment form has to
sampai batas maksimal tanggal 31 MEI 2019. be signed and submitted to event Committee no
later than 31 MAY 2019.
l Pembayaran atas Komitmen PESERTA VENDOR
PRESENTATION harus dilakukan sebelum tanggal 14 l Payment upon VENDOR PRESENTATION
JUNI 2019. commitment shall be made before 14 JUNE 2019.
l Pembatalan Komitmen Peserta VENDOR PRESENTATION l Penalty of 50% of the VENDOR PRESENTATION
sebelum tanggal 28 JUNI 2019 akan dikenakan price will be applied for the cancellation made
penalty sebesar 50% dari biaya pendaftaran VENDOR before 28 JUNE 2019.
l Penalty of 100% of the VENDOR PRESENTATION
l Pembatalan Komitmen Peserta PAMERAN setelah price will be applied for the cancellation made
tanggal 28 JUNI 2019 akan dikenakan penalty sebesar after 28 JUNI 2019.
100% dari biaya pendaftaran VENDOR PRESENTATION.

l Logo perusahaan peserta VENDOR PRESENTATION l Company logo of VENDOR PRESENTATION
diserahkan dalam format native file atau dalam format participant shall be submitted in native file or
jpg dengan resolusi minimal 300 DPI, raster 150 LPI jpg format with minimum resolution of 300 DPI,
disertai font dan proof print digital sebagai panduan raster 150 LPI with with font and proof print
warna. LOGO PERUSAHAAN harus sudah diajukan digital as color guidance. COMPANY LOGO shall
kepada Panitia sebelum tanggal 14 JUNI 2019. be submitted to event Committee before 14 JUNE
l Bahan presentasi dan atau video harus diserahkan
kepada Panitia paling lambat tanggal 28 JUNI 2019. l Presentation slides and or video shall be
submitted to Committee before 28 JUNE 2019.




Nama : ………………………………………

Jabatan : ……………………………………

Forum Fasilitas Produksi Minyak Dan Gas Bumi
Gandaria 8 Office Tower, Lt.5,
Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda, Jakarta 12240,
Telp. +62 21 2903 6664
e-mail :
0812 998 444 66
Exhibition & Vendor Presentation:
0812 998 444 77
Participant Registration:
0812 998 444 11, 0812 998 444 22, 0812 998 444 33


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