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bahasa inggris

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari materi ini, kamu diharapkan memiliki kemampuan berikut.

1. Memahami isi dan fungsi sosial teks recount.
2. Mengidentifikasi informasi-informasi spesifik dari sebuah teks recount.
3. Memahami struktur dan ciri kebahasaan teks recount.
4. Menyusun teks recount sederhana.

Apakah pengalaman yang paling berkesan dalam hidupmu?

Pernahkah kamu menceritakan pengalaman tersebut kepada orang lain?
Pernahkah kamu mendengarkan seseorang bercerita tentang pengalaman pribadi mereka,
seperti bertemu dengan tokoh favorit mereka, berlibur di kota impian mereka, atau, pengalaman
buruk, seperti kecelakaan atau terkena musibah lainnya?

Di bawah ini adalah contoh kutipan teks yang menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi
seseorang. Perhatikan dan pahamilah teks berikut ini!

A Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday my family went to the zoo to see the elephant. When we got to the zoo, we went
to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals. After getting the food we went to the
nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles which only come out at night.
Before lunch we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad nearly fell off
when he let go of the rope. During lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we
saw some other animals, like bear, monkey, tiger, and some pelicans.

I really enjoyed this family trip. I enjoyed spending time with my family, and also learning
about animals at the same time.
Adapted from:

Setelah membaca teks di atas, tentukanlah apakah pernyataan di bawah ini Benar (True)
atau Salah (False).
1. The writer went to the zoo with his/her family. (……….)
2. They bought the food at the shop for their breakfast. (……….)
3. They went to see the elephant first when they arrived at the zoo. (……….)
4. They thought that riding an elephant was an exciting experience. (……….)
5. They stayed at the zoo until afternoon time to see more animals. (……….)
Teks di atas menceritakan mengenai pengalaman seseorang saat berkunjung ke kebun binatang
bersama keluarganya. Penulis menyebutkan kapan dan di mana kejadian ini terjadi. Kemudian,
penulis merinci satu per satu kegiatan yang mereka lakukan di kebun binatang tersebut secara
berurutan. Pada bagian akhir teks, penulis menjelaskan bagaimana perasaan atau pendapatnya
mengenai kunjungannya ke kebun binatang tersebut. Contoh teks yang menceritakan tentang
pengalaman seseorang seperti ini disebut teks recount.

A. Definition
Teks recount merupakan teks yang menceritakan tentang pengalaman yang telah terjadi
di masa lampau. Tujuan teks recount adalah untuk menceritakan kronologi atau urutan
kejadian dan memberikan pendapat atau penilaian mengenai kejadian tersebut. Oleh
sebab itu, di dalam teks recount terdapat ungkapan-ungkapan yang menyatakan penilaian
atau sikap (attitude) dan perasaan (feeling) seseorang terhadap sebuah kejadian.

Super "Solusi Quipper"

Recount Text = Telling WHAT HAPPENED

B. Structure of Recount Text
Teks recount disusun oleh struktur-struktur berikut ini.
1. Orientation, yang berisi informasi siapa (who), di mana (where), dan kapan (when)
terjadinya sebuah kejadian.
2. Series of events, yaitu rangkaian cerita yang disusun berdasarkan urutan kejadian.
3. Reorientation, yang berisi komentar atau evaluasi personal penulis mengenai kejadian
yang telah ia alami.

Perhatikanlah struktur yang membangun teks A Trip to the Zoo di atas pada tabel di
bawah ini!

A Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday my family went to the zoo to see the elephant.
When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals.
After getting the food we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles
which only come out at night.
Before lunch we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it.
Dad nearly fell off when he let go of the rope.
During lunch we fed some birds in the park.
In the afternoon we saw some other animals, like bear, monkey, tiger, and some

I really enjoyed this family trip. I enjoyed spending time with my family, and also learning
about animals at the same time.
Adapted from:

C. Language Features of Recount Text

Ciri kebahasaan dari sebuah teks recount adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Menggunakan noun dan pronoun untuk menyebutkan orang atau benda yang
disebutkan dalam cerita.
2. Menggunakan action verb, yaitu kata kerja yang menjelaskan aktivitas fisik, seperti
kick, eat, see, take, buy, dan sebagainya.

3. Menggunakan simple past tense untuk menjelaskan kejadian yang telah terjadi di
masa lampau dan mendeskripsikan situasi pada waktu itu.
Apakah kamu masih ingat dengan pola kalimat simple past tense?

Super "Solusi Quipper"

To describe something: S + was/were + adjective
To explain past activity: S + Verb2

Untuk membantumu mengingat kembali penggunaan simple past tense pada

teks recount, perhatikanlah gambar di bawah ini dan deskripsikanlah situasi atau
aktivitas yang terjadi pada waktu itu.

Taken from: Taken from:

4. Menggunakan conjunction (kata hubung) atau time connectives (penanda waktu),

yang berfungsi untuk menandakan urutan waktu kejadian, seperti first, then, second,
finally, before that, after we arrived, dan sebagainya.

Berikut ini adalah potongan teks A Trip to the Zoo. Perhatikanlah kata yang
dicetak tebal. Kata when, after, before, dan during pada kalimat-kalimat berikut
mengindikasikan kata penghubung atau penanda waktu kejadian.

When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals.
After getting the food we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles
which only come out at night.
Before lunch we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it.
Dad nearly fell off when he let go of the rope.
During lunch we fed some birds in the park.

5. Menggunakan adverb of time (kata keterangan waktu) dan adverb of place (kata
keterangan tempat) untuk mengindikasikan waktu atau tempat kejadian.
Adverb of time : yesterday, just now, last week, in 2010, at midnight
Adverb of place : at school, at the zoo, under the sea, in that house, in the park.

6. Menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) untuk mendeskripsikan kata benda.

a. The zoo visit at this was very interesting.
b. The office that we visited was very hi-tech. Everything was automatic.
c. The zoo was very old. I think it needs some maintenance.

D. Exercise
Nah, setelah kamu memahami definisi, fungsi, struktur, dan ciri kebahasaan teks recount,
perhatikanlah teks di bawah ini dan kerjakanlah latihannya.

My Journey to Indonesia

I recently returned from a fabulous trip to Indonesia. The trip was in two parts. First
I visited the company in Solo that printed my batik collections. I was able to see the
entire process from start to finish. Everything was done by hand and it was amazing to
watch the process. I came away in awe that we pay so little per yard for the amount of
labor that went into each pattern.

The second part of my journey was spent in Bali. Jim West the founder of the tour company
“See Many Places” asked me to be the special guest on his Bali tour. It was spectacular.
Jim certainly knew how to run a tour. We stayed in a first class resort and took day trips
from there. We did a lot of sightseeing, sewing and eating the delicious Indonesian
food! That was such an unforgettable memory for me. Thank you, Indonesia.
Adapted from:

Vocab Corner
Entire : all
Awe : wonder
Yard : length measurement
Resort : accommodation
Sightseeing : visiting places

1. What cities did the writer visit?
2. What did the writer do in the Batik Company in Solo?
3. What did the writer learn from visiting the Batik Company?
4. What did the writer do in Bali?
5. At the end of the text, why did the write thank Indonesia?
Teks di atas merupakan contoh teks recount yang menceritakan tentang pengalaman
penulis saat berlibur di Indonesia. Penulis mengunjungi dua kota, yaitu Solo dan Bali. Ia
melakukan aktivitas yang berbeda di tiap kota. Di Solo, penulis berkunjung ke perusahaan
pembuat Batik untuk melihat langsung proses pembuatan batik. Sementara itu, di Bali
penulis melakukan tur keliling Bali. Ia juga melakukan aktivitas lain, seperti berjalan-jalan
ke lokasi wisata, belajar menjahit, dan mencicipi makanan Indonesia.

Nah, setelah kamu memahami isi teks di atas dan menjawab pertanyaannya, yuk
berlatih menentukan struktur yang menyusun teks recount di atas.

My Journey to Indonesia
I recently returned from a fabulous trip to Indonesia. The trip was in two parts.
First I visited the company in Solo that printed my batik collections. I was able to see the
entire process from start to finish. Everything was done by hand and it was amazing to
watch the process. I came away in awe that we pay so little per yard for the amount of
labor that went into each pattern.

The second part of my journey was spent in Bali. Jim West the founder of the tour
company “See Many Places” asked me to be the special guest on his Bali tour. It was
spectacular. Jim certainly knew how to run a tour. We stayed in a first class resort and
took day trips from there. We did a lot of sightseeing, sewing and eating the delicious
Indonesian food!

That was such an unforgettable memory for me. Thank you, Indonesia.
Adapted from:

Berikut ini adalah teks paket wisata di Ubud yang diiklankan melalui sebuah situs
internet. Teks ini berisi deskripsi kegiatan-kegiatan apa saja yang ditawarkan oleh sebuah
agen wisata di sana. Bayangkan kamu telah membeli paket wisata ini dan telah melakukan
aktivitas-aktivitas yang disebutkan di bawah ini. Tuliskan teks recount sederhana untuk
menceritakan kembali pengalaman liburanmu di Ubud bersama paket wisata ini.
Gunakanlah struktur dan ciri kebahasaan yang telah kita pelajari di atas!


Start your morning bright and early and head down to the famous Tegalalang Rice
Terraces. It’s just a short distance from the main hub of Ubud, and is the perfect place
to catch the sunrise. Spend a few hours walking around the sprawling valley, and get
lost in the beautiful green scenery. Have a morning cup of delicious Balinese coffee,
some breakfast, and enjoy some souvenir shopping at the shops on the main road.

Once you’ve explored, photographed, and marveled at the Rice Terraces for a couple
hours, it’s time to make your way over to the Ubud Sacred Monkey Forest. The entrance
fee is a bargain at only 40,000 IDR (3 U.S.D), and is worth every single penny. I’ve
experienced some awful monkeys in South-East Asia before, but the monkeys at the
Sacred Monkey Forest were all extremely well behaved. They’ll let you get close to take
pictures, and won’t harass you. You can actually purchase some bananas to feed them,
and get some really cool pictures of them sitting on your shoulder.

One of Bali’s main tourist attractions is the sunrise hike to Mt. Batur. You can book this
trip for around $25-$30 U.S.D. You’ll be waking up around 3 A.M, and will take about
2-3 hours to reach the summit, but the views you get will be absolutely worth it! The
sunrise photos you’ll grab will be out of this world! You’ll be able to see Mt. Rinjani in
the distance on the neighboring island of Lombok, as well as my favorite island in the
world, Gili Trawangan.
Taken from:

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