Anda di halaman 1dari 85



a. Soal UAS MPKT B 2015

.............................................................................. 4

II. MPK Bahasa Inggris

a. Soal UAS MPK Bahasa Inggris 2015 (1)

..................................................... 7

b. Jawaban UAS MPK Bahasa Inggris 2015 (1)

............................................... 14

c. Soal UAS MPK Bahasa Inggris 2015 (2) .....................................................


d. Jawaban UAS MPK Bahasa Inggris 2015 (2)

............................................... 25

III. Kimia Dasar

a. Soal UAS Kimia Dasar (1) ...........................................................................


b. Jawaban UAS Kimia Dasar (1)

..................................................................... 31

c. Soal UAS Kimia Dasar (2) ...........................................................................


d. Jawaban UAS Kimia Dasar (2)

..................................................................... 37

e. Soal UAS Kimia Dasar (3) ...........................................................................

f. Jawaban UAS Kimia Dasar (3) .....................................................................

g. Soal UAS Kimia Dasar 2013

........................................................................ 53

h. Soal UAS Kimia Dasar 2015 (1) ..................................................................


i. Jawaban UAS Kimia Dasar 2015 (1) ............................................................


j. Soal UAS Kimia Dasar 2015 (2) ..................................................................


k. Jawaban UAS Kimia Dasar 2015 (2)

............................................................ 62

l. Soal UAS Kimia Dasar 2015 (3) ..................................................................


m. Jawaban UAS Kimia Dasar 2015 (3)

............................................................ 68

n. Soal UAS Kimia Dasar 2015 (3) ..................................................................


o. Jawaban UAS Kimia Dasar 2015 (3)

............................................................ 75

IV. Pengantar Teknik Kimia

a. Soal UAS Pengantar Teknik Kimia 2012 .....................................................


b. Jawaban UAS Pengantar Teknik Kimia 2012

.............................................. 93

Diktat ini dijawab oleh mahasiswa.

Pemikiran dosen mungkin


Untuk penggunaan diktat yang efektif,

berkonsultasilah dengan asisten



Muhammad Nabil Hifzhan

081364998125 / nabil.hifzhan

Farah Aliya Fadhila

081310155212 / aliyaafa

Rafifah Hasna
081284458897 / rafifahsn

Hari, Tanggal : Senin, 7 Desember


Waktu : 120 Menit

Sifat Ujian : Catatan 1 lembar A4 bolak-balik, tulisan tangan sendiri

Dosen : Tim Dosen MPKT B (FT)

Bacalah wacana di bawah dengan


Tetes air yang ditunggu akhirnya datang juga di bulan November 2015 ini. Hal ini

terutama sangat menggembirakan bagi beberapa daerah yang selam aini dilanda

dan bencana asap. Beberapa titik api yang selama ini terdapat di beberapa daerah

berkurang drastic. Hujan mulai membasahi sejumlah wilayah di


Namun, baru saja datang dengan berkah dan harapan dari sejuta asa, hujan

membawa bencana. Sebut saja genangan dan banjir yang terjadi di Jakarta. Hujan

disertai angina kencang menyapa Jakarta Sabtu, 7 November 2015. Akibatnya,

beberapa ruas

jalan tergenang dan pohon tumbang. Hujan disertai petir juga melanda Bogor, Jawa

Satu orang dilaporkan tewas akibat tersambar petir. Oleh karena itu, di beberapa

BMKG sudah memberikan peringatan agar masyarakat waspada dengan bencana


beserta dengan bencana lain yang mungkin menyertai curah hujan yang nanti sangat

seperti tanah longsor.

Di Jakarta sendiri, pemerintah terus melakukan kerja keras melawan banjir.

Sejak 20

Agustus 2015, pemerintah mulai melakukan normalisasi sungai Ciliwung. Pemukiman

liar di

tepi sungai Ciliwung di Kampung Pulo, Jatinegara pun digusur meski ditentang keras

warga hingga terjadi bentrokan. Penggusuran di Kampung Pulo pun jalan terus.

rumah yang berdiri secara illegal di tepi sungai Ciliwung itu dirobohkan petugas. Badan

sungai Ciliwung yang menyempit hingga tinggal 8-20 meter diperlebar hingga 50 meter.

Kedalaman sungai juga dinormalkan dengan pengerukan. Upaya lain adalha


debit air sungai Ciliwung dengan membuat sodetan berupa saluran air 14 meter di

permukaan tanah sepanjang 1,2 km untuk mengalirkan air Ciliwung ke Kanal Banjir

Sayangnya, dalam hal melawan banjir, Jakarta tak hanya berhadapan dengan

tapi juga dengan kebiasaan buruk sebagian masyarakat membuang sampah secara

sembarangan. Dengan seenaknya masyarakat membuang sampah di sungai dan kali.


akibat banjir ini, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) mencatat selama
saja, 21 orang tewas akibat banjir di Jakarta. Apa boleh buat, Pemprov DKI Jakarta

bekerja lebih keras untuk melawan banjir. Tidak banyak waktu tersisa sebelum puncak

musim hujan menyapa dan membanjiri Jakarta, terutama karena BMKG


hujan akan lebih merata dan tinggi di pertengahan Desember

2015 ini.

Disarikan dari:


Tipe A (60%) – Jawablah soal di bawah ini terkait pemicu yang terdapat di

1. Berdasarkan pemicu di atas, paparkanlah permasalahan yang ada lalu buatlah

hipotesis berdasarkan permasalahannya. (Nilai


2. Identifikasi pengetahuan atau konsep yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan

permasalahan pada soal 1. Sebutkan minimal 3 pengetahuan yang terkait

permasalahan yang terdapat di LSPB di CL 1 dan CL 2, serta pengetahuan baru

anda peroleh selama PBL 1 dan PBL 2. Jelaskan alasan pemilihannya. Jawablah

dengan menggunakan tabel seperti di bawah ini. (Nilai


Konsep Penjelasan Konsep Alasan Pemilihan Konsep

3. Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) dapat digunakan untuk membantu

penyelesaian permasalahan yang ada pada pemicu. Memonitor lingkungan


langsung di daerah-daerah tertentu dapat memberikan informasi tentang kondisi

lingkungan tersebut Data kondisi lingkungan tersebut kemudian dapat dikirim

otomatis ke kantor pusat data. Di samping itu, edukasi kepada masyarakat juga

penting dilakukan. (Nilai 15)

a. Sebutkan minimal tiga parameter lingkungan yang perlu terus


b. Berilah usulan sistem monitoring lingkungan untuk mengamati salah satu

parameter lingkungan yang anda sebutkan di soal (a) dengan dukungan


Gambarlah skema

4. Berilah usulan edukasi bagi masyarakat untuk pencegahan (minimal 2) dan

penanganan (minimal 2) masalah di pemicu yang didukung dengan


TIK dengan melengkapi tabel berikut. (Nilai


Jenis dan Bentuk Edukasi

Masyarakat Hasil yang
Hasil yang
Hasil yang
Perangkat TIK
Perangkat TIK Diharapkan
yang Digunakan
yang Digunakan

Tipe B (40%) – Jawablah soal di bawah ini dengan baik dan benar.

1. Jakarta merupakan daerah ibu kota yang sangat padat penduduknya. Menurut anda,

apakah ada keterkaitan antara pertambahan populasi penduduk dengan kondisi sungai

di Jakarta? Jelaskan. Kemudian, sebutkan 2 macam aktivitas / perilaku penduduk serta

permasalahan lingkungan yang ditimbulkannya. (Nilai 15)

2. Menurut anda, apakah sebaiknya sampah-sampah yang dihasilkan dari limbah rumah

tangga dikumpulkan selanjutnya dibakar dengan incinerator untuk dijadikan sumber

energi listrik? Apakah hal tersebut akan berdampak positif bagi lingkungan atau akan

menimbulkan permasalahn baru? Berikan penjelasan anda. (Nilai 15)

3. Air bersih juga merupakan salah satu masalah pelik yang sering dihadapi masyarakat,

terutama di musim kemarau. Sangat ironi, terkadang sungai masih mengalir tetapi

sangat kotor akibat ulah manusia membuang sampah sembarangan. Karena tidak

memiliki pilihan, masyarakat masih menggunakan air kotor ini untuk kegiatan sehari-

hari yang berakibat pada timbulnya berbagai macam penyakit seperti penyakit kulit

dan diare. Menurut anda, kira-kira bagaimana menerapkan teknologi sederhana agar

masyarakat yang kekurangan air bersih ini masih bisa memanfaatkan air kotor ini?

(Nilai 10)

Hari, Tanggal : Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Waktu : 120 Menit

Sifat Ujian : Buku Tertutup

Dosen : Tim Dosen MPK Bahasa Inggris

STRUCTURE (25 points)

A. Complete the passage with the correct form of verbs in parentheses. Some of the

verbs are passive and some are active. (15 points)

This review will argue that Curitiba, in southern Brazil, is an important model

of good urban planning. Urban planning (1) _____ (deal) with the physical,

economic, and social development of cities. Today, urban population (2) _____

(increase) rapidly, and growing cities are putting enormous pressure on the

environment. For this reason, the type of urban planning found in Curitiba is more

important than ever.

As stated in the introduction, Curitiba is a fine example of how urban

planning can work. This (3) _____ (not always be) the case, however. At one time,

Curitiba (4) _____ (face) the same problems as many other cities all over the world,

namely overcrowding, pollution, and an increased demand for services, transport, and

housing. How, then, did Curitiba address these problems?

By the 1940s, the population of Curitiba (5) _____ (grow) to about 150,000,

as the immigrants from other countries such as Japan, Syria, and Lebanon came to
work in agriculture and industry. These people needed both housing and

transportation. Curitiba’s leaders realized that it was not sensible to deal with these

problems separately. Consequently, they employed a French planner and architect,

Alfred Agache, to find an overall solution.

Agache studied all aspects of the problem. He designed a scheme which (give)

(6) _____ (give) priority to public services such as sanitation and public transport. At

the same time, the scheme (7) _____ (include) centers which helped both community

life and commerce to develop, and reduced traffic congestion. This was the first

scheme to address several problems of growing cities at the same time.

Unfortunately, some parts of his plan (8) _____ (not complete). The result, as

described below, was that his scheme only (9) _____ (serve) Curitiba for another 20


By the 1960s, the population of Curitiba had grown to about 430,000

inhabitants, so the city (10) _____ (must) rethink its needs. In order to do this, the

mayor put together a team of architects and town planners led by Jaime Lerner. This

team produced the Curitiba Master Plan. This considered of taking Agache’s original

plan and adding wide, high-speed roads which crossed the smaller streets. Their

proposals also included plans to minimize urban growth, reduce city-center traffic,

and preserve the city’s historic district. It is clear that the Curitiba Master Plan was

one of the first attempts to integrate all aspects of city planning.

This integrated approach to urban design (11) _____ (maintain) throughout

the 1980s as Curitiba’s population grew to almost one million inhabitants.

Environmental factors were added, such as a recycling program for household waste,

and parks and ‘green’ lands (12) _____ (protect) from development. However, good

transportation remains central to the planning.

Good transportation still remains a priority, together with the need for jobs. A

growing population needs employment, so business parks and centers (13) _____

(added) to encourage small new businesses. All these challenges will continue as the

population of Curitiba increases, but its city planners (14) _____ (continually search)

for solutions to the problems.

It is apparent that, as an increasing number of people move into cities, the

challenges for urban planners will also grow. Many other cities are looking to

Curitiba for answers. Its planners have been courageous and innovative, and (15)

_____ (always put) the city’s inhabitants at the center of their design. Other city

planners could benefit greatly from this experience.

B. Combine each of the following sets of sentences into a single longer sentence. (10


1. Faith in political parties is declining across Europe. Trust in politicians seems

to be at an all-time low. (1 point)

2. Scientists have long suspected this. Unremitting stress would cause damage to

the body’s immune system. (1 point)

3. In many developing countries, malaria threatens social and economic progress.

Malaria is most common there. (1 point)

4. No one knows this. Why were the stones in Stonehenge set up that way? It

was at a time. History was recorded. (2 points)

5. Our political culture perpetuates the myth that strong leaders can bring about

change single-handedly. The developed world has few examples of leaders.

Leaders have successfully converted their formal authority into a process of

democratic renewal. (2 points)

6. Religions have long maintained this. Fasting is good for the soul. Its bodily

benefits were not widely recognized until the early 1900s. At that time,

doctors began recommending it to treat various disorders–such as diabetes,

obesity and epilepsy. (3 points)

7. Subconscious mind responds to directives. The directives come from the

conscious level. The truth is this. We are giving directions and suggestions to

it virtually all of the time, whether we know it or not. (3 points)


A. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. (15 points)

People on the Move

The landscape of human geography is dynamic and varied. However, one

enduring feature of human populations is the tendency to keep moving. Human

migration is studied by sociologists and anthropologists. They seek to find the reasons

people move. They also study effects of migration on cultural geography. Migration

is often started by natural, political, or economic factors. It can be either voluntary or

forced. Regardless of the motivation for migrating, when people of one culture are

transplanted to a different location, in both a geographic and cultural sense, there are

effects that last for years.

The causes for migration are either caused by push or pull factors. Push

factors are problems that force people to leave their home. War, disease, or natural
disasters are all examples of push factors. Push factors are characteristics of other

places that rouse people to move there, such as religious freedom, higher income, or

even better technology. When push factors are more prominent that pull factors, the

migration is seen as impelled or forced. Conversely, if pull factors are the main

motivators, the migration is classified as voluntary. The causes for relocating can be a

combination of push-pull factors.

Migration is often regarded as a process which shapes cultures because when

societies are transposed upon others, they create genetic, cultural and linguistic

changes. The spread cultural conventions such as ideas, cuisine, religion and

technology is called diffusion. The main vehicle for diffusion is migration because

people travel from one place to another, they bring along their culture. For example, in the early
century, several European groups, especially Italians, migrated to

Argentine in search of better living conditions. In modern Argentine, the Italian

impact is evident from physical appearance to diet. Most Argentines feature Italian

characteristics rather than characteristics of indigenous people. Furthermore, the

typical Argentine menu will include an assortment of pastas and wine, both which are

important staples of Italian cuisine. Even the Spanish spoken in Argentine is tinged

with Italian influences. The infection of Argentine Spanish is very similar to Italian.

The Argentine example defies the typical process of cultural assimilation.

Assimilation occurs when a minority group, usually immigrants, is absorbed by the

established culture of their new communities. Groups of recent immigrants are often

pressured to assimilate or face ongoing prejudice from the host country. For example,

in the United States, there has been recent controversy is the fear that if features of

the foreign culture do not vanish, they will eventually overpower the majority culture.

Issues of assimilation will probably persist for as long as humans continue to

move from one place to another, as will cultural diffusion.

1. According to the passage, what is the lasting characteristic of human


2. How does migration make diffusion possible?

3. According to the passage, migration can lead to genetic, cultural and linguistic

changes. Give example for each change. (3 points)

4. Why does the writer state that the Argentine example defy the typical process

of cultural assimilation? (2 points)

5. According to the passage, what happens to most immigrants to the US?

6. What is the main concern of people who oppose the bilingual education in the

US? (2 points)

7. Complete the table below with examples of push and pull factors of migration

(A – G) provided below the table. Two of the statements will NOT be used.

Factors Statements

Push _____



Pull _____


a. Climatic changes cause an area to become a desert.

b. Advanced technology allows desert areas to support agriculture.

c. Citizens are not prohibited from practicing the religion of their


d. People begin to eat food from other cultures.

e. A war breaks out in the home country.

f. Disease spreads throughout the country.

g. New citizens are forced to assimilate.

B. Summary Writing (10 points)

Write a summary of the passage above. You should write about 80 to 100 words.

C. Vocabulary (10 points)

Read the passage below and fill out the gaps using the words in the box. You can

use each word only once and there are more words than you need.

comply punishment purchased charge

circumstances decision formally different

obligation penalty difference legally

requires difference examples

What is Ethical Behavior?

Ethical behavior essentially means acting in accordance with one’s moral and

ethical convictions as to what is right and what is wrong. Many commonly held

ethical convictions are written into our laws. But ethical behavior sometimes (1)

_____ us to do more than just (2) _____ with laws in order to avoid the (3) _____ of

breaking them. In some (4) _____, one can break the law and be fairly certain no one

will ever find out about it.

Imagine, for example, that you (5) _____ a number of items from your local

supermarket and discovered when you got home that the cashier had failed to (6)

_____ you for a IDR 75,000 book you had chosen. What is your decision (7) _____?

Obviously, the book does not (8) _____ belong to you– you have not paid for it. But
why should you have to take the time and trouble to return to the store and pay for the

item? After all it wasn’t your failure. What would your (9) _____ be? Would it make

a (10) _____ if the item had a much higher or a much lower price?

WRITING (25 points)

Choose one out of several topics below and write a five-paragraph essay.

1. The importance of developing soft skills for university students.

2. The effective ways to help the victims of forest fire or smoke haze in Riau.

3. What effects will be gained by Indonesian youths if they do not continue study to

higher level in this globalization era?

4. The differences of learning English with English native speakers and non-native


5. Should Gojek or such similar online-request-based transports be maintained as

transportation alternatives in Jakarta?

LISTENING (15 points)


A. Part A (5 points)

Listen to a lecture by Jack Hayes who works in the CityCyclist. Decide if the

statements are TRUE or FALSE. You will listen the recording twice.

1. In London, parents don’t teach their children to ride because it is not safe.


2. There is age limitation for people who want to join the training. _____

3. CityCyclist provides training of how to ride bicycle in streets with difficult

intersections. _____

4. Using personal protective equipment is strongly advised in CityCyclist. _____

5. Assertiveness is very important for bicyclists. _____

B. Part B (10 points)

Listen to a lecture about Customer Psychology and complete the lecture notes.

You will listen to the recording twice.

I. Physical Organization

a. Placement of merchandise

For example, (1) __________ near the back of the store.

b. (2) __________

It helps retailers to (3) __________.

c. Providing (4) __________

It helps retailers make more money by (5) __________.

II. Pleasant Atmosphere

a. Music

It functions as a (6) __________. It makes customers (7) __________.

b. (9) __________

For example: (10) __________ in clothing stores.

Asisten Dosen : Shafira Anandita

Jurusan, Angkatan : Teknik Kimia 2015

STRUCTURE (25 points)

A. Complete the passage with the correct form of verbs in parentheses. Some of the

verbs are passive and some are active. (15 points)

8. Were not completed

1. Deals 9. Served

2. Are increasing 10. Had to

3. Has not always been 11. Was maintained

4. Faced 12. Were protected

5. Had grown 13. Have been added

6. Gave 14. Are continually searching

7. Included 15. Have always put

B. Combine each of the following sets of sentences into a single longer sentence. (10


1. Faith in political parties is declining across Europe while trust in politicians

seems to be at an all-time low.

2. Scientists have long suspected that unremitting stress would cause damage to

the body’s immune system.

3. Malaria, which threatens social and economic progress, is common in many

developing countries.
4. No one knows the reason why the stones in Stonehenge were set up that way

when history was recorded.

5. Our political culture perpetuates the myth that strong leaders can bring about

change single-handedly, but the developed world has few examples of leaders

who have successfully converted their formal authority into a process of

democratic renewal.

6. Religions have long maintained that fasting is good for the soul, but its bodily

benefits were not widely recognized until the early 1900s when doctors began

recommending it to treat various disorders such as diabetes, obesity and


7. Subconscious mind responds to directives that come from the conscious level,

but the truth is that we are giving directions and suggestions to it virtually all

of the time, whether we know it or not.


D. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. (15 points)

1. The lasting characteristic of human population is the tendency to keep

moving. (paragraph 1 line 2)

2. Migration makes diffusion possible because when people travel from one

place to another, they bring along their culture. (paragraph 3 line 4-5)

3. Genetic: Most Argentines feature Italian characteristics rather than

characteristics of indigenous people. (paragraph 3 line 8-9)

Cultural: The typical Argentine menu will include an assortment of pastas and

wine, both which are important staples of Italian cuisine. (paragraph 3 line 10-

Linguistic: The Spanish spoken in Argentina is tinged with Italian influences.

(paragraph 3 line 11-12)

4. The Argentine example defies the typical process of cultural assimilation

because the case that happened in Argentine is not an example of cultural

assimilation but it is an example of cultural diffusion, where two different

cultures diffuse into a new culture and not eliminating each other.

5. Most of the immigrants in the US are forced to assimilate with the existing

culture and face ongoing prejudice. (paragraph 4 line 3-4)

6. The main concern of people who oppose the bilingual education in the US is

the fear that if features of the foreign culture do not vanish, they will

eventually overpower the majority culture. (paragraph 4 line 5-7)

7. Table

Factors Statements

Push A E F

Pull B C

E. Summary Writing (10 points)

Write a summary of the passage above. You should write about 80 to 100 words.

The landscape of human geography is dynamic and varied, but one enduring

feature is the tendency to keep moving, which is called as migration. Migrations are

caused either by push or pull factors. Push factors such as war, disease, or natural

disasters, have caused people to migrate by force. While pull factors such as religious
freedom, higher income, or better technology, have caused people to migrate

voluntarily. Migrations create genetic, cultural and linguistic changes. One of the

examples is when the Italians moved to Argentine. But in some countries, such as in

the US, the immigrants are forced to assimilate with the existing culture because the

people fear that if the foreign culture do not vanish, they will eventually overpower

the majority culture.

F. Vocabulary (10 points)

Read the passage below and fill out the gaps using the words in the box. You can

use each word only once and there are more words than you need.

g. Obligation
a. Requires h. Legally
b. Comply i. Decision
c. Penalty j. Difference
d. Circumstances

e. Purchased
f. Charge

WRITING (25 points)

Choose one out of several topics below and write a five-paragraph essay.

You can do this part by yourself.

LISTENING (15 points)

C. Part A (5 points)

Listen to a lecture by Jack Hayes who works in the CityCyclist. Decide if the

statements are TRUE or FALSE. You will listen the recording twice.
You can do this part by yourself.

D. Part B (10 points)

Listen to a lecture about Customer Psychology and complete the lecture notes.

You will listen to the recording twice.

You can do this part by yourself.


Hari, Tanggal : Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Waktu : 120 Menit

Sifat Ujian : Buku Tertutup

Dosen : Tim Dosen MPK Bahasa Inggris

STRUCTURE (25 points)

A. Complete the passage with the correct form of verbs in parentheses. Some of the

verbs are passive and some are active. (10 points)

Men who drink two or more glasses of soda or other sweetened drinks a day may

have a greater risk of heart failure, a Swedish study suggests. Previous research (1)

_____ (link) high consumption of sugary beverages with several risk factors for heart

failure, (2) _____ (include) high blood pressure, high blood sugar, weight gain,

diabetes, and obesity, said study leader Susanna Larsson of the Karolinska Institute in

Stockholm. To confirm the relationship between heart failure and sweetened

beverages, Larsson and colleagues followed a group of about 42,000 men for an

average of almost 12 years. To assess drinking habits, they asked the men how many

soft drinks or sweetened juices they (3) _____ (drink) per day or per week. Over the

course of the study, there (4) _____ (be) about 3,600 new cases of heart failure. Men

who had more than two sweetened drinks a day had a 23 percent greater risk of

developing heart failure during the study that men who (5) _____ (consume, not)

these drinks. The study (6) _____ (prove, not, can) that sugary drinks cause heart

failure. Still, Larsson said by email, “The take-home message is that people who

regularly (7) _____ (drink) sweetened beverages should consider reducing their

consumption.” Even though the study (8) _____ (do) in men, women should also be

wary of sugary drinks, Larsson added. “Sweetened beverage consumption, by far, (9)

_____ (associate) with blood pressure, insulin concentration, weight gain, obesity and

type 2 diabetes also in women,” Larsson noted. More than 23 million people

worldwide have heart failure, which happens when the heart isn’t strong enough to
pump enough blood and oxygen through the body. Currently, the prevalence of the

condition (10) _____ (rise) due at least in part to consumption of sodas and other

sweetened beverages, Larsson and colleagues note in the journal Heart. (Reuters


B. Combine each of the following sets of sentences into a single longer sentence

using appropriate coordinator, subordinators, or conjunctive adverbs. (15


1. There was anxiety in areas. People were afraid of losing jobs in these areas. (1


2. Diana Spencer married Prince Charles in 1981. Her life as the wife of the

future king of England began. (1 point)

3. Bullying in schools is a worldwide problem. The problem can have negative

consequences for the general school climate. The problem can have negative

consequences for the right of students to learn in a safe environment without

fear. (2 points)

4. No two comets ever look identical. They have basic features in common. One

of the basic features is a coma. (2 points)

5. Many people insist this. Using Craiglist to date is a modern and efficient way

to make new contacts. One should be smart about how to go about it. Craiglist

is the free Web classifieds offering everything from used bikes to apartment

rentals. (3 points)

6. Television has had a tremendous impact on viewers. TV is one of the most

important popular forms of communication. Viewers can instantly witness

important events. The events are happening around the world. (3 points)

7. People become very depressed during the winter months. These people suffer
from seasonal affective disorder. Their depression appears to be the result of a

decrease in the amount of sunlight. They are exposed to sunlight. (3 points)


G. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. (15 points)


People on the Move

The landscape of human geography is dynamic and varied. However, one

enduring feature of human populations is the tendency to keep moving. Human

migration is studied by sociologists and anthropologists. They seek to find the reasons

people move. They also study effects of migration on cultural geography. Migration

is often started by natural, political, or economic factors. It can be either voluntary or

forced. Regardless of the motivation for migrating, when people of one culture are

transplanted to a different location, in both a geographic and cultural sense, there are

effects that last for years.

The causes for migration are either caused by push or pull factors. Push

factors are problems that force people to leave their home. War, disease, or natural

disasters are all examples of push factors. Push factors are characteristics of other

places that rouse people to move there, such as religious freedom, higher income, or

even better technology. When push factors are more prominent that pull factors, the

migration is seen as impelled or forced. Conversely, if pull factors are the main

motivators, the migration is classified as voluntary. The causes for relocating can be a

combination of push-pull factors.

Migration is often regarded as a process which shapes cultures because when

societies are transposed upon others, they create genetic, cultural and linguistic

changes. The spread cultural conventions such as ideas, cuisine, religion and

technology is called diffusion. The main vehicle for diffusion is migration because

people travel from one place to another, they bring along their culture. For example, in the early
century, several European groups, especially Italians, migrated to

Argentine in search of better living conditions. In modern Argentine, the Italian

impact is evident from physical appearance to diet. Most Argentines feature Italian

characteristics rather than characteristics of indigenous people. Furthermore, the

typical Argentine menu will include an assortment of pastas and wine, both which are

important staples of Italian cuisine. Even the Spanish spoken in Argentine is tinged

with Italian influences. The infection of Argentine Spanish is very similar to Italian.

The Argentine example defies the typical process of cultural assimilation.

Assimilation occurs when a minority group, usually immigrants, is absorbed by the

established culture of their new communities. Groups of recent immigrants are often

pressured to assimilate or face ongoing prejudice from the host country. For example,

in the United States, there has been recent controversy is the fear that if features of

the foreign culture do not vanish, they will eventually overpower the majority culture.

Issues of assimilation will probably persist for as long as humans continue to

move from one place to another, as will cultural diffusion.

8. According to the passage, what is the lasting characteristic of human


9. How does migration make diffusion possible?

10. According to the passage, migration can lead to genetic, cultural and linguistic
changes. Give example for each change. (3 points)

11. Why does the writer state that the Argentine example defy the typical process

of cultural assimilation? (2 points)

12. According to the passage, what happens to most immigrants to the US?

13. What is the main concern of people who oppose the bilingual education in the

US? (2 points)

14. Complete the table below with examples of push and pull factors of migration

(A – G) provided below the table. Two of the statements will NOT be used.

Factors Statements

Push _____



Pull _____


h. Climatic changes cause an area to become a desert.

i. Advanced technology allows desert areas to support agriculture.

j. Citizens are not prohibited from practicing the religion of their


k. People begin to eat food from other cultures.

l. A war breaks out in the home country.

m. Disease spreads throughout the country.

n. New citizens are forced to assimilate.

H. Summary Writing (10 points)

Write a summary of the passage above. You should write about 80 to 100 words.

I. Vocabulary (10 points)

Read the passage below and fill out the gaps using the words in the box. You can

use each word only once and there are more words than you need.

comply punishment purchased charge

circumstances decision formally different

obligation penalty difference legally

requires difference examples

What is Ethical Behavior?

Ethical behavior essentially means acting in accordance with one’s moral and

ethical convictions as to what is right and what is wrong. Many commonly held

ethical convictions are written into our laws. But ethical behavior sometimes (1)

_____ us to do more than just (2) _____ with laws in order to avoid the (3) _____ of

breaking them. In some (4) _____, one can break the law and be fairly certain no one

will ever find out about it.

Imagine, for example, that you (5) _____ a number of items from your local

supermarket and discovered when you got home that the cashier had failed to (6)

_____ you for a IDR 75,000 book you had chosen. What is your decision (7) _____?

Obviously, the book does not (8) _____ belong to you– you have not paid for it. But

why should you have to take the time and trouble to return to the store and pay for the

item? After all it wasn’t your failure. What would your (9) _____ be? Would it make

a (10) _____ if the item had a much higher or a much lower price?
WRITING (25 points)

Choose one out of several topics below, and write a five-paragraph essay.

1. How Indonesian young generations be ready to face AEC (ASEAN Economic


LISTENING (15 points)

E. Part A (5 points)

Listen to a lecture by Jack Hayes who works in the CityCyclist. Decide if the

statements are TRUE or FALSE. You will listen the recording twice.

1. In London, parents don’t teach their children to ride because it is not safe.


2. There is age limitation for people who want to join the training. _____

3. CityCyclist provides training of how to ride bicycle in streets with difficult

intersections. _____

4. Using personal protective equipment is strongly advised in CityCyclist. _____

5. Assertiveness is very important for bicyclists. _____

F. Part B (10 points)

Listen to a lecture about Customer Psychology and complete the lecture notes.

You will listen to the recording twice.

III. Physical Organization

a. Placement of merchandise
For example, (1) __________ near the back of the store.

b. (2) __________

It helps retailers to (3) __________.

c. Providing (4) __________

It helps retailers make more money by (5) __________.

IV. Pleasant Atmosphere

a. Music

It functions as a (6) __________. It makes customers (7) __________.

b. (9) __________

For example: (10) __________ in clothing stores.

Asisten Dosen : Shafira Anandita

Jurusan, Angkatan : Teknik Kimia 2015

STRUCTURE (25 points)

C. Complete the passage with the correct form of verbs in parentheses. Some of the

verbs are passive and some are active. (15 points)

(Article source:

6. Can’t prove
1. Has linked
7. Drink
2. Including
8. Was done
3. Drank
9. Has been associated
4. Were
10. Is rising
5. Did not consume

D. Combine each of the following sets of sentences into a single longer sentence. (10


8. There was anxiety in areas where people were afraid of losing jobs.

9. When Diana Spencer married Prince Charles in 1981, her life as the wife of

the future king of England began.

10. Bullying in schools is a worldwide problem that can have negative

consequences for the general school climate and for the right of students to

learn in a safe environment without fear.

11. No two comets ever look identical but they have basic features in common

and one of the basic features is a coma.

12. Many people insist that using Craiglist, the free Web classifieds offering

everything from used bikes to apartment rentals, to date is a modern and

efficient way to make new contacts but should be smart about how to go about


13. Television, one of the most important popular forms of communication, has

had a tremendous impact on viewers because viewers can instantly witness

important events that are happening around the world.

14. Subconscious mind responds to directives that come from the conscious level,

but the truth is that we are giving directions and suggestions to it virtually all

of the time, whether we know it or not.


J. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. (15 points)

8. The lasting characteristic of human population is the tendency to keep

moving. (paragraph 1 line 2)

9. Migration makes diffusion possible because when people travel from one

place to another, they bring along their culture. (paragraph 3 line 4-5)

10. Genetic: Most Argentines feature Italian characteristics rather than

characteristics of indigenous people. (paragraph 3 line 8-9)

Cultural: The typical Argentine menu will include an assortment of pastas and
wine, both which are important staples of Italian cuisine. (paragraph 3 line 10-


Linguistic: The Spanish spoken in Argentina is tinged with Italian influences.

(paragraph 3 line 11-12)

11. The Argentine example defies the typical process of cultural assimilation

because the case that happened in Argentine is not an example of cultural

assimilation but it is an example of cultural diffusion, where two different

cultures diffuse into a new culture and not eliminating each other.

12. Most of the immigrants in the US are forced to assimilate with the existing

culture and face ongoing prejudice. (paragraph 4 line 3-4)

13. The main concern of people who oppose the bilingual education in the US is

the fear that if features of the foreign culture do not vanish, they will

eventually overpower the majority culture. (paragraph 4 line 5-7)

14. Table

Factors Statements

Push A E F

Pull B C

K. Summary Writing (10 points)

Write a summary of the passage above. You should write about 80 to 100 words.

The landscape of human geography is dynamic and varied, but one enduring

feature is the tendency to keep moving, which is called as migration. Migrations are

caused either by push or pull factors. Push factors such as war, disease, or natural
disasters, have caused people to migrate by force. While pull factors such as religious

freedom, higher income, or better technology, have caused people to migrate

voluntarily. Migrations create genetic, cultural and linguistic changes. One of the

examples is when the Italians moved to Argentine. But in some countries, such as in

the US, the immigrants are forced to assimilate with the existing culture because the

people fear that if the foreign culture do not vanish, they will eventually overpower

the majority culture.

L. Vocabulary (10 points)

Read the passage below and fill out the gaps using the words in the box. You can

use each word only once and there are more words than you need.

i. Decision
a. Requires j. Difference
b. Comply

c. Penalty

d. Circumstances

e. Purchased

f. Charge

g. Obligation
h. Legally

WRITING (25 points)

Choose one out of several topics below and write a five-paragraph essay.

You can do this part by yourself.

LISTENING (15 points)

G. Part A (5 points)

Listen to a lecture by Jack Hayes who works in the CityCyclist. Decide if the

statements are TRUE or FALSE. You will listen the recording twice.

You can do this part by yourself.

H. Part B (10 points)

Listen to a lecture about Customer Psychology and complete the lecture notes.

You will listen to the recording twice.

You can do this part by yourself.


Hari, Tanggal : -

Waktu : -

Sifat Ujian : -

Dosen : -

A. Lingkari statement yang benar

1. Keberadaan katalis

a. Menaikkan laju reaksi.

b. Menurunkan laju reaksi.

c. Tidak mengganti nilai Ea (contoh: Ea(uncat) = Eacat).

d. Mengubah nilai k (contoh: kuncat ≠ kcat).

2. Untuk reaksi orde 0

a. Konsentrasi reaksi tidak berubah terhadap waktu.

b. Laju reaksi menurun secara linear terhadap waktu.

c. Laju reaksi konstan.

d. Satuan untuk k adalah mol/(L.s).

3. Untuk reaksi orde 2

a. k mempunyai satuan mol2/(L2.s).

b. 1/[X] vs waktu merupakan plot linear.

c. Half-life (waktu paruh) tergantung pada konsentrasi awal

d. Lajunya menjadi 4 kali ketika konsentrasinya dilipat gandakan dua kalinya.

4. Untuk reaksi orde 1

a. Lajunya bersifat proporsional terhadap konsentrasi sehingga ketika

konsentrasi digandakan, maka laju juga akan dua kali lipat.

b. Fungsi yang berhubungan dengan ln[X] terhadap waktu akan menurun.

c. Sebuah plot linear akan didapatkan ketika plot ln[X] vs laju.

d. Satuan untuk k adalah reciprocal time [waktu timbal balik] (1/s).

B. Perhatikan diagram energi (tidak untuk diskala) untuk reaksi:


2CH3(g) → C2H6(g)

1. Berapakah energi aktivasi untuk reaksi tersebut (forward reaction)?

2. Pada titik apa pada diagram 2CH3(g) akan muncul?

3. Berapakah nilai ΔH pada reaksi?

4. Berapakah energi aktivasi untuk reaksi kebalikan (reversed reaction)?

5. Pada titik berapa pada diagram C2H6(g) akan ditemukan?

6. Apakah nama spesies pada point C?

C. Untuk reaksi:

2A(g) → products ΔH = 22 kJ Data eksperimental yang diperoleh

pada 25oC

[A] laju (mol/L.min)

0.2 0.000660

0.3 0.001485

0.4 0.004125

Untuk reaksi ini:

1. Hitunglah waktu paruh ketika [A] = 0.400 M. 2. Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk dekom
38% dari A pada 25oC?

3. Berapa laju proses dekomposisi pada suhu 25oC ketika [A] = 0.750 M?

4. Berapa nilai Ea jika lajunya dilipatgandakan jika suhu pada saat eksperimen

meningkat sebesar 10oC?


Asisten Dosen : Ardiansah

Jurusan, Angkatan : Teknik Kimia 2015

A. Lingkari statement yang benar

1. Keberadaan katalis
a. Menaikkan laju reaksi.

b. Menurunkan laju reaksi.

c. Tidak mengganti nilai Ea (contoh: Ea(uncat) = Eacat).

d. Mengubah nilai k (contoh: kuncat ≠ kcat).

2. Untuk reaksi orde 0

a. Konsentrasi reaksi tidak berubah terhadap waktu.

b. Laju reaksi menurun secara linear terhadap waktu.

c. Laju reaksi konstan.

d. Satuan untuk k adalah mol/(L.s).

3. Untuk reaksi orde 2

a. k mempunyai satuan mol2/(L2.s).

b. 1/[X] vs waktu merupakan plot linear.

c. Half-life (waktu paruh) tergantung pada konsentrasi awal

d. Lajunya menjadi 4 kali ketika konsentrasinya dilipat gandakan dua


4. Untuk reaksi orde 1

a. Lajunya bersifat proporsional terhadap konsentrasi sehingga ketika

konsentrasi digandakan, maka laju juga akan dua kali lipat.

b. Fungsi yang berhubungan dengan ln[X] terhadap waktu akan menurun.

c. Sebuah plot linear akan didapatkan ketika plot ln[X] vs laju.

d. Satuan untuk k adalah reciprocal time [waktu timbal balik] (1/s).

B. Perhatikan diagram energi (tidak untuk diskala) untuk reaksi:

2CH3(g) → C2H6(g)

1. Energi aktivasi adalah energi dari titik A ke titik C, sehingga energi aktivasinya

adalah 8 kJ.

2. Pada titik A sebelum reaksi berjalan.

3. Perubahan entalpi adalah selisih dari nilai entalpi pada titik B (produk sudah

terbentuk) dengan entalpi pada titik A (reaksi belum berjalan), sehingga nilai ΔH = -

360 kJ (reaksi eksotermis, karean entalpi setelah bereaksi lebih rendah dibanding

sebelum bereaksi).

4. Energi aktivasi reaksi balik adalah energi yang diperlukan untuk reaksi arah

sebaliknya, yang direpresentasikan selisih dari titik C ke titik B. Maka energi aktivasi

reaksi baliknya adalah: Eabalik = 8 kJ + 360 kJ = 368 kJ 5. Pada titik B, ketika semua kompleks te
sudah berubah menjadi produk


6. Zat kompleks teraktivasi.

C. Untuk reaksi:

2A(g) → products ΔH = 22 kJ Data eksperimental yang diperoleh

pada 25oC

[A] laju (mol/L.min)

0.2 0.000660
0.3 0.001485

0.4 0.004125

Untuk reaksi ini:

1. Menentukan orde reaksi


v v2 = k [A] k [A]

0,00066 0,001485 = [0,2] [0,3]

x = 2
Menghitung nilai konstanta laju reaksi k = v [A]2

k = 0,004125
k = 0,0258
Menghitung nilai waktu paruh
t /2 = 1k .a t /2 = 1
0,0258 .0,4
t /2 = 96,9 menit
2. a = x (konsentrasi mula-mula)
b = 0,38x (konsentrasi yang terurai)
c = x – 0,38 x = 0,62x (konsentrasi sisa)
Untuk reaksi orde 2, maka:
bac = kt t = back

x .0,62x .k t = 0,38
0,62x .0,0258
Misalkan konsentrasi awalnya adalah 0,4 M, maka:
t = 0,38
0,62.0,4 .0,0258
t = 59,38 menit
Waktu untuk terdekomposisi tergantung pada konsentrasi awal.
3. Laju proses dekomposisi pada suhu 25oC ketika [A] = 0.750 M
v = k [A]2
v = 0,0258 [0,75]2
v = 0,01451 M/menit
4. Mencari nilai pasangan k yaitu k2 pada saat laju dilipatgandakan
k2 = v2
k2 = 0,004125 [0,4]2

k2 = 0,0515 Menghitung nilai energi aktivasi lnkk Ea

2= R
1 0,0515
T 1− T 2 ln
0,0258 = Ea
T 1− 10
+ T
Ea = 0,126 J/mol

Hari, Tanggal : -

Waktu : -

Sifat Ujian : -

Dosen : -

1. Reaksi isomerasi metil isonitril menjadi asetonitril pada suhu 488 K mengikuti

persamaan reaksi sebagai berikut: CH3NC → CH3CN Adapun data profil

konsentrasinya adalah sebagai berikut:
Waktu (s) [CH3CN]

0 0,0165

2000 0,011

5000 0,00591

8000 0,00314

12000 0,00137

15000 0,00074

a. Tentukan apakah reaksi tersebut berorde 1 atau 2. (Nilai 15%)

b. Bagaimana persamaan kecepatan reaksinya? (Nilai 5%)

c. Berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengkonversi CH3CN sebesar

90%? (Nilai 10%)

2. Diketahui reaksi setengah sel untuk:

Fe3+(aq) + e- → Fe2+(aq) Eored = +0,77 V S2O62+(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 2e- → 2H2SO3(aq) Eored = +0,60 V

2H+(aq) + 2e- → N2(g) + H2O(l) Eored = -1,77 V VO2+(aq) + 2H+(aq) + e- → VO2+(aq) + H2O(l) Eored =

a. Tulislah reaksi kimia untuk oksidasi Fe2+(aq) oleh S2O62+(aq). (Nilai 5%)


b. Tulislah reaksi kimia untuk oksidasi Fe2+(aq) oleh N2O(aq). (Nilai 5%) c. Tulislah reaksi kim

oksidasi Fe2+(aq) oleh VO2+(aq). (Nilai 5%) d. Hitunglah ∆Go setiap reaksi suhu 298 K dan re
saja yang spontan.

(Nilai 20%)

3. Diketahui 3 buah reaksi netralisasi asam yang melibatkan basa kuat NaOH (aq)
HNO3(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaNO3(aq) + H2O(l)

HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) NH4+(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NH3(aq) + Na+(aq) + H2O(l)

a. Hitunglah ∆H untuk setiap reaksi. (Nilai 15%)

b. Berdasarkan ∆H untuk reaksi (1) dan (2), manakah asam yang lebih kuat

antara HNO3 dan HCl? (Nilai 5%) c. Berdasarkan ∆H untuk reaksi (3), apakah HN4+ merupakan

asam lemah? (Nilai 5%)

Komponen ΔH°f (kJ/mol) Komponen ΔH°f (kJ/mol)

HNO3(aq) -134,3 NaCl(aq) -407,1 NaOH(aq) -424,6 NH4+(aq) -132,5

NaNO3(aq) -446,2 NH3(aq) -80,3

H2O(l) -285,8 Na+(aq) -240,1

HCl(aq) -167,2

4. Cyanogen adalah gas yang sangat beracun yang tersusun oleh 46,2% berat karbon dan

53,8% berat nitrogen. Pada suhu 25°C dan tekanan 751 torr, 1 gram cyanogen

memiliki volume 0,5 liter. (Ar C = 12 dan Ar N = 14)

a. Apakah rumus empirik dari cyanogen? (Nilai 5%)

b. Apakah rumus molekul cyanogen? (Nilai 5%)

Asisten Dosen : Anisa Uswatun Hasanah
Jurusan, Angkatan : Teknik Kimia 2015
1. Cara manual:
a. Menghitung orde reaksi
(2,3) →
v2v = k


1/t2 1/t = k[

k[CH CN]

t t2 = [

5000 2000 = 0,011
x = 1,47
(2,4) →

t4t2 = [
CH CN] = 0,011
2 [CH CN]4 8000 2000

x = 1,105
(2,5) →

t t2 = [

12000 2000 = 0,011
x = 0,86
(2,6) →

t t2 = [


15000 2000 = 0,011

x = 0,746
(3,4) →
t4t = [

[CH CN]4 8000 5000 = 0,00591 0,00314

x = 0,743
(3,5) →
t t = [

12000 5000 = 0,00591 0,00137

x = 0,598
(3,6) →

t t = [

15000 5000 = 0,00591 0,00074

x = 0,528
(4,5) →
t t4 = [

12000 8000 = 0,00314 0,00137
x = 0,489
(4,6) →
t t4 = [

15000 8000 = 0,00314 0,00074
x = 0,435
(5,6) →
t t = [

15000 12000 = 0,00137 0,00074

x = 0,362
Orde reaksi dari reaksi CH3CN adalah rata-rata dari orde reaksi di atas.
Orde reaksi
Orde reaksi =

n = 1,47 + 1,105 + 0,86 + 0,746 + 0,743 + 0,598 + 0,528 + 0,489 + 0


10 Orde reaksi = 0,7336

b. Persamaan kecepatan reaksi
V = k [CH CN]
V = k [CH CN]0,
Menghitung nilai konstanta laju reaksi (k) k = 1
t×[CH CN]0,
k2 = 1

2000×[0.011]0, = 0.0117 k = 1

5000×[0.00591]0, = 0.00726

k4 = 1

8000×[0.00314]0, = 0.007 k = 1

12000×[0.00137]0, = 0.0084 k = 1

15000×[0.00074]0, = 0.0103

Konstanta laju reaksi (k) dari reaksi CH3CN adalah rata-rata dari konstanta laju reaksi di atas.

K = kn = 0,0117 + 0,00726 + 0,007 + 0,0084 + 0,01

5 = 0,13436

c. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengkonversi CH3CN sebesar 90%, maka akan
tersisa sebanyak 10%.
M = 10% x (M awal)

M = (0,1)(0,0165)

= 0,00165 M

Waktu yang dibutuhkan:

V = k [CH3CN]0,

1t = k [CH3CN]0, 1t = 0,13436
[0,00165]0, t = 659,91

a. Oksidasi Fe2+(aq) oleh S2O62+(aq)

Diketahui reaksi setengah sel Fe adalah: Fe3+(aq) + e- → Fe2+(aq) Sedangkan pada soal, Fe
dioksidasi oleh S2O6, sehingga Fe akan mengalami kenaikan biloks dan reaksi berubah

Fe2+(aq) → Fe3+(aq) + e- S2O62- akan mengalami reduksi: S2O62-(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 2e- →


Menyetarakan jumlah elektron antara Fe dan S2O6 pada kedua reaksi setengah sel:

Fe2+(aq) → Fe3+(aq) + e- | x 2| S2O62-(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 2e- → 2H2SO3(aq) | x 1| Sehingga dida

2Fe2+(aq) → 2Fe3+(aq) + 2e- S2O62-(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 2e- → 2H2SO3(aq) 2Fe2+(aq) + S2O62

4H+(aq) + 2e- → 2Fe3+(aq) + 2e- + 2H2SO3(aq)

Reaksi dapat ditulis menjadi:

2Fe2+(aq) + S2O62-(aq) + 4H+(aq) + → 2Fe3+(aq) + 2H2SO3(aq)

b. Oksidasi Fe2+(aq) oleh N2O(aq)

Menyetarakan jumlah elektron antara Fe dan N2O pada kedua reaksi setengah sel:


Fe2+(aq) → Fe3+(aq) + e- | x 2| N2O(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2e- → N2(g) + H2O(l) | x 1| Sehingga dida

2Fe2+(aq) → 2Fe3+(aq) + 2e- N2O(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2e- → N2(g) + H2O(l) 2Fe2+(aq) + N

2H+(aq)+ 2e- → 2Fe3+(aq) + 2e- + N2(g) + H2O(l)

Reaksi dapat ditulis menjadi:

2Fe2+(aq) + N2O(aq) + 2H+(aq) → 2Fe3+(aq) + N2(g) + H2O(l)

c. Oksidasi Fe2+(aq) oleh VO2+(aq)

Karena elektron antara keduanya sudah seimbang, maka kedua reaksi sel

setengah sudah dapat disatukan:

Fe2+(aq) → Fe3+(aq) + e- VO2+(aq) + 2H+(aq) + e- → VO2+(aq) + H2O(l) Fe2+(aq) + VO2+

(aq) + 2H+(aq)+ e- → VO2+aq) + e- + H2O(l)

Reaksi dapat ditulis menjadi:

Fe2+(aq) + VO2+ (aq) + 2H+(aq) → VO2+aq) + H2O(l)

d. Menentukan reaksi yang spontan berdasarkan ∆G

ΔG = W = −QE = −nFE

Jika: ∆Go < 0 (bernilai negatif), maka reaksi dapat terjadi sendiri (spontan).

∆Go > 0 (bernilai positif), maka reaksi tidak dapat terjadi tanpa ada energi dari


∆Go = 0, maka terbentuk kesetimbangan kimia.

2Fe2+(aq) → 2Fe3+(aq) + 2e- Eoox = -0,77 V N2O(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2e- → N2(g) + H2O(l) Eored = +0

2Fe2+(aq) + N2O(aq) + 2H+(aq) → 2Fe3+(aq) + N2(g) + H2O(l) Eo = -0,17 V

−0,17 V = 16.402,45 kJ
ΔG = −nFE = − 1 96.485 Cmol


2Fe2+(aq) → 2Fe3+(aq) + 2e- Eoox = -0,77 V N2O(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2e- → N2(g) + H2O(l) Eored = -1
2Fe2+(aq) + N2O(aq) + 2H+(aq) → 2Fe3+(aq) + N2(g) + H2O(l) Eo = -2.54 V

−2,54 V = 170.779,22 kJ
ΔG = −nFE = − 1 96.485 Cmol

Fe2+(aq) → Fe3+(aq) + e- Eoox = -0,77 V VO2+(aq) + 2H+(aq) + e- → VO2+(aq) + H2O(l) Eored = +1

Fe2+(aq) + VO2+ (aq) + 2H+(aq) → VO2+aq) + H2O(l) Eo = 0,23 V

0,23 V = −22.191,55 kJ
ΔG = −nFE = − 1 96.485 Cmol

Maka, reaksi yang berlangsung spontan (ΔG < 0) adalah reaksi (c).


a. Menghitung ∆H untuk setiap reaksi

HNO3(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaNO3(aq) + H2O(l)

∆H = ∆Hf (produk) - ∆Hf (reaktan) ∆H = [∆Hf (NaNO3) + ∆Hf (H2O)] – [∆Hf (HNO3) + ∆Hf (NaOH)] ∆H
446,2 kJ/mol) + (-285,8 kJ/mol)] – [(-134,3 kJ/mol) + (-424,6


∆H = -173,1 kJ/mol HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

∆H = ∆Hf (produk) - ∆Hf (reaktan) ∆H = [∆Hf (NaCl) + ∆Hf (H2O)] – [∆Hf (HCl) + ∆Hf (NaOH)] ∆H = [
407,1 kJ/mol) + (-285,8 kJ/mol)] – [(-167,2 kJ/mol) + (-424,6

∆H = (-692,9 kJ/mol) – (-591,8 kJ/mol))
∆H = -101,1 kJ/mol
NH4+(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NH3(aq) + Na+(aq) + H2O(l)

∆H = ∆Hf (produk) - ∆Hf (reaktan) ∆H = [∆Hf (NH3) + ∆Hf (Na+) + ∆Hf (H2O)] – [∆Hf (HN4+) + ∆Hf (NaOH)] ∆H = ((
+ (-240,1 kJ/mol) + (-285,8 kJ/mol)) – (-132,5 kJ/mol) +
(-424,6 kJ/mol))
∆H = (-606,2 kJ/mol) – (-557,1 kJ/mol))
∆H = -49,1 kJ/mol
b. Berdasarkan ∆H untuk reaksi (1) dan (2), asam yang lebih kuat antara HNO3 dan HCl adalah HNO3.

semakin besar, berarti nilai energi pembentukan semakin besar. Hal itu dikarenakan senyawa ters
polar dan sifat asamnya semakin kuat (penguraian H+ semakin banyak).
c. NH4+ merupakan asam lemah karena nilai ∆H kecil (-49,1 kJ/mol).
a. Rumus empiris adalah rumus yang paling sederhana dari sebuah senyawa.
Rumus empirik = perbandingan mol C : mol N
massa C
∶ massa N
Ar C
∶ 53,8 g
Ar N 46,2 g 12 g/mol
14 g/mol
3,85 mol ∶ 3,84 mol
1∶ 1
Rumus empiris = CN
b. Rumus molekul

PV = nRT PV = mMr
Mr =

PV Mr = 1 g 0,082 L.

mol.C 298,15 K (0,988 atm)(0,5 L)

Mr = 49,49 g/mol
Menghitung rumus molekul
(Mr C + Mr N)x = Mr
12 + 14 x = 49,49
26x = 49,49
x = 1,903 ≈ 2
Rumus molekul = (CN)2

Hari, Tanggal : -

Waktu : -

Sifat Ujian : -

Dosen : -

1. Jika ditambahkan 1 mol glukosa dan 1 mol garam dapur, masing-masing ke dalam

500 ml air (densitas 1 g/ml), bagaimanakah titik didih dan titik beku dari larutan

tersebut? Apakah sama? Mengapa?

2. Diketahui Kb dan Kf untuk air dalah 0,512°C/m dan 1,86°C/m. Berapa gram etilen glikol, CH

yang harus ditambahkan ke dalam 37,8 gram air agar mendapatkan titik beku sebesar -0,150
jumlah penambahan yang sama,

berapakah titik didih air?

3. Suatu larutan dibuat dengan cara melarutkan 0,131 gram suatu senyawa ke dalam

25,4 gram air. Molalitas larutan ditentukan dengan penurunan titik beku larutan, yaitu

sebesar 0,056 m. Berapakah berat molekul dari senyawa tersebut?

4. Jelaskan konsep asam dan basa menurut:

a. Arrhenius.

b. Bronsted-Lowry.
c. Lewis.

5. Dalam persamaan berikut ini, identifikasi asam lewis dan basa lewis:

Ag+ + 2NH3 ↔ Ag(NH3)2+ B(OH)3 + H2O ↔ B(OH)4- + H+

6. Larutan ammonia, NH3, 0,01 M mempunya pH 10,6 pada 25°C. Berapa konsentrasi

ion hidroksida pada larutan tersebut?



a. Apa perbedaan dari sel volta dan sel elektrolisis?

b. Jelaskan tentang deret volta!

c. Mengapa litium paling banyak digunakan dalam baterai?

8. Jika larutan tembaga (II) sulfat dielektrolisis, perkirakan reaksi setengah (half

reaction) yang mungkin terjadi pada anoda dan katoda.

9. Hitung ΔHreaksi

2N2(g) + 5O2(g) → 2N2O5(g) Jika diketahui reaksi tersebut:

H2(g) + 1 2 O2(g) → H2O(l) ΔH = -285.8 N2O5(g) + H2O(l) → 2HNO3(l) ΔH = -76.6

1 2 N2(g) + 3 2 O2(g) + 1 2 H2(g) → HNO3(l) ΔH = 174.1

10. Jika 4,219 J panas dibutuhkan untuk menaikkan suhu 36 gram air dari 10°C ke

38,05°C, berapakah kapasitas panas molar dan kapasitas panas spesifik dari air?
Asisten Dosen : Novy Cendian
Jurusan, Angkatan : Teknik Kimia 2015
1. Kenaikan Titik didih (∆Tb)

• Untuk 1 mol C6H12O6

ΔT = mol terlarut ∙ 1000

massa gram pelarut
i = 1 + (n − 1)α
Massa air = density x volume = 1 g/ml x 500 ml = 500 g
Glukosa merupakan larutan non elektrolit, maka derajat ionisasi adalah nol (α
= 0) sehingga:
i = 1 + n − 1 0 = 1 ΔT = 1 mol ∙ 1000
∙ 0.52 °C ∙ 1 = 1.04 °C
500 g
ΔT = T terlarut − T pelarut
T glukosa = 1.04°C + 100°C = 101.4°C
• Untuk 1 mol garam dapur NaCl NaCl memiliki 2 ion yaitu Na+ dan Cl-, sehingga n = 2 dan termasuk
kuat (α=1), sehingga:
i = 1 + 2 − 1 1 = 2 ΔT = 1 mol ∙ 1000
∙ 0.52 °C ∙ 2 = 2.08 °C
500 g
T NaCl = 2.08°C + 100°C = 102.8°C
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa titik didih larutan garam dapur lebih tinggi dibandingkan
dengan titik didih larutan glukosa.
Penurunan Titik Beku (∆Tf) Dengan langkah yang sama dengan cara di atas.

• Untuk 1 mol C6H12O6

ΔT = mol terlarut ∙ 1000

massa gram pelarut ΔT = 1 mol ∙ 1000
∙ 1.86 °C ∙ 1 = 3.72 °C
500 g
ΔT = T pelarut − T terlarut
T glukosa = 0°C − 3.72°C = −3.72 °C
• Untuk 1 mol garam dapur NaCl
ΔT = 1 mol ∙ 1000
∙ 1.86 °C ∙ 2 = 7.44 °C
500 g
ΔT = T pelarut − T terlarut
T NaCl = 0°C − 7.44°C = −7.44 °C
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa titik beku larutan garam dapur lebih rendah dibandingkan
dengan titik beku larutan glukosa.
2. Diketahui: Massa air = 37.8 g
Tf etilen glikol = -0.15 °C
Ditanya: a. Massa etilen glikol yang harus ditambahkan
b. Dengan massa demikian, berapa titik didih larutan?
a. T pelarut = T air = 0 °C
Mr etilen glikol = 62
ΔT = T pelarut − T terlarut
ΔT = 0°C − −0.15°C = 0.15 °C
massa gram terlarut
ΔT =
∙ 1000
∙K∙i ∙ 1000
massa gram pelarut 0.15 = m62
∙ 1.86 ∙ 1
37.8 m = 0.189 g
b. T larutan

ΔT = mol terlarut ∙ 1000

massa gram pelarut = 0.189
∙ 1000
∙ 0.52°C ∙ 1
37.8 ΔT = 0.042°C
Tb larutan = 0.042°C + 100°C = 100.042°C
3. Diketahui: Massa senyawa terlarut = 0,131 g
Massa pelarut = 25,4 g air
Molalitas larutan = 0,056 m.
Ditanya: Mr senyawa terlarut?
Jawaban: molalitas = massa terlarut (gram)
∙ 1000

massa pelarut (gram) 0.056 = 0.131

∙ 1000
Mr 25.4 Mr =
4. Konsep asam dan basa menurut:
a. Arrhenius
Apabila asam dan basa dilarutkan ke dalam air, maka keduanya akan
mengalami proses penguraian menajdi ion-ion reaksi ionisasi / disosiasi. Asam adalah zat yang dla
melepaskan ion hidrogen (H+), sedangkan basa adalah zat yang dalam air melepaskan ion hidroksida
b. Bronsted-Lowry
Asam adalah pemberi / donor proton (H+), yang mana sisa asam tersebut
mempuyai kemampuan untuk menerima proton atau bertindak sebagai basa
yang dinamakan sebagai basa konjugat. Basa adalah penerima / akseptor proton (H +), yang mana sis
tersebut mempuyai kemampuan untuk
melepas proton atau bertindak sebagai asam yang dinamakan sebagai asam
c. Lewis
Asam adalah spesi yang menerima pasangan elektron (akseptor elektron).

Basa adaah spesi yang memberikan pasangan elektorn (donor elektron).


a. Ag+ sebagai asam Lewis yang menerima elektron dari NH3 dan NH3 sebagai

basa Lewis.

b. B(OH)3 yang berstruktur segitiga planar memiliki orbital yang kosong sehingga Boron
kecenderungan untuk menerima elektron dan

bertindak sebagai asam Lewis dan H2O sebagai basa Lewis.

6. Diketahui: Larutan ammonia 0,01 M pada 25 oC.

pH = 10,6

Ditanya: [OH-] ?

Jawaban: NH3 dalam air adalah basa lemah yang terurai jadi ion NH4+ dan OH-. Kb =

1.8 x 10-5 mol/L Reaksi penguraian dalam air: NH3 + H2O → NH4+ + OH-

pOH = 14 − pH = 14 − 10.6 = 3.4

pOH = −log[OH ]

3.4 = −log[OH ]

OH = 10 .4 = 3.98 x 10 4 M


a. Sel volta mengubah energi kimia dari reaksi redoks spontan menjadi energi

listrik. Dalam susunan terdapat jembatan garam yang berfungsi untuk

menetralkan muatan listrik dalam 2 gelas kimia yang berisi elektrolit. Sel

elektrolisis merupakan kebalikan dari sel volta, yaitu listrik digunakan untuk

melangsungkan reaksi redoks spontan.

b. Deret volta adalah susunan unsur-unsur logam berdasarkan nilai potensial

elektrode standarnya, yang mana sifatnya adalah semakin ke kiri kedudukan

logam dalam tabel tersebut, maka logamakan semakin reaktif dan merupakan

reduktor yang kuat.

c. Baterai ion litium banyak digunakan untuk baterai telepon seluler, kamera,

dan laptop karena memiliki potensial yang besar, yakni 3.7 volt, atau tiga kali

lebih besar dibandingkan baterai nikad. Selain itu, baterai ion litium juga

menghasilkan energi dua kali lebih banyak dari pada baterai nikad dengan

massa yang sama.

Proses pengisian baterai : LiCoO2 + C6 → Li1-xCoO2 + LixC6

Proses pengosongan baterai : Li1-xCoO2 + LixC6 → Li1-xCoO2 + Li1-x+y + Lix-


8. Elektrolisis larutan tembaga (II) sulfat dengan anoda dan katoda Cu (pemisalan).

CuSO4(aq) → Cu2+(aq) + SO42- Katoda : Cu2+(aq) + 2e- → Cu(s) Anoda :

Cu(s) → Cu2+(aq) + 2e-

9. Hitung ΔHreaksi dari reaksi 2N2(g) + 5O2(g) → 2N2O5(g)

2N2(g) + 6O2(g) + 2H2(g) → 4HNO3(l) ΔH = 696.4

4HNO3(l) → 2N2O5(g) + 2H2O(l) ΔH = 153.2

2H2O(l) → 2H2(g) + O2(g) ΔH = 517.6

2N2(g) + 5O2(g) → 2N2O5(g) ΔH = 1367.2


10. Diketahui: Q = 4,219 J

∆T = 38,05°C - 10oC = 28.05°C

m = 36 gram air

Ditanya: Kapasitas panas molar dan kapasitas panas spesifik dari air?


Q = m ∙ c ∙ ΔT

Kapasitas panas molar (Cm) adalah kalor yang dibutuhkan untuk menaikkan suhu suatu za
∙ C ∙ ΔT ∙ C ∙ 28.05
Q = mMr 4219 = 3618 C =
75.2 J/mol.K

Kapasitas panas spesifik air

Q = C ∙ ΔT

4219 = C ∙ 28.05

C = 150.41 J/K

Hari, Tanggal : Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

Waktu : 90 Menit

Sifat Ujian : Tutup Buku

Dosen : Ir. Abdul Wahid Surmin, MT.

1. Sebuah buffer disiapkan menggunakan pasangan asam-basa asam propionic / propionate

C3H5O2-) dengan rasio [HC3H5O2]/[C3H5O2-] adalah 4,50. Ka untuk asam propionic adalah 1,4 x

a. Berapa pH buffer ini?

b. Basa kuat yang cukup banyak ditambahkan untuk mengkonversi 27%

HC3H5O2 menjadi C3H5O2-. Berapa pH dari larutan yang dihasilkan? c. Basa kuat dit
untuk menaikkan pH. Berapa rasio asam / basa

sedemikian rupa hingga pHnya naik satu satuan secara pasti (misalnya 2

menjadi 3) dari jawaban pada butir a?

2. Sebuah sel bahan bakar hidrogen-oksigen beroperasi pada reaksi:

H2(g) + 1⁄2 O2(g) → H2O(l) Jika sel tersebut dirancang untuk menghasilkan listrik 1,5 ampere

hidrogennya ditampung dalam tangki 1,0 liter pada tekanan 200 atm dan suhu 25°C,

berapa lama sel bahan bakar tersebut beroperasi sebelum hidrogennya habis?

Asumsikan bahwa gas oksigen berada secara berlebih dan laju penggunaan hidrogen

= . H2 .
3. Reaksi sukrosa dengan air membentuk glukosa:

C12H22O11 + H2O → 2C6H12O6 Reaksi ini orde 3 terhadap sukrosa. Tentukan k jika reaksinya

9,70 jam untuk menurunkan konsentrasi sukrosa dari 0,00375 M ke 0,00252 M.

Tentukan waktu yang diperlukan untuk menyempurnakan reaksi sampai 80%.


Hari, Tanggal : -

Waktu : 90 Menit

Sifat Ujian : -

Dosen : Prof. Ir. Sutrasno Kartohardjono, M.Sc., Ph.D.

1. Asam oksalat adalah senyawa yang banyak digunakan sebagai mordant dalam proses

pencelupan terutama sebagai pemutih pada pulp. Ia juga dapat digunakan sebagai

baking powder. Kelarutan asam oksalat (H2C2O4) dalam air pada suhu 25°C adalah 143 g/L

oksalat memiliki nilai Ka1 dan Ka2 5,9 x 10-2 dan 6,4 x 10-5, maka:

a. Hitunglah konsentrasi semua spesies yang ada di dalam air jika asam oksalat

berada dalam keadaan jenuh. (Nilai 20%)

b. Berapa persen disosiasi asam oksalat pada kondisi tersebut? (Nilai 5%)

2. Reaksi pembentukan metanol dapat ditulis sebagai:

CO(g) + 2H2(g) ⬄ CH3OH(g)

Konstanta kesetimbangan untuk reaksi tersebut adalah 14,5. Jika dalam keadaan

setimbang pada volume 1 liter jumlah mol semua komponen tersebut adalah 5,8,

maka tentukanlah berapa jumlah mol masing-masing komponennya. (Nilai 25%)

3. Reaksi memiliki nilai Kc = 85,0 pada suhu 760°C. Jika kita mulai dengan sejumlah 5 mol da
yang berukuran 1 L, maka berapakah jumlah mol masing-masing

komponen yang ada dalam reaksi tersebut? (Nilai 25%)

4. Asam butirat (HC4H7O2) merupakan asam lemak yang ada dalam bentuk ester lemak


HC4H7O2(aq) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + C4H7O2-(aq) Kw = 1,5 x 10-5


Jika asam butirat tersebut memiliki konsentrasi sebesar 0,250 M, maka:

a. Hitung konsentrasi semua spesies yang ada (H3O+, C4H7O2-, HC4H7O2, dan

OH-). (Nilai 15%)

b. pH pada konsentrasi tersebut. (Nilai 5%)

c. Persen disosiasi asam butirat pada konsentrasi tersebut. (Nilai 5%)

Asisten Dosen : Shafira Anandita
Jurusan, Angkatan : Teknik Kimia 2015
a. Konsentrasi semua spesies n = massa

Mr = 143

90 = 1,59 Jenuh 100% = 1,59

H2C2O4(aq) ⬄ H+(aq) + HC2O4-(aq) M 1,59

S 1,59 – X X X
Ka = H [HC2O4 ]

[H2C2O4] 5,9 x 10 2 = X2
1,59 − X
X2 = 0,09381 − 5,9 x 10 2 X
X2 + 5,9 x 10 2 X − 0,09381 = 0
X ,2 = −0,0295 ± 0,3048602139 X ≈ 0,275
X2 ≈ −0,334

HC2O4-(aq) ⬄ H+(aq) + C2O42-(aq) M 0,275 0,275

S 0,275 – X 0,275 + X X

Ka2 = H [C2O42 ]

[HC2O4 ] 6,4 x 10 = 0,275 + X X

(0,275 − X)
Asumsikan nilai X sangat kecil sehingga 0,275 + X ≈ 0,275 dan 0,275 – X ≈
0,275, maka persamaannya menjadi: 0,275 X
0,275 = 6,4 x 10
X = 6,4 x 10
• [C2O42-] = 6,4 x 10-5
• [H+] = 0,275064
• [HC2O4-] = 0,274936
• [OH-] = 3,63 x 10-14
b. Persen disosiasi asam oksalat
% disosiasi = 0,275
100% ≈ 17,3%
1,59 .
CO(g) + 2H2(g) ⬄ CH3OH(g) M x 2x
R y 2y y
S x – y 2(x – y) y
x − y + 2x − 2y + y = 5,8
3x − 2y = 5,8
3x = 5,8 + 2y
x = 5,8 + 2y

K = [CH
CO [H2]2
14,5 = 5,8 + 3 2y
− 3y
3 y
2 5,8 + 3 2y
− 3y
14,5 = 5,8 − y
11,6 − 2y
2 3 14,5 = 780,448 −
+ 69,6y2 − 4y
58y − 1009,2y2 + 5880,36y − 11316,496 = 0
y = 4,50
x = 4,93
• n CO mula-mula = 4,93 mol
• n H2 mula-mula = 9,86 mol
• n CO saat setimbang = 0,43 mol
• n H2 saat setimbang = 0,86 mol
PCl5(g) ⬄ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) M 5
K = PCl

85 = 5 x2
− x x2 = 425 − 85x
x2 + 85x − 425 = 0
−85 ±
x ,2 = 2
5 357
x ≈ −89,736
x2 ≈ 4,731
• n PCl5 saat setimbang = 0,2639 mol

• n PCl3 saat setimbang = 4,7361 mol

• n Cl2 saat setimbang = 4,7361 mol

a. Konsentrasi semua spesies
HC4H7O2(aq) + H2O(l) ⬄ H3O+(aq) + C4H7O2-(aq) M 0,25
S 0,25 – X X X
Ka = H O [C4H O2 ]

[HC4H O2] 1,5 x 10 = X2

0,25 − X
X2 = 3,75 x 10 − 1,5 x 10 X
X2 − 3,75 x 10 + 1,5 x 10 X = 0
X = −1,93 x 10
X2 = 1,93 x 10
• [HC4H7O2] = 0,24807

• [H3O+] = [H+] = 1,93 x 10-3

• [C4H7O2-]= 1,93 x 10-3

• [OH-] = 5,18 x 10-12
b. pH pada konsentrasi tersebut
pH = −log H = −log [1,93 x 10 ] ≈ 2,34
c. Persen disosiasi asam butirat pada konsentrasi tersebut
% disosiasi = 1,93 x 10

0,25 .
100% = 0,772

Hari, Tanggal : -

Waktu : 90 Menit

Sifat Ujian : Open Sheet 1 Lembar A4, Kalkulator Diperbolehkan

Dosen : Prof. Ir. Sutrasno Kartohardjono, M.Sc., Ph.D.

1. Suatu reaksi yang berorde 1


mempunyai data konstanta kecepatan reaksi sebagai berikut:

Suhu (oC) k (s-1)

27 3,2 x 10-11

47 1,0 x 10-9
67 3,0 x 10-8

82 2,4 x 10-7

a. Berapa kJ/mol energi aktivasi (Ea) reaksi tersebut? b. Berapa waktu yang diperlukan unt
80% A menjadi B pada suhu


2. Berapa standar entalpi pembentuk padatan Mg(OH) 2 jika diketahui

4B(s) + 3O2(g) → 2B2O3(s) ∆Ho = -2509,1 kJ 2H2(g) + O2 (g) → 2H2O(l) ∆Ho = -517,7 kJ

B2H6(g) + 3O2(g) → B2O3(s) + 3H2O(l) ∆Ho = -2147,5 kJ

3. Sebuah sel volta tersusun oleh 2 buah 1⁄2 sel. Sel pertama menggunakan elektroda Cd (s) yang

ke dalam larutan 1 M Cd2+(aq). Sel yang lain menggunakan elektroda Rh(s) yang dicelupka

larutan 1 M Rh3+(aq). Potensial selnya adalah 1,2 volt dan selama sel beroperasi, konsentrasi la
berkurang dan massa

elektroda Rh(s) bertambah.

a. Tulislah persamaan reaksi yang terjadi di dalam sel tersebut.

b. Elektrode mana yang bertindak sebagai anoda dan elektroda mana yang

bertindak sebagai katoda? c. Berapakah potensial reduksi standar untuk reduksi Rh 3+(aq) menjadi R
Berapakah nilai ∆G° untuk reaksi sel volta tersebut?

Note: Cd2+(aq) + 2e- → Cd(s) Eo = -0,403 V

4. Manakah yang lebih besar volumenya antara 1 mol gas N2 dan 1 mol gas O2 pada tekanan 500
suhu 400 K jika diketahui konstanta a dan b untuk masing-

masing komponen adalah sebagai berikut:

Komponen A (L2-atm/mol2) B (L/mol)

N2 1,39 0,0391

O2 1,36 0,0318

Asisten Dosen : Jessica Farah
Jurusan, Angkatan : Teknik Kimia 2015
1. Laju Reaksi
a. Rumus yang digunakan adalah:
k = Ae /

lnk = lnA − RT Ealnk = −ER

a1 T + lnA
Pertama-tama, membuat tabel regresi terlebih dahulu:
Suhu (K) k (s-1) ln k (y) 1/T (x)
300 3,2 x 10-11 -24,16528521 0,003333333
320 1,0 x 10-9 -20,72326584 0,003125
340 3,0 x 10-8 -17,32206846 0,002941176
355 2,4 x 10-7 -15,24262691 0,0022816901
Kemudian, dibuat grafik regresinya dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel,
atau apabila dalam UAS dan hanya diperbolehkan menggunakan kalkulator,
maka dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan kalkulator dengan langkah sebagai
1) Klik mode kemudian STAT
2) Klik nomor 2, masukkan data
3) Matikan kalkulator, hidupkan kembali, klik SHIFT kemudian klik 1
4) Klik 5 (reg) akan muncul opsi: 1. A, 2. B, 3. R
5) Persamaan akan menjadi y = bx + a.
R dikuadratkan terlebih dahulu untuk menentukan kelinearan grafik (R2).
Sehingga, grafik regresi dapat digambar sebagai berikut:
Grafik Hubungan Antara 1/T dan ln k
0 -5
0.0027 0.0028 0.0029 0.003 0.0031 0.0032 0.0033 0.0034 -10 y = -17401x + 33.782 -15
R2 = 0.9995

Untuk menghitung nilai Ea, maka menggunakan rumus slope yaitu:

b = −ER a−17401 = − 8.314

Ea = 144671.914 J/mol ≈ 144.67 kJ/mol
b. Untuk suhu 373 K, maka mencari nilai konstanta laju reaksinya (k) dapat
dimasukkan ke dalam persamaan regresi:
y = −17401x + 33.782 y = −17401 1373 + 33.782 y = lnk = −12.86947453
k = 2.575480264 x 10 ≈ 2.575 x 10
Sehingga, untuk orde pertama, waktu yang diperlukan untuk merubah 80% A
menjadi B pada suhu 100°C adalah:

t = k 1 [A][A]

t = 2.575 1
ln [A]
x 10 0 15 A 0
t = 625,024.432 s ≈ 173.618 hour

2. Termokimia

4Mg(s) + 3O2(g) → 2Mg2O3(s) ∆Ho = -2509,1 kJ 6 H2(g) + 3 O2 (g) → 6 H2O(l) ∆Ho = -1553.1 kJ 2

Mg2O3(s) + 6 H2O(l) → 2 Mg2H6(g) + 6 O2(g) ∆Ho = +4295 kJ 4 Mg (s) + 6 H2(g) → 2 Mg2H6(g) ∆H

151.8 kJ 2 Mg (s) +3 H2(g) → Mg2H6(g) ∆Ho = 75.9 kJ

3. Sel Volta

a. Diketahui persamaan sebagai berikut:

Rh3+(aq) + 3e- → Rh(s) E° = Cd(s) → Cd2+(aq) + 2e- E° = -0,403 V

Maka persamaan reaksi reduksi-oksidasinya adalah:

Katoda : 2Rh3+(aq) + 6e- → 2Rh(s) Anoda : 3Cd(s) → 3Cd2+(aq) + 6e- Redoks :

2Rh3+(aq) + 3Cd(s) → 2Rh(s) + 3Cd2+(aq)

b. Elektroda yang berperan sebagai katoda adalah Rh dan elektroda yang

berperan sebagai anoda adalah Cd (seperti pada reaksi di atas).

c. Menghitung nilai potensial reduksi standar untuk reduksi Rh 3+(aq) menjadi

E° = E° − E°

1.2 = E° − −0.403

E° = 1.2 − 0.403 = 0.797 V

d. Menghitung nilai ∆G° untuk reaksi sel volta tersebut

ΔG = −nFE° = −6 .96500 .1.2 = −694,800 J = −694.8 kJ

4. Kinetika Gas

Perhitungan dapat dihitung dengan rumus gas Van der Waals, yaitu:

P = V
− nb V

V = Vn P = V

V − ab = 0
P V + aP
RT 2
V−b+ P
Kemudian, memasukkan angka-angka yang telah diketahui untuk mengetahui volume
molar dari masing-masing gas.
Untuk O2
V − ab = 0
P V + aP V − 0,0318 + 8.314(400)
RT 2
V−b+ P

500 V 2 + 1.36
V − 1.36(0.0318)

500 = 0 V = 6.683 L
Untuk N2
V − ab = 0
P V + aP V − 0.0391 + 8.314(400)
RT 2
V−b+ P

500 V 2 + 1.39
V − 1.39(0.0391)
500 = 0 V = 6.69 L

Dari kedua hasil di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa volume N2 lebih besar.

Hari, Tanggal : Jumat, 11 Desember 2015

Waktu : 100 Menit

Sifat Ujian : Open sheet

Dosen : -

1. Reaksi dehidrogenasi etana pada suhu 390 K adalah:

C2H6 → C2H4 + H2 Data berikut di bawah ini menunjukkan variasi konsentrasi C2H6 terhadap

t (detik) [C2H6] (M) 0 9,1

300 7,5

600 6,4

1200 4,4

1800 3,2

3000 1,6

a. Tentukanlah orde reaksi dan nilai konsentrasi laju reaksinya.

b. Tentukan berapa konsentrasi C2H6 saat laju sudah berjalan 1400 detik. c. Tentukan be
waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk reaksi berjalan 45%.

d. Jika diketahui energi aktivasi reaksi adalah = 120 kJ/mol, berapa suhu yang
dibutuhkan agar konstanta laju meningkat dua kali lipat?

2. Dalam suatu ruangan tertutup, bila sejumlah tertentu padatan NH4HS dipanaskan

akan membentuk kesetimbangan:

NH4HS(s) ↔ NH3(g) + H2S(g) Ke dalam ruang hampa yang volumenya 10 L d

padatan NH4HS (51 g/mol) sebanyak 153 gram dan NH3 (17 g/mol) sebanyak 17 gram, kem
dipanaskan pada 405 K. Sesudah tercapai kesetimbangan, ternyata diperoleh tekanan


NH3 = 7,72 atm dan H2S = 5 atm.

a. Tentukan nilai Kp dan Kc pada suhu 405 K.

b. Tentukan massa NH4HS dan NH3 ketika tercapai kesetimbangan. c. Berapa persen di

NH4HS dalam sistem kesetimbangan tersebut? d. Kemudian, tekanan di dalam wadah te

dikurangi sehingga didapatkan

nilai tekanan yang baru yaitu NH3 = 2,2 atm. Berapa massa NH3 dan H2S saat setimb

3. Diketahui masing-masing potensial standar reduksi:

Zn2+ + 2e → Zn Eo = -0,76 V Cu2+ + 2e → Cu Eo = 0,34 V

Ag+ + e → Ag Eo = 0,8 V

S2O82- + 2e → 2SO42- Eo = 2,01 V a. Tuliskan persamaan reaksi sel yang terjadi dari reaks
oleh Zn2+,

oksidasi Cu oleh Zn2+, oksidasi Cu oleh Ag+, dan berapa nilai Eo selnya?

b. Tentukan reaksi mana saja yang spontan.

c. Tentukan nilai konstanta kesetimbangan reaksinya dari reaksi yang spontan.

4. Sejumlah es dengan suhu -20°C dimasukkan ke dalam 1 kg air dengan suhu 40°C
dalam wadah terisolasi. Jika diinginkan suhu akhir campuran 5°C, berapa massa es

yang harus ditambahkan? Diketahui kalor jenis es 2,48 J/g°C, kalor lebur es 6,02

kJ/mol, dan kalor jenis air 4,18 J/g°C.


Asisten Dosen : Dwiputra M. Zairin

Jurusan, Angkatan : Teknik Kimia 2014

1. Laju Reaksi

a. Orde reaksi dan konstanta laju reaksi.

Pertama, dari data yang telah diketahui di soal, kita buat tabel sebagai berikut:

t (s) [C2H6] [C2H6]

(M) t (s) 1/[C2H6]

t (s) ln
t (s) 1/[C2H6]

0 9.1 0 2.208274 0 0.10989

300 7.5 300 2.014903 300 0.133333

600 6.4 600 1.856298 600 0.15625

1200 4.4 1200 1.481605 1200 0.227273

1800 3.2 1800 1.163151 1800 0.3125

3000 1.6 3000 0.470004 3000 0.625

Setelah itu, kita memplot ke dalam grafik antara t vs ln[C2H6] dan antara t vs 1/[C2H6].

t vs ln[C2H6]

1.5 y = -0.0006x + 2.1957

R2 = 0.9996

0.5 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500


Dapat dilihat dari kedua grafik tersebut bahwa grafik t vs ln[C2H6] lebih lurus dibandingkan denga

1/[C2H6], maka dapat disimpulkan reaksi tersebut memiliki orde 1. Jika grafik t vs 1/[C2H6] lebih

reaksi berorde 2.
Persamaan umum reaksi orde 1 adalah:
ln[Ca] = −kt + ln[Ca]0
Persamaan yang didapat dari grafik adalah:
y = −0.0006x + 2.1957
Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai k = 0.0006.

b. Konsentrasi setelah 1400 s. ln[Ca] = −kt + ln[Ca]0

ln[Ca] = −(0.0006)(1400) + ln(9.1) ln Ca = −0.84 + 2.208 ln Ca = 1.36 Ca = 3.92 M
c. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk reaksi berjalan 45%.
Saat reaksi sudah berjalan 45%, berarti konsentrasi yang tersisa ada sebanyak:
t vs 1/[C2H6]
y = 0.0002x + 0.0667 R2
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
[Ca] = 1 − 0.45 (9.1M) [Ca] = 5.0
ln[Ca] = −kt + ln[Ca]0 ln(5.005) = −(0.0006)t + ln (9.1)
1.61 = −(0.0006)t + 2.208
1.61 = −(0.0006)t + 2.208
t = 996.67 s
2. Kesetimbangan Kimia
a. Menghitung nilai Kp
Kp = P ×P 2
Kp = (7.72atm)(5atm)
Kp = 38.6 atm

Menghitung nilai Kc Kc = (RT)Kp

Δn = (0.082)(405) 38.6

= 1.162

b. Massa NH4HS dan NH3

NH4HS(s) ↔ NH3(g) + H2S(g) M: 3mol 1mol -

R: x mol x mol x mol
S: (3-x) mol (1+x)mol x mol
K = NH [H2S] 1.162 = 1 + x
x10 116.2 = x + x2
Dengan menyelesaikan persamaan pangkat dua tersebut, didapat nilai x =
1.029 mol. Maka:
• Mol NH4HS saat setimbang = 1.971 mol

• Massa NH4HS saat setimbang = (51 g/mol)(1.971 mol) = 100.521 g


• Mol NH3 saat setimbang = 2.029 mol

• Mol NH3 saat setimbang = (17g/mol)(2.029mol) = 34.393 mol

c. Persen disosiasi NH4HS.

mol bereaksi
α = mol

awal = 1.029

3 = 0.343 = 34.

d. Rumus yang digunakan adalah:

lnkk 2=
T 1− T 2
Dengan memasukkan angka-angka yang sudah diketahui, didapatkan nilai
suhu yang dibutuhkan agar konstanta laju meningkat dua kali lipat.
ln2k k = 120,000
− 390
1390 − T12 ln2 = 14433.48569 T2
− 390
390 T2 4.802 x 10 = T2 390
T2 0.0187278 T2 = T2 − 390 0.9812722 T2 = 390 T2
3. Sel Volta
a. Reaksi oksidasi Ag oleh Zn2+
Ag + e → Ag+ Eo = -0,80 V Zn2+ + 2e → Zn Eo = -0,76 V Total: 2Ag + Zn2+ → 2 Ag+ + Zn Eo = -1.56 V
Reaksi oksidasi Cu oleh Zn2+ Cu + 2e → Cu2+ Eo = -0,34 V Zn2+ + 2e → Zn Eo = -0,76 V
Total: Cu + Zn2+ → Cu2+ + Zn Eo = -1.10 V
Reaksi oksidasi Cu oleh Ag+
Cu + 2e → Cu2+ Eo = -0,34 V Ag+ + e → Ag Eo = +0,80 V Total: Cu + 2Ag+ → Cu2+ + 2Ag Eo = +0.46 V
b. Reaksi yang spontan hanyalah oksidasi Cu oleh Ag+ karena nilai Eo yang
c. Untuk menghitung konstanta kesetimbangan di dalam perhitungan
elektrokimia, maka gunakan persamaan Nernst:
RT lnK
E = E° − nF Atau pada kondisi standar juga bias ditulis sebagai:

E = E° − 0.0592
n Pada saat kesetimbangan, nilai Esel selalu 0, maka persamaan di atas dapat ditulis menjadi

0 = E° − 0.0592
n lnK = n .E°

0.0592 lnK = 2 .0.46 0.0592 l

K = 5.6 x 10
4. Menggunakan azas Black, dapat diketahui massa es yang harus ditambahkan.
+ mesL + mesCp ΔT = m Cp ΔT x g 2.48 J/g°C 20°C + x18
mol 6020
Qes = Q mesCp esΔT

x g 4,18 J/g°C (5°C)

= (1000 g)(4.18 J/g°C)(35°C)
49.6 x + 334.44 + 20.9x = 146300
70.5 x = 145965.56
x = 2070.43 gram = 2.07043 kg

Hari, Tanggal : Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Waktu : 50 Menit

Sifat Ujian : Closed book

Dosen : Dr. Eny Kusrini

1. Dekomposisi hidrogen iodida adalah sebagai berikut:

HI(g) → H2(g) + I2(g)

Mempunyai laju reaksi 9,51 x 10-9 L/mol.det pada 500 K dan 1,10 x 10-5 L/mol.det

pada 600 K. Jika diketahui nilai R = 8,314 J/mol.K, maka:

a. Tuliskan stoikiometri yang benar untuk reaksi di atas dan persamaan yang


b. Tentukan Ea.

2. Seorang insinyur mencoba mereaksikan karbon monoksida dengan air untuk

menghasilkan karbon dioksida dan gas hidrogen. Upaya ini adalah untuk menciptakan

campuran sintetiik bahan bakar. Jika diketahui 0,25 mol CO dan 0,25 mol H2O ditempatkan pad
tabung pada suhu 900 K. Bagaimana komposisi campuran

pada saat kesetimbangan? Pada suhu ini, diketahui Kc = 1,56.

a. Tuliskan persamaan reaksi di atas.

b. Hitunglah konsentrasi awal.

c. Hitunglah Qc.

3. Seorang teknisi melapisi keran dengan 0,86 gram kromium menggunakan elektrolit

yang mengandung air Cr2(SO4)3. Jika 12,5 menit diperbolehkan untuk pelapisan plating,
yang diperlukan? Diketahui konstanta Faraday = 9,65 x 104 C/mol.e- serta massa atom Cr = 52
g/mol, dan O= 16 g/mol.


4. Asam propanat (CH3CH2COOH) yang dapat disingkat dengan HPr adalah asam

monokarboksilat. Jika diketahui Ka = 1,3 x 10-5 dan 0,10 M HPr, maka:

a. Tuliskan persamaan kimianya dan tentukan rumus Ka. b. Tentukan konsentrasi


Asisten Dosen : Apryani Lestari

Jurusan, Angkatan : Teknik Kimia, 2014

1. Jawab:

Diketahui: - v1 = 9,51 x 10-9 l/mol.det - T1 = 500 K -

v2 = 1,10 x 10-5 l/mol.det - T2 = 600 K - R = 8,314



a. Stokiometri dan reaksi yang benar.

b. Tentukan Ea (energi aktivasi).


a. Menyamakan koefisien kanan dan kiri masing-masing zat, sehingga reaksi

yang benar adalah:

2HI(g) → H2(g) + I2(g)

b. Energi aktivasi (Ea) adalah energi minimum yang harus ada pada sistem

melangsungkan reaksi kimia. Untuk mencari Ea, terlebih dahulu harus memahami cara
reaksi. Langkah-langkah dalam menyelesaikan

ini sebagai berikut:

Rumus untuk mencari laju reaksi untuk persamaan diatas adalah

v = k HI ∝ (1)

di mana: v = laju reaksi (M/det)

k = tetapan laju reaksi (det-1)

α = orde reaksi

HI = konsentrasi zat HI (M)

Hubungan antara laju reaksi dengan energi aktivasi dapat dijelaskan dalam

rumus sebagai berikut

k = Ae (2) di mana: k = tetapan laju reaksi (det-1)

A = faktor frekuensi untuk reaksi

Ea = energi aktivasi (kJ/mol) R = konstanta gas universal (J/mol.K)

T = suhu (K)

Dalam mencari energi aktivasi, kita dapat mengubah persamaan (1) menjadi

persamaan (3) untuk kemudian mensubstitusi persamaan yang baru ke

persamaan (2), sehingga menjadi : k = ∝ (3)

Kemudian disubstitusi ke persamaan (2) menjadi :

= Ae (4)

Persamaan tersebut jika dibandingkan pada kondisi temperatur yang berbeda,

maka menjadi :

e e

Ea (5)
Besar dari konsentrasi zat yaitu HI dianggap konstan, kemudian besar

konstanta gas universal (R), dan besar faktor frekuensi untuk reaksi (A) adalah

konstan, sehingga menjadi :

vv = e e

9,51x10 1,1x10 = e e ( , )( ) ( , )( )

9,51x10 1,1x10 = e ( , )( ) ( , )


9,51x10 1,1x10 = e ,4

x (− 1
1,1x10 ) = Ea

4157 + 1

ln (−7,053) = Ea x (−4,01x10 ) Ea = 175885,28 J/mol Ea = 175,885 kJ/mol
2. Jawab:
- nawal CO = 0,25 mol - nawal H2O = 0,25 mol - volume = 1,5 liter
- T = 900 K
- Kc = 1,56
a. Persamaan reaksi.
b. Konsentrasi awal.
c. Komposisi campuran pada saat kesetimbangan (pertanyaan dalam soal).
d. Hitung Qc.
a. Persamaan reaksi dari soal tersebut adalah
CO(g) + H2O(l) → CO2(g) + H2(g) b. Besar konsentrasi dapat dihitung menggunakan rumus
M = n (
v (liter)
Sehingga besar konsentrasi awal dari masing-masing zat pada reaktan dan
produk dalam reaksi tersebut adalah :

Reaktan: M awal CO = nv = 0,25


1,5 liter = 0,16 M M awal H2O = nv = 0,25


1,5 liter = 0,16 M

M awal CO2 = − (produk, tidak memiliki konsentrasi mula-mula) M awal H2 = − (produk, tidak memiliki
c. Besar konsentrasi dapat dihitung menggunakan rumus
M = n (
v (liter)
Namun, untuk mencari konsentrasi pada kondisi setimbang, terlebih dahulu
dibuat persamaan reaksi dan stokiometrinya:
CO (g) + H2O (l) → CO2 (g) + H2 (g)
K = 2 2

H2O berada dalam fasa liquid (murni atau homogen), sehingga tidak diperhitungkan dalam rumu
tetapan kesetimbangan.
1,56 = (x)(x)
(0,25 − x)
x2 + 1,56x − 0,39 = 0

Didapatkan akar dari persamaan di atas yaitu: x1 = 0,2191 dan x2 = -1,779. Karena besar konsentras
akan selalu bernilai positif, maka akar yang
diambil adalah x1 = 0,2191. Sehingga, besar konsentrasi pada saat setimbang adalah sebagai be
= (0,25 − 0,2191) mol
Reaktan : M setimbang CO = nv
= (0,25 − 0,2191) mol
1,5 liter = 0,0206 M M setimbang H2O = nv

1,5 liter = 0,0206 M

Produk :
M setimbang CO2 = nv = 0,2191
1,5 liter = 0,146 M Msetimbang H2 = nv = 0,2191

1,5 liter = 0,146 M


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