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Bab 8

Studi kasus southern recreational vehicle company

1. Evaluasi akan tawaran yang ditawarkan Pemimpin masyarakat Ridgecrest, Mississipi kepada
Perusahaan Kendaraan Rekreasi Southern.Penurunan keuntungan yang dialami Perusahaan
Kendaraan Rekreasi Southern disebabkan:
Biaya produksi yang memprihatinkan dimana biaya tenaga kerjanya dan bahan mentah
menigkat tajam (di St. Lois Missouri).
Ketersediaan pasokan tenaga kerja cukup dan biaya tenaga kerja lebih rendah, saat melakukan
perekrutan tenaga kerja daerah, pelatihan kerja di biayai Negara pada sekolah industry
setempat (Ridgecrest, Mississipi).
Biaya layanan seperti : listrik, air dan telepon semakin lama semakin melonjak (di St. Lois
Pelayanan air dan limbah gratis, perusahaan listrik dan energy Mississsipi juga berperan
dalam menarik industry yang “bersih dan padat karya” dan biaya layanan umum tidak begitu
tinggi seperti di Misouri (Ridgecrest, Mississipi)
Pajak dan juga biaya transportasi secara stabil trus meningkat (di St. Lois Missouri).
Menawarkan pemutihan pajak Negara bagian dan pemda setempat selama 5 tahun
(Ridgecrest, Mississipi).
Pembangunan dok loading yang ditawarkan di Ridgecrest, Mississipi gratis
Sebuah perjanjian untuk mengeluarkan obligasi industry sebesar $500.000 untuk ekspansi di
masa datang.

2. Permasalahan yang akan dihadapi sebuah perusahaan dalam memindahkan para

eksekutifnya dari wilayah masyarakat indusri ke kota kecil di pedesaan yaitu :
tunjangan terhadap staf eksekutif semakin besar.
penambahan fasilitas seperti: mobil, rumah,dan lain-lain.

3. Alasan yang dikemukakan oleh O’Brian untuk memindahkan lokasi pabrik adalah suatu
keputusan yang tepat, usaha untuk memindahkan lokasi pabrik ini berasal dari keputusan
manajer puncak yang menginginkan agar perusahaan kendaraan rekreasi Southern tetap
berdiri dan exist. Dan setelah di teliti akan tawarkan oleh Pemimpin masyarakat Ridgecrest
Mississipi, keputusan ini akan mampu menutupi semua kerugian yang di alami oleh
perusahaan selama 5 tahun berturut-turut. Dari segi biaya produksi, tenaga kerja, biaya
layanan umum, pajak dan lain-lainnya dapat berkurang dan hal ini tidak meresahkan pihak
manajemen financial perusahaan untuk menutupi segala biaya yang selalu menanjak secara
terus menerus.
4. Tanggungjawab hokum dan etika yang harus dilakukan perusahaan disaat membuat
keputusan untuk menghentikan operasi adalah :
Memutuskan hubungan kerja terhadap karyawan dengan hormat yaitu: dengan memberikan
kompensasi/jaminan/pesangon terhadap para karyawan yang telah lama bekerja di
Merekomendasikan para karyawan yang memiliki predikat kerja baik/unggul pada perusahaan
yang memiliki hubungan kerja yang bersangkutan dengan Perusahaaan Kendaraan Rekreasi

Bab 9
Studi kasus tentang lying out arnold palmer hospital new facilities
1. banyak variabel yang rumah sakit perlukan untuk desaintata letak.
Efisiensi Keperawatan: seberapa jauh seorang perawatharus melakukan perjalanan dalam w
aktu dan jarak kepasien, pemasok linen, ruang istirahat, dll
Keamanan: bagaimana melindungi pasien, terutama bayi,dari orang-
orang yang seharusnya tidak memiliki akseskepada bayi tersebut.
Privasi dan ketenangan : menyediakan pasien denganruang yang akan membantu mereka pulih den
gan cepat(servicescapes)
makanan hangat dan efisiensi pasokan : memberikanmakanan hangat dan menjaga jalur pasokan pe
nuhdengan efisiensi terbaik
Ruang untuk keluarga untuk mengunjungi atau untuk tidur
Area untuk staf medis dan non-medis untuk "off-tugas" darialiran pasien / pengunjung.
2. Kelebihan desain pod melingkar terhadap tata letaklorong linier tradisional
Tradisional "racetrack" kurang efisien karena kamarpasien berbaris di lorong-
lorong panjang, dan perawatmungkin berjalan 2,7 mil per hari melayani kebutuhanpasien.
Desain pod melingkar membuat lebih mudah bagiperawat untuk melihat dan mencapai setia
p kamar. Halini tidak hanya menghemat waktu perjalanan dankelelahan berjalan, tapi lebih ef
isien ketika staf medismemiliki pandangan masing-masing kamar setiap saat.
Dalam sistem pod melingkar, ruang pasokan tersediauntuk setiap bagian pod. Ini berbeda d
ari tata letaktradisional dengan satu ruang pasokan per unitkeperawatan.
3. Total jarak = 6 (pasien) x 2 (bolak-
balik) x (20 +30 + 40 + 50 + 60 + 70 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 50 +60 + 70)′ + 20 (medis) x 2 x 50′ + 5 (istir
ahat) x2 x 40′ + 12 (linen) x 2 x30′ •
= 12(540)′ + 40(50)′ + 10(40)′ + 24(30)′ •
= 6.480′ + 2.000′ + 400′ + 720′
= 9.600′
•setara 1,8181 mil perjalanan (mil internasional)
•setara 2,92608 km
4. Total = 7 x 2(bolak-
balik) x12 (pasien)x 14′ + 20(medis) x 2 x 60′ + 6 (istirahat) x 2 x 60′ + 12 (linen) x 2 x 14′
= 2.352′ + 2.400′ + 720′ + 336′
= 5.808′
= 1,1 milessetara 1,7702 km
.perbedaan perjalanan kedua perawat(1,8181-1,1)mil = 0,7181 mil(2,92608-
1,7702) km = 1,15588 km
tidak bisa menjadi ukuran tingkat efisiensi karenaperbedaan sample data (thomas & susan)
5. Konsep servicescapes begitu penting di Rumah Sakit Arnold Palmer
. Servicescapes memaparkan lingkungan fisik dimana kelayakan diberikandan bagaimana lin
gkungan sekitar memiliki dampak humanistik padapelanggandan pekerja.
Elemen-elemen serviscapes dan contohnya :
kondisi ambien
, seperti pencahayaan, suara, dan suhu semua penting diunit Arnold Palmer, serta rumah sakit
secara keseluruhan. Arnold Palmertelah sepenuhnya didesain ulang, seperti privasi dan suasa
na tenangdengan desain seperti malam hari, dengan hasil bayi-
bayi mengalamikemajuan dan perkembangan lebih cepat
tata ruang, dengan pod melingkar untuk layout gedung baru.
Tanda / simbol / artefak
yang sangat penting dalam sebuah rumah sakituntuk anak-
anak. misalnya, area bermain, gambar/lukisan, karya senianak-
anak dapat menunjukkan bahwa tempat ini hangat dan aman untuksemua orang .

Studi kasus facility layout of wheeled coach

1 Teknik analisis yang cocok
Setiap perusahaan manufaktur seperti WheeledCoach harus mempertimbangkan yang terbai
kstrategi tata letak yang sesuai bisnis merekauntuk memaksimalkan keuntungan. Desain tatal
etak harus mencapai pemanfaatan yang lebihtinggi dari ruang, peralatan dan orang,meningkat
kan arus informasi, bahan atau orang,meningkatkan semangat kerja karyawan dankondisi kerj
a yang lebih aman, meningkatkanpelanggan / interaksi klien, dan fleksibilitas
Sebuah tata letak yang baik membutuhkanpenentuan peralatan penanganan material.Kapasi
tas dan kebutuhan ruang juga harus dipenuhi,hanya ketika personel, mesin, dan peralatan dike
naldapat manajer memutuskan dengan tata letak danmenyediakan ruang untuk masingmasing
komponen. Lingkungan dan estetika juga harusdiperhatikan seperti keputusan pada jendela,p
ekebun dan tinggi partisi untuk memfasilitasi aliranudara. Komunikasi juga penting dan harus
difasilitasi oleh tata letak. Terakhir, biaya pindahantara berbagai area kerja juga merupakan ti
tikuntuk mempertimbangkan.
Model lini perakitan,mendesain layout prosesdengan grafik,mendesain layout proses denga
nperangkat lunak, dan sel kerja komputer dapatdigunakan dalam kasus ini.

2. Saran kami untuk Bob Collins

Bob Collins harus mengatasi masalah di jalur perakitan, seperti yangterlihat dalam video, ja
lur perakitan tampak seperti kekacauan. tahapproduksi harus diberikan fokus, khususnya mas
alah denganmenyeimbangkan jumlah pekerja dan tugas pada setiap workstation.Sedangkan k
omponen ambulans dibuat dalam sel kerja yang berbeda,tata letak produk-
berorientasi jalur perakitan harus sebanyak mungkinmeminimalkan ketidakseimbangan. Man
ajemen harus membuat aliranhalus dan kontinyu dengan minimal menganggur di setiap work
station. Agar setiap ambulans diproduksi pada tingkat tertentu, manajemen harustahu peralata
n, alat-
alat dan metode kerja yang digunakan, dankebutuhan waktu untuk setiap tugas harus ditentuk
an. Manajemen harusdatang dengan grafik didahulukan untuk menentukan apa tugas yanghar
us dilakukan terlebih dahulu sebelum yang lain dan berapa banyakwaktu yang harus diperluk
an untuk menyelesaikan tugas.
Keseimbangan dapat dicapai dengan menetapkan tugas perakitanspesifik untuk setiap work
station. Hal ini dapat dilakukan denganmenentukan unit yang dibutuhkan per hari dan memba
ginya menjadiwaktu produktif yang tersedia per hari. Kemudian menghitung jumlahminimum
teoritis workstation.
3. efisiensi

dapat dibuktikan efisien jika perakitandiperlukan selesai dalam waktu, urutanditentukan diikuti dan waktu si
aga di setiapstasiun kerja diminimalkan. Hal ini jugadianggap efisien jika perusahaanmenghemat waktu dan u
ang dibandingkandari tata letak sebelumnya

Bab 11
Video Case Study: Inventory Control at Wheeled Coach Ambulance (Heizer & Render,
2014, pg. 513)
1. Explain how Wheeled Coach implements ABC analysis.
They implement the ABC analysis by inventorying the A-Items every week, the B-Items
every month and the C-Items quarterly (Amer, n.d., video series).
2. If you were to take over as inventory control manager at Wheeled Coach, what
additional policies and techniques would you initiate to ensure accurate inventory
I would strive for better records accuracy, forecasting, physical control, reduction in
inventory, and find a better supplier who can pre-fabricate some of the components for
the ambulances (Heizer & Render, 2014, pg. 479). I would also keep some safety stock
on hand based on historical data of the customized vehicles the company has
manufactured for different customers.
3. How would you go about implementing these suggestions?
I would rewrite the company SOP, gradually make the changes, and I would attempt to
get ISO 9000 certified.

Video Case Study: Operations Management II

1. How does this supply chain differ from that of a manufacturing firm?
Manufacturing firms focus on development of new product innovations and efficiency
and at Arnold Palmer Hospital, they focus on supply chain innovation and
accomplishing service and their economic goals (Heizer & Render, 2014, pg. 456).
2. What are the constraints on making decisions based on economics alone at Arnold
Palmer Hospital?
The vendors were buying products that the staff did not necessarily prefer and the vendor
cancelled some of the products that the medical staff found useful in the hospital. They
would change suppliers for a particular product every year. The buying group was not
able to negotiate contracts with local manufacturers to secure the best pricing (Heizer &
Render, 2014, pg. 456).
3. What role do doctors and nurses play in supply chain decisions in a hospital? How is this
participation handled at Arnold Palmer Hospital?
Doctors and nurses usually do not play a role in any supply chain management decisions.
They use the products that the hospital provides and sometimes they make suggestions
for a better or economical product. They formed the Healthcare Purchasing Alliance and
also formed a Purchasing group and assigned representatives from every department in
the hospital to give advice on what products and vendors to use. They focus on ways to
drive down cost, reduce inventory and improve their healthcare service. It is handled by
committees (Medical Economic Outcomes Committee) and subcommittees consisting of
medical and nursing staff (Heizer & Render, 2014, pg. 456).
4. Dr. Smith just returned from the Annual Physician’s Orthopedic Conference, where she
saw a new hip joint replacement demonstrated. She wants to start using the replacement
joint at Arnold Palmer Hospital. What process will Dr. Smith have to go through at the
hospital to introduce this new product into the supply chain?
She will have to gather data on the replacement joint, do a thorough analysis comparing
what they are currently using compared to what advantages both medically and
economically the new replacement joint offers. She will have to bring it before the
Medical Economic Outcomes Committee and seek their approval. If they approve it for
use, then they have to look for a vendor whose goals are in line with theirs and sign a
formal contract (Heizer & Render, 2014, pg. 456).

Bab 10

Study kasus Jackson manufacturing company

In your report to Ms. McFadden you realize you will want to address several factors:
(1) How big should the sample be for a statistically accurate standard (at, say, the 99.73%
confidence level and accuracy of 5%)?

Actual Observed Cycle Times

x ẍ x-ẍ (x-ẍ) 2

2.05 1.90 0.1488 0.0221

1.92 1.90 0.0188 0.0004
2.01 1.90 0.1088 0.0118
1.89 1.90 -0.0112 0.0001
1.77 1.90 -0.1312 0.0172
1.80 1.90 -0.1012 0.0102
1.86 1.90 -0.0412 0.0017
1.83 1.90 -0.0712 0.0051
1.93 1.90 0.0288 0.0008
1.96 1.90 0.0588 0.0035
1.95 1.90 0.0488 0.0024
2.05 1.90 0.1488 0.0221
1.79 1.90 -0.1112 0.0124
1.82 1.90 -0.0812 0.0066
1.85 1.90 -0.0512 0.0026
1.85 1.90 -0.0512 0.0026
1.99 1.90 0.0888 0.0079

∑(x-ẍ)2 = 0.1296
n = 13
h = 0.05

2 ∑(x−ẍ)2 2 0.1296
Standard Deviation = √ = √ 𝑛−16 = 0.0899

zs 2 3 x 0.0899 2
Sample Size Required = (ℎẍ) = (0.05 𝑥 1.90) = 8.07 ≈ 9

This can be rounded up to 9 for statistical accuracy

(2) Is the sample size adequate?

The sample size is 17 which more than adequate for this scenario, given the low variation in
cycle times, a sample size of 8 or 9 would be adequate.
(3) How many units should be produced at this workstation per day?

Available time = 7.5 x 60 = 450 minutes

Observed Cycle Time = 1.90 ; normal time = 1.90 x 1.15 = 2.185
2.185 2.185
Standard time = 1−0.16 = = 2.60 minutes
Number of units processed = 2.60 = 173.10 ≈ 173

(4) What is the cost per unit through this workstation in direct labor cost?

Total Cost per day = ( hourly rate x number of hours per day) = ( $12.50 x 8.0 ) = $100.00
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦 $ 100.00
Therefore; 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 = 173 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 = $0.578 per unit


1.) What has Hard Rock done to lower employee turnover to half the industry average?
- Hard Rock created and provided a unique culture and work environment for the
employees. This includes the following:
a. Outstanding pay and benefits not only for regular employees but also for
b. A unique respect for individuality.
c. A high level of internal promotions (some 60% of the managers are
promoted from hourly employee ranks)

2.) How does Hard Rock’s human resource department support the company’s overall
- Hard Rock’s human resource department support the company’s overall strategy
a. Hiring bright, positive-attitude, self-motivated individuals/people with a
cause-people who like to serve;
b. Having employee bill of rights and substantial employee empowerment;
c. Providing specific, job-oriented, continuous training programs for
d. Encouraging outside volunteer work to foster a bond between the worker,
their community, and issues of importance to them.

3.) How would Hard Rock’s value system work for automobile assembly line workers?
- Hard Rock’s value system will work for automobile assembly line workers by
encouraging employees to maximize their potential, instill responsibility to
innovate, create and deliver exceptional quality work, which all in all significantly
affect the long-term growth and success of the organization.

4.) How might you adjust a traditional assembly line to address more “core job
- Adjust a traditional assembly line to address more “core job characteristics” by
incorporating skill variety, task identity & task significance to form a motivating
potential score for a job. This can be used as an index of how likely a job is to
affect an employee’s attitude and behaviour.

Studi kasus each of Dardens four supply chains.

First is "smallware", by having Darden Direct Distribution in Orlando, Florida, Darden easily
manage delivery path to restaurants by common carrier, lower cost in inventory. It also helps
to give all restaurants same quality of smallware.
Second is frozen and canned food. With distribution centers in North, America, once again it
makes easier in inventory control and shipping will be more effective.
Third is fresh food supply. Darden places order directly to independent suppliers, which are
known as B2B. Darden tries to make sure it will get the freshest food from those who know
their own product and grow them in the right way.
Last one is worldwide seafood supply. Darden is going business with suppliers in 35
countries, which is to get the best sea food product. And the quality is always inspected by
Darden's overseas representatives. This helps Darden brings the best and reliable products to
2. What are the complications of having four supply chains?
Beside all advantages that Dardens gets from the supply chains, it also have some complication
by operating them, these are the following:
1. Its complex, expensive to ship, communication issues and individual supply chain has its
own set of problems. Complexity can also trigger cost increase.
2. Supply chain complex and supplliers from 35 different countries. This can result in things
becoming unusable, old or lost. Moreover, dealing with foreign suppliers could result in
miscommunications due to different management style, culture, languages they could be using.
3. Small ware distribution has complications, because if something happens at the location in
Orlando. They do not have another distributor.
4. Seafood has cost issues. It is very expensive to ship, high transporation and legal cost.
Another risk is that sea food is highly perishable.
5. Weather. There could be problems arising caused out by the delayed delivery due to
unforecasted weather disturbances like heavy rain, floods etc...
3. Where would you expect ownership/title to change in each Darden’s four supply
-Small ware supply chain, ownership will change when it is delivered to warehouse in Florida.
-The canned food chain title changes when its already in the hands of restaurants.
-For fresh food, title typically changes at delivery to the restaurant as well.
-Last, for the sea food title change to be when it is delivered to the US from overseas.
4. How do Darden's four supply chains compare with those of other firms, such as Dell or
an automobile Manufacturer? Why do the differences exist, and how they are addressed?
- The automobile industry develops new and innovative supply chains such as vendor-managed
- The distinction between the automobile company and Darden is that the often fragile nature
of Darden's raw material.
- These differences are being addressed by Darden using an intricate supply chain
management strategy.

Study case supply chain regal marine

What other techniques might Regal use to improve supply chain management?
The most appropriate technique for Regal Marine is the few suppliers strategy, having quality
vendors and partnering. Due to the wide range of raw materials that they need to make a boat,
they use different strategies for different areas. For example, they use a few suppliers strategy
for engineers(VOLVO) in order to improve the final quality of the product according to the
feedback from engineering enterprises.
Other possible techniques would not be suitable for Regal Marine:
for example a vertical integration strategy would require a very high investment, and would
be unsuitable for the boat manufacturing rapidly improving technology. Also, a many
suppliers strategy results in sporadic deliveries of high quantities, which would clearly
increase required inventory and eliminate the “just in time” advantage which Regal has.
2. What kind of response might members of the supply chain expect from Regal because
of their “partnering” in the supply chain?
Members of the supply chain could expect increased loyalty as a result of Regal’s partnering
in the supply chain. Partnering in the supply chain creates strong bonds between regal and the
members of its supply chain which allows for increased collaboration within the supply
chain. This increase in collaboration also leads to a higher quality product and lower
inventory turnover. A deeper understanding of the supply chain through partnering also leads
to a decrease in production costs. All of these benefits can be an expected response of the
members of Regal’s supply chain.
Why is supply chain management important to Regal?
Firstly, Regal needs the highest possible quality. It cannot possibly achieve highest quality on
every single component which boats use by itself. It’s far better to do partnership with suppliers
for each item, so that each producer can focus on a particular item, resulting in the best product,
innovative and using the newest technology.
Secondly, a very important cost reduction which Regal Marine uses is the lack of stock or
inventory, eliminating the costs and time associated to them. This can only possibly be
achieved through partnering: producers provide on a regular basis directly to the production
line, in the quantities needed, just in time.
Bab 12
Zhou bicycle
1. Inventory plan for Zhou Bicycle Company?
The forecasted demand is summarized in thefollowing table: Total 439
Average demand per month = 439/12 = 36.58 bicycles
. The standard deviation of the monthlydemand = 25.67 bicycles
. The inventory plan is based on the following costs and values
.Order cost = $65/order
Cost per bicycle = $102.00
Holding cost= ($102.00) × (1%) × 12 per year per bicycle= $12.24 per year per bicycle
Service level = 95%, with corresponding Z value of 1.645Lead time = 1 month (4 weeks)
Total demand/year= 439 units of bicycle
The solution below uses the simple EOQ model with reorder point and safety stock.
It ignoresthe seasonal nature of the demand.
The fluctuation in demand is dealt with by the safety stockbased on the variation of
demand over the planning horizon.

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