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Mata Pelajaran : Sejarah (Peminatan) Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 23 Agustus 2018

Kelas/ Semester : XII/ Ganjil Waktu : 08.15-09.45 WITA
1. Kapan Mesir mengakui kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia secara de facto dan de jure? (10)
2. Jelaskan proses bangsa Indonesia mendapatkan kedaulatan dari negara Mesir! (20)
3. Tuliskan isi pidato Sutan Sjahrir dalam konferensi “Inter Asian Relation” ! (15)
4. Jelaskan secara rinci alasan Negara Australia mengakui kemerdekaan RI! (10)
5. Tuliskan 3 peran PBB dalam mendukung Kemerdekaan RI! (15)
6. Tuliskan Isi perundingan KMB! (30)


Kompetensi dasar:
3.2 . Mengevaluasi perkembangan IPTEK dalam era globalisasi dan dampaknya bagi kehidupan manusia

Mata Pelajaran : Sejarah (Peminatan) Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 16 Oktober 2018

Kelas/ Semester : XII/ Ganjil Waktu : 09:00-09:45 WITA

1. Tuliskan pengertian dari:
b. Globalisasi menurut Mansour Fakih (30)
c. Teknologi menurut Dr Ing Iskandar
d. Revolusi Teknologi menurut Nick Bostrom
2. Jelaskan dampak dari ledakan bom yang dapat merugikan manusia dan alam sekitar ! (20)
3. Tuliskan masing-masing 1 contoh perkembangan revolusi teknologi pada era globalisasi dalam
bidang: (40)
a. Teknologi ruang angkasa
b. Teknologi persenjataan
c. Teknologi transportasi
d. Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi
4. Tuliskan pengertian dan tujuan dibentuknya Misi Apolo II! (10)


Mata Pelajaran : Sejarah (Peminatan) Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 04 Juni 2018
Kelas/ Semester : XI IIS/ Genap Waktu : 10.00-11.30 WITA

1. Jelaskan 3 periode perlawanan kaum paderi (1821-1838)! 15
2. Jelaskan 4 penyebab perlawanan Pangeran Diponegoro ! 8
3. Jelaskan pengertian Nasionalisme! 5
4. Tuliskan 3 penyebab timbulnya nasionalisme Asia dan Afrika! 6
5. Tuliskan tujuan secara umum terbentuknya kabinet parlemneter Indonesia (1950-1957)! 5
6. Tuliskan masing-masing 3 program kerja kabinet Natsir (September 1950- Maret 1951) dan kabinet
Sukiman (April 1951-Februari 1952)! 12
7. Tuliskan 3 sebab timbulnya Nasionalisme India! 6
8. Jelaskan perbedaan antara organisasi koperatif dan organisasi non koperatif! 5
9. Perhatikan tabel di bawah ini!
Periode Nama Organisasi Nama Strategi/taktik Tujuan
Tokoh perjuangan
Awal Budi Utomo …. .... ....
Masa radikal PKI …. .... ....
Masa GAPI (Gabungan …. .... ....
Bertahan Politik Indonesia)
Isilah tabel diatas sesuai nama organisasi yang telah tercantum pada masa awal perkembangan, masa
radikal dan masa bertahan! 18
10. Jelaskan kebijakan politik pada masa awal pendudukan Jepang! 5
11. Tuliskan 2 tahap rencana jepang dalam hal eksploitasi ekonomi di Indonesia! 6
12. Jelaskan 3 organisasi semimiliter yang dibentuk oleh Jepang dalam bidang militer! 9


Mata Pelajaran : Sejarah Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 11 Oktober 2019
Kelas/ Semester : XI/ Ganjil Waktu : 90 Menit

1. Tuliskan pengertian: (25)
a. Merkantilisme c. Renaissance
b. Aufklarung d. Reformasi gereja e. Revolusi industry

2. Jelaskan 2 dampak merkantilisme bagi Indonesia! (20)

3. Tuliskan 5 faktor pendorong lahirnya Renaissance! (25)
4. Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini!

Jelaskan peran tokoh di samping menyangkut pemikiran-pemikiran yang

melandasi peristiwa penting di eropa! (20)

5. Tuliskan pengertian dari:

a. Indulgensi b. Kapitalisme (10)

Life is not a print, it’s a marathon

Mata Pelajaran : Sejarah Hari/Tanggal :
Kelas/ Semester : XI IPS/ Ganjil Waktu : 90 Menit


1. Tuliskan pengertian Merkantilisme, Renaissance, Aufklarung, Reformasi Gereja! (20)

2. Jelaskan minimal 2 faktor pendorong lahirnya Merkantilisme, Renaissance, Aufklarung, Reformasi
Gereja dan Revolusi industri! (30)
3. Jelaskan latar belakang terjadinya revolusi Perancis! (10)
4. Jelaskan pengaruh revolusi Amerika dan revolusi Perancis bagi umat manusia masa kini! (20)
5. Tuliskan Pengertian Nasionalisme, Liberalisme, Sosialisme, Demokrasi, Pan-Islamisme! (20)


Kompetensi dasar:
3.2 Mengevaluasi peran dan nilai-nilai perjuangan tokoh nasional dan daerah dalam mempertahankan
keutuhan negara dan bangsa Indonesia pada masa 1945–1965

Mata Pelajaran : Sejarah Indonesia Hari/Tanggal :Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018

Kelas/ Semester : XII/ Ganjil Waktu : 09:00-09:50 WITA

1. Tuliskan secara singkat biografi Dr Gatot Soebroto ! 20
2. Jelaskan 2 peranan John Lie dalam melawan pertahanan belanda 40
3. Tuliskan 5 karya Prof KH Saifuddin Zuhri! 20
Selamat bekerja


Mata Pelajaran : Sejarah Indonesia Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 04 Juni 2018
Kelas/ Semester : XI/ Genap Waktu : 08.00-09.30 WITA

1. Tuliskan biografi salah satu tokoh nasional yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia! (10)
2. Jelaskan peran Thomas Matulessi dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia! (10)
3. Jelaskan secara rinci mengenai proses penyusunan naskah proklamasi! (10)
4. Tuliskan nama para utusan PPKI yang ikut menyebarkan berita proklamasi ! (10)
5. Tuliskan 3 pernyataan Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX pada tanggal 5 September 1945! (12)
6. Jelaskan 3 daerah yang mengalami tindakan heroik pada peristiwa perlucutan senjata Jepang! (15)
7. Tuliskan makna peristiwa proklamasi kemerdekaan dari sudut pandang hukum dan politik? (4)
8. Tuliskan 2 perubahan dalam UUD sebelum disahkan pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945! (4)
9. Tuliskan tujuan dibentuknya KNIP! (5)
10. Perhatikan gambar di bawah!
Jelaskan riwayat hidup dan peran tokoh di atas pada peristiwa proklamasi! (10)
11. Tuliskan tugas AFNEI (Allied Forces Netherlands East Indies)! (5)
12. Tuliskan 3 delegasi Indonesia yang mewakili perundingan Renville tanggal 8 Desember 1947! (5)

Selamat Bekerja

Mata Pelajaran : Sejarah Indonesia Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 30 Desember 2019
Kelas/ Semester : XI/ Ganjil Waktu : 90 Menit

1. Tuliskan 5 faktor yang mendorong bangsa barat datang ke Indonesia! (25)
2. Jelaskan proses masuknya bangsa Portugis,Spanyol, Belanda dan Inggris ke Indonesia! (20)
3. Jelaskan apa yang anda ketahui mengenai (30)
b. Kolonialisme
c. Imperialisme
d. VOC
4. Jelasakan strategi perlawanan bangsa Indonesia terhadap penjajahan bangsa Eropa sampai abad ke
20! (20)
5. Faktor utama lahirnya kolonialisme dan imperialisme dikenal dengan konsep 3G (Gold, Gospel dan
Glory, jelaskan! (5)


Mata Pelajaran : Sejarah Indonesia Hari/Tanggal :

Kelas/ Semester : XI/ Ganjil Waktu : 90 Menit

1. Jelaskan latar belakang berdirinya VOC! (10)
2. Jelaskan kebijakan dan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Daendels dalam Bidang politik dan sosial
ekonomi! (20)
3. Tuliskan kebijakan dan tindakan Raffles dalam bidang ekonomi! (20)
4. Jelaskan pengertian Politik Etis! (10)
5. Jelaskan Latar belakang berdirinya Budi Utomo! (10)
6. Jelaskan minimal 4 nilai perjuangan para pemuda dan pelajar yang terkandung dalam Sumpah
Soal B

1. Jelaskan secara rinci perkembangan kehidupan politik dan ekonomi Indonesia masa pemerintahan
- Gus dur
- Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
2. Tuliskan pengertian Ketatanegaraan
3. jelaskan 5 stratifikasi politik nasional di Indonesia!
4. Jelaskan landasan hukum sistem politik dan ketatanegaraan Indonesia


1. Jelaskan secara rinci perkembangan kehidupan politik dan ekonomi Indonesia masa pemerintahan
- Soeharto
- Megawati Soekarno Putri
2. Tuliskan pengertian sistem politik!
3. Jelaskan 2 jenis sistem politik
4. Jelaskan sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia menurut UUD 1945

Soal Paket A
1. Tuliskan dan jelaskan 3 faham-faham besar yang berkembang di Asia-Afrika!
2. Jelaskan penerapan faham demokrasi dari segi politik!
3. Jelaskan terjadinya perang di Kalimantan!
4. Siapakah raja-raja yang diajak berunding oleh Belanda dalam perlawanan Bali?
5. Jelaskan pemberontakan-pemberontakan yang terjadi akibat pengaruh pergerakan
sarekat islam!

Soal Paket B
1. Jelaskan latar belakang munculnya faham Sosialisme!
2. Apa pengertian kolonialisme dan imperialisme?
3. Apa tujuan didirikannya VOC?
4. Jelaskan peran Thomas Matulessi dalam melawan kolonialisme !
5. Sebutkan 3 organisasi pergerakan kebangsaan Indonesia yang ada ketahui!

Soal Paket C
1. Faham yang menghendaki adanya kebebasan yang mencakup, seperti kebebasan
bertempat tinggal, kemerdekaan pribadi, hak untuk menentang penindasan, serta hak
untuk mendapatkan perlindungan pribadi dan hak milik merupakan pengertian dari
2. Jelaskan latar belakang penjajahan Belanda di Indonesia!
3. Apa penyebab utama dari perlawanan kaum padri?
4. Apa maksud dari semboyan Hindia for Hindia?
5. Apa yang menandai berakhirnya perlawanan demak?

Soal Paket D
1. Jelaskan pengertian faham pan-islamisme dan nasionalisme?
2. Jelaskan latar belakang perlawanan kaum padri periode 1803-1821 dan periode 1821-
3. Apa dampak perlawan demak terhadap portugis?
4. Apa itu organisasi pergerakan kooperasi dan non-kooperasi?
5. Jelaskan peran organisasi pergerakan Budi Utomo dalam melawan imperialisme dan
kolonialisme di Indomesia!

Soal Paket E
1. Apa pengertian Faham sosialisme dan jelaskan latar belakang munculnya Faham
2. Jelaskan latar belakang terjadinya perang diponegoro!
3. Apa yang menyebabkan Pattimura ditangkap oleh Belanda?
4. Jelaskan peran organisasi pergerakan Muhammadiyah!
5. Apa yang melatarbelakangi pemberontakan PKI!
Jl. Kemiri No. 04, Telp (0414) 21093, KP 92812, Benteng Selayar
e-mail : smansa.benteng.selayar@gmail .com

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Peminatan Hari/Tanggal :

Kelas/ Semester : XI/ Ganjil Waktu : 90 Menit

1. Write down your opinions about the following issues!
a. A survey revealed that 70% of teenagers aged 10 to 14 bring mobile phones to school. 10
b. Lack of literacy is still a problem today . 10
2. Make a suggestion/recommendation from the situations below!
a. Overweight 10
b. Low-paid salary 10
3. Arrange the dialogue below be the appropriate arrangement!
A. Hello Miss Melinda. There are daily flights at 7.30 a.m.
B. Sorry, Miss, we’re fully booked.
C. Yes, Miss, for how many persons?
D. Return, please.
E. Myron Travel Agency, good morning.
F. Well, may I get a seat on tomorrow’s flight?
G. Single or return?
H. Hello, operator. This is Melinda. Is there a plane to Samarinda today?
I. Two, please!
J. How about after Tomorrow? 20
4. Fill in the blanks in the dialog with the phrases provided!
Hanna : Hello, is this XYZ Company?
Kim : Yes, __________________________.
Hanna : I’m Hanna from ABC Company. May I speak with Mrs. Ani from the Accounting
Kim : _________________________, let me check it for you.
Hanna : Okay, I’ll wait.
Kim : Sorry, ________________________.
Hanna : Oh, what a pity. Could you call her right now to urgently call me back?
Kim : Alright, ______________________________.
Hanna : Thank you very much.
Kim : _________________.  10

You are welcome Kim speaking She is already left

Hold on I will call it for you I can’t hear
5. You are an entrepreneur and then you would like to sell your product. Make a brochure to market the
product! 20
6. Arrange the words below into good noun phrases!
a. Response – International - A great 5
b. Lovely – Parents – our – old 5

Good Luck 


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XII IPS/ Ganjil
Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit
1. Write down your name and your class at the Right edge of your answer sheet!
2. Read the text carefully and understand the whole question before answering the questions!
3. The use of dictionary, calculator, translator, electronic dictionary is NOT ALLOWED in this test.
1. Fill in the blank by using So or Such in the following sentences. (10)
a. They had ___ a bad night that they couldn't sleep.
b. The day was ___ hot that everybody went to the beach.
c. It was ___ cold weather that nobody could go outside.
d. I'm having ___ a wonderful time in Belem that I don't want to go home.
e. That restaurant has ___ delicious food that you can't stop eating.
2. Translate into Indonesian the following sentences (15)
a. Wow, you've got so many friends on Facebook! Do you know them all?
b. It doesn't matter where you live in the world; there is so much corruption in politics!
c. That is such a beautiful photo
d. Jerry had never seen such high mountains. He thought they were spectacular
e. Sarah and Ed are such crazy people! I never know what they are going to do next.
3. Write down the cause and effect below by using ‘So…that’ or ‘Such…that’ (12)
a. - The weather was nice
- we went to the zoo
b. - This tea is good
- I think I'll have another cup
c. - He walked quickly
- I couldn't keep up with him
d. - The little boy pretended to be sick
- He wanted to stay home from school
4. Put the appropriate article (a, an or the) in the following statements. (14)
a. They usually spend their holidays in __________ mountains.
b. Los Angeles has __________ ideal climate.
c. This is __________ best Mexican restaurant in the country.
d. Someone call __________ policeman!
e. Someone call __________ police!
f. He is __________ real American hero.
g. Kobe Bryant is __________ basketball player.
5. Write down the appropriate question based in the following answer. (15)
a. I’m writing a novel
b. Your mother is over here
c. My younger sister is 12 years old
d. My father is talking to me
e. My favorite music is pop music
6. Write down a question by using what, who, where, when, why, and how! (15)
7. Translate into English the questions below! (9)
a. Siapa nama saudara perempuanmu?
b. Mengapa kamu datang terlambat?
c. Berapa nomor teleponmu?


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Kelas / Semester: X / Genap
Alokasi Waktu : 45 Menit

Write down your name and your class at the Right edge of your answer sheet!
Read the text carefully and understand the whole question before answering the questions!
The use of dictionary, calculator, translator, electronic dictionary is NOT ALLOWED in this test.

1. Complete the dialog with “Too…to, Very….Therefore, Enough to,

So…..That, Such…..That” (20)
Agung : I don’t see Lina today. Where is she?
Maya : She is sick. She got fever this morning. She felt …...feeble. …….., she is absent from
school and she is laying on bed now at home.
Agung : Really? Yesterday, I heard that she joined volleyball match in the field. Suddenly it was
… heavy rain … there were many people left the field.
Maya : You’re right. I did it too. But the match is not quitted. Lina is …. Enthusiasm …. win
the competition.
Agung : Then, what happened to her?
Maya : Some minutes later her stamina began to drop.
Agung : Oh my goodness!
Maya : However, She was still strong ……… carry on. Finally she and her friends became the
2. Make a sentence using expression to say ability or inability (Too….to,
Very……Therefore, Enough to, So…That) (20)
3. Use “So…that.... or Too…to…” to complete the following sentences.
a. He has …….varied interests….. one never knows what he will
do next.
b. The film was ….. sad …… everyone cried
c. He is ….. weak….. walk alone
d. She ran…… slowly … the race
4. Explain the meaning of sentences below! (20)
Rodrigo is too short to become basketball player. He’s only 150 cm tall.
 Rodrigo cannot become basketball player because he’s only 150 cm tall.
a. The students are too lazy to study the irregular verbs list by heart
b. This t-shirt isn’t big enough for me. I need a bigger one.
5. Use “So and Such” to describe cause and effect are provided! (20)
a. Cause: Hot day
Effect: Stay indoors
b. Cause: Nutritious food
Effect: Healthy

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going”

1. Write a passage about yourself!

2. Complete the sentences by using To be (am, is ,are) and have (have and has)
a. Siti …… magnificent student. She always wins in speech contest.
b. Lombok Island ….. Many spots. I will go to the Island next year.
c. They …… a new friend from Philippines. They call her, Cherry.
3. Make a complimenting or showing care and the response for the following situations!
a. Your younger sister made a doll from the plastic pockets.
b. Your friend’s uncle has just lost his company.
4. Make an expression intention by using (to be + going to)
5. Translate the words below into Indonesian!
a. Hired servant
b. Inherit
c. Chase
d. Mess
e. Contentedly


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 90 Menit
Kelas/ Semester: X/ Ganjil Program : IPS

1. Write a passage about yourself! (5)

2. Complete the sentences by using To be (am, is, are) and Have (have, has)
a. My friend and I _____ Indonesian. (2)
b. Mathematics _____ the most difficult subject. (2)
c. I know the cat _____ a fish (2)

3. Make a complimenting or showing care for the following situations!

a. Your sister is wearing a new skirt. (3)
b. Your younger brother got the lowest score in English. (3)
4. Make an expression intention by using
a. to be + going to (3)
b. Would like to (3)
5. Write down the congratulation card based on the following situation!
“Your friend has moved to her new house. The house has a large garden so that she can enjoy
gardening on the weekends.” (5)
6. Write a simple description about your home! (5)
7. Write the meaning of the following words!
a. Ecotourism (2)
b. Destination (2)
c. Settle (2)
d. Contentedly (2)

Question number 8 to 10 see the text of the announcement below!

McMaster Mini-Med School

We hope that you enjoyed becoming a McMaster Mini-med student in 2014 and we welcome you
to become a student in 2015. The new seven week term will begin on Tuesday, March 3, 2015
with classes held on March 24, March 24, March 31, April 7, and April 14, 2015.

Registration will occur on a first-come basis. As the response for the previous years was
tremendous, it is advised to reoster as soon as possible. After all the student spots are full, all
others will be placed on a waiting list and will be contacted when spots become available.
With registration fees participants receive:
• A reserved spot in the McMaster Mini-Med School Class 2015
• An ‘official’ Mini-Med School tote bag
• An ‘official’ Mini-Med School Clipboard and Pen
• An ‘official’ Mini-Med School Stadium blanket
• An ‘official’ Mini-Med School travel book light
• A McMaster Mini-Med School Certificate of Attendance that will be presented on the last
day of classes
For a list of speakers and further information including registration and fees, please go to
the following website:
Or register online by visiting

(Taken from


8. Who wrote the announcement? (3)

9. What is the announcement about? (3)
10. Who is the announcement for? (3)



Jl. Kemiri No. 04, Telp (0414) 21093, KP 92812, Benteng Selayar
e-mail : smansa.benteng.selayar@gmail .com
1. Write down your name and exam Number at the Right edge of your answer sheet!
2. Read the text carefully and understand the whole question before answering the questions!
3. The use of dictionary, calculator, translator, electronic dictionary is NOT ALLOWED in this test.

1. Make a sentence (using simple past tense) from each the following verbs 20
a. Take-took
b. Punish-punished
The text below is for questions 2 to 4
Love Story Started Again at the Lovely Party
It was Friday again, the day for famous parties at Wellington High School. Students were dancing in
the garden and everyone was enjoying the pleasure of being away from boring lessons.
When Sarah came to the party, the music had already started. Tim suddenly noticed Sarah and felt
shocked. He had been looking for her for 2 years. They met each other at a holiday camp in 1999, but
mysteriously Sarah disappeared after a while. He had been thinking about her since then.
At the party, Sarah was talking to one of her friends while most of the students were drinking as much
as they could. Tim decided to talk to her and waited for her friend to leave. When he went next to her, she
was searching for something in her bag, so she did not see him. As soon as he touched her on the
shoulder, she raised her head and couldn’t believe her eyes. She had never forgotten him.
At the end of the party, no one was happier than Sarah and Tim as they found each other after 2 years
(Taken from http//

2. Where did the story happen? 5

3. Why did Tim feel shocked? 5
4. What is the kind of recount text above? Give your reason! 10
5. Translate the words below into Indonesian! 15
a. Respectable d. Hit by lighning
b. Retainer e. Unreal
c. Anchor
6. Write down the complication of Cinderella Story! 20
7. Change the Active Sentences below into Passive form! 15
a. My mother cooked Kari Ayam yesterday
b. The police caught a band of robbers last morning
c. Two years ago, I met my old friends in Sunari Beach
8. What are diferences between RECOUNT TEXT and NARRATIVE TEXT? 10

Selamat bekerja

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