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Petunjuk Tugas 1:

Buatlah daftar ‘noun’ yang ada disekitar anda. Jumlah daftar tidak dibatasi. Semakin banyak akan
semakin bagus. Usahakan untuk mengumpulkan ‘noun’ yang tidak pernah anda ketahui bahasa
Inggrisnya. Setelah selesai, jangan lupa untuk mengirimkan tugasnya kembali melalu akun e-
learning anda, Terimakasih.
Identitas Mahasiswa

Nama Alfissa Indah Putri

NIM 20061048
Jurusan/Prodi Teknik Sipil /Pendd Teknik
Jadwal Kuliah Selasa 07.00 - 08.40

Tuliskan NOUN pada tabel berikut

No NOUN in ENGLISH NOUN in Bahasa Indonesia

1 Caterpillar* Ulat bulu*
2 Coals Ember
3 Side Sisir
4 Bowl Mangkuk
5 Ladle Sendok Sup
6 Paper Shaker Tempat Merica
7 Straw Sedotan
8 Colander Saringan
9 Skillet Kuali
10 Can Opener Pembuka Kaleng
11 Oven Mitt Sarung Tangan Oven
12 Eel Belut
13 Catfish Lele
14 Slik Wastafel
15 Rag Lap
16 Grater Parutan
17 Fan Kipas Angin
18 Refrigerator Kulkas
19 Washing Machine Mesin Cuci
20 Iron Setrika
21 Basket Kerqnjang
22 Lice Kutu Rambut
23 Hat Topi
24 Towel Handuk
25 Tub Bak
26 Tile Ubin
27 Toaster Pemanggang Roti
28 Vase Vas
29 Dresser Lemari Hias
30 Bailer Gayung
31 Faucet Kran
32 Weel Sumur
33 Razor Pisau Cukur
34 Toothbrush Sikat gigi
35 Tootpaste Pasta Gigi
36 Nail Clippers Pemotong Kuku
37 Lawn Mower Pemotong Rumput
38 Sprinkle Alat Penyiram
39 Spade Sekop Kecil
40 Shovel Sekop Besar
41 Clothes Line Tali Jemuaran
42 Garage Garasi
43 Soil Tanah
44 Criket Jangkrik
45 Grasshopper Belalang
46 Dragonfly Capung
47 Plat Piring
48 Yard Halaman Rumah
49 Hallway Lorong
50 Atric Loteng
51 Doormat Keset Kaki
52 Padlock Gembok
53 Curtain Gorden
54 Broom Sapu
55 Pillow Case Sarung Bantal
56 Hige Engsel Pintu
57 Mop Pengepel
58 Footwear Alas Kaki
59 Gas Stove Kompor Gas
60 Stone Grinder Ulekan
61 Chopsticks Sumpit
62 Necklace Kalung
63 Earrings Anting
64 Spider Laba-laba
65 Balance Timbangan
67 Hairbands Ikat Rambut
68 Wood Kayu
69 Sock Kaus Kaki
70 Piggy Bank Celengan
71 Elbow Siku
72 Lungs Paru-Paru
73 Nail Paku
74 Needle Jarum
75 Wall Dinding
*: contoh
Petunjuk Tugas 2: Lengkapi paragraph yang rumpang dengan pronouns yang tepat. Ketik
jawaban dengan warna yang berbeda. Terimakasih.

Hello, My name is Samantha. _i_ am a student of a state university in my city. _i_ have three big
brothers. _They_are Eric, Jack, and Bob. My brother Eric is 40 years old. _He_is married. Eric works as
a customer service officer in a bank. Jack is a chief officer in a ship. He sails often. _He__ is the
navigator of the ship. It is named Queen Mary. My brother Bob is an English teacher. __He__ teaches
at one senior high school in my city. He has a wife and two daughters. Jessica is Bob’s wife. __She__
is a teacher too. Renata and Jill are Bob’s daughters. _They__ study in the same elementary school
near the house.

My friends often call me Sam. They say _I_ am sort of boyish since I don’t enjoy girly things. My hobby
is climbing a mountain. I love being on the top of a mountain. I can see beautiful views from it.

My mom and my dad often forbid me climbing the mountain. ___They_ are worried that something
bad can possibly happen. ___they_ want me to take cooking class instead.

Now, since I am a university student already, __i_ spend most of my time studying. _I am___ enjoy
campus life. _i_ have so many new friends. I am also happy because my best friend and I take the same
major. __we_ study electrical engineering.

Petunjuk Tugas 3: Ganti Nouns berikut dengan menggunakan Pronouns yang tepat

Man He dog it girls They

People They woman she teachers They
Cat It Bob and Joe They women they
Dogs It man he students they
Parents They men they friends they
Girl she wife she uncle He
you and I we tree it restaurant it
Pencil it Ann and you we socks it

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