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Journal of Healthcare Technology and Medicine Vol. 6 No.

2 Oktober 2020
Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia
e-ISSN : 2615-109X





Anggriani1, Nurul Aini2, Sulaiman*3

1,2,3 STIKes Siti Hajar
Jl. Letjen Jamin Ginting No. 2 Padang Bulan, Medan, Sumatera Utara
*Coresponding Author:; *

Prevalensi stroke terus bertambah seiring bertambahnya usia hidup. Penelitian ini
dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Siti Hajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana
efektifitas pemberian latihan ROM terhadap kekuatan Otot Ekstremitas pada Pasien Stroke.
Desain penelitian ini dengan menggunakan quasi eksperimen dengan jumlah sampel 30
menggunakan one group pre-post desain. Tehnik pengambilan sampel secara purposif sampling.
Analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Match Pairs. Terdapat peningkatan otot sesudah
dilakukan intervensi sebesar 1.8, sedangkan kekuatan otot terjadi sampai dengan kondisi 5
(normal ) setelah dilakukan intervensi sebanyak 40%.
Kata Kunci :Range of Motion, Stroke, Kekuatan Otot
The prevalence of stroke continues to increase with age. This research was conducted at
the Siti Hajar Hospital. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of ROM training on limb
muscle strength in stroke patients. This research design using quasi-experimental with a sample
size of 30 using one group pre-post design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling.
Data analysis used the Wilcoxon Match Pairs test. There was an increase in muscle after
intervention by 1.8, while muscle strength occurred up to condition 5 (normal) after intervention
was 40%.
Keywords: Range of Motion, Stroke, Muscle Strength


Stroke merupakan penyakit yang terjadi pada otak berupa gangguan fungsi syaraf lokal
dan global, munculnya mendadak, progresif, dan cepat. Gangguan fungsi syaraf pada stroke

Journal of Healthcare Technology and Medicine Vol. 6 No. 2 Oktober 2020
Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia
e-ISSN : 2615-109X

disebabkan oleh gangguan perdarahan otak non traumatic yang menimbulkan gejala antara lain:
kelumpuhan wajah atau anggota badan, bicara tidak lancer, bicara tidak jelas (pelo, mungkin
perubahan kesadaran, gangguan penglihatan, dan lain-lain (Word Health Organization, 2014).
Pengabdian yang dilakukan di Desa Hamparan Perak Kecamatan hamparan Perak ditemukan
bahwa rata-rata lanjut usia di desa tersebut mengalami kasus stroke salah satunya adalah
kurangnya latihan ROM yang diberikan pada lansia yang mengalami gangguan stroke.
(Sulaiman, & Anggriani, 2019)

Penderita stroke perlu penanganan yang baik untuk mencegah kecacatan fisik dan mental.
Sebesar 30% - 40% penderita stroke dapat sembuh sempurna bila ditangani dalam waktu 6
jam pertama (golden periode), namun apabila dalam waktu tersebut pasien stroke tidak
mendapatkan penanganan yang maksimal maka akan terjadi kecacatan atau kelemahan fisik
seperti hemiparese. Penderita stroke post serangan membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk
memulihkan dan memperoleh fungsi penyesuaian diri secara maksimal. Terapi dibutuhkan
segera untuk mengurangi cedera cerebral lanjut, salah satu program rehabilitasi yang dapat
diberikan pada pasien stroke yaitu mobilisasi persendian dengan latihan range of motion
(Anggriani, Zulkarnain, Sulaiman, 2018). Stroke juga sering terjadi pada lanjut usia disebabkan a
faktor postur tubuh dan keseimbangan lansia yang tidak normal sehingga terjadi resiko jatuh dan
mengakibatkan stroke (Sulaiman & Anggriani, 2018)

Range Of Motion (ROM) adalah batas atau besarnya gerakan sendi baik dan normal.
ROM juga di gunakan sebagai dasar untuk menetapkan adanya kelainan batas gerakan sendi
abnormal(Zairin Noor Helmi, 2011). Rentang gerak atau (Range Of Motion) adalah jumlah
pergerakan maksimum yang dapat di lakukan pada sendi, di salah satu dari tiga bidang yaitu:
sagital, frontal, atau transversal (Perry’s; & Potter, 2012). Berdasarkan gambaran diatas, peneliti
tertarik untuk meneliti “Efektivitas Latihan Range of Motion terhadap Kekuatan Otot pada
Pasien Stroke di RSU Siti Hajar Medan.


Journal of Healthcare Technology and Medicine Vol. 6 No. 2 Oktober 2020
Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia
e-ISSN : 2615-109X

Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi-eksperiment, dengan menggunakan pendekatan “one

group pretes and posttest design”. Intervensi yang dilakukan adalah latihan ROM (Range of
Motion). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pasien stroke yang mengalami penurunan
tingkat kemandirian activity daily living sebanyak 35 pasien dari 4 bulan terakhir di RSU Siti
Hajar Medan.

Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan pendekatan purposive sampling quasi

experimental dengan pendekatan one group pre test-post test. Pada desain penelitian ini hanya
terdapat satu kelompok, yaitu kelompok perlakuan sekaligus menjadi kelompok kontrol.
Kelompok tersebut dilakukan intervensi berupa inkulis : pasien stroke yang berumur antara 30
tahun keatas; (b) Pasien stroke dengan iskemia yang mengalami penurunan tingkat kemandirian
activity daily living. dengan tingkat ketergantungan sedang sampai berat. Kriteria Eksklusi: (a)
Pasien stroke yang menggunakan terapi alternatif lain; (b) Pasien stroke dengan imobilitas
(fraktur) dan gout terminal (bengkak). Besar sampel sebanyak 20 pasien stroke.

Penelitian ini menggunakan nilai alpha sebesar 0,05 atau 5% dan tingkat kepercayaan
penelitian ini 95% (Sugiyono, 2015).latihan ROM pasif menggunakan metode langsung.
Dilakukan penilaian untuk mengetahui kekuatan otot sebelum intervensi (pre-test).


1. Karakterisitk Responden Beradasarkan Usia
Tabel 1. Karakterisitk Responden Beradasarkan Usia
Usia Frekuensi Persentase (%)
30-40 3 15
41-50 3 15
51-60 10 50
60-70 4 20
Total 20 100

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden berusia 51 sampai 60 tahun yaitu
sebanyak 10 orang (50%).

2. Karakterisitk Responden Beradasarkan Jenis Kelamin (n=20)

Journal of Healthcare Technology and Medicine Vol. 6 No. 2 Oktober 2020
Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia
e-ISSN : 2615-109X

Tabel 2. Karakterisitk Responden Beradasarkan Jenis Kelamin (n=20)

Jenis kelamin Frekuensi Persentase (%)
Laki-laki 12 60
Perempuan 8 40
Total 20 100
Besar responden berjenis kelamin laki- laki sebanyak 12 orang (60%), perempuan
sebanyak 8 orang (40%).
3. Kekuatan Otot Responden Sebelum dilakukan intervensi
Tabel 3. Kekuatan Otot Responden Sebelum dilakukan Intervensi

Pre test Frekuensi Persentasi (%)

0 1 5
1 8 40
2 2 10
3 8 40
4 1 5
Total 20 100

4. Kekuatan Otot Responden sesudah dilakukan intervensi

Tabel 4. Kekuatan Otot Responden sesudah dilakukan intervensi
Post test Frekuensi Persentasi (%)
1 1 5
2 3 15
3 5 25
4 3 15
5 8 40
Total 20 100

Journal of Healthcare Technology and Medicine Vol. 6 No. 2 Oktober 2020
Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia
e-ISSN : 2615-109X

5. Nilai statistik Kekuatan Otot Responden sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi (n=20)

Tabel 5. Nilai statistik Kekuatan Otot Responden sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi
Statistik Pre-test Post-test Peningkatan
Mean 2 3.80 1.80
Median 2 5 3
S. deviasi 1.124 1.305 0.181

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata (mean) peningkatan kekuatan otot antara sebelum
dan 7 hari sesudah diberikan intervensi sebesar 1,80. Terjadinya peningkatan kekuatan otot
dapat mengaktifkan gerakan volunter, dimana gerakan volunter terjadi adanya transfer impuls
elektrik dari girus presentalis ke korda spinalis melalui neurotransmiter yang mencapai ke otot
dan menstimulasi otot sehingga menyebabkan pergerakan (Perry’s; & Potter, 2012)
1. Hubungan Karakteristik Usia Responden Dengan Kejadian Stroke

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden berusia 51 sampai 60 tahun yaitu
sebanyak 10 orang (50%). Seseorang menderita stroke karena memiliki faktor risiko stroke. Usia
dikategorikan sebagai faktor risiko yang tidak dapat diubah. Semakin tua usia seseorang akan
semakin mudah terkena stroke Insiden stroke meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya usia.
Setelah usia 55 tahun risiko stroke iskemik meningkat 2 kali lipat tiap dekade. Prevalensi
meningkat sesuai dengan kelompok usia yaitu 0,8% pada kelompok usia 18 sampai 44 tahun,
2,7% pada kelompok usia 45 sampai 64 tahun, dan 8,1% pada kelompok usia 65 tahun (Rizaldy
Pinzon, 2010).

2. Hubungan Karakteristik Jenis Kelamin Responden Dengan Kejadian Stroke

Besar responden berjenis kelamin laki- laki sebanyak 12 orang (60%). Hasil tersebut
didukung oleh Junaidi (2008, hlm.9) dan Pinzon et. al. (2010, hlm.5), bahwa laki-laki cenderung
lebih tinggi untuk terkena stroke dibandingkan wanita, dengan perbandingan 1,3:1. Jenis
kelamin merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya stroke, selain faktor-faktor tambahan
lainnya yang dapat terjadinya stroke. Jenis kelamin laki-laki mudah terkena stroke. Hal ini
dikarenakan lebih tingginya angka kejadian faktor risiko stroke (misalnya hipertensi) pada laki-

Journal of Healthcare Technology and Medicine Vol. 6 No. 2 Oktober 2020
Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia
e-ISSN : 2615-109X

laki (Rizaldy Pinzon, 2010). Begitu juga penelitian lainnya yang menyatakan bahwa dari jenis
kelamin laki-laki usia dia atas 55 tahun lebih rentan terkena serangan stroke sebanyak 55,4 %
dibandikan jenis kelamin perempuan dari 85 sampel (Sofyan, Sihombing, & Hamra, 2012). Hasil
penelitian ini sesuai dengan teori yang mengungkapkan bahwa serangan stroke lebih banyak
terjadi pada laki-laki dibandingkan perempuan (Ipaenin, 2018).

3. Hubungan Latihan Range of Motion dengan Kekeuatan Otot Pasien Stroke

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata (mean) peningkatan kekuatan otot antara sebelum
dan 7 hari sesudah diberikan intervensi sebesar 1,80. Terjadinya peningkatan kekuatan otot dapat
mengaktifkan gerakan volunter.Range Of Motion (ROM) adalah latihan yang dilakukan untuk
mempertahankan atau memperbaiki tingkat kesempurnaan kemampuan menggerakkan
persendian secara normal dan lengkap untuk meningkatkan massa otot dan tonus otot (Perry’s; &
Potter, 2012).

Latihan Range Of Motion memiliki pengaruh terhadap rentang gerak responden bila
dilakukan dengan frekuensi dua kali sehari dalam enam hari dan dengan waktu 10-15 menit
dalam sekali latihan (Chaidir Reny, 2014). Memperbaiki fungsi saraf merupakan tujuan
perawatan suportif dini melalui terapi fisik. ROM merupakan pergerakan persendian sesuai
dengan gerakan yang memungkinkan terjadinya kontraksi dan pergerakan otot baik secara pasif
maupun aktif (Perry’s; & Potter, 2012).


Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang sudah dilakukan pada 20 responden penderita stroke
yang dirawat inap di RSU Siti Hajar dapat diambil kesimpulan sebagai berikut :

1. Terdapat peningkatan otot sesudah dilakukan intervensi sebesar 1.80, sedangakan terjadi
kekuatan otot sampai dengan kondisi 5 (normal ) setelah dilakukan intervensi sebanyak 40%.

2. Latihan ROM sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot bagi pasien

Anggriani, Zulkarnain, Sulaiman, R. G. (2018). Pengaruh ROM ( Range of Motion ) Terhadap
Kekuatan Otot Ekstremitas Pada Pasien Stoke Non Hemoragic, 3(2), 64–72. Retrieved from
Journal of Healthcare Technology and Medicine Vol. 6 No. 2 Oktober 2020
Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia
e-ISSN : 2615-109X

Chaidir Reny, Z. M. I. (2014). Dengan Bola Karet Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Pasien Stroke Non
Hemoragi Di Ruang Rawat Stroke Rssn Bukittinggi Tahun 2012. Afiyah, 1(1), 1–6.
Retrieved from
Ipaenin, R. (2018). Hubungan dukungan keluarga terhadap motivasi pasien pasca stroke selama
menjalani latihan fisioterapi di RS PKU Muhamadiyah Gamping Yogyakarta. Retrieved
Irfan, M. (2010). Fisioterapi Pada Insan Stroke. Jakarta: Graha Ilmu.
Perry’s;, & Potter. (2012). Fundamentals of Nursing - AUS Version. (4th ed.). Autralia, New
Zealand: Elsevier Inc.
Rizaldy Pinzon, L. A. (2010). AWAS STROKE! Pengertian, Gejala, Tindakan, Perawatan dan
Pencegahan (1st ed.). Jakarta: Andi Publiser.
Sofyan, A. M., Sihombing, I. Y., & Hamra, Y. (2012). Hubungan Umur, Jenis Kelamin, dan
Hipertensi dengan Kejadian Stroke. Medula, 1(1), 24–30.
Sugiyono. (2015). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Pendekatan Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif, dan R $
D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
SULAIMAN, S., & ANGGRIANI, A. (2019). Sosialisasi Pencegahan Kasus Stroke Pada Lanjut
Usia Di Desa Hamparan Perak Kecamatan. Amaliah: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada
Masyarakat, 1(2), 70–74.
Sulaiman, & Anggriani. (2018). Efek Postur Tubuh Terhadap Keseimbangan Lanjut Usia Di
Desa Suka Raya Kecamatan Pancur Batu. Jurnal JUMANTIK, 3(2), 127–140. Retrieved
Word Health Organization. (2014). World Health Statistics. WHO Library Cataloguing-in-
Publication Data (Vol. 19). Amerika Serikat: WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication
Zairin Noor Helmi. (2011). BUKU AJAR GANGGUAN MUSKULOSKELETAL. Salemba

Journal of Caring Sciences 2019; 8 (1): 39-44
http:// JCS

Original Article
The Effect of Early Passive Range of Motion Exercise on Motor
Function of People with Stroke: a Randomized Controlled Trial

Zahra-Sadat Hosseini1 , Hamid Peyrovi2* , Mahmoodreza Gohari3

1Emergency Intensive care of neurosurgery, Poursina Hospital, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran
2NursingCare Research Centre, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3Department of Statistics, School of Health, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Article History: Introduction: Frequent and regular exercises in the first six months of stroke may cause return of
Received: 4 Jul. 2018 a significant portion of sensory and motor function of patients. This study aimed to examine the
Accepted: 6 Oct. 2018 effects of passive range of motion exercise in the acute phase after stroke on motor function of the
ePublished: 1 Mar. 2019 patients.
Methods: A randomized controlled trial study was conducted. The patients with first ischemic
Keywords: stroke were randomly allocated to either experimental (n=33) or control (n=19) group. Passive
Stroke; Range of motion, range of motion exercises was performed in the experimental group during the first 48 hours of
articular; Hemiplegia; Motor admission as 6 to 8 times of 30 minute exercise. Before intervention, and one and three months
activity after intervention, motor function were measured by muscle strength grading scale (Oxford scale)
and compared. SPSS version 13.0 for Windows was used for statistical analysis. Frequency
Corresponding Author: distribution was used to describe the data. For comparisons, paired t-test, independent t-test was
used, and repeated measures test was used.
PhD in Nursing, Email: peyrovi
Results: In acute phase, the intervention in the experimental group led to significant improvement
of motor function between the first and third month in both the upper and lower extremities. In
control group, improvement was observed only in the muscle strength of upper extremity in the first
and third month compared to pre-intervention measurement. The greatest improvement was
observed in the interval from base to one month in the upper extremity, and base to the first month
and the first to the third month in the lower extremity.
Conclusion: It is recommended to use early passive range of motion exercise as part of care for
people with stroke during the acute phase of the disease.
Citation: Hosseini ZS, Peyrovi H, Gohari MR. The effect of early passive range of motion exercise on motor function of people with stroke: a randomized
controlled trial. J Caring Sci 2019; 8 (1), 39-44. doi:10.15171/jcs.2019.006

Introduction survivors has been reported.8 According to the theory

proposed by Monakow in the twentieth century, local
Cerebrovascular disease is the second leading cause of damage to brain tissue causes suppressed function of the
death and the third most common cause of disability in motor cortex, and temporary reduction of blood flow and
the world.1 In developed countries, one out of four men metabolism in the opposite hemisphere, which is called
over 85 years of age, and one out of every five women Diaschisis; recovery results from the gradual reversal of
over 85 experience the stroke.2 The annual incidence of the Diaschisis process.9 Over the past decade, numerous
stroke in the United States is equivalent to 700,000, with neuroanatomical studies in animals as well as
the prevalence of 5.5 million.3 The results of a study in neurophysiological studies of the nervous system and
Iran showed that 139 out of 100,000 people annually other non-invasive studies in human has provided strong
suffer from stroke, which is a significant rate compared to evidence of cerebral cortex flexibility features. The
that of the Western countries. Based on the results of this imaging studies of the nervous system after brain injury
study, the incidence of stroke in the age group 45 to 84 confirms the brain's motor system restitution during the
years is higher compared to Western countries.4 The recovery period. Several functional neuroimaging studies
occurrence of motor defects in upper and lower suggest that activity within the sensorimotor network,
extremities following stroke and damage to the motor not exclusively ipsilesional motor cortex, is most
cortex is common. Hemiparesis, paralysis, weakness, abnormal early on after a hemiparetic stroke, and that
abnormal muscle tone, spasm, abnormal postures, motor recovery is related to normalization of its
abnormal function of synergic muscles, and loss of activity.10 It has been shown that in the chronic phase
interjoint coordination are the most common injuries due after cerebral infarction, restructuring functional circuits
to damage to the motor cortex.5 Out of eighty percent of are working; this provides for the local expansion of
patients who experience acute upper extremity paresis cerebral activation areas and recruitment of parallel
after stroke, only one third reach full recovery of their projecting cortical areas in the ipsilesional and
function.6,7 Those patients with longer period of disability contralesional hemispheres.11 It has been hypothesized
need to be cared for by a caregiver who is most often a that the mechanism of effect of active and passive motion
family member. Family member caregivers are also exercises on the nervous system is reactivation of the
affected by the stroke; a negative change in caregivers’ existing nerve connections, development of new
lives after taking responsibility of caring for their stroke connections, and axonal regeneration.12 Doing a range of

© 2019 The Author(s). This work is published by Journal of Caring Sciences as an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License ( Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Hosseini et al.

motion exercises after stroke leads to changes in the patient discharge before completing 48 hours of
sensorimotor cortex and improved motor functions in the intervention, and unstable clinical conditions.
patients.13 Lack of attention to the rehabilitation in the The patients were randomly allocated to either
acute phase after stroke has led most of the providers of experimental or control groups based on a randomization
rehabilitation services to focus on compensatory ratio of 1: 2 in favor of the experimental group by the
strategies to improve the function instead of restoration main researcher. For allocation, a six-sided dice was
of motor control.14 Reconstructing and organizing the used. The sides 1-4 were allocated to the experimental
cerebral cortex at an early stage of stroke and afterward is group, with the sides 5-6 allocated to control group. Each
considered as a potential factor for improvement in the potential participant was allocated to the groups by
performance of these patients; also, the range of motion rolling the dice. After random allocation, 45 and 25
exercise after stroke leads to changes in the sensory and patients were allocated to the experimental and control
motor cortex and improves motor function in patients.12 groups, respectively. This study was not blinded to the
Early mobility (sitting, standing and walking) in the participants and researcher. A demographic
acute phase after a stroke, and repeating these activities characteristics form and muscle strength grading scale
until the patient's discharge can improve the patients’ (Oxford scale) was used to collect the data. Muscle
ability and reduce their need for further care as well as strength is graded 0 to 5. The lowest score is given to
improve self-care activities.2 According to Cramer (as flicker of movement. The grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 concerned,
cited by Hancock and Shepstone, 2011), the golden time respectively to through full range actively with gravity
to initiate rehabilitation program is in the early days of counterbalanced, through full range actively against
the onset of symptoms of stroke and the continuation of gravity, through full range actively against some
these measures for several weeks.15 Also, the findings of resistance and through full range actively against strong
the studies on therapy-induced brain plasticity in chronic resistance.17
stroke patients may not be generalizable to patients early Muscle strength testing involves testing key muscles
on after stroke.16 from the upper and lower extremities against the
Early passive range of motion exercises improves examiner’s resistance and grading the patient’s strength
motor function of the people with stroke within three on a 0 to 5 scale accordingly: No muscle activation. 1)
months after the event. The objective of this study was to Trace muscle activation, such as a twitch, without
examine the effect of early passive range of motion achieving full range of motion. 2) Muscle activation with
exercises on the motor function of people with stroke. gravity eliminated, achieving full range of motion. 3)
Muscle activation against gravity, full range of motion. 4)
Materials and methods Muscle activation against some resistance, full range of
motion. 5) Muscle activation against examiner’s full
An unblinded randomized controlled trial design was resistance, full range of motion.
used, with two groups and three measurement times To ensure validity, the instruments were reviewed by
(before intervention, one month and three months after 10 faculty members. In order to ensure the reliability of
intervention). We randomized patients who were the muscle strength criteria, motor function of 10 patients
admitted to the emergency and neurology units in an was measured by the principal researcher and another
unblinded randomized controlled trial to examine the individual and the correlation between the scores was
effects of early passive range of motion exercise on motor measured (r=0.989). The study was conducted from July
function of people with stroke. The study population was 2013 to January 2014 at Poursina teaching hospital
patients over 18 years with a diagnosis of ischemic affiliated to Guilan University of Medical Sciences in
stroke, who had been referred to Poursina teaching Rasht, Iran. Having obtained the required permission, the
hospital in the city of Rasht, Iran, within 6 hours after the main researcher entered the emergency and neurology
onset of symptoms. The patients were recruited based on wards and explained the purpose of the study and details
the inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria included no of the procedure to the head nurse and personnel. After
history of previous strokes, the diagnosis of stroke written informed consents were obtained from the
(except for transient ischemic attack and hemorrhagic patients, the demographic data and basic information
stroke) by a physician, experiencing the first 6 hours of were extracted from the patients’ hospital records. Before
onset of stroke, level of consciousness 14 to 16 based on the intervention, and one month and three months after
the FOUR (Full Outline of Unresponsiveness), moderate the intervention, the motor function of the patients in
stroke (score 5-15) according to the NIHSS (National both groups was assessed and recorded, using muscle
Institute of Health Stroke Scale), age over 18 years, the strength grading scale. To do so, the researcher moved
absence of aphasia according to NIHSS criteria, stable the joints passively and examined the spasticity and
vital signs, no significant fracture and orthopedic defects muscle tone. In the experimental group, passive range of
of the extremities, the absence of acute coronary motion exercises in the involved extremities were done
syndrome, respiratory failure or heart failure based on within the first 48 hours after stroke according to
hospital records, absence of life-threatening conditions, “passive range of motion exercises for the post-stroke”
and no contraindication of mobility. The exclusion protocol four times a day by the main researcher who
criteria included death of the patient during the was an MSc nursing student, with each session lasting for
intervention period, the number of passive range of 15-40 minutes. In case of activity intolerance and
motion exercises less than 6 times, exercise intolerance,

40 | Journal of Caring Sciences, March 2019; 8 (1), 39-44

Early exercise and motor function of people with stroke

instability in vital signs, the intervention was stopped researchers avoided coercion, undue influence, and
and postponed to a later time. unjustifiable pressures. The SPSS version 13 was used.
In this case, the patient practice turn was not Analytical and descriptive statistics were used to
eliminated and only delayed until the patient's condition analyses the data. Frequency distribution was used to
returned to stable. Therefore, the exercise interval in describe the data. To compare motor function between
some patients was changed. A maximum of eight and a the experimental and control groups, independent t-test
minimum of six were planned and executed for all was used. In addition, the repeated measures test was
patients. The reason for not applying exercise during the used to determine the effectiveness of the intervention
night time was to prevent interruptions and avoid over time. An alpha of 0.05 was used as the cut-off for
causing sleep disorders in patients. The intensity of significance.
exercise (the number of repeats for each passive motion
and the duration of each exercise session) started from Results
average and continued with low intensity and was The study was conducted at Poursina teaching hospital
gradually increased, depending on the patient tolerance. affiliated to Guilan University of Medical Sciences in
Exercise was tailored to each person's health status and Rasht, Iran, from July 2013 to January 2014. After being
in some cases, each turn was different. In the control informed of the study’s aim, along with other relevant
group, only the routine therapeutic program was details, 70 patients agreed to participate in the study. Of
implemented and motor function assessment was all the patients in the study, 18 cases were excluded from
achieved in the time intervals similar to those of the the study due to the following reasons: withdrawal from
experimental group. Motor function of patients in the further cooperation with the researcher (n=7), recurrence
experimental and control groups were measured at the of stroke that affected limbs and made comparison
end of the first month after the exercises, and then three impossible (n=2), withdrawal from the study to continue
months later by the same researcher. The steps of the treatment in other health care settings (n=4), decreased
study are shown in Figure 1. level of consciousness and transfer to ICU (n=2), death
following cardiac arrest (n=1), exclusion due to a change
of residence and lack of participation in the third month
(n=1), and hospitalization for severe weakness and
infection (n=1). In the end, 33 patients in the
experimental group and 19 patients in the control group
terminated the study. Table 1 shows the characteristics of
the patients in the two groups, and the result of the chi-
square test for evaluating group comparability. The
groups were homogeneous in terms of demographic
Table 1. Frequency distribution of demographic
characteristics of the experimental and control groups
Variable Group P
Control Experimental
(n=19) (n=33)
N (%) N (%)
Gender 0.77*
Male 9 (47.4) 17 (51.5(
Female 10 (52.6) 16 (48.5(
Age 0.38**
30-60 5 (26.3) 13 (39.4)
61-90 14 (73.7) 20 (60.6)
History of hypertension 0.27*
Yes 11 (57.9) 24 (72.7)
No 8 (42.8) 9 (27.3)
History of diabetes 0.62*
Figure 1. Flowchart of the study Yes 7 (36.8) 10(30.3)
No 12 (63.2) 23 (69.7)
The project was approved by the ethics committee of History of hyperlipidemia 0.19*
TUMS Institutional Board (647/p). The study was Yes 5 (26.3) 4 (12.1)
enrolled in Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT) No 14 (73.7) 29 (87.9)
History of ischemic heart 0.46*
under the ID IRCT2017020213785N4. The researchers also disease
gained the approval of the hospital under study to access Yes 3 (15.8) 3(9.1)
patients with stroke. All participants in the study were No 16 (84.2) 16 (90.9)
History of acute coronary 0.44*
informed of the aim of the study in detail and were syndrome
assured of its confidentiality. They gave a written Yes 0 (0.0) 1 (3.0)
informed consent documenting that their participation in No 19 (100.0) 32 (97.0)
Side of disability 0.38*
the study is voluntary, and that they would have right to Right 8(57.9) 15(45.5)
withdraw from the study whenever they wanted. The Left 11(42.1) 18(54.5)
*Chi-square test,**Fisher exact test

Journal of Caring Sciences, March 2019; 8 (1), 39-44|41

Hosseini et al.

Table 2 depicts the motor function of upper and lower (1.11), (P=0.004). As shown in table 3, changes in motor
extremities in the experimental and control groups. One function of both upper and lower extremities were not
and three months after the intervention, the mean scores statistically significant between the experimental and
for motor function of the upper and lower extremities in control groups three months after the intervention and
the experimental group was higher than that of the within the time period of the first and third month after
control group, but the difference was not statistically the intervention. Our findings seem to suggest that the
significant. Therefore, we examined if the changes in intervention in the acute phase after stroke improved
motor function of the groups are different. A comparison motor function in both upper and lower extremities, one
of the groups in terms of changes in the motor function month after intervention. It is important to note that, we
during the first month after the intervention showed that found a statistically significant improvement, through
the upper extremity muscle strength in the experimental within-group comparisons, in the upper extremity motor
group improved more than that in the control group 1.09 function of the control group, one month (P= 0.012) and
(0.84) vs. 0.58 (0.90), P=0.045 (Table 3). Also, for lower three months after the intervention (P=0.004) relative to
extremity, the muscle strength in the experimental group the basement measurement. This finding shows that part
improved more than that in the control group during the of the improvement in the motor function of the
first month after the intervention 0.76 (0.71) vs. 0.00 experimental group might well be attributed to time
rather than the intervention (Figure 2 and 3).
Table 2. Comparison of the mean upper and lower extremity motor function between the experimental and control
group during time

Motor function Group P*

Control Experimental
(n=19) (n=33)
Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Baseline of upper extremity motor strength 2.47 (1.31) 2.36 (1.58) 0.79
Baseline of lower extremity motor strength 2.53 (1.39) 2.64 (1.30) 0.77
Upper extremity motor strength in the first month 3.05 (1.72) 3.45 (1.54) 0.38
Upper extremity motor strength in the third month 3.11 (1.49) 3.39 (1.56) 0.51
Lower extremity motor strength in the first month 2.53 (1.84) 3.39 (1.50) 0.70
Lower extremity motor strength in the third month 2.84 (1.66) 3.21 (1.58) 0.42
*Independent t-test

Table 3. Comparison of the mean change of upper and lower extremity motor function in experimental and control
Motor function Group P*
Control Experimental
(n=19) (n=33)
Mean (SD) Mean( SD)
Baseline and first month upper extremity motor strength 0.58 (0.91) 1.09 (0.84) 0.04
Baseline and third month upper extremity motor strength 0.63 (0.83) 1.03 (0.68) 0.06
First and third month upper extremity motor strength 0.63 (0.62) 1.03 (0.68) 0.06
Baseline and first month lower extremity motor strength 0.00 (1.11) 0.75 (0.71) 0.004
Baseline and third month lower extremity motor strength 0.32 (1.20) 0.58 (0.80) 0.32
First and third month upper extremity motor strength 0.32 (0.67) -1.18 (0.64) 0.01
*Independent t-test

Figure 2. Comparison of the effect of time on upper Figure 3. Comparison of the effect of time on lower
extremity motor power improvement in experimental extremity motor power improvement in experimental
and control group and control group

42 | Journal of Caring Sciences, March 2019; 8 (1), 39-44

Early exercise and motor function of people with stroke

Discussion limited benefits based on ARAT assessment of base to 90

days after treatment as compared to the treatment group
In the experimental group, improvement in muscle with the standard dose in patients with stroke.20
strength score in the first and third months were Hankey investigated the motor function in patients
observed in both upper and lower extremities in with stroke through repetitive task specific training, and
comparison with the baseline measurement. The greatest reported no improvements in hand and arm function and
improvement in the experimental group occurred in the maintaining balance while sitting.21,22 In a study
first month relative to the baseline measurement in the conducted by Hejazi, with the aim of examining the effect
upper extremity. Although in the first and third months of sensory retraining (fine touch in the finger tips) on the
after the intervention, the mean score of motor function hemiplegic upper extremities in 5 patients with chronic
in the experimental group was higher than that of the stroke, Fugl Meyer test score changed from 3.31 to 5.67 in
control group, the difference was not statistically the sixth week. Also, upper extremity motor defects and
significant. It seems that the improved muscle function is manual skills of patients improved (based on motoricity
affected by the continuation of the rehabilitation Index test and box and block test, respectively).23
programs along with the mechanisms of spontaneous Beebe and Lang studied the effect of active range of
recovery. Based on the findings, in the control group, the motion exercise on predicting the movement function
improved muscle strength in the first and the third after three months on patients with stroke and found that
month after baseline measurement was observed only in active range of motion in the first month is highly related
the upper extremities. Not surprisingly, the slight with the upper extremity function in the third month.
improvement in muscle strength score was mostly The results confirmed the significant positive effect of
affected by the spontaneous mechanism and most time on active range of motion of upper extremity in the
patients suffered from significant muscle weaknesses first and third month.6 In a study conducted by
until the third month. In the experimental group, the Bovolenta, the effect of robot-aided therapy in patients
highest change was related to the muscle strength of the with stroke between T0 (immediately before treatment)
upper extremity one month after the intervention, and and T1 (immediately after treatment), improved the
that of the lower extremity, three months after the upper extremity function. During the first month after
intervention. The highest change observed in the control stroke, the highest improvement occurs in motor
group was related to the muscle strength of upper and function; and thereafter, through gradually reducing
lower extremities three months after the intervention. stimulation, continued improvement in motor function of
Most of the patients in the control group experienced patients is probably due to spontaneous mechanisms of
improvements in a longer period (three months) recovery over time. In the present study, after passing
compared to the experimental group. On the basis of the through the acute phase, the patients received less or
results, it seems that passive exercise in the acute phase irregular rehabilitation programs. Regular rehabilitation
after stroke according to the protocol implemented in this programs along with spontaneous mechanisms of
study was not considered as a powerful and decisive recovery during the first three months after the stroke are
factor in improving motor function in the experimental significantly effective in improving motor function of
group. In a study by Tsai and Yeh, who investigated the patients.24
effect of long stretch on the status of muscle spasticity at
a medical session, a modified version of Ashworth scale Conclusion
was employed to measure the dependent variable. This
study focused on the ankle range of motion in dorsal The use of passive exercises not only prevents the local
flexion status before, immediately after, and 45 minutes complications, but also improves motor function after
following the intervention, and the intervention was stroke. In the present study, both groups experienced
reported to have been effective in improving the range of improvements in the upper and lower muscle strength
motion of the ankle.18 In the study by Lum and et al., during the first month. At first glance, it seems that the
based on the Fugl Meyer test, the greatest improvement intervention in the experimental group in the acute phase
was observed in the proximal movements of upper after stroke was ineffective in improving motor function
extremities of the subjects treated by motor exercise of this group and both groups had the same behavior in
applied by the robot in the first month. In the second terms of improved muscle strength. However, the
month, the group under intervention had a better muscle changes in motor function score confirmed the
strength compared with the control group. After six effectiveness of the intervention in the intervals from
months, the groups did not differ in terms of Fugl Meyer baseline measurement to the first month in both upper
examination, but the experimental group showed more and lower extremities, and from the first to the third
improvements in terms of Functional Independence month in the lower extremities. In other words, despite
Measure score.19 Another study showed that there was no the improved motor function in both groups, changes in
difference between the control group and the group motor function were more significant in the experimental
treated by constraint-induced movement in terms of group due to the effect of intervention.
Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) score in the acute This study had limitations. After discharge, the
phase in patients with stroke, and that the arm function patients may have participated in physiotherapy
improved within 90 days in both groups. According to sessions, which might have influenced the results of the
this study, Constraint-Induced Movement showed more study. The researchers recorded these events in both

Journal of Caring Sciences, March 2019; 8 (1), 39-44 |43

Hosseini et al.

groups and no statistically significant difference was 12. Lindberg P, Schmitz C, Forssberg H, Engardt M, Borg
found between the groups in terms of participating in J. Effects of passive-active movement training on
physiotherapy sessions after discharge. upper limb motor function and control activation in
chronic patients with stroke: a pilot study. J Rehabil
Acknowledgments Med 2004; 36: 117-23. doi: 10.1080/ 165 019 704 100
We would like to appreciate the officers and staff of 13. Nishibe M, Urban III ET, Barbay S, Nudo RJ.
Emergency and Neurology wards of Poursina Hopital, Rehabilitative training promotes rapid motor recovery
Rasht, Iran; also, we are grateful to the patients who but delayed motor map reorganization in a rat cortical
participated in the study. This work was supported by ischemic infarct model. Neurorehabil Neural Repair
the deputy for research and technology, Tehran 2015; 29 (5): 472-82. doi: 10.1177/ 154596831 454 34
University of medical sciences under grant 647P.
14. Langhorne P, Bernhardt J, Kwakkel G.Stroke
rehabilitation. Lancet 2011; 377 (9778): 1693–1702.
Ethical issues doi: 10.10 16 /S0 140-6736(11)60325-5.
15. Hancock NJ, Shepstone L, Winterbotham W, Pomeroy
None to be declared.
V. Effects of lower limb reciprocal pedalling exercise
on motor function after stroke: a systematic review of
Conflict of interest randomized and nonrandomized studies. Int J Stroke
2012; 7 (1): 47-60. doi:10.1111/j.1747-4949. 2011. 00
The authors declare no conflict of interest in this study. 728.x.
16. Schaechter J. Motor rehabilitation and brain plasticity
References after hemiparetic stroke. Prog Neurobiol 2004; 73 (1):
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44 | Journal of Caring Sciences, March 2019; 8 (1), 39-44

STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.509
ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.9 No.2 November 2020 Page. 1650-1656

Effectiveness of Range of Motion (ROM) Fingers and

Spherical grip to Extremity Strength in Non
Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients
Shindi Hapsari*, Sonhaji, Nindya Nurulia
Karya Husada Health and Science College of Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

Clinical signs of loss of motor movement strength from impaired brain vascular disorders in
non-hemorrhagic strokes such as darkness that occurs on one side of the body, patients need
appropriate and rapid rehabilitation measures such as motion exercises. The purpose of this
study is to find out the effectiveness of Range Of Motion (ROM) fingers and spherical grip
on extremity strength in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients at K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro
Hospital Semarang. This research is an experimental study with the design of the control
group. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The study's population was 32. The
intervention group (n=16) respondents were given ROM therapy exercises of fingers and
spherical grip, control group (n=16) respondents by giving ROM therapy exercise fingers.
Exercise is done 2 times a day and done in 3 days for 15-20 minutes each time. Data analysis
using Shapiro-Wilk, dependent paired t-test, and independent t-test. Statistical analysis
results obtained by the intervention group (Range Of Motion therapy exercises (ROM) of
the fingers of the hand and spherical grip exerted a more effective influence compared to the
administration of therapy on the control group (ROM) of the fingers of the hand) get an
average difference in extremity muscle strength with a p-value of 0.000. The administration
of spherical grip and Range Of Motion (ROM) therapy of the fingers of the hands is effective
against increased extremity strength in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients

Keywords: Spherical Grip, Range of Motion (ROM) Fingers, Extremity Strength, Non-
Hemorrhagic Stroke

Received October 3, 2020; Revised October 18, 2020; Accepted October 30, 2020
STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, its website, and the articles published there in are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License.

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STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.509
ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.9 No.2 November 2020 Page. 1650-1656

Stroke is a neurological disorder that occurs due to impaired blood circulation to the
brain. Clinical symptoms occur suddenly and quickly resulting in acute brain damage and
local/global.(Gillen, 2015) Stroke sufferers have a motor disorder in the brain, causing
muscle atrophy. Muscle stiffness causes limited limbs in stroke sufferers.(Kusuma & Sara,
2020) Sudden attacks require stroke patients to get Range of Motion cylindrical grip
rehabilitation therapy where the exercise serves to improve musculoskeletal function and
assess strength with cylindrical objects. (Irawati et al., 2017)(Anggraini et al., 2018)
World Stroke Organization data shows that 13.7 million new cases of stroke each year
and 5.5 million deaths occur from stroke disease. About 70% of stroke diseases and 87% of
deaths and disabilities from stroke occur in low- and middle-income countries. Stroke as
part of cardiovascular disease is classified into catastrophic disease because it has a wide
economic and social impact. This stroke causes permanent disability which can certainly
affect the productivity of the sufferer. Nationally, the prevalence of stroke in Indonesia based
on the age of > 15 years is 10.9% or an estimated 2,120,363 people. (KEMENTERIAN
High cases of stroke prevalence in Indonesia, rehabilitation is seen as important in
treatment interventions in stroke patients. In non-hemorrhagic stroke patients after an attack
resulting in sensory and motor impairment, including balance disorders, muscle weakness,
and motor control disorders resulting in loss of coordination in the body(Nurtanti &
Ningrum, 2019). ROM is a rehabilitation exercise that can be given to non-hemorrhagic
stroke patients that aim to maintain and improve the level of ability to move joints (Kusuma
& Sara, 2020) .
Movement on the hands can be stimulated with the practice of grasping functions that
are through three stages, namely opening the hands, close the fingers to grasp the objects
and regulate grip power. (Mariyanto & Herisanti, 2019)
There is a problem that occurs in stroke patients, in this case, researchers provide
interventions that are expected to benefit stroke patients with Range of Motion exercises and
spherical grip on the strength of the extremities in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients at
K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro Hospital Semarang.

This study used a quasi-experiment research design with a pre-post test design using a
control group. The sampling technique used is the total sampling and the number of samples
as many as 32 respondents. Normality test data used Shapiro-Wilk and influence test using
paired t-test and for effectiveness test using independent t-test. The sampling technique uses
purposive sampling techniques where the samples in this study are non-hemorrhagic stroke
patients who have muscle strength of 1-3, then divided into two groups, namely the
intervention group and the control group. The intervention group was 16 respondents and a
control group of 16 respondents. Exercise is done 2 times a day and done in 3 consecutive

In this study, the number of respondents was 32, with 16 respondents in the intervention
group, and respondents in the control group. the results of the researchers are spelled out in
each table

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STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.509
ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.9 No.2 November 2020 Page. 1650-1656

Table 1. Description of Respondent Characterist

Category Frequency Presented (%)
45-50 3 9.4
51-55 5 15.6
56-60 10 31.2
61-65 9 28.1
66-70 3 9.4
71-75 2 6.2
Total 32 100.0
Male 13 40.6
Female 19 59.4
Total 32 100.0
Weakness of the
Right 16 50.0
Left 16 50.0
Total 32 100.0

Based on table 1 it can be known that the number of respondents in this study as many
as 32 respondents. Based on the age status of the respondents in this study, the most
vulnerable were 56-60 years old as many as 10 respondents (31.2%), for ages 45-50 as much
as 3 respondents (9.4%), for ages 51-55 as much as 5 respondents (15.6%), for ages 61-65
as much as 9 respondents (28.1%), and ages 65-70 as much as 3 respondents (9.4%), and for
ages 71-75 as many as 2 respondents (6.2%). The characteristics of respondents based on
gender in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients for the male gender were 13 respondents (40.6%),
and for women, as many as 19 respondents (59.4%), and the characteristics of weakness
experienced by non-hemorrhagic stroke patients were found to be the result between right
extremity disorder and left extremity which is the same, for the right extremity as much as
16 weakness of the right extremity sufferer (50%) and 16 sufferers of leftist weakness (50%).

Table 2. Frequency distribution of the strength of the extremities of non-hemorrhagic

stroke patients before and after therapy was carried out in the intervention group

Variabel N Mean Min Max

Pre test intervensi 16 17.019 2.2 27.0
Post test intervensi 16 17.437 2.4 27.6

Based on Table 2 indicates that the frequency distribution of extremity strength before
the range of motion (ROM) therapy of the fingers with spherical grip therapy in the
intervention group that the average extremity strength before being given therapy amounted
to 17,019, While the lowest extremity strength score was 2.2 and the highest extremity
strength score was 27.0, and after being given the average extremity strength therapy in the
intervention group of 17,437, the lowest extremity strength score was 2.4 and the highest
extremity strength score was 27.6

Website: | Email: 1652

STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.509
ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.9 No.2 November 2020 Page. 1650-1656

Table 3. Frequency distribution of the strength of the extremities of non-hemorrhagic

stroke patients before and after therapy was performed in the control group

Variabel N Mean Min Max

Pre test control 16 12.019 3.2 20.3
Post test control 16 12.125 3.2 20.4

Based on Table 3, indicates that the frequency distribution of extremity strength before
the range of motion (ROM) therapy was performed by the fingers in the control group that
the average extremity strength before being administered therapy was 12,019, while the
lowest extremity strength score was 3.2 and the highest extremity strength score was 20.3,
and after being administered the average extremity strength therapy in the control group was
12,125. The lowest extremity strength value is 3.2 and the highest extremity strength value
is 20.4.

Table 4. Independent t-test in the intervention and control group after therapy

Levene’s test for t-test for equality

equality variances means
Post test intervention group N Sig. Sig.2 tailed
and control group 32 0.102 0.034

Based on Table 4 shows that there are differences in the effectiveness of extremity forces in
intervention groups and control groups as evidenced by sig values. (2-tailed) 0.034 < 0.05,
it can be concluded Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected which means there is an average
difference between the effectiveness of strength in the intervention group and the control
group in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients at K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro Hospital Semarang.

Tabel 5. Effectiveness of administering therapy in interventional groups and control


Variabel N Mean p-value

Before 16 17.019
Intervensi After 16 17.437 0.000
Before 16 12.019
Control After 16 12.125 0.000

Based on Table 5, showed that there were differences in the effectiveness of extremity
strength in the intervention group and the control group as evidenced by the p-value
¬0.000<0.05 of this table also found differences in the average value of extremity strength
between the intervention and control groups, where the intervention group had a difference
in extremity strength before and after the administration of therapy of 0.418 and in the
control group before and after the administration of therapy of 0.106. Based on the average
difference in therapeutic administration given to non-hemorrhagic stroke patients for the two
groups, the administration of range of motion (ROM) exercises with spherical grip
(intervention group) was more effective at increasing extremity strength for non-

Website: | Email: 1653

STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.509
ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.9 No.2 November 2020 Page. 1650-1656

hemorrhagic stroke patients than giving range of motion (ROM) exercises to the fingers
(control group).

In the results of the study, the increase in extremity strength with the mean value rising
to 0.313 proved that the administration of ROMs with spherical grip exercises by grasping
spiked balls is more effective in increasing the value of extremity strength. Range Of Motion
(ROM) exercises of the fingers with Sphericalgrip can cause stimulation, thus increasing
stimulation in the nerves of the extremity muscles, therefore by training the Range Of
Motion (ROM) of the fingers with Sphericalgrip regularly with the correct steps i.e. by
moving the joints and muscles, then the strength of the extremities will
increase.(Sukmaningrum et al., 2012)(Olviani et al., 2017) Movement exercises, especially
the range of motion for non-hemorrhagic stroke patients, can increase the patient's
independence (SRI, 2019), with exercises in motion, muscles also prevent muscle stiffness,
promote blood circulation, and increase muscle life and minimize physical defects so that
they can undergo normal activity.(Anggraini et al., 2018; Sofiana, 2018) This is done
regularly so the muscle tolerance to perform movement increases (Nurtanti & Ningrum,
2019; SRI, 2019).(Mardati et al., 2014; Olviani et al., 2017; Sukmaningrum et al., 2012)
The results showed that range of motion therapy exercises (ROMs) with spherical
grips was more effective at increasing extremity strength in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients
compared to Range Of Motion (ROM) therapy exercises of the fingers as evidenced by sig
values. (2-tailed) 0.034 < 0.05, it can be concluded Ha is accepted, and H0 is rejected which
means there is an average difference between the effectiveness of strength in the intervention
group and the control group in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients at K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro
Hospital Semarang. The theory states that the range of motion (ROM) exercises of the
fingers with spherical grip is a functional exercise of the hand by grasping an object shaped
round like a rubber ball on the palm of the hand. Movement on the hands can be stimulated
by the practice of grasping functions performed through three stages, namely, opening
hands, closing fingers to grasp objects, and adjusting the grip strength.(SRI, 2019;
Sukmaningrum et al., 2012) This is in combination with the theory of Newton III's Law
which explains the same style of action as the reaction style, which can be applied to
respondents who exercise using heavier objects will result in greater and maximum effort
than just range of motion therapy exercises of the fingers alone. when the training
respondents used rubber balls, the resulting power was greater and the contractions that
occurred were stronger resulting in an increase in the motor unit to produce acetylcholine,
resulting in contraction (Olviani et al., 2017) Mechanisms through more impact on
improved muscle strength (Mardati et al., 2014; Sukmaningrum et al., 2012)
Range Of Motion (ROM) training is an exercise that aims to reduce contractions and
provide joint flexibility in extremities who have suffered a stroke.(Kusuma & Sara, 2020)
The administration of a range of motion (ROM) of the fingers and spherical grip is proven
in improving the value of extremity strength function in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients
(Mardati et al., 2014). Based on the results of the study in the intervention group who had
been given exercise therapy Range Of Motion (ROM) fingers with spherical grip in getting
an average extremity strength was 17,437 and in the control group that had been given Range
Of Motion therapy (ROM) the fingers in the average extremity strength was 12,125. Judging
by the results of the study after being given therapy in the control group and the intervention
group both experienced muscle strength in respondents. It can be concluded that with
exercise therapy Range Of Motion (ROM) fingers with Sphericalgrip therapy (intervention

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STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.509
ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.9 No.2 November 2020 Page. 1650-1656

group) there is a significant difference in strength compared to just giving exercise therapy
Range Of Motion (ROM) fingers only in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients(Mariyanto &
Herisanti, 2019; Sofiana, 2018)
According to the results of the study obtained by researchers, there was an increase in
extremity strength in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients after being given range of motion
(ROM) exercise therapy with spherical grip therapy twice a day conducted in the morning
and evening in 15 minutes for 3 consecutive days. The above opinion is supported that the
mechanism of motor neutrons can increase smooth muscles in the extremities. Active
Assistive Range Of Motion (ROM) exercises can cause stimulation, which can increase
muscle tone(Olviani et al., 2017; Sukmaningrum et al., 2012).

The administration of exercise therapy in the intervention group (Range Of Motion (ROM)
therapy exercises of the fingers and spherical grip exerts a more effective influence
compared to the administration of therapy in the control group (ROM) of the fingers of the
hand) get an average difference in extremity muscle strength with a p-value of 0.000. From
the results of this study, it is expected that the next study can conduct research by using or
adding other variables with better research design by maintaining the characteristics of the
respondents, more attention to the Operational Standard procedure (SOP) flow policy from
the Hospital in the rehabilitation process, and pay more attention to the homogeneity of
respondents to be taken for the research sample, and further research can apply other ROM
movements that further accelerate restoring the part that is experiencing weakness

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STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.509
ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.9 No.2 November 2020 Page. 1650-1656

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STROKE. Jurnal KEPERAWATAN GSH, 7(1), 14–18.
Olviani, Y., Mahdalena, M., & Rahmawati, I. (2017). PENGARUH LATIHAN RANGE
KEPERAWATAN, 8(1), 250–257.
MUHAMMADIYAH SEMARANG. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang.
Sukmaningrum, F., Kristiyawati, S. P., & Solechan, A. (2012). Efektivitas Range Of
Motion (Rom) Aktif-Asistif: Spherical Grip Terhadap Peningkatan Kekuatan Otot
Ekstremitas Atas Pada Pasien Stroke Di Rsud Tugurejo Semarang. Karya Ilmiah.

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