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1. LISTENING COMPREHENSION …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

2. STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION ………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

3. READING COMPREHENSION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18







Listening bagian A memiliki 30 pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam bentuk percakapan singkat antara dua
pembicara. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada bagian ini biasanya berkembang dan pertanyaan yang mudah ke
pertanyaan yang lebih rumit. Berikut adalah beberapa strategi atau skill yang bisa digunakan untuk
mengantisipasi pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bagian A.

SKILL [ a ] – [ j ]

a. Fokus pada baris kedua, umumnya jawaban muncul di baris kedua. Pahami pemyataan di baris
pertama kemudian persiapkan fokus untuk baris kedua pada saat anda melihat jawaban dalam teks.

b. Pilih jawaban yang memiliki kesamaan makna kata (sinonim) namua dengan bunyi yang berbeda.
Sinonim ini menjadi kata kunci dari percakapan di baris kedua.

c. Hindari bunyi yang sama. Di bagian ini anda harus terbiasa bahwa jawaban yang seringkali salah adalah
jawaban dengan bunyi yang sama namun memiliki makna yang berbeda. Fokus pada bunyi yang sama,
identifikasi kata tersebut, dan hindari menjawab berdasarkan pilihan ini.

d. Buat simpulan tentang siapa (who), apa (what), dan di mana (where). Simpulan yang harus dibuat
adalah ‘siapa yang berbicara', ‘apa yang akan dilakukan kemudian', dan ‘di mana percakapan

e. Perhatikan pemyataan siapa (who) dan apa (what) pada kalimat pasif Jika percakapan merupakan
pernyataan pasif, jawabannya seringkali berupa pernyataan aktif, begitu pun sebaliknya. Anda harus
memperhatikan siapa yang melakukan kegiatan dalam percakapan.

f. Perhatikan pemyataan siapa (who) dan apa (what) yang disertai nomina ganda. Ketika kalimat dalam
pernyataan memiliki nomina ganda, jawabannya seringkali membingungkan; nomina mana yang
melakukan kegiatan. Anda harus berfokus pada hal ini.

g. Perhatikan pernyataan dengan ekspresi negatif. Jenis respon umum terhadap ekspresi negatif adalah
pemyataan positif yang berisi kata dengan makna yang berlawanan. Misalnya ‘not sad' = ‘happy',
‘never works hard' = ‘lazy', dan ‘insane' = `crazy'.

h. Perhatikan pernyataan dengan ekspresi negative ganda. Contoh: ‘He didn't like the unclean office' =
‘He liked the clean office’, ‘It isn't snowing, so they aren't going to the mountains' = 'That they would
go if it were not snowing’, dan 'Sue didn't like the movie, neither did Mark' = 'both did not like the

i. Perhatikan pernyataan yang berisi ekspresi ‘hampir’ (mendekati) negatif. Contohnya adalah: hardly,
barely, scarcely, only yang bermakna hampir tidak ada dan rarely atau seldom yang bermakna hampir
tidak pernah.

j. Perhatikan pernyataan negatif yang memiliki perbandingan. Contohnya: ‘No one is more beautiful than
she is' = ’She is the most beautiful' atau ‘He couldn't be happier' = ‘He is extremely happy'.



1. A. in a doctor’s office
B. at a bar
C. in a travel agent
D. in a business office

2. A. she bought some sheets

B. she got a new piece of clothing
C. she couldn’t find anything because she’s too short
D. she was sure to greet her boss

3. A. the hotel was all right, except for the poor view
B. the view from the hotel room was spectacular
C. she would have preferred a better hotel
D. only a few hotels would have been better

4. A. take a nap
B. try the rest of the work
C. see a doctor
D. have a bite to eat

5. A. she’s an exacting person

B. she can’t be expected to give you four of them
C. she generally forgives others
D. she isn’t exact about what she gives to other

6. A. she’s unable to take her vacation this year

B. her vacation next week has been postponed
C. she’ll go on vacation next week
D. she’ll return from vacation in a week

7. A. the waitress was sitting in the back of the restaurant

B. they were waiting for a seat in the restaurant
C. the customers had a table in the back
D. the waitress sat down behind the table

8. A. it’s hard for the market to sell its fruit

B. all of the fresh fruit at the market is hard
C. she hardly ever goes to the market to buy fresh fruit
D. there was a scarcity of fresh fruit at the market

9. A. the man should never be late for school

B. the man can always return to school
C. the man should never go back to school
D. if the man’s late to school, he should go through the back door

10. A. she can’t bear to try

B. she is a daring person
C. she doesn’t want the man even to try
D. she is chalenging the man to make the effort


SKILL [ k ] – [ m ]

k. Perhatikan ekspresi pernyataan dengan persetujuan, baik itu persetujuan untuk pemyataan negatif
atau pun pernyataan positif. Contohnya: ‘So do I’ (positif) atau ‘Neither do I’ (negative).

l. Perhatikan ekspresi ketidak-pastian dan saran, misalnya ‘As far as I know', ‘isn't it' (ketidak-pastian)
dan ‘Why not', ‘let's' (saran).

m. Perhatikan ekspresi empati keterkejutan. Di sini anda harus fokus pada penekanan kata kerja bantu
(modal be, do, atau have). Penekanan tersebut bisa menyatakan setuju atau pun tidak. Misal, ‘Mary is
coming home, So she does make it home' = ‘I assumed she did not go home'.


1. A. she plans to talk a lot this month

B. she has a lot to say about the phone bill
C. the bill is high because she has a lot to say
D. she agrees with the man

2. A. Bill had never really been sick

B. Bill was too sick to come to class
C. Bill was sick of calculus class
D. Bill had forgotten about the calculus class that morning

3. A. the man should go out tonight

B. the man should stay at home and relax
C. the man should work on the paper tonight
D. the man should go out on Monday instead

4. A. the cafetaria was open in the morning

B. the cafetaria did not serve breakfast
C. the breakfast in the cafetaria was not very tasty
D. the woman never ate breakfast in the cafetaria

5. A. he believes that it is acceptable to park there

B. the parking lot is too far from their destination
C. he knows that they won’t get a ticket
D. he knows where the parking lot is

6. A. he would be glad to say ot over again

B. he would like the woman to repeat what she said
C. he says that he would like to take the class again
D. he’s happy the class is over, too

7. A. he finished all the problem

B. he doesn’t believe what the woman said
C. he was able to finish some of the problems
D. both he and the woman were unsuccesful on the math problems

8. A. the man had mailed the package

B. the man had forgotten to go to the post office
C. the man had given the package to the woman to mail
D. the man remembered the package after he went to the post office


9. A. they should take both cars

B. the woman should not try to be affraid
C. the woman should buy a bigger car
D. they should go together in his car

10. A. he wants to know if the muffins taste good

B. he thinks the muffins were recently prepared
C. the muffins are not really fresh
D. he’s sure that the muffins were just made

SKILL [ n ] – [ o ]

n. Perhatikan ekspresi harapan. Bentuk pernyataan dalam percakapan ini lebih banyak berupa kalimat
pengandaian, misal ‘I wish I had time to help' = ‘No time to help'.

o. Perhatikan pernyataan dengan kondisi yang bukan sebenarnya. Bentuk pernyataan dalam percakapan
ini lebih banyak berupa kalimat pengandaian, misal; ‘If I had money, I would buy it' = ‘Do not have any


1. A. she enjoys violent movies

B. she would have preferred a more violent movie
C. she thinks the film was too violent
D. she enjoyed the movie

2. A. he left the window open

B. the rain didn’t get in
C. he forgot to close the windows
D. the rain got into the house

3. A. her family is unable to come to graduation

B. it is possible that her family will come
C. her parents are coming to the ceremonies
D. she is not graduating this year

4. A. he is going to miss the conference

B. he will take hiss vacation next week
C. he will attend the conference
D. he won’t his vacation

5. A. he enjoys chemistry lab

B. he doesn’t have chemistry lab this afternoon
C. he isn’t taking chemistry class
D. he has to go to the lab

6. A. they filled up the gas tank at last service station

B. although they filled up the tank, they still ran out of gas
C. even though they didn’t stop at the service station, they didn’t run out of gas
D. they ran out of gas because they didn’t stop at gas station


7. A. his schedule isn’t really heavy

B. he needs to add few more courses
C. he enrolled in more courses than he really wants
D. he will register for a lot of courses next semester

8. A. she never took the bus to work

B. she regularly takes the bus
C. she doesn’t know how to get to work
D. she gets lost on the bus

SKILL [ p ] – [ q ]

p. Perhatikan pernyataan yang memuat dua dan tiga bagian verba. Di sini partikel sering dimunculkan
(seperti in, on, atau at), dan partikel ini mengubah makna kata kerja karena seringnya merupakan
ekpresi idiomatik. Contohnya: `cancelled 0ff" = ‘canceled'.

q. Perhatikan ekspresi idiom yang dimunculkan. Ekspresi ini menjelaskan sebuah situasi dalam
percakapan dan bisa diaplikasikan dalam berbagai pernyataan, hati-hati, jawaban dari petnyataan
dengan idiom bisa bisa jadi merupakan situasi yang bertolak belakang.


1. A. she gets lots of take-out dinner

B. she and her roomate alternate cooking responsibilities
C. her roommate cooks more often than she does
D. her roomate does the cooking while she does other chores

2. A. he resemble his father

B. he has chipped tooth
C. he lives one block from his father
D. he and his father were playing a game with blocks

3. A. she’s going somewhere else

B. she doesn’t like football
C. she has lot of work to do
D. she is getting sick

4. A. he put his foot where he should not have

B. he put the food that the teacher gave him into his mouth
C. he said something embarrasing
D. he told the teacher taht his foot was hurt

5. A. she’d like the man to delay his trip

B. she prefers that the man leave a few minutes earlier than he planned
C. she wants to know if the man will stay in the market for only a few minutes
D. she’d like to talk to the man for a few minutes

6. A. the man might start a fire in the park

B. the man parked his car near the fire
C. the man’s thinking of doing something dangerous
D. the man’s playing game in the park


7. A. the machine do not act very well

B. the machines do not really bother her
C. she would like them to stop the noise
D. she wishes the machines would cut the wood

8. A. Fred has a dog that barks a lot

B. Fred has hidden the money in a tree
C. Fred has backed into a tree
D. Fred has made a mistake

9. A. she will give him any help he needs

B. he has to give away what he dosen’t need
C. he should not give up
D. he should give back what he borrowed

10. A. she’d rather go swimming than do homework

B. the chemistry homework is really difficult
C. she’s doing the homework by the swimming pool
D. the stream is drying up


1. A. There’s no more wood inside

B. The wood in the fireplace should be put outside
C. There’s a fire outside
D. He needs to bring some wood outside

2. A. She worked late at a conference

B. Her meeting was canceled
C. She called a conference at work
D. She was late to a conference

3. A. In a hospital
B. At a police station
C. At the beach
D. In a locker room

4. A. There was too much room on the dance floor

B. He enjoyed the room where they went dancing
C. The dance floor was too crowded
D. The club needed more rooms for dancing

5. A. He could not understand the fax machine

B. He wrote the letter that was sent
C. The fax machine was easy for him to use
D. He was not very good with figures

6. A. The woman hit her head on a nail

B. The woman hit his new car
C. The woman was exactly right
D. The woman bought the new car


7. A. He would like the woman to help him find his paper

B. He wants the woman to put the paper away
C. He needs the woman to review the paper
D. He would like the woman to write the paper for him

8. A. Information about the problem is unavailable

B. No one has been informed
C. Everybody knows what is going on
D. Nobody is aware that the problem is serious

9. A. He did not sleep well

B. He never woke up this morning
C. The alarm failed to go off
D. He needed a loud alarm to wake up

10. A. The pilot made an emergency landing

B. The pilot was forced to leave the plane in a hurry
C. The pilot fielded questions about the forced landing
D. The plane was damaged when it landed forcefully



Listening Bagian B dan C

Listening bagian B terdiri dari 8 soal yang dibagi menjadi dua bagian, masing-masing 4 pertanyaan. Bagian C
terdiri dari 12 soal yang dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, masing-masing 4 pertanyaan. Percakapan dalam bagian
B dan C lebih panjang sehingga memerlukan konsistensi konsentrasi. Ada dua cara umum yang bisa anda
gunakan: anda fokus mendengarkan percakapan (mengabaikan pertanyaan), atau anda membaca pilihan
jawaban sekaligus anda mendengarkan (berbagi konsentrasi). Berikut beberapa strategi yang bisa
digunakan dalam bagian B.

a. Perhatikan dan tentukan topik yang dibicarakan. Pada saat anda mendengarkan rekaman perhatikan
siapa yang berbicara sehingga mempermudah anda menentukan topik yang dibicarakan.

b. Buat simpulan tentang who, what, when, dan where. Siapa yang berbicara? Kapan percakapan tersebut
berlangsung? Di mana percakapan tersebut berlangsung? Dan, Apa yang menjadi sumber informasi dari
percakapan yang sedang berlangsung.

c. Perhatikan jawaban yang berurutan. Jawaban pada bagian ini biasanya bersifat berurutan, oleh karena
itu anda bisa mengantisipasi jenis pertanyaan yang muncul berdasarkan jawaban yang diberikan.



1. A. To a concert
B. To a rehearsal
C. To a lecture
D. To the library

2. A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

3. A. The bus does not go directly to the Music Building

B. The bus goes very slowly to the Music Building
C. The bus sometimes does not come
D. The bus will not arrive for a while

4. A. Walk
B. Wait for the bus
C. Miss for the lecture
D. Think of another plan

5. A. Boring
B. Fantastic
C. Lengthy
D. Faithful

6. A. By car
B. By plane
C. By train
D. By bicycle


7. A. She went directly to Yellowstone

B. She spent a few weeks in Laramie
C. She stopped at the Devil’s Tower National Monument
D. She made a few stops before going on the Yellowstone

8. A. Laramie
B. Devil’s Tower National Monument
C. Old Faithful
D. Wyoming

9. A. Hear again about Yellowstone

B. Take a trip to Yellowstone
C. Get a job in a national park
D. Move to Yellowstone

10. A. How and when we celebrate Thanksgiving

B. The traditional Thanksgiving dinner
C. When Thanksgiving began
D. Abraham Lincoln


Skill a - mengantisipasi topik

Skill b - mengantisipasi pertanyaan
Skill c - menentukan topik
Skill d - menarik kesimpulan berdasarkan pertanyaan WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE
Skill e - menjawab pertanyaan sesuai susunan pembicaraan



1. A. Other librarians
B. Undergaruate students
C. Students who are not in the business department
D. Graduate business students

2. A. It opens at 7:00 a.m

B. It closes at 7:00 p.m
C. It closes at midnight
D. It is always open

3. A. Computer area and business materials

B. Magazines and newspapers
C. Business department and library staff offices
D. First and second floors of the library

4. A. Go home
B. Return to class
C. Work on the computers
D. Tour the library


5. A. A student in health services

B. A drug abuse lecturer
C. A dermatologist
D. A representative of the tobacco industry

6. A. How to reduce nicotine and other addictions

B. How stress affects the skin
C. The effects of alcohol on health
D. How to achieve optimal health

7. A. Alcohol
B. Nicotine
C. Caffeine
D. A reduced supply of blood

8. A. It increases the flow of blood to the skin

B. It causes increased consumption of alcohol
C. It prevents the skin from receiving enough nourishment
D. It causes stress

9. A. Before the Civil War

B. At the end of the Civil War
C. At the beginning of the twentieth century
D. Within the last decade

10. A. The Civil War ended

B. The U.S. goverment issued a large amount of paper currency
C. The price of gold plummeted
D. The value of gold became inflated

11. A. The president

B. The president’s brother
C. The president’s brother-in-law
D. The president’s wife

12. A. Issue greenbacks

B. Sell gold
C. Corner the gold market
D. Hold its gold reserves






Strategi untuk PART A

Pertanyaan pada bagian ini umumnya lebih difokuskan kepada struktur baku kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Sehingga, untuk sukses dalam menjawab Part A ini, peserta harus memahami betul mengenai struktur
formal Kalimat. Adapun beberapa hal yang perlu dipahami adalah sebagai berikut:

Struktur Kalimat berdasarkan jenis (Simple, Compound, dan Complex)

Struktur Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif
Klausa Ajektiva (Adjective Clause) dan klausa adverbial (Adverbial Clause)

Berikut ini akan dijelaskan mengenai hal-hal di atas, dan persoalan-persoalan apa saja yang sering muncul
dan bagaimana memecahkannya:

1. Struktur Kalimat

No. Jenis Kalimat Definisi Contoh

1. Simple Sentence Mempunyai satu klausa English Grammar is easy.
(Kalimat Sederhana) independen S V
2. Compound Sentence Mempunyai dua klausa independen, yang biasanya dihubungkan oleh:
(Kalimat Bertingkat)
a. Conjunction Grammar is easy and I learned it
(Kata hubung) quickly.
b. Conjunctive Adverb Grammar is easy therefore I
(kata keterangan penghubung) learned it quickly.
c. Semicolon (tanda ;) Grammar is easy; I learned it quickly.
3. Complex Sentence Mempunyai satu klausa With an Adverb clause:
(Kalimat kompleks) independent dan satu (atau Because Grammar is easy, I leamed it
lebih) klausa dependen. Kata quickly.
penghubung klausa bergantung
kepada masing-masing klausa. With an Adjective Clause:
Grammar which I am learning now is
very easy.

With a Noun Clause:

She doesn't agree that grammar is easy.

Adapun persoalan yang sering muncul untuk struktur kalimat ini adalah seputar:
1. Struktur yang membutuhkan Subject dan Verb
2. Struktur yang membutuhkan Subject

2. Struktur Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif

Secara umum struktur aktif (bermakna me-) dan pasif (bermakna di-) dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut:

Struktur Kalimat Aktif S+V+O

Struktur Kalimat Pasif S+ to be (is/ am/ are/ was/ were) + V3 + by + O

Pada formula di atas O (Object) pada kalimat aktif akan menjadi S (Subject) pada kalimat pasif, dan juga
sebaliknya Subject pada kalimat aktif akan menjadi Object pada kalimat pasif. Perhatikan perubahan
kalimat aktif-pasif berikut:


No Tenses Active sentence Passive sentence

1. Simple Present She cooks fried rice for breakfast. Fried rice is cooked by her for breakfast.
2. Present Cont. Andi is washing a new car. A new car is being washed by Andi.
3. PresentPerfect They have promoted the new The new album has been promoted by them
album in 12 countries. in 12 countries.
4. Simple Past I sent the letter two days ago. The letter was sent (by me) two days ago.
5. Past Continuous He was writing a letter A letter was being written by him.
6. Simple Future The lecturer will teach the The students will be taught by the teacher
students tomorrow. tomorrow.

3. Klausa Ajektiva (Adjective Clause) dan Klausa Adverbia (Adverbial Clause) pada kalimat

Pada bagian awal, kita telah mempelajari kalimat kompleks. Berikut kita akan mempelajari pengembangan
kalimat tersebut terutama yang berhubungan dengan dua jenis klausa yang terlibat dalam pembentukan
kalimat, yakni: klausa ajektiva dan adverbial.

A. Klausa Ajektiva (Adjective Clause)

Pada prinsipnya, klausa ajectiva berfimgsi sebagai penjelas kata benda (Noun). Klausa tersebut membuat
kata benda yang dijelaskan olehnya semakin detil dan dapat teridentifikasi dengan jelas.

Adapun yang perlu dicermati pada klausa ini adalah penggunaan penghubung klausa-nya (Relative
Pronoun). Perhatikan tabel berikut:

Penghubung klausa (Relative Pronoun)

Orang (Person) Benda (thing)
Subject who / that which / that
Object whom / that which / that
Kepemilikan (Possesive) whose whose

Perhatikan contoh penggunaan klausa ajektiva berikut:

a. The man is my father. The man is wearing a blue jacket.
Klausa Ajectiva: The man who is wearing a blue jacket is my father.
(Lelaki yang menggunakan jaket biru itu adalah ayahku).

b. The girl was so friendly. Andi met her yesterday.

Klausa Ajectiva: The girl whom Andi met yesterday was so friendly.
(Gadis yang Andi temui kemarin sangat ramah).

c. The man called the police. His car was stolen

Klausa Ajectiva: The man whose car was stolen called the police.
(Lelaki yang mobilnya dicuri itu memanggil polisi).

B. Klausa Adverbia (Adverbial Clause)

Pada prinsipnya, klausa adverbial berfungsi sebagai penjelas/pengganti fungsi Adverb (kata keterangan).
Klausa tersebut menerangkan klausa independen, sehingga membuat klausa independen tersebut lebih
jelas. Contoh:

He couldn't come because he was sick. Before Ani finishes, She reviews her work.
K. Independen K. Adverbia K. Adverbia K. Independen


Adapun yang perlu dicermati pada klausa adverbia ini adalah penggunaan penghubung klausa-nya
(Subordinate Conjunction). Perhatikan beberapa penghubung pada tabel berikut:

Hubungan Makna Jenis Penghubung

Waktu (Time) After, before, when, while, as, until, by the time, whenever, every time.
Sebab dan akibat (Cause & Effect) Because, since, as
Tempat (Place) Where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere
Kontras (Contrast) Even though, although, though
Tujuan (Purpose) So that, in order that
Kondisi (Condition) If, unless, only if, even if

Structure and Written Expression (1)

Part A Strategy Exercises

01 __________ getting the highest result in the class, John still had problems with the teacher.
a. Despite of c. Even though
b. In spite of d. Nonetheless

02 _______ air is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen and only about 21 percent oxygen, is a little
known fact on the streets.
a. How that c. When
b. That d. However

03 _______ he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving family man at home.
a. Although c. In spite of
b. Despite d. Nevertheless

04 _______ the variable drops by a unit of 1, the rank drops by X amount.

a. Why c. How
b. Whenever d. What

05 This method is widely used _______ algorithm is not only effective but also very simple.
a. because its c. it is because
b. because d. because of its

06 This new service will be available to all users _______ up for paid membership.
a. that signed c. which signed
b. that signed it d. Sign

07 That is a story of hardship _______ our own situation into perspective.

a. puts c. that it puts
b. it puts d. that puts

08 John Smith, _______ of economic crimes, tax evasion and fraud, is being accused of attempted
murder now.
a. of that he was accused c. whom he was accused
b. that was accused d. who was accused

09 The process uses an innovative digital technology __________ the products with as many colors as
the image contains.
a. imprints c. that imprints
b. that imprints it d. that it imprints


10 The police were greatly outnumbered by rioters, _______ ran into the hundreds.
a. whose figures c. that its figures
b. those figures d. its figures that


Strategi untuk PART B

Pertanyaan pada bagian ini berisikan persoalan-persoalan gramatika yang sangat beragam, dari persoalan
yang sederhana hingga yang kompleks. Untuk sukses dalam menjawab Part B ini anda dituntut untuk lebih
mengenal kasus-kasus gramatika dalam Bahasa Inggris. Namun, biasanya jika anda sering berlatih dan
sering membaca kalimat-kalimat (teks) dalam bahasa Inggris pasti anda dapat menjawab dengan benar
pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada Part B ini.

Berbeda dengan Part A, pada Part B ini anda harus mencari struktur yang salah dalam kalimat sebagai
jawabannya. Oleh karenanya, seperti penjelasan sebelumnya, jika anda terbiasa atau sering membaca
kalimat-kalimat (teks) dalam Bahasa Inggris biasanya anda akan merasakan sesuatu yang ‘aneh' apabila
anda menemukan suatu struktur yang anda tidak familiar (ketahui) dengannya; maka struktur yang ‘aneh'
itu dapat dimungkinkan sebagai jawabannya.

Perhatikanlah beberapa strategi dalam menjawab Part B berikut ini:

1. Fokuskan perhatian anda pada kata-kata yang bergaris bawah yang merupakan pilihan jawaban
(A, B, C, atau D).
2. Jika anda tidak dapat langsung menemukan jawaban yang salah setelah anda membaca kata-kata
(struktur) yang digarisbawah, barulah anda coba membaca keseluruhan soal (kalimat) dengan hati-
3. Eliminasi jawaban yang menurut anda benar secara struktur kalimat; karena pada umumnya di bagian
ini ada 2(dua) jawaban yang gampang dikenali, dan keduanya benar secara struktur. Sebaliknya, ada 2
(dua) jawaban tersisa yang akan membuat anda ragu.
4. Fokuskan kepada 2 (dua) jawaban tersisa tersebut. Baca kembali soalnya dengan hati-hati.
5. Temukan jawaban terbaik dari kedua soal yang tersisa. Dalam hal ini jawaban yang dipilih adalah
struktur yang salah dari kalimat soal.

Pada bagian sebelumnya anda telah mempelajari beberapa struktur yang umumnya menjadi persoalan di
Part A. Namun, struktur tersebut juga acap sekali keluar menjadi soal pada Part B, sehingga anda harus
tetap fokus dengan strukhff-struktur yang telah dipelajari tersebut. Sebagai tambahan pengetahuan anda,
pelajarilah beberapa persoalan gramatika yang sering menjadi persoalan pada PartB berikut ini:

a. Pemakaian kata sandang (article) yang benar

Kata sandang (article) dalam Bahasa Inggris hanya ada 3 (tiga) jenis, yakni: a, an, dan the. Namun, pada Part
B yang umumnya menjadi persoalan adalah penggunaan article a dan an. Pada prinsipnya, fungsi article a
dan an adalah untuk memperkenalkan subjek yang belum pemah disebutkan sebelumnya. Kedua article
tersebut harus diikuti dengan kata benda tunggal (Singular Noun).

Yang menjadi inti persoalan dalam Part B tentang article ini adalah apakah kata benda tunggal tersebut
telah dipasangkan dengan article yang sesuai. Berikut ini adalah aturan penggunaan article:

Article a: digunakan pada seluruh kata (terutama kata benda) yang diawali oleh bunyi konsonan.
(INGAT: Bunyi konsonan bukan huruf konsonan)


Perhatikanlah contoh-contoh kata yang menggunakan article a pada tabel berikut:

European Eurology Eucalyptus Euphimism House Home
Heavy Half Uniform University Universal Union

Article an: digunakan pada seluruh kata yang mempunyai bunyi vokal. Perhatikanlah contoh-contoh kata
yang menggunakan article An pada tabel berikut:
Hour Heir Herbal Honor HIV Uncle
Umbrella Unnatural Understanding Apple Anthem Onion

b. Penggunaan kata ganti kepemilikan (Possessive Pronoun) yang sesuai

Pada prinsipnya terdapat 5 (lima) jenis pronoun (kata ganti orang atau benda) dalam Bahasa Inggris, yakni
seperti terlihat pada tabel berikut:

Possesive Possesive
Subject Object Reflexive
Adjective (PA) Pronoun
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself / Yourselves
They Them Their Theirs Themselves
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It it its its Itself

Yang menjadi persoalan di Part B ini umumnya adalah kesesuaian antara pronoun Subject dengan
Posseseive Adjective yang muncul setelahnya.

c. Permasalahan Subjek ganda (Double Subject)

Pada Prinsipnya persoalan di bagian ini adalah kasus redundancy (pengulangan kata yang tidak perlu).
Secara struktur gramatika, sebuah kalimat harus mempunyai satu subjek utama, dan tidak boleh
menggunakan subjek (umumnya pronoun) untuk menjelaskan subjek yang sama.

d. Penggunaan Subjek dan Verba yang sesuai (Subject-Verb Agreement)

Persoalan di bagian ini adalah ketidaksesuaian antara subjek dan verba-nya, terutama untuk Auxiliary Verb
(Verba bantu). Anda harus menggunaksn verba bantu yang bernilai tunggal (singular) bila subjeknya
berisikan kata benda atau pronoun tunggal, dan begitu pula sebaliknya. Sebagai gambaran, perhatikan
contoh beberapa agreement pada tabel berikut:

Subject Auxiliary Verb

Everyone / each / whoever is / was / does / has
hotels are / were / have
Andi is / was / does / has
He / She / It is / was / does / has

e. Struktur Modal yang harus diikuti Verba dasar

Persoalan di bagian ini adalah mengenai aturan baku pada struktur gramatika. Yakni verba bantu yang
berisikan modals harus diikuti verba dasar. Beberapa modals tersebut adalah: will, would, can, could, shall,
should, ought to, may, might, must, dan have/has to.

f. Penggunaaa Tenses yang sesuai, terutama untuk Simple Past dan Present Perfect
Prinsipnya Persoalan di bagian ini adalah sebuah hal yang klasik, yakni mengenai tenses. Dan yang sering
menjadi persoalan terutama di Part B adalah Simple Past (S + V2) dan Present Perfect (S + has/have + V3);
yakni biasanya seputar penggunaan verba. Yang harus anda kuasai adalah indikator waktu kapan anda
harus menggunakan masing-masing tenses tersebut. Sederhananya adalah bila anda melihat waktu yang


spesifik (misalnya tahun, contoh: in 1976 atau last week, yesterday), cobalah anda cek verba-nya bisa jadi
itu adalah persoalan tenses dan untuk konteks ini adalah Simple Past, dan apabila anda melihat kata since
dan for (contoh: since 1970 atau for two weeks), cobalah cek verba-nya apa sudah sesuai berdasarkan
tensesnya atau tidak.

g. Struktur Paralel (Parallelism)

Persoalan di bagian ini adalah mengenai struktur parallel (setara). Perhatikan contoh berikut:

Struktur Tidak Paralel Struktur Parallel

Mr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician, and he teaches. Mr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician, and a teacher.
Andi likes to fish, swimming, and to surf. She likes to fish, to swim, and to surf.
She loves cooking, reading, and to watch. She loves cooking, reading, and watching.

h. Struktur Prepositional Idioms

Pada aturan gramatika bahasa Inggris ada beberapa verba atau kata sifat yang harus diikuti dengan
preposisi (kata depan) tertentu; di dalam TOEFL persoalan ini dikenal dengan istilah prepositional idioms.
Perhatikan beberapa contoh berikut:

Struktur yang Benar Kesalahan yang sering terjadi

Approve of Approve for
Capable of Capable to
Compare with Compare to
Compete with Compete together
Concem with Concerned of
Depend on Depend from

i. Penggunaan Verba di awal kalimat

Pada aturan gramatika bahasa Inggris kita bisa meletakkan verba di awal kalimat; namun, yang menjadi
persoalan di bagian ini adalah apakah kita meletakkan verba-nya dengan benar atau tidak. Secara umum,
aturannya adalah jika bermakna aktif (me-) maka verba yang harus diletakkan adalah gerund (verba dasar
yang ditambahkan -ing), sedangkan jika bermakna pasif (di-) verba yang harus diletakkan adalah verba past
participle (V3).

Contoh Kalimat Penjelasan

Built on 230 acres, the palace of Versailles is Penggunaan built adalah tepat, karena maknanya
one of the showplaces of France. adalah ‘dibangun' (pasif) dan sesuai dengan konteks
Contoh Kalimat Penjelasan
Practicing her swing every day, Tricia hopes to Penggunaan practicing adalah tepat karena maknanya
get a job as a golf instructor. adalah `melatih' (aktif) dan sesuai dengan konteks

Structure and Written Expression (2)

Part B Strategy Exercises

01 Many people have stopped to smoke because they are afraid that it may be harmful to their health.

02 When Colombus seen the New World, he thought that he had reached the east Indies by way of a Western


03 If a live is broken into pieces, each piece would turn into a new sponge like the original one.

04 Usually boys cannot become Boy Scout unless completed the fifth grade.

05 Papyrus was used for to make not only paper but also sails, baskets, and clothing.

06 You will finished your homework by the time the movie starts.

07 Spell correctly is easy with the aid of a number of word processing programs for personal computers.

08 The more important theorem of all in plane geometry is the Phythagorean Theorem.

09 The most good apples are grown in Washington State.


10 Everyone has to do their own research.


11 It is a big decision to choose an university.


12 For returning the books John and his friends should gone the library.

13 Guppies are sometime call rainbow fish because of the males’ bright color.

14 Serving several term in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician.

15 Arizona being a very dry climate.






General strategies for reading

1. Kenali petunjuk/ intruksi pengerjaan soal.

Petunjuk pengerjaan soal dalam TOEFL test itu sama saja, jadi anda tidak perlu menghabiskan waktu
untuk membaca petunjuk pengerjaan teks. Anda harus mengenali dan menghafalkan petunjuknya
sebelum hari tesnya.

2. Jangan menghabiskan waktu terlalu lama membaca teks.

Jangan membaca terlalu detail karena kita bisa menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar tanpa membaca
dengan detail.

3. Jangan khawatir dengan teks yang topiknya tidak kita kuasai.

Semua informasi yang kita butuhkan semuanya ada dalam teks tersebut.

4. Jangan menghabiskan waktu memikirkan pertanyaan yang jawabnya tidak kita ketahui. Jika kita tidak
tahu jawabannya, tebak jawaban yang kita kira tepat dan lanjutkan ke soal berikutnya. Kita bisa kembali
ke soal tersebut jika masih ada waktu.

5. Lengkapi seluruh jawaban kita sebelum waktu habis.

Dalam tes TOEFL tidak ada pengurangan nilai jika kita menjawab salah, oleh karena itu kita harus
mengisi seluruh jawaban yang mungkin dapat menaikan skor kita.

1. Main Idea
Main idea atau ide pokok adalah salah satu pertanyaan yang hampir selalu muncul dalam TOEFL
Pertanyaan mengenai main idea dapat ditanyakan dengan beragam gaya bahasa, misalnya pertanyaan
tentang topic, subject, title, primary idea, atau main idea.

Pertanyaan main idea

Bentuk-bentuk pertanyaan 1. What is the main topic of the passage?
mengenai ide pokok 2. What is the topic of the passage?
3. What is the subject of the passage?
4. What is the main topic of the paragraph?
5. What is the main idea expressed in the passage?
6. What is the primary topic of the passage?
7. What is the author's main point in the passage?
8. With what is the author primatily concerned?
9. Which of the following would be the best title?
10. The passage mainly deals with?
11. The passage is mainly about?
12. What is the main theme in the passage?

Bagaimana kita menjawabnya 1. Pertanyaan main idea dapat dicari jawabannya dengan membaca
kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraph.
2. Cari persamaan tema yang muncul disetiap paragraph.
3. Skimming paragraph untuk memastikan tema yang didapat sesuai
dengan isi bacaan.
4. Lihat pilihan jawaban dan eliminasi jawaban yang salah dan pilih
jawaban yang benar-benar sesuai dengan tema yang didapatkan.


2. Stated and Unstated details

Stated details
Bagaimana mengidentifikasi pertanyaan • According to the passage...
yang jawabannya ada dalam text • It is stated in the passage ....
• The passage indicates that...
• The author mentions that...
• Which of the following is true;
Unstated details
Bagaimana mengidentifikasi pertanyaan • Which of the following is not stated....?
yang informasinya tidak ada dalam teks • Which of the following is not mentioned ....?
• Which of the following is not discussed.... ?
• AII of the following are true except....?
Bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan stated 1. Pilih kata kunci yang ada dalam pertanyaan
dan unstated details 2. Skim (cari dengan cepat) paragraph yang terdapat kata
kunci tersebut.
3. Baca kalimat yang terdapat kata kunci tersebut dengan
4. Eliminasi jawaban yang salah dan pilih jawaban yang
paling tepat diantara jawaban yang tersisa.

3. Implied Questions

Bagaimana mengidentifikasi pertanyaan • It is implied the passage that....

implied. • It can be inferred from the passage....
• It is most likely that
• What probably happened?
Bagaimana menemukan pertanyaan Jawaban dari pertanyaan biasanya ditemukan berurutan
implied dalam text.
Bagaimana menemukan jawaban dari • Cari kata kunci dalam pertanyaan
pertanyaan implied • Scan text tersebut untuk menemukan informasi yang
sesuai dengan kata kunci.
• Baca dengan seksama bagian dari paragraph yang
terdapat kata kunci tersebut.
• Pilih jawaban yang sesuai dengan informasi yang ada di


Reading Comprehension
Part A Strategy Exercises

- Main Idea
- Stated and Unstated Details
- Implied Question
Questions 1-7 refer to the following passage.

During the past three years, the staff members of the Smithsonian Institution's Family Folklore Project
have interviewed hundreds of persons about their family folklore.

To prepare for these interviews we drew upon our academic backgrounds in folklore and American
studies, and upon our personal backgrounds as members of families. In addition, we reviewed the major
instruction guides in genealogy, oral history, family history,and folklore fieldwork. Although these
publications were all helpful in some way, no singlebook was completely adequate since family folklore
combines-aspects of all the above disciplines.

Over time we have developed guidelines and questions that have proven successful for us; we hope
that the following suggestions will be helpful to anyone who wishes to collect the folklore of his or her own

01 In line 6, "publications" most nearly means

a. members. c. schools.
b. backgrounds. d. journals.

02 In line 6, "adequate" most nearly means

a. sufficient. c. boring.
b. unhelpful. d. genealogical.

03 What would be the topic of the paragraph that would follow this one?
a. How to gather family folklore c. A description of genealogy
b. History of the Smithsonian Institution d. Useful books on family folklore

04 What can be inferred about the researchers who conducted the interviews?
a. They were mathematicians and physicists. c. They had children.
b. They were historians and sociologists. d. They wrote books.

05 The purpose of this passage is to

a. motivate. c. instruct.
b. berate. d. cajole.

06 The assumption of this passage is that

a. anyone can successfully interview people about their family folklore with out prior training.
b. American history is inherent in the family folklore of Americans.
c. American history and folklore of Americans have no connections.
d. no guidelines are needed in the interviews.

07 According to the passage, which kind of instructional guide was NOT consulted as a source?
a. Clinical sociology c. Oral history
b. Genealogy guides d. Folklore fieldwork


Questions 8-12 refer to the following passage

The most popular organic gem is the pearl. A pearl is the response of a marine mollusk to the
presence of an irritating impurity accidentally introduced into its body; a cultured pearl is the result of the
intentional insertion of a mother-of-pearl bead into a live mollusk.

Whether introduced accidentally or intentionally, the pearl-making process is the same: the
mollusk coats the irritant with a substance called nacre. Nacre is composed chiefly of calcium carbonate.
Because very few natural pearls are now on the market, most pearls used in fine jewelry are cultured.
These include "Biwa" pearls and most other freshwater pearls. Cultured pearls are not easily distinguished
from natural pearls except by an expert.

08 A pearl is …
a. a rock. c. a mineral.
b. a gemstone. d. an organic gem.

09 The difference between a pearl and a cultured pearl is the nature of the …
a. color. c. coating material.
b. introduction of the irritating impurity. d. irritating impurity

10 Nacre is a substance that is …

a. mechanically manufactured.
b. the result of laboratory testing.
c. organically secreted by the mollusk.
d. present in the chemical composition of freshwater pounds.

11 The main idea in this passage is that …

a. most marketable pearls are cultured because nature does not produse enough of its own to
satisfy the market.
b. cultured pearls are of a higher quality than natural pearls.
c. there are two major methods of pearl-making.
d. a natural "drought" of pearl production is taking place.

12 A mollusk, while not defined in this passage, must be …

a. any animal. c. the water organism which produces the pearl
b. a land animal. d. all the above

Questions 13-20 refer to the following passage.

Try to make the Visitor Center your first stop at any park. There you will find
information on attractions, facilities, and activities such as scenic drives, nature trails, and historic tours.
Descriptive films, literature, and exhibits will acquaint you with the geology, history, and plant and animal
life of the area.

The park staff will answer questions about accommodations, services, and the attractions. Most of
the parks described in this book do not offer meals and lodging.

Many parks can provide assistance for those who have visual, auditory, or other
physical limitations. Most have parking lots, restrooms, and other features that are accessible to disabled
persons. If accessibility is important to you, however, inquire in advance.


13 What do most parks NOT offer?

a. Lodging c. Nature trails
b. Restrooms d. Exhibits

14 Which of the following park areas might have special facilities for a handicapped person?
a. Nature trail c. Restroom
b. Historic tour d. Restaurant

15 Why should the Visitor Center be your first stop?

a. It will offer detailed information on the park and its activities.
b. The Visitor Center always has free food.
c. It is the only place with a bathroom.
d. The Visitor Center is the only place to buy park passes.

16 In this passage "accessibility" means

a. availability of admission tickets to certain areas.
b. availability of park staff to assist people.
c. the ease with which a physically disabled person can get to and through a park.
d. in what direction one drives to get to a particular attraction.

17 The implication for handicapped people is that

a. they are welcome but not provided for in most parks.
b. they are welcome and provided for in most parks.
c. they are not really welcome in most parks.
d. there are no facilities for them in most parks.

18 The background material described includes all the following EXCEPT

a. interviews with inhabitants. c. literature.
b. exhibits. d. films.

19 What is meant by "accommodations"?

a. Scenic drives-nature trails c. Meals-lodging
b. Geology-history d. Plant life-animal life

20 What limitations does the author NOT consider with respect to requiring special assistance?
a. Visual limitations c. Physical limitations
b. Auditory limitations d. Mental limitations



4. Pronoun Reference

Bagaimana mengidentifikasi • The Pronoun "..." in line ... refers to which of the following?
pertanyaan • What does (I/you/she/he/they/etc) refer to?
Dimana kita bisa menemukan Kita mencari pronoun reference pada baris yang disebutkan. Pronoun itu
jawabannya biasanya merujuk pada kata benda yang ada didepannya.
Bagaimana menjawab • Temukan baris dimana pronoun tersebut.
pertanyaan pronoun reference • Lihat kata benda yang muncul sebelum pronoun.
• Baca kalimat yang terdapat pronoun reference itu dengan seksama.
• Eliminasi jawaban yang sudah pasti salah dan pilih jawaban yang
paling tepat diantara jawaban yang tersisa.

5. Vocabulary Questions

Dalam bagian tes reading juga terdapat pertanyaan mengenai arti kata. Pertanyaan ini akan mudah dijawab
jika kita mengetahui arti kata dan persamaannya. Tetapi, sebenarnya kita tidak selalu harus mengetahui
kata tersebut untuk mengetahui artinya. Ada 3 skill reading yang dapat digunakan untuk menjawab
pertanyaan tersebut.

1. Finding definitions from structural clues

2. Determining meanings from word parts
3. Using context clues to determine meaning

Mari kita lihat skill tersebut satu persatu

a. Find definition from structural clues

Vocabulary (kata) yang ditanyakan terkadang juga dijelaskan dalam textnya dan atau dalam text tersebut
ada structural clue (dapat diindikasikan strukturnya).

Structural Clue
Tipe-tipe petunjuk yang digunakan Punctuation comma, parentheses, dashes
Restatement or, that is, in other words, i.e.
Example Such as, for example, e.g.
Bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan 1. Cari kata yang ditanyakan dalam text
menggunakan structural clue 2. Cari apakah ada structural clues (punctuation,
restatement, example clue)
3. Baca bagian yang terdapat structural clue dengan seksama.
4. Eliminasi jawaban yang pasti salah dan pilih jawaban yang
paling tepat diantara jawaban yang tersisa.


b. Determine meaning from word parts

A Short List of Word Parts A Short List of Word Parts

Part Meaning Example Part Meaning Example
contra Against Contrast Dic Say Dictate
Mal Bad Malcontent Domin Master Dominant
Mis Error Mistake Jud Judge Judgement
Sub Under Subway Mor Death Mortal
Dec Ten Decade Spec See Spectator
multi Many Multiple Terr Earth Territory
Sol One Solo Ver Turn Divert
Tri Three Triple Viv Live Revive

Reading Comprehension
Part B Strategy Exercises
- Pronoun Reference
- Vocabulary Questions

The Passage is for question 1 - 9

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. He was the illegitimate son of Ser Piero,
a Florentine notary and landlord, but lived on the estate and was treated as a legitimate son.

In 1483, Leonardo da Vinci drew the first model of a helicopter. It did not look very much like our
modern day “copter,” but the idea of what it could do was about the same.

Leonardo was an artist and sculptor. He was very interested in motion and movement and tried to
show it in his art. In order to show movement, he found it helpful to study the way things moved. One
subject he liked to study was birds and how they flew. He spent many hours watching the birds and
examining the structure of their wings. He noticed how they cupped air with their wings and how the
feathers helped hold the air. Through these studies, Leonardo began to understand how birds were able to

Like many other men, Leonardo began to dream of the day when people would be able to fly. He
designed a machine that used all the things he had learned about flight, and thus became the first model of
a helicopter.

Poor Leonardo had only one problem, however. He had no way to give the necessary speed to his
invention. You see, motors had not yet been invented and speed was an important part of the flying
process. It would be another four hundred years before the engine was invented and another fifty years
before it was put to the test in an airplane. Leonardo’s dream of a helicopter finally came to pass in 1936.

The Italian painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and scientist, Leonardo died on May 2, 1519, and
was buried in the cloister of San Fiorentino in Amboise.

01 What is the author’s main point?

a. The invention of the helicopter.
b. Birds cup air with their wings and use feathers to help hold the air.
c. An overview of one of Leonardo da Vinci’s many skills.
d. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 and died in 1519.


02 The word ‘problem’ in paragraph five could best be replaced by the word:
a. dilemma c. danger
b. mistake d. pain

03 The word ‘it’ in paragraph two refers to:

a. Leonardo da Vinci c. 1483
b. The first model helicopter d. motion and movement

04 Which paragraph explains why Leonardo’s helicopter was not successful in his lifetime:
a. paragraph 1 c. paragraph 4
b. paragraph 2 d. paragraph 5

05 The word ‘illegitimate’ in paragraph one is closest in meaning to:

a. against the law or illegal c. incorrectly deduced; illogical
b. not in correct usage d. born out of wedlock

06 What was the main problem with Leonardo’s invention?

a. motors were not yet invented c. he was illegitimate
b. the birds lost their feathers d. he couldn’t draw

07 The word they in the third paragraph refers to:

a. the feathers c. the studies
b. the birds d. the wings

08 In what year was the first helicopter flown

a. 1483 c. 1519
b. 1452 d. 1936

09 The word thus in the fourth paragraph could best be replaced by:
a. Hence c. Unsuitably
b. After d. Inappropriately

The Passage is for question 10 – 14

The term "verbal dyspraxia" is used by some scientists and clinicians to describe the
inability to produce the sequential, rapid, and precise movements required for speech.
Nothing is wrong with the child's vocal apparatus, but the child's brain cannot give correct instructions for
the motor movements involved in speech. This disorder is characterized by many sound omissions. Some
verbally dyspraxic children, for instance, speak only in vowels, making their speech nearly unintelligible.
One little boy trying to say "My name is Billy" can only manage "eye a eh ee-ee." These children also have
very slow, halting speech with many false starts before the right sounds are produced. Their speech errors
may be similar to those children with phonological impairment.

10 In line 3, ‘apparatus’ most nearly means

a. device. c. brain.
b. child. d. speech.

11 In line 4, ‘characterized’ most nearly means

a. appeared. c. emoted.
b. described. d. spoken.


12 What is a characteristic of speech in children with verbal dyspraxia?

a. Rapid c. Concise
b. Clear d. Halting

13 In line 6, ‘unintelligible’ most nearly means

a. clear. c. unrecognizable.
b. unstoppable. d. slow.

14 In line 9, ‘impairment’ most nearly means

a. repair. c. speech.
b. problem. d. instructions.


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