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Dermatophilosis is a bacterial skin infection affecting multiple species of animals world-wide. It
is most common in young or immunosuppressed animals or in animals chronically exposed to
wet conditions.

2. Reptile ( yellow Fungus)

Yellow fungus disease, or CANV, is a primary pathogen. This means that it can act alone in
causing disease. Yellow fungus disease (YFD) gets its name from the yellow to yellowish brown
skin color it causes.
The fungus can affect perfectly healthy bearded dragons at any time. However, there are some
predisposing factors to consider. Causes and conditions that may increase an individual’s
susceptibility to yellow fungus disease infection include:
 Stress.
 Overcrowded conditions
 Unsanitary conditions, poor cleaning program
 Inadequate nutrition
 The skin barrier is particularly important. Open skin lesions including trauma, bite or
scratch wounds, even an injured toenail are significant risks, as they provide an entry-
point for CANV.

Cacar Unggas ( fowlpox)

adalah penyakit cacar pada unggas yang disebabkan oleh virus fowlpox yang berada dalam

famili Poxviridae dan genus Avipoxvirus. Penyakit ini dapat
menyerang unggas seperti ayam dan kalkun. Cacar unggas dapat dicegah dengan vaksinasi.

Winter Saprolegniosis Winter kill

- Disebabkan oleh temperatur yang turun secara tiba-tiba

- Berkaitan dengan stress, pergantian musim, nutrisi dan ketahanan

- Saprolegnia parasitica

adalah penyakit menular pada amfibi yang diakibatkan oleh infeksi fungus. Batrachochytrium

dendrobatidis. . Gejala infeksi yang muncul paling pertama adalah anoreksia, paling cepat 8 hari
setelah terpapar. Individu yang terinfeksi juga sering kali tampak lesu, bergerak dengan lambat,
dan menolak bergerak saat distimulasi. Kulit katak yang tertular sering kali mengelupas

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