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Konsep Dasar Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Cairan Dan Elektrolit

Disusun Guna Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Nursing Englis 2

Dosen Pengajar : Ns. Aldo Yuliano, MM

Disusun Oleh Kelompok :

1. Rahmat Ridho ( 2000212016 )

2. Maharani Yusri ( 2000212010)
3. Salsabila Permata Putri ( 2000212018)
4. Novita Putri ( 2000212013 )
5. Harum Bulan Zainal (2000212009)





Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya sehingga
kami dapat menyelesaikan tugas makalah yang berjudul Konsep Dasar Pemenuhan
Kebutuhan Cairan Dan Elektrolit ini tepat pada waktunya. Adapun tujuan dari penulisan dari
makalah ini adalah untuk memenuhi tugas bersama bapak Ns. Aldo Yuliano, MM pada Mata
Kuliah Nursing Engglis 2. Makalah ini disusun dan diuraikan secara efektif untuk menambah
wawasan tentang Konsep Dasar Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Cairan Dan Elektrolit bagi para
pembaca dan juga bagi penulis. Kemudian makalah ini disusun berdasarkan hasil diskusi
anggota kelompok yang dijilid menjadi satu kedalam bentuk makalah. Kiranya makalah ini
masih sangat jauh dari kata kesempurnaan oleh karena itu kami menerima kritik dan saran
yang sifatnya membangun demi memperbaiki isi dari makalah ini. Kami berharap semoga
makalah ini dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan wawasan kepada pembaca serta ridho
dari Allah SWT.

Bukittinggi, 4 Oktober 2021


TITLE................................................. ................................................................. ............i

FOREWORD................................................ ............................................................ ......ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................ ............................................... iii


A. Background.............................................. .....................................................................1

B. Problem Formulation.............................................. ................................................ ......1

C. Objectives............................................................... .....................................................1


1. Understanding the basic concepts of fluid and electrolyte requirements...............2

2. Classification of electrolyte fluids.......................................................................2
3. Type and amount of body fluids..........................................................................2
4. Body fluid function..............................................................................................2
5. Composition of body fluids…………………………………………….……..3
6. Electrolyte content...............................................................................................3
7. Factors that affect fluid and electrolyte requirements…………………………3
8. Types of infusion fluids…………………………………………………………3
9. Actions to address problems/disorders of fluid and electrolyte requirements ......4
10. Infusion procedure................................................................................................4



Suggestion.................................................................................. ..........................8

REFERENCES................................................ ...................................................9



A. Background
Infusion is the administration of fluids into the body through a needle into a vein
(vein) to deliver fluids or nutrients from the body by injecting fluids intravenously
with the help of an additional fluid infusion device containing certain components
that the body needs continuously. Therefore, fluids and electrolytes are very useful in
maintaining the functions of the human body.

1. What is the basic concept of fluid and electrolyte requirements?

2. What is the classification of electrolytes and their types?
3. What are the functions of body fluids?
4. What are the types of infusion fluids
5. How to take action to overcome the problem of electrolyte fluid needs disorders?
6. What is the procedure and function of infusion?

1. 1.Know what the concept of fluids and electrolytes is
2. Know what are the classifications and types of electrolyte fluids
3. 3.Know what the function of electrolyte fluid
4. Know what types of electrolyte fluids are
5. Know how to prevent fluid and electrolyte disturbances
6. Knowing how the procedure, purpose, and function of the infusion.



Basic Concepts of Fulfilling Fluid and Electrolyte Needs

1. Understanding the basic concepts of fluid and electrolyte requirements

Fluid and electrolyte balance means the normal distribution of total body water and
electrolytes throughout the body. Fluid and electrolyte balance depend on each other, if
one is disturbed it will affect the other.
2. Classification of electrolyte fluids
The body's electrolytes are divided into two groups:
a. Intracellular (CIS) is fluid that is inside cells throughout the body.
b. Extracellular fluid (ECE) is the fluid outside the cells.

3. Type and amount of body fluids: Body fluids: 60% in addition there are several
other supporting fluids, namely;
1. Intracellular fluid: 40%
2. Extracellular fluid: 20%

a.Interstitial fluid: 15%

b. Blood plasma: 5%

4. Body fluid function;

1. Means for transporting nutrients to cells
2. Removing cell waste
3. Forming in cell metabolism
4. As a solvent for electrolytes and non-electrolytes
5. Helps maintain body temperature
6. Helps digestion
7. Easier elimination
8. Transporting substances such as (hormones, enzymes, SDP, HR)

5. Body fluid composition:
1. Water is the main compound of the human body. The average adult man is almost
60% of his body weight is water and the average woman contains 55% water of her
body weight.
2. Solute (too)
6. Electrolyte content
Body fluids contain two types of substrates, electrolytes and non-electrolytes.
a. Electrolyte
Substances that dissociate (separate) in solution and will conduct electric current.
Electrolot dissociates into positive and negative ions Cations; ions that form a
positive charge in solution. The main extracellular cation is sodium (Na), while
the main intracellular cation is potassium (K) Anion; ions that form a negative
charge in solution. The main extracellular anion is chloride (Cl), while the main
intracellular anion is phosphate ion (PO43).
b. Non electrolyte
Substances such as glucose and urea that do not dissociate in solution. Other non-
electrolyte solutions of clinical importance include creatinine and bilirubin.
7. Factors that affect fluid and electrolyte requirements
1. Age
2. gender
3. fat cells
4. Stress
5. Sick
6. Environmental temperature
7. Diet
8. Types of infusion fluids
1. Hypotonic fluids
It is lower in osmolarity than serum (lower Na+ ion concentration than serum.
This fluid is used when cells are dehydrated, for example in dialysis patients on

diuretic therapy, as well as in hyperglycemic patients (high blood sugar) with
diabetic ketooxidosis.
2. Isotonic
Is the osmoarity (level of concentration) of the fluid close to the serum (the liquid
part of the blood component) so that it continues to be in the blood vessels.
Beneficial for patients who experience hypervolemia (lack of body fluids so that
blood pressure continues to decline). Has a risk of overload for example RL and
NaCL 0.9%.
3. Hypertonic fluid
It has a higher osmolarity than serum, so it draws fluids and electrolytes from
tissues and cells into the blood vessels. Able to stabilize blood pressure stabilize,
increase urine production, and treat edema (swelling).

9. Actions to address problems/disorders of fluid and electrolyte requirements.

1. Administration of fluids by mouth or intravenously (infusion)
This nursing action is carried out on clients who require fluid intake through
intravenous (infusion). Infusion can be given to patients who experience heavy fluid
or nutritional expenditure. This action requires sterility considering that it is directly
related to blood vessels.
2. Giving by infusion by inserting it into a vein (patient's blood vessel) between the
arm veins (cephalisa basilica and mediana cubitti veins) or veins in the head such as
the frontal temporal vein (especially for children)
In addition to giving infusion to patients who experience fluid loss, it can also be
done in patients with shock, severe intoxication, pre and post surgery, before blood
transfusions or patients who require certain treatment.

10. Infusion procedure

1. Definition
Infusion is one way or part of treatment to introduce drugs or vitamins into the
patient's body.
2. Purpose of Infusion

According to Hidayat (2008), the main purpose of intravenous therapy is to maintain
or replace body fluids that contain water, electrolytes, vitamins, protein, fat and
calories that cannot be maintained orally, correct and prevent fluid and electrolyte
disturbances, improve acid-base balance, provide blood transfusions, provide a
medium for intravenous drug administration, and assist with parenteral nutrition.
3. Indications for Infusion
Broadly speaking, indications for infusion consist of 4 situations, namely; The need
for intravenous drug administration, intravenous hydration, transfusion of blood or
blood components and other situations where direct access to the bloodstream is
4. Contraindications for Infusion
Relative contraindication to infusion, because there are various situations and
circumstances that affect it.
5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Infusion
a. Advantages of Infusion
The advantages of intravenous therapy include: Immediate therapeutic effect can
be achieved because delivery of the drug to the target site takes place quickly,
total absorption allows for more precise drug doses and more reliable therapy, the
speed of administration can be controlled so that the therapeutic effect can be
b. Disadvantages of Infusion
Disadvantages of intravenous therapy are: can not do "drug recall" and change
the action of the drug so that the risk of toxicity and high sensitivity, poor control
of administration can cause "speed shock" and complications
6. Infusion Installation Tools and Materials
1. Infusion standard
2. Infusion fluids as needed
3. IV Catheter / Wings 4. Needle / Abocath as needed
4. Treat
5. Tourniquet
6. Plaster

7. Smooth
8. Bent
9. Clean gloves
10. sterile gauze
11. Alcohol vessel / Alcohol swab
12. Betadine
7. Infusion Installation SOP
1. Washing hands
2. Bring the tool close
3. Explain to the client about the procedure and the sensations that will be felt
during the infusion
4. Adjust the patient's position / lie down
5. Prepare fluids by connecting the liquid bottle with the infusion tube and
hanging it on the infusion standard
6. Determine the area of the vein to be punctured
7. Install the pedestal
8. Place a damming tourniquet ± 15 cm above the vein to be stabbed
9. Wear gloves
10. Disinfect the area to be punctured with a diameter of 5-10 cm
11. Insert the IV catheter into the vein with the needle facing the heart
12. Make sure the IV needle goes into the vein
13. Connect the IV needle to the infusion tube
14. Fix the tip of the IV needle at the insertion site
15. Cover the insertion area with dry gauze and then plaster
16. Adjust drip drip according to medical program
17. Take off the gloves
18. Put a label on the implementation of the action that contains: name of the
implementer, date and time of implementation
19. Clean up tools
20. Washing hands

21. Observation and evaluation of patient's response, record in nursing


A. Conclusion

In performing the infusion, expertise is needed and is carried out according to the procedure
(how to work). As a nurse or other medical personnel are required to study this properly and
seriously. The procedure of course has a reason why the infusion is done. With this we can find
out how important it is in meeting the needs of fluids and electrolytes, and can understand and be
able to prevent disorders of fluid and electrolyte needs.

B. Suggestion

It is expected to understand the practice of giving fluids through infusion, as well as fulfillment
in fluids and electrolytes as well as prevention of disturbances in electrolyte fluid needs.


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