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Exposition Text
Analytical Exposition Text

Sebuah teks yang berisi

pemikiran penulis tentang
hal-hal yang terjadi
disekitarnya tanpa mengajak
pembaca untuk melakukan
Analytical Exposition Text

Communicative Purpose Structure Language Features

To persuade the readers that the Arguments : menjelaskan Simple Present Tense :
idea is an important matter. pendapat yang mendukung Subject + Verb 1 or Subject +
ide pokoknya Verb 1+s/es
Thesis : memperkenalkan topik
Internal Conjuction : Kata
dan sudut pandang penulis. Reiteration : penegasan
penghubung untuk
Posisi: selalu di paragraf 1 kembali posisi dan pendapat
menambahkan ide,
penulis terhadap topik utama
membandingkan ide, dan
menunjukan sebab-akibat
Listing Words:
e.g. Firstly, Secondly, Next, Then.
Additive Conjunction Comparison Conjunction Causality Conjunction

Fungsi: Menambahkan ide Fungsi: Membandingkan ide Fungsi: Menunjukkan

hubungan sebab-akibat
Contoh: Contoh:
In addition, Moreover, But, Meanwhile, On the Contoh:
Furthermore other hand So, As result,
Consequently, Because,
How can I answer the
Analytical Exposition Text VS Hortatory Exposition Text questions about
exposition text?
Paragraf terakhir hanya Paragraf terakhir
menegaskan kembali pendapat berupa saran atau kalimat
penulis tanpa ada saran atau bersifat persuasif
kalimat bersifat persuasif

Menentukan topik
keberpihakan penulis
Bacalah paragraf pertama!
Bacalah paragraf terakhir!
Topik atau isu teks biasanya
Apabila belum terlalu jelas,
disebutkan pada paragraf
perhatikan pula paragraf
Contoh soal:
Contoh soal:
What is the topic of the text?
What is the author's bias?
The text mainly talks about ...
Menentukan hubungan

Perhatikan inti dari setiap

How can I answer the
Perhatikan kata penghubung di
paragraf yang ditanyakan questions about
awal paragraf selanjutnya!
hubungannya! exposition text?
(Contohnya, saat menanyakan
hubungan paragraf 2 dan 3, (Contohnya, saat menanyakan
perhatikan kata penghubung di hubungan paragraf 2 dan 3, maka
awal paragraf 3) harus mengetahui inti dari kedua
paragraf tersebut)
Ingatlah jenis-jenis kata penghubung!
Contoh: Contoh soal:
Jika paragraf 3 diawali kata penghubung How is paragraph 2 related to
yang bersifat kontras, seperti However, On paragraph 3?
the other hand, berarti paragraf 2 dan 3
saling bertentangan.
Menentukan pesan atau
makna tersirat

Memahami isi teks How can I answer the

questions about
Pilihan yang tersedia biasanya menggunakan exposition text?
sinonim dari kata-kata yang terdapat pada teks

(Contohnya, pada teks menggunakan kata “improve”,

sedangkan pada pilihan menggunakan kata

Contoh soal:
From the text, we can conclude that ...
We can learn from the text that ...
Read the text carefully to answer the questions number 1-2!

Corona disease (COVID-19) becomes the burgeoning issue all over the world. This disease has been infecting million
people in 206 countries, including Indonesia. As instructed by our government, we have to stay at home and do
“social-distancing” in order to stop the spread of the virus. However, there are several people who still don’t
understand the importance of the instructions and break the rule. In fact, there are some main reasons why the
instructions are declared.

Staying at home is the first thing that we can do as contributions to this issue. Why? Because when staying at home,
at least we don’t meet other persons, except our family. We can also avoid touching things like in a public
transportation or facility which may contain the virus from the virus carriers who have touched it before.

Talking about “social distancing”, when there’s an urgent situation which makes people go outside (buying medicine
or food), we are asked to maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between ourselves and anyone who is coughing
or sneezing. For example, when we go to a market, there are a lot of people who can suddenly cough or sneeze. By
trying this effort, we won’t get the droplets from their nose or mouth. It really helps us to minimize the risk of getting
infected by this virus because we never know the virus carriers around us.

This issue has to get more attention from us, so we have to support our government by doing those efforts. We
have to collaboratively stop this life-threatening disease.
1. It can be hypothesized from the text that …

A. If we ignore the warning to stay at home and do social distancing, neither we nor our family members
can be free from this virus.
B. If we maintain our distance for 2 feet in the crowd, both we and our family members can save
C. If we obey the rules of staying at home, we couldn’t protect ourselves from this life-threatening virus.
D. If we are aware that this issue is an important matter, we couldn’t stop the spread of this virus.
E. If we try to do what the government has instructed, the spread of the disease may increase.
2. What merit will the readers get upon understanding the text?

A. The readers won’t become one of the victims of the virus even though they neglect the instructions.
B. The readers will understand steps to avoid getting infected by Covid-19 and what kind of instructions has
to be declared by government.
C. The readers will comprehend the logical aims of the government's instructions during this health crisis.
D. The readers will be able to mention the steps for curing the victims of this disease by staying at home
and doing social distancing.
E. The readers will be able to do all government's instructions appropriately.
Read the text carefully to answer the questions number 3-4!

Some people consider that drinking water is just one of their daily activities without thinking about why they
should do that. It leads to a bad habit of drinking water less than our body needs. As recommended by
experts, we have to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day to maintain our health. It is based on the fact that
adequate and regular water consumption has numerous health benefits.

Firstly, interstitial fluid is obtained by drinking lots of water. It relates to the importance of water which helps
body to digest food and transport nutrients throughout the body. Besides, interstitial fluid is responsible for
producing saliva and regulating our body temperature. It proves that we have to keep the balance of this
fluid in our body.

Secondly, water has an important role to improve the function of our brain. Specifically, it prevents
dehydration which can cause confusion and memory problems. Furthermore, it helps us to get the higher
concentration and soothe our nervous system. That’s why we usually take a bottle of water before having
presentation, speech, or other activities which may lead us to be nervous.
Read the text carefully to answer the questions number 3-4!

Last but not least, water helps kidney work. This organ processes 200 liters of blood in our body each day. It
also filters out waste and delivers urine to the bladder. During those processes, water is needed to clean
anything that is unnecessary for our body, so both water and kidney do their task collaboratively.

In conclusion, drinking water is one of our main needs. It is because water plays important roles for our
body, particularly for the interstitial fluid, brain, and kidney. Therefore, the water we drink has to be
adequate based on the health standard.
3. It can be assumed from the text that ...

A. Water barely has important roles to help body organs function.

B. Neither kidney nor brain needs water to improve the performance of body.
C. Body fluid won’t need water to help human digestive system function.
D. People who drink seven glasses of water each day may have the healthier kidney than those who
drink 10 glasses of water.
E. The students who drink less water will have a lower academic performance than those who drink
4. The writer organizes his ideas in the passage by …

A. stating the identification supported by any recommendations from experts

B. introducing the thesis along with the opponents’ arguments
C. stating his thesis followed by strong arguments which support the thesis
D. introducing the phenomenon and its disadvantages to persuade the readers
E. mentioning the happening issue along with the public’s opinion and attitude towards it
Read the text carefully to answer the questions number 5-8!

Smoking has been widely discussed as a bad habit because of several reasons. However, there are many people who
don’t care about it and continue that habit. Here, I want to remind how dangerous smoking is.

Smoking affects lung health because a person breathes in not only nicotine but also a variety of additional chemicals.
Those are responsible for a substantial increase in the risk of developing lung cancer. In fact, both smokers and
non-smokers have a high risk of this disease. The smokers directly smoke the cigarettes while non-smokers may
inhale the smoke from that cigarettes. Based on the CDC report, roughly 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths is linked to
smoking. Moreover, smoking also increases chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) which 80 percent of its
deaths is caused by smoking.

Another human organ which can be harmed by smoking is human reproductive system. In females, tobacco and the
other chemicals in cigarettes can affect its hormone levels, so smoking can make it more difficult to get pregnant. In
males, cigarettes can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. Besides, it can also affect the quality of the sperm and
then reduce fertility.
Read the text carefully to answer the questions number 5-8!

The next problem we may get from smoking is about public economy. Based on the data from the Central
Bureau of Statistics, smoking has the great influence to the poverty in Indonesia. It happens for the fact that
many people spend most of their money to buy cigarettes. The more surprising fact is that the cigarettes
consumption of poor families can be 14 times more than meat consumption cost, 11 times more than health
cost, and 7 times more than education cost. Although this problem has been less discussed than health
problem, still, it can become more serious if we don’t care about this.

In short, smoking is not good for our life. If you are smokers, you should stop smoking by considering these
effects. Those can affect not only for smokers, but also for non-smokers.
5. Based on the information of the text, what would probably happen if a married couple has a smoking

A. They would probably face problems to have a child.

B. They would probably get a legal punishment.
C. They would probably reduce the cigarettes consumption.
D. They would probably have a cozy home environment.
E. They would probably reminds each other about the smoking effects.
6. What does the writer expect the readers to do after reading this passage?

A. The readers can create another article about the effects of smoking.
B. The readers can avoid smoking and remind others to do so.
C. The readers will increase the frequency of smoking to be healthy.
D. The readers will recommend the text to people surrounding them.
E. The readers prefer to sell more products of smoking rather than to use them.
7. The writer’s intention in mentioning the problem of public economy caused by smoking is ...

A. to clarify the data from the Central Bureau of Statistics about smoking effect
B. to support the Central Bureau of Statistics to get more data about smoking
C. to recommend the readers another economic activity to reduce smoking
D. to remind the readers that it is also a significant matter to consider
E. to expose the most crucial topic which can be caused by smoking habit
8. The best title for the passage above is ….

A. The Bad Impacts for Smokers

B. The Advantages of Smoking
C. Health Problems Caused by Smoking
D. How Can Smoking Threaten Your Life?
E. Indonesian Health and Economic Problems
Read the text carefully to answer the questions number 9-10!

Education is one of the main factors for this life. However, a good education has to be balanced by good
character. Considering it, the government tries to build great character through formal education by changing
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) into 2013 Curriculum or Kurikulum 13.

Character education is an education which focuses on someone’s individual skill. It can be said that in school,
particularly using this new curriculum, the character which is aimed to build is the character of good students.
It can explore the students’ different passion. This will be important for their future life, such as for working.
They are demanded to master special skills which are needed to compete in this era. Thus, in the program, a
teacher shouldn’t label a student as a stupid student so that there is no discrimination for students who are
not good enough at academic performance.

Apart from the skills and passions, the students also get the character education which teaches them to have
a high tolerance for different tribes, languages, religions, cultures, and customs. This is one of the most
highlighted character in this program. It happens for the fact that Indonesia is a country with diversity.

In conclusion, character education is an important need. The decision to include it into formal curriculum is
one of the great steps to create qualified generation. Moreover, it can become the national solution if all
parties collaboratively work.
9. How is paragraph 1 related to paragraph 2 and 3?

A. All paragraphs focus on education in Indonesia.

B. All paragraphs criticize the government decision towards education..
C. Paragraph 1 informs the definition of education while paragraph 2 and 3 informs the definition of
character education
D. Paragraph 1 talks about education in general while paragraph 2 and 3 talks about education in specific
E. Paragraph 1 states the issue about character education while paragraph 2 and 3 explain its focuses
and benefits.
10. By writing the text, the writer expects the readers to ....

A. teach their children by using the 2013 curriculum

B. believe in the government decision and support the 2013 curriculum
C. oppose the government decision about the changing curriculum
D. promote the newest curriculum to all over the world.
E. ask the government to get KTSP back to formal education

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