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Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, 1. Menentukan jenis teks.
dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks 2. Menentukan fungsi sosial teks analytical
eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan exposition.
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu 3. Menentukan struktur teks teks analytical
aktual, sesuai dengan konteks exposition.
penggunaannya 4. Menentukan unsur-unsur kebahasaan dari
teks analytical exposition.

4.4 Teks eksposisi analitis 1. Menentukan / menyimpulkan fungsi sosial dari teks
4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual analytical.
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan 2. Menentukan / menerapkan, membandingkan
struktur dari teks deskriptif.
unsur kebahasaan teks eksposisi analitis
3. Menentukan / menerapkan unsur-unsur kebahasaan
lisan dan tulis, terkait isu actual. dari teks analytical exposition.
4.4.2 Menyusun teks eksposisi analitis tulis, 4. Menyusun teks analytical exposition pendek
sederhana terkait natural phenomenon dan social
terkait isu aktual, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur 5. Menyusun kalimat-kalimat acak menjadi paragraph
kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai yanag bermakna.
konteks. 6. Menyusun paragraf acak menjadi teks analytical
exposition yang bermakna.
7. Menyusun teks analytical exposition secara mandiri
dengan arahan guru.
How are you today? Tick or circle an emoticon
expressing your feelings today!!!
Al Hujurat ayat 13:

‫يَا َأيُّهَا النَّاسُ ِإنَّا َخلَ ْقنَا ُك ْم ِم ْن َذ َك ٍر* َوُأ ْنثَ ٰى َو َج َع ْلنَا ُك ْم ُشعُوبًا َوقَبَاِئ َل لِتَ َعا َرفُوا ۚ ِإ َّن َأ ْك َر َم ُك ْم ِع ْن َد‬
‫هَّللا ِ َأ ْتقَا ُك ْم ۚ ِإ َّن هَّللا َ َعلِي ٌم َخبِي ٌر‬

Artinya: "Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari

seorang laki-laki dan serang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-
bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal.
Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah ialah
orang yang paling takwa di antara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha
Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal." (QS. Al Hujurat:13).
Analytical Exposition

Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about

the phenomenon surrounding.

Social function:
to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter, and to
analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an
argument to support it.
(Analytical Exposition adalah teks yang menguraikan ide penulis tentang fenomena disekitar. Fungsi
sosialnya adalah untuk membujuk pembaca bahwa ide itu adalah hal yang penting, dan untuk
menganalisis topik yang tesis / pendapat itu benar dengan mengembangkan argumen untuk
The social function

The social function of analytical

exposition is to persuade the reader that
the idea is important matter, and to
analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is
correct by developing an argument to
support it.
Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text
 Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s
point of view.
 Arguments: Explaining the argument to support the writer’s
position. The number of arguments may vary, but each
argument must be supported by evidence and explanation.
 Reiteration: Restating the writer’s point of view/ to
strengthen the thesis.
Some following phrases can be used to make conclusion in
reiteration: From the fact above …, I personally believe …,
Therefore, my conclusion is …, In conclusion ….
The language features
Analytical Exposition text often uses:
✓ Using Simple Present Tense
✓ The use of internal conjunctions such as: for
example; first, similarly, in addition, moreover, thus,
therefore, as a conclusion, it can be concluded that, in
other words, in conclusion, to sum up, and so on.
✓ The use of reasoning through causal conjunctions or
nominalization, such as: for the reasons above; for a
number of reasons; etc.
Do you think English is important?
a. Yes
b. No
Mention the importance of English ?
The Importance of Learning English
First, English opens new career opportunities. These days, many companies need employees who can communicate
with clients from around the world. Usually, it means someone who can speak English because English is an

A international language. Being a bilingual person, you can get the opportunity to work in a global company.

Second, English tests can get you into schools. You probably already know English tests such as TOEFL and IELTS. If
you learn English well enough to pass English tests like TOEFL, you can study in English-language universities across
the globe. Although you aren’t going to study abroad, learning English can help you in making the thesis because

B there are a lot of sources use English languages.

There are indeed many other benefits of learning the English language. But, the two reasons above help us to believe
that English is important for our life and by learning English languages we can communicate with many people from

other countries.

In this modern era, there are a lot of people who still can’t speak English. Actually, there are many benefits of learning
English. Here are two reasons why it’s important.

The Importance of Learning English
In this modern era, there are a lot of people who still can’t speak English. Actually, there are many

D benefits of learning English. Here are two reasons why it’s important.
First, English opens new career opportunities. These days, many companies need employees who can
communicate with clients from around the world. Usually, it means someone who can speak English
because English is an international language. Being a bilingual person, you can get the opportunity to
A work in a global company.
Second, English tests can get you into schools. You probably already know English tests such as
TOEFL and IELTS. If you learn English well enough to pass English tests like TOEFL, you can study
in English-language universities across the globe. Although you aren’t going to study abroad,
learning English can help you in making the thesis because there are a lot of sources use English
B languages.
There are indeed many other benefits of learning the English language. But, the two reasons above
help us to believe that English is important for our life and by learning English languages we can
communicate with many people from other countries.

Generic Structure Analysis
Thesis : This stage is pre-conclusive paragraph which states the writer’s point of view about
the topic discussed. Writer has showed himself in clear position of the topic discussed.
Paragraph 1 is the thesis of this analytical exposition text. It states the fact of benefit of learning
English. Clearly the writer wants to say that English is useful.
Arguments : This stage presents arguments in analytical exposition text is as important as
giving conflict plot in narrative text. The series of argument will strengthen the thesis stated
before. In this example of analytical exposition text, paragraph 2 and 3 are the detail
arguments presented in a reporting fact to support that learning English is useful or has
benefits. Furthermore, people who learn English will be easier in developing themselves in this
global era.
Reiteration : This stage is the end of the paragraph which actually restates the thesis. It is
something like conclusive paragraph from the previous arguments. The last paragraph of
analytical exposition points again learning English has many benefits. However, English is
What are the generic structures of
analytical exposition?
Short Answer Submissions (all)



Ivon Arguments

Nyoto Thesis, argument,conclusion

Ubed I don’t know sir

Insert your best smiling close up photo!!!

Modul Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris UP 8 Analytical

Exposition Text, Direktorat Guru dan Tenaga
Kependidikan Madrasah. Jakarta, 2020
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