Anda di halaman 1dari 7


1. Bukan mudah untuk menggunakan jalan baru

2. Bayangkan adakah kamu mampu membina laluan sendiri?
3. Adalah mimpi anda menjadi kenyataan?
4. Ke universiti adalah asas segalanya
5. Learn about yourself
6. Know what are you really want to do
7. Cari keseronokan dalam kerjaya
8. Creting a new path
9. Be independen
10. Do benefit from your experience
11. Figure out what you really want
12. Keep your brain young
13. Own your behavior
14. Master your communication
15. Determine your succes
16. Becoming mentally strong
17. Challenge yourself to step out of the norm
18. Do not take things personally
19. Think fast
20. Talk smart
21. We have some choices
5 chair 5 choices (Luois Evans)
Analysze what is going on

What behavoiur and attitudes we bring into the world in every moment

Chose special venue

Turned to look at to check

How to react?

3. Hold your horses

Count to ten

Take a deep breath

Don’t jump to conclusion

Take it easy

What is important?

What is goin in world ridgt now?

World connect to you

Close shave

DO not spoiled the situation

Do not sent other a dossapprovig

They cold start telling herself about us

Enhancing out reality

Kita membina pilihan untuk membawa tabiat yang kita bawa pada sekeliling dan pada dunia. Dan apa
juga pilihan yang kita buat memberi kesan langsung kepada pergaulan kita, hubungan yang kita bina,dan
kualiti pada kehidupan kita ecara umum. Jadi apakah yang perlu kita lakukan pada tahap yang
praktikaluntuk membantu kita lebih sedar akan perkara ini? Kerana ini tidak diajarkan di sekolah, dan
tidak ada pada kurikulum bagaimana untuk menjadi baik tentunya.

Keperluan yang diperlukan di dalam dunia nyata di rumah, sekolah, tempat kerja. Tempat kerja adalah
tempat kita banyak meluangkan masa menjadi pemimpin, pelatih, fasilitator. Dan juga kita
mengeluarkan beberapa tabiat yang tidak terjangka dan adakalanya tabiat yang tidak baik.

Bagaimana cara kita mengurus tabiatpada setiap ketika dalam kehidupan?

1. Kerusi merah” attack

Incredibly clever, opportunistic Always look out to attack

This chair we misbehave the most

We love to blame,to complain, to punish, to gossip

But our suporeme game in this chair is to judge

Spend with some humanbeings and see if you can do itwithout one single judgement going through your

Im always right

Magic word: It doesn’t matter

She have to be corrected to her own good

You want to built a relationship with others or you want to be right?

Big lesson

Always look upon yourself

What is wrong with other people

Exaggeration as a form of abundance

We tend to see what is wrong with other people rather than what is right

The more we judge people the less time we love

3. Hedgehod chair”:self doubt

Feel very vulnerable

Curl up

Protect ourselves against what we feel

Mercilessly judge ourselves

Feel not intelligent enough

Nobody believe

Certain fears

Feel being rejected

Fears of disappointing

Feel of failing

Play the victim

Feel nobody cares and love you

Where do you spend the most of your time?

Sukar untuk orang berada di sini kerana menusia seringkali sukar untuk menerima kelemahan diri

We need a lot of courage

We all suffer from self-doubt

Do we give up and give in?

Find the resources and glow

The higest form of intelligence is the ability to observe ourselves without judging

4. Meerkat chair: wait chair

Stay just like that

Incredibly vigilant

Mindful,Very aware,Observant,Stop and pause

Take a deep breath

We are conscious
What am I thinking?

What im telling myself?

We are become very curious

We think why that person angry

Feel interested

You have your way, I have myway

The red pill org the blue pill?

The sliding door chair

When we make the right choices, we move into success

5. Dolphin chair:Detect chair

Playful, intelligent, communicate bautifully

Detective ourselves

Take a magnifying glass

Look at our behaiour

Become self-aware

Beautiful chair

We know who we aree

We know what we want

We know where we are going

We are not afraid to peak our truth

Create boundaries

Look after ourself

Very powerful;l

Don’t give our power away

Here we grow

We become free
Become assertive, not aggressive

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom(areistotle)

Giraffe chair
Biggest heart

Longest neck

Incredibler vision

Displaying empathy



Put egos on the back burber

Listen to people

Hold people in presence

Care for others

Stepping in somebody shoes and understanding

Great art og generosity

If we don’t like that man, we must get to know them better(Abraham lincoln)

Chair of invitation

Look at other perspectives

Embrace other reality

Embrace divewrsity

Become tolerant

What is important for others

Stay connected whatever Happen

Cabaran kita pada s ewtiap hari adalah untuk memahami bagaimana mencari kseimbangandiantara
semua kerusi di manakita berada.
Everything can be taken from man but one thing the last of human freedom to choose our attitude in
any gieven set of circumstances(viktor frankl).

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