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Modul Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris


Team of English Laboratory FPUB


Dalam rangka memperlancar Proses Belajar Mengajar di Fakultas
Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya khususnya Proses Belajar Mengajar mata
kuliah English for Business, maka diperlukan Buku Pedoman. Buku
pedoman English for Business ini diharapkan dapat memberikan arahan
untuk dosen dan mahasiswa dalam memperlancar pemahaman
mekanisme mengikuti proses belajar mengajar.

Mengingat hampir setiap saat selalu terjadi pengembangan, maka

perbaikan Buku Pedoman English for Business perlu ditinjau tiap
semester dalam rangka penyempurnaan yang disesuaikan dengan
kebutuhan mahasiswa khususnya.

Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat dan mampu menunjang

keberhasilan studi bagi mahasiswa program sarjana di Fakultas Pertanian
Universitas Brawijaya

Malang, Agustus 2018





Daftar Isi
Halaman Depan
Kata pengantar
Tim Penyusun
Daftar isi

Making Effective Presentation in Business Setting
Listening to Business Presentation: Accent, Gist & Inference
Marketing Presentation Practice
Negotiation in Business Setting
Negotiation Practice
Writing Email Correspondence: Offering & Complaining Letter
Writing Email Correspondence: Responding & Complaining Letter
Business Etiquettes
Meeting Etiquettes
Writing an Impressive CV
Writing a Cover Letter
Job Interview
Job Interview Practice
Extension Simulation
Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris
“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya


1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
3. Rancangan Tugas
4. Kriteria Penilaian

1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka ke-1 mahasiswa akan diberikan penjelasan
gambaran umum tentang rencana perkuliahan dan kontrak
perkuliahan selama satu semester. Selain itu, dengan menyimak
penjelasan, mahasiswa juga diharapkan mampu untuk memahami
gambaran umum tentang tata cara mempersiapkan bahan presentasi
yang efektif, serta cara menyajikan bahan presentasi yang baik dan
benar dalam forum kelas, forum ilmiah, khususnya dalam forum
bisnis di tempat kerja.

2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami rencana perkuliahan dan
kontrak perkuliahan selama satu semester.
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami gambaran umum tentang tata
cara mempersiapkan bahan presentasi yang efektif.
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami tata cara menyajikan bahan
presentasi yang baik dan benar.

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

A. Where do Presentation Skills have an impact in the


Presentation skills will help in the following workplace or

professional circumstances:
 At interviews, as the interviewer or interviewee
 At meetings, face to face or in a conference call
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
 At networking functions, meeting new people or getting to
know ones you already know.
 Speaking to colleagues and staff
 Delivering a presentation to clients detailing a technical topic
or selling a product
 Presenting at conferences
 Speaking at large internal meetings
 Speaking at Chamber of Commerce or Rotary promoting
your business
 Speaking with suppliers
 Speaking with clients
 Presenting training
 Attending training

B. Culture at work: Formal and Informal Presentation

In formal presentations, the speaker usually wears smart clothes
and uses very polite language. They don’t make much direct contact with
the audience. In informal presentations, speakers wear casual clothes and
use more everyday language. They talk in a friendly way to the audience,
often asking questions and accepting interruptions. Some cultures prefer
business presentation to be formal; others prefer a more informal style.

C. What to be concerned in presentation

 Know Your Audience
Understand what the audience wants to get out of the presentation.
You need to be mindful of the people in the meeting or in the conference
room. This is so your presentation will meet and exceed the audience’s
expectations, and so your audience gets what they came for.
 Plan your Presentation
Planning the structure of your presentation – and knowing
what structure works for your audience – is very important. For your
audience to absorb your information, it needs to be delivered in an easy-
to-follow format.
 Make it Interesting
Attention spans are not long, no matter how advanced the audience
is. Make sure you’ve included some really interesting points, and vary
the type of interest points, as this will help to keep the attention of the
 Dress the Part
Your appearance in the workplace matters. Not only are you meant
to be a thought leader in your chosen presentation topic, you are also in
competition with others wanting to advance. If you are not well
presented, with respect to clothes, hair, shoes, paperwork, etc., people
will notice and it will have an impact.
 Show you Care
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Your enthusiasm for the topic is essential. If you seem
disinterested in the topic you are talking about, your audience will pick
up on this.
 Be Organised
Your audience will appreciate you being organised for a meeting or
a presentation. If there are little changes or hiccups, your audience will
understand. If you are unorganised and you appear to have not put in an
effort, the attendees will not sympathise, and they will get annoyed.
 Discuss the ―Elephant in the Room‖
If there is an issue, if something isn’t working, you are experiencing
a problem, then make a mention of whatever it is and then move on. If
we hold back from discussing something important (which may not have
an impact on the meeting topic), then get this discussion done, and then
move on. If you don’t, the attendees will be thinking about that rather
than the actual topic at hand.
 Get a Grip on your Nerves
Handling nervousness and building confidence is important – you
will struggle to get your message across if you struggle here. Being
mindful of how you present at work will really help with your
interactions with colleagues and clients. This will ultimately impact on
whether you get that important raise, or that desired new job.

D. Short Presentation
The ability to make a short presentation of your ideas is a key
business skill that enables you to communicate statistical information,
present ideas and persuade people of the strengths of your argument. To
do this effectively you need to prepare:
a) Make a plan of your talk. This should include at least three sections:
introduction, development, and conclusion.
b) Write detailed notes of what you will say, for example: showing key
points and keywords, transitions between the different sections, visual
aids you will refer to, and the action points you will stress.
c) Practice your presentation to make sure that you use simple and clear
language, your talk does not go over time available, and you will not
need to read from your notes.

E. Steps of Good Presentation

To make it simple, there are three steps in a presentation; starting,
main parts, and ending. See the table below:
No Parts Description Example
1 Starting Greetings Good Morning, welcome to….
Introduction Let me introduce myself, my name
State the The objective of my presentation
objective is…
Outline My presentation will be divided into
Structure two parts, first….second…
Timing It will take 30 minutes
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Link Well, let me start the presentation,
take a look at (point a slide)..
2 Main Parts First part The first part of my presentation
Closing the That’s all for the first part, any
part questions?
Opening the Let’s move to the next part
next part
Sequencing There are two questions to concern,
firstly is..
Highlighting Here, I would like to emphasize in
two items…
Using visual As you can see at the table…
Giving I would suggest that…
Closing That’s all I wanted to say in part
3 Ending Signal end This is the end of my presentation
Summarize To sum up…
Conclusion I conclude that…
Invite Is there any questions?
Handle the That’s a good questions
Closing If there are no more questions, I will
finish here

3. Rancangan Tugas
3.1 Tujuan Tugas
 Memahami gambaran umum tentang tata cara membuat serta
menyajikan bahan presentasi dengan cara yang efektif.

3.2Uraian Tugas
Practice 1
Look at these expressions. In which part of a presentation would
you expect them to be used (Opening, Main parts, or Ending)?
1. Finally I’d like to remind you that we….
2. If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them at the end.
3. On this next slide, you can see how our results have improved…
4. Before I start my talk, I’d just like to thank…
5. This brings me to the next point…
6. I’ll discuss each point briefly and then give you my
7. I hope you have found my comments useful and…
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
8. This chart gives a comparison of potential returns on investment…

Practice II
Work in groups. Please make a group of A and B. See the attachment.
Use the information to prepare a three-minute presentation on each
company. Practice your presentation. Then make your presentation to the
other group!

Group A (Attachment)
Volkswagen AG
Summary of main problems:
 Collapse of Latin American market—VW had invested heavily in
 Poor performance of new models (low sales of luxury cars and
new Golf)
 Fall in dollar revenues from US operation
 Increased competition in Asian markets (reduced market share in
China from 50 per cent to 30 per cent)
 Shrinking European market for medium-sized cars
 Cheaper company brands (Seat/Skoda) are affecting margins and

Group B (Attachment)
GEORGIO ARMANI Strategy presentation
1 Current sectors of activity Scent, watches, furniture, nightclubs,
cosmetics, fashion, confectionery,
flowers, spectacles, accessories, cafes
2 Proposed new market Hotel industry
3 Proposed project Joint venture with Emaar Properties to
design ten new luxury hotels and four
4 Project duration 8 - 10 years
5 Strategic reasoning Competitors are already entering hotel
market (Bulgari)
6 Risks Travel and luxury industries follow sam
economic cycle
Unstable market conditions
Dilution of brand
7 Advantages Generating positive publicity
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

4. Kriteria Penilaian
Nilai Penilaian Deskripsi
75-100 Baik Sekali Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan ide dengan
penuh percaya diri dan dapat menyampaikan konten
dengan jelas dan benar tanpa membaca slide.
Mahasiswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas dan
Mahasiswa hampir tidak melakukan kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
Mahasiswa menggunakan kosa kata yang beragam.
50-74 Baik Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan ide dengan
penuh percaya diri dan dapat menyampaikan konten
dengan jelas dan benar dengan sedikit membaca
Mahasiswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas dan
Mahasiswa sedikit melakukan kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
Mahasiswa menggunakan kosa kata yang cukup
25-49 Cukup Baik Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan ide dengan
penuh percaya diri dan dapat menyampaikan konten
dengan jelas dan benar dengan membaca slide.
Mahasiswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas dan
Mahasiswa banyak melakukan kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
Mahasiswa menggunakan kosa kata yang terbatas.
10-24 Kurang Mahasiswa menunjukkan rasa tidak percaya diri
dalam mempresentasikan ide sehingga konten tidak
tersampaikan sama sekali.
Mahasiswa hanya membaca slide selama presentasi
Mahasiswa tidak mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas
dan terorganisir.
Mahasiswa banyak melakukan kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
Mahasiswa menggunakan kosa kata yang sangat
Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris
“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya


1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
3. Rancangan Tugas
4. Kriteria Penilaian

1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka ke-2 mahasiswa akan diperdengarkan rekaman
presentasi dari beberapa negara dalam bentuk video dan audio.
Dalam video atau audio tersebut, mahasiswa akan mempelajari
tentang accent, gist dan inference. Bahasa Inggris di beberapa
negara memiliki aksen tersendiri (different accent), sehingga
penting bagi mahasiswa untuk mengetahui dan memahami
perbedaan tersebut. Sebagai tambahan, mahasiswa akan
mempelajari tentang Gist dan Inference guna melatih diri dalam
menyimpulkan dan menangkap konten presentasi dalam bahasa

2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami aksen yang berbeda dari
beberapa negara.
 Mahasiswa mampu menyimpulkan makna pada presentasi
berbahasa Inggris.
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami konten presentasi berbahasa
Inggris dengan baik.

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

 Watch and listen carefully to the video about British accent.
 Watch and listen carefully to the video about American

PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

3. Rancangan Tugas
3.1 Tujuan Tugas
 Mahasiswa mampu menyimpulkan makna pada presentasi berbahasa
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami konten presentasi berbahasa Inggris
dengan baik.

3.2Uraian Tugas
Task 1:
 Watch and listen carefully to the video!
“Nets Company Presentation”
 List some important points from the video:

No Notes

4. Kriteria Penilaian
 Ketepatan dalam menebak isi presentasi berbahasa Inggris secara
 Ketepatan dalam menyimpulkan poin-poin penting yang tersirat
dalam presentasi berbahasa Inggris
Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris
“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya


1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
3. Rancangan Tugas
4. Kriteria Penilaian

1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka ke-3 mahasiswa akan mempraktekkan cara
presentasi yang baik dan benar. Dalam modul ini, topik presentasi
akan difokuskan pada bidang marketing dimana topik ini erat
kaitannya dalam dunia bisnis. Bidang marketing di beberapa
perusahaan atau lembaga dinilai sebagai bagian atau posisi yang
cukup sering melakukan presentasi baik formal maupun informal,
khususnya persuasive presentasi, dimana membutuhkan skill
presentasi atau public speaking yang bagus.

2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan bahan presentasinya
dengan baik dan benar.
 Mahasiswa mampu membangun kepercayaan diri dalam
melakukan presentasi.

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

 See Modul 1

3. Rancangan Tugas
3.1 Tujuan Tugas
 Mahasiswa mampu menyajikan bahan presentasi dengan baik
dan benar.

Page | 17
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

3.2 Uraian Tugas

Task 1:
 Make a small group!
 Each member of the group is marketing staff of certain company.
(You may create your own company’s name)
 Please discuss with your group member about a product that will be
promoted to the other companies.
 Prepare your three-minutes presentation!
 Here are the flow of marketing presentation:
- Group A will present their product to Group B
- Group C will present their product to Group D
In turn,
- Group B will present their product to Group A
- Group D will present their product to Group C

4. Kriteria Penilaian

Nilai Penilaian Deskripsi

75-100 Baik Sekali Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan ide dengan
penuh percaya diri dan dapat menyampaikan konten
dengan jelas dan benar tanpa membaca catatan
Mahasiswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas dan
Mahasiswa hampir tidak melakukan kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
Mahasiswa menggunakan kosa kata yang beragam.
50-74 Baik Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan ide dengan
penuh percaya diri dan dapat menyampaikan konten
dengan jelas dan benar dengan sedikit membaca
Mahasiswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas dan
Mahasiswa sedikit melakukan kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
Mahasiswa menggunakan kosa kata yang cukup
25-49 Cukup Baik Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan ide dengan
penuh percaya diri dan dapat menyampaikan konten
dengan jelas dan benar dengan membaca catatan.
Mahasiswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas dan
Mahasiswa banyak melakukan kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
Mahasiswa menggunakan kosa kata yang terbatas.
10-24 Kurang Mahasiswa menunjukkan rasa tidak percaya diri
dalam mempresentasikan ide sehingga konten tidak
tersampaikan sama sekali.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Mahasiswa hanya membaca catatan selama
presentasi berlangsung.
Mahasiswa tidak mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas
dan terorganisir.
Mahasiswa banyak melakukan kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
Mahasiswa menggunakan kosa kata yang sangat
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris

“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran II
4. Kegiatan Pembelajaran III
5. Rancangan Tugas 4
1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka ke- 4 ini, mahasiswa akan mempelajari tentang deskripsi
umum dan tahapan-tahapan yang dapat diaplikasikan pada saat melakukan
negosiasi. Disamping itu, mahasiswa dibekali dengan beberapa frase dan
ungkapan yang dapat digunakan di tiap tahapannya. Dalam proses
pembelajaran kali ini, mahasiwa juga akan melakukan role-play sehingga
dapat memperkaya pemahaman tentang keadaan nyata (real-life situation)
dari bernegosiasi dalam bisnis. Mahasiswa diberikan kesempatan untuk
dapat melatih kemampuan berkomunikasi mereka melalui individual dan
juga group work.

2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami pengertian umum dari negosiasi
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami tujuan dari negosiasi
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami tahapan-tahapan dalam
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami gambaran tentang negosiasi bisnis
di keadaan nyata
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

Look at the picture below! Then answer the questions.

In business, you Let us never

don't get what you negotiate out of
deserve, you get fear.
what you negotiate. But let us never fear  Do you agree with
(Chester L. Karass) to negotiate. these quotes?
(J.F. Kennedy) Explain why. Give
examples from
your own
 Why do we
negotiate? Can you
think of three
Failing to plan is
planning to fail.

In general, negotiation (Zohar, 2015) defined as communicative way to
resolve some conflicts or disagreement between two or more parties.
Negotiation takes place when two or more people have different views and want
different things. They come together to try and reach agreement. During the
negotiation, the two sides make contact for suggestion and counter suggestion
so that communication is needed between the parties. Each side employs its own
tactics in an effort to reach maximum results. The negotiating process involves
balancing matters between two parties so that the negotiator what he wants in
the best possible way (Forsyth, 2009). We all negotiate for things each day. We
arrange an appointment, ask for better service, ask for a higher salary, or solve
an argument with a co-worker or family member.

The word negotiation is derived from Latin word negotiatus which
means “to trade or do business”, so that the negotiating process particularly
connected with business and commerce. Practically, many aspects in business
cooperation should be managed via negotiation so that the effective negotiation
becomes the main concern in the business world. Considering that negotiating is
not ability that an individual is born with it, negotiation skills can be developed
and learned from many practices. The only key to become a successful business
negotiator is the learning of negotiation skills and continuously improving them.

An effective negotiation process includes some components such as
managing the negotiation’s strategy or approach, its stages, and the specific
tactic used (Adler, 2002). There are some variations of negotiation model
structure that have been proposed by different author. Prior to the negotiation
process there is always a preparation period. During preparation, the
negotiators have to decide on their objectives, the style of negotiating, the target
price, reservation point, BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement),
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

type of agreement etc. Brainstorming for generating options and ideas is very
helpful. In business meeting, planning the outcome and preparing the
negotiation process are both important. In business relationships cases, the
stakes are high and there is need to prepare, plan, and negotiate more carefully
(Ghauri and Usunier, 2002).
The negotiators need to decide what they want to achieve and why the
other party should negotiate with them so that, it is needed to arrange a
preparation list. A preparation list becomes the key to success in business
negotiation, because any good business meeting has a preparation. Any good
negotiation has a preparation, too. Organizing and planning an agenda helps you
in three ways: (1) Identify your own issues, priorities, and goals, (2) You
identify your opponent's issues, priorities, and goals, (3) It helps you maintain
Furthermore, there are some steps that follow after the preparation. It
starts with the following steps (Emmerson, 2009):
1. Relationship building
 In this step, the negotiators need to establish positive impressions, seek
information, test understanding, get to know the other person, exchange
information about the two companies, discuss the market, and generally
build trust. In this step the negotiators establish rapport. It is important to
show interest in what the other side has to say and to create a positive
climate for the whole negotiation process.
2. Exploring initial positions
 Stating needs and asking questions. In a commercial negotiation, the
supplier explains the product in depth and shows how it brings value to
the customer’s business.
3. Bargaining/Debating
 Not just on price, but on a range of linked issues such as quantity,
minimum order, discounts, delivery time, service plans and warranties
(guarantees), terms of payment, exclusivity in a particular market, the
duration of the contract, transport costs, arrangements for sharing
advertising costs, penalties if clauses in the contract are not respected.
4. Closing the deal and Summarizing
 It is advisable for negotiators to summarize which agreements have
already been reached and which responsibilities have already been
assigned. It is essential to point out any issues which still have to be
agreed on and resolved in the near future. Summarizing can be used to
check comprehension, play for time and maintain a positive atmosphere
by reviewing progress and to finally conclude the meeting or negotiation.
5. Greetings
 When the negotiation has come to an end, negotiators will exchange
final greetings, thank for cooperation, and look forward to further
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

2.3 Uraian Tugas 1

Task 1: Vocabulary
Try to guess the meanings of the underlined words through their contexts!

1. The manager admitted that the proposal was great. However, he has to think
it over before approving it.
2. Mr. Chua’s business opponent sent him an invitation.
3. Bill has negotiated with the top businessman in the world.
4. To be successful, you must have a certain business strategy.
5. Talking with your colleagues causes a delay in the completion of work.

Task 2: Comprehension Check

Read the memo below, and answer the questions.


There has been a delay with Ching Company’s order. They said they need more time to think it
over, but I heard that there is a new company which is considered to be our opponent. They are
negotiating a much lower price with them. They even offered a 5% discount. We need to do
everything to keep this account.

I will be announcing the schedule for our meeting with the president. However, before we have
the meeting, I want you to plan new strategies on how to keep future clients.

1. What is the memo about?

2. According to the memo, what is the cause of the delay?
3. Do you see negotiation as being about:
a. a fair and equal transaction
b. compromising?
c. making a joint decision in which you get some of what you want and they
get some of what they want?

Task 3: Preparation Checklist

Choose one of the situations below. Brainstorm with a partner a list of points
that both partners might want to include in a negotiation. The questions below
will help you.
Situation 1 Situation 2

Employees and employer: Two companies:

The company finds itself in economic One company (an important
difficulty and ten employees have already customer) owes the other company
lost their jobs. The employees are €20,000 but cannot pay it now.
unhappy with employment and salary
 Why should each party negotiate?  What are each side’s alternatives?
 What does each side want to  What is their next best solution?
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran II
3.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk berlatih negosiasi
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan mempraktekkan frase-frase yang dapat
digunakan dalam negosiasi

3.2 Uraian Materi II


Every negotiation can empower the speaker if it is conducted skillfully and
collaboratively. The use of diplomatic language in negotiations adds a polite tone to
the conversation. The language becomes less direct and softer. Here are some
examples of diplomatic language expressions:

Direct: Softer, more indirect:

This product is very expensive. To be honest, this product seems quite
We want a 5% discount. expensive.
That will be difficult. We were thinking of, say, something
We must … . around 5%.
This is a big problem You must … . That won’t be easy.
Perhaps we should … .
There seems to be a problem with … .
Why don’t you … ?

The phrases we may use are:

perhaps, maybe Perhaps we should … .
Perhaps it would be a good idea to …
Maybe we could … .
would, could, might We would need a quality guarantee.
Here’s an idea we could consider.
That might be quite expensive.
Just There’s just one thing I’d like to add.
I would just like to add one thing.
Seems It seems to me that … .
There seems to be a problem with … .
Your products seem rather expensive.
Rephrase with „not‟ That won’t be easy.
Sorry, we are not very happy about it.
Negative question Why don’t you … ?
Wouldn’t it be better/easier to … ?
Past forms We were thinking of something around
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

If we bought this product, what would
Actually, we were rather hoping … .


Interacting with other people in a formal or informal context often involves
some degree of negotiating. Before you negotiate, you should have a clear idea of
your objectives and strategy. You should also find out what common ground you
share with the other side and understand which points will be the hardest to
negotiate. Look at the following phrases, which can be used when negotiating.

a. Another option is … g. I’m prepared to offer you …

b. Here’s what we have in mind … h. Alternatively, we could …
c. That’s out of the question! i. Done!
d. Of course, you’ll have to … j. I’ll have to think that over.
e. No way! k. We’ll need more time.
f. You’ve got a deal! l. Take it or leave it!

3.2. Uraian Tugas II

Task 1
Match phrases a-l with the following stages of the negotiating process.
Categorize Phrases

1. Presenting an initial offer

2. Refusing an offer
3. Imposing conditions
4. Making a counter-proposal
5. Reaching agreement
6. Postponing a decision

During the negotiation process, providing some suggestions is a must for the
negotiators from both sides. Delivering the suggestion in the right and precise
way will create a positive impact in the negotiation flow. Some phrases can be
used for delivering suggestion.
 What/How about…?
 I think/suggest you/we should …
 Let’s …
 Would you be interested in …?
 Why don’t I/you/we….
Task 2
Once one person has made suggestion, the other person can either accept, refuse
or ask for it to be modified. Which of the phrases below can be used to do each
of these things?
1. I’m afraid I/we can’t … refuse
2. Maybe it would be better to … _____
3. OK. That’s great … _____
4. What/How about …? _____
5. I don’t know about that. _____
6. We could always … _____
7. Done. /That’s fine. _____
8. There’s no way I/we can … _____

4. Kegiatan Pembelajaran III

4.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk berlatih negosiasi
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan mempraktekkan frase-frase yang dapat
digunakan dalam negosiasi

4.2 Uraian Materi III

There are some useful phrases that can be used in each step of negotiation
process (Jevremovič, 2011):
A. Relationship building I would like to welcome you to … .
Welcome to … .
Have a seat.
How was your flight?
Would you like something to drink?
What‟s new on the market?
I see you are still a market leader.
Have you introduced any new methods?
What‟s the key to your success?
B. Agreeing Procedure To start with, I think we should establish the
overall procedure.
Does that seem acceptable to you?
Is there anything you'd like to change?
Does this fit with your objectives?
Do you have any suggestions?
Would you say that is a fair representation of your
May we leave that till later and first look at?
Can we deal with … first?
C. Exchanging Our main concern is … .
information, stating We need … .
needs, clarifying, Can you do that?
looking for options Could you clarify one point for me?

Page | 17
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
What exactly do you mean by … ?
I'm not sure I fully understand your point.
Can I ask a hypothetical question?
Just for the sake of argument, what if … ?
Suppose that … ..
But what’s the real value for a customer?
Can you make the slight customization that we
talked about earlier?
For us, priorities are comfort and … .
How flexible can you be on that?
Could you explain that in more detail?
The way I see it is … .
In other words you are saying … .
D. Bargaining/Debating:
1) Proposing, May I ask, please, what your proposal is in
responding to connection with our company?
proposals It involves … .
It leaves out … .
After serious consideration, we are prepared to
respond to your proposal.
That sounds reasonable.
As far as your proposal is concerned, we think
Would you like to elaborate on that?
If you agree to that, we can close the deal today.
So, what you are suggesting is … .
2) Compromising Would you be willing to accept a compromise?
How flexible can you be on that?
I’m ready to sign that if you can … .
We would be willing to … , provided, of course,
that … .
We'd like to make an alternative proposal.
We are ready to accept your offer; however, there
would be one condition.
May we offer an alternative?
3) Refusing a proposal That’s not really a viable option for us.
That would be very difficult for us because … I’m
sorry, we can’t accept that.
Unfortunately, we must decline your offer for the
following reasons.
4) Playing for time We'll have to consult our colleagues back in the
We'll have to get back to you on it.
I don’t have the authority to make that decision by
5) Accepting a proposal We are happy to accept this agreement.
I’m all in favor of that.
I think we have a deal.
E. Summarizing Can we summarize your position up to this point?
Can we review what we have agreed on so far?
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Now, let’s just take a moment to review what
we’ve discussed.
So, what we’ve finally decided on is … .
F. Analyzing an obstacle The main obstacle to progress at the moment
seems to be … .
Let's take a closer look at this problem.
I would like to analyze this situation.
G. Final greetings It has been a pleasure doing business with you.
We look forward to cooperating with you again.

Non-verbal communication is important in negotiations. This includes body
language as well as the tone of our voice or even our decision not to respond. Not
answering a question can communicate many things – that we are ignoring it, that
we have not heard it or that we simply do not know the answer. Walking briskly
may show how confident we are, while crossed our arms over our chest may be a
sign of defensiveness. Open palms suggest openness and sincerity, while rubbing
an eye can be a sign of disbelief and doubt. A tilted head means interest and, when
somebody is stroking their chin, they are trying to make a decision.

Speak up your opinion!
 How can negotiate help or harm business?
 What are some qualities of a good negotiator?


Your working life is full of negotiations. You don’t just negotiate with other
companies. You negotiate whenever there are two parties with different needs.
And even though everyone involved wants to find a compromise that is mutually
acceptable, many people dislike negotiating because of the conflicting interests.
But negotiations need not be confrontational. Don’t try to win a
negotiation. If you treat it as a contest, you will create a hostile athmosphere.
Respect the other person and try to understand his/her needs. This way, you can
create a spirit of cooperation.
Sometimes the other party may reject your suggestions, and you need to
anticipate this. A negotiation is a trade-off, and sometimes you will need to back
down. So, prepare alteantive options in case your preferred solution is
unacceptable. Finally, don’t negotiate if you are tired or stressed. You will never
close the deal when negotiations are too intense. Reschedule to another time.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

6. Kriteria Penilaian
6.1 Uraian Tugas I
Task 1 & 2

Jumlah jawaban benar X 100 = Nilai Akhir

Jumlah Soal

Task 3
Poin Kriteria
5 Mahasiswa mampu membuat draft dengan baik dan benar
4 Mahasiswa mampu membuat draft dengan baik, namun ada
beberapa kesalahan dalam spelling
3 Mahasiswa mampu nenbuat draft dengan baik, namun ada
beberapa kesalahan dalam grammar
2 Mahasiswa mampu membuat draft dengan baik, namun ada
beberapa kesalahan dalam speeling dan grammar
1 Mahasiswa tidak mampu membuat draft dengan baik dan
terdapat banyak kesalahan dalam spelling dan grammar
Nilai Jumlah Poin x 20 = Nilai Akhir
Nilai Maksimum = 100
Nilai Minimum = 20
Contoh 3 x 20 = 60

6.2 Uraian Tugas II

Task 1 & 2

Jumlah jawaban benar X 100 = Nilai Akhir

Jumlah Soal
Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris
“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya


1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
3. Rancangan Tugas
4. Kriteria Penilaian

1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka ke-5 mahasiswa akan mempraktekkan cara
bernegoisasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar.
Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan-tahapan
pada saat melakukan negosiasi.

2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan tahapan-tahapan dalam
bernegoisasi dengan baik dan benar.
 Mahasiswa mampu membangun kepercayaan diri dalam
melakukan negoisasi.
 Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan kalimat, struktur, dan kosa
kata bahasa Inggris yang beragam saat negoisasi.

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

 See Modul 4

3. Rancangan Tugas
3.1 Tujuan Tugas
 Mahasiswa memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk berlatih
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan mempraktekkan frase-
frase yang dapat digunakan dalam negosiasi
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

3.2 Uraian Tugas

Role Play
Work in pairs. Take the role of one of the people involved in the following
situations. Prepare the arguments that you would use and then negotiate
with your partner.

Case 1 : You have decided to rent out your apartment for

two months while you are working abroad. You are meeting a
person who is interested in renting it from you. Negotiate the
price and conditions.

. Case 2 : You are a supplier and your contract with your

principal costumer is about to expire. You know that the
customer will propose a new contract but at a reduced price (5
percent less). You can only accept this under certain conditions
(longer contract and larger orders). Meet your customer.

Case 3 : You are a market stall holder selling fruit and

vegetables and it is 11.45 pm, the market will closes in 15
minutes. You have 20 melons left that are ripe and will not be
good for sale by the next market day, so you are keen to sell
them. You paid Rp. 200.000 for these melons and you don’t want
to accept less than that.

4. Kriteria Penilaian
Nilai Penilaian Deskripsi
100 – Baik Sekali  Siswa mampu mempresentasikan ide dengan
75 (Excellent) penuh percaya diri dan dapat menyampaikan
konten dengan jelas dan benar.
 Siswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas dan
 Siswa hampir tidak melakukan kesalahan
dalam pengucapan atau pemilihan kata
 Siswa mengutarakan pendapat secara konsisten
dengan pemahaman yang mendalam
74 – 50 Baik (Very  Siswa mempresentasikan ide dengan percaya
Good) diri namun tidak dapat mengkomunikasikannya
dengan jelas dan benar.
 Siswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas dan
 Siswa melakukan sedikit kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
 Siswa mengutarakan pendapat secara konsisten
dengan pemahaman yang mendalam
49 – 25 Cukup Baik  Siswa kurang percaya diri dalam
(Good) mempresentasikan ide karena masih meraba
kata yang digunakan, sehingga ide tidak dapat
dikomunikasikan dengan jelas dan benar.
 Siswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas dan
 Siswa melakukan banyak kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
 Siswa tidak mengutarakan pendapat secara
konsisten dengan pemahaman yang mendalam
24 – 10 Kurang  Siswa menunjukkan rasa tidak percaya diri
(Poor) dalam mempresentasikan ide sehingga konten
tidak tersampaikan sama sekali.
 Siswa tidak mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas
dan terorganisir.
 Siswa melakukan banyak kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
 Siswa tidak mengemukakan pendapat secara
Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris
“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
3. Rancangan Tugas MODUL
4. Kriteria Penilaian

1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka ke-6 ini, mahasiswa akan mempelajari bagaimana
cara melakukan komunikasi bisnis menggunakan email (email
correspondence). Lebih spesifik, di dalam pertemuan kali ini
mahasiswa akan belajar bagaimana membuat email penawaran dan
email keluhan dengan benar dan efektif.

2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami bagian-bagian dari email
 Mahasiswa mampu membuat email penawaran dengan benar
dan efektif
 Mahasiswa mampu membuat email keluhan dengan benar
dan efektif

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

Things You Should Know About an Email

Saying Email Addresses

a. Remember that @ is pronounced „at‟ and . is pronounced

'dot'. is „reservations
at beach hotel bern dot com‟
b. _ in an email address is called „underscore‟. teaching_ is „teaching underscore job at
English underscore academy dot I D‟.
c. '/' is pronounced 'slash', '//' is 'double slash' and '-' is 'dash'
or 'hyphen'.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Parts of Email

Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Delete

From: Samir
To: Sales Team
CC: Hatem Trabelsi; Patricia Bartlett
Subject: RE: Meeting next week
Attachments: Brochures.rtf (376KB)

Dear Sales Team,

I am writing to introduce our newest product.



- Reply means you reply the email ONLY to the sender (written in the “from”
- Reply to All means you reply the email to all of recipients of that email
(written in the “to” coloumn)
- Forward means you re-send that email to other people
- CC means Carbon Copy. People you mention there will also get your email.
- BCC means Blind Carbon Copy. The address you put in this coloumn will get
the copy of your email. However, other recipients cannot see this action.

Writing Email: General Requirements

Formal VS Informal

We write a formal email when we want to be polite, or when we do

not know the reader very well. A lot of work emails are formal.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Look at the example (formal):

Starting an email: We normally write a comma after the opening phrase. We start
a new line after the name of the person we‟re writing to.

Finishing an email: We normally write a comma after the closing phrase. We start
a new line to write our name at the end.

Formal Informal

Dear Mr Piper, Hi Tim,

I am writing to thank you for all your Many thanks for your help.
help. See you next week.
I look forward to seeing you next week. Cheers,
With best wishes, John
John Smith
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Here are some phrases which we use for starting and finishing emails.

Formal Informal Both (Formal and


Starting Dear Mr Piper, Hi Tim, Dear Tim,

phrases Dear Sir or Hi there Tim, Good morning, Tim
Madam, Morning/Afternoon/Eve
ning Tim,
To Whom It
Hello again Tim,
May Concern,

Ending Yours Rgds, Regards,

phrases sincerely, Cheers, With best wishes,
Yours Bye for now, With many thanks and
faithfully, See you soon, best wishes,
Yours truly,

Organizing your writing

At the body of your email, you need to clearly state the purpose of your writing.
You can do this by using the phrase 'I am writing to (+ verb)' at the start of
your email. Here are some examples:

I am writing to ...... ask for further details about ....

inform you that my new address is ...
complain about your latest product
offer our new products
` I am writing in reference to ............

It is also important to end your email politely. Here are some examples:

- Thank you for your cooperation

- Thank you for your consideration
- If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me
- I look forward to hearing from you

Write your email in paragraphs

- Emails are easier to read if the writer uses paragraphs.

- A paragraph in an email is often two or three sentences long.
- Each paragraph starts on a new line.
- When you start writing about a new topic, you can start a new paragraph.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Look again at this example: email to offer the products

Paragraph 1 Dear Ms. Dian,

I am writing to offer your company the opportunity to distribute
Paragraph 2 and sell two of our new supplement products, B-All Recovery
Reason for writing Formula and Swallow-EZ Wellness Formula. Please kindly
find the attached proposal.
These two products have been developed especially for patients
with incurable diseases and designed to complement specific
Paragraph 3 prescription drugs that you already sell. You will find that
Other information recommending these two formulas in combination with your
medicines will enhance patients' health and physicians'
satisfaction with your drug products and your company.
Paragraph 4 After considering the enclosed proposal, please call to further
'look forward to' and discuss this opportunity
Paragraph 5
Yours sincerely,
Ending phrases

Email Etiquette

Rule 1: Always check you've got the right name in the 'To' box. And make sure
your email only goes to the people who need to read it. Remember that if you reply
to all, then everyone will get your email. Does the whole sales team really need to
read your email to one person about something unimportant?
Rule 2: This sounds obvious, but don't forget to attach the attachement files. A
word of advice – attach the file you want to send before you start writing. That way,
you can't forget to attach it.
Rule 3: If you write 'CAN YOU LET ME KNOW THIS WEEK?' you are basically
shouting at your reader. They will think you are very rude. So just don't do it.
Rule 4: Short emails sometimes sound rude. However, people won't read very long
emails. Keep emails short, but remember to be polite and friendly.
Rule 5: This is important, especially if it's a work email. If you make mistakes in
your email, people will think you also make mistakes in your work. So always
check everything carefully. Ask a colleague to read and check it before you hit

Those general requirements of Business Email can be adapted based on your

needs. However, some tips may help you write effectively.

Writing Email: Offering Products

- Your email should not be too long. Therefore, you would better offer your
detailed product in the attached files.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
You may write: I am writing to inform you that we are going to give 50%
discount on most of our products next month. Please kindly find the
attached brochures.

- You should only put a glance information about your product at your email.

You may write: The 50% discount will be given to almost all of science
books. Therefore, I think this offer will be suitable for your institution.

- Write at the end of your email that you expect a positive response from your

You may write: If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let
me know. I will be happy to help you.I look forward to hearing from you

Writing Email: Complaint

- Quickly get to the point. Attach your evidences.

You may say: I am writing to complain about a faulty hair dryer I

purchased from your company on the 15th July. Please find attached a copy
of my receipt and short video of your error product.

- State specifically what outcome or remedy will satisfy you

You may say: As a dedicated customer, I hope you will work to resolve my
problem and find a resolution.

- Give them a time limit to resolve your problem

You may say: I will wait one week to hear back from you about this issue,
and then I will seek help from a consumer protection agency.

- Finish the letter respectfully. Put your contact number so that they can
contact you easily.

You may say: I hope to hear back from you about this incident. I can be
reached by phone at 777-7777 at any time.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
3. Rancangan Tugas
Please complete this following email by using these following options.

a. Ian Smith
b. I am writing to
c. Hello Sir,
d. Dear Sir/Madam,
e. I hope this problem will be resolved soon
f. I stay at your hotel
g. Yours truly,
i. I had to wait for my food for more than 30 minutes
j. Cheers,

To : .....................
From : ........................

................................, to express my grievance over the food service of your hotel. I have
been staying in your hotel for one week and on the several occasions.

When I took my meals in the dining area, the service of the waiters were late.
................................................... and when the food arrived, it was either overcooked or
undone. I have already given my complaint to the kitchen staff but the same continued to

I am a regular client and ..................................every time I have a business dealing in the city,
but I have only experienced poor food service this time around. ................................................
as I still have another reservation at your hotel for the coming months.

Thank you


Ian Smith
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Please complete this following email by using these following options.

a. offer a special price

b. Sales Manager, phohe 555-7777
c. know your condition
d. We look forward to hearing from you soon
e. Best regards,
f. See you
g. Good morning Sir/Madam,
h. The new year
i. Rgds,
j. Independence Day

To : Green Agriculture

From : PT OrgFertz


I am writing to ........................... for the product you regularly order. Please kindly
find the attached catalogue.

Our company is very happy to celebrate ....................; therefore, this offer will be
valid until the 1st of January. As you are our regular customer, we want you to get
the first information about this.

Thank you for your consideration. ...................................


Andrea McGee

PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

Students work in peer. One student will write an offering letter while another
student will write a complaint letter. They will change their work to get feedback
based on provided rubric.

No Content Yes No Comment

1 Using formal starting phrase
2 Writing the purpose of the email clearly
3 Using 2-3 sentences in each paragraph
4 Writing new topic in new paragraph
(offering product: giving glance introduction of
the product; complaint letter: state the expected
outcome and give time for problem solving)
5 Using polite and clear sentences
6 Finish the email respectfully
7 Using formal ending phrase

4. Kriteria Penilaian

A. (Jawaban Benar: Keseluruhan Soal) x 100

B. (Point Terpenuhi : 7) x 100
Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris
“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
3. Rancangan Tugas MODUL
4. Kriteria Penilaian

1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka ke-7 ini, mahasiswa akan mempelajari bagaimana
cara melakukan komunikasi bisnis menggunakan email (email
correspondence). Lebih spesifik, di dalam pertemuan kali ini
mahasiswa akan belajar bagaimana merespon atau membalas
sebuah email penawaran dan/atau email keluhan dengan benar dan

2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan

 Mahasiswa mampu merespon atau membalas email

penawaran dengan benar dan efektif
 Mahasiswa mampu merespon atau membalas email keluhan
dengan benar dan efektif

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

RESPONDING EMAIL: General Requirements

If you got a formal email, you have to reply it in the formal

Basically, you may use the same phrases such Good morning,
Best regards, etc as you have learnt in modul 6. However, in
order to make good and effective reply, you need to understand
the content of the email you got.

 If you get an email asking for information, give them the

information they want.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
 If you get a complaint email, apologize and offer
 If you get an email which offers product, write clearly
(and politely) whether or not you accept the offer.

Write your email in short paragraphs (as you have learnt in modul 6).


Look at the example:

Asking for sample/ more information before accepting the offer

To : David F. Y.
From : Raindef M. Kwait

Dear Mr. David,

Thank you for your email. I have received your catalogues and asked my staff about our company
‘s needs.

Our company is very interested in the special price you offer. This year, we also need more than
100 ton of the organic fertilizer. Therefore, would you please send us the sample of your product?
Our quality control team needs to see it before making an order.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Raindef M. Kwait
Supply Manager
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

To : David F. Y.
From : Raindef M. Kwait

Dear Mr. David,

Thank you for your email. I have received your catalogues and asked my staff about our company
‘s needs.

Our company is very interested in the special price you offer. However, we have bought enough
organic fertilizer for the next six months. If you don’t mind, would you please send us your offer
again in the next three months? If you stay in your price, probably we will use your product.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Raindef M. Kwait
Supply Manager

To : David F. Y.
From : Raindef M. Kwait

Dear Mr. David,

Thank you for your email. I have received your catalogues and asked my staff about our company
‘s needs.

Our company is very interested in the special price you offer. This year, we also need more than
100 ton of the organic fertilizer. Therefore, can you provide us 100 ton of organic fertilizer this
month? I will also happy if we can pay it by credit card.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Raindef M. Kwait
Supply Manager
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

Saying Thank You: Saying thank you at the beginning of your email is a must
to show your respect to sender of the email.

You may use some phrases to say thank you:

- Thank you for your email

- Thank you for your offer
- I appreciate your offer

Stating your response (Accept, Reject, Ask for More information)

- Before accepting/rejecting the offer, show your respect by mentioning the

goodness of the offer. You may say:
 I am interested in .......
 Your offer was great
 I have watched the awesome video you sent

- State your purpose (Accept/Reject/Ask for detil) by saying:

 Therefore, can you...?
 However,
 Unfortunately,

- If you reject the offer, state the reason politely.

- You may express your hope to work together at the end of your email
 Thank you for your cooperation. I hope we can maintain our
 Thank you for your offer. I hope we can work together in the future.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

Responding a complaint email can be challenging. The customer can be very angry so
that he/she may write some rude words. However, a good customer service will be
able to respond politely by apologizing and offering solution.

Look at the example:

To : Mr. Frank Knockaert

From : Gertrude Rombach

Dear Mr. Frank Knockaert,

In response to your email of February 23, we apologize for the error in your shipment.

We are sending immediately the additional 1000 cases of facsimile paper, model P-345X, that
were not included in the shipment.

We value our relationship with your company, and we regret the inconvenience the incomplete
shipment may have caused you. You can be assured that this will not happen in the future.

Yours sincerely.

Gertrude Rombach

Manager, Order Department


- Apologize for the inconvenience the customer experienced. If it is possible,

you may say thank you for the complaint you get.

You may say:

 Thank you for your email alerting us to the problem you have been
having with our store. We are sorry ...

 I certainly understand your frustation at being sent the wrong order

last week. I apologize

 I agree that our last product does not work as you may expect.
Other critics say the same. I am sorry.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
- Giving solution

If the customers have requested something as solution to the problem,

response it politely whether you can provide them the request they want or

 We understand that you want your money back. Therefore, you

can send back our product. We will give you the requested refund
soon after accepting our product.
 I am sorry, but I cannot give you the requested refund.
If you cannot give them the requested solution, offer another
You might go to one of the used CD exchange stores in town and
trade it for something more to your liking. I value your business
and I am sorry, but I cannot exchange CD simply because the
music is bad.
If the customers have no request yet, offer a solution that may satisfy
them. You may say:
 I have asked my manager and he agrees to give you the refund
 We will immediately send the new product for you
If it possible, give them compensation. You may say:
 We will give you 50% discount for your next order
 We will immediately send you the new product and some
End your email with the expectation to continue business in the future.
 We value our relationship with your company
 You can be assured that this will not happen in the future
 I hope we can continue our good relationship
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
3. Rancangan Tugas

Please write a respond to the offer and complaint email you have written in
modul 6. Ask your friends to check whether you have responded it correctly
and effectively based on the provided guideline.

No Content Yes No Comment

1 Using formal starting phrase
2 Opening the email appropriately
3 Using 2-3 sentences in each paragraph
4 Using complete component in
organizing the email
5 Using polite and clear sentences
6 Finish the email respectfully
7 Using formal ending phrase

4. Kriteria Penilaian

 (Point Terpenuhi : 7) x 100

PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris

“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I MODUL
3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran II
4. Rancangan Tugas

1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka kali ini, mahasiswa akan mempelajari tentang etika
bisnis (business etiquette). Materi etika bisnis akan memperkaya
pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai perilaku yang boleh dan tidak
boleh dilakukan pada saat berbisnis. Disamping itu, beberapa
contoh frase-frase yang dapat digunakan untuk merespon suatu
permintaan dan mengungkapkan penolakan dengan bahasa yang
baik juga akan disajikan pada pertemuan ini. Dalam tatap muka ini,
mahasiswa juga akan berdiskusi tentang studi kasus yang disajikan
dalam bentuk teks. Mahasiswa akan mempunyai banyak
kesempatan berpendapat terhadap kasus tersebut.
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu untuk memahami perilaku yang baik dalam
 Mahasiswa mampu untuk memahami dan mempraktekkan frase-
frase yang dapat digunakan dalam berbisnis
 Mahasiswa memahami beberapa studi kasus yang terjadi dalam
dunia kerja dan bisnis
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

2.2 Uraian Materi 1


Etiquette is the name we give to the rules for being polite in a social
group. Business etiquette is important for people who often have to make
new contacts and build relationships in their works. Politeness can also
help to improve the working environment for people in the same office.
Some cultures and situations are formal, which means that we have to follow
rules; other cultures and situations are more informal.

2.3 Uraian Tugas 1

Task 1
1. Discuss these examples of bad manners. Which ones do you think are
especially bad? Why?
 Arriving late for a meeting
 Ignoring people when you meet them
 Shouting an order at someone
 Not apologizing if you offend someone
 Being rude to people who offer to help you
 Using bad language

2. What other examples of good or bad manners can you think of? Work
in small groups and make two lists. Then compare your lists with other
groups. Do you all have the same opinions about politeness?

Task 2 Reading

1. Read the article on the next page and find six examples of bad
manners. Which three examples of bad manners is the company in the
article trying to stop?

2. Read the article again and answer the following questions.

1) What reason do office workers give for their bad manners?
2) Why is it impolite to answer a mobile phone during a meeting?
3) Are people today more polite than they were 20 years ago?
4) What are some organizations doing to improve workers’ manners?
5) What are the benefits of avoiding bad manners at work?


Most office workers say they are rude or bad-mannered at work. Two
out of three worksers regularly arrive late at meetings, most ignore emails
and three out of four use bad language. In a survey of 1.000 workers, two-
thirds say that pressure at work is the reason for their bad manners.
Other common examples of bad office ettiquete include ignoring
collegues and answering mobile phone calls during meetings. Using mobile
phones in meeting is impolite and disracts others, research by the University
of Surrey shows. If you respond to a call when speaking to somebody, it
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

means that the phone call is more important than the person, the survey said.
If you answer a call during a meeting, it could mean that you think the
meeting is not important.
Mr. Jacobs, managing directir of Office Angels, a recruitment firm,
says it is easy for people to forget their manners in the working environmeny,
which is often very informal and very busy. Workers can forget proper
etiquette such as introducing people at meetings, and this is often bad for
working relationships.
Psychologist Dr Colin Gill believes that people are not as polite as
they were twenty years ago. He said: ‘Courtesy is no longer something that is
so much respected in our society’. People think it is ‘stuffy to be polite or
Now some organisations are actually investing money in training
their junior managers to be polite. Office Angels is encouraging people to
arrive on time for meetings, turn off mobile phones and avoid bad language.
‘Avoiding bad mannes at work is such a simple thing to do,’ Mr Jacobs says,
‘and it can have a dramatic impact on improving your working environment
and your relationships with others.’

distract stop people paying attention
stuffy old fashioned, boring, not friendly

Task 3 Speaking
1. Do you have experience of the bad manners described in the article?
How do you feel when other people show bad manners?
2. Do you agree that ‘courtesy is no longer respeced’ and ‘it’s stuffy to be
polite’? Why? / Why not?

Task 4 Vocabulary 1:

Complete the texy with these words from the article

Admit Respond Invest
Improve Ignore
Avoid Introduce

A recruitment firm gives this advice to new workers:

It is important to 1 ____________ time in your relationships with othera at
work. Get to know people who work near you: 2 ____________ yourself to
them and tell them something about yourself. If people ask for your help,
always 3 ____________ positively. Don’t 4 ____________ emails or phone
calls just because you are busy. If you make a mistake, it is better to
____________ it and then apologise. When things ho wrong, stay calm and
____________ shouting and using bad language. Remember, good manners
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

help to 7____________ your working environtment, and you will find you
can enjoy your work more.

Task 5 Vocabulary 2 : Synonyms

Look at the following group of words. Which word does not belong in each
1. rude, stuffy, bad mannered, impolite
2. courtesy, politeness, etiquette, impact
3. communicate, answer, reply, respond
4. regularly, commonly, rarely, often

Task 6 Vocabulary 3 : Prefixes

1. Add the following prefixes to the adjectives below to make words with
the opposite meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Un- in- dis- im-

a. Formal
b. Satisfied
c. Honest
d. Polite
e. Practical
f. Considerate
g. Friendly
h. Efficient
i. Important
j. Respectful
k. Patient
l. appropriate

2. Use words from exercise 1 to complete the definition.

Someone who is bad-mannered is impolite
Someone who ……
1) …. doesn’t tell the truth is __________.
2) …. wants to do things in a hurry and finish quickly is __________.
3) …. doesn’t like other people and doesn’t want to talk is __________.
4) …. works slowly and doesn’t do their job well is __________.
5) …. doesn’t think about other people’s needs or wishes is __________.
6) …. isn’t happy with the way things happened is __________.
3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran II
3.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu untuk memahami beberapa frase yang digunakan
untuk menawarkan dan merespon suatu pernyataan
 Mahasiswa mampu untuk memahami dan mempraktekkan frase-
frase tersebut dengan baik

3.2 Uraian Materi II

Language check Offers and requests
1. Tick the most informal expression in each group below.
2. Tick the responses that mean ‘no’. What words do we sometimes use
to avoid saying ‘no’?

Offers Responses
Can I help you? Yes, I’m looking for Mr. Jones.
Let me carry your bags for you. Thanks – that’s very kind of you.
Would you like a coffee? Not just now, thanks.
Do you want some sugar? I don’t take sugar, thanks.
I could make a copy for you. Thanks, but I don’t really need one.
Requests Responses
Can you phone me tomorrow? It’s a bit difficult. I’m very busy.
Could I have some water, please? Yes, of course.
Would you please check the figures? Yes, no problem.
Could you give me some directions, I’m sorry. I don’t know this place
please? very well.

3.3 Uraian Tugas II

Task 1
Choose the most appropriate words in italics.
1. Can I / I want to see the photos?
2. Do you want that I / Can I help you with your bags?
3. Could I / Let me borrow your magazine to read?
4. Could you / Would you like to sit down?
5. Would I / Could I have some more milk, please?
6. You could / Could you open the door for me, please?
7. Can you / Please give me your phone number?

Page | 17
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Task 2
How could you refuse these offers and requests politely, without using
the word ‘no’? Discuss your ideas with a partner.
1. Can I phone you at 10 o’clock tonight?
2. Would you like to try some of our English beer?
3. Could you give me your report today, please?
4. Let me show you around our factory.
5. Could you tell me about the history of your town?
6. Do you want a lift to the airport?

4. Rancangan Tugas
4.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk berlatih negosiasi
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan mempraktekkan frase-frase yang
dapat digunakan dalam negosiasi

4.2 Uraian Tugas

Case Study
Elizabeth works for a computer company. At first, she liked the job
and believed that she could do it well. But now, she has a problem: her
team leader, Valma, is a bully. Valma seems to dislike Elizabeth. She
always finds problems with her work. If Elizabeth makes a small
mistake, she shouts at her in front of her colleagues: ‘What’s wrong
with you? Are you stupid?’ She doesn’t talk to the other team
members in this way. She gives Elizabeth all the most boring and
difficult tasks to do. Elizabeth wants to go on a training course. She
wants to specialize and be able to do more interesting work. But
Valma, always finds a reason to stop her. She tells her she has no
ability. Elizabeth feels tired and stressed. She is starting to believe that
she really is stupid. What should Elizabeth do?
She has four options:
 Talk to her colleagues about it
 Talk to Valma herself
 Report the bullying to senior manager in the company
 Leave the job
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Task 1
To find a good solution, it is helpful to understand why someone is a bully.
There are three main types of bully. Read about one of these types. Work in
three groups: A, B, and C. Then read the descriptions of types of bully

Group A
Some bullies love power. They want to be in control of everything and
everybody. These bullies make life difficult for all their subordinates. They
usually have psychological problems and it isn’t easy to change their
management style.
Group B
Some bullies hate mistakes. They want their oen work to be perfect and they
want everyone else to be perfect too. These bullies don’t consider other
people’s feelings when they find problems with their work. They often don’t
know they are bullying. Sometimes it can help to talk to these bullies about
their management style.
Group C
Some people become bullies because they are very unsure of themselves.
They are afraid of competition from other people who may be better than
them. They hate the idea of someone else doing well in their job. They think
that the only way to improve their own success is to keep their competitors

Task 2
Form groups of three: one person from each group (A, B, C) above. Take
turns to describe one type of bully to your partners. Which description do
you think best matches Valma? Using the information about this type of
bully, decide on the best option for Elizabeth. Of course, she can try more
than one option. Bu which one is not such a good solution? Why?

Task 3 Write it up
Write a friendly email to Elizabeth. Explain why you think Valma is bullying
Elizabeth. Tell her what she should do.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

5. Kriteria Penilaian
5.1 Uraian Tugas I
Task 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Jumlah jawaban benar X 100 = Nilai Akhir

Jumlah Soal

Task 3
Nilai Penilaian Deskripsi
100 – 75 Baik Sekali  Siswa mampu mempresentasikan ide
(Excellent) dengan penuh percaya diri dan dapat
menyampaikan konten dengan jelas dan
 Siswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas
dan terorganisir
 Siswa hampir tidak melakukan kesalahan
dalam pengucapan atau pemilihan kata
 Siswa mengutarakan pendapat secara
konsisten dengan pemahaman yang
74 – 50 Baik (Very  Siswa mempresentasikan ide dengan
Good) percaya diri namun tidak dapat
mengkomunikasikannya dengan jelas dan
 Siswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas
dan terorganisir.
 Siswa melakukan sedikit kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
 Siswa mengutarakan pendapat secara
konsisten dengan pemahaman yang
49 – 25 Cukup Baik  Siswa kurang percaya diri dalam
(Good) mempresentasikan ide karena masih
meraba kata yang digunakan, sehingga ide
tidak dapat dikomunikasikan dengan jelas
dan benar.
 Siswa mampu merangkai ide dengan jelas
dan terorganisir.
 Siswa melakukan banyak kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
 Siswa tidak mengutarakan pendapat secara
konsisten dengan pemahaman yang
24 – 10 Kurang (Poor)  Siswa menunjukkan rasa tidak percaya diri
dalam mempresentasikan ide sehingga
konten tidak tersampaikan sama sekali.
 Siswa tidak mampu merangkai ide dengan
jelas dan terorganisir.
 Siswa melakukan banyak kesalahan dalam
pengucapan atau pemilihan kata.
 Siswa tidak mengemukakan pendapat
secara konsisten.

5.2 Uraian Tugas II

Task 1 & 2

Jumlah jawaban benar X 100 = Nilai Akhir

Jumlah Soal

5.3 Rancangan Tugas

Role Play
Task 2 & 3
Poin Kriteria
5 Mahasiswa mampu membuat draft dengan baik dan benar
4 Mahasiswa mampu membuat draft dengan baik, namun ada
beberapa kesalahan dalam spelling
3 Mahasiswa mampu nenbuat draft dengan baik, namun ada
beberapa kesalahan dalam grammar
2 Mahasiswa mampu membuat draft dengan baik, namun ada
beberapa kesalahan dalam speeling dan grammar
1 Mahasiswa tidak mampu membuat draft dengan baik dan
terdapat banyak kesalahan dalam spelling dan grammar
Nilai Akhir Jumlah Poin x 20 = Nilai Akhir
Nilai Maksimum = 100
Nilai Minimum = 20
Contoh 3 x 20 = 60
Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris
“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I MODUL
3. Rancangan Tugas

1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka ini, siswa akan mempelajari mengenai etika dalam rapat
bisnis. Gambaran mengenai etika yang baik dan buruk ketika rapat bisnis
sedang berjalan akan disajikan pada pertemuan ini. Sehingga siswa
diharapkan untuk mampu mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan
berbisnis di masa depan. Rancangan tugas dalam topik ini memberikan
kesempatan siswa untuk bermain peran sebagai pemimpin dan
merancang peraturan untuk rapat bisnis mereka sendiri.

2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Siswa mampu memahami perilaku yang baik dalam rapat bisnis
 Siswa mampu untuk membedakan perilaku yang baik dan buruk
dalam rapat bisnis
 Siswa mampu bermain peran sebagai pemimpin dan merancang
peraturan untuk rapat mereka sendiri

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.
1. What are the challenges and responsibilities of running a meeting?
2. What are some behaviors that would be considered rude a meeting?

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PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018


Some meetings are really unproductive. People bicker – they talk over others and don’t
listen. Consequently, meetings drag on and on. This wouldn’t happen if businesses had
a set of meeting rules. Instead, meetings would be useful, productive and short! Here
are my suggestions for meeting etiquette.
A. Send your apologies if you cannot attend. Your colleagues may be waiting for
you so they can start the meeting.
B. State your opinion once only. If it’s a good idea, people will take note.
There’s no need to repeat yourself.
C. If you disagree with someone, don’t interrupt. Wait until the other person
finishes speaking, and then state your objection.
D. Don’t use jargon. Your colleagues may not be specialists in your field, so they
need to keep asking for explanations. This waste time. Talk in everyday
language si that everybody can understand.

2.3 Uraian Tugas 1

Task 1 Read the blog from a business website. Then, read the summary of the
dialogue. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the right side. .
The writer believes that meetings are
_______________ because people argue and don’t listen.
The writer recommends that people say sorry if they cannot 2 Unproductive
3 State
_______________ a meeting. They should
_______________ their opinions just once and use
_______________ language.

Task 2 Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.
1. Write a message saying sorry if you cannot attend.
a. State your opinion
b. Send your apologies
c. Ask for an explanation
2. It is unprofessional to argue in an immature way during
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
a. Interrupt
b. Disagree
c. Bicker
3. It’s rude to talk when other people are talking.
a. repeat yourself
b. talk over other people
c. take note of other people
4. During meetings, Jane says the same thing again and again.
a. Repeats herself
b. Disagree
c. Interrupts

Task 3 Read the sentence pairs. Choose where the words best fit in the

1. Objection / jargon
Does anyone have a(n) ______________ to this suggestion?
____________ should only be used if everyone understands it.
2. Waste time / Take time
____________ of any important changes.
Don’t ____________ arguing.
3. Ask for an explanation / state your opinion
It is important to _____________ if the material is confusing.
Please do not _____________ until the chairman invites you to do so.

3. Rancangan Tugas
3.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu bermain peran sebagai pemimpin
dan merancang peraturan untuk rapat mereka sendiri

3.2 Uraian Tugas

Writing You are a manager. Use the blog to write newetiquette
guidelines for your team (100-120 words). Talk about:
 What staff should do if they cannot attend a meeting.
 What staff should do if they have an objection.
 What language staff should use in meetings.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

4. Kriteria Penilaian
Task 1-3

Jumlah jawaban benar X 100 = Nilai Akhir

Jumlah Soal

Poin Kriteria
5 Mahasiswa mampu membuat draft dengan baik dan benar
4 Mahasiswa mampu membuat draft dengan baik, namun ada
beberapa kesalahan dalam spelling
3 Mahasiswa mampu nenbuat draft dengan baik, namun ada
beberapa kesalahan dalam grammar
2 Mahasiswa mampu membuat draft dengan baik, namun ada
beberapa kesalahan dalam speeling dan grammar
1 Mahasiswa tidak mampu membuat draft dengan baik dan
terdapat banyak kesalahan dalam spelling dan grammar
Nilai Akhir Jumlah Poin x 20 = Nilai Akhir
Nilai Maksimum = 100
Nilai Minimum = 20
Contoh 3 x 20 = 60
“English for Business”

Lab. BahasaInggris, Faculty of Agriculture, BrawijayaUniversity

1. Deskripsi
2. KegiatanPembelajaran I
3. KegiatanPembelajaran II MODUL
4. Kegiatan Pembelajaran III
5. RancanganTugas

1. Deskripsi
Pada modul kesepuluh ini mahasiswa akan mempelajari tentang cara
pembuatan Curriculum Vitae (CV) yang menarik dan efektif. Materi
yang dipelajari mencakup pengertian CV, format dan konten CV secara
umum, jenis- jenis CV, membuat kesan pertama yang menarik,
mengidentifikasi kemampuan pelamar kerja, belajar cara menuliskan
serta mengaitkan pengalaman kerja, berorganisasi dan minat/hobi secara
efektif. Terakhir, siswa akan mempraktekkan materi yang dipelajari
dengan berlatih membuat CV diri yang efektif dan menarik.

2. KegiatanPembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami tentang format, konten, dan jenis
 Mahasiswa mampu membuat CV berbahasa Inggris yang menarik
dan efektif dengan cara menerapkan materi yang terdapat dalam
modul ini
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

Writing an Impressive CV

Today‟s graduate job market is very competitive and your CV is your

prime marketing tool. It must highlight your skills and achievements in a clear
and positive light which will persuade the employer to call you for an
interview. Many applicants fail to make it to interview because of ineffective
evidence of their skills and experience, poor presentation and careless spelling
and grammar. Taking time and some simple advice can really make all the
difference. Here we will show you how to write an impressive CV and how to
avoid the pitfalls.

Before we learn to write a CV, discuss the following questions in pairs:
1. What does CV stand for?
2. What is the main purpose of a CV?
3. What are the key qualities of a successful CV?
4. How many sections are there in a typical CV? What are they?
5. What is the best way to structure the contents of your CV?

A. Basic Principles
Curriculum vitae (CV) means “story of your life”. However, with only one or
two pages for your CV you can‟t afford to treat this literally. A CV isn‟t a list
of everything you have ever done; it is a marketing document. Be selective
about what you include. It should focus on those skills and experiences most
relevant to your target employer. Your mission is to ensure that, after a 20
second scan, the employer can pick out evidence that you have exactly the
skills and experience they are looking for.

B. Content and Style

All CVs need to contain some standard information, which normally includes:
 Personal details – name, address,
 telephone number and e-mail address
 Education and qualifications
 Employment history
 Interests, activities and achievements
 Reference

In designing the CV, we need to follow some requirements as follows:

 Usually two sides of A4 or the equivalent in electronic format.
 Avoid coloured or textured paper.
 Be clear and concise.
 Be consistent with font type and size. Line up text.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
 Make sure key information is not hidden by too much text; try breaking
up with bullet points.
 Use headings or format text in bold to draw attention to important
 Spelling and grammar must be accurate.

However, there is not one correct style of CV to use. All CVs should be
targeted to meet the requirements of an advertised vacancy or a particular
employer. The two most commonly used CV formats are:

 Chronological: the most common format outlining your experiences in

reverse date order.
 Skills based: this highlights and gives evidence of your relevant skills.
It is particularly appropriate if you wish to demonstrate transferable

2.3 UraianTugas 1

Exercise 1
In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. Try to identify the two following CVs. Which one is skill-based CV and
which one is chronological CV?
2. Why are skills-based CVs particularly popular with career changers
andrecent graduates?
3. Which approach is more common in the country you are applying for

Exercise 2
Let’s Complete the following CV using a past form of the verbs in the box.
Achieve Complete Coordinate Develop Hold
Organize Persuade Represent Research Work
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

Silvia Carnali
Home address: 42 Hampstead RdLondon NW3 Date of Birth: 14 February 1986
Telephone: 44 (0) 207 862 4567 Nationality: Italian

2008-present The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
- MSc (Hons) Development Studies (2.1 expected)
- 7000-word dissertation on reforestation in Kenya
2004-2007 University College London (UCL)
- BA (Hons) Geography (2.1)
2004 Diploma MaturitaScientifica (58/60) - LiceoA.Tosi, Milano

Professional Experience
2008 Project Volunteer: Sustainable Solutions (NGO), Kenya (6 months)
 I _(worked)__ as a part of an international team to increase awareness of sustainability in Kenya
 2 ____________ communication strategies to ensure that our message was delivered effectively
 Established, managed and maintained relationships with key stakeholders
 3 __________local community leaders to increase the level of reforestation in Kenya 2006-2007
Communications Officer: University College London (1 year)
 Organised and managed catering for more than 10 separate UCL events for up to 300 students
 Liaised with student council board members, catering suppliers, venues and performers
 4 _________ University College London at a series of event conferences
 5 _________ two-week event management training course 2005 Activity Leader: Concord College
Summer School, Shropshire, UK (2 months)
 Led sports and drama activities for 200 international students
 6 _________ weekend adventure trip in Wales, including leading a walking expedition for twenty
 7 __________daily meetings with other members of the activity team. Provided training and support
for less experienced members of the team

Activities and Interests

2007 Sept Mountain Trekking in South America (1 month)
 8 __________and planned group mountain expedition in the Andes, Argentina
 As sole Spanish speaker I acted as spokesperson for the group. Reacting to unforeseen events
requiredfrequent revision of plans, responding to group members, tour operator and airlines.
 9 _________ aims of crossing the remote central part of the Southern Patagonian ice cap in Los
GlaciaresNational Park, improved Spanish language skills, stayed within budget
2003-present Greenpeace Active Member (5 years)
 10__________ a campaign against nuclear power. Persuaded 1000 people to write to their local
MPdemanding the Government to reconsider renewable energy resources as a viable alternative
tonuclear power.

Languages : Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (upper intermediate)

Computer Skills : Full command of Microsoft Office Suite
Driving : Full current driving license
References available upon request
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

Exercise 3
Complete the following CV using the skills headings in the box.
Adaptability and resourcefulness Communication and teamwork
Energy and motivation Research and computer skills

Silvia Carnali 42 Hampstead Rd, London NW3

Tel: 44 (0) 207 862 4567

2008 - 2009 The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, MSc (Hons) Development
Studies (2.1 expected)
2004 - 2007 University College London, BA (Hons) Geography (2.1)
1 ______________
- African NGO ‘Sustainable Solutions': Six-month volunteer project to educate Kenyan people about
the importance of reforestation. My role was to assist the project team in devising and
implementing strategiesto communicate this message to local residents in different regions in
Kenya. To do this effectively, I had toremain calm, polite and persuasive when talking to community
leaders. (2008)
- As communications officer at UCL I represented the university at conferences and organised student
unionevents. As part of the student union team I was responsible for dealing with suppliers, bands,
etc. and I alsoworked in collaboration with the marketing team advertising andticketing events. I
assisted in organising andmanaging 12 successful events, all of which made a profit. (2006-2007)
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

2 _______________
- In Sept 2007 I successfully completed an eight-person expedition to Austral Andes in Argentina, in
the southwestof Santa Cruz on the border with Chile. Three months of training and fundraising
preparation resulted inthe successful crossing of the remote central part of the Southern Patagonian
ice cap in Los Glaciares NationalPark. As the sole Spanish speaker I acted as spokesperson for our
group, organising bookings and negotiatingthe expedition itinerary. (2007)
- I organised and led sports and drama activities for 200 international students at a summer school
inShrewsbury. My role included motivating and supporting the less experienced members of the
activities team.I devised a number of sporting tournaments for the summer school students and
motivated the children andstaff to get fully involved, culminating in an international volleyball
competition. (2005)
3 __________________
- I worked with a large international team in Kenya. The nature of the project meant that I had to
travel regularlythroughout the country at short notice, and share basic living conditions. (2008)
- I handled a wide variety of tasks and projects throughout the six-month project, each requiring
different skillsand approaches in order for targets to be achieved and obstacles to be overcome. I
suggested an alternativecommunication strategy of meeting with local community leaders to
discuss sustainability. I convinced community leaders to implement alternative farming methods.
The successful approach was adopted by theentire team across the country. (2008)
4 __________________
- I researched top international universities for my degree course. I am currently completing in-depth
researchon reforestation techniques for the African subcontinent for my Master’s degree
dissertation. Research for mydissertation includes substantial use of the Internet and professional
journals, and interviewing experts in thefield. I have an excellent command of Microsoft Office Suite.
- I updated and modified the website for Sustainable Solutions, resulting in a 40% increase in website
traffic. (2008)

Employment History
Sustainable Solutions (NGO) 2008 Project Volunteer, based Kenya
Concord College summer school 2005 Activity Leader, based Shropshire, UK
Italian, English, Spanish
References available upon request
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

3. KegiatanPembelajaran II
3.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswamampu membuat kesan pertama yang menarik dari sebuah CV
 Mahasiswamampumengidentifikasi kemampuan diridan
mendeskripsikannya secara efektif.

3.2 UraianMateri 2
Creating a strong first impression Through a Personal Statement
A personal statement is a brief statement of the type of person you are, your skills
and your achievements. It always comes near the top of the CV, before the main
body, and presents the facts in the most positive way. A well-written personal
statement will immediately capture the attention of the employer and make them
want to find out more about you.
Identifying your key skills
Your CV needs to match the particular job you are applying for. For example, if
the job requires skills in teamwork and creativity, you need to ensure the
employer can clearly see that you have gained these skills somewhere in your life.
Maybe you worked in a team on a course project or perhaps you had a creative
idea for an event which a society organised. The important thing is that the
employer can see that your CV is tailored to them and not a generic CV that is
being sent to every employer.

3.3 UraianTugas 2
Exercise 1 - Let’s Practice!
You can create impressive sentences for your personal statement by
choosing a word or phrase from each column in the following table. For
example, “Highly experienced accounts managerwith excellent
communication skills”. Complete the table using the words in the box. In
pairs, try and add more words and phrases to each column.

Ability to broad consistently high enthusiastic

Interest in motivator professional team leader

PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Modifier Adjective 2 Sort of Adjective 2 Experience/

creative accounts __________ _________ …


customer- oriented English _________ communication

speaker skills

________________ ____________ deep experience in …

Extremely experienced recent excellent _________ …
Highly graduate

resourceful sales extensive knowledge of …


self-starter proven range of

transferable skills

results-focused ____________ recent skills in …

Exercise 2 - Let’s Practice!

Look at the following list of transferable skills. In pairs, discuss how you could
demonstrate these skills in your CV. Use examples from your work experience, your
studies and your hobbies and interests.
• Communication skills (written and oral)
• Foreign language skills _________________________________________
• Intellectual skills (e.g. critical, analytical and problem-solving
• Interpersonal skills (e.g. working with or motivating others,
• IT skills _________________________________________
• Numeracy skills (e.g. statistical skills, data handling]
• Organisational skills (e.g. working independently, meeting deadlines)-
• Research skills _________________________________________
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

4. Kegiatan Pembelajaran III

 Mahasiswamampumendeskripsikan secara efektif pengalaman kerja dan
berorganisasi, serta minat yang relevan dengan pekerjaan yang dilamar.

4.2 UraianMateri 3
Highlighting your workexperience
This is the section in the CV where youhighlight your professional
achievementswhich are directly relevant to the positionyou are applying for.
As well as highlightingperiods of full- and part-time employment,the work
experience section may also includeprofessional training, voluntary work, and
anyextended periods in which your life focused ona particular activity (e.g.
travelling abroad).
Using positive, action oriented words creates the impression of a
positive and proactive person. Use words such as “achieved”, “created” and
“organised” and avoid tentative words such as “maybe”, “attempted” and
“perhaps”. The aim is to make your CV as persuasive as possible. Present
information in the most positive light but remember there is a clear distinction
between doing this and exaggerating. Make sure your spelling and grammar
is accurate.Most CVs can be improved by a greater attention to the language
and grammar you use. CV and application form writing is an art. It is one you
can learn with a bit of perseverance and a good dictionary and thesaurus!
Here are some golden rules.

“Make verbs work for you”

Your best friends are active verbs and your worst enemies are passive verbs.
Do not say: Resolution of customer queries to tight deadlines was required.
Do say: Resolved customer queries within tight deadlines.
Do not say: I was responsible for organising a programme of speakers.
Do say: I organised a programme of speakers.
Using action words in your CV and covering letter will help you to
convey achievement, ability and impact. The verbs listed below are only a
few of the many you can use in describing your experience and
accomplishments. Make sure you have an action verb for each entry in your
CV‟s “Experience” section.
accelerated aided appraised attained
accomplished allocated approved augmented
achieved amplified arbitrated awarded
adapted analyzed arranged began
administered answered assessed broadened
adjusted applied assisted brought
advised appointed assumed budgeted
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
built encouraged modified renegotiated
calculated enlisted monitored reorganized
catalogued established motivated reported
chaired estimated moulded researched
compared evaluated negotiated reshaped
compiled examined observed restored
completed expanded operated revamped
conceived expedited orchestrated reviewed
conducted extended organized revised
delegated fabricated oriented scheduled
demonstrated focused originated selected
designed forecast oversaw set up
determined fortified overhauled simplified
developed founded participated solved
devised generated performed specialized
devoted guided persuaded stimulated
diagnosed handled planned streamlined
diagrammed harmonized pinpointed structured
directed headed prepared substituted
distributed implemented presented suggested
collaborated improved preserved summarized
constructed incorporated produced supervised
consulted increased programmed supported
contracted influenced promoted systematized
contrived initiated proposed teamed
controlled inspected proved trained
cooperated installed provided treated
coordinated instituted received tutored
counselled instructed recommended unified
created interpreted reconciled updated
dealt introduced recorded used
defined launched recruited utilized
edited led reduced volunteered
effected lectured re-established wrote
eliminated listed regulated
employed maintained rehearsed
managed reinforced

Let’s Practice!
When you give information about past work experience and achievements in a CV,
use verbs in the past simple without a personal pronoun: Chaired weeklymeetings
(not I chaired weekly team meetings). Look at the previous table of action verbs
commonly associated with professional experience. Select fiveverbs and write
sentences suitable for your CV that are true for you.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Exercise 1
Rewrite the following sentences using the verbs in brackets. Leave out
anyinformation that isimplied by the verb itself or is simply irrelevant.

There were five employees in my team. I was their boss and it was my job
tokeep an eye on them and help them when they needed my support,
Managed a team of five employees__________________________________

1. I enrolled on and successfully finished a financial management course in

orderto improve my knowledge in this area, (completed)
2. When I arrived, the company website was only in Polish. As well as Polish,
mymother tongue, I also speak English, German and French, and so I decided
towrite the website information in English, German and French, (translated)
3. The company‟s database system had a problem, which I found. Afterwards
Italked to my boss about a different way of doing things, which would solve
theproblem, (identified/recommended)
4. While I was working at the hotel I noticed that there were some ways in
whichthe customer feedback system wasn‟t working effectively. Therefore I
developeda new system and put this in place. A result of this was that
customersatisfaction levels increased by 20%. (designed/implemented)

Demonstrating your interests

The things you like doing in your free time say a lot about you as aperson, and your
personality is relevant to every job application.

Exercise 1 - In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. If you have produced a CV before, what did you put in thepersonal interests
2. Why do employers want to know about your interests?

It can be more effective to present your interests interms of who you are,
instead of what you like doing,using adjectives and nouns to describe yourself. In
pairs, try andadd more words and phrases to each column in the following table.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

Exercise 2
Match the adjectives with the nouns in the following table to make true
phrases foryou.
Example: avid reader regular blogger

Exercise 3 - Think and Share

1. Write sentences about your own interests. Be as specific as possible
andhighlight the skills you need to achieve the things you enjoy doing.
2. In pairs, take turns to talk about your personal interests. Start with
thequestion, „So what do you like doing in your free time?’ Encourage
yourpartner to highlight the skills that their personal interests
3. Think of a specific job you want to apply for and write the interests
sectionof your CV. Highlight the skills that are relevant for the job.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

5. Rancangan Tugas
Final Task

1. Think of a specific job you would like to apply for and, using the
modelspresented in this modul, write your CV. Remember to highlight only
your skillsand experience that are relevant for a job.

2. In pairs, evaluate each other‟s CVs. Think about the following questions.

 Is the English natural and accurate?

 Does everything make sense? Do you get a good idea of your partner‟s
lifeby reading their CV?
 Is the language impressive and persuasive? If not, how can you improve
 Is the layout attractive and logical? If not, how can you improve it?
 Does your partner‟s CV demonstrate a wide range of transferable
skills? Ifnot, where could you add more proof?
 Does your partner‟s CV demonstrate that your partner is suitable for the
jobthey want? If not, why not?
 Is the CV too long? If so, which words/sentences/sections would you
deleteor edit?

3. When you are happy with the feedback you have received, rewrite your
CV.Repeat the process until your CV is perfect.
Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris
“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, BrawijayaUniversity

1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran II MODUL
4. Kegiatan Pembelajaran III
5. Kegiatan Pembelajaran IV
6. Rancangan Tugas 11
1. Deskripsi
Pada modul 11 mahasiswa akan diberikan penjelasan gambaran umum
tentang cara menulis surat lamaran (Cover Letter) secara menarik dan
efektif. Mahasiswa juga akan mempelajari dan menulis per bagian dari
surat lamaran, antara lain paragraf pembuka (opening), isi utama
paragraf (body), dan penutup (closing). Di akhir materi, mahasiswa
akan membuat sebuah surat lamaran (cover letter) sesuai dengan
pekerjaan dan perusahaan yang diminati.

2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis dan memahami bagian – bagian
yang terdapat di dalam surat lamaran (cover letter)

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

Writing an Effective Cover Letter

Identifying features of cover letters

A. In pairs, discuss the following questions

1. What‟s the difference between a CV and a cover letter?
2. Have you ever written a cover letter in English?
3. What did you write in your cover letter?
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
The covering letter
Your CV should always be accompaniedby a covering letter. You
should use yourcovering letter to tailor your experienceto the position or
organisation to whichyou are applying. Never under estimate its importance and
as with your CV pay attention to style, layout, grammar and spelling. If
possible, you should send itto a named person. A covering lettershould:
• Highlight particular points in yourCV that give evidence of yoursuitability
for the position.
• Demonstrate your interest in andknowledge of the company.
• Be no longer than one side of A4 orelectronic equivalent.

2.3 Uraian Tugas 1

A. Complete this introduction to cover letters using the words in the box.

B. Look at the following example of a good cover letter written by Jane.

Read the letter and answer the following questions.
1. What is Jane studying at university?
2. Where did she work last summer?
3. What does she do in her free time?
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

Jane Nuttall
71 Lambert Road
1 August 2018
Ms Diana Allsopp
Recruitment Manager
McClure and Company
Russell Square
London WC1C 9SE

Dear Ms Allsopp,

1. I am a final-year student at King’s College London reading Economics, and I would like to
apply for an Associate Consultant position with McClure andCompany, as advertised on

2. Management consultancy appeals to me because it combines analytic research across a wide

range of business situations with frequent clientcontact. I recently attended a McClure and
Company workshop run by Charlotte Penton-Smith, and she gave a very positive impression
of the company. I was particularly impressed by the excellent in-house training programme
which she described, and I would welcome the opportunity to work in such a close-knit team
of supportive colleagues.

3. During my time at King’s College I have employed a variety of different research methods,
and I am familiar with the analytical applications of spread sheets. For example, for my recent
dissertation, I used Excel to compare the effects of tax increases on alcohol and tobacco
consumption. In addition, when I was working at the Williton branch of Costcutter over the
summer, I presented suggestions for improving the layout of the store to the regional
management team. They decided to put these ideas into effect and sales rose by 7% over the
autumn quarter.

4. During my free time, I sing in and manage a jazz band, arranging concerts and gigs, and
managing the band’s accounts. I very much enjoy collaborating with a team of people with
similar interests and working towards shared goals. I am also learning Italian by attending
weekly evening classes and studying on myown towards the A-level exam next June.

5. I enclose a copy of my CV and hope very much to be invited for interview.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Nuttall
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
C. Look at Jane’s cover letter again. In which paragraph does she:
1 . explain her interest in the position?___
2 . create a positive final impression?___
3 . demonstrate her skills and experience relevant for the position?___
4 . introduce herself and explain her reasons for writing?___
5 . mention other relevant skills and interests to impress the employer______

3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran II
3.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis dan memahami bagian yang terdapat pada
paragraf pembuka di surat lamaran (cover letter)

3.2 Uraian Materi 2

A. Beginning a cover letter
The first paragraph of your cover letter should detail the job you are applying
forand, if relevant, where you heard about the job (for example an
advertisement, orpersonal recommendation).

3.3 Uraian Tugas 2

Exercise 1
Complete the following opening paragraphs using the words in the box.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Exercise 2
Evaluate the following opening paragraphs. What do you think is good or
bad about them?

4.Kegiatan Pembelajaran III

4.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis dan memahami fitur yang terdapat pada
paragraf inti di surat lamaran (cover letter)

4.2Uraian Materi 3
Writing the main body of the letter
Demonstrating your key skills and experience in the main body of the letter
you need to show why you are the right person for the job, by highlighting your
most relevant experiences and skills as theyrelate to the position you are
applying for. It is important to demonstrate evidence of your skills clearly. It is
not enough to claim that you are „a hardworking, flexible team player, with
excellent IT skills‟; you need to be able to provide evidence.

Matching your skills and experience to the position

In the body of your cover letter it is essential that you are able to demonstrate
how your work experience and skills match the specific position you are
applying for. To do this you need to:
• read the job description carefully;
• identify the skills and experience the company is particularly interested in;
• show any parallels with previous posts you have held or other experience.

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1 . How long should the main body of the letter be?
2 . How many specific points should you make?
3 . How will this section change depending on the job you are applying for?
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

4.3 Uraian Tugas 3

Exercise 1
Read the following extracts from cover letters. For each extract underline
the two main skills the applicants demonstrate.

Exercise 2

1. Underline useful phrases from the extracts which you could use in your own cover
letter. For example in extract 1, “My past experience of ... has broughtme a greater
understanding of ..., as well as ...”
2. Identify three skills that you use on a regular basis and write three sentences that
demonstrate these skills in action. Use the phrases in the previous Exercise to help
you. _______________________________________________________________
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

5. Kegiatan Pembelajaran IV
5.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menganalisis hal hal yang terdapat pada
paragraf penutup di surat lamaran (cover letter)

5.2 Uraian Materi 4

Writing an effective final paragraph
The final paragraph of your cover letter should round the letter off, leaving
thereader with a positive impression of your application and a desire to
interview you. Here some useful phrases to close your paragraph.

 I look forward to hearing from you.

 I would welcome/appreciate the opportunity to ...
 Please do not hesitate to contact me.
 should you have/require ...
 Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Using appropriate language

Whether applying online or sending your cover letter through the post, it
isimportant to write using appropriate language. Although informal
languagemay sometimes be acceptable in cover letters, more formal alternatives
willcreate a more professional impression.

5.3 Uraian Tugas 4

Exercise 1

In pairs, decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

1. The final paragraph should express willingness to provide any further

information that the reader may want____
2. It is not necessary to mention any items (including the CV) you are
3. It is polite to thank the reader for their time and consideration.___
4. The final paragraph may actually consist of two short paragraphs___
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Exercise 2

Complete the following table using the words in the box.

Exercise 3

Complete the following letters using the words in the box.

sincerely position


employed requires
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
Dear Ms. Mattin,
I am writing to apply for the (1)____________________ of secretary, which is
advertised on the Internet.
I am currently (2)____________________ as a secretary at „Gordon‟s Financial
Services‟in Barcelona, a position I have held for three years. I am
(3)____________________ for new employment in Italy, as my husband has
recently been asked by his company to move to Milan. I understand that Carnali
Carretta is one of the leading financial service providers in Italy. Six year‟s
international experience in the area of financial services has helped me to
(4)____________________ the knowledge and skills that a market leader such as
Carnali Carretta (5) ____________________ .
If you (6)____________________ like to meet to discuss how my skills and
experience canbenefit your company in the future, I would welcome the
opportunity to come in and meet you.

Yours (7) ____________________ ,

Jane Copper

6. Rancangan Tugas

Final Task - Writing a cover letter

1. Research a real job that you would be interested in applying for. Spendsome time
researching the company and the position in more depth. Thinkabout the skills and
experience that you have that are relevant for the postand then write a cover letter for
the job.
2. In pairs, evaluate each other‟s cover letter. Think about the following questions.

 Is the English natural and accurate?

 Does everything make sense? Do you get a good idea of your partner‟s skills and
working/organization experience by reading their cover letter?
 Is the language impressive and persuasive? If not, how can you improve it?
 Is the layout attractive and logical? If not, how can you improve it?
 Does your partner‟s cover letter demonstrate that your partner is suitable for the
jobthey want? If not, why not?
 Is the cover letter too long? If so, which words/sentences/sections would you
deleteor edit?

3. When you are happy with the feedback you have received, rewrite your cover
letter.Repeat the process until your cover letter is perfect
Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris
“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, BrawijayaUniversity

1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran II MODUL
4. Kegiatan Pembelajaran III
5. Rancangan Tugas

1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka ke-12 mahasiswa akan diberikan penjelasan
tentang wawancara kerja (Job Interview). Pada tatap muka kali ini,
mahasiswa akan mendapatkan penjelasan tentang tips saat
wawancara kerja, jenis-jenis pertanyaan yang biasanya ditanyakan
saat wawacara dan membuat pengumuman lowongan pekerjaan.
Dengan mempelajari materi tersebut, diharapkan mahasiswa dapat
mempersiapkan diri dalam wawancara kerja sehingga tidak
membuat kesalahan, dan dapat mempersiapkan jawaban untuk
wawancara kerja. Dalam mempelajari materi dalam modul ini,
mahasiswa akan melakukan diskusi kelompok dan berpasangan,
serta mendengarkan rekaman.

2. KegiatanPembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu memahami tips saat wawancara kerja.

2.2 UraianMateri 1
Tips for Interview

1. Preparing for the interview

Preparation is the key to a successful interview. The other
candidates may have similar qualifications, skills and
experience. The interview is your opportunity to prove
you are the best candidate for the job. Ensuring you are
well-prepared will help you to reduce stress, increase
your confidence and improve your chances of being
offered the job
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
2. Making a positive first impression
Before Arrive
You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
People start forming their impression of you immediately,
looking at the outside and making assumptions about the
inside. It is your responsibility to ensure that you send out
the right message about who you are, through your
physical appearance, your clothes and your body
Small Talk
The outcome of an interview can be decided in the first
five minutes. From the moment you arrive for an
interview you are being assessed. Even before the
interview itself begins you will be communicating a
message about who you are. In order to create a positive
impression, it’s important that from the moment you
arrive what you say is clear, confident and enthusiastic.
Body Language
Much of the impact you create at an interview is based on
your body language, and getting this right is essential.
The way you walk, sit and act may influence your
interviewer’s opinion of you as much as what you
actually say.
3. Dealing with questions
Responding to questions at an interview is your
opportunity to give evidence of your skills and
experience, prove you know what the job entails, and
demonstrate that you are the best person for the job
4. Talking about yourself
In all interviews you will be required to talk about
yourself. The interviewers want to find out whether
you’re the type of person who would be able to do the job
and also whether your personality would fit in with the
rest of the company.
5. Avoiding common mistakes
Whatever job you’re applying for, there are some
questions that you will nearly always get asked. Preparing
for these questions will help you to use them to
demonstrate effectively why you are the best candidate
for the position.
6. Do research about the company
Successful candidates are the ones who research the job
and the company. They are able to walk into an interview
confident they have exactly what the company is looking
2.3 UraianTugas 1
A. Who does the following activities? Employer or Job Seeker
1. Search jobs ads……………………
2. Scan resume………………………

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PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
3. Recruit staff………………………
4. Post a job ads……………………
5. Supply resume………………….
6. Use career management services……………..
7. Hire………………………………….
8. Fill the jobs………………………
9. Join a firm……………………….
10. Answer interview’s questions…………………..

B. Match the words with similar meaning

Questions Answers
1. Scientific studies a. People trying to get available
2. Ideal job
3. Applicant b. New job available
4. Requirements c. Most suitable
5. Work agreement d. Fresh graduate
6. Vacancy e. Research
7. Fire f. Qualifications
8. Recent graduate g. Contract
9. Minimum of h. At least
10. Full time i. Terminate
j. Five days a week, eight hours a

C. Group Discussion
Write Do and Don’t in interview (before and during interview). Some
groups write only Do, some other groups write Don’t only. Then, put the
result of the discussion on the wall and go around the classroom to see
other’s result.

D. In Pairs
Listen to Silvia and Nina about Interview. Then, write Nina’s
suggestions to Silvia.

3. KegiatanPembelajaran II
3.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswadapatmengidentifikasijenis-jenispertanyaansaat interview
3.2 UraianMateri 1
Types of question during interview
a. Questions that require you to talk about yourself, your ambitions, your
personality, your hobbies and interests
b. Questions that require you to prove you have researched the job and
company you have applied for work with

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PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
c. Questions that require you to demonstrate you have the skills and
experience required for the job
Watch the video “Job Interview 2”. In the video, you will get suggestions
about interview and certain questions which may be asked by the employer.

3.3 UraianTugas 1
A. Look at the following common interview questions. Write the type of
question in the following box (a-c) next to each question (1-12)

Types of Questions

a. Questions that require you to talk about yourself, your

ambitions, your personality, your hobbies and interests
b. Questions that require you to prove you have researched the
job and company you have applied for work with
c. Questions that require you to demonstrate you have the skills
and experience required for the job

1. Can you tell us something about yourself?...(a)...

2. experience do you have that is relevant for this position?.........
3. What did you learn during your time at university?..
4. What do you see as your strengths?........
5. What do you think about our website?......
6. What attracted you to the position?.....
7. How would your colleagues describe you?......
8. What sorts of projects did you work on in your last position?.....
9. What university did you attend and why did you choose it?
10. How do you typically approach new projects?....
11. What do you know about our company?......
12. Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?.....

B. Five people speaking about body language and bad first impressions in
interviews. Then, listen 4.3 and match each problem (1-5) to the advice
on how to avoid it (a-e).
Problems Advices
1. Sweating a. Make eye contact, but
2. Trembling voice remember not to stare
3. No eye contact b. Politely decline tea or coffee
4. Bad posture
c. Breathe slowly and deeply
5. Shaking hands
d. Sit up straight and lean
forward when speaking
e. Make sure you know in
advance how to find the
interview venue

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PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

4. KegiatanPembelajaran III
4.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu membuat pengumuman lowongan kerja
4.2 UraianMateri
Examples of Job Vacancy



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PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

4.3 UraianTugas
In Pairs, create one announcement of job vacancy creatively
and comprehensively

5 KriteriaPenilaian
Jawaban Benar X 100
Jumlah Soal

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Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris
“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, BrawijayaUniversity

1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I

1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka ke-13 mahasiswa akan mengaplikasikan apa yang
telah dijelaskan pada pertemuan sebelumnya yaitu tentang
wawancara kerja (Job Interview). Pada tatap muka kali ini,
mahasiswa akan melakukan tanya-jawab dimana satu mahasiswa
sebagai interviewer, sedangkan satu mahasiswa lainnya sebagai
interviewee. Dengan mengaplikasikan materi tersebut, diharapkan
mahasiswa dapat merasakan dan mensimulasikan situasi
wawancara kerja sehingga mahasiswa dapat pengalaman
bagaimana diwawancarai dan bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan
dengan baik. Dalam mempelajari materi dalam modul ini,
mahasiswa akan melakukan bermain peran (role play).

2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikantips saat wawancara
 Mahasiswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan saat wawancara

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

Read modul 12 to recall about interview and watch video
“Job interview”
2.3 Uraian Tugas 1
Work in pairs.
You will do a role play in which one student will be
interviewer and the other student will be interviewee.
Interviewer should list several questions.
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

3. Kriteria Penilaian

Clarity All questions and Questions and Questions or Questions and

answers were answers were answers were answers were
awkward and awkward and awkward at times clear and
incomprehensible incomprehensible but always comprehensible.
to understand at understandable

Pronunciation Student's Student's Student's Student's

pronunciation was pronunciation pronunciation was pronunciation
incomprehensible, made understandable good enough to
making understanding with some error. understand what
understanding difficult, but with Still difficult to every word said
impossible effort, possible to understand, but was. "Accent"
guess what pronunciation was noticeable, but
student was good enough to not enough to
trying to say. understand what take away from
he/she was trying understanding.
to say.

Fluency Student was Student took a Student was able Students were
unable to ask or long time to ask to ask and answer able to
respond to most and respond to the questions, but communicate
questions questions. A lot with some clearly with no
of unnatural difficulty. Use of difficulty.
pauses and some Student asked
hesitations awkward/unnatural and answered
pauses, but overall questions with
speech was not almost no
difficult to follow hesitation, and
no trace of
unusually long
pauses or

comprehension Student was The student The student The student fully
unable to showed little understood most understood the
comprehend most comprehension of what was asked questions asked
questions. of questions. of him/her, and and answered
Questions had to Questions had to responded in a correctly
be repeated be repeated, but more or less
several times. all questions appropriate
Even very simple were eventually manner
sentences. answered.

content Did not ask Asked some Gave appropriate Asked

appropriate inappropriate questions for appropriate
questions for questions for survey information questions and

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PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
information, no information or but responses were answered all
response to answered limited in content questions with
questions. question with related
very limited or information. Did
off-topic answers not give any off-
information that
did not fit the

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Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris
“English for Business”

Lab. Bahasa Inggris, Faculty of Agriculture, BrawijayaUniversity

1. Deskripsi
2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I

1. Deskripsi
Pada tatap muka ke-14 mahasiswa akan mencari solusi tetang
masalah-masalah pertanian pada umumnya dan agribusiness pada
khususnya melalui media video yaitu melalui iklan layanan
masyarakat. Pada tatap muka kali ini, mahasiswa akan diberi studi
kasus untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah agribusiness atau
mencari solusi terhadap masalah yang dihadapi petani dengan
memberi penyuluhan menggunakan media video. Melalui materi
tersebut, diharapkan mahasiswa dapat meningkatkan berpikir kritis
(critical thinking) melalui problem solving. Dalam mempelajari
materi dalam modul ini, mahasiswa akan berdiskusi memecahkan
studi kasus serta memberi solusi dengan membuat video iklan
layanan masyarakat.

2. Kegiatan Pembelajaran I
2.1 Tujuan
 Mahasiswa mampu mencari solusi terhadap masalah
pertanian atau agribisnis.
 Mahasiswa mampu melakukan penyuluhan dalam bentuk
video iklan layanan masyarakat.

2.2 Uraian Materi 1

Watch the video

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PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018

2.3 Uraian Tugas 1

Work in group. Solve the following cases. Visualize your solution
into video.
1. There are 4 soysauce factories in a city. Those factories produces
waste (i.e. soybean skin) reaching 250 tons/year. The waste needs a
careful attention. The waste can be used for livestock feed.
What are other functions of the waste from soysauce factory?
2. A new diversification of mango was found named “mangga gedong
gincu”. It has several benefits:
a. It has high selling price, therefore farmer’s income is rising,
b. Open a new export market because it is favored and demanded
by other countries. It is exported to Singapore, Hongkong and
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
How to promote this mango in internatonal markets so that many
other countries import it from Indonesia?
3. Cassava production and demand are not fulfilled yet. Whereas, the
demand of cassava is stil increasing in food, industry, animal feed
and bioethanol. Enhancing production of cassava still faces some
hindrances such as tapered land, high transportation cost, long
growing time, ease to rotten, etc.
What is your solution? Extensification, intensification or
optimalization of farmer group?

3. Kriteria Penilaian
Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6
(very (excellent)
o Spelling and grammar
are correct
o Pronunciation is clear
o Fluency is acceptable
o Student is confident and
o Student has very good
attitude and behavior
o Student deliver the
solution clearly and
o Subject knowledge is
evident. All
information is clear,
appropriate and
PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya University 2018
o The solution answers
the problem well
o Events and messages
are presented in a
logical order, with
relevant information
that support the

o The video is creative
and runs smoothly
o The video is original
o The graphic, image
and audio are in focus
and heard clearly

Final Score: Total score (max. 24) X 100

UniversityBrawijaya 2018

Adler, N. (2002). International Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour. 4th Edition.
South Western, a division of Thomson Learning.
Downes, C. (2008). Cambridge English for Joh-Hunting. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

Emmerson, P. (2009). Business Terminology Builder. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers

Limited Forsyth, P.(2009). Negotiation Skills for Rookies. Singapore, SGP:
Marshall Cavendish.
Ghauri, P. and Gronhaug, K. (2002). Research Methods in Business Negotiations. 2nd
Edition. Elsevier Ltd. UK.
Jevremovič, V. (2011). Negotiation models as tools for teaching Business English.
Inter Alia Journal Vol. 2 p. 58-68.
Johnson, C. (2006). Intelligent Business Coursebook Pre-Intermediate Business
English. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Lougheed, Lin. 2013. Barron’s The Leader in Test Preparation: TOEIC. 6th edition. New
York: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.
Nottingham University. Writing a CV and Covering Letter. e-leaflet, retrieved from on 11th August 2018

Taylor, J., & Zeter, J. (). Career Path: Business English Book 2. Berkshire: Express
Zohar, I. (2015). “The art of negotiation” Leadership Skills Required for Negotiation
in Time of Crisis. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences journal Vol. 209
p. 540-548. Doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.11.28
UniversityBrawijaya 2018

PBI “English for Business”PBI “English for Business” Brawijaya 2018

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