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Name : Bertha Valda Tehupuring

Nim : 2019 – 30 – 007

Class : C
Lecturer : Stella Rose Que, SS, M.A
7th Assignment – Final Project (UAS)


1. Exercise 2 : Read the text about making a successful presentation and re-write
using Bahasa Indonesia, your understanding about the content of the text. What is
the text tells about.
Answer :
Presentasi dibagi menjadi 3 bagian :
1. Perkenalan
2. Isi/tubuh
3. Kesimpulan
4. Pertanyaan

 Perkenalan
Perkenalan adalah bagian penting dari presentasi, karena ini adalah kesan
pertama audiens terhadap anda. Untuk memulai sebuah perkenalan, anda
harus memperhatikan beberapa point :
1. Ucapkan selamat datang kepada audiens.
2. Perkenalkan subjek/topik anda
3. Berikan garis besar tentang struktur presentasi anda.
4. Berikan instruksi tentang pertanyaan.
Untuk bahasa yang digunakan, anda hanya perlu menyesuaikannya.

 Isi/Tubuh
Isi/tubuh merupakan puncak dari presentasi anda. Disini anda akan
memegang kendali sepenuhnya untuk jalannya presentasi. Kuncinya yaitu
anda harus rileks dan percaya diri. Yang paling penting jangan menghafal
keseluruhan materi, anda hanya perlu “memahami” poin penting dalam isi
presentasi anda dan kemudian anda akan menjabarkan point tersebut
menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti oleh audiens.
Beberapa point penting dalam presentasi :
1. Jangan terburu – buru
2. Mempertahankan kontak mata dengan audiens
3. Terlihat ramah
4. Modulasi (perubahan) suara anda
5. Tetap sopan dan tenang ketika berhadapan dengan pertanyaan sulit.

 Kesimpulan
Kesimpulan merupakan bagian terakhir dari rangkaian presentasi anda
sebelum masuk ke dalam bagian pertanyaan. Kesimpulan digunakan untuk
memberikan ringkas dari keseluruhan materi yang ada atau dengan kata lain
anda memberikan inti dari rangkaian penjelasan anda. Setelah memberikan
kesimpulan, berikan rekomendasi jika diperlukan, jangan lupa untuk
mengucapkan terima kasih kepada audiens dan sialhkan masuk pada sesi

 Pertanyaan
Pertanyaan merupakan peluang yang bagus bagi anda untuk berinteraksi
dengan audiens. Biasanya kita akan memprediksi pertanyaan apa saja yang
akan ditanyakan audiens kepada kita. Anda harus bersikap sopan dengan
semua penanya, bahkan jika mereka mengajukan pertanyaan yang sulit
sekalipun. Biasanya jika banyak penanya akan menunjukan seberapa minat
dan perhatian mereka terhadap materi yang baru saja anda sampaikan.

2. Exercise 3 : There are two different presentations for the introduction

(alphabet a – j).
Separate the two presentations and put them in the correct order.
Answer :

Presentation 1
b) Good morning ladies and gentleman, and welcome to our session on the
dynamics of motivation.
j) I shall start by looking at why motivation is so important and why the ability to
motivate is a vital management skill.
f) I would like to ask you to keep any questions you may have until the end, when I
hope we will also have time to discuss your personal experiences and particular
work situations.
h) I will turn to what we really mean by motivation, and look at the internal and
external factors that play a part in creating it.
a) At the end, I will suggest practical ways in which you as managers can motivate
both yourselves and the people who work for you.
Presentations 2
i) Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. I would like to talk you to this afternoon
about why we feel our interactive video project is worth investing in.
e) To begin with, i shall outline the main goals of the project.
d) Please feel free to raise questions at any time on technical or financial aspects of
the project and I shall do my best to answer them.
c) Then I will give a short demonstration of our prototype and explain what we
have already achieved.
g) Finally, I shall move on to the major commercial applications and potential
returns on investment.

3. Exercise 4 : There is an introduction for presentation. Choose the correct words

or phrases in italics.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and welcome (1) in/to/for our seminar
on corporate property management. I would like to (2) begin/starting/commence
by (3) drawing/telling/outlining some of the main (4) explanations/matters/issues
in corporate property management (5) so that/for/in order you will be able to judge
whether your company is devoting sufficient time to this question. I will then (6)
look/turn/change to some of the legal and financial (7) queries/aspects/pieces of
property management, and will (8) tell/look/explain how your companies may be
affected by current and future legislation. I will (9) illustrate/give examples/discuss
of the kinds of problems our clients have faced and explain what was done to solve
them. I will finish (10) by/with/in giving a brief resume of the consultancy service
that we offer, and I will explain what you (11) need/shall/should do if you would
like to look into the matter further. As we are rather (12) hurried/pressed/short for
time, I would be grateful if you could (13) rest/stay/save any questions you may
wish to (14) rise/raise/arise until the end, when I will (15) do/make/have my best
to answer them.

4. Design a business plan that you want to start with and then make a presentation for
introducing the business in written form. The way you write is like the way you
make a presentation to audience.
Answer :

Good morning everyone, thank you for attending my presentation today. The
purpose of this presentation is to introduce the business that I am involved in,
namely Social Media Marketing (SM2).
To begin, I will introduce what social media marketing is. Then I will discuss
the problems we encountered and how to overcome them. After that I will explain
what benefits you get if you join us. Finally, I will give a summary of the
presentation. I want to ask you to save questions that you might have to the end,
when I hope we will also have time to share the experiences we have.
Social Media Marketing is a platform where you can promote your business
and is certainly very profitable for you. why so profitable? because you don't need to
waste your time giving out brochures about your business and so on. You just have a
gadget and can do everything because time is money. Today we offer a partnership
with our platform, where you promote your business through our social media
The benefits? Our platform covers all of Indonesia, especially since we have
followed many social media accounts. The problem is many people want to open
their own platform for doing business on social media, and in my opinion it's a little
difficult. You must create a new account, and certainly very few followers, so your
marketing is limited.
If you use us, you only need to send the brochure online and we will upload
it. Besides that if you don't have time to design the brochure, you only need to send
a video of your product, and we will edit the video with real genres to 2D and 3D
animation (video marketing). The way for you to join us is that you only need to
follow each of our social media, after that you just send the proof in our account and
you finally become a member of our platform. For fees as members only 300K per
Finally, I will conclude that you have nothing to lose if you join us, you will only
benefit. a business can succeed if you can see the risk as an advantage. And finally I
say many thanks for all the attention. From what I explained, do you have any

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