Anda di halaman 1dari 6


Indonesia is so wonderful that ....


1. Identitas
b. Semester : 5
c. AlokasiWaktu : 2 x 2 JP

d. KompetensiDasar :
3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan such ... that, so... that)

4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

e. TujuanPembelajaran :

Melalui metode diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan, danbermain perankalian

diharapkandapat menganalisa fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari
teks interaksi transaksional yang menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat yang
menggunakan so ... that dan such ... thatdari berbagai sumber belajar sehingga dapat
kaliangunakan dalam berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun secara tertulis dalam
kehidupan kalian sehari hari.

2. PetaKonsep




3. Proses Belajar

a. Petunjuk Umum Penggunaan UKBM

1. Tanamkan dalam dirimu bahwa ENGLISH IS FUN.

2. Baca dan pahami materi pada : (a)buku BahasaInggris SMA/MA, SMK/MAKKelas XII
KementerianPendidikandanKebudayaan Republik Indonesia edisi revisi tahun 2017.
3. Kerjakan KB 1 dan KB 2 di buku kerja atau langsung mengisikan pada bagian yang
telah disediakan.
4. Kerjakan soal-soal tantangan dan evaluasi.
5. Apabila kalian yakin sudah paham dan mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan-
permasalahan dalam UKBM ini, kalian boleh sendiri atau mengajak teman lain yang
sudah siap untuk mengikuti tes formatif agar kalian dapat belajar ke UKBM

b. Pendahuluan

Here are some words. Please put them in to the correct column. No 1 has been done for you!

Smoke work hard water pollution forest fire garbage

traffic jam accident illegal logging forest destruction

Victim lung cancer land pollution draught success air pollution

Rain Flood
................................ .....................................
................................ .....................................
............................... .....................................
.............................. .....................................
............................... ....................................
.............................. ....................................

c. Kegiatan Inti

Kegiatan belajar 1

Sebelum belajar pada materi ini, silahkan kalian pahami dialog berikut!. Jawab
pertanyaannya untuk mengecek pemahamanmu!

Clara : Hey, Sarah!

Sarah : Hey Clara, what’s up?
Clara : Have you heard the news?
Sarah : What news?
Clara : Our class mate Jim, will represent our country to compete in
International Chemistry Olympiad.
Sarah : Are you setious? Wow, that’s so cool!
Clara : He is such a smart student that he can be our country’s
representative. I heard that he hasbeen being trained by excelent
chemistry teachers from Jakarta.
Sarah : No wonder. He is so busy that he always goes home early now.
Clara : Yeah, It’s because his training starts right after school. By the way,
let’s congratulate him.
Sarah : Yes, I agree with you. Let’s go!

1. Who do Clara and Sarah talk about?

2. What will theis class mate do?
3. How is their class mate?
4. Why is Jim chosen as the representative of the country?
5. Why does he go home early?
6. What will Clara and Sarah want to do?

Kegiatan belajar 2

Let’s pay more attention to these sentences which express cause and effect relationship:

1. He is such a smart student that he can be our country’s representative.

This sentencecan be expressed into two sentences, they are:
a. He is a smart student. ( cause)

b. He can be our country’s representative. (effect)

2. He is so busy that he always goes home early now.
This sentence can be expressed into two sentences, they are:
a. He is busy. (cause)
b. He always go home early. ( effect)
3. She had prepared everything so intensively that she wom the competition.
a. She had prepared everything intensively. (cause)
b. She won the competition. (effect)

From those explanations we can make a conclusion that:

1. We use ………….and…………….to express cause and effect relationship.

2. Such + ……………………. that
3. So + …………………………. that

Kegiatan belajar 3
A. Complete the sentences with so or such!
1. The man was ... tired that he could not continue his work.
2. It is ... a wonderful picture that everybody admires it.
3. She performs ... attractively that all juries give good scores.
4. The test was ... difficult that most students could not finish it at a given time.
5. He is ... a dilligent student that the teachers like him.
B. Express these sentences using so … that and such … that!
1. Cause : She is a charming girl.
Effect : Everybody stares at her.
2. Cause : It rained heavily.
Effect : We could not go camping.
3. Cause : The coffee is hot.
Effect : We cannot drink it.
4. Cause : The car is expensive.
Effect :I cannot afford to buy it.
5. Cause : It was a great movie.
Effect : I watched it several times.

To have more practice about so … that and such … that please check and do the
exercises there. You can do it many times until you get maximun score.
 https//grammarBank.comso-that-such-that
 https//

Kegiatan belajar 4


Look at the pictures and express using your own sentence!

1. The funeral ceremony is so expensive that not all people in

Bali can do it.

2. It is such an expensive funeral ceremony that not all people

in bali can do it.


a. .............................................................................................

b. .............................................................................................
a. .............................................................................................

b. .............................................................................................

a. .............................................................................................

b. .............................................................................................

a. .............................................................................................

b. .............................................................................................

a. .............................................................................................

b. .............................................................................................

Kegiatan belajar 5

You have learned how to expressed cause and effect relationship by using so ... that
and such ... that. Do you still remember it? Let’s review it before you continue to the next
activity! Please express these sentences using so ... that or such ... that!
1. It rained heavily last night. The river over flowed.
2. It is a poisonous substance. It can cause people die.
3. He drove the bus carelessly. The bus hit the tree on the side of the road.
4. The baby looks hungry. She cries.
5. She is a famous artist. She shows in many events.

Kegiatan belajar 6

Ok, now let’s create a dialogue! Please follow the instructions!

1. Find a partner!
2. Choose one of the pictures and discuss with him/her about it especially about the
cause and effect you can get from the pictures.
3. In making a dialoque you must follow the steps:
a. Opening
b. Content
c. Closing
4. Make a dialog based on the information that you have!
5. Perform it in front of the classroom!

Here are the pictures that you can choose!





d. Penutup
1. It was ... dark that I couldn't see her face.
a. such b. as c. so d. very e. such as

2. The day was ... hot that everybody went to the beach.
a. such b. as c. so d. so much e. such as
3. Most TV programmes are... boring that nobody watches them.
a. so b. such c. such as d. very e. as
4. We had ... horrible day that we felt depressed.
a. such as b. so much c. such d. so many e. so
5. The earthquake caused ... damage that most people lost their homes.
a. so many b. such as c. so d. as e. such
6. I'm having ... a wonderful time in Taghit that I don't want to go home.
a. so b. such c. such as d. very e. as
7. This test was ... easy that I didn't need to check my answers.
a. so many b. such as c. so d. as e. such
8. The party was ... well organized that everybody had a great time.
a. such as b. so much c. such d. so many e. so
9. We had ... long and tiring trip that we just wanted to go home.
a. such b. as c. so d. so much e. such as
10. He has ... beautiful voice that he should try to become a professional singer.
a. such b. as c. so d. so much e. such as

Well guys...this is the end of this UKBM. Please prctice and practice again the material
given in this UKBM so you can use in to communicate in your daily life. Please
remember :

Practice makes perfect!

Refleksi Diri

Setelah kita belajar tentang materi ini melalui kegiatan di UKBM ini, tabel berikut akan
mengukur pemahaman kalian terhadap materi ini. Kejujuran kalian sangat dibutuhkan
dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang ada di tabel berikut.

No Pertanyaan 25% 50% 78 % 90% 100%

1 Sudahkah kamu memahami fungsi sosial
dari so ... that
2 Sudahkah kamu memahami fungsi sosial
dari such ... that
3 Dapatkah kamu membuat kalimat
dengan so ... that
4 Dapatkah kamu membuat kalimat
dengan such ... that
5 Sudahkah kamu memahami struktur
teks transaksional/dialog?
6 Dapatkah kamu menggunakan kalimat
dengan menggunakan so ... that dan such
... that dalam berdialog dengan orang
7 Sudahkah kalian menyelesaikan UKBM
ini secara mandiri?

Check kembali jawabanmu di atas, jika masih terdapat jawaban kurang dari 75 %, maka
pelajari kembali materinya dan tanyakan pada teman atau guru jika ada bagian yang
belum dipahami.

Penghargaan did it well !!!!!

Petunjuk tindak lanjut

Apabila kalian yakin sudah paham dan mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan-
permasalahan dalam UKBM ini, kalian boleh sendiri atau mengajak teman lain yang
sudah siap untuk mengikuti tes formatif agar kalian dapat belajar ke UKBM berikutnya.

This is the end of this ukbm.

Anda mungkin juga menyukai