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1. Identitas Mata Kuliah

Program Studi : D-3 Kesehatan Lingkungan Purwokerto
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Kode Mata Kuliah :
Semester/Kelas/TA :
SKS : 3 (Teori 2, Praktik 1)
Waktu (hari, jam) :
Dosen Pengampu : Hikmandari, S.Pd, M.Ed.
Teguh Ardianto, S.Pd, M.Pd

2. Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan :

Pada akhir perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris mahasiswa mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris,
memahami teks berbahasa Inggris baik diluar maupun didalam bidang Kesehatan dan Kesehatan
Lingkungan serta dapat menulis dan berkomunikasi lisan pada tingkat sedang (intermediate).

3. Kemampuan Akhir :
Pada akhir pembelajaran, mahasiswa mampu:
1) Menerapkan jenis-jenis kalimat (tenses) sesuai dengan aturannya
2) Menggunakan berbagai jenis kata (adjective, adverb, preposition comparative, pronoun dsb)
dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris
3) Membaca dengan baik teks berbahasa Inggris dalam bidang kesehatan dan kesling
4) Menjelaskan isi teks/bacaan berbahasa Inggris
5) Menulis surat, pesan, resume dan laporan singkat dalam bahasa Inggris
6) Menjelaskan isi berita atau percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris
7) Mempresentasikan ide/pemikiran sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris
8) Melakukan percakapan dengan rekan sejawat dalam bahasa Inggris
9) Melakukan diskusi aktif tentang isu kesling dalam bahasa Inggris

4. Bahan Kajian :
1) Word order
2) Singular and plural noun
3) Articles
4) Pronoun
5) Adjective
6) Demonstrative adjective
7) Comparison and contrast
8) Superlative
9) Grammar review
10) Future tense
11) Perfect tense, present perfect tense, perfect progressive tense, past perfect tense

5. Metode Pembelajaran :
1) Perkuliahan tatap muka (ceramah dan diskusi) di ruang kelas
2) Praktik menulis, presentasi dan diskusi dalam bahasa Inggris
3) Penugasan terstruktur – Project method
4) Group discussion - Experimental
5) Virtual learning

6. Deskripsi Tugas :
- Perkuliahan tatap muka (ceramah dan diskusi) di ruang kelas
- Praktik menulis, presentasi dan diskusi dalam bahasa Inggris
- Penugasan terstruktur
- Group discussion - Experimental
- Virtual learning

7. Penilaian (kriteria, Indikator, dan bobot penilaian) :

Item Penilaian Bobot Ketentuan Lain
1. Ujian Tengah Semester 20% Kehadiran kuliah mahasiswa minimal
2. Ujian Akhir Semester 30% 75% dari total pertemuan.
3. Tugas 20% Seluruh tugas harus dikumpulkan
4. Kuis 10%
5. Kehadiran 10%
6. Sikap 10%
Total 100%

8. Daftar Referensi :
1. Understanding and using English Grammar
2. Spectrum
3. Intensive English book
4. ETP LPIDB level 1
5. Cutting edge book elementary + intermediate level
6. Total English elementary level

1. Jadwal Kuliah :
Perkuliahan Teori
Pertemuan Topik Bahasan Dosen
1 - Kontrak Belajar dan perkenalan Teguh Ardianto
- Material Description and distribution
- Resources coverage and learning materials
- Words, numbers, spelling, etc.
2 - Introduction to basic concept of English tenses Teguh Ardianto
- Present tense
- Past tense
- Future tense
3 - Your life- (people and places, family ties, working for a living) Teguh Ardianto
- To be-positive
- possessive in English,
- a/an, to be-negative
4 - Routines Teguh Ardianto
- Present simple,
- Noun plurals (this, that, these, those)
5 - Activities Teguh Ardianto
- Adverbs of frequency
- Can/can’t
6 - Food Teguh Ardianto
- Countable & uncountable Nouns (much, many, a lot of)
- a/an, some & any
- object pronouns
7 - Home Teguh Ardianto
- There is/there are,
- Have got,
- Very, quite, really
Ujian Tengah Semester
8 - City life Teguh Ardianto
- Past simple
- Past simple of regular verbs – positive
- Past simple of irregular verbs
- Past simple – questions and negatives
9 - People Teguh Ardianto
- Articles,
- Pronoun one/ones,
- Possessive pronoun
10 - Seasons Teguh Ardianto
- Present continuous
- Position of adjectives
- Present simple and Present continuous
11 - Culture Teguh Ardianto
- Comparison of adjectives
- Superlative adjectives
- Like/love/hate/prefer
12 - Journeys Teguh Ardianto
- Ing form as noun
- Present perfect with been - I/we/you/they
- Present perfect - she/he/it
13 - Learning Teguh Ardianto
- Can/cant, have to/don’t have to
- Review of wh – questions
- The imperative
14 - Ambitions Teguh Ardianto
- Be going to
- Infinitive of purpose
- Revision of be going to
- Like and would like
Ujian Akhir Semester

Perkuliahan Praktek
Pertemuan Topik Bahasan Dosen
1 Speaking practice Teguh Ardianto
Personal story,
Story telling
Group sharing
2 Writing practice Teguh Ardianto
Writing basic English sentences
Writing sentences using correct tense form
3 Speaking practice: Teguh Ardianto
Say where people and things are from
Exchange information about family
Talk about jobs
Start and finish a basic conversation
4 Speaking practice: Teguh Ardianto
Describe what you do everyday
Describe other people’s routines
Talk about everyday objects
Talk about what you do in holiday
5 Speaking practice: Teguh Ardianto
Talk about what you do in your free time
Talk about your abilities
Take and leave a simple phone message
Talk about other people’s abilities
6 Writing practice Teguh Ardianto
Write sentences using correct quantities
Write people’s diet and lifestyle
Speaking practice
Order food in a restaurant
Ask people for things and give people
Describe yourself and other people
7 Speaking practice: Teguh Ardianto
Talk about your home
Talk about things you have
Describe where you live
Writing practice:
Start and end an informal email
8 Writing practice Teguh Ardianto
Talk about the past
Describe a visit to a city
Talk about events in your life
Describe a place
9 Reading Practice Teguh Ardianto
Understand and tell a simple story
Speaking practice
Describe people
Identify a person in a simple description
Writing practice
Respond to an event in writing
10 Speaking practice: Teguh Ardianto
Describe what people are doing now
Talk about what you wear
Talk about the weather
11 Writing practice Teguh Ardianto
Make comparisons between things and people
Compare one thing with several others
Talk about personal preferences
Make and respond to suggestions
Write a short biography
12 Speaking practice Teguh Ardianto
Book a train ticket
Describe personal experience
Talk about other people’s experience
Writing practice
Give and follow simple directions
Write a description of an event
13 Reading practice Teguh Ardianto
Understand signs and rules
Give and understand instruction
Speaking practice
Talk about your education
14 Speaking practice Teguh Ardianto
Talk about intentions
Explain the reasons for your actions
Talk about likes, dislikes and ambitions
Writing practice
Write a thank you letter

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Koordinator Mata Kuliah Ketua Program Studi Ketua Jurusan

Teguh Ardianto, S.Pd., M.Pd Hari Rudijanto IW, ST, M.Kes Asep Tata Gunawan, SKM, M.Kes
NIP: 197004281993031002 NIP: 196511161989021001

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