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Integrated Curriculum: Kemendikbud, Kemenag, Cambridge University
Jl. Siwalanpanji Sidoarjo Telp. (031) 997008600

Subject : History of Indonesia Name/ Attendance list no : ………........................................./……..

Grade : XI ………. Day/date : ..................../..........................................

Answer the following questions correctly !

1. Pahami infografis berikut!

Based on the infographic, the exact reason for the failure of Sultan Agung's first attack was…
(Multiple Choice/3)
a. The damming of the Ciliwung river by the VOC
b. Because the stronghold of Sultan Agung's army was formed from Bamboo
c. There was a sudden attack before the Ciliwung river was dammed
d. Because Sultan Agung did not directly participate in the battle
e. Supplies are starting to run out

2. Based on the infographic “Sultan Agung's Remains at the Fatahillah Museum Jakarta”, the exact
reason for the failure of Sultan Agung's second attack was… (Multiple Choice/3)
a. The damming of the Ciliwung river by the VOC
b. The burning of the rice barns of Sultan Agung's troops in Tegal
c. There was a sudden attack before the Ciliwung river was dammed
d. Because Sultan Agung did not directly participate in the battle
e. Food ingredients that are starting to run out because they are taken forcibly by the VOC
3. Understand the following text excerpt!
Sebelum kedatangan bangsa-bangsa Eropa ke Nusantara. Di Indonesia telah berkembang
perdagangan dengan kapitalisme yang kuat. Tetapi perdagangan itu selalu trkait erat dengan
permasalahan politik, sehingga memunculkan kapitalisme birokrat. Situasi ini tidak memungkinkan
berkembangnya kapitalisme yang memiliki etos perdagangan bebas. Kedatangan VOC telah
membawa dampak sangat serius terhadap kapitalisme Indonesia. Keunggulan VOC dalam bidang
birokrasi dan militer memberikan kekuatan kepadanya untuk menegakkan sistem monopoli dalam
perdagangan di Indonesia, yang menghancurkan kapitalisme Indonesia. Kehancuran kapitalisme
Indonesia pada dasarnya lebih disebabkan sebagai akibat kerapuhan sistem budaya Indonesia yang
tidak memberikan pijakan kuat terhadap perkembangan kapitalisme. Nilai-nilai budaya Indoensia
tidak memiliki perlindunngan yang kuat terhadap hak milik pribadi rakyat. Disamping itu,
kekuasaan absolut para raja dengan tindakannya yang sewenang-wenang tidak memberikan peluang
kondusif untuk perkembangan perdagangan dan akumulasi modal pada rakyat.

Based on the excerpt of the text, the correct conclusion regarding the information regarding the
arrival of the VOC is… (Multiple Choice / 5)
a. VOC and local kingdoms cooperate
b. The existence of the same legal system between the VOC and the local kingdom
c. The existence of the VOC had a major influence on the government run by local kingdoms in
d. The existence of the VOC did not have a major influence on the government run by local
kingdoms in Indonesia because they had the same system of government
e. The local kingdoms in the archipelago only want to cooperate with the Portuguese

4. Pay attention to the following discourse!

“One of the ways in which the Dutch suppressed Diponegoro's resistance was holding a
competition. Whoever catches Prince Diponegoro will get a prize of 20,000 ringgit. The
competition did not get the slightest attention from the public.”

Based on the discourse, the conclusion of Diponegoro's resistance strategy is… (Multiple Choice)
a. The Netherlands can capture Prince Diponegoro through a 20.000 ringgit contest
b. There is a community agreement with the Dutch to arrest Diponegoro
c. The Dutch couldn't beat Prince Diponegoro because of his wrong strategy
d. The community fully supports Diponegoro's resistance
e. The Dutch mobilized all soldiers from various other regional resistances by spending 20,000

5. Understand the following text quote!

The second phase of the Aceh War was a form of resistance carried out by the Acehnese people. In
this phase, the Dutch applied the stelsel concentration strategy that focused their attention and
defense forces on the areas they had controlled. Teuku Umar was the leader of the Aceh war
between 1884-1896. One of the ingenious actions taken by Teuku Umar was to pretend to surrender
to the Dutch. During the "Submission" Teuku Umar tried to collect weapons. After receiving
sufficient war logistics, Teuku Umar rejoined the people of Aceh to attack the Dutch. Teuku Umar's
ingenuity managed to deceive the entire Dutch army.

The correct conclusion from the text quote is (Multiple Choice / 5)

a. Teuku Umar is a fighter who is known to be smart against the Dutch colonial government
b. In this match, the Netherlands was involved in
c. Teuku Umar and the VOC made an agreement
d. The Acehnese people's resistance to the VOC and the Dutch colonials has no one to lose
e. Cut Nyak Dien as a substitute for Teuku Umar against the Dutch
6. Understand the following text quote!
Aceh's luck appeared in 1511. In that year, Malacca fell into the hands of the Portuguese, so
many traders moved from Malacca to Aceh. However, the Portuguese considered the development
of Aceh to be a threat in itself. After that, the Portuguese planned to destroy Aceh. Finally, in 1523,
the Portuguese attacked Aceh led by Henrigues, and in 1524 led by de Sauza.

Based on the excerpt of the text, fill in the following boxes with the answers “true” and “false”
regarding the reason the Portuguese considered the development of Aceh to be a threat!
The Kingdom of Aceh has a large area
The strategic location of the capital city of Aceh at the shipping gate
The port of Aceh (Olele) has good requirements as a trading port
The Kingdom of Aceh is led by Sultan Iskandar Muda
The Aceh region is rich in pepper plants as an important export trade item in
conducting international trade

7. Read the following reading!

Ten Facts Behind the Construction of Daendels Road from Anyer to Panarukan
The Anyer-Panarukan road stretches from the west end to the east end of Java. It took thousands of
victims, but became an important route until now. This is one of the most surprising factors
compared to other factors that are not yet known by many Indonesian people, namely the provision
of wages for workers in the construction of the Anyer-Panarukkan road.
Wages are given based on the severity of the location traveled such as rocks, dense forests,
hillsides/mountains, the steepness of the location and so on. In addition to wages, the workers also
get rice and salt. In the payment system, the government provides funds to the prefects (resident-
level positions) and then it is given to the regents and there is evidence. Meanwhile, from the regent
to the workers, there is no evidence.

The correct statement and in accordance with the reading is…(complex)

a) Anyer-Panarukan road construction activity is not a forced labor activity
b) Daendels' policy is considered detrimental to the Indonesian people because it takes many
c) There is a possibility of corruption from indigenous officials
d) Daendels must fund his government, especially when he can deposit it into the government
treasury in the Netherlands by growing coffee commodities in Priangan
e) The eastern tip is a potential area for tropical plant products other than coffee.

8. Understand the following text quote!

Several factors that encouraged the development of the Makassar Kingdom, among others,
Makassar's very strategic location in the Malacca-Batavia-Maluku trade traffic, the fall of Malacca
to the Portuguese in 1511, and the emergence of Banjarmasin as a pepper-producing area whose
results were sent to Makassar. This very rapid development worried the interests of the VOC
monopoly and helped the people's resistance in Maluku. The peak of Makassar's glory occurred
during the reign of Sultan Hasanuddin (1645-1670). He put up a fight supported by several other
foreign traders. However, on November 18, 1667, Sultan Hasanuddin was forced to sign the
Bongaya agreement. There are several reasons that made Si Rooster from the east or better known
as Sultan Hasanuddin to fight against the VOC. It all started with free trade from the Makassar side
but the Dutch (VOC) were not allowed to enter the Makassar trading area. However, several
attempts were made by the Dutch (VOC) to enter Makassar. Several attempts were also made by the
Dutch (VOC) to destroy the Makassar trade, causing resistance from Sultan Hasanuddin and the
Makassarese people to the VOC.

The strongest reason the Rooster from the East and other foreign traders had thoughts of fighting
the VOC was… (Complex/3)
a. Because fighting the VOC was easier than fighting the Portuguese
b. Because Sultan Hasanuddin cooperated with foreign traders against the VOC
c. Because of the free trade policy implemented by Makassar
d. Because of the Bongaya agreement
e. Dutch traders (VOC) were not allowed or prohibited from entering Makassar to carry out
trading activities

9. Understand the following text quote!

European nations who sailed to discover new territories, of course brought their ideas and thoughts
to be spread to the colonies including Indonesia. So that it also affects the education system in
Indonesia during colonialism and imperialism. In the field of education, the Colonial Government
succeeded in using our people to become administrative employees who were educated, skilled, but
cheaply priced. In formal education, the Netherlands developed its own teaching curriculum until
the 19th century. Hence, there are political and cultural tendencies that are incorporated through

Based on the excerpt of the text, the conclusion of the influence of western education during
colonialism on the Indonesian state today is… (Multiple Choice / 5)
a. Education today has 633 provisions in its education system
b. All people get Dutch lessons in their learning
c. Each region competes to advance education, but all of these efforts only add to the complexity
of the education sector due to frequent curriculum changes
d. The Netherlands developed its own teaching curriculum until the 19th century, Indonesia is still
improving the curriculum to this day
e. The Dutch and Indonesian curricula have similarities due to political and cultural tendencies

10. In the struggle for political hegemony of the Europeans applied in Indonesia, in fact the Indonesian
people, especially the Kings, were more receptive to the system of government of Thomas S.
Raffles than Daendels. The comparison between the policies of the government of Thomas S.
Raffles and Daendels applied in Indonesia can be seen in the statement… (Komplex/5)
a. Thomas and Daendels have the same system of government
b. During the Daendels period, the island of Java was divided into 9 prefectures and 31 districts,
while during the Thomas period, the island of Java was divided into 16 residencies consisting
of several districts.
c. The Daendels era, forming the state financial supervisory board, issued paper money, while the
Thomas. era
d. Provisions were given to plant export crops, while during Thomas' period he was given the
freedom to grow export crops
e. Daendels will punish to death, while Thomas will punish based on guilt

11. Pahami infografis berikut!

The struggle of the Indonesian people began when the West came to Indonesia. Based on the
information from the infographic, match the statement and answer columns!
The Kingdom of Ternate-Tidore was split into two due to two
1 A Tahun 1509
countries fighting over
The assassination of Sultan Hairun led to the emergence of new
2 B Tahun 1511
resistance from his successors against the Portuguese
The Portuguese population weakened, adding to the spirit of
3 C Tahun 1512
attack from the Ternate-Tidore people
The Sultan of Maluku carried out a siege strategy at Fort San
4 D Tahun 1522
Paulo by closing all access to food distribution.
Aceh became the only trading port after the enemy was
5 E Tahun 1565
controlled by the Portuguese
F Tahun 1575
G Tahun 1605
12. Read the following reading!
The Diponegoro War lasted from 1825 to 1830 in the former Mataram Kingdom. This war was
motivated by several reasons, mainly political and economic factors. The two warring camps in this
war were Prince Diponegoro against the Dutch colonial government. Diponegoro received support
from the people of Yogyakarta, while the Dutch received support from the kingdoms in Yogyakarta
and Surakarta. The main mission of the Diponegoro resistance was to expel the Dutch Colonial
from Java (especially the territory of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta), and restore the welfare of the
people through Islamic ballads. Historical sources say about 200,000 Javanese and 15,000 Dutch
soldiers died; A quarter of the cultivated land is damaged; and 20 million guilders which the Dutch
had to pay for war financing.
Source :

Why is the Java War said to be the biggest and most difficult war for the Dutch to extinguish?
13. Kebijakan Deandels dalam bidang peradilan dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu:
1. Peradilan untuk orang – orang Belanda dan Eropa
2. Peradilan untuk orang – orang Timur Asing
3. Peradilan untuk orang – orang Pribumi
Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, bagaimana perbandingan dengan peradilan di Indonesia pada masa
kini ?

14. Pahamilah kutipan teks berikut!

Sebagai negara yang memiliki sumber daya alam yang kaya, tanah Indonesia sejak dahulu
menjadi rebutan bangsa-bangsa di dunia. Menurut catatan sejarah, terdapat empat negara Eropa
yang pernah menjajah Bangsa Indonesia, yakni Portugis, Spanyol, Inggris, dan Belanda.
Kedatangan bangsa asing ini terkadang tidak dilandasi oleh semangat kerja sama. Melainkan
didorong oleh keinginan untuk menguasai yang pada akhirnya membuat rakyat sengsara. Tak ayal,
gelombang perlawanan terhadap para penjajah pun bermunculan. Secara umum, strategi perlawanan
Bangsa Indonesia terhadap penjajahan bangsa Eropa dibagi menjadi dua pembabakan, yakni
sebelum abad ke-20 dan setelahnya.
Sumber :

Berdasarkan kutipan teks tersebut, Bandingkan strategi perlawanan bangsa Indonesia terhadap
bangsa Barat sebelum abad ke-20 dan setelah abad ke-20!

15. Konstruk alasan van der capellen di tunjuk sebagai komisaris jenderal sekaligus alasan digantinya
dengan van den bosch!

16. Perhatikan gambar tokoh dibawah ini !

Konstruk kebijakan pemerintah Belanda dengan melibatkan tokoh-tokoh tersebut!

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