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Review Jurnal : Ekologi benih dan bibit pohon : Implikasi terhadap Konservasi dan

Restorasi Hutan Tropis

Nama Reviewer : Tsara Saraswati (20210710010)
Kelas : PCHUT/01-A

Author : Ekta Khurana1, JS Singh2

Afiliansi : Universitas Dehli1, Universitas Hindu Banaras2

1. Pendahuluan
Sifat benih dan germline sangat bervariasi di antara bioma hutan hujan dalam menanggapi
variasi dalam distribusi curah hujan dan curah hujan, cahaya, suhu tanah dan rezim nutrisi, dan
intensitas predasi dan gangguan. Variabel lingkungan dan sindrom penyebaran telah menyebabkan
pemilihan dan produksi ukuran benih yang berbeda, yang berimplikasi pada perkecambahan dan
pembentukan bibit dalam situasi yang berbeda, dan membentuk bank benih tanah yang tahan lama.
Hirarki pewarisan sering tercermin dalam persyaratan ekologis untuk perkecambahan dan kesehatan
bibit. Microarray lapangan mewakili beberapa variabel sinyal untuk perkecambahan dan
2. Hasil dan Pembahasan

52% dari total luas hutan dunia, dimana 42% adalah hutan kering, 33% adalah hutan lembab
dan 25% adalah hutan lembab dan hutan tropis. Dengan penurunan curah hujan, hutan hujan hijau
lembab berubah menjadi hutan gugur daun yang lembab, yang, dengan penurunan lebih lanjut dalam
curah hujan, memberi jalan kepada hutan gugur kering. Hutan kering bergesekan dengan hutan
lembab dalam kompleksitas ekologis yang terutama berasal dari variabilitas curah hujan musiman dan
antar-tahunan yang kuat, yang memungkinkan keragaman spesies yang sama. Pengetahuan tentang
perkecambahan dan pembentukan bibit sangat penting untuk memahami proses komunitas seperti
perekrutan dan suksesi tanaman dan untuk mengelola populasi tanaman.
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, semakin banyak hutan tropis yang dikonversi menjadi hutan
sekunder atau sabana yang lebih terbuka, atau telah dihancurkan sepenuhnya oleh kegiatan seperti
pertanian atau pertambangan. Deforestasi besar-besaran dan konversi habitat diakui sebagai faktor
terpenting dalam krisis keanekaragaman hayati saat ini. Selain itu, keberadaan pohon dapat
memfasilitasi pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup tanaman hutan dengan memperbaiki kondisi
iklim mikro lokal, memperbaiki sifat kimia dan fisik tanah, dan menekan rumput agresif yang dapat
mengalahkan bibit hutan.
Oleh karena itu, pengetahuan tentang perkecambahan benih dan pengembangan kecambah
sangat penting untuk keberhasilan upaya peningkatan, pengenalan, dan populasi pohon kembali. Ada
pertimbangan pada aspek perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan bibit hutan hujan, yang kami rasa sangat
relevan dengan biologi konservasi dan restorasi.

Viabilitas benih, perkecambahan dan dormansi

Benih pada dasarnya adalah pohon mini karena bertanggung jawab atas regenerasinya dan
pada akhirnya keberhasilan reproduksinya. Zigot berkembang menjadi embrio, inti endosperm primer
menghasilkan endosperma, dan thallus membentuk lapisan germinal pelindung, yang merupakan
pertahanan utama benih terhadap kondisi lingkungan yang merugikan. Legum dengan biji berdaging
dari hutan hujan Amerika Tengah dan Asia Tenggara juga harus berkecambah dalam beberapa minggu
atau mati.

Dormansi benih adalah keadaan perkecambahan yang tertunda dan dapat dibagi menjadi tipe
induksi, bawaan dan paksa. Dalam bioma hutan tropis, proporsi spesies yang menghasilkan biji
dorman menurun dengan menurunnya prediktabilitas dan jumlah curah hujan dan meningkatnya
panjang musim kemarau. Dormansi kulit biji mencegah perkecambahan selama hujan terisolasi yang
terputus-putus yang mungkin terjadi di tengah musim kemarau yang panjang.

Variabel lingkungan dan sindrom penyebaran mengarah pada pemilihan dan produksi benih
dengan ukuran berbeda, yang berimplikasi pada perkecambahan dan pembentukan bibit di bawah
kondisi yang berbeda, dan pembentukan bank benih tanah yang persisten. Berikut variabel lingkungan
yang terbagi menjadi variabel biotik dan variabel abiotik :

1) Variabel biotik
• Ukuran benih :
Ukuran benih ditentukan secara genetik dan menunjukkan variasi intergenerik dan
interspesifik yang luas. Berbagai lingkungan Faktor lingkungan yang berbeda di antara
habitat seperti suhu, kelembaban, cahaya, karakteristik tanah, sindrom penyebaran,
waktu perkecambahan, kepadatan tanaman pesaing, herbivora dan jamur mempengaruhi
produksi dan seleksi untuk ukuran benih yang berbeda. Di daerah tropis, biji besar
diasosiasikan dengan spesies yang lebih tinggi, situs yang kekurangan nutrisi dan banyak
serangga dan hama. Benih dari beberapa pohon hutan hujan peminta ringan seperti
beberapa spesies Terminalia, Pterocarpus dan Gosweilero dendron ringan dan tersebar
oleh arus udara.
• Predator dan parasit : Predasi intensif oleh serangga mengurangi produksi benih kelapa
sawit Euterpe globosa lebih dari 70% dalam satu bulan pematangan, dan hanya 1% dari
populasi benih asli yang akhirnya menghasilkan bibit. Kerusakan kutu daun pada benih
Virola surinamensis dan bibit yang berkecambah dan kerusakan kumbang bruchid pada
buah kelapa sawit menurun dengan jarak dari pohon dewasa. Selain itu, benih Miconia
affinis, spesies hutan hujan neotropis, mulai berkecambah lebih cepat daripada benih
kontrol ketika ditinggalkan oleh burung.
Sebagian besar pohon hutan hujan memiliki biji atau buah yang menarik bagi mamalia dan
burung. Seekor hewan pengerat kecil, Heteromys desmarestianus, bertanggung jawab
untuk menghilangkan sebagian besar benih buah astrocarium maxicanum dan ampelcera
hottle di hutan neotropis Belize. Benih ini ditebar dan dilindungi dari perburuan hewan
lain. Predasi pada buah atau biji hijau dapat menyebabkan hilangnya buah yang rusak.
• Mikoriza : Asosiasi mikoriza meningkatkan akses bibit ke nutrisi dan air dan memberikan
perlindungan terhadap patogen akar. Ini secara signifikan mempengaruhi kelangsungan
hidup dan pertumbuhan bibit. Inokulasi dengan Scutellospora gilmorei meningkatkan
tinggi tanaman Euterpe oleracease sebesar 92%, diameter batang sebesar 116% dan
produksi bahan kering sebesar 361% dibandingkan dengan benih yang tidak diinokulasi.
Bibit Casuarina equisetifolia yang diinokulasi Glomus mosseae menunjukkan peningkatan
pertumbuhan, nodulasi dan fiksasi nitrogen dibandingkan dengan bibit yang tidak
diinokulasi. Gigaspora Margarita, A. leucorrhoea dengan Glomus fasciculatum dan Derris
indica dengan G. mossae Inokulasi endomycorrhizae dari Dicorynia guianensis, pohon dari
hutan hujan Guyana Prancis, meningkatkan bobot kering bibit sebesar 54–77%. Spesies
lain yang menunjukkan peningkatan pertumbuhan tanaman setelah inokulasi jamur
adalah: Enterolobium cyclocarpus, Gmelina arborea, Acacia crassicarpa, Sesbania
grandiflora, Albasia lebbeck dan Bambusa arudinacea. Fiksator N yang diinokulasi
mikoriza, seperti Anthyllis cistisoides dan C. equisetifolia telah berhasil diterapkan dalam
program restorasi.
• Asal : Populasi suatu spesies dari lokasi geografis yang berbeda sering menunjukkan
respons yang berbeda terhadap efek genotipe. Sebuah studi dari 20 asal D. sissoo yang
dikumpulkan dari berbagai bagian India, menunjukkan hubungan terbalik antara berat biji
dan curah hujan, tetapi hubungan positif antara perkecambahan biji dan curah hujan, dan
antara parameter perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan bibit. Spesies lain yang
menunjukkan variasi seperti itu adalah A. nilotica. Dalam studi rumah kaca, Sundkk
melaporkan perbedaan dalam tingkat pertumbuhan dan munculnya bintil kecambah
antara asal, misalnya A. mangium (13 sumber). Perbedaan komposisi kimia di bagian
pohon antara lokasi geografis telah dilaporkan untuk Acacia nilotica, Acacia sp, Prosopis
cineraria dan A. lebbeck .
2) Variabel abiotik
• Cahaya : Kemunculan dan pertumbuhan bibit sebagai respons terhadap perubahan
kualitas dan intensitas cahaya telah mendapat perhatian yang cukup besar.
Fotoblastisme positif dikaitkan dengan pelestarian dormansi benih yang terkubur
dan/atau benih yang tidak terkubur di bawah kanopi hijau dan lapisan serasah. Spesies
yang toleran naungan menunjukkan luas daun spesifik yang tinggi, rasio luas daun yang
tinggi dan panjang akar spesifik yang rendah dibandingkan dengan spesies yang toleran
naungan. Beberapa spesies dikurung sebagai bibit di celah-celah, sementara yang lain
bertahan hidup tetapi tidak tumbuh dengan baik di tempat teduh. menunjukkan
ketergantungan cahaya yang lebih besar dan memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan yang relatif
cepat di bawah intensitas cahaya yang tinggi.
• Suhu : Suhu optimal untuk perkecambahan dapat bervariasi dari spesies ke spesies.
Karena perbedaan besar dalam kapasitas panas dan konduksi panas antara tanah dan
udara, fluktuasi suhu maksimum terjadi di permukaan dalam ruang yang jauh dari efek
isolasi vegetasi. Heliocarpus donnell-smithii, spesies perintis hutan hujan Meksiko,
membutuhkan variasi suhu harian lebih dari 10°C untuk perkecambahan penuh.
Peningkatan suhu memicu perkecambahan dengan mengubah kinetika enzimatik
internal dan dengan demikian biokimia sel benih, atau dengan melarutkan substrat dalam
sklerenkim kulit benih atau pada mikropil, memungkinkan benih menyerap air.
• Kelembaban tanah : Kekurangan air diketahui menghambat alokasi massa kering ke daun
dan dengan demikian luas daun dan pertumbuhan daun pada bibit di beberapa hutan
tropis dan kering. Pertumbuhan daun yang berkurang mencegah kehilangan air.
Peningkatan tekanan air dapat menyebabkan peningkatan ketebalan daun, yang
meningkatkan rasio area mesofil yang tersedia terhadap serapan CO2 per satuan luas
daun, dan dengan demikian efisiensi penggunaan air, air untuk laju transpirasi tertentu.
• Kebakaran : Kebakaran berkala diketahui mempengaruhi viabilitas benih, waktu
berkecambah dan kelangsungan hidup bibit yang sudah mapan. Kejutan panas dapat
menginduksi produksi bahan kimia yang menyebabkan perubahan pada kulit biji atau
lapisan luar lainnya untuk mengatasi hambatan kedap air atau yang bertindak sebagai
sinyal internal untuk memediasi perkecambahan dengan menginduksi enzim atau zat
pengatur tumbuh. Beberapa spesies menyimpan benih di tajuk tanaman dalam buah-
buahan serotonin berkayu yang menunda pelepasan benih hingga setelah kebakaran.
• Gangguan : Ada semakin banyak bukti bahwa perilaku populasi bibit pohon, yaitu
perekrutan, pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup di hutan, dipengaruhi oleh
gangguan eksogen dan endogen. Sebuah studi terhadap 1.200 retakan selama
periode 13 tahun di hutan tropis di Panama menunjukkan bahwa retakan
meningkatkan pembentukan bibit dan kerapatan pancang dengan cara spektrum
luas yang tidak spesifik. Produksi benih yang lebih tinggi dan bobot benih pada
tegakan yang sangat terganggu dapat dikaitkan dengan peningkatan ketersediaan
sumber daya.
• CO2 sekitar : Penggandaan konsentrasi CO2 meningkatkan berat kering dan luas daun
total semai 15 spesies tropis. Sedangkan kenaikan CO2 jangka pendek2 merangsang
pertumbuhan bibit, paparan jangka panjang dapat mengakibatkan sedikit atau tidak
ada peningkatan pertumbuhan bibit.

Hirarki suksesi, situs mikro, dan banyak isyarat

Sebuah meta-analisis studi perkecambahan spesies hutan hujan, Puerto Rico mengungkapkan
hubungan antara status warisan dan persyaratan untuk perkecambahan benih. Suksesi awal
berkecambah pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi dalam cahaya tinggi, suksesi menengah dalam intensitas
sedang dan suksesi akhir dalam cahaya rendah. Keberhasilan awal juga membutuhkan kelembaban
tanah sedang hingga tinggi, sedangkan keberhasilan akhir berkecambah dengan baik dalam kondisi
kelembaban tanah sedang. Selanjutnya, suksesi akhir menunjukkan plastisitas yang lebih tinggi dalam
respons perkecambahannya daripada suksesi awal.

Implikasi untuk India

India memiliki hampir seluruh jajaran hutan tropis, dari gugur kering hingga hijau basah, tetapi
yang mengejutkan, hanya sedikit informasi berbasis lapangan yang tersedia tentang persyaratan
ekologis pada tahap pembibitan dan pembibitan karena dengan sebagian besar spesies secara individu
atau dalam kelompok, dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam rencana untuk konservasi keanekaragaman
hayati, perbaikan dan restorasi. Kerja lapangan diperlukan untuk menentukan respons benih dan bibit
terhadap kebakaran berkala serta tekanan kelembaban dan suhu untuk mengembangkan rencana
seleksi tingkat spesies/komunitas di kawasan hutan yang terkena kekeringan dan kebakaran.

Karakterisasi galur, identifikasi kombinasi mikroba yang sesuai, dan pengembangan teknik
inokulasi yang tepat untuk digunakan di lapangan dikenal sebagai upaya pemulihan berbasis rhizobia,
Frankia, dan mikoriza.
3. Kesimpulan
52% dari total luas hutan dunia, dimana 42% adalah hutan kering, 33% adalah hutan lembab
dan 25% adalah hutan lembab dan hutan tropis. Dengan penurunan curah hujan, hutan hujan hijau
lembab berubah menjadi hutan gugur daun yang lembab, yang, dengan penurunan lebih lanjut dalam
curah hujan, memberi jalan kepada hutan gugur kering. Hutan kering bergesekan dengan hutan
lembab dalam kompleksitas ekologis yang terutama berasal dari variabilitas curah hujan musiman dan
antar-tahunan yang kuat, yang memungkinkan keragaman spesies yang sama. Sifat benih dan
germline sangat bervariasi di antara bioma hutan hujan dalam menanggapi variasi biotik dalam
distribusi curah hujan, cahaya, suhu, kelembaban tanah dan rezim nutrisi, dan intensitas predasi dan
4. Kritik dan Saran
Pemaparan mengenai benih dan pembenihan ini cukup lengkap, namun yang saya sayangkan
adalah tidak adanya penelitian yang dilakukan dalam Jurnal ini. Karena yang saya lihat tidak ada lokasi
ataupun waktu pelaksanaan dari penelitian itu sendiri. Sehingga membuat saya bingung, kejelasan
data dan lainnya. Adapun data yang di paparkan juga dapat diakses dari jurnal lain yang lebih jelas
dan lebih bisa dikaitkan dengan suatu penelitian.
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:

Ecology of tree seed and seedlings: Implications for

tropical forest conservation and restoration

Article in Current science · March 2001


80 430

2 authors:

Ekta Khurana J S Singh

University of Delhi
Banaras Hindu University



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Ecology of tree seed and seedlings: Implications for

tropical forest conservation and restoration

Ekta Khurana and J. S. Singh*

Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India

sal function3. The cyclical perturbation due to the pro-

Seed and seedling traits vary strongly across the tropical traits for achieving mainly the reproductive and disper-
forest biome to cope with the variations in the
distribution and amount of rainfall, light, tem- perature
and soil nutrient regimes, and the intensity of predation
and disturbance. Proportion of species producing
dormant seeds increases along a gradient of dryness and
unpredictability of rainfall. Seed longevity is generally
higher for dry tropical than for wet tropical species.
Environmental variables and the dispersal syndrome
have led to the selection for and production of different
seed sizes, with implica- tions for germination and
seedling establishment in different situations, and for
the build up of persis- tent soil seed bank. Seeds have
evolved mechanisms to recognize environmental cues
which enable them to confine their germination in
particular periods and locations to allow for a greater
probability of seedling establishment and survival.
While for a majority of wet tropical species gap
dependency and shade tolerance are important,
seedlings of many dry tropical species show shade
dependence. Succes- sional hierarchy is frequently
reflected in ecological requirements for germination
and seedling fitness. Field microsites represent
multiple-variable cues for germination and
establishment. Knowledge on the ecology of
germination and seedling growth is vital, not only for
understanding the community processes of plant
recruitment and succession, but also for developing
strategies for the conservation of biodi- versity and
restoration of tropical forests.

TROPICAL forest, a storehouse of biodiversity, accounts for

52% of the total forest area of the world, of which 42% is
dry forest, 33% is moist forest and 25% is wet and
rainforest1. With a decrease in rainfall, the wet evergreen
rainforest changes into moist deciduous, which with
further decrease in rainfall gives way to dry deciduous
forest 2. Dry forest is next to rainforest in ecological
complexity which arises mainly due to strong seasonal and
inter-annual variability in rainfall, permit- ting the
occurrence of equally variable suites of species. In the
rainforest, the constantly high temperatures and
predominantly moist environment have selected seed
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2001 748
nounced seasonality in the tropical dry forest allows Manipulation of the initial composition of species must be
seasonal germination and establishment with different undertaken for obtaining the desired direction of
consequences for size–age population distribution and REVIEW
successional processes8. Inclusion ARTICLES
of native remnant trees
community structure 4. Native species of the forests are within restoration areas may enhance local deposi- tion of
able to sense several environmental conditions simulta- wind-dispersed tree seeds and serve as move- ment
neously and confine their germination and emergence to corridors for seed-dispersing birds9–11. Also, the presence
particular periods of the year and habitat locations for of trees may facilitate the growth and survival of forest
successful establishment and survival5. Knowledge on plants by ameliorating local microclimatic conditions 9,12,
germination and seedling establishment is of pivotal improving soil chemical and physical properties 12–14 and
importance for understanding such community proc- suppressing aggressive grasses that could compete with
esses as plant recruitment and succession and for the forest seedlings13,15. The knowledge on seed germination
management of plant populations. and seedling growth is therefore, necessary for the success
In recent years, increasing proportions of tropical for- of efforts on aug- mentation, introduction and re-
est have been modified into more open secondary forest introduction of tree populations.
or savanna, or have been completely destroyed through Although information on the ecological requirements at
such activities as agriculture or mining. This extensive the seed and seedling stages is vital both for conser- vation
deforestation and habitat conversion is recognized as and rehabilitation, the same is seldom articulated in
the biggest factor in the present biological diversity silvicultural and forest management plans 16. We review
crisis6. Models of habitat loss suggest that this process here those aspects of germination and seedling growth of
may produce an extinction debt, a pool of species likely tropical forest trees, which we feel are
to go extinct, unless the habitat is repaired or restored 7.
extremely relevant to biological conservation and resto-
*For correspondence. (e-mail: ration. The review follows the scheme outlined in

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2001 749

Seed viability is the ability of the seed to remain ger-
minable. Seeds are classified into two categories on the
basis of their viability – orthodox and recalcitrant 22.
Orthodox seeds are usually dormant and can retain their
viability for longer periods even under fully hydrated
oxygenic condition, while recalcitrant seeds exhibit little
or no dormancy and cannot be dried below a criti- cal
moisture content. Compared to dry forest, rainforest seeds
generally exhibit reduced longevity (i.e. short viability)
and rapid germination23,24. Most of the Malay- sian
dipterocarp species exhibit reduction in germina- tion rate
as early as one week after release 25. Fleshy seeded legumes
of Central American and south-east Asian rainforests also
must germinate within several weeks or die26.
Seed dormancy is a condition of delayed germination
and can be categorized into induced, innate and en- forced
types27. Seed dormancy is particularly associated with
environments characterized by variable rainfall trends and
with extended dry periods within the annual cycle. Within
the tropical forest biome, the proportion of species
producing non-dormant seeds declines with a decrease in
the predictability and total amount of rain- fall and an
increase in the length of the dry season. Thus while as
many as 63% of the tropical rainforest species produce
Figure 1. Fertilized ovule-to-seedling continuum. The top dotted- box non-dormant seeds, only 24% of the dry tropi- cal tree
represents the process of histodifferentiation of fertilized ovule into species produce seeds which are not dormant (calculated
quiescent seed. The seed may show primary dormancy due to hard from ref. 28).
seed coat, immature embryo or presence of inhibitors or develop
secondary dormancy when exposed to conditions not favourable for
Physical dormancy is more prevalent in dry tropical
germination. The bottom dotted-box represents the process of seeding compared to wet tropical species (51% vs 5%, calcu- lated
formation and growth from quiescent seed, and the abiotic and biotic from ref. 28). Seeds may have evolved thick seed coat as
variables which influence the process. defensive structures for preventing penetration of insect
ovipositors, and the phenolic compounds in the seed coat
contribute to the inhibition of microorgan- isms19,20. Seed-
coat dormancy prevents germination during inconsistent
isolated showers which may occur in the middle of a long
dry season29. Individual seeds may become permeable to
Figure 1 which shows the major processes and the major
water at different times, resulting into staggered seedling
intrinsic and extrinsic variables to which the seeds and
recruitment which provides an insurance against spells of
seedlings are exposed. Some of the earlier reviews on
unfavourable conditions. The soil seed bank thus may
topics of interest are those of Foster17, Grubb18 and
produce seed- lings continuously for several years due to
Janzen 19.
different periods of dormancy30. Acid, hot water or
mechanical scarification are common treatments
Seed viability, germination and dormancy employed to over- come the seed coat dormancy. Certain
animals and microorganisms are also known to break seed
dor- mancy30. Seeds of Acacia senegal and Ceratonia
In essence, seed is a miniature tree because it is respon- siliqua germinated readily when passed through digestive
sible for its regeneration and ultimately for its reproduc- tracts of goat31. In Gmelina arborea and Acacia nilotica,
tive success. Following fertilization, growth sets in partial rumination of seeds by sheep and goats enhanced
various parts of the ovule resulting into a seed; the zygote germination32. This is due to the action of strong diges- tive
develops into the embryo, the primary en- dosperm chemicals present in the gut. Termites are also known to
nucleus gives rise to endosperm and the in- teguments break dormancy of Tectona grandis fruits33. Certain
form the protective seed coat, which is the seed’s primary rainforest species such as Cecropia obtusifolia showed
defence against adverse environmental conditions20. The enhanced germination when passed through bat
quiescent seeds readily germinate under favourable intestines34.
conditions, while others may possess primary dormancy or
develop secondary dormancy that may require treatments
to shift the seed again from the dormant to the quiescent
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2001 750
Abiotic variables leaves42. While working on three shade-tolerant tropical
moist forest tree species of Panama, viz. Gustavia
Light superba, Virola surinamensis and Aspidospermum
cruenta, Molofsky and Fisher43 reported that gap-grown
Seedling emergence and growth in response to changes in seedlings grew taller and produced more leaf area than
quality and intensity of light have received consider- able did their understory counterparts. In contrast, according
attention. Light stimulates germination in several forest to Kobe44, the mortality of certain rain forest tree seed-
tree species35 and inhibits in a few36. Seeds that require lings such as Trophis racemosa, Castilla elastica,
light for germination are called photodormant or positive
Pourouma aspera and C. obtusifolia decreased with
photoblastic seeds. Positive photoblastism is associated
increase in light intensity (to 20% full sun). On increas- ing
with the preservation of dormancy of buried seeds and/or
light intensity from 2 to 20% of full sunlight, Mico- nia
that of unburied seeds lying beneath green canopies and
litter layer. Photoblasticity is due to the presence of offinis and Miconia multispicata belonging to neotropical
phytochrome which is differentially sensi- tive to red (R) rain forest, exhibited higher biomass and leaf area 45.
and far red (FR) light37. Sunlight passing through a leaf All examined neotropical species benefited from seed
canopy has a low R : FR ratio. Some species require dispersal to light gaps46. Some species were restricted as
extremely low photon flux density and thus very low R : seedlings to gaps, while others persisted, but did not grow
FR ratio for germination. For example, seeds of C. appreciably in the shaded understorey. Species like
obtusifolia, a rain forest species, buried in soil at a depth Aspidosperma cruenta and Bombacopsis sessilis survived
of 4 mm, could be stimulated to germi- nate by exposure to equally well in shade and sun with limited growth in shade,
light of only 0.026  mol m–2 s–1 (ref. 38). Other species while species such as Ochroma pyra- midale were shade-
require a low R : FR ratio and germinate beneath forest intolerant. Increase in survival and growth in light is
canopies, but not in darkness imposed by burial37 and in reported for various dipterocarp seed- lings47. Shorea
still others, a complete inhi- bition of germination takes robusta, a nearly-evergreen species showed more active
place beneath canopies because of conversion of seedling recruitment in old-growth, uneven-aged forest
phytochrome to inactive form39. Differences in with canopy gaps than in even-aged, young stand having
germinability and seed longevity occurred among an almost closed canopy 48. Some tropical dry deciduous
neotropical wet forest species under differential light species of Mexico associated with disturbed habitats or
regime16. Under closed canopy, seeds of Simarouba gaps such as Heliocarpus pallidus, Apoplanesia
amara, Cordia alliodora and Vochysia ferruginea paniculata, etc. showed greater light dependency and had
exhibited least longevity and moderate to high rapid relative growth rate under high light intensity.
germinability, whereas seeds of Laetia procera and Species associated with undisturbed habitats (dense
Rollinia microsepala showed moderate longevity, but shade), such as Amphi- pterygium adstringens and
zero to minimal germinability, and the seeds of Caesalpinia eriostachys, showed a smaller increase in
Styphnodendron microstachyum showed highest longev- relative growth rate with an increase in light4. Seedlings
ity but moderate germinability. Thus species that can of rainforest and those of dry tropical forest, therefore
germinate at high levels in shade can be managed at the appear to exhibit gener- ally a similar physiological
seedling stage by opening up the canopy a few months response to light4. However, while gap dependency for
after germination, while those which show little or no regeneration is common in tropical wet forest, shade
germination under closed canopy need canopy removal demand or shade dependence of seedlings may be more
simply to germinate in adequate numbers16. Inhibition of important than shade toler- ance for several species in the
germination under vegetation cover is a mechanism used dry tropical environ- ment49. Seedlings of certain
by species with persistent soil seed banks to detect the Caribbean dry forest elements survived only in shaded
formation of a gap39. plots, whereas those of others showed a greater survival
Seedlings of species restricted to and growing rapidly in in shade compared to open condition. Here, shade
open and high light areas are called shade-intolerant, while demand integrates both drought tolerance and light
those restricted to close understories are called shade- requirement, allowing seed- lings to avoid very high light
tolerant40. Shade-intolerant species show high specific leaf intensity and very low moisture.
area (SLA), high leaf area ratio (LAR) and low specific
root length (SRL) than shade-tolerant spe- cies41. Shade
intolerance is associated with early rather than late Temperature
successional species, short rather than long life-span and
fast rather than slow growth under low light condition. Optimal temperature for germination may vary from
High SLA and LAR enhance relative growth rate because species to species. For example, the native tree species of
they confer the ability of high light interception and Western Australia germinate best in a temperature
carbon gain per unit mass invested in

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2001 750

range of 15–23 C (ref. 36), Populus ciliata seeds ger- The response of tropical rainforest tree seedlings to P
minate maximally at 20oC (ref. 50) and Acacia albida at application could vary among pioneer and climax spe-
25–30oC (ref. 51). Due to great disparity in heat capac- ity cies. For example, increase in dry weight as well as relative
and heat conduction between soil and air, maximum growth rate was higher in the pioneer Tapirira obtusa
fluctuation in temperature occurs at the surface in gaps compared to the climax species, Lecythis corru- gata58.
away from the insulating effect of vegetation cover. Significant enhancement in stem volume and overall
Several tropical species require alternating or high biomass for Eucalyptus camaldulensis planted on oxisol
temperatures to break dormancy and a high amplitude of occurred when phosphorus was applied in the form of rock
alternating temperatures may indeed signal the formation phosphate (in furrows) and single super phosphate (in
of a gap to the seeds52. A pioneer rain forest species from planting hole)59. About 60–70% of the world’s tropical
Mexico, Heliocarpus donnell-smithii requires more than rainforest occurs on low fertility oxisols where seedlings
10oC of daily temperature alterna- tion for full may intensely compete with adult trees for light as well as
germination 53. An increase in temperature triggers nutrients. Reducing below-ground competition by
germination by changing the internal enzymatic kinetics trenching increased the height of Aspidosperma
and thus the biochemistry of seed cells or by melting the carapanauba (shade tolerater) and Dinizia excelsa (light
suberized layer in seed coat sclerenchyma or at demander) by 330% and 520% and leaf production by
micropyle, allowing the seed to take up water53. Seeds of 170% and 260%, respec- tively60. Trenching also
certain species require a brief period of chill- ing and increased foliar N and P amounts in these central
subsequent higher temperature for accelerated Amazonian species.
germination and seedling growth54.
Soil moisture
Periodic fire is known to influence the survival of seed, the
Adequate amount of water has to be available for imbi- timing of germination event and the survival of established
bition and subsequent germination, as well as for seed- ling seedlings36. Seeds which are released from dormancy by
establishment. In areas with a long dry season, seedling heat shock or chemicals leached from charred wood as a
desiccation may be a major obstacle to recruitment49. An result of wild fire are called refrac- tory seeds or fire
irrigation experiment in a seasonally dry forest in Panama recruiters, and species that are resil- ient to frequent fire
showed that the availability of soil water during the dry but require fire-free periods for recruitment, possess non-
season may limit the survival and growth of seedlings of refractory or fire-resister seed syndrome. Species in which
Virola surinamensis 55. seedling recruitment does not occur after fire, but
Tree seedlings show several acclimatory responses to establishment and potential population expansion occur
water stress. Shortage of water is known to inhibit dry only under fire-free condi- tion are called fire persister or
mass allocation to leaves and hence leaf area and leaf obligate resprouter 61. A rainforest gap tree, Ochroma
growth in seedlings of several rainforest as well as dry lagopus, showed enhanced germination when exposed to
forest trees. The reduced leaf growth prevents water loss. superficial fire 62. Tectona grandis is known to exhibit
Increasing water stress may lead to an increase in leaf stimulated regeneration in burnt than in fire protected
thickness which in turn increases the ratio of meso- phyll areas, as fire stimulates seed germination and facilitates
area available for CO2 uptake per unit leaf area, and hence establishment63.
the water use efficiency for a given transpira- tion rate. The hard seeded fire-responding taxa generally have
Increase in root to shoot dry mass ratio, decrease in stem thick testa which is scarified by the heat from fire. Brief
weight ratio and increase in net assimi- lation rate in heat shock induces imbibition by loosening cells in
response to water stress has been observed for seedlings of localized regions such as hilum chalazal cap, or
Albizia procera 56. Mulching is an important part of strophiolar plug or possibly by denaturing inhibitors5. Heat
rehabilitative action for reducing moisture loss in denuded shock might induce production of chemicals that cause
and completely disrupted ecosystems such as mine changes in the seed coat or other external layers to
spoils57. overcome water impermeability barriers or that act as
internal signals and mediate germination by induction of
Soil nutrients enzymes or growth regulators64. However, most of the
rainforest seeds, especially those in the top few
Growth of tropical tree seedlings is frequently limited by centimetres of soil were killed due to fire28. Repeated
the availability of soil nutrients. N and P are of paramount burning late in dry season kills most of the seedlings and
importance. Increase in the growth of seed- lings due to N saplings in dry African woodland 65. Some species store
application has been reported for several tree species, seeds in the plant canopy in woody serotinous fruits, which
however, exogenous N application beyond a certain dose delays the release of seeds until after a fire66. Other species
may be inhibitive30. produce and release seeds every

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2001 751

year to build up a soil seed bank in the intervals between ronmental factors that differ among habitats such as
fires67. In still others the fire induces flowering and temperature, humidity, light, soil characteristics, disper- sal
consequently augments the seed output36. There are syndromes, germination time, densities of competing plants,
species which show higher percentage germination when herbivore and fungi affect the production of and selection for
exposed to smoke68. different seed sizes. In the tropics, large seeds are associated
with taller species79, nutrient- impoverished sites80 and an
Disturbance abundance of insects and pests81. Haig and Westoby82
suggested that resource limitation did not increase the
There is increasing evidence that tree seedling popula- tion production of large seed size and that plants alter their seed
behaviour, i.e. recruitment, growth and survival in forests number rather than seed mass. Among fruits within a plant,
is influenced both by exogenous and endogenous trade-offs between seed number and mass indicate the
disturbances 18,69. Creation of microsites by uprooting of inability of the plant to provision all seeds equally well under
old trees significantly stimulates the recruitment of resource-limited conditions83. Studies of trees in south- east
seedlings 70. Disturbances which create gaps are known to Asia84 and Australia85 indicated that large seed size was
play a major role in maintaining tree diversity in species- associated with shade tolerance at the intergeneric level.
rich tropical forests. A study of 1200 gaps over a 13-year Large and heavy seeds contain a larger store of car-
period in a tropical forest in Panama, indi- cated that gaps bohydrates in the endosperm or cotyledons reflecting the
increased seedling establishment and sapling densities in a availability of a larger source of energy to stimulate
non-specific, broad-spectrum manner71. Recruitment germination, seedling survival and growth, particularly in
limitation in such a situation explains the coexistence of a nutrient-impoverished and water-stressed soil, as the
large number of species that have similar resource young seedlings from large-seeded species rely to a greater
requirements and could lead to unlimited diversity. extent on nutrient support from the cotyledons than from
Higher seed production and seed weight in highly the soil (see ref. 30 for review). The response of seedlings
disturbed stands 72 could be attributed to enhanced from different seed sizes to water stress may vary. For
resource availability 73. Free-range grazing in dry tropical example, in Albizia procera, seedlings from large seeds
forest regions is disastrous to seedling recruitment of most had a higher biomass and leaf area and were more tolerant
species and it could potentially shift the composition of of long-term extreme water stress, while those from small
soil seed bank in favour of weedy grasses and forbs. seeds were more tolerant of moderate levels of water
stress56. Large seed might provide energy for growth into
Ambient CO2 higher light intensity strata and seedlings from large seeds
may be able to cope better with temporary carbon deficits
Increase in atmospheric concentration of CO2 would have during early development which may arise from
significant impacts on various physiological and morpho- herbivory, preda- tion, pathogenesis or from reduced
logical traits of tree seedlings such as photosynthesis, water photosynthesis due to temporary drought or shading17. A
use efficiency, biomass, leaf area and allocation study of 31 moist deciduous broad-leaved trees led to the
strategies74,75. Doubling of CO2 concentration increased dry conclusion that large seeded species completed their shoot
weight (1.3 to 4 times) and total leaf area (1.2 to 3 times) in elongation and annual leaf production in a short period,
seedlings among 15 tropical species76,77. irrespec- tive of shading, whereas small seeded species
Short-term and long-term exposure to elevated CO2 attained maximum height (similar to those of large seeded
may, however, influence seedling growth in different spe- cies) only under open condition and had longer
ways. While short-term elevated CO2 stimulates seed- ling duration of leaf emergence, higher resource allocation to
growth, long-term exposures may result in a small or no leaf production and rapid leaf turnover86.
increase in seedling growth, because of the proc- esses For certain rainforest species of Panama, there existed a
shown in Figure 2 (stipulated from refs 74 and 75). negative correlation between seed size and abundance of
Growth under elevated CO2 increased phenolics and seeds in the soil seed bank 87. Small seeds have a better
tannins as well as toughness of the tissues in Euca- lyptus chance to enter into the soil easily than large seeds and
species and the beetle, Chrysophthartus flaveola, which therefore, would favour the build up of per- sistent soil
fed on this material did poorly78. seed bank, crucial for regeneration of species following
disturbance30. On the other hand, greater seed reserve may
Biotic variables enhance the abilities of larger seeds to persist by providing
for metabolic requirements during quiescence period, until
Seed size suitable light or mois- ture conditions arise. While
examining the effects of
Seed size is genetically determined and exhibits a wide
intergeneric and interspecific variation. Various envi-

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2001 752


Figure 2. Major processes involved with the influence of short- and long-term exposures of seed- lings
to elevated CO 2. Short-term exposure to elevated CO2 results in large increases in seedling growth due
to increased leaf area (LA) and light use efficiency (LUE) and increased activity of Rubisco, which
culminate into increased photosynthesis. At the same time a decrease in stomatal aper- ture and
conductance results in increased water use efficiency (WUE). Long-term exposure, on the other hand,
results into decreased photosynthesis through decreased activity of the Rubisco and grana disruption in
the chloroplasts, culminating into small or no increase in seedling growth. In addition, increased total
nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC) content of the leaf and reduced N concentration re- sult in increased

seed mass on performance of seven sympatric rainforest tial concentration of mineral nutrients in embryo and seed
woody species of Psychotoria, Paz et al.88 suggested that coat, irrespective of seed size could influence seedling
seed mass did not have a general effect on emer- gence establishment and growth30.
success and the effects of seed mass on seedling
emergence were driven by external ecological factors
more than by intrinsic effects of seed mass. Predators and parasites
Seeds of several light demander rainforest trees such as
some species of Terminalia, Pterocarpus and Intense predation by beetles reduces seed production of the
Gosweilerodendron are light and are dispersed by air palm Euterpe globosa by more than 70% within one month
current89. In wind, water and animal-dispersed species, the of ripening, and only 1% of the original seed population
dispersal efficiency decreases with seed mass and there ultimately produces seedlings 91. Weevil damage in
occurs a trade-off between seedling establishment and germinating seeds and seedlings of Virola surinamensis 92
seed dispersal efficiency 90. Variability in seed mor- and bruchid beetle damage in palm fruits93 decreases with
phological and physiological traits within the same species distance from mature trees. While studying post dispersal
of rainforest has been defined as intraspecific cryptic fate of seeds from a neotropical montane tree, Ocotea
heteromorphism that arises probably due to environmental endresiana, Wenny 94 suggested that the germination
variability within and among trees during seed occurred only in seeds regurgitated by birds, while seeds
development and genetic conditioning 3. Differen- in intact fruits did not
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2001 753
germinate at all. On the other hand, seeds removed by and Bambusa arudinacea 107. Mycorrhizae-inoculated N-
mammals showed complete inhibition of germination. Also, fixers, such as Anthyllis cistisoides 108 and C. equiseti-
seeds of Miconia affinis, a neotropical rainforest species, folia 109 have been successfully applied in restoration
began germinating sooner than control seeds when dropped programmes.
by birds45.
A large proportion of rainforest trees has seeds or fruits
attractive to mammals and birds89. According to one Provenance
estimate, 87–90% of the woody species in the high forest
of Guianas are animal-dispersed 95. Capability of seed Populations of a species from different geographical
dispersal and predation bestows upon mammals powerful locations (provenances) frequently show differential
roles in regeneration of tropical forests96. Heteromys response due to genotype effect30. Seed traits (e.g. size and
desmarestianus, a small rodent, was respon- sible for weight) of several tropical tree species such as Acacia
removal of most of the seeds of Astrocaryum maxicanum spp110, Albizia lebbeck 111 and Leucaena leuco- cephala 112
and Ampelocera hottlei fruits in neotropical forests of varied among provenances. Significant varia- tion in
Belize. These seeds were scatter-hoarded and protected germination traits among seed sources has also been
from predation by other animals. Predation on green fruits reported for Dalbergia sissoo 113 and A. nilotica 114.
or seeds may result in abortion of damaged fruits. A greater Provenances also show significant differences in post
growth of remaining fruits compensates for this fruit germination traits and growth performance of seed-
loss97. lings30. A study of 20 provenances of D. sissoo col- lected
Plant pathogens are an important cause of mortality for from different parts of India, indicated an inverse
tropical seedlings, and their effect is aggravated in moist, relationship between seed weight and rainfall, but a
heavily-shaded habitats98. Plant pathogens may thus positive relationship between seed germination and
represent an important source of selection against long rainfall, and between germination parameters and seed-
periods of dormancy or quiscence in wet tropical seeds17. ling growth parameters 115. Other species showing such
are A. nilotica (32 provenances from 5 coun-
tries) , Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia auriculi-
Enterolobium cyclocarpus, Gmelina arborea, Acacia
Mycorrhiza crassicarpa 105, Sesbania grandiflora, Albizia lebbeck 106

Mycorrhizal association increases access of seedlings to

nutrients and water and provides protection from root
pathogens. It profoundly influences seedling survival and
growth. Inoculation with Scutellospora gilmorei increased
the height of plant Euterpe oleracea by 92%, stem
diameter by 116% and dry matter production by 361% over
uninoculated seedlings 99. About 95% of the tree species
occurring in tropical forests are purely endomycorrhizal,
while ectomycorrhizals are only found in families
Caesalpinaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Myrtaceae, Pinaceae
and some Euphorbiaceae 100. Glomus mosseae-inoculated
seedlings of Casuarina equisetifolia showed increased
growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation over
uninoculated seedlings 101. Significant increase in growth
rate and biomass produc- tion was reported for seedlings
of Dendrocalamus strictus inoculated with AM fungi102.
Enhancement in seedling growth was maximum when
Acacia mangium,
A. nilotica and Delonix regia were inoculated with
Gigaspora margarita, A. leucophloea with Glomus
fasciculatum and Derris indica with G. mossae 103.
Endomycorrhizal inoculation 104 of Dicorynia guianen- sis,
a rainforest tree species of French Guiana, increased
seedling dry weight by 54–77%. Other species showing
increase in plant growth after fungal inoculation are

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2001 754

formis (26 provenances from Australia and Papua New
Guinea)117. Nitrogen fixing ability of seedlings of trees
such as Acacia albida and A. nilotica, also varied when REVIEW ARTICLES
seeds were collected from different seed orchards. In a
glasshouse study, Sun et al.118 reported variation in growth
and nodulation of seedlings among provenances,
e.g. A. mangium (13 provenances), A. auriculiformis (4
provenances) and Acacia melanoxylon (2 provenances).
Variation in chemical constituents in plant parts among
geographical locations has been reported for Acacia
nilotica119, Acacia spp120, Prosopis cineraria121 and A.

Successional hierarchy, microsites and multiple


In a majority of studies discussed in the foregoing sec-

tions, the abiotic or biotic variables were considered in
isolation, i.e. as single cues for germination or seedling
establishment. In the field, a microsite often represents
an interactive combination of variables. For example,
high light condition is frequently associated with high
temperature and low moisture. Further, large and small
seeds, and those that have or have not passed through
animal digestive systems may show quantitatively dif-
ferent responses to germination cues. A compilation of
germination studies123 on rainforest species of Puerto
Rico showed a relationship between successional status
and requirements for seed germination. Early succes-
sionals germinated at higher rates in high light, mid-

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2001 755

successionals in middle intensity light and late succes- lished can further attract biodiversity, is crucial for region-
sionals in low light. Early successionals also required specific restoration plans. Characterization of strains,
medium to high soil moisture, whereas late succession- als identifying suitable plant–microbe combinations and
germinated well under medium soil moisture. Further, late development of inoculation techniques appropriate for
successionals showed a greater plasticity in their field use are called for rhizobia, frankia and my- corrhizae-
germination response compared to early successionals. A based restoration efforts. Responses of seed- lings to
few species were independent of microsite, either nutrient amendment and to elevated CO2 can be used to
germinating well or poorly everywhere. Therefore produce taller and heavier seedlings for trans- plantation
germination percentages recorded in germination on deforested and degraded lands, with a greater
chambers or seedling growth probability of success.

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